Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Mood is llic foundation of
life , it circulates through every jwirt
of the body , and unless it is jmre
and rich , good health is impossible ,
If dUciU' has entered the sjstcm
'the only sure and quick way to drive
it out is to purify and enrich the
These simple facts are veil
known , and the highcs * medical
authorities agree thu nothing but
iron \vill restore the blood to its
natural condition ; and also that
all the iron preparations hitherto
matle blacken the teeth , cause head
ache , and arc otherwise injurious.
oughly and quickly assimilate \vlth
the blood , purifying and strengthen
ing it , and thus drhc disease from
any part of the system , and it will
not blacken the teeth , cause headache -
ache or constipation , and is posi
tively not injurious.
Saved his Child.
r , . > 7N. UulawSu , Baltimore , Md.
. 1'eb. n , iSSo.
' ' Gent * ! Upon the recommenda-
. tlon of n friend t tried lJito n'
\ IRON HlTTKHS as a tonic and re-
' Moratlve for my daughter , whom
I wa thoroughly convinced a
' waiting away with Consumption ,
Having lent three daughters by the
terrible diicae , under the care of
eminent phyilchm , I wa loth lo >
jf ; believe that anything could arreit
the progrcn o ( ilie < mcase , but , to
. > : ' my creat surprise , before my daugh
ter had taK-n one bottle of JlxowH't
IROM llitrnrts. he began to mewl
and now ! > nuito reitorcd to former
health , A fifth daughter began to
how lgn of Consumption , nna
when the physician was consulted
lie quickly taid "Tonics were re
quired ; " and when Informed that
Ihe elder lister was taking HKOWN'I
IRON UiriEHS , responded "that U
a good tonic , take it , "
\iy cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and
Weakness , and rentiers ( lie greatest
> rclicf and benefit to persons suffering
from such wasting diseases as Con
sumption , Kidney Couiplaiuts , etc.
Worthily point to the
A ) ui article o ( euch mro and exceeding merit &
doscn o n place on o\ cry sideboard ,
L- \
A Social Ola * * of Hnb Fanck I *
mo t w | ooma aocmiary ( ManMf Intorcouno
pocullirly cc | > tabla a ( jiartlcn. Unoork , an
tt < ready , ruriclioii' brawotl at rajuoit ara ( a
behind U In fla > or.
Olftol orators never dlslo o
The real source tvhonca their eloquence /lows
Bellovo me , It comes , after dinner or lunch ,
From a flowing bowl of dllAV S' HUB I'UfvOII
The uame aud tUlo "HUB PUNCH" la adop.
ted ana tr.Uo mark All unauthort'ed uie of
this tride mark will bo promptly proeocutod.
lly uroer and nine mcrcbitutu ,
Trade tupplied at Manufacturer's priett
by M. A. McNaiwira , Omaha. Familitt
itipplied by A , IT Gladttone , Onalia , Ncl > ,
"Dy a thcfrc'Uub ' knowledge ot tbo natural Uw
which Rovern the operations of dlco.tlon an
nutrition , and by a carolul application of th
One propertied ot woll.g looctd Ooooa , Ur
Eppi hu provided our breakfast tabUi with
delicately flavored beverage which may nave u
many heavy doctori' bllU It 1 by the Judlclt iu
u e ol luch article * ol diet that a conntliutlo
may be gradually built up until itrouir erioug
to rwlit uvcrj tendency to dUeoao , llunrfrcxli
of rubtto maUdloe are noatlnir around u read
to attack wherever tbei * li n wuak | > olnt. W
may escape many a dial nh tt by keeping our
Mlveswcli fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly uourlthed frame. " Civil Borvlco Uuotto ,
Uad ulinply with bolllnf water or milk , Belt
la tlm only ( ) -lh and Ib ) , labeltxl
Homajopathlo Obomiew ,
) ai * . tt.wiy London ,
F , L. Somrners & Co'c
Bisonm ,
Vholonato Hannfacturlng
Fruits , Nuts and Cigars ,
III. S I4ih St.
ajoue ocuiwr
Pre JdcBl. VJco Pm't
' 'jincoln , Neb
Corn Planters , Hrrrowfl.Karm Kolleru
Bulky Hay Baked , Bucket Klovatinv
WlncfmillB. djo
We are prepared U da Job work aod maonlac
nrlt > ( lor ctber paiUn.
Addio * al orltn
U. Lincoln. He
Sick Printer Oat and Beaten
Horribly by a Hegro ,
He Lies at at. JoaephV ) Hos
pital in a Critical
Ono of tlio moot brutal assaults over
orpetratod in the city WAS thixt of
which Jtttnoa Oicott was the victim ,
in Sunday evening.
Olcolt is n man about 38 yo.irn of
0,0 , who hns been nil crippled up with
huutnatiam and bucotno practically
lolplcsj , being cared for Inrg'jly
t tha oxpctiBQ cf the Typo-
rnphicul Union. On Sunday ETOP.-
ng about 7 o'clock ho wns oti his way
loino to his room , corner Dodeo ind
1onth Blroota , when ho WAS mot at the
ate by n colored man who in-
ulrod of lilm wlicro aomo party
ivcd in that neighborhood. Oicott
opllod that ho did not know , and
without any further warning the col-
rod man utruck at him uithor with a
iiifo or a razor , the latter , it is sup
posed. Ho Htruok him nsroia the
irldgo of the nose with ft downward
notion , and literally nlmvod his noao
if , for it hung only , by a omall picco
) f skin at ono hido. The ( \tonult iniiHt
iavo bcon continued with some hvuvy
natrumonl , or with n ut jut fist , for
wnon dincovorod the poor printer bed
lis jnw broken and all hie front tooth
cnookrd out , while through the noa-
rlla ono could look rJ Iit down iivhia
Dr , Ilydo was aumnioncd ns
quickly as possible and rendered -
dorod every racAmi ot relief
jossiblc , sowing the eovorcd organ
jack iu ita place nnd setting the
broken bono , yesterday Oicott was
removed to St. Joseph's hospital ,
whcro ho will receive the bent of care
and attention.
The vary nature of the nasanit ,
being wlthbut provocation , an well as
the helplessness and inoilonflivo character -
actor of the wounded man , makes the
attack the moro brutal , nnd it is an
outrage deserving the severest punish-
ircnt . It is reported that Oicott is in
a very critical condition. The officers
nro nftor the darkey , but had no
found him at last ncconnts.
True to her Xrnut
Ton nmcn cannot bo Bald of tlio eve
faithful -wife nnd mother , constantly
watchinc , ' and caring fur her dour ones
uovor ncttlcctliiK a einglo duty In their be
half. When they arc annulled by disease
and the nystem Bnoild have n thorougl
cleansing , the ntomacV nnd bowels legti
latcd , blond purified , and malarial poison
exterminated , she must know the tlm
KlectiiolUttcra are the only nuro remedy
They are the best and puro-ii medicine it
the world nnd only cost fifty cents. Sole
by 10. V. Goodman
llomnlnlng In PoitolBco during thu
ouding November 11 , 1882.
Allen K W Ayro O
Alexander W M Brown G T
Brown G V D Bent D
Hennett K E Barcabea T
Harnon I1 Brown F *
Buehr M J Burchcll J
Black W Brook F
OasoWD OonosNW
Colvillo J M Condonier A
Crane 0 0 Cunningham 8
Bhrlntenuen T Coburg P
Grow field J Cook J U
Colman W K Carroll M J
Oatroa MAJW'HMy
IJewJtt AV Dufur E E
Dillon D D'ar J
DoullnP Dillon J
Davit B J E Deerlaton A
DuuninV A E Dtvln J B
Kdwurda J. J Erlckson 0 T
EUiott J T Eneroth N P
Furnesa II W Franklin Q
Grny A M Goadrhh A C
Gutting B Gaimo C 0
Go ch > ' , llei'enskof E P
HalovO UodgfouG
Hill h Harrington I
Hill J Houoer J J
Mines H M Hofman V
Ilolmon F Hillock M
Hart W 0 Henley G
Jahuaton 0 1 ! Johnson C
Jonea T W Juwy Mr
Kelly A B Klinbull F II
Ijancastlr O V Luyqenan W
Luna P J Masters P
MoLauRhlln A W Marshall M W
Merrill S M. McGrathMr *
Ma on U W Mareum A W
McDonald G Nllsson S
Nichols A J Nlltfton F A
O'Meara W Odol 0 A
Peek W Pro galeti A
Portion N Porter J L
Pearson O Pointer D W
PouUon 0 Peeler W K
Qitlnn K lUplmel W H
IthoaiU A M Hlloy A J
Keynolds W Huby J
Hitter H P Stouilok M
Button G Thowvcr H B
Slioplmd J A Schmid J
Smith J K 8 < iuire J
Htrorijj 0 Spence K
Solievm A Hbulfer F
Terbinh P Wullfoul A
Whitmore 0 Webber M II
Whintoni'L Wiitom.T F
Wchlcro II Wilr-erG
Youngblood A P 3 Xeniok J
Ames Mrg G O Bright Miss T ,
BurrowH MM F 12 Miss li
Bell Mrs O a Uvr otMw M
Carpenter Mrs lif Cakcoy Itfrii A
Ounnoru Mlna M Dovana Mbs B
tioruor Mltm L Hough Mrs E
Hughes Miss K Haubery Minn M
lleinlg Mrs H Holland Misa A
Joliiioon Mra N Jchnuou Miss 1C
.lolinnou Mrs F KloUMrsA
King MUa C ICvlly Mrs J A
IjaiiKhttinii Miss L Lenhard A M
Lundln 0 McDouild MUa I
Miller Mm N Olds Mm Al 8
O'llnlr Mis M : Ojborno Mi I ,
Perry Mrs W Peterson M
Paj no MLm V Itoach Mrs N
UiiiiL-o MlM K 0 Houlney Mrs M 0
HmitiiMtH H H TkaiuiMitn Ml s 3
Whitney Mrs K L Wirth Mrs H
Wood Mw 0 A WillUms Mba M
"onus Mm OTiioa.
Tiioa. F. irAt-u Postmaster.
Aoiil Fhovphato lu Ino
Dit. 0. S. ELLIS , Wabuh , Ind.
ys : "I prescribed U for u mini wh |
had used lutoztcAiiU to excess fo
iiftoon years , but during the last two
years has entirely abstained U *
thinks the Acid Phoaul > < " " of mud ;
Farmera uu Buelnetja Men ,
There nro fovr real businoes inon
iinoug farmen. How many farmer *
eep a casli account and know at the
3nd of each month how much money
they liavo received , from whom they
received it , and for what it was re
ceived , or Mow much , to whom und
'or what the money was paid oat ? If
farmer wishes to understand hbl
ho must treat the bnainci
inrt of hin profuBsiou in n btieineas
nannor , and ho cannot do this with-
iut ho kepi H book , a pen , some ink ,
, nd is careful to write down correctly
11 his businees trnnsaotiona ,
I hire been in fnrrn homes wlioio it
onk about hnlf an hour to find the p n
and itk with which to do A little
writing. I h .vo known men actually
who h 7o to go to n neighbor's houeo
or pen i\id ink. It is nn easy jnattor
o keep n purchiao account in addition
o tlio cash account , nnd everything
which is bought CAH bo written down ,
and if pixld for it can bo marked paid
ind the cnmo ontcrod in the cnsli no-
count. By referring to the purchase
account wo nlwajs know what bills
nivo not boon paid , and wo cin make
our cnlcuIfttioiiB o tm-i-t them , and
hns avoid unpleasant duna.
Vo can al o keep nn account
f uur pales , and when
anything in sold write it down in the
ilca ncoonnt , and if wo receive the
cull wo imrk it paid nnd outer in the
ash nccount no before. It would no
loubt bo worth many tunes the trouble ,
ind every farmer would htwo tlio sat-
sfaction of knowing at the end nf thu
fear just how hin money came , where
t wont and what hin year's work
nought him. It would open up now
icldn of thought , iuduuu him tu tuako
creator ozortiono and make him more
ru al , moro intelligent , Icsa ponu-
ioua , nud creakly improve hia manner
of transacting businaai.
The morohant makes good hia bad
lobta ofTtho oany-going , careless far-
nor , by n nkillful management of the
) ook account. Lawyers fatten through
rouble arieina nut of cnrohics bualneaa
abits. The farmer miy know that
10 got no much for hia cattle , his wool.
iia grain , hia hogs , or whatever it may
> o , and ho may know that ho paid his
axua , his otoro bills , and hia many
[ actor bllln , but ho will bo likely to
eel that hin tnonoy elippod away nnd
lid him very little good , nnd of courao
10 becomes stingy and mean. I once
enow a mau of whom it was said , that
when ho paid anybody money ho al
ways hold it out and looked in the op
posite direction ho hated to BOO the
nonoy go.
I have boon keeping a diary for the
iant six years , nnd iind it very success-
'ul. The time of putting in crops has
boon noted , nnd the observations
made on the aoaoonp , the weather , the
crops , the stock nnd farm-work , are BO
valuable for reference that I would not
do without it for many times the
trouble of keeping it.
A General Stampede.
Never was such n rush made for any
Drug fltoro as in now at 0. F. Goodman's ,
for n Trial BotMo of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption , Coughs and
Colds. All persona allicted ) with Asthma ,
Bronchitis , Hoareones' * . Severe Coughs , or
any affection of the Throat and Lungs
can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy
fni , by calling at. above named/ Drug
IS tore
. _ _ _ _ _ _ *
Tbo Honmnmblo Career of a Domestic
Who Stole From Her Em
Mow York Il.rald.
One of the most remarkable female
robbers that has figured in the crimi
nal courts of this city for many years
was arraigned yesterday morning before -
fore Justice Bixby , at Jefferson
Market police court , charged with
stealing from several ladies jewelry
and wearing apparel estimated in tbo
aggregate at about $20,000. Some
months ago the following circular was
nont by Inspector Byrneo , o * the Cen
tral oflico , to the employment offices
throughout the city :
"Wanted , for a number of robbe
ries , n young 'Gorman-American girl.
She hires srora employment offices ; ago
about 18 or 19 ; height about five foot
two inches ] slim built , cast iu ono eye ,
sandy hair , long pale face , wearing
green plain dross , white apron , black
sacquo nnd Derby hut. If any person
of tno above description should call ,
send Information as soon as posslblu
to Inspector Byrnes , Dotootivo Office ,
No. 300 Mulberry street. "
The yonng woman who was brought
up yesterday morning In court answered -
sworod this description exactly , with
the exception that she were a black
cashmere dress and black straw hat
Her personal appearance wai so cor
rectly described that she could be
recognized at n glance. No informa
tion , however , was received from tlio
employment offices , and. for the past
seven months she managed to escape
identification until she was taken into
custody on Saturday afternoon in thia
city by Detectives Ilulaud , Hoaloy
and Hinds. Bho gave her name as
Sophia Olarko , but has several aliases.
Her method of effecting thn robber
ies with which oho waa charged was by
seeking employment from respectable
families. When engaged she went to
work a day or so until an opportunity
presented itself of securing her mis
tress1 jewelry and wardrobe , and then
she suddenly disappeared. Sometimes
flho remained only a few hours in n
houso. The tunouut of property
stolen by her from the ladies who were
so unfortunate ns to ungago her vnrks
from ? 500 to $1,500 , and reports have
been received at the central office from
nbout twenty families in different
parts of the city , who were robbed by
her in this manner. In ono instance
it Is stated that the chock received by
ono of her victims upon the discovery
that all her jewelry nud valuable wearIng -
Ing apparel was stolen had the effect
of making her insane.
Two of the ladiea
by whom she was
employed appeared in court yeetorday
to make charges against her , Mrs.
Purdy , of No. 428 Fourth avenue ,
stated that on the Ud of June last ehu
took the prisoner , who gave her mmio
ns Jennie Uignoy , into her aorvico tj >
do general housework , nnd that on
the following day ehe disappeared ,
taking with her olotblne nnd jorvelry
worth $000. Among the stqJ n property -
orty was u black Spanish Jce dreaa.
valued at § 250. and n bfcck silk drew
worth $150. . Theaa belonged to Mi
LotU"riiolia , A gold watch at
ohain , gold breastpins , rbfls and oth
trades wore taken from Mrs. Pur ,
Jn this occasion she left all her
ilothing behind , oven her shoes ,
oft the house drwsed from he
oot from the wardrobes of
adles , Miu Kiollo identifie
> lack straw hat the prisoue ,
when arrested as belonging to
The detectives stated that i * , ,
no of the smallest robberloa Eftl Wtt8
rattled of which they had infoKf a ? .om'
Among her ether victims * & $ u& ou'
Moore , No. 20 East FouiBH - 1Mr ; <
street ,
from whom nho stele on the 2'2d of
April last SGCO worth of jewelry and
clothing ; Mrs. F. II , Vhlnoy , No.
1,837 Park avenue , jewelry and cloth
ing worth 8750 ; Georpo Dougherty.
No. 1,632 First avenue , jowoiry ana
clothing worth $500 , and Tony Pai-
tor's sister , who resides in West Fif
teenth struct , whom nho robbed in
November , 1831 , of diamonds to tha
vnluo of $1,000. Nearly twenty other
reapcotablu frmilicn hare been victim
ized by her to a r.imilar extent. A
nnmber of pawn tickets were found in
her possession Joprosenting variouti ar
ticles on which she obtained money.
Some two years ago she wi\a mar
ried to a burglar named Olarko , who
served a term of thrue years In tha
ntato prison , nnd by him nho was
doubtless induced to commit the rob-
DCrioi. It was the knowledge of this
! ircumatanco by the el tcctiveo that
od to tier nrrcnt. A few montha ago
Uhuko was sent to the Pro&b > terian
liospital to receive Iroattngnt for an
njury ho mot with , and when ho wan
ditchprgod recently they watched him
until they discovered that the prison
er wao concealed at No. 22 East 122d
troot. When taken Into custody oho
idmittod having lived in nome of the
: > lac s named , but on being naked if
iho had fltolon the property refened
to she told the duloctiveft it was their
bttoinofl.s to find that out. In reply to
Justice Bixby nho stated that nho wai
born in Now Jorsoj , wao 22 yetira old
and did neb work for a living ,
lu nnswor to the question , "What 7s
your business or profession ? " nho
answered , "Nothing , " and nlpo stated
that she was not vullty.
It3 rather a coincidence that ono
of ( ho nliasea she used whan seeking
employment , Jennie Uignoy , should
bo the name of n notorioun young wo
man who created n 'sensation coma
years ago by making nn infamous
chnrgo against an eminent dentist of
this city , nnd who attempted to bol
ster it up 1j > y falsely charging nnoihor
reputable professional man with an
equally grave ofTenso. Both gentle
men were acquitted on trial , nnd
their perjured accnsur was eontoucod
to five yearn in the ntato prison.
William Olarko , the husband of th
prisoner , appeared in court , there being -
ing no chnrgo againat him since ho
returned from Sing Sing. Mra.
Olarko was committed without bail.
The police will produce additional evidence -
denco against her on the trial.
Unmarried Persons
Should lese no time in occurring n
ccrtificitto in the Marriage Fund Mu
tual Trust Association of Oodar
llaplds , Iowa , concerning which circu-
Inra nnd full information will bo sent
frco upon application. It is organized
under the Insurance Lawa of Iowa ,
and is the only legalized and legiti
mate institution of the kind in the
country. Its oflijt-ra and managers
nro among the most prominent bus
iness men in Oodar Rapids , including
bankers , the pontuastor , capitalists ,
railway inanagen , insurance mon ,
lonaing lawyers , plysicians and ether
reliable citizens. Over $15,000 has
already boon paid to members. It is
a splendid invoatnont , as safe , secure
and safe as a Qovtrnment bond. You
can just as well have a good sum of
money to commerce married life on ,
0.3 not. Bomemter it only costs you
ono cent for e. postal card to request
full explanation' and information.
Good agents , can got territory if ap
plied for soon. Write to-day. Do
not postpone It. Mention where you
saw this notice. oct20-lm *
0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor.
1212Hamoy8t. - T'Umrlia , Nob.
dalTanizei Irn ,
ooukioEs ,
Tin , Irou and Slate Eoofing ,
Spocht's Patent Motalio Skylight ,
Patent Adjust > d Ratchet Bar
and Bracket shelving. I am
the general agent for the
above li e of goods.
. Dalu tradsVeranda jOmc iMl
Dank flaMlngi , vyindow and Cellar
Quardi ; alto
siin AND DEPOT , 0. S. 1
juMiUi ; jrtib. . November 10 , 1882. f
Scaled proposal. | { , duplicate , subject to the
usual condition * , will If roccl\od at this ollko until -
til 13 pcloU nopn on , Dccem < et 6th , 18 2 , at
which tlmoomliilacu tlioyVlH ba opened In pres
ence of bidders for furnlshlni.'nnil dclhory at the
subsistence1 storehouse , or onnrs In Omaha
Neb. , ( If on cars after Inspection arwl nocsptance
at place of patklnif , ) as may bo required by the
subsistence department , IliO barrel * notkKtt \ \ \
mess , lobe demercd by January 6th 1WKJ ; 60,000
l > ounds bacon , short clear sldus , medium woght
and thlckncHs , paikcd in crates , str pjxA of about
! RU ! pounds bacon each. Kacli piece olOiacon to
bo cou'roilltli cotton clothnil ; to boiBellverod
by Januiry Bill 188J. /
Theiotcrnmcnt rescncs the right/to reject
any or all projioaala. ]
lllank proiKMAU and full Informatla/i as to tlio
manner of bidding , tnd the tcnnaof u/ntract nnd
pi ) incut v 111 bo furnUhud on apillc.Mlon ] to this
S'o projiosal will bo considered IHIC\S ! accjinpa'
nidi by the prlntcil "Instructions/no blddtrs. '
to bo hail at thli ollleo. /
Knvilopcs contalnlni ; pro ] > osa' should be mar
ked , "I'rojiosaJs for subslstciXtu storcs"and ad
ilrebseU to the undersigned. /
lioUl-Ct m 7 C. S. , U. S. A.
Lngiish Bomody
ulV | .
tttl KxhalM,0oDi ,
'loru. Sfinlnal
nos i , LOaTMAN
HOOD , and all the
loUi'cta ot ) outh-
, l follies and exec * '
\ioa. \ It stops porina.
neatly nil uuakcnliijr.
[ involuntary lo c'j and
Irams upon thu yt-
Item , the Inevitable result -
" . - ' -sult of these cvilprai
tlc. . whlchVre BO diwtnieUvo to rnlnd and body
Itiuuioke life uiUcrable , often leadliiB to Insanl.
ty and death U strengthens the J orvcsUraln ,
( meraoryf Blood , Muscles , Dljrostlvo .nd Kepro.
ductUoOwni , U restores f ) nil tbeownlc
their 'lorrner vigor and
klnc life cheerfu and enjoj able. I'rice , 3
"otfle. * 10 , Sent by
. or four time * the quantity
MprtV secure from obacnatlon. to anvaddrcsa.
on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. senf. excepi
on receipt ol 1 t a ifuaranUe. Letter * r -
aucstlnx niwers muil Inclose sUmp.
DrTMlntie'B Dandelion Pilla
tb best nd choapobt djipepsU and bllllous
Sir. ilt . the market. 6oU by all dru [ l ti. Pile.
fO cents.
D Mi n > ' KniMT RXMUT , NwEinojni ,
. , St. I nU , Uo.
. ' -S33
Four ! Feet Wide
Seven Feet Long ,
Compiled under direction e An
drew Rosewater , City
Engineer ,
And Exnmined and Compared by
George Smith , County
Thereby making it the
Oyer Six Months work upon it at
a Cost of ahout $1,500. .
hud out up to this date. Also all
public aud private buildings of
note photographed thereon.
Kliows all Hew Railway anfl
Depot Grounds ,
All property shown and described
withii half a milo south and west of
city Units , and all within one milo
north oftnorth boundary of city ,
Fully Motmted ,
Colored , Varnished
Cloth Backs ,
Geo. P. Bemis
Real Estate Agency ,
15th ana uowgaa Streets
tnrttlt of Iron , 1'rruv
la palatable form , 1
only preparation oft *
I that tUi not llatteen 1
I trrlhito tharatterlttif
iron p
nnme tt nur moot cmlncut jihr lcin hi > ro rloWod to UiU crfAt fnd lnpornr r l' ] irmw1rr . nl
A In prefrmiCA tn any , lronpr > t lion m (1i In furl , imch a c tnnonnil . . M IJn. ! L nTFn'd Iwm Tome ta <
gjyttr In my practice. llo"itOHKUT HA Mlll.l.S. 31Q.QVa.Ml Am . St l/mls Mo , NOT , gtth. Ifftl
lit trices color Jo
tfTtralhrattlifiil tonr to
licable to General !
. , , /x > t > flppr-\ \
Htel'roitraHmi of t flail
J'oirrrt ami Jinprttence. ,
is only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.
For sale by
JL :
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
Sinplo Brooch Loading Shot Gnns , from 85 to 818-
Double BreocliLoading Shot Guns , $18 from to 875.
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from W to 825 ,
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Qoods ,
Full Stook of Show Oases Always nn Hand ,
Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and "Wood Pipes and everything required in a
first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
List and Samples.
They surpass all other S for easy rldlnjr , style
nd durability.
They nro for sale by all Loading Oar
lago Builders aud Dealers throughout
ho country.
For sal b
Henry Timken ,
Patentee sniBnllder of Flue Carriage * ,
r X.OXTXS , - - 330.0.
Awarded ,
on ,
? ho Sfiory of tao Sawing Haohino ,
A h&rjdMuio llttia pau hlel , blo 7uid eo |
r < v vllh r.nctronj cngraTlufp , willjbt
to n kaoll rtttfo cillln , ' ror tt , S tiy tr ath
ci job-oft'cool Ilitf i > \riitt \ UtniiJuctutln ? no v >
rany , c will bo aoat by mail , potj paid , to
13V ( icrcou livloir M a dljUncs Irom OBr offlcoi
! ? h8 Singer Manufacturing Bo , ,
Piln ptd OlQce , 34 Union Sqnaru
_ _
The Intrinsic merit and fnpertor quality ol oar
Qold Kopo Tobacco baa Induced other mannlao
tureri to put upon the market roodi almilar to
cur brand In name and etyle which are oderod
and told lor IOM inocey than the genuine Gold
Hope We caution the t' ado and consumer to tea
that our name and trade mark are upon each
lump. The only genuine and original Gold Hope
Tobacco U manufactured by