v THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA W DNESDAY OYJTMBER 15 cr. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes * OMAHA , NEB. J . A. ) WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , UWIE , GEM MTSTATB AQENi FOR MILWAUKEE CXMXNT Near Union Pacific Depot _ ' OMAPA HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OP AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA STEELE , JJHNSON & GO , , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN 'Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and ' * * All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of IMUIiOTUEED TOBACCO , igenti forBEKWOOn HAItS AM IAFHH- & MUD POWDER CO. 33oaj.ujt3c.3Ei POWBE AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UAOHIKEBT , BELTING , HOSE , BKAQS AMD IRON nrrmaa PIPE. STK& 1'ACKIHQ. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAH , . * HALLADAY IND-MILLS GHURGH3ANDSCHQOU8EL18 Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. -DEALERS IN. HALL'S SAFE , AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , C. IE1. DRUGS , BAXNTS , OI S Window and Plate Glass. KSTAnyone contemplating building storebank , or any other One will Ond It to their ad outage to correa end with us before purchasing their Plate Olan. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA : - - HEB. W.B. MILLARD. EDWAKD W. 1'KOK. 7 t MILLARD & PEOK , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1421 & 1423 FARNHAM STREET. ' CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED ] gentB for Pock & Eaueliers Lard , aud Wilbor Mills Floor OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OP CARRIAGES , BUGGIES in all Branches lit H. TniHTKKNTU STRUCT Bepairing OUAHIIA. NKH. . O. ! 2I3 Farnam St. . Omaha , N h. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry In Nebraska that la supplied with complete taachlnorj or Laundry work , Send your orders by mull or express. GOTTHEIMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Faraham Street. THE DEVIL'S BOOKS. Stories New And Old About Cards Queer Stnkonnd Astonishing Tricke. Chamber's Journal. On ono occasion , when Washington Irving , Bancroft , nml Everett , were chnttUig uvor diplomatic reminis cences , the lant named told how , nftcr ho nud the Ncnpohtnii Ainbaacador had boon presented to her Mnjcsty Qacon Victoria , Lord Melbourne iuli- mated that they would bo expected to join in n twmu at vthiat niththu DutohocB of Kent. "I play but n very poor game myself , " said Melbourne ; "in fact , I scarcely understand it ; but the Duchess is very fend of it'1 "And I , " said the Neapolitan to Everett , "am n very bad player , nnd should I chance to bo your Excellency's partner - nor , I invoke your forbearance in ad * vance ; " to which the American envoy replied that ho know very little of the game himself. Aa ho put It , three dignified personages , clad in gorgeous attire , were solemnly going to play n game they imperfectly understood , and for which none of thorn cared in the least. Upon reaching the Duch ess' apartments the ambassadors were formally presented , and then , at her invitation , sat down to play , An soon as the cards were delt , a lady-in- waiting placed herself at the back of the Duohoes , and the latter said : "Your Excellencies will excuse mo it I rely upon the advice of my friend hero , for I must confess that I am really a very poor player. " This was almost too much for Everett's gravity ; a gravity undisturbed for the rest of the evening , since ho found playing whist under such conditions inexpres sibly dull work. Bold as ho could bo when the game was worth the candle , Lord Beacons- flold would never have boon tempted to risk so much on the cards ; for , knowing the weakness of his play , ho carefully eachowod anything like high stakes Ono evening , at the time when Parliament was agitating itself about the Empress-ship of India , Lord BcaconaCeld sat down to whist with the Prince of Wales , and asked the latter : "What points , sit ? " "Oh , sovereign , if you please , " was the answer. Mooing the Premier's look of annoyance , Mr. Bornal Oaborno ob served : "I think , sir , the Premier would rather have crown points ! " The Prince taking the joke and the hint , altoroa the stakes accordingly. Marlborough was not above playing for smaller stakes , though perhaps the Urcat Oantatn did not play high out of fear of his loving Sarah , who had a tongue and know how to use it ; like the lady whose liege lord contrived that she should not more than suspect the secret of his bad hours , until , coming home at six in the morning tired out with "attending on a sick friend , " ho dozed at rho breakfast table , and , solemnly passing the bread , said , "Cut. " "That's your sick friend , is it ? " exclaimed the wife ; and what followed may bo imagined. A card-hating wife can upon occa sion set her scruples aside. Soon after the close of the secession war , General Forrest and his wife stopped at a hotel in Memphis , and upon ex amining tholr purses found the sum total of their wealth amounted to $7.30. The general , being duo that evening at a house where poker was sure to bo played , proposed that he should tempt Fortune to the full ex tent of his moans , and asked his wife to pray for his success. She would not promise , but ho felt she was for him , and know how it would bo. Let him tell the rest himself. "They had three tables ono was a 25 cent table , ono a CO cent , and ono a Sl.DO , I wanted to make my $7 last as long as I conld make it , BO I sat down to the 25 cent tablo. By dinner time I had won enough to do better ; and after wo had oaten , sat down to the $1.50 tablo. Sometimes I won , and then again I'd lose , until nigh upon midnight , when I had bet ter luck. I know Mary was sitting up anxious , and It made mo cool. I sat my hat on the floor , aud every time I'd win I'd drop the money in the hat. I eat there until day broke , and then I took my hat up in both hands , smashed it on my head , and went homo. When I got to my room , there sat Mary in her gown. She. aoomod tired and anxious , and though she looked mighty hard at mo , oho didn't say a word , t walked right up to her , emptied my lint into the lap of her gown , and then wo Bat down and counted it. Just $1DOO oven , and that gave mo a start. " "I remember , " Bald a gentleman who hud traveled in Russia , "being at a ball given by the Empress to the late Emperor , on * his birthday. I was playing at ecarto , when the Emperor , who was wandering about , came be hind mo to watch the game. My ad versary and I were both at four , and it was my deal. 'Now , ' said the Km- poror , 'lot as see whether you can turn up the king. ' I dealt , and then hold up the turn-up card , observing , your orders , sir , have boon obeyed , ' A dozen times afterward , the Emperor asked mo how I managed it ; and he never would bnliovo it was a muro haz ard , and that I had taken the chauco of the card being the king , " The Czar was us much astonished r > the result of his remark na the youtig gentleman who , looking over a pretty girl's shoulder while aho was playing cards observed , "What a lovely hand I" You may have it , if you want it , " murmured she , and all the rest of the evening ho was wondering what her intentipna woro. True to her Truftt Too mucli cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and mother , constantly watchlni ; and caring for her dear ones , never neulectlni ; a pfngle duty In their ba half. When they are assailed by disease , nnd the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomach and howela regu lated , blood purified , and malarial poison exterminated , the invibt know the that Klectrlo Hitters are the only aura remedy , They are the beet and purest medicine ID the world and only cost nfty cents , Sold by O. 1' " . Goodman Danstera of Upper Bertha. UcniphlsWeckl ) . While sitting it the smoking room of a palace car , conversing with an acquaintance of mine from Brooklyn , the conductor dropped in and com menced an easy chat , "Being a railroad man , " ho said , "it may be foolish in mo to speak ol it , but did you ever notice anything particularly dangerous about tbo upper berths in a Pullman Blooper ? " "No , " I exclaimed , "and yet I have slept in " them frequently ; what do you moan ? "Como here , and I will explain , " was the reply , and loading the way into the ear ho lot down ono of the upper berths , and , putting aside iho mntttcas , displayed the tuner work- ingn."Now "Now , to look atU , " ho aid , "you would imagine this heavy bottom weighed fully * hundred po'nnds , jot so nicely is it balaticml , tbo slightest pressure lifts it up into its place. Give n moro push and it poea up as liqht na a feather. This is done by means of the strong coiled spring inside - side which roll up the supporting berth chains. The woudnork tits no closely that when shut the whole ap pears as ono solid part of the car , The cracks are not oven visible. If a man were to bo shut up in ono of these places it would bo an air tight tomb , and ho would die of sutlo- cation. " "But ia it possible to bo shut in ono of thorn ! " 1 exclaimed a shudder pasaing through mo at the idea. "Certainly , " replied the conductor , grimly. "This look , as you see , shuts with a spring. Push up the berth over BO gently , and the look fastens automatically , with an almost imperceptible click. The look is on the oulsldo , and it would bo utterly impossible to open it from within. Lot the berth shut on a man , and ho. will bo smothered to death in less I than ton minutes would bo flattened' ' out and jammed bbtwoon the berth aud root of the car , gasping for breath. " "Is there nothing to prevent those berths from flyinp up ? " "They make only a pretense of it. This small wire cable is fastened to the berth floor and the lower end Sttod by slots into the berth below. But a Httlo jolting is enough to jerk thooo out of place , and then the slightest ticping of the car will send the berth Hying up into its place , im prisoning the unconscious sleeper in iho twinkling of an oyo. " The conductor's story was very hair- raising , and wo all Jookod around at each other uneasily. "If this thing is so dangerous , why don't wo hoar of some accidents ? " I asked. "You would hoar of them if you looked in the right placo. A case oc curred not long ace ; , though fortu nately not n fatal ono. The car some- tiow jumped the rail , and the jolt caused ono of the upper berths , whoso wirp fastening had come loooo , to fly up in its placo. A young man was Bleeping in the berth , and , as it hap pened , had his arm hanging over the lido. The arm was pretty badly nashod , but it uavcd his life , for it kept the berth from entirely closing and gave him air until wo came to his relief. It Is becoming diQicult now to ao'l upper berths. " THE BAI ) AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeited. This la especially true of a family modlcino , and it is positive proof that tbo remedy imitated ia of the highest value. As soon as it hod been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bittera woa the purest , best and most valuable family mcdicino on earth , many imitations sprung up and began to steal the noticoa in which the preso and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B. , and in every way trying to induce suf fering invalids to use their stuff in stead , expecting to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. Many othora started nostrums put up in similar style to H , B. , with vari ously devised names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way to induce people to believe they were the sam6 as Hop Bitten. All suoh pretended remedies or cures , no matter what their style or name is. and espioially those with the word " " " " in their in "Hop" or "Hops" name or any way connected with them or their name , are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bitters , with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the wlsito label. Trust nothing else. Dm grists and dealers are warned against dealing In Imita- tinnH nr cnni'torfnita. Samel G. Davis & Co. , DRY GOODS JOBBERS Washinpton Ave. and Fifth ST. LOUIS MO. EbTADUSIIKD 1853. - SIDE 8PKINO ATTAOIIMEHT-NOT PATENT A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1103 and Hit Dodrfe Street , aug 7-mo Cm Oium , NKB. la jolr-s Euit tike the ( Jhicago&Ioplilivest Train ) leave Omaha 8:10 : p. m. and 7:10 : a. inFer For full Information call on H. P. UEUEL , Ticks Agent , lith and Farnaui eU. , J. HELL. U , I * UallwsrlDepot. or at JAUKflT. OLAUK , Qener Agent. FOR CHICAGO , PEOR I ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETRQITjNIAQARA PALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Poluti Cast andO > outh-E st , THKLINKCOJirniBKa Nearly 1,000 miles. Solid Smooth Stool Track tl connections are made In UNION DhPOTB hns a National Ilepntatlon as being thl rent Through Oar Line , and Is universal ) ! encoded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Kail- road In the world for nil classes of travel. Try It and you will flm' traveling a laiurj nited of n dlocomfort. Thrown Tlckoti via rhis Celebrated Line lot tale at all offices In the West. All Information about Ilates o Faro , Glt pln | IT AcocmmoJatlons , Tlmo Tables , & & , will be heerfully given by nppltlnlng to T. J. POTTEn , id Vlco-1'rcn't & Gen. Uanaier.Chlcaira PEROIVAL LOWELL , Gen. raoso or Agt. Ohlcaro W. J. DAVENi'OIlT , , Uen. Apent , Conncll Dlutfs. H. V. DUKLL , Ticket AR . Qtnahi mnio-ed Iv oun BTAiLia saom Bouiwr Presldeiil. Vlco Prcn't. W. B. Drunit , Use. and Trean. THE NEBRASKA IIMFACTUBIK } 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OP Corn Planters , Hrrrowa.Farm Bollore Hultty Hay Rnliod , Duouot lillovatlnfl WlodmlllH , &o Wo are prepared to do Job work and inannfac irlng for other | itlee. ddrossul orlors NEBRARKA MANDFACTTinUNa OO Lincoln K THE CITST STEAM ninkcs a specialty of Co'ars > & Cuffs , AT T1IE KATE OF Chree Gents Each. Work Bollcltod from all over the country . 'ho charges and return poRtage must ao * ompany the package , Hi > ) cial rates to argo clubs or ajenclos. i ft24-tf mo WILKINB * BVANB. HEAR THEJVITNESSES. Macy shrink from pu llclty In connection with S. 8. a. , but wo are permitted to refer to tbo fol lowing persons who Iwo known and witnessed Ita wonderful effects : I'IRRT , Houston Co. , Oa. Wo have known "Swift's Specific" tested In hundreds of most obstinate cast e of tllood Poison ing , Mercurial Rhiumatlsm , Scrofula , SOAOS , Eczema , Cat rrh. eto , and do coneclentlcJily testify that It met Hli tbo most perfect and ! nalaccess , cffeo'ed radical and permanent er In every c-se without a single exception. Hugh L. Donnard , Qoo. W Klll'n , John O. Drown , Oeo. W. Singleton , ! Wm. Ilrunson , John II. Hose , James D. Ibarp Etl Warren. Moore a Tuttie , J. } V. Belvln , J. W. Wlmbcrly , J. w. WocUock. ' w. o. Herce , sheriff , J. W. Mann. Co. Troas. 0. O. Duncan , T. M. Klllon , U.y & Gordon , T. II. Ilulner , she ff. We are personally acquainted with the ge tie- men whose s ( [ natures appear to the above cer tificate. 1 hey are citizens of raid county , ot the highest rcspa lability and character. A. f. GILES , Ordinary , Houston Co.On. D. II. CULLER , Cl'k Sup. Ct. Houiton Co. Oa. "Nothing hut favorable reports. Bcliovt S. Is aepoclllo for all lllood Dltcues. universal satisfaction " 0. W. JONES & CO. . Memphis , Tenn. "S. S. S. eltos better satisfaction than any thing wobavo c\cr handled. " JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark. "llavo never heard a complaint of 8. B. S. " AUTilUIt PKTKR If 00. , Louisville , Ky. "S. 8. S , has given entire satisfaction to every ono. " A. ll. RICIIAKDfl , Sherman , Tux. "I have had excellent ealo for 8 , S. 8. , and the results have been moit tu.Isfactory. ' J. O. UUIIQK , Bowling Orcon , Ky. "Ouriulcn "f S , S , H. have been good , and IU ucccss perfect. " JONE3 ACAUKV , Montgomery , Ala , "S. S , S. has given entire latlsfactlon to every n. . " E.11EUS3 , Paris , Ttxai. "S , S. B. hts ifhcn universal satisfaction. " K. W. I'OVYKHS & CO. , Richmond , Va. fi Bl.OOfl Rawnrd " 'H ' DB rat < 1 ta an * heinlet who will Hud , on analysis o ) 100 bottloeo . H. 0. , ono particle of Mercury , Iodide of fo lam oraoy Mineral substance. SWIFT HPKOinO CO. Props Atlanta , Os. I'/lce ot Omall rise , 11.00. I , ria eiiii (1.7D. Eold br all Druggist SHAY'S BPEOIFIO MEDICINE udy. Anun falling cure for Seminal Weakness , Bpormator * rhea , Imnot- cncy , and all Dlwascsthat1 " . ; " olAfT R TAIIHQ , Solf-Alnne ; as Jxits of Memory , Universal LassI ude , 1'tln In the Hack , Dlmuesa ol Vision , Tie mature Old Age , aud many other Diseases that ead to Insanity or Oontumptlon and a 1'remo- ure Grave , tSTull particulars In our pamnhlet , whlct re desire to send free I v mall to every one , CTThe Speclfl c Medicine U sold by all drugglsti it Jl r > er pf.kago , or 6 packages for 16 , or will M ecnt free by nu.ll on ro-ilpt of the money , bjr TllEOllAY 4KDICINECO , , DaCalo , N. Y , ocme ' To Nervous Sufferers 1 HE GREAT CUnOPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B , Siaipoon's Bpeciflc II It . positive cure for Hpermatotrbca , Bcuilu. if'ooVnoa ) , Impobncy , and til dis.au * ruuultlnj from Bclf'Abuso , M Mcntil Anxluty , Lcssi Hemory , Pains In the lUclc ot SUa , and dbtoue4 r- ' ' { g ± & * J % ® & . 'TaHvV" , The upculflc Uedlitne U be'ng ' utcd with wonder lal tuccoou. Pamnbletl ont free lo all , Write for them arid g t lull par llculare. Price , Bpeciflc , fl.00 P package , oi elx pack agM for II 03. Addruu all orders to U. BltJBON MKDIOINB CO. Nos. 101 end 101) ) Main St. Bufla'.o , N. T. Sold In Omaha by 0. V. Goodman , J , W. B U and all drugglitiereiywhste. ! t 1 > ik DIRECTORY OF LEADIHC WESTERN Hi 1WTXLS PROPRIETORS TOW i ARLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. O. WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa , REYNOLDS HOUSE , 0. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapldi , owa. i SARATOQA HOTEL , J. Q. 8TELLINIU8 Ml I ford , Neb MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL ' , JOHN HANNAN , BtromsburR W ' HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Ns . COMMERCIAL HOTE _ d. O , MEAD , Nollgh , Nob. ORANn CENTRAL C.IBEYMOUR , Nsbratkd City , r * b MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping W terH COMMEROIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , ' Hardy , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , fleb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , C. STOREY. Cltrlndu , low * END'S HOTEL , E , L. END , Eremort , * ? b EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HAOKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , Neb MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUUD , Guldo Recd , N , OUMMIT HOUSE , OWAN ft DCOKER , Oretton , In HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.OALPH , Extra , la < 1 nEYNOLDQ HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , In , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKEP , Audubon , In , ' ] COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS. , ' Neola , U CITY HOTEL , Dl A. LLIAMB Harlan U. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGS , Oornlnn , I * . NEBRASKA HOTEL , JIU AVERY , Stan ton , MERCHANTS HOI EL O.WrBURK , Burlington JurMlon , I COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blftnchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb OAGNELL HOUSE , OHAB. DAGNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , U , JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F.OTEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , i ) . 8. DUNHAM. Clark * . Neb. DEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GDEEN , Bedford la , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLAOK&8ON , Morrivllle Mo ' - NORFOLK JUNCTION MOUSED . T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nik WINSLOW HOUSE O. McOARTY , Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Neti. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER. Bldnby , Neb. AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROOKHOLD. Avoci"l : CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Oak1 FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER Lewli , la. ' WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER. Grltwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap.U LU8K HOUSE. J A. LUSK , Locan. la. DOW OMY HOUSE , W.H. MORTON , DowClta.ia JAQQER HOUSE. JAQGRR& SOU , Denlion , ( a , UAUMON 1IOUSU , TAJIA CITY , IA. , Harmon & Koales , Prop HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADE DY RIOHARDSOW.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , liXSi Embody now 1882 Improvements. Mar. practical ( oa ures ; Coat loss to keep in Sider ; Use loin fnol l give more beat in J a larger volume of pnro air than any furnace made. Bold by PIEHOEY ft BRADFORD , Omana , Neb JdL LI JbCr 1JL"S3 EUROPEAN HOTEL , The mont contrail v located hotel In the city. Rooms 76o. 81.00 , fl.60and f 2.00 per day , First UUM Restaurant connected with the hotel. HTJR3T. - - Prop. Corner Fourth and Locust Street * . BOP. 3C.OTTX * * XUCO. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE COL. L. T. FOSTJ3K. YounRstown , Ohio , May 10 , 1880 Da. D. J. KIIMDAU. * Co. I hod a Tcry valua ble Harablotonlaii colt thaclprlind very highly , hohadalargebonoBpavln en one Joint and a small ono on the other which made him very lame ; I had him under the charge or two Totor- ( nary aurgcozu which failed to cure him. I WM one day reading the ' dverllsement of Kendall i Spavin Cure In the Chicago Kxproaa , ! determined atoncototry It aud got ourtruuglsU hoio to send for It , and they ordered three bottles ; I took all and I thought I would Rlvo It a thotpugh trial , I mod It according to directions and the fourth day tbo colt ceased to bo lame end th lumps have disappeared. I used but ono bottle md the colt'e llwbi are as ( roe of lumps and ai imooth M any horse In the state Hols entire- Jy cured. The cure wa so remarkable that I have lottwo of my neighbor ! have the remain- ' ig two bottles who are now uslnglt. Bend for Illustrated circular giving positive iroof. Price Jl. All DruyglstsTiave It or can otltfor you. Dr. B.J. Kendall ft CoJ , Pro- &rb d-wly NERVOUS DEBILITY , D . K. 0. WCUB Servo and Uraln Treatment , spoclflo for Hysteria , Ditilness , Convulsion. ervoun Hoftda'ho , Mental Deprcalon , LOJI ! icm'jryBpormatorrhGHt.IuipotoncyarJl3lil ( Kmbitoni , 1'ri.matQro Old Age , caused bjtrfl irertlon , o H-abuso , or over-Indulgence. ll ) cads to wleory , decay and death. Ono hex l mie recent casu. Each box contains one rocnth .ruatment. One dollar a box , or six boxes lot ve dollaraj sent by mall prepaid on receipt ol price , We guarantee ilx boxes to cure any case. With each order received by ut for nix boioo. ac companied rith five dollars , will Bund the pai > ucr our written guarantee ta laturn thi onoy If the treatment doe not effect a cure. a t. Oooduian , irnii > lst , Bole. Wholesale and vul c 0"itba , t > ' \ > . rf Ordvs by mall al real ! dkwlv DOCTOR WHITTIER , 617 St Churlo BtJST. LOUIS , Mo A REOULAR GRADUATE of two uodlca ! coll'ges.bu been longer engaged In the treat ment ol miUONIO , NKKVOUS , SKIN AND 1LOOU Diseases than any other physician In St , touts o < city p < per < ihow and all old rualdonii mow. Consultation at office or by mall , frei and Invited. A friendly talk or his oplntoi costs nothing. When it Is lncou\enlcnt w vlt t the city for treatment , modlclnM can hi Bent by mall or express everywhere. Curabli lUtcs uarautoodj where doubt exist * It Is frana y ktattd. Call or write. Nervoua proatratlon , Debility , Menta' ' and I'byalcal Wcakueaa , Mercurial anc oTTiefaffectTonB of Tliront. BBIn and Honeq TliooJ ImimrittM nnd moodJoUonlDg ; Rkln Atfectlons. Old Boroa and Ulcerft to Marriage , Kbeumatlam BpecUl attoptlontqci > sea ' " > " over.w'urteJ brain. BUUOIOAL OAHES racelve uneclal attention. Ulseftaea . artiiloi | Vt/Vt f V J | V * " w - - - ii m i : from Itnpru-lenne. KioeaaM. Indulgence GOLD ROPE. The Intrinsic merit and superior quality ol oar OoldRopo tobacco has Induced other manufac turers to nut upon tlio market oodi similar ta our brand In name and style which are offered and told for loss mo toy than the genuine Gold Rope. Wo caution the t ade and consumer to eoo that our name and trade mark are upon each lump. The only Ronulno and original QoId.Kopa Tobacco Is manufactured by THE WILSON & MoNALLY TO DAOOO COMPANY. The Great Lngliah Remedy falls ta cure Norrous Debility , Vi tal Exhaustion , Emb- alonR. Seminal Woak- nossea.LOSTMAN HOOD , and all the vtl euucts ot youth- 'ul follies and execs- cs. It stops porma- lently all weakening. ntoluntary losses ana trains upon the syg- om , the Inevitable rc- . . , , , lultot these ovtl pra3 > ccs , which are BO dostniet < \ e to mind and body and make life r Iserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. Jt strengthens the Ncrvcs.Draln , 'momoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Orirans , It restore ) ti all the organlo unctlrns their former vlgai and vitality , ma ting life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a t , 'lottle ' , or four times the qnintlty 910. Scntby , ixprosfl , secure from obNnaMon. to any address. in receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , except m receipt ot II as a guarantee. Letters rs- [ nesting answer * must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintle's Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest dyspepsia and billion rare In the market. Sold by all druggist * . Price 60 cents. Da Mnmi'B.KiDsiT Rncur , Niramctm , Cures til kind of Kidney and bladder complaint * . gonorrhea , eleet and loucorrheo. Cor sale by all oauf gists : fin. bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. QOODMAN. JanS6-lT JanS6lT"J "J If You ro4iuani r It Tti 1 are . of fju < lne wwrlc ! m n or ! ned IT tbo Biraln or trrxloUlnirnmml /our dutIM voltl ntKht work , tn tt9 torobrnlnurnauul Hop Bittar * . Iwjuto u Hop B. Ifyou r yoiuiiaiiilL ( tiiaerlnRfromtl.t 4 diicretlou or tll l | > al ( Inn ; u joiinr-i.-'M rica or lnrl . old or I nr.iuffi-rliii' f-er povrltrallli or Unpul-h 1 on a b d c. ( Ul ut , nljr on Hop ! I Dltter * . ' -u -r jonnrc. * s . . .i. uv. . . ' you fool I 1 rrj H > f r u m s m > iliat your ojnttul format Klune * needs f If oiiUne.tou > dlscu that ralifliS lur or itlmuUtlnK I haTe been preventeit I hr timely minor t U Hop HcpEHtrrw D , I. O land Irreil'tb . HOP blacart' for koutlt. Hood. ! IdnuikoonciK. Jlurotnmt * | u o' opium , You will be tfl > ecu , tf cured If jouuse UnareoUci. Hop Bitter * . , ] weak and \\siita. \ \ Bon J for towtHlrtticl.try NEVER | L'lrculu- . Ui It may tnvcyour FAIL ] co. lire , ft lin * , nvecl hun dred * . , ATOtoolo , Oul. ' * ' 'tf\ i''f\'T i > QOD BITTERS yoneufforfrom Dyspepsia , use BURDOOlx < LOOD D1TTERS. If you are afQIctoJ with BUlotuncsg , use BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS. If you are prostrated with sick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS I your Bowels are disordered , regulate them with BUJtDOCK BLOOD BITTER8. If v ur Blood U mpure , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you ha re Indigestion , you will nnd on antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are troubled with Spring Complaints , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD UTTERS. If your Liver la torpid , restore It to healthy "tlou with BURDOCK BLOOD BIT ! HS If'your , Liver U affected , you will find a sure i - stoniit e In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you ha e any species of Humor or Pltnple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS. If you bai o any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a euro the remedy will be found la BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and 'vitality to the sys tem , nothing canbqual BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nenoua and General Debility , tone up the 1 } stem With BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Price. I.OO p r Bottle ; Trla Bottle * 10 Ota FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Prop. BUFFALO. M. T , Sold at wholesale by Itn k Mcilahon and a oodman. Je. * od-w