THE DAILY BEE OJUAH A , TUESDAY NOVEMBER , 4 JEWELER The Oldest and Most Reliable J IE ] W : E3 ILi IE DEL S , Issue no Windy Advertisement , but carry a full line of the finest WATCHES , DIAMONDS , JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. * Which they sell as LOW AS HONORABLE DEALERS Can sell the Best Quality of Goods , We are daily receiving the latest novelties in Jewelry < fc Silverware A VISIT WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SKEPTICAL , The Daily Bee. Tuesday Morning' , Nov. 14. Weather Keport. ( jCho following observation ) ) are taken a tbr same moment of time at all the station suuned. ) WAB DEPARTMENT , U. B. SIGNAL BEB- ) TICK , OMAHA , Nov. 13,1832. (1:45p.m. ( f i I r Hirer 6 feet 1 Inches above low water mark al > I Omalu , S feet 0 Inches M Ytnkton. Mlulwlppt ! feet fi Inches at Uucnpoit ( tct 7 inches at m. l' ul , y f ot 10 Inches at Hf. Loud , 3 feel 7 Inches at IA Crotso and C feet a Inches tl Dbuqne. LOOAL BREVITIES. ) \ Kidiant Homo Stoves. Boat to use , Cheapest to bur. Milton Koirers & Son , 14th and 1'ornam street. A L firemen's social will be given b ; Engine Company No , 3 at Firemen's hall , f Thursday evening , Nov. 10th. It will be to the credit of Omaha people if they greet Joseph Cook with crowded house Thursday evening at tbo Congrega tional church. During the cold snap of the past two days Ice formed on the ponds to a thick ness capable of bearing up the email boys -who are enjoying their first skating of the season. Tbo weather has moder ated so that their enjoyment will not bo o lone duration. Manager Nugent came around yester day with hts eight horse band wagon and Prof. YcaRcr's band and drove the blues away from this vicinity by a serenade. The band la now one of the best In the city and the occasion of the parade was the arrival of eight new stars at the Academy ct Mufllo. It was reported about on tbo streets yesterday that Fcldon Brown had died at tbo Hospital but n telephone message eent up tbero elicited the fact that ho was improving. Ho was Bent up Sunday on the recommendation of Dr. Grossman , Judge Bonelce having called him in tj make an examination as It WM feared erysipelas had tot in. On Saturday last Mr , And Mrs , Henry "Voss celebrated their silver wedding anni versary. Mr. Voss Is a painter In the U. P. shops and ho and bis wife are very pop ular among their acquaintances. In the evening they were surprised by a large party of friends who took the house by storm and proceeded to Inaugurate a'festl- yal In honor of the day , With dancing , declamations and songs , the time passed quickly until n late hour and when the vis itors left there remained several substan tial tokens of their regard In the shape of appropriate presents of silver. TUB BKK joins In wishing Mr. nnd Mrs. You many happy leturns , ] Sunday was the commencement of the "Week of Prayer , " for young men and Young Men's Christian Associations , not only to be olwerved In tbe United States but throughout the world. The following city pastors preached sermons to young wen at tbe Invitation of tbe Y , M. U , A. ; ll VB. J. W. Harris , J , W. Shank , 0. W. Savidge , Dr. Sidling , and at the Congre gation church den. O , 0 , Howard and Mr , P.O. Hlnnbaugh apoke. Ilev. J. W. In. gram gave a very practical and earnest talk on "Preparation for service , " it As sociation Hall at 4 o'clock , Thetubject for meeting last evening was "Tbe Influ ence of one young man , " 2 Ciipu. 24:1-8 : ; 35M8-1'J , These cervices will be interesting - ing to all nbo attend. K\cry cue Invited. The next dancing patty to bo given by W , 8. Uelpbrcy will be on Sr.turday even ing next as usual. On Saturday afternoon a class for the instruction of children vill Le opened at the came place. A school fur young gentlemen will texln on Thursday night nt No. 722 North IGth street. It In detlred that aa many M possible who denlre to take part will leave their names with him on Wednesday afternoon when lie will be at Davis * store In Freuicr Block , oppo site the poitolllc * . The first party of the series of livepar. . tied , which are to be given this winter by tbe "Home Social Club" of North Omaha , \ took place Friday evening nt Acrno Hall over Focny & Connolly's shoo store. Th hall was very tastefully arranged and th dancing , which consisted of eighteen nun : bom , was enjoyed by all present. Musi wag furnished by Irvine's orchestra. A mistake crept into tbo call for quarterly meeting of the Union Oatholl library , at the loom ; , to-night. The coi rect tlino h Tuesday night of next woet on which time tbo meeting will bo hold and not to-night. The prayer mooting this week at the Y. M. 0. 0. A. Is In unison with th Young Men's Christian ossoclatlo : throughout the world. The topic for thi evening is : 'Together ou Earth ; Sepa rated In Eternity. " Matt. 13 ; 24-30. J cordial invitation Is given to every one Meetings begin promptly at 7:30. : POLICE couax. Judge Benolco'a Monday Mornlni Docnot In the police court yesterday thi business was not so heavy as at thi opening of the two weeks just passed There were two plain drunks , oni of whom paid a fine , and the otho case was continued. A man who raised a disturbance it a Farnam street saloon , and after wards wont out and hurled a pluml bullet through the window , paid tor dollars and costs for disturbing thi peace. The boy arrested for destroying and burning fence boards in South Omaha was discharged. An individual who shot off his pistol on the streets was Gnod $10 and cost ? , Among the cases set for the daj were the following : Valentino Lipp , arrested for stealing a barrel of cement from Bradford's lumber yard. Annie Gaboon , charged with rais ing a disturbance in her neighbor- iioocl. iioocl.Miko Mike Gllllgan , for assaulting old nan Grace. x Clark and Gorman , for the robbery > f Foldon Brown. Notion The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- : olaior Roof Paiu " was patented May ! 4th , 1881 , and otters patent nnm- > or 241 , 803. Any person found or cnown to tamper with the mann- acturo of said paint will bo punish- id to the full extent of law. No per- ion has any authority whatever to neil ocoipts. BJLWTUOUN & Bno. , Lancaster Pa METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the narkot ailords. The traveling public jlaim they got bettor accommodations ind moro general satisfaction hero ; han at any other house In Omaha. Rate , $2 per day. aug21tfm 3LAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE Made frorr the wild flowers of the ITAH FAMED YOBEMITE VALLEN It is the most fragrant of perfura t Manufactured by H. B. Slavon , San B'ranclsco. For sale in Omaha by W. T , Whltohouao and Konnaia Bros. , & Co. , a i MR. BUSHMAN , IT HEKMH A BIN .0 sell these fine Cloaks at such prices. Why , if other merchants hero know .hat I sold them I could not sell them inything. Such were the words of a opresontatlvo of ono of the largest tastorn cloak manufacturers and im- lortors. Wo told him wo thought wo lad just as good a right to sell a $20 , $30 $ , $40 or $50 cloak at or nearly at test as others had to soil a $2 , $3 or $5 $ cloak the same way. They did it a adverrlao their business , and wo do ; lris to advertise ours ; beside this NO do not depend upon our : leak trade for the support ) f our business and consequently are latisfiod with a very email profit on .lip finest goods. To-day wo shall jll'or an elegant fur lined satin Rha- ioma circular for $25 , such as is sold uoHlioro else at less than $40 to $50 , ind even hlaher , Russians and Diag onal at equally low prices , Como and sue them , IT Witt I'AV YOU , Wo are also offering a big drive in ladlis' ecarlet all wool underwear at DO cunts , not sold anywhere for lets than $1,25 tr $ 1 50 Boarding houses ind hotels will find it to thofr inter- -at to price bed comforts at BUSH MAN'S. * Lydia E : Piukham's Vegetable Compound Is a positive euro to al huso weaknesses BO common to our just female population. MAX MEYER Bill ) , COPPER-PLATE 3ST GIR .A. TI IN" G- For Cards and Invitations. Call thU weolc and BOO the moat elegant samples of NEW YEAR'S GALLING CARDS , EVER SHOWN IN OMAHA. P. S. Leave your Orders now to insure delivery , No Orders received alter December 1st. ' THAT SETTLES IT , The Vote of Douglas Count ; Canvassed , Canflelcl and Brown Elected i the efen ite. The Delegation to tkoZiowor Hoai Equally Divided The work of canvassing the vote e Douglas county was begun by th board yesterday morning , but no feelIngs Ings were yol made at 3 o'clock. Ono proclnct , Jefferson , was throw out , as the returns were not signed b either the clerks or judges. Thi defeats Croncmoyor and elects Col potzor. It also loaves Canfiold wit : 26 majority , while if counted it wool have reduced it to 19. The names o the elect are as follows : SENATORS. Brown , D. CanGold , D. RKl'ftKSENTATl VES , Gray , R. Clark , D. Christophorson , R. Carnaby , D. Sueaaoubnch , R. TurtleD. & A. LI Colpotzor , R. McQayock , D. This gives the two parties four oac' in the houao and gives the democrat the two nonators and the float senatoi J. H. McShano. For Governor : J. Berlin ? Morton , D 2,05 Jan. W. Da wen , R. f 2,20 R. P. IngeraollA. M 1,11' ' Fo Lieutenant Qoicrnor. J. F. Warner , D 2.C31 A. W.Agee , R 2,28 : D. P. Reynolds , A M 1,161 For Secretary of State : 0. .T. Bowlby , D 2G1 : E. P. RogfenR 2,28 ! 1'hos. Ktrtley , A. M 1,13 ! For Trttuuren P. D. Stnrdevant , A. M 3,72 ! torau Clark , R 2,10 ! For Attorney General : T. O. Crawford , D 2,54' [ saao Powers , Jr. , R 2,24' John Bawd , A. M 1,141 For Auditor : 3harles Leach , D 2,43 ! Tohn Wallichs , R 2,381 Fohn Beatty , A. M 1,14 ? For Land Commitiioncr : lenry Grebe , D 2,70 ! V. G. Kendall , R 2,10 ! D. H. Madelny , A. M 083 For State Superintendent : 3haa. A. Splece , D 2.48E , V. W. W. Jone < , R 2,128 r. J. Points. A. M 1,20 ? For Jltyent : r. M.Burku , D 3G4fi ) . H. Uaro.H 2,25a Ftr Congi'ettman : F. L Redlek , D 2,010 1. J. Weaver , R 2,073 I. W. Gilbert , A. M 01 ! ! For Float Senator : f. A. McShane , D 4,131 * , DanleUR 2,877 For Jliitricl At'orncys ? arke Godwin , D 3.430 ( f. J , Burnbam , A. M 2,440 For State Senator ! : 3. II. Brown , D * 3580 ieorgo CauBeld. D t * 2,4o7 1 H. Dewey , H X 2,451 , V. J. Council. 11 1,080 r. B. McOormick , A. M 1,100 ' 'or Jlejtreitntatittt : I. G. Clark , D 2,42l Vler McUnvock , D V,30'J iamuelJ , Howcll , D , 2,028 Vin Onrnahy , D * 2,320 'eterGoos , D 8,251 1. 0. Jordan , D 2304 iVra. Turtle , D " 3.470 * * red ( "ronetnoyer , D. . , . , 2,200 J'red W. G ray , R * 2,500 lenry Suesaenbach , R ' 2,510 [ obu Ohrlitopheriioii , R " 2,489 , . M. Bennett , R 2130 frank Oolpetzer. R " 2378 V. J. Broatch.R 2,001 foseph II. Tftylor , R 2,104 rotenh R. CUrkaon. R 2,230 lohert Twaddell A. M 1,230 V. . Bunnester A. At 1.320 V. U. Whitinoro A. M 2272 Vllenltoot A. M 1 173 ' 'red. Dehm A. M 1,310 I. R. Overall A. M . . .1,281 rohu Hey A , M. , . , , 1,120 For County Commitiioners \ , O'Keofe * 3,701 ' . J. Quealey 2,113 11'o/miii Suffrage : ; ' " . . M20 Vgalust. . . , 4,085 820 85 'Petal vote 5,003 U. S COPKT. rho November Term Opens Up for Business. The November term of the U , S : ourt began its sitting at 10:00 : a. m. , fosterdayJudges McOrary and Duady x > lh boiug present. The morning hour was taken up in ' T1 . . , I - i * hearing domurors argued , and in th afternoon motions to quash the it dictmonts in the McClary and Hn cases were argued. . Among the attorneys present froi abroad are : Beach I. Hiuraan , North Platte J. H. Broady , Brownsville ; Congrose man Laird , Haetings ; John M. Ri gen , L. 0. Burr , H. H. Blodgott , 1 M. Marquott , N. S. Harwood , F. W Lambortson , ox-Attornoy Genera Webster , Charles 0. Whodon , Waltc J. Lamb , Lincoln ; W. H. Mungoi Fremont ; A. E. Plnknoy , Ropublica City ; F. Homer , Kearney. There is hardly an adult porso living but is sometimes troubled wit kidney difficulty , which is the moi prolific and dangerous causa of all dii oaso. There is no sort of need t have any form of kidney or nrinar trouble If Hop Bitters is taken occi sionally. XHE BGHOOJL BOARD. Miscellaneous Business Transaote L.QBC NlRht. An adjourned mooting of the boar of education was hold last evening o the ticket office of the Union Pacific i Millard hotel block. Roll call showed Messrs. Anderson Connoyor , McShano , Points am President Long present. Bids were received for the gradin of the Eleventh and Center stree school site , and the contract was lo to the lowest bidder , Anthon Petoi son , at 17 cents per yard. A bid was received from A. H Doneckon to build 134 feet of fencin for the Third ward school house , f o $20.00. The estimates of work done on th Center street and West Omaha school were approved and payment of th amounts authorized. The committee on public property and improvements recommended thi following salaries for janitors Central school , $105 for winto months and $80 for summer months North school , $70 winter and $41 fcurnmer months ; Cass , East and SontI schools , $ BO and $30 ; Jackson , $2 ( and $18 ; West and Hartman , undo cided. The locommonda'ion was adopted In the matter of the princlpalship ol the Cass street school , the committee on teachers and text books recoin mended that Mias Wilbur bo appointee until the end of the term. A ballot resulted : Miss McCarthy , 2 ; Miss Buttorfiold , 1 ; Miss Me Choane , 2. No election. The report of the committee was then adopted by a vote of 3 to 2. The matter of a change in drawing books was laid over till next regular mooting for action. Plans for outhouses of Eleventh and Senior street school , presented by Oloavcs BrothorSjJworo received and referred to the commltteo on build ings and property , with power to act. A. school slto was offered the board ind was referred. Adjourned to moot at C p. m. Thursday. Do Not Move Blindly. Go carefully in purchasing medicine , ilany advertised remedies can work great nfury &xo worao than none , JSunlocL flood flitter * ore purely a vegetable prep- .ration : the Bir.aUeat child can take them. They kill disease and euro the pittlent In a afe and kindly way. KERNAHAN-WELLS. I Pleasant Woddlncr In South Omaha Last Evening. TUG BEE yesterday announced the irthcomiug nuptials of a popular Fnion PaciGo conductor and an estl- table and accomplished widow lady f South Omaha , which occurred last voning at the bride's residence , Duthwost corner of Ninth and Pacific treets , The high contracting parties were Ir , James B , Kernahan and Mrs. M. i. Wolls. Mr. Kernuhan has been a eaidont of Omaha for the past ton oars , and was for eight nd a half years a conductor n the Union Pacific railway , from rhloh ho retired to engage in business ar himself on lower Tenth street , 'ho bride is a lady whoso many graces ud accomplishments are beat apprecl * ted by her intimate friends. The ceremony took place at 8 'clock , and was solemnized by Rev. ! . B. Graham , of the United Presby- uriau church. A largo number of rionds and invited guests were pros- nt , and the evening was spent in the lost oujoyablo manner possible. Tim appy couple leave this mornin ? lor 'hicigo ' and a tour through the oast. MUSIC DEALERS. SOLE AGENTS r PIANOS 15V I5Y Stein way & Son's , Clough & Warren , Chickering& Son's , Sterling Organ Co. Knabe & Co. Jmperial , Vose & Co. Pease & Co Variety the Largest , Prices the Most Moderate , Terms the Most Satisfactory. BEAUTIFUL 1EW ORGAN AT $65. ELEGANT ftSEW UPRIGHT PIANO AT $200 , ( KMRAITILATING ( WIELD , Honors Paid to the New Ser ator from Douglas County. A Double Serenade Sp Congratulation , Etc. Tbo closest contest in the clectic just past , waa that between Mr. Got H. Canfiold , proprietor of the Oai field Honao , and Mr. Charles I Dewey , ior the position of ntato son : tor from Douglas county. After week of uncertainties and porplcxitic such I\R never before were experience in this community , Mr. CanGold wi yesterday declared the succosafi man by the canvassing board , havin a majority of sixteen over his oppc nent It was a peculiar fight i many respects. Mr. CanCold .we put on the ticket , much against hi will , after the declination of Judg Savage , just three days before th election. As a general thing hi friends wcrotho friends of Mr.Dowej for both are men of the same popula characteristics , and witheut ai enemy in the world. On elec tion day Mr. Oanfiold's friend were working for him , am Dewey , not thinking that the find struggle would bo between the two and as the reault narrowed down am other candidates were left out in th cold , it became a fair , square fieht be twcen two of the best and most popu lar men in tre city for supremacy , ro suiting hi victory for the domocratii nominee. Last evening , after the result of thi canvass became known , it was deter mined to tender the successful candid ate a testimonialof ; the sentiment o his friends. About 9 o'clock Chas Scantland's colored quartette won down to the Oanfield house1 and gav < a very enjoyable concert , singing first in front of the hotel and afterward in the parlor. At midnight Prof. Yeagor'a cornef band , from the Academy ( of Music , appeared , attended by about a hun dred of the friends of tbo senator , and discoursed some of their choices ! selections. They were invited in and treated to the best the house could afford , including sparkling cham pagne , which flowed freely as Miisouri river water. Dr. E. Willard Blair made a very apt and happy speech , in which ho sxtoiled the qualtica of Senator Can- Sold as a man , a friend and a good cit izen , and otnrnod the thanks of the senator for the demonstration of ap proval. Ho was followed by City Ed- torn Kent of THE BKB , Sorensen of .ho Republican , Woodbridgo of the Elorald , Charles Scantland on bobalf } f the colored people , and a number jf other BppakorBrepresentingbothpO' itical parties , the majority being ropub- leans. The speeches were followed by longs and recitations from .several jrofcssional gentlemen present , and jy a universal expression of pleasure it the election of a man who is known 0 bo a friend cf the kind that can ilwaya be tied to. One or two cf Mr. 3aniield's enthusiastic admirers nomi- latod him as the next governor of Nebraska , and another oven landed urn in the white house. The senator a very modest , however , and the iighest compliment , and the truest mid him , was that whenever ho was , nd under whatever circumstances , 10 would always remember his rieuda and have a warm spot in his leart for thorn. A pleasant feature of the evening ran the presentation to 1'rof. Yoager f a magnificent B flat cornet from Ir. Oanfield , who had drawn it very noxpectodly to himself from a sub' cription in aid of a poor woman , 'hat's the kind of a man George is. It is safe to say that no man will go own to L'ncoln ' with more good rishes and more thorough confidence com thoHO whose suffrages send him iiero than Senator Canfiold , and he 111 always bo found on the ido of the right. Plain , prao- leal , a thorough buainusa man , It. Oanfioli will occupy no oubtf ul position , and Douglas county 1 honored in being represented by no who is at the same tnno a work- igman , a firmer and a truo-heartod , 'holo-souled ' gentleman. If he should gain como up as a candidate for pop lar favor ho will npt bo "left , " but illgo [ in by a rousing majority , and e will never do auijht but credit to IB constituents. THE ACADEMY. ne I'Mftnly Art" Programme for tno Week aa Presented Jjuat Night. The interior of the academy pro- anted a lively and pleasant appear anco last night , and Manager Nugoi seemed extremely blissful , his theat being filled with an uudionco drav mainly on account of the bill boii now and the extra gladiator comb attraction The entertainment wi strictly variety , and free from all ol jectionablo features , and from th way it took from the first part to tl close , wo should judge it pleased , ar will no doubt attract largo housi during the weok. The company includes among 1 now members Miss Kittio Woodsoi a very agreeable little lady in pleasic songs ; the Ohristio Bros. , in som now parlor scanos and dances ; Wad and Mack , in their amusing eccontri ities and character specialties. M Sweeney wiil to-night perform h cannon-ball act as advertised , an Wade and Mack fling all of "Dow Where the Lilacs Grow , " or paralys iho orchestra. Miss Ollta Sutler an Finnic Norton are still retained i well as Mr. J. G. Fjetchor , who wi remain duiing the season us chief 01 iginator of the afterpieces. The avont of the evening was th appearance of Hartley and Sweeney the late contestants in the orthodo : ring near Kansas City last Octobei that will be remembered was so un timely interrupted , and caused sue ! unbounded comment among our crut era sporting papers. Mr. Fletche introduced them to the audience , am as they put in their appearance th patrons of the theater yelled themselves solves hoarse. The gentlemen ar perfect specimens of manhood am presented their mode of attack anc defence in a manner truly artistic There is no doubt but what th ( "manly art" will be revived in ou midst , as it certainly awakened an in tercet among our best young men last night equal to the small boy'i craze over the horizontal bar aftei the circus has gone. Mr. Sweeney it the heavier of the two and the sym patby is apt to bo with Hanley , bu the latter'a superior qualities as t boxer more than makes up for hi ; slight difference in weight ; and whei ho gets in a good one on Sweeney th < cheers are deafening. Manager Nu gent has now the best card of the sea son. The same all the week. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation , inflammation , all Kidney and Urinary complaints , urocured "Buohupaiba , " . $1. ANOTHER ASSIGNMENT. 3. Kullsb , the Star Tailor , Closes TJr. His Business. Loss than a week ago the failure of Ph. Gotthoimer was announced and yesterday another house was added to .ho . list , that of S. Kalis ! ) , the star ailor. Mr. Kalish has been in Omaha for ho past six years , has stood first rate iruong our business men and was teAl Al appearances doing a prosperous msincss. Ho was punctual in the taymont of his debts about town , was i good workman and was supposed to bo naking money right along. It sooma , lowever , that ho has been sinking aonoy for some time past , nd a grnat many of tia customers tailed to pay up , and 10 finally determined to stop while ho ras in fair shape , and save his crodi- ors as far as posoiblo. He therefore tiado an assignment yesterday to E , I. Allen , Esq. , the wholesale grocer f this city , and will adjust his in- ebtedness to the .best advantage for hoao whom ho owes. His bills are all uo to eastern parties , and ho docs not wo a nickel in Omaha so far as can o ascertained. The liabilities of the house are about 12,000 or $13,000 , and , while the as- ats cannot bo valued until an in- ontory is taken , they will probably un as high us $11,000 , so that the ) GS to creditors will be light. . "Duchupaiba. " Quick , complete euro , all annoying Sidney , Bladder , and Urinary Dis uses. Druggists. $1 , HAS BEEN PROVED Tht SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Doe 11 lame back or a disordered urine u Indlcato .hat you ore a victim ? THEN DO ffl NOTUmTATEi use KIDNEY-WOBTat TJ rOuceJdrusgUUrooommcndiOand JtvriU " " I : ipccdily overcome Uio dUeato aad restore j healthy action to all thocreaas. toyoureex.iuchiuipalii n < l vreaYcneuot , KlDNEy.woUT is xuuur- paued.ultwiU ot promptly and aafely. Either Bex. Incontinence , rtUntion of - urittcbrickdtutorropydepositftiiddnll : dragging pains , all speedily yield to 1U our- * tlvo power. ( ti ) 8-ILDPVAU.CBUQGIBTS. Price tl IDNEY-WOR OMAHA FREIGHT Tlie Illinois Central Stands Out , The Railways Differ , About Pooling Arrangements , While Shippers Look Joyfully for Out Rates. Railway circles are again bolng pro foundly agitated ever certain compli cations that threaten an old time war in ratoa on westbound business. In fact , the chances for a vigorous on slaught on rates Is decidedly good. The trouble lies between the five roads comprising the Iowa pool and the Illinois Central road. The later does not belong to the Iowa trunk line pool and does not seem very desirous of joining , though asked to do so by the. potiling roads. The lines in the Iowa pool , are the Burlington , Northwest ern , Milwaukee & St. Paul , Rock Island , and Wabash , and all pool on business from and to Omaha and con necting points. It is a pool virtually on Iowa through business. Now the Illinois Central road has , by a pro rata compact with the Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis ' and Omaha road , an inlet to 'Omaha via the latter line and Sioux City , and they are cutting in heavily on through traffic from Omaha to Chicago , They catch business from the Union Pacific that comes from the Pacific coast , and it is charged by other lines that the Illinois Central la cutting rates , which occasions the diversion of train 3 to the new lifle. Another cause given is that the freight houses of the Central in Chicago are located right among the wholesale houses , and cartage on goods is saved firms , thus creating a demand for consignments of goods to ba ship ped via the Illinois Central. The pool association has been trying to take some action in the matter , and , it is understood , is very anxious to get the Illinois Central Into the association. A. meeting of the traffic managers of the various roads , with Mr. Tucker , traffic manager of the Illinois Central , was hold in Chicago Friday , but no terms were arrived at. Mr. Tucker has said his road has gained an entrance to Omaha , is working up a big traffic , and proposes to hold their present position. They are to be backed by kho Chicago , St. Paul , Minnovpolis & Omaha road and will fight for their t radio if necessary. Ha claims that the Illinois Central was never anxious to join the Iowa pool and that the latter invited them to como in Ho was not certain what action would bo ; akon but claimed that the Central nusl receive a good percentage of the 100 ! before they would agree to join. THE neat distinguished feature of E d. ling's llusaia Salve Id its power to reduce lilamatlon. _ " "WW \bsok5tey ? Pure. Thli powder never varies , A inarvei cf irity , strength and whole otueness , lore economical than the ordinary kinds , id cannot be eold In competition with tbe .altitude of low test , short weight , alum phosphate powders. Sold only in cans ROYAL BAKING I'OWDEU Co , Wall St. . NswYorlr M. HORWIOH & CO , , DKALEB IN ajier Stook , Woolen Rags , Iron AND METALS , ijjheut Prices Paid. Shipments from the country solicited. Kemittancee MIA | Promptly made. | NIB