THE DAILY BEE-WEJDttESDAY , WHOLESALE AND RETAlt , BOOKS AND STATIONERY , TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. _ COUNCIL BLUFF8 , IOWA. _ Si TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FF1GE. J. "VST. fe * C | XT 3C 3Efc 3ES J3B O O. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA. JOSEPH REITER , -MEHCHAMT 'TAILOR , MAKES TUB FINEST SUITS IN , 1'IIE .LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest I'oaaMo Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. D. M. GO N NELL Funeral Director -ssid Undertaker , No. G7 , North Slain Street. Council Bin ffs 0ls ! promptly m wered at all hourr , olgfat nr d jNew heuci And London carriages direct from tlio factory rat run In connection therewith. Chat never rtvjulrc' trlmplng. at Mm. J. J. Gtaf d's Hair 3t rr , t prices never betoro touched by nrothcr hair draler. Also a full line ot Btrltihoi , etc. t R really reduced prices. Also gold , Ursr and colored note. Waves made trim ladtot' ' own hair. 1)o not fall to c U bolero purchasing alNwhero. All goods warranted M represented. MRS. J. J. 0001) , 0 Main itrcct , Council Hinds , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 17 sour mm STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN IHE GITST , None bat firot-olwa Bakers > employed. Bread , Oako , Ptos , Stw. , delivered to any part of the city. Ooi Wagons ran all day. . j i AYRES , Proprietor. i DeoHera in IOWA , NEBRASKA , AilD MISSOURI , Tin "n ? T'T r nn JU JZXU J L Dealorin Also { FANCY GROCERIES. I 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , GhJROGIE IR I IE S Of All Kinds. New 3 oods. New -Prices and Square Dealing. 'Call ' and 'Examine Our Stock. Bethesda At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union COUNCIL BLUJFFS. Plain , Ucdlcated. Vapor , Electric , flange , Doach , Bhowcr , Hot and Cold rBaths. Com' petent ma o and female DUTMI and attendants alwaye onttond , and the boat olnuo-and atten tion irteaaipatroni. Special attention glvtn to bathing children. Investigation and patronage lollclted. lollclted.BR. . A. H. SIUDLEF& Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Btodley : Treatment of chronic " made a ipaclalty. REMOVED without the GAMS drawing of blood or.uaoo : I knife , euros luntr dlaeasne , A\rr nTFTWTJ Flts , Scrofula , liver Com- SVirmm ? plaint. Dropjy , Bh.uma- T II II ) H R S Bm , borer Mid Merour- I W IW-41 n W . X - | al BOtM ( Bsyilpelaa. Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Catarrh , weak , Inflamed and granulated Eyes , ticrofuloua "Ulcers and Fe male Dtaea < j9 of all klnda. Alia 'Kidney .and Venerlsl ilecauca. Hemorrhoids or Files cured money refunded. Ml dlCM79 treated upon thepiloslplaotTcgei- hreform , without the use of mercurial pob- onaor thoinlfo. Electro \ > per or Medicated Batbo , ' ( urnlehed who 'dealro them. Horola or Rupture radically cured by.tba.nia the Elastic belt Truss and Planter , which'.hua raperlo * In the world. CONSUI/TATION JTEEE- CALL OK OR ADDRE03 Drs , Rfiico and F , G , Millar , < COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. j DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSIC9AN AND SUfiSEON.1 Office. No. It-Pearl Street Hoiu > , 0 a. m. to 2. , and p. m. , to 6 p , m. Uealdotue , 1M Bancroft street. Telephonic conneotlta with ; Central pace. j STARR & BUHCK , HOUSE , SIGN,1 AND - j ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININB AND QfiAIHIHQ , Bhop Corner Broadway and Scott 8t F. T. SEYSEriT , , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & -BURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - ( A. Office No. 5 , Everett Block , Broad way , oyor A , Louie's Restaurant. J OR. O 3HC 3C3EMO Office over eavlt a bank OQUNOIli BLUFFS , . . REAL ESTATE. W. 0. Jauei , in connection with hla lair and ollectloD burincsabuj-B aod II8 real estate. Pertptu wishing to buy or Hell city property ctll at nil office , ovur BuahneU'e book store , Purl llreelEDWIK J. ABBOTT. 9 Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. * | GBroadway , Council Bluffs. ! , E , J , HAHDIM , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOL0GHST. Graduate of Eloctropathlo Itoc'.tutlon , Phll delpbla'Fenna. OlGB Dor. Broadway Mlenn le. COUNCIL BLUFFS.'IOWA. The treatment 01 all dl u and p lnf nl iU- fleultlea peculiar to females t , specialty. d. G. TIPTOrM , Attorney ftiCoesellop , Offlco over First Natlojja ! Bank , Council Bluffs Iowa. Will practice In the state and federa courts. courts.JNO.JAYFRAIHESr , Justice of the lea.ce . , 8M BROADWAY , Oounoil Blafis , - Iowa W. B. MAYEE- , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of abstract ) of FoUwatUm ! county. Office corner -Broadway and llali ntreets , Couoell Bluffa IOWA. S , J , MOHTBUMJSflY , < & 1) ) , FltEE Dl8CEMBA Y EVERY 8ATCr.DAT. Office In Krcrett'a block , Pearl treed. Reel iance tiliS Fourth eti it. Oflltu hours dim 0 t \&tk. \ m. , 2 toitnd igp.jn. Counclf Ulirif tiLARK , fBACX'CAE. opposite the posUfflce. On o the oldeot praetltloacri U Council Blufla.Hitle bfaoilo'n guaranteed In & TOWSLEE , DEALERS .IN Con/ectionery , Fruit .Nutc Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oy&tors and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , _ Oonneil BlntTo , STEAM LAIJNDtlY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSOM NDERSUK ; Proprietors , ITila luiindf y IKU just been opened for bus ! new , atid we am now prip&rod to do laiudry work of all kinds i U guarantee MllttuMon. A HHX ilty made of One work , such M collars , luffs , flno thlrti , cto. We want oTtrybody tc gl\euaa trial. , LARSON & ANDERSON. TUOB. orricxit. w , u. M. rumr OIHOIE & PUSSY , Council Bluffy la , Established , - - 1866 Dealer ! la Korelgo ind Domeitlo E md boat irourltlti. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLASD XND TAariO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . . 520 pra racldc Kxt..0l5 : Mn Rxftml'iRin Ex ami MaII < < .eAKpm D. Molncs ac.7:15 : m Dc MoncsacM:40 ! : p in ClltCAOO , Bl'RLINOTOX AND QUNCT. Depart , Arrive. Atlantic Kxt..6:30 pm Pacific .Matlnml Kx'.PMam Mall and Kx.7.00 1 > m N. Y. Ex..4:00l > m Ncb& Has K\.8:20 ra CHICAGO AND , ' Depart. Arrive. Atlantic K\t.,5tRpm I rnctflo Kxl . . .fl MM und KxV.9.20am I Mat ami Kx'.6:15 : p m Accom. ( St..6 10 p in | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS CUT , ST. JOR AXD COU.NCIt M.Crn. Depart. ArrUc. Mall and Kx. . . , ! > : Mam I r.\rro Ru'XIpm Kxprecs. . 9:10 : p m | Mall and K < . . , G'l5i > m U.NIOM TACinc. IVpart , Arrive. Overland i11:30a. : . m. OvcrmnilK' ( ,4:00 : p. m. Lincoln ix. : 11:30ft. : in. DcmcrKx . . .H:01ft.m : , tor Kx..7OUi. ) in. Locil Kx xxnlKx : " Kx ti.PSft.m. nlgrant..B20p. m. " I'.x UARASII , ST. LOl'IS AND WCIIIO , IVpart. Arrive , lall and Kx. . 0:41 : a m I Mall and Kx. . 4:30 p in feimon Itall. . 4W : p m | Cannon Ball. . 11:03 : a m sioux CUT ASD rAnnq. Depart. 'or Sioux uity.TASnm Krm Sioux O'y.CAO p m 'or KortNlobrnra. Fnii Fort Nlobram , Ncli * 7:53am : Neb , . . * caopm 'or St. Paul..7:10pm : From St. Paul..8'JSO a m CtltCAOO , M1LWAUKRR AND 8T. FAVL. Ixn\o ; Council lllufls. Arrhcs Council Ittuds. ilall and Ex.0 ! 0 a m I Stall ftnd l-x.ruVi pm tlantlo Ex. . 15:15pm : | Atlantic hx. . . 19:10am : CIIICAOO , MILWAl'KRR AMI ST. TW/ .\csOnmhx Arrives nt Onnha. .lall and Ux7l5 : n m I 1'iu-inc K\ t ! > : l5n In Mlantlc Ex..l3:10pm.MiUlnml : | ix.'T5pm Except Sundays. tExrept Saturdays. ( Except Mondajs. ( Dally. 'ouncll ' Blulla & Omnhn Street R. R , Lca > e Council UlufTs. LcaroOmahx a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a in , 10 a m , lam , 1 m,2 v > m,3 p It am , lym , 2pm , 3p in , 4 p m , C p 111 , 0 p in m , 4 p in , 5 p m , G p in. Street axis run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the oars bcpl their trips at i o clock a. m. , anil run repu any during the day 19,11,2 4 , 5 and 6 o'clock , nnutun to city time. BEER. How It la Drank ln'Qormany. 'jN * by In Kxlld * in Toledo Blade. Boer and wiuo nro the two boy- oragoa that nro in univorual uao in Germany. OolTeo is drank for break- * ast ; after that boor and wino oooupj the Hold to the occlusion of every thing also. The workingmau drinkt it an an American 'dues water , all the time. The business man coiomoncw at about 11 in the morning , prepare tory to his 'mid-day lunch , at whiol ho drinks wino. Then ho boginn or boor again -nt about 4 , sitting till 6 , Dinner or Bunpor at half-past G witl wine ; -and from thence till bed tituo. beer. beer.Tho The amount'consumod ' per capita ii eomothingonormous. . The reRula glass holds ft'hslf-litor , which ia some thing < lss8 than a quart ; and A health ; citizun managep from three to fosr o them at - -Bttting. . If ho is roall ; thirsty and actually needs to maiatoi his clay 'thoroughly , more goes th way > of all boor. But thrco to fou halMitors 'totweou ' 8 and 11 in th ovoniugiis about what is coutridcroi nocesaary for the pleasure of 'th ' thing. In.Nuremborg , in n bier-hallo , woz throe youngvtnon who drank , sa is th cuetouiwhere mon are f rienaa , out c one mugor < rather a jug tkat hoi two-and-ono-half liters Tno . - - - , .COM about 8 and finished thri pleasant sitting at 11 , when all tk boor < < raa ( joao. They had omplie thatouormoua vessel oxactlp .fiftoi times , .and they walked tome c comfcrtiblo . .A3 you please. Wbei they stowed the liquid is u tayotepj They wore not in any aeoao intox cated. The only effect it liad'upo thorn > was , thay were toli' blyjjel ] nd soaiewhat communicative.rl4ta'beer was all exhausted i iho house they had been in nil th evening , t and < ont away to find B'fres oiipply. Theythad not enough of rjit leapupon. They wanted boor. It may aa.welt be stated here that'i Germany , every glass is marked wit the holds. There tco n tConciyiloland glasses with two euchc of glaosaliottom , two inches of foatc and ono inch of'boor ; you got a lltci ; , half ilitor , or two liters and a Jialf- just what you pry for. The Dtoaaui of the.glr.8B is put upon it in plai figures < nlways. This is to pr < vent swindling on the pact < the .publican ; ard then the ma who site down for an evonin wnnta tolnpw eractly how many ga ! loca iho drinks. A two-gallon me. doesn't went to have any doubt eo t thoiQuantlty lioiiiaa consumed. ] erfcrionoo has taught him thattw gallons iis onouRh , why lie know whop ho has got two gallons. The are vor.y.syntomatic in Germany abet overjythirig. AD ito the quality of the boor , it i a mtatako .t . ? suppose that it is an bettor than the - mericau produci Perhaps there are cities where it i this eostion good judge ( wo consulted Bevoul Americans wh were boor * drinker ) say that It is i no Bonuo .Jiv perior. All the gnu brewers inunnfacturo boor ospeciall for the American jucrkot , which i much nonthen that served to thoi own pec lo. < The Geeman people wi not pay iho , pnico the American put Ho submits to. 1 TheroAro.lj/jlit boorJight in cole and lightin.atsnngtb ; but the Qei man p f oca a r/ory luuvy , swootis beer , very .dask and very strong And ho WO.BU noifpam oait ho wanti and will liasro-solid boor. It is a saj Ing among thorn"Foam s not boor ; and ho indv < nanlly sends his mu back if the * amiia to thidL' . They will heavy.and , who they can get i4 , -nothing bpt m l and hopa , au these ingrrdients i liberal quantifier , ; -Lut the Gurrou brewer , like Lts Anerican brothoi Las dsscovorod thecluapness , of lc ooso and druyt ; * nd , ,1'otwithatandin the government roatrioUon anil supoi vieion , ho manages jo jnako inuo ohea'j und vbry bwl heui * . U6rong as it ia , itdoua notinto.Ticut thoOorman , nor oven tlio America who drinks it , There i < i very -littl drunkenness in the P/ak. Indeo-J , have not yet seen A drunken nun Wino and baor are ( .he only utiiurj Lintu takun , thousaof piritoua liquid being untiroly unknown. A ma after muck bo-jr over-night may tak a thimblefal of brandy in the inori ing , but tha6 is all. JJo never drinki it during the day , und they cannc understand the American custom c standing at bats and gulping daw half-tumblers of fiery spirits. War a man to do that hero ho would b considered a beast. Their drinking customs are oompli cated. You Baluto every man at th table you sit down at , whether yo know him or not , and , if you are in party of frlonde , every ono mast touch glasses witn every ono otso , with the salutation "Prositl" which i , "God help you ! " whenever YOU put the glass to your lips. On rising from the tnblo you must salute every remaining aittol with "Adiou , which nlso h- cludeR the Rirl who has waited upon you , the woman who draws the beer , and the proprietor who is doing the heavy standing around. They are very jolly ever their beer in a quiet and rather heavy wny , but never cepecially noisy. Rawdyism is something entirely unknown , ns women and children cotno to the pub lic boor halls the eamo AS men. ANew Now York rufllan would find himself in the lock-up in an instant , He would bo regarded hero as n sort of wild boast , and the cotiinato put upon him would bo very correct. When 1 say everybody drinks boor I moan everybody , Young girls , old women , babies in arms , all drink it. A mother in anne brings her child Into the boor-gardou , and tnkos it from the breast to put to iU lips the hnavy beer she is drinking ; nr.d the litllo infant pulls nt it with a fervor that proves its liklnj. ' . They have n carious habit of diinking out of ono glass. At a table where a family is sitting , two little ; lrls will have a glass between them , i which they tnko alternate pullsj and ory friendly nooplo drink from the arne ulass. Ic ia ono of the most ouohmg aiuhta in nature to see n young follow with his nwcothoart nt a table under a troo. They invariably drink out of ono glass , and the tender lolicitudo with which ho insists that iho shall drink , and the sweetness with which she pushes it back to him that ho may have his full share , are rory pretty indeed. However , none of it is ever loft in the class , except in rara instances. Not an experiment or cheap patent medicine is Brown's Iron Bitters , It a prepared by ono of the oldest and most reliable chemical firms , and will do all that is claimed for it. Silver la the Blorra Grando. r r Mcxk corrcapo JcncoNew York Tribune. I entered the Grande by nn open out or adit into the gallery , and walked outhward throughout its length tc the abaft. Descending from ono staging to another inthe shaft , lit wnlli were DOOU to bo composed of a rich - galenaore for a depth of more than thirty foot. Not far from the bottom of the shaft I was shown norm of t'ao uxtrtordinary rich specimens ol horn silver , native silver and chloridei wkioh have given this mine its note- riety. A lump lay there , recently ta'ken out , of horn silver which code 'bo ' cut with a knife like lead and woo almost a blook ot raotailii silver. Its weight waa < ntlmatec > 5000 ; pounds , and. Rs value ai shown by assays ot'ohips from boring nt different points was conaidosod ti be § 7C,000. It waa a piece oi ere aim Harlot hia , but smaller , tiiat Tros-eon to tha Denver exposition and tha placed the Sierra mince ahead-of th Robert E. Lee In their rivalry tfor th bus'-ahoA'ing. Nearby , imbeddedii the wall of the shaft was -anotho hugo block of horn silvarandrfiloride worth $15 to $25. per pound. All th ere in the shaft walls at thin .point I exceedingly rich. Besides 'iho ores ! have named and the native silvei there was to bo Been a deposit of san xjacbonatca- which add to tho-mineral oglcal interest of ttia cnttana treat uro houso. Near this ia the "Bridsl'Ohamber ' of which BO much hew boon-cold , whic .ia kept under lock and hey and r < oarvcd for a holy show. ( T-ho forema 'tnlocked ' the door and I climbed1 up ( ladder to the opening , to 'bo ' oonfronl od with the immense tnaoc of chloride and native eilver which seems to hav bubbled up from the depths of th -earth and then suddenly cooled < b the action of water into the likonei of a miniature glacier. There can b no doubt of the marvelous 'riohnct of the ores in this particular ipart c the mine. In the ore house there is now sack ed up ere valued at ahoct $2GOOOC This is composed of the rich ohloi idea , horn and native silver ore which hayo been taken out in workin the Grande , cutting readily , ehowin a metallic luster , almost pure silvoi and worth § 25.000 to pOjOOO a ton The bookkeeper in form a mo that th bullion shipments for July amountei to $105,000 , and for August to $210 , 000 , making a total of $810,000 , whic Colonel Gillette remarked would mor than put the company oui of debt. II expcota to chip bullion worth 6250,00 this month , There can bo no doub that : f the mill wore run full am work pressed on the mine the nhlp monts could bo madu to roach § 500- , 000 a month for several months ti como. A General Stampede. Never wag such a ruih m.vto for an ( Drug Htore us is now nt C. F. G to Jinan' * for a Trlnl Bottle of Dr. Kluf'a New Din covet y fur Consumption , Cougba am C'olili. All persona aUlictetl with Afltlunu iirurichltiii , HoareeneBB. Severe Cougtm , o s > ny alfection of the Tliroat and Limp can get n Trial Bottle of this great remod ; fm , by oalliuK nt above uumod Dru Store 4 < Wby Ho Loft Her. Ca ICARO Tribune , "lo you love me ? " The words came softly from th ruby lips still dewy with the kisses c tha ono to whom they were ipokon Gladys MoHurty know that Ktbolbor FreUnghuysen was no diaaomblor , n triflur with women's hearts , but eve kept within thu precincts of hw Ronl tiny ulirino at which there burned f01 ever and ever a fiamaof pure and pat sionlesB ivil'oction for her upon whoi ho h&4 lavished the treasures of hi heart. Wild and rcckloen though h might oouiutnneu bu , curing for the voice of conscience , but ing tnadly forward intn the darkouiu labyrintlis of ain , oven at times amol ing cigiruttou , Ol.xdys know tha her voice could over call him back t purity and repentance , her dimple hand load him in paths that wui gemmed with the roses of innoconci And so when ho asked tlio queatio that she loved BO well to hear , tliet cama to her pretty face a joyous srnili uid thu drooping lips that overhun the riant mouth quivered with pleai UM , But uhe dm not answer him i words , Putting her dimpled ami aroaud his nccjc.aho kissed him in th warm , North aide fashion that was s dear to Jila heaat , and then a littl head it&stlod confidingly upon hi shoulder , and the gentle prcasuro of toft , warm hcuid told him tha etory c THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , " f , KLUIWS , IOW1 ow ho had won the first nlTection of pure and trust iig heart. "Hut this is not all , " oho said. Kisaoa and embraces and lair words ro very pleasant things sweet lips nd warm arms , and loving eyes but ruth and sincerity and loyalty and urity nro very much fairer , and in- nitoly rarer. " "Do you moan this1 ? asked Ethel- ort , bonding forward and looking .t . Gladys witn a fixed , nallod-at-thu- lornors-and-clinchcd-on-tho-olhor side - - - - - ook. ook."I "I do , " she answered , opoaking the words in the slow , Now York Evening " 'oat fashion that became the sensuous race of her Xcnostm foot so well. "Then , " said Etholbort , with a rave tenderness that showed what R lalsy liar ho was , "I will not dccoivo ou louder. " "What do you mean ? " Gladys spoke hurriedly. "I mean , " ho replied , "that I had .oinod the Anti-loo Cream Benevolent , and Protective association , " and , turning suddenly , ho began chasing a hprao car , leaving the girl who loved him so well alone and desolate. A woman mined Brlggs baa Ixsen tinted In Oreaton charged with doaortltig her 3-montlrj-oUl child nt Corning. The luby WBB Irft on the clooretep of H prom ! uont citizen of the lattar place. "KooKtudo" Oonaemned aim. Traveler. Some time ago Nathan Jones , a col ored men , in whoso ganora ! character there was a lack ef laudable ambition , was arraignodbeforo a Little Rock jus tice acd lined. Jones wont down in the 'country , became a leader among the negroes and was elected justice of the peace. The other day 'Squire Gil- wig , before whom Jones had been ar raigned , and whom the waves of poli tics had submerged , wont down into Jones' neighborhood , drank bad wbiaky and killed a man. Ho was nr- rented and taken befero Justice Jones far examination. "Prisoner at do bar , " said the col ored juatico , "do lost tituo I feasted C.CBO judicial optios on yor face , I waa in hock an * yoruo"'f was do musical director ob do festive occasion. I recognized my lack ob learnin'Bahan' wont tor a night school. My frion'a seoin * in mo do ctufF outon what big men is made , put mo on dis boncb , while yer own frien'c , failin * to see dom features in yersolf , took yor pffpn do bench. Yor is charged wid killin1 a man. Do charge am well oustained , an' blamed of E aeo how ydr'a gwintoi git onten dia fix. " "Judge , " said the prisoner , "I am aware that I am seriow.Iy situated. 1 fined you heavily when you wore drawn up before me , and now , oopo1 olally oa my crime is great , I do not oxpoot mercy. " "Yas , oah , yas. Now my mode ob procodomontiiB a little different from dnt put down in do statuary b oks. When a man dat is guilty of twc crimes is arrested and fotah afore mo , I discharges him on dp little orimo , but holes him on do big one. Now , yorso'f is guilty ob what is killing a man. " "I can't bo charged with but ono crime , " exclaimed the white man. "I'll show yor in a minuto. When I was afore you , artor I had paid my fine , what wan it yernuid1 ? "I don't remember. " "Soo if yer can't rocolleok " "I believe I trld you to keep your toot in the path of rectitude. " "Yes , dat's It , and when I axed yor to sey dat word agin , yor turned away and commenced tulkin' wid a lawyer. Dat word struck mo , an' 1 wanted it. Arter I wuu uloctcd I needed it , but couldn't rocollcck It. On din account justice wns cheated , an * 1 is certain dat do higher courts hab dat word. Now , snh , I'll discharge yor fur killin' dat man. " "Thank you , judge. " "But I'll.put yor in jail an * BOO dat yor's hunt ; for koepin' mo outon dat word , Mr. Constable , put do han' cuiTa dnl'arnod ' " on cron'loman. Tliut Huubanct of Mine. Ia three times the man ho waa be fore ho began using "Wells' Health Ronewflr. 81. MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND- SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travoleru will n good accommodation and roasonobl charges. SOUTH STREET , OPPOSITE OftYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprlotors. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Oouuoil Bluffe. Kitractlugund tilling upocklty , FlrtC-datv MAUltfcJK Si OKAltr , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Olaua , Fine Krone Silver Wore &c. , sto Btoiovir COUNCIL F. CRAWFORD BUYER AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. No , 519 South Main Street COUNCIL ItLUEFS , IOWA I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and liattioo Work , Wood Turn ing , Ro-Sawing.Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in , Improved Hawkeye Win'd Mills and Pumps. , , . , , , J , J , Hathaway , Manager , Oonneil Blnffs , Ia'- Machinery 111 bo mn oxolualvoly for custom work on Thursday and Friday o each week. Ordern nnllcltod nod antialActlon gunrantood , ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AlND RETAIL DEALERS IN 'LACKiWAffi , LEHIHH , BLOSSBUB& CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Office No. 84 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. WiRhth Street ftn V Eleventh Avenue , Oounoil Bluffs. PETER THOLU HERMAN KRAJITT. . . THOLL & KRACHT , GROCERIES 'AND PROVISIONS , Oor. Main Street and 7th Avenue. Fin ! Groceries , Toai , ECo. , a Specialty. Highest prices paid lot country produce ; Row Dulldlus ; . new goods , low prices. Wo will not bo undersold , Call rfid czamtna oar stock , delivered. P. T. MAYNE. O"B COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTOR MANUFAOTIiHK BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES- CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Beat of Btr tv'f ' ' ouBtantly on Hand. The Hlghunb M wfjttet ; Price Paid for .Gorn , Oats , Rye , Barley Partieu Wishing to Bell Broom Corn Will Pleaae Send Sample. Sample.&c GO OOX73XTOXX. MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , THE LKADINQ DKALER IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. ST. LOUIS HOUSE. Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLF ! ! DOKUFLINGBIl , Proprietor. Choice Winea and Clgara. Oyuteru m Every Style. 709 LnwmUrondwny. . noutioil Blnffa Iowa , DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successors to Klin & DUQUETTE ) . > u-1ft FmitDPO anfl MnnfnnHnnnm ) [ ing 18 Poarl.St. . Council BIiiU'-J , Ja TAYLOR BROS , , t ' a 105 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS ; JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Uonnsellor at Law , OOUNOIL LLU1TS , IOWA , Offlco Broftdwiy , between M&leg nd Pea itrocta. ' .VU1 practice In | Suutud fiKede urti JOHN STEINER , M. D.5 ( Uoutucher Arit. Oor. WASHINGTON AVE & 7th St. Council Bluffa. , i V'i ' , Sv ( ttlKuutt of women nd cbiMian ft. DJcl ltV.