TIIB DAILY BEE-S TOE DAY , EC. ZEL WHOLESALE AND RKTAIJ. BOOKS AND STATIONERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE- . . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. JOSEPH EEITEK , BYB MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LA.TKST STYLES , At the Lowest Possible Prices. NO. 310 UPPER , BROADWAY. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J , Good's Hair Store , nt price ] noer before touched liy ny other hiilr dsalor. Also a mil Una of switches , oto. nl > realty reduced prices. Also gold , tUvtr and colotcd nets. Wa\03 in do from Indies' own hair. Do Dot ( all tu call beforepurchieln ? elsowhnre. All pcoils wairantcd M represented. UBS. J. J. UOOU , S9 Main street , Council Rliiffn. lowit. " TAYLOR BROS , , 105 mill STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wholesale Dealers in Lipors and fines , No. 13 Main St , Council Bluffc , la. Branch House ! Linflpr , Kiel & Jensen , Eioux Fallp , P. T. BWholesale Dealers in IOWA , NEBRASKA , AND MISSOURI , HFIE&TJ 1 ? IM&M nn mi 1W fy No. 102 Broadway , Dealer in Council Bluffs 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , p OIE3 IRI Of All Kinds. Hew Goods. Kew Prices and Square Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. BATHIMIOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Uuion Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated. Vapor , Electric , f lunge , Doucb , Sbovror , Hot and Cold Baths. Com petent male and lemala nurses and attendant ! alwayi on hand , and the belt of rare and atten tion given patrons. Special attention given to bathing children. Investigation and patronage nllcltod. nllcltod.DR. . A. H. STUDLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment ol chronic diseases made a specialty. n aiTf ! TlTI fl REMOVED without the 11 A N I ! H ! K N drawing of blood or use of Un.ll U JjJ.Uk ) knife. Cures lung diseases , ANT > nTfTWT ? Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- wii P'aint ' , Dropsy , llheuma- > ai A n M T II M 0 R S " 9m , Fever and Mercur- I U 111 U H O lal fliro9i Hryslpelas , Salt Rheum , Scald Hold , Catarrh , weak. Inflamed and granulated Eyes , .Scrofulous Ulcura and Female - male Diseases of all kinds. Also Kidney and Venorlal diseases. Ilemorrhcida or Pilea cured money refunded , 'Ml dlseasea treated upon the principle of vceot- Urelorm , without the use of mercurial pols- tna or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished who desire them. Ilornla or Rupture radically cured by the use the Elastic belt Truss and Plaster , which has superior in the world. CONSULTATION FREE CALL ON OR ADDRES3 Drs , K , Bico and F. 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. DR. A. F. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street , Houje , 9 a , m. to i , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p , m. Kedldence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. STARR & BUHGH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING , PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININB AND BRAINM , Shop Oornor Broadway and Hoott 81 F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUHCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. 5 , Everett Block , Broadway - way , ovoi A. Louie'a Restaurant. J& . 3ES. 3 2QC 3E U ? SB ! O OCSca over Savings bank OOUNOIij BLUFFS , FEAL ESTATE. W. 0. Junta , in connection with hia bw and tollectlon buelneea buy a and aelli real estate. Perions wishing to buy or H city propert ) call tt bla office , over Buihnell'a book ( tore , Pearl EDWIH J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. ilCBroadway , Council Bluffa. IBS , B , J , HARDING , I , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGHST. } raduate ot Eloctropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , Fenna. Office Oor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseased and painful dlf- Icultles peculiar to females a specialty. d. G. TIPTON , Attorney Boesellor , * Office over Flret National Bank , Council Bluffs , owi. Will practice In the state and federal courta. courta.J.MU.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , 3onnoil Bluffs. - - Iowa ( W B. MAYES , Loans andKealEstate , Proprietor of abstract * of Fottawattamle county. Otlice corner of Broadway and Main stroote. Council Bluffa Iowa. P , J , JftOHTUOMEBY , M , ] ) „ FREE DISPKNBABY KVEBY SATUEDAT. OiUoein Everett's block , Pearl trect Real ] donee CIS fourth street. Office hour * from 9 to S a. m.i 2 to 1 and 8 p. m. Council liluffs FO . PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the postoffice. One of the oldest practitioner * In Council Bluffs. Batle- lafactlon miaranteed In HUGHES & TQWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fruits.Nuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blnifa 723 W. Broadway. LARSON f AHDERSOH , Proprietors , This laundry has Just been opened for litul * nets , and we are now prepared to do laindrr rork ot all kluja and guarantee uutlslactlon. A epoclalty made of Bna work , such as colUrs , tufla , flne tlilrta , etc. We want orerybotly to give iu a trial , t LARSON & ANDERSON , Tiioa. orric B. OFFICER & PUSEY Council Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1858 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and home itcurltlwi.l THIS OLD LOG CHUKCH. win , On olden wnllf , In memory V halls , * With rosei 'roiiml it clitiRing ; A picture me uf antique nir , The old \OK \ ohuruh is swln lD ? , Of llmb'cr rotiRli , nnd RiinrlcJ nml tough , It Mui'is iu rn tl < beauty ; A monument to oood ititcot And loynl , Christian duty. The foio < t trees , kissed liy Iho lircozs Of early nntunm weather , St.tnda grimly by , mid tetm ta sigh And bend their boughs togotlior. Down by the mill , an-1 tip the hll' ' , And through ( ho harol thicket , And o'er the mead hriiwn pathtvnya leid Up tu the nutic wlckot. And by tlicic wnyr , on holy ilayo , The vlllnga folun culln ted , And humbly heird the Sacred Word And wurehippod uualTected , Swfot fnnoy's ntt and poet's heart CAII too the old-time i > tet > chcr And vllinRo foyo now turn the pnge , Aa minltter or toucher. For in the church , with drende.l birch , On week drtj-s he proislded , In nwful mien , a tutor tut-n , 'Twixt ' IDIC nud licks dlvldocl. But when it stood , ia dappled wood , A city spiung to life , And jolly uolto of barefoot boya Ia lost in butiuesa rife , With years now llown , tho'chlldreu , Rrowu , Are launched on llfe' mad blllown , The pretty mntd U matron etnld , The master' nonth tha willows. Denver Tribune. WAKNAK THE ASSMBOINE , BY E1MVAUI ) 8. It is a longvoariaomo journny from Lake Athabasca , the inland saa , In the heart of the laud of ailonco and desolation , to Fort Garry , which I loft many months previous. The re turn journey ia nlwaya immeasurably longer to the traveler , and there wove terrible daya when it waa hard to believe - liovo wo were making any progrosa nt all. But the huntoro and trappora of the Hudson Bay company , during their ycara of training in the far north , become accustomed to every experience - once which can befall them. For daya and weeks he will push forward on hia anew shooo , never catching sight of a human being , uulosa it maybe bo the frowsy Blaokfoot or Aasinl- boino , whof.o wigwam bcsido the frozen stream aenda up the faint wreath of smoke , which tolla where the miserable family are shivering over the half- dying ombora within. Ho will burrow for months in aomo station or post on the ohorcu in Hud son bay , or along the margin of the Great Slave or the Great Boar , whoso northern arm touches the Arctic cir cle. There ho will bo content , with nothing to rojd , with no newa from the outer world , aoparatod perhaps by 1,000 miloa from hia family , until the day cornea for him to begin his al most interminable journey to the southward. There is but ono river which pours into the Arctic Ocean the mighty Mackenzie , through which the waters of Athabasca , Great Bear and Great Slave sweep into the frozen sea. Un der the appalling rigors of the polar climate scarcely' glimpse of the cur rent ia over soon. It stretches away to the northward , like a winding , ' tree less plain , and ia bridged from ono sea son to another by the crystalline bridge many feet in thickness. Mackenzie , Franklin , Bach , Richardson , Simpson , Rae and ether dauntless explorers trudged through those doaolato re gions , on their vain march to the polo. Perhaps when fighting their way against the fierce tempeat , and the blinding eddies of anew , they caught tight of a dim figure laboring resolute ly forward , heedless of the awful cold which shriveled up many aa if with intolerable heat. They know ho waa a Hudson Bay trapper , who u few months liter would bo hundreds of miles distant , atill pushing through the terrific tomptest in search of the jlossy furs which bring him but a few millings to send to hia family uorosa the ocean. On my return from Fort Ohippow- yim , on Lake Athabasca , I was accom- aanicd by an old Oanadiau trapper , Xiyior , with whom I had had many thrilling hunts. Wo doubled on our own trail , aa may bo said , for the entire distance to Fort Garry. From the western arm of the lake wo followed Athabasca river to the forks , where it makes an abrupt turn to the woat. Wo proceeded almost duo east along the Olearwater to Portage la Locho , , hon by Motby and Buffalo Lake to [ ale a la Orosse , where wo halted for aovoral daya. Then came n long and xhausting tramp , directly south , for moro than 2QO miles to Fort Oarloton , where wo wore in the country of the Blaokfoot , Then to the southeast , post the half-brood settlements on the Saskatchewan until wo struck the mountainous section north of Qa' Appello river , known aa Touchwood Hills. Wo had been woeka on the road , and when Xavier said wo were not much ba- yi.nd the half-way point a feeling of indescribable lonelinoEs came ever me , I began to doubt whether it was ever my fortune to step across tlio boundary line again. But Xavier was always in high spirits , and , as there waa plenty of timber and game , ho ar ranged for u camp of three or four daya. Wo were in the land of thn Aa- ainiboine , but ao long aa wo remained in British America wo were in no danger from any wandering bands of Indiana. When the fierce warrior pieses to the northward of the forty- ninth parallel ho washoa the hideous black paint from hta face , choilo his war panoply a ? though it weru an In convenient uluter and becomes simply a lazy vagrant. Even the tigrish Sit ting Bull ceuaea to dream of ecalpa , and amokea hia pipe and absorba hia firewater in front of hia wigwam 'liko hia brother red rnon so aoon M they equat under the flag of her majcaty the queen. Wo had passed several villages of Assinibonos , but na 1 vUitod a couple 011 my first journey ahrough the coun try there was nothing to draw either ot us aside. The lodges generally num ber from a dozen to twice that number bor , and are built beside aomo run ning stream , The eight of theea aboriginal structures , with the crossed tent poles protruding through the top , between which a thin , bluiah wreath of ainoko curls upward , and the canoes drawn up the bank , form ouo of the most plplur quot scones encountered in British America. Sometimes the small Indian dog were wen trotting about the lodges , nud wo occanionnlly observed n warrior moving alouchily between thoroldonco' , butthotquaws were scarcely ovtr visible. On the first nisht of our cnmp In the Touchwood Hills n MiiKuliu- inci dent took place. The totnporaturo WAS rather mild , aho motcitry ho voting near r.aro , und the snow , which Imd melted ooualdorably on the low lands , waa crisp nnd fully n foot drop nmong the hllh , Aa in the custom of tlio huntora , wo had cleared a burn apace fomo twenty feet tquaro , heaping up the anew around ua ao M to ward Ml' the wind. Plenty of fuel was gather ed with which to keep thn fire golnq , and the brnnohca of pinca were carefully - fully arranged nnar by for our bed , just aa wo dtd when approncHni } Fort Oliipoowyan , on the fchoro of Tnko Athabasca. Wo wPro thu comforta ble the night through , On the evening to which I refer wo had oatnn pur supper nnd nnt ( smok ing. Xivior nnd I naturally looked in each other's faces when talking , Now nnd then the smoke would par tially hide the wrinkled comitcimuca of my friend , but only for a few seconds ends , when ho would emerge to view like the ghostly figures which the ma gician summons forth with his wr.ud , I was Lzily pulling my uipo nnd look ing dreamily toward Xivior when I suddenly observed another figure , which noomod to mingle with hia until they were ono , when they sep arated again. Thoamoko cleared the next instant , nnd I waa not n little astonished to discover that n third party waa near us. A sinewy Ansinlboino had been attracted by the glnro of our camp fire , and stealing carefully forward , wna making a cautious survey before joining ua. Hia dusky face , with the Long black hair straggling around it , the fuathora sticking in eovctnl direc tions thorofrom , the heavy blanket gathered oloao about his cars , the brawny shoulders and the riflj were all in relief ngainat the atarlit sky beyond , nud formed n striking figure aa ho noiselessly rose from the mow , until ho waa clearly stamped wforo ua. Although outragca on the part of the nboriginea of British America are scarcely known , yet I was scared , aa I would 1mvo been had I known It to bo a white man. The surroundings were such as to throw suspicion nn any stranger approaching in that fashion. Xavier observed my startled look and wheeled like a oat. Ho and the Aaslniboino were within three yards ot each other , the Indian standing erect , the Caucasian crouching with Ills hand on hia knife ready to leap on the intruder should ho prove an en emy. The two remained absolutely motionless for a full half minute. Then the fire blazed out and the glare she < rod the face of the Aaniniboino moro distinctly. Suddenly the iron countenance noomod to light up from within and ho advanced , "How do , bruddor ? " ho naked In broken English , striding through the snow aud offering his hand to Xnvier , who uttered a joyous exclamation , caught the awarthy palm in his own , md qhook it with moro cordiality than [ over saw him show anyone. ' 'It is Warnak , as I livo. I never expected to BOO you again ! I thought you wore hundreds of miles away. " "Warunk lived on Saskatchewan moved wigwam. " "If I had known it I would have 3aon down in the village after yon. Sow are you , old boy } Shako once moro. " While Xavicr gripped ono hand of ; ho red man nnd shook it again and again , ho slapped him on the back with the other , and pulled him around and to and fro , just as sorno civilizad jooplo do when delighted to moot. I : ould not but laugh at the exhibition , 'or th Indian grinned so axpanaivoly that nis handsome white teeth were soon , and tnoro could bo no miatako aa to his pleasure in mooting the wliito man. I waa introduced to him In characteristic fashion , and ho aat down , lit hia pipe , gathered his blan- tot about him and smoked. For con venience , Xivior then hold n conver sation aomo fifteen minutes in length , n the native touguo of tlio Assini- boino , during which I silently araokod and watched them. Thou Xavier turned toward mo : "Warnak tolls mo ho lives in the [ ndian village wo saw some miles to : ho westward , His wife and children are well , and ho made the jonrnry to our camp on purpose to moot me. " "I BOO you are old friends. " "So wo are , ao wo are ; nnd I s'poao t'a because men who have fought oomo to love the moat afterwards that Warnak nnd I think BO much of each othor. " "You have boon enemies then ? " "I should aay so ! I onoo spent two ? cara in the service of the Northwest tur company , moat uf which I put iu along thoatrema and mountains of Oro- { onwhtrii Uiotitnes were lively. While 1 wni luiiii iv ; polcrios the Noz Poroes md I'VitMc.ids were hunting mo , and t waa hard to keep up both ends of : ho log. I had eomo of the roughest Ights a man can pana through und ivo , and ynt I waa never put in such a doporato fix as that same grinning Warnak put mo ton years ago , on the north branch of the Saskatchewan. " "I auppoaod that all Indiana north of the United States were friendly , and that the Hudson bay employe , en- jocially , had nothing to fear from the rodakina of British America. " "Such Dubatantially ia the feet , but wrangles may occur in London or Now York , and this difiicuHyJsctween War- uack and mo was not a race one ; it wau purely personal , nnd hud ho been a Malay , or CUiicasiiin Hko rnyuwlf , it would have Ukeu place all the enmo , "It wna just after my disgusted re turn from Oregon that I wont to York factory , on Hudson bay , to meet Mr , Minturn , ono of the faotora of the company , fie flont mo nnd McDn- aid , e , Scotchman , to make nn exami nation of the forests north of the up per branch of the Saskatchewan. The supply of peltry from that aectiun waa uiiBatiafactory for two ycora , and the company Wished to know whether there bad boon , what aomotiniBsocoura , a migration of giino , or whether it waa the fault of the hunteni who operated through that region. "McDonald was an old employe ol the company , who had been in Orcgoi long Ungava bay , and had set his trapa on the headwaters of the Mac- konzlu. Ho waa a aix-footor , five years younger than I , brawny , muscu lar and powerful , and I remtmbe THE OTTAWA GYLI R CORN SHELLEi ? tiNT CO. , tiKNI'ltAli ' AUttN'IVS , UOUNOIlj ItLUIWwS , IOWA rhnt a fooling of cucnrily came ovir 110 when wo pulled ott our over slioon nd hondod townrd the Bouthwcut , to hink I had such u strong arm to loan on. on."All wont wnll nnough until wo cached the Sukntohotvnn , when roublo came. McDonald complained hat something was the matter with lira , When wo left York Factory ho md queer ringing pimia in hia hoixt ) . lo thought nothing c f it imd believed .hoy would wonr oil' in n short time. So they did , but soon returned nnd ; row worse nml worao , until when the Saskatchewan wau ronchod ha could > oiir up no longer. Ho fought bravely , > ut throw himself on the ground aud aid ho must soon die or uot well , and 10 cared very liltlo which. You see , 10 hold out BO long that when the col- apse canio it was oomploto. "I ohoorod htm all I could , and old him ho would never pick up tin- cea ho showed muro pluck , but there ras no denying ho waa a very sick man. When I noticed for the first Imo hia face I womlorcd that I had , won BO blind. It lonkod Hko death tsolf. There was not much anew on he ground , and I built him a house where 1 waa nblo to uao the rooks for walls and pine bongha for the roof. 'lion I made him a bed the best I ould , and that waa about all I could o for him. "You cau understand what a fright- ul situation wo wo were in. MoDou- Id waa nick unto death and no phy- iclan could bo obtained. The nearest van hundreds of miles away ; no num ould tumpt ouo to vinit n patient on iio north branch of the Saskatchewan , nd McDonald waotoo ill tffbo moved , o I made him as comfortable as pon- iblo , kept my tire going , and cooked lim the choicest partis of the bulTitloea nd birds that could bo obtained. "Tho poor follow didn't BCOIII to ; ot any worse , nor could 1 aoo that ho mproved. It might bo. onoouraginfj 0 find that ho waa able to hold hia wn for a time , but ho must do more han that if ho waa to livo. "On the third day I atartod out to lunt , Mac saying I needn't hurry back , a ho had no appetite and ho did net cod mo. The day was pretty well long when I atartod , but it waa my ) urpooo to return by sundown , for I enow the poor follow would bo lonely and lowly spirited in the dark. It waa necessary , howovov , that I should irocuro aomo game , for there waa not 1 particle in camp. "Although I did my boat , It waa not until the attornooo waa'half gone that ' . got a chance to draw bead on aomo- hing. I waa growing impatient , when . ' came out of the wooda and up- iroachod a ridge , on the top of which vaa a big bull buffalo browsing , There waa no snow there , but plenty f short , rich grass , of which the ani mal is very fond. It was a littld curi- UB that the bull waa alone , but moro Iran likely his companions were not ar off. However , no ouo could want a otter shot and I pulled the trigger , uat as ho moved ono foot forward , 0 us 'o open the way to hia heart. "I recollect that ut the moment I rod I hoard aomothing like the echo f my own riilo , but I though nothing f it and walked forward to claim my irizo , who did not run a dcujn yardu jeforo ho fell d.oad. The uhot waa BO atal that the wonder was ho had been bio to move at all after receiving the wound. "Throwing down my Run , I drew my hunting knife and waa going to work , when I discovered , much to my .mazoment . , that aomo ono had fired , t the uiimo instant ua I did and wounded the buffalo in precisely the amo manner on the ether sido. My ustoniahinont was the greater that ho lid not drop dead at once as if struck iy lightning. "I felt that whoever the ether nun- or waa , ho had aa much claim to the uamo aa I had , but inasmuch aa I waa working for a aiok man , I meant to mvo the most aoloot portions , About ho titno I reached that decision , War- ak appeared from the ether aide the idgo nnd notified mo that ho had aomo ighta I waa bound to roapoct , I was > ut of humor on account of my delay n getting something for poor Mao , and 1 answered in Biioh insulting fashion hat ho drew hia hunting cnifo and proceeded to _ goer or ina , I waa agreeable and like wise wont for him. It was the fiorceht ight I over got into , and it didn't eke mo long to find that Wurnak waa i warrior of tromondoaa energy and kill. Wo fought like grizzlies until got him down , but aomolwf or ithor I felt euoh respect for hia brav- ry that I lot him up , and wo wont ut t again. Five minute1 * after my foot lipped , and , before I could recover , ID forced mo back , plauod hia knco upon my chest and grabbed my hair. ! felt the cold edge of thn atuel and hut my oyoa , certain that it would bo Ul over in a miuuta , 'But Waruak returned the favor I showed him n short tiino before and allowed mo to risn. Aa I did so , ho otTorod Ilia hand nnd I nhook it warm , y , you way bo surO ) for I liked him , [ then explained to him aa bist I could about my eiok friend , llo help ed mo dreaa the buffalo , and went to _ amp with mo. Ho teemed to kno v at a glance what waa the matter with poor Mac , and not about preparing aomo scalding bitter tea which ho poured down hia throat. From that moment the follow began to mend , and iu loan than a week was aa Well aa over. Warnak's delight wua no great er than ours ; and you can understand why I hold the Assiniboino as ono of the best nnd bravest of men , " So , 519 South Iain Street , COUNTS , BLD6FS , IOWA , I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. GOUNGiL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , Re-Sawing , Planing and Matoliing , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hatliaway , Manager , Council Blnffs , Ia , Mnchtnory will bo rim exclusively for custom work on Thursday nnd Friday o each week , Orders solicited and nathtnction Runrnntoad. ( SuccQssors to J. W. Rodofer ) WHOLESALE -A&D RETAIL DEALERS EN LACKAflffli , Lfflffl , BLOSSBURG ANDALL ; .80 . CONHELLSViLLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffa. I'ETKR THOLL. HERMAN KRAOHT. THOLL & KRACHT , GROCERIES 'AND PROVISIONS. Oor. Main Street and 7th Avenue. Fine Grocerlc , Teal , Eta. , a Spcc'altv. ' Highest prlcra paid for country produce. Now uulldlng. new goods , low prices. Wo will not bo undersold , Call and examine our stock , delivered , P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNB COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , ' CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Beat of Brooum i onatantly on Hand. The Highest Murktit Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley _ : BROOM : : : Parties Wlehlug to Sail Broom Ooru.Will Please Bend Sample. oo. TIIK LEADING DKALEU IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. LOUIS HOUSE. Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLl'H DOKUFLINGKU , Pronrietor. Choice Wines and Clgara. Oyutora iu Kvory Style , 709 Lnwnr Brondwny. flounoil Bluffa Iowa. DUQUETTE , GUI BEET & CO. , ( Succoworu to iitll : & lesale Fillers TO and 18 Pt-arl-st. foimcil Bluffs , Ta. D. M. CONNKLL , Funeral Director and Undertaker. No , 17 , North Main Stroot. Oounoil Ctll J promptly amwerca at all hours , nlsbt or day. Newhenrso and London carriages dlrwt Irom thu ( nctory ar i run In connection therewith. _ UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT STREET. THE BEST BREAD II THE CITY. None but firB cksa Baken amployod. Breail , Oako , Tloa Ac. , delivered to any part of he city. Out Wagons ran all clay. , / ' " r-t- r- P > AYRE8 , Proprietor ,