1 THE OMAHA DAII \ ; h TWELFTH YEAIt OMAHA NEB. THUKSbAY MOKNING , NOVEMBER 16 ' 120 WRECKS ON THE RAIL , Aflflittonal Particulars tf the Fa tal Disaster on tlio AI- ; . ton Road , . Destructive Oollialon of FroigUI Trains Near Hudson , Wis. Two Men Burned to Death and One Fatally Injured. The Rook Inland Road Carrie * the r War Into the Camp of the Enemy. Mlacollnnoous Railroad Mows. , The Alton Wreck- SpecUl Dispatch toTilB Uitx. KASHAS CITY , November 15. Ful particulars of yesterday's accident ot the Alton road cannot bo learned till the arrival of the wrecking train bearing the dead aud wounded , and which will bo in this afternoon. . Later roportr , however , place the number of killed at three , and the wounded at eight. The accident wai caused by the construction train back ing into a hand cjr , The caboose anc a number of flit cars wore derailed , The men on the latter jumped , but many of them were caught in the wreck. 'A coroner's inquosi was hold this afternoon , upon the bodies of the throe men killed in the railroad accident ai Grain Yalley last night. The tostl monyof Conductor fiamolett , Engl neor Smart , of the construction train , and ono or two other employes showoc that the train was running fiftooi miles .an hour , had passed througl ono cut , and was just entering anothoi when the brakeman on the train sig nalled the engineer to stop. Thohanc car then wad a few rods ahead of thi tratn , and the men wo.o trying to lif it off the track. The engine was reversed versed and the brakes applied , but toi late to avoid the accident. The trail men testified that they were on thi lookout for the hand car , and thi whistle was blown throe times sharplj before the accident. It was quiti dusk when the accident occurred Brakeman Corcoran , who was killed was riding on top of the caboose The'coroner's jury returned a vordic that'tho accident was unavoidable. Fatal Wreck of Trains Special Dispatch to TUB HER. ST. PAUL , Minn. , November 15.- A ; noriouu railway accident occurrei early this morning at Ilobort Station a small place about ' twenty miles eas from Hudson , on'tho Chicago , St Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha con pany's eastern division. A stocl train in charge of Conductor O'Con nor was stopping for water. O'Con nor , a brakeman named Govern , ; traveling engineer named Finn , and man to 'whom the stock belonged wor Bitting in the caboose. Without moment's notice a freight train doahe into the end of the caboose , in som way setting fire to "the car , and thos imprisoned in the caboose were caugb inA trap from _ which escap was next to impossible. Brata man Govern managed to crawl on from under the wreck , but his rigl arm was torn from its socket , and fa died from loss of blood within a hour. O'Connor was burned to dealt and nothing but his bones wore n covered. Finn was badly injured i the back , but may recover. He wi brought to St. Paul and carried i St. Joseph's hospital. The atockma was not injured. This was his secou experience of this kind within a wool and the trip was for the purpose < gathering up stray stock from tl : accident of a week ago. Several cai ofi each train were badly wreckct The mortality among the cattle wi great. Nevada Freight Trouble. SpocUl Dispatch to Tun BXB. CHICAGO , November 15. Unio Pacific oflbiala Bay , in regard to tl trouble with Iho Ion a trunk lines ai eociation over Nevada freight , thi there has been a tariff in existence f < ton years which , when first publish allowed the Iowa trunk lines the proportion of Sacramento rate c freight for all points in Nevada. Th freight has always been billed by It Union Pacifla at their proportion < the Sacramento rale , but Iho atbitrn rates charged by the Central Pacil company on its business forced near all to Sin Francuco rithur by rail i water routes. The Central PaoiG however , reduced the rate so to make it practicable to ship from tl east direct. The Union Pacific h asked nothing of the trunk lines mo than it has enjoyed for ton years pti which is simply to bill their Novai freight to the respective proportio of the Sacramento rate for each Hi east of Ugden. Several Union Poci ofllciali are on their way to Ohica ; to explain and do away with the mi randorsta tiding. A Rate 'War Throated. jSpidil DUp&tcti lo Tun lt.it. ! OmoAcio , November 15 , Fears a being generally expressed that unit the troubles belween the St. Paul a : Alluucapolis roads regarding e : bound business from those points t not aoon adjuctad , a general war rates from and to nearJy all westc and northwestern pointu cannot w bo averted much longer. Ct , Pnnl's Harvest. gpudal DltjiUch ta THE Her. OHIOAQO , November 15 , It n rumored hero to-day that the llo Island road mot the cut of other roa running balweou Chicago and i Paul by making u rata of $5 from i Paul to Milwaukee , thus carrying t war into the camp ot the enemy. T R } ek Island doei not run to Milwi kuu , but can bring passengers to Ci cage aud furnish them ticKets to M wdukeo over other lines for (2' leaving the Rock Island $2 25 for t haul from St. Paul to Chicago. The regular rate is $10.50 , It Is no ! known what the Northwestern and Milwaukee & St. Paul will do to offiol this * The Canada Southern . SpocUl Ills latch to Tni Dm. NEW Yonx , Ndvcmbpr 15. The following is thotait of a circular whicl the stockholders of record of the Canada Southern IWlwny Co. , an receiving : ST. THOHAH , Ont. , November 11 , ' 82. SIR ! A Rpeclal general meeting of th < shareholder * of the Canada Southern Rail way Co. , will bo held at tha office of tin company in St. Thomas , Thursday , the BOth Hny of November , 1882 , at the houi of 3 o'clock In the ( fternoon. to consent ti an agreement with the Michigan Central railroad company under the provisions ol Section 00 of the railway act of 1879 , and for other bmmejH consequent theroou. II you cannot personally attend yon will oblige by executing the enclosed proxj and Bending thn name to C. F. Cox , assist nnt secretary. Grand Central depot , Nen York , YOUM faithfully1 , NEOOI. KiN6Mit.t : ! , Secretary Canada Southern Hallway. Provisions ot Section CO of the rail way act of ' 70 , of the Dominion ol Canada referred to authorize the lease of the Canada Southern railwaj for a term of 21 years , lease to bi renewable at the end of that time , Our information ii that controlling owa < era of the Michigan Central as well ai of the Canada Southern estimate thai Iho proposed Idaso to the Michigat Central will bo worth about 5 poi cent per annum to thn Canada South' orn shareholders , although no fixoc rate will bo agreed upou. A Railroad on the Block-1- pecial Dliphtcn to , Tu Bu. ! * CHIOAUO , November 15 , In tin United States circuit court to-daj Judge Drummond rendered a final decree for the aalo of the Cleveland , Columbus & Indiana Central railwaj under foreclosure of mortgage. The indebtedness amounts to over $141 , 000,000. . The docros stipulates thai the road must be sold in its ontlrctj and for not less than $145,000,000. Gentleman of the Road- Special Dlipatch toTnit BIB. CHIC AGO , November 15. The eight ! annual convention of the Rallw'aj Conductors Mutual Aid and Benefit association of the United Stales and Canada is In session hero to-day. Thi annual address shows the organizatioi has over 7COO members and has pan over $3,000,000. The benefits am advantages of this kind of insnranoi was dwelt upon. A paper on persona influence was read and an invitation t < visit Pullman accepted. A Commercial Evil * Special dispatch to TUB DEI. BUFFALO , November 15. The slat senate committee investigating grali corners resumed its , sitting to-day The general drift of testimony takei is in effect that a public evil exists ii illegitimate speculative business ii this city which is constantly on the in crease , aud that , prompt legislativ action should bo taken to suppress il A Goou Indian- Special Dispatch to TUB BEK. YANKTON , November 15. Brav Boar , the Sioux Indian , was hunt ; tc day for the murder of Joseph' Johr son , near Fort Sully , in 1879. Th drop , fell at'half past 12 , and infiftee minutes he was dead. There wo very little excitement. The ereoc tion was private , .Bravo Bear lett request to his relatives not to avcrag his death , and to omit the 'nsm ' mourning , She Bpragno Eitate- Special Dispatch to TUB Bsi * PnoviDKNCE , NovomberlB. In tl United States circuit court to-daj counsel for Wm. Sprague filed &n ai swor in the suit of T , D. Moult on - \ T. Cluffeo and Wm. Sprague , for dli oloBurti of title to the Oonanchelt e > tate , uud to turn over the property t i platnliif. The answer seta fort Sprague's title to tha estate an claims invalidity of the trust deed. , Fever Epidemic. Special Dispatch to Tiisliii. PROVIDENCE , November Ii. Ii vestigacion discloses the fact that i the present time there are within tl city limits upwards of 2,000 cases i fever of different forms , varying fro : lit'ht malarial to malignant typhoii Many physicians assert lhat the coi dition of the Cove basin and river the cause of the unusual outbreak i fever. Grant' * Appeal for Porter. Special Dlipatch to TUB lir.K. NEW YOEK , November 16. Gei Grant's new magazine article entitle "An Undeserved Stigma , " concise reviews the case of Gen , F tz Jo ) Porter , giving the ground for his fo mer belief in Porter's nuilc and h present conviction of bis entire inn cense. Ho appeals to the gover ujent and the country for prom action in Porter's behalf. The Mining 'Steamer. o Bfioolal Dispatch to Till Una , PHILADELPHIA , November 15 T ] general agent of the Rod Star Stealer or company , of this city , doubts t rumor that the steamer rank by t Westphalia was the Nederland , whi sailed from Antwerp , Saturday , ai BIJB if the Ncdorland vas in h course she would have been 250 mil west of the spot whore the colliaii occurred. Prohibition Xieoguo Bpodal DlsprX Ji to Tin BKH. BOSTON , November 15. The Oi zans' Law aud Order League of Mi eachusatts huld its first public meet ! to-niuht at Tromont Temple , lluf S. Froat , president , in the cha is The teeretary'a report shows six prosecutions of liquor doalorH in t courts of Boston and vicinity , H : forty convictions or judgment socur in the municipal courc on the sohc 10 house law , and if the decision of t supreme court is favorable more th 100 bar-rooms of Boston will closod. Addresses wore made 1 Robert Treat Paine , Rufus 8. Froi Georga S. Hale , Rev. Edir , Even 10 Ifalo aud Rev , J. W , Hamilton. T rojcct of forming n national league rill ba discussed at a mooting to bo old shortly , whin several gentlemen rom the west will bo present. A CANNIBAL FEAST. Columbian Indiana on the Wnrpath , peclal DUp&tch to Tim DM. PANAMA , November 15. A young Merchant of Bubacoas , named Portes , i company with some friends , cstab- ihod himself on the bank of Pnta < iargo , in a virgin /orcst which there overs every foot of the ground. They rooted a house , made a small oloarlnq id wcro all ready to see their way to rolUablo business , when they wore foiled by n number of Govonotos ndtaus , who came ostensibly to trade , hey wcro received well and worn pparently satisfied , but suddenly they Hacked and killed the Columbians ud afterwards cooked and ate them , tidians never visited Putauiargo bo- ore , and no one hna over fallen in nth them on the Amazon. Other rlbcB also made their appearance in Moroni places , and it ie believed omo more powerful tribes ire driving the western ones from the oart of the unknown forest , or that hey are voluntary emigrant ? , who will murder and plunder whenever pportunity offjra , Residents on the 'rontlor also suggest that they may ave boon driven from their homos iy slave traders , whoso vessels as- ended several tributaries of the Am- zen a few months ago in search of laves and produce. The Star and Herald says of the suggestion : The The Indiamt ore captured on all the interior rivers add carried off to differ- itiiout of { the , way regions , where they ro compelled to work on plantations istabUshed far away from anything oaring oven a semblance to olviliza- ion. The probable death of Portes ud friends will attract the attention f the Columbian govornmontto those > ng neglected regions of the republic. THE GRANGES. .nnual Convention of the Patrons o : Husbandry. pedal Dispatch to Tim DKB. ' " " INDIANAPOLIS , November'15. The lixtoonth annual session of the Na ional Grange of Patrons of Husband1 ry began its session in this city to-day , ho National Grange is composed o masters of the state * granges and thoii rives ; Thirty-two states are ropro iontod irwtho convention. Among thi 'elegatos present are Gov. Fvodorlcl Rablo , ot Maine , and Congrossmai ' ikon , of South Carolina. The BOB ions are secret and will continuo til text week. A public meeting was hoh t the court house at which addressoi f welcome wore delivered by Gov rnor Porter and"Mayor Grubbs am 'espouses made by prominont'mom bers. The treasurer reported , th finances in good order , rocolpUmor han equal { o the expenditures. Th lecturer reported the roorganizatioi { the Louisiana state grange in Sop tombor. Grand Master Woodward' report , a _ lengthy document , wa largely 1dpyo'tod1 .to ' this discussion ,0 ho objects''ot tho'grango andurgln ; mombera to avail themselves o all the benefits , " accruing froi membership. Ho recommends 01 ganlzation of co-operative store : nearly lOO of'which.arp ' } in .suocossfs operation m .Texas alone ; Ithafnhitei action bo taken to secure the olevo tion of the bureau of agriculture int an executive department ; that cor gress be petitioned toi pass Bur Ion bill for relief of'purchasers ' of1 paten right articles , and that1 just statutor laws bo passed regulating transport ! tion. Ho shows that twenty state have an incroiso in membership five. In the year ending October 1 1877 , seven now granges were orgat izod In the United States and fou : teen moro since then. Tlie Georgia Sanatorahip' Special Dispatch to TUB UBS. ATLAM-A , .November 15. Poj Barrow was elected senator to C Hill's unoxplrod orm in the sqnat The following is the vbto : Barrn 110 , Hill 99. For the long term , , ballot was taken and the result shbwc that Alfred H. Colqnitt laokod'bul tv votes of securing the election. Ai journed till to morrow. NEW YOIIK , November 15. A lat dispatch from Alanta reports that Cc qnitt was elected United States center tor for the long term. Alabama , ' Special Dlipatch to Tim UKI. MONTGOMERY , November 15. Tl senate organized by the election Qeo , P , Harrison ua president and \ L Clay secretary. The house oho W. F. Foster as speaker and D. \ M. Iver secretary , The legislature democratic by an immense majorlt I'he governor's message makes a fii exhibit of the Hlalo's alWrs. A Vordiot for Defendant. Special Dispatch ta Till l ) s. BOITON , November 15 , In t United States circuit court to-day the suit of Lucius L. Hubbard the Now York , Now Eogland m Western Investment company , to i cover $38,598 as cemmiesion alley to be duo under contract on accou of the sale of the Kansas , Burliugt & Santa Fo railroad and bonds to t Atchisou , TopoVa & Santa Fa rallros the jury returned a verdict foi defon ant by direction of the court. The We torn Association Prei Special Dispatch to Tint UBX. NKW YOIIK , November 15. Nej lions which have boon pending for so eral mouths between the Wosle Associated press and the Now Yo Associated press , culminated to-d by a unanimous agreement for joi management. The proposition cai from the New York Associated prei and was accepted by the board directors ot the Western Assoclal press. The management b placed the hands of a joint committee Richard Smith and Walter N , Ilalc man representing the Western Asi ciated cresa and Whiteluw Reid , The Tribune and Thomat B. Gonnei of The Herald , repreeentlng I Now York Aisociatod prcsj. Mr , Uharlos A. Danrt , of The New Yort Sun , was elected chairman The committee entered upon their dutioi this afternoon , A further mooting will bo hold to-morrow , when thi plan of service ill bo adopted. The Western Associated press has , slnci the termination of the contract between twoon the associations , perfected i cable service which has proved to bi superior in many respects to that o the Now York association and ixls < organized a news service in the nail The work of readjustment will con tittuc until all differences are dlsposoc of and there bo but one general ser vice. A now contract will bo madi with the Western Union Tolograpl company , CAPITAL NOTES. BpccUl Dispatch to Tin Utx. IJONnv'fl UAMAOKS. WASHINGTON , November 15. Chas S. Bundy to-day entered suit agains the bar association of this district claiming $50,000. The suit grows ou of thg notion ot the bar association h recommending Bundy bo not ap pointed to act na judge In the polici court , ALABAMA CLAIMS. The court of commissioners of Ala bama claims hold a mooting to-day Chief Justice Willis presiding / number of assistant counsel and com misslonors wore appointed. TIIOIIAS R. FOOT , ( colored ) , charged with jury-fixing Ii the star route trial , surrendered him self this afternoon and was roloasoc on bail. TUB NBW MAP OF TUB UNITED STATES , prepared under the direction ol Mr licensor , of the general land office , i now in the hands of the printer , Ii Now York , aud will soon bo ready foi distribution. The now map Is said t < bo the most complete and nccural one compiled by the government. I contains over 4,000 places not on th old map. These additions are mostl ; in the west. .The rapid strides of tha section render the map now in us almost valueless. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. There scorns to bo some misundoi standing as to the time fixed for th meeting of the committee on ways an moans , which , is thus explained b John M. Carson , clerk of that com mil too : On July 18th the committo adopted and on the same day th house passed a resolution authorizin the committee to sit during rccosi and instructing them to assemble o the second Tuesday of November , t Washington , to consider rovonv measures. Subsequently a taci understanding was reached among th members of the committee that tl : first should not take place until N < yombor:20 : 6r 21 , because it wa * coi siderod that the day named in * the ro elution followed so closely upon tl day of general election that membo : living in distant parts of the counti could conveniently roach Was ] tngton within a week latter electioi It was therefore informally decided I moot on NoTOrabor 20 or 21 , and.i aocoroanco .ylth thov'undorstandii and by diiectiou of thochalrma Judge Kolleyi'Mr. Carson has notifii members of the committee to 'assemb ' here on Monday noxt.'Novomber ,2 at noon. \ TUB Ropresen'ivo Kelly avrlved.ho to-day , /Jliu5r-lnrTtfiaSrA | wr-on urge on the president and.Eocretary the treasury the propriety of the recommending to congress an abat mont of excessive revenues. Special Dispatch to TUB Bu , WASHINGTON , November 15 , I qulry amort ? the friends of > Geiioi Sherman shows thifc ho is quito plot od at the suggestion of Ingoreoll th ho ( Sherman ) is the most availal republican candidate for the prei doncy. Ganoral Sherman at the lit of the nomination will bo on the i tired list , however , in enjoyment the pay'of'17,000 ' ayear for life , ai oa ho la nt such a man outside of I p1 ay'as'n ' ' soldier , it is scarcely to DQueved ho would follow the exam ) set by Stouoraan , 6f California , ai resign hvSjpositlon on the retired 1 It he could got Ihe'nomination. ' Jo ! Sherman , who arrived hero t day , declined to tallp upon this or a other subject. He siid ho had political views to express. A tUaughtered Family. ( Special Dupitch toTui Bi * . INDIANAVOLIU , November 15 llaub ( Ind. ) special says : This moi ing a well-to-do farmer , Jasper Spau Ing , living throe miles from this pla first knooKod senseless his liltlo a and wife'with ' a whifila tree. Ihen c their throats with a razor , after whl ho cut his own throat with the weapi His mother-in-law , on vlsiag Spau ing's house , discovered the wh family lying dead on the floor of t kitchen. Cause , insanity. ThaDoaooratio CballengeBann Special Di5 | tcb to Tui ) ! . ST. LOOIH , November 15 The 1 publican's Dallas ( Texas ) special sa A movement Is on foot among load ! demoBrnts lo forward the Texas doii cralio challenge banner lo New Yo on account ot her big majority , though ( I was originally intended should'bo contended for In the prc liontial election and presented to I slalo giving Iho largest major ! Georgia won it in 1870 and kept it th three yeara ; Texas won it in 1880 , u it is now in the possession of J. Simpson , of Dallas , and it will doubt ba sent lo New , York , Botohcr'n "iar ot Christ. " Epoclal Dlipatch ta Tui Uu. NBW YOIIK , November 15 , AI' ' conclusion of Iho plaintiffs toallnu hi th ? suit against Henry Wi Beochqr , growing out of his failure complete his second volume of " 'J Life of Christ , " counsel for Beocl moved to dismiss the case , on ground that there was no date fi : for clodng of Iho contract , Jui Barrett held the plaiutUT had failed make oit a case , but would grant to-morrorr for production of cvido : to show n limit to the contract , or hi would h&vo to dismiss the oiso. TELEGRAPH NOTES- llANoon , November 15. The 1'uroponi & North Atnetlciui railroad company elcc ted Noah Wood president. ANNAPOLIS , Md. , November 15. Th gmernor h s Appointed the SOth of No Tomber ta Tbnnk glvng ! day. NKW YonK , Novcmbtr IB. Inquiry Int tha P rk theater fire to-day sliown tha the lira alarm tax on the fttnce failed t work on tha Mtcrnoon cf the lire. CoKconn , N. II. , November 15. Kllor Aldeo , the dctaultlnfc CAihicr of the Athul Satlngs bank , w toutcnccil to ten yeati imprisonment. Ho WM taken to prisoi to-day , PntLAnELriitA , November 15. The Chinese neso minister And pait ; , Including Attot ney General Hrewitcr. % tatt the larg mnnufncturlnc ott hlhnments of 1'ltU burg till * week. KicilHONI ) , Va. , November 15. Mar ; Uooth the 11-yenr-old noRto B Rentonco < to be hung next ytlday" for murder , ha find her sentence commuted to Imprisonment mont for life , on account of her jouth. BOSTON , November 15. Mayor Greei entertained the Duke of Kewcastla to day. vlnltlng the public schools and otho Institutions. KKOKUK , November IB. Mrs. K. 1C Hart , "later of the late Oliver 1\ Morton of Indiana , dlml ot paralysis In this clt ; to-day , aged 13. BOSTON , November 15. The democrat ! ward nnd city committee to-nUht unanl mouily nominated Albert Fulmar ( o mayor. CHICAGO. November 14. This nftornooi the body of Dr , .1. R. Mohr was found h hU ofGce. llo evidently had keen tleiu rome days. No uinrki of violence , tuA thi cnuio of his death la not known , A Speedy Mayor. Tin Hr.i. ST. Louis , Novombo.r 15 A. spec ial from Espaso says Et-Mayor Navln the bond forgur of Adrian , ' Mich , was there about ton days ago , bu being recognized ho skipped Intc Mexico and can't now bo taken , Jnolc Froit SpecUl DUp tch to Till Bu. PENBAOOLA , November 15. Ni death from yellow fever and no HOT casoa reported , though several an known to exist , since yesterday. Thi board of health Issued a proclamatloj declaring the yellow fever opidumi in .this city at an ond. The Haptlit Special Dlipatch ta Tn BIB NEW Yonit , November 15 Th Baptist congress this afternoon dii cussed "Christianity and Iho poor. The topic was divided Into two soi tiono. The first related to the labc question. A. J. Fox rtfad a paper o this subject and was followed I Judge Wayland and others. Thankful Traders Special Dispatch ta The Boa. NBW YORK , November 15 Tl board of trade has adopted the follow ilaohtd , That the result of tl recent election is a gratifying rospon to the work of this board ana kindn organizations , in the educalion of tl people to resist encroachment on the political , and commercial rights , at an earnest desire that they will in f turo support such men , and such pa ties as will restrain' corporate pan and plaqp a limit to exactions on t people. t v i Special Dlipatch to TUB Bu. , JTo ember IB. Theapp case of'jMrs. Soovillo was again co tinned to-day , her attorney stalli that ho had rccsived a dispatch frc her saying she intended to bo preset but missed the train. Her husba : says she always misses trains. Broadhead's Fight for Congrcaa 8p cUl Dispatch to TUB Usu. . Sr , LOUJH , November 15. The a swor to the alternative writ of ma damus served on City Bsglslor Bo on Monday last , to compel him count for Col , Broudhoad corto disputed precinct votes cast at t late oleclion in the Ninth congroi ional district , was made in the t promo court by City Counsellor Be aud after some preliminary procoi ings , December 1st was set to he arguments , Meantime the poll boo will bo sent to Jefferson City a : depositions will be taken here. 0 Broad head will make a vigorous offt to have those disputed returns count in his fayor. Maiiio Groenbaolceri. Special DUpulch to Tni UIR. ' AUOUHTA , November 15. 1 straight greenback state commit ! met to-day , About a dozen mombi wore present , including Solon Cha It was decided to thoroughly organ for the next campaign by a care choice of town committees , who n be instructed to arrange for Eohi district campaigns similar to the on few years ago , which resulted ir victory to the party , An address v probably bo submitted to the poop and every effort made to unite I ranks of the party. A strong feoli exists against the fusion with a party. Doyd'd Packing House. The business of packing has agi begun at this establishment , and I receipts average about fifteen oars hoga per day. PoBtoOlco Onanueb in Nebraska aud Iowa during I week ending November 11 , 1882 , F nlshod by Wm. Van Vlook , of i postoflico department , for the DKK ; XUUltAHKA. Established , Oanuouvillo , Hurl county , Ilobort Cannon , postmant Cyrus , Antelope county , Cyrua lie Grant ; Noa , Ouster county , Chas McLean , 1X Name changed , Ellis , Dixon coi tl , lo Emerson. to Postmaster appointed. Ogalla Keith county , Mis. L. Carroll , bo low- id Established , Camp , Polk coun Nelson Yun Horn , postmaster ; \N to ingford , Emmet county , Earl ill Boim ; Clomoua Grove , Marshall co colty , Allen T , Miller. THE OLD WORLD. ho Porto Poltoly Notifies tin KliediYfl to Go Slow With England , The Congo Rlvor Territory Stnrto a Lively Dlplo- nmtio Row. The Strike of Printers in Vion nn. Force the Publiabora to Suspend. Arabia's DovllUh Dccd in Alex nndrln Sworn' to by Salioman. Vnrloty of Mewa from Eurc penn Capltnls. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS- poclol Dkpfttchei to Tim II m. ALL ON BOAttD LOOT. LONDON , November IB. The croi f the missing boat from the steam lip < Westphalia landed at Noi lavon , and report that the otho ; camor with which the Wwtphall amo in oolllBioa wont to the bottot with nil on board. PAnis , November 15. Prosidon Irovy has boon seized with suddo InoBs. Ho has had two attacks c ush of blood to the brain cause rimarily by indigestion. The attao B apoplectic ( n its character. The 01 Uomont in official and political circle s intense , nnd the situation in gov rnmont circles is still further com Heated by this unexpected facloi 'resident Grovy's resignation whlc ,00 been foreshadowed by cortaii apors may bo expedited by his ill OSS. DEDATINO IN T1IE COMMONS. LONDON , November 15. In th ouso of commons to-day debate we oBumod on Iho resolution to provid gainst unnecessary adjournment mo Ions. Grndstono said ho had decide o accept Randolph Churchill's prc > osod' ' amendment that Iho hout night take a division on the qucslio of adjournment , if fewer than forl members and not loss than tc would rlso In its favor. The rule wi ngrood to , with the addition made I DhurohlH'u amendment. FRKNOU AVFAIIIS. PARIS , November 15.r Preatdoi Glrovy is much boiler. Ho drove o to-day. A duel was fought by Cor udol , deputy , and Dolignioras , jou nalist. The latter was'wounded ' , n Borl6usly. Duoloro , president of the coun pnd minister of foreign affairs , to-da at .a reception , promised several c putios that the government would a few days present the chambers a b ratifying the treaties concluded DaBrazzi with the chiefs of Con river. Franco has ro-oponod negptiatlc for a treaty of commoroo with H land. TUB FORTE AND XHEDIVrf. CAIRO , November 15. The po Jjiformed the khodlvo.'tha't any ci von tionmndo , with England must-fl approved the proposal of Oh < Pasha to create a council of stale JT bo composed of loading notables , tiavo 'legislative and administral rights. BISMARCK'S ADVIHU. November 15. The ab < Lion of Russian legations at mil Herman courts is duo to ropreson tiona of Bismarck tl nt Russia shot Imvo ambassador ! ! only at the cap ! g of the Gorman empire. 0 MINISTERIAL C1IANOK8. 0 LONDON , November 15. The i morod changes are Horal-oflloia denied. Gladstone contemplates : tiring from the chancellorship of I exchequer , huh will retain Iho promt ship. All subsequent reconstruct ! of the ministry Is unsettled , DUOKINO VllANCB. The radicals formed a committee defense for natives of Madagas ogalnst the French. Lord Granvil foreign secretary , aukcd an oxplai tion from Duoloro , minister of foroi affairs , on the action of Franco wards Madagascar. It Is repori 10 England , Portugal and Belgium i )0 ) to to French prepared object acqul ra tion of terrilory on the Congo river ° ' KAVAVAOH , ' ° whoso name became famous in ci noctlon with the tiege of Luoknotr , 01 dead. TIIK HiniKWHUUHY CUP waft won by Fulkirl : . Vista andS lenstein ran a di' .d heat far uocc place. o , UUIF.IK. BERLIN , November 15 , The po has been ordered lo keep an eys usurers , as they have boon oifer inducements to officers o ! the arm ] incur debts. Negotiations are progressing tor Franco German literary convention Green has sent Germany coplo the antiquities found at Olympla , Officers of 'ho Prussian parliam certain of election , Thursday , i 10 President , Von Kuller , conservat first vice-president , Von Holdpn 10 ultra montane ; uncond vico-prosidi Von Bonda , national liberal , opposition candidates. RUHSIA ANXIOUH. CoNBTANTINorUJ , November It It is reported that the Ruarun ami pador has informed the Porto I Russia is willing to take the iniUa io proposing an early European c feronce for a Botlltmicnt of the Eg tian quoBlion , THE SULTAN PERSEVERES in the resolution to uond a commlat to Cairo , and also claims the right investment of the Boy of Tunis. Alum's DEEDS. CAIRO , November 15 Sulolu D.iod was before the prosecuting ci mission to-day. Ho confessed to giv ing order'to fire Alexandria after hav ing received A peremptory command from Arab ! Pasha. As the conflagra tion did not at first appear general , Arab ! Pasha sent repeated orders through Mahamoud S my tdfiro moro places. Suleiman also states that Arabi Pasha , on the 12th of July , ordered liirn to take soldiers to Ram- lea palace and. murder the khodivo. While on the road io execute the order ho mot the president of the chamber of notables , who prevailed on him to return and remonstrate with Arabi. Nourl Boy , an officer who had charge of the troops at Ramloh palace , corroborates Suleiman's state ments. STRIKING PRINTERS. VIENNA , November 15 The print- era' strike Is extending. Several newspapers were again unadlo to ap pear to-day. The authorities are try ing to induce the striker * ' ti reduce their demands on the qroundn that it is beyond the power of the owners nf newspapers to grant them. No dis turbances have occurred. TUB TURKIMI MINISTRY , CONSTANTINOPLE , November 15. The ministerial crisis It becoming acute. Said Pasha is trying to strengthen his own position by modi fication of the cabinet and has the support of Oiman Boy , chamberlain and first favorite of the sultan. The financial reform oommusion has Invited all government depart ments to appoint delegates to assist in examination of the expenditures of departments. PALMER'S REMAINS. LONDON , November 15. The ad miralty has received a telegram from Suez stating that an Arab f " * - the Palmer search expedition pai j the place near whore Palmer ! 1 hia- companions were murdered were found buried in the ground J inor'a despatch boxes and bag I lining 1,200 were recovered. . EGYPTIAN AFFAIR LONDON , November 1C.Times / Cairo dispatch says : Tn , J ifiolt in the current financial year CQ timalod at 120,000 as against t. xpoctod 282,000 , i The deficit , ti 2 acr with the cost of English occupation 'and Alexandria indemnities , will consti tute a heavy charge upon the fntnro rovonno of the country. Suleiman Diod's assortiono and Arabi Pasha's denials by themselves are valueless , as bolh nave equally wide reputations as liars. AUSTRIA AND RUSSIA. The Times' Vienna dispatch says , 3aron Hnbnor , president of the AUB- rian committee of foreign affainf , says.thorooghly friendly relations ci st with Russia. The emperor shows by.'dooda his pacific mentions , thus" dofoating'the fears raised by tran ifnt bccurronoes. _ _ A , SPANISH EXPEDITION. jMlDRip Nhvember'lD. The Span- > ish'govprhmont is preparing to send a force- [ occupy the ports of Santa"1 'J ' Cruz > < ana Damara , on the coast of Morocco , to protect fisheries. The sultan o s Morocco protested against the occupation. i frontier'J .1 . CONSTANTINOPLE , November 15. The , Porto has issued .a circular to the ' ' ' powers , inviting 'them 'toso'ad.com to missioners tosettle the line of the/ tlsi Montenegrin frontier if L rif Special DIfpatcb to Tin BIB. tote CHICAGO , November 15. The cor to responding secretary of the prohibl- re > ion homo protection pirty has written , an open letter to the president of the i liberty league , challenging him to a discussion of the points at issue be era tween the two bodies. The discussion a- is toboholdinleadingcilies of the cant aId and west. al THE FIRE AT RIVE ELTON. A Vast Amount ot Property De stroyed. GorroepondeDce ol Tni D . About 1 a. m. on Sunday , the 12th Inst. , the citizens of Riverton were aroused by the cries of fire , and the entire north block was soon a sheet of living flames. No efforts could chock the progress of the fire fiend , and soon the handsomest block in Rivorton was a blackened ruin. The losses , as near as your correspondent could ascertain , are as follows : P. A. Williams , general merchan dise , building and stock , $30,000 ; in sured $8,1100. ilia M. B. Kelley & Son , general mer chandise , building and slock , $3,000 ; no insurance. Mrs , Markoll , millinery , building ilid uud stock , $3,500 ; no insurance. id Wm , Harsh , hardware , building and stock , $3,200 ; insured for $000 Fred Lnhil' , ( jonoral merchandise , co building , $2,300 ; stock and household on geode , $1,200 ; insured for $1,400. n Johnson's restaurant , $1,500 ; no ia- to uuranco. Miss Came , $1,200 ; J. H , Gaio'a hoof building , $250 and Shqpherdaou build- building , $300 and other loasos- of aggregating , all told nearly § 100,000. The most of those losses will fall heav int ily , and your correspondent Is of the re : opinion thai some assistance ehou'd ? e ; bo extended by our wealthy western m , cities , to aid in placing some of these tit , men on a Kood footing again. The No fire is supposed to bu the work of &u incendiary. A suspicious character is under arrest , timl Rivorton parties claim to nave some good evidence which may convict him. as- lat AllQUtf. iye in. Champion Cheas dame. 'P- ' bpcdal Dlspati.li to Tim Hut. PHILADELPHIA , November 15 Wil- helm Steinite , champion chess player of Iho world , and D. M. Marliurz , on of president of the Philadelphia Chens club , played Iho second game of & tterios of seven to-day. The game was opened by Martinez After play an ing throe huura and fcrty miuutca in. , Martinez resigned the contest.