THE DAILY BEE OMAHA * THURSDAY NO VF MB KB. 16 The Daily Bee. v OMAHA. y Thursday kffornint ; , Nov. 10. \Vei > .thcr . . . . . (1'ho ( followlnff observation" retaken at the mime moment of time at all tbo aUUona ts modt ) i WAR DEPAnrMKHi , U. S. SioKAtSKB- \ TICK , OMAHANov. 1 > , 1882. ( IMPp.m. f Tinots. Denver. . . . . . 11 OS DrlKK Cheyenne. . . TO 12 Brink Cloudy Wuhntle. . . . II VI Ll ht II Hr.ow Finite 30 10 llrl.k Fair Oniahn. . . , 2-J 08 Drsk Fair Yank ton. . 21 Si r.oh Filr Dea Molnoa 30 OS Clear Divcnpcrt. TO II llrisk Clear a 07 llrl k Clear BLLoula . 30 21 M 8 Kreth Clear 8HE Moornnul. 07 HE Fresh Vincent. . , . M M KK Cloudy Bbimarck. . 30 Id NW Brink Clear Dolord. . . . . . 30 07 W II Ink Clear Caster. , , . . 30 28 W Light Clear 3116 LlSht Cloa y AMinabolce. iOM Frosli Cloudy filter 6 ( ml 0 tacbei aboro low water mark at Ottthi , 1 ( eetlOlnchm at Taakton. Mlsilulppl C feet D Inched at IHvcnpoit , > t feet Sinchei nt Ht IVul , 10 I ot 11 Indies at til tioul ,4/c 0 Inchei at lACrono and 7 feet 0 Inches at LMtmqno. . LOOAIBBB VITIHS. , C - - - -Tbo weather la crowing considerably milder. milder.Park Park Goodwin's majority In the dis trict iaaliout.100. ; Tlierojwcro two doatba at St. Joicpb's hospital Tuesday. " Wesley Ltnton was arrested yesterday for threatening tbo life of John Mnlllnger. f Lucy Kyau and her husband Tony have made up nnd left towu together. A force of mon baa resumed the work on Douglas atreet paving with well advised celerity Thanksgiving services will Inaugurate tbo use of tbe now Swedish church on Caea atrcot. _ The fonoral nf tbo late Harry 8 , Far > rnalee took placs nt 2 p. m , yesterday. H * loaves a wife and ono child. --If our good people know bow cheap Frederick , the Hatter , is netting hla Winter tor Oapa they would all glvo him n call. The E. M. A. will bold their monthly social on Thursday evening , Nov. IGtb. All members are requested to bo present. Tbopiico of boor is raited to $2.25 per keg by the Omaha brewers In con < Hoquonco of tbo advance la the coat of hops. Fonihn. Bro n , who was BO badly hurt by Gorman last Friday night and wna acnt up to Bt. Joacph't ) hospital uu Sunday in a critical condition , is reported much bettor and able to appear in court and testify against tbe prisoners. -Two or three colored men have been arrested on suspicion of being James Oloott'a aBadllant but bo was unable to identify either. It was BO dark at tbo time that it ia probable bo did not coo the man'a featurMn toll , Tho'w ! ' 0. T. U. will hold'thoir weekly mooting in the parlora of the Bap tlst church on Thuraday afternoon , Nov. ICth. at 3 o'clock. Every member Is re quested to be present. . By order of the Secretary. | * J An excitement'WMocoaaiQ.ned onBaun * I dorss | posTyoBterdijr b'yV boras falllngtnto a trepcbT dug by the water works company ! Tbo tronoh was exactly aa Ionic n . the hone'syb dy and so , oloson fit that ho stood upright In it with bia bead routing outside on the surface. Oao end of tbo trench was1 dug out and tbo bone extricated blmaelf without Bcdoua injury. IonlFfnk : Colfelzor , representative elect from Douglas county , doaires TflK DEE to porreot tbo atatement made in Mon * day's iaiue that bo takes hla certificate by virtue of Jefferson precinct being thrown out in the canva ' ' 'It' seem * that hla ma jority would have been Increased Instead of dlinlnlahod had tbo vote of JofToraon boon counted. Mr , Colpotzer aaya ho would not take an olllca if bo could only KcUt throuch n , mistake. Horhort Leavltt , the accommodating and oiUeicnt deputy clorkof Doughacoun ty , waa absent from hi post Tuesday , n very unusual occurrence , nnd hit friends feared that ho waa alck. Uo did not give any explanation yesterday but a BKI reporter received the Information from an. other eoiirce that'ho ' bad stayed at homo to give a reception to n now son and heir , which arrived Monday. It was a ton pounder * Both mother and child are do * * Inn well * Aa will ba Boon by a diapatch publish- d eliewhtro the eiocutivo committee of tlie Irish National Lund League hna ad- vluod the reorganization of the League with n view of giving preatlge to the na tional movement. It will be remembered that A few weeks ngo iho Omaha branch met and determined whatever the rest did they would not disband aud A prominent member said toTiirBta reporter yeatorday j "Juut wait and you ehall see the Omaha League booming under Ila now aunptcea \ery aooa. Ona of the wgular periodical boardern nt Uje. chy and county jail \ra * brought bo lore Judge Deneko yesterday on the eld charge of Intoxication , He kad just com. pleted a term of waa about to leave town the Judge ga\o him 30 daya at hard labor and suspended entetioe untH 12 o'clock , with tlo admonl tion that if he waa found within the city limits ataln in the year 1882 , lie would be ent up to aerw ) out LU time. Aa the prlaoner went down i'arnam atreet „ . turned a wistful look at the Jail on Uw hill jind remarfced ' 'Ftrewell , my home , fare well. Ob It fa hard to bo boUiahod from the place w love , " The fifth annual ball of the Pioneer Look and Udder company will be held tt Maputo boll oa Koveiu'jer 29th. Tue committee on arrangement * la composed cl L'd Wlttlsr , Ohaa. 1'lshcr , J. Jtothholz , T. U. Kooeter and L. Kroetioch. -'Hoe. Joseph Itedman waj nulled In. marriage to Jlr * . Llbbio Huca.ll ou Bun- day evenlug , Nov , 12 , 1882 , t th resi dence of David Harper , . ] { ( . , Her , Q , F , Btelllng | . | ) , oIlcUtIp ( , 'Ai' the board of public worVs , atari Informal meeting linmecllxwly alter the " - ent ofitlio clty fljuncll 1 it , let ibf contrasl lit paving direct with Blotix Fall ) atone to Mr , Mnck , that v ed qncHlon may ba tegnrfled nn nettled. A good chance to tee tpeclmcna of the new paving material la offered by a pile of the granite blocks In front of ' and Fifteenth Kuhn'admg ttiroon Douglas th , while the limestone blocka near by offer n'trilling contract. 11 is propood to be gin the shipment of the atone to Omaha nt on co. - The atorm doora now being placed In front of entrance to Boyd'a opera honao will be ornamental aa well as useful during the vrlntcr months. The number of the aspirants of the Sliteraof Mercy in tbla city , yesterday at the convent OD St , Mary's avenue , was decreased by the death ( < f one of their rrmtt promising member * . MIsi Lucy Fllrger- aid , a young lady both of brilliancy and accomplishments , nnd but recently arrived in this country from Ireland , wni the vic tim , Buccumblrig nftcr nn Illness of but a few days to an attack nf typhoid fever. Miss Fitzgerald wan admitted nmong the nsplranta to the order of the olstora nbove mentioned tn July of the present year , and bad almost passed tbo perled of probation preparatory to being admitted ainonic the novices , The deceased has friends living In New Castle , Neb , , to whom a telegram of the event has been sent. The funeral will take plnco this morning from the novlthto on St. MnryV , arcnuo to the cemetery of the Holy Sepulctre. A Cnallongo Accepted. Mr. Jack Utvnlcj : Seeing your challenge in yesterday morning's Republicanstating that yon would like to spar mo for $250 a side , and would prefer mo to all others in the city , I hereby accept your chal lenge , and to show you thai I mean business , I have de posited a forfeit of fifty dollars with Manager Nugent cf the Acad- amy of Music as an earnest of good filth , so as not to interfere with your engagements , I will lot you name the time and place , time not to exceed two weeks from data , I do not claim the championship of Nebraska , and as a spatrorl ceased to appear before - fore the pnblto two years ago , but as I have n few friends in the city who fool confident that I am a match for you , I will contest with you for the two hundred and fifty dollars a side. Yours respectfully , WILLIAM MoCoNK A SUPERB SOU VEJNIR. Which Is doslorod for presentation to ox-Suporlntondont bob Law. Mr. Robert Law , so long a popular division superintendent on the U. P. , and recently appointed to a responsi ble position on the 0. B. & Q. , is ex pected to make another viiit to Cheyenne - onno previous to his departure to his now headquarters at Kooknk , and his friends propose to make it the occa slon for an expression of their 'good wishes for his future success and pros perity. There is now to bo soon in Iho win dow of n Ohoyonno jewelry establish ment a magniticont sot of solid silver ware , consisting of 132 pieces , of an- tiqtio design , as follows : One dozer gilded led cream spoons , all of different patterns , one soup ladle , ono oyster ladle , two gravy ladles , ono augarjadlo , tiah knives and forks , berry spoon , proaorro spoon , aalid spoon , sugar spoon , gravy spoon , a not of but tor'knives ' , one pickle fork , ono dozen 'doaefct' ' knives } oho doion coUoo spoons , ono carving sot of five pieces , qno oyster tureen , throe ton- Inch donblo dishes , one dozen tea spoons , ono dozen desert spoons , ono dozen table spoons , ono and a half dozen table spoons , ono and a half dozen desort'spoons. * All of iho above are engraved with tho'initial ' "L , " and are contained in an elegant cabinet marked , 'Robert Law ; from his 'Ohoyonno friends. " The silverware is valued at $760 , and ia a handsome tribute to Mr. aud Mrs. Law. PHENOMENAL WEATHER Signal Service Transfers The Sudden Change of the Past Week. A great many of our citizens will remember Mr. L , M. Boy , who was the observer of the signal oilico at this point about a year ago , and loft Omaha to go to Pike's Peak , where ho wished to make some scientific ob servations and have greater loiauro to pursue his studios. Wo learn that Mr. Doy has again boon transferred at his own request to Louisville , Ky. , having loft Pike's Peak station on the Oth inst. Mr. Dudley B , Notson , assistant observer at Omaha station , is await ing orders for transfer by promotion as observer of some other station not vet designated. Who will bo sent hero to take his place as Observer Pollock's assistant la not yet known. In connection with this subject it is pertinent to remark that the weather for the past week has been phenomenal as far as the sudden change from summer's heat to win- tor's olast is concerned. On Friday nitiht last the temperature was 74" and intense lightning prevailed from six o'clock in the evening. At 10:30 : loud thunder was added to the lightn- imi und soon after a heavy rain began to pour down , inlnglod at first with hail , which continued all night and until 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing. At first the wind was from the south and quito moderate but when it veered toward the north and the wind increased to a gale of Si miloa au hour , the falling temperature was rapid and attained a dilloronco of 63 within 24 hours. Thenceforth the weather remained cold , the coldest - est being on the morning of Monday , wbon the muroury stood at 14 * and never rising above CO" , which was the temperature indicated at 2 p , in. Tuesday , BYestcrday light anowa were re ported from St. Vincent , Minn. , and iJuford and Bitrnarck , Dakota , with slightly M7her temperature , wliieh would indicate somewhat warmer and cloudy wtathcr shortly huru. Do Not Move Blindly. Go carefully in purchwlng medicine. Mauy advertised tomedlo * c u work great thau Wood BHltri are purtly a veget l > la prep" I "f-tlpui the au-jilUat clild can take them. I hey kill < Uir , M and puie the pttfcnt In a mla nud kindly way , A NOVEL SCHEME , Something tliat Takes the Cake for Novelty and Hallway Comfort , fho Union Pftciflo Proposes to "Seotbo Dinintr Oar System and "Go It One Better. ' ' Organization bf the "Overland ' Opera Houan Com- pany. " Latest Tbinfc in tbo Wny of Railway Advertising nnd Phllnutliropy. It is an opnn secret that iho mo- nopolics wiih which "antia" have to deal out ia this western country , whutovor may bo their funltn , are not aoulloBs , and that they do all they can for the amutcmont and trolfaro of their men , from setting up a fall ( lodged hospital for train and shop mon . to supporting a first class base ball club for their clerks and sanding thorn t out over the main line and bronchos tt t tr to entertain settlers on the railroad lands. la feet there is noth ing I small about the U. P. folks , no oven their foot , which are usually ox copied by courtesy , The latest stroke of philanthropy i foreshadowed in the organization of a company to bo known as the "Over land O era House Co. , " whoso article of incorporation state that ita objec la "tho carrying out of a plan already devised whereby the best plays operas and oratorios can be producci with the moat desirable and elaborate surroundings in cities and towns where , because of the lock of facilities such performances have not booi given , " The capital stock is fixed at $250 , 000 in 5,000 sharca of $50 each , which will enable employees in every depart mpnt tn invest their ( surplus earnings with this company. The headquarters of the company will bo in Omaha but operations wil extend over the entire territory cover ed by the U. P. track and provision is made in the articles for even ex tending it to the Central Paoillo am other roads if the directors shall deem it advhablo. Just who originated the idea Is not stated , but it was most likely the president , as the scheme was finally decided upon during his recent visi to0maha _ , and is certainly an enter priao , which , if successfully oarriec out , will call for the warmest gratitude of all who have como out to grow up with the country and give the Union Pacific an ad van t ago ovot other lines which will bo hard to overcome. It is a well established fact thai most small cities , while they have a so-called opera house , soon tire of the place , and m consequence it ia & hare matter to attract anything like1 a pay ing audience in thcso towns , Tno causes are constant uao of the same scenery ( and oftener than otherwise it is poorly pain ted ) , nnd rapid dilapi dation because of a , lack of use and consequent lack of proper care. Good companies , therefore , do not like to chance a stop at such places , and the result is the theatrical taste of many communities la neglected and pro mises in time to bo mined if not looked to. Those facts falling under the eye of iho originator , who is u oloso observer , caused him to set his wits to work and after much study and engineering ho completed his plan , had drawings and estimates made and then let the matter rest , until recently , The plan , com pactly stated , ia an opera house capa ble of holding 1,000 or 1,500 people , which can bo carried on and is partly formed by a train of eight cars , oachfifty foot long. The details , briefly presented , are that the cars are to bo made elongated and raised by a tele scopic process when in the uao oa an opera house and closed when in transit. The plan has been submitted to nn. mcrnun architects and railroad men , who prononnco it petfoctly feasible mechanically , while faith in its finan cial soundness has boon shown by the J fact that the subscriptions already re ceived indicate a necesaity for'water'- ing the stock at an early day. There are also many simple but handsome details of construction and * ornamentation in the design , which ombracosja largo stage with the traps and other machinery , llato , wings , set pieces and boarders of a first class theater ; a parquotto , dress circle and gallery , all of which is carried in the 8 cars. The building can bo put together - gothor inside of five hours after the train has boon drawn to the lot selected for the exhibition , and in or- dcr to reach a lot away from the rail road depot a portable track half a milo long is arranged for. The work of moving the train in a town , and of setting up the home , will bo uono un der the supervision of two foremen one sot of mon working on the stage J and the other in the auditorium. The cars which are to bo used by this company will ba constructed en tirely at the shops in this city , and will bo as finely tniiahod as anything N of the kind in tbo United States. The services of first'claas artists will be se cured , and they will bo given heads of H departments in order to put their silary to the requisite rounds of the ladder , and some of the best trage dians , opera singers and so on have already signified their intention of ac cepting the offers made them. It is the intention to get into the field not later than February and work west ward over the main line so as to reach the mountains by warm woather. Should the enterprise fulfill the ex pectations of its buckora , other trains will be built , or perhaps au opera car attached to each regular paeeenger train , which would knock the sox off of the dining cars for novelty , and draw like one of Aloock'a porous plasters. Burutoeii The exclusively private Hatzard- Ellen wedding is the sensation of the hour. The privacy with which the uffab yru ( consummated gives rise to O much Cfi&iatn , all of which , however , ia favorable , owing to the stand' ing ot the parties , which ia the very beat , together with the fact of their both being highly connected with old residents , well to do and highly re spectable , making adverse criticism oat of the qaustion. It i surmised that George thought It best to make sure of bin bird while ho built hia caite and as the firat is aeourod and tno later nearly com pleted , they have the congratulations of your correspondent nnd the good wishes of the community In general. HOP , .Tame * II , Kynor and wife loft Tuesday for Bo'uo City , on the Ore- 'gon short line , to bo absent until the holidays. The first Lyceum meeting of the season Init evening , Secretary Ilowsor , of the.Y. M 0 A. , is expected to nssist at the Union Sunday school concert next Sunday evening. CDCKOO. THE SOCIAL CIRCLE. Magnificent Eooeption at tlio Paxfcon by Mr , and Mrs , Levi Carter , Wedding ot Warren Bwitzor and Mies Mamie / . Wilson. The Brilliant Forimnclcz-rnlconojr Nuptial * The Paxjon hotel was last night the scone of a brilliant gathering , perhaps iho most successful in many respects over given in the city. The arrange ments were an complete as could bo devised , the surroundings as elegant as the moat fastidious could wish and every resource of the Paxton thrown open freely to the guests to make the occasion thoroughly enjoyable. The reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Lavi Garter , and the list of invited guests was very largo , indeed , and included the most prominent citizens , the belles and the beaux > of Omaha society. The office , dining room and parlors of the Paxton were put in festive dress early in the evening , roses of evergreen being festooned from the chandeliers to the windows , balcony , etc.indontwining | the'pillarsandjrails. In tno parlor flowers were banked up on ail sides , and the handsome marble mantel pieces wore covered with beautiful calla lilies. Ferns wore to bo scon everywhere , and not to enter into too great detail the profusion of those , delicate and lovely decorations gave the house the appearance of some tropical palace. About 9 o'clcckt the guosta began , to throng the parlors and carriage after carriage rolled up to the broad entrance and deposited their load of richly dressed ladies with their escorts. The Musical Union orchestra , from its station at the south , end of the Main corridor adjoining the parlor , soon filled , the house with ( delicious music , th , ] subdued light shone upon a scene that : was brilliant in every re- snecti and vha visitors having paid their respects to , their hosts , soon joined in ] the dance , which , was in fnll progress at 10 o'clock. A bout ill o'clock , sapper was servoc in the dining room below , where ar rangements were all on the same scale of magnificence thatcharacterized , the affair throughout. The largo table in the center of the room groaned with Its load of delicacies , and was i lavishly covered with or namental designs and dishes. In the center a donblo arch of fine Oalifornia grapes and other fruit overhung a mass of budding roses in ni bed of equally beautiful flowers. This was flanked by two'largo blocks of ice , carved Into the shape of huge punch bowls and filled with oysters. Pyramids of macaroons , and pastry of every description surrounded the whole and were in turn supplement ed by aome other delicacy calculated to tempt the palate. t After supper dancing was resumed , and continued i to n late hour. Among thoao. invited who wore. present or aouti their regrets were the following : TUB GUESTS. . 'Mr ' nnd Mrs J 0 Cowio , Mr and Mrs A CreJghton , Dr and Mrs V H Coff- man. Me K B Cbindler , Mr J T Clark. Mr L Drake , Mr G M Darrow , Mr and Mra F H Davis , Mr and Mrs O F D vU , Mita O U Doauo. Mr and Mra J W Gannett - nott | Mr nnd Mra B Gallagher , Mr and Mra ( t I Gilbert , Mr and Mm O J Green , Mr.anJ Mri U U Guloo , Mr U 1' CJorUah , Mr ami Mra O W Hamilton , Mr W iW ilton , Mr 0 If Ilendrix , Mr Bert Hitchcock - cock , Mium I jams , Mr and Mra W L Aduma , Mr W K Annln , Mlta Nora Bal- comb , Mr N Uukalow , Mr and Mra D Barkalow , Mr M W Barkalow , Mr and Mra D V Barkalow , Mr acd Mra II Brownion. Mr aurt Mra Joseph Barker. Mr and Mr * M T Barlow , Mr J M Bair , Mlw Marv Barr , Mra Baall , Mr K S Ber- as lln , Mlfa Berlin , U It Blerbower , Mr and Mra 8 It Brown , Miss H Brown , Miaa A Hurley , Mr aril Mra 8 S Caldwell , Mr 11 Carrier , MUa G Chambers , Mr .Taa Cham bers , Mr md Mra B U H Clrrk , Mr and Mra 1) O Olark , Mlea NetUn W Collln , Mi Oarrle Gonedon , Mr .T K Congdon , Mr and Mra G K ! Goutant , Mr nnd Mra N H Patrick , Mr 11 W Patrick , Mr nnd Sirs A J 1'oppleton. Ma ! B Pounletou. Mr nnd Mra ( I K i'ntchett , General and Mr * Corblo , Lieutenant onil Mra Price , Major and Mra Powell and Mlia Powell , Mr and Mra A 0 Powell , Mr nud Mra O llama iy , Mr and Mm Jno I Kedlck , Mr Will A Kedlck. Mra KJw Kobblns aud Mlaa llobblnf. Mr und Mrs L S Heed , Mr nnd Mra T L JUopwult , Mr nnd Mra K UinKwnlt , Mr. J H Kiujwalt. ( Mr nud MM Lynitn KlchartUon. Miea Minnie Kidurdson. Col nud Mm Btanton , Mr Jninea M Hoar , ? Jlaa Itona 1'oss , Senator and Mra Haundere , Mlia Mamie Siumlerj , Judge and Mra Bnvase , Miaa Jennie Jew ett , Mr Goo K Jewutt , Mr and Mra S B a Jouee , Mr nnd Mr * T L KImliall , Mr Tom Kiuihnll , MIM Bell Klmbil ] , Lieutenant And Mra D 0 KIngmnn , Mr and Mrs II Kountz , Mr J H Lebmpr , Mra Lshraer , Mr nml Mr < M A Kurtz Mr and Mra 8 K Locke , Judge and Mra . Miw Mamie Lake , Mjsa Florence Linin' Ker , W B Coring , Mr and Mra J JI Lacy , MIta I.Yonn , Mr and Mr * W II McCoid. Mr W M Maeulre , Mr and Mra J Wither , Mr and Mra J K Webster , Misses Wilson , Mr and Mm J JI Woolwortb , MIta Woolworth - worth , Mr and Mra 11 U Wood , M rait Wood. Miai Mamie W ud. Mr V War- rack , Mr and Mra IIW Yatea , Mr aud MM O B Yoat , Mr S y Woodbridge , Mr Gee Lake. Ma ) J 1) Peltuteey , Lieut U Ilowland , Liaut t < P liruwn , Mai U Neide , Lieut 8 It Adami. MrW 11 Scott , Mr I' 1' Slielliy , Mr ana Mra K Sheltou , Air P N oheltop , Mr Chat Baundem , Mr njd Mm JSUcors , MteaShearvMr and Mm Shlveriik , Mr and lira A Bwartzlander , Mr W SwHrler , Mr and Mra K O Squlrei , Mr d V Knvltti , Lieut and Mr * J A Plavden , Mr , T ( S Taylor , Jndpe and Mrs B Wnktley , MM ! Wnkcley , M sera Bird and Arthur C WnVeley , Mr W Wnllaw , Mr and Mra Jns M Wntnon , MlMpi WH1 , Mlanes Wilbur , Mr W II Wil- tnir , Mra and Mra L M Bennett , Mr and Mr * Frank D IJrown , Mr and Mra Gporge P Bemis , Mita Joan Brown , Mr nml Mrs J 13 Bojd , Ml Boyd , Mr nnd Mrs Guy Barton , MlfeeOIartrm , John McChrmlcV , Charles McGortnlck , Mlts Woodlo McCortnizk , Bitlnp nnd Mra Clivrkflon , Mr nnd .Mra W J Connell , Mr JOB 11 Ciarkaon , Matt Glair , Mr I Loin , F G Leon , Colon * ] and Mra McCorrclsh , Mra t umrnlne" , Colonel nnd Mrn J J Dicker , Mr L DvU , licv nnd Mra Dough erty , Major and Mrs J V Furay , MI'g Fannie Gronhow , Or nnd Mca Grossrann , Miss Mollle Morbach , Mlia Htmtcom , Mr nnd Mra George Ilotnnn , General nnd Mrs Howard , Mr nnd Mrs J B Kitchen. Colonel nnd Mm M I Ludlngton , Mr nnd Mra Metcalf. Captiln nnd Mra C B P.u * . tin , Alrn W B Smith , General Mend , Ms ! e Mlllard , Mr and MM G II Mater , Mr nnd Mrs 0 P Manderron Mr and Mra George L Millo' , Mr W If McMIIlen , Mimes Morgan , Mr O C Morgan. Cot and Mri T O Mason , Lieut und Mrs Manon , Mr W K Morris , Mr ftnd Mra W V Mono , Mr nml Mr B JI Morwman , Mr Frnnk Mttrpby , Mr nnd Mra T M Orr , Mlei Ogden , Charles Ogdci , Mr nnd Mra H I' Peck , Mr Oeo L'atenon , Mr nnd Mra W A Paxton , Mr nnd Mra MT Pntrlck , Mr A B Pntritk. HWITZtEU WILSON. The 'nuptials nf Warren Swilzler , Eiq. , and Miss Mamie D. Wilnon , olduat daughter of Gen. Thomas Wil son , U. S , A. , took place at the Pres byterian church at G o'clock. Thn iutorior of the church < vns beautifully adorned , an arch beinfc erected in front of the pulpit , chrysanthemum and other choice flow era displayed on either side , and vines and evergreens twining around the shaft of the light standards. Promptly at C o'clock Prof. Mayer sounded the notes of a march from Tannhauser , and the party of relatives of the bride and groom proceeded up the aisle and were seated at the front. The party included Mr. and Mrs. Morton Wilson , Col. Svritzloi and Mrs. Meredith , Mr. Irvin Srtitzler and wife , Mr. Frank Henderson and Miss Royal ) , Gen , and MK. Wilson. Presently the wedding march from "Midsummer .Nights Dream" was heard and the bridal party .advanced up the aisle in the following order. Messrs G M Hitchcock aud John Nor- rle. unhers. „ ' Miss Mngglo Wilson nnd Mr W F Gnr- ley.Miss Miss Mary Barr and Mr Cnrtia B Kol- Una. Una.Mies Mies Henrietta Wilson aud Mr Wm F Kobinson. The bride and erosm. lilttle MissesWynnio Kennedy and Ger- tloYntcs. The bride was attired in white satin brocaded in tnlips , with square cor sage and court train , trimmed with Duchess lace. A veil and orange blos soms and diamond earrings completed the charming toilet. The bridesmaid were cream-colored nun's veiling , the only ornament bo- ing-flowers. Rev. W. J. Harsba performed the ceremony impressively. When the vows were spoken and the ring had been placed upon the hand of the bride , the party retraced their stops to the music of the wedding march , the petite at tendants preceding them and strewing their path with flowers. , A reception at the residence of Gon. Wilson followed The presents were very many in number and wore remarkably unique and rich. The bride and groom left last even ing on a wedding journey to the south and east.- THE BEE joins with all friends in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Switzlor. FERNANDEZ-FALCONEIt. Yesterday was quite a gala day for the Scottish population of Omaha. The event that caused all this conster nation was the union in marriage ef Mr. Edward Fernandez with Mica Tiny Falconer. Rev. E. B. Graham tied the nuptial knot. The wedding took place at the residence of Mr. James Falconer , and quite a large gathering assembled to witness the ceremony. About 9 o'clock lost evening the in vited guests mot in the rostautant under Boyd's opera house , and there were ever one hundred persons pres ent. A very magnificent spread was prepared and everything wont off in fine stylo. At the conclusion of the supper the guests adjourned to Mr. James Fal coner's house , whore singing and dancing was kept up in lively stylo. Mr. Sanders entertained the company with some charming melodies , and Mr Jack Hey kept the party alive with comicalities. Mrs , Kaufmann created considerable amusement by her recitations of Irish ditties , Irish songs Banff by a Gorman lady are a rare treat. Mrs. Thomas Falconer sang several Scottish airs very sweetly , and was loudly applauded , as was also Mrs. Jack Hey , who rendered good service. Mr. James Falconer sapg several songs , which were received in a most enthusiastic manner. The presents wore both numerous , elegant and ornamental , The Hot is follows : Mr and Mra Meldrurn , albino ; Miaa Hey and Mr Ltddell , silver bailcut ; Mr Moodio and James Murphy , silver water J eervlor ; Mra Fleming t > ud Mra Caeaidy , hanging lamp ; William Kuox , ullver knife ; MldS Aggie Scott , ten eet ; Minnie Fernan dez , toilet set ; William Fleming , bottle of bay r"m ; Mra McPherfcon. gla pitcher , etc ; Mra Grny , elnia dish ; Mr ; Cum- mlngp , ten let ; Mrs David 11 Knox , fruit plates ; Minn Tinle LIddell , pltcbtra- Air. Charles Thlemau , table cloth nnd napklna ; Mra. Wlllumfl ( , table cloth and napkins ; Messrs , Thomas nud William Falconer , aewing machine ; Mrs. Fer nandez , table cloth , etc ; Mr , William LIddell , bed apiead ; Thomas Fal coner , two large oil painting * ; Mra. Thomas Falconer , two panel imlatlngp ; Mr William Gentleman , dish ; Mr nud Mri Fleming , aet of spoons ; MM Fred Lea- fenteln , pair of diamond earrings ! Air Sam Frazer , bride'a cake ; Mra Fnnnie Liddel , splasher , This wedding will long bo remeiu * bered in Omaha no one of the pleas- auteat episodes in its history. Irvine's orchestra discoursed Home of itsowoet- $ out music during the venlng. There is hardly an adult person living but is sometimes troubled with n kidney difileulty , which is the most 1 I prolilio and dangerous cause of all dia- eaio , There is no sort of need to have any form of kidney or urinary t tronblo if Hop Bitters is taken occa- " eionally , Army Orders- During the absence of Captain Charles A. H. McOauloy , asaitant quartermaster , United States army , depot quartermaster , Ogden Utah , on leave of absence , the commanding ofli- cor , Fort Donglae , Utah , will cause First Lieutenant Charles O. Penney Sixth infantry , post quartermaster , proceed to Ogden atsuoh times as bo necessary for the purpose of ceipting bills of lading in Captain Ciuiloy's name for the public property pasting on the various railroad lines , on flats. " Clears out r.ita , mice , roaches , flics , ante , bed bugs , skunks , chipmunks , gophers , 15o. Druggists. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA- UA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best Iho market otlords. The traveling public claim they got better accommodations and moro general satisfaction here than at any other Jbouso lu Omaha. Rote , 82 per day. ouRSltfm. UnssiA Salvo Is unrivalled for Its optedy deviling qualities. Aalc your druggists for il. 25 ct * , SLAVUN'S Y08EMITE COLOGNE Mndo frorr the wild flowers of the PAU FAMHD Y0SEMITE VALLEN ll is tlio moat fragrant ot perfuiu t Manufactured by H. B. Slavon , San Krancicco. For sale in Omaha by W. J. Whitohouao and KonuBia Bros , , &Co. HUB PUNCH , prepared of pure old liquors and aromatic Jrtiit juices , surpasses atiy punch or L tltly made on the pur of the tnnm-nt. Trade supplied bv M. A , McNnraara at manufacture ' prices. Kaniiliei supplied by A. U. Gladstone , Omaha. Neb. SPECIAL 10 LOAN-MONfeY ONKY TO LOAJi On chattel tuortffago M curlty. A. U. Tuttun , No.tHlB llouglia ttrcet , iront room , uji-ttalr . 430-tl i At b per Gentle. Ij/cot In rnna.of M.500 ana uinxui' , for 3 to t yc n > , on Or t-clr > ra city ncd farm property. Bma Uiib E i/x od Taut AO ROT , Uth and Uourlio fii O.NEV TO liOAN Ctll t LkW im < cc Ot I ) . M L , TbcranM Room 8 OrIzhton Clock. pNEYTOLOAN On personal property of M nny ( Uscrlptloa A. C. " Trouii , Attorney , 213 ( south Hth Street. 128-lmo HEUP WANTED PfTtTANTED Ton pliwtcrors and 25 YV Apply to A. JOHNSON , Ittn&o , Crclghton House. W ANTED Two barlicrs , at Cossley'H , 210 14th St None but flrst-closs need < pply. 181-tt WANTED Girl forRcncral housework ; must bo good cook. Good w ages w 111 bo paid , at'EOUtheast comer 22d and CliicagJ. ITJ-lOt WANTfD A jcood girl about 14 years old , to help In a family of tuo ; permanent place. Apply at oncaat A. Polack's Clothing Store , Far- nam street , between 13th and 14th e.reetS. 185 1C. WANTE" Tweiity-flve men logosoutli for work on the Jllsiou t Pacific. Enquire at 014 south lutli street. .Ship Wednesday morning. 101-15' WANTED A lady room mate , with refer encc. Call or address JI. E. fl. , 014 Nor.h 18th St. lCM6t r ANTED Woman cook , California House , llth and Doug as. 189-16) ) ANTKD Two mon of good address to can \asa uml scb goods. Steady tmplojmcnt. Call at 421 South Tenth street. 158-10) ) A good g rl at the Albany houeo WANTED 10th street. WANTED A few day hoarders by the day and week , $3.60 and § 4.00 , 1011 Davcnp rt acrcct 153-17 } iNTED A good dining room girl at the Emmct House. 152-17t Two experienced serial book solic itors for Colorado , llooms U and 7 > , erei t IJlock , Council Bluffs. - 141-23 ANTED A llrst-class prcbs-iccder at Tb Omaha BeoolHce. tf WANTED Help at the employment offlco , ! 17 N. ICrh ftreet. upUlr S5tf girl lu10 Kencral housework. , , tend references. OooJ wayea paid Ad- droea F. O. arable. K earner Hex 689-tf SITUATIONS WANTED TXrANTKD blluatltn by a joungman , willing YV to workhard.and'can furnlah references. Address J. 'JJ. ' K. . Bee offiifc. ' * 173-ISt WANTED B , a first class dress maker sewing of all kinds or will yo out and do work at modeato prices. 217 N. ICth street 138 llit WAN ED A portion a clerk In grocery store or assistant book-keeper. Not afraid of work. Last position o\er five > cars Good references. Address F , S. C. , Kco oillcc. 170-15 * 'ANTED Sltuatt nas cnshlcr or saleslady In dry g nds or notions , had experience. Addrcesforono wick.F. 11. llccolHco. 177-lfit MF > JT Mounen AND FOU It NT A iiow boutiu , furnUved , eight roonn , ba'h room , f table , etc. Ono of the nnest locations In the city : ? : x ) 00 per month. Inquire for three days , Reims' real tstato a cnuy. 15th ndiDouglta strueU | i ' noyin-tf/ / " i l.KNT Two furniahoil roonn. 1814 v\cb- FOR ' tttcr street. 180 30 FOIt RKNT A tfood room , southwest corner llitli and rarnani streets. 178-47 011 RENT A' largo , wtll furnished front room , with alcove , with or without board ; rtfcrcncis required , at northwest corner 18th and Davenport street * . 180-lBtKl 011 KENT House of alx rooms , bay wlnuou , icllar , ilstcrn , well. Alllngood repair. S1U jier month. 1221 north 16th street. 178-tf KENT Unfur lulled rooms III brick house , 14 Itt Chicago street. < fOtf OR RENT A neatly furnished front parlor an bedroom , sultabl&for ono , two or four gcntleinen , 27U Harney ttrcct , betmen IMh and lUh streets. 176-17J T0i : KFNT Kurnlthcd room with hoard 180S } California street. _ 1T1''i _ TJOH IliTKiuuilsh : l room. 61116thfctroet , JJ upstalra , t8-0 riOll UI'NT KiirnUho' rooms for ( renllciucn , Jj Southwest corntr 18th and CapltJl a\cnuv. nril If1 NTFurn'shod room with lioard , gas U tt-.d bath room , 1718 Dodge. 1411U 171011 HKNT Two 0 room houses ; tto\c In I' kitchen , bolh ; laundry , dumb wal tre , hot nnd cola water , cellar , woodwork , luuiiUomo IXittlako llnUli , painted and glided , lliO baud cis tern , tarn. I"ark a cnue ; per montn. ? 35 iiU I rick houstu 0 rooms bcsidos eomplcto tlonet and btoro rooms , furdacc , hot and cold water , marble mantels , commodious and ik- ant residences. Tucnt-fourth ntar Dodge ; par ritorooui hou < o Jitstreiulrol ; corner ISth and Wulwtor ; i r month , t25. Eight room liouno , turn , Just repaired. Slier- rn'xn auTiue ; i > er month , J27 , So\tn roomliouso , corner 18th and Mcholasj per month , M. Kltfhtroom house , new , barn , east fr.-nt ; per month , t"J5. FUo etores , Capitol a\cnuc ; 2ixCO ; per month , $3.1. $3.1.AMES , Nnle j * ( * + . tf IftOB Fnrnam bt 011 KENT FuniUhed room and board 1D10 J Chliarfo itrtct. 127-tf TfOH RENT-A hou o of three room , iclar , i' well a d cistern , northeast corner of SUMII tfonth and MiholM ttrcet' . Inquire on the prcuiUci. * 13115. 17(011 ( RENT I'arlor and two sleeping rooms , JL1 uiuoly Iurnlslicd , * 2J per month for the three rooms , 120U Jaeksan Street , C2- in RENT A new cottage , with three rooms * FOR \ ) W per month , 30th St. , be ween Farnani and Poujlaa street Apj > ly on premises. ICStf. Jo J UENT Furnished rooms with or without o ITlOR . In Slaltcr * ' block , 10th and Cali fornia. T710R RENT A nicely furnlihcJ front room JL1 cheap. Apply 1706 Hurt. 140-161 T710R KENT Oood honfo Hth 6 noaa Rood L1 well And cistern wnter 853 outh 17th Bt. Kent 11.00 month. Inquire at Uhlctgo Store oppoMUi I'mt O.fice. 130 U Ij KMI8' New Mip of Oiimh * , liit completeilawl ) rfmlyfordclhory at W each. li 4 feet wide liy 7 feet long , largest and mo t complete mnp bf Omaha c\or ptiblhhed. Otllcial innp of the dtv , Sen column. , T-Op ilalrs , 1417 Farnhm * 6if _ JOHN U. ITIJKRENr llousa 6 rojm and rgo turn. J ; liqu ro i ctiglaa , between Bjth nd Slut. 8-Mt _ 1710" REN1 ICUM of 8 rooms In flrtt-.KM Jj trdcr , 10 blo.ka from opcr * homo , cheap . i. . . . . . . . . . , $ J6 House of 11 roftnj. Ml convenience , 8 blkifrm opera nouia. . . . 40 Homo of 6 moms , 23d and NIchalM streets. 18 Store on Karn m , S floor ] , , . , . 125 torn on 14th , 2 fljora . , . . . „ . . . . . , . . 71 Sf ell i rout letldtt' ' tci.i. . . . . . , . . . . . ? ) ta66 Mo'AHUB pOU UKNT Furnished fiontrtom , "Becmtrt lllick.cor Klchtlnndll.wa d fB tt | , v RIIRNT A very pleasant furnl hcd room r t 721 south 18th St bctw ern St. Mary' * Aooa- lie aud Lcavemvorth St. 1 ! U1-tf IjiOK RENT IIousso ot a rooins.wth ana Uou- JL' jrlas street , $18 a month. o 4-tf _ , nOCJOS&illLL. _ FOR RENT Elegantly turnMieff ro : > m. vltn pis ni < heiter. Uiferenctg required. An. ply at northwest ctrncr of J3d and _ _ nOR RENT A furnished House , J301 1'odmj. JT Spq-lmt _ _ _ _ _ | 7\Olt \ MEN ! ' 2h > us ma 6 and ono e room v JU IrquIrocornofChlcagoaudlpthSt. 'I , Swlfr , AOil HbhT Housertx rocms , luiinshed , lu- JD qnlro otD. lljdo * office , Mlllard hotel. 7C6-M EOR REN1 A pleasant furnished room. Call atdi7t N. 17 St. with rtfcrenca 873 tl ,1Oa HUM A boardUK rioune , at 108 To til street , bctwten Djnglaa aud Dodge. Inquire at lor.of 12ihand Dounlai. 811-tf FOll UKNT Two new dwellings and two othoi dwellings tn dculrablo loo.llty. by MeKoon No. 1614 Pouulas street < ; TJOR KENT 'A cottaga of flvo room * , luqulru X ; at Northwest corner IGlh ai > 0 Chicago street. 810-K TJIOR KENT Largo office room or half stow , . JJ 1020 Farnham Bticut. 707-tf T710R RENT A Btoro m Balcombo block , nn JC , 18lh street , near Davenport. St A. ' D. lulcombo. 500-2S FOR RENT Furnished rooms At 1717 t'ass street , bet 17th and 18th. 456-tl T710R RENT The bnlldlrg at present occupied. Jj by thoWtstern Union Company , career of Farnam.and 16th it recta : Apply Barker Bros. , doa office. 877-tfg' fen SALE U OTEL FOR SALB-FIrat class hotel fnrmlot rl In a ll\o western town , lias ft'l the first cla'a trade , Reason for Belling other butlncoa. 1'or particulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA BKK. 183-lmfnOTlBt -filOU SAI.KCUEAl'-Bakery , wclllocatodipood L business In i nc of the liveliest to * nn In Ne- bratka. Reason for eel Ing , poor health and must get out of business. Inquire at HER ollioo. ls4-lu > . " XCELLENT DIUCK for Bale , J9.00 per thon- sand. Yard , ICth street , two blocks south ot llcllcuo road. LORE.NZO DIBDLK. 177-lmnoYlG ftlUH SALK Barrels and krgs. Also hoop poles J ; _ bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and 1'fercc. IGOJccll * jEunvSKVMOui : . TJIOR SALE 210 heating stoves from $3.00 to jt ? S10.00 each. Great bargain. E KcudU , 712 13th St. , between Jones aiidLcatcnworth. l > G-18t 1 FOR SALE Handsome set of parlor furniture , ret of bedroom furni uro and some fine cn- gra\lngs , cast fciJo of 18th street , first door north of llodgo. 10S-18t T > Ell IS'New Map of Omaha , Just completed and J ) ready for d.lUerj'a'ST cadi. la 4feotwido by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map of Omaha o\cr published. Olliclil map of the dty. Sea column. If OH SALE Aflrst Clasaspan of mulce , h _ } and wagon. InquireFaulconcr Opera H I7\OH SAL. An "ArganU" aoube heater , JJ lorgiO. 1 hey coat now $65. 1) . B. Bcomor , cor. Eighth and I Iowa u. 40 tf TTloa RrNT Crick t tore , Inquire atdrurstoro JJ corner 10th and Douglas. 936.U S ALE-A "RootV b'asl blower for foundry - FOR or machine t hip. for half coat D. B llcomer , cor. Elgh h and llt > rd I/O HALt Three thouiarid nestcrn wetbera , Jland2je4rao.d. Weight about BO pcunda. F. C. Q1UBLK , ] IX2tf ! mand o , Nob. "TTlOlt SALli Oao orfrai < or$30Ooe oran ( or * JL1 $55. Ono Pi&no , (05. Oaaii or monthly pay m ° " 023-tf A UbSPEl FOR SALE Inquire 0. M. Wood. BICYCLE . 7S1-U TJIOR SALE Hou o and lot , N. K. corner Jg'th J * Btreot and Capitol oronue. Inqufre on p mlar. 801-lu OR SALK-flooJ butldlner , brlclc. Call at ! Water Wrrks office liO-tt MIBCEUOANETJS. A rod Irish se'tcr ilog. 13 m-nths old LOST on breast , a 1 ttle whfto on all fore foot Last seen on Sixteenth and .Calif rnla etreot. Answers to the name if Sanko , A liberal re ward will be paid for ills return to north-oast cor ner Cumin ? and Center street. 109-15 S. 11. HATHAWAY. mAKEN UP One small roan cow , about five JL J cars old ; has on two bells one , xmall and ono largo. Ou iicr can lme same by proving pro perty ami paying charges , S.W. CAMPBELL , 03 emEM Bloek 2 West Omaha , SO. mtAINARDiT4xderml ! tt'Uth ' and How- . ard. 65-n3-2m . JCTT House id ) Carpet Cleaner Store I'ollshor. Lo o orders at Republican office , ISth and DouglM. 821-U rnO FAUMEllS-The highest caob prlco paid JL ror Hye , Bar ey and Corn Krob'o Vlotgar Works , Joneeatreet , betweenOth aid 10th , Oma ha. gOG-daw-U EDWARD KUEIIL , JIAC } STKH f y I'ALHVSTEIiy AND CONDI- TI XAUbT198 Tenth street , between I'arnam and Ila ncy. Will , with ho aid of ( iuardian iril9 | , obtain for any ono a gUnco at the i ji anil present , and on Lcrtaln conditions In thij > < i M tnre. Hoots and S hoes made to order , I'erTcct sati-fattlon iruiranUcd , Absolutely Pure. Tbli powder never varies , A murva cf purity , strength and * wholeaomenea * More economical than tbe ordinary kinfc and cannot be cold In competition with tie multitude of lowf test , abort weisbt , alun. or phoaphatepowders. . Bold only In CUDS HOTAL BAKING POWDEB Co. Wall St. , New Yorx