THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , MONDAY NOVEMBER 18 j The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Moiidiiy Morning Nov. 13. LOOAlj The Humana tocloty mecU to-night , The wild geese were fljlng unnlhwnrd yetterJfty. There WAS a brilliant tliiplivy of the northern lights last nlglit. The adjourned meeting of Ihe board of education will be htld to-night. Judges McCrary nnd Dundy wllllopcn the November Icim of Uio United States conrt tvday. The board of trade will moot at 8 o'clock thhetotiinff. The board of dlroc- ton meet at 7:30. : There will ro ft special meellnR of Capital Liodgo No. 3 , A. F. and A , Mt this cvcnlnp , Novemlier 3 , for work in the K. A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially u f invited to attend. The initial party of Mr. W. H. Hoi- phrcy's dancing rchool wan licldatM&ftoulo hall Saturday evening and waa thoroughly enjoyed by those In attendance. Special services wern preached at rev oral of the churches yesterday on account of the day beginning the week of prayer. Sheriff Miller Saturday evening took pomcsMon of the shirt manufactory and ' gcnU' fumidhlnf goods oitabllscment- Ph. Gotthclmer , who made an assignment a few days ago to L , IJrash. The seizure wan made in behalf of several creditori. 11. 11. Heed pleaded guilty Saturday evening to etcnllnit $3 from a sporting wo man , and hag gone to the county jull for 25 days. A net-to with gloves is talked of be tween Tom Minoguo and Bennett the 'blacksmith. A few flakes of enow fell yotterday and ice formed on the walks at noon. Out on .the line of the U. P. It was mowIng - Ing and blowing all the way to Larnmle , and the mercury was down at that point to 10' below zero. George Canfield received a dispatch from KlUhnrn , Saturday ; evening , ( jiving him 35 majority out of Chicago precinct for state senator. It la n close pull between him and Mr. Dowey. The police wcro alter four boyaj outer- day for itenllng boards from a frnco In South Omabn nud building a fire with them to keep warm by. Ono of the lads w&s lodged in jail by Officer Burk yes terday. - 1'clden Brown , the man who was assaulted and robbed Friday night , was BO much worsa yesterday from the wounda in his bead that ho won Bent to St. Joieph's hospital. Tha doctor snld that unions taken care of , the In juries , might vet kill him , and considered him in a rather criti cal condition. The funeral of the late Wlllian Hago- dorn took place yesterday , and rtns very largely attended. Kov. G. 1 < \ Stalling conducted the services. South Omaha will be the scone of ; A pleasant wedding party this evening. The groom , now In btflnesa on Tenth direct , was for over eight years a conductor on the ll , ' Union Pacific , and the bride , to bo , ts a charming widow Indy living on 1'acldo street. Rev. 13. B. i Ciraham will tie the kmt. ) V < s I By a recent order from dlvitlon head * It * quarters , Johnny Moore , Union PaciQn I agent at Grand Island , will have charge of the moving of trains when a break occurs between there nnd Omabn Interrupting telegraph communications for tnoro than ono hour. y Tha vote "of Douglai ccunty will bo cunvasaed to-day , nnd that will settle as badly mixed an election as was over held hero. The laat returnr , these from the Third ward , were received by County Clerk Bauuier at 4 p , m. Saturday. The messenger WIIB to long getting tboro that It WAD feared ho bad intt with foul t > Uy , and the anxious candidates wcro on ton n grand hunt for him. V * About 10 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. L. A. Berry , of California , died at her room on the parlor flour of the I'axton. ? MM. Berry cnuio to Omaht on the 4th inst with her son , Mr. 11 , W. Berry , being en route to New York. She WM quite ad vanced in ago nnd it Is probable that the long journey was ton , much far her. She \raa very fcoble and waited in thi olty 10n fexv dayit to rest bef ire complotlng the IBot trio. Yesterday morning she did not eeeii to bo feeling umwmlly bad but her von , on irnlng to her room found her failing rapidly and at 10 o'clock the explrod. The remutnj are lying ut the Paxton and will probably be sent buck to her homo for In terment. The noon train west yesterday hail n Chicago , Burlington & Qajncy express car attuched containing a valuable load. It Included the faiiv ua.lionicu ' . 'St. Jullett" und. "Overman , " belonging to Mr. O. A. Hlckoct , who wna along ultli them ; two othon ontnd Ijy IJacUey , ono of the CalU fornUlioimnza kiogu , nudteven valuaMo home * for breeding purposes , 'destined for GalifornU. They oime dlr'fct from Chi- cngo , and the iirtt lay-over-will be made at 'Chujeune , where 'tlley will rest onu day , If that car thould be wrroked , and lt con- tei ti destroyed , It would be a i ratty bill . for Bcmobody t4 p y , TVs w either Is rough ou paving. IIi would be a good lde tu cane vi unoth i r clear up to put on a night foioo tu hurry matters up. Sharon station on ) the B. & M , , four wiles west of Button , will be opened Their ugeut at that point In J , J , Freelaud. If there U anything wanting to com. plete the mixed election returns ( to ai unto incle thtui of the conniutency of board lug home hash , it has uofc yet been heard of iu thin neck of wood * . The official vote of Sarpy county for tloat senator wai received by the county clerk Saturday and In ; For II. DftMiell,0 i J. U , McShaue , 001. It will be w > en that D&nicU canlod bis own county hand' soinely , but McSbane downs him by a Urge majority in the district. Those who have atteaded Boyd'i opera liouto for tbe past year cannot fall to ha > o remarked tbe excellent eatUftc. tloo glvjn by the uilien , tlx lu number fell * f whom began with the opening of tb house and are now entering up their second end ! year. Gentlemanly , polite and effi cient , an well as good looking , there ii jet ti bo heard Ihe Bret word of complaint | concerning them. Ln t Tear ended their apprcnttcathlp and hereafter they are paid attaches of the house , Their names are Bnrt Snunon , Pat McNMnara , Grant Maxwell , Gny I'.llttngcr , Fred Joiner and Charlie Oyger. The mercury /ell several degrees after the storm last night , Blue-nosfd , red-handed nnd rough- mannered winter Is upon us. The balconies are being put on the fifth story of the Paxton. The Smith brothers are putting a fourth story on their block on Fare am street , Judge Neville has granted n divorce. tn Amelia Menticr from Win , A. Ment * zcr for drunkenness nnd failure to pro * vide The penally for such offenses as that committed by Nightingale In the Fifth ward polling place Is n term in the pent * tentiary. Special meeting of Capitol lodge No. 3 , A. F. k A. M. , this evening , November 13th , for work In the E , A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. 15y order of the W. M. M.The The Electric Light company will be gin construction work at once , building Hues to supply the business places upon Harnoy , Farnarn , Douglas , Dodge , Fif teenth and Tenth street * , running the wires through tbo alleys for the throe first named streets. The power will bo gener ated In Strang's building , The- Unitarians before adjourning Friday authorized HOT. W. E. Copeland , Her. Enoch Powell , Mrs. 0. E' . Abbott , Hon. Thomas L Klmball and It. E. Lewis , Esq. , to incorporate under the laws of the state , the Nebraska Unitarian Asso ciation , with nine directors from whom a president , secretary and treasurer should bo elected. The revival at the South Omaha M. E. Church under the leadership of the pas tor , Rev. J. W , Stewart , ia still in progress and the interest 18 steadily increasing. A number have been converted and joined the church during the past wee1Itev. . Mr. Harris and Dr. Stalling assisted the pastor in the preaching- Meetings will bo continued during the coming week. The workingmen and farmers' central committee will meet to-day , No. vombcr 13th , at 7:30 p. m. , at the city ball. All members are requested to bo present. Tbo regular monthly meeting of the Nebraska Humane Soelety will bo held this evening at 7:30 : , In the ladies reception room of Boyd'a opera bouse. B , E. U. Kennedy , president ; John T. Dell , secretary. Ladles of the Fourth ward who feel enough Interest in woman's advancement and home protection , and are willing to strike for the same , are requested to moot at the parlora of the Congregational church ou Wednesday afternoon , November 16 , at 3 o'clock sharp. By order of the Fourth ward election committee. ' On next Tuesday evening tbo second quarterly meeting of the present fiscal year of the Union Catholic Library Association will be held in the library roomy , com mencing at 8 o'clocli. Every member of he association U requested to be on hand , because tbo reports ot the olUcors and standing committee * , as regards' the condi tion of tho'llbrary And the , ' business trans acted during thojpait three month,1 will bo niaao. , An amusing Instance occurred at tbo opera homo Friday night which convulsed tbit portion of the balcony ntd gallery from which it was visible. Ono of tbo pretty girls in the Corrino' company , in bal let costume gave tbo finishing touches to her toilet at the side entrance to the stage and to far In between the Bconos a * to bo m full view. In blissful' Ignorance of the oyea levelled at her she smoothed her hair , bruihed tl < o powder from her face , ait justed bar hosiery und sllppem and noted the effect of each in a little mirror , It was n picnic , the cnthuslaim over which tbo actors ou the stage could not understand and which greatly puzzled them. Tlio WOOK of Prayer. The following are the topics to bo lined during the week of prayer for yoniig moil and Young Men's Chris tian association , Meetings will bo bold at the naaocmtion ball each evening - ing during this wook. November 1 ! ) , Monday The influ ence of ono young man. II Ohron , xxxv ; 1 , 18,10 njNovembor 14 , Tuesday Together on oartb. noparatod iu otoniity. Mutt. MII : 21 30. November 10 , Wednesday Tlireo pirtico , but two olisaca. Acta , xvn ; aO 34 ; ftTntt. xn : 30. November 10 , Thursday -"What am I building upon ? " Matt , vn : 24- 29 4 , November 17 , Fridnj There is auou n thing us chining ton lain. Jor. Vllij 29 ; Luke xui ; S3 27. November 18 , Saturday Ts my uamai then ; ? Kor. xx ; ' 12-1B : xxi : 27 ; Luke x : 20. * Prank Mayo ! Frank Mayo'ti iew ) ehpw bill is croaliug n noimtlon in the oily since it has boon on exhibition during 'tho two days at the MillarJ hotel and ia the lobby i > f A Upyd'a'1 opera houso. Those who have not eoeu it should avail themselves of the oppor tunity , It surpasses anything in the . show printjng line over done in this ' country. . The opinions ou Mayo'a now ehow bills wore overheard by a BKB - porter ; Thoa. Boyd : "Simply grand. " John Davenport : "The moat beauti ful picca of work I over saw , " 1 , F , Lfon ; "Hsvo been postinff bills for ten . 7 j | yoiru. Kothiug has ever compared to this. " . Mr , Woodbridge ; "Beautiful does not express it. " Little Ooriniio : "It is too beautiful | to bo real. " U V , Schwartz : "Fifty yoara iu . tup theatrical business. Excels any. - thing I over taw , " , Mayor Boyd"It scorns a pity to piste them , n A EEOTOK'S BETROSPEOT , Misty Memories of Incidents From Life's Log Book. Tender Tributes to Thono Who now Host From Intorostlnct Anniversary Sermon by Rev , W J. Uareha. The pastor of the Prcobyteriau church ] , corner of oifihth nnd Dodge , Ilov. ! W. J. Uarahn , preached his fifth anniversary : sermon , as paaor of said church < , yesterday to annudionco many of whom having experienced the . trials aud success of the church pas torate , could tnko a rotrospcctivo view of this field of labor with gratitude. . Rov. Mr , Smith , pastor of the Cen tral Frcnbytorian Tabernacle of San Frftnciaco , being present , was invited to ' the pupit to assist in the services. The writer of these lines was some , what amused , surprised and gratified when ho hoard the choir ting , as their selection immediately before the sort mon , a musical composition for which ho had a few years ago composed words , to bo used instead of the French which then accompanied it , for a friend to sing at an entertainment in the Baptist Tabernacle , 2nd Avo. , Now York , the title of which was "On the Gross , " and this familar musio in ita now garment of words was sung beautifully by the choir yesterday morning , The following are literal selections from the sermon of W. J. Harsha , the pastor : Mark 8:18 : , Do ya not - member. Behind the sailors pushing out at sea the shore becomes dim. However Urmly ho may dotcrmino to keep sight of the beach with its dotted huts and the occaaional Gshing boats , and the little village beyond , whore wife and children remain weeping ; moro and moro do thoeo tender objects fade into mist as ho crosses wave after wave in his outward journey. Thus do wo push away from the past , scunoa which wcro DO vividly impressed on our memories burned there by the caus tic of bitter toara , that wo thought wo I could never forgot them oven for a moments sleep , are hung now in mists that hide their pain- fulnoaa and decrease their hold upon us. It is a most blessed thing that these mists cotno , else how could wo sailors nerve ourselves to put out upon the spa of duty. These mists are the divine dews of the soul , which settle softly , coolingly upon us , and while wo are bent down by their weight , they impart a refreshed strength that enables us to look up into the face of mon. Yet there are some things wo should never forgot. While the bitterness of past sorrows ought to bo allowed to pass from the mind , the lesson learned , the warn ing wo received , the stimulus wo ob-1 ttiincd should bo carefully retained. Our past sliiQ and failures all should bo allowed to rest in the thick oloud that God has promised to hide them in ; but wo should scrupulously remember - member whore wo fell among thieves , and avoid the road to Jericho. " „ "Of the work of the board of trus tees I know much , although I have been required to concern myself with ib but littlo. The minister knows most of his financial board who knows least , for if ho can with confidence , leave the whole work to them , with no thoughts of Ita details , ho can dis cover bast its general rosnlta. The managing of the pecuniary affairs of a church In usually a thank task ; yet it must over go hand in hand with the direction of ita spiritual matters. Lot a church have a reputation of a shift- JOBS management in money matters , and the impression in the com munity ii * lilcoly to bo that its spiritual concerns are equally un reliable. It was a privilege that only a pastor cm ; fully appreciate , to extend an invitation to people to unite with BQ churchj which , while it must call upon ita members for just thnt contribution that will awaken devo tion to its interests , is in no sinking condition , and the least wo can do in niding these noble business men , who gratuitously give their time and en ergies to this work , Is to second heartily and cheerfully , by our moans , their efforts to free the church from the lingering remnant of debt and place the building in condition to receive - coivo the increasing congregations. To our Sabbath school I have al ready referred. It has been preeminently eminently a school , a training place for the young of our congregation. The superintendent has attended to his | duties with an t > bility and faithfulness thnt all rtoognizo and respect ; nnd the toachora have been exceptionally earnest and devout iu the study and 1 touching of the word , nnd the in- gatherings Imvo been consequently largo. Homo of these who saw our days of dnrkmss have not lived to witness | thp progress wo hr.vo made. Wo must think reverently to day of thoeo who have beun called to their reward , Ono | of the most ancient proverbs that have coma down to us from out Saxon unoentors is this , "It is proper for women to grieve , but for men to remember. " But how can women grieve without remembering ; how can men remember the lives and councils of thoeo who have gone uut of our inidit ) , ivithout ( mevmg. jrm Tht ) inoimmt I ruea ! : of them you think of one who was universally known us Gruudnu Doauo. You remember - member her place hero in front of the church , her seat In prayer mooting njj which was always filled , her words of kind , firm counsel , and her beautiful life , patterned after that of Christ Though I should ba called upon to bury a thousand saints of God ro I end my ministry I shall never find ono to impress mo moro with faith in God and the glories of a present ini- | mortal lifo than did nho during the trying hours of her last protracted ill ness. Over her silent cilm face I bo. apoko the reverence you hell her in , aud charged you to follow her cour atOOU8 ! example , and to-day I am moro convinced than ever that , "being dead , she yet apeakoth. " There was another member of our church , not BO generally known , who with self-sacrificing devotion to tbe cause of huinanioy , gave her lifo to the yellow tevor sufferers in Memphis. She tonntod not her life precious , when they wore suffering from neglect for whom Christ died , And how could wo over forgot that older in our church , John II. Mere dith , whoso lito was a street poem , whoso death was n glorious ro- lose. Wo think of him calmly | o-day , for wo know it in well that ho inn entered into his victorious rest , 'or'sovenienn years did ho give his nergles to this church ; indeed , for it lid ho give his lifo. On that Hallow 'en five years ago , when I WAS in- tailed your pastor , ho waited with ithcrs to B'IVQ mo a right hand of I lymoathy and support , and through in emotions and dlflicultiui of speech o struggled to speak a sentence of welcome ; but nil he could say , as tears .athored in his eyes , was "Pastotl" Shall not I always remember this neot welcome until I take his hand gain in the kingdom of Our Fattier ? Hide by stdo with him stood loaao Olcgg , a man of counuel , a tnndcr heartedop ! over and a conscientious admirer , Immediately upon coming among you I noticed that this elder | was the chosen frioud of a largo class ith n our congregation , who came to itt lim in loving franknees to speak of t heir sorrows and implore his dircc- t ion. In his presence the timid for- ; ot their timidity and the audacious heir audacity , for there was n calm t rust in his bearing that allayed the one and rebuked the other. Ho sat as the representative of this church in t ho Presbytery that examined mo for ordination , and I can never _ forgot with what reaped and affection he spoke of the tried and blmsod doc trines of the gospel , Through all his weary sufferings ho bore a patient and Ohristly character that shone from his f 'ace and filled his room with light. Though ho died away from us , wo can never forgot his zeal and affection I which endured to the last in behalf of the intercota of thin church , Another over % ? hose character we ] eve to linger Is A. B. Orchard. This | quiet , unobtrusive man was to a marked degree respected , both by his Intimate 1 friends and these with whomj ho felt ho must differ. This ia a test that few men can otand , and that ho stood it shows the purity and coaontial aimiability of his lifo. Among the happiest 1 hours of my pastorate have buun thooo spent in the society of this truly Christian man , whoao heart was warm toward God and remarkably sympathetic toward his follows , and I know that It was with great joy that his last days were spent in the church of his love. Wo think to-day , also of ono who took t part in the early work oC this chuicli , who loved it with an apprecia tive I affection and who in all the per plexities of the times had the strength of mind to look with impartiality upon 11 his brethren. L. 0. Huntlngton hold i his opinions firmly , but he hold them charitably. Ho was little wont to ox- proas complaint or reveal his deepest feelings , so that only these nearest to him understood him. But with what painful interest did TV.I see hla soul 1 ripening to all Christian graces for heaven , and what a fitting termination of his lifo was the repose into which ho ] calmly foil. Ho slept ; he was not , for God had taken him. Thcro are others dear to our hearts , but of them time fails us to speak in detail. How the whole church and community wept when that sweet , Christian character , Mica Funnio Graff , was taken to her rest. How these who knew him gtievod when Wm , L. Darrow was called from ser vice to reward. Ho came to the west for a homo , and ooon hia family fol lowed him ; ho was calledjo a glori , ous , eternal homo in the sky , and thitber his broken-hearted mother has already gene to join bun. There was ono who came among us as a bride , and charmed all by her vivacity , as she strengthened all by her faith , but the Christ saw fit to crown Mrs. Zim- mer in fadeless bridal robes in heaven. There wore Thomas Emmet Kennard and A. L. Robinson , the one a warm hearted , loving follower , the other an enthusiastic , hopeful disciple of Christ ; and those two looking forward to great projects in life wore suddenly called to lay down the weapons of con flict and enter at once into the enjoy ment of victory. "Theso all having obtained a ( > oed report through faith , received" indeed , "tho promise of glory , honor and immortal lifo. " The members of the congregation who havn departed this lifo I may not even mention. Some wore old and had taken important parts in church movements , both in this country and abroad ; others wore young , and while we believe tholr hearts were staid upon Christ , they had never soon their way clear to connect themselves with this church , yet all thoae we ex pect to meet in the general aoaembly and church of the first born upon the other aide. Too great reliance should not bo placed in statistics , for they may seem to give a magnified or too small report of usefulness. Difference of circum stances must always bo taken into uo count in making up right estimates Still it may bo well to give you the general results , for I find I mu&t omit the particular statements of additions and contributions for the eoveral I years During the five and n half years l from April 1 , 1877 , to October 1)m ( 1882 , wo have received on profession 182 , and by letter 102 ; total , 324 Wo have lost by death , dismissal , etc 4i' 102 , showing a not increase of 222 The membership April 1 , 1877 ( was 138 , making the membership Oofcbar 1 , this year 3GO It is pVopor tq state that these fi urea include only ( ho actual mambcrn on the ground , or who uiyularly report to the ecanon if temporarily absent. These who have bean absent moro than a year vo been placed on a retired list , id while they may receive lotteia from our church , are not counted iu the ac tual membership. The collections during fwo years of the period named were : For benevo lent purpofcs , i. e. , to our church boards , $2 017 UO ; for church ox- ptmtos and improvements , $25,189 Total , 827,800.90. Besides this , I have other hopes spiritual hopes for yon. With you il can atopnitu | uo other , no lesser desire than that you become a model church. : I want the house of God to be loved by you , tbe Sabbath carefully kept , holy , tbo Sabbath school attended and built up , the prayer meeting held in the highest reverence , and the various < church societies supported with hearty zeal. I want you tq welcome the " strangers , tell them of "Christ , and en > deavor personally to lead them to His feut. CORRECTED COUNT- The State of AfTftlre Up to the Can vass or the Vote. THE BF.F. Friday gave a summary 0j the votes for the various candidates as far as known from the imperfect returns , the recount in the Fourth ward not then being finished , nor that in the Third ward complete. The rceult < of the new count makes some few change * , though it is still believed by Cnnfield's friends that ho will pull through by a Email majority of 0 to 25. From the figured obtainable the total footings of the votp for the various local candidates in the B x wards and the precincts known are as follows : ton 8TATB SE.VATOIW. Nnme. Total No. vote * . C H , Brown , t ) * 3,428 Gonwn Caufield , D 2,305 0. II. Dewey , 11 * 2,3H W. J. Connell , It 1,751 J. 8. MtCormlck. A. M 1,335 JohnQuinn , L. U DO KOU IIEI'BK'IKNATIVKS , Wm , Turtle " 3.289 Fred W. Gray * 2,499 John Chi.tophereon * 2i98 H. O. Clark ' 2,282 Ilenry Sueascnbach * 2'Jt > Wm. Carnahy * 2.V27 Fred Cronomoyor * 2,186 Alex McGavoclr * 2,168 It O. Jord n 2.148 Frank Colpnlzer 2.11C .lorepli H Clarkson 2,095 Pctf-r Gees 2,030 L M.Bennett 2,031 Joseph H. Taylor l,98i dnmuel J , Ho well 1,943 W. J. Uro tch 1925 At Burmclster 997 .lohnF. Behm 9il ( E. 11. Overall 900 Robert Twaddell 9i7 Allen Hoot. . . . ' 831 John Hoey 870 W. O. Whitmoro F05 Ed Leedor 182 O. T. Paxton 47 Andrew Majovisky 37 John Green. . . . . . . . 35 FLOAT HKNATOn. John A. McShane * 3,2J3 It. Danioll 2,140 IHHTIUCT ATTOnNEY. Parke Godwin * 3.027 N. J. Burnham 2,374 CpUNTY COMMIBSIONEIt. R. O'Koeie * 3412 P. J. Quealcy. . . . . . 1,981 "Welcome the coming , speed tbe parting - ing guest. JVo hasty utcmporized punch can apptoach the icHoic tied Hun PUNCH tn ttai-or. livery wine cellar should bo sup plied with it. Trade supplied at manu facturers prices by M. A. McKn.rn.ira. Families supplied by A. H. Gladstone , Oinahn , Neb. THE OENTUK.Y for November IB called by the Now York Observer a I "sumptuous number. " The Spring field .Republican says : "Tho maga zine is at ita best the best , by far , of the month's product. " It contains the opening chapters of Dr Eagles- ton's original and entertaining history of the United States , entitled "The Beginnings of a Nation , " and the first of Washington Gladdon's papers on Christian co-operation , which Is at tracting wide attention among business men interested in Christian work The Independent aaya this series 'gives promise of proving a thoroughly interesting and suggestive contribu tion. " There is , also , the beginning of a charming love story of mining life , by Mary Hallock Footo , etc. , eto. Send 35 cants for this number to the nearest news dealer or to THE CENTURY COMPANY , m&e NEW YOKK , N. Y. I Notion. | The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex colaior Beef Paint , " was patented May 24th , 1881 , and otters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or known to tamper with the manu facture of said paint will bo punish ed to the full extent of law. No per son has any authority whatever to sell receipts. HAWTUOB.N & Bno. , Pa County Commlaaionora. SATURDAY , November 11. Board pursuant to adjournment. The following wan adopted : Rcsolvtd , Thut the county commis sioners bo , and are hereby directed to draw from the general fund 83.24 and apply the Bnmo to payment of the per sonal tax of Frank Kleffner for the yoara of IPfiJ , 1880 and 1881 for petit juror OcUi.orl882.g License for the sale of liquor at Waterloo for three months , we a granted Stevens & Haney. The resignation of Wm. R. Holli- day , a justice of the peace , Valley precinct , was received utul accepted , and G. B. Bailey appointed to fill the vacancy and bond approved. The following accounts were allowed from the general fund : K. Drexel , county comUiiouer , ? 2. i CO H , ( JU'oJmnn tales juror . It 00 C. 1 * . Mansfield , . 000 D. Miller , jailor and guard . 03 CO O. Woat nrd , witness ieea . 10 00 IJ. . JJrcnian , aiporiutendent ot new court lumko . 100 CO Andoiann & lUedlo , oil for county , 3 20 . . , F. K'effufr ' , potlt juror . 3S 70 D. N Miller , oxpeiino to Lincoln , , 1980 ,7 It. Troper , tax refunded . 3M 1 * . Goo ? , boardlni ; jurors. . . . . . . . . . 34 f > . " > H , Grebe , ballilf'a ftun . f8 00 G. W. Jfcmilng , tales juror . , 0 00 \V. II. Whltton , talcs juror. . . . . . . . 18 00 Flvo persons , petit jurors . , . CO 00 U. Kennlstou , talei juror. . 0 00 J. F. Lehman , cloth tor poor . 240 K U. Webbter , witnrim fee. . . . 2 00 . K , M , Ilarilott , defending prieuim. DO Oil , John Sly , tale * juror . G JL JV J , J Brtwn , on ncrount cuuuty fair , COO 00 Joe Millar , witness fee . f ) 00 J. A. Hi eder. medicine . 190 llelmrod & lonuan , groorlea for poor . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 1 50 St. Joseph hospital , care of sick. . 20 TO J. II , Ilutler , n itii a fees. . . , . . , . , 10 00 Poland & llwyer , I'rau for county , . 11 JiO G. H IVUroon , witness fee . 4 00 A. J , hake , " . 200 Julliii Schroeder , talei juror . 8 10 E. T , Duke , hardware . S3 10 J. A. Wakefield. lumber . . . . . ' 'J 93 Ed , Alnscou , witness fee. . , , . 400 Fifteen person * , petit jurors . , . G20 90 S. Fogy , grading . 1500 A. Doudrson , grading . 10 U F. II. Wheaton , work .on bridge. . . 12 00 J. Milter , laying pipe . SOO D. 1 * . Angel ) , murahol'd feet In state CJt u , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 60 The contract for the construction of stone worVomtho Elkhorn bridge was let to W. S. Vun Deuaen for ? 4. 760. I.Ih The board adjourned to the 14th inst. JOHN BAUMEU , County Clerk. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. A.ho Tablea supplied with the best the market aiiords. The traveling public claim they got better accommodationi and moro general satisfaction here than at any other house In Omaha. Rate , f 2 per day , jLUg21tfm SPECIAL NOTICES , ID LOAN-MOMtY TO LOAN-On cbtttel worteace BO- MONMT . A. a Tutton , Mo. 1518 iouRlia Mrcet , front room , npt lrt. 436-tl TO LOAM At tl per ooalltx t/ , fc/wl In fomlof IX.NX ) ana upward ) , for B la I years , on fltnt-cIi-3 dtjmJ firm properly. Dntil UEIIKafivr nod ton AatKCT , Hth Ard Dourhn Bt OftEY TU L.OA.N utu v uiw ufoi * uf II. M T T > itPM Il"VnH rwW mor.OAN-81,500 real utAtccurit > . kfrat J. rate" . UAM.OU IMIOS , tiovo-lw 1421 Farnam. MONEY TO tOAN-On iwrsonat r.r . anIpocrlptlon A , C. Troup , Attornej , 213 south Hth Strixt. llW-lmo HELP WANTED WANKED- tin Ila3loirdcrn liv tlio day amlucck , "TCO < ula $4.00 , 1011 l > wcnriorr tenet , H.V" 155-17 } W ANTED A girl for scnrnil lionscuork for email ; famll ) . A | > r > J at 171,1 CliUapo strict , WANTED Tuo niiinlier one liroom niaVora. At ( nut Itamtow l.cxlijobt. 147-14t WANTED A coo < l tllnltif ? room jflrl at Hie Kmmit Home. 152-17t WANTED tflrl to swtcp ami clean up at 1107 Dougl/uSt. ( lKxl wages Jiald. Ul WANTED Iinincillatcly a smart Imy at Me Dom ds iniKirIum. : | 151-11 WANTED A pooil fook who can wasli , and Iron at IDUWelntvr St. 150-11 WANTED Ten flrnt-clana tinners at once. Mc.Hhanu A Hullhan , ] 110 1'arnam street. 15314 WANTii-JliMlo : tgcil man to attend liar must lie \\cll rccomc dctl. No rcfcranco on account ol uatto nlity 314 south 10th St. H3-1.-I WANTED Ttt-oc\icrltnced ( serial l ok sollc- Itort for Colonulo. Itoomi U and 7 Mcrcit 111 ik , Couiidl lllulT . 141-23 \ 7 ANTED A flr t cluss lioji to do errands nnd * makohlm'.elfgciicrnllj useful In tlio stor.i , Eniilro | on ) londi\ morning at "Tlio Old Relia ble 01 c 1'rke Shoe fatoro. " 142-11 A. 1 > . MOUSE. WANT 1) A unman to cook and a girl to the Harncj trctt rcstaur- ant , 1(115 ( H.iriuH'rcit. . , H * WANTED men ti go noutli for work on Musouri 1'nclllc railroad toqulro 014 south 10th Street. 120-llt W ANTED -A llrst tlass cook. Inquire at 2109 California St. liOIt WANTED A ftcaily man to wort , a winter johfortho rl htunn. Tousleyllros. near ofalr grunds. JOO-llf W ANTKD A Urat-class prc33-'c dcr at The Omaha ISic olllcc. tf ANTED Help at the employment olflco , 217 K. IGth Btrcct. up-stalra. S5o-t ( TTr A girl to do general honsowork. YV tend references. Good wages paid Ad- F. C. Orthlo. Kearney. Neh. flSH-tf dITUATIONO WANTED. A dcMrc < i employment In private _ fainilv. " Address N. W. cor. luth anil Clark. iflJ lit WANTED Bt a first class dress maker to * nif | of all kinds or will go out and do work at a o prices. 138 IDt practical doubl' entry book keeper , aged 28 A mar led and steady IshcK , a set of books a > moderate liv Inp ; talar ) . A'so ' a Final 1 set of books to post tienlnjH , chc.ip. Address "J. B. H. " Dee ollke. 140-llt MIOELLANEOHS WANTS . OAHO'NO And lodR'nu combined or cither " one wanted l > y a gentleman who otters In rcc- therefor Instruction In German. Ad- I. 0. tills ollko Hll 13t RCNT-HOUSCB AND LAND. Oll IIENT Furnished rooms , 8'G ' Howard St. Jj bet. 8th ami9th. I'leasant room , at reason ; able rates. 137-Uf KENT A nice ] } furnished front room EOK < hcap. Appl } 17CC Burt. 140-lGt FOll KENT Oood house ( with 5 rooms good well and Uxtcrn-wTOcr 83.1 south 17th St. ' Kent $13.00 month. Inqufru at Chicago Store opposite I'Obt Olllcc. ISfi-tf tftrjl llrNT Kuril' hod room with board , gas 1 a d bath room , 1718 Dodge. 144-10 * I/OK KENT Two ! > room houses ; stoves In ' kitchen , bolh ; laundry * dumb wai era hot and cell water , cellar , woodwork , handsome Etstlako linlsli , palntid and glided , KO ba.rcl tls- tern , I arn , Park a\cnuu ; per niontn , $35 SNI rick houses U rooms besides complete closet and store rooms , furdace , hot and cold water , marble mantels , commodious ami legant residences. Tucn j-fourtb near Dodge ; po month , 355. Flvo room hou'c juttrcpalrcd ; corner ISth'and Webster ; per month , K3. ! Eight room houec , barn , just repaired. Slier man a > cmic ; per month , 27. bcen room house , corner 18th and Klcholas ; per month , $ J3. Eiiht room house , new , barn , cast front ; per month , 825. ! lie stores. Capitol a\cnuc ; 22xCO ; per month , * 35. 35.AMES , , , bole V * { ! * . tf 1500 Fnvimra t EOU'UENT I'urnUhcd room and board 1016 Chicago street. 127-tf bOU KENT A hou o of three rooms , cu lar , well a d cistern , northeast i ornor ol Sex en tec th and Mkholm btrtctj. Inquire on the premlnea. tl.51'15. TTIOn KENT Kurnl ho I front room l3N. Ifith Jj ttro.tbetue n CipItoluM'auoand Davenport. 131-llt FOH Itr.NT 1'arlor and two sleeping rooms , nke > y furnished , W > per month for the three room * , 12V9 Jackhoii Street. l.-- t T oi\uutJrnUuuJ iu > o.a. HI L'lll . Ulllt _ EJI IVNew Map of Omaha , lust completed aiid read } fordcll\tr > atf'eacli. 1st feet wide by 7 feet Ion0' . Largest anil most complete map of Omaha mur publUhed. OHklal map of the cltj , bco column fTlOU HE. T UpTolrT , 1117 J-ainu m dtrett. Jj OMf JOHN 0. JA OH3 1 "miltENT lIousoiO ro in t and a riro uiiri. ,1.1. 1mm re > cu.'Us utritl , between K.ti > rid llUt. _ 61-U t 0 v hKNT Two Bt\en"ronm cotfajpt uvh I' s\c-ul clCHvti * , colUr.coul houMi , city nnd cUtcrn w lur , \\cll loutid hnqulrc ct < ! . V. Uriicall.l42U _ _ Itad itrect. 4Mt KENT Stare room SlxtO near corner Turningind Siundcrabt l > a\lj undSavder 1505 Farnuu. - b9-ll TOH HENT IC--IH8 oliS rcoros In flrai-ct ss J ; order , 10 Ulcnku from oiieri liciuo , cheap , „ , , . . . ? . Iloute of 11 raring , nil coavtaleLcs , b bloi ki f r oni 0ierahouso. | _ . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . 40 , " " * * * „ IIou 9 of C icoms , 23d aud Nlcliolu streets. Stcro onrarnaia , i lloors. . . , , . . . . . . 125 toroou 14th,2 floor i. . . . . . . . . . 76 Sxcll iront i eld nrea . , . 850 to 05 K , nplx ) lte P ( | 0ll KRNT KurnUhodflontrooru , "Beemrr's J Blvl. . cor MththiiidUi wad _ 9 tt _ > OUUUNT1t-A\erv pltasant furnUhed room IJ at721 south lath.St bctiurn St. liar ) ' Aacj- uo aud Lcaviuwoith bt. D13 tf EOlt HENT HouskC of D roouis,30ti ) and Dou- Klas street , 118 a mouth. 024 tf _ _ nocas&itiLU _ Elesr ntly furnlalied roomjitltb FOKUENT heater. Utferencci required. Ar > > ply at northwett c.rnor cf 23d and Hurt btrettj UWJI OH ItKJsT A Binglo ura'ntcd lOcmutidlO 171 1 Fttrnl'aw 'tri-il _ WT-tf F'OH KENT Threa unfurnWicd rooms , bouth 17th fctrcit , two block ! wu.tof j at- otllce. US tf atM I "ITIOH HENT Two T6oin fu7liUhcd for light J > housekeeping , llccmcr' bloc < , coiner of bth > and llowardjtrctl * IQritf . -OK KENT A furnUhed Uouse , ? 301 Dodge. ! P 80lnit JT1OH t EN 1 t hi.u J toe 6 and coie 0 rooms , J } Irqulro corner Chk ioaudl5Lh tt. t.SwII , 631-tf OH Hr.NT-Hoase , lx rocmt , furnl h l , In- J quire rUD , Iljdat ptlice , Mlllwu hotc ) ; FOH UHM A pleuuuit fuiclahed room. Call at 0 7j N. 17 Bt. Ith rtttrcnce 873-tl T0ll UlCivT A UMIUICR bouw ) , at 1M1 ( tn J } , bttwica D ju lij tuii Ixylk't , Inquire at car , 112ih aad Dou Ui , BU-U T70H IlENT-Offl § In latoVi b'ock , cor. IHh Jl1 nd Ocitol avenue , JOHN 0. JACOBS , 782 U < ) n Rn > T Cott ? f ft sl ltpe roorrw a'l ' conrenlonees and f ne lee it Ion by a.t. t'etcr- Acrr t IBlh and Diutl * 8 > . 7i4 t RrtNT Two nrw dwelling and two othoi POK In dolrablo toctllty , by lleKcoo No. HI * DnrfflM trf P17-tf ; > Olt KtlNl A cottage of five room . inquire t 1 at Northwcit corner 16ih and Chicago ( tr t. 810 tf IJIOK KtWT lAtgt oUlca room or hill store , L1 11 4) ) Farnh ra w . 7W-tf 710R RENT A store In Balcombe block , nn J ICth street , near Darcnpoit 8t A. D. Batcombe. 6W-2Stl mSNT-l-tirnliihod roams M 1717 Cast FOR , bet , 17th and ISth. 4X-U 'T7IOII ISEN'T The bullJIig atp'O'ont occtiptoil JJ bythoW-stmn Unloi clr rhch Coinpuu ; , cjr cr ol FnrnAni nri'l 16th tt ectxi Applv . . . Barker Bro . , ilMo31e . TOR 8ALK . A ( rood team wnuon it dlarm-ox at F011SAI.K ' store Hlli between Ca and Catfornla. IIC-II ' Map of Omaha , Ju t completed and BEMIS'Xeu ready for d Ihiry at $7 each. Is 4 feet wide by T feet long. I < anrc < t nnd most complete niap of Omahi ei cr published. Olllcl&l map oftlic city. Sea column. T710H SALE Allrstelossspan of mules , harnow , Jn and \ragon , Inquire Faulconcr Opera llou e. & 3 7J tf S All ? An "Argand" dcub'o hotter , FOR foro. 1 hey cost new $65. D. B. Bremor , cor.JEIflrhth and Itowa d. 40 If FOR HINT Prick i tore. Inquire at dru ? store corner 10th and Douglas. T7IOH SALE A "Root'a" Watt Mower for foun * r dry or machine ( hop , for half coit. D. B. Bcemer , cor.Jil h hand Ilnward 41-tt 'otuiiid western wet Core , JL' 1 and2 years o d. Weight about 90 pf unds , F.O.QK.OLK , Dfi2 tf m and e Ktarney. Ni-b. T7IOH BALE Corner CCxCfl on )3lh ) strccl JD 81,500 AMIS , 150G Parnam street. Flic itxiii hotihc , cellar , well , cistern , cast front , largo lot ; Plcrco 8 reel ; $1. X ) . AMES , IBOOKa nam street. ] 'M lota Hansconi Place ; SlOO down. AMES , 1 JM1 Karnatn street. IO acres , 4J miles from town , lmpro\cd ; per acre , 850. AMIS , IBOfl Faniam street. ? 0 ncrcs , Douglas county , unimproved ; per acre , 820. AME ' , ICOCrarnauietrect. 4 room house , summer Kitchen ; street ; $1,050. AME8 , ICOfl Karnam stCet. 3 room honc ; now , largo lot ; Dccatur street. 31,050. AMES , If OH Karnam street. 8 roonrhouse ; cistern , barn ; Sgtli street ; 81,430. AMIS , , 1TXX5 liirnam street . r > room boiisc ; barn , full lot ; I'ranklln street ; $200 down ; 81,400.AMES AMES , 1POG Karnam street. tt houses , ono lot ; Harney ssreet ; 81 , UO. AMES , IFOfi rarnain street. 2 house' ; 4 and 2 rooms , well , cist rn , stable , lotflOUlO ; IIorbacli'H Addition ; * l,05d. UOrt rarimm srtcct. ' n room house ; barn , well , cistern , trees , fruit ; 13th strict near 1'lercc : 81 , ISO. VJIES , * 1C08 Karnam ttrect. Small house ; well , full lot , cast frunt ; I''Ui street ; 8 .100. AMES , 1COO Karnam street. C r-oiu house ; barn , corner lot ; llth street ; $1,000. AilES , ] KO ( ! Karnam street. 7 rooiu house ; cistern , barn , dt&lrablo ; Harney street ; t3l > 50. AMES , > 1 COR Knrnam street. 3 room hou ° o ; ccllir , well , stable , comcniint 'ocation51tOO. ; AMES , IfOO Karnam street. 3 room house ; 3 lots , 150 barrel cistern , bear ing fruit ; 12th street ; SI ,800. AMES , ItOC'Karnam street. FOK SALE Oue orgi'i for 830. Ol o orzan fr 855. Ono Piano , 70S. Cash or monthly pay- mo ta 921-if A HOSPE. BICYCLE FOtt SALE Inquire O. M. Wood- nun , Omaha. 751-U T7IOR SALE Tloute and lot , V K. corner 18th Jj stroat and Capliol aveuun. Inqufrc on pro tO lm _ _ FOR SALE Good building , brick. Call t Water Wrrka office. 410-tf FOR SALK. Tno Arlington Uotu HOTEL class ; all furnished ho only bate In town. The cheapest property In the Btato. Has all tbo traveling man. will be uold cheap no terms to suit. Enquire ot E. Fullo , proprietor , Arlington , WaahlnKton count v Nob. 6(13 ( tt L OST One co'tlflcato of deposit on the Oma- h Nation lllaik of S7000lnfa\orof Mrs. M. Karrtll N. ICth St. Kinder please leivo ut this otlic < , 113-13) ) | J rj Your urd Just reccit cd. Call at Bee J. . r. offlcofjrcommunication. 145.11 * J. R. II. FOH TRADK 1 room house ; itflar , well , cU tern , largo barn , corn crib , lot COx 3' , trees , fruit ; 8lCOO Trade for Douglascoun y land. AMES , ot 1C03 Farnam street. TAKEN Ul' Ono small roan cow , aliout Ave jears old ; has on two bells one , one email and onolarge. On cr can ha\esame bj pro\ing pro perty and pa ) Ing charges. S. W. CAMPBELL , GS einStt Block 2 West Omaha. j C , IIHA1NAUD , Taxidermist , 13th and How- > . ard. C5 nj 2n > . J KIT Homo and Carrot Cleaner &tot e AK. . Lui\o orders at Itepnbllcaii oliitx1 , ISth and DoiiglM. M24-tt rno FARMEKH Thn highest cvu price paid I rorltye , narey and Corn at Krebs Vinegar Work ) , Joivostreet , bctwounOlh at d 10th , Omp- ba. 00-daw-tl EDWAED i\UEIU. : UAOIBTER OF PALUYSTKUY AN1 > ( )0ti ) T10NAUST , 43S TonSU Street , hKtir < u F.IIK./ andOaroor. Will , v4tu tn * * ld of uni.rl > .n\ ' siriU , obtftlo tor auy one s f ! i.c t > thi } 'f- ' and preheat , and on ccit&ln can JIt.or.j In I ! " lure. D. oU nd ShCM w ta l > n ! Vti-c- Absolutely Pure. TbU powder never varies. A marve < i f purity , strength and wliolesomeaett , More teonomlcal than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be laid in competition with the multitude of low test , short weight , alum or phouphate powders. Bold only in ca&4 ItOTAt BAKING Pownsu Co , NasrYw *