THE DAILY BEE--CO UN OIL ] 3Ltfjr7ES IOWA MuJSTOAY NOVEMBER 13 The Daily Bee , Morning ov. 13 , 8VBSCK1IT1ON PATHS ! Dtjjtrrlor , . . . SO ntf per week. BPUMI . . . . | 10 00 per Tsar. % > niro : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near U a. OtllFFlH , Jl n ? et , H. W. T1LTON , Olty Editor. frflJNOH MENTIONS The 0 lunlia fair commences to.niglil at Dohanj ' . J. AJuellrr' * r lace Music Hall. Subsctibe for newspapers and pcriodl- cals at H. 13 Se m n's book store. The council meets again to. night. Board of tr f'o meeting this evening , The Ohautauqim club meets this eye- Birthday , Holiday and Wedding Gifts nt II. K. Seaman's. novO-tf New lot nicely decorated , 50 plcccs.fof tea sits , only $5 at Mnurer k Crolff. The Catholic fair opens at Dohnny'n hall this evening , The Hound Table meets to-morrow evening at 1' . F. Ford' residence. About 4CO regulars passed through thiclty Saturday en route for Fort lion- doll. Hand-painted china , art nottory , solid silverware , bronzes , &o. , nt Mnurer & Craig. Craig.The The nowmcat | market of Bhull & Iul > len , 709 South Main street , gucrantco best of meats and prompt attention , Bayliss park in Itspreicnt nppoarnnco is a ( lltgraco to the city. The thermometer took a terrible turn- bio Saturday , and overcoats and mittens are in demand. A fine assortment of Boots and Shoos , Bufliclont to supply the demands ot all , nt George. Blaxim's couth Main ctroct. Cheap llailroad tickets to all points , ; t Buflhnell , fi ve doom north of postofflcc , tolls them. Entrance , Main or Pearl streets , > Henry Myers , n military convict who had escaped , was captured Saturday nnd taken back to Fort Omaha. Little lied Riding Hood's Itescue operetta , at the Catholic fair to-night , at Dohany't. Admission fifty cents. Six room homo , a store room well lo cated and n forty aero improved , two miles from this city , for tent by W. R. Vmigban. The outgoing trains eastward this afternoon nro over the Chicago nnd Rock Island , at the Milwaukee and St. Paul. Joseph Relter makes the Finest Suits In the latest styles , at the lowest possible prices. His merchant tailoring establish ment is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council BlnftV. Another addition Is belug built on the V i 1 * I Metropolitan hotel , this time on the east end. Kov. Thos. D. Lot ; an , of Mcadvillo , K Pa , occupied the pulpit of the Presbyter ian church yesterday. The board of county supervisors meet to-day to canvass the vote. Then nil will bjlnown for cure , Leave to marry If they wish has been given Albert \V. Jones and Dolly Roberts , both of this city ; James G. Klrkwood and Margaret Htrnng , both of tliia city. The question of raying Main and Broadway will be discussed at the board of trade meeting tills evening , There were several complaints of luui- "bcr beini ; stolen Saturday night. The change in the wa ithcr evidently created u desperate demand for fuel , The operetta of "Little Rod Riding Hoad" ia to bo given at Dohany's to-night as the openlnc of the Catholic fair. The Oatbollo Boys' band appears ID public this week for the first time , the ) they having been engaged for the Catholic fair. Macedonia only gives three votes foi the Jail and 197 against. Grove townshit ghos one solitary \oto for It , and 17 ! against it. At this rate , tbo Jail project 1 buried deep. This is the week not aside by tbi Young Men'a Christian association as i week of prayer. A special meeting w.i held yesterday afternoon nt 4 o'clock , ai their rooms here , ami there Is to bo held i half-hour frayer meeting every ovenlm thU week , commencing at 7 o'clock , at tb rooms on North Main street. For the first time in the history of th township , we believe , a democratic con gresslonal aspirant , has receiver ! a rra jorlty ; Iu this Instance Mr , 1'uuey belni thirty votes ahead , This Is probably du to two causes , the unpopularity of the r publican nominee , who was foisted upo : tha party by botalsm , and tl o liquor que * tlon. Macedonia Rons. In nuotliur column will bo noticed cut of the Ottawa cylinder corn sheller , fo which the Shugart implement company c this olty are egents. Ai many know , tbl aheller ranks high and Is one of the bcs machines ever put oa the market , In fac the Sbugart Implement company will hat die none but the I eat of any kind of mi chlnery. Tom JJugliei w a urreited Siturdo night by Chief FMd fi r iwpeMnnatlug ti oHictr , Tom hail u beautiful tiller tta but unfortunately had no authority to u it , though ho threatened te > eral parti with arrest. He said he waa juit civil tbe boys a little "bluff , " and that I meant no harm Tbe joke may coat hi Jno-o than he expected. ' During the Ute oil excitement her the city council Instructed the city atto ney 1 1 prepare an ordinance regulating tl uale of gasoline , and preventing the storaj iu soy one place of over five gallon TJ ordinance has been prepared , and lies da tnant Iu the derk'a deik. The council a not so anxious to pan it now , as the cil itself keeps not merely &v < \ eaJlons , bi livubaircla stored in the pound for plying atreot lamps. The building next to ho pottaffic jruunlog from Main to Pearl street * , as I tely occupied by the liuiplra hardwn C'ropany , in beluj ubjjcted to sundry It p oveinunU , ud U to be oooupted I r iezoy & Moore with n mammoth sto < of cigar * , etc. On moving into tbU bull ingthcy will confico thtmfclvM to A whole- silo trade , while Charles Mooio will sue- ccidtotbelrrolall trade , and will occupy the old sntH on Broadwiy. I' coy ft Jlooro .tie on the grotc , and ctiglit to be , fnr they nro full of enterprise , Their re- tall trade will fall into goo 1 bands , and the stnoki n will fiml their WAU'.S ccrefnlly after by Charlla Moore , THE Ul K has been favored by Harry Jtlrklnhlne with photograph * of the tnro and euMcdliR rcecrvoin of the now nater woikc , of which ho nnd Henry 1 * . liirk- irjbinc are tlio engineers , The views nro excellent and are taken by .T. F , Burke , the well known phrilogrnphcr of this city. Mr , Swclgsrt , ot the California hntite , was complained of Saturday before Jus tice Abbott by ono of tha boarders named Julius Cittun , who claimed that Swcl art thumped him bemuse he wouldn't or'coutd not pay his board bill. Clttui also claimed that ho WM afr.tld Swelaart would thump him again nnd perhap < kill him , but the latter gave a$2CO bond to let him alone. There Is n general howl about the horrible rible condition of Main street. As ono of the most important thoroughfares in the city , it should not bo left In nuch shape that neither trams nor foot passengers can travel It , The council has ordered street work to cease after the 15th , but Main street should be an exception , or eUo n rush should ho made to fix it Up before that time , which would bo still bettor. It will bo with regret that many will learn of the rc l mint Ion of R v. F , T. Webb , rector of St. Paul's Kpiscopnl church , nf this city. The resignation is to take effect with the cloning of the year , and it Is Mr. Webb'w Intention to remove to Montana. Ho has been rector of this church for several yearc , and has met with marked anil merited success. Ho has made many friends outside of the church also , who will recret that ho and his are to leave the city. He Is a young man of more than average ability , and pocsessing many other good qualities , is sure to win friends wherever ho may go , and such will be the wish of many hero. In regard to the Council Bluffi fire department , wo are requested to extend to them the hearty thanks of the entire com munity for their promptness in responding to their aj-penl for help and for their work while hero. Being situated as we were after the fire , our citizens could not extend to the firemen the hospitality which , un der other clrcumstancei they would have done , and some of the boys wore com- palled to go homo without supper. Wo are authorised by our worthy mayor to extend to tbe bays a cordial invitation to attend n grand ball and supper , which will bn given for their entertainment In ap preciation of the great sorvica rendered UB in1 our hour of need , they to fix the date to nuit their convenience and [ notify us ol the titnoBot. Noola Reporter. The Harlau Herald , which SB a repub. llcau paper supported Anderson , now sume up the trouble thus : The republican lead ers nro the only ones to blnuie ; they huvc given the party over to every infnmoui ism extant , and have , by a dimple turn of the machine crank , manipulated convention * and whitewashed thieves in high place until th3 people have become disgusted , wholly dlrgustod , and determined to teach these experimental tricksters and political bosses a lesson , This they have done Ir right royal good shape , and wo trust thi honest masi of the republican party wil hereafter assort themselves in caucus am c6nventlon as emphatically as they hnv at the polls. 'When this is done and moi an nominated fairly , frauds and senna tlonaliett set back at the start or Idckei out iiltogi'ther thn better it will bo for th party And tha country. Tbo Official FlHuroa. The town trustees mot Saturdoj night and cnnvussod the tovrnahij vote , the ofllciul figures ; allowing thi oamo result ns that already announce ! in TUB Bun , the justices elected be ing Abbott , Yaughan and Soharz ; th couotnblcB , Fox , Olattorbuck ant Skinner ; town truatoo , Henry Poachn and town clerk , E. A. Becker. Th following is the official figures : l t 2d 3d 1th Total Ma Jiutico o ! the 1'uicc. II. II. HeldOt 1S.1 197 1 % 77fi It. 1' . Hcalo 141 170 213 311 HK7 U.J. Abbott 'J > 1 : ill 271 : ttV > 1211 I. ] N. Hcliurz [ ! ) ' ! IfA ) Ml IVM 10S.I IU ! J. J. Frtlnoy 17713 170 asi 1U2I ' . H. Vauglian.UO SO1 ! 170 II3U lilnl 1C ! W. U ! % „ * 01 173 1U7 2IU 703 Cotiktable , John Kox Ill .110 210 3ttO lail la JOlui MttoiKZ \ > 1MO 210 HIS ISO ) A.l'Oat irbuck..UG : i.ll 210 310 1017 10 Thoi. 8klmur,3IU 3.19 2111 377 1181 111 IJlHaUu im 291 171) 307 1)711 O. Wesley 101 ' _ " > J 11)5 ) ail IWI \Val.Mcraddon..lt8 1UI US 148 MB 11 JUwecraiu 71 7J U7 115 325 Ton nslilji Trustee. Wm. CauiilKll..m | 328 277101 ilM ! ! lltnry l'aBihal'Jo8 UUJ 222 MJ 12b2 Tow nshlji Cluk. O. H.Clark..ItiJ 351 20J IM 1201 I'A , IJocUr 207 32U 3JS 103 12W ) H , Y , Dyers , oi Oakaloosa , Is In thoclt ; Countable 12. Hosoorans in reported i quite ill. ' Fred Hunter , of Missouri Valley , U i the Ogdvn , ' A , W , Hess , of Chicago , was at ( ho 0 | denjesterday , Y. J , McUetb , of Ilochester , N. Y is leaking after McDulf. A. Ltstenbergcr , of South Bend , among the Ogdeti house giio-td. * L. W , IJoelintr , ono of Malvtrn's mo n ati > o monhuutd , united here yeatwih 1 W. F. Sapp bin roturuoil from llarrisc 18 county , where ho has been atteudit court , ig ie 0. II. WooiJ , the Ice man , now rejoic iu the arrival of a ten-pound boy , who hi evidently come ton toy. Mr. Thompson , of Van Drun & C < has just returned from n very succeesf bu\lnen trip thrqugh Southwestern lov and Northern Missouri ' Jacob Kiel , ho has been connect' ' with Spctman Kros , , now goes to his o hqme in Sioux Falls , where he has secun a position cs ualttmau In a dry goo house. He leavai many friends in tl city , who will be glad to bear of his co tioued Bucceia aud prosperity , wherever 1 may go , but who regret to ha\e him lea Council liluffn. TJio only iron preparation that do not color the tooth , and will not o&u hoadaohe or cone ipatlou , aa oth iron preparations will , is lirowu'oln Bitters. OONOERBINft THE OOUNOIL , Sunday Doinga Which ro of Interest to the City. War ti bo Dcolarod on tbn Couj. At an adjourned meeting of the city council , held Friday niht ( ! , Mayor Donrinan and a full board of aldermen wore present. After the opening prolirainarica of reading the miuutoa , etc. , the tnnt.or cf the exemption of certain lota owned by railways was brought up. Aider , man Shugarc claimed that there \vno Homo of the property on which the railways claimed exemption which was in fact used for other than railway purpoaca , and ho wanted a full report. The whole affair wan referred to a committee , consisting of Aldermen Shugart , Gouldun and Siodontopf. A petition was prcaontod , signed by these residing iu the vicinity of the city pound , and asking that the pound bo removed , aa it was a nuisance. Sotno of the alder' men expressed an opinion that the pound ought to bo located olaowhoro , but there aooinod no other place to put it just now. As the dog pound portion of it was especially obnoxious to adjacent resident ) ) , it was decided to instruct the city marnhal to pro * coed at once to hx up aomo other place for the howling curs. A petition was presented for the establishment of prude on Bloomer btroot. Ilorerred to city engineer and Aldermen Siodentopf nnd Wood. On motion of Alderman Shugart , the olty marshal w s instructed togivo oflicial notice that the-ordinance re straining cattle from running at largo at night would bo enforced. Aldonnau Wood gave as his experience enceth t the last thing ho had to do every night before going to bed waste to chain hid front gate to keep the cows out. .Alderman Gouldon Diud chains or locks did no good down his waj. The cows had learned to turn the door knobs and and walk right in the house Alderman Newell thought the coirs should bo kept from running at largo any of the time , and ho moved that the city attorney bo asked to draw up uti ordinance to that effect. It wao suggested that nome parts of the city should bo exempt from ouch an ordinance , but it was decided to make aach changes as Doomed advis able after the ordinance was presented. A petition was presented for lamp post on Vine otreot , it being the darkest street in the olty. The treasurer's report was presented and reported an correct. The committee on the Missouri river reported as to the progress of the work and were instructed to con fer with the county board of super visors , who are to moat to day. It is estimated that a mlle of the levee can bo finished this year. The same com mittee was instructed to also confer with the Buporvisora in regard to hav ing the bridge built on Union avenue , as decided on aomo time ago. The report of the now Indian crook culvert at Ifirat street showed that the tptal cost of the Improvement would not fill short of § 9,000. Art order was drawn in favor of Raymond & Campbell for $2,050 on estimate of the work done already. By resolution a aowerago fund was established , and $3,000 taken from the police fund to start It. On motion of Alderman Shugart , it waa decided to have all work on the streets cease after the 15th inat. , except such aa should bo immediately necessary. Attention waa called to the late no- indent at the reservoir on Market otreot , near Fairmount park , and the committee on streets were authorized to build a fence or guard on the side of that street , to prevent any furthoi occurrences of the kind , Adjournment win taken until thii evening , at which time the election of one or more anaossora will bo made th ( apodal order of business. Straight Allourboots and shoes coma straight from the manufacturers to us. W < pay cash and sell for cash , thorofon are enabled to sell much lower thai firms who sell on timo. X. T. LlNDSEY & Go7 Never too Iiato to Meiid > Thos. J. . Arden. William Street , Ens ButTalo , writes ; ' 'Your Sriuxa ULOSSOI IIUH worked on me splendid , I had no an petite ; used to sleep badly and ret up ii the mornlriK mirefreshoij my breath wa vary offensive nnd I Buttered frmn fever hendacho ; since using your Spring DloBou all those syinptamn have vanished , and fesl quite well. " Trice 00 cent ? , trial but te ! 10 centa. S ) The Bpeoch of tno Day. "My eon , " said an Ontario atrco mother , "go down to the gtooery an got mo a eau of green peas. " "I should equlnn to witrglc , " ana worcd the boy , "Go on , I toll you. " "I should limp to jump. " ' 'If you don't go thin inatont I wil toll your father when ho cornea homo , ' "I should blow to tattlo. " ' Never mind , air. " "I should whoop to cquoal. " When the father came the mothe aaid : "I with that you'd whip Tom. H positively refused to go down to th giooory , and told mo that I was s tat tier , and that he would jump on mo i I didn't mind. " "Tom. " "Yes , sir. " "What waa that you eaid to you mother to-day , " "Nover said nothing. " young man tqulrmed to wiggle , llmpo to jump , blow to tattle , whooped t iquoal and tittered to snort. [ Strai furd Herald , Satiifaotory , Mw. Wallace , Uulfalo , N. Y , , writei "I have uted UUUDUCK ULCXJI ) liirmts f ( nervous and bllluus headaches , aud hay recommended them to my friends ; I bi ur Hove them to be superior to any otbi in I medicine I have used. > nd can recoinmeo 1 them to any ona requiring a cure for bl | ioutntbs. " 1'iice 31 , IOWA ITBM3 , The New KngUnders In the vicinity of Crouton Imvo orgnnired nn association , Oeorgft WrlBht , loc l editor ff tlie DCS Molnet llfgigtor , narrowly eieapoJ being crashed iiy the Wnbuth tram in tbat city on Monday evening , The postofllce nt Sprlngdnlo In Mather Hros' . etoro wai ImrgUrl/ed the night of the 4th innt. Tha safe wvi blown open , SCO In ruoucy and about § 300 in check * tuken , A switch Rixnjj foreman was killed nt Snvnnna on Monday evening : . Ho caught bis foot in a frog mid wnt crushed out of all tcmblnnco of Imnmnlty by a freight en gine. gine.Anew Anew and peculiar dUoase has made IU appearance , nmbug tbo hogs in Johnson county. Of nearly elct t hundred hogs nearly In condition for market , belonging to Jacob Teller , president of the county agricultural eoclety , cner four hundred h.ivo died within a few days. The dltcano is spreading. While it is not understood , it Rooms to resemble pneumonia , It is very fatal and creates much alarm among the farmers , The latest scheme to swindle farmer * has recently developed near Des Molnes. A man represent * to a farmer that he has some nnvili ho wantu to sell , and , asking the fanner to haul them away from the depot , hands him a sum of money to pay the freight and takes n receipt for the i > atno. This receipt soon turns up in tbo shape of a note for a handsome umount in supposed payment for the nnvlls. Sioux City Journal A lighted chandelier In the dining-room of the St. .Lawrence hotel , nt Lomira , fell last unday afternoon , breaking the lamps and setting the kerosene in n blaze. A quantity of the coal oil bespattered a daughter of the landlord , Mr. Glenn , and her clothing wan teen all ablaze , The commotion caused by the incident was con siderable , and tbo young woman wan in a critical situation , but the guests and others present succeeded in extinguishing the Humes. Mr Glenn was considerably in jured , but both ho nnd his child had a re markable escape. "Ponron Oil. " L. F. Follett , Marion. Ohio , states that ho has used THOMAS * EcLKCTIUO OIL for burns and has lound nothing to equal it In soothing the pain and flvlng relief. TROUBLING THE FOOL- Tbo Illinois Central's Council Blutt'a Line vm Fignt Unless Admitted. The committee appointed by the Iowa pool to meet J. N. Tucker , traffic manager of the Illinois Contra ] , and rgo him to abandon the now line to buncil Blufls via Sioux Oity , per- brmod this duty Friday last in Ohi- iago , and the result of the conference .a thus given by the Tribune : The committee tried hard to eon- incp Mr. Tucker that the continuance f his Council Bluflo line would make rouble all around ; that there was no ; oed reapon for his forming such a ino in connection with the St. Paul , nd Omaha , and that owing to its ; roat length it could not bo called a lompoting lino. Mr. Tucker was also nformcd that if ho continued to com- ute for the Council Bluffa business ho Iowa pool could get even by strik- ng vital points on the Illinois Central. Mr. Tucker refused to bo convinced iy the arguments , and atated that he lad gene into that business to stay , ind that ho meant to stay. The Iowa ines , ho said , for years had been injuring the Iowa line of the Illi nois Central by unjust competition. His now line to Council Bluffs wat ally aa good aa many other llnet which had lately been formed tc points In Iowa and the northwest. II .ho Iowa pool lines meant to make war upon the Illinois Central the ] wore at liberty to do BO. The Illinoli Oontral bad always boon alow in going to nor , but when it once got mad ii would fight as well as anybody elsi and meant to give blow for blow , This terminated the proceedings. It spite of the warlike talk it is not prob able that a fight will ccoar over thi matter , and it is more probable * tha before long the roads will coma together gothor again and compromioo the matter tor by admitting the Illinois Contra lind into Council Blnffc into the lowi pool. Bnolclm'o Arnica Halve. The BEST SALVE ia the world for Cut ! Bruises , Sores , Ulcer ; , bait Rheum , Ft ver Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil blains , Coras , and all skin eruptions , an positively cures piles , It is guaranteed t rive onthfactfon t ECA. ney refunded I'rlcn , 25 contn per ex. jfor solo by C Guodm&n Sortonod by Times. Wall Street News. Less than u month ago a woman o about fifty years of ago walked int the headquarters of a Georgia railroad announced her name , and said ah had como to make n settlement. "Settlement of what ? " asked th superintendent. "For killing my old man. " "When ? " "Nino years ago yesterday. " "Whore ? " "About fourteen tnlloa from Mr con. " And so it proved. When the ch cumstancos were hunted out it wa found that she was the wife of iv dea man who had boon killed while wM ing on the track , and no one had bee able to identify him. "Just heard of it the other day , she replied. "I supposed the old mu Was parading around somewhere an would como home when his knee wanted new p At dies. " "And what damages do you ask ? " "Well , It Mas a long time ago , an my prief haa boon softened up u goo deal I reckon that $25 and a pass < Atlanta will bo about right. " Settlement was made on the spo and she took the next train for th capital , A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for an Drug store as is now nt 0. V , Goodman' , for a Trial BotUo of Dr. King's New Di covery for Consumption , Coughs an Colds. All jienons alt ) toted with Asthmi Bronchitis , Hoarseness , Severe Cough , < any affection of the Throat and Lung can get n Trial Bottle of this greattemed fnt , by calling at above named Dm Store I.D UmnrMO * . . L.BUCaiUT. A. W.STRII President. Vlco-Prort Cashier , CITIZENS BANH Of Council Bluff * . OrganUed under the U i ol tha SUto of low Paid up capital , , . . , . . Authorize. ! capital. . I. , , . , . . , , , . . , 000 Interest pld on time deposit * . Prills Uaui en the principal cities of the United States ai Europe. BpeUal attention ( riven to collectlo anil correspondence with prompt returns. DIKEOTOU. 3 D.Edmondwn , E. L. Bhujart , J. T.Htrt W.kW. Wnllice , J.V. . Uodler , ' I. A. Ullli A. W. Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. J "OTiaE.-Spocial MlvrrtiiiamtT.t * , sue test , KounJ , To I.MO , For S lo , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bs Inwrtod In thli column t thft ow rate c ( TEN CEOT3 PEn T.INE for the flrrt li'ertlon and FIVE CENT } ' PRU LINK for each sulu iu n * Insertion. ertl'einonts ot our office , Ho. 7 Wants. WANTKD-A rwlllon to < lo roncr-il writing -a jounRtnun willrecoiiin.nilcdftniliro ) < xl pcnnnn lniiircal | ! tlicoffieoof JolinUndt , at- orncj t law , olllco on Ilr WANTii-At : ) the \\c torn House , a cook ; ono wlio unilcrstanils the ljiislnc 9j none other necil npj'lj. ' \ \ T ANTKB I ? 0 bullilhm to mo\ . Wo nako Y of mo\l g IIOUJCT and safes\ \ AildrcM W. 1' . Ayleanortti , box 870 , Conucll HlulTa , la. _ _ WANTED Krtrybody In Council Bluda In to take Tn Una , 0 ccutatt wooh , di Ilverod by tarrlrrs. Officn , No 7 Pe rl Street nonr Broad wav. For Sale nnd Rent 71011 SAI.UTho Western Hou o , No. SOS Up- J l > tr Hroadwaj ; or 111 bnulo for improxxl cltj orfixnn uroptrtj ; or 111 sell furnlturo ami rent building ; itnson , III health. Address J. H. C. MCCAI.UHTPII , 80S Upper llroadtta ) , Council Dlnde , .Iowa. OK SALE A. lumber and coal yard , ilolng i\ geol bnslnrai In a no * town , oa the Chl- cage , MIlwauKcf , tSt. 1'nul railroad. Ol KENT My now tttostorj brick store building , on South Main street. PLTEll WEIS. FOR 8M.KMy twcht-acro fruit farm , on South 1 Ir tsircct. 1'ETElt WKlS TJ10II HENT Furnished rooms to rent , with board , at 730 Mj lister street. Day board M.50 per week. ocutl7-lt IjlOK 8ALK Uca'itiful rcsldtuci- lots , (00 n each ; nothing down , and 83 per month only , fay Ei-MAYOK VAUQIIAN. apl8-tf MlHcollanoouB. LOST Black setter pup Liberal reward will be pild ( or hli return t < the Western houac , upper Bnadnay , Council BhtOj. QTlLLi AHEAD Great succofi. Call and see > j new accessories and specimens of pictures ta chbv tho'rollablo gelatine brainldo proccbj , at the KxcotMor Gallery lOAMaln street. ' Da W. L. PATTON-l'iijBlclan and Oculist Can cure any casn of nero cycn. It la only a matlcr of time , and can euro general ) ; In frcta three tc flro weel-3-lt makes no differ' enco how long diseased. Will straighten cross eyed , opcrata and remote Ptyrcglnms , etc. , and Insert artlUdttl cjca. Special attention to re- movclne tadeuorms apB tf Council bluffs' Business Directory , Art Gallery. Excelsior photograph gallery , South Main St. Instantaneous process. Brewery. C. GEISE , Upper Broadway. Bottling Works. B. IIAOQ & CO , Kast PlcrcoSt. Bakery. P. AYEIIS , 017 S. Slain St. Bathing House * . SIRS. E. J. HARDING , II. D. , Broadway and Glenn ao. . DR. STUDLEY , Bcthcsda Bathing House , Broadway. Books and Stationery. 1I.E.J3EAMAN , Middle Broadway. Banks. OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and 6th street. > ITIZENS" BANK , BthBtrect. Broom Factory. MAYNE&CO. . a\enue A , and Cth St. Cigar Manufacturers. TEMPLETON & LAMB , 232 Broadway. F. K. LEVIN , 308 Broadway. L. BOEKHOFr , 031 Main St. Ocal. A. H. MAYNE & CO. , 31 Pearl St. Cooper. J. ROSS , CIO Eaat Broadway. Dentists. SINTON i , WEST , H Pearl St. Dry Goods ' nARKNESS.ORCUTT.'fcCO. ' , Broadway an < 4th street. . Eggs Shipper. 0. P. CRAWFORD , 010 Main St. Furniture Manufactory. E. R. STEINIIILBER , cor. 7th aa and 12th 81 Furniture Store. 0. A. BEEDE & CO. , 207 and 209 Broadway. Groceries and Provisions. SOLIVAN 4. riTZOEIULD , 313 Broadway. Gunsmlthlng. OLLIVER tc GRAHAM , Cth street. Good sold at cistern prlcca and guaranteed. Hirness and Saddlery. CRAB. WALTER & , IIRO. , Middle Broadwaj CHAS. BEKMAN.331 Middle Broadway. Hair Qoods. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. 337 West Broodwa ) MHS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Oth street. Livery Stables. A. COMPTON , 230 Broadway. W. O. HOLLAND , 70(5 ( South Main St. II. BUECROIT , opi > . P. O. Hotels. OGDEN HOUSK. Upper Broadway. KIEL'S HOTKL , 001 and 007 Main street. Meat Market. E. W. TICKNOIt , 530 Broadway , Millinery. J. J. BLISS , 328 Broadway. Como and exan Inoiorjouroeli. URS.J. E METCALF , 018 Broadway. Marble and Granite Works. CONNOR & GtJANELLA , 117 Broadway. Merchant Tailors. JAS. FRANEY , 372 Broadway. CHAS. RICU , Detol'a building , Cb and Mil street. JOS RU1TER , 310 Broadway Real Estate and Abstract. KIMBALL A. CHAMP , opposite court house. J. W , SQUIRE & CO. , corner Pearl and 1st av O Restaurant. SMITH & ( CUEN , 4P1 Broadway. Stoves and Tinware , R. D. AMY & CO. , 000 South Main street. Shirt Factory. F. F. FOHD , corner lilufl and Willow St. Undertakers. Jj MOUOAN , KELLEB & CO. , S16 and 317 Bro * ! ' 1S. JI. CONNELL , 17 North Main St. DR. G. J. GLAR Twinty-lour jcars experience in practical Office 106 tipper Broadway , Council Bluffs , - low ? DAVID G. EVANS & GO , , 5 < H North Secpnd Street , ST , LOUIS , MO , Sf-Aek your Grocer lyr the Oe obrated Btar Ooffeo and Stir Bakir Powder , TTCJ Broadway , and Fourth Street , , Council Blufi's , Iowa mftr-2-Hm - - Headquarters For the Cele brated Weber Pianos , TJ Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. _ Address , -'t O d. MUELLER , El COUNCIL BLUFFS , O Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00 'Bluff ' and Mow greets , Council Bluffs. B. HAGG & CO. GEISE' BOTTLED BEEE , HADE FROM T11E ARTESIAN WELL WATER. AL50 AGENTS FOR THE OrJers flllsJ Inauy part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. & 0 JRk ibis MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF CUPBOAEDS AND SAFES. We make the following a specialty : WALNUT EXTENSION TABLES , POPLAR OPEN WASHSTANDS , WALNUT BREAKFAST TABLES , POI'LAU WARDROBES , POPLAR BREAKFAST TABLES , POPLAR OUI'BOARDS , WALNUT WARDROBES , POPLAR SAFES , WALNUT OPEN WASHSTANDS. JtZTMall orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory S. E. Cor. 7th Ave. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MORGAN , KELLER & GO. , The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metallo cases. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan bos served aa undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands hb KIMBALL.'t all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins , Tele * . graphic and mail orders filled without delay. CONRAD GEISE'3 MALT Council Bluffs , - Iowa. 'Beer and rralt In any quanlltto | suit purchasers. Beer { 8.00 per barrel. Private families sun- piled w'tli ' small teg * at 81.00 each , oclvered Ireeot ctarge to auy part of the city. ' PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlita Brewing Company'fi Celebrated ' 1T T f 1ST & TT IF TO .ILWAu KJBi No , 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited Citv orders to fanilHon aud dealers dsllverfd free , A. BEKBU. W. KUNYAN , W. O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Ketall Dealers in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JAMES FRANEY , ! Merchant Tailor 372 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Aiwa ) s keeps on hand the flneat assortuu nt ol material tor gentlemen's wear. BatMactlon guarantied MRS. d. E. METCALF , Rlllllnory , DrossmRtdng' , Eto. Cutting and Fitting a Spedlalty. No. & 19 Broadway , Oppotlte Revere House. Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear. lUndkcrchlefB , hoje ol all klndt , thread , pint , ocodles , etc. Wo hope tha ladlti will ctll . and se our stock ol goods. Merchant Tailor. ( Late Cutter for Metcalf B . , ) Devol's New Building , Main Street. Council Bluffs , la , Buita to order $18 and upwards. J , F. KIMBALL. GEO , H , OHAMP , KIMBALL & CHAMP , ( Successors to J. P. tc i. N. Cauady. ) Abstract , Real Estate.and Loan Brokers. We bt\t tha only complete eet ol atatracv books to all city lots ted lands In PotUwiitainl county. Titles examined and abtracU luri Itbtd on short noVce. Honey to loan co city and larm property , short ud lee ; time , In sums to suit the borrower. lUalwU bought ted Kid , Offic * at the old sUoi opposite co ut !