Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee ,
Monday Moruinp Nov 20
Bjr Carrier , - - - - - 40ccnto _ per wceV
Bf Mail HO Or ) per YfM
OCQoo : No. 7 Poorl Street , Near
II. 0. GRIFFIN , Manngci.
B. W. T1LTON , Olty Editor.
- J .Mueller's Palace Music nail ,
Silk milonly $1.60 Rtlls ! ! ' . nl7
llio board tit trade Is to meet thin
ovcning to discurs the paving quemion.
Ulrthday , Holiday and Wedding Gifts
at H , 1" , Somau'n.
The proceeds of tbo Catholic fair last
week amounted lo S1,2DO. Good enough
Subscribe for newspapers nnd periodi
cals at H , K. Seauiau's ' book store.
llev. L. Y. Hnjo , of CravvfonUvllle ,
lud , ureachod at tbo IVesbyttrlan church
New lot nicely decorated , 50 plcce , [ of
ten Bits , only Co nt Mutuer & Craix.
i-Ilnnd painted clilna , nrt nottcry , solid
silverware , bronres , 4o , at JIaurer &
The Llttlo Gorman bind started .Sat
urday for DCS Molno * to fulfill n week's
engagement there.
The nowmoat martct of.Slmll [ & Mul
len , 700 South Main street , guerantco beat
of rcerita aud prompt nttcntluu ,
( I The new city directory dhowa that
there arc In the city 7/i / Johnsons , CO
Smttlu18 IJrowns and 'J8 Jones. The
Smiths arc losing ground , upparently.
A fine assortment of lioota and Sheen ,
BufOcIcnt to supply | tbo demands of nil , nt
George Ulazim'a eouth Mnin ctrcct.
Cheap Railroad tickets to all points ,
DuBbnell , ftvodoors north of pontofflce , iclb
them. Entrance , Slain or Pearl streets.
Dave Totlovln has been on ono of his
whirls fora day or two , and has bad to betaken
taken care of twice at police headquarters.
Ho has given security for hln appearance
to-day in court.
A new room ii belnjs partitioned off
in the second story of tbo city building to
bo used as a jury room when needed , and
nt other times as a private room for Judge
Joseph llcltcr makes tbo Iriucst Suits
In the latest styles , nt the lowest possible
prices. Ills merchant tailoring eatnblisli-
mcnt la nt 310 Upper Broadway , Council
JL. man named Thompson was arrested
near the Uevcio homo Saturday afternoon
for dliturbing the peace , It appears that
bo got jealous uf his \vlfo and rained a
row about homo , which necessitated his
being locked up. Ho will explain in
court to-day.
There is a genuine cam of tpontauz
cms combustion in the gully back of WIca
& Clausen's store. Thcro is n big pile of
manure which has smoked nnd steamed ,
until now it la on fne , burning slowly but
mirely. There is no danger of its
spreading , and so it is allowed to smoulder
: Tbo improvement being made nt St.
ITrancis academy is certainly a great one.
The space between the two buildings bus
boon filled with n brick stnioturo running
up the entire height and surmounted by n
cupola. Besides giving moro room , it adds
greatly to the outward appearance of the
building ,
Alderman Xledcntopf , chairman of
Si the council committee on finance , has
taken the paini to carefully check through
the report of II. 0 , Savacool , city clerk ,
up to November 1 , the amount involved
V v being about $25,000 , and the committee
report that everything is correct , and that
all funda arc- deposited with tbo city
About 1 o'clock yesterday morning an
alarm of fire was caused by the burning of
A small frame dwelling liouso near Stew
art's packing house , tl'ho building was en
tirely destroyed. It was not occupied at
the time , and was owned by Henry Wag
ner , of Myers & Wagner , and was valued
nt about $500. The cause of the blaze is
unknown ,
There Is a band of gypsy fortune-toll
era In tbo city whom the police are to look
nip , The city ordinance provides that for.
-tune-tcllcre can ply their trace by paying
A license of $25 a year , but tha state stat
utes declare fortune-tellers to bo vogranta
and subject to fine and Imprisonment.
Thin puts tha couucll in the queer predica
ment of letting them break the state law ,
if they only pay tbo city
H Burglars did some bold work nt .Sioux
City early Saturday morning. They broke
Into l(1arr's butter home , cracked the nafo
ami robbed it of 6173 , The burglara In
blowing open the sate ujed so much ex-
plonlve material dynamite , or something
of the sort that the \\holo front of the
ollico waa blown out. No arre&ta yet.
Jo Bmlth , a switchman in the yards
of the Chicago & Northwestern railway
lierc , met with a terious accident Saturday ,
his right arm bolur caught between the
fnimpcru of two can and badly squeezed.
The bones of the forearm were splintered
aud the lleah manslecl , but It is thought
that amputation will not become uocca-
Fred Heer , of Dnbuque , a , veil known
architect , la iu the city , and from here goes
to Glenwood to superintend the building
of the now addition to the Institution for
the feeble minded. G. 3. Lawson , of this
city , baa secured the contract for ? 25,000.
Mr , Heer baa been the architect of moro
churches in thli state probably than any
other man. One of bit baa just been ded
icated at Westphalia , Shelby county ,
lilshop MclluHeii , of Chicago , ofllclatlng ,
Tha Biihop also confirmed there 2'0 chil
dren. In conversation with the Bishop be
expressed himself oa greatly pleased with
what be bad seen of Ion a and Its people.
A wan giving his name as W ,
Smith I\viis ugly druuk Saturday , au > l
Chief Field aud Officer Home had ijuito n
tussel to lend him In. After locking him
tip , be was bouni to mar the varnish of
the calabooae , and weut 10 far ai to try to
J-rcti up the marble top bed room vet aud
am * * the plato ghu In the bay window ,
ManhrfJackion itepped In to quiet him
-Mid jul $ fame for him with UxJilat ,
but leforo he could use it Jackson hit him
with a billy and decorated Smith's eye In
fine shape. Quiet \va then restored , and
Smith nmured himself by holding beef
steak nnd raw oyster poultice * ovrr tl o
injured optic , lie will call on Judge
Aylcsworth this morning' .
- Another confidence trick is reported ,
this time at Missouri Valley , where an oM
rnin was ilsptlted of § 20 In iho water clos
et at the depot ,
It li at least a Hilkintf coincidence
that Iho three conPdenco inen who wcrs
discharged here Friday , skipped for Oma
ha Saturday Morning , nnd Saturday noon
a trick WJB turned nt the depot there for
8125 on a passenger bound for California.
O. K- Smith , of Smith's boll-ringers , arrived -
rived in the city yesterday.
Sheriff Dan 1'arrell , ot Glenwocil , called
at Tin : Bl.r. oflico Saturday.
Mr. nnil Mrs. I * . II. Moser ! have returned -
turned from their eastern trip.
llohcrt Uhlltr , of Columbus , Si making
ami looking for a
new location.
Commodore locate , of Lilliputian fame
in nt the O dcn home , and attrActs alien-
iou , an ho always does.
H is expected that Lieutenant-Governor
ilannlng will take up his residence in
Council liluffc at an caily thtc.
Carlisle Uroj. , of Missouri Valley , well-
known merchants of that place , ucroin
ha city yesterday in company with Hon.
I. C , Dtlnkle , the late republican canJi-
to for congress In the Thirteenth Ohio
istrict , aud who was defeated by the
irescnt democratic member , Gcorgo J .
A. Nowspuuor Editor.
0. M. ITolcomb. nf Blooniville , Ohio ,
lies to explain : "Had that terrible dis-
laso catarrh , for twenty jcars ; couldn't
asto or smell , and hearing uas falling.
2ViomT ' Etltctrlc Oil ativl me. Those are
acts \oluntnrlly given against a former
irejudice of patent medicine. "
An Election Hot.
When John T. Baldwin bet $500
with ( John Schoontgou. that Puspy
would bo elected , the great Jones ,
who runs the Gray Egotist , and a few
other Anderson newspapers , laughed
loudly and said that the Anderson
> acktrs didn't want anything softer ;
hat no ono doubted that Baldwin had
hrown hio money away. But the
unnioat part of the bot'ia to cpmo. Wo
are informed on good authority that a
ihort time before the election Bchoont-
on wont up into Crawford connty to
; ot the Gorman vote for Anderson ,
lo found thorn unwilling to do so ,
and c.imo back discouraged. Chap
man told Inn to brace up ; that the
hing vraa all tight , and that
ho would win that little $500
of Baldwin. Schoontgon felt a little
lubioun and Chapman told him that
t waa a splendid but , and that ho
would givu him $25 for a half interest
u it , taking half the profits if they
won , and aBBumlni half the liabilities
f it wont against them. Schoentccn
very gladly accepted the oiler and
ecoived hui $25. As the bee waa loat
t coat Chapman § 275 , and Schocntgen
1225. Thua the old adage of "many
a olip twixt the oup and the lip , " is
again proven true , and those who
lave loot bets in this campaign should
paraphrase it thus : "There's a chance
ior defection , twixt no wand election , "
when they contemplate betting again.
* A11 ladies who may bo troubled
with nervous proatr.ition ; who suffer
rom organic displacement ; who have
a Bonso of weariness and a feeling of
assitudo ; who are languid in the
morning : in whom the appetite for
oed is caprlcioui and sloop at proper
lours uncertain , should have rcoonrso
o Mrs. Pinlcham'a Vegetable corn-
COUNCIL BIAJFFS , In. , November 17 ,
1882. This is to certify that the loss
of $1,200 which I sustained by a fire
on the morning of the 13th inst. has
boon paid in full by the Gorman Am
erican Insurance Co. of Now York ,
through their agents O'Dell & Day.
The prompt action on the part of this
company , in the payment of losses and
the cortoous treatment received at the
hands of their agents hero commends
them to n liberal business in this city.
'Don't Harry , Gentlomoii. "
Ftnld a man on his way to ho hanged ,
"there'll be no Tun till I get there. " Ve
say to the dyspeptic , nervous , and dobili- $
tatcd. don't hurry thoughtlessly for Home
remedy of doubtful merit , uncertain of re
lief , when you can gut at the druggists for
ono dollar JfriixfarJl Jilted fiittcn almost
sure to euro and certain to hone lit.
The Police Force.
Yesterday theao was a change about
in police circles , so far as the assign
ments of the beats are concerned.
Oflicor Sid Sterling was "excused"
from duty for two wooko. In justice
to him it fihould bo etatod that this
lay-off is not on account of the
charge made against him and Ousick
in connection with the confidpnco
men , It is claimed that Chief Field
is dotounlned to enforce with special
etrictnecs the rule forbidding officers
while on duty from entering saloons
except ou oflloial business , and Ster
ling is tha first victim.
In the auignmont of Iwata yesterday
ttarhyto is put on day duty , being the
only one on duty the day , but AS the
chief is arocnd daytimes , as well as
the marshal , his depu'.y and the con
stables , it JE thought that tha day
work can bo looked after by this ar-
Ofticers CuBlck , Olough , Edgar , n
Tyson and Moiau are put on night 1'
duty. Ollicor dough takes the cen 1'li
tral and Ouslck middle Broadway. liK
KdgRr takes First ward and Tyson lia
South Main street , while Morse has h a
West Broadway.
Officer Brooks is detailed to do duty le
Oimok. at the transfer Jn place of Oflioor nt t ]
Bnoklin'a Arnica Waive. 0n
The UKST SALVF In tha world for Oats , n
Brukai , 8ore , Ulcerr , bait Uiieum , Fo-
tcr Sores , Tetter , Ch pped Uandu , Chll
MuJns , Corns , and all skin eruptions , and
itlrely curespllii. It U guarantee1 ! to
n JHihf&ctfoB i Ib aejr refunded ,
. W > cent * | i r er.or tale by 0 ,
' T
More Bvidonco Pound Apniuat
the Confidence Men and
their Bonds Inoroneod.
T/io zporlnuco oi Itbo TwolTony
Gent § in
The gang of confidnnco men who
assaulted the cripple Gillin have beei
Fotttured. Two of them , Oonnorton
and Howard , wcro put in jail last Fri
day night to await the action of the
grand jury cm thu charge of assault
with intent to commit nnttdcr , they
failing to give the $00 bonda re
They made several nttompts to got
bail , and the ofilcors tramped around
with them nntil after dark , nllowincta
them to interview friends and plead
for bonds , but it was in vain , It was
iln strange coiitrant with the brazen-
noas with which they appeared in
court nnd thu boasts they mndo of
wealth and frionda.
Several offers were made to the clerk
and to Judge Aylosworth , but the
proffered oocurity wai not doomed
sufliciont , and they had to go to jail.
On arriving thora Jailer Shontz , no
ticing ' that each had an apparently val
uable pin , ouggoatcd that they had
batter leave thu diamonds with him
fie ( or oafo keeping na aotno of the pris
oners might relieve thorn. They
oncorcd at thin nnd ono remarked that
01il iltl anybody could got the start of thorn
they would newer equcal. They then
entered with all their fine clothe ? , aud
the prisoners gathered about them as
though they were curiousitioa , quizzed
tliLin and "codded" them. Finally
in accordanca with the usual custom ,
one of the prisoners acting as sheriff
arrested Connorion on n charge of
trespass. Ho took it good-naturodiy
and demanded a jury and an attorney.
The trial resulted in the prisoners
finding him guilty and ho was fined
two dollar * . Then his partner
was uut through a like course , and
fined a like amount. Connorton had
a $5 gold piece and paid both fines ,
handing it to the jailor and instruct
ing him to got $1 worth of tobacco
and other truck for the boys. Con-
norton preferred lo pay this fine as
the boys gave him the choice of cwh
or ono hundred slaps with n board ,
where it would do the most goods
By thin time the pair had become
convincsd that the boys in the jail
were masters of the situation , and
they quietly slipped to the diamond
hole , and calling Shontz , handed him
thuir jewelry , tolling him that they
had changed their mind and conclud
cd ho had better take of their val
Saturday morning fresh warrants
were issued for the arrest of the other
men who wore discharged the day bo
fnro. They had skipped the town.
John N. Baldwin , who as attorney
for the prosecution , has followed up
the cwo so sharply , made a motion for
the bail to bo increased in the cases
of Connorton and Howard. He pre
sented some further evidenca , three
witneescs having just got back who
were in the car when the assault on
Gillis took placo. Theao three were
Tobin , the news agent , and McNeil
and Hinoi , brakesmen. Tobin swore
ho waa sitting in the car when Gillis
came in. Gillis called his attention
to the fact that there was a lot of con
fidence * man outside , and the news
agent looked out to see them. They
soon entered the car and at once
pounced upon Gillie , and ho thought
they were going to murder him , Gillis
begged for mercy and shouted for
help. Ho denied the truth of the
statement of tbo confidence men that a
dispute arose about n $5 gold piece.
The news agent's testimony corrobo
rated that of7Gilia ! , whoso statement
of the affair has in some respects boon
looked upon with suspicion. The
two other witnesses were brakesmen
on the train which came in from the
east that morning , and did not see
the beginning of the attack , but hear
ing the cry of "murder" rushed into
the car and saw u portion of the af
fair , und as far an they aaw it they
corrobatcd the statement of Gillis.
Mr. Manstcr appeared Saturday on
behalf of the defendants instead of
Col. Daily , and Judge James , who
appeared in thu examination. Mr.
Mynstor drsirod to have time to look
up the case and bo heard upon it be
fore a decision waa reached as to in
creasing the amount of bonds' , and
Judge Aylosworth granted him until
next Tuesday , and in the inointimo
increased the amount from $300 to
A bwltcnman lain Ovoraud Killed at
the O , B. A : a. xnrd
Uotweon 2 and 3 o'clock Saturday" .
mornitg n fatnl accident occurred at
the 0. , IJ , & Q. yard , by which a llig.
man named B. 8. Johnson mat with
auddon death.
It appears that Johnson wanted
Bonio coal to keep up the lire in his on
itovo and jumped on to angina No.
27 , which was twitching in the yard ,
and while on the tender fell off. The
engineer , John Mikson , and the fire
man , Ohrls. Ohriatofor , eaw nothing
of the fall , but heard the groan and
noise , and stopping the onginc , jumped
off. Thu fireman first reached Johnson
and pulled him off the track , but ho
was jast gasping , nnd in n moment or
two died , Coroner Faul was notified , )
and ho at once impaneled a jury
consisting of AJ. Wiedenor , 0. S.
Clark and E. A. Becker. After view
ing the body , the inquest was post
poned ' until the forenoon. The body
was taken to the undertaking estab
lishment of D , H. Conuoll , where it
was cared for properly. It was dis
covered chat the opine had been
broken , three ribs crushed and the
left log bndly hurt. The Inquest , hold
10 o'clock , revealed few new facia ,
the witnesses summoned being the
engineer and fireman , and Theodore
G/cio , a Bwltchmau , the yardmaster - ;
master : , J , Staufer , and the
chief clerk , Grlggs. None of
them saw the toll , but only
know of the condition of Johnson
after the accident. Johnson was a
young man , unmarried , and his homo 'i
wan in Indianapolis. Ha bad been t
employed as flagman at 0. , M. & St ,
PrtuI croEsintr only since Tuesday last ,
and for about two weeks before that
had been employed as switchman in
the 0 , B. fc Q. yards hero. The
jury'fl verdict exonerated all from any
blame in the matter , pronouncing his
death to bo & purely accidental ono.
The relatives ot the deceased were at
once notified by telegraph of the sad
fate which had befallen him , M was
also the lodpo of Knights of Pythias ,
of Philadolphb , to which ho belonged.
The Kuifsht of Pythias , of this city ,
also took appropriate stops in the
matter , and on receiving word from
Indianapolis to have the body for
warded there , they yesterday took the
remains to the train and eaw thorn
properly ctartcd homeward ,
Young Johnson was n book kcopoa
and accountant by profession , and
WM occupying the position hold by
him at the tnno of his death , as an
honest means ot getting n livelihood
until ho could got a position moro
suited to his taste. Ilo la said to have
boon a young man of exemplary hnb-
it ? , nnd to liavo many friends in In
dianapolin , who will bo quite sorry at
his sad and sudden death.
Do Not Move Blindly.
Go carefully in r.iSlha ing medicine.
Many advertised remedies can work great
Injury MO worse lhan none. Jittrdoct.
Jllcvd Witters are purely a vegetable prep
aration : tha smallest child can take them.
They kill disease and euro the patient in a
safe and kindly way.
Over thirty houses were built In Slotm
n tbo past summer.
Fifty \Vinnobagos 1m e been cngigod to
uisk corn at MonJnmin.
lown Folia his n MOW bank the Com
mercial ; capital S50.0CO.
Manuokcta had her third fire on the
13th , involving n los * of $1,000.
Cherokee county ga\o a majority against
the proposition to build a now jail.
The Catholic ctitrch recently completed
at Vail is claimed to be the finest In that
The "Q" Una employs 715 men nt Ores-
ton. L t month's wages amounted to
Villlsca hnd a small cyclone one night
last week that demolished corn crib- , out
buildings , etc.
The proportion to build n new court
douse In Klnggold county carried by about
1 0 majority.
The new court house at Independence
is completed nnd the Buchanan county
official * have mo\ed in.
Peter Bramhill , a brick manufacturer of
Red Oik , was shot dead on the 13th by
Bennett linden , a discharged employe.
Lizzie Mcsher. aged 1C , waa burned to
death In a fire that destroyed the home oi
Mrs. Auner , in Bremer county The girl
was Mleep up stairs and it is supposed was
made insensible by the smoke ,
The safe In the butter and egg house of
J. D , Forr , Slour ( Jity , was blown open
JV burglar * on Friday morning nt an eatly
lour. The force uf the explosion blew out
.he front of the store.
A few nights since nt Nichols , llusca-
.ine county , burglars took a eafe out of J.
Uoeten's store , placed It on a truck , drag
ged it ont on the open prairie and then
jlew the safe open. The rascals were re
warded with a line of SGOO.
City Marshal Trotter , of Ottumwa ,
cilled an unknown man on the IGtb. The
deceased waa i BU picioni character and
, vhen Trotter undertook to examine him
le threw cayeuse ceppcr Into the officer's
eyes and then ran. Toe tnarohal bred ,
dropping him , and he died in a few min
Don't Die in tno House.
"Rough on Hats. " Clears out rats
mice , roaches , bed bugs , flies , ants
moles chipmunks , gophers. 15c.
Horsford'a Acid Phosphate in Ine
DK. 0. S. ELLIS , Wabaah , Ind. ,
says : "I proscribed it for a man who
lad used intoxicants to excess for
Iftoen years , but during the last two
pears has entirely abstained. Ho
h inks the Acid Phosphate in of much
> enefit to him. "
fin Bat
All Shlppora and Travelers will Q
; oed accommodation and roasonabl
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa ,
Rich Cat Glass , Flno Freno
Silver Were & ( ? „
Projldcni. VIco-rrcat. Cashier.
Of CoanoU Blnifn.
Orpmttcil under the laws ot tha Btsto ol low *
r.M.l up canlUI $ 76,000
Authorlicd capital 200,000
Interest | > IJ on time depoelU. Dralta Issued
the principal cltloa ot the United Stutoa and
luropo. Special attention plven to collections
and correspondence with prompt returns.
. D. Edmundton , E. L. Bhucrart , J. T.Hirt ,
V..W. Wallace , J. W. Uo3for , J. A. Miller
A. W. Street. JyTdt !
Attorney and Oounsollor at Law ,
fflco Uroadway , botircen Main and Pea
btreota. 1VU1 practlco In Stata and Vedn
DeuUchcr Ant.
Council Bluffa.
ulixasM ol women andfhildren a ipsclalty.
The moat central ! f located hotel In the city ,
looaia i TSo , 81.00 , ll.SOaud StOO per day ,
Fint Clvw llMtauraut connected wltu the
utel ,
.HURST. - - Prop.
Ootiier Fourth and Locust Streets ,
( nil package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT' !
e of charie.
, NOTICE. Speclil a-ltrrtlacrofnt * , sut
Lest , Found , To Loan , For 3 lo , To lleut ,
) j I Wants , Uoarillnp , etc. , will bo Inserted In tlita
column ( at the ow rate ol TEN CENTS PKB
IilME for the Erst Insertion and FIVE CENTS
PKft LINE for ORfh subsequent Insortlon
Leave iwleitlMmonti st our office , No. 7
Pmrl Street , near llrpailna ; .
llroom tnnVcr ; n No. 1 broom tltr
WANTED ) . AppU or uxll on
Cop on llroom Co , llahcrn , tx
A position to ilo Rcntrnl writing
WANTED man well rccomnicndctl.nnil peed
pcninin Inquire M thoolHcoof Johnl.lndt , at-
ornc ) at law , olllco on IliMidna } *
At the cxtcni llo\t o , n cooki
OHO who utiik-ibtumls the business ; none
oilier ncctl npi'lj. '
- buildings to mo\o. Via make
WANTKIJ-8CO mo\l g bou'ts and safes )
Address W. I1. AjlcsHorlo , box fc" ! ' , Conncll
Illurtu , In. .
Everybody In Council Bluffs lo
WANTED Tun linn , 20 cents \ier wo k , Cn
Ihercil by catrleni. Office , No 7 Pearl Strftt
For Snlo nnd Uont
roil IIENT. rtir l.hcdicoinNo. ( COO Swth
1 .M ln itrcct , Wllh oiwlthon' li'ard.
HUNT Small bousrv n\o looms , gooi
171011 , \\cll , \c Anplj nt Munlnnt's ltc la > t
rant , corner Ilnndui > and routthftrccts.
IU4 3t J.A. IIOKS.
I7IOU SAliK- The Wtstirn House , No. MS UpI -
I ; ptr Droidwn } ; or will toile for liuprotcil
citj or farm proptitj ; or will sell furniture nnd
rent liiillilln ; na un , 111 health. Addro * J. 8.
C. McCAtLIMfn , 803 Upptr DroidHiy , Council
lllnfTs , , loun.
rsORSMX A lumber nnd coal jnrd , dolnp a
(7 ROO ! btiilnrfiH In n nawtann , oj the Chl-
cico ; , iillwaul.cdVSf. I'aul railroad.
I7 > OH HUNT My now twostorj brick btoro
L ; lullJliig. on South Main f trcet.
" 17011 SAM ! JI } twc'\c-acro fmlt farm , on
J. ' South Kirjt street. lT.TiilVK1S :
11ENT KuniUhed rooms to rent , with
board , nt 730 Jlj nstcr street. Dij board
? J CO per w ceK. ocutl"-t
IAOU aALflioa'itaul ribiauiict > lotb , euo
JD each ; nothing don n , nml $3 per month only ,
QTlLbAHEAD Great eucccia. Call and see
O ncn accessories and specimens of pictures
taken br the reliable gelatine bromide process ,
at the Excelsior Gilleri JftlMalnstreet.
W. L. PATTON r jslciftn and Oculist.
Can cure any case of aero cyc . It b only
n matter of time , and can euro generally In
from three tc fUe weeks It makes no differ
ence bow long diseased. Will straighten cross
eyes , operate and remove Ptyrcclums , etc. , and
Insert artlflclal ojcs. Special attention to re-
mo elng tAdew orms apS-tf
Council Bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph ga'lcry ' , South Main St.
Instantaneous process.
C. OEISE , Upper Broadway.
Bottling Works.
B. HAGO & CO , East Picrco St
P. AYEIIS , BIT S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
MRS. E. J. IIAKDIKO , SI. IJ. , Broadway and
Glenn ae. .
DR. STUDLEY , Bcthegda Bathing House ,
Books and Stationery.
H.E. _ SEAMAN , Slldaic Broadway.
OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and 5th
street .
CITIZENS' BANK , 5th street.
Broom Factory'
MAYNE& CO. , avenue A , and Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers
TEMPLETON 4. LAMB 2321 Broadway.
F. R. LEVIN , 303 Broadnay.
L. BOEKI10FF , 531 Main St
A. II. SIAYXE & CO. , 34 Tcarl St.
J. ROSS , 615 East Broadway.
SINTOX i WIST , 14 Pearl St
Dry Goods
IIAHKNESS , OHCUTT & CO. , Broadway and
4th street.
Eggs Shipper.
0. F. CRAWFORD. 619 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
E. II. STEINlIlLUUIt , cor. 7th ft > o and 12th St.
Furniture Store.
0. A. BKEBB i , CO. , 207 and 209 Broadway.
Groceries nnd Provisions.
OLLIVHR Jb GIUHASt , Bth street Goods
sold af eastern prices and guaranteed.
Harness and Saddlery.
CIIAS. WALTER & I1IIO. , Middle Broadway.
CIIAS. BEKMAN.3J1 Middle IJroadnay.
Hair Goods ,
MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. * 337 West Broadway ,
MRS. J. J. GOOD , 13 Oth street
Livery Stables.
A. COMPTON , 2JO Broadway.
W. 0. HOLLAND , 70(3 ( South Main St.
II. UEECROKT , opp. 1 > . O.
OODEN HOUSE. Upper Broadway ,
KIEL'S 1IOTUL , 601 and CU7 Main ctrcct
Meat Market.
E. W.TICKNOR , KW Broadway.
J. J. BLISS , 323 Broadway. Como and
Ino ( orourbi If.
MRS. J. K METCALF , WSBloadway.
Marble and Granite Works.
CONNOR & GUANELLA , 117 Broadway.
Merchant Tailors ,
JAS. FRANEY , 372 Broadway.
CIIAS. RICE , Hinol's building , Cth nnd Main
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMBALIi A , CHAMP , opposite court house.
J , W. bQUIRE& . CO. , corner 1'carl and 1st a\o.
SMITH S McCUEN , 401 Broadway.
Stoves and Tinware.
R. D. AMY 4. CO. , 600 South Main street.
Shirt Factory.
F. F. FORD , corner Hlufl andJVHlowSt.
MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 340 and 317 Broad-
" '
"B , SI. CONNELL , 17 North Main St.
Fresh and Salt Moats ,
Poultry and Game In their season. Wiener
and other Sausages a specialty.
MRS. fl. J. HILTOfl , M.D. ,
. ConuoUIBlulf * .
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Headquarters For the Cele
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and ffillow greets , Cornea Eluffs.
Orders flllcd In any part of tbo city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
We make the following n specialty :
/ZTMail orders nnd correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E. Cor. 7th Avo. and 12th Strper , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalio cases.
Calls attended to nt all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices. '
Our Mr. Morgan has served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understand ! } x4
hia business. WAREROOMS , 340 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholaterintr In
all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele *
graphic and mail orders filled without delay. _
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beerandiraltlnony quantltylto suit purchasers , liocr $8.00 per barrel. Prl\ ate families sup-
piled V\th \ email ttcgi at 31.00 each , oeli\orcd ftcoot charge to any pirt ot the city. _
Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
City orders to families and dealers dellveri-d free.
O. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale ipd Hctall Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Alwa > a Itecpn on hand the fluent ngEortiront ot ma tf rial for gentlemen's wear. Satisfaction guarantied
Millinery , Dressmaking1 , Etc. Cutting and Fitting a Spedlalty.
No. 643 llroailwav , Oppoilte Rovcru llouoe.
Luces , Biiibroitlcrics , und Ludics Underwear.
Handkerchief ) , hoao ol all kinds , thread , pint , needles , etc. We bopo the Udlos will rill
and see our stock ot iroodi. wui can
Merchant Tailor.
{ Late Cutter for Metcalf B . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Streei.
Council Bluffs , la , \
SulU to order $18 and upward * .
GEO. 11 , OHAMP.
( Successors to J. P. ft J. N. Cassady. )
Abstract , Real Estate and 'Loan Brokers
uX V