THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , ISOVEMBIUx U SI. EStt tt tlOLESAtiK AND RSTA1L BOOKS AND STATiiMRY , BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. _ .T. XflT. lA Cg TCT 2 : 3EC 313 A O O * . Lands and Iiots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW KATES. HOTA&1ES PUBLIC AND 'CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ JOSEPH EEITEK , f MAKES T11E FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At thu Lowest Potmblo Prices. NO. aiO UPPEll BROADWAY. D. M. OONNELL Funeral Director and Undertaker , No. 17 , North Main Street. Council Ulufla Cilia promptly answered at nil hour * , nfcht nr d j. How hcarso ami London carriages direct from Ilio fvctorv sri rim In connection therewith. _ That never require crimping , at Mrs. J , J. Good's Hair Store , at prices novel before touched by ny other hnlr dealer. Also n full Hue ol switches , etc. ntfcrcitl > reduced prices. Also gold , lllver and colored ncto. Wa os mada from ladlca' owu hair. Do not fall M i VI before purchislnp elsewhere. All eooilo wairantcd 8 represented MllS. J. J. O001) , 29 Main street , Council Hindu , Iowa UNiON BAKERY , 517 SCUT MAIK STREET. . THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but firat-olnss Bakort employed. . Broad , Coke , Pies , &o. , delivered to nuy part of the city. Ota Wagons ran all day. P , AYREG , Proprietor. ( Wholesale Dealers ia IOWA , NEBRASKA , AND MISSOURI , U a JL " T iFAfiCY GROCERIES.No. . 102 Broadway7 . Council BlufTa 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , Of All Kinds. New Goods. New Prices and Square Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. BATIIMEOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , flor , Broadway and Union Sts , COUNCIL BLUFFS. riiln , Medicated. Vapor , Electric , Flange , Doucb , Bhowor , Ilat nd Cold Batha. Com' petont male and female nurses and attendants alwaya on band , and the boit o ( rare and att n- lion ( -lvcn patroni. Special attention given to bathing children. Investigation and patronage lollcltcd. lollcltcd.DR. . A. H. STUDLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment of chronic diseases made a Bpoclalty. n x ItmnTin REMOVED without the 1 1 tl N M n N urawlnK ° ' b.Iood ° , ' , UBO ° ' UJill UJJlllU kulfo. Cures lun ' diseases , Klta , Scrofula , Ll\cr Com- . . . - P'aint ' , Urop y , Rheuuia- T II M n R S "am , Fever and Mcrcur- I U III U n O A. iai sires , KrjBlpelas. Salt Rheum , Scald Ileid , Catarrh , weak , Inflamed . and granulated Kyos , Scrofulous Ulcers and Fe- X mal Disease * ot all kinds. Also Kidney und Venerlal diseases. Ilomorrholda or Flics cured money refunded. Ml diseases treated upon the principle of veget- hreform , without the use o ! mercurial pols- gna or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated niths , furnished who desire them. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by the use the Elastic bolt Truss and Piaster , which has superior In the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL ON OH ADDRESS Drs , ft , Eice and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. DH. A. P. HANCHEXT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office. No. 14 Fearl Htroet. Houn. 0 a. m. to 2. . and 2 p.m. . to 6.p , m. Residence , 1120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND * TJRHAMENTAL PAINTING. PAPSR HANGING , KAL80UIHINQ AND GRAIN1KQ , Shop Ooruur Broadway and Soott Bt F. T. SEY8ERT , Rfl , D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUHCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Oflioo No. 0 , Everett Block , Broad way , ever A. Louto'e Ttestaunmt. Office over tv > lugs LanK OOUNOIti BLUFFS , W. 0. Jamea , In connection wltb hl Uw au olhctlonbuidncBabuj-8 and Bell ) real estate ' r on wishing to buy 01 wll city propertj cal tthli office , over Boahnell'i book ( tore , Pear llre t _ , . EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. 4-IGBroadway , Council Bluffs. 1 MBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. raduato ot Electropathlo Institution , Phila delphia , Penna. fflce Cor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlceasoa and pMnfnl dlf- mltlca peculiar to fumaloB a specialty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Office over First National Hank , Council BiuOs , OH a. H'lII practice In the state and federal ourtaJ.MO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 814 BROADWAY , Jounoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Leans and EealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of PotUwattamle county. Office corner of Drnadway and Main rcoU , Council Blufla Iowa. ' , J , MUH1BOMKEY , M , D , , Fttl.E DlSPENSAEY EVKKY SATTJMDAY. Office In Ii\orctt' block , Fearl trect. Real ] ence 028 Fourth street. Office hours from 0 to a. in. , 2 to land 8 p. in. Council Ulufla PRACTICAL DENTIST. Fearl opposite the postofflce. One ol he oldest practitioners In Council Bluffs. Bails efactlou ( guaranteed In HUGHES & TOV/SLEII , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars arid Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blntfe STEAM LAISHDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON f ANDERSON , Proprietors , This laundry bia Juat boon opened for buil ncaa , and we are now prepared to do la mdry vork of all klud and gmriatco aatUlactlon I tpeclalty made of fine work , such M collari cufls , nnoahlrta , etc. We want everybody to give ua a trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. TUOB. OFFICER. W. U. U. rUIIT. OFIOER &TOEY , I pfc 3XTDQC3E1 ftff , Coecil Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1866 J Pealeri In Forjtg-n and Domeitlo Exchange and borne tecuilUei. COUNCIL BLUrFS 11AILROAD TIME TABLE. nticAoo , seen IILAVD AM ) Mnna IViMtt. Arrhc \UiMitloKxr n O p tn I fiolflc l.xj Kx Mid .Mall' 9"2H n in Kx and Mali' r > M p m D. Jlolncs ac * . "M a in | 1V MoIncaac\4.IO p in CIIICAOO , lURUNoros AND QUSCT. IVpart. Arrive. AttmtlcKxt 6.30pm I Picldo i.OlMnm : ( Mall and K\ * SI iO a in .Mall and Kx' 7 00 p ni N. Y. Kx 4 00 pm I lull A. Ktu FA..S/A ) n in CIIICAOO AND NORTHKSIRRV. Arrho At'nntle ' Kxt Gil I'.idflc . . pin l.\t g.11 * m l l and I'.v * n 'JO m Mai and Kx * n IS p in \ccoiu. ( S U. ) f > M ji in Acvoin ( Mon ) 1.11 p in KANSAS CUV , 6T. JOR AND COtNCII. HLtI - . Dop-ut. Arrive. Mall and K\ . . o M a in I KxntrM. fi-Vi p in ,9 , 10pm | Mali and KX. . " " tMos . r > crt. | . Arrhu. Ivcrhnd LxMUDii m. 0\crhtMK\,4 00 p. in. Jncoln Kx II too. m. IHmcrKx ) cmcr Kx .700 | ) in I/rail Kx xx'nl Kx . . . 7 23 a. in " I'.x . . . .OlBn. in. imlgrant..60p : in. " Kx. . . roOa. m \BUII , sr. Lomi AND rAnno Depart. Atrlxc till and Kx P 15 a in 1 Mill and Kx. . 4:30 : p in Cruion lUIl . 4 ; < U 1" m | Oannon Hill .11.0.1 a m BIOUX cnv AND \riric , IK . part. . . , Arrive. , KorSioux CIt.7:55am : Krn\Sioux O1 } OJi . t'rin Kort Nloliran , Ncbf . 7 55 n in Nell. . . . 'CM ) pin "or St. 1'nul. . ; , iupm JVjin St. Paul .XM n in CIIICAOO , UILWAUKKK AND BT. TAI U Leave Coiuiill UliiHrrivis Cinnuil lHiiT ( < Mnllnnd Kx."l-Vnnin I Mail and Kx . 'fj-Vkpm Athntlt t \ r > IS p in I Alhntlo t \ ! 10 in tlllHOO , MIWVAI KKB VMI HI I'VI I/ I.eav i s Oinahi. Arrlv i at Onnln , Mall nml IX * 7 15 n in I 1'iulllu r.\ . . . | < > n < im Atlantic Kn Io p ill I .Mall nnd K\ 7 13 ! p in MlxccptSnnthjs. | KviiptSatunli ) , ( Uxccpt Mondin. $ V\\\\ \ \ Couticll Biultri & Oinntm Street R. H. Lcav o Council It.uds. Iicav o Onnlii. ! n in , 0 n in , 10 n in , 8 n in , il a in , 10 n in , 11 n in , 1 m , i ! p in , 3 p It Mil , 1)1111 ) , 'Jp 111 , 3p U ) , 4 p in , 5 p in , 0 p in. m , 4 p in , 0 p in , 0 p in Street cars run hall hour'j to tlio Union 1'nclllo Hpot. OnSundnv the airs begin tltilr trln | ate o clock n. in , and run ret-ii nnj itnring tlio daj at D , 11 , 2 4 , 0 .Hid G o'clock , ami urn to cltj time. DES MOINES. DRIPPINGS. Tlie Land Slide of Last Week Still tlie Topic of Talk , Barbed Wire , Prohibition , Con stitutional Amendments , Drive Wells and Other Chronic Iowa Bores. DES AIoiNES , November 10. At , his writing the republicans are crawl- ng from under the land-slide whioh overtook them on Tuesday. Explnnu- ,10113 are in order. How conies it that , ho democrntii elect a congressman in , hat republican stronghold , the Fifth district , n practical machinist , with no cnowledro ; of etatocraft , over Tain a Jim \VilBon. ' The reason may bo bund in the prohibition amendment and old poatoflice feuds engendered during Wilson's former term in con gress. It * the Second district it was a weak nan pitted against another weak man , jut backed by a dominent free whisky element. In the Ninth district it waa a man personally unpopular at home , with those who control votes , and pit- rod against u very able and popular man with a "bar'l"and backed by the solid anti-prohibitionist clement. In short , it may bo safely said the prohi bition amendment has cost the three congressmen. It may seem * uaftoxl- cal , in view of the 30,000 majority given the amendment in the state , tiut thousands of democrats voted for he amendment. Lust ( Tuesday they voted for congressmen , and the Germans - mans and Irish voted with them. THE DllIVK WELL OASES. The lawyers are making their argu ments in the drive wall cases. It is expected the case will bo closed Satur day. The defense hus boon carefully ind ably presented , to establish pri ority of use and the invalidity ot the reissue of the patent. Among the evidence for defense statements wore read from Dr. Livingstone's travels in Africa , showing that the natives there > orod holes in the ground with hollow reeds to get water , seven years before Green's patents were applied for. TUB I1AIIBKD WIRE C'AHES. The barbed wire monopoly have ailed in all their efforts in the federal courts hero to got injunctions granted on shut up barbed wire makers who refuse to pay them a royalty. The ; round of the refusal of the court is hat Washburn , Mo en & Go. have not rot established their title to the patents hey claim. It is barely possible they lave no patent at all. This was qulto unexpected to the monopoly. THE AMENDMENT. The people are beginning to see the wisdom manifested by Gov. Sherman n not making haste to convene the yfiialaturo. The decision of Judge Hayes in the DavenporJ ; case raise1) a very important question us to the validity of the amendment. ' 1 lie judge lolds that the records of the senate ihow that the following was the language of the amendment which passed the senate : "No person iihall manufacture for sale , or sell , or keep for sale as n beverage - orago , or to bo used , nny intoxicating liquora whatever , including alp , wine and beer. " That m engrocbiiiR the amendment for presentation to the house the words 'or to be used' were omitted , and that the house did not vote for the same resolution as that which passed the senate. It in singu < lur that the ougroeeing clerk and com in It tee should omit those words , and also tlmt the omission was not discov ered duiiiiy the last session , ospc cially in the eonate , whein the duuus. sion lasted nearly a week , and in which Mr. Ilommonnay , the author of the amendment , tgok an active ard loading part. It is nriAubly tuiu that those words were stricken out. In the original , after the words "or to boused" were the words "for other purpoBes. " This cut oft" nil use foi or medical purposes. Senator Woolson moved ( aayo the record ) to strike out "for other pur pises1 which was adopted , whichstil loft the very objection sought to bo compassed by Woolson's motion , which ho would not bo very likely to do Bovoral months ago I found the orig inal manuscript of tiio amendment ii the office of the secretary of state copied it with care and compared i with that published in the laws. The : were identical , except the punctua tlon. Hence I do not behove th words "or to bo used" were in tin amendment when the final vote in th senate was taken , and the error 1 with the secretary of the senate , vrh was n now and Inexperienced oflicor , It is usual to paste the original of all resolutions , and tubstUutof , if ihort , on the sheet of the daily moord uf proceedings In this case it wn < not done ; for tlio original was found in a plguon-holo among other impure , M above stated. It is impossible to any what disposition the supreme court will make of It. Prominent lawyers , in favor of the amendment , sny the error is fatal to it. VTOMIIN HUFKUAC1K The annual ntato convention of the Iowa \Vomaii Sutlmgo Moclfty will bp hold hero on the 23d nnd " 4th iosl All associations ill the stale frioiidlj to tne cause ate requested to si na del Tltr STATE CENSUS. The compiling of the etMo ronsu * progresses very slowly. It wn n tended to uao that part of the Ui nuJ Stall's census report for lown. hit ihat nork Is dola > ed in Washington and is several months behind. rin > compilation of the atato work la in the hands of W. II. Fiommu , than whom no better can bo found lit says ho intends it flmll bo so cumplnte there will bo no nooesMly of ovtr oing behind it for atatislici of thu tato. THE WAIIAMII HLIIE. The Wnb h has put on through olid trains between this cit > and St. jouia , through in thirteen hours , rluoh will bo reduced to twelve lours when the road bed is in perfect rdor. With the Minneapolis & St. jtniis running from St. Paul to this ity in 1 'ss than twelve home , tills 'ould bo n great route to connect St , . \ul with St Louir. It would short- u the time several hours over nny thor route. St. 1'aul ought to Uikoa ook nt the map and think about it. HOUSE THIKVK3. Northwestern lown ts overrun with lorse thieves. They nro banded to- { other , und evidently belong to a largo nd well organized gang. E J. inker , of Da Seta , has just returned rom n long chase througti Dakota fter a thief , and succeeded in tecov- ring n team stolen sumo months ngo. ) ho thloi is now in jail in Missouri , aving boon run down on another hargo of horse stoalinq , ho having tin oft fifteen horses. THE UENTllAL IOWA ? The Central lown has taken formal Hissossion of the Chicago , Burlington t Pacific railroad , whioh is to be its onnccting link with the Mississippi iver at Kolthsbnrg. Prom Keiths- lurg cast , the road is being rapidly omploted , and soon connection will had with Chicago by a continuous no of its own. AOniOULTUKAL COLLEGE TRUSTEE. In conacqnonco of ill health from hronio disease , 0. W. Tonnoy has oolgnod as ono of the trustees of the owa agricultural college and the ; overnor has appointed ex-Governor Cirkwood as his successor. JJo was ormorly ono of the trustees , and his eng service in state affairs and per- onal interest in the college , renders is selection us wise and valuable. 'ho college has just closed one of the most successful years of its existence. t is growing in public favor contin- ally. E. Q A Voice from the Prosi. I take this opportunity to bear tos- imouy to the efficacy of your "Hop Jitters. " Expecting to find them nau- eons and bitter and composed of bad whisky , wo were agreeably surprised it their mild taste , just like a cup of ea. A Mrs. Oresswoll and Mrs. Con or , friends , have likewise tried , and renounce them the best medicine hey have over taken for building up trongth nnd toning up the system. I as troubled with costivcness , hoad- oho and want of appetite. My nil- nents are all now gone. I luvo n early contract with n doctor to look fter the health of myself and family , ) ut I need him not now. S. GILLILAND. People's Advocate , Pittoburg , Pa. July 25 , 1878. DRUMMERS' DBVIOE3. How the Commercial 'Iravoloru In- croawo Their Regular Monthly Salarloa. mer "It eeoms to mo that you comtnor- ial men have an pasy time of it , " re- narked n Republican reporter to ono if the numerous and irrepressible ar- ny of traveling "tourists" who go the country selling goods to ountry merchants , The "drummer" was standing in the rotonda of the Vindsor hotel , having just returned rom n trip through the interior of the tato. IIo represents a largo eastern louse and commanda an extensive rndo , "Well , I don't know about that , " opliod the commercial traveler , "Wo work hard nnd our regular snlarios are ot nny too largo. " ' YHH , but you are always on the go , ra\i < titi from place to place , and the hangt ) ot scenery nnd associations make life more endurable. " "Moiit everybody talks tlmt way , ut this IH really the hardest part of ho business. YE TltAVEL HO UUOH hat it makes ns itred to hoar anyone alk about railroads , or ntagos , or hotels. If it were not for traveling our life would ho far moro pleasant , Ono doesn't hanker much after a ihango of scenery or associations , sspoclally when it takes him nway n.m the city where ho oan luvo the tdvanUge of nil conveniences whicli ,0 to mukooxistrncnsatisfactory and andu him in n country village , whore 10 is in luck if he gets something ho can cat , Taking qno conm 'oration with another , the hfo of a commercial nan is not a happy ono. There's where the people who think the way strewn with rones make n grand mis- tuko. " "Well , what in there nbout the life that makes it so fascinating ? Ono rarely loaves the road after he has fol lowed it for govoral years. " "It is true that wo uro noted for 'sticking , ' but this is partly because of prufpronca and partly because of necessity cessity , After ono travels for awhili ho absorbs thu idea that ho is fit for nothing else and BO ho continues to plod along In the beaten paths. Then again , commercial men are the con trary of penuriousnesa. They are the MOST LUiEUAL CLiH.S 0V MEN on earth. They have an idea that money is made only to spend , and they squander their incomes whh the THE OTTAWA GYUTOER C HLLWS. iwvi recklessness of n prlnou. That in , they nro lavish whim their nnlnrico give thoin n clituieo to be ; hut they nro nl wajs reckless. Siiving no inoiioy , they can not emhnrlc in business for theniselveu nml so , io ouni it up , I suppose th only Iruorcnwunhy they stick to thu road an tcmciouely in bo- 0.1U30 micuanlly com pi Is tliuin to BO. I know tlmt but few niouvho tr.wolnto in lo\u with the buaimss. " "Bnt you men don't pretend to live upon the regular unhides jou receive - coivo ? " "No , wo don't : thnl'e true. In fnel , wo couldn't do it. We nro npcnd- thrifts , nil of us. Hut i\ man soon cMohea on nnd learns how to incrcnno liin salnry. There nro plenty of k'git- mtvte opportunities to do GO , nnd n mim can't be blnmed for tnkinir ad vantage of thoin , you know. I could onutnornlo n clorou or more of the 'raclvots1 that nro in common use with no , but the two most prominent nto 110TRLH ANI ) riTUA DAOOAOK. Wo negotiate with the landlords and cot hotel rates down to little more than ImU the regular schedule ; in our bill of expenses wo forget to niako n note of tlila. Then , when wo Iny over in n place for several days , a vvook or n month , ns ROinotimou hap pens , wo put in n bill for charges made on extra bngg.\go. Ottontimoa wo got solid with the conductor and our baggngo ia carried free ; you wouldn't cay anything nbout this to the house if you were on the rend ? Why , of course not. Most houson allow their traveling salesmen any ox- ponsoa that mny bo incurred in ex tending cnurtemoB to cnatoinnro. This allows ua to put in bills for curriagou , theatre tickota nnd various other things. Of course , wo can't draw on the house too heavily , for tlmt might give ua away ; but I have made ns high aa $200 , on the aide , in one month. I could give you oomo other pointers , but 1 have an engagement to meet a customer nt 0 o'clock , nnd I must bo toing. Oh , while it is true wo work nard nnd have to undergo many hard ships , wo don't ' suffer very much. " And the "dtummer" hurried off in a chipper sort of a way that loft little doubt behind ns to the peace nnd con tentment that rolgnod supreme within hia bosom. THE BAD AND WORTHLESS JLro never imitated or counterfeited. This la especially true of a family medicine , und it is positive proof that the remedy imitated ia of the highest value. As aoon aa it had boon tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bittern was the purest , best and moat valuable family medloino on earth , many imitations sprung up and began to eteal the notices in which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of II , li. , nnd In every way trying to induce suf fering invalids io uao their stuff in- ntead , expecting to make money on the credit und good name of II. B. Many others stalled notitruma put up in similar style to H. B. , with vari ously devised names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way to Induce people to believe they were the same as IJop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures , no matter what their style or name is , and especially tlioso with the word " " " " in their in "Hop" or "Hops" nanio or any way connected witli them or their natno , are imitations or counterfeit ! ) . Beware of them. Touch none of thorn. URO nothing but genuine Hop Bitters , with n bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Drugi/iota and dealers are warned against dealing in imlta- tionn or cotii'torfoltH Sullivan & Fitzgerald , UKALEIIS IN GROCERIES , . * PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glacswaro , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also aconta lor thu following Hue * of Bteamship Companies ; Cuimd , Anchor , Ouloii. Amirlcan , and Mtiuirjililp ( ; oniinnltn | 3Q 3UCCT. . E-'OC1 t * For Halo on the Koyal Bank of Ireland and liank ot Ireland , Dublin. Thouo uko Intend to uond lei liluids to anv putt of Europe will Qud H to thelj nturiut to ( All on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AOKNT8 , 343 Broadway , Oonnoil Blufls _ MAIN STREET AND- All Shlppern nud Travolorn will u ( food accomtnodnttou and roaaonabl ohnrgna. SOUTH STREET , OPPOSITE OftYSTAL MILL , Council Blufifs , - - . Iowa , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors , MES. fl. J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , \ 282 Broadirav. GaanolllBlnfff. BUYER Km SHIPPER OF EGGS. Io , 519 South Iain Street , BLUEFS , IOWA , 1 Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. Mouldings , Soroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , Ro-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doora , Blinds , Boxoa , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J. J. Hathway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la. Machinery n ill lo rim exclusively for custom work on Thursday nnd Friday o each work. Orders solicited nrnl u.-UInfnctiou Kunrantood. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AIXD RETAIL DEALERS IN LAOEAfAfflA , LEHIG-H , BLOSSBUBG ANDALL ; I GONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards jOor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffs. KTER THOLL. HKKMAN THOLL & KRACHT , GROCERIES 'AND PROVISIONS. Cor. Main Street and 7th Avenue. Flno OrocerM , Teas , E'x ; . , o Hpcc'alty. Illi'hoat prices j > ad ! for country produce. New , oulldlnir , . new goods , low prices \\owlllnotutiundersold \ , Call and examine our Block. clUcred. P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNE v * MANOT'AOTUllE BROOM , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND FEED The Very Best of Brooiun ' octitantly on Hand. The Highest Morlcot Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley Parties Wishinfi to Sell Broom Corn .Will Please Bond Sample. ! & oo. 0. A. THU L13ADING DICALKH IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLPH UOKUVLINUKU , rronrletor. Choice Wines nnd Clgors. Oybtcra in 32vory Stylo. 709 Lownr Brondwny. Council Bluffs Iowa. DUQUETTE , GUIBEUT & CO. , ( flmjccueors to J'HII iiinnriTPi iesale Fnuters T ? ( > anrt IS Poarl-st , CouuoU Dluffs , Ia. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Oonusellor at Law , OOUNOIL ULUl'lfH , IOWA. OIHco Uroadnay , bet om llalnj and Fea Btrecta. HU11 practice In tBul..and | jFedo urU MAUKER & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rlcb Oat Glaea , Fine Frono Silver Wore die. , tlO BftOiDWil OOUNOIL DLUFJTS JOHN STEINER , F1 , D , , ' 1I. ( Ueutechor Ant. I.i. I.H Oor. WASHINGTON AYE & 7th St i. Council Bluffs , vlicuei of women aud children a apaclalty. SINTON < Ss WEST. ian DENTISTS. 14 Fearl Street , Oonnoil Bluffs. Kitr ctlnfand ( fllllDg a , p cUlty , rint-claw n *