THE DAILY BEE OMAHA. FEiDAY NOVEMBER 1 ? , . , , Fhe Daily Bee. OMAHA. "Friday Morninf , Nov. 17. Wenthor HoporU t i'ho i olio winR observation are tnlton i ttn1 * amo moment of time at all the statioi WAB DKTAnTMKST , U. 8. SIOHALSKH. VISK , OMAHA , Nov. 10 , 1882. ( l-.45p.rn. tit ea I Denver. . , . 31 CO K > NK Krwh Cloudy Cheyenne. 30-17 23 NK f'roh 1 tSnow \ Wa/ihakle. . 3MJ ra , SE Mclit 31 car PUtte. . . w 41 N car Jf Omaha . . , 2 30 31 N 0 ondr 7 nkton. . 2 ! ) 43 31 N P b Fair Dai Molnev. TO 10 IhRtorr Dirrnport. . TO 10 47 SW Frch Itlttln Bt. Paul. . . . JOBS It N ilik Cloudy 30 18 4S H n h Lt iln 2 < J 44 81 | M' 1'irjft loudy Vincent . . . Bkmurck , . . 3062 nTt Kre li Baford . . . . . . . 30 47 81 NW Uht Clou y Ouster. TO 7 SO 8 Krwh 30 4 ! ) 22 K Froh lAtno * Autinabolno. 3107 38 8\V Itrl-k Clear Klrrr E feet 0 Inches above low rater mark I 0"i h , 1 feet 10 Inches al Yankton. UlMtsnlrpI feet 11 IncliM at Datenpoit , 4 feet 4 Inchei n Bt I' ul , 10 f t 0 lochei at St I.outt , I fee 9 Inches at L Cro o and 7 feet 1 Inches JJatmque. LOOAL BKBVITIB8 , The funeral of Mr. Maddox took placi At 2 p. m , yesterday. Prospect Hill. It has turned several degrees coldei and fires are at a premium , Tbo woman Budraqo amendment wai ( mowed under in the utato by about 80XX ( imajotlty , Constable ICdgorton got od the atreel car on hla way up from the depot ye tor < day and told out the 1'eterson stock ol cigars and tobaccos before going home , infttr jutt returning from his four weeks trip to the Hoosler state. Mr. G. W. Madden , who for gome .timo past has been popular as a clerk at itho Canfioltl house , has severed his con- moction with that favorlto hostelry to take charge ot the office of the Perkins house at I'lattsmouth. Wo can consciontiouily roaotmnend him to the f Avar of all with whom ho may have business of any kind as a thorough gentleman. Q tito a crowd assembled in front ef the U. P. headquarters Inst evening , at tracted by the novel xpectaclo of a big iron nflfo suspended in mld-alr In front of the building. It was the safe from Col. J. J. Dickey's office , that officer removing bin headquarter , eo far as the Western Union is concerned , to tbo now Millar > l bunk building. It required a vast amount of block und tackle to do the work of lower ing the nafe , nnd everybody stood from under. under.Thero There will be n meeting of the Socii.1 , Art club on SUurday nt-3 p. in , , nt Iho residence of Mn. M , U. Goblo , All mem- .born are requested to attend , as business of -importance ia to bo discussed. GAIISTIN , Sec'y. The ye tr now closing will find mure initnf of now railway completed in the 'United States than wni over constructed during the same period before. It is said to bo all good paying road too. It la about tiuio for noine enterprising per ou to begin getting n minting rink In elnpo for the wmtr campaign. Don't all pick up the idea nt otica and ruin the profits - fits though. The North Omaha tewer will ba com * jloted tlili week , A portion had to be loft open until the sewer wnt finisheJ , to .allow tha crook to run through and they .aro now filliu ? up thono broiks. Work on the Waring uyetcin of cow rr , 'in iilley ways between Casa unc ! Chicago and 'Chicago aud Dnvenporn \ being pu lied with an extra force of men to get it done before cold weather. A. L , Strang has purchased the lot ad joining his Farnam street block on tbo east and will erect n fourth iron store ? upon it , This will add greatly to the already bund- some and metropolitan appearance of this block , which has not a superior In the city Thomas li'jacb , n young kid was nr- rosloil Woclnoiday for ntcaliug a vest nnd pair of pants from Schlank & Prlnco'a at ire on Farnam street Judge Benoko sentenced him to twenty-five ilayj nt hard Tabor. Tabor.At At 2 o'clock Wednefday the throng of hackg and private carriages on Farun'.ti nnd 14th streets , in front of the Paxton , wai iinmcnio nnd with the ktlll brilliantly lighted hotel building inado a cheerful and nnvel spcctacln. - Ono of Tun BEE carrier boys while mivUiogan Inspection tour of his route yea- torduy , was thrown from hi * her near Brornell Hall and stunned for a uhurt time by the fall. It was at first thought i > o WAV ner busl y injured but imcli proved not to bo tbo cate. r -Mr. V. B. Henry , of New York , who travels for 11 ill's Balaam , etc. , was a Rucitt of tbo P xton Wed DO day. Ho 1 introduc ing tha Tine nrts into the we > t ns well tut dUpotinir. of meitiolnennd has Borne ot the handiiomect little oil chromes made , which % he usfor his patrons bontfit. Tlie case of the Btato vs. Fred Gcltt. ler wu called in the police court ycuterday. Tbeaccu'ed Ij charged with stcMIngn bed le d from Viet Wtrth. This thlngof Bte linYbed t > Mls is geltln decide-illy too common aud loids to the question "What will the coming man steal ? " Bob Ingeruoll'a coming on the s'otli Intl. i looked forward to with xeneral in > tereit. Ho WM to have lectured at Cemn. . ell Ilulf ! < but hu cancelled his enRu emoul then nnd then will probably bo fifty di 100 persona over frum tbera to hear "wha < they shall do to be uivvoJ , " at lioyd's open Lome. Lome.Among the mott interetlog notes 01 Borie'.y events lately rec'rded is tli rumored engagement of Mr , Adolpl Mejer , of tbo jewelry and imulo beuse o Max Meyer & Bro , , to Mlai llosa Thul jneuln er , nn occoinplhhed jounn lady c New York City , whose father la n\er l > romlnent man in the great metropolU c the Kmplre State. The Saratoga Lyceum elected th following officer * at their meeting Weduei d yt Prrvident , O. W Tousley ; e < rotary , John F , P e J treasurer , Lou LUtlefielJ. The question for debite at th regular meeting next Wednesday evonlui "Jtegulved , that war i * more of a lileeilr than a curte , " Motuni , Bailey , Klton nn LittlcBeld were i ppoiuted a committee t reviit the ron > ttuton. ! [ fobn M. Kmiuani , formerly of Ch but whose hone was in Newtot ; i Sustci county , New Jersey , died In th ctty , Tuwday , November 14tb , of typhol fever , aged twenty-seven yearn and eigt months. The dewMed came to Oraah liiita rhort tlroo ago to make it hii home His father , Mr. Jnmeii Kmman , arrive last night from New Jersey ami the n mains were taken lack to that Btato for ii torment on to-day's train. The d < c v wl leaven n wife but no children. Ch e Ro paper * plearo copy. On Sunday , Nov. 2Ctb , the new C-13 ! ! Han church , on Fnrnam street , will b opened forraully , with Interesting and Irr presslro services. Key. A. N , Gilbert , c Ohio , will preach the opening sermor The following distinguished minister * ar expected to take part in the dedlcalio : services : Rev. N , A. McConncl ) , of lows J. 15. Johnson , II , If , Ingram , It. 0. Ilai row , Charlea Howe and Henry CogRswcll of Nebraska , It looks as if we might have sleighln ) on Thanksgiving day. -Tho city ticket agent of the Mllwau kce road declares that the Chicago Trlbun prevaricates In its statement that pannon ger or freight rates either ono are belnj cut at Omaha by any of the Chicago roods Mr. I'.tt Cation has returned from hi eastern trip , looking rich , red , rosy nn < racy. Fat says he bad to take an oxprcsi train to got out of the Kxcclsior state be cause the democrats wcro electing every body , and might catch him. The concrete foundation for the as [ ihalt pavement on upper Uouglns atreel will all bo in on the first block to-day , The contractors nro hurrying things and al the same tlmo doing good work. If tbi weather holds good another olock can bi nearly put in this week. Nona of the sur ace has yet been put in. Mr. G. Soscman , proprietor of tin Western bouse , near the nail works , lost its little daughter Wednesday under verj tad circumstancej. | Tlio llttlo ono wai taken with the croup , and , although the services of cix physicians were called Intc requisition , it woa all in Vain , An effort was made to relieve the child by "trnchl- otowy , " or the insertion of a silver tube ute the tracbla through an incision in the lock. The operation was ineffectual. The third annual ball of the A. O II. > ami took place at Central hall Wednesday t was a brilliant euccess In every way and ho attendance was exceptionally largo. Mr. James Douglas made a splendid M. 3. and the committee on arrangement * , omprislnx Thomas Corbett , Robert 3Iaron , James McCoy , J. W. liolan , Jna. Don ai nr.dG. 0. Douglas , were Indcfnti- able in their efforts to inako tbo affair as uiceeeful as it proved to bo. A. IE. 31s Resignation Sent In to the ( J. B. & Q. Many of the friendu of Mr. A. E. L'ouzalin la this city will read will : orpriso the following from The Lin- oln Journal , of yesterday. Mr. Touza in holds largo money intercuts in Dmatia and always evinced the warm' riondship to ovary plan calculated tc dd to its growth and proopority , II a to bo hoped that the rout afforded jy a trip to the old world will entire- y restore the ouoigy ho has overtaxed nd that his retirement from active lUslncBS may only bo temporary. The ournal aaya : "Tho resignation of Vico-Prosl- lent A. .E. louzalin * , of the 0. B. & 2. It. It. Op. , to take effect after Jan- jary next , ia underatood to have been ont in , and Mr. Touz illn will enjoy a luoh needed rest from his arduous nd uninterrupted Inborn for the pant f teen yearn upon the -groat lino. Ha ? ill go to Europe to join his family nd apond a forr months in travel and eoroatlon. His resignation ia a mat er of regret to the company , which pprociatea his great services , but it ia baolutoly necessary Tor his phyeicil relfaro that ho retire from the very urdonaomo and responsible dutica nd look after himself. " "In every capacity that Mr.Touxalin aa aorved the 0 , , B. &Q company Q has boon recognized as thoroughly t homo and the poor of any ether aan of the weat in any department , la general ticket agent , laud commie- loner , euporlntendont , general man ger , and finally vice prenidont , ho hoa ot only Burved the company ably und ntisfuctorily , but La has nerved the ublio , and by his equity and integrity nd equaro dealing won the confidence f All who hevo come in social or busl- ess contact with him. In Lincoln ud in Omaha ho has mndo n heat of ricnda who will regret the Buveranco f hla sonncction with the railroad ompauy und his nbaonco from this late. Doubtless , however , his par- onul intorea 8 in Nebraska will bring lim buck from time to time , for the loasuru of hlti frloiula. A General Stampede. Never was such a rush mi\ilo for any ) rug store aa is now nt O. F Goodman's , or a Trial UoUlo of Dr. King's Now DU- ovcry for Consumption , Coughs and Jolds. All perwnu aft ) Icted with Asthma , ironchltls , Hourecnesa. Bovero Cough * , or ny nffcctloit of the Throat nnd Luniia -an get a Trial liottlo of this gieatremody rw , hy cnllluf ; at above named. Drug Jtoro ITHENEwilNE. Palatial Trains Every Day of tiio Week. The Chicago , Milwaukee and St Pul road , the S/tor / ( Line to ChicaKo and the cast ia daily ginning in pupil- Jtity with iho public. It runs two trains daily , leaving Omaha at 7:45 : a m , and 3:10 : p. in. being the only line that docs run Ha trains every daj of the week. Ita splendid road , bed , elegant equipments and fad time make it all the public can desire and just wlut has bum needed for u long time. lw dining care , Pullman alecpcn and parlor cam rntko up the fines' trains run on the Aiuerlctn continent and travelers arc rapidly bocomltif. iwaro of tha route on which comfort luxury and tpcod arc combined. Thoil ticket cfUoe it lu tbo Paxtou hotel. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best thi market aiiorda , The traveling publi cluiw they get better accommodation moru general aatiafaction her ( Inn at any ether housa in Omaha Uatti , | 2 per day. aug21tfm RUMORS OF WAR. The Omaha , Milwaukee and St Paul Road Baiaing Cain , Both Freight nnd PaesonRoi Bates Badly Demor alized. Concerning the war on freight nm pasnonrror ratoH between Chicago nnc western points , which has occupicc the attention of nowspnpor roaderi rrotty exclusively for a week past The Chicago Tribune of Wodnoadaj aaya : Fears are being generally expressed that unless the troubles between the St. Paul and Minneapolis roads ro gardlncf eta t bound business frotr those points are soon adjusted a general oral war in rates from and to noarlj all the western and northwoatorti points cannot well bo averted mud ; longer. The fight on passenger buai ness cast and south from St. Pnu and Minneapolis is now raging furi onsly. The Rook Island is sollins tickets from Minneapolis for $ without rebate. The Milwaukee & St. Paul is naid to bo Boiling tick' ots for the same rate , but ohargoi $115.50 , and gives a rebate of $9.CO , sc 01 to prevent ratoa to local points be ing disturbed. The Rock Island road claims that its tickets cannot bo used to local points , because it takoa the precaution of refusing to check bag gage to any point except destinations. This , however , does not prevent people ple from purchasing a ticket to Chicago cage for $3 and using it to any point on the Minneapolis & St. Louis , Bur lington , Cndar Ripids & Northern , and the Uock Island's Albert Loa : outo , where the rate is moro than ? 3. This matter ia causing a great deal of bad blood , and it is undoratood hat in retaliation some of the Iowa Incs have begun to cut rates from Council Bluffs and ether Iowa pointa to Chicago. A mooting of gen eral pasaonpor and ticket ngonls if the Rock Island , Burlington , and tforthwettorn ro ds was hold yoator- Joy at the Grand Pacific hotel , nnd it a undoratood that they considered moans by which n general collapse of passenger rates from points in Iowa san bo avoided. AB for as could bo earned they were not able to accom plish anything. It ia not possible that u the event of the fight on oaat-bound passenger bnsinesa being kept up , the wcat-boaud rates can bo maintained much longer. West-bound paaaongor aton would have been cut as badly an ; ho oast-bound before now were It not for the agreementwhich provides a penalty of § 600 igainst any road detected u cutting rates. It ia expected that the Milwaukee & St. Paul and prob ably the Reck Island nlao will give notice within a day or * two , if they lave not done eo already , of their withdrawal from the west-bound pas senger agreement. And it wlll.not bo at all surprising if aimilar notion were aken by some of the roada regarding the v/eatorn freight pools. It was rumored yesterday that freight as well us passenger rates were being badly cut , both from St. Paul and from Dmaha , and if those reports are true , ho freight rates from Chicago to all northwestern Iowa and Missouri riv < r ) oinl will become moro or loss dia- urbod. The trouble has all boon brought ibout by the inability of the St. Paul ind Minneapolis roada to arrange a 300 ! on the oaatbound business from St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Rook sland demands one-third of the Min- leapolis buninoss. This the Milwan- cos & St. Paul nnd the St. Paul & Jmaha , ( which latter is the fllinneap- )15s & ( St. Paul connection of the Chicago & Northwestern rofuao to ; rant. The Rock Island aaya it will uko no loan than one-third , no mat- r how big o war Is to bo fought , and ho Milwaukee ) & St. Paul says it will indor no consideration allow that nuoh. Skirmishing has been going ) n between theao roads for nearly a uonth past , expecting that opmo com- iromiso might bo effected after ill. The roads have now ba- omo tired of bushwhacking , and hey hare commenced the war in eal earn cot. Unices como of the neu ral lines , which will alao be moro or OBS affected by uuch a war , como to ho rescue ns they have done before md prevail upon the belligerents to ottle their troubles by making con- sessions there will bo fought ono of ho most serious and disastrous rail- oad wars thai over prevailed in the rest , und which will seriously embar- a a if not brnuk up the existing west- jru poolt. It is not believed , how- 3vor , that it will go thas far , After naluro reflection the belligerent man- tgurs will no doubt find that It is jhunper to nuke some trifling ounces- ions In the Minneapolis mutter thane o ruin all their western business for emu time to como. Skinny Mon. "Wolls1 Health Reuower" restores loulth and vigor , euros Dyspepsia , , mpotonbc , Sexual Debility , $1. AMUSEMENTS & Largo AuQlonco Welcomes Franlc Mayo In Davy Uroclcott at Doyd'a Last Niuut. Wo don't know how many times Krunk Muyo has presented his Dvy Crockett in Orniht , aud for that mat ter the public care , but llttln , as they neom always willing and roidy to wel come nnew this sterling Oallfornlu 'avorito and pteasiug actor. Last nixht ho was greeted with the eamc largo audience that ho has been delighting - lighting over since ho opened hla eoa- BOII , tbo gallery nnd dress circle being BO full as to turn people away , while the lower part of the houno was nearly all taken up to the back teats. His present support is almost en tirely different from the ono he had when last here. Mr. Edwin Mayo i\\ the Major , F , O. Savage and Mr. Oarponter , aa Yonkers , are still with him as of old. The moat notable change centers in the now reprosonta lion of Elanor Vaughn by Mist Charlotte Bohrcna. This Is the young lady's first season on the stage , and likeMr. . Mayo , the ia a Oili foinien. MiaaBohrena la quite boautl ful , graceful and acorns to posaci dramatic ability of a high ordei while her general nppoiuanco in th Icai important situations are full o dignity and refinement that are real ! ; artistic. Thu cast is the best that w have yet teen supporting Davy Crock ott , and the chances are the house will 1 > o largo to the close of the on gagomcnt. UNITED STATES COURT- The Ornnd Jury on the War Path In dlctmcnts Already Found. The United States grand jury im pannolod recently , with lion. J. Sterling ling Morton as foreman , was charge * yesterday , and got down to activi work. They appeared in court in the after noon , and , through their foreman , asked t6 bo instructed on cortnlt points of law , Ono of these was it regard to "declaration of intention" ot the part of persons desiring to become naturalized citizens. A question wai asked as to the right of a county clorl to carry his seal to any part of tbt county and glvo his certificate thorn Another was in regard to the official acts of a surveyor general and the grand jury was instructed to investl gate any cases of fraud in this direction tion of which they might bo Informed od , with the assurance that the court would render every assistance In the way of securing the attendance ot wit < nesses , etc. It is understood that this moans an invcatigation into the charges preferred against Survoyoi Gtoneral Smith by Dr. Miller , and that subpoenas have already boon is sued for witnesses in the case. The grand jury returned a bill against Rev. J. Harvey Rockwell , tht man who Dwindled a nnmber of per sons by advertising a library of vain a bio borjks and pocketing the mnnoj remitted without Bonding any books , Rockwell finally came to grief at Lin join , and la now prosecuted for uoinf the mails to extort money under falst protenjca. Another indictment was also re turned against Judge Hull , but it it nothing now and wan merely inteudcc to hold him in case the indictme-nl found last term was squashed , whicl : it was not. HXVERTON SUTFERER8- Dommlttoea Appointed to Solicit Aid Corropponclcnco of Omaha llco. RIVEUTON , Nob. , November 13. M a mooting of the buainesa men oj Rivorton the following was unani mously adopted : Knotted , That we extend our sympnth ) to our friends and neighbors that Buffered such revere loss by fire on Sunday morij' ' Inp Nov. 12,1882. Retolvtd , That sympathy is cheap nut that we appreciate their wants in a mon iulfetantlM manner. Believing this also tc bo the feeling of the friends outside , w < hereby appeal to them all , through the fol owing committees , to help liberally. After permanent organization the following committees were appointed BOr.ICITINO COMMITTEES. Omaha nnd Histinga Win. Hayden. Council Bluffs -George Metcolf. Denver Samuel Shell. St. Joseph W. M. Myrtle. Chicago 3. P. Harrington. At largo-Eev. J. K. Harria. Red Cloud Isaac Sheperdton , P. H 3'Connor. Bloomlngton C. B. Chapin. Franklin John D.'Fulton. Smith Center , Kontaa 0. C. Carlisle , r. G Childs. Republican Valley , West Thomas But. er. Distributing Committee It. D. Jones , 3ed Cloud ; George W. Shepherd , Bloom- ngton , W H. Austin , Franklin. A. J. WKSTON , President. ISAAC SliEi-AnnsoN , Treasurer. J. G. CiiiLua , Secretary. PERSONAL , Hon. J. 0. Crawford , of West Point , is n the city. J , P. Bllokenederfcr , of New York , it .t the Pnxton. Hon. John L. Canon , of Browuville , it it the Mlll.-ml. \\alterF. Harding , of Nebraska City , 3 at the Paxtou. Hon. Lorenzo Crounso , of Ft. Calhoun , 9 at the Paxton. Kav. Joseph Coolc'a autograph appears n the Paxtou register. Hon. John D. Seaman and wife , ol Cearney , are In the city. Sheridan Corbyn , manager of the Frank rlayo company , U at tbo MiiUrd. Frank Mayo , and MUa Charlotte Bebr- na. registered at the Paxton laat night. K , R. Hoyt , of St. Louie , and E. K. loyt , of Sterling , III. , aio at thu Millard. Ginewl Charles H. Van Wyck Is nt the 4xton , and loaves for Nebraska City to- lay. lay.J. J. Kborly , of Stauton , is at the Milhrd. Geo. E , Cola , of the Union depot , Pa- Ifio Junction , U a guest of the Mlllard. P , H. Swift , on old Omaha boy , who low pulU Iho throttle of the Mogul over he Plattaiuoutb , has keen in town the 3t few days. W. G. Whilmore , Valley ; A. D. Mur- jhy nud wife , Weat Point ; J. Babbitt , ilillarJ ; J. A. Blown , Lincoln , and W. \f \ Barrett and wife , Weeping Water , are it the Mlllard. Charles P. E igerton , the well known ionstablf , returned yeaterduy from a foui viuks'tiip to Indian > . Ho wan uccotn < lanled by Mrs , KJa'orton and report ; i viu had a delightful Uip. M , P. Brewer , H. A. Belles , B , W. Ja. x > bs , Ed P. Or bbe , B. Woodbury , J , F , Ivlmball , Theo. Lakoekl , and Ilauk Cook , ivere among the vWtoru to Omaha yester- lay f rum the Blut ! < . They made the Mil an ! their headquarterB. G. G. Bcani > , Firth ; Mn. Mendelbaum , tlnatlnpij Mrs. A. P. Howes , Blair ; W , L\kul O kUnd ; F. J. Everaon , K nruey ] ( I. Boitwlck , Hastings ; Thomas O'Day , Stllsb ; Walter J. Lamb and William P , Phillip * , Ijlnooln , and A Llstenbergcr , ol Jouth Band , are at the Paxton. Geo.B. * French , representing FrUchet ind Hoen , pacVer * and dealers in leal tobacco , New "VorV , is making his firI rislt to Omaha. He is a fine gentleman genial and open hearted and nuke * frlendi wlthoa ! trying to. Tom J. Dare , of Chi oago , WM Initiating bim nto the mrsteriei of tbo Gate City last night , REV , JOSEPH COOK , Interesting Lecture From Hi Kotos on the Grand Tour , The Orient and the Oociden and Their Oommg Unity. Rev. Joseph Cook , the noted Bostoi lecturer , who has attracted so nine ] attention during late years by hi broad and liberal views on subjects o general interest , arrived In Omahi yesterday and registered at the Fax ton. Ho is just returning from a toui around the world and as the title o his lecture "Orient and Occident * would indicate , confined himael : chiefly to observations on informatior ho had acquired on his trip. Mr. Cook's great idea on this subject joct is that of the unity of nationa , not exactly under ono flag and ono rule , but as neighbors and brothers of the great human family. The rapid meant af transit and communication are revo lutionizing things in this respect. He apeak a of many international nou trnlizerr- that exist in the way of con ventions aiid oxpoeltions , and ho pre dicted that the Suez and Panama canals , wion the latter is completed , will became the great neutral high ways for the nations of the earth , and that soon no nation will dnro to carry a war into the borders of another. Thus , ho said , a bridge of Christian internationalism would bo constructed [ torn ahoro to shore around the earth. The Occident and the Orient , now exist M two hands interlocked , the lingers thus Intertwined to bo neigh bors in the ages to como. The earth lie said was a unit. But ho said it would bo hard to understand the con trarieties that are seen in this union. Ho said that there should begin an in ternational system of commerce. He regarded San Francisco aa the moat important pnlnt west of Now York. The two cities faced the rest ct the world. Now York looked toward Eu rope , but San Francisco faced more people than all the Atlantic seaboard , ind would become the golden gate to the land. Mr. Cook then gave a brief but in teresting description of bin journey tc the principal pointa in Europe and Asia , giving his opinions and incident ! of his experiences with the Aaiatica Following nib theory of international unity , ho said the worst classes to be found in Asia are the miserable whitei that take their drunkenness and licentiousness from London , Paris and Dow York to theao , pagan people to degrade them. Ho spoke of hit personal observation of the counter acting influence of the mlssionarioE who , ho said , were teaching the love of God and the love man. He charac tcrlzed them aa the aristocracy of all reformers , and said that the ono thin ; : moat commendable was the lack ol sectarian divisions and the perfect unity of all Christian demonstration. in their work. Ho gave a , map exhibition of the sea routes of the globes , showing how jpecdily communication can bo had between the nations of the earth , and said that ho could have completed the largest circle within ninety days. He felt while in Australia that England w&a only the next county. With , these facts in view ho argued that the people plo of the world must glvo up old notbns about our distinotivoness and become neighbors. Ho wanted tc 3stablish an intercouao of an intel < leotn > ] , moral and religious character oil around the globe. Ono of the main questions , he said , which was now agitating the hermit nations was whether they ahonld imitate England , America or others of the civ ilized world. Japan had adopt ed American customs in oorno respects , and in India the ques tion was whether they should imitate America or adopt the ways of En gland. The speaker said that in all .ho lands of the earth ho could find ; ho same elements and the same ) in strumentalities at work for the educa- Jon of man. Everywhere ) the name ; ext books were in uae. Truth is uverywheru the aamo. Provo a thing inder the fidow of Piko's peak , and t ia proved to the banks of the Ganges. The great essential thine was the unity of the people In ro- igion. There is coming , ho said , a certain recognition of moral princi ples in our international relations. Wo should rofuBo to obey thn men vlio do not obey God. While ho ro- olced in his return to his own land , ia felt that his fellow citizens were fvll over the world. SLAVEN'S YOSEMITK COLOGNE Made frotr the wild flowora of the FAB FAMEO YOSEMITE VALLEN I IsUlio most fragrant ot pcrfum t Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , Snn Francisco. For sale m Omaha by W. J. Whltohouse and Kennata Bros , , &Co. DIED. 3ESEMAN , HELEN Daughter of G , anil M , Seseinnii , died at 11:30 p. in. , Nov. 15 , 1832 , njed1 years and t mohths. Funeral Friday , Nov. 17 , nt 2 p. m. , rom residence 181C Plerco street. 1'riends it the family are invited to attend. Notice The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- Delator Roof Paint , " was patented May 24th , 1881 , and ettors patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found oj { iiown to tamper with the raanu , : aolnro of uald puint will bopunlah. ed to the full extent of law , No per son has any authority whatever to aoll receipts. HAWTHORN & lino. , Lancaster Pa Army Orders. Private Thomas Troxell , Companj E , Fourth infantry , is relieved fron extra duty at Oheycnno Ordnanot Depot , Wyoming , end will report te iiis company commander without do lay. lay.Tho quartermaster's department wil furniah the necessary transportation , aud subsistence department cotntuu tatlon of rations , it being Impractica bio to carry cooked rations. Acting As istant Surgeon Newton M. Wade , U. S , Army , having ro pi-tod at those headquarters , In com plUnco with paragraph G , spocia orders No. 202 , current soriM , odjn taut general's oflioe , is assigned t < duty t Fort D , A. Russell , Wyo , , ti which pott ho will proceed nnd roper to its commanding o fiber , The journey is necessary for thi puUio eurvico. Recruit Fiunk Fiahor , enlisted n Fort , Utah , is assigned ti company K Gth infantry. There ia hardly nn adult pcrcoi living but in sometimes troubled will kidney difllcully , which is iho mos prolific and dnnj/eroun CJUPO of all dia oaao. There is no sort of nerd t < have any form of kidm-y or urinatj trouble if Hop Bitters is taken OOCA sioually. Do Nit Move Blindly. Go carefully In purchasing mcJicIno Many advertised remedies can work greft' ' Injury v > - were tlnu uone. flurried Stood /ilter are purely n vegetal le prep aratlon ; th ir.aU ° Ht ctiid can tnkt ) tbem They kill diffuse ncd cute the patient in i safe and kindly wny. SPECIAL POTIUkS , IO LOAN MOMtY. 1 .TONKY TO LOAI.-On chnttol uoruaBn HO 1VJL curlty. A. D. Tiitlon , No. 1610 lioii l p -treot , Iront room , up-i > Ult- . 43&-tl At b per trnils V/iOU UU tc/cut iu unjuof SJ.D03 rc upward ] , for 8 to B yc4in , en arst-clM * city and t.\rm property. Usiua Iij/,1 , UIIITI auJ tOA ( T , 12th nail IXiUf b ( ! t * MONBV llojmg Ctolehton li'.noi | \,1 ONKYTOLOAN On personal property o ill anj ditcriptlon A. C. Troup , Attorney,21J south 14th Street. 128-lmo nfcLP- WAN I tU WANT1ID A meat nnil psstry cook , ono'wK ran do both. Wnjfcs 85o ( > r Hrst inontl ind SCO tlieruuftcr , 11 satl'tact ry. Apply U New paier | Union , corner lith and Hovanl. lU7-'Jt tii-a A /ANTED Ultflit inathlno oncratora or V ? Whcolcr niul Wilson nmclilncs , tno on nlilto workniul four on knitting machines , nont but experienced Immls ncctl niiplv. 210 10th t 1UH-17 . . . . ' , . - - ' ? room Blrl at 11T lltli ft. , WAMFTJ-nin'ni u anil Dodge. 187-K ! / 1001) SHOP nOVWANXED-Apply nt OIIK IJT at H'Uonaljoo anil lo nc } ' , ir.tli st. lOI-l ! WANTnU ApooJ servant girl , for ( fcncro henson otk. Apply at thu store of O'pon nine an I lo nc.15tli . strctt , nuxt iloor Routl Of imstolllco. . 202-1 Ten plasterers-nnd 25 . .borers , WANTED Apply to A. JOHNSON , It mile Crtighton House. ANTED Two barbers , at Cosslej's , 2I ( 14th St None but first class need iiply ; 18Mf _ WANTED Girl for general housework ; musl bo good cook. Good wares will be paid at bouthcast corner 2M and Chicng' . ITJ-lfJl - Rood girl about 14 jcars o'd , tc WANTkD-A family of t\\o ; permanent place , Apply at once at A. 1'olack's Clothing Store , Far nain street , between 13th and llth s.rcetO. 185 1C. WANTED Woman cook , California House , llth and Doug as. 159-lOt \\7 ANTED Two men of peed address to can .vasa and sell goods. Steady implojrnent Call at121 South Tenth street. 158-lGt A good R rl at the Alba-y hoiu < WANTED lUth Btrco' . WANTED A few day boarders by the da > midweek , ? 3.W ) aud SI.CO , 1011 Datcnp rl scrcct. 155-17J WANTED A peed dining room girl at th Emmet House. lM-l"t ANTED TA > ocxixrlcnced serial book tollc itors for Colorado. Rooms G and 7 Ioro I I Blocl ; , Council Blulla. 141-23 "ANTffD A nrst-class'prcbs-lceacr at 11 Omaha Ecoolllce. tf TTTANTED Help at the employment olHco , V V217 N. 16th Hrect. np- lrn _ S5'.tf A girl to no icneral housework , tend retorcnciB. Good nagca ruld Ad- iln < F. O. GraMa. Kramer Ne i. B59-tt 'ANTED To buy from t o to four doz pairs W rink Holler skates , must bo cheap , address P. , box53 , Uunlavt , Iowa. Ifll-10 * A lady rrom mate , with refer WANTED Call or address 31. E. B. , 614 North ISth st. IGl-lOt KENT Good rooirs furnished or unfitr FOll , or sultMilo for hoi sckccpinfr. 220 13th betw ecu Capitol acnuo and lacnport. . IBS 22 * V. Oil KENT Office rooms. Unqulro at New C York Dry Goods store. :05-dec-l5 Oil HEN r Furnished front room , with 01 without board ( family prltato. ) G03 North ITUi. 10018 I.TOK KENT Tvvolarfjo JOOHIS , ono unfurnished Jj one sonth room furnished , with stoto. AI > > [ ) ly 1311 Cass street. 1U9-18 IOU KEPT Furnished r. om , J8 per month. F 1010 California street. Htt-lSt IP OH KENT Furnished r ems , at 1U12 Farnam Jj street. 199-18 KENT A dcsirab'u loom ( "ith use ol parlor ) in prhato famll } . 411 N. 17th nt. 2J4-17 OH KF.NT Chcip brick btore , with icllar 22x F 60. Apply at U. I' . UaUry , ll ! H. IGth st. 203-'f II NT A new house , furnlbbed , eight FOll ' , bath room , > table , etc. Ono of the Incut locations In the city : gno 00 per month. Inquire for thrru da } ( , Ilemls' real estate a > cncy , ISth oii.l . Douglra streets. no > in tt Oil bF.NT THO furnished rooms , 1814 w bitter - F itter titrect. lbli-30 KENT A good room , to.thwcht corner FOU tnd Fninamttncts. 178-17 KENT A larxe , Hcll-fiimUhcd front room , with aleove , with or without board ; references required , ut northwest corner 18th and Davenport ttreeU lBO-lfiij | IIENT Houna of six rooms , bay wlimow , cellar , cisUrn , well. All In good repair , $10 > er month. IL'Jl north l > Hh btrect. 176-tf Tiim IIENT-Unfur Mmrdoms \ in brick F house , Ulrl Chicago street. iSotf FFOH IIENT A neatly furnished front parlor FOH I bedroom , suitable for one , two or four ; entlemen , 279 Homey street , between ICth and ICth streets. 176-17) ) OB IlKNT Furnished room with libard 1SOS F California street , 171-tf FFOB HE-iT FuanUhcd room , 611 ICtlutrcct , FOB . 1GS-VO 17CU 11BNT Fumlshed room with board , gas U aid bath room , 1718 Dod0-c. HI lu * Tj\OH IIENT- o o room houwtsj btoun in 1 } kitchen , bolh ; laundry , dumb \\al en hot ind eolJ water , cellar , uoodnorl , handnoimi lUhtlako flnUh , ] > alnted and glided , ICO bairtl Us- tern , I aril , 1'ark a > cnue ; per monin , 935 Four iirlck houses U rooms betides complete closet and store rooms , furdacc , hot and cold water , marble mantels , commodious an J tltgant residences. Tw cut-fourth near Dodge ; per month , $55. KUoroom hou'e Justrejulrcd ; conier 18th and U'cbstcrwt ; \ month , fciS. Eight room house , barn. Just repaired. Sher man u > enue ; per month , $ . ' 7. Se\ui room house , corner leth and Nicholas ; IH.T iiwnth , W > . KL'ht room house , new. barn , vast frcnt ; iwr month , 825. Khe stores , Capitol a\cnuc ; fixCO ; r r month , AMES , bolo JlKint , " 1500 Farnam t. _ _ IIENT A new cottage , with thr e rooms 171011 0.00 | > cr luonth , 30th bi. , bo e n Furnim and Douglas street. Apply on premises. 1C3 tf. _ KENT Furnished room and board IOU FOK Chicago direct. ICT-tf ilENT Furnlnlicd rooms with or without 1 board , in Blatter * ' block , llilh and Call ' 1C6-18 011 IlKNT A nicely furnished front cheap. Apply 170U Burt. 140-16 1) EJIIS'New Map of Or.naha , Just complttcJ ami J J ready for dclh cry at * 7 roch. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Larcc < t nrM most complete map of Omaha c cr piiblishctl. Orfklal map of the city. See column. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TTl IlllG T Ups airs , 1417 Fn-firura stroit. JL1 BMf JOHN o. JACons. I710HnK.\r , Iloma 6 rooms and a rgeitn. . Jj Inquire I ovglas street , betoeoa HOth and 8UU fTlOK HLN1 llruto of 8 rooms In flrst-cUss Jj trdor , 10 btoXs from opera home , cheap „ . . , . . . . . , (25 HniuiO of It rocms , all convenlctco , 8 bUikltrim opera hMne . . . . 40 Home of 5 roorai 231 and MchoUi etreatt. 19 Store on Ffirnsm , f floorj. 120 tiroon 14th,2 Hjnrs 76 Sdcll'roni ru. Me\ccs . . . . . .450 toC5 4S-U Me 'Adllli "ntxia'to ' I'nutnfflcc. OH RBNT Furnishedfiontrrom , "Becmtr's J Block , cor El.htlnnil M. wa d fO-tl lilitll HUNT A\crv plin.iant furnished room C at 721 south ISthSt bctwcrn St. Marj's Aaon- uo aud l.pavr n w orth S t. UI3-tt I.1OU llbNT Houssc of B rooms,3Uth and Dou- ' Bias street$18 ft month , o21-tf BOGOS&HILL. KlrRMilly lurnl.l.ol rot > ra , lth FOIUIKN1 ho' tcr. hifcrciicts required. An- ply atnorlli wist c.rncr tf S3J and liurt Streets _ . _ _ 933 ti JIOR IlKNT A"furnlihcd Hous , 301 . . . _ . _ _ _ _ | 7OU KENl 2hjUi n Ciand one 8 roome. JJ Ibqulro corner Chlcagoand 15th et i Hwlli , B3MI _ iriOU HbM' Muuso , MX rounn. lurnished , In- J ; quit * ntD. Hjdos oOico , Mlllard hotel. _ , _ 7fitf 17011 UI l A pleasant furnished room. Call I1 nl R .7 } N. 17 SI. with ref ercnco 87Hf : i.'OU MEiXT A boarding hounc , at 1081 < in i1 street , betwren Djuglas and Uodgo. Inqulra at cor. 1 1 iZihaml Uouulag. _ 811-tt tUNT ITO new dwolllnes ana two other FOR dwellings In desirable locJIty , by HcKoon No. 1B14 Dnuglag utroet _ R17-tt FOU RENT A mttatta of flio room- . Inquire at Northwcit corner 16ih and hlcaco street. 810-tl FOR RENT Largo oinco room or half store , 1&20 f arnham . ct.ccl. _ 7 7-tf (70K RENT A store in Balcornbo block , nn I ? 10th street , near Davenport St A. D. Balcombo. 600-28tf UKNT Furnished rooms at 1717 CRSS FOR , bet. 17th aud ISth. 156-tf TflOR RENT The bulldlrg at proEcnt occupied I ; bythaWistern Union iclegrf.oh Company , oor-cr ot Farnam and 16th it reels : Apply to Darker lira" . , OM office. b77 > tf FOR BALE i OTCtj roil SALE First class hotel for nalc XI In a Iho western town. Has a < l the Qrst da' strode. Reason for selling other business. 1'or particulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA BEK. > 83lmfno15t _ 17011 SALECIIEAP-Bakcry , well located ; good 1 } business In < naof the Ih client touns in Ne- bra'ka. Hcason for scl Ing , poor health nnd must get out of business. Inquire nt RPK office. , . XCELLENT BKICK for sale , $9.00 per thotl- 1 sand. Yard , Utft "street , two blocks soutli of Bcllex uo road , > DoRKszoDinnu ! . lt * 177-lmnpvinl SALE Barrels and Kcg9. Also hoop poles bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th nnd rfcrcc. ICOdecll' JKRIITSKYUOUR. SALE 20 heating stoves from S3 00 to FOR S1000 each. Great bargain. E Kcudta , ,12 13th bt. , between Jones and Leacmvorth. . x 1 G-18t I7IOU SALE Handsome bet of parlor furniture , r fct of bedroom furnl urc and t > ome fine en gratings , cast Bldoof 18th street , first door north of 1 odgc. _ ! G5-18t "OEMIS'Ncw Map of Omaha , Just completed and \J ready for d lixcry at $7 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map of Omaha over published. Olficlil map of the city. Sea column. I70BSALE A first class span of mules , harness , Sj and wagon. Inquire Faulconer Opera House. 73-tf MOU SAL 'An "Argann" uoube heater , U fnrgiO. ' ( boy cost new S6D. D. B.Di'craer , C'-r , Elgnthand Ho a d. 40 tf UVNT Hrlck ( tore , inquire ntdruir store FOR corner loth and Douglas. 935.t ( { 70R SALE-A "Root's" bUit Mower for foun- machine th for half cost. D. B Ij dry or ujuviiiuu en u > , llecmcr. cor. Elgh'hand Howard 41-tf l.iO BALb Thrco thousand western wctbers , 1. Iaad2earsOld. . Wuluhiabou > no tKUnJa F.(3.OKBLK , OC2 tf m and e Krorni-y , Nfb. T710R SALE Ono organ for $30. O 'o ' orjan fir 1 } { 55. Ona Piano , 65 , Caaii or monthly pay- mota. . i s23-tf A nosm FOU SALE Inquire C. M. Wood man , Omaha. 751-tf JTlOKSAliK House and lot.N fc. corner ISth Jj streat and Capitol avomiB. Inquire on pro- miser. fcol 1m IOIl SALE Good bulldliig , brick. Call at F Uator Wrrks olflcn. 448-tf riTUAYED. Near the county I > oor Iwuso , one O light bay mare , 10 hands high ; weight about 1,250. Am information of the whcreal'OUtc or return nf said inaro will bo liberally rewarded br : he umlcruigncd. P. K UO , nov7-3t Omalia Brow cry. I710UND A gum of money Owner can hat o I he Jj xamo by describing it , and pajing for IhU idtcrtiicment , New York Dr } Goods Store , 1310 md 1312 rarnain strcc' . 191-17 OST A pair of eir ring pendents , twocrjs- { J tals In each , ucro in a small box. Lost be- : nccn John f'aiuner's s'oro and M cbster and ICth : : reward by lca > lng at Bee otllc ? . 193-18 'pAKEN UP Ono small roan cow , about flto JL J cars old ; has on two bells one , small and mo largo. Owner can ! me same by pro * Ing pro- xtrty and pa } Ing charges. S. W. CAMPBELL , 93-cm5tt Block 2 West Umaha. S C. HIIAINAKD , Taxidermist , 13th and How- ord. C5-n3-2m . JhTT Houseand Carpet do worStova 1'ollshtr. LSJVO orders at llepnbllcan olflec , I3ih ami DougU < . _ ( -21-H rpO FAll81F.IS-The ! bighcst cmh prim paid L ror llyc , Bar ev and Corn Kreb'u Vlni-xar , Jonca street , bctweunolh a d 10th , Oma- SW-dnwr U MAO STEIl i K 1'ALMYSTUllY AND CONDI TI NALIST , 408 Tenth street , betw cen I"inuiii ! UK ! Ha ncy. Will , with bo aid of .uardlaa j.lrlU , obtain for anyone a glinui a' iho past. ind ] > rcBeiit , and on certain cvuditlonK In thu fu ture. Boots and Shoes modulo order. fcatl faction giurantiuj. Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never varies. A raarvo ef purity , strength and wholeuomeness More economical than t'ne ordinary klnd , and cannot be sold Inwmpetition with the multitude of low test , Bhort weight , alum or pnojiphMepowdera , Bold only in cans HOTAI < BAKING POWDBB Oo , Will St. , New Yorker