Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1882, Image 1

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A Variety of Important Rulings
Issued by tlie General
Land Office ,
One Which Settles a Contest
at Bloomington , Neb.
A .Dangeron Counterfeit With n
Bland Conutonanoo Circula
ting in the Went-
Political Ague Becoming Epidemic
Among Certain omcoboldors.
Special Dispatch to Tun llitR.
WASHINGTON , November 14. Act
ing Secretary Joalyn to-day decided
that where u settler has failed to com
ply with the law in making improve
ments , but has tilled the land and his
failure to build is shown to have been
caused by climatic influences , ho
should bo allowed a further period of
six months within which to establish
In the case of Christian F. Ebtng-
or , of Bloomington , Nab. , against
Daniel Hoarla , Acting Secretary Jos-
lyii to-day decided that Eblngor no
quired no right by presentation of
application for timber culture entry
during the vacancy in the office of receiver
ceiver , and that consequently the
tract in controversy was unappropria
ted on the any of Hoarla' application.
The decision establishes an important
precedent which will govern similar
Acting Secretary of the Interior
Joslyn to-day decided that the stat
utes restrict a contest against prior
timber culture entry to ono who
seeks to enter it under the homestead
on timber culture laws. In the ab
sence of application there is no ri ht
of contest.
In the decision rendered to-day the
acting secretary of the interior holds
that a contest for land title instituted
by a parent cannot ba transferred or
inherited by a child , oven though it
shall appear that the contest was in
stituted for the child's benefit.
Commissioner McFarland , in a re
cent decision , declares that where a
person has failed to make entry to n
tract of land through being miain-
ormod of hia rig'lita by Joca ! officers ,
whan otherwise entitled to matte en
try , will bo protected by the depart
ment and lose nothing unless required
to do so by the actual demands of the
On April 4 , 1881 , the president is
sued a proclamation reserving from
sale sertaiu lands in Wisconsin which ,
it was thought , would bo 'required for
reservoir purposes on the headwaters
of the Mississippi and St. Croiz
rivers. This proclamation was based
upon the engineers' reports. From
subsequent reports it appears that the
land reserved will not bo required.
The president , by another procla
mation , releases the lands em
braced in the former. The acting
secretary of the interior holds that cash
entries of land reserved by the first
proclamation made after the date of
the proclamation but before its recep
tion at the local office are illegal , as
the proclamation wont into effect from
Its date and not from its receipt at the
local pffica. The acting secretary has
rnferrod said entries to a bourd for
equitable adjudication.
Acting Secretary Joslyn has de
cided the case of Williams vo. the
heirs of Hodgman , at Benson , Minn ,
in favor of the heirs. It appears that
Hodgman made an entry on the land
of Williams on the ground that Wil
liams died and loft his entry incom
plete. The acting secretary holds
that the heirs should bo allowed to
complete the entry.
It is believed some of the aged
clerks in the postufiico department
will bo wooded out on the first of the
month. Many of them are Bald to bo
incapacitated for duty. The Star
Bays sorno removals will also bo made
because the clerks refused to pay as
to-day continued the account of his
land trip , giving no new or interest
ing points.
It ia estimated there will bo fifty
contented election cases for the houeu
of representatives in the next congress.
For some time past thpro has been
an unpleasantness existing between
the chief clerk of the revenue marine
and his deputy , Mr. Trovitt , of Now
Yoik state , Some months ago the
deputy made a desperate attempt to
succeed the chief , but failed. To-day
it was decided to aupercodo this depu
ty. It is thought quito probable the
asaiaUnt appointment clerk will be se
lected to fill the vacancy ,
Chief Brooks , of the secret aurvico
of the treasury department , hes re
ceived a sample of counterfeit Bland
silver dollars , which are being exten
sively circulated , especially in the
west. The coin is very heavily
plated , resists the acid testa unless
deeply cut before applied , has a ring
similar to the genuine , and is of the
exact weight. OIKaora of the depart
ment consider the counterfeit one of
thy moat dangerous that has yet ap
has been ordered to Preecott , Arizona ,
to relieve Kirst Lieutenant Fred 1C.
Ward , First cavalry , in charge of the
California and Arizona division of the
United States military telegraph lino.
Lieutenant Ward repairs to this city.
The secretary of war to-day ap
proved the recommendation of the
chief of engineers , that the contract
for dredging the Potomac river , near
Washington , under the recent act of
ongreas , be awarded to P. Sanford
Ross , of Jersey City , who was th
lowest responsible bidder , and the
contract will b < awarded him.
Ex-Senator Doraoy han arrived hero
froai Now Mexico , for the purpose of
being present at the oommoucomont
of now trial.
Senator Ligan loft this evening for
Now York.
Secretary Teller is expected to ar
rive hero to-night.
Secretaries Lincoln and Chandler
are hero.
Mr. Jnmcs 11. Young entered upon
his duties as chief clerk of the depart
ment of justice , to-day.
Postmaster General IIowo said to
day that ho had no intention of re
A Uopubllcnn Majority. Beyond n
SpccUl Dispatch to Tn Bus.
CHICAGO , November 14. Careful
revision of returns and of estimates of
probable results of the election in the
nineteen states which will elect sena
tors as soon as their legislatures moot ,
makes it seem probable there will bo
a republican majority of from two to
four after March 4. Fourteen demo
crats , cloven republicanratd ono inde
pendent leave the senate March 4 ,
There remain 23 democrats , 20 ropub
'leans , and Mahono. Of the 2C now
senators , seven have already been
elected , throe democats , three ropub-
"leans , nnd Riddluborger. Tiioro re
main 19 senators to bo elected , and
to control the senate , the republicans
need 10 more , while the democrats
need 13. After the election
n states which are euro
to elect republican and democratic
senator ? , the two parties will bo a tie
at thirty-six. There will remain to
attlo the question , the states of
Colorado and Nebraska. The senate
would bo a tie if Colorado and Ne
braska should both elect democrats.
The only chance of the democratu to
obtain control of the senate in in the
ovcnt that both Colorado and Nebraska
shall elect democrats and that Mahono
and Riddloborger shall abandon their
republican allies and vote with the
democrats. Both these contingencies
are unlikely to occur. It ia very much
more probable that Colorado and Ne
braska will both elect republicans and
that Mahono and Riddle'bergor will
continue to act with republicans , in
which event the republican majority in
the senate will bo four.
Heaven's Command-
Special Dispatch to Tun BBS.
WASHINGTON , Pa. , .November 14
Richard Huffman , of Somerset town
ship , has been a cripple for years ,
being paralyzed in his lower limbs so
that he waa compelled to use a wheel
chair. Oa last Thursday ho crawled
behind a barn , and while engaged in
prayer heard a voice say , "Ariao and
walk,1' He obeyee the command and
has boon walking ever since.
CigannaboiV Strike-
SpocUl Dispatch to Tni S
DAVENPORT , Iowa , November 14.
The employes of Kuhnen's tobacco
factory struck to-day because of the
reduced wages paid forty girls , assist
ant cignrmnkora. The reduction waa
from $2 to $1.50 per thousand
bunches. The number of men en
gaged ia the strike is 280.
The University of Pexuuylvanit.
Special Dispatch to Tim Bo.
PHILADELPHIA , November 14.
The trustees of the university of
Pennsylvania hold a special meeting
to day. The application of Fioronco
Kelley and Frances H. Natcholl for
admission to the university was not
considered , Provost Pepper stating he
deemed the decision arrived at at the
last meeting in the case of Alias Orad-
dock as conclusive and bearing npon
thcso applications quite na much as
upon the particular ono in question.
This was to the effect that it is not ex
pedient at present to afford women
access to the departments nf arts , but
that the board of trustees
of the university will organize
n separate collegiate department for
the ample and complete education of
women whenever the funds necessary
to defray the expenses of such annex
shall be provided. The board believed
$300,000 will bo certainly required for
the purpose. A resolution declaring
that any of the dugreca or honors of
the university may bo conferred upon
women who shall pass the proper
examinations waa offered and favora
bly considered , but it waa thought
best , however , to refer the matter to
it committee. A iiubjcription of $10-
000 was received from J. B. Lippiu-
cott for the establishment of a vet
erinary college in connection with thu
The National Qraugs.
Special Dispatch to TIIK REE.
INDIANAPOLIS , November 14 The
sixteenth Buseion of the National
Grange of Patrons of Husbandry will
liHgiu in thisf city to morrow. The
National Grange is composed of mas
ters , with their wives , of state prangoa ,
About 200 are exprotod.
North Carolina' * Delegation
ispatch to TIIK HrK.
HALRIUH , November 14 Unofficial
returns from all counties except Gra
ham give Bennett , dom , , for congress
man at largo , 373 majority. Graham
is u small county lately formed. It is
understood to be democratic , and will
probably Increase Bennett's majority ,
York , coalitionist , is conceded by the
democrats as pleated to congress in the
Seventh district , over Rabbins , dem. ,
and Cooke , rep. The congressional
delegation stands : Pooln , rep , , First
district ; 0Tiara ( colored ) , rep , Hoc-
end district ; Yorjt , coalitionist , Sev
enth district. The democrats elect
the other sit representatives.
A Political Sqtmbblo ,
Special DUpatth to TuiIJii.
TROV , N. Y. , November 14. There
is great excitement ovnr the organiza
tion of the board of aldermen. The
republicans and independents have
13 members and the democrats 12 ,
The latter , at a meeting of the old
board , seated acandidato who claimed
to bo elected to fill a vacancy , thus
tioing the board. Mayor Fitzgerald
suspended the city clerk and np
pointed A clerk pro tern , and the dem
ocrats left the room when the roll won
being called to organize n now board.
The clerk pro torn then recognized the
claim of ox-Alderman Morrissy , inde
pendent , as holding over , and the
board proceeded to organize without
the democrats. The courts will bo
appealed tote _ settle the matter.
Uncle Uufua' Compliments to Kin ?
Special dlipatch to Tin BKK.
CHICAGO , November 14. In an interview
torviow this evening Uncle Ilufus
Hatch , of Now York , said : "It ia reported
ported Mr. Vnudcrbilt haa recently
organized a company to run refrigera
tor beef from the west into eastern
cities , in competition with other re
frigerator companies. If this is trun
ho has no good motives in it and
is simply trying to drive other com
panies out of the business. His ob
ject ia to restore hla stock yard in
terests to the position they hold before
refrigerator beef agitation began. "
Mr. Hatch expressed the opinion
that _ the advantages of refrigerator
beef in every way wore such that it
must win , even though opposed by
the millions invested in stock yards at
Chicago and eastern cities.
The Qarflold Monument Fair-
Special Dispatch to Tim B
NEW YORK , November 14 The
committee of the Garfield Monument
Fund association have issued an address -
dross TCI the people of Now York
state , soliciting assistance for the
"erection of a national equestrian
monument at Washington to the
memory of our late president , James
A Garfiold. " The committee says :
"During the week past wo wore in
formed by n committee from the
board of direction that the BUCOBS of
the exposition ia already assured , and
that but little space remains. They
greatly dooiro our citlzana to loan thu
exposition from their rich and varied
collections of art some few of the most
noteworthy examples in all branches
of fine arts , especially paintings.
WASHINGTON , November 14 The
board of directors of the Garfield
monument fair mot this evening , and
received reports from the different
committees and state boards , all of
which indicate rapid progress in the
perfection of final arrangements.
OiRond's Death.
Special Dispatch to TIIK DEK.
NEW YORK , November 14. George
A. Ojgood , a aun-in-law of the late
Commodore Yanderbilt , died to-day
at his residence , east Twenty-first
street , where ho has been ill for some
time. Ho was over GO years old and
waa a atockholder and ono of the larg
est shareholders of the Delaware ,
Lackawana & Western road
A Postmaster Resign *
Special Diipatch to THE Bun.
DAYTON , November 13. Col. Field
ing Lowry , late postmaster at this
city , committed suicide to-day by cut
ting the carotid artery. The cause of
his action was inability to meet a defi
ciency of $4,324 in hia account with
ho postoffico department. The deficit
B amply scoured.
A Rr > w Between Sport *
Special Dispatch to TUB lim.
CHICAGO , November 14. The Tol-
leston club , of this city , compcsod of
many influential and wealthy men ,
owns several thousand acres of marsh
land in Lake county , Indiana. They
procured the passage of stringent
game laws and BO incurred the enmity
of "pot hunters" in that section. In
retaliation the lattersecured the pass
age of a law making it a misdemeanor
to carry out of the state any game shot
within its boundaries. A few days
ago a couple of poachers were arrested
and fined , and uon the poachers have
retaliated by causing the arrest of
Judge Knickerbocker , of the probate
court of this city. Ho has boon bound
over for hearing on the charge of ille
gality in exporting game from the
Bravo Bear Doomoil
Special Dispatch to Tui Bus.
YANKTON , D. T. , November 14.
The president finally refuses to inter
fere in the case of the Indian , Bravo
Hear , and ho will bo hung to-morrow
about 11 o'clock.
Blj Money.
Special Dispatch to Tun B B.
NEW YORK , November 13. The
value of the estate of the eon of Al
exander Hamilton , lately deceased ,
is about $1,000,000. The hoira have
settled their differences , and there
will ba no contest ,
Expenditures on the Brooklyn
bridge to date , $14,045,081 ,
Mexican Mutter * .
Special DUpiUli to TIKI HEX ,
CITY OK ML-XICO , November 14.
The committee of congress reported
in favor of the acceptance of Vallart'a
resignation as president of the supreme
premo court.
Dr , Julio Marciaa wets killed in a
duul last night ; arms , revolvers ; dis
tance , lii
Coinmorolnl Bmugglori-
Special DUpaUli to TIIK Urn.
OTTAWA , November 14 The cus
toms department is considering a largo
number of cases where false invoices
wore made by exporters , to bo used to
defraud the dominion government
when onteiod for duty at Canadian
ports. Several invoices are from Now
York und teveral from Chicago.
* A11 ladies who may bo troubled
with nervoua prostration ; who suffer
from organic displacement ; who have
a sense of weariness and a fooling of
lassitude ; who are languid in the
morning : in whom the appetite for
food is capriciou * and sloop at proper
hours uncertain , should have recourse
to Mrs. Pinkham'a Vegetable com
Tiie Prussian Diet Gonvo'Gfl and
King William Speaks Encouragingly
couragingly ,
The Sultan Seriously Flattered
by the Soothsayers of
The Longfellow Memorial at
Westminster a Certainty.
An Irlia Apology to XVoltoloy
Westphalia CoUUlou.
SpocUl Dlspatchis to Till ! ) .
DuiiLiN , November 14. The Free-
mau'n Journal ia out with n loader
in which it olfoi's an apology for its
recent accusations nnd harsh lauguaeo
against Wolseloy and against offering
hi < a the freedom of the city. ' . It say *
Wolsoloy has written n letter atatitig
it ia hia earnest deaire to BOO Ireland
a loyal , peaceful and prosperous land.
LONDON , November 14 Oaplain
Ludlow , of the Weatphah , etitca
that the ntcainor with which hia ves
sel came into collisou Jesterdny
burned blue lights at her must head
for two houra after the cclllson oc
curred , and that her crow would have
ample time to escape. Ho' , bollovcs
they must have Heated their boats ,
and ho ia very hopeful that all will bo
heard from in the course of timo.
TUB NEW 1'RoriIEt OF Il AU ,
CONSTANTINOVLK , November 14. >
The sultan had a lovco to celebrate
the l,300lh year of the Mahommedan
calondnr , which , according to the prediction -
diction of the Boothsayers , will give
to the world a now prophet of Islam.
The no ir revelation made public by
the astrologers assures the hultan that
ho himself is the Mabdi or now prophet -
phot of Islam. Tfio celebration of
the mystio solemnities s BO universal
that businoBB ia at n standstill , and the
streets are given up to precautions and
religious festivals.
LONDON , November 14 The World
considers Now York's reception of
Mrs. Lingtry as creditable to the
American republic , from every point
of vion , nd at once enthusiastic and
Sergeant Ballantlno will sail for the
United States on the 25th of Novem
ber , on a lecturing tour.
The Prince of Wales will preside at
the Longfellow nicotine ; at the Lyceum ,
to bo hold in January. The dean of
Westminster raises no objections to
placing the bust of the pout in West
minster Abbey , but there is no room
in the poot'a corner beneath the bust
table. It will probably bo placed near
these of Hawthorn , Irving , Prescott ,
and Motley.
which was supposed to hare foundered
in the North sea , haa boon signalled
as being safe.
BERLIN , November 14. tfho Prua-
sian diet was opened N day.bya
speech from the throne. Xho emper '
or aays the relations of Germany with
foreign governments juetify the con
viction that the benitits of peace nra
assured. A loan will bo announced
sufficient to cover the deficit in thu
budget. During the session the gov
ernment will introduce bills for cer
tain administration reforms , reducing
taxation and also a railroad bill ,
The upper chamber of the Prussian
parliament has re-elected the Duke of
Rstibon president and Count Yon Ar-
nim nnd Prof. Bosselor vice presi-
It is reported the Rujjian govern
ment haa decided to withdraw all em
bassies and legations in Germany , ex
cepting Berlin and Stuttprt.
The Gorman people will present the
Crown Prince Frederick William and
his consort , Victoria , .at their approaching
preaching silver woddipg , January
25 , with a complete ? ut for dining-
room , together with futpituro for thu
table und accessories. The whole
present will oust about lUlf a million
BERLIN , November 14 , The liberal
members of the Prussian Diotare much
dissatisfied with thu i-Uaayo in the
speech from the throi'o ' , intimating
remission of taxation ia the face of
deficit nnd the proposal to caver the
deficit by a loan and contemplated in
crease in tht > imperial B nirceu of rev-
unuo. The conBoryr'Jvos are dia >
sitUfiod at the amfnabM tonu adopted
towards Homo * I1 The tiltraroontanea
consider th/ ; ' Attitude of the govern
ment too ffUefinito.
The Gerinania to-night asya friend.
ly relationo'jbl weon > } $ ompuror and
the pope von la have ) < j < g ninco been
established but for tb i extru rdiuary
powera to 'deal wiJJ f-tii quiitiou if
the Vatican Drained u o
by thu recent legislature.
LONDON , Kovembf 10 , It wan
stated in the -lobby If the commons
last night that SirJ 'ifyrd Northooto
will not proceed with the motion to
Centura the government policy in
Etaypt ; ulso that ho vfiil abandon the
moti6n rolatj ye to Iho trial of Arabi
Pasha. The government agreed to
discuss the Anondod motion that a
committee bo appointed to inquire
into the circuuutuncu of the release
of Irish members of , parliament im
prisoned under the co'erclon act , Sex <
ton , supported by the Irish member * ,
will move an' address to the crown
praying for the removal of Justice
Lawaou from the. bench ,
HOW.ilT i lOK.
The Times Burliu dispatch BUYS the
emperor's speech ? , * AI naluted with
rounds of cheers and especial appro-
'V *
batipn greeted the announcement of
the intention to-tho four lowest grades
of class ttx , Aa constituted to-day
no fraction of the chamber has nu nb
solute majority , but the conservatives
nro far stronger than the united lib.
oralcfttid thocleRcalacan turn the scale
! > y selling their support to the highest
bidder. s
The Standard's Constantinople dis
patch aaya the English government
has informed the porto of stoppage of
payment of surplus roronuo nt Cyprus
in order to cover .the interest duo on
the guaranteed loan of 1855 and ran
noiiis paid S.Uonica brigands for tWi
English subjects ,
It Is'reported Gladstone will rcoigr
the chancellorship of the exchequer ;
also that Sir Hugh Chlldors will leave
the war ofllco for the exchequer , the
Eirl of Northbruok taking the war
ofllco ,
MONTREAL , November 14. Johi.
Burgess , government inspector of
steamboat boilort , was placed on trial
to-day for causing the death of Win ,
Richardson , n pftssongoctm the steam
er Richelieu nt thu time of , the recent
oxploaion , The evidence 'Dhows the
> xploslan waa the result of the worn
out ntato of the water jacket. ,
"ilgato , owner , nnd Freiohotto , ongi-
tioorof thollicholiou , will also stand
'rial on similar charccs.
CAIRO , November 14. The com
mission of inquiry , preliminary to
the trial Araba Pasha nnd other
leaders , finally accepted the forma of
Oroceeduro insisted upon by the Eng-
ah government.
LONDON , November 14. The Turk
ish ambassador to London informed
Lord Granvillp that the porto insists
upon appointing a special envoy to
Cairoduring Lord Dullortn'fl negotia
tions with the khodivo.
The Australian ship , Minerva , re
ports that when going in Fallsmouih
she passed a will to boat carrying n rod
( lag and haying five men in it , twenty
miles Past of Boachy Bead. This waa
tiino houra nftcr the Westphalia colli
sion and is supposed to bo the missing
LONDON , November 14. The death
of Sir Andrew Buchanan , diploma
tist , is announced.
During the performance at the
Glebe theater to-nicht of Tennyson's
now drama , "Tho Promise Of May1 '
the Marquis of Queonsbury twice
f roso.nnd protested against Tenny
son's" representation of the principles
of free thought , which , ho snidwaa
a travesty on thu .sentiments of fffao
thinkers. His remarks created a eoV
satlon , The marquis loft the thoatoil
IB very bad of late. lie is advised by
physicians to RO abroad.
Count Ridowitz , * the now Gorman
ambassador , had an audience with the
sultan to-day , and'presontod hia cre
dentials. The .sultan received Count
Ridowitz in the most cordial and
friendly manner. No allusion waa
made to political matters.
The minister of foreign affaiia la
much disapgolntod that no ropljf has
been received from Lord Granv lev
regarding t vo renewal "Of proposal ) /or
the dispatch of a commission to Eypt ,
'and ho haa instructed the Turkish
ambassador at London to ask for an
early answer to the Porto's note.
LONDON , November 14 In the
house to-night the debate on the second
end cloture was continued. Gladstone
intimated his acceptance of the amendment
mont that no motion for adjournment
shall bo considered before the ordora
of the day unless forty members shall
support suck motion.
LONDON , November 14 The Irish
party in parliament will aondor A ban-
quo * , to A. M Sullivan , ex mornbar of
parliament on hia return from Amor ,
id. Parnoll will preside ,
PARIS , Novombpr 14 In the
chmnbor of deputies to-day the public
worship osllmato was discussed.
Bishop Troppol succeeded in defeating
the proposal o ! Ilncho , radical , to
utriko out 30,000,000 francs for the
olrrjy of losonr.dogroo than cures ,
The amendment by Paul Bert , radi
cal , making a distinction between
priests paid under thn Concordat and
those receiving n salary because the
state thought their eorvices expedient ,
was strenuously pppoaod by Bishop
Troppol , but accepted by the minister
of worship and cirriod 277 to 205 ,
CAIRO , November 14 , - The sanitary
council received a dispatch from the
sanitary inspector nt Jnddah tint the
cholera epidemic continues.
The reported agreement of England
nnd Franco on control la unconfirmed.
In the course of the communications
there wan ono from the English gov
ernment on the abolition of Fgyptian
control. Tim proposition mooted was
that the president of the public debt
o'Hiimuaiou should bo filled by
Frenchman. No conclusion waa ar
rived at. '
Sulloiman Daond and Mouasa-El-
Akad , loaders In burning and pillag
ing of Alexandria , recently captured
In Candia , arrived as prisoners ,
BRUHSELS , November 14. The
chamber of deputies opened to-day
without a Bpaoch from the throne.
The principal measure of thu Beaaion
will bo the question of extension of
DoitLiN , November 14 There nro
rumors here that DeLuioy , charged
with the attempted assassination of
Judge Lawaon , only feigned to com
mit the orlmo in order that being
arrested , ho mluht turn Informer ii
the case of the Pluunix park murder
LONDON , November 14 , A Purl
telegram eaya : The Cuban refugee
question lias n more satisfactory phase ,
Iho Spanish government Is inclined
to treat the prisoners as political
offciidon , and to give indemnity to
their families.
VIENNA , November 14. Several
newspapers failed to appear in consequence -
quonco of the printora' strike : The
londli g journala appeared last night ,
having granted the increase of wages.
PESTII , November 14. The elec
tions at Arad yesterday resulted in
the defeat of tlio-indopcndont party ,
A mob attacked the town hall , but
wore dispersed ft the p'oint of the
bayonet. Twenty poisons wore se
riously injured.
Sr. PETKiiapuno , November 14. A
telegram from North Ohinok states
that a prairo Cro on the Mongolian
frontier nas swept an urin of .country
covering seventy square miles , and
coiisumod-many Cossack outposts and
A Kin * and It * Conncqnonooi
Special Dispatch to Tin B
NEW YORK , November 14. Henry
Kuhn , aged 20 , of 18 Humboldt street ,
Brooklyii.Httomptod to kiss Barbara
Duoohloinj aged 10 , Sunday evening.
A companion named George Glovur ,
aged 10 , tried to atop him. Kuhn
became enraged nnd struck Glover.
rhoy clinched nnd Kuhn waa thrown
lioavily , Ws head striking the curb- '
itono. Kuhn ia dying and Glover 'n
v The Bnptitt Concro t.
ipodul Dispatch to Tin Bin.
J EW YORK , November 14. The
tJup'tibt confess opened in the First
Baptist church of Brooklyn , Rev. Dr.
tJoardman , of Philadelphia , presiding.
\mong thoan present were Presidents
Li.'Oaldwoll , voosar college ; H ; B.
Spear , Madison university ; A. P.
Strong , Rochester university ; .nnd E-
El. Johnson , Crosier Theological som-
nary. Roy. Dr. Boardman , in hia
iddress , said theology must bo "pro
gressive , keeping in line with historic
aota , and all progress waa evolution.
\ . paper on the "Skeptical Drift of
Modern Thought , " written by Rev.
Lemuel Moss , of Indiana , was read ,
Fho session continued three days ,
Jiwnlt Joalotuy.
ipcclnl Dlvimtch to Tur. llir.
TOLEDO , November 14. It is now
itatoi that the demonstration which
prevented the ox-priest O'Connor
From lecturing hero Sunday evening
was an organized movement emanat
ing from the Jesuit church hero.
Mayor Ilomeia has instructed the
ahicf of polfco that O'Connor , or any
ana else , must * bo protected in the
right of free speech , if the whole po
lice force Is required , and that if the
chief anticipates disorder ho must call
upon the mayor for additional help.
The chief says ho anticipates no fnr-s
ther trouble. O'Connor is still hero ,
nnd saya howill lecture.
1hf > Evil * of Grain Speculation. .
Special ilipatch to TUB llsi. . 'f *
, November 14 , The sen
ate conWaittoo to , in voatlgato the sys
tem of lyain dealing inx futures with
foforoiitA to Its effect * . and influence
upon coi Vnorco , hold Its first mooting
in'this oijpto-day. Alonzo Richmond ,
ox-president of the Bulftlo board of
trade , spoke Btrongly nroin&t thoaya-
tenvj > Uog4nata-ncoa"cr frb'caols' com
ing light , from Chicago , and consequently
quently H loss waa entailed , the reason
being that ownora of soil crafts could
not wait the pleasure of grain specu
lators. Ho claimed the system dis
turbed thu commerce nf the entire
business world Supply nnd demand
alone , Richmond claimed , should
govern prices. Ho strongly urged that
legislation should bo brought to boar
to break up the system. Oo consid
ered bucket shops and option houses
of all grades on a par with policy
ihops. Charles G. Urundago , a prom
inent grain dealer , corroborated nil
Richmond claimed and spoke against
the whole system.
TUo Cuinno Minlntor-
jpcclal Dispatch to TIIK. DCK.
PHILADELPHIA , November 14. The
Ohinoso .minister arrived to-day and
was received by Attorney General
Hrowoter. To-morrow the locomotive
wor' < s and other establishments will
bo visited. Thursday the Pennsylva
nia road places a special train at the
service of the party for n trip to Altoona -
toona and Johnstown , where the com
pany's works will bo inspected ,
r *
Fatal Aoulduut.
Special Dispatch to Tux lliu.
CLEVELAND , November 14 , This
afternoon n strange accident happened
at the corner of Sonuca and St. Olair
streets , where n largo block ia in
proceaa of erection. The walla and
flooring being np throe stories , a boom
derrick 100 feet high and two foot in
diameter at the base , was used to
hoist materials , Through the break
ing of the shacking of n wire guy nt
the anchorage , na supposed , the der
rick toppled and broke about twenty
foot from the ground and fell with
a great cash , Three men were
on the platform sixty foot from thu
oldowalk , hoisting n load of about
three tons of brick , Ono jumped and
caught n lower gay nnd slid safely to
the ground , The other two , a. Ger
man named Diotiick Stazod and a
colored man named William Price ,
were BO injured that they died soon
aftorirnrds. Blazon's back was
broken and Price waa shockingly
mangled. Another colored mannamo
not ascertained , waa instantly killed
by the derrick falling on him. Still
another laborer wa badly injurodbnt
may recover.
Sanatoria ! CJontoit In Qoargia ,
Special DlspaUh to Tiu ll
ATLANTA , November 14. The leg
islature balloted to-day for United
States senator , without choice. The
vote stood : Short term Senate , Bar
low 20 , Hill 14 ; houio , 'Barlow 70 ,
Hill 01. Long term Senate , Gov
ernor Oolquitt 20 , Jackson 12 , Ander
son 7 , Black 5 ; IIOUBO , Oolquitt 83 ,
Jackson 30 , Black 20 , Anderson 18 ,
Lougatreet 3 ,
A-Dosporato Struggle for Right
of Way Tliraugh the Oity
of Syracuse ,
The Courts and Authorities
Defied fcy Both Oom-
Dontruotlvo CollUion nnd lion of
I > lfo on the Alton Rond.
The Iowa Pool uucka Against the U.
P , on Nevada Freight.
BnilrondH D fytnp ; the Court *
Special DlipaUh to Tim linn.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , November 14.
The excitement regarding the crossing
of the Now York , West Shore nK But-
falo and Syracuse , Ohonango'Jfc New-
York railroads , and the adjacent prop
erty of which the companies claim'
title , continues. There were about
five hundred nlon congregated at the
crossing last'night , nnd n general 'fight
is imminent. Five locomotives belonging -
longing to both roads are standing at
the crossing , ' while 'n numbered ! 11 a'
earn are being derailed , cpasplbtoly
blocking Millau street. DotKftpartion s
defy each other , despite certain prdeft. t <
of the court. ' "
The West Shore company is attempt
ing to Bccuro some property in * the
l < Wr ) iwnrd which J. J. Boldon , as'
receiver of the Ohenango valley joad ,
claims. To-day the West Shore company -
pany Borved nn.jnjunctfon upon the
Ohonango valley " ofGpora , restraining
them from ntorfcsingTvith the prop
erty in dbp'uto. Mr. Gardner , on
oflicor of the West Shore company
and nephew of Gen. Wfnslow , its
president , makes affidavit that the
West Shore company haa already ex
pended 830,000,000 In construction of
its road. Ho further swears that the
West Shore would suffer irreparable
injury and would bo noriously affected
and disturbed if not entirely ob
structed , nd its creditors and atook-
holders might bo alarmed and the
value of its securities affected if the /
phonango valley road should succeed
in preventing the West Shore front t
crossing the * property In disputb '
Startling dcyJlloprnontB nro promise 7
of the moanii'iwhcroby the road o'o1
tainod its rouliMJirough the city.
"Wreck on | iq Alton Road./V
Special DUpittch to ' . ( llti & & ( ' *
KANSAS CITY , November 14. News
has been received hero nf a disastrous
wreck which occurred An. the Alton
road at 0:30 : this ovonnig , near Oak
Grove , twenty miles cost of hero. .A , .1
construction train , backing np'm' ,
Gr&in Valley to Oak Grove , opllitlei < ,
vitha hand car on which wore' font' '
men. The men on the car jumped
, and , escaped , but the construction -
train , five * earn and a caboose , was ' :
ditched and a brakeman named Corcoran -
coran nnd five Bcctlon men killed and
eight or teu wounded. The road U
blocked and passenger trains trill not
bo able to got through before morning.
further particulars cannotvbo learned
to-night , . v
A Hltofe oV Nevada Frclfibt. , fft
Bp cl lJJilp tchtoTil n . , - ( '
' " '
OlriOfab' 'Novomfipr 14. Commia-
sionor Midgoloy , of the Tona'Trunk-
Line nsaociation , issued a circular to
day directing lines in the association
to'bill no more freight to points in
Nevada via the Union Pacific road
unleus prepaid to Council Bluffs , and
oven then to accept it with the stipu
lation that responsibility for its for
warding nhall oeoso nt Council Bluffs.
This action is taken because the Union
Pacific refuses to make a joint fixed ,
rate to Nevada points. The circular
does not nffoot business through to
California. The effect of this will bo
to compel the Union Pacific to con
cede the point , or freight will go by
the Southern Pacific.
Then Lot tbo War Proceed.
Special Dispatch to THE Dzr ,
MINNEAPOLISNovember 14. There
are no points of fresh interest in tho-
railroad war to-day aavo that the "Al
bert Lea Route" la taking the bulk of
travel by reason of Bulling a plain $3
ticket to Chicago with no rebate in- . .
cumbrunco. The other two lines con
tinue five dollar rates on the rebate
plan , and from the amount of ponton
going up and dodgers flying about ,
the competing lines evidently expect
n long fight. A war on freight rates
is expected soon , It IB reported that
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Panl
and Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha have oll'ored the "Albert Lea
Itouto" 10 per cent , of St. Paul and
15 per cent , of Minneapolis business ,
which Mr. Oablo declined to , accept.
A freight war will probably begin
Feniaoola Rejoicing.
Special DUpatch to TUB Her.
PKNHAOOLA , November 14. This
haa boon a bright clear day after a
morning with froaty temperature. No
now cases of yellow faver and no
death reported , the first time this re
port has been roado since September ,
3. General joy prevails ,
Bpeclil DUipatcb to TusBli.
NKW YOUK , November 14. The
eveautlve committee of the Irish Na I
tional Land League has advised the IL
reorganization of the league , with a
view of giving prestige to the national
movement. 1.
AiTair * lu Alabama-
Special Dlipatch to I'll ! lilts. ha
MONTQOMEUY , November 14. The- ia
election for United States senator , to
succeed General Morgan , takes plaoo
on the 28th hist , Neither house of
the legislature organized to-day.
The attendance at the elate- fair is.
good , and the exhibits are creditable.
Heavy frost this morning , the first
of the season ,