THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , SA TURD AY NOVEMBER ,8 The Daily Be < A. Saturday Morning , Nov. 11 VTontlier IKoport. ( The following observation * are Uki the Bame moment of time at all the rU ntmed. ) WAB DirARTMKNT , Ui 0. VIOK , OMAHA , Nov. 17,183 ? . 8 IT1TIOK8. Deavnr. . . . . 31 40 31 Llcai Che j once. . . 1038 .11 NW rrtr.h .11 4 ir S cnr Icai TO 42 42 W h1 o h Cimi 1041 42Ml , Vnsh ISr , VnnVton. . . 10 ttt S8 'S\V ' DM Molnct. JI 40 38 NE Ih8 Dtrcnnort. . 103 47 N 'n 8h tlti fit. Paul. . . . 1041 SO 'HK , Uht Fair Bt. Louis . 10 M 41 NW lloorh 4. . . 3037 31 S lion Vincent. BUmirck. . . Bator ! Ciutar. . . . iXodwoMl. . . Asmnibolie. i BlTer 4 foei Jt lnchn.1 atiovn low wfctor m 0-Juht , 1 fcctlOtnchn M Ytnkton. Mlssls-nli feet 1 Inchcfl at Ducnpoit , 4 ftct 4 niche Bt P ul , 10 f ot 5 kchci at SS. Iiiult , 4 D Inches at LiOro so tud 7 feet 4 Inchi OAbuqutt. _ _ LOOAL There was A brilliant dlf piny of aurora borealis loot night. Kgg' are very rcaroa nml high. ' roosttra hivn nil Rene into the domocr papom , hcnco the hcna take a lay off. It tried bard yesterday to got u snow storm , The turkeys eoug : ' 'KtA , drink w merry for ti-uiorrow yo dio. " Fred Glcalar was rcntcncod to pny fine and raako double restitution of p crty for petit larceny , 0. Spocbt him pccurcd tbo contract making and puling on the cornlca of Nebraska National Dank. Four plain drunks were arraigned ioto Judge Hcnclto .yenUrday. Tl paid and tbo other case was continued. Gallery sc.itB nt { Bojd'a opera he for the Ingoreoll lecture are put up to i cents and nil below the gallery $1 each , Win. Nelson , of the Bctton Cloth lloune , in Betting up tlo ; cigars previou lilting up nights. Its a glcl. Mother i daughter mo as well as could bo cxpccl as Ml * * N. nt rived only Thursouy. Well I Wcllll One of our leading btl layers of Omnha bt > s etiuck n bonanza i enough. S. G. Witlkcr , with Bailey Olson , is the lucky man. Ita n girl , wei nine pounds. Nu wonder Bam Is oni the happiest brlcklaycra in town now , The social given by No. 3 0 > mpanj Firemen's hall Thursday was a ( ji Buccete. About forty couples were pro and danced to tbo mutio of Iho llttlu I ian band. Another sociable will be gi next Thursihy. The five priBoncrs fcntcnccd nt procot term ot the Dlitrlct Oourtv taken down to the pen Thursday , c having three yearn' term to serve c The prisoners were Hollander , McC Dawson , McDonald and PHntwoll. It is claimed that Gommls lo Midgelyhoa concluded to withdraw circular forbidding the Iowa pool lines fi receiving Novnda freight unless the cb r were piepatd to Council lilufft. It thought that this will' avert tbo nnt pated war.belwecn tba U. T. and Ic lines. lines.The The telephone system by which all leading cltta of the North PJatto cetin are to be put in communication with ci other has been completed , adding that I ritoryto the Omahi cud Fremont a nges , Tbo now line ia 48 miles lo ; The central oillcea at Blair , Fremont r Arlington are open from ? a. m. to 10p. A. two months' old hey baby waa 1 recently on the doorstop of the residence Mr. Noah Kmberson , on Mason street , note or information an to the child's age identity waa found. Mr. | and Mrs. V. berson , having no children of their own i delighted with the prize and proposn care for It and ratio it as if it were tl ; own ( letli and blood , The opening social reception of Young Men's Christian association , their new quarter ? , will take place Monday oveulng next , The muBlo for occasion will be furnished by Mr. J , \ \ lie Wilkinr , who hns kindly voluntce himself. In this part of the programme , i it is not necessary to nay that it will be a very Interesting character. Some of best musicians will aid him. Miss 1 Ijowe , who has not often appeared be ! pnbllo audiences in our city , but who 1 v ry fmo reader , will take n part In programme. The rooms of the at social aJe pcculiaily pleasant for their ooclal the arrangements being so oomph Heretofore they have had only ono or t rooms , hot now they hive five Inolud tbelr well lighted and ventilated hall , w parlor , roadlng room and kitchen , Nu ing will bo left undone to make tbU bent social the association lias evergiv lAdy friends will meet on Saturday at association parlor. A rather ancient document i Thurwlay filed In county clerk's olllee. was a quit claim deed for certain prope in Douglas county and was diuunN 11 , 1801 , but never put on record , It > from J , W. Peek and M. S. 1 Unman , Arapahoe county , Colorado , to Gee Meyer , of Buckskin Joe "Dletlrkt , " P county , Ool. A warrantee deed anted Ing this B chart time was filed with It. The Omaha Commercial Itecord made an acriuUltlon which will odd c iderably to its strength. Mr. A. Fitch , for some lima patt with TIIK B h&4 gone In with tbo Itecord ai 'bunir manager , and will uisbt generally in pi ing forward the enterprise , This joui ii non political and devoted wholly to octumerco , manufactures and product ! of the city aul state , repretontlng wholesale buslneui exclusively. It i hereafter be issued daily , Mr , Fitcl able , trustworthy and calculated to i friends end keep them wherever ho n br. He bas our boat wlihen. A rectnt decision has been made Land Couimluioner McFarland , at Wa iogton , to ths effect' that uo perwu rii fcedepiivedof bU lithU M n * ettler public lands by reatoa < if falee Informal : received from local oftlckm. Thin proi wtoievlr .nsoMcaie cf Ilunb * g li TaJcutioo t partlvnloii of which J pretty familiar to the renders of TUG 1 on it covers thnt cote exactly , Mr. I proposes to open up the nutter nnew CD to the expense ot rccmlng counsel , i to re-an'ort his right * to hit homeiti which recently pa cd Into the hand the "Valentino creditors He has aln jakcn the nccoscary ulcpn to bring CAKO bsf jro the commissioner ot Wath ton , The Omaha Klcctiio company making nrrangcmenti to string all wires in the alleys in the central par the city , and ycotcrday the work ot ci Ing double mast * , with two crons.hars , begun. The mas IP , one on pach tide of kl ey , nre forty fret high. The first of muftis was put up In the alley near Omaha National bank building , Tl will be three palra of ma < U In each hi The upper cross-bar will accnmmoi over 100 wires , and tbo lower crowbi intended for the use of the olectrlo 1 wires of the Nebraska lllcclrio lltth company. Then. JI , Steard was brought Thursday , from Sidney , by deputy U , marshal , and will be taken to Denver day. Ho Is charged with taking let from the Denver postolfico addrewil another man , and after opening dcntro them. OnllioiM'.h of December , 183 ! Is claimed , bo tuok n Itttor rvldreveil t ( H. Stewart , and opened and dcstroyn It contained n bill of exchange drawn tbo Clllzonf ) bank ot Dyart , lon-e , comber 20 , 1831 , for Mio payment of S lo the order of T. II. Htew rt , and was reclodto _ the First National bank of ( cage , Hoii also charged with eltnllr taking aud destroying another letter longing to T. II. Stewart , containing drafts payable to < .ho order of Stewart i ilrawn byT. A. Pierce , ono being for 8 and the other for 925 , Thcro in hardly an mlalt pen living bat is nometimea troubled w ddney difllculty , which IB the m proliha nnd dnngorous cause of all c 3oao , There ia no sort of need mvo any form of kidney or urin : trouble if Hop Bitters IB taken oc lionaliy. HUB I'UNOIipwnared of pure U'luonnnd aromatic fruit jitiics , suipai ny punch or t ddy made on the spur he moment. Trade supplied by M. loNamara at manufacturers' ' pric s'nmllioa supplied by A , H. Glatiato 3mahn , Nob. \n Ex-Omuba Pollcomin Oaugbt Lust. A ploanant wedding tookplacoThi Iny nt tbo residence of lilr. Jo Jrndy , northonat corner of Oumi ind Eighteenth streets. The pnrt hua launohinu upon the HOIof in imony wore Mr. Prank Bollamy , ) flicor of the Omaha police force t lor Mayor Ohaoo's ronimo , and a fi ilaes man , nnd MisB Fannie Franc in amiable and accomplished you ady. ady.A A lar o number of invited guoi vitncaned the ooromony , which olomiiized by Rev. Mr. Grocn , Trinity Mission. The bride wan i irod in imperial blue Bilk trimmed jpanlah laco. wreath of owcot forgi no-noto , with tuber roses at the ne presented by Mra. Oharloi Woodmn iud pearl ornaments. After the cei nony nil aat down to an elegant HI > or. The following is a list of t arosonto : Hnndaomo bouqnot , Mra. Oharl Goodman ; pair of books , A. W. B cor ; uilvor salt dish , Mr. nnd M lobinson ; silver fruit dish , Mrs. Ui oy ; desert dishes , Mr. nnd Mrs. Villhmaj pair of silver uapkin rinj Hr. nnd Mra. J. M. Watt : porfui nd caao , Mr. Frank Redman , allv utter diah , Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Vi ( ; ar ; pair of silver salt cellars , Mi ] | lttOuBloy ; pair of silver vases , Mi julu Oosluy ; silver mug , Mr. J. J 'olbort ; silver mug , M. 0. Iliokol land painted plato with silver brae rlr , and Mra. Gilbert Pitts ; allvor na in rinp , Miss Lulu King ; silver napk ing , Mrs. A. Kinc ; ; silver pick land , Mrs. J. R. Simpson ; silv licklo castor , MIBBCB Lulu nnd I Jrucu ; half dozen silver apoons , Mi if. Bruce ; plush easy chair , 0. Orai lass tea eot , excelsior brand , 8. Kin lass tea sot , Mr. and Mrs. A. Ho Irick ; toilet sot , Mr. J. II. William r cushion nnd ink stand , Miss I Villiamn ; pair of vases , Missus Nio us ; upitoon and silver receiver , M nd MM. Barks ; pastor , Mr. Bla ! 3rpwn ; card receiver , Mre. J. J ( Villiann ; prayer book and hymni luv. Green ; majolica tea sot , W nd Mra. J. Newman ; majolica sug > owl , Mrs. Stewart ; easel with pair ng , Mr. and Mre. Charles Wutkir wo stoul engravings , Mr.and Mi 3 , Wntson , crumb plato nnd btus Urs. 0. L. Carey ; chinaimajolicafn ilatea , Mr. and Mrs. Fulton ; ahi over nnd tidy , Mu > s Iloiidrioks ; wat mwl und pitcher , Mr. nnd Mrs. Me ian ; pair of vases , Miss Steward ; t f stiver kuivea and forka , tableapao nd teaspoons , Mr. Forbush , of Ku as City , Ho. ; silver salt collar , pt f mats , dozen towola , table clot ! ilr. Buoknow , of Council Biuila ; silv olery glaes , Mios 0. McCoy ; sot lapkins , Mr. nnd MM , D Rybinaoi iroad plate , MM. F. Brown ; pair > aby shoes , littio Mamie Brown ; ail v loldo stand , Joseph Skolton ; silv ilcklo stand , Mrs. M. Henry ; eilv mttor dish nnd card receiver , Mr. m Iro. W. W. Porter ; silver butt lish , Mrs. n. L , Brown ; silver sue ) owl , Mre. Sly ; pair vases , Louis Dee ) oo ; French plato mirror , seven fu ° "K A. Johnuon nnd J. S. Uousema Do Not Mova Blindly. Go carefully In purchasing medich Uauy adyettleccl remedtea can work gr < nlury ie worse than none , Jlunlt UtMj HitUM ate imroly a vegtlablo nrt iratlon : the emallest child eau take thei I hey kill dUfivse and cur the iiUicnt It afe nuit liiudly way , iIETHOPOLlTAN nOTEL. OM HA , NEB ; Tables supplied with the best t ! uurket atlords. The traveling pub ! Uim they get bettor nccommodatio md moro general satiafaction ho ban at any other house In Omah tote , 82 pur d y. ni21tfm SLAVEN'S YOBKMU'K COLOQN iludo froir the wild flowers of tl 'lit FAMKIJ YOSEMITE VALLE t is the most fragrant ot perfum lanufftctured by H. B. Blavon , Si iVauciiioo. For sale iu Omaha by V . Wbilwliougo aad Konnuio 11 roc i -hi. BAR AND BENCH. Brand Banquet .by the Doni County Bar , Attended by ths LeptU Lnrc orieB in Nebraska , Who Pay Homngo to the nail Setting f-nnn > The banquet by iho bar of Dou county to lion. James W. Savage , judge ot Iho district court , and U James Nonllo , Ills BUCCOSSO. , wV took place at the Mlllard hntol } evening , was ono of the most olcg social affairs thnt has over taken p in Omaha. The Musical Union orchoatru : rila heel the inusio for the occasi playing as the guests assembled itt intervals during the evening fi tbuir station in the west end nf hall. The tablcn wore decorated v Howard , fruit and the usual design pantry. At the head of the table Bat Ju \Yukuley , who acted as chrirmnn Umst-mnstur. On his ri ht wan : Tudfje Sivngo , Jndgu MoOrary , of United States circuit court , and Ju Boorgo JJ , Lake , of the etiprcmo cc sf Nobraoka. On the left was Ju Neville of the distriet court Judge Elmer S. Dandy of the Uni States district court. The mionts prenont were as folio K K Kstibrook , George I Gilbert , Webster , General George M. O'lJt 3eorjoV Ambrose , John M Thur B K M Kennedy , George W Doanc , .1 D Howe , Chtulcs 1' Manderaoa , V 3onncll , A J 1'opploton , James M AV worth , Georfjo K Prltcho'.t , J 0 Cox Judge A M Uhailwlck , United States iorney G M Lamhettson , L 0 Burr , Lincoln ; Judge Tucker , of Blair ; Seui ilect Hohonheit , of Fal's ' City ; Oha IV Seymour , of Nebraska C Mr Davidson , of Tecumsebj I'helps , of Sobnvler ; 13 33 Hniner , ICoarney ; Ed M Bartlett , Win H Ija L' O HawcD. Walter Bennett , O J III \rthur Wakelcy , Joseph 11 Clarkson. Montgomery , Ilorry Kstabrook , I > ngdon. Gins H lUdiok , Jolm T J1 3haa J Grcon , N J Bnrnham , Wm I lonbure , Will lledick , Chas SauntfoK M Hitchcock. Mr Hull , Dexter TJ Thou : 3 Hwcall. K W Slmera ) , A 0 Troop U Groff , Howard B Smith , 1'redB Lo 31mcr Frank , Judge Andcnon , lla Jaylord , J O'Connor , Park Goiwin , lydo , L Uoeewater , of TJIK Bur. ; Al nnon.of The Itcpubllcan ; Sands F We irldge , of The Herald. Tno following was the bill of fa Blue Points on Half Shell. Jolery. Lsttuco. Ollt Fried Oy ter8. Saall Oyster Pattlea , a la Rein. Boned Turkey. Tlmbalea of Maojnroni. Pralrlo Chlckona , witli Water Crtm. Teal Uuclr , with Jelly. ClmtrtUfo of Quail. Calvo'a Head , en Bellavne. Chicken Salid , en Mayonnaise. Saratoga Chips , 'yramid Meringue. Ornamental O Wine Jelly. Assorted Cako. Ice Cream. Fruits , Cctfce. About 10 o'clock Judge Wakoly i ivorcd an address pujiuy a hi rlbuto to the incoming and outgo ! udgos of the district court , to win ho bar had tendered this tcutiraoni Hon. J. H. Woolworth in respoi o a toast to Judge Savage , pale ory high tribute to the ability , ogrltyand fidelity of tht judge , n espondod in a fooling manner , ( reaaing his appreciation of the cord ocoption. Ho dwelt at lenRth up in seven years career an district jud nd the many trying difficulties ad to encounter. Hon. John M. Thurston respond > the toast , "Tho Present Judgi In gave a biographical ekotch udgo Neville , bonlnning with 1 pyhood Btrugales ; for a living and : lowing his career no a aoldior , a la or and prosecuting attorney. Judga Neville replied in a rath uniorous vein , pkdging htrasolf Dnolusion to administer his ofli ithout fear or favor and without j tical bias , Lottcra of regrut wore read fr ( foyer Boyd and Hon. John .odick. Hon. George W. McOrary a udgo Dundy responded to t ist to "llIK . " KEDDUAI. COUllTd. Hon. A. J , Popploton delivered t blest and moat improesivo address 10 evening , in response to the tea The bar , its iniluonco potent 1 oed government. " Speeches were tnado by General Istabrook , Hon. J. L YVobati harlos W. Green , Ghas. 11. lledic ! . W. Simoral , H. D. Eatabroo .rthur Wakoloy , and G. M. Lambai in. The young lawyera were bril tit as well M witty. The compai id not disperse ( ill after 1 a. m. THE THEATRE. lavy OiocUott & . Btory of Mayi "Legitlmato- ' Days Attractions. Mr , Sheridan Oorbyn is the Di lansgar ol the season to favor ilh u four niL'hta entertainment early the eamo bill. While It ight'a audience was hardly as lar i the first , it proved the strength is attraction and will show that Oi ! ia is a pretty good city for amut lunts. When wo take into co deration the enthralling dramal tterest that is everywhere BO prou ent in Davy Orockott , its genuii athos , inherent strength ai : rong comedy uloineuta , one is n jrprirod a * , its longovity. This afte eon u matinco will bo given , and tl Uf > aicmoiit ; closed with Frank Itla1 i his now play , "Streets or Nc ork. " This is its first productK ere , and au it is pronounced to bt val tohlaDAvy Orockott , thosoataa ring fast , A good story on Frank's logitima aya who , by the way will alwa ' imam a favorite In Omaha , whoth' a givea uu Blacboth or Davy Orocke is going the rounds of theatric rolcH , and wo can't help repeating i 'lieu ' ha was last here with lua tragec jople itvillbu remembered hiscoti xny wai largo , and his advertiaii ttonsivo. Ouo of his moat olabora hangers" represented him as Ma ) th , and another an the aorrowfi amlet. In ouo of our well kuon average resorts a guy had writtc under the Macbeth lithogn "Forty , count 'cm , forty 1" Chi Lord , drnnintio correspondent of Chicago "Nown Letter , " happouc drop in p.nd noticing it , wrote ui thu llamlot cardboard : "Forty , "otn , forty 1' Frank wna invite < to see the "hnndwri'int ; on the w nnd signified hia approval by ami with Ute entire crowd. The next Mip&gcmont nt the B is Robert Q. InKprsol ) , who will 1 a packed hence Monday night. Uarlow , Wilson t Co.'o Minst hold the bonrds Friday night , nnd followed by the "Moid of Arnw"c pany , in which Agnca Halleck is star , Saturday anri matinee. MUSIOAL Mile , libra Is In Toronto. l > awrenco Barrett is In Chicago. "Ksineralda" Is being done through nois. nois.Tho The Boston Ideal Opera company i Chicago. Kate Claxtonli tempting the Gro i In Illinois. llye" Btlll drives crowd New York. "Only n former' * Dwglitcr" has got to LeaUvllle. "The Whltofllavn" will bfl In India oils for the next week. Klrnlfy'a "Around the World" epond two weeks at Chicjpo. The Boston IdeMa are t lklng of duclnt } "Iho Mnrriago of Figaro. " Mnry Amlrnnii will nppear in Phlh phla In tne middle of December. Miss Kellogg will fins In Benton Tuesday and Thursday evtiilngB. Mlnnl" Hauk BUIKvlth tlio Strak Opera company in ladlanapolls last w Tliere are In London at preterit It ono ropular theatres , with seating cape for 05,320 persons. Mrao. Ni'eson'j ' toga jeweh , pupp to have been destroyed at the Park t ter fire , hava 11 n recovered from ruins uninjured. "And still UIGV come. " A now Btn the pornon of Misi Martjarek Bonner , has been acting with Mllo. Kuea , Id al to take "tho road. " Mrs. Lnglry will icmnln In Now \ until December 1 ; die will piny hi 13oa She will apppar iu Pnlladelphla Deeen 18 , ChlcaRO January 1 , and Now Orli Jonuarj 30. The Ballo Union theater , San IVanol lia ? Ijeen closed by the police on tlio a of Immorality. The manager and comr were urrestul and held for trial. Gilbert and Sullivan's new on "lolanthe : or , the Peer and the Peri , " ho produced Rlmultaccously In Lone New York , Philadelphia and Boston Saturday , the 25th Inst. Sarah Bernhardt haa boon engager the agency of the South American tl Ires for fifty ropreicntatlona , ohltfly Brazil. She will ho accompanied by IIMni DIeurlonne , and will rrci 5103.COO for her 135 daye of absence. The charming Madam Albanl-G whose lovely voice and perfect style h aeen heard at nil the wcent Eng Buslc feetivalf , has Cn.Uly nrrnnvei ippoarln America with Her Mnjee jpera company shortly after New Yc lay. lay.Sarnh Sarnh Bsrnhardt has accepted a i .ragedy called "Francois I , " from Parodl , the author of "Home Vaiuci md will produce it in her own thea vblch Is hereafter to be known as theatre Mcderno. Ulanca Lablanc-hg ( Blanche D.wenp ecentlv at peared at BoSogun , She ha treat reception , receiving eighteen cBls ere the curtain , and met with n deci uccea * . After a tour of Itnly ehe willie io all the principal citiea of Spain , / rali and Germiny. The operat selected for production at Cincinnati Opera Festival of January I ire "William Tell , " "L'Afrlcane. " Prophete , " "Romeo and Juliet , " "Lol ; rin , " "Nozze dl Fl < ? arn , " " etnirami md "Don Giovanni. " Wajnor , itwlll een , is not expeclally honored by the C aans of Cincinnati. Miss Fanny Davenport began her Ish provincial tour in Brighton on Octo Oth , appearing In "Only a Woman , " i paa ureetod with a wictcbed house and ilay was received with derision , & ) tvenport is admitted in England to t landsorno woman and an excellent actr lut the ( way sbo is "managed" exc : lUiazemont and sympathy. V Mits Kate Pattlsnn , who Biipportfi M jin try , has ambitious vlew . She nuounccdher intention cf remaining w ilrn. Lantry during ; the present Ecaa nd in the iall of next year taking " ond" an a star on her own acccunt. 2 ! 'uttisou has been on the stage atiout til oars , and was formerly the frleud , cc iantori and private secretary of Mlsa Ei f Faithful. At tba London Lyceum ' 'Much / ibout Nothing" is pionounced by the ire preca to ) > e the.most euporb of all I rving revivals. All London ij talk ! bout the beauty of th ? tccnery , the n itn of the elfeots , the charm cf the mu ho gloiioua magnificence of the dreee he perfection of tbo acting. The Cha ; ceno , with its real organ , Its real t > tai ! luita windows , Its real cbotr , and Us lost reM wedding ceremony , ia pralul lie moat splendid "act" that has over 1 rrunge'd on the stage of a theater. 1 ioudon audiences are wild with d lli vor it , aod every seat in .tho liousu ookeU for months to come. The young Thoodor Bjoikiten , who Duipiuiei hlb famous countrywoman ery good looking and only 23 y ars n V ben Nllaaon waa last at Stockuolm c rnb followed wherever uho wett bv rowd , which would gather in front of I > tel in.tho hopoof catching arllmpso er. Amocg these admlrois ono yor itn wan conspicuons for hit assiduity , u line , Nil-Bon at last became ijulteaunoj t Ida porsiatcnt attention. Ono etenl lie found herself serenaded , and v [ ruck hy the clear tones of a tenor vo 'hich ro3B abova the rest. Sending fort ( CR r , she dltcovfre.i that thU tenor v one other than her younj admirer Wh uito a boy Bjnrksteu vowuH , iu the nai f hii oo'intry woman , ChrUUnoNillhOD , ovote himself to mualo , thoueb dcstiu y hia pareuta for the navy. Mine. Ni m was to attracted by hU vcico and i uniasni that , taking him under her ] onaqe , BIO placed him with ono of t eat mast era in Paiia. W. H. McOoy , of the popular Ri lurant in the basement of lioyi Vfra House , desires to state to t ublio that ho is prepared to furni ind for building purposes on t inrtost posatblo uottco and ia also pi arcd to receive ordera for heavy hai ig of any description. novIMf Fine Fancy Oandles for the Ho ' " 1322" Dou ay trade at Beindorf' , .a etroot. Specialty of homo-ma andiea , Cakoa , and all kinds of Oo iptioiis. Famtliea and parties au lied on ehortest possible notice , 13.1w The Fifth Annual Ball of Piono "qok and Liddor Company No. ill bo hold on November 20th CsBonio Hall. TiokeU , 81 , Cor litteo on arrangements Ed. Witti harles Fisher , J , Rothholz , T. ] tester , L. Krootuh , 174.Tuea&Fri to Nov29. Qenuino Buckwheat Flour at [ aple Syrup at Wiemers1. 13tnou-\ved&fri Celery and Ojsters at'Wiemora' . .SOME SCHEMES. The Attraction to Oinak of I eip Capitalists , * Some of the Ineido Work > compliBhedby the Board of Trade. 7 hero is ono very important fact Ing demonstrated by the existence the Omaha board of trade , which the extent to which the attention business men and those having mo 'to invest ia being attracted to Oato City as a splendid field for 1 ( ting. The secretary , Mr. Thoi Gibson , in constantly in receipt of tors from all atitcn in the Uu making inquire a aa to the oncour ; mcnt likely to bo received in start manufactories , etc. , in our nil From ono to a half a dozen of tl : communications nro read at uv meeting and are answered by Mt. ( Bon. THE GLUCOSE WOHK3. It wno through the matrutnonta of tlit > board thnt the echumu of ot ing np extensive glucoao works in city wan brought to public uotico resulted in the incorporation of a c pany , to whoso capital nearly § L 000 has already been oubcribud. ' incorporation bt fjvo orgauizag fi or beginning active wpik have do mined to neud a committee of twc personally inventin.Mn aud report u thp value of auoh a manufactor ; thoao who invoat their capital in it to the city. Gap 1. 0. B. Ilu and Paymaster Joasclyn , of Union Pacilic , were appointed aa B committee , and \ > 'M probibly s about the 1st of December. T will visit the glucoao works at Pol UK , and at Wheeling , West gluii. John Filius , Esq. , who i partner with the patentee at the la place , was in the city a few days n and ia very anxious to have the ot mittee come on and sso for thamuoJ the nuturo of the business. FLAMING HILL. A letter has also been received fi a 'Kontloman at Rookford , Illin asking what inducements would offered toward the establishment saah and door factory in Omaha , wh would afford employment tc2CO m Mr. Gibson replied that by com they would secure a point for a mml big field. BUTTER , CHEESE AND ZOOS. A communication waa oent to secretary of the board asking that t agates bo sent to attend the fortbcr ing annual meeting of the Nutio Butter , Chooao and Egg Ansociati which meets at Milwaukee on the I ot December. No delegates were pointed , but it ia poasiblo Borne of members of the board who are p duce dealers hero may go over &b that time and take in the convent ! ' A IIUVIVAL. It is intimated that the scheme building a low bridge , wagon and T bridge , across the Missouri at t point , to connect Omaha with Oour Bluffs , is being revived , aud Lhat haa assumed a tangible shape. 1 names connected with the rumor wo juar-nteo tin success of the undert ; ing , but at present we are not at 1 Btty to make the dotaib of the p public. Notion The "Hawthorn Oontennial I joleior Roof Paint , " was patented SI 24th , 1881 , and ottera patent nu > er 241 , 803. Any person found cnown to tamper with the mai acluro of Bdid paint will bo punii sd to the full extent of law. No p ion haa any authority whatever to c ecoipta. HAWTHORN & BRO. , Lancaster Pa Don't Oio In the Houso. "Rough on Rats ; " Cleara out ra nice , roachoe , bed bugs , flics , un nolca chipmunks , gophers , 15c. Board of Education. The board of education held an i ournod mooting last evening , the f loard being preeont. A vote was taken on the followi oachora for the position of priuotj if the O.iss atroet school : Miss Sta lard , Miss McOarly , Misa McShat ilita Buttorfiold , Mias Fees , M Vhite , Miss Wilbur. Five balh iforo taken without resulting in lection , it requiring four votes Inct. It was vet < ) d to pay the Storli ompany § 1,000 on account of furi uro. The committee on teachora and to iooka wore granted further time in i ird to night achoola. The aubjeot of collecthig tuition on-resident tax payers was roforr o the committee on toaohera and tc Adjourned to Tuesday , Novorab 1 , at 7:30 : p in. PERSONAL , Mike Itoacb , an old-tlmo br kcinan 10 U. l' , left Thursday for Idaho , to ta liaige of the U. P. yard at Aminc 'alls. 'alls.Mr Mr * , Senator Canliolcl returned fn itncoln yesterday. Sherman came np t ad will remain over Sunday. A. C. Dawea Is ( n town , Congressman Valentino ii In the city , Nat Brown , of St. Joe , Is at the Paxti Judge O , I1 , Mason , of Lincoln , is In t ty. ty.Geo Gee , A , Draper , of Cheyenne , U at t axtou , W. T , Billard , of Montana , Ii a guest 10 Mllhrd. 13. B. Ferry , of Silt Lika City , 1s ; tbo Paxton. lion. T , M. Marquett , of Lincoln , w ; the Millard last night. Surveyor General George H. Smith , lattawouth , u In the city , Joha A. Moak , end Chas. Kreltz , of tl [ aid of Arran county , are at the Millar Mm. Conductor IMakcly , wife of ibe 1 , Jt ill way m&u , T ) s gone eaat to pe : la winter , Mr. and Mm , K. It. Paige , L ona verett , J. McCllntock , Mis * Clarke ai I ) . J , Hamilton were amen ? tbo Cot BlufTs names tcgiUcred nt the 1'axtou night. T , I , Bartlett and wife an ! S. W. 1 ore , Kearney ; Win. Dilbti , W. M L ard , It. 0. Lett and C. W. Moslcr , coin ; H 12. Pnlmer. I'laltRmouth ; J Campbell , Oakdalc ; W. D. 1HII , Beati U. S , Maloney , Jr , and wife , Ilumbc and L. Dennoy , Nebraska City , .ro at Paxtoo , from interior Nebr-Mka .J. A. MiishMI , S , T. Ksuajand N Harwood , tf Lincoln ; D. C. Andeomi J. W. Karli' , of Columbus ; C. .T. Ph < of Hchuyler ; J. C. Post and brothci Columbuaj W. T. MoAdaina and of Port Niobrara ; Ji Wt Tucker , B J. W. Itobinson , CrclonndLeoaTluin Nebraska City , wore among the Nel kans at t.o Millardlast night. Iluse'm Salvo meets v nonde fill CUCCCHS in all ca eii of Skin wns. Try it. _ _ Iloraca Laplancbo , of Wnrrcniburtr , Y. , raw u npjltod i.diler enter lilfl t > U climbul an uptight beam to the c : andto k a young swallow ftoai a nojt. A VoicoFi'om the I take tliis opportunity to btar I timony to the ollicacy cf your "I Bitters. " Expecting to tiud them n somia and l > iter and composed of whiky , WM wnro niireoably aurpri at their mild tnaU' , juqt like a cup tea. A Mra. Greaavrell and Mra. 0 nor , fiiondt ) , have Hkowiao tried , i pronounce them thu beat medic they have ever token for building strength'atul tuning up the system. was troubled with coativentss. he ache uud want ot appetite. My nientu 'uve all now gone. I hav yearly contract with n doctor to 1 afur the ho Uh of myaclC and fam but I need him not now. S. GILLtLAND People's Advocate , 1'jttHUurg , Pa _ .Tnlv 2fi. 1878. IO UO/.I > ONKY TO 1.OAN-UD ch.ittul ciirlty. A. B. Tiitton , No. 1MU Dou urce * , front room , up-etalr" . _ 431 > t > r'l A/is TO . .OAAl U yn tvn ( r40UuUU to/oat la ennuiol $2,100 np rds , toi a to 6 jears. oil nrjt-olijc city firm p'Ol'crty. Dzuia KtU , teiit-n * ci T r Utff. lOtb anj Docrias flta. TO LOAN Csll nt lw Omct o MONET r.QDniB Orelqhton Block. ONBYTOLOAN-On personal prcpcrl M any ilcEcrlptlon A. C..Troup , Attorney , south 1 1th Street. jas-ii ] WAN I fcU ; ANTEU-AUlnlngroomilrl at the Crc w- ton house. 213. ww w ANTED A waiter and the Creighton house. WANTED A inUale ageJ woman to I charge of otllcers' mess at Tort dm : Must bo a srood cook , and come rcconimcni MU > ly tol.lcut. Jas. A. LojUcn. 203- " ' ' ANTFD A lUst-class dressmaker lshc ilodiosMiiaKInK for prlvatu parties. iulrc'253 Harney between 14th and IDth SI U C-lOt WANTED Ono paod cantas < cr ti goods on Instal incut , steady w ork ; o dpaj. IniUlreat2H > f. IClh ( .trcot , rooi iU7-tf WANTED A meat and psstry cook , one" ' can deb th. Wagea S J for first me md SCO thereafter , H utbfait ry. Amilj S'cuspaper Union , corner 12th and Howaid. lU7-'Jt ui-e WANTED Eight machine operators Wheeler and Wllbon machines , t o \ workand four on knitting machine1" , n iut experienced handa need appl > . 210 : 10B-1T THO barbers , at CoislejV , WANTED . Npno but ilrst-class need 18 ANTED A fuw day 1 oardera by the i W and week , SasOaadf 1.50 , 1011 D.vveni erect. ANTKD A good dlnlii ; ; room girl at w Emmet House. 162-17 tX7"ANTii : > In o experienced serial book t > o V V Hors for Colorado. Rooms C and 7 tei Jlcck , Council Bluffs. % 141-2 ANTE D A first-class press-lccder at Omalia lice office. t rXTANTED n lp at Iho employment oH ! V V 817 N. inth i-trest. up tnlnt. S5M ' . ) A girl co .10 neherul uousowo end references. Ocod uagca p id i reaii K. Q. flfablo. Kearney Neh. f,50-t KOf > UPKT > oust nun i * * et\ neil HK\T I''easant room for two vith U without board. 003 N. 18th St. 'M3- nUH IblirUUOUM Twoij'od reonnat , 1J soutli 14th dtrtct , within three blocks of F am. Kent ? 8 to $10 per month. 210 t ClOlt IliXT flood rooms fnrnlstitd ofunf I ! nUhcd , or uulUilile for honsckccplii ) ; . ' JtlibetweenCapltolmenuo and Davenport. ' * IBS-'JJ - Oil KENT Olllcu rooms. Knmjlro at N I York Dry ( Jowls store. 103-dec-l , I710H HEN -rurnlshcd front room , with u without board ( family prliate. ) COS No , h- 11)011 ) _ _ VIOH KENT Twolarg. > JOoiiM.onounfuriiUl . ' oricwmtli room furnished , with uto\o. < 70il JIEIT' Vnnilsliod r om , Js per mon J Itllll California street. 192-18 ? \ll HUNT KurnUhul r.omn , ut 1012 1'arn : J fctrcet. IW-lt 7 011 HENT-A .liilrabroom ( nltli use J parlor ) In prhntti f.iinlij. Ill N. 17th st 4 OH ItENT-Chetpl.rltkhtorc , wJthrellarS iX ) . Apply at tJ , V. liakcry , Gin . inth OH H NT . \ new hoiikc , furnished , el ? room * , baih room , > table , ttc. Onuolt nist locations In the i-lt } ; t"X ) 1)0 ) per mont uiulre for thrco da > < , Ik-mis' real estate a cm itli .nd Donglva strcete , noIS tl 0ll I KNT- Two fiirnUhcd rooms , 1814 We ? ttsr ktrcet. 180 30 TIOH UE-NT-AKood room , touthwett corn : I'Jth anJriirimnistrcct . 178-17 ? OH HKNTlloiuo of six rcxiiiw , bay ulnae 1 cellar , clutitrn , VM.11. All in good rtpalr. i J' month. 12-21 north ! ' th street. 178 tl 01l HE.NT-Unlur lahed room ? in bri ? house , UH Chicago utrcct. ibO tl 7O11 11 KNT A neatly furnUhcd front jarl 1 an bedroom , suitable for one , two or to -ntlcmcn , 279 Harney btrcct , between 16th ai .th ktrccta. 175-17 ! TOE IIVNT IHirnltlicd room with board 18 Callforiila struct. 171-tl 70It 11EVT Kuanlbhcd room , 1 U | taln. _ _ 1G8-IO 7\OU \ HENT THe B room IIOUM.-S ; 1 kitchen , bolh ; liundry , dumb wal en h id cob water , -llar , wood ork , haiuUor , ibtuku tinUh , painttd and gildud , UO ba < rtl c rn , t arn , 1'ark aMiiuc ; pur montn , Vj Kour t rUk liousu U rooms btsldcn compU osU and btoro roouu , furdacc , hot and co ater , marble mantels , commodious and iht.'a aldenua. Tn uujfourth near Dod.'e ; 11 , Fi o room home Just rcpalrod ; corner 18th ai 'cbsler ; p r month , J2 $ . Eight room liouao , liarn. Just repaired. She an a cnuej pc r month , 27. Su > en room house , corner 18th and Nlcholj t month , if. > . Eight room hou&c. ' new , barn , cast frntj p oiilh , * 25. Hi oktorcii , Capitol a < cnue ; 22xCO ; per mont 0. 0.AMES , > ole > * : * * . " 1600 Fanmm Bt. KENT A new rottapo , with thr'o rooms FOU . per month , 30th St. , be ween Fnnmrn nnd Douglas street. Apply on prtml cs , 1C3 tf. KENT -Fnriihlioit room and bofinl IfllO 1 Chicago ft rpet 127-U l.iOU KKjftrumifliclrooiiis with or without A I1 board , In Hiatlrrs' block , 10 h and Ooll- fnrnli I ( KM 3 IOOH UKXT A nicely fiirnWica front loom r iiif p. Appi ) t'tti Hurt. _ no-ict I i KM 1 S' New .MnpolOmnhs , Just complctcilnmt IJ reodj forJclhcry at$7cftch. Is 4 feet wide iy T feet \ong \ , I/irffcst unit most complete inap ofOtnah.l ctcr tniblUlictl. map of the illy. Sec column. iriOH lti : T Up t.atra , 1417 Fvnhntu Mrstt. i1 fttf _ JOHN ( I. JA OR3 | ,1. > . . llKNl HO-JSB 0 roni and a tga b\fiT JL liqnro iciglts ttrctt , bttncea ucth nU _ _ _ _ I7IO-1 IlhNI ll'ii 8 ot 8 oonn ! n nnt JL ; rdcr , 10 bio ks from nr hou"- , chcnp . , , , . . ; : c. UMIBO of 11 r < vm , all coortncto ; , g tiliikl frjio opcrn h-'U n. . . . . . , , . , jn Uoni ol D moms , 23 1 nod .Nlcli iln strcoi * . H Stcro rn V'arnum , 2 flootJ. . . . 125 t-rnon Hill , 2 ( toots . , 7f 3 < cll rent ic-Uc' re. ? . , . . . , . , . .SM to tfi. 4l > _ Mc AqUK f pjHis Io f ntpttjcf. ' " ' I .11 11 HUNT A voty iili'arant fiitnlfiiTir "foo'in. II at 721 mth Wli8tbetworn St. Mnrj'B Ano.i. no nucl r.ravinworth St. _ _ Ollt-tf t AOIl IlKXT Itousse of B rboiuVSOttrand Uou" . J ? pin street , 918 a month , _ ' r Klognotly lutnUhaa"rojm < tthi ITIOtl'lllTh ' gxs and he\Ur. Uifattncm rcnulroil. An. ply o : northwest o. incrtf S3d and Ittifi ftirru. _ _ OirilENT A furnltbod llou93 , KNl th "Hi " T"nu B ancTUuu u , ro > tinV laqulruuirno Uilr. oftinllDth bt. r Svrift , ! )3t-tf _ _ lo . , , , Bi JJ qwlrs at 1) . Hyde cilice , lllllaru liotcl. ' ITiOR flHjJT Two now awolllngs and two other JL' dwclllnss ! uio < ! nWfllti0.lTty , by McKoou NO. i4 nn-igiv nii < - t _ air. f KENT A d'ttaj-a of Qvu rtonn. Inquire FOll Northwctt cirner li.haijil tblcatosucct. P10'tf REHT Large oir.ea room or halt Btoro , FOlt IbZOPumhamst ccl. 7J7-tf RENT A store m llalcombo Week , nn PCW tttcet , near Davenport. Bt A. D. IJ J combo. tiOO-28tt T7IOU RENT Iho bu IJIrg ntprwcnt occupied JU by lhoW statn Lilian Couiti\ny , : ur crol Farnani an ! IDth tttoots : Apply to Barker lire > . , noa olllce. ti77-tt fan FOU SALE First class hotel for talc HOTEL Iho western town. Has a'l ' the first : la > s trade , lleanon for selling other business. I'or particulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA Hup. 183-1 mfnovlSt SALECHI'.AP-Bakcry , well locatedgood ; business in moot the liveliest tons In No- [ ira ka. Ilcason forscllng , poor health and must get out of business. Inquire"at llrr. olllec , k.XCELtnNT BIIICK for gale , 89.03 per thou sand. Yard , 16th street , two blocks south Df liellci uo road. Lonnvzo DinrtLK. 177-lmnovlBt POH SALE Barrels and kegs. Alsa hoop poles bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Pierce. jCOJccli" JKUUV 8n MOOR. SALE T'fc.licatins stoics from 83 00 to FOR 810.00 each. Great bargain. E Kcudls , fl2 13th St. , between Jones and Leaicnworth. lG-18t ( \ SALE Handsome set ol parlor furniture , E\OH of bedroom furni uro and some fine en- ; ra\lngs , cast eidoof 18th stiect , Hist door north 't Podge. ! C5-18t BEMIS' New- Map of Omaha , Just completed and ready for dili\ cry at S7 each. Is 4fcctwido jy 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map if Omaha acr published. Olllclal map of the : ity. Sco column. \ SALE Allrsttlasaspan of mules , harness , H\OK wagon. InqulreFaulconcrOperaIIou' < c. 73-tf Prltkitoio. trqulro at drus store FoRllTKT lOlh and Doujlas. ffO l BMih. Three fiountd western wethers , L 1 aTd 2 j ears o d. Weight about 00 pr unda. F. C. OH-tBLK. 062 tt m and e Kiarney , Neb. niOli SALE O/io organ Joc30. O n orean f > r L $35. Ono Piano , J . ( Casn or monthly pay- ue ts. 21-tt A HOSPE. FOU SALE Inquire 0. M. Woodman - BIOYCLE man , Omaha. 751-tf niOK HALK Good building , brick. Call at L ? Water Wcrks offlca. , 440-tf I' OST One Iron gray iwriy-nure , ilps of both LJ cars split. Itoth hind feet white. Please ctum toN. b. corner 15th and California 8ts. 208 20 f O&T A watch fob teal , gold with white stone LJ lletuin for reward to CHAS. F. MASDEUSO.V , 200-11 182 > Farnam Street. ' 'TRAYED. Near the ( ounty jHjor house , one J light bay marc , 10 hands high ; weight about i2SO. Anv iiifoimatioii of the whereahouts or : turn < f taid mare will be lilicrally rewarded by 10 undersigned. r. K UG , novl7-3t OmahaBrencry. 7\OUND A sum of money Ow ncr can have t he J samebyd' scribing it , and pa ) ing for IhU JtcrtUoment , Now York Dry Goods Btoro , 1310 id 1312 Farnam btrco' . 104-17 OST A pair of car ring pendents , twocns- J tain In each , were in a small box. Ix ) . t bo- xecn John I aumcr's s'oro and " cbst ( r and ICth' ' Cj reward by IcaUng at Bee olllc.l')318 UP Ono small roan cow , about flvo CIAKEN old ; has on two bcllaone , small and le largo. Ow i cr can \v\\ \ e sumo by prov Ing pro- srty and paying charges , B.W.CAMPBELL , 83-cm5t t Block 2 Wcbt Omalia. 0. nilAINAIlD , Taxidermist , 13tli and How- - > . ard. C5-n3-2in \ K. JLTT-IIousoard Carwt Cleaner Stove ri. Polisher. Lone orders at Republican otflcc. ilh aud Douglas. ( "l-U no FARMBIlS-Tho highest cai.h prti-o paid I. ror Itye , liar cy and Corn Kreb's VlnocEr ojki , Jonea street , botwosn Oth a. d 10th , Oma- k 1'Al.MYhTEHY AND CONDI- . , 1V8 Tenth ftrtct , between 1'arnam id Hancy. will , with ho aid of niardian iritM , obtain for anyone a gunco aMhupast id present , and on certain conditions In the fu. iro. ItooUandShocs maile to order , Perfect tltfactloii guarantied. R Absolutely Pure. Thh powder naver varies. A marve if irity , btrenjtli ( nnd wholworaeneea ore economical than the ordinary klndf d cannot bs sold Iu competition wltb the altitude of low test , short weight , alum phosphate powders , Sold only in cues HOVAL I3AKIKQ PoWDXB Co Wall St. , NewVor *