Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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g'QB Nebraska National Bank
Of Omaha , Nob.
ald up Cnpltal , - - . . $200.000
. It. JOII.VSON , Presidentof Stcclo , Johnson ft
A. E. TOUZAtlK , Vlco President , of 0. , B. & 0.
It. It. , lloston.
ff. V. MOUSE , of W. V. Jor ! o& Co.
, OHN S. COI.LIN8. of 0 , II. k J. S. Collins.
M. WOOMV011TH , Cainucllor & Attorncy-at-
it. 8. REEDof tyron Rccd & Co.
H. W. YATE3 , Cashier , late Cashier of the First
National Rank of Om-iha , and connected with
thoacthoinamnemcnt of Bank slnco Its
organization In 18G3.
Orr.lRD for business April 27 , 1832 , with the
l rgo t caplUl of any bank In Nebraska.
Cou.tcno.N8 rocclre special attention and char *
( res lowc.t obtainable here cr elsewhere.
INTEREST allowed on ttino deposits upon favorable -
able tennt and upon accounts of banksantl bank ,
Found.UinUHOK , Ooternmcnt Rends , and
County and City securities bought and cold.
H la prepared to do a general banking Imslncoe
la all Its dcttlli , and In the treatment of cuttom.
crs will pursue the most liberal policy consistent
with sxfo InnUlne
Special Dispatch to Tux BIX.
NKW YORK , November 15.
Money3@G per cent , closed offered at
3 per cent
Prime' Mercantile Paper G@7J per cent.
Sterling Exrhango Steady ; Bankers'
hill' , Sl.SOi ; demand , Sl.SJi-
Governments were strong and generally
i@l per cent higher.
The stock miikot was weak until about
2:15 , when it became steady and prices re
covered | @ 1& per cent. Later North
western dropped to 139J. In the last
fifteen minutes there was a break in Den
ver to 483 from ' 13S and the remainder of
the list declined a fraction , the market
closing weak. Taking the day as a * whole ,
prices ran decidedly in favor of the bears ,
who made good use of the cutting of rates
by roacU west of Chicago and of throats
of a serious railroad war there. The cap
italist speculators who recently turned the
market toward higher prices apparently
stood oil to-day and did not bingo , which
gives color to the talk that at the higher
prices of yesterday they secretly sold moro
stocks than they openly bought.
YoaUrda ) To d y
3'a 102 102
6's 101J 101 *
4Va Coupons .112 1135
4s ? 119 119J
Pacific G's of 1S95 129 129
Central Pacific firsts 114
Erie seconds llO
Lehigh & VVilkesbarro ttOai
Louisiana consols 09
Missouri li's Ill
St. Joseph 118
St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. 109
Tennessee 6's 44
do new 43J
.as & Pacific land grants. . 57
do It. G. div. . . . 81tf
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 115
do land grants. . .110 $
do sinking fund..117
Virginia 6's 35
do consolsG'a 69 * <
do deferred 12 $
Adams Express 11137
Allegheny Central J115J
Alton & Terra Haute 41
do * pfd.82
American Express 93
Burl. , Cedar Baplds & North. 80
Canada Southern 72
Col. . Cln. & Ind. Central..10j
Central Pacific SUj ,
Chesapeake & Ohio 2W
do Istpfd. . . iOi
do 2d pfd. . . 2Gi
Chicago &Alton 141
do pfd 142
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy
Chi , , St. L. & New Orleans. .
Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . .
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 11'-'a
Del. , Lack. & Western 32 } 33t
Denver &llio Grande 51J 48 *
Erie 39 38 $
do pfd 824 J32i
East Tennessee 1104 110 *
do preferred 1191 118 $
3fort Wayne & Chicago 135 132
Hannibal & tit. Joseph 48 45
do pfd. . . 75 80
Harlem . . . . .200 200
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 77 77
Illinois Central 149 148
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 39 38J
Kansas&Texas 35J 34 *
Lake Erie & Western 31W 32
Lake Shore & Michigan So..1156 lUg
Louisville i Nashville 524 50J
Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 73 70
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 15
do do 2dpfd CJ 5
Memphis & Charleston 50 EO
Michigan Central 102 ? 1001
Minneapolis & St. Louis 301 2S4
do pfd. 69J OOi
Missouri Pacific 105 104 |
Mobile & Ohio 118& 118 }
Manhattan Beach 125 125J
Morris & Essex 511 53
Nashville & Chattanooga. . . . . " 71 7tf
New Jersey Central 511 C4
Northern Pacific 44J 43j
do pfd 94 91 *
Northwestern 141 148 ;
do pfd IbO 153
New York Central ,1311 ISO )
Ohio Central l&j ICj
Ohio & Mississippi SOj 3rJ
do pfd o9 b9
Ontario A Western 174 27j
Oregon Transcontinental 84J 8 j
Pacific Mall 39J BB ;
Panama 107 107
Peoria , Decatur& Evansv..m 127) )
Pittsburg & Cleveland 138t ISO
Iloaling 15B ] 15tj
llock Island I2 < i 128
8t. Louis & San l-Vsu S0 $ 20
do pM. . . . Wl 61 *
do 1st I'fd 901 90
8t. Paul & Milxvaukto lO&a 107 :
do r'fd.l29 $ 12a
St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba 152 119
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . , 47i 4(5 (
do pM 105 * 105
Texas & Pacific 41f 4
Union Pacific lOOj 105
United States Express 07 M
Wnbash , St. L. Ac Pacific. . . . 38 32
do pfd , 5U ? 5 > >
WellJ , F rgo . ' < Co. Uxpraii.lja 12U
Western Union Toletiraph. . . 82 ? 81
OarlboH. . , . , , , , . . J | 1
Central Arizona i
Excelsior 1 1
llomeatake . . . , , . . , 17 } 1C
Little Pittsburg I 1
Ontario , . . . 30 3
Quicksilver U\ 8
do pfd 4'ii 411
Itobinsou 1 1
BllverOliff 'J
South Pacific , 12 li
Standard . , ! > & !
Kutro. * . . . . . . . 7
Offered.llx. . Interest. $ A kod. | | 13
peclftl Dlep&tctcg to Tux DIE.
OIIICAOO , rfovfinbtr 15. Flour Qule
common to choice fnriuir , 3 C0 ( § t 50 ; 0011
mon to fancy , 4 OOfeC 10 ; iiatents , 6 50i
725. i
Wheat -Market active , firm and hlghc
tegular , 93s } for November ;
for December : 93Jo for the ytnr ; ifi ww
for J nunryl 0 for May ; No 2 Chlunj.o
spring , 93to for caih ; icta smne as regu
lar ; l > o. 3 c hicago spring , 7ic ; ; rtjected , G2' ; No. 2 mi wlntur , 9Sc tor cash ;
No. 3 red winter , 9 'Jo ' ; rejected , 0c.
Corn Stroin ? nnrt higher ; 7i Jo for ca hj
> ( j@GSa for November ; OOJafor Dccem-
ber and the year ; 54Jj for January ; 55jo
for May ; rtjected. Glc.
Oats Strong and higlur ; 3r'3f < rH3o ! for
cash and November ; 35jU.$3"Jc tor De-
"inter and the year ; 34jc for January ;
3G1 for May.
Kye-Firmer ; 5GJc.
Flax See. ! Klnnei ; 1 15i'@l 10.
Pork Unsettled , but Keuernlly lower ;
closed teadyj 17 TMO. ! ? 7fi for cash ; 17 67J
@ 17 00 for Nov mber ; 17 50 for December
anil the year ; 17C.17ri7i for I'tbruaty ;
If 83@18 871 fur AUy.
Law In tjooil demand nnd higher ;
11 75 lor cash ; 11 57111 liO for Novnn-
ber ; 10 U2J@10 95 for December ; 10 ! 0@
IU92J lor HIM JCKT ! 108off(10 ( b7J for Jan.
nary ; lOlOclOOJi lor February : 11 C7J
© 11 10 fur May.
Bulk Meats In fair demand ; ghoul *
dew , 7 CO ; churl rib , 10 60 ; short o'uar ,
10 75.
Butter Quiet ; f Air to fancy creamery , 21
@ 8Uc ; fair to fancy dairy. l2 ! } ( 30c.
I'BBS Market iaier ; MJfe'JGs.
\yhUky I ov or ; 1 IV.
1'relght rates on cjrn to LUilUto , 3c.
CALL BOAIIIIWheat IrifRiilar and
dlitr ; ri ular , 03Ja tor November : Silk
for December ; V3i i3 for the \car ; 94 o
for January ; lOOi tor Alay ; N . 2 red
wlnt < r , 9j9c ! ) tor November ; 9jSa9ilo (
for Dacemhtr ; 0a ! ) f r the year ; 'JO 'j for
January ; 1 Orfg fur May ; No. 2 Chic go
sprintOJ1@)31 ! ) { . ' .
Corn Higher for cash nml till * \car's
ojjtion ; lower for next year's ; 71@71c
for oath ; CSlo f ir Noumhat ; GOfto for De
cember ; ( lO-KgGOgs for the yeur ; OIJo for
Jimuary ; CjJ@ir.jc for May.
Oat * Kiruitr ; Mo for oifh an ! N yem-
ber ; 3"i ( Jc for Decent or ; 35j 35 3 for the
year ; 34jc for January ; SlSJo fur. May
Pork Firmer , but not iiuotably higher ,
l.ard-l' ior , but not qutitably lower ,
NEW VonK. No\ ember 15. Flour Market -
ket dull ; Biiperline state wesUun , 3 2j@
3 DO ; common to K < xid extra , 3 80@4 40 ;
good to chplcp , 4 00@7 50 ; white wheat
extra , C 25(5,7 ( BO ; extra Ohio , 3 90@7 00 ;
St. Louie , 3 90Ca)7 ) 50 ; Minnesota patent
process , 0 75@7 J5.
Wheat Cttnb , shade higher and firm ;
options , unsettled und i@o } lawor ; No. li
npring , 1 07 ; ungraded red , 84c@l 15 ; No.
3 red. 1 041 054 ; steamer No. 2 red , 1 03
@lt'5l ; No , 2 red. 1 074@1 081 for cer
tificates , 1 0741 OSj dnhvertd ; No. 1 red ,
1 13) ) ; mixed winter , 1 03 } ; ungrad d white ,
92cr ) l 13 ; Bteatuer No. H white , 77@77gc ;
steamer No. 2 white , 8GJc ; No. 1 white ,
32,000 bushels sold at 1 08J@1 10 ; No. a
red for November , 40,000 mullein sold at
1 07J@1 07i , closing nt 1 07i ; do for De
cember , 312,000 bushels sold at 1 00@1 OU.I ,
closing at 1 09 ; do for January , 410OjU
bushele Bold at 1 llg@l 118 , closing nt
1 llg ; do for February , 0(5,000 ( bushels sold
at 1 13 @ 1 13 , closing at 1 13J.
Corn Cash , dull and wcalc ; options i@
Uc higher and firm ; nugrodcd , 70@S'J > : ;
No. 3 , tOc ; No. 2. 88@89c in elevator , 88
@ 90to delivered ; No , li white , 8Gc ; No. 2
for November , 85fr 85Jju , closing at 85c ;
No. 2 for December , 77@78e , cloting at
77Jc ; No. 2 for JanuaryGlJ@ujj2 , closing
nt GS c ; No. 2 lor February , G8 ( , Glc , clos-
int ; at Glc ,
Oats i@lc higher ; mixed western , 39@
43Je ; whitu western , 4i@501c.
Hay Demand fair and market firm ;
GOc.Hops Quiet , but firm ; prices unchanged.
Kggs Fresh western , quiet , but nrui ;
Pork Unsettled and lower ; new mess ,
Beef Quiet , but steady.
Cut Meats Dull and unsettled ; long
clear middles , 11 50.
Lard Market dull ; prime steam , 12 30@
Butter Firm for choice ; lfi@37o.
Cheese Dull ; western flat , 5@121c.
ST.LOCIB , Novfimber ID. Flour - Quiet ;
XXX , ' 3 55@3 70 ; family , 4 10@1 25j
choice 4 5X5G ( 00 ; fancy , 4 75@4 95.
Whet Higher nnd slow ; No , 2 red fall ,
92 @ 93go for cash ; 942@93o for Decem
ber ; 92 @ 94c for the year ; 9Ggo for Jan-
nary ; 982o for February ; 1 0311 03J foi
May ; No. 3 red fall , 89fa893o. !
( jorn Higher ; Gl@Cli tor ca b ; G31@
01 Jo for November ; 53 Jo for December ;
52j(5,53Jo ( for the year ; 49@49io for January /
aryISJc for February ; COJ@50Jo for May.
Oats Higher ; 34J@353 for cash ; Sijc
fir November ; 32aH2jo ) ? for December ;
32i@32Jc lor the year ; Sac for May.
Kye- Quiet ; 65J@5Gic.
Barley Mai ket mill ; medium to choice ,
60s75c ( ; fancy , SOo.
Butter Sieidy ; creamery , 33@37c ]
dairy , 23323.
Kg8 Firm ; 24s.
Wbiikv-Steadv ; 1 15.
I'ork-Market dull ; 21 00 for old ; 20 EC
for new.
Bulk Meat Quiet ; thoulders 7 25 ; ehorl
rib , 10 50 ; short clear , 11 00.
Bacon Market dull ; email lots of long
clear sold ut 13 75 ; shore clear , 14 75.
Lird None here.
93gs for November ; 9 ! J@95o for Dtcember
93ga for the year.
Corn Higner ; 04o for November ; 53Ji
for the year ; 491,0 for January add J''ebru
ary ; 50Jo for May.
Oats Higher ; 33io for December ; 33J (
for the year ; 3 , &o bid for May.
KANSAS CITY : November 15. Wheat-
Firm ; No. 2 red , 792o bid for cash ; 79Ji
bid for D comber ; S2jo for January.
Com M ore active ; 474@49o for cash
41 0 bid for December ; 40 0 bid for Juu
uary ; 41 js bid lor May.
Oats Quiet ; W\c \ bid for cabli , Decem
ber and ttio Year ,
J ! utter Unchanged.
Kggs Unchanged ,
Coouoir , liLUTFa. November 14. Th
Council Bluff * tnaikota carefully rovinei
to date are as follown :
Flour Golden Hheif. 3 00 ; Kannas Cit
winter wli'jnt , 275@3 25 ; Minnesota white
wheat , 300@1 03.
Wheat No , 2 , 75e ; No 3 , i65c ; rejected
Corn No. 2 , 50J.
Oats No.2 , 0o.
Ilyo No. 1 ! , 15c.
Barley None.
1'gga Scarce ; selllug to packorri ut 20c
Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow. 1 GC
corn chop , 28 00 per ton ; corn nnd oat
chop. 20 00 per ton.
t FHUITSrApiilea , 8 00 ,
Broom Corn 34fc9o ,
Hiy- Loose , 7 Ul > © 9 00.
Vood 5 00@ 00.
Butter Creamery , SOo ; In rolln , vrr&i
no 4. 20c ; rolls not wrapped , 22i inixc
colors , 10@l2Jo ,
Onlon.i lOo { > ? htuhel ,
Uva Chiakeuti it r > OK3 00 tier dozon.
1'otatoea 30o i > er tiiiihel.
Cabb M2rife lOo per doz ,
Turnip * BOc per bushel
Sweet Corn to p r dozun ,
LIVE STOCK.CftttloIJxtrA , 800 (
Veal Cal\aa-n50@ " 00 , llogt-
700ffi725 , Sheeo-350.
Bpcdul Dl < p tctes to Tim HBK. o-
NEW YORK , November 15.The Drovci
Journal bureau report * :
JJeevan Market ? an ! lrrtnl r ar
varhblo with Mr tr.vle in tbe morning i
bettar price * ; closed dull with tlio advn
loi-t ; extreme ) : nutiio yteert , 9 OOg IV r
Texans , 8 2 Ajp 75 ; Colorado to k , 8 75
o eo.
Sheep rirwer : 1 OOQ5 75 per cwt f
h ep ; 5 50G ( 5J for Iambi.
8niue-Quut ! for Iho hoa at G 757 :
BT , Loui.s. Novambcr 15. Cattla
Active acd firm ; all top graiUi tal ;
ijutckly by dres eti betf sl.ipp n ; send
choice native fhlppio , ; it ecru , C OD@57
: o , t 25(3)5 ( " ) TO ; good to b t
. 400@,4"75 ; common to Mr , 225 < S >
3 7. ; good native cows and heifers , 3 60
@l 35 } common , 2 75(8)3 ( 35 ; westmi half-
breeds , 4 noc5 25 ; sUx.kers , 2 75 < ii)3 ) 25 ;
feederi- 50@4 00.
Sheep Steady and In firm demand ; fair
to choice muttonv 350/3425 ; fancy , 4 50 ®
4 75 ; Texan * , 2 75@4 03.
November 15 Tim Drovers'
Journal r | KirU an follows :
Hogs Demand weftVand market dull at
15c drcllnp ; mixed. G 10@G GO ; ticrm. G 70
Cfl73o ; light , G 15@i ( 70 ; skiiw , 37ii@5GO ;
ulosed weak with 10 000 loll.
Cuttle Bidn C5c lower ; market ory
eluggish at 15@20c decline ; good to choice
shipping , " ) 00@G 00 : c untuon to fair , 3 80
4 75 ; mixed butcher * , ' , falily nctivd at 2 20
@ 3 GO ; tofkers niid and fredero , Mow nt
2 75@4 2 ; TPXH , activa nnd values steady ;
bulk 2 (0@2 2i ; cows , 3 00@3 25 ; stoerp ,
3 40@I 10
Hheep Trade moderately active and
valno * weak nnd lower ; common to fair ,
275@3 25 ; medium to good , 3 50@IOO ;
choice to extra , 4 ! 25@l GO.
KANSAS CITY , November 15. Tlio I lvo
Slock Indicator repot ts :
Cattle Woik ami n shade lower ; nattvo
steers of 1,150 to 1,300 pounds sold at 4 75
® 1 90 ; aocUora rnd feeders , 3 2. ® I 25 ;
rows , 2 G'i3 25 ; Texaa steers , 3 10 ® 1 00.
Hotfi I/ower and weak ; ranging from
G 00@0 G5 ; hull : of tales at G 20aj ( ( 50.
Sliccn Steady ; 3 OU3 50 for good to
SpccUl Dlipatdios to TilR Dux.
NKW YOUK , November 15. Coffee-
Steady ; lllo cargoes quoted at 7jf2)4c. )
Sugnr Market dull nnd wink ; lair to
good refining quoted at 7 5-lG@7 7-lGi.
Molasses Steady ; Now Orleans , -10 ©
58c ; Porto Hico , 35)8o. !
Kice Quiet , but steady ; Domestic , 6 ®
Gjc ; llaugoou , L'Jc ; 1'atna , 3o In bond.
Petroleum Market dull nud weak ; United -
itod , 1 28 ; crude , 8J@83c ; refined , 8J@
Tnllow-QaiDt , but steady ; 883c.
llosln-Dull ; 1 80@l 90.
Turpentine Mai ket dull ; D3o.
Leather -In good demand and finn : hem
lock sole , Buenos Ayres and lllo Grande
light , middle and heavy , 22@2Gc.
WILMINUTON , November 15. Turpentine -
tine Firm ; 48jc.
Special Dispatch to TIIK HRS
Ntw YOUK , November 15. Wool Dull
and unsuUIoil ; domestic ilaoce , 324Gc ;
pulled , I8@10c ; unwashed , 12@32o ; Texas ,
X _
Special Dispatches to Tux BUR.
CHICAGO , November 15. Receipts and
shipments of flour and graiu for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receiutp. Sbip'te ,
Flour bbls 33000 23 OIM1
Wheat bushels 1G 1,000 79,000
Corn " 121.0DO 83.00C
Oats " 91,000 41,000
Rye " 9000 10.00C
Barley- " GO.OOO 21.00C
NEW YORK , November 15. Receipts and
shipments of ilour and grain for the pas !
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'ts
Flour-bbls 31,000 lfiO (
Wheat bushels 3GG.OOO 157,00 (
Corn " 103,200 G2 (
Oats " 40,800 71
ST. Louis , November 15. Receipts am
shipments of flour and grain for the pas
24 hours have been us follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts
Flour bbls 10,000 lifrxx
Wheat-bushel GG.OOO 29,001
Corn " 11,000 17,001
Oats- " 7,000
Rye " 1,000 2,001
Barley- " 12,000 . . . ,
, ICaNSAB CITY , November 15. Receipt
and shipments of grain for the past 2
hours have been as follows :
Rco'ts. Ship'ts
Wheat , bushel 20,000 30,001
Corn " 29,000 IG.OU
CHICAGO , November 15. Receipts am
shipments of live stock for the past 2
hours have been as follows :
Rec'ts. Sblpm'ts
Hogs 36,000 3.5CI
Cattle 11,000 3,301
Sheep 5,000 1,101
NEW YOEK , November 15. Receipts am
shipments of live stock for the past 41
hcuis have been ps follows :
Rcc'ts. Bhip'ta
Hotts 12,000
Cattle 4,100 * 10
Sheep 8,950 1.0K
Beef , qr * 2Gl
Mutton * o'G
carcasses i :
Since Monday.
ST. Louts , November 15. Receipts ntn
Bhipments of live stock tot the past 2
hours have boon as follows :
Reo'ts. Sbipm'tE
Hogs 0,000 50
Cattle 2,900 7
Sheep 3,100 41
ICANSAB CITY , November 15. Receipt
and shipments of live stock for the past 2
hours have been as follows ;
Reo'ts. Shipm'tt
Hogs G.500
Cattle 2,400
Sheep , , . . . . . . .
Wholesale Frioni.
OmoB or TJIK OMAHA Bur , >
Wednesday Evening , November 15 , j
Tha only changes reported in the irut :
ket to-day uro as follows :
Wheat No , 2 advanced Jc.
Birley No. 2 advanced Ic ; No. 3 ac
vanced ic.
Locl Ornln OoallnKi.
WHKAT. Cash No. 2 , 75 i ; cash Ni
3 , Glic : rejcctud. 4Sio
iy. Owih No. ? , G9c ; No , i
, CY3 ! . Oaab , I2o.
CORN. No. 2 , 55c ,
( ) ATS-30c.
BKUDS-FJax neo.l . 1 00 per bu.
Produces and Provlilont.
POTATOKS 85 453 par btuhel ,
ONlONH-80@50o per Inuhfll
BUTTKH Choioo country , 25J/800 / ,
"GGH B7o.
I10N15Y Oaliforaia , pur 1) . 31.
Al'lT.KS-1'er burrol. * 2 753 25.
OYSTIUtS-R-leot , 45a
GRAl'KS-0-vllfornia , 2 25@2 50 ,
LKMO.VH 50 5 00 par bor.
llKANF Domettlo Gurmon 2 O : ® ! I
per bushel.
QroceiV List.
OANNKD GOOD8-Oy-tert , 2
( Fields ) , per OM , W 00 ; do 1 tt. ( Dlaid'i
( Mr OAte , 2 7f > j do 2 Ib ( CUmlardj , r > er out
a 75. Louuteri , 1 ib p r aocu
1 80 , Tomato * * . 2 Ib 2 05 ; do 3 Ib u
oa * , 2 75 ; Cora , 2 Ib ( hlouutal
per ooje , S 0) dokked earn , 1 GO ; i
2 Ib ( Yarmouuth ) per c&se , 8 C
string beans , per cue , 2 10 ; Lima boa
per cose , 1 70. Bncootaih p r coie , 1 (
Peas , ooanmon , T > r oue , 1 Mifftia , choic
p roase,2 70. Jilnckberrie * , 2Ib , par cat
2 10 ; ftlrawb rritt < t , 2 Ib , t r oajo , 2 f
ra pli rrittH , 2 Ib , per cio , 3 39. DAI
mxu , 2 Ib , per OASC , 2 45. lUrtle
paara per case , 2 GO. Whortleberrl
par oofie,275 , I ! K l > lum ,2 Ib l > jr , {
Green gage > ,2 Ibjner ease , 2 90) ) do choice
Ib per ccuio i 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per ca
4 00@5 75. Feachos , 2 W > i > cr CAMS 8 00 ;
do 3 Ib , case , 4 OO&'J tO ; do , ( pic ) , 8 Ib , per
cm 0.233 ; do pic , G lt > , per doten. 3 30.
i'Jj'JUU iloubin * tirlcesTnok Frost
St. I iuis winter ) 33 90 per 100 lb . ; To-
Pflkiv Pfttcnt Kansas , $3.83 : Minnchaba
Minnesota Patent , $3. "Of Shawnco 1'nncy
winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter ,
$3.00 ; Triumph flpring. best , $2.80 ; Christ -
t inn's huperlatlvo , ! liO ; bran , per ton ,
ftli.00choppwl ; feed , 82fJ.OO.
OAItaPowdered. . lOjo ; Cut loaf ,
Orauulatod , 9Jc ; Conlcotlonor's A ,
9c ; Standani Kxtrn C , 8Jc ; Kxtr C ,
8ic ; medium yellow , 8c ; dark y > llow ,
7 c.
c.SYnUPStandartl Com. , 41o , bbls. ;
SUndartl do , 4i gallon ke s , $225 ; Standard -
dard do , 4 gallon keg * , $1 90.
MEATa HantK , IGc ; breakfast bicon ,
none ; clear side btcon , none ; dry " "It
bacon , 16c ; shoulders , life ; tloroo lard.
aiOPK Sisal , i Inch nd IttrRor , lOJc ;
llinch , lie.
L \RD Omaha Refinlnlna-Co.s Tlorcct ,
ISJo ; 10 and 50-lb can , 13go ; 20-lb can ,
13jc ; 10-lb palls , airotv top , 13jc ; 5 Ib do ,
Me ; 3 Hi do , lUc.
IflSH-No 1 mackerel , half brls 6 75 ;
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel half brio , I 75 ; family mackerel , kit * .
85o ; No. 1 whlto finb , half brl , G 00 ; No. 1
HPIOKS. Popper , 20 ; Allnplcv , ! Wc ;
Olovcs , 35c ; Nutmotjn , 91 00 ; CoMin , 2lo )
Mace $100.
LYE American , 8 3M Groenwioh , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North SUr , 2 OOj Lewis1
lye , 4 GO ; Jowoll lye , 2 75.
FEHD-Joliblnu prices , Chop feed ,
$1.60 per 100 Iba.j chop corn , 91.40 ; brnn ,
70o per 100 Ibs.
tVl'AHUll. L'oarl , < ic ; Silver Glosn
8Jo ; Corn Starch , 8 cj BxcolfllOrGlow %
7o ; Corn , 7jc ,
OOKKJJ B. Rio , fair , lloj Ktf. goml
12c ; | alms to choice , lU to 13o ) Old iiov't
JavA ; ' Cijic,2 ! Mocha , 28io ; ArbuoUe's ,
13Jc.CHEK33 Full Cream , ISjc ; Part
Skim , IDio.
TEAS .Gunpowder , ( rood , 45@55 ;
Choice , C0@75cj-Imperial , good , 40@45cj
UVloo , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , jjood , St > ( a
- - - - - - '
c.0c ; choice ,
35o : Japan.
zoocl , 35@40o ; choice , 215(3)450. ( )
WOODENWARE Two hoop pMl ,
1 95 ; three hoop palls , 2 20. Tub , No.
1 , 9 50 ; Plsueor washboards , 1 85 Double
Crown 2 \Vollbuckotu ; , 3 50.
LEAD Bar. SI G5.
VINEGAR Pure npplo extra , It'oi
pure npplo , IScj Prnssimr uura ftunlo , IGc ,
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 C5 ; Ash-
ton , in eaa ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 K
HOMINY Now , 54 60 per bbl.
SODA In Ib papers , S3 per case ; keg
soda , 29c.
" Kirk's Savon Imperial , 345 ;
Kirk-s satinet , 8 G0lvlrk'a ; standard. 3 75 ;
Kirk'o whlto Russian , 625 : Klrk'i
Eutoca , 315 Kirk'o JJralrio Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk'a magnolia doz , ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 1 case ,
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's'Ball , 2 dor. , in case ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball ' doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Rod clover , choice
now , f R 00 per bushel ; mammoth clo\oi
now. 8700 ; white clover , now , f 14 00 ,
, alto clover , new , $12 50 ; nlsiko , now ,
13 CO. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ,
luo gross , extra clean , $1 CO ; blue grass ,
cr.n , $125 ; orchard rrrass $2 59 ; red top ,
loicc , 103 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
Oc ; milletGorman , 3100 to $125 ]
iungariau SOc
HEDOESEED OBSEO orange , 1 to I
ushols , ? o 00 ; imago orange , 10 minhcla 01
vcr , 8-150 ; honey locust , per Ib , , 25o ; po
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red 'leu
csuee , lOoper Ib ; fancy white , lOJc pcrlb
raw while Virginia raw , lOc ; roistod ,
NEW PIOiaiES Modiurn , In barrels ,
7 50 ; do in half bbls , 4 2i ; smaUn , in bbb ,
50 do , In half bbls , C 23 : ghorkinj. in
bis , 11 59 ; do , in half bblz , G 25.
CANDLES Bores , 40 Ibs.Un. 15Jc ; or ,
ijo : b'xesW Ibs. , 16 oz. , GB , ISjJn.
itlOE LonUlana prime to choice , 7g
, c : fairG@7o ; Patma , 7c.
MATCHL' 3 Per caddie , 95o ; round
ones , S3 10 ; squire , coses , 95 40.
Dry Qoodc.
ippleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boot' '
F , BJo ; Buckeye LL , 44 , 7c ; Cabot W
Ic ; Chittonanco A , GJc ; Ureat Falls E
Jo ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 8io. In
fan Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Btandara A
jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8\c } Lawrenci
iL , 7o ; Mystio River , 7io : Poquot A , 8 o
bawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5Jo ; Wachue
tt B , 7Jc ; do A , 8fr ; do E 48,12Jo ; Wai
ott BB. 8io.
4 } 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7So
Vtlantio LL , GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c
iennington 0 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye 8.4.4 , Gjci
ndian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laoonia C
9 , 8Jc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jo ; Lunsdalo 44
"c ; Popperell N SO , 7o ; tfo 0 82 , 71c ; do 1
u , 7Sc ; do E 89 , 8Jo ; Pocosset 0 4-4 , 7 c
Vamsutta4.4 ISo
gin L 4-4,9icBlackstonoAA Imperial 8c
do half bleached 4-4'Jc Cabot <
o - , ; M,8i
Fidelity4-4 , 9icVmit of thoLoom.10 ; di
carr.brio4-4,18cdoWatorTwist,101cGrca ;
fnlbjQ.lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o
xmsdale. lOc ; do cambric 87 , 12Jc ; Nev
York Mills , 12Jo ; Penuot A,10c ; Pepperol
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontas 44 , UJo
iet 4-4 , 8c ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutti
O X X. 12ic.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown
c ; do O , drab , Xlot do XX stripes am
plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab
tripea and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy
DC ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy
2Jo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rive
irown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana /
irnwn IHrXeixiMet A brown. 16o
TICKliNUo Amoslceag A U A S :
.Go ; do XX bine 32 , IBJo ; Arrowanna
Jc ; Claremont B B. IBJo : Coneatoga ex
ra , 17Jc : Hamilton D , llja Lewiston . '
M , 15c ; Minuehaba 4-4 , 20c ; Omega supo
extra l-4iic ; Pearl River 82'lGio ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Hhatuckot i
lOtc ; do S3 12o ; Yonmau's blue 29 , 9
DIJNIM8.-Arao6ker ! , blue and broni
.GJc ; Andavor DD blue , lf > Jo ; Arlin 2
iluo Scotch , IHio ; Cpncord OOO , blue ui
> rown , 12Jo : do AA < V , do do 18i ; doXXt
do do 14 Jo Haymaker's blue nnd brown
9Jc ; MyUici River DD strips , IGJo ; Ptiw
liver , hint ? unit brown , 15c ; Uncaavlllt
iluit ami hrmrn. Mir.
OAAUJK 'O > Barnard , Ijo ; Eddycton
Ining. iuii doqblo face , bjc ; Garner 1
glazed , 6jc , Manhattan glo\o fetish , fi'i
> for/port do ic ; do glazed. BJc ; Pequot d
Sc : Lookwood kid nnlah Go ,
OOltSKT JEANS Amory , 8c ! Andre
ffin sattoou Bjjo ; Clnrendcn , OjcCon ;
otga sattcrns , 71c ; Hallowd , 8c ; Injdl
mnl 71oi NarrJSRniieUImprovoio
erlll sattneu 94n ; Kockporl. 7Ja
tlNTaAliens , GJo : American , 64 (
Ainolci , Jc ; Berwick , 4fu ; Cocheco , 7 <
Duuulrk , Ifo' Dunuel
- . . -
bore , Clo ; Oriental c.
( SiNGHAMH Amru.S.-f , . ! ? , ] 2io | Atom
kewj drfcsu Oj < Arjrylo , 1 4 : Allautu
'Jc , Oumuorlaiul , 7ic ; Highland , 74 <
> Conilw rtb , 84o : Phiu Uit , lOioj St
, 8c
CO'irrONADGS- > irvlllo Wi
Agnte , 'Wo ; Arooricttu , 11. . : Arttelan , 20i
Chirp D and T , K c ; OUrion D And Q
17sDbooon ; Oo.ntrljieal'nuJT , ICcj JCoj
atune , liUe ; NnatucUot , Uc ; Noilpara !
lki ( ) Ocean D an < lT , U'u Royal , ift
.HueaHS , 12os Tlogs. IMpj > Va.hasott bir
in ? > tPok . 12JO ; do , Sai klu , ISJc ; Yor !
. .nkn. | 12 Jc ; do. c idi lu , itripoa at
2 c ; rte , 8 or , 20c
ailKKTlNUa-Audro oofjln 10-iS7 *
di 9i3adn ; 8-1 , 22c ; ContliiPuUl
42 , He , FruliJjJ the Itnn n lu-l , 27J ; N
York millBaa , Sto ; d > 7 , 30 ; do M 2JJ
Pembrjke 10-1 , , Me ; IV.ia Jt 1 I , 2H4o , .
74 , 19o do 49 , IGr ; Peppeiell 9j. 28
do 07 , 21cjdo 67 , 18o ; Ut.'ca 98 , 8Gij ! i
Llerluo UUT7M od , light , 14(9140 ( ; hsavy ,
@ 131 c ; lawlium uuwa hed , li lt , ISwz
wMa d , choioa , 3/c ; f 'r , 30 : ; tnii-ahi
' iv. , 28c ; burry , blaokand oottoJ wo <
Pxlnii Oil * nd VnrnlthM.
OILS 110 * carbon. ixir gallo
lie ; 150 * headlight , per gillc
' " ' 175 * headlight , per fc'allon , 23) )
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable election.
lintofcl , raw , per pallon , Ti ; llnsccd , IwlloH ,
I'tr gallon , Me ; Urd , winter str'd , per ral ,
lent 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 76ot castor ,
X\X. per gallon , 120 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; Bwcol ,
per gallon , 85o ; RJiorm , W. B. , per gallon-
i G3 ; fist ) , SV. B. , per gallon , GOo ; ucaUfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 7f > o ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubrl
eating , rcro , per aallou , tOc ! cunimor , Itio ,
golden maohlnp. No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
S , SO ; fiporin , signal , per gallon , BOc : tur-
pcntlno , per gallon , Goo ; nnpthn , 74 , per
Ballon , 18oj 61 , 17c
PAINTS IN OI1 Whlto load , Omnhu
P. 1' . . flic ; whlto lend , St. Louis , pure , CJn )
Marnalllea green , 1 to 6 Hi conn , We
French zinc , eis < w real , I2o ; French rlnc ,
rod seal , lie ; French zinc , In xnniinh ixnct ,
20c- French tlncc , In oil amt , IBc ; Raw
and burnt mnbor , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 18o : van-ljko brown , .g
rofincd lampblack , 12o ; conch black and
l"ory black , ICe ; drop black , IGo ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
grron , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind nnd ahulter
green , L. M. k D. , IGos Paris rjroon. 18c ;
Indian rod , IRc ; Venetian rod. Uc ; Tuscan
iltt , 22c ; American Vormlllod , I. & ! ' . , 18o ;
chronio yellow , L. , M. , O , & D 0. , IKoj
yellow ochre , 9a ; golden ochre , IB ; patent
dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oax. walnut , bostunt and aim 15o ,
Dry ° lnti
Whltu load , GJo ; Crunch ilno. lOot Paris
whltolug 21c ; whiting nildors. lc ;
vhttlng com 1 , lie ; Imnpbltick Gorman-
town. He ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOo ; Proo-
Bbn blue , 55o ; ultraiunrlno , 18o ; vnndyko
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4 : ; umber , raw
Icjaiennn , bum t , 4c ; tA < a # * ' , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , 25c ; rarls groou coui'
20o ; chronio green , N. Y.1 SOc ; ohroin
groan 1C. , 12a ; vonuillion , Kng. , 70c ; vermillion
million , Amoricn , 18c ; Indlau rod , lOo
roaa pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Oooknon's
' io : Venetian red Am. , 15c ; rod load , Tic ;
chromo yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel
low , 1C , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle So ; ochre
1'Vonch. ' 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Winter e mmoral. SJo ; lohigh brown. 2Jot
apanish brown. 2ic ; I'rince'a inluornl iic ,
VA11NIS1IKS Ua.-reU per gullon.
Furniture , oxtrs , $1 1C ; furniture , No. 1 ,
31 ; coach , extra , 0140 ; each , No. 1 ,
9120 ; Dnmar , citra , 81 75 ; npan , 70c ; as-
pluvltuin , oxtn. 85c : nholluo 03 50 ; bard
oil finish , $150
Heavy Hardware Lltt.
Iron , ratoH , i$3 30 ; plow ttool , special
cost , 7c ; crnclblo.iSc ; HpeclnlurOormnuCc ;
CAst tool do. 15@20 wagon upokoa , act.
52g@3 00hubn , par act , 125 ; folfoou , sawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@B5o ; axloi ,
oaoh , Vlio ; wmiro tint ? , par Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rlvota , nor Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , 01& ; mallcablo , 8c ;
Iron wedges , Co ; crowban , Go ; harrow
toetb , 4c ; horHcshoos , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
Btocl , 7@ic ; Burden a horsoihooi , 5 50 ;
Burden's mulouhoos , 6 60.
SHOT. Shot , 31.85 ; Uuck ohot , C'ilO
Oriental Powder , kogn , 90.40 : do. , hal
kcgB. 83.48 ; do. , quarter knns , $1.88 ; Ulaat
hiK , kcca. $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50o.
BAKBKDViilK ; In car lots , 7 O'J per
100 ; in loss than car lots. 7 75 nor 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to GUp , 425.
Leather. \
trOac ! sole , 38o to 42c ; hemlock solo , 28a to
IWo ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 : runner ,
65o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 2Go ; oalc upper , 24c ;
alligator , 4 00 to G 60 ; o.ilf kid , 32@35o ;
Qreleon kid , 2 60 to 276 ; pak kip , 80o to
100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip ,
110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
eotts , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 60 ;
toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o
to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35o ; Blnion ;
3 r.n to 3 oo.
UARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2
do , SUc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do ,
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 do , 84o ,
Horei ind Mule * .
The market Is brisk and all grades are
soiling well at alight udvanoo In pilees.
The demand for good ho/sos exceeds the
supply consideraaly. Prices range as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , 3150. to SCO. ) Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225. : Common , dra/t
horses , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
8110. to 125. ; Common co goad farm horses
$90. to $100. ; Extra plugrs 860 , to 75. |
Common plugs , 320. to $40.
BIUIjES. 16 to 15J hands ( oxcrn ) , $125.
to 160. ; 14) to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to Hi hands , 876. to 100. ) 13 } to 14
bondi : , SCO. to 76
* Liquors.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per wlno
gallon ; extra California spirits , 1H7 proof ,
1 per proof gallon ; triple ron'uod spirits
187 proof , 128per proof gnllon ; ro-diutllled
vbiskleu , 1 00@1 60 ; fiuo blended , 1 50 ©
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbonu , 200O7 00 : Ken.
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BRANL'IES-Imported , 86 00@16 00 ;
domestic 140@4 00.
GINS Iicported , 4 C0@6 00 ; domeBtlo ,
1 ' 1003 00.
HUMS Imported. 4 60@8 00 ; Now
England. 2 00 ® 1 00r3i"no tio. 1 hOEjl ( ! 50
176 ® 100.
011AMPAGNKS Imported ; > er case ,
2300 © < } i OjAiusthu , case , 1200 ®
1000 ,
OLA11KT3 er ca , 4 B0@10 00
WINKS 1th no wlno , per cane , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Catnr-ba , per case , 4 00@7 00 ,
Lumber ,
Wo quota lumber , latn nnd shingles on !
cars at Omaha ut the- following prices ;
under , 022 00 ; IS ft. , $23 50 ,
T1MBHUH 10 ft. nnd under , 822 00.
TIM1U2H AND JOIST 18 ft , 8235' ) ;
C ft , 221 50 , 22 ft. , $20 50 ; 21 ft. 820 U ) .
1/KNCING No. 1 , 4 aud 6 In. , 1'21 00 ;
No. 2 , SJ22 00.
BIUCKTJNO No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . 82)00 ) ; No. 2 , 81800.
STOCK BOARDS.-12-ln. D , 82500
12-In. O , 835 00 ; l2-1n , B , * 10 00.
JjIME Per barrel , If 1 35 ; bul * per aw
SOc ; Cement , bbl , (2 25 Iowa plutor ,
bbl , 83 M , H. Ir tier be , IDd Tarred
felt 100 lbn. W 60. Straw bot-rd , 3 60.
CO A Cumberland blacksmith , (12 ;
MorrU Run Jiliianburg , 81' i Whltobruaft
lump , Hri 0Vhit ; 1'ieast nut. & 50 : Iowa
tump , 15 50 ; Iowa ant # 5 iOj llock Hprlng
68 ; AntbrscUe , ! 0 fi'&ll 00.
luilc , 50c ; Add , TarUrlo , GOo , "
Cgpalria , P r Ib , 70c ; lUrk. Sivju.Urnf , i
Ib , IJij Oaloin * ! , p r Ib , 75o ; Cinch ' ln. _
nor oz , $1 16 ; Chloroform , pur Ib , 100
nrver'i ' po iiHr , per Jb , $1 10 ; l wt/r
Silts , ix-r Hi. 3ic ; ( Jlroarif. * , pure , j/e U
Jio ) ! ; Loaa , Acatate , i > r Hi , P2c
Oil , CiKtor , No. 1 , pw , < -li ' 1 I ; '
( ) U Ouitor 1 rte , S. pi > r gal , 1100 ; Oil
t , . - ' & ; Oil , Oris-num , M
C Oi.twu , V > 00 ; Oumlne 1' . & W. & It. & fa.
psr o * . $ . ' 00 , 1'i.ljfl lutn , loJIUc , per | 1
Sila.m , er o40) ; Hulphatu <
Uor.ihiM , t t "t * * B5 "Sulpuur rloui
liar Ib , li. ; HtrvoLnmo. o ( * < l 85.
Cluan im Tot > Acc <
CIOARS. aosd ( , 816.00 ; Connectlout
385.00 ; Mix l , f 5 00 ; Html Havana
. . 1/5 00.
> TOBACCO 1'l.Uii. - Oold u UnJ
of 21 Ib , < jOe > Our Hope , firnt qusllty , tt'Jc
ofss Star , ixjuiKla , J Ib , buttmfiOo ; Hiirse Bhoa
ss pouwt. . . 24 Ib , butta. 6805 Ollt Milts *
nouwU , XI Ib , butu , 00 ; Army and Navv
pounl * . 65o ; Bullion , ponndi , 69cj I rll
turd's OUmar. iwwide , 60c ,
n , FINKOUT-In pillo.-IIurd to BJftl
iO , 76oj Oolden ThrawJ , 70o ; Fguutulu , 8Q-
Favorite , Gfc ; Kooky Mountain , OOo :
Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , 60e. In tin foil
CAtllnH O , 8. , f > Ib hoxca , per Ib G3c ; Lori-
lllnni's TIger , GOc ; Diamond down , OOo.
HMOK1NO All nradea Common , 25 to
33o. GrnnnUtod Ulackwclla Durham , 10
or.file ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4ic ( ; Boat of
North Carolina , Ifi oz , 4G ; Seal of Nnbrni.
kft , 10 oz , 38c ; Iino Jack , 4 cr , linen bags
porlb , 81.35 ; Marburjrs' Puck 2 or tin
olI.BSo ; Dna Tall G5c.
Hide * ul , tto.
HIDES . * roeu butcher's bids , G 7J ;
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 lUi. .
reon cult , wt , minor 8 ita , per skin , 50c |
gre'en poltn , 60@8l 25 ; green lamb nklns ,
01 25@160 : damaged hides , two-third rate ,
out ncoroa and oua irrub , olatmod two-
tllrds rate , ) branded hlilea 10 per oont. ofl
Coon kln No. 1 , 15c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. 1
20. ; No 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2
SOc ; No. 3 , 16o : No. 4 , 5c. Fox , ,
OOa ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , bMo ;
Gf > o ; ohort Ktrlpo10n : narrow ntrlpto
bruad stripe , lOo. 'I'lkllow 7c.
QAI T H o money ana order ult direct from
OriL. I usua hlp nromptly by rMI nt th
owwt iioMllilo cnsh vncoto all western points
TVLKtt SM.T.'CO Bairlnnw OltyMho |
Clarlc Couley , n Bank Olork nt Mla-
aourl Vnlloy , Talcoa a Fulfil
Jump From a Train.
Sioux City .lourtm' , IBI ) , .
A shocking accident occurred at
Lovoland. a few niiloa south of Mis
souri Vnlioy , yesterday morning , by
which Olixrk Conloy , n , popular young
nun of Missouri Vnlloy , was killed ,
tlr. Oonloy wan a dork in ilolbroolt's
) auk at Missouri Vnlloy , nnd this
naming ho boatdod train No. 3 , on
ho Northwestern road which goea
outh to Council Blulfj , to ridu to
joyoland , a small atation on that rond.
X in supposed that the unfortunate
roung man did not know
.hat the train did not otop at that
> lace , unless flagged , and it in not
mown whether the conductor had
cached him in the oar ho waa sealed
> oforo the train reached there , or
vhothor ho wua told of the fact. IIu
was lust BOOH by the Irain moil to atop
out on the platform ot the nmoking
car , and the next thing the horrified
mssongorH in the roar car announced
hatamau had fnllou oil'and was hurt.
A. pentlemau at Lovolaud , hotrovor ,
itatod to one of the train men , who
irought the information to this city ,
> hat ho saw Conley awing hitnsolf free
rom the atop of the car and endeavor
.o run along by its aide , holding his
grip to the rail until ho waa turned
> vor twice and torn loose , and that
; ho unfortunate man bounded like a
jail over four or five times and , when
10 reached him , lay a quivorinir ,
blooding moss of humanity along the
track ! ! The informant procured what
assistance was near , nnd the young
man waa carried into a house until
the train from the south on the Sioux
Dity & Pacific road arrived , ou which
io was berne to Missouri Valley.
Oonloy's skull , it was stated by the
train man who saw him , was crushed
in on ono side and the brain exposed ,
while ho waa otherwise Injured. No
liopoa of liis life wore entertained by
Lho surgeons who had just commenced
the examination when the train loft.
The carelessness of the young man , if
reports be true , alone caused his
death , as it haa not boon the custom of
No. .1 to stop at Lorulnnd since the
stub train began running several
months ago , opd when the oxproKs
passes through that station it is usual
ly at a flpucd of twenty-five miles an
lour. Going at that r/ito / , H man jump
ing from a platform , would alinuat in
stantly bo killed , as ho might us well
i shut out of a cannon.
The unfortunate young man was
about 2-1 years old und very highly
esteemed in the Valley. Iliu relatives
are reported to reside in Hook Island.
Hon. O , II. Dewey and Mutt Clare
aave returned from Oolfax Springs , In
Iowa , on the Chicago & Hock Island rail
piiu tq-ivd r > 3ua > ic3M oij ) DVOIHS acun U
r xi
0100 3uuu } jp rrnL
o i prj 'cma oin
o u WiW/tt. / 'oina ti mi jtIOA\ ;
"oii ! > u""uoliKljcu6o | | TO ,
UOrBAOl3 Olf liCUVOUp | iKJtlYO UJ
nn st
h ilBOUI.AU'O.UIHJAie f twa n dlol
o ' 11 tuj.hi liii > In ik'ur e wcJ lu the t'cit
m , ut uf UIKUMU , NrUVUUJ. SKfS AMD
BI.OOI ) DUjiSL. thn iwv r.tUiirph.Bjulmi \ Bt
L til ? in oil ) p p rt uliotv a il all old rutilildut.
kno * Coiiiiiiuilion frut am' Invited , \\litnt1
U liioonvmlunl 10it \ tin city lor trcitLuuiit
MUI\ \ dun inn be Mint by mall or txpruM ore. }
whore. LuiuMti < bscirLiuraiit v > l ; uhvru doub
9iUt' | t U liuj' ' ) / tt td. 01 1 or v.nlo.
Nervuun prrmtntlnn. Debility , l
ituil 1 hyuliml vWaUii' , > | <
< -tlu.r ilfe < tinu nl Tnrimt. Htein mut
lilumt 'lujimrilitM ) uud Bio. d
auiu 'Alfootiimi' . Oi'
to Mrr
I'llua SjHuUl to utfcw Iroii
' "
av f-workeii b'mlu. SU lit tl ( l MJ O \ Kl' !
aiva n ; > ciftl atUtutiiiu , DIN.
limn Triijiiii Ititimi , 15tw < x > ii , lu ui nun
J200 1M4 UH - UlOllOl
kUirvvoll tolit , Alan ;
ruvkipU.vvliu niaj mat
ri , vvlio nu ) not , \\lij
S3r < U JLJU > JsS , uaiiMW , uonx iUUiiw (
ni.arc. ( . bualod ( or 'J&o ( xMta/u c
Is n VoHlllro fnro t
Far nil the r Painful Comiilnliiti nnfl'\VcakiiMS
no common ( o our bct female population.
A JIcillclnoforAVomnn. IrufntciJbr Wom a.
Prepared fojr a Woman. .
tk ( Irttlnl Jtnllf.l Ut.foterblntelh niwn f lllilorj.
tJTItrftlTon tli ilroopliifj rplrlt * , Inrljcorntra anil ,
hnnionize * the onranlo function * , Rlreielasticity nil
nrmnnvitothontcp.rMtorciitlioiiaturatlaitro totht >
tyi nml | > lMita on tlio paid chwlcqf woman the ( ml )
nurs of llfo'n fprlnj ( ami rnrlr rammer tlma.
l37 Phyjlclan * Usu It and Proscribe U Frcctjr.-E *
Hrcmorwi rixlntnc&i , ( latuloncy , tlutrors nllcrnTlnj- ;
for etlinulnnt , ami rclloroa woivkncM ot the stomach.
That filling otlx-arlnf ( down , catwlnif i ln , weight
nml Imoknclip , la alwnjrn pcrninncntly curwl liy lti n n
FortbornroofKldncr Coroplnlnt orclthcr ea .
tlili Compound l > unnurpimscJ. , u
will rmillcalo orery To tliro or Humors from th
lllooilamlKltu torn' ami MniiKlli to the ryettin , al
liuuiwomaaurcIUl , > l. Insliton tia\lnglt. '
Jloth the Compntmd And Dltiod Purlflor nro prcpnr * '
nt333anil2M Wutarn Avcnuo , I rnn , MOM , Prlcool , '
eHlicrk l. ElxUoltleaforOS. Scut liy mall Intho form
otpUlc , or of loMiitfru , onnwlptof prlw , JlprrlM ) !
for either. Mr" . HnkUnni f rocly answers alllctlorsol
Inquiry. Eucloso Set. nUnip. Bend forpainphlct
No fnmllT rtiouM bo without I.TIIU n. PIK
LIVKU , ril.t.S. ThCT euro cun tli > atloii , Ml
uul torpUllly ut the llcr. . U it uU per Lox.
jtTrSoId liy till lr i l tB.-ff 0 >
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all who have pat them
to a practical test ,
PR . , '
Piercy & Bradford ,
ThoBo detlrln ? to male money on
mull nd moutuin Invostmond In
20 ( Train , provlsloni and ttockjfrpecuU-
tloas , c n do BO byoporutlu on our
plan. From M y 1 , 1881 , to t lia pre
WHEAT sent Oatu , on lnvo ui nia ol .Ilu,00
to 81.00J , caali proQU have been
reallzud and paid to Investors
tnioim Inj ; toHovcril times the orlg-
$50 liul Invuitmonv , still Intvln ? the
original Inyoatiuunt making money
or jujaliHon demand Kiplinnto-
STOCKS ry circular ] and bKtomtniti of fund
\y BeM f run Wo wunt
u. who wll rrport onerous and
lut'oduce tha pkn L focruf com-
$100 raid.
Xcrcmnts , ia)3r ) Can
, 111 ,
$500 REWARD.
Tlio above roK anl ulll 1m pud ] to any person
wlio will produui a I'alnt that will equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
( or preserving Slilnirlet , Tin and Grovel Hoofs.
NYarruiiU-il to bo Klru ami Water 1'roof , All
orders promptly attcndi'.l to. C'lio-ipvr otij bet
ter tlmu any other mint now In u u.
Bolo Vrourlutors , Uuuiha lloiuvUiMha , Nob.
1'iucj , Dr.Uli-o , Dr. I'liiniFuller
Council lmIf , loua ,
HIK ollkv , Omulu Noo.
ArultUothui l rl'tl l''intn , { L r # t as rt-
uiu tin or h w > iii Chla 4.0-
Illuicrat U CuUl g u/rtc , tcuJ ( or It ,
Hiram bibley & Co. ,
23a-20rt UauJnlph Chicago
oldo.t and most reliable
S ? JVT , .ae.
lu North Omaha. Veiy choice
Moat , Poultry and Vegetables ,
COOK & STOEHM " , Proprielors
8m. ip ] Cunimit.