Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1882, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAIL I TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. MONDAY JMOKNING , NOVEMBER 20 18d > 132 THE JINGO JAMBOREE , Royalty on Dress Parade in the Foggy Streets of London. A Raoy Sketoh of the Review and the Airing of the British Aristocracy. The Iintost Edition of the Qaoent bury Hulos Creates n Son- nation- The Work.of the WOOK In the Com- monWlho First Victim of Cloturo. GENERAL FOREIGN MEWS. SpocUl Dispatches to Tint Dr.n , ROYALTY OX 1'AUADK. LONDON , November 18. The Troathor haa cleared , ns it is hold that it always docs for the quopn , and by ono o'clock n largo proportion of Lon don's five milllouH had poured into St. James park and filled every approach to it. Not ton per cent , of the enor mous multitude saw the pageant , which was one of extraordinary bril liancy. The royal family was out in full force. Her majesty was very plainly dressed , look very well and was guarded from view of her faithful subjccta by innumerable soldiery. The Prince of Wales waa hardly moro visible and the immense royal establishment with all its ap paratuo , carriages and uphol sterf presented a very curious epoctaclo. The event filled London with excitement it was eminently suc cessful in its design , which was to lot the Egyptian horoca into the sunshine of thu royal presence to stimulate the national military feeling , and to give * public glimpse of what it is that il is paying so much money for. The Indian officers and men , in their .grotesque uniforms , came in for ap plause and looked deeply impressed and wretchedly cold. The fog which had cleared off for the qaoon settled down ever London again as the even ing came on , and now we are in Gim/ morian darkness. THM WEEK INVMECOMMOIW. NEW YORK , November 19. A Lon don cable to The Sun says : Matters in the house of commons have gene very peacefully during the week anc seven of the new rules have boon adopted. Gladstone has evaded the Egyptian explanation , has deferred everything relating to Ireland , and has managed to con no himself to mutters of procedure exclusively. The first victim of the now irulos waa naturally enough en Irishman , but it was Gibe- son , an occasional loader of 'the con1 Bcrvativos , who wajs caught tripping and was hauled up by the speaker under r lo3 , Northeoto has 'temporarily resigned leadership of the opposition , owing to inbreak1 , ftowrj in hin.heatth nad'htts sought the Mediterranean in a yach'fj ! Sir II. Gross succeeds him to-morrow. THE i CHEAT PARADE. liasinos.i was iin great part sus pended : iii ( London yesterday morn- Ing. SThero was u fog which was z prohibition upon ordinary traffic , and the rest of the day was given np to the review of Egyptian troops by her majesty , who participated in the day's demonstration. The troops were in much more danger from inclemency of the weather at homo than ever. They had 'boon in Ei'ypt , most of them not having heard a gun fired there ozcopt at a distance. Such Eublic recaptions as this would have eon appropriate enough in tho. case of troops which had gene through the peninaular viar and won a Waterloo , or through the Crimean campaign , and taken fiovostapool. siunr.T ABSURD when tendered to men whc had merely boon out -for a summer holi day. Jingoism was never so 'irium- uraphant , I. might say rampant , as It was yesterday , and this under the ausplcoo of the anti-jingo prqnhot , G.ndstoao. Iho fooling among many of the officora , as I hcppon to know , is ono oC disgust , flihoy felt that the demonstration was wholly unworthy of tbo great .nation , and they wont homo with the icipreaiion that they had boon taking part in something unpleasantly libs a circus procession. The radieels have every reason to. bo ashamed ot U. The chief feature of the day was t/.io huge crowd such a crowd a < ta only to bo seen In Lon don ? n a holiday , and il must chronicle iclo .ho remarkable enthusiasm with which the < < ueon was received every kwheru tud by nlLclas9Cs. The loyalty , of the firitlEi ; people in the metropolis , at least , is evidently as great as orer , , .and the cheats must havoiboon highly .unsatisfactory to the extreme radicals. The appwrsuco of the Prince of Wfltos , who jainod the procession tt the foot of St. Jameo street , also pro duced imnerae cheering. TUB QCBEKHIlUllY RULES. The noMe Mar/juia of Queeuabnry sAtondocj during the wusk at the pros- eiitation , of Mr. Tennyson's now drama , vbich is conceded to bo the worst pity that has been brought out hero in oany year * . Mr. Tennyson holds uj a free thinker to public odium , aatho motive of his play. The marquis pomptly denounced the lau reate < Iurg ) the first ict aud on the fall of tho'iartain ' made a violently impasKioni harangue to tha audioaoa. It made a great sunution , bat his grace was Jit out of the theater. Tko affair has Become the occasion of a widespread' ' ducussion in print and out of it. ( reo thinkera ore gather ing to hia lordahip'a support. Mr. Tennyson iaibuaod moro than ho was by the dr iatlo critics and wo are having it t according to the new Quooaiburyiles. THIT 10 COHQOE8T. PARIS , No berlO. The Libertl announces , consequauco of the M treaty by Do Jlrazza , a French gunboat will be dispaloheu the Congo river. THE SOUDAN RKHEtUON. CAIRO , November 19. Egyptian troops have been ordered to the Sou dan desert in largo numbers. _ As f precaution anm and ammunition re quired for thn expedition are boiiij forwarded to Sdikin separately. AV4TRIA AND RUSSIA. LONDON , November 11) ) Fears of Austro-Kusalan war seem not warrati tod. Plonor and the reporter of the committee on foreign ollieo budget , who at the sitting of the Austrian delegation in Poath , Thursday , inti mated the possibility of war with Una sis , are unollhlal personages. Their utterances are not regarded as author- ativo. ROYAL DAVTISM , MADHID , November 19. The in fant princess was baptised in the presence of momboM of the court , grandees , Spanish ministers , represen tatives of foreign powers and deputa tions from tha sonata and chamber of deputies. The omprces of Austria was represented by the queen's mother as sponsor for the child. ARREST OF ANAIlOHESTfl. LYONS , November 19. Twenty-five persons , including three foreigners , were arrested to-day charged with be ing members of the association formed for the purpose of fermenting strikes among workmen , obtaining general di vision of property and destroying son tmionts of patriotism in the pooplo. OANADIAN MARINE OTTAWA , November 19. It is stated at the next session of parliament the department of marine will recommend the adoption of many provisions of the American laws regarding marine interests. GERMANY AND TUB VATICAN. LONDON , November 20. The Morn * ing Post understands that no eatisfao tory result is anticipated from the negotiations between Prussia and the Vatican. The nomination of Herr Honochko , one of the counccllors of the Berlin tribunal , as a member of the superior ecclesiastical tribunal , produced great irritation at the Vati can. The nomination indicates that Germany is resolved to minimize her concessions as far as possible. CAPITAL NOTES. Special Dispatch to TUB UKB. t AN ARGUMENT ON TiRIFl' . WASHINGTON , November 19. The argument of the Metropolitan Indus trial League before the tariff commis sion , prepared by Chas. S. Hill , oj the state department , has just boon issued from the government printing ofiice in a volume of 200 pages , cup plied with diagrams showing the degree - groo of influence that the several con' ditions afflicting the results of tarlU hcve in the principal countries of the world. Mr. Hill recommends a ra tional reduction and abolition of the daplec system , in cotton gooda , an In crease of rates In hemp , jute , flax protection io American winesand bran dies Kgalrroirforeign adulterationchang ps in rates 'iu metals and minerals and that a duty of two dollars per ton bo' placed > on icouota aud alight modifi cations in breadstuff * , provisions and animals. The existing average rates on sugars are generally endorsed , but abolition-of the duplex rates strongly nrgod. Abolition of silk culture and reeling duties are also recommended and the duty on lumber likewise. In wool and woolen goods a simplifica tion and consistent revision contem plating a cliungo front the duplex sys tem to an advaloren rate is recom mended A duty of tonper cent on quinine is advised. To the free list are added'twouty-fivo articles hereto fore retod , among which are spirita of turpentine , sponges , crude saltpetre , rosin , asphaltum , and nitraio of load. A material change is recommended in internal revenue tax , intoh-ing the abolition of the tax on tnost articles now specified. Ho- [ erring to the revival of our merchant mariaa , Mr. Hill says : ' "In our in dustries at homo as well as our credit abroad , there is no source of personal employment and national pride so ; reat as nhjp building sLet. congress properly ( jlvo a subvention to our mail transports end the demand for Ameri can ships will immediately prove the fallacy nnd absurdity of the imputa tion that 'Americans cannot build ships , ' andiiho foolish assertion that a tariff on fivoper cent of the ship's cost of crude ( material could aCuct the con ditions of our shipping community. A tariff tribunal comprised ot a United States oammissionorof customs , a rop- rcsonUtivu oeleccod from merchants and maaufactcrura and a third arbl trator selectoa by both , similar to the provision of the t\rin' law of Franco , is earuoetly recommended. Fattmou on Pageantry. Special DUptkli to CCr.RlJKK , PHILABKWIUA , November IH. Iu c , letter to the -State Foneiblos bat talion which tendered its services as an escort upon the occasion of tno in- * ufuratiano Uovernor-electPattison , that gentleman says ; "Thoro is no rouen I can neo wfijr the inero taking of .en oath by a. cltiron called by the people to execute a public truat.should bo juado the occasion for scenes of pageantry and demonstration. I am determined thai so far as I can con trol the matter my inaugnrallan as governor shall not coct the pooflo of Ponncylvania-one dollar. " * Ban Franolcoo'i Prosperity- fipudil UJvatch to THE But NKW YORK , November 19. The Graphic says : Mr. DoYoang , propri etor of the San Francisco Chronicie , said to-day ho never before know buainoM to bo so active on the Pa cific coast as daring the preeent sea son * "Our San Francisco merchants are getting along finely , " he said , "and in almost every line of trade and business favorable reports are received. Buildings are going up in every diroc- tionand carpenter * are at a premium. " He attributed muchof San Franclaco'e present prosperity to the breaking up of stock gambling aud settlement of the Chinese question. People no longer were crazed on the subject of making speculations , bat invested ' ' ir .payings in legitimate channels anu , . i 'I uig from their long nightmare . . . . ccoming prosperous again , Ho attributed the victory of Stonoman to the prohibition issue , which was r. iacd by the republicans as in Ohio and Indiana. THE KAILUOAD WAR- Free Rldea to Chicago With Chromo Thrown In. Special Dlfintch t } Timlin ? . ST. PAUL , Minn. , November 19. A slashing cut in freight and paeaon- gor rates by the Omaha road was the sensation of the day. Both compet ing roads mot the sales of Omaha with slightly lower ones. The "Albert Lea route" announced a rate of fifty cents to Chicago and a reduction on flour shipments from Minneapolis to hnU the figures formerly pttvallipg The most comprehensive and aflccting cut was made , however , by the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St Paul. Ganoral Manager Merrill arrived in St. Paul aud at once decided upon n heavy cut in passenger nnd freight rates srom St. Paul and Minneapolis to Chicago and Milwaukee and to and from all points reached by the companies' lines in Minnesota , Iowa and Nebraska , and to points in Missouri , Colorado and to San Francisco. 1'ho cut in freights enables shippers to send wheat from all points in Central Minnesota to Minneapolis , to bo manufactured and reshipped as Hour to Chicago or Milwaukee for 12i * cents per 100 pounds. Mill stuu to Chicago at 7& cents ; flour 20 cents per bar rel ; passenger rates to and from most interior points in Minnesota seta and to and from Sioux Oity re duced to 25 cents each way ; from many interior points iu Minnesota to Chioco , $1 ; Council Bluffs , $1 ; to San Francisto , § 10 GO. Mr. Merrill stated that ho thought the war would last longer than was generally antici pated ; tint ho know of no prospective pool meeting and that the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul would protect the interest of its patrons at all haz ards. A Monopoly Sqncal. Special Dispatch to Tim DBF. Nnw YORK , November 19. The Tribnno says : An occasional corre spondent points out , in a letter from San Francisco , the completeness of the deluge which swept ever Oalifor ma , November 7th. Not a solitary republican ofliclal head is seen above the waato of waters. The democrats who have boon carried into office are of the worst kind sand lot orators and low-rate politicians. The only encouraging feature of the situation is that those demagogues will bo likely to work suoh ruin within a year or two that at the next election they will go out of office as suddenly as they wont in. Meanwhile Oalifor- nians take the situation calmly. Earthquakes or deluges , political or otherwise , do not disturb their serenity. Collision at Sea- Special Dispatch to Tns Bxi. BAtmioRE , November 19. The steamer Algiers , from Now Orleans for Now York , reports a collision with the four masted schooner W. J. White at la. m. , thirty miles southeast of Five Fathom bank. The schooner was struck amidships and sunk within twenty minutes. The crow escaped by cutting a boat from the davits and boarding the steamer. The steamer's bow plates are badly broken under her water lines. IN JKANDS OF HIS FRIENDS- Mr. .John A. Crofghton "Surprised" by.Oentlomen Acquaintances. Mr. John A. Croighton answered in person a summons from the door-bell Friday about 8 o'clock. Ho ( had takon.up a yolnmo to drive off drowsi ness , at a gontlu yet significant sug gestion from Mrs. Oroighton. Ex pecting but a momentary interruption , Mr. Oroighton carried the book with him to the door , and through his glasses gazad at tha individual who presented himself in the op311 doit- way. The visitor was invited in , as was a Iso a second , and likewise a third and fourth who came forward in. rapid succession front beneath the nhadow of the .porch. Mr. Groighton's glasses hero dropped , thn book was transferred to the Joft hand , and the gentleman looked incontly toward the step loading to the porch. The tread of many footsteps led him to suspect the presence of others still , and finding that he was the victim of a surprise , in his good ntturod manner , threw up his hands , BO to spo&k , and exclaimed , "Well , coaio in , ull of you. " All of them did go in , each party being heartily wel comed as la crossed the threshold by both Mr. and Mra. Croighton. The fact that Mrs , Creighton know a "thing or two" anent the visit , which she studiously concealed from her hus band , added an element ot the keenest interest to the occasion The callers wore in the main old friends of the host And hottoss , and not a few of thoin had experienced the vicissitudes of life on the plains with the generous hoot himself , Thoto were tines which , like other days of later years , tried men's souls , even though tlioj--lined men's wallets , and , of .course , with fond recollections crowding on over , they wore the occa sion to ( his friendly gathering of bringing to mind many , many an event , long hidden ia the pait. Some were end , others merry , but all of greatest interest. And of those times and over their ovoats the parties prqsent talked and laughed , with almost infinite zest , encouraged by the recollection * of days which seem but the dearer the farther they are loft ba- bind. Later on , refreshments were served and heartily honored by the visitors. Tha gentlemen present were Messrs. P. I * . Shelby , John A. McShano , Bonj , Gallagher , Major J. B , Furay , John D. Oreighlon , M. Dcnovau , J. O'Connor , H. Ittnyer , Ed A. O'Brien , M. Claire , M. McGinn ami JoL'n Snodgrass , NAGS OF THE NIGHT. Tlio Senatorial Stud in the Dubious - * bious Distance Actively Groomed for tlie The Resurrect on of David De- lightfnlJy Hailed by Char- lea Hungry Qero , Alvlri Goon to Churoli and Sol emnly Enquirer , "WlmtSlmll \Vo Do ta bo Snvod ? " A Passing Qlanco at the Naga la Training Noon nntl M ht. Cotrcjpondcnco ol Tim lln . LiNcotx , November 1 ! ) . The south Platte follows are fairly vicing wilh each other to ooo who am kick up tlio moat dust na dark horses in the forth coining senatorial struggle. D.\v'd ' Butler , the old ox-governor , wan hero ix day or two under tutillago of li\r , Oharloa Ilnncry Ocro , Into ito. fifc. Ohnrlos Hungry Qoro diicovorod David in the fastness of Pawnee , and dag him up and * aot him going on purpOMT to utilize him oa a candidate for the Saunders aucccoaion. Mr. Gere a- ways imagines ho is doing something very cute , but generally t TUTS HIS FOOT IN IT | so early in the day that no ono in very seriously taken in by it , Will- ness the workings of the anti-inonon- ely platform of which Mr. Ocro ww engineer , fireman , brakoraan and lion- nut boy. The people of the state sat down on it bo electing an antimonopoly ely legislature and covering , him up with Burk's ballots until the "babes in the woods" were naked in compar ison. I .But I digress. Not a day paesos bu a now candidate for senatorial honor appears. Oapt. W. H. Ashby is ou and out a candidate and will hav some following. Tom Majors wil have quite a equad at his back , oni so will Ellor , ol Fillmoro. Ham Oon-i nor , who so completely ft WIPED THE EARTH WITH VALENTINE ; in the western pact of the state , will bo the old king boo of the anti-monop olist candidates for United States sen ator. ator.Senator Senator Saunders was hero a day or two ago , and hold sweet communion with the elect. The senator has a fao ulty of blundering. A few days before fore the election , believing that Hews would elect three members in Nema- ha , paid that defunct granger ( ? ) a via it , and was very smiling to Mr. Howe's cattle , hogs and goose , but the day after election ho smiled a sickly emolo when ho hoard that he was over whelmed with defeat. Worse 'titan all , Howo'a man Shook , who 'orpectot ! to bo elected , had taken tlmo by the forelock , and had called.on the sur veyor general "with a no to , " asking "for a contract for a friend , " and bore back to Nomaha A GOLDEN SLICE of the "pippins and chooso" from the larder of the dispenser of surveys at PJaitsmouth. Holy Moses ! wvs ever mortal so taken in by man's assurances. | If that surveying contract is not worse than thrown away I know nothing of losa and gain. John R.i Olark , who is a striker at Millard'sj for this propinquity , counts on being able to deliver Hall of Oass and Stephenson of Richardson sure , whilst ! E. 0. Oarns , late deceased , is to fotcli- and-go between all who are supposed to bo purchasable. The Journal ia trying very hard to figure out a majority for the railroad gang under the norarao do plume of "republicans , " but has finally 'boon compelled to admit that the railroad bosses can ORGANIZE NEITHER. IIOU8B. Its contortions are perfectly orcru- tiating as it writhes over the outlook , No printing steals in sight , Ono or two good things are already apparent. Gaa Slaughter will not bo clerk of the house nor the lieutenant governor will not bo permitted to pack any committees for the railroads. The handwriting is there to bo road by evoryono. w , A. TELEQRAPHIC NOTES. ' The total vote of Alabama for governor is : U'Nell , democrat , 109,000 ; HhetlielJ , ndependout , 40,000. The Bteamfiblp Ifermodn , which urrlveil Saturday from Havre , had on board fifty , one sheep from tlio famous Kumboulllet breed. General James 1) . Feaaemlen , of Fort- land , Ale , , son of the late Senator KCHBOII- den , dropped dead in the street daturday / morning. Mrs , Mellville , wife of Kogineer Mel vllle , left the Insane aayluni at Morrlstowv N. J. , Friday oveniuK .for home , bavI/K regained her health completely. / Tbo captain and pilot of the stea/er City of Worceater , " were arrested op the a charge of criminal negligence In BVluK the barge Signal in the Hast river Thurs t day night and drowning several peouft. A twelve-year-old son of Jouo ' Liv- Ingstone , of Cedar Kapldu , la. , A s run over and killed by freight caron the Northwestern Saturday evening ! no boy was trying to cath on for a ri' ' and waa thrown under the wheels a/ horribly II mangled , / Wm. Cunningham , a wo man at llir. mlngharn ( Ala. ) rolling I"1" . left bin work Saturday , walked / ° r to the blait furnace , ascended to V > mouth of the stack ami waited a mou" > t for the charg- luir. When the bell wf r"1"6,1 ! "e tlirew olfhlahat and le neInto t iurnace. The deceased waa fo'erly ' of Kentucky. Thomas Loenan , I'yea ° / < { e , cash boy In Jordan , Mar * & Co.'a eatabliili. meat , Boston , witl"8 ' ' ter ancl brother have , by the deat'of their uncle. MlchaeJ lyoenan , a broker"0 Melbourne , Australia , fallen heir to hlrnt're ' fortune , amount- be log to § 2,000,00The children , who have no parent * , wi''eai" ' ) for Ht. Johns , N. B. , where the will bo educated , William / Scotf * imported French 25 stallion , li on U'Or , was Saturday ship ped by M prea Ifom New York to lp , Ja. Fifty thomnnd dollar * cwh i refund for him SUunUy. Wllken Spirit of the Tiinpi i > p < v\ks of the ttalllou In the mnit lUttorluir tcrniii. Ilia win ning in 1870 were .S''O.OSo. Ho cost 838.000 landed in Now York , the highest price ever paid for a lior < o on cither contl nent. nent.AfuoRt AfuoRt Fort Worth , Tcxa , Frldw night , dc trnved the City Ibnrltw inillnin' iii-voral ixdjMniiit ? rcflilcncri" . Involving lof of foO.ODO ; Innuranco f 18 ( h 0. The United SutM c ttle commlfisionrt inirchi'i'il , \Valtlivn , MAMS. , n mto f ir animpurtOvt cnttlo ( niarAntloc , in accordance anco with the recent act of congress , Considerable Interest la tikcn in the election matter of ChMmera vs. Mnnnlng inte cnilidfttcs tor Congraiti In the Soconi illntrlctof MIsxlulppI. Secretory of 8t to Myers cauviwcd the votcn Sftlurday am decided In Mnnnlng's favor. The case oc entiled the grcnUr part of tlio day. I in mediately U | > oii rendering of tlio decision the governor Issual n certificate to Mnu- nlni ; , Aa It has been Rcnernlly conccdcc Hint Mr. Chnlnicra was elected by a hand- nome majority , It has occatlonod a ulna day * ' wonder. In the superior court of Illinois a few days Mncn .Tiiilgo WHIUtua n I lit mod tlio validity of the law requiring all insurance compauloa whoso hciulquArtcin are outcldo of the atato tu file with the state auditor a sclicdulo of nssot * and Itabilltlca before d ilngbmincsa In Illinois , and to renew the statements yearly , together with the ehovr- Ing of premiums received and IOBSOH paid. Cumulittlvo penalties are inlllctcd for vie lation. Under this decision the states at torney baa brgiiu units against nearly all the lending iusur.inco agencies In the city , and the proceedings Are creating qulto a Mr In insui'snco circlo. ' , a > poualtiea in units already begun amount to ever $300 , 000 , and there are muro to uomo. NEW YOIIK , November 18. Ono huti drcd and tblrty-nlno failures the past week. BliwmilH , November 18. Tbo congros oionnl committco departed tbla morning for Now Orleans. They did not inspect the hnrbor at tbts point. AI.I.ENTOW.V , Pa. , November 18. An explosion ia tha nitrc-glyccrino vault at the Cold Springs powder works , to-day , killed H. 0. Welsh , superintendent. UAMIJUJIU : , November 18. The steam thlpCangc. , from this port yesterday tor Belfast , IrelAiul , ran aground about fifteen mllcH below the city. Tbo Gangea had on board over SO,000 bushels of wheat. LOUISVILLE , November 17. Tbo approach preach of cold weather brings thu cnnto mnry smallpox caios. Health Olliccr Montgomery says the typo of tlio disease ia not violent , being successfully treated al the pest house. Only twenty cases are un der treatment. NKW ORLGANM , November 17. Tlio Pio- nyuno's liAton Kougo spociul aaya the gov ernor ia ignurant of any publication inti mating that bo will issue n commission to Acklon , Ho says returns have not been received by the Secretary of State and thai in regard to the contest In the third dis trict ua information Is before him. NEW OnrKANH , November 18. The Times-Democrat' ' Optliaka ( Ala. ) special Bays , ( irserious riot occurred tbcro lael bight , In which Jim Kobcrts , Charley DIx ( Yndy Urlggs were wounded , Pistola anr ihot-trnna wcro used. The row lasted nl" light , and the destruction of show win' tows and lamps waa considerable. It lecma to have grown out of a general dls- Iko for the city government. About 1,000 ihota were urea. WAHIHNaTO.VNEWS. | The trial of Capt. Howard , commandant ct the Pensacola navy yard , charged wltt /osertlng his pott at the appearance of bjtbcfi iiness. . Secretary Folger has declined to receive larsonalsecaritfes ( [ for public deposits , bu Authorized therefor thn depivilt of TJnltet fitatcs bonds at market rates , Instead" ot It their face value , reserving to the de rartment power to control the amounts o lucb deposits. The dbclsion la based upoi application of an official of the Soconi Hationnl bank of Peoria , who desired to substitute cither personal securities or foui tier cent bonds for called bonds now hole da security for public deposits. I The Ohio ladies' aid society of the Gar field monument association have ap pointed a committee on public comfort , consisting of nlno women , whose duty it is to provide temporary homos for ladlcu who como to attend tlio national exposi tion , tlio homes to bo in private famlliot , and rates not to exceed SL a day for a room and EO cents per meal. Messenger boys , with badges lablcd "Thn Ladlot' Commit tee on Public Comfort , " will moot trains and escort ladles to places provided for 10 en ta each. Secretary Teller will not in bis1 annual report recommend reductiou in the cost of obtaining patents. Ho is 'mrsuaded to tills course , it ia said , from the fact that the patent lawn are now the must liberal of any country In tbo world. In Knrland it costs ? /00 / to obtain n fourteen vaars' patent. U Germany about ? C > 00 , in Itussia about SJ.O , and in Canada $ UO , wbllo bore it fUHlu but $35 for a nurcnteon years' patent. ' It IH not thought Commission er of lutouts Marble that reduction In fees would increase tbo number of patents takoi/outor nUmuUto invention , us tbo Sinai/ / fee Is now within the roach of all , He/nought / that tbo large revenue now derwcd from this source line argument In favor of reduction , unless ft can be shown thit the fees weigh hoavlif upon deserving Iryentors. STATE JOTTINGS. / Stromsburg baa twugrlst mills , Another hotel baa b/en / built at Albion. A creamery is to b , Kttirtocl at i'awaoo Oity. jPlurn Creek baJ u coal oil famine last week. / North Hond / < building another elo- > ' tor. / , A public hall/22x&0 , In being erected at J/unlmr. / Another pj/ito ) / raplior baa located at Beatrice. / TokamahWiew ' school building ia nearly finished. Loop Clt lms a now paper , the North western , ' The Con/'regatlonallsti of HaHting want pastor. A veterinary surgeon la needed in Cen tral City , A public hall , 28x00 , Is to bo built in The IT. K. church at Hebron will noon be cou.pletoJ. FalV City has a roller ekatiug rink in Its oivrahouee , Y rk organized a hook and ladder com pany on tbo 1 Ith , A roller ulcatiuij rink will be opened at Lincoln , on the L'L'd. Nearly a dozen buildings are In course of construction at Ulair , Students of Doano college have organ * lzi a military company. 1'awnou City will have a third bank beFore - Fore the end of the year. The east wing of the Capitol waa turned over to tbo utato on the 15th. 'Rio Presbyterian church at Wayne will completed by December 1st. _ One day last week Cnarlea Kinsp rt of Keneiaw , was painting bin father' * barn red. The scaffolding gave way and he fell feet , Tbo paint upread all over him , ind when tbe folks got tbere they thought tbe young man waa covered with lla life's blood , As It was , he wn only bruised a littlo. littlo.A A convent , to cost $8,000. la being erec ted at Jnckion , Dakota county. A number of Ha Ungn men have organ ized a "cl.lnns' coal company. " The coal mines in Itlclmrcison county are running to their full capacity. TJireo hundred Ixixss have been added to tbo Plftttsmmuh postollicc delivery. Judge Porker Intends building a largi- brlck oiulneM block nt lleatrlco soon. The now Astir hnu o at Tckimah U to bo three stories , with a Mamard roof. Loren Allen , of llutlcr county , has Iwt received § 2,150 of back pension money , Hayden , tlio Hod Oak , Iowa , munlcrtr , wai seen near Plattsmoutb on the ITth. Tlio Catholics of FAlrHcld have adijed a number of Improvements to their church. Mochnnlca are rushing the now Blair ho tel to completion before cold weather nota iu , Kev. W. U , Hall , of Cambridge , N. Y , , baa been engaged by the Uaptlstn of Ktl gar. gar.Tho The Columbus pork packing company 1ms enlarged its capacity to BOO head n day. day."More "More tenement hou es" is tbo great uoodof nearly all the young towns In the state. The Congrrgftttonalhts ol Indlanola are discussing the prospects of the church there. The Hurt county Sunday school convcn tioa will bo held at Oakland on the 10th prox , Exeter's new school hnuso Is ready for the pupils , It will have three depart' nicnts. A Lincoln firm has sold this season 500 gallons of catsup of its own tnnnu facturo. Andrew Strutbers , Sr/I ono of the oldest sottlera of North Platte , died on thol.t.h. Grand Island's opera house Is growing. The town ncods a now hotel of largo capacity. Citizens of Stromshurg raised $100 ta help uniform the band mul $300 to built' ' them n ball. J. B , Silvia is building another ImsincJs house \Vntorloj. . 11 will bo occupied aa n drug store. The .Soveuth-Day Adventlals of Fro ruont are trying to raise money enough to build a > church , O'Mcill ia booming , t.nd Ita prosperity ia so great that the carpenters will bo kept busy all winter. The crab apple trees of T. H. iirooko , of Tccumsob , are covered with their second crop this season. The Jefferson county district court will hereafter hold forth in the now opera lioiuo in Fairbury. Fremont votes December 10th on a proposition to issue $7,000 In bonds to buy n steam fire engine. The Franklin academy baa about 100 students and begins what la expected to bo a proiperous winter. Tbo name of Arlington station , in Otoo county , on the Nebmska railway , has been changed to Turlington. The wark of sinking the caisson ol the Ulair bridge has begun. Tbo start is made on the Iowa side. Two brothorS'ln-law in Sherman county are doing some heavy rivalry. Each-bos now nlno olive brunches. Business was so britk recently with the Hastings flouring mills that tboy ran the engines 78 conseiutlvo hours. Work has been resumed on the Baptisl church at Liberty , and tbo building wll' be ready for occupancy soon. The Wisner Congregational church awa'ts ' the arrival of the Boats , upon whIft ' jt.wHl i.r djrJfarrn > _ M. j > - > v- _ Thri St. Paul & Omaha road has made preparation to got away with any amouu of snow on its line this winter. Unadllla , Otco county , is a good corn market. In tbo first three days of las" week KIU loads were taken there. , The dwelling of J. M. Garner , al Waterloo , was destroyed by fire on tin 1-ith , with nearly all its contents. Julian John , of Grand Island , ia filling , at Central Oity , a contract tot 180 car loads of hay for tbo Tiers' distillery. The Catholics of Greenwood are prepar ing to build a hotiflo of worship. That ol tbo MothodlstM Is nearly completed , A book and ladder comtmny was organ , ized at Oakland on tbo lltli. The fire a few days before taught them a lesson. The Sioux City & Pacific ice bridge at Blair iu nearly completed , and will bo ready for trallia before tbe river freezes. Uurglara went through nearly every stora In Salem on tbo night of the lOtb , but did not get away with much booty. Win. Hlckman , of Smith county , Kns. , lias been arrested on suspicion of being the incendiary who started tbo Illusion firo. E. W. Pittman , of Mt. Pleasant pro clnct , Caas county , IH building on hln farm , one of tbo finest residence in the county. The Niobrarn land olllco ro-oponod on tbo 15th. having boon closed a tnoutb , to .ho detriment of hundreds of home-seek- ere Henry Gray and Mattlo Wilnon , of Plattsmoutb , eloped on tbe 14th , on account of parental objection to their mar riage. A pipe organ has been ordered fur the new Catholic church at O'Neill. Tboy ex pect to dedicate the building on Christ inas. inas.A year old baby of John Huffman , of Graf ton , was badly xcolded on the 13th by a kettla of boiling water accidentally splllod on it. A drunken prisoner In the Blair j til not fire to hi * bed ono night last weak , and scared Peppercorn , who waa afraid ho would DO burnt alive , Among thn party of Illinois excursion ists brought to Nebraska on tbo 11th by Uio B. & M. , wan Mr.E. Ullloti , of Bloom- liigton , tlio celebrated breeder of Norman loruos , who comes west to take a thorough view of locating a breeding farm , A Fremont man raised a good crop of xjanuts this season. Peanuts can be jrown bero s easily aa potatoes , and Ne- jraska ought to raise thousands of bushels of them. Mrs. Bergstun has brought suit against Oakland saloon keepers for the loss of her uisband , who was found dead , from tbe effects , It U supposed , of liquor sold by them , A gang 'of cattle thleyea in Dakota county waa broken up on tbo llth by the irrcst of two young men of Dakota City , They were caught In tbo act of killing some bog ) , Deputy Treasurer Swlncford , of Adams county , wbllu going to Ills farm waa lirown from the wagon by hla team run. ilng wild and seriously injured , lie laid on the prairie * tbroo hours when assistance caine. B. Foley , a brakeman ou the B. ft M. naln line , waa knocked from the ton of a reigbt car while making a Hying switch at Orafton , on the 18tb , and severely in- ured. llumbleton la the name of the new eta- ion in Johnson county , on the Beatrice & Lecuineeh Hue , six miles from Beatrice. It las a hotel end store already aud douan't iitend to be Humble very long. On the evening of the llth , while Sain Price was drying from St. James to Newcastle - castle , be won chased for over a mile by our gaunt timber wolvci. Tbe deftness f bis team alone saved him. RAISING GAINE , Tlio Josopliitos in the Land of Brigliain jDssembled in Vast Multitudes , And Tnoy Foil Upon and Slew the Gentiles , Bvon to the Last Man. " And So It Came to Puna tlmt Gor- ornmont Booillo Availed Nothing , For the Prophet Bald Unto the Tribe of Pftddock , "Arlso and TJVKO a Walk with Van Correspondence of THE BEE. SALT LAKE CITY , November 1C. Thn agony Is ever , and Utah ia still overwhelmingly Mormon. Calno , the successful candidate , has received 33- 000 and Van Zilo scarcely 5,000 votes. Everybody appears aurprisnd. It was thought that the disfranchisomout of nil polygamists , p.oat nnd present , would make the parties nearly cqui ! , but the above is the result. When no particular effort was made , some eight years ago , when Mr. Baskln ran against Apostle Cannon ho polled nearly as many votes on Mr. Yan Zllo , nnd the question is nowbelnrj- debated are the non-Mormons actual ly Decreasing in Utah ? Wo scarcely think this postib\ > . It is altogether more pxmbln that numbers of Guiitlloa voted 'or Caiuo , ho being personally more p < pulwr. It is alas conceded the ciiurge thai VAN ZUK WAS A CARVET-nAQOEU and in no way interested in the ma terial prosperity of the territory affected - foctod the vjto for him to an unex pected extent. Only ono county ( Summit ) gave Van Xilo a majority , and there the majority is only one , aud the official vote may channo oven that. that.This This election has proven a sad blow to those who thought that the passage of the Edmunds law , the dlsfranchiso- mont of the polygamists , and the ap pointment of the United States com mission would alter the complexion of politics in Utah. The monogamic Mormons have polled more votce than before the disfranchiscment of their plural wtvod co-rollgion- ists. It was anticipated thai "young Mormondom" would vote the "liberal" ticket. Bat they did no such thing. After all "blood is thicker than water , " and reasonable persons are not astonished that those young men and women , so many of whom are the children of polygamtste , should decline to vote with a party that declares them bastards and their mothers harlots. And oven those not born'in "plural u ? rriago" hav . ' f - SISTERS , dtTCJISS , AlWH and other relatives who are "ia polygamy" that it almost amounts tu the same tiling. This system of ex tended marriage complicates relation ships BO intimately nnd makes nearly everybody related or csnuoctod with everybody else moro or loss remotely , that tho-Mormons actually are more like ono vast family than a religious sect , and when ono is touched thpue- ands feel it. This make the busmen-i of prosecuting polygamists such up hill work for grand juries nnd protes ting attorney as the very fact of any certain person having boonaubpoonned becomes at QUO A K EV TO THE COMMUNITY as to who the oUicors are investigating , and other witnesses become scarce , and porplcxingly unobtainable. It ir the easiest work in the world to got witnesses against thieves and other in- fraotors of the law , but when it comoe to anything relating to marriage , everybody is distressingly ignorant. The cold weather has struck us , and the weather resembles mid-winter ; this has put a temporary stop to liuilding operations and visibly affect ed business , but it is hoped that King Frost's visit will bo transitory , and wo yet have several weeks of mild weather bofora winter sots in in good earnest. WENO. Landing of the Pilgrims. Hjicclal Dispatch to TUB Ilii. PnoviNOKTOWN , Mass. , November L9. A union sorvioo hold iu tbo ( Jen or Methodist Episcopal church thit ! i evening in commemoration of the ! C2d anniversary of the arrival of the. Mayflower in the harbor and signing * ? n her cabin the compact of govern -f ment by the pilgrims , A permanent - organization was formed to perpetuate ho memory of the pilgrims' first land- ng in Provincotown , Glva Him Room. 8 [ > ocUl Dispatch to Tin ln . TOLEDO , 0. , November 19. The ix-Priost O'Connor , who was inter- orod with by a mob hero last Sunday night , delivered his lecture iu the opera house this evening to about 800 people on "Why I left the Catholic ihurch. " In anticipation of further .rouble forty officers were at and in .he hall and five companies of inili- ary were at their armories awaiting orders , Public sentiment , however , van so strong in favor of protecting ilm in the riaht to speak that there was little trouble in preserving order , and aside from a few slight Inter ruptions no trouble occurred. Two or three men who interrupted the speaker were promptly arrested. The Ohio Sunday Law. iH\lil | DixjiAUli to TIIK U , CINCINNATI , November 10. All the heaters over the Rhino were opened with full companies in regular variety or dramatic performance to-night for ho first time , with regular perform- nice , since the Smith Sunday law went nto effect. No arreata wore made. ' "tI