Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1882, Image 1

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    I .
' EBpnblican Politolans Casting
Abgut for a Party Savior ,
Gon. Phil. Sheridan the Firet
Ohoice of Certain Policy
Senator Vest Unbuttons Hia
Mouth and Organizes the
House ,
And Names a Drawing Pair to
Lead the Democrats to
.Auotlior Man Proont * n Claim to
tbo Garflold Auditing Board-
The Knights Templar Preparing for
the Descant on tbo Capitol.
Special Dhpatch to Tin DXK.
WASHINGTON , November 1C. Prominent -
inont republicans are much in favor
of thu nomination of Gon. Sheridan ,
Bo haa the friendship of Grant with
out having incurred the hostility of
Grant's enemies , and it is calculated
that ho can got the Catholic vote , the
Irish vote and the soldier vote. Shori-
dau'a military career might not afford
much clue to his presidential policy ,
but it would enable campaign orators
to wake much enthusiasm and become
very eloquent without committing
themselves hopelessly on the issues of
the day. One of the growing issues
ia tar ill' , a dry matter , the statistics of
which it takes a good deal ofjpatiouco
and industry to understand und
campaign orators would bo glad
enough to got away from advalorcm
and taxation and thu relation of
coat to profit , and send Early whirling
up the Shenandoah , or tight over
again the battle of Winchester , subse
quent to Sheridan's arrival on the
Held. There is , by the way , n strong
proapecb that congress this winter will
perpetuate the grades of general and
lieutenant general. Such action would
bo gratifying to Sheridan and Han
cock , the two most popular oflicers in
the service , and more li'ccly to bo
gratified because each ia closely iden
tified with ono of the great political
Spuci.i' tl the Cincinnati Commercial.
WASHINGTON , November 14. The
Critic has the following interview with
Senator Vest :
"Colonel , " said the reporter , "it
looks as though the democrats had
made a clean swoop in Missouri thin
time except in the Ninth congressional
district , where it appears that Dr.
McLean , republican , has beaten Col.
Broadhoad. "
"Yes , and I think Col. Broadhoad
is elected. That seemed the general
impression when I left St. Louis Sat
urday night. However , if Broadhead
is beaten , ho can attribute it ip two
causes only , to-wit : The liberal use
of money by McLean , who has an axe
to grind in congress , and the unusual
stupidity of the St. Louis Republican ,
which paper took occasion tu make an
unwarranted attack upon Lirry Har-
rigan , the democratic nominee for
ehentF. This attack cost Broadhoad
six hundred votes at ono voting pre
cinct alone. It simply shown the folly
of papers being a little too previous. ' ' *
"Senator , whom do you think the
Missouri delegation will favor for
speaker of the Forty-eighth congress ? "
"Carlisle , of Kentucky. Every
member from Missouri is in fiver of
him save ono. "
"Who Is he ? "
"When I say ono I .mean Judge
Buckuer. I say this because ho has
always been a warm supporter ot Sim
Randall. I do not know , however ,
that Judge Buckner will support Mr.
Randall this time. I do know that if
ho does ho will do it in opposition tn
the wishes of these who elected him. "
"Why do yon favor Mr. Carlisle ,
Soiutor , for speaker , na I take it you
do , from what you uaj ? '
"Bocauso ho ia .
a broad-gaugo man.
Carlisle is a man who is not hampered
by any narrow views on any eubject
lie ij ) a man who is libaral and con-
eorvativn on all questions lie is a
man of largo brain and Is not at all
vain in anything , lie will'if elected
speaker , and ho will bo as sure as he
lives , so form his committees aa to
give satisfaction to all sections , where
as , if Sam Randall wore to bo chosen ,
he would do as ho has done
in the past , organize the house com
mitteea in the interest of a high pro
tective tariff and the monopolies of the
the country , which would result in the
defeat of the democratic party in 1881
You will observe ( hat Mr , Randall , in
the formation of his committees in the
forty-fourth and forty-sixth con
greanea , so org-ini ; : d thorn aa to com
plotuly disgust thu people , und vro nut
only lost the house , but the presi
dency , by his bull-hoidodnoaa in the
Itorest of eastern monopolies However -
over , I do not think it is necosaary to
discuss the speakorahip , for the reason
that I am satisfied that Carlisle will
get it on the Tint ballot in the demo
cratlo caucus , "
' 'Well , senator , what about the
other oflbera of the house ? "
"I think John G , Thompson , of
Ohio , will bo sergoant-at arms Ho
ought to have it. Ho has done yeo
man service for the party , and men
who do the work are the men who
ought to bo rewarded. "
"Who have you in your mind for
clerk , senator ? "
"Well , the organization of the
house belongs to members of the
house and not to senators , but I would
in the matter of the selection of clerk
as in other officers , suggest that ul
jectious bo properly represented and
therefore , would say that the clerk
nhouldcomo from the oaat. "
"Havo you any ono in your mind
for the plnce ? "
"I have not. "
"How would ( x-Congroesmau W.
S. Stcngor , of Pennsylvania , do , sena
tor ? "
"Ho member of the
was a Forty-
fourth , was ho not ? "
"y.cs , sir. "
"Ho would ba a capital selection ,
He is a man of ability , character and
standing , both ns a citizen mid poli
tician , lie is a good organizer , and
comes from the right sociton , "
"Have you any ono in your mind
for doorkeeper ? "
"I think that the houno could not
do bettor than elect General W. A ,
Field , of Georgia. He was the door
keeper of the last democratic house ,
and a bettor officer than ho made
would bo hard to find , I think with
Carlisle for speaker ; John Thompson ,
of Ohio , for scrguaiit-at-arms ; Stongor ,
if Pennsylvania , for clerk ; Field , of
Georgia , fur doorkeeper , and the poet *
master from the Pacific coast , there
could not ba any grumbling as hero-
oforo. Besides , all sections would bo
jroporly represented in the organiza
tion of the house. You will observe
.hat the east has but a small number
of democratic members elect. As
lear as I can estimate she
tas , counting Maryland and
Delaware , 47 members , aa follows :
tlaaaachuaotto 3 , Connecticut 3 , Now
fork 21 , Now Jersey 3 , Pennsylvania
12 , Delawnro 1 , Maryland 4. The
rest has 57. aa follows : California G ,
Nevada 1 , Iowa 4 , Illinois 0 , lindiana
) , Michigan G , Wisconsin G , Ohio 13 ,
West Virginia 3. The southwest hus
10 , ns follows : Kentucky 0 , Teunos
co 8-Missouci , 13. The south has 03 ,
is fellows : Alabama 8 , Arkansas 5 ,
Florida 2 , Georgia 10 , Kentucky ! ) ,
jouiniana 5 , Mississippi 5 , Missouri
3) North Carolina 7 , South Carolina
i , Tennessee 8 , Texas 10 , Virginia 5.
3o you will BOO that by choosing the
fliaorj of the Forty-eighth congress
rom the state's I have indicated , jus-
ice will bo done to all. "
"Well , senator , dropping the or
ganization of the house and coming to
.nothur important political question ,
! desire to have your opinion aa to
vho ia most likely to bo the demo
cratic nominee for president. Tn
other word ? , do you not think if Mr.
Cleveland , governor-elect for thostato
of New York , makes a reasonably
; oed governor and keeps the two
wiags of the democratic party to
gether , thereby preserving harmony ,
hat ho will be a very formidable man
or the nomination ? '
"If ho does as you suggest , ho is as
good as nominated now. "
"What about v'ice president ? How
will Joe McDonald , of Indiana , do ? "
"Sploudid. I had rather vote for
Joe McDjnald for president than any
iiau in the United States. I think
10 would make the beat president wo
lave had ( or years , but if Cleveland
does as you indicated a while ago ,
nothing can prevent his nomination
and election. With him or Joe
Mo Donald for president und Carlisle
'or speaker the democracy would hold
; he country for fifty years. It would
mean the dawn of another and now
democracy , a'democracy in full accord
with the ago and day in which wo
ive a progressive and broad-gauged
jolicy. "
Special Dispatch to THE linn.
; hia morning received a characteristic
note from Christopher L. Logokatioa ,
; lazlor , into whoao putty box ono of
.ho bullets fired by Guitoiiu at Presi
dent Garfield lodged. The writer
aajs : "I wish to understood that I
un far from making alleged claims ,
jtU I hope your honorable body will
assist mo in my endeavors to got an
lonust living by entrusting to mo a
position at watchman or similar office
n ono ( if the government depart-
nent. " Information received by the
[ uightd Tomplara committee of the
3utliold monument fair indicate a
jenoral attendance from all parts of
; ho country of CDmmanderies to take
part in thu exorcises on the 30th Inst.
Knights Templar day. Several
costly and elegant donations will bo
contented for by the Knights ,
The board appointed to inspect the
navy yard * left hero to-day for New
York undPniladolphia. After mak
ing nn inspection ot the yards in theao
cities will preened to Norfolk and San
The treasury to-day purchased
three hundred and thirty thousand
ounces of silver for coinage.
Commissioner MuFarland , of the
general laud office , has sent a'lettor to
the register and receiver at Carson
City , Nevada , directing him to set a
day for hearing of the Consolidated
Virginia caso. The object of the
hearing ia to determine whether any
others than the Oomstook lode exists
within the limits of the Consolidated
Virginia claim.
The president to-day Hignod the ex-
traditicJi treaty botweeii the United
Sratea end Belgium.
Director liurclicrd , of the United
States mint bureau , ia now in New
Orleans examining into the charges
recently preferred againt Aaaayor
Il'jprosonttUivo Kelly aaya the tar if ]
commissioners have not yet prepared
their report. It is likuly they will
ttot do BO until after congress con
venes ,
The house committee on appropria
tions has been notified to assemble in
Washington the 27th Inat.
"Aa TTadetorred Stigma. "
Speclil DUiutch to TUB Big
NEW Y IRK , November 10 Gen
eral Grant has contributed to The
North American Review a lengthy
article ou the esse of Fitz John Porter
ter , recommending that ho should be
declared by congress to have boon convicted
victod on mistaken testimony , which
would make him major general o
The Iowa Pool nud the Union
Pacific Settle Their Dif
A Variety of Railroad Item *
lown Fool Tronblot.
SpocUl Dltptch to Tim Hit ,
CHICAGO , November 1C. Iowa
Trunk Hues association will hold n
meeting at Commissioner Midgoly'a
office to-day , the principal object ul
which is to eettlo the miaundoratand-
ing between the Iowa pool lines and
the Union and Central Pacific roads
regarding division of rates on bunlnota
to interior Nevada points. Mr. CUrk ,
general manager , and General Traffic
Manager Vinlng , of the Union P.tcifis ,
are hero to attend the meeting , The
charges ngninat ono or two roads for
cutting Omaha rates will also bo in
vestigated at to-day's meeting. Al
though the Iowa poola have lately
t > ooii reorganized and percentages
Tixod for various roads , yet the affairs
of the pool are not running amoothlj
Troubles are principally caused by
wars going on between the north
western roads , the effects of which am
soginning to be foil by all Iowa lines.
[ t is quite probable that the managers
of the northwestern roads will come
.ogothor within a few days and try to
offoot a cessation of hostilities , as the
war between them on St. Paul and
Minneapolis business threatens to
soridus injury , und it not stopped at
once may spread to all prominent
western points.
The Pool Back * Down.
Special Dispitih to TIIR UKK ,
CHICAGO , November 10. In the
consultation between the roprcsunta-
ivca of the Union Pacific road nnd
ho Iowa trunk lines the recent de
cision of the latter not to bill freight
o Nevada points unless prepaid to
Council Bluffs , thua practically putting
au embargo on trafln , waa rccadttd
rom and intercourse between the two
associations resumed.
Fining it Railroad *
Special Dispatch to Tins linn.
KANSAS CITY , November 1C. The
lannibal & St. Joseph railroad com-
> any was fined again this afternoon
? 48 for the violation of the passenger
agents agreement , ot Kansas City , an
igent selling a Now York ticket for
ess than tariffi rates. This makes
nearly $400 fine paid by the Hannibal
within the past six weekj , which
amounts have boon paid to the R. I.
& P. , the company preferring the
The Conductors
Special Dispatch to Tux Bun.
CHICAGO , November 1C. At to
day's session ot the lltilway Con
ductors' Mutual Aid and Benefit asso
ciation , James G. Sherman waa
elected president for the ensuing
year ; E S. Ltdd , first vice president ;
Harry M. Mounts , second vice presi
dent ; Charles Huntiugton , secretary
and treasurer. Directors Thomas P.
llobb , George Hewitt , John 11. Sandy ,
J. 0 Wheeler , Wm. M. . Oalwoll , F.
X. Vovia and J. II. Cooper , Ad
In the afternoon the members vis-
led Pullman ,
A Wildcat Wroolr-
Jpoclil Dispatch to Tun Cm.
LITILE ROCK , November 1G. At
10:55 : laat night , aa the extra north-
jound freight train on the St. Louis
& Iron Mountain railway was de
scending Hogan's mountain in Mis
souri , it broke in two and the rear
portion descended the mountain at the
rate of sixty miles an hour. An engine
which had been pushing the train
started hick , but waa soon overtaken
ind completely wrecked , though , BOO-
ng the danger the engineer-increased
lia apcod to forty miles an hour. The
engineer hud hia wriat injured and
dead badly hurt. The fireman had
iiis foot crushed and head injured
and a brakomun waa Injured seriously.
Others wore injured , names unknown.
Consolidated Fro ! [ jut
Special Dispatch to TUB DM.
CHIOAOO , November 1C A state
ment will bo published hero to mor
row that Star- Union and National
fast freight linoa , under the control of
the Pennsylvania company , the former
operating over the Pittsburg line , thu
latter over the L'an * Handle , will be
consolidated about December 1.
Freight Rates.
Special Dispatch to TIIK 111 * ,
ST. LOUIH , November 15. After
thn 20th inst. freights to intermediate
points on toads leading enat from here
will bo raised from the basis of eighth
to that of sixth class. Thia will bring
the rate to the same standard aa joint
classification ,
The executive committee of the
merchants' freight bureau organized
thi.s afternoon und will send out circu
lars soliciting co-operation of mer
chants and manufacturers and sub
scriptions of money to establish a
bureau on a basis strong enough to
employ a firat class man to act as
DUpatch to TUB USK.
GALVEBTON , Toxaa , November 10 ,
The News Navaaota special aays the
court house at Anderson , Grimes
county , waa burglarized and all elec
tion returns Ukon by unknown par
ties ,
A Fatal To t.
Hpcclal DIspUili toTlIK UKK.
NEW YORK , November. While a
water tank designed for the use of the
Ore department waa being tested this
morning , it waa overturned , instantly
killing an unknown man , fatally In
juring another , and breaking thu
shoulder of a boy looking on.
Going For the Mutual Union ,
Special Dispatch t ) TuxllEK ,
ALBANY , November ] G Applica
tion waa yesterday made to the attor
ney-general for commencement of ac
tion by the people of the state of Now
York agalnit the Mutual Union Tele
[ jraph Company , to vacatn its charter
tnd dissolve the corporation on the
eround of over isauo _ of stock. The
attorney-general has issued n citation
directintj them to show cause bo ore
dm , Tiienlivy evening next , at Al
bany , why the application fhould not
bo granted and proceedings com-
mcnced ,
Snowed Under by About 30,000 Ma
. .Inc In Journal ,
Tftp following is n tabulated i > tato-
mcnt of thu vote ou woman sullVago
so far ai compiled at the office of thu
sncrotnry , and for which wu are in-
lobted to the present Assistant and
Socrotary-olect lloggoii :
Pnr. Agnlnnt.
Adinu ( il3 ! ) : < 2
Antclopo 2Til f > , r > 3
I oono K74 442
UulTalo 735 fill
Unit 00 ! ) 811
O 073 1.9GJ
} htyonuo , . IS 3.8
Olny COS D7 ; >
OilfAX LMi ! B8
CimihiK 203 l.iiSJtl
D koU 3,14 35 !
Douglas 1,320 4.08Ti
[ 'illmnra 088 1,073
Voutler , f > r > 77
Airuas 202 41)9
dagfl 033 1,738
( Joipor ti I MO
Grcoluy 173 147
lull -ib ! ) 1,181
tumlltoti. . . . 078 737
larmn IS. " ! -U7
Hitchcock fil I'JO
toll 401 1,290
toward 170 C73
IclToraon 4S1I 753
Tomwm 729 770
Ceith G 24
vuox 174 537
Iiincixstor 1.471 2,097
Uerriuk MfiO 513
Nomtiha WH 1,390
Niickolls 2GO 522
Otoe 037 2.1GO
' .iwnco COS 819
Plorco 8 212
T.ilk 211 892
led Willow H'J 153
tichatdmm 747 2,1.41
Saline. f > 79 1,07
S rpy 27'1 CDS
Sawnrd C-G l,13ri
Stanton 23 aii (
\illey 2:4 21)2 )
Washington 618 1,070
Wayne 101 97
WebUor 41J 020
York 038 951
Fatal Collision.
special Dispatch to Tim UKK
NESV YORK , November 10 A dis
aster by which seven persons lost thuir
iveo occurred at G o'clock this morn-
ng on Eiat river , opposite South
? tfth street , Willianuburc The
nrgo Signal , loaded with 700 bar
rels of sugar , had boon tak n in tow
and wat. proceeding on its way toward
, ho bay , when she was run into by
ho steamer City of Worcester and a
, argo hole stove in her sidn. The
steamer received slight injuries and
proceeded on her way , while the
jargowna taken in the direction of
the Brooklyn navy yard , the noareat
point. There wore on board at the
time the Captain , Wm. Taylor , his
mother , wife and three children ;
also two deck hands. The barge filled
rapidly and sunk before the shore waa
reached. Thoao In charJC. of the tug
observed the barge goK.1' down and
quickly turned the vpaf'l abuuu and
steamed in the direction of the sink
ing craft. Owing to the darkness it
was found diflicult to distinguish
objects in the water. Hearing erica
for help they wore followed .up and
Capt. Taylor was resound. lib
mother , wife , three children and dock
wore na where to bo seen , they having
evidently boon carried down to the
bottom of the river by the sinking
aurgo , The cause of the accident
could not bo learned this evening , but
it is supposed that the force of the
tide was miscalculated.
The Nebrntlca Legislature-
Lincoln Spec al to St. I.ouis Cjjbo-Democrat ,
"Tho next session of thu legislature
will bo a lively one , " snid a prominent
republican politician to The Globo-
Democrat correspondent Una morning
"Why do you think BO ? " waa naked.
"Because it ia composed of eomo
very lively material , and , more than
that , it is a mixed legislature , com
posed of republicans , democrats , nntl-
monopolistu and independents Should
the democrats and anti-monopolists
combine they can oon'rol ' both houser ;
on the other hand , should the demo
crats vote with the republicans , or the
anti-monopolists with'the republicans ,
In either case in fusion party will wield
the balance of powir. "
"Is it not generally believed that
the democrats and anti-monopolists
will unite againht thu republicans ? '
' . 'In the matter of railroad legisla
tion no douot they nil ) ; also , on all
matters touching the flnancua of the
state. In most cases the ant i monops ,
instead of going to ( hodemocrats , will
want the democrats to come to them ;
and when it cornea to electing A United
Statoa senator , whicu must bo done ,
to take the
t doubt if theap .wo elements can
unite , The next e'onator will 1 > 9 either
the choicu of tlio tnti mpnopa or the
choice of the atrdight rupublioana.
The democrats will iot figure larguly
in the contest , "
"Ex Governor Divid Uutlor is
already apokon ( f u a probable can
didate of the anti'ii'ounp'jliatu What
ohanco has hoi"
"A very small or a very largo
chance , it is dillidult to tell. As a
member of the aUte senate , Butler
will do Homo worlc for himself , no
doubt , Brig s nud Mundoraon , of
Omaha , are conservative men ; also ,
ex United States Senator Tlrnyer , of
iiall county. There are several other
men looking that way , all cf whom
are moro or leas known U
fame. The democratn will
probably name as their cancH
datotho late dutncoratic candidate for
governor , J , Sterling Morton , but it
la not at all likely that ho will bo
elected. As for the several atalwarl
republican candidate * , such aa Gov
ernor Nanoo rod ex Senator Paddock ,
the present legiiluture it of two mon
grel a character to entertain an Idea
of electing them , It ia plain that no
railroad man uood apply , and alto no
man who has eve ; figured prominently
aa a stalwart republican , "
Talk With n Man Who
to Know all About the
Timothy O. Enttmnn on tlio
Preinnt nnd Fntnro of
the Trnilo.
p d t to St.aus \ \ Hcpulillcan ,
NKW YOHK , November 14. The
ew York Time.i published this morn-
ng n dispatch from Chicago charging
hat Timothy C. Ktman and others
nroro endeavoring to hurt the western
rado hi dressed beef. Mr. Eastman ,
vho waa the pioneer in the business
of exporting American beef , and who
low nupplica nearly orory largo town
n England , was naked to-night wheth
er ho ia concerned , aa haa been ro-
> ortod , hi the present movement to
tock tlio market of Now York with
western drosood beef , Mr. Eutman
aid ; The buainuas of selling western
rosied beef bopan six or eight years
go In Now England in a small why ,
nd was gradually increased until it
rove the butchora and drovera out of
loarly all the townn in that ccotlon.
'hero wcro two firms engaged in it
5wlfl , Bros , , nnd Hammond. Thoao
, \vo firmn have recently begun opera-
iona in Now York , Philadelphia , Bl-
imoro and Patvrson , They secure
Jy getting uhoauer freight from the
' .itlroad companies than was given to
ho drovers. The live cattle wore
Iwayn bought at no much per pound
ctual weight. The railroad compa-
lies have boon charging for dressed
) oef so much pv car load , estimating
ai hear load ut 20,000 pcunds. Thu
net is that the ahippora of droisod
) iof have boon putting from 23,000
i > 30,000 pounds of dtoaaod beef into
car. Thuy thus ot free freight on
rom a,000 to 10,000 pounds. "
"Qowdid the rnilroad companies
jormtt tliGiiiscIvca to bo over-reached
u'this war ? "
"They winked at it to got the buai-
) cSB. It ia nut nt all unlikely that
hia unfair dincrimlnaiion ugainst the
hipporn of live cattlu will bo stopped
when the railroad companies charge
, ho full price for dresatdbeof shipped ,
and also L > r the ice carried , which
itmnuntn to 2OUO , poundn per car and
or the extra weight tf the refrigora-
cr caTho coat of bringing dreaaed
> ccf to thi.j market will bo little lose ,
f liny , tn'ttn that of bringing live
cattlw. "
"Will not the increase of freight
aiao the price of boef't'1
"Not nt'cuiiaarily. The price of
loot la governed by the crop of corn.
Vhon there ia n good crop
Beef will bo cheap onouch next'
eaeon , because wo have had good
reps this year. But the chief danger
o commerce from this western dressed
> i3of buainoea ia the danger of getting
ho whulo buainces into the hands of
uw monopolists , who may put the
irico up or down M they wish aud do
itroy competition. "
' -'Whj c vno' . co.Bp'jtUlDn coiiium.
n the now buainona as well as in the
old ? "
"Chiefly because it takes a big espi
al to go into the dressed beef bust-
ncsa soy 8300,000. Big establish
ments must ba built , expensive cars
onstructod and largo cipltul em-
) loycd. But in the live cattle bust-
ices men go in with a fcw thousands
of capital und compote with ono an-
other. "
"How about the rumor that W. n.
Vanderbilt ia engaged in the meat
) uninoe > b'/ / "
"Nonsense ; there is not enough
nonoy in it for him to meddle
with it.
s as a railroad man to got fair rates
of freight.
"What is the occasion of this sud-
Ion movement in the meat market of
New York ? "
"Tho fnot that Swift Bros , and
lumraoiid began their operations
luro. It ia a matter of lifo or death
with the butchers and drovers who do
) uninoB8 hero. If they are driven out
if business it will bo a public calamity
Ktcuuao then the western meat men
vill have it all their own way. "
"flow about Iho report that you
have been yourself cngngod In the now
iil'irt to compute with Swift Bros , and
lammond ? "
"Nonsense ; my business la chirlly
n exporting beef ; I do very little
with the Now York market. "
Special DUpatcli to Inr. UKK.
YANIUON , DAK. , November 1G ,
Under instructions from the president ,
3ovornorOrdway 1ms reprieved James
Lioighton flilmoro , of Duudwood , sen
tenced to ho hung the 21th. An error
n n previous reprieve made Sunday
, ho day of execution ; hence thin last
epriovu. No further inteifurenco
can be expected ,
The Siout commission is still wait-
ng for funds from Washington , and
every day brings them nearer to the
winter storms.
Thn Goal Mliiari ,
Dispatch to Tnn Una.
CLEVKLAND , November 10. Opera
tors and roort'sontativea hero of coal
mines in Muasjlon , Akron and Mahon-
ing districts will not coiicedo the advance -
vance demanded by miners. They
aay plenty of coal in ou hand and
prices are too low now , A lurgu proportion -
portion of the minus were about to
shut down for the winter anyway.
Miners may work while the mines are
operated or etop , aa they ohooao.
Operators apprehend no serious lock
Dnlllierate Murder.
Special Dispatch to Till Ui5.
CHICAGO , Novemlwr 1G The Dally
Nowa' Hivana (111 ( ) special aays John
B , Walters , a farmer near there , while
ut work in the fluid to-duy , was ap
proaolied by his nephew , whoso nawc
waa not learned. The nephew told
him he had murdered hia ( Walter's
wife , and then fled. Walters wont to
his homo and found the statement
Into. A largo posse of citizens are
searching for the murderer. No canao
for the deed is assigned.
The Congressional Committee Kxeun-
the Mississippi Ulvor.
PptcUl latin St. LouU ItcpuMUiui.
CAIKO , November 14. The steamer
Guiding Star , the vessel which ia to
carry the special committee who were
appointed by coogrcea to examine the
government works upon the Miaaia.
aipni rlvor , arrived here this morning
ami had on board the following mem-
bora of the committee : Jndgo Hoi-
man of Indiana , Hon. Don Butter-
worth of Ohio , Hon. T. 0. Crawford
of the committee , lion , Thomas Cavanaugh -
anaugh , business manager. Mr. But-
torworth , Mr. Oarlialo and Mr. Craw
ford are ikooompanfod by their wivua.
Moat of the members composing the
oommlaslon arrived here Sunday and
yesterday , rcgardlcas of the lioavy
rain and general bad weather ,
they examined the government worka
at Bird's Point , the levee system of
Cairo , the ban , condition of the bank
and all things which might aaalat in
developing information upon their
miision. lu fact , they have con
ducted the Initial investigation with
intelligence and oaro. Thoao of the
committee who were here in advance
of thoGulding Star are Hon. J. 0.
Burrows , of Michigan ; lion. E J.
Ellis , of Louisiana ; Hon. Frank Hia-
cook , of Now York ; Hon. Goo. Hob-
inson , of Massachusetts ; Hon. Juo.
T. Thomas , of Illinois. Mr. Ellia ia
accompanied by his wife and Mr.
Tnutnas by his sister , Mrs. John Dra
per , of St. Louis. The Guiding Star
loft at midnight , going clown > the
rivor. The business trip of the boat
wil. not bo interrupted. The main
objects to bo examined by the com
mittee are tha government worka at
Plum Point , Lake Providouco and
Vickaburg. *
Mr * . John Brown In Kantian.
Special Ds ! | > atcli to TIIK HIT.
TOI-KKA , Novombtr 1C. The recep
tion to Mra. John Brownwidow of the
Kansas here and martyr , given in the
sonata chamber to-night , waa a grand
BUCCPBB. Gov. St. John presided and
delivered an address. Speeches were
made by Senator Plumb * and others.
Affair * at Peniaoula-
Hp-clal DUpntch to TIIK UK *
PKNSCOLA , Fla. , November 1C
Five now caaoa of fever are reported
to-day , CAUslna uneasiness among
absentees and thoao who have return
ed. It waa announced to-day by Supt.
Divlaon , of the Lontavillo it Nashville
10 id , _ that all quarantines against
Pensac'ola haa boon removed. Nowa
paper' thus far have given us no
information on the subject. Regular
paeacngor trains roaumo trjpa to-night
and will run hence forward daily.
A Mother' * Horrible Crltuo-
Special ] > UpaUU liTim UKK.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , November 1C.
Mivrtha Robinson , colored , was arrest
cd to-night for a 1'orriblo crime. She
cloiRfng from h r child , age'd two and
half years laid it on its biok on the
itov. After n time aho took Iho
child off the steve carried it toJa
factory near by and laid it in the
hallway. The crioa of the child were
heard by officers who arrested the
woman. When asked why she com
mitted the crirno she said because she
wanted to get rid of the child. It
will die.
Rich D'not-ivory ' of Sllvor Ore.
Special Difpitch tTnn llxi.
DULUTII , MINN. , November 1C.
Glowing roach this city of reemit -
emit rich disco vorios of oilver ere at a
point twelve miles east of Pigeon
river , on the Canadian sldo of the in-
tcrnutional boundary lino. General
Wilde , who luu boon prospecting in
the region throe yearn , In company
with a Froncb.Tian named D.innittt ,
and Dan McPhoo , with the aid
of the Indiana , lucccodod in finding
what ia reported to be the richeut ail-
vcr veins on the continent. It is said
that rich pieces of t-lmost pure native
ilvor has boon lately picked from the
urfaco of the vnin. Gen , Wilde nnd
ssociutoa have , it ia paid , refused
520,000 from the Silver lalct com-
mny for their claims. A small force
a already at work and the proprietors
onfidently expect to turn out by the
rudoat methods ? 1GO,000 worth of
ilvor this winter.
Thn Eclon of A merion ,
ipoclal Dispute-It to TIIK UKK.
KANHAN Gary , November 10. An
> rg.miz. tionwas formed tiero to-night
n imitation of Capt. Payne's coloniza
ion Bocloty , by n number of laboring
non and mechanics. Their purpose
a to organize a colony to go to the
codudhtnda in Indian territory , known
as "Oklohoma country , " and pre
empt hnniOBtoadH , At n meeting to
night thlrty-thrco men binned the roll
under the leadership of li , S.Walaon ,
of this city. A committee on const- !
ution and by-lawn waa appointed and
the intentions of the company as ex
pressed by thorn ia to start in about
six wocka , provided with a year's
irovisions for the "Edon of America , "
They invite all lovers of homo and
Teodom to join with them in the on-
: orprieo ,
The ICuighti. Tempinr Monument
utlal Dlnpatcli to TllK Ull.
CLEVKLAND , Ohio , November 10
Thu movemenc to raise $50,000 for t
LJarfiold tronummt by contribution :
From etato encampments of Knighti
IVinplar , equivalent to § 1 for eaol
Knight in the jurisdiction , ii
meeting with gratifying Eucoess
Oil ! : ial cammunicationa are boiu ;
already rucnivwd from oncampiuenti
of half a dozen states , pledging th <
proper sum , aud similar responsoa an
expected BOOH from the remainder o
the states. In recognition of thii
fund the Knights Templar have beei
admitted to ono quarter roprosontu
tion in the Garfield monument aaao
elation , and will bogivon tboprivileg
of directing a corresponding proper
tton of the Inscriptions , ineiguia um
other embellishment of the monument
Froncli Politicians Discussing a.
Successor to Grovy.
The Russian Frees Muzzled on
all Movements of the
Northnoto'n Health Nocn ltato n.
lr-Dnfforln's Work
A Vatloty of Nowo From Other Points
Special Dispatches to Tim Ilitn.
ST. PETKiunuuo , November 16.
Nowspnpora have boon forbidden to
make any allusion regarding the con
struction of the military railway or
the movement of troops near the
Iluaso-Turkiah frontier.
LONDON , November 1G. The first
severe snow storms of the season are
reported to-day and seem to be gener
al throughout England. A heavy galois
is blowing across the ocean to-day ,
particularly in the south-west. A
bark has been lost with all hands , t
Stowoa. A small voascl is oahoro / .
Stowoa bay. Another voanol is tot/
wrecked at liayle. /
Five pilots were drowned whil/r ;
tempting to roach a distressed v4' jL
on the Frith of Forth. K
A party of forty armed men i * * eked -
od the house of Redmond rtoh ,
magiatrato at Mngras , Oaatlo > > ind ,
laat night , firing several alicTI. nnd
demanding admisaion , carrying away
two gunn.
haa boon obliged to leave England on
account of ill health and will imme
diately mnko n trip to the Mediter
ranean Ho ia in a precarious condi
tion and unless speedily relieved by
change of air hia malady may have a
fatal termination.
OAIUO , November 1C. Du florin
during hia viait hero , .baa hitherto
hold little intercourse with the khedive -
dive , but confers constantly with high
oflioiala of the government respecting
the political and financial situation of
BEIINI : , November 17. The federal -
al council is diaaatiafiud with the In
quiry by Geneva authorities into the
existence of nnarchlata , and requests
production of oflicial documents.
PESTH , Novombora 17. The Hun
garian delegation have unanimously
passed the estimates of tho. rainlatry
of foreign affairs.
LONDON , November 10. Proceed-
uro debate waa resumed. The fourth
rule , viz : "If before a division mem-
borii ch'ailonginB tiio deoieiou or'tnu"
apoakoror chairman o ! the committee -
too do not exceed twenty , the speaker
may forthwith declare the determina
tion of the house , " was passed with
but alight amendment. Discussion
then opened on the fifth rule , which
says the speaker may call the atten
tion of the house to irrelevancy or tedious -
dious repetition by a rnotnbor and di
rect him to discontinue his speech.
Debate then adjourned.
PAIUS , November 1G , A hostile.
interpellation of the budget proposula.
relating to public worship estimates.
will bo , made at Saturday H sittings of-
the chamber of deputies.
Diiapito all contradictions , Presi
dent Grovy's health is in a very criti
cal condition , and political circles are
discussing his auccossor. Gambotta , .
General Chauzy and Bresson are men
tioned in connection therewith. Bres
son in the favorite oyho moderators
VIENNA , November 1C. The strike *
of the printers contlnuoa. Eighteen
leading firma cloao their oatabllah-
ments , owing to the strike. The
trikora are asking an increase of SO
> or cent , which ia refused.
PoiiTauouTii , November 10. Th&
xarainatlona of the nteamer Weat-f
halia show that the damage done * ia' '
iiuch moro serious than nrst antloi-
atod , Repairs will probably bo com-
lotod at Hamburg.
LONDON , November 17. The Nowa'
Cairo dispatch aays there is an uncon-
"rmed report that the Egyptian regi-
lent at Suez refuses to proceed to
Suakiinand , Probably the o will be
collision with the authorities. I
DUHLIN , November 10. In the trial
nf Patrick. Casey , for the murder bf
ridget Joyce , to-day , the mother nnd
ouain of the prisoner , in proving an
alibi , aworo that Caioy was at homo
all night on the night of the Maam-
traana murder. The judge will corn-
mouco to charge the jury to-morrow.
LONDON November 17 During the
absence of Sir Stafford Northcoto Sit
lllchard Cross will act as interim
leader of the eonanrvativcs in the
lumao of commons. The Marquis ofj.
Quocnsbury haa written a letter to tha
papers , defending hia behavior nt tKo
Glebe theatre , i which ho says
seoularizora are fighting tooth j ,
nail , end while fishting a battle wiih ,
unfair opponents ho never ecruplea to.
use any artifice to cet at them. tEho.
nof ? drama , "Tho Silyer King , " waa
prodncod at Priuoesa theatre laj.i ava.
g , and waa a gieat success.
Special Dispatches to 1t ( * UEI.
Aoat'BTA , Me. , Ki'vomber 10ExGovt
Lot M. Morrlll I * dangerously 111. . ,
Our 01MKUCO , Noveinber lC.-rTha
roof i f an old dwelling fell last nlgbfc anil
killed seven people ,