I ' THE JDAIJLV BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY" NOVEMBER 14 i'no Nebraska National Bank Of Omnh , Nob. Paid up Capital , - - $250.000 . R. JOHNSON , President , of Stcclo , Johnson & Co. A. E. TOUZAMN , Vice rro.il Jcnt , of 0. , B. ft Q. It. U. , DOAton. W. V. MOilSK , of W. V. Jlorso & Co. , Oim S. COLLINS , of 0 , II. & J. S. Collins. M. WOOLWOIITH , Counsellor S Attorney-it- Law. L. S , UEF.D , of njron Kcol & Co. n. W. YATES , Cashier , lata Cashier ol tha First National lUnk of Omaha , and connected with the active maiuRoinfnt ot that liank since Its organization In 1803. OritNKD tor business April 27 , 1632 , with the targo't capital ot any bank In Nebraska. COM.RCTIOXS rooelvo special attention and char ges Icmoit obtalnablo hero or tlsowhcto. INTXRKST allowed on tltno deposits upon favor able terms and upon axouota ol banks and bank * nrs. FORRION EXCIIAMOK , Government Bonds , and County and Clljtocurltlcs bought and sold. It Is prepared to do a general banking business la all Its doUlls , and In the treatment of cuitom- orfl will pursue the most liberal policy conaletent with safe hanking FINANCE AHD GOMMERGE. FINANCIAJL. 6pcclal Dispatch to TllR Unit. NEW YOHK , November 13 m * Money4@5 per cent , closed offered at at 4 per cent Prime Mercantile Paper G@8 per cent. Sterling Exchange Steady ; Bankers' bills , 1.81 ; demand , $1.85. Governments were weak and generally J@8 per cent lower. The stock market opened irregular with a tendency to strengthen and as the day advanced became strong with improving prices. la the last hour the market was strong to buoyant and the highest prices of the day were made. Gould stocks were special features , Texas & Pacific advanc ing to 41J , Wabash to 34 | and GDJ , Western Union to S2jj , Missouri Pacific to 105 ! , and Kansas & Texas to 353. Omaha andRead- ' ing , which wore BO weak this morning , ad / vanced to the highest figures ; also Louisville - villo and Union Pacific. The Post says : "The market certainly @ looks more as if shaping for a rise than it hau for many weeks. " QOVKttNJIENTS. Satnrdaj. To day. 3's 102tf 102 6's 1014 1014 ftM ? " : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Sg iill Pacific G'a of 1895 129 129 BONDS. Central Pacific firsts 114 1143 3 Erie seconds 9S 100 Lohigh & Wilkesbarre J101 101 Louisiana console G9 C8 | St. Missouri C'a 112 lllj St. Joseph 308 108 St , Paul & Sioux.City Crsta. JllO 1092 Tennessee G'a 44i 42& do new 444 42 } Texas & Pacific land grants. . 5GJ 594 2 do R. G. div. . . . 80 81 § for Union Pacific 1st mortgage..115 115 1 do land grants..110 11UJ do sinking fund. .117 117 $ 78c Virginia 6's 35 35 do consols G's 59 59 do deferred 12 12 BTOOKa. Adams Express. . . .138 Allegheny Central J . . . 115 * 1 Alton & Terre Haute 40J 414 at do pfd. . . . 82 American Express 926 93 1 Burl. , Cedar Rapids & North. 804 SO Canada Southern 70 ? 721 Col. , Cln. & Ind. Central..10 $ 108 * 90a Central Pacific 89 895 Chesapeake & Ohio 24 } . do 1st pfd SO do 2d pfd 261 Chicago & Alton 141 141 do pfd 142 142 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 130J 131 ChL , St L. & New Orleans 78 Oln. , Band. & Cleveland 58 Clove. , CoL & Cincinnati 82 Delaware & Hudson canal 1121 Del. , Lack. & Western 323 Denver & Rio Grande 51J 52J Erie 38 * 39 do pfd 81f 84 12 East Tennessee 1102 do preferred HOg Port Wayne & Chicago 13GJ 135 Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 45 45 do pfd. . . 79 80 and Harlem . . . . .200 200 4 Houston & Texas Central 78 @ Illinois Central 148 148 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 39 39 Kansas & Texas 34 } 35 ber Lake Erie & Western 32 ary Lake Shore t Michigan So.,115ji HG Louisville & Nashville Cl Louiav. , New Alb. & Chicago . . . 70 1 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd . . . 15 or do do 2dpfd . . . 15BJ Memphis & Charleston. . . . . . . . . CO Michigan Central lOlg 102i Minneapolis & St. Louis 30 do pfd. . . . G9i Missouri Pacific 104 jt ICOJ Mobile & Ohio 118 : Manhattan Beach 125J MorrU & Essex 53 Nashville & Chattanooga 71 , New Jersey Central 69 jj 63 Oregon Navigation Northern Pacific. 44 443 > do pfd 915 928 Northwestern 1411 1423 do pfd IGOf 1C ) 1 Now York Central 131 131J Ohio Central 15J Ohio & Mississippi 3CJ 301 ' do pfd 89 89 Oregon Transcontinental Ontario & Western . . . 'or Pacific Mail 40 Panama 107 Pcoria , Decatttr& Lvausv..127' ' 128 Pittsburg & Cleveland 1" ' 1381 Reading 167J Rock Island 129J ISO St. Louis & S.xu Fran 314 3U for do pfd eij 31o do 1st pfd . . . OG St. Paul ft Milwaukee 109 109 | do pfd..121 124 'or St. Paul , Minn , & Manitoba 149 IGO St. Paul & Omaha 471 47j do pfd 551 10G Texas & Pacific 404 41 Union Pacific 105i 1 United States Express Cdj , Wabash , St. L. U Pacific. . . . 831 3lli , o do pfd , 581 i Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. . . . 1284 Weataru Union Telegraph. . . 80J 82 § Caribou 1 Central Arizona Excelsior Homestako 17 Little Pittsburg Ontario 311 Quicksilver do pfd , 43j Itobinson < 1 SllverOHIf South Pacific 12 Standard Hutro 'Offered. fEx. Interest. $ Asked , Dividend. BOSTON , November 13. The following are the.total gross exchanges at twenty-sir leading clearing houses in the United States for week ending November llth : $1,263 , . G77,3G6 , The week just closed has been a badly broken one as far as business was concerned , owing to the fact that Tuesday I was general election day in some thirty , throe states nuil territories , In many of which the day WM observed a ? n strict holiday. In spite of this fact , however , clearings look qittto favorable. The aggre gate clearings for Ibs week Jwit closed were ? t,2G3.G77SG < 5 , against $1.322,917,317 for the previous week , MI cotnpated with the corresponding week lost year , Clear ings show A per centage of increase of 14.5 agajn&t ft decrease of 1.9 psr cent last week nrul a decrease of 2,7 par cent the previous week PRODUCE & PROVISIONS. pcclal Dispatches to Tui lilts. CHICAGO. OHICAOO , November 13. Flour Quiet ; common to choice spring , 3 f 0@4 50 ; com mon to fancy , 1 00@G tOj patents , 6 GO ® 7 25. 25.Wheat Wheat In fair demand and firmer ; regular , 021 o for November ; y3S93Jo ( for December ; ! )2 ) 3 for the year ; y3@U3o } for January : 'jyje for May ; No. 2 Chlcaso G spring , 921o for cash ; rest same as regu B lar ; rso. 3 Chicago sprim. , 79Jc ; rejected , G2c ; No. 2 red winter , ' .Tie for cash : lOJc for December ; No , 3 red u inter , 91c ; rejected - jected , SOo Corn Unsettled and lower ; GSlgGSSo for cash ; GGJo for November ; r > 'j591a for December and the yew ; 53ia for Jan uary ; 54So for May ; rejected ; 4 Kyo Steady ; uCo. lUrloy Quiet and easy : 80@81c , FJnx Seen Lower ; 1 IfiJ ® ! 1C. Timothy-Quiet ; good to prime , li > 4 © 100. 100.Pork Pork Active , firm and higher ; 18 50 for cash ; 18 30@18 3 % forNovunber ; 1775 ® 17 7"J for Ueceinber and the year ; 17 05 ® 17 07J fur January ; 17 70 ® 7 72J for Feb. 4 ruary ; 17 87i@17'JOfor Alay. Lard Unsettled , but Ronerally higher ; 11 90@12 00 for ciwh ; 11 80@11 82i for No vember ; ll00bld _ _ , IIO.'J naked for Bo- ceuiber and the vear ; U87i@1090 for 4 January ; 10 00@10 O.'J for Fobiuary ; 1105 4 Bulk'Mp.its In fair demand ; shout- ders , 7 10 ; short rib , 11 00 ; short c'ear ' , 6 11 25. Butter Weaker and dull ; f Air to fancy creamery , 21@3ic ; fair to fancy dairy , 12J ic. Eggs Steady ; 25c. Whisky Lower ; 118. Freight rotes on corn to Buffalo , 3c. in OAU , BOARD Wheat IrrfRUlar ; 92&c bid for November ; 93c for December ; 02jo , bid for the year ; 938 j for January ; 933 ® 93o tor May ; No. 2 red winter , 93Jo for December ; 944c for the year ; 1 021 for May. Cora Dcmani active ; G8c for cash ; Gog @G3Jc for November ; 68J@58Jc for the year ; 52Jo for January ; 64Jc for May. Oats Weaker ; 31jlc for November : 83jc for December ; 3 la for the year ; 33 c for January ; 35fjo for May. Pork Steady and unchanged , except for the yotr , which is 5c lower. Lard Steady and unchanged , except for November , which is 5s lower. NEW TOllK. NEW YOKK , November 13 Flour Dull ; superfine state western , 3 25 ® ! )0 ) ; common to good extra , 3 80@4 40 ; good to choice , 450@750j white wheat extra , G 2. > @ 7 BO ; extra Ohio , 3 8fi@7 00 ; . Louis , 3 90@7 50 ; Minnesota G 7o8 25. Wheat \Jasb , quiet and steadily held ; options opened weak , but subsequently ad vanced l@ie , closing dull ; No. 2 spring , nominal ; No. 3 spring , 97ic ; ungraded red , 84c@l Isr ; No. 3 rod , 1 031 ; steamer No. red , 1 04J@1 d5 ; No. 2 red , 1 071@1 07J certificates , 1 07i@l 09i delivered ; No. is red , 1 13 ; mixed winter , 1 02J ; ungrad-d white , 91cl 12 ; steamer No. 3 white. 77 ® Gd ; steamer No. 2 white , 87c ; No. 2 als white , 1 Oil ; No. 1 white , 15,000 bushels sold at 1 084@1 10 ; No. 2 red for Novem ber , 72,000 buahela sold at 1 07J@1 073 , due closing at 1 07 J ; do for December , 352,000 bushels sold at 108 @ 109J , closing at at 082 ; do for January , T.IG.O.m bushels sold 3d 1 11J@1 11 ? , closing at 1 Hi ; do for February , 208,000 bushels sold at 1 13J@ 13g , closing at 1 13 } . Corn Unsettled and J@lo lower ; un- graded , 76@88s ; No , 3 , 5c ; No. 2 , 89 ® in elevator ; No. 2 white , 87@883 ; low mixed , SSc ; No. 2 for November , 84@84 o. closing at 84 c ; No. 2 for December , 7G@ ket closing at 7Gc ; No. 2 for January , 64@ o , closing at C4c ; No. 2 for February , G2@G2Jc. closing at G2jc , Oats Steady ; mixed western , 37@43c ; white western , 43@49c. Hay Qalet but nrm ; GOc. Gjc Kggs Ftedh western , firm for choice , 29c. 29c.Pork Pork Steady ; new mess , 2200@2260. Beef Quiet and unchanged. Cut Meats Dull and nominal. Lard Market dull : prime steam , 19 55@12 GO. Butter Quiet but firm ; 15@37o. Cheese Dull ; western flat , < i@12Jc. 8T. LOUIB. ST. LODIS , Novflmbor 13. Flour Dull unchanged ; XXX , 3 C5@3 70 ; family , 10@-1 25tfhoico ; 4 CO@G 50 ; fancy , 4 75 4 95. Wheat Higher and slow ; No. 2 red fall , 92J921o for cosh ; 93&9io for Decem f ; 924@923 ] for the year ; 9Gc for Janu- ; W'c598io for February ; 9Ji@92Jo for May ; No. Hrcd fall , 88@8do. Oorn Cash higher and options lower ; } for cash ; GOg GlJo for November ; C21c the year ; 48jjo for January ; -ISJo lor } bruary ; 50Jo for May , Oats Firmer ; 34c for cash ; 32i@33o for November ; 321 o for the year ; SSc for May. Kye-Slow ; 50c bid. Barley Steady ; 60@85c. Butter Quiet ; creamery , 33@37c ; dairy , A :5@32o. Whisky Steady ; 1 15. Fork -Lower ; 21 25 asked for cash ; 19 75 tked for November ; 17 U5 bid for Janu- TV. Bulk Meats and Bacon Only a small edaliag trade at irregular but stronger rices. L rd None offered , but would bring 90 if here. AKTEUNOON BOAHO Wheat Lower ; 23o for November ; 9Jfa ; for December ; 2Jjo for the year ; 93ga tor January ; 9Jc or February ; 1 O'Jfi for May. Corn Lower ; Olgj for November ; 02o December ; Cljo for the year ; COo for May. Oats EAIerj 32go bid for November ; I2jo for the year ; 31 jo iui May. 21 KANSAS C1TV. Fit KANSAS CITV , November 13. Wheat FitWl Firmer ; No , 2 red , 78io bid for cash ; 79Jc Co December ; 791(47920 f ° r Novembtr ; Oa bid for .Tauimry , Ry Corn 47io bid tor January , Ba Oats Quiet ; * 9o bid for cash ; 2SJo bid Ddcember , Butter Unchanged ; 23@25o for store and packed. hoi u Active ; 25c , .COUNCIL BLurrs. w COUNCIL ISLUFt'a , November 11. The QQ Council Blulfi markets carefully roviued date arc at follown : Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kansas City winter wheat , 275@3 25MIuno3ota ; winter wheat , 3 00 ® I 00. \ Wheat-No , 2 , 75c ; No 3. rflSo ; rejected , COc. Corn No. 2 , 50J. Oats No.2 , 303. Rye No. 2 , 45s. Barley None , KBBB--Scarce ; selling to packers at'20o. Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow. 1 GO ; Ho corn chop , 23 00 per ton ; corn ana oats chop , 2G 00 per ton. ElFRUITS-Applea , 2 00 , Broom Corn 3i@9o. Hay Loose , 7 00@9 00. Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Creamery , SOc ; In rolls , wrap ped , 20c ; rolls not wrapped , 22c ) mixed colors , 10@12io. Onions lOo per bushel. Live Chickens 2 60@3 00 per doten , Potatoes SOo per buvbel. Cabbages 25@40o per doz , Turnips SOo per bushel , ' Sweet Corn 7o per dozen , LIVE STOCK.-Cattle-Extra , 800 ® 3 CO Veal CMveg-5 W ) ® " 00. Ilogs 7 00@7 25. Sheen-360. LIVE STOCK Special Wsprtcbos to Tin Bit. NEW YCUK. NKW YOIIK , November 13. The Drovers' Journal bureau rejxnU : Beeves -Pric R S5c ! higher In the morn jiff , but salca were extremely slow and the Improvement ) was lost before ihe finish ; poor to prime native Heers sold at 860 ® 12 50 ( ; extra and fancy native steers , 12 CO @ 13 00 , including 3 car loads at 7 50 per cwt live weight that cost G 70 in Chlcigo ; no Tcxans offered : common to fair hall- breeds sold at 8 60@9 25 : exporters p&ld 10c < 3lls per pouud generally. Sheep Dull and drooping , with satci of sheep at 4 00@5 75 per owt ; Iambs , 5 00 ® c W ! > 0. Wol Swine - Live hogs steady at G 70@7 25 per cwt. CIUOAOO. CHICAGO November Drovers' , 13Th Journal roiwrts as follows : Hogs Very active at an average of 16o hlRhcrs mixed packing , GG 5@0 75 ; hi-avy , 70@7 60 ; light , G 30@l5 bO ; skips , 4 20 ® 7B , 75.Cattle Cattle Market exceedingly dull and JO 816 lower ; gojd to choioo shipping , 5 25 J51 76 : common to fair , 4 10@5 OOj butch ering dull ; common to fair , 2 20@3 25 : nifillntu to good , 340 ® I 00 ; utockorn ami feeders i , 2 ( i"@l 10 ; Texans , 3 00 ® I 25. Sheep Very weak ; prices easier : do- r.inml light ; inferior to fair. 2GO@300 ; medium , 3 S > . " @ 3 75 : good to choice , 4 00 ® 47C . British cabloadvlces to the Drover' Jour nal denote n change in the live stock trade from the lat wrek ; goid American steer ? , about 16s ; ehcop , 19. , estimated dead weight. BT. LOUIS. Si . Louis , November 13. Cattle StrctiRor and active ; no good heavy na tlyci here : fleers of 1.100 pounds Hold at CO ; good to choice Texan steers , 4 00 ® 440 ; medium to fair , 3 23@3 65 ; native , , a 3 nn/rao Hi cows , 00(5)3 ( ) 03. Sheep Good butcher and shipping de mand ; medium to choice muttons , 3 00 ® 42V ; fancy , 4 60@4 75 ; Texons , 2 75 ® 25 HORS ' Active , firm and higher ; light to good Yorkers , G 3i@G 60 ; mixed packing , 35@G 70 ; heavy packing , G 75@7 00 ; butchers' to extra , G 80@7 HO. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS Cmr , November 13. The Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle -Shipping and butchers' grades demand and stronger ; common grades dull ; ! Kansas half-breed steers , avenging 1,031 pounds , sold at 3 85 ; Colorado steer * , from 1,180 to 1,240 pounds , 4 50 ; Texas steers , from 800 to 900 pounds , 3 50@3 75 ; Texas cows , 3 25 ; native cows , 2 60@3 35. Hogs Higher aud strong ; clmico packIng - ing , G 70@7 00 ; medium , G 25@G 65. Sheep-Quiet ; 3 00@3 60. MISCELLANEOUS. Sped Dispatch to Tin 13 KB BBITISH GRAIN TRADE. LoNDON.Novembor 13 , The Mark Lnuo Express , in its review of tha British grain trade of the past week , says : The ] progress of wheat is growing small , owiiu to di'astrous floods and violent storms of hail and snow , accompanied _ by destructive lightning. Trade is very quiet. Country Ilour h coining' forward freely. Foreign wheat was in bettor dernand.Fri- day The supply offering on Spot was moderate , and oi the coast very meager. Nevertheless sto'cks were large aud the quantity afloat increases. Flour was slow sale and prices unchanged. Maize is con tinually dearer , and the scarcity on spot must continue until early in 1883. There scarely any business in off the coast wheat. Cargoes of California were about dearer. There were seven fresh arriv ; three cargoes were sold ; six withdrawn and fire remain all the latter No. 2 red winter. ! About twelve wheat cargoes are the present week. Sales of English wheat the past week were 44,232 quarters 40i lid , against 49,133 quarters at 46s the corresponding period of last year. MERCHANDISE. Special DUpatchos to Tn Bin. NEW TOBK. NEW YOBK , November 13. Coffee Mar ketSi dull ; Rio cargoes quoted at 7i@7j. Sugar Dull ; fair to good refining quoted at 7g@7ic. Molassep Dull and weak ; New Orleans , 40@58c ( ; Porto Rico , 35@58c. Rice Quiet , but steady ; Domestic , 5 ® Gjcj ; Rangoon , 2Jo ; Patna , 3o in bond. Petroleum Market quiet , but steady ; United , 1 > 27ic ; crude , 8J@8gc ; refined , UniT Tallow-Quiet but steady ; 8 5-lG@8gc. llosln-Market dull and easier ; 1 80 © 190. ( Turpentine Market.dull ; C3JC. FirTBBUnO. Pmuuna , November 13. The oil marin et was quieter to-day than any previous ay for some weeks. The market opened rm under a bullish report of a decline in lie Richburg yield , but towards closing lie feeling became less confident , and1 rices declined 5 cents from the best prices the day. Opening sale.1 were made at 30 , and then the pricj advanced to 1 31 , ut soon declined to 1 25 } , and closed at EG. Sales and resales , 1,800,000 barrels. TRAFFIC. poclal DlipUchoa to Till Oil. FI/0011 AND OKAINB , CIUOAOO , November 13. Receipts and hipmenta of flour and grain for the post hours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Flour-bbls 10,000 22000 Vheat bushels 110,000 137,000 3orn " 109,000 245,000 Oats " 71,000 07,000 lye " 8.600 10,000 Barley- " 01,000 23,000 NEW YonK , November 13. Receipts and ihlpmcnts of flour aud grain for the pabt 24-Lours have been as follows : ' Receipts Shp'ts. Flour-bbls 35,000 8,600 Wheat bushels 2.20,000 107,000 Corn " 35.000 2,000 Oats " 02,000 ST , Louis , November 13. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past hours have been au follows : Receipts. Sblp'ts. Flour bills 12.000 21,000 Wueat-buibbl 85,000 44,000 Corn ; " 43,000 13,000 Oatu- " 28,000 4,000 Rye- " 0,000 4,000 Barley- " 17,000 KANSAS 1 CITV , November 13 Receipt ) uhipmanU of grain for the pant 21 nours hut e been us follows : Rcc'ts. Ship'ts. Wheat , bmheld 31,000 2K.OOO " Oorn 31,000 37,010 LIVK BTOOK. CiiiOAao , November 13. Iteceipts and shipment * of live dock for the past 21 hours liivo been KS follows : Bhlpm'tB. Hogs . , . 21,000 2,400 Cattle . 7,500 U.COO Sheep . 1,800 1 , 00 NEW YOIIK , November 13. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 21 hsurs have been as fallows : Kco'ts. Bhip'ts. s . 0,200 . . . . . . Cattle . 5,100 . Sheep . 10,000 . ST. LOUIH , November 13. Iteceipts and shipments of live stock for the pant 2i hours have been as follows : Koo'ts. Shipm'ts. Hogs . , . 3,000 800 Cattle. , . 1,600 ICO Sheep . 1,300 KANHAB CITT , November 13. Uecelpta and shipments of live stock for the pant 31 hours have been ai follows ; Kec'ts. Shlp.m'ta. Hogs . 300 . . . . Cattle . 1,700 . , . , Sheep . , . 1,490 , , , . OMA.HA \Vholo nle Frioos. Orrtos or TUB OMAHA lUr , ) jrond y Evening , November 13 , | The only changes reported In the market - kot to-day are as follows : Potatoes advanced 5c. Select oysters declined 3o. Local drain I WHKAT. Cash No. 2 , 76c ; cash No. 3 , G2o : rejected , 45o. BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 70c | No. 3 , 40o. 40o.UYE. UYE. Cash , 42o- OOUN. No. U , 65o , OATS-SOs. SEE USFlax seed 1 00 per bu. Produce and Provlilons. POTATOES 35@45a per bushel. ONIONS 30@50o per btuhol. BUTTON Choioe cotmtry , 25i30j. ( KGGS 27c. HONEY California , pcrlb , 2t. APPLES Per barrel. $2 7f > @ 3 25. OYSTBU9 Select , 45c. GUAPES-Callfornla , $2 2o@2 f 0. LEMONS-I 50@5 00 per box. BEANS Domo&tlo Gorman 2 0.2 CO per bushel. Grocers' List. CANNED GOODS Oyiitorn , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per cose , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per cose , a 76 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per c.vo , 3 76. Lobsters , 1 ID pet rtoton , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 lb 2 05 : do 8 lb t > or case , 2 75 ; Corn , 2 lt > ( Mountnlu ) tier caao , 3 00 soaked corn , 1 GO ; do 2 lb ( Yarmoouth ) per cano , 3 00 ; string beans , per case , ii 10 ; Lima beans case , 1 70. Succotash per caao. 1 80 ; Kr i s , common , jpor case , 1 50poaB , choice , percaae/J 70. Blackberries , 2 lb , per CMC , 210 ; strawberries 2 In , iwr CMC , 2 50 , ranpborrios , 2 lb , per ease , 3 30. Dam sons , 2 lb , per cane , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per case , 2 GO. Whortleberries per case,275. Egg plums,2 tb porcu < o , 90 ; Green gages,2 lb per case , 2 90 ; dochoicn , , Ib per caao J CO. Pine Applw , 2 Iti , per casts St. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 Ibs. ; Topeka - poka Patent Kansas , $3.85 : Minuohaha Minnesota 1'atont. 83.70) ) Shawnee Fancy winter , 83.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter , $3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , $2.80 ; Chris- tian'a suparlatlvo , a 70 ; bran , per ton , 311.00 ; chopped food , 828.00. 8UGAIW-Powdered , lOJo ; Cut loaf , 10J ; Granulated , 9io ; Contoctioner's A , 9o ; Standard Extra O. 8Jcj Extra O , 8ic ; medium yellow , 8c ; dork j illow , SYRUP Standard Com. , 41c , bhls. ; Standarti do , 44 gallon koRs , $2 25 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegs , 81 90. MEATS Hams , IGc ; breakfast bacon , none ; clear side bacon , none ; dry salt bacon , 15c ; shoulders , HJcj tlorco lard , 13J.ROPE ROPE Sisal , J inch and larger , lOjo ; llincli. lie. L \RD OmahaRofininimCo. : Tierces , 13Sc ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 13jjr ; 20-lb cans , 13jc ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 13jjc ; 5-lb do , 14o3-lbdo ; , 14Jo. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brln , G 75 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack erel , h&lf brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 85o ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1 8PIOES. Pepper , 20 : Allfplco , 20c ; Cloves , 35c ; Nutmegs , SI 00 ; Casaiu , 21c ; Mace 81 00. LYE American , 3 Si ; Greenwich. 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowia' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed , i 81.60 per 100 Iba. ; chop com , 31.40 ; bran , 70c per 100 Ibs. STARCH. Pearl , 41o ; Hllver GloBB Sic ; Corn Starch , Bjoj EicelsiorUlos1 ! , 7o ; Com , 7Jc. UOFFJfK. Rio , fair , lie ; Rio. good 12o ; jalrna to choice , 12 to 13o ; Old iov't Java ; 26101110,2 Mocha , 28Jo ; Arbuotle's , 13Sc. 13Sc.OHEES3 OHEES3 Full Cream , ISjoj Part 8kim. lOjo. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@5B ; Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ; CbcSoe , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 86 ® SOc ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan , Nat Loaf , 35c : Japan , choice , C0@75c : Oolong , good , S5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ee.40@55 ; Souchong , rood , 8540c : choice , 3546c. WOODENWARE Two beep pall , 1 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20. Tub , No. 1 , 9 60 ; Pisneer washboards , 1 85 Double Ore wn 2 90 ; Well buckets , 360 , LEAD Bar , $1 G5. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc : pnro apple , 13c ; Prussia ? uure anulo , IGo. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1HM > ; ABB- ton. In BOO ks , B 60 ; bbls dairy GO , OB , S 60 HOMINY New , f4 50 per bbl. SODA In lb papers , f 3 per case ; keg soda , 2Jc. soK 8OAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , U 45 ; Kirk'a satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. 8 75 ; KIrk'a white Russian , 525 : Kirk's Entoca < , 215 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk'a magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case , S 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In ca.ua , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball ' doz in cose. 1 60. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , 80 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , $700 ; white cbver , new , $1400 ; il alfa clover , new , $12 60 ; alsike , new , 81300. Timothy , good , now , 93 00 , blue gross , extra clean , $1 60 ; blue grass , clean , 81 25 ; orchard gross $2 50 : rod top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOo ; millet , German , 8100 to $125 ; Hungarian SOo HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 6 bushels , $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , 84 60 ; honey locust , per lb , , 25c ; per 100 Ibs. , 625 00. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten. nessoe , lOa per lb ; fancy white , lOJo perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted , 12Ao. 12Ao.NEW NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 8750 ; do in half bbls , 4 23sinalU ; , in bold , 969 do , in half bbls , 525 ; gherkins , In bills , 11 60 ; do , in half bbls , G 25 , OANDLES-Boxes , 40 lb , Us , 15Jc ; St , " b ( TOM 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Oi , " " - , UIUK HouliiIannL prime to choice , 71 © 7io ; fair , Bttc ; Patma , 7c. M.ATUflI&--l'or caUdlo , 05o ; round , cased , $8 10 ; Biu&rn , car.cs , 85 40 , Dry Qoode. OOTTONH Atlantic A , 8ic ; Anplrtoii XX , 7c ; Atlanta , A , 8c ; IJoott Fi1' , 0ui liunkoyo I < L , 4--1 , 7o ; Cabot W , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d , w. , 81o ; Lawrence LL , 7cj Mystlo River , 7ic ; Pequot A , 8Jo ; Hhawin\it LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5io ; Wachna- ott B , 7io : do A , 8ic ; do E 48,12io ; Wai- cott BI ! . 8)ic. ) FINK BROWN COTTONS Allendalo 4-4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle 4-1 , 7Jo ; Atlantic LU 6Jc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ; Bonulngton 0 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , CJco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 81o : I aconla O 39 , Sic ; Lehlith E 4-1 , 94c ; Lonsdalo 4-4. lOcj Pepperell N 80 , 7ej do O 32 , 71o ; do K 86. 7Jo } do E 39. 8Jo ; PooasdH 0 4-4 , 7Jc ; VVfttnHutta 4-1 lllo BLEACHED COTTONS-Androzoog irlu L l-4,9'icBlucki.toutAA ' : iu.purial 81'c ; do do half meachod 4-"lOej Chbot 4-Jb8i Fidolity4-4 , 9icVrult ; of thelx > om,10j do can.brlo4-4,13cidoWaterTwIft,10icjUrtat ! FftllsQ.lOlo ; Indian 1 foodubrunk 4-1 , I'-'cj Loiihdule. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12jjc ; New York Mills , 12c } : Ponuot V,10cj Pepperol N ( J Twill * , 12io : Pocahontao 4 1 , 9Jc ; Pocasatt 4-4 , 81c ; Utlc , lloj Warnsutta O X X. 124c. DUOK8 Colored-Albany ) IS brown. 8c ; do 0. drab , lit ; do XA ttrijios and plaldu , liijc ; do XXX brown and drab , strlpeu and plaids , 12 c ; Arllngtou fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy , 12Jcj da extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana A brown iKm Nenonset A brown. 15c TlUKiJVUo Amnskeag A U A 82 19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowacca , 9Joi Claremont B B , Wici Godestoga ex tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , 1140 Lowiatou A. 30,16o ; Mlnuehaha 4-4. 20o ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 82. IGjo ; Put- nam yy blue utrljie , 12c ; Shotucket itOo lOic : do 88 12o ; Yeoman'd blue 29 , 9o DKNIMS. Amoakeak , blueandbronn lOici Andover DD blue , 16io ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18&o ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown. 12o : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto : do do 14g Uoymakeri blue and brown , 9 cj Mystlo I vor DD stripe , IGJoj Pearl Itlver , blue and brown , IGc ) Unoasvllle , blue and brown , 14tc , OAAtlUUOS Barnard , 5io ; Kddystono KddystonoA lining , 24 inch double face , 8o ; Garner A glazed , 6Jc ; Manhattan glove finish , 6J Nowixrt do Cc ) do glared , 6Jo | Pequot do 6c : Ixickwood kid finish Go. COKSET I J13AN8 Amory , EC : Andros coggln | snttcoti 8c ; Clftrcndcn , 6ic } Cones oiga , Ratteens , 71oj Hallowol , 80 ; Inldl . Orchard 7io ; Narr.iRan ottlmprovodc 9io ; UocUi > ort , 7Ja . -Aliens , CJc : American , 6Jo ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4fc ; Cochoco , 7c ; „ GJcj Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnoll , "j@7c ; Eddystono. 7c ; Gloucester , Gc | Harmony , 6Jc : ICnickorbockor , GJc ; Mor ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Sprarucs , Goj Southbridgo , Go ; do. Ginghams , 7o { Marl- boro. 6Jc ; Oriental GJo. GINGHAMS Am" keap. 12icj Amos , tea dross Ojl Aryylo , lOjo : Atlantic , I'c ; Cumberland , 74c ; Highland , 7ic ) itontlwortb , 8Jc ; Plun kott , 10io | SUM COTTONADE8 Abbervllle Apalo , rOc : American , lie : Artlslan. Cairo I ) and T , JOJc ; Clarion D ami T , 17Joj Dcccan Co.stripes DomlT , IGo ; Key stone , 13Jc ; Nautnckot , 19c : Nonpareil , IGo ) Ocean D and T , ISjcj Royal , 1GJ i Sim'x , 12o ; Tloga , 12io ; Wnchunott Rhlrt- lu < { ) hixkn , 12Joj do , Nankin , 12Jcj York , plalu j > , , nkin , 12icj do , checks , Btripoa and fancy , 12\o : do. 8 oz. VOo. 81lEimNG3-Andro co tnlM,27io ! do" 0-4 , 21c ; do 8-1 , 22c | Continental O 42 , Ho ; Fruit of Uio Loom 10-4. 27Jj New York mills 98 , 85o ; do 78 , 30o ; do 68 , 22Joj Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; PoquotlO-4 , 28jc ; do 74 ' lOc ; do 49,91 o : Popporoll 30 , 29c ) do' 07 , 21o ; do 67 , lPo Utloa 00 , 86oj do 8 , 22io ; do-18.170 Olgat-B und Tobnccos. CIGARS. Hoods. eiB.OOi Connecticut , 82T.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , * 50.00j CloarUavatm , ? 76.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 2llb ! , GOo ; Our Rope , first quality , G2oj Star , poundn , 24 Hi , buttsGOcj Hurao Shoo , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 6ScJ Gilt Edge , poundn , 2-1 lb , butts , GO ; Army aud Navy , pounds , 55e ; Bullion , jioundu , 69c ; Loril * lard's Climax , pounds , GOo. FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Boat ! 76c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOo , Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Catlius O. S. , 5 lb box01 , per lb 63c ; Lori- lllanl'g Tiger , GOo : Diamond Crown , GOo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to SSc. Granulated Blackwolbj Durham , 10 oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 46c ; Seal of North Carolina. 1G oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 1G 01 , 88c ; Lone Jack. 4 o * , linen bags porlb , 81.35 ; Marhnres' Pnok 2 or , tin oil , 6Ja : Doc Tall G6c. PalnU Oil * and Varnltho * . OILS 110" carbon , per gallon ; 14c ; 150 * headlight , i > or gUlon , IGJc ; 175' headlight , per Rallon , 23Jo. liusood. raw , porpallon , " > tj ; linseed , boiloti , per gallon , 58c ; Urd , winter str'd , per iral , ion , 1 00 : No. \ , 85c : No. 2 , 76c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No. 8 , 115 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c : sperm , W. B. , per gallontbo 1 65 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOo ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75cj No. 1 , 65o ; lubri cating , zero , per nallon , SOc ; summer , 15o , golden machlnp , No. 1 , ixir gallon , S5o ; No , 2 , SO : Rporm , signal , per gallon , 80c : tur- ponliuo , per gallon , G5c ; mptha , 74 , per gallon , 18c : 64 , I7c PAINTS IN OIlj White loud , Omaha P. P. . Glcj white lead , St. Louis , pure , O .j Manwilloa green , 1 to 5 lb conn , 20o French zinc , gjsen seal. 12c ; French ziuo , rod seal , lie ; French r.iuo , in vaniiah asst , 20c : French zince , In oil osat , 15c : Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12o : raw and biirnt Slouna , 13o : vandyke brown , og refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ory black , 16o ; drop black , IGo ; Prussian blue , SOo ; nltramnrino blue , 18o : cluvtno green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , IGc : Paris green. IBo ; Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian rod. 9o ; Tuscan dre , 22c ; Ajnorican Vormillod , I.&P. , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre. 10 ; patent dryer , So ; graining colors : light oak , dark oax. walnut , chestnut and ash 15o. Dry D lnt White load , OJc ; French zinc. lOci Paris whitoing 2Jc ; whiting pilders. IJc ; t > biting oonrl , lie ; lampblack Germantown - town , I4o ; limpblack , ordbaary , lOo ; Pros- sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; nmbof ; burnt , 4aj umber , raw 4cslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o PerU green genuine , 25c ; Parla green com1 20o ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20o ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vonnllHon , Eng. , 70c ; ver million , America , 18o ; Indlou rod , lOo rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Oookson'a 23o : Venetian red Am , , IJo ; rei lead , 7cj I chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rooholle 3o ; ochre French. , 2Jo ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winter5 * mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgn brown. 2Jo ; Spanish brown. 2Jc ; Prince's mineral 80 , VARNISHE&BarrelB per gallon. Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture i , No. 1 , ' coach , extra , 81 10 ; each , No. 1 , 8i'20 ; D amar7 extra ) > 1 76j Pa" ' 70oas'- ; phaltuui , extra , 85o ; shellac 3 50 ; hard oil finish. 81 30 Heavy Hardware Lilt , Iron , rates , ( $330 $ ; plow steel , special | east , 7c ; crucible,8c ; special urGerman.Go ; cast tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , set , 2 25@S 00 ; hubs , per set , 126 ; felloes , awed dry. 1 40 ; tonguoa , each , 70@85o ; axles , each , 75o ; wiuare nuts , per lb , 7@llo ; waihers. per lb , 8@18o : rivets , per lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , 0l2o ; malleable , 80 ; iron wedges , 60 ; crowbam , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; spring steal. 7@8c ; Burden's horsaaboos , 6 60 ; Burden's inuleshoes , 6 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck nhot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 : do. , hoi kegs , 83.48 : do , , quarter kngs , 81.88 ; Blast Intr , WB. 8335 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 60o , BAUBED WIKE In cor lots , 7 6 ! per 100 ; in less than car lots. 7 75 ner 100. NAILS-Rates. 10 to 60) ) ? , 425. Leather. Oak solo , S8o to 42o ; hemlock see , 28a to 35c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , G5o to 80o ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hemlock - lock upper , 23o to 2Goj oak upper , 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to 6 60 : calf kid , 3S@S5o ! ! Greisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 31) ) ; French kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- setts. 5 60 to 7 50 : linings , G 00 to 10 60 ; toppings , 0 00 to 10 60 : L. Morocco , SOo to 35o ; pebble O , D. Morocco , S5o ; nimou ; 2 60 to 3 00. HARNE83-No 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2 do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c : N . 2 do , 85o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c : No. 2 do , 31c. Horvei und Mulet. Tlio market in brink and all grades are Aelllng well nt n ( light advance in pi ices , The demand for good homes exceeds the supply coruiduramy. Prlcoa range an fol- Iowa : Fineulngle drivers , 31 0. to SCO. ; Extra draft horsej. 8176. to2i5 ! , : Common draft horues , 6100 , to 160 , ; Extra farm horses , 8110 , to 1145. ; Common to gooj farm horses 890. to $100. ; Extra plugu , 8CO. to 76. | Common plugs , 820. to J40. MULES. 10 to 15i hruuli ( extro ) , 8125. to ICO. ; 114 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ) 14 to 14J wands , 875. to 100.J 13J to 14 bunds , f.CU. to 75 Liquors. ALCOHOL Ib7 proof. 325 per wine gallon ; extia California spirits , 187 proof , 1 i er proof gallon ; trlplo refined spirits 187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; ro-dlHtllled wbiaLiOH , 1 00@1 fiUj Cue blended , 1 f/OC'/l a 60 ; KeulucLy bourhaiM , 1JOO&7 00 ; Kentucky - tucky end PonuuylvMilit ryes , 2 00(67 ( ; 00. iI. BRA DIKS-Imported , 8 001000i domestic 140@4 00. GINS Ircportcd , 4 6000 00) ) donjcut'.o , 1 40fn)3 ) 00. RUMS Imported , 4 twr O 00 ; New England. 2 00@4 OOSloiwwUo. 1 60 3 60 PEAOH AND Xi'Ptil ! ihlANDY- 1 76@4 00. OHAMPAGNKS Imported per cane , OjArnsclm , case , 1200 ® 1600 , CLARETS- case , 4 6016 00 WINES Rh nu wine , per cose , 6 00 3 20 00 ; Catavrbft , per case , 4 007 00 , Lumber. WHOLKHALB. We quote lumber , lain and shingles as cars at Omaha at the following pricaai JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. mjd under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMHEI18 -16 ft. and under , 8C300. TIMBER AND JOIST-18 St. , 82350 } JC It , $2J 50 , 22 ft. , $20 50 : 31 ft. 820 60 , HENOINi-No , 1 , 4 and 8 la , , | 21 00 ) ; No. 2 , $22 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmon boards ) . * 20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. STOCK BOAUDS , 12-In. D , 92500 ; 12-ln. C , 835 00 : 12-In. B10 00 , LIME I'er barret , 81 35 | bulk per mis- 40e ; Cement , bbl , $2 25 Iowa pl.uter. bbl , $ a 60. Hair per bn , 40o. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw board , 83 CO. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run Blawburg , 812VhItobroast ; lump , $ R f > 0 ; Whltebrenst nnt. $ E 60 ; Iowa lump , 85 50 : Iowa nut 35 50 : Kock Sprlne J8j Anthrftcif * , 810 CC@ll 00. Drum JRJ J V\0 J I 'M MMold Carbolic , COc : Acid , Tartarlo , 00c | Balsam Dopabla , per lb , 70c : Bark , Sawafrai , pet .b . , U i | Calomel. t r lb , 76c ; Cinchonldia , > or oz , 8115 | Chloroform , per lb. 100 : Dover's powdore , nor lb , $1 40 ; Epiotc Balls , per lb , SJc ; Glycerine , pure , po bl , j Ixind , Acetate , i > or lb , 22o Oil. Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PI lEo Oil' Castor , No. 8 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil Olive , l > or pal. 81 CO ; Oil , Origanum , CO Opium , 85 00 : Qwlnlno P. ft W. A H. A S. per oz , 8200 : Potasxium , lodido , per It } l 90 ; Salacin , per oz. 40c : Hulph-Mo o Morphine , > > or or , 83 85 ; Sulpnur ilour per lb , 4o ; Strvohntno. uor oz , 81 35. Wool. Merino unwaa od , light , 14@lGo ) heavy.o , © 1316c ; medium tinwnshnd , light , 18(8)20 ( ) wanhrxl , choioo , 82c ; fair , SOo ; tub-ulng , andw. , 28c ; burry , blackand ootlod wool ; 2@0o loss HMet futt , Eia. HIDES roen butcher's hide , GC37Jc cured BJo ; hides , Rroon iwlt , p H cured 7jo itdcs , 7io ; dry Illiit , sonntL 1314c ; dry otlf and Kip , 12@l < c ; dry salt hldei,8nunl , lOQUcj Krccn calf , wt. 8 to IB Ibs , } ll12i : ; Kroon call , vrt , under 8 Ibe , per skin , ROe ; croon poltii , G0@l 25 ; preen lamb iiklrui , Cl 25C4160 : dauiaRed hldos , two-thinl rnto , : ut scored nud ono gnib , claasod two. tLlrds rnto , ) brnndod hiilcn 10 per cent , oil Uoon sltlus , No. 1 , 4r.c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 1 20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 2 SOo ; No. S , 15o : No. 4 , Co. For , No.llt , COo ; No. 2 , Me. Skunk , No. 1 , b3fio | 05o ; abort Klrlpo , 40i ; narrow ntrlpco broad atripo , lOo. Tnllow 7o , SALT Save money anil order salt direct from \ \\onlilp pro-nptly by rail at th onoetpoHtlnloctiAh prlccto all woitorn paints tflm-lm TYLKIl HAUT.'CO Soitlnftw Cltv.Mloh * * "Wiso in clangorous # moil say nothing gorous times. " Wiao mou uao noth to ing in dungorous dinoaaos but the boat and moat approved romudioa. * Thus Kldnoy-Wort ID oinployod universally t in oaaoa of disoaaou liver , kidney and bowok. . It will cost you but a trifle to try.lt , and the result will bo most delightful. PERSONAL. Hoii , Lorenzo Crtunse , of Calhoun , is at the Puxton , Mrs. II , T. Clarke , of Bolleyuo , is at the Paxtou. Col. L. W. Colby , of Beatrice , is in the city. city.Hon. Hon. E. F. Warren , of Nebraska City , is in town. Hon. John II. Carson , of Brownville , is at the Paxton. lion. J. Sterling Merion , the defeated candidate for governor , is in the city. S. H. Calhoun , Thos. B. Stevenson , D. T. Haydeu and Albert S. Cole , of Ne braska City , are all in town. Hon. Church Howe aud Herbert Howe , of Noiuaha county , are at the Paxton , Congressman Valentino is at the Mil lard. Capt. Goo. H. Paddock , U. S. A. , is at the Millard. lion , N.V. . Wolh , of Sohuyler , U in the city. Senator Sounders wont down to Lincoln yesterday. Judge Elmer 8. Dundy and Judge J. 8 , McOrary are both guosta of the Millard. D. Elwell , Judge W. W. Brooklnga and Wm. McBaln , of Sioux Falls , are in the city looking after the Tenth street paving business. Hon , W. II. Ashby and wife , of Wy- more , are at the Millard. Hon. T. M. Marquott , of Lincoln , is in the city. Irwin Switzlor , of Columbus , O , , is a Euest of the Mlllard. Hon. G. M. Limbortion , United States district attorney , is at the Millard. Hon. W. II. Mungor , who caino near being the first democratic congressman from Nebraska , is In town. John Villiors , of Denver , is at the Pax- ton. ton.F. F. G. Hamer and A. E. Aikln , of Kear ney ; Hon. J. F. Burns , of Fremont ; C. L. Trevett and W. R. Kelley , of Lincoln ; T. J. Fuss , of Crete ; O. M. Carter , of Ashland ; J. Byron Jennlngr , of Culbort. ton ; O. W. Meeker and J. A. Paddock , of Wilbur ; Dr. R. H. Rush , of Oakland , and Hon. Iibatn Roavis , of Falls Oity , arc registered at the Millard from Interior Nebraska. Jamon Bliss , of tjchuylor ; A. B , Idoaou , . of Hastings ; Hon. J. R. Webster , Walter J. Lamb , L. C. Burr , Judpo Hull , Hon , N. S , Harwood and W , K , Hardy , of l ln. coin ; Wm. Marshal ) , of Fremont ; J. W. Brown , of Sohuyler ; L. H. Tower , of Hastings ; A. E. Huntingdon , of North Plalte ; 3. P , Davidson , of Tecumseh ; W. D. Hill , of Beatrice ; 0. O. Whedun , of Lincoln ; J. 0. Matsou , of Nebraska City , and E. L. Ilnnru , of Fort Niobrara , are ( prominent Ncbraskauu ut the Paxton. Dr. Henry V. Warren , ol Cincinnati , is in the ' : ity and f vorod TIIK BEK. ottice with u cull Kimday. Rev. Mr. Sm'.th , who preached at the Second Presbyterian church Sunday left for hU homo , in San Frauolaco yester day. day.K. K. E , Lauo , kiiperlnteudent of bridges and J , B. lllickcundorfer , chief uugiueerl of the Union Pacific railway left yeuterdu for Lirarnlo. Dr , 8. M , Kno-vles , of Preston , Minn , formerly of Ouiahn , IMS recently been ap pointed surgeon to the C. M , & St. Paul railroad , of paokagoa ol the Diamond mend Dyoa Imvo been Hold without a single complaint. Everywhere they are the fnvoritu Uyea. = VHE GREAT CURE son A It U for til the painful dlgeaaoa of lh KIDNEYS , LIVER AND DOWELS It olcaaao * the itjrttcm cftbo acrid poiion liat caucoa the 4rowUUl uffcrlut wUcb only Ui vtcUini ofrheiunuUim can ro Jiw THOUSANDS OF OASES , of tk * wont form * of thU torrtblo dU "e have boea quickly j-oliovod , Jjd In > uort Una , PERFECTLY CURED. bOLUkDECCQ1ST8. . i NOTKn HUT UNTtTI.HD WOBIAW ( from tha Boston OlooA ] Xttt * . KiUtorti Tbn tK > TO It ft ( rood MVcncm of Itn. TdU E. Plate- ham , of I.pin , MAM. , who Abontall other hnm n btlnt mnj-1 * tnithfull7r JIMlh9"IX rFrkndof Womin , " M om of htr corrrtpondenta lore to cull h r. Bh li walovuly d rotd to hf r work , which lJ the outfom of n llfe-itndjr , Mid It obliged to keep fix luAj uoMuA * , to help h r uu rr the ! ! & corKdpondenc * which dully pour In upon hf r , with bwlnff It * lclJ Imnl n of tulterlnif , or Joy t rtlraw from It , Her VcceUhle Compound U a tnedlclno for rood and not erll purpoiffc I h ro prnonMly InTettlgttod It and "S uitlined ot the truth of.thK Onacconnt of luprorrn mfriln.lt li roeommf tided MidprwcrlbcdbTthelx-itnliyilcUniln ] the country. Ona MJ-II "It workt Ilka a charm and urn much pnla It will euro entirely tha wont form of folllnfr of the ; titmn , r tirorthona , Irregular and painful Item tnnllon , llOrftrUnTroiil > lM , InRunmatlon anil Ul ratlon ! , Hooding , all DlipUwmrnU and the con- poqnrnt plnal wrAknrxi , and U especially adapted to the Chan ire of Ufa. " It permeates crerj- portion of the sjitcm , andfrlrei now life and tlitor. It rcmotM falntnem , flutuloncy , dojtroj-i all rrarlnc for ntlmnlxntt , and relieves wrivk- new of tliontomiwh. It rum niMllnir , Koadacheii , Norrous rrculratlon , n ncral Debility , SlfCplrancM , Depression find IndlffMt Ion. That feellns of bearlnff downeaU9lnirpnJn , nelicht and haekacha , li aliray * permanently rurrd Ly Hi umIt will at all IImm , and nndir all elmim.itnnoo" , net In harmony with Uio lair that goTcrns the fcnmlo nyiitcm. It conn only ( I. per tottla or * lr for J-V , and l told by dnifnzlttx. Any adrleo required u to ipceJa ] eiutt , and Hie. name * of many who liaia been restored to perfect health t > y the use of the Vi'RetaUo Compound , can b obtained liyaddrcwtuirMrK. ! ' . , llh utAtnpfor reply , at her homo In Lynn , Mnw. For Kidney Complaint of rlthrrw * I til * compound U tm urpajued as abundant trotlmnnlal * nhow. "Mr * . 11fiklmm' I.lTerril1i"iMj ona writer , "are Me keil In tht tnirld for the euro ot Con Uwtlon , JWIonimrM and 'Torpidity ot the liver. Her IllooJ rurinerorlmwondeniln Its ipeclal line and bldi fair equal the Compound In It * popularity. All murt re pect ber M an Angel ot Mercy whoM note ambition 1 < to dotfood to others , NiUadolplila. fa. (2) Mrs. A. M. IX Are acknowledged to be tha best by nil who have put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SUIT COAL , GOKE OR WOOD. UANUFAOTUUED DY BUCK'S STOVE CO. , SAINT LODIS. Piercy & Bradford , SOLE AGENTS FOB OMAHA , INCREASE $10 YO0R CAPITAL. Those desiring to make money oa nutll and modlum Invogtmend In 20 Snln , provisions and itockfrpecul * * jns , cm do so by operatlnujon our plan. From Uty 1,1BS1 , roVLo present - WHEAT sent date , on Inveitmonu of110,00 to 31OOJ , caab proOts have boon reiltzod and paid to Investor * amount Inic to seroril times tha orig $50 inal Invcitment , still iMvIng th * orlRlnal lureatinent tutkin ; money orptyahluon demand , Explanato STOCKS ry circulars and statements of fund Wsuntfroe We want rejponslbU agents , who wll report on crops and Introduce tha pUn. Liberal com- $100 mlnloni paid. Address FtiUUMUlO & MUlUUAU.m-B mlmlon s..irotiant , llajor Ooo , HI. Oil ? & Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTB Bum a Solid Tinln Ihrongh ( roe > Ootmcil Blnfia to Bt. Paul Without Oh na Time , Only 17 Hour * * THK rnOETKS ROUTB nou OOUNOIL. BLUPP8 10 ST. PADL. MIMNMAPOUH nut-uru OB EISUABCK kud ll poinM In NotUwru low * . UlnuuiUi * nl Cabala , Tel lien btvmlpiwl with the luipror * ! WettiaKtioiiei Au'i'Bulla Alr-br ke and Uult rjr.tlnni fXmpler nJ llaJcr : and ( ar i' Krj. iiAvvrv AMS oouroux 16 un6ur : u vi. IlUlrron 1'iUco blteplnj Oat run through \VITJ1OUT UIIANQX totwooa Zan CltykUil ili. l' ul , Tit Council Hindi nl Jlcux City. Tnlnn leave Uulw ftvJto Tra lor .l Oonn ell UlnOa , r.t 7flO JL m ii..l ) ' oa arrival c ( Bjasu Cltj. tiS Joiojih uv ] Cctiucll niuts trr.lrt Jioiu inii South , /irtlrla ; kdllouxUli ; 11O p. m. . " ( Mlun r < .po ; BJ. i' nl 11:51 : DMU : 1'1U < UOUU'J IK AJ > VAa.'i 07 AKT UYU3K ROUTE jl Mrlltmumbei la tUJa thu Blonx CUr Kan you Kot r. HiraiBh Tralu. The Ehortuflt : the QnlckuatlUna ud a OcmloiUblo Eldi la th Through C n bttwun COUNCIL ULUK/a AND QT. PAUL ttTHoothut your'ncfeola ittA via th * "Sloni City aud PflcWaHallroal / \-/Al-lXUa , J. K. BDOHA.UN Hupoilulciidc-nl , Oca' I'sM.Agen Uliscurl V llty I * . 17. K. WAVin , 3ar.lh--Mtui > PKaor r Ar imnrcll liluflu $500 REWARD. The abo\o row aril will bo paid to my pcreon who will produce a 1'atnt that vrill ixjual the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for prcborvlnif Slilniflta , Tin and ara\olKooi ; Warranted to bo Fire aad Water 1'roof. .Ml ordcin promptly attended to. Cheaper and Lut- tcr tlun any other palut now tii asu. Sole Vroprlttorit , Ouiaha House , Uiualia , N u. RHFEIRK1NOB3. Offlcer & inuey , Dr.UIco , Dr. Pinnoy , Pullar Council ItltiUs , low * . Jim olllco , Oinaha Neo. BULBS Hyaoiutb Tallow * And all other for ( Fall Plantlug. I ment tbown In ChU lUuitrated CaUlogi tree. Susd ior It , Hiram Sibley & Co. , 800-809 BwdolphBt , . . . I > J : 'm n d