THE DAILY JBEE : SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18 The Omaha Bee. PnblWiod every morning , except Son ny , The only Monday morning daily. TERMS BY MAIL- One YcftT.10 09 I Throe Months. $3.00 SlxMonths. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00 HE WEEKLY BEE , publUhod every TBRMS POST PAID- Ono fear . $2.00 I Three Months. CO SlxMonths. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . 20 AUF.MOAN NKWS COMPANY , Solo Agents tor New dealer In the United States. CORRESPONDENCE All Common- ! cations relating to News and Editorial matter * nhimld bo addrccecd to the Kutroit or Tins UKK. UUSINESS LKTrEIlS All Undoes Letter * nnd Ilcmittance * nhould be rd rlresped to Ttir. HEK I'cnMHiiiNo COMPANY OMAHA. DrafU , Check * and Postoflico Order * to be made payable to the order of the Co-upany , The BEE PUBLISmij 00 , .Props . , B. HO3EWATEK , IN a short time congress will have an opportunity to show whether it is equal to the emergency. There ia chance for tolling work in the coming session , and it is essential that the majority should improve it , TUB cabin enterprise to which Air. Jamoa Gordon Bennett han made his generous subscription is backed by Mr. Garrett , of the Baltimore & Ohio rail road , mid a few ether well known cap tri t i italists. The now cable will bo built i t/ for cwh nnd will cost , when com r pleted about $2,200,000. It will un- ; doubtcdly provo n formidable rival to the lines now In operation , and which have boon built on the watered ntock plan pursued in the building of rail roads in this country. The result will bo that the cost of cable dispatches will bo reduced all around , that is if the hizh priced cables intend to keep up with their now more cheaply con structed competitor. This the prcaont monopoly must do orgivoupbusinoea. The now cable will bo used in connec tion with the Baltimore & Ohio rail road telegraphic nyatcm , and when completed will oaro money to the wtatorn press. IT is understood that the United States grand jury now in cession will investigate the frauds committed dur ing the late election in this ttato. The national election laws gtvo thorn that authority and impose acvoro penalties upon thbso who in any way deprive 'oliJctoraof nu honest volco in thogov- orY.inent. IJst the investigation bo a BoaTohing ono , Them in room for it right IUTO in Onuha in the Third ward. "Thoro ia \ \ aUU larger field in the district where the most fraudo were committed "to Bosure the olor.tion of E , K. Valcn tino. The compoaitiou of the present grand jary is auoh that wo do not bo- llavn it can bo .frightened from doing its fall duty in the prominps. Let it eearoh the maltcrVithout fear or fa vor. There scorns to bo some pros- euro to induce the jury to look into the question of alleged crpitcodaesi in thy nutter of United SUioa Burvojiug oontraoti. if there la any good reason to bclievo that frauds have been committed in tlua department of the publio eorv ice by which the ( government has boon Dwindled , the matter ought to bo probed to the bottom. There oughl to bo no suspicion , however , that the investigation has boon-orlginatod or is to bo conducted for malicious or par tisan purposes. Bat if the jury believes - lioves that a crime has boon com mit ted against the national treasury , it much eearob the business , no matter - tor whom the investigation hits or whom it may compromise. Oar grand juries have boon too much like automatons in the past , It looks now as if wo have scoured ono that moann SHIP , The , rnpublicau party at the late olro'hua were only trimming ship. The result ahowa that when the body politio vrant to shift from side to side as tlui condition of the country BOOBW to doiuand , the operation ia an easy ono. For several yonrtt parties have bcoti oo evenly divided that u very email chailgo going through a number of utatLo would work great results , In Ohio the round number of the votes east ia 60,000. Thu majority given for either party has uoldom exceeded five per cent of the whole number cast and has been aa low as ono per cent. In < diatm has boon oven moro closely divided. Oongrpeuional district ! throughout the union are often held by the tame tenure. A change o1 five per cent would at any time take fifty members from one party am give thorn to the other , In the lati elections the gains \Uiila tint in volving'a ctungo of a vor ; larga number of votea give tin house to the democrats by i Bufiloieut majority. The ruadlneu c thp body politic to shift from cue bid to the other , afiorda a jnear.uro of safe ty , When the people * want to tj-jn atrip they can do ao with llttlo dia'iir baiifo. Two , three , or five voters g < over to the ether eido and the work i done , There ia uo question that th masa has not changed its party rola tioii , ? ' iy of its members umy sym pathizu h these who have , but th majority " .ly dpeiroto trim the ehip In the lau lection it way ever bal Ustcd with the weight of bowee , am the party threw them overboard Kapubliecus awlstcd democrats , bu they ' have iioi become demoorati They have only been trimming chip. f ' i OTH K I.ANDS THAN OUH.S , The question of cloture havirg bst n practically decided , ditcussion in parliament during the week has been devoted to the minor details of the measure , In which the premier has shown a disposition to make all reasonable concessions to the opposi tion. Mr. Gladstone han eo far suc ceeded in steering clear of any dis cussion of the Egyptian policy nf the government , and Lord Dufferin has been permitted to continue his negoti ations , which , it is generally believed , will take away from the unspeakable Turks all but the scmblanco of author ity in the land of the Pharohs. On Monday Mr. Gladstone mot the talk about the "Irooty of Kilinainham" with a flat denial and a challenge to the tories to Investigate the nubjoct if they eo desired. The latter promptly accepted the challenge and an inquiry which will bring out all the facts is probable. As Parnell denies that there waa ever an understanding look ing to a settlement of the difficulty between the loaders of the Land Leaguu andtho , English ministry , the work of Lord Randolph Churchill and his committee is likely to make no now developments on the subject. The French socialistic agitation utlll continues. In Paris it is largely duo to the "no rent" crusade , which has boon preached among the poorer class. Bents in Paris are very high. They are collected quarterly , and in the poorer parts of the city landlords are very exacting , the non-payment of rent being as a rule quickly followed by distress and eviction. The feeling against landlords are very atrong at all times , and it is further stimulated just now by the agitation atMontcean- lea-Mines. The placards which ap peared ono day were printed on rod paper and were headed : "By the ex ecutive committee of the defenders of the people. " The details 'for of- factually setting a hquso on fire were given with diabolical minuteness. The houses in the meaner quarters are not built of brick , stone and Iron , aa maybe bo supposed , but are mostly of lath and plaster on a slim foundation of brick , though many of them are six or seven stories high. They are usu ally provided with only narrow wind ing stair cases , which is invariably of wood. It is plain that a quart of koroftcno or a handful of sulphur or gunpowder , with a match , would sot the vrholo frablo Instantly in a blazo. The placard bore internal ovldonco of being the work of comparatively well- educated men. The police , of course , toro them down as coon as they dis covered thorn. Several hundreds were found in different parts of this city. The sultan of Turkey has taken the bull by the horns. For a number of years the' Mohammedan world , has boon agitating itself on account of a prediction , In some sacred writing or other , , that a now prophet would ap pear in the 1300th year of the estab lishment of Islam , under whoso pow erful influence the Mohammedan faith would bo revived to now spiritual energy and temporal triumph. By some legerdemain of chronology , this 1300th year has boon made to fall upon 1882 , though this is neither the anniversary of Mohammed's birth , about 570 ; his firot revelation , about CIO ; the hegira , in G22 , nor any laior historical event in the calendar of Is lam , A prophecy brings ita own ful fillment , and , sinoo the first of the year , Messiahs have sprung up like mushrooms in all parts of the Moham medan world. The falsa prophet t of the Soudan , who has boon ravag ing In the neighborhood of Upper Egypt and lately threatened Khar toum with his man-eating hordes , parsoualcd the now Messiah and gained a largo following. Another laloo prophet in Porsu has caused the rulers of that country much trouble and the Ottoman sultan much anxiety lest the contagion of his influence should ( spread to Turkish dominions. This follow has apparently been sup pressed. It is not exactly clear whether any pretender to the dignity of Mcsiiah has actually appeared in Arabia , but there has been ( treat men tal and religious ferment , especially in the neighborhood of the holy ohioa. And now the commander of the Faith ful through hia faithful religious futiO' tlouurJeB has Bottled the question ol the identity of the now Mohammed an Messiah by announcing himself at the long expected prophot. It rctnalnt to bo seen whether the Moslem world will accept his protonnlons , If Norway ultimately succeed ! ! it scouring her indtpandenca from Sweden don It will bo largely duotoUjornson the poetical Scandinavian , who hai undertaken to sot up n republic , idLe who hw almost brought King Oicar l Lo < his knees. Prior to the elections in Norway the revolutionists publishoi it { .broad that the king's long con thmod controversy with the parlia muut regarding hia veto power meam nothing less than this , that ho pro poses ultimately to march the SwodUl tray into Norway and abolish lie 10a Norwegian constitution. To contra diet this campaign thunder the kin ] a- aIB took pains to make the journey to - Christiana , where he succeeded in itid getting many expressions of continue Bd ) idd. loyalty. But those who are set in . d.ut indopoudouco are likely to secure i 8. sooner or later , tlnce the king can pu only a qualified negative un Norwcgiai legislation , and cannot peaceably en ter Norway with Swedish troops. The elections emphatically reasserted the Norwegian doctrine laid down by Bjornfton , and concessions on the part of King Otcir ate confidently ex- peclod. _ In time of peace the Italian nation in preparing for war to a considerable extent. Thus , an English ship build ing firm has just boon given a contract for ton torpedo vessels , to bo con structed after the most perfect model knoTii. When they are done ton moro just like them will bo made in Italy , and four others having' some experimental features uro also to bo constructed the whole twenty-four within a few months. Thcao vessels nre to have a speed of twenty-one miles an hour , which is ahead of any thing of the kind now afloat. In or der to secure rapid notk in its arsenals the governmoat has recently adopted the contract system , and thereby has not only gained time but saved monoy. By the end of next year thrco or four first-clans iron-clada , now on the works , will have been finished. On ono of them 1,200 men nro at work. Two moro ships and novoral torpedo boats are now in progress In private yards. Altogether tbceo various arm- amenta will coat $13,000,000 to $15- 000,000. The French government ia getting compliment all around for the firm ness which it displayed on the occasion of the socialistic demonstrations at Monteau-los-Mincs. The local author ities , irresolute , or rather frightened half out oi their wits , permitted the rioters to smash crosses and to sack churches to their hearts' content. The central government , at last forced to Interfere , arrested twenty-three persons , and then punished them. This self-assertion was altogether ex traordinary and unexpected. Later , inasmuch as there were signs of now outbreaks , several battalions of infan try and some squadrons of , cavalry were quartered in the neighborhood. The mcdorato republican journals generally express approval of the course of the government , but the Ir reconcilable radicals , of course , make wry faces. The quarrel between Stanley and de Brazza does not appear to have had any untoward influence on the French colonization fovor. The French ex plorer professes to have concluded with an African prlnco a treaty , which ncods only the ratification of the French government , to annex to the domain of Franco a largo block of Af rican territory. Stanley claims that do Brazz * has received no grant of land , but only authority to build a railway. Bo that as it- may , it is reported ported that French engineers are about to begin the construction of a railway between the Senegal nnd the Niger , nnder the protection of a small army of cavalry and the moral support of a conplo of forts to bo erected. Thin is a now direction for French ag gression in Africa , and rather moro laudable than an invasion of Tunis. Thorr is renewed discussion in Aus tralia concerning the project of a federal oral Union batwoon the diflorout cole nlos. There are now five colonies , and from present appearances this likely to increase. ' The governments of the different colonies are quite dissimilar , and do not as nearly resemble each ether as do the governments of the dilferent states in this union. It is hold that the establishment of a federal union would result in awakening a common interest among people who are now widely separated , would put down the spirit of rivalry that now exists , and build up a sort of national sentiment It is believed by all that the establishment mont of n union would result in lee soiling the expenses of protection give the people much bettor pnatn facilities , increase tbo commerce o the country , and cnuse tin building of moro railroads and the consolidation of the lines that now exist , The present railways are constructed on different gauges , and it is considered very desirable to have all the tracks conform to a com mon standard. laws applicable to the entire territory of the island In regard to stopping the spread of nox ious weeds , which multiply very fast , and in relation to live stock interests , are also greatly needed , The princi pal thing that stands in the way of the proposed confederation is the tar iff question , The schema of the fed eration was first started In the colony of Victoria , and at last accounts a motion was being debated in its legis lature to invlto a conference of all the colonlcb to meet at Melbourne to con- older the propriety of taking the necessary stops to establish a federal union. There Is llttlo doubt that the - motion will pass and that the confer - ence will moot. The liquor laws in Norway are - somewhat restrictive , and sometimes give trouble to travelers who are not prepared for them. The license to soil wine and beer is distinct from the license to soil spirits. All the hotels have the former , but very few of them have the latter , even in the largest towns , The consequence is that the traveler has no difficulty in procuring it beer or wlno at any time , but if he should ask for cognac , ho must wait till it is procured for him from a house or shop which haa the spirit license. No spirit is sold anywhere , not oven in the licenced houses , between 5 o'clock on Saturday night and 8 o'clock on Monday morning. This system loads to a great deal of dodg ing and trickery. Knowing the diffi culty of procuring spirits at hotels , the traveler supplies himself at the larger towns , and carries brandy or whisky with him in his valiso. Should ho , unfortunately , run short , lie will have little difficulty in getting n hot- tlo of cognac or of Irish whisky from the landlord , nnd will find it entered in hia bill as "old shotry. " The Lon don Times thus comments upon this system : "This is how ovor-strist laws defeat their object. They do not prevent drinking , and in the case of Norway they have not put down drunkenness , whllo they tempt honest men to risk their credit in devices which can hardly fail to have n de moralizing effect. " The foreign mails contain the de tails of the recent treaty made between - twoon Franco and the late Bey of Tunis. Under his provisions France undertakes to effect the redemption of the Tunisian debt , which amounts to $20,000,000. She also stipulates for the right of abolishing the finan cial commission , of establishing a ribunalof justice , of reorganizing the idministration of publio property , and if collecting the taxes. The treaty , lesidos , provides a civil list of $ UO- 100 a year for the Bey ( which ho haslet lot lived to enjoy ) and future allow- iuces for the princess to the amount i $200,000. The treaty , as the Lon- Ion Standard observes , "constitutes lot a simple protectorate , but a kind if diplomatic annexation , which for franco has the advantage of not ( addling her with the burden involved annexation. " Mn. CLEVELAND may consider him- ; elf the coming man in the presiden- al contest , but there is plenty of ividenco that older democrats have no otion of abandoning the field. A majority of 200,000 Is a big thing , but t cannot extinguish the fires"of arnbl ion which have long burned in Bour- > on breasts. Col Hondnmon on the Election- pccUl to tbo OJobe-Dcmocrat. DunuQUE , Ia. , November 14. Ool. , B. Henderson , the newly elected member for this district and secretary if the national republican congresaion- ,1 , campaign committee , arrived homo his morning , looking robust and icarty after his arduous and unre mitting labor of the past six months. Ho was interviewed by our correspondent as to the cause > f the late republican defeat , and in ogard to the latter , ho said it was argoly due to the party allowing side issues , like the liquor question , to creep into importance , and quarrels .mong.tho . loaders. The stay-at-home ote was remarkably large'in Ohio , 0,000 republicans refraining from otiug. A similar number had ab- entod themselves from the polls in Pennsylvania , and he estimated the otal non-voting republicans in the : ountry at 1,500,000. In regard to political assessments , o says that the report that any woman or boy or needy government impUyo was assessed is untrue. By , n inadvertence on the part of an ililoor of the house , circulars found heir way into the hands of pages , but as soon as this became known the clr- ulara were immediately withdrawn. Circulars were sent to postmasters , but when the committee was informed hat a postmistress had received ono she was instantly notified that no ' money was HXrKOTKD FKOM HEB. The report that women teachers in the Carlisle Indian school had been as sessed was baseless. The committee never had the name of oven one pi these ladies on the list. Not ono in thrco of the clerks in the dopartmenl had paid , and the total amount ol money received from all the govern- mant employes in the United States had not aggregated $10,000. The em ployed of the government had fre quently called upon him to say they could not afford to pay , and In al such cases ho invariably and explicitly stated that if any man , by contrib utiug to the fund would thereby stinl his family , lie was not only no doing his duty to the latter bui was a scoundrel into the bargains. In a multitude of cases ho had replied to parties who felt themselves unable to pay , that no money was expected or would bo received from them. Uo had received many letters stating that if ho could sccuro the writer a place in government employ in Washin toi : they would contribute to the func $250 , His answer was that neither ho nor the committee were doing a brokerage orago business. No man had ever been reported for refuting or neglect ing to pay , and the colonel most em phatically stated that although ho was in a position to know , ho could no possibly tell who had or who HAD NOT ; PAID , There were generous men , who , i called on for contributions , would give i or D per cent of their salary and the committee did not want tn take to < much from this claw. It had fixed upon 2 per cunt as u gaugo. Tbo re quest for this amount vrns not in th form of R , command. Voluntary con tributioaa only were expected. No cases of hardship growing out of as sessments had been reported , am clerks who had paid , and who received ceived from $1,600 to | fi,000 per yea for six hours' work per day , could af ford to do so , The colonel did not consider th work of the committee to be an worse than the work of the democrat in Ohio and Dalowaro. In the forme state they had raised $320,000 b assessing sxloon-keepora and 935 , 00 < by assessing breweries and distilleries nnd in vtho latter Rtato every demo nratlo cnlsial , from roadmaster to th highest atato oftioera , was assessed , your old things look lik new by using the Diamond Dyes , au < you will be happy. Any ef the fash tenable colors for 10 cents , THRUST FROM HOME- An Ayod Parent , After Dividing Wealth , Turned Out of Doors. [ XcUlto the l'hlKde1ha ! TrtM. AKUOX , 0. , November 12 An old cntloman named lienry Harbeck , vho is incap citated from work , hav- ng bacn broken down by his severe aborn in p st years , and who has a amily of well-to-do sons and daugh- ore , made so by his own hard labor nd frugality , waa thrust out of homo few nights ugo becauao ho could no onpor bring anything into the house- told to ndd to the luxury : his children , Several jmra go Mr. Hnrbeck divided his iroperty among his childtou. After ley thrust him from his hoaso ho was Ivon shelter by n colored family living ti the vicinity of hia homo , and who were once his servants. The colored eople , however , apon crow tired of upporting and taking charge of the Id man , and laat night they requested luj to leave their humble nomo. Ir. Harbock tottered from the place nd wandered helplessly about the Toots , At about 11 o'clock ho wan ound by two gentlemen , who led him o the t'city prison , whore ho was laced in care of the police lioutonant. 'he Humane cocioty will investigate lie case. A TRIPLE WEDDING. bree Ststora Married to the Hus bands of Their Choice at the Same Timo. pccltl to the CUcnxi Tribune. CINCINNATI , November 15. A dis- atch from Butler , Ky. . which is ituated on the Kentucky Central rail- oad , between this city and Lexing on , says that a triple wadding ou- urrcd there to-day , the thrco brides oing sisters. The dispatch continues s follows : About a week ago 100 in- itations were issued for the mar ges , which was solemnized at the esidonco of the brides' parents , about wo miles from this place. The young adioa are all blondes , tall , handsome , nd fair complexioned , ranging from 8 to 25 years of ige , and are the only hlldron of their parents. The wrlora in which they were mar- ied were beautifully festooned with evergreens , with a largo mar- iago-bell hanging over the center oor , through which the couples on- ored. At 11 o'clock they advanced o the middlo.of . thoao parlors and ormod a circle around the Rov. W. I. Van Hook , of the Christian hurch , who , in the short and beauti- ul service of that denomination , pro nounced them men and wives , nnd "liss Hattie W. Phillips became Ira. John H. Thomas , and Miss Lucy J. Phillips becams Mrs. H. Alvin Bradford , and Mia ? Cecilia Philips ba- amo Mra. William N. Piercy. There were no'attendants. The brides were 11 three dressed in traveling COB- umes of black casaitnerc , with gold rnaments. The grooms were in the black. An elegant ro- option followed the marriages , nnd o-morrow morning the happy couples eave on the 10 o'clock Kentucky Central train for a brief bridal trip. L number of distinguished ladies and ; ontlemen from a distance graced the ccasion with their presence. Thnrlow Weed' * Birthday lew York Dl-patch to The Chicago Tilbuae. Thnrlow Weed awoke in a contcm- ilativb mood Wednesday. It was his ighty-fifth birthday. Dr. Obadbourno lad decided that Mr. Weed should BOOne no visitors , but the family kept the "ay as has been cnstomany , holding grand reception , at which there many friends were made heartily wel- ome. There was a continuous stream if callers from early morning until , ftor 11 o'clock at night. Everybody irought flowers and many added other > oautiful gifts. Mr. Weed had every > ouquet brought to him with the mes- ago of the giver. Mr. Weed would pass his hands'over the bouquet and end back some cheerful answer to ho kind message of congratulation. When Charles O'Conor caltod ho did not expect to BOO Mr. Weed , but he cnt for him to coma to his bcdsido , ssying : "Toll O'Oonor that I AM BLIND , nd can't see him , but 1 want to take hold of his hand. " Mr. O'Oonor wont to the bedside and shook hands with Mr. Weed , and said a few words of pleasant and cheerful congratula ; ioH. General James Watson Webb and Mrs. Webb were also permitted ; o see Mr. Wood and talk with him or a few moments. Mrs. Jos. Bowen and Mrs. Henry 8. Sanford were the only other pnrHona permitted to see lira. Mrs. Dix brought a beautiful present of flowers. Mrs. Wil liam F. Havemeyer , in addi tion to a beautiful bouquet of flowers , brought a very el egantly illustrated and exquisitely bound copy of the hymn entitled , 'Nearer , My God , to Theo. " Contrary - trary to expectation , thn excitement eoomed to benefit Mr. Wood instead of proving injurious to him. U < took moro nourishment than ha had for any day for six weeks , and ate Ills [ oed with a keener roll h To-nipht lie waa o\\m \ , and suff d no pain. He fell asleep without > Ida ; any ano dyne , and both Dr. Oh db "irno anc the family were enooi ftg d by the prospect of-Mr. Weod't p Jiing an ox- ccllent night. * # * "Men are but > orry witnesses in thpir own cause. " The pruiso of Kid ney-Wort comes from the mouths ol those who have been made strong am : healthy by it. Listen ; "It is curing everybody , " v-rites a druggist. ' 'Kid ney-Wort is the mobt popular medicine cine wo roll. " It should bo by right for no other medicine IISA such specific action ou the liver , bowels and kid neys. neys.I PERMANENTCURED I CONSTIPATION. 'Jo otirr di ac ia to rroTOlunt in Uili * ixutry na Coirtlp-iUan , nud uo rf mod ? - > evrr < quail d tlio celebrated JaiJNEV "HvO3T as a o iro.VU tevcr the oaxitr ' .I . ' vravcr olatinMo Uio cu. , Uil rcmod J Ul overooms it. "I KS33 Kt& THIS dl trc lcc com = \ ti a&nLUw * plciat Is rory epUo Ix v.lta csattiratlou. Kidney 1 i 3tf H3ftl-eU tllOVC 4K0UCd lWrt4 ttO „ . .ivcurca all kiud4 of Plica CTeanbo j , . Tina aad -MU.or * havobcforo&U U t "i you hata cither of theMtrouU' ' a tnt ! package of "BLACK-PR AUGHT. " " tr * t\i charge. COFFEE AND SPIGE MILLS. Boasters and Qrindors of Ooffofs and Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER I Clark's Double Extracts of BLUEING , INKS , ETC. H. Q. CLARK & CO. , Proprietors , 1403 Douglas Street. Omaha , Neb. JCsiJESIlES. , fM&ZIESiD § 1108 and 1110 Homey f t. , OMAHA , NSB. .SPECIAL . NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. < rri WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR It is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kiti'd. Ono pound is equal ! o three pounda of earn. ( Stock fed with Ground Oil Chko in the fall and win- .or . , in a toad of running down , will incrcano in weight and bo in good market- oblo condition in the Bpring. Dairymen as well as othorn who una it can tea- ify to its merits. Try it and judge for yournolves. Price § 25.00 per ton ; no charge for Backs. Address o4-eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. L. C. HUNT1NG1W & SON , DEALERS IN HIDES , FURS , WOOL. PELTS & TALLOW 204 tforth Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , NEB. . t- f" 1005 Farnam St. , Omaha. Helliuan < fc Co. . WHOLESALE 1301 and 1803 Farnam St. Cor. 13th OMAHA , NEB. HIMEBATJGH. MERRIAM & CO , , Proprietors , Wholesale Dealers in Mills Supplied With Choice Varieties of Milling Wliaat * Western Trada [ Supplied with Oats and Corn at Lowest Quotations , with prompt shipments. Write for prices. * PLAINING MILLS. MANUFAOTUKKUB OP Carpenter's Materials , ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. First-class tacilltieo for the Manufacture of all kinds of Mouldings , Plaining and niching a Socially. Order * from the coiutry will lie i > rorantlv pxcouted , , ddrcKsull communications A. MOVKU , I'rofirlator. ESTABLISHED IW 1808. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , HIDES , TALLOW , GREASE , PELTS * VETO ox. 201 North 16th St. , Masonic Block. Main House , 40 , 48 and 52 born avenue , Chicago. Uofor by permiasion to Qido and. Leather National Bank , Chicago ,