Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1882, Image 6

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\ I
The Daily Bee ,
Friday Morning Nov. 17 ,
Br Ctrtlet , - - - - - 20 ccnln per week
B ; Mill - - - - - - tlO.flO ptr Teal
Ufflce ; No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Noa :
H. W. T1LTON , Olty Editor.
J .Muellcr's.Falaco Music Hall.
-Silk mils only $1.50 at Bliss' . nl7 3
The Calhollo fair at the opera noun
should be tcmcmborcd.
Subscribe for newspapers and period !
cals at H. K , Seaman's book store.
A pleasant dance was Ri n Ust nigh
in connection with ths Catholic fair ,
-Blrthd y , Holiday and Wedding Glft <
at U. E. Seaman's. novO-tf
Now lot nicely decorated , CO plcces.tol
tea acts , only $5 at Usurer & Craig.
At last the good work has beflim , and
the leaves in the park nrc being raked up ,
and the wires have been gathered up.
Hand. painted china , art oottcry , solid
silverware , bronzes , &a , at Maurer &
The newimeat market of.Shulli Mul
len , 7D9 South Main street , gucrantco best
of moaU and prompt attention ,
The boys' band are to have another
qusdrllle party at St. Joseph's academy
on the 21th lust. The Invitations areas
neat as any which have been toon.
The Catholic fair Is sttll in prrgrets.
"Tho Rescue of Llttlo Rod Rtdinij Hood"
is to bo repeated in connection therewith
Friday afternoon at Dohany'a. ' It should
draw a crowd.
A fine assortment of Boots and Shoos ,
sufficient to supply the demands of all , at
George Blaxim'a south Main ctroct.
Thomas Kay , who has been lying ia
jail here awaiting trial for murder in Car
t ' roll connty , is not to be tried at this term
of court , a continuance having been grant *
Cheap Railroad tickets to all points ,
B online ! ) , five Jeers north of postoificc , i ells
them. Entrance , Main or Pearl streets.
Six room house , a store room well lo
cated and a forty acre improved , two
miles from this city , for icnt Iiy W , R.
Vaughan ,
The Presbj tcrlana were entertained
socially last evening in , a very happy manner -
ner by Mrs , Wright , Mrs. Hays and .Mrs.
Farnswotth , at the residence cf Mrs.
Joseph Relter makes the Finest Suits
in the latest at ) Ics , at the kwest possible
prices. II In merchant tailoring establish
ment is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council
Three bojs named Lawrence Wolf ,
Mack Goodwin and Tom Skinner , were
arrested by Officer Clough for disorderly
conduct , it being claimed that they in
dulged in throwing stones at some private
There U a good deal ol grumbling be
cause the county board adjourned with
out allowing the bills , thus leaving some
out of their pay until the January term ,
and at a time of the year when winter sup
plies are generally to bo laid in ,
A valuable cow , owned by George
George Gerner , was cruelly treated by
ome one the other night , Her appear
ance on returning home was that some one
hid ipllltd ccal oil on her back , and set it
on fire , Mr , Gcrncr propoees to ferret out
the offenders.
Lutz & Lange , tbo well-known cigar
dealers , have leaped that portion of the
new Shugart building next to that occu
pied by the Citizen's bank , nud will pro
ceed to move tbolr ktock thither and add
greatly to it , as soon as the building is
finished , which will probable ba about De
cember 1 ,
Win. MolTadden , of Clear Like , Iowa ,
whom many hero met a short time ago
wli en ho was visiting his brother Wall
MoFi dden , has mot with a sad loss by the
death of his wife , \ ho died of drnpty ol
tie heart on the Cth oi November , She
bad been In poor health for about three
Dr. J. M. Maroy , of Topeka , Kas.
Is In the city /visiting his father , and hae
brought with him noino fine fctock , In
cluding a valuable blooded bull and some
heiferf , which bo proposes to dl > pcso ol
here. He has them at Mr , Johnson's ,
No. S3 Periu avenue , ami they are cer
tainly fine ones ,
LInder & Kiel Is ona of tbo oldest
firms in the city in their line. Besides the
members of the firm , they have two travel
ing men , A. N. Anwcrda and T. W ,
Jones , both gentlemen nnd excellent sales
men ; while 11 0 , Lange preside * over th <
boobs. Th&y have lately eitahlUhed i
branch house at Sioux Vallr , Dakota
with Mr , S. F. Jenten as one of the part
ners , and tiltofc tier they are the ttrongeii
housa iu the west.
An attempt U being made by
of the music lovers o ( this city tone euro i
serial tif piano recitals byMlm Ljdla 8
Ilarrli , now of Chicago , but who was for
merly here , connected with Mrs , Ford'
umilcal conservatory , Miss Harris in
tuuny friends n < l aiml ! > era here wb
would gladly have an opptrtunUyof nutt
ing her and bearing her again , and tlier
are others to whom these tccltals wouli
prove rich feasts of music. She Is a youn
artist , but a true one , and of late she ha
gained ome very high honor * from til
musical circles of Chicago and Milwaukee
She playg the bent from the bett coinpo
era , and if she c uld bo recutcd to git
three recitals hero It would giro the peon !
not only u chance to bear coinpoiltloi
which are se'don : given , but a chance I
Lear them as rendued by one of the mo ,
promUlug plauieta who has yet attiacU
publiu attention. Like arrangement * a
bring planned by Omaha tuuslo-lovers , at
it ia thought that by joining the cifurts <
both cltle * Miu HarrU can be secured f
iserlea i f recitals in each ,
The Nonpareil Is still bunting up re
OB * for the defeat of Anderton , as well i
for the general result. A few days ago
it gush of unwonted repentance it coufet
el that boihlim and forcing an unpopul
candidate ca the republican party wsut t !
e u e. John Chapman feeling that he h
Ixred LU bosom too freely to the publl
now says It was prohibition , a re final c
congress to reduce tnxntlon , and Its conn
in making hc.\vy Appropriations. If h
keepi on Hoc ping about , nnd ns lgnln
different causes in each day's Is lie , ho wll
have said more mean things about th
republican party than any democrat wnul
rmvo dared to charge , Chapman might ft
well iitlck to the truth of his emotions
confection , that the defeat of Andcrso
was earned hero by the cUtcrmlnaUon c
republicans to tmash the boss and h )
ring , r > ud sit down on the corrupt mean
by which an unfit man forced hU way ont
the parly.
llemember the matinee this aftcrnooi
at DohanyV , It being the presentation o
"Llttlo Ited Hiding IIooJ , " In conncclloi
with the Catholic fttlr. This clmmlnj
operetta plensed greatly nil who heard I
Monday ntgh1 , nnd the matlneo this alter
noon will give n chnnre to ninny others tc
enjoy it. ' 1 he entertainment should draw
a packed house , and none who enjoy mu
sic , aud especially children's choruses , will
be disappointed.
The only iron preparation that docs
not color tbo teeth , and will not cause
headache or constipation , as other
Iron preparations will , is Brown's Iron
Official Majority.
The following is the result of the
official count in the several counties
of this district showing the majorities
on the congressional count.
Harrison 10
Crawford 303
Mills 171
Fremont 740
Shelby 127
Cuss Ill
Montgomery C28
Audubon 120
Totals 2,893 048
This gives Pasoy a majority in the
[ Ustrict of 2,245.
Traditions of tbo Tribe.
The Potlowottomios are a powerful
ind warlike tribo. Their favorite
pastime is waging war against the
Dimmo-crats , a postiflorous tribe
living in the swampa and in tbo moun
tain fastnesses around the rich capital
3f the PottowottomicB.
At Urn on , when their hereditary
foes bavo not the courogo to meet
them in battle the sanguinary Potto-
wottomio chiefs quarrel among them
selves , for there Is nothing in which
tbo Pottowottomio braves so much
delight as war.
Now there was a certain warrior ,
named Jon-chapman , who became
chief of a small faction of the Pot
towottomioa , but ho was not loved by
the people of the tribe , for ho always
claimed all the honors and spoils won
by the Pottowottomies , either iu war
or the chase ; and the tribe value fair
dealing as highly as they enjoy war.
Hot many moons since , the chief ,
Joh'Chapman , sought tn sot up
Ma-janderson , a strange warrior from
the Bouthlanu , us , head chief of the
Pottowotlomles and all the surround
ing tribes ; at which many warriors of
the tribe waxed exceedingly wroth ,
and in the great battle which ensued
they fought with the Dimmo-crats ,
und assisted them so valiantly that
the Dimmo-crats , for the first time ,
were triumphant , and their war
chief was chosen head chief of all
the tribes.
There were ruraora that Ma-jandor-
aou and Jon-chapman had both been
slain in the conflict , and after the
Pottowottomio chiefs had returned
from the war path , with their war-
rlors , they all assembled in the Hall
of Oouncil ; aud when the pipe had
boon paisod around , the Marah-domah
commanded sllmico und spoke :
Who killed Mn-jnndcrjou ?
I paid Tum-uvnns ,
Yours truly , by heavenn ,
With my little game
Of nixes nnd eoveng ,
I killed Mn-jnudoraon ,
Who drew the first blood ?
I , gftld Beer-Bcott ,
wltli my bond-amw ehotj
0 , I fit nnd I fouRh' ,
And rcmoreo I feel not.
I drew the tint blood.
Who took Sla-jamlcrBon's scalp ?
1 , said Jon.haldwin ,
( Old Wheel Uor-o they called hhu )
With my big battle nx
All runty with core ,
That I've used on the
Dinmio-crftta of ten before ,
I took Mn-jandurscn'a scalp.
Who dug Mii'jandereon'a grave ?
I said Kl-claytou ,
A big one , with the date on ;
An earthquake , to deep it ID ,
Could mi upset It ;
IsUtnclled him In
Aud don't j im forget it ,
I dug Ma-jandenou's grave ,
Who cot away with Jou-clmiiin&n ?
1.1 , I , I , I-yl , ylf
ThU was tbo eager , tumultuous cry ,
Until the ilr for leagued
Around waa tremulous.
Y/hon order was restored the Mar <
ah-domuh again epoku :
Who mourns Jon-chapman ?
A silence deep a 1'lmroah's tomb ,
Pervaded all the council room ;
Until n young bravo made renueet ,
" 0 Marah'doraati it.1
, ' , ylveus a it
linrd of the Pottowottouilee ,
A Card.
COUNCIL BLUiTd , la , , November 17 ,
882. This is to certify that the Icai
of $1,200-which I sustained by a fin
on the morning of the 13 h inst. hai
been paid in full by the German Am
oricau Insurance Go , of Now Yoi k ,
through their agents O'DalKfc Day !
The prompt action on the p rt of thii
company , In the payment of losses and
the cortoous treatment received at th <
hands of their agents hero ocmruoudi
them to a liberal business In this city ,
A Lear Lost.
A seven year ola son of 8 , Batei
while playing about Mr. lleynold'i
iluip about 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon , got caught iu the povter am
very seriously injured , his loft log wai
mangled so badly that amputation a
the knee became noccossary. Then
wore several other fractures am
bruises. Ho survived the oporatioi
and it is thought that ho may live.
Buoklin's Arnica Halve ,
The BUT SALV * In the world for Onti
UnsItM , Soreu , Ulcerr , bait Khomn. Fi
yer Sores , Totter , Ob pned llanda , Cot
llalni , Oorni , and all skin eruptions , un
podtUely curoijlka , It b guaranteed t
vlve latlsfbctfon i luney rennde ( <
1'rlco , 26 cents pet ex , rfo * salt by t
They Are Being Reviowofl ii
Police Court , and Some Sen
sational Statements Hade ,
Gillie Still Insists That tin
Police Were Bribed ,
Conjectures ni to the End ,
Yeslordtiy the police court WAS i
point of interest for many , on nccouni
of the examination in progress then
concerning the alleged confidence nior
assaulting n crippled som ; seller nnmcd
Gillis , whoao story was told in yester
day's DEE
The five men accused gave thoii
names as Jnmos T. Conor ton , Henry
Seymour , J. II. White , George Max
well and John Howard They np-
icnred in the morning , without any
attorney , and were informed that a
low indictment had been lodged
gninnt them , it being a charge of as-
jult with intent to commit murder.
John N. Baldwin appeared for the
iroseoution , the Chicago , Burlington
c Quincy railway company , on whoso
rain the affair occurred , apparently
> eing interested in having the matter
horoughly sifted and justice gained.
Jo wanted the case continued
until Saturday , in order to got wit
ness who were on the train , but the
ofcndants said they would admit
hat these witnesses would swear to
ust what' the projcoution claimed
hat they would testify to. The case
vas adjourned till 3 o'clock in the
fternoon , the prisoners giving bail in
ho sum of $600 cash and n $2,000
ortificato oE deposit , making $2,600
u all.
In the afternoon the case was open-
d. Col. Dailoy appeared as attorney
or the defendants. Gillie was put on
10 stand and wont into details as to
10 attack made upon him , ' as narrated
n yesterday's BEE. Ho claimed that
10 had boon instructed by the head
fBcials of Boveral of the roads to
lotify conductors and policemen , and
0 warn passengers , when confidence
non were around , and that
10 had done so , thereby getting the
1 will of the confidence men , who
lad threatened him with violence on
ccount of it. Ho claimed that this
was the reason they pitched into him.
lo narrated in detail the affray in
tia car , and the arrest of the men ,
ind how afterwards they were turned
OOBO , and reaffirmed his statement
made to THE BEE that ho saw money
lipped into the hands of Officers
asick and Sterling , and that ho was
Iso given $5 in gold.
Col. Diiluy crosD-oxamincd him
losoly and at great length. Gillis
onied that ho had over received any
> nrt of the proceeds of tricks turned
> y confidence mon , except the
! 0 gold piece referred to. Ho narrated
, number of confidence tricks that had
> eon played hero lately , and , if his
tatemonts are to bo believed , there
ms bden even more of the business
; oing on than the public generally
ms thought , and there has surely
icon enough made public to make it
> lain that many confidence mon have
> eou at work hero lately.
At the close of Gillis' testimony an
djournmont was taken until this
Tbo trial excites ranch interest , note
o much on account of the attack on
Gillis , but because of the alleged un-
arthing of .the ring of confidence
harks who have been plying their
rude here so vigorously the past few
The charges of bribery against Of
ficers Cusiok and Sterling naturally
xcitos thoeo officers and their friends ,
nd they oeern confident that they will
how up Gillis in a very unenviable
ight before the matter is through
vith , 'and will ahow that his state
ments are not to bo believed.
Chief Field is also interested in the
outcome , and Mayor Bowman sat pa
tently listening to the evidence yen-
crday , ha apparently being dotcr-
ulnod to know nil the facts , as ho
iught to as head of the city , and of
ho police department.
A number of gamblers seem par-
icularly interested , and general curi
osity seekers helped swell the crowd.
It is to bo hoped that ono good may
result from this trial In any ovont. It
a to bo hoped that not only the
officers chiefly concerned but the
others as well will try and square
humoolvoB with the publla by nhow-
ng isomo energy in driving confidenoo
men out of the city or else putting
thorn through to the full extent and
ntiklng the city hot for them. It can
) B done and if officers thus act , they
can better than in any other way
avoid all suspicion and gain public
Lieut. Gov. Manning was ut the Outlet
MM. MacConnell Is quite III with inu
iulal fever ,
W , 1) , Ilamblln and wife have returnee
From a trip to Chicago ,
O. F. Hall , agent of the Edwin Clifford
Dramatic company , waa in the city yester.
Sheriff Sara Jones and City Marsha !
linulloy , nf Denluan , were In tlio city yes
.ordny ,
J , 11. Tilton.ol Munteiumi , la ejxnJlni
a few days In the city , and yesterday far
ored Mr , Tiltou of TJIK DEE with a call ,
Mr. Morgan , of The Globe , It an old roou
mate and school mate ot his , and he hoi
other friends in the city , who are glad tc
tee him here ,
W. M , RauVln , representing Brown'i
Voice of Masonry , and Lilly & Co. , ol
Ohio , Is in the city , interviewing Ilia mein
bora of the secret orders , and other eo
cletles In regard to regalias , etc. He hn
already many aqualntances In this city
and was in attendance at the late setslni
of the grand lodge , Knight * of Pythias
held here.
Blfc Sums of Money.
Viw York Bun.
A valuation of $400,000,000 ii
round numbers is reported on propert ;
in Texas this year.
The sum of C3.C50.000 is now in
vested iu tbo monuUoturo of iron 1 :
the Birmingham ( Ala. ) district.
In the len years front 1870 188
the vnldo of the * ik ) production of th
United States rose from 312,210,00 , !
to 824,410,403
It is estimated that the total woo
clip of the United States this year wil
aggregate 300,000,000 pounds , wortl
During the last fiscal year thi
federal i < overnmcnt received from th <
! speotlon of fitoam vessels and office
licenses $278,889.
For several wecka thu banks of Gal
voaton have been receiving and expressing <
pressing to t-o interior an I'vorago ol
$500,000 per week.
The onormotis sain df $202,000OOC
is invested in the nubmnrmo cables o !
the world , supposed to nggrogato 01
000 miles in length.
A union depot 250 foot Ion ? , with
covered tracks cxtenning 1,000 feet ,
nnd costing about $400,000 , is to be
erected at Minneapolis.
A $2,000,000 mortgage has boon
recorded in West Virginia by a Phila
delphia Trust company on lands In
the rich cannel coal lormitlon.
Charleston , S C. , points with
srldo to a wholesale trade of nearly
$75,000,000 $ last year , an increase of
about $1,000,000 over the preceding
According to the Mississippi Hand-
) ook , there are 17C.251 white and
151,438 colored children attending
'ho ' free schools in the state , at a cost
of 8830,701.
Hawaiian coins to the amount of
> 200,000 , and corresponding in value
and denomination with our silver
coinage , are to bo struck at the San
Trancisco mlut.
The trustees of the Slater fund
lave selected Dr. Hnygond , of
Georgia , as agent to manage § 1,000-
lOO for educating colored people in
ho south.
For the year ending Juno 30 , the
ovonuos of the Dominion of Canada
amounted to 833,381,381 , the ex
penditures to $27(155,902 , leaving n
urplus of $0,225,479.
The Gorman empire has now about
24,000,000 acres of forest , valued at
5400,000,000 , and appropriates $500-
100 every year to increase and main-
ain the growth of trees.
The loto Catholic bishop of Vin-
CDtinca , lad. , who died in Franco , was
a count , and during his lifo gave
? 300,000 to the Catholic church. His
> ody is to bo buried in Vincennes.
H. H. Bancroft , historian of the
'ucltio coast , has spent $500,000 in
ollecting his private library. Ho is
n Ohio man and made his money in
mercantile business in San Francisco.
Kato Shelley , the Boone county hero-
ne , is attending college at Indlnnola.
Ole B. Sondo , aged 65 , an Emmet
ounty pioneer , was thrown from his wag-
n n few dayn aoo ; aud killed.
There nroSIO Presbyterian church socio-
ie in the state , employing 243 mhmterH.
The communicants number 29,031 ml
h Sunday-school membership foots uii
* 5,75G.
On the night of the 8th , the homo of
ilr. Anderson , of Shenandoh , was blown
up by unknown parties , the inmates , Mrs.
Andorxnu and son , being severely Injured.
The Fort Dodge gas works have been
Tmo to her Xrtwt
Too mucn cannot bo said of the ever
althful wife and mother , constantly
watching and caring for her dear ones ,
lever neglecting a single duty in their be-
mlf. When they are assailed by disease ,
and the system should have a thorough
ileansing , the stomach and bowels regu-
ated , blood purified , and. malarial poison
xtermiuated , she must know the that
Jlectrlo Bitters are the only sure remedy.
? hey are the best and purest medicine In
> ho world aud only cost fifty cents. Sold
> y Q. V. Goodman.
Mivaa & Fitzgerald ,
Orookery , Glassware ,
BfSflTO , brSIJco , LJu
Also agents lor the following linn of
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , Gulon , American , and BUtt
Steamship Comimnle
3O TEL J3k. 3E" TOES
For sals on the Iloyal Bank oi Ire/and and Bank
of Ireland , Dublin. Those wfco In/cud to send foi
rlendi to any part ol Europe will find It to thel ;
ntcreet to tall on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway. Oonnoil Blnfib
All Shippers and Travelers will u
good accommodation and roaaonabl
chnrgna ,
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa ,
14 Pearl Street , Council BluSe.
E tractlnR namilnf epecUlty. Plret-clifi
* crk guaranteed ,
Rich Out OlaBB , Wno Freno
Silver Ware ita ,
r.p lumuKDuo * . .L. noaiBT. A.W.MEMT
1'ruiiJcnl. Vlce-Prett. Cuhler.
Of UotmoU Blair * .
Org&nUod under the U\n ol the UUta oi low *
ValdupcaplUl * JS'SSI
Authorized capital. , KKMtt
Inuiukt pdj on time dePOHUDrtfU U no <
on the prlnop l cltlei of the Unltad Bi to B (
EuropcT UpocUl attentlou Elven to collection
uid corieapandenco with prompt rcturtu.
J.I.Bdmund on , K.UShUK rt , J.T.Hirt ,
W..W. WUUeo , J. W. Boatw , 1. A. Ulllw du
NOTICE. Special xlverttMmente , sue
Loot , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will t > o Inserted tn thii
column kt tbo ow ruto ot TEH CENTS FK !
MNE ( or the first Insertion und KIVK CEN1 >
PEP. MNK tor each subsequent Insertion
Lcara nlv ertlMmcnts at our olcc ( , No , 7
Pearl Rtrcet , nc r llromln > y.
. llroonvinakcr ; ft No. 1 lirooni tier
WANTKD. Iminnllatdy , Apply or mil on
Cop-on llrooni Co. , Mahcrn , la.
WANTKD A position lo ilo t-cncral
- a j oimu man cl I recommended , i
penman. Inquire at the olllco ot John I.lndt , at-
orncy at hw , oillco on Ilr adnay. _
WANTii-At : the Wcatern House , ft roolc
ono lie understands thu l > u lnc9 ; none
otlicr need npply.
\X 1 ANTEE ft'O buildings to more. Wo make
Tl ft pccl Ityol mn\l g houses und safcal
Addri-M W. 1 * . Ailcswortn , txix 87ff , Conndl
Bluffs , la. _ _ _ [ _
" \1TANTED KTtrybody In Council Bluffs la
TV to take Tn * lit * , 40 cents per woelt , Co
Ivcred by carrion. Odlco , No 7 Pearl Strett
iron Hroudwoy. _
For Sale and Rent
J Olt KENT Small liousn ll\e room' , good
; cellar , well , &c. Arply ftt Merchant's ItMtau-
rant , corner ay nnd Fourth street * .
nl4-3tf J.A. UOSa.
POK HALC Tlio Wcst ni Itousc , No. 303 Ui- ]
l > er Mroadnny ; or will t vdo for Improved
city or farm property ; or will sell furnlturo nnd
rent building ; icason , 111 health. Addrcs * J. S.
! . MtCAti.iwr.R , 803 Upper Ilroadun ) , Council
[ T\Ol \ [ SALK A lumbar and coal yard , doli'p ' A
C goal baslnpHt In & now town , oa the Cbl-
c.ijo , > tllnnukee& St. Paul rallroMl.
rjlOll HKNT My new two-story brick store
C building , on South Main street.
FOH SAI.K My t elvc-ncro fruit farm , on
South Kir t street. 1'ETEll WE1S
FOIl KENT Furnished rooms to rent , with
board , nt 730' Jlynstor street. Day board
8J.50 per w eck. ocutl7-4t
'jlOK ' HALiE Ucn'itilul roaidencp iota , wu
J each ; nothing down , and f Spcrinonth only ,
TILL AHKAD Orcftt succor. Call and see
3 new accessories and specimens ot pictures
taken bv the reliable gelatine brcraldo procos ; ,
ot the Excelsior Oallorv J 00 Jlaln street.
DK. W. L. PAITON rayslclan and Oculist.
Can euro any ease of nero eyon. It U only
matter of time , and can euro generally In
rom three tc ( he weeks It makes no cluTor-
nce how long dls&asud. Will 'straighten crete
yes , operate and rcmoro PtyrcRlnmg , etc. , and
nscrt Mtlflclal eyes , Special attention to ro-
movolne tadonornis apC-tf ,
Council bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph gallery , South Main St.
nstantancoug process.
C. GEISE , Upper Broadway.
Bottllne Works.
B. HAGQ & CO. , East Pierce St.
h Bakery.
IVAYERS , 517 S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
MRS. E. J. IIAUDINO , M. D. , Broadway and
llcnn ao.
DK. STUDLEY , Bcthcsda BaUUng House ,
Books and Stationery.
H. E. SEAMAN. Middle Broadway.
OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and Cth
CITIZENS' BANK , 6th street.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE& CO. , avenue A , and Cth Bt.
Cigar Manufacturers
TEMPLETON & LAMB 232 Broadway. 1
F. II. LEVIN , 308 Broadway.
L. BOEKHOFF , 631 Main Bt
A. II. MAYNE & CO. , 34 Pearl St.
J. HOSS , C1B East Broadway.
SINTON & WEST , 14 Pearl St.
Dry Goods
IIARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , Broadway and
4th street.
Eggs Shipper.
Furniture Manufactory.
E. R. STElNHILnEI cor. 7th m o an J 12th St.
Furniture Store.
0. A. BEEIIE & CO. , 207 and 209 Broadway.
Groceries and Provisions.
SUL1VAK I FITZOEKAU ) , St3 Broad\vay.
OLLIVER ts OUAIIAM , fith ctrcct. Goods
sold at eastern prices and guaranteed.
Harness and Saddlery.
CHAS. WALTER & BRO. , Middle Broadway.
G'HAS. BKKMAN,33t Middle Broadway.
Hair Qoods.
MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. S37 W.c t Broadway ,
MRS. J. J , 0001) , ) Cth street.
Livery Stables.
A. COMPTON , 230 Broadway.
W. O. HOLLAND , 700 South Main St.
II. BEECROIT , opp. P. O.
OODEN HOUSE. Upper Broadway.
KIEL'S HOTEL , Ml and 5U7 Main street.
Meat Market.
E. W. TICKNOll , CM Broadway.
J. J , BLISS , 323 Broadway. Come and exam
ine forjoureclf.
MRS. J , E. METOALF. WS Broadway.
Marble and Granlta Works.
CONNOR & QUANELLA , 117 Broadway.
Merchant Tailors.
JAS. FRANEY , 372 Broadway.
CHAS. RICE , Deiol'a building , Cth and Main
JOS RE1TER , 310 Broadway
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMBAI.L At CHAMP , opposite court house.
J. W. SQUIRE 4s CO. , corntr 1'carl and 1st ttve.
SMITH & McCUKN , 401 Broadway.
Stove * and Tinware.
R. D. AMY & CO. , 000 South Main street.
Shirt Factory.
F. F. FORD , corner BluB nd Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 310 and 317 Broadway -
way D. ' M. CONNELL. 17 North Main St.
Fresh and Salt Moats ,
Poultry and Game iu their season. Wiener
and other Sausages a upetUlty ,
MRS. E , J. HILTOft , M , D. ,
BroAdwitv. CouncilIBlaJh.
J38S *
Broatay , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Headquarters For the Celebrated
.A. Weber Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
BInff and ffillow greets , CoecU Bluffs.
Orders filled In any part rl the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
We make the following a specialty : N
< 2TMail orders and correepondence promptly attended to. Offlco and Manufactory
S. E. Oor. 7th Avo. and 12th Street. COUNOIL BLUF3TS. IOWA.
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metallo causa.
Dulls attended to at all hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices ,
Our Mr. Morgan bus served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understand *
his business. WAREROOMS , 34G AND 857 BRO \D\VAY. Upholsterinc in
nil its branched promptly attended to ; nho cnrpct-lnying and lambrequins , Tele >
raphic'oud mail orders filled without delay.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Be r and malt In any quanllty'.fo suit purchasers. Beer J8.00 per barrel. Frlvate families sup-
piled w.t'i email tegs at jl.CO i-ac1' , ntlivcrcd fieo of charge to any part of tbo cltjr.
Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
, IJL .
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
City ordent lo foinillea and dnalers riellvprtd free.
O. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
WkolecMe and I'.etal ! Dcilcra In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Alwaj B keeps on hand the Bnebt a eortD'c > ot material for gentlemen's wear. Satisfaction ( ruarantttd
MllUnory , Drosamu&lny , Etc. Cutuntj and Fitting1 a Specialty.
No. C4S Broadway , Oppotlta Uorcro House.
Luces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear.
Handkerchiefs , boas ol all klndt , thread , plni , iiocdloe , ttc. We hope the ladles will call
and > ce our itnck ot crnodi.
Merchant Tailor. \
( Late Cutter for MotcaH B . , )
* fc
' Main Street.
Devol's New Building , .
Council Bluffs , la ,
SulU to order 818 and upwards.
( Bucccaaon to } , P. & J , N. Cmudy. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
We hue the only complete Kit ot atwtric books to all city lot * ted luds In PotUttktUml
county Title * exunlcvd nod abitracU tur. lihtd on short notice , iloney to lou ca cltj and ( arm
properly , short uid lonj ; time , In sums to rait tbo bonowtr. lluletti bought &cd sold. 0 c
It the old lUnl opposite co ut botuti