THE DAILY BEE OMAHA FEIDAY , NOVEMBER IT CLARA BELUE'ON BEAUT\ 1 Wonderfol Night for Wealt anil Fashion in N&w York , Tbo Style of Women Win Went to ° eo Langtry and Patti Pmo Clothes oa Fine Bodies. Correipondcnee oltho Cincinnati Knquircr. NEW YOHK , November 10. Tf nudioncoa paid $25,000 for their neat Inat Moudny ni h . . Roasotiing tha the ttomon of thcao gatherings woul bo suparbly drosoo.d , I rogolvod to ne bath of the exhibitions of good olothot That waa why I wont to Wallack'i irlioro Langtry made her Atuoricni debut , nnd aftorwnrds to the Acadotn of Jtuslo , vrhoro Pittti nppcared i grand oporn for the flrat time ( n man ; yoara. I don't buliovo that two a brilliant theatrical assemblages wor ever before scon in this city on th aamo ovonlng , nnd their clothes realized izod my oxpcotationa. At Wullack' the efforts of the tnnnagomont to in dnce the wumon to discard hatn niv bonnets failed utterly. Outside of th boxes only half n dozen fomilo head were uncuvcrod. 1 was glad of it "What's the use of independent , taste ful American women folio winy ai English custom ? I was also ploaaei by the general nbsonco of full ovonin ; dress , that is , toiloto of the ball am drawing-room oort. The result wai an abundance of ok'ganco of a dis tinctively American kind. The ojlon of the dresses were usually dark , thi toxiuros cxcocditfgly rich , nnd tin atylcs rarely conapicious. But then wan sufllcient gayety , nnd it was con' contratod in wraps of which the varlo ty nnd pictcrcsquonoss were trulj wonderful. At the Academy then waa plenty of technical full dress , bul hero , too , it waa overshadowed b ) combined richness and quiet tasto. J am not golnij to harp much on thi played-out airing of iLANGTRY , nnd will oimply , aay that thoao wh ( ' were raaaonablo in their expectation ! - 1 found her natisfaotory ; but these whc looked for a tronocondont buautyworc woefully disappointed. I counted five women in the audlonco who , beyond nil qnottion , were a great deal noaroi to perfection than thin princo'a dar ling. The chlof charm was n lady like oapoot nnd manner , quito out of keeping with the part oho was acting in the play And it waa obaorvabtu that whoti nho did unrohenraed things aa in picking np the dumped ilowora from a basket handed to her while in front of the curtain , and load ing out her roluotnnt manager aho wan oven nioro graceful and frco than when eho was following instructions .aa "Hester Orazobrook. " It was easy to comprehend how , with the prince of Waloa 10 push her , she lud madn ouch n headway in London aristocratic so ciety. She has grown thin aincu the familiar portraits , exposing taper arms and a bonolcss bosom , were made , and aho made no exhibition of those things , nor ia aho likely to during her Ameri can tour. She ia a largo-jolntod wo man , with big hunda , nnd her olbowe nro larger than the parts of hoc arms batwcoaJthom < aid htr ahouldero , HE wao jikinly disoloand by iho tighl nlOcvu df her coKumoa. Noi nho will bare no BQch oruis M ahtunow pouoes < ' os , bclievo mo. Duly ono of hei < 1rcsseo waa law nnd that exposed only n'wodgoof akin down the center of jhor bioant. Thia garment wna of > rijn , warm-tonod yellow aatlu , simple in otylo and fitting perfectly. Tha waiat waa heart-shaped , coming low down on the ahonldora , and beneath the frill of point lace , which OlttOimSURIUKI ) THE > X aHY AllEi. to the narrow limits already described , waa only a piece of lightly twisted Batln following ita outlines. The cor- aago simply carried the line below the waiat and ended in email points. The aloovoa reached below the elbow , with a plcco of the satin carried round the edge , nnd n little puff of whlto silk odgud with lace in each , tying it to the nrm. The front of the akirt waa iald in largo plaits , which gave n fullness hat waa lightly caught hero and thbro , making n caroices drapery. The train waa long , nnd ita beauty loft to depend on ita own color and folds. It has boon ouggostod that economical women , with n turn for doing ever their droasos , might learn a lesson from Langtry'n clothoa. She does not out , snip and spoil good atuir with ahirrs , pufld and biaa banda , aa ia the fashion with American dress- makoro. However , this plainness ia artful instead of saving in her , for it aulta her individuality. Simplicity is horntrong point. Bho were no oar- rlngaor finger-rlngs , though on har wrists were bracelets Bet with mnguifi. cent emeralds. The other costume worn in the play , except her rustic dross of the fuat not , had u polticoat of gray aatin morvoilloux , with n pauul directly in front of gray mar- about foathora. Over this waa n long , tight-fitting coat of gray satin , bro. cadod in black velvet and bordered with a wide band of gray marabout f enthora. Above this was a largo capo of the aamo brocade , bordered nho with a feather band , lined with sal. mon ellk striped with ] delicate pink and green , and caught in at the wai t iu the back. With thin costume waa worn & hat of the gray brocade. In all of her dressing she was careful to ihow THE OUTLlNlfH OP , JIWl WAbTK , which is alonder , and , to my mind rather out of proportion Mith her broad shoulders und ample IIIJIB. The idea suggeatcd by her figure was not of iloehy roundness at the two wide parts mentioned , but of a big bunu frame not tmoothly filled out. Thii impression wai strengthened by the vifiiblo action of her uhouldcr bladrs under the thin covering and nbovo the ' top of her corast , its well iu by tliu meagranees of her besom. I fancied that eho wan about eovon-efghtbs bono , and when eho smiled , with her uxtcn- ulve inr - S and white teeth , the un. pleiuat tought came to me that eho was exj * % the whole front of her skull , wh mi'Rht any minute drop out , leaving her hood a shapeless lot of liair nnd skin , Having expressed that horrid idea , I must not fail to do the woman justice by saying that , aa nn entirety , aho ia about as wholesome , Jipalthy , clean-looking a creature as V ' V ono would wish to ace. She walke with A Btrido lint indicated a sturd pedestrian , nnd altogether she ha more out-door broezinpss than or would expect in a dainty drawlr room pot. The other no'mon In tli imported company illustrated protl well the fact that English style j droso is away behind the Parisian an American. PATTl's WUDDINO COSTUME , worn in the bridal role of "Lucia , WAS of the conventional , virginal him in ado plainly of book muslin , and o her head wore orange blossoms. Sk looked exceedingly pretty , but IK Rirlish ; nnd yet I may bnvo been pn judicod by knowing thntaho wan fort and that the living tenor Nicolinl wr her second husband of long otnndinq Oh , how well Bho sang , thought Jiu that ia none of my burnous , howovo much it may have contributed to m pleasure. The skirt of her dress hai A dami-trnin , nnd around the botton WAS n ruohingvhlch , after boin f rlngrd on both aides , was formed inti double box-plaits , ao that the edges o the ruoho , lylnsr closely together , gavi it the appearnnco of a downy mass o whlto leathers. Aboro thin was c Grccinn tunic , the chaato and artistit arrangement of the soft , upright foldi ( living a moat graceful tffdct. The bodice was cut square in the neck , nm the nloovcs were ohort. It was evident dent that the plump'Patti ' , though suffering foring by companion of ages with the loan Luigtry , conld got the boat of hoi in n display of oc'uol surface. By the way , it was interesting to mo to note how closely the two audience ; scrutinized thoao women. Now Yort society will not roooivo either in r drawing-room , but it did not hide ite keen inloreal in them. Jjingtry OB- pocially was a focu * for every glass in the houao instantly on her appearance , and when she made her first exit thorc aroao such n Babel of comment that the other actors could not bo hoard at nil. Bad taste , Bay you 9 Well , 1 don't know. Hero waa n woman who had oomo across the ocean to exhibit hot personal beauty for money , and it wan all right , I think , that the spectators , having paid the high prioo of the show , should treat her MKIIELY AS A flUOW. She bora the ordeal without a tremor. I have no doubt nho liked it. "Sho talks about her .personal . charms with the utmost freedom , " said a journalist who had interviewed her several times. "Well , " I auppoaoyou gentlemen of the press bored her until aha talked aa a moans of getting rid of you quick ly , " I remarked "Uorod her1 ' ho retorted ; "well , that's funny. Tlioro wasn't a reporter who wont down the bay to moot her , mid write her up for his paper , who wasn't importuned to call on her at her hotel. And , if ho did it , and wrotu something moru than hiu man- ging editor deomud worth publishing , then lip soon got A neat little note bog ging him to call ogaini Bored by re porters ? rioaso permit mo to laugh. " . Depend Upon It- Mother Shlpton'a prophesies and Louis- ianla elections are very uncertain tilings , but Thomas' Jicltetrie Oil can bo depended upon always. It cures aches and patrol svory description. * DATOHINO LlVBlATTLBoNAKES Cllle , the Naturalise l3eeoi-lbea Hie Firat Snako-Uuutlng Expo- rlonco. rvC * "I hall have to > go snako-hunting ngaln BOOH , " aaid Mr. Gills ; "there tire any number of rattles in Pike and ilonroo counties , W Va. , not to mention - tion copperheads and blacksnakos. 1 mall never forgot the first snake I 5 ught alive. Light a cigar and I'll tell you about It. I was quite a lad it the timo. My parents used to live tear the Bushkill Greek. That part > f the country is not very thickly sot. : lpd , and there arc big stretches of * ild country in every direction , with ixceljont sport in the way of fishing , ; unuing nnd snake catching. Old Hart Smith , n man with a high ropu- ation aa n hunter of every kind of inimal for. ahow men , lived near my other's house , and ho and I soon bo- same great friends , nnd ho frequently ook mo out gunning with him. "Ono morning father and I wore feeding the garden , when the hunter taaaod and asked father if the boy that was me ) could go fishing witli ilm. Father did not object , and off [ wont , in high glee , with Mart. Af- or wo had proceeded Borne distance 10 fnid to me : 'Hide your Eahing- > ole among the older buahoii ; 1 am ( oing to teach you to catch u uurious tind of fish to-day. I have an order or a oouplo of rattleanakos for n decor - or who ia staying at the Water Gap. lo wants to make experiments with heir poison. ' * "Wo soon arrived nt Flags Barren , \ wide piece of ground covered with moklobcrry brush and a natural make haunt ; but , althouoh wo acourod ho barren , not a anaki could wo find ; 10yo atartod for Nation's Barren , a limilar locality , a mile or BO farther m. The only reptile wo could find , here was a pilot or copperhead snake tie showed fight , and in his rage nugod himself before Mart could lover him with his crotch stick , is we killed it and made ) ur way to Miller'a meadows , ioar my homo. I was feeling very Haappointed at the results of thu day's unit , when just as wo were crossing hollow called Devil's Uolo I hoard the rattling of a snake. I cried out to Murt , nnd at thesarao time perceived \ Biiako at my tide making ready to' ipring nt mo. Mart quickly crotched Lho brute , and coolly picked it up by Iho nock , and , holding its head from turn so as to prevent ita biting or oa- japing , allowed it to coil the re- inatniler of its body about hlu wrist It waau largo fonwlo snake with twelve rattles , denoting ita ngotobe IS yours. 'Now. ' ' Kayo Mori , yonr chance is tioar , 1) ck. Whonovr you como across * ftihjJo anake , you can bet your pile Lhe male is not far ell. " "Sure enough , wo had not walked : nero than a few hundred yards when malco W0 followed Of " it np , aud ubont ilty leot from the spot whore the first inowu caught no fouud the second. Quick,1 Bays Mart , 'tako the crotch ind pm him when ho spring * at mo.1 I diR" I ? f dircctcd. but I got the srcteh n little too far down on the uakou bacv , Mart quickly pulled lot a pocket crotch and placed it over he reptile's neck , All this time ho raa holding the female snake in his ight hand , 'Now , ' s&ys ho to mo 'run your first finqor down botwoc the pocket crotch nnd the nnake head. ' I did so. 'Bring the end i your thumb aloiigAido of yonr riugi and hold tight. ' I did. 'Ihat's if continued Mart , a grim smile ncro hia face ; 'now I ohouldn't advise yc before you can move. Pick it up nn como on.1 The ennko waa aoon coik round my wrist like Mart's , nnd v started for Shawnee , a distance i four miles , whom Iho doctor wi awaiting our. prizes nt Mart's honn I ahall never forgot my fooling on thi walk ns long as I live. The dontl like thrills which the contact of th horrible reptile gnvo mo ns I trudge on by Mart's _ olde wore somethin frightful , and it wa with the groatoi dilliculty that I retained my hold. ] was only the continual assurance received from my companion that i was auro death to let go , which pn vented my loosening my Gngor ; Every now nnd again the animal ut : coiled itself , and ita body swunp whip fashion , about my neck an face , while the rattles , ot which ther were fourteen , were gointr nil th time , It wan n fearful ordeal , an when at last wo reached our dcetlnr tion nnd Mnrt dexterously roloivci mo of my disgusting burden , I waa n palo no n ghost , 'Sco heropattb : mo on the back , 'I do not rccommoni rum to nnybody let it nlono , boya- but I don't think n glassful will hur you. ' IIo poured out a good stil dose from a pocket flask and I awal lowed it , and soon recovered my com posuro. That day'n hunt ojrod mo o nearly all my feelings of ropugnanci of snakes , nnd I soon bccamo nlmos ns adopt in rattle-catching as Mar himsoll. " Do not bo deceived. Inoist on hni ing the genuine Brown's Iron Bitten made only by the Brown Chomici Go. , and take nothing elso. THE aiDDY OIKliS. What a Stroot-Oar Conductor Sayj About Flirtation. PltUburg DhpiUh. "It isn't our fault always"uopont on that , nnd there isn't aa much of ii done as some of the oflloials woulc have the public believe. " The speaker - or was a conductor on ono of the city'i passenger street-car lines , nnd ho nt- torud the nbovo remark in anawor to c ijueation of n Diapatoh reporter on the lubjoot of flirtation. ' What interest have some of the officials of the road in making the public believe conductors , W a general rule , are inclined to engage in surreptitious courting with their female passengers ? " in quired the reporter. "Why , simply this. They have eov 3ral 'spotters' at work on the ro d. rheao 'spotters' find that two or throt souductors are beating tbo tiompunj systematically. It Is a bard thing to provo that a street-cat conductor fa n thief , nnd BO the best thing to bo done with a saspootml man is to 'fire' him From the position. Perhaps three go at a iimo , nnd in answer to the inquis- ttlvo the superintendent or secretary saya ho was discharged for flirting with women on his car. " " ut is there no flirting done ? " "Why certainly there la , and as I iay It ian't all our fault. A pretty girl gets in your car , and for half-way to the city sits and stares you in the face ; or may bo gives you an encour aging arailo inviting familiarity. What can you expect of a young follow but that ho will respond suitably. Mar ried conductors uru not invulnerable to woman's coquetry. Why I know ono woman on Penn avenue that iratohea day and night for ono man's : ar , and every time it passes the con- luotor responds to the wave of the mndkorohiof. Such things sometimes 'oault in the ruin of families , but aa n ; oneral thing the flirtation amountato tothing , though once in a while the ireanmptuons conductor gets thumped or hla trouble by some big brother. " "What claaa of women flirt with treot car men ? " "Oh , school girls mostly and giddy anrriod women , who carry their hus- land's honor in their hand. Depend m it , though , no woman that thinks nything of herself will flirt with a onductor. " First Rnto Evidonoo. "Often unable to attend busings , being iibjcot to Borioua disorder of the kidneys , tfter n long siege of sickness tried Bur- 'ofA ' Blood Jlitters nnd wan relieved by alf a bottle , " Mr. B. Turner , of lloches- sr , N. Y , takes the pains to write. 'hoatrlctil Dood-Hoada on tbo Ball- toads. iidl na ] > ells Journal. Quo of the mystorics in railroad potations ia that BO much ia done in ho way of courting the non-paying hoatrical buainoas. A representative > f the Journal , n day or two since , hancod to bo in ono of the local out- ido oillcos when ono of those cheeky .dvanco . agents of a theatrical troupe amo in. The first thing ho called for raa a railway guido , the looking over I which , laying out his route for n ouplo of wooka , occupied fully fifteen ainutce. Ilia first request was a inss for himself and hia lltho- ; raphor to a point 381 miles away , rith a dozen of atop-offo. Then , ij a few day , his programme liutributnr would bo along , nnd ho nahod n pass for him and some 800 lounds of baggage. Then , at the ante time , there would bj boxes ireifihing 1,300 pounds , which her r > ahod tent through to the terminns if the route laid out , free. This was II couBonted to. The ndvanco agent hen remarked that tboro was 25 cents i day etorago on the last named box , rhioh ho wished the local agent would trango with Iho baggagemen to brow oil. Ho then sukod for nn or- ler fur iho trotisurar of the houptor ho thirteen tickoi. , in whioli the mount ( I cent per milo for each ) could bo stated. Then the matter ot onncottor was brought no , and it was ound neu saary to hold the train Itirty to forty minutes at three points , liut they might fulfill their ongase- louts. This was all arranged. Then lie advance agent remarked that their conery was bulky , nnd probably it rould be necoosary to put it on a upo- tal car to carry it. Just then a sturdy inner , who proposed to immigrate to Kansas point , ciuio In , stating that tmself and his wife , his wife's sister ud eeven children wore to immigrate liero and ho wanted the lowest rate , 'ho ' local agent named the rate , which ras 2J centa per milo per head , car- iod this side of the Missouri river , ud on arbitrary rate was added on lo west aide. Hero the baggage question eft mo up , and it was four that it would cost him some $18 to g > It through , owing to excess j wojght. The farmer , who wi going west to furnish produc which would bo carried ovi these very roads , accepted the oitui tion , called for the tickets , but , as 1 pnllod out his pocket-book , sai ( "Look hero , captain , can't you put little chap wo have , about six yoai old , through free ? " "Well , no ; but toll you what I will do-I will got hii through on half fare , " The farmc paid his money and loft without , bi the ndvnnc3 agent waa still there ut lug the paper of the ' ailroad compan nnd writing two or three telegram which ho wished Rent free. The re porter left nt this juncture , thinkin that wore ho n manager th thonlricaljparty should pay big rate nnd the horny-handed farmer choul bo ttio favored ono of the two. Horry , Gentlemen , " flald n man on his wny to lie littiKmi "there'll be no fun till 1 got there. " W say t the dym optic , tiotvouB , and tateJ , don't htiny thou htles ly for om roaicdy of duublful merit , uncertain of re lief , wlion you can Ret nt the dmggltti fo one dollar Ilunlod. JJI < xl Jliltcrs alinoa auro to cure and certain to benefit. THE NOBLE HED MAN. Something1 About the Ohoyonno nnt Arnpnhoo ARoncioa. St. U > uli llcpubllcin. Maj. John D. Miles , United State ; Indian ngotit of iho Gheyenno nnc Arnpnhoo agencies in the Indian torn tory , is at the Planters' with his fain ily , having returned from Washing ton. Maj. Miles states that thi Northern Uhoyonuo * , which have beet so troublesome at the agency , ntill re main thoro. Little Chief waa allowed to go to the Pine Ridge ( old Hoc Olond ) ngoncy laat year , and the bal nnco of the band claim the same privilege , and are determined ed to go. They threaten to leave next spring , even if the department nl Washington don't give its permission. They say they will go anyway. Olc Dull Knife is still north , never having boon captured. Moj. Miles thinks II would bo best for the other Indiana tc lot him go. The department has par tially consented to lot thorn go , bul has not fully made up his mind. The Southern Ohoyonnea want them to go. They say it would ba better , SB the influence of the Northern Ohcyonne * ever the young nion among .tho South ern Ohoyonnea is bad and calculated to brood discontent. Maj. Miles says that the Southern Ghoycnnea are well disposed , progrcaaivo farming , cut ting WDod and transporting supplies. They have agreed to transport in addition to their own supplies about two million pounds for the military from Oaldwoll , Kansas , to Fort Reno , a distance of 110 milou , of which they have taken the sub-con tract. Tnuir own supplies amount to about two million pounds , making n total of four millions to transport this year. There are about 259 children attending the two schools , one for the Ohoyonnoa nnd ono for the Arapahoes. Iho two tribes have 82 children of the Oarlylo school , in Pennsylvania , which Maj. Miles has just visited. That schorl baa 315 children in attendance , from thirty different trlbea , including Digger Indians , Navnjoos nnd Sioux. How Maoli Wllimo It ? How much o Thomas' Eclcctric Oil li required to cure ? Only n very little , A few drops will euro any kind of an nchej and but n ttwj more is needed for Bpralne and InmeneZi. Klieumntium is not BC readily afTnattd ; an ounce and Bomotimef two ounces nro required. No medicine , however , Is sueure to cure with the same aumbcr of applications. AND Delicious Bever. age. "THE GUP THAT CHEERS , " "BUT NOT INEBRIATES. " OU1J DINNER PAKTY 1ms finished ho last bottle of "HUB PUNCH. " "Then , my dear , ilon't forgot to remind no to order n fresh supply to-morrow. " "TUB HUH 1'UNOIPIs prepared sole- v by MOIUM. 0. It. GIIAVLS & SON. Soatnn. It ia made of the boit [ Imported irandy and Santa Cruz rum , united with ho juice of fresh lemons , and the.finest rbito suKftr , and U really n delicious , n niro , und n reliable article , that has mot dth the moat cordial appreciation of all , -ho tried it. See tlmt yon cet the genuine with the lOBlmilo of "OIIKSTKU II. OUAVKS& itNS" on the cnpsulo over the cork of each ottlo. Trade lupplitd at Manufacturer1 ! jtricct y M. A. Mctfamara , Omaha. Familici applied by A , II. Oladitone , Omaha , Web , fobraska Loan'fe Trust Company HASTINGS , NH11. Japital Steak , - - $100,000. IIIAKT\VIU : : < , A. Ii. CI.AIUCi : , Vko I'rcblJcnt , C C' . WtllhTKll , Truuurcr DIltKCTOUS. iniiuil Alcvumlcr , Osva'd < Mh r , , li 0 urKo , K. 0. Wulxter , oo 11 I'rutt , J-u. II. 1) . M MUU "irat Mortgage Loans a Specialty funiUhoa a ix.Tnuni.iit , lioino iktltutionluro bcliool llandt and other lttrall > uiuUUuiilcJiial ectt'rl liol > ilm l > a can 1m u nctfOtlaUil ou the most ( u\orublo terms , oant made o j hui < rou Uariiis 1 Mhvul ftttlol thovlale , through rNpontlblo local mm Uyurlntlin ' TuUor. Crooaiev ndill other lor Full rUntlu ? . Large t assort ment over thowa Iu ChlciKO- lllu tr Vca Ctt lK' ' > o I"8' KotlJ ( or ' ' Hiram Sibley a Co. , BEEOMEN , Rudolph St. , . . PLAIN TRUTHS The blood is the foundation of life , it circulates through every part of the body , and unless it is pure and rich , good health is impossible. If tliscai's has entered the sjstcm the oiify sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts arc well knoun , and the liiglics' medical authorities agree tint nothing but iron uill restore the blood to its natural condition ; and also that nil the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the tcctli , cause head ache , and arc otherwise injurious. UROWN'SIRON HITTERS\\illtlior- oughly and quickly assimilate with the blood , purifying and strengthen ing it , and thus dmc disease from any part of the sStem , and it will not blacken the tcctli , cause head- nchc or constipation , and is posi tively not injurious. Saved his Child , 17 N , EuUw St. , Baltimore , Mil. Feb. t > , 1880. Gents : Upon the recommenda tion or a friend I tried BROWN'S IKON Dirrims as a tonic and re- Morattve for my daughter , whom I was thoroughly convinced was wasting away with Consumption. Having lost three daughters by the terrible disease , under the care uf eminent chjsicians , I was loth to believe that an ) thing could arrest the progress of the disease , but , to my treat surprise , before my daugh ter had taUn one bottle of liKOWN'i Inov lliTTEits , she began to mend and now Is quite restored to former health , A fifth daughter began to show signs of Consumption , nnd when the physician was consulted he quickly said "Tonics were re quired ; " and when Informed that the elder sister v , as taking Bnowf/s i IRON UITTKRS , responded "that Is a good tonic , take It. " AlJOKAM PlIULTS. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS effectual ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and Weakness , and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such \\asting diseases as Con sumption , Kidney Complaints . T D BfiPFDQ ST nn d , r. ibuliMb & bU , Xa.GXEESJSO' K'JEl P. L. Sommers & Go's BISCUITS , OASES , JUMBLES AND HOVELTIES , Wholesale Manufacturing DEALERS IN Fruits , Nuts and Cigars , III S I4th St. OMHA , WESTERN CORNICE WfMS ! 0. SPEOHT , - Proprietor. l212HarneySt. - ItANUFACTUaEUS OF CORNICES. DORBIERVINDOWS \ , F1NIALS , Tin , Iron and Slata Hoofing , Spccht'n Patent Metalio Skylight. Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for the above line of goods. IRON FEKOING. Jceotlnjc , Bjlmtrrdci , Vernnd iOmct | nnt Bank Ratlin * ! , Window and Oellr Ounrda ; l o AOTfTJ THE [ ilwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY now nuiiilng iu 1'AST KXI'KKSS TllAIXS from IMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS " \\ITJI- 'ullinan's ' ' Mapifioent Sleepers -AND THHt - Finest Dining Oars in the World. F YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE , Or to nm joint livjoml ; or F YOU ARE GOING NOHTH TO r. PAUL OB MINNEATOI. ! ! ? , TaVo the I1KST IIOITK , tlio lliioago , Milwaukoe&St , PaulR'y ' , Ticket olllio Icxatud at corner Fnrnaiii anil 'ourttintli btictta anil at U , 1' IHiiotamlat llllaul Moid , Omaha. iTsJ'beo TlmoTab'e in another column , F. A. NASH , ( Jcnoral Aycnt. 0. II. FOOTS , Tklct , Omaha. . 8. JIUIIHILL , A. V , II. OAnPUKTF.ll , General Manager Ocncral l'iu * . Atftnt. . T. CUMIK. ( KO. 11 HKAFFOUl ) , ( ineral Suji't. Asi't ( Jin. I'sao , A.'int. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most c nt rally located hotel In tlis dty , .oouu 7Sc , 11.00 , 81.60 anJ (2 00 per dy. Flrtt Cliau EwUur ut coouected wltU the ot l. f HURST. - - Prop. Corner Fourth and Locust EtreeU. B. NEUMAN&CO J WILL OPEN ON SATURDAY , NOVEMBER I8TH. . 191R JL & 10 WITH AN Entire New Stock OF MEN'S AND BOYS' LOTHIMG ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS , , K * Hats , Caps , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. i PRICES LOW. GIVE US A GALL. WHOLESALE MILLI , Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER.IS08S { aus28Ume I OBERFELDER & CO The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of TOTE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as 'is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Famham Streets. MAX MEYER & BRO. , OF SHOW OASES A Large Stock always on Hand. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF OFUGGIES Repairing in all Branchns A. M. CLARK , Painter&PaperEanger SIGN.WRITER & DEOnRATOR. LESA LE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Slides' ' auil Onrfcalns , OORHIOES OUIWTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paliita , Oil & Brushes. 10 ? Sonth 14th Street . NEBRASKA OMAHA. - - .1 'ILK l SIPB SPlUKu AlTAOHUEtTf NOT TATENT ED. A , J. SIMPSO.N' ' . LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and Ull Dodge Btreat , aug 7-me 6m OiiAUi , NEB. IN TDE WEST ! General Agents for tha Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Jilanufacturor and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock ot Bteinway Chickering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. \ o Wervetus Sutierers THr ancAT EUROPEAN IIEKEDY. T > r , J , B , Birapoon'fl Bpodflo II It a pos.Uvt' ciua for Pparuifttoiiiult. . vncw , lupottuoj , od ill iltoswBj i , . - a'-.rj. fiLia lit tlie B k or Side , au'j * - -.I. . . t it tica lo t U. Wilta lot tium ud ud tnU rr ilculira. Pilce , Brwclfic. 11.00 per pMi g , or elz peek , igc * ioc { { .CO. Addict kll orders to D. HlilSON MKDICINB 00. Not. 101 ted 108 Mfcln Bi. Buflilo , N. Y. Bold In Orfl h by 0. F. Ooodauui. J. W. B U. and all OiOKtatierdrywherc. !