Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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I'iie Hebraaka Rational Bauk
Pftld up Capital , - - - - $250.000
8. n. JOHNSON , President , olStcclfl , Johnson &
A. E. TOTOAL1N , Vice President , of C. , B. ft Q.
R. K , Boston.
X. V. MORSE , of W. V. Morse fc Co.
O11N S. COLMNS. ol O , II. & J. & Collins.
M. WOULW011TII , Cocnscllor fit Attorncy-at-
U S. KEKD.of Byron Reed A Oo.
H. W. YATES , Cashier , Into Cajhtcr ot the First Kink ol Om hi , and connected iltli
firoactUolnanopemtnt of tint IHnk 8lno lt
organization In 1K63.
buslnen April C7 , 1832 , with Iho
l tfo t laplblol nny bank la Nolinska.
Cot.tRCTiov reotlvo spcdil attention tttl char'
gealD C't ibtilutbto hers or clscwhcra.
InniRKST kllownion thnt deposit ) upon favor
able tcims nnd O [ < on accotEDUol bankibml bank'
FORUOX KiraASOB , Oo\crnmcnt Honda , and
County and City nccurKtos boURht and olil.
It Is prepare J to do u general banl.lng business
InnllIU drUlli , and In tbo trrattnntolcuitom
era will ruciio the moot liberal policy consilient
with Kifp
> * "
EvonUi of the Post "Wook In Wall
Street The Wheat nnd Wool
Market. Dupitch taTni DRI.
NEW YOHK , November 11. The events
of the past wee k in financial ciiclos wore
important in several departments. The
money market was manipulated for higher
rates of interest by speculators identified
with the bear account and tail loans were
put'from ' 5g ( 0 to 20@25 per cent advance ,
being assisted by the shifting of loanai
which followed the sharp decline ia value
on the Stock Bxchango after the election
Secretary Folder , with his usual prompt
DOBS' , came to tbs relief of the market by
abcipayment , without rebate , lute rot ol
$16,000,000 bonds embraced ia the one
hundredth call , an after this an eataer 'fol
ilng prevailed with an approach to norma
nrates fur money. These bonds have been
turned in aUtlio treasury for redemption ,
end nj doubi further considerable amounts
will be presented for redemption within a
fcwdi.ys. The discount marJtet was dis
turbed by n raise ou cull loans , domestic
'exchange has been rather moie favoiable
ito this paint , and there has boon a.percop-
tiblo dlmiuuatlon in the outflow of money ,
ft he foraigu exchanges were affected
slightly a : intervals by the deatueas of
money , but postal rates were unchanged ,
with little variation in quotations'froia
actual business. Government txmda were
a fraction lower , long issues being oCected
by tha reported sale of $10,000,100 of bauds
by Mr. Vanderbilt , and short date issues
by the call for tflS.OOO.COfl extended & '
( issued by Secretary i'olger. lUilroad
bonds wore weak and in sympathy with
the share 'list , and as a rule prices de
clined toward the close. However , it
stoidier feeling prevailed and there was
some recovery The railway and miscel
laneous vfoulation was unfavorably of'
fected by a combination of catWesyBuch as
the decision against the "Western ( Union in
the Williams buit , the overwhelming dem
ocratic victory in Tuesday's elcationa , the
result of the Metropolitan elevated railway
election and money stringency. 'Great do.
pression fallowed these events and up to
the close on Thursday there was a sharp
decline in. prices accompanied by increased
activity and much excitement. Subse
quently tbero was a decided improvement
in the tooe of speculation and a marked re
covery from the extreme decline on the
action of Secretary Folger , anticipating
the one hundred and eighteenth call , the
easier condition of the money market , the
large purchases of stocks for asconnt of
GouU and Vanderbilt , and ( lie hovy gain
on railway earnings reported by Home of
the leading roads ( or the first week of No
vember. iThe report that Vanderbilt had
disposed oC$10,000,000 of 4 per cent bonds
and takermp a large block of Lnlio Shore ,
assisted the rise in that stock and sympa
thetically .tiio balance of the Hat. Noir
the closd the bears made frequent "demon
stration agilnst the market , particularly
against that stock known to be without
any special bull support , and noir.o of the
improvement was lost. Tbero ishowever ( ,
. a strong undertone to speculation , which
c from present appearances promises to de
velop a bull movement in the iuture.
The bank movement statement shows a [
decrease of $21,334,000 ; $52,012,000 in de
posits ; $3,290,000 in specie ; $1,117,000 in
'legal tenders.
Imports far the' ' week , $8,022,000 ; ex-
, perU , exclusive of specie , $8,4)27OQO. )
Wheat closed dull but steady. ( Visible
supply , 17,743,0.10 bushels ; previous week ,
111,078,000 cuibels.
Wool , nicording to average reports is
twaakar. The general situation of domes-
itic wools is without improvement , < vith no
indication of oLange for the better. Man
ufacturer. ] atlU claim a want of encourage-
unent in goods end trade sufficient to In
duce them to invert beyond the rqqulra *
meats of contract ! in hand , nml some do
not even operate to this extent , preferring
< torurIiase ( alouc In , ojil lots , juat wiifi.
cicut to keep the loom * in motion , and us
paculaticm Kccina to be entirely dead , the
carrying of supply is left tipn. dealers.
The-situation , oficonrse , is not veryaratl-
iyinfl to holders , .end with force in becom
ing uaeroua. Ae .the end of the year approaches
preaches there is r. effort making
60 realize wliaueior a fair opportunity pro-
cents itself , but ut.yet wo have leurned of
BO direct pressure .cr serious shading /from /
tiie .rates. A few of the trade makeiup
quite e , little list f , sales this week , but
tta movement U not free , but close and
rotberttaine on moztdescrlptions of stool : ,
Th foreign market ie unsettled with some
tendency In buyer's ifavor in the least de
sirable parcels. fifties include 5OC9
spring California ocd 225,000 pounds
ipriutf oc private termi. The hide market
is unchanged with prices well sottained
Volume < .f bunlnesi vety fair. Home Ant :
quicksilver unchanged ,
BpocUl UUfgiich to Tin Dun.
NSW Youic. November 11 ,
Money 4 © 8 per cent , closing at 5 IN )
Prime Mercantile Paper C@8 per cent
Sterling Kschange Steady ; Hanker *
bills , 84.80J ? demand , $4.84 ? .
Government ! atrong ,
TUi utuck tuirket WBS irregular will
frequent fluctuations. In the last hour o
business there was great activity and a
general Advance ,
VotcrcU To-d y
S's 102 101'
6's 10U
4Vi Coupons 11- 112 ,
4t 119. HU
Pacifio 6's of 1895 , . .123 129
Adams Urpreiw 13S iss
Allegheny Central 115 $ '
Alton & Terre Haute 41 io
do pfd. . . . 82 82
Americm Express. 92J 92
Hurl. , Cedar KapliU & North. 80 80
Canada Southern , C8Z 70
Col. , Gin. & Jnd. Central..108J 103
Central Puolflo 8f 8'J
Chesapeake S Ohio. , . , , . . . , . VI
do 1st pfd. . . 35
do 2d pfd , . . 25
Chicago A . . . , , , , . . , . , 1410
_ . . do yM 142 142
Jhl. , Bnrl. & Qnltocy 1301 IROi
Chi , St. L. & New Orleans. 78
Jin. , Stnd. & Cleveland. . . . C7
Ileve. , CoU & Cincinnati. . . 81
) elawaro & Hudson canal. . . 112
) el , , Iiack. A Western. . . . . 31
' ' ' ' ' '
) cnver & Hlo OrondV.T. i' , . i' , . 611 M }
Brio 38 : 881
do pfd . . . . . 81f 81)
? Mt Tennoosea . IK
do preferred . 118. , _
tott Wayne & Chicago . 1364 13G1
Hannibal & St. Joseph . 45 45
do pfd. . . 7U 71)
Iftrlcm . 200 200
louston & Toms Central . . . . 75 . . . .
llhioia Genital . 147J 148
nd. , IJloom. & Western . 38 ? 39
jake Ktie & Wcstcni . 32
.ake Shore & Michigan So. . . 115
youlsvlllo & Nai-hvlfio . 48f
jotoisv. , Kiw Alb & Chicago 70
\Uricttn & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15
do do 2d pfd 5J
itemnhis& Charleston. . 47)
Michigan CcntrM . KilJ
Mittuoapolis & St. Louia . 21)3 )
do pfd. GSI
Mtaour ! Pacific. . . IC4 1011
M bile&0hto . 118 . . .
itpnhattan Bwch. . . . 121) . . . .
NCorrU & Kescc. . 53g . . . .
\Mh\illo & Chattanooga . f.'jj . . . .
ow ileroov Uontial. . . . . . . . . fi34 C'JJ
Norfolk & Western . 43 § . . . .
do preferred . ill . . . .
\orthem Pr.cific . 4HJ 44
do pfd . ( ! 2 019
forthweste7n . ISIR l i
do pfd . 1144 ICOj
Now York Central . 135 181
Ohio Central . Ml
Ohio & Mississippi. . 27j | 30J
do pfd. . . . . ' . . , 831 89'
Oregon Navigation . . .
Ontario & Western
Pacific Mall
Panama. 107
Peoria , Dociitur & Kvansv. . .127
Pittsbiirg & Cluvoland HO 138
Reading lf > ( >
Rock Island 130J 129
St Lenis & San Kran .T.
' '
do 1st'pl'd DO . . . .
St. Paul & Milwaukee 110& 100
do Pfd..liJ5i 121
St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba 148 149
St. Paul & Omaha 4Rf 471
do pfd lOOf 55 }
Texas & Pacific 39 $ 1404
Onion Pacific 105J 105J
United States Express Gfi
Wabaah , St. L. & Pacific. . . . S3
do pfd' 683
Wells , Fargo & Co. Exprcss.128J . . . .
Western Union Telegraph. . . 79j ! SOJ
Caribou , . . ij
Central Arizona J
Excelsior , 1
Hoinostnko , . , , . . . . . . 17
Little Plttsburg 1
Ontario . ' , . 30
Quicksilver 01
do pW tlj
Robinson . . . , 1
Silver Cliff > >
South Pucilic
tandard . . . . 5 V
utroOffered. I
Offered. tKu. Interest. rjAakod. | | Ex.
BOial Dispatcher ! < o Tin UBB.
OiliCAon , November 11. Flour Quiet ;
omnion to choice pprlncr , C"50@4 50 ; com-
ion to fancy , ! 00@6 ( JO ; patents , 6 50@
Wheat Steady ; icgular , 02 a for No-
emlier ; 93eOSjc ( * for December : 92o for
ihe year ; UZgo for January : 09o for May ;
o. 2 spring , C2o for cash and November ;
est same aa regular ; KQS& spring , 70Jo ;
ejected , 61 ; No. 2 red winter , 91o tor
cash ; 91 j@91Jc for December ; No , 3 red
winter , itlc ; rejected , 80c.
Coru Easier ; C8 o for cash ; GGJo for
( Jovemher ; C9i@603c for i December and
lie year ; 63 @C3ii for January ; 54o for
lay ; rejected < J4i@G5c.
Oata S5i@C54o for cosh ; 35&o for No-
ember ; 34o tor December and the year ;
5jc for May.
live-Steady ; 660.
Barley Unesttled ; 81c.
Flax Seed Steady and unchanged :
10J 00 track ; . ; 1174@1 18 delivered.
Timothy-Quiet ; good to prime , 1 54@
Pork Unsettled and generally higher ;
8 50@1S CO for cash ; -J7i18 30 for
November ; 17 55 @ 17 571' ' f ° r December ,
: io year and January : 18 0018 C2i for
" ebruary : 18 85@18 87i for May.
Lard Unsettled and closed steady ;
17 for cosh ; ill 52J for November ; 10 85
@ 10 87 for December and the year ; 10 75
© 10 77 } for February ; lHJ2i@1105 for
Bulk Meats In fair demand ; sboul-
em , 7 GO ; uhort rib , 11 00 ; short clear ,
Buttnr Dull ; fair to fancy creamery , 21
5f3Gc ; good tn. fancy dairy , 2i@3Gc.
Whisky Unchanged ; 119.
ST. Locis , Novnmber 11. Flour Dull
, nd unctanged.t ; XX , 3 55@3 70 ; family ,
10@t 2Schoice ; 4 60@G 50 ; , fancy , 4 75
@ 4 95.
Wheat Lower , but slow ; Mo. 2 red , 92
@ 92lc for cash ; G292gc } for November ;
Jjo lorUccember ; U2io tor tlu ) year ; 95Ja
or January ; 97ic for February ; 1 02i lor
Mav ; No. 3 red , 88@883o.
Com Lower ana inactive ; G2J@G2jc [
or cash ; 62Jc for November ; 6p o for Do
emter63tj for the year ; 49jc' for Jauu
aiv ; 49o for February ; 51 jc for May
Oats-Dull ; 33S@83io tor cwh ; 32 0 for
November ; 84.gc for iluy.
Jlyo-Slow ; fiG c bid.
JJirley-Steady ; G03985c.
Wbisuy Steady ; 115.
Purk-Dull ; jobbing , 2150.
L rd-Higher ; 11 Ui bid.
NEW YOEK , November 11. i Flour
Dull ! Kiiperiiae utato wentertv 3 25@
J 85 ; good to ( liolcc , a-f,0@4 40 ; common to
Kood txtrn , 4 111(2)7 ( ) 50 ; wtiite wlifiit ext ,
C 25 7 50 ; vrtri Ohio , 3 80@Ji30 ; St ,
Louis , 3 M0$7 50 ; Minnesota patsnt pro
cess , G 75&U HZ.
Whnat Oajb lots u Bbadn higher ; op-
tlonc | @io lower , closiqg with a soactiou
ot I ® jo ; Wo 2 upring .nominal ; uc radec
rea , t > lc ( < $ l lih Hteamor No. a red , OOc
No , 3 red , 103 ; steamer No. 2 red.l 04J
@ 1 05 ; No , 2 * ed , l074@l ! 08.
Coru ITu&ettttn and .i lo lower.
Oats Dull nt Wa bid lor cash ; L'Slf bid
for the year.
PiTTUUiia , November U. PetrnleKaa-
Active : United certificates , weak , clo&ed a
jo lower ; refined , > 6if@lWc , Philadelphia
Hj-DJjra , November U.
risuucil Hluda uiuriuta oartfully revUci
to < iate are as followd :
Plour Goldea Bhe f. 3 00 ; JCansas Git ;
winter wheat , 275@ J5Mluno ota winter
wheat , 3 00@4 00.
Wheat No. 2 , 75oj STo 3. , GEf ; rejected ,
Cam Ni > , 2 , 60&
OiU No.2 , 30c.
KjNo. . 2 , 45o.
iJwlsy None.
Ktfgu Scarce ; selling to packer * ( it 20o
Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow , 1 GO
com chnp , 'JO 00 per ton ; eetn and oat
cliou. 20 00 wt ton.
FttUITS-ApHlM , 200.
Jiroom Corn 3Jf3c ,
Hty Lee e , 7 00g9 00.
Wood 5 00U 00.
Uutter Cieainery , 30oin ; rolls , w rap-
pa i , 20c ; rolU iioc wrapped , 22o ; mixec
colon , lO ir io ,
Onlona lOo per bushel ,
Llva Chickeiia-2 50@3 00 per dozen.
Potatoes SOo per bneheL
Cabbajfea 25@40o per doz.
Turnip * -SOo per bunhel ,
Sweet Corn 7o per dozen.
LIVB STOUK.CattleExtra , 8 00 ®
3 60 Veal Calves 5 M@f 00. JJocs
70QS72S , She u-360 ,
6fKl l rHtttch to Tni Bit ,
CiliOAao , November 11. Th Drover1
kmrnal roivrta on follows :
Hogs Fair , slow ; v lurs weaker but all
were eoWi inixnl , GSOgOGO ; heavy , 0 70
@ 7 4) ; light , G 20@G JO ) skips , 4 00@5 GO.
Cattle Dull anil 10j lower on nearly nil
cinils ; no export * from here ; Rood tocholco
hipping , C 20ftt5 90 ; common IT f ir , 4 00
Wfl 00 ; mixed butchers' , dull - > t 2 20frf > 3 00 ;
lockers and fciden , 2 GO ® I 20 ; Texan" ,
n he-ivy supply and lOo lower ; enw , 40
( & )3 ) 0' ; steers , 3 104 40 ; Americans , 421
S5 GO.
Sheep Dull find weak ; common tn fair ,
2 60@3 40 ; medium to coed , H G0@4 ! M ;
choice to extra , 4 00@5 00.
BT. Louis.
tT. Louis. November 11. C.Utto Net
nnugh eupply to mnke n m\rkct ; tha dc-
nnnd for % OMcittlo conliuucs , however ,
and the pro pdct4 for next week arc good
or all desirable grades.
Hogs Scarce and * cry Mow ; light ship ,
line to good Yorkers , G CO@G 30 ; packing ,
> : ! .Wo CJ ; butchers to extra heavy , G GO
@ 700.
Sheep Market unchanged , with only a
lunll local trade ,
SpccUl Dlrpatchos to THR Dsx.
CHICAOO , November 11. Receipts and
ihlpuionta of flour and grain for the post
4 hours lm\o been as follows ;
Itecciuts. Ship'ts.
Flour hbls 20 000 31 000
Wheat bushoh S'J.OOO 00,000
Corn " 100,600 149.000
Oati " 01,000
Hyo " 8.000 2,000
Uarloy " 45.000 13,000
NEW YOIIK , November 11. llccolpts and
shlpiucnta of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows !
Itccoipts Shp'ta.
Wheat bushels 172 , GOO 13,000
CHICAGO , November 11. llcccipts nnd
shlpmenU of live stock for the past 24
umru have boon as follows :
Hoe" 15,000
Oattlo 4,700
litcp 1,000 . . . .
Sr. Locis , November 11. Receipts n d
ibiptnonta of live stock for the past 24
lourn hhvo been on follows :
Eoo'ts. Shlprn'tg.
tojr 130 500
Cattle. 1,700 3nO
tibeep -300 1,100
Wholoaalo Priooi ,
Saturday Evening , November 11 , f
Tbo wholesale trade of the city U jro-
) ortocl as fair , though the volume of gen- ,
ral business did not reach anticipations ,
as was expected , on account of the state
lection , which would naturally detract
rota business , and the continued warm
wbaiher up to this time having retarded
ho demand in many lines , yet a fair mail
rdor was reported in dry goods , boots and
Uoo9 , manufactured clothing , bats and
; ps , millinery and 'fancy ' goods , at com-
uratively steady prices.
Groceries moved 'fairly , a good average
icing done in sugar , coffee , tea , fish , spices ,
yrupa , tobacco and dried frulte , at ra
ised quotations ,
( Country produce met with general im-
iroved demand , the weather being all that
osulcl be desired for handling perishable
goods ,
Potatoes sold on arrival , in car lots , at
5@40 cents.
lApplea are arriving freely and Belling in
car lota at 2 7S@ 00 per barrel.
Onions are in good supply and tbo de
mand improving , selling at 35 cento in car
Turnips are in lair supply aud slow sale
it 25 centa per bushel.
Celery is in limited supply ; demand good
> nd selling at 40@ 5 conta per dor.
Lemons are in good supply ; demand
ight aud selling at 4 50@5 00 per box ,
lOrangcs light supply , Louisiana
selling at 9 50 per barrel. _ _
( .Qutncoaaro in Hmited.Bupply and-selling
* t 7 00@8 00 per barrel.
Oystern are lacood demand ; an active
inslnesa reported during the week at the
following figures. Medium , 33c ; Standard ,
: ; Plain Salect-43c ; A. B. Select , 48c ,
and Royal Select , COc.
Buckwheat flour is in gcod supply and
Bellini ; at 1000 per barrel ; Keif-rising at
ll > Q per barrel.
Ikllnca meat is lit fair supply and a good
irado being done at3J@9o.
Euttar receipts are liberal , and Belling'nl
lC@25c , as to quality ,
lggs ! are in limited supply ; demand
moderate and sollinj ; at 27c.
Poultry receipts are light ; demaod good ,
dressed turkoj'B selling at 12@iic : per lb. ,
aud chickena at Ill2c.
Game in coming iu quite ficely. Wo
quote prairie chickdai at 'J 00 per doc ; niul
lord ducks at 2 00 , and quail at 2 CO.
Cidar is in limited wpply ; demand good ,
sellicc at 0 00@C CO per barrel , and 4 SO for
one-half barrel. A carload of choice is expected
pocted to arrive dally jat Kearon & Cole'd
Meats of all kind * are ocaroe ; tlciaam
gocxl , ifbougb prices are lower , in anUclpa
tiou of the winter tupply coming forward
Paclier&commence packing to-day , and an
payingtfrotn 5 7D to 0 25.
Lard in Bcarco and in demand ; prices
firmer , pure refined selling on a bask o
The local grain rratia Is improving
slowly1 aticomparatlrely ateady prices.
The only changes reported In the mar
ket to-day.aie as follows :
Wheat , No. 3 , advanced IJo ; rejected
declined lie.
Barley , No. i , advanced J o.
Local Qraln Deaiimt. .
V/HEAT. Cash No. V , 75o ; cash Nu
3. (12o ( ; rolectecl , 15c ,
. a I ? I.If. V f'.ml.
, No , 2 , VOo ) No , 3
40 ; .
HYK. CaBb. 42c.
OORN , No , a , 55c.
SKHUS-FlAx el 1 03 per bu.
- per uee
ONIONS-30@50o per busbol.
BUTTJJIt-OJiolco country , 25@303.
KGC S 27c.
fUJNKY Calif oraia. perlb , 31.
'Kd Per barwl.
w.j ii * .i ; j-iwv , JSe.
GUAPKSt-Oahfornla , 2 25@2 60.
LiiIONS-l 60@0 03 per box ,
BKAN8 Domettio Gerioun 2 03@2 i
per baahel.
CANNED GOODS Oyntow , 1 ,
( tfield'i ) , per case , 81 00 ; do 1 16 ( F/eld' ]
per cow , 2 75 ; ao 2 tb ( Ctendard ) , per COM
li 76 , Lotwtora , 1 fli r > te dozen.
1 80. Toaiatoei. 2 lb 2 < 55 ; do 3 Ib po
ua o , 276 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain
per 'Jiao , 3 00 soaked ooru , i fiO ; di
2 lb ( Yariuoonlh ) per twt , V 00
string beans , per o&ae , 2 10 ; Lima bean
ner cose , 1 70. Succotash per case , I
Peas , coiuuu'u , per COM , 1 60 : peaa. chotoo
i > ercase,2 70. Dhvckberrie * . 2 & , per cue
1 > 10 ; ntrawberi. < t , 2 fii , per (060250
Mpberrie * , 9 Ib , per OM , 3 30. D m.
ons , 2 It > , per CMC , 2 45 , Baitlett
xiara per CAIB , 2 60 , Whortlolwrrloi
Kir cose , 275. Bgg plnm ,2 Ib txsrcuie , 90 ;
Jreon gAges,2 lbjp r cose , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
tb p r cose t BO , Pine Apples , 2 lb , per oa 8
00@B 76. Peaches , 2 Ib per C.-MO , 8 00 ;
o 8 IP , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pic ) , 8 tt > , per
a e,230 ; do pie , 8 Ib , per dozen. 3 30.
Fli'JUll Jobbing price * , Jack Frost
it. Louis winter ) S3 90 nor 100 Ibs.l To-
oka PAtent Knn a , M.85 : Mlnnelmha
linneaolft Potent. $3.70) ) Sliawneo Fancy
/.ntcr , $3.10 | Eagle , XXXX winter ,
3.00) ) Triumph spring , ben , $2.80 ; Chris-
tanV Biiporlatlvo , 3 70 ; bran , per ton ,
14.00) ) chopped focJ , $28,00.
BUCJAlW-l'owrtorod , lOJo ; Cut loaf ,
OJ ; Granulated , 9jo | Poniccllonor'a A ,
c ; SUndftrd Extra U , 8cj Kitra C ,
o ; medium yellow , 8cj dark > tUow ,
SYRUP Stftndan ! Com. , 41c , bllj )
itamlfmt do , 4i gallon ken * , $2 15 ! ; Stan.
an ! ilo , 4 gallon kegc , ? l 90.
M15ATU Hums IGc ; breakfast bacon ,
none ; cleat eldo hwon , none ; dry nalt
moon , IGc ; Bhouldon , life ; tierce lard ,
82.KOPK Sisal , & Inch anJ larger , lOjc ;
Jinch. lie.
\RD-Omnha UefinlnlnijCo. : Tiortcs ,
Si40 } and 50-lb cunn , ISJcj 20-lb cans ,
8c ; 10-lb pallK , ncrew top , 13c ) 5-lb do ,
4ci 3 lb do , 14jo.
FISK No. inwckorcl , half hrl , 0 75 ;
S'o. 1 mnckcral , kite , 1 ( M ) ; family mack *
rel , half brln , 4 75 ; faintly mackerel , kits ,
tfo ; No. 1 white Gob , hall brlt , G 00 ; No. 1
SPICKS. Pcppor , 20s Allnplce , . 20c ;
33o ; NuUneiri , 81 OO ; CMUIK , 24c ;
M co 8100.
LYK American , 3 3 % ; Orocnwlah , 3 JO :
Vestorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 { LcwW
ye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 276.
FKI3D- Jobbing prices , Chop feed ,
1,50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
Oa per 100 Ibs.
S'i'AROli. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Qloss
Jo ; Corn Starch , 8Joj Kicclgior
0 ! Corn , 74o.
OUFVli.'B , KIo. fair , llci Klo.
2o ; iniiiifl tocholco , 12 to 18o ; Old gov't
rnvn2Cijils,2 ; ! Moohn , ZSio ; Arbuoklo's ,
UUEKS3 Full Cream , 13Jo | Part
Skim , lilio.
TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@65 ;
3bolco , G0@75o ( Imperial , good , 4045o ;
Jh'Slw , 60@76o ; Young Hycou , good , 8G ©
X > o ; choice , G5o@l 00 : Japau Nat Leaf ,
5o ! Japan , choice , G0@75c : Oolong , good ,
@ 40 ; Oolong , cho.oo , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
rood , MO40o : choice , 35Q45o. (
WOODKNWAUK Two hoop pall ,
95 ; throe hoop palls , 3 20. Tubs. No ,
. 0 50 ; Pianoor wwhboAfdg , 1 85 Double
Orawn 2 90 : Well buckets , 350.
LEAD Bar , SI K.
VINEOAK Pmv apple eitrn , 16a :
rare apple , 13c ; PruMine uuro aonlo , 16o ,
BALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; Ann-
on , In nno ks , 8 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , Cs , S 50
HOMINY Now , 4 50 per bbl.
SODA In lb papers , $3 per cose ; keg
oda , 2Jo.
SOAl'S Klrk'x Savon Imperial , 345 ;
liriro aatluet , i ) 60 ; Klrk'a ' standard , 3 75 ;
tirk'i vrhlto Kuinlan. 525 : JCIrk'a
Kntocn , U 15 ICiik's Prairie Queen ,
100 cnkcu ) , 40 ; Kirk'a magnolia aot. . ,
POTASH Ponnaylvanla cane , 4 oa c ,
n cane , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In caaj ,
90 ; Anchor Ball ' < s doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Bed clover , choice
ew , 60 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
law , $7 00 ; white cbvor , new , $14 00 ;
1 alfo clover , new , C12 50 ; alsike , now ,
1300. Timothy , good , new , ? 3 00 ,
lue grMs , extra clean , SI 60 ; blue ( jrnra ,
lean , $1 25 ; orchard grain 92 69 ; red top ,
hoice , 1 OS ; millet , common or Miscourl ,
50c ; millet , Gorman , $100 to gl 35 ;
"unparlnu 80o
HKDUKSEED Oaage orange , 1 Io 5
shel" , ? . ' ) 00 ; ooago orange , 10 Dushcls or
vor , $4 50 ; honey locust , per lb , , 25o ; per
00 Ibs. , C25 00.
VKANDTS Roosted , choice , red Tou
neaaoc , lOoper lb ; fancy white , lOJo pcrlb ;
raw wbito Virginia row , lOc ; roosted ,
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
.750 . ; do in half bbls , 4 25 ; smalls , in bblu ,
50 do , in halfbbls , C 23 ; gherkins , in
, bln , 11-00 ; do , In half bbla , G 25.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbBlFB.152c ; 8f ,
fife : bcxos 40 Ibs. , 1C or. , CB , Ifijo.
HIOE T > enl lana prime to choice , 75 ©
74o : < niriG@7c ; Patma , 7c.
MATOaEb Per caddlo , 05o ; round ,
caeca , 88.10 ; nquarti , canes , $5 40.
Dry Qooda.
A-ppleton-XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott J
ra , 8Ao ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W
'fc ; Onlttonanco A , OJc ; Urcat Falls E
Jto ; iloosior , 6jo ; Honest Width , 8Jo. In
diaa Head A , 8)0 ; Indian Standard A ,
tgc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrenoo
LtL , 7c ; Mystic Hiver , 71c : Poquot A , 8jo
Bi ! .wmnt LL , 7o ; Utica 0 , 5Jo : Wachus
ett B , 71c ; do A , 8Jc ; do K 48,12Jc ; Wai
col * BB , 8Jc.
4.4 ; 7jo ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , Tjc
Atlantio LL , OSc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o
EJconington 0 4-4,6 c ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , GJcc
Cndlnn Orchard AA 9-8 , 81o : Lacouta (
30 , 8ic ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 94c ; Lonsdale 4-1
IDs ; Fepperell N 30 , 7o : do O 82 , 7ic ; do 1
86 , 7 c ; do E 39. Bio ; Pocasset O 4-4 , 7Jc
7ouuutta4-4 18o
Ja L 4-4 , Die : BlackstoneAA imperial 8c
S ) do half bleached 4-4 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4,85
FIdellty4.4 , 9JcVnilt ; of UieLoom.lO : dc
cac.brlo4 , lScdoWatorTwist,101cGrea ; ;
FallaQ , lO c ; Indian HeadBhrunk 4-4 , 12o
Lonsdale , lOc ; do cambrio 07 , 12Jio ; Now
Yook MillB. 12joj Pcquot A.lOo ; Peppcrel
N O Twill ! ! , 12Jo : Pooabontaa 4-4 , BJc
Pooasxet 4-4 , 81o ; Utica , lie ; Womnutt
O K X , 12ic.
UuOKS Colored ) Albnny E brown ,
Sc ; do'C. drab , llK do XA. atrlnon am
iJddB , 12Jc ; do XXX. brown and drab
' ] o u nudplfiids ; I2&o ; Arlingtou fancy
; ; Brunswick brown , 8&c ; Chariot fancy
_ _ o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; 1'all Rive
brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indlann A
brown IHi" NoixjiiBet A brown. 15o '
TiOJUJNUD Afflnukoai ; A U A ff
IDc ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ;
OJc ; Clarciuont B B , 15Jc : Conoitoga c
tra , lic ; Hamilton 1) , lljo Lcwiaton .
i0 ! , ICc ; Minuohaha 4-4 , SOc ; Omega supa
extra < -4 , JSo ; Pearl lllvor 82. ICJc ; Put
nata XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuokot f
10c : du flH 12o ; Yoomau'o blue 2'J , 3
UK\iUS. ( Amoiikeak , bluoaud bron
ICic ; t/suiovfr / JU blue , IBJo ; ArllngX
bluu H < i < cr.lj , id o ; Concord OOO , blno aw
browu. U c ; do AAA , do do ISjj doXXtc
do do 14 ic ilaymakeri blue ami brown
Sic ; Myrtle ISaver DDItripe , IGJo ; Pour
Itiver , bUw aud brown , lx ( > ; Uncjuiville
blue and baown , Klc ,
OAMUaiO3Barnard , Sc ; Eddyeton
lining. 24 taeh double face , 8o ; Garner A
plated , 6Jc ; Manhattan Klove finish , 5S (
Newjxjrt ; da fia ; do glazed , 6Joj Pequot d
6c : Lockwood kid finish Co.
OOKBET JEANS Amory , 80 ; Andre
coggln latteen 8Joj Clarendc a , CJc ; Cone
ofga eattoemi , Via ; Ilallowel , 8cj Jnjdl
Orchard 7Jo ; Narr > gan ettlmprovoilo
Popiierill Uen ! loj Ilockport , 7Ja
PiUNTd-AUeui , OJo ; American , OJc
Arnold , 7o ; Barwlck. 4oj Cochtico , 7o
Qonestoga. GJo ; Dunkirk , 4o ; Duunoll
n ao 1) . 7c ; MyuJo , 6joj bprnniej. Oc
Southbrldge , ( Ic ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl
Ixtru. 59o ; Oriental Rjo ,
GINliHAMS Am" kou2. I'-Jo ; Ainoo
dreati 9J | Arsylo , lOto : Atlantic
Do ; Cumberland , 74oj IltKbluiul , 7ic
Keailworth , Sjo ; I'fuu kott , lOio ; u
on. 80.
OOTTONADK3 Abbervllle I8i
Agate , 20o ; American , lie ; Artlilan , SOo
Cairo D and T , itjc ; Clarion I ) anil 1
17io ; Dcocan Co.atrlpM DandT , IGc ; Key
itciuo , laioj NoutucVot , I'Jo : Noiiparei
16c ; Oc au D and T. 13Jo : Royal , 16J
Sussex , 12o ; Tivga. ISJJip ; WaoliUBctt ohht
inv ) h ! kii. 12Jc ; do , Nkuklu , 13icj YorL
plain ftAukin. 124o ; do.chocks , etrfpes an
fancy , l'2ke : do , a ot , 20c.
SllEETlNGS Androdcogeln 10-4,271
do 9-4 , 24o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Ooutioentnl
42 , lie ; Fruit cf the Loom 10-4 , 27 * ; Ne >
York tnllU 08 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68 , 22Jc
Pembroke 10-4 , 2Dc ; Poqaot 10-4 , 28tc ; d
74 , IDcj do 49,91 c { Peppsroll 30 , 29c
do 67 , 21o ; do 67 , IFo Utica US , 23cj d
8 , aalcj do 48.17o
Cigar * and Tobaocoi.
CIOAJIS. Seed * . 515.00 ; Connecticut
825.00 ; Mixed , * 35,00 * Seed U KOO *
" ' "
WO.CPj CJearHaraD ,
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rnl * .
t Ib , GOcj Our ROJHS first quality , 62c ;
tar , pounds , 24 lb , butUGOc | Howe Shoo ,
xnimfn , 24 lb , buttf , 6Sc ; Ullt Edge ,
xrandu , 21 Ib , butt * , GO ; Army and Navy ,
toutuli. 65c ; Bullion , pounda , 69c | Lorll.
ard's Climax , pound * , GOo ,
FINE CUT In pills , Hani to Beat !
o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ,
'avorito , GTxi ; Rocky Mountain , GOct
'ancy , K > oi Daisy , 60c. In tin foil
atlitis O. S. , B lb boxen , per lb 03cs I/iri *
lanl'n TIRM , GOc ; Diamond Crown , 60s.
SMOKING Allprndoa Common , 23to
3c. Granulated Blackwella Durham , 1C
r. 61c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4Ccj Seal of
'orlh Carolina. 10 oz. 1C ; Seal of NobrM.
a , 10 or , SScj Lone Jaok , 4 Ot , linen biga
or lb , 81.35 ; Marbtirpn' Pnck 2 or , tin
' - O.u Tall 05o.
PalnH Ollt n VarnliliM.
_ 110"carbon , per gallon ;
le ) ll > 0' headlight , per Rillou ,
( ' Jo ; 17iV hirulllxht , par gallon , 28io.
mood , raw , per pallon , > 5 ; lln eed , bollo-l ,
w Rixllon , f > 8j ; Itrd , winter utr'ct , poritnl ,
on , 1 OOj No. 1 , 85e : No. 2 , 75c ; cantor ,
XXX. per Kallon , 1 20 ; No. 3 , 1 Ifij aweot ,
> cr gallon. 85c : Hiwrin , W. B. , per g < tllon <
G > ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , COoj noatfifoot ,
xlra , i > cr gallon , 7&o ; No , 1 , G5o ; lubrl-
atlnp , rcn > , per gallon , SOcj summer , IBo ,
tililcn macmnts No , 1 , per gallon , STic ; No ,
, 0 ; "iKinn , signal , per gallon , 80cs tur-
ontlno , per gallon , Il5o | iinptha , 74" , per
allon. ISa ; Or , 17o
PAINTS IN Ollr-Whlta load , Omaha
, P. . G c ; while loiul , St. Louis , pure , RJn ;
nri4alllea greou , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20a
Drench zinc , giaon Boixl. 12o ; French zinc ,
ed BOA ! , lie ; French zinc , In vanilnh aast ,
"Uc ; French zlncr , In oil aunt , 15c ; Raw
iiul burnt umber , 1 lb emu 12c ; raw nj i
iunit Sleuna , ISci Vandyke brown , wR
efincd lampblack , 12c ; ooaoh blaok and ,
"ory black , IGc ; drop blaok , 16o ; Pniaatau
iluo , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18oi chrvtnc
grocn , L. M , & D. , Me ; blind and ahuttor
rcon , L , M. & D K'o ' ! Paris green , 18c ;
ndlan rod , 16ci Venetian rod. Do ; rnaean
Irt. , 22c ; American Vcrmlliod , I. A P. , 18c ;
hromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , IBo ;
ollovr ochre , Do ; guidon ochre , Id ; patent
rycr , 8c ; graining colors ! light oak , dark
aV. walnut , nhcntnut and aim 15c.
Dry ° lnti
Wtilte load , OJoj French line , lOoi Paris
whltoiug 2Je ; whiting gildon , IJc ;
hitliiR coml , lie ; lampblack Gonnan-
town , 14o { h mpblaok , ordinary , lOc ; I'rus-
Lin blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vandylto
irowu , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4s ; nmbor , raw
icsicnna ; , bum t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
'aria green genuine , 2T > c ; Paris groou com'
20o ; cliromo green , N , Y.1 20o ; chrora
green K. , 12c ; vormllllon , Eng , , 70o ; vermillion
million , America , 18c ; Indlau rod , lOo
ooe pink , 14o ; Venetian read , Cookaon's
Jo : Venetian rod Am. , 19o ; rod load , 7i ° i
hromo yellow , genuine , 20o hromo vol.
ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochclle Sc ; ochre
Vouch , ' 2jo ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Vintor'a mineral , 2ip ; Ichlgn brown. 2Jo :
p.anlsh bro\m , 2o ; Prince' * mineral
VAKNISHES Bnrrola per gallon ;
Turnlturo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
" 1 ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; each , No , 1 ,
I 20 ; Dauiar , extra , $1 75 ; aiun , 70cas- ;
ihaltiun , extra , 85o ; Rhollao 83 50 ; bard
II finish. 81 30.
Heavy Hardware LIU ,
Iron , rntou , $3 80 ; plow steel , special
ast , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; npeclal or Gorman , Go ;
east tool do. 15@20 wairon Bpokoe , sot ,
25@3 00 ; bubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
ry , 1 40 ; tongues , oacb , 70@85o ; axles ,
ach , 76c ; snuaro nuts , per lb , 7llo ;
washers , per lb. 8@18o : rivets , nor lb , lie ;
xjil chain , per Ib , 6@12a ; malleable , 80 ;
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , 60 ; harrow
ooth , io ; noraosboea , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
teal , 7@Kc ; Burden horseshoei , 5 BO ;
iurdcn's muloshfios , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Buck ( shot , C2.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , CG.40 : do , , hal
.fgs. C-3,48 : do. , quarter kngs , 81.68 ; Blast
ns , Vow , $3,35 : Fuse , tier 100 feat 60o.
BAUBED WIRE In car lots , 7 60 per
00 ; in loxd than car lots. 7 75 tier 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to GOf , 425.
Oak sole , S8o to 42o ; hemlock so'.o , 28o to
c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 : runner ,
i5c to SOo ; hemlock oalf , 85o to 1 20 ; horn-
ock upper , 23o to 2Go ; oak upper , 2lo ;
alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; oalf kid , 32@35o ;
Qrelsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 60 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : rut-
setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 600 to 10 60 ;
toppings , 9 00 to 10 GO ; B. L. Morocco , SOo
to 85o : pebble O , D. Morocco , 860 ; slmon
2 ( X ) to 8 00.
HARNESS No 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2
do , 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S8c ; No. 2 do
85a ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87o ; No. 2 do , 34o
Her ei and MUIOI.
The market is brisk and all grades are
lllof ; well at & alight ndvanoo in prlooa
The demand for good horses oicoods the
supply coiisidorooly. Prices range as fol
Iowa :
Fiuo single drhcrs , 8160. to 300. ; Extra
draft horees , 8176. to 225. ; Common draf
bonoB , $100. to 160. ; Extra farm honoti
8110 , to 125. ; Common to good farm horsoa
890. to 5100. ; Extra plugii , 860. to 75.
Common nlugs , 820. to $40.
MULES. 15 tn 15 J bands ( euro ) , 8125
to 150. ; 14J to 16 hands , 8100. to 140.
K to 14 } hands , 875 , to 100. | 18& to 14
band.i , ( OU , to 76
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 25 per wln <
gallon ; oxtru California Bplritu , 187 proof
1 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit )
1B7 proof , 128 per proof qallou ) ro-distlllec
whlekiss , 1 OOfel 6U ; fine blended , 1 50&
2 50-Kcntucky ; bourbomt , 200@700 ; Ken
tuoky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 1 0@7 00
BUANDIKS-Importod , * 6 00@1000
doiiw.tio 1 40&14 00.
GINS In ported , 4 500 OOj domestic
1 400.1 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 flO@G 00 ; Now
Kntfland. 2 00&J4 00fr ; < oino tic. 1 60&3 BO
176 ® JOO.
OllAMPAGNJia Imported per case
2fiOO@31 OjArcsrlMJ , o&ec , 1200C9
1C 00 ,
CLARETS- ca o , 4 50@1G 00
WINKS Rb ne wino , per case , G 00 ®
20 00 ; Oatawbft , per case , 4 00@7 00 ,
Wo qnoto lumber , latn and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following priced :
uniler , (22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50 ,
TIMHKIW 10 ft. and under , 2 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60
C ft , 82.1 50 , 22 ft. , 820 60 ; 24 ft. 820 60
FENCING No , 1 , 4 and G In. , 824 00
No. 2 , 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmon
board * ) . 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
HTOOE. BOARDS , 12-in. D , $2500
12-in. O , 835 00 ; 12-ln. B. 840 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per ons
40 : ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bbl , 83 CO , Hair per bn. 40o. Tarred
felt 100 ll ) . 83 60 , Straw board , 83 50.
COAL Cumberland blackmnltn , 912
MorrU Run Bloeaburg , 812 ; Whltebreas
lump , 85 fX ) ; Whltebreast nut , 85 60 : Iowa
lump , 85 60 ; low * nut KB 50 ; Ilock Spring
$8 ; Anthracite , 810 5C@11 00 ,
OllJJ 1X0 0 IS.f 0 U \clct
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tnrtarlc. GOo ; Balsam
Copabia , per lb , 70o ; Bark , Sassafras , ne
Ib , ! ! > ] Calomel , per lb , 75c ; Cinchonldia
per , $116 ; Cblorofonn , per lb. 100
Dover's powdort , per lb , tl 40 ; EIWOL
HU ) ( , jwr Ib , 3Jcj ( Jlyceiiae , pure , po'bl
< , Acetbto , p r lb. 220
Oil , Castor , No , 1 , per ual , i 16i
Oil1 CaHor , No. S , per Kil , 81 00 ; Oil
Olive , per ail. SI 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 60
Opium , Sr ) ; Quinine P. le W. A R. ft S.
per oz , 8 < 0 ; Potassium , Todide , per 1 !
J190 ; ftjli in , pr or. 40o ; Sulphate o
Morpbjul ero7 , 33 85 ; Sulpnur flour
per A ) , t Hijtrvchninu , per oz , 81 35 ,
Merino anwai ed , light , 1410j } hehvy.o
@ 1315c ; medium unwasliod , light , ISa-JO
wwhtid , choice , 32o ; fair , SOc ; tuh-dln ?
aad w. , 2Kc ; Lurry , blacksnd cot ted wool
Hldol r-ur , Cto.
JCIDK8 'jreen bntcher'B hide , C71
cured 8Jo ; hldea , green Bait , parl ouretl Tlf.
hides , 74c ; dry flint , uound. 18@14odrv ;
calf and kip , l'-@l Ic ; dry > alt hldea , Round
lOt llo : green calf , wt. 8 to 16 Em. , 11(012 :
groeu call , wt , under 8 ltd , per kln , 60q 11
Kroun iwlts , 50SI 25 ; green lauib iklnr , |
81 25@1K > ! damaged hlden , two-third rat * / ,
cut bcored aud one grub , claused two. ,
tUrdu r t , ) branded hldw 10 per eent. ofl
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , SOo ; No , 1
20 , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , BOo ; No. 2
30c ; No. 3 , IBo ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , ,
60o ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , hl'icj
Cv > o ; short uttlno , 40ni narrow itrlpfo
broad trl | > o. lOo , Tnllnw 7c.
O/ll T 8o monfy and order wlt direct from
OrtU I u , wo hlp promptby ! rail t th
( n awh prlc to 11 wcitctn point *
1 ra-ltn TVLKRJAl.T.'CO
A Graurt Food to the Executive Of-
floors of tno Ooadoas.
Upon the resignation of Judpo
S.ivago and the appointment of Judge
Neville , the members of the Umtglnii
county bar tendered them n banquet ,
at whioh some cxprcaaion might bo
tn < ulo as to the Bouttmont o ! the at-
tornoya in rcynnl to the chnnro of nd >
ministration. Judgtt S.xrngo's unavoid-
nblo aluonco tlofntrod nny anawor as
Id the date al which the banquet
would bu acceptable , until the date of
the following letter :
OMAHA , Nob. , November 1) ) .
HON. J , L. WunsTBii , Daar Sir ;
In responeo to the flittering invita
tion of the b. r of Douglas county wo
take great plonsuro in nccupting their
proposed bnuquot , nnd ntiggost Fri *
day , the lth inst. , na n convenient
day for it. Very rcspoctfully ,
Your obedient sorvanta ,
Friday ni ht , at the bar mooting ,
litdgo Wakoloy prcaiding and 0 , S ,
iLontgoiuory noting us eucrotary , the
IotritiK oommittoo of nrrnnciomonta
were appointed , with full power in
ho pronunos : MosarB. Webster , chair-
nnn ; Doauo , Mandoraon , Pritohott.
lawca , Orotr , Bartlett , Howe and
Amoral ,
A. W , Barnard Is in the city.
linn , 1'rnuk P. Ireland la nt tbo 1'axton.
A. A. l bcrt , of Denver , Col. , Is in the
John WnceV , of St. Paul , Neb , Is in
Go. ' . II , llazzard , of St , Paul , U at the
"ft * ton.
J , Henry Aator , of Now York , i at the
John Hunten and wife , of Wyoming , ara
t the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Prim ! , of St. Paul , ore
t the Millard.
Theodore Schumann , of Now York city ,
at the Millard.
Ivov. W. J. Smith , of Sau Francisco , is
a guest of the Millard ,
Hon. 13. lloBowater left for Chicago and
Milwaukee yesterday.
Alex. Stewart , of Silver Creek , Colorado
rado , Is a Ruost of the Millard.
0.0. Hamilton , of Kinias City , regis
tered at the Millard yesterday.
Henry Fuhrman and wife , of Fairmont ,
Neb. , are guesta of the Paxton.
Oersh Martin , of the National Demo
crat , Peoria , III. , is in the city ,
J. II , Withers , of Grand Island , regis
tered at the Pjixton last evening.
( S.D. Street and H. A. Belles , of Coun
ell Bluff * , were In town yesterday ,
S. H. ITelkor , the genial drummer whi
supplies the went with tea , was in town
over Sunday.
S , T. Smith , general superintendent o
the Ktuxai diviilon of the Union Pacific
is nt the Millard.
Co ) . J. H. Taylor , U. 3. A , , and family
arrived ycatsrdoy , and are temporarily In
stalled at the Millard.
E , D. Cole , of Chicago , Bouthwesteri
traveling agent of the Chicago & Qram
railway , Ia at the Millurd.
11. R. BateH , O. L. Waldo nnd C. S
Webster , are among the Denver peupl
who were at the Paxtou yesterday.
Oscar Vanderbilt , of Chicago , genera
traveling agent of the Oregon Railway
Navigation company , i < in the city ,
L , P. Pruyn , whoso liuiJquarlorH liav
been in this city for some time pait , let
for Georgia yesterday , whore he will re
main about six weeks in working up th
bualuoEH for hi house.
J. M. llagan , of Hasting ! . ; W. T. KM
ardson , of JMvid City ; A K J'irUnuy , <
Republican ; 0. 0. Flans'urn , "I Alma ; O
H. Mevls and wife , of IViuon , und J. II
Hroady and family , of Br.iviivllle , v/oi
among the prominent Nubr-nkau * at th
Paxtun yesterday ,
Hon. M. A. MoNamara and wlf
returned Saturday morning from an ex
tended through the pr'ncipal pl.ices of iu
terest in Utih nud Idaho , They were ab
Hint several weeks , and had a deligbtfu
trip , Mr , IIoNumara took a week's bun
in the Rockies , and hail the good fortun
to kill one of the biggest grizzly bears ex
tint. He cam a back looking as happy
a bonanza king.
Army Order ? .
On the arrival of the Seventh in
f entry , now under ordora for this department
partment , the asalgnmont of the regi
ment will bo aa follows :
Headquarters , band nnd companion
D , y , I and K , Fort Liramio , W. T
Companies A , 0 and II , Fort D. A
Uu sel ) , W. T.
Companies B and G , Fort Fred
Steele , W.T.
Company E , Fort Bridgcr , W , T ,
The quartermaster's department wil
furnish the nurcaanry trunsportatipn
and the subsistence department nub
aistonco from Council Bluffr , Iowa , t
the poets ck'uignated for the reapootiv
COmp.kniftt ,
Paragraph 2 , ordora No , 157 , For
McKinney , Wyoming , dated Beptoin
bor 30 , 18i2 , directing Captain B. 0
JCoIiopt' , Fifth cavalry , to proceed t
Jlook Crook , Wyoming , by atagu , fo
the recuiving and conduoting horec
to Fart McKinney , Wyoming , ia con
First Lloutouant Frank Miller
Fifth cavalry , is detailed on temporur
duty nt theao headquarters ( m th
olllca of the engineer oflicor ) , tnd vri'
report in person with aa little delay a
Ilcruil Pan ! Coburg , onliated t
Fort Omaha , Ic assigned to the Fourt
4vnlr/ .
First Lieutenant Frank Michlw
ft h cavalry , is relieved oa judge ad
cite of the KOIlural court marlia
i mveiiod at Fort D , A. Russell , Wyo
aj paragraph 1 , special ordora No. 100
oarrcnt scrior , from those hoadnuar-
te TFirit T
Firit L'putenint Edgar B. Robort-
on , ! ) h infantry , ' 8 detailed as judge
dvocnto ol the general court martial
ouvonod at Fort D. A. JluaaollWyo. ,
y paragraph 1 , special orders No. 109 ,
urrent aeries , from these hoadquar-
[ 1'rom the Dorton Ulobt. ]
The nboTB li a gooil llkcnem of Mr * . I rdl * E. Pink.
lan , cf r.ynn , HUM. , who T nil other humtn b ln rt
iijr IKS tmthf ullj cullM lh "r > c r Frltnd of Womnn , "
Homo of h r corripondoota lor0tocMl Uer.t Bhi
loutlr dcroUil to her work , which l the outcoms
f a llfofttadjnd It cbllerj to kwp tit lad/
tanUi , to help her Miiwcr th Urc comipondenca
Mch d Hr poiin In npon h r , ruh Ix rlng IU ppeclt )
union of milTcrlne , or Joy at irlnucfrom It. n r
tAbleComiwinilHnnifdlelno for rood and not
Til purpoiu * . I liavo pcnonalljlurtitlfatnl It and
tunetl of Uie truth of this.
On account of It * proven merlin. It U reeommendrt
ndprr crlldtiythebcitplir lclan In the country ,
no nji i " It work * Ilka n charm and tarts much
nln. It will euro entire/ ! the wont form of falling
the utcnn , Lrucorrhovt , irrocular and paln l
ciulniivtlonall OrarlAnTrouble , Inflammation and
iccntllon , Flooding * , all DlipUocmtinta andtliocon-
cnt Fplnal wmkncn , and Is eiixctall/ adapted to
10 Changv of Ufo. "
It permeate * eTcry portion of th ijitem , andRlroi
ow llfo and Tlfror , It rcmoret falntnrai , flntnltncj ,
itroj-n all crnt ln for ttlmulant * , and rcllercs wrak-
CM ot Ilia rtomach. It euro Dloatlnff , noadacliM ,
fnrouj lYoitrntlon , Oeniral Debility , Bloeplennen ,
ciHlonandlndleottlon. Tliat fvellnic of bearing
owncaiwlnir pain , weight and baekncha , I * alrrayi
wrmanentlr cured Iijr IU use. It Trill at all time * , and
nd r all clrcunutanrrs net In harmony with the Ian
tat ROTcm * the fcmaln r jitrm.
It coin onlr | 1. per botUo or Kit for ti , and li told by
glsl'- Any nclrlco rrqulml ni to ipeclal cages , and
in name * of rnnny wlio hare lioen rf'tored ti > perfect
tvUtliliT the tiioof the Vrirctatilo Compound , cat ! b *
italnnl liyndilmwlnitMra. ! ' . , nlth ttampfor reply ,
t her homo In Lynn , Jtrmn.
Tor Kidney OomplnJnt of rlthrr MX this rompotmdL.
rjw-wJ a * abundant trutlmonlalt ( how.
"lira , nnkham'aUTCrlllln"iwynonowriter , "are
ebul tn ( A * umrM for the euro of Constipation ,
Ulontncaa nnd Ton'MI'y o ( the llrer. Hrr Illood
"urlflrr * ork * womlcn In ltd iixylnl line and bid * faire
o equal the Omniwmid In IU popularity.
All mint mtpwt her M an Angel u t Merry whom tmla
imbttlon I * to doirood Io others.
Philadelphia , llu C5) Mm. A. M. I ) . acknowledged to be the
sest by all who have put them
to a practical test ,
Piercy & Bradford ,
$10 " r ,
Thoie ( loitrluff to make nnnoy on
Hxall a'll in i MUtu Investment ! In
vr\ln , pfovltln nanJ Jtoclopecula *
t ! 11 c < < > y opontlilPon oar
' > > 4 ( .y 1 , rlio pro-
t ' , oa Inrait n inn ofjJ 10,00 11
CD < UoJ , rash prollti have Loan
reilliol and pU t } luvojtir *
rt > en nnioun Ing to goveril tlmoi tie crlg.
Jhn/ Inal Investment , still Inivlnf tb
original lavaitmint mjUinif monsy
or | uj abl-j oa JoaunJ tijil ! > ( }
RTOOFva r > ' clrciilirsnud bttViinoiti of fund
o uuixa j , , , , , , WaWiXnt , oiponslbl
amenta , who wlUiporioacrops tnd
© lOfS liitroJiioa thoplin liberal cotn-
tDIUU' ' mlssloiK paM. AilJroiw
r'I/.ilMlf(0 | Mi ! ilUAM.m Ul
l.'jrolimtJI , Jir On
, HI. /
onz ? &
Itue u flolM Yritln Ihitn tn\t \
Oounoil rauflu he t.
Without Ohnnjte Tim * , Cnlr l >
muslm liior "
> r" ' - " - -
DULC I ! --T
poluis lu Wcrii.roOWN , tolij\b . . > j
. Ibiu Una U Mdt ( l vllh Ite | rcpi \ - *
Wcstinguoiua Autoratlc Alrbi Vr t.iU'MM
PUtforot Coiiuler r.nJ UaUori H'J foi
li UDSnrpusod. Pullmtn t.Uico tirlr \ , , . ,
runthtoajh WITUODTOIIAVCinUtn vt .i
City and 81 J' al , vU 04Croll Tlmn. < . <
llcux City ,
Tttlnv Ukvo Lolon Tiviilc Tuisfci Wj > .
ell DJuCi , 7'JO : p , m. dcJIy a. ! iiilttl cl nrr , * .
nty. Bt JmMh tr.i ! Oouf.-- ' ) ( 'Intj 'it'i < i ; <
fiebouth. -jtetu 31 iJ to
tnittt tbtllcv Ualjo I > cpo > > ! 'I. t'nu , . 1
t ,
iionm uj t
< iUrRatrab > In taVlo ( tbi IVv
Twin. t > "
rrp" . ) ! >
i.iib Uiri
_ jCtTBoo tint your TVt1" \
' /O. AVAllLK'l , J a IJ'J
X.\xy \ > tl I * .
V * . DAVZb Unith *
nanrcll HluPs
$500 REWARD.
Tbo abo\ reward 111 be paid to any person
who will produce a 1'ilnt that will ( xju&l the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for preserving Shingles , Tin and Q ravel lloofj. '
Wuruittxl to U ) Fira and Water ffopf.'All
orders promptly attundtxl to. Clicaperw.d bet.
ter tboa any other paint now In u e. * ' ' t
Bole Proprlttora , Ouioht Hoiite
Officer & Puwjr , Dr.IUce , Dr. Mnney , Fuller4 'I
Council BluOd , Iowa. ' ,1
Bu olBcti , ( hnaba Neo.
- 2