THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , IXOVEMB&ix IT EL IS. WHOLKSALK AND RRTAIL BOOKS AND STATIOHERY , TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFICL or.w. . ia , acr oc 3R , aa .SB o < o > . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. HONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES , NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS iOWA. i JOSEPH 11EITEK , A MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest Possible Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. That , at lira. J. J. Good's Utlr , novtr require cilroplng Store t prlc"i never belcro touched by ny other hair dealer. Also ft lull line ol iwitchci , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , Miter and colored nets. Wn\e.i made from Kdlca' own hair. Do cot tall to call before purchasing tliewhore. All goodi wmantcd M represented. MHS. J. J. CiOOU , 20 XUln Ktrcoi , Council IllutTi , low * . TAYLOR BROS , 105 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wholesale Dealers in Lipors and Wines , No. 13 Mala St. , Council Bluffs , la. Eranoh House ; Lindpr , Kiel & Jensen , Pioux Falle , P. T. EJLTJC.lYVholesfclo lYVholesfclo Dealers in IOWA , NEBRASKA , AND MISSOURI , Dealer Also in { FA53CY GROCERIES , i 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , O-IRp O IE IRIIES Of All 'Kinds. New G-aods. New Prices , and Square Dealing. Gall and Examine Our Stock. EiTHIUfi HOUSE ! At Brant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUPES. PUln , Modlca 5d. Vapor , Electric , flunge , Douch , Bbowor , Ilot "oua Cold IUUm. Com' petent male anc female nurpca and attendants always on hand. , and the best otrare md atten tion Riven patrons. Special attention fflven to bathing children. Investigation and patronage loUcitod. loUcitod.PR. . A.-H. STTJDLEY & Oa. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Trtatmont ol cbronlo dueaocs made a gpodatty. REMOVED without the drawing ot blood or use of knife. Cures lunp dlsea es , Aisin nTFrwT ? Fits , Scrorula , Lbvcr Com . . P1tt ° tt Oiopef , Kheuma T II M fl R S tl6mfov" and Ucrcur- I U Hi V IU O | M gorc8i JrritlaB Salt Rheum , S Id Head , Catarrh , weak. Inflamed and granuicted YIS , Scrofulous Uk-ers end Fe male DUeaaai o ! . all klnda. Alao Kldnty and Venerlal ilsuaics. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. VI diseases tw.tsd upon theprlndplscUcget' Ureloro , vrtthont the use of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished who desire Uem. Hernia at Rupture radically cured by .tho uco the Klutlc licit 7TU89 and Plaster , Hlil ! i has In the world. COWBUirATION FREE. CALLCN OR ADDRESS flrs , & , Bioo-and F , 0 , Millar , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. DR. AP. . HANCHETT , SURGEON OUce , No. U PearLSireet. noun , 0 a. m. to 2.wid2p. m , to it p , m. Rcoldaoae , 120 J3ancroft street. Toltflionlc connection rrlUi Central office. _ _ STARS BUNCH , .HOUSE SIGN . , , AKO MAMEHfAL PAINTING. PAPER HAKGINQ , MLSOMININB AM SRAIHIKG , JC& . S33E 3EJCIiu3.3 ! : 'Wr5Sr- Shop Oornar Broadway nnd Sontt fit F. T SEYBERT M. D. . , , . . , PHYSICIAN & BURGEON , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. 5 , Kvorott Block , Broad way , over A. Lonlo'a Reatcurant. act ant s . a ? us , ci Offlco over BaTlu B U QI ! -OOUNOIt. . BLUFFSovra. . V. 0. J rac * , ia connection with bis law uid ( OllMtloobiulncMbayR and tells real eflttkj. Persous wlehlogto Luy or soil city property ull at hl4oUceovfr BuebneH'a book rtoro , Fen ) treat EDWiH J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. fISBrcadway , Council Bluffs. MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. OrxluUo of KlocUopiihIc Institution , Phil * delphfo , Tenn . Office Oor , Broadway & 01onn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlaeaaen and painful dlf- flcultlea peculiar to tonmlea a specially. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney fefloesellor , Office over First National Dank , Council Bluffs. Iowa. Will practice In the Btato and fedora courts. courts.JMO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 814 BROADWAY , Oonnoil Blnffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYEB , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor ot abstracts o ( Fottawattamle county. Office corner ci Broadway and Main ttrooU , Council Bluffs lown. P , J , MUNIUOMBfiY , M , iJ , FliEB DlSfKNBJiUY C-VEUY SATURDAY. Offlcaln Evcrett'n black , Pearl trect. Keel dence C23 Fourth ctrtot. Cfflco boura from 0 to 2 a. m. , i ! to < ami Council IlluC DENTIST. I'earl cppodta the poetoffico. One o tto oldeat rractlUoaerg In Council Bluffs. Bttlo ilclutlon t'Uirantcad lu HUGHES & TGWSLEE , DEALERS IN Gcn/eotionezy , FruitsWuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oynters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Oounoil Blutth. 8TEAR9 'LAOflDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSOK' f AHDEBSGH , Proprietors. TbluUundiy bat Jusu Ticen oponeJ ( or hiu1 > ncesi , and v/a are now jir pared to do laindry vork ol nil klnda anJ guarantee titlsfictlou A epecUlty made of Utc work , tach M cotlire , tuffs , flno ihlrto , etc. Wo w ut everybody to glvo uj a trial , LARSON A ANDERSON. in oa. omens. w , u. u. OfflGSB & PUSH , Council Bluffis , la , Established , - - 1866 Realms In Kortljn and Domestic tfxcbang * ead " COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. cnicAoo , HOCK ISLAND AXD PACIFIC. tvptrt , Arrltc. Atlantic Kxt..ft opni I Pacific Kx.9lftam | : band ) Ull > . , P:25am : I Ex and Malr..C.V : > pm I ) . Molnc ac'.7:15 : Mti | DCS Molncm'.4:40 : p m CHICAGO , n-FaiSOrOX AND Ql'tVCT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Kx.BJO | p m I Pacific KxJ..9.-50 a m Mali ami Kx' . . 'jo a in Mall and Kx . .7:00p : m N. Y. Kx , 4.00 p tn I Neb tt Has Kx..gVO : a m CHICAOO AND KORTllttUtltRX. Depart. Arrlte. Atlantic KxU5pm | ! I Pacific KtJ , . 9:15am : Mai and Kv,9.JOain Mai and Kx * . 0:1.1 : I'm Accotn. ( S.At , ) . .tu'iO p m | Accoin. ( Mon. ) 1:15 : p in KANSAS CUT , St. JOR AND COU.sal. BLl'tFB. Depart. Arrlto. Mall and tlx..9.VMkm I Rxnrcw..O.'iOpm Exprc ? * . , 9:10 : p m | Malt and Kx. . G'45\iM VMOM PACIFIC , Dcpfttt. Arrltc. ( vcrhml MX , 11:30 ft. m. OtcrlandKxM400p. m. .Incoln Hx lluVlft. m. DcmcrKx . . , > cn\tt Ex..7:00p. : in. Locill'.x (1:30 ( IV. in. ! Kx..7:2A , . /oca : ft m. ' ' Kmlirant..5 : 0p. in. " Kx.f-ooa. ! ! ! ! m' ABASH , sr. touts AND rActrio. Dcp-irt. Arrlt c. Mall and Kx. . 0:15 : a m I Mall and Kx. . 4:30 : p m Cannon UMI. . 4'fOpm | Cannon i\ll..ll:03am : KIOUX car v FAnria Dcptrt. Arrive. For Sioux i'i . * . . ? . m Frm Sioux O'y.C Optii For Tort Nlobrnrx Krm Fort NIobrnrA , Neb'.7Mvm : Ncb.CWpm : For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. raul..8.CO n m ClItCAOO , MILWAVKK1C AND AT , o Council llhids. ' Arrlt cs Council ntttlTi. MallnnillUc.a Onin I Mall and F.x.'C5pm Atlantic h\5:15 : ] ) in | Atlantta rx..I9.10a m nncvno , MitttAfKr.r. AND KT. r\iu U-mcsOinnln. Arrltcs atOmalia. Mall and r.x7:15a : m I 1'acinc Kx [ t > :45nm : Atlantic Kx. . 13 ! 10pin I Mall andKx * 7-2. > pln KxccptSunda > 9. { Except Saturda ) ! . ) Kxccpt ilond.ijs. I Dally. Council BmQs & Omnba Btroot R. n. Lcat o Council lltuffs. Leave Onmha , I n in , 0 ft in , 10 a m , I 8 a ni , 0 n m , 10 a m , II a tn , 1 m , 2 p tn , 3 p I 11 a in , 1pm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p in , B p m , 01 > m , | m , 4 p in , 6 p in , 0 p in Street cars run hall dourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trlpi at 9 o clock ft , tn. , and run rct'U any during the day at 0 , 11 , 2 4 , D and 0 o'clock , and run to clt ) time. "dNOWBALli'd" A Colored Uootblnck Comes Into PoBsosslon of Property Valued at $50OOO. New YotL Herald. A Brooklyn darkey narnod John Do Gross , but more familiarly known among his acquaintances as "Snow ball" and "Doc , " has been placed in possession of property valued at $50 , 000 after having followed whitewashing - ing , blacking boots and other plebeian avocations for n livelihood. "Snow ball" was at ono time the body oorvmit of the late Health Officer Ooohran. When the Doctor' * will was opened the fact discovered that ho had loft "Snowball' a legacy of Cl000 John Do Gross , Sr , "SnowbillV father was an old resident of Brooklyn , and a leader among the colored people of Brooklyn when it was but a villnt'o. Ho was intelligent , and of a saving disposition. Whou Myrtle avenue n as laid out and opened the old man purchased from the city land at the corner of Navy street and Myrtle avenue which had been condemned and taken , in the laying out of the now thoroughfare. In 18-10 it passed into the poraeusion of Tlioo- clorua Bergen , who , with Do Grosa , long since died. The latter left three children , of whom two are still living John and Sarah. The property was transferred to ono Francis Chatallo by Bergen the same year in which it came into his possession. In IfioO Arthur Wellwood coourod it , and until within the past week it has been re tained by him. It is now occupied by six tenants. The Do Gross children endeavored to gain posaootiion of the property through the courts in 1676 , claiming that they were the owners by right of descent. Defendant con tested the claim , but plaintiffi secured a verdict In their favor. The case was taken to the general term , when the decision was reversed and n new trial granted. Thia resulted In a verdict lor defendant. Plaintiffs appealed , when the vprdict was set aside. On the next trial had before Judge Neil- son in September , 1880 , plaintHTd ob tained a verdict. Appeal was again taken to the general term , when the last verdict was affirmed. Again re sort was had to the court of appeals , which final tribunal , October 10 , affirmed the judgment of the court below The plaintiffs have now secured - cured possession of the property , and "Snowball" is the pride and envy of his colored contemporaries at local cake walk ? , picnics and other festive entertainments. A Nowipanor Editor. O. M , Holcomb , < > f Bloomvlllc , Ohio , risen to explain : "Had that terrible dta- ease catarrh , for twenty yearn ; couldn't taste or Hinell , and hearing was falling. Thomat' Eclcttric 0(1 cured me. These nro facts voluntarily given uualnat c former prejudice of nntent medicine , " A Now Yorlc Gamblor's PUUoaopny. Trtitu Intonlcw. Experience has shown mo that there is no system that will boat faro , or any other game of chance whore a percentage is against you and no judgment concerned , The usual per- coutngo in this country in favor of the bank is nearly eight per cent , or four times what it ia in the great gambling places of Europe. But it is not the percentage alone that gives the bank an advantage , nor do they count upon that chiefly for their winnings. The fact is , when you play against the bank you play ugalnxt a machine , and a machine can boat a man out of sight every titno , Such is human nature tlmt f ho average man ctnnot got out cf a gambling house with u cent in his pocket. Ho is not Butialiod with winning n .reasonable mnount , but goes on until ho fiimllc Io&i > a ull IKI hn ; with him. On is playing with a liuiiUd num against n capital that is practically un limited , uca of course ho will got loft in the long .run , oven leaving the ptr- ceiit&go out of the question , iiut A meta important point in favor of the bunk in this , uiul concernu the eccentricity u luck What the roi- eon any bo na ono Jui.nvu , but it is cerluiujy truu that luck runs in otreaVc , first bud aad then [ rood. To follow up and bick the geol ; ctrcaks und to lie back ou the bad , in the only system 1 know of winning at any eiort of gambling. Thu ttjublo jo thotmon don't know wioJBh , or elaa they haven't the ncrvo to practice it , They win a fov/ times and become cautious and hot email earns , fearing a change in the luck , whcraaa the minute they BCO their luck in running they ought to stack their chips all ever the table everywhere that there is room to put them. Aa it is , the avoraga player wcitu fcr his bad luck to cou.'o , and then doubles and doubles until ho is busted , It is in long runs of a color tliut the bank makes its greatest coups , People Bocm tn think tlmt bocauoo a color has turned up eight or nine times it hasn't as good a ohixnco of coming up the next. As a mutter of foci the chances are exactly oven , though it is impossible to convince ninoty-nino out of n hundred that such is the caao. At Moiinc lately , the number BOTCH didn't como up for several days , nnd people vrcro tolo * craphing their orders from nil over Europe to bet on nutnVor toron. Of course the chances ngninst n run on a color ate moro tr Icfs , nud ctn rjftd- ily bo calculated , but the ohkiicoa on each individual turn of the card nro smelly oven , * A11 Indies who may * bo troubled with nervous prostrAtion ; who suffer from organic displacement ; who have n sense of weariness and n fooling of lassitude ; who nro languid in the morning : in whom the nppotlto for food ia capricious nnd sloop ni proper hours uncurtain , should have rccourso to Mrs , Pinkhntn'a Vegetable com pound. The First Comoro lu Uurnt Illvor Poes. S It LaVe Tribune. Wo learn tlmt officials of the Oro- Navigation nnd ICailwny company liavo lately boon at Boise , Idaho , nnd liavo arranged for oxtondlug tholr line from Baker Oity , Oro. , to Boiso. The route la to pass through the Burnt Ilivor Passwhich is too narrow Tor occupancy , wo nro told , by moro than ono road , nnd this operates to shut out the Oregon Short Linewhich it was supposed would pass through that way nnd bo operated in connection with the Oregon Navigation and Roil- way company. A largo force of mon nro at work on the grade between Bolao and Baker Oity. The 0. N. & E. company have 1,000 mon grading on Burnt river , and have possession of all the narrow passes , intending to dispute the righter or possibility of the Oregon Short line through the canyon. The contractors have.built n otorv , boarding house nml hay barn nt Wenthorby'a Station , and intend to work all winter. The Union Pacifio issued a circular ou November 1 , saying that the Oregon gen Short Line was now open for bus iuoss from Granger to American Fnlls , and ordering that all freight for Mon tana and Idaho , received by the Utah nud Northern , bo shipped , ever ttu ! route , All freight going north of the crossing of the road at McOammon's Junction will bo transferred there from the broad gauge to the narrow gauge toad , and all freight for Wood Hirer will go either to American Falls or Blaokfoot. Rates am to remain the same as it going via Ogdon. Wny the Minister Ceuscd to Wonder Uraior Tlrllmne. Apropoa of the Egyptian trouble , wo wish to relate a little story , the circumstances of which occurred dur ing our trip to the Holy Land eevern yearn ngo. Ho was a devout Christian and made the study of the Bible and a proper understanding of the Big Book the nighost aim of lifo. When ho arrived at the Sea of Gal ileo his heart was filled with nwo , am ho felt elevated and cleansed by the thought that ho waa gazing on the very same spot where his Savior once stood. Approaching the boatman , ho ad dressed him lu his choicest Arabic anJ , with blblo and commentary ii hand , awaited an answer. "Ah ! what smaller 'th yet ? Why don't yor talk the United States ? ' asked the man contemptuously. Ho was a real live Yankee , who was pick ing up a living by ferrying tourists across the Epa. 1 So thisis , the sea of Galileo , " devoutly voutly murmured the searcher after knowledge. "Yu-a-s. " "And this is where our Savior walked upon the waters ? " "Yn-a-s. " - - . "How much will you charge to take mo to the exact spot ! " "Wall , you look like a gentleman and I won't charge yon no thin1. " The devout one boarded the boat , and at last was pointed out were the miracle is oaid to have occurred , After gazing at the waters and divid ing hia tinio between glances at his books and devout ejaculations of satis faction , the searcher signified his will ingness to return. "Charge you $20 to toke you back , ' said the speculative Yankee. "But you said you would charge nothing. " "Naw , didn't. Nothin' to bring you out ; twenty to got back. " "And do you charge everybody $21 to take them back ? " asked the nston ishod ocarohor. "Ya a-s. That's about the figgor. ' "Well , then , " said the devout ono as ho wont down in his clothes , "m wonder our Savior got out x wullted , " A VOYAGE IN THE STEERAOrK. How Poor People Uroua the Atlantic Prentice Mulford , in the San Fran cisco Chronicle , gives a long account of a voyage in the ateorago , Ho says Eioh steoragor in required to fur nish himself with n bed , blanket plate , knife , fork , spoon , and a tjr can for holding water , served oui daily. The total cost of thcso articles in London is not moro than three o four dollars. Then , if ho has the wis dom of mi old ttcoragor , he will pro vide himself with a "Jinok pot , " to contain the tea and cc/fl'jo curved a mcala. The hook attaches U to the run of the table and proventii it fron being rolled oil' , If ho is wiaor ntill ho will take with him tun , coffee , choc oKitn , oaniKil m n'vtor fiah , nud A foiv spicca or coudimcrita for helping out the ohip'a bill of faro. Many of my fellow'paEBongorj had so provided themselves , nnd wo enjoyed many no ciablo private "teas" on the trip , The daily bill of faro , as near as I can recollect olloct , waa ca follows ; Breakfast n -cotfoo , hot rolla and butter. Th bO'Ctillid "rolln" wcro in reality emul loavea , of which each pamouger wu ontiRud to ono at a meal. At 1030 ; or 11 , ooup or gruel for the children of which the older pansengort through a contrivance of good will often got a share , Dinner at 1 $ m , Soup , roast beef and potatoes , or cod fiah and potatoes , rico or broad pud dingr Tea at CCold bread am butter and what was cillod tea Often in the afternoon at 4 a plat of soup or gruel was onion THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , . - f. yvjT , * y gg- gjSfyggfrrtjffi * * ' SSI IU ; AIIT IHi ! LEMEi\T CO KljUKFS , IOW1 tie things possible , There ' 38 certainly enough to out of lie kind. I venture to any that one- lalf of ours1 eon > gra wire no or on here fed with ao much regularity , or von variety. The hoof tasted OH hough the lifo had boon tali on out of \ by seine process. It was out up bo- ere boiug brought to the tnblo. It was brought in a hugo tin can. The an was taken to llio lablo by ono of ho assistant blowards , and out of it 10 doposltod the prices on our plates with n long fork. The potatoca came text in another hugo pan. Another toward laid the requisite nunibor by jur plates. Our soup plivtos woru lillod in n similar fashion. The tnblo crvico , as rany bo imagined , was mliroly practical in its nature. There was no formality. The meal finished , each guest was equlrod to wash his or her own able ware. For this purpose the cook , after each meal placed n largo vessel of hot water near the galley , on dook. Co this the passenger repaired with his > wn ooap and towel , plunged therein its tin plato , cup , knife , fork , and md spoon , washed , wiped and retired. There wao no change of hot water for , ho company. Of course , at the latter end of this lavatory process it bocanio moro and more greasy , nnd ns it cooled this grease took on a moro and moro solid consistency , The ; ucst is required to clean also that > art of thu table allotted to him , tn lather up all the scraps , especially ho potato poolings. Thcso were gen- irally fired into the "chuto , " from whence the cinders and coal ashes were emptied Into the sea. When this chute was on the leeward side of the Vessel all wont well , and the debris slid readily into the ocean. When , ho chute wna to windward things did lot go overboard so readily. Then a arger amount of thu anullar ecrap- } go found its way to the general vush-pnn. The trip from the atocir- agu table with this table furniture waa on an even keel a matter of ono mndred and odd foot , involving alto ; ho climbing of the steerage staira to ; ho main deck. By the main deck , [ would inform the ultra Iquda- man ) is not meant the upper deck , which commands the view ol the sea It is the enclosed dock on which are located all the offices of the little floating world , such as the engine room , cook room , steward's room , butcher shop , pastry cook , etc. Ours was on deck below this. Having had some sea training , all this dish wash ing and other discipline was for moue uo great hardship. I had done it all before in the forecastle. But some of the poor follows wont erratically for many days in this unaccustomed ser vice. There was often a clangor of pots and plates and precipitations of human forms in all shapes on deck , and a spilling of slops in all directions during heavy weather. The principal abuse of the modern steerage lies in the contracted space occupipd by the berths. There is no necessity for so crowding twelve people ple in a opaoo not largo enough for four. The steamers take , as a rule , full cargoes from America , but they ire not so loaded coming baok. Nor ! s there any real necessity that the steerage passenger bo obliged to fur nish his table-service. Cleanliness would bo far better regulated were the tables sot with tha ship's plates , knives , forks , and cupa , and those removed , wanhod , and stored by the ship's attendants. As it is , four-fifths of the people are entirely inadequate to the proper cleansing of their own table ware , even in fair weather , and the result is the storage in their bunko of greasy plates , which are continually getting loose and clattering about under foot in rough weather. Ao for the faro , I would in the mines of California have boon very glad to live as well an I did in the Btcorago. I have soon worse faro on oomo vessels when a sailor , and oven worao in some cheap boarding houses on shore. Wo had a very calm passage until within four daya of Now York. The steamer waa light , and euoh rolling for three days I never doomed anything afljat capable of , The oscillations wore ns regular and almost as rapid ns these of a common pendulum. It was ono steady BOO saw night and day the dock for over so few seconds like a Hansard roof up , and without the pausoof u second it waa the Mansard roof down again. I rolled like a log to and fro in my bunk , und no amount of self > chooking would to- euro mo. At last I hit upon n fash ion of screwing my houd into ono corner of the brth , and Homohow I don'r. know how I could inuko that end of my bjdy otay there , but all below the waist , especially the legs , thruuhod about like a p ir of whip- hU.oa , I bocauui uo tired of llau ji- voluntary ozorciso that my whole body ached , JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Uonnsollor at COUNCIL LLUKFS , IOWA , Ottk'o liroaJwuy , between Malnjj and I'ca BtrcUa. HU1 practice In [ StauhanJ glfcdo urti JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( Dcutaclier Arzt. Cor , WASHINGTON AYE & 7th Si Council Blnffs. .irfmeei ot women nd childroj BUYER AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. 1,519 South Main Street , COUNCIL 11LUEFS , IOWA I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing. Re-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J. J. Hatliaway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Machinery ill bo run exclusively for custom work on Thursday and Frldif o each week. Ortlora solicited nnd untlufnution ( mnrnntood. . JKH.I TEST ( Successors to J. W. Eodefer ) WHOLESALE AliD RETAIL DEALERS IN LiOMIAMA , LEHIBH , BLOSSBW I GOAL ; CONMELLSVILLE COKE , GEMEKT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yarde Oor. Eighth Btreet Eleventh Avenue , Oounoil Bluffa. PETKU TUOLU IIBRUAK KRAOITT , THOLL & KRACHT , GROCERIES 'AND PROVISIONS. Oor. Main Street and 7th Aveuuo. Fine Groceries . , TCOB , Eio. , a Specialty. Highest prices paid ( or country produce. No * DUlldlnfr. . new goodi ' , , low prices , Wo will not bo undersold , Call and examine our itook. delivered. P. T. MAYNB. o. E. MAYNE COUNCfL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFAOTURK BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES. CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Boat of Bro'-rn tiautaiitly on Hand. The ! Vi . , lent Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley Parties Wluhlnjj to 8 U Broom Corn Will Pleaae Bond Sample. OO. MRS. D , A. BENEDICT , THE LKADING DKALEIl IN X2C k3C DEC , Gh O 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. ST . Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLTJI DOUHFLINOKH , ProptJetor. Choice Wiuee nud ClgftH , Oyntors m Evoty Style. ' n T- T 700 Lnwnr Rrondwny. flounci ! Bluffs Iowa. DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , (3uccci ( OM to jitU & DUQUKTTK ) . r YO nml 18 Pearl. st. founell , la D. M , CON NELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker , No. 17 , North Main Street Oounoil Bluffs UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT Mm STREET , THH BEST BREAD IN THE CITY , Nouo but firat-olasa liakera mployed. Bread , Oako , PJos , &o. , delivered to any part of tLo city. . Otn > V gona rnn all day. - T P. AYRES , Proprietor.