Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Pnbllihx1 every morning , except Snn-
dfty. The only Monday morning dallr.
One Year..810 Ol I Three Months.$3.00
SUTMonths. . 5.00 | Ono Month. . . . 1.00
THE WEEKLY II EK , publhed ! ever
Wedne Ur.
One Yenr . 8200 I Three Months , f >
SIxMonths. . . . 100 | One Month. . . . 2
AMERICAN Xsws COMPANY , Sole Agent *
for Newsdeilew ! n the United States.
catfons relating to News ami L'lllom.
matlcrii honld be addressed to the Luiron
BUSINESS LETnilS-All : B nines
Letters MIC ! HemlUnncen should be nd
Artmed to Tun HER Pcm.iHHi.f a COMPANT
OMAHA Drnfts , Cliocks aud 1'ostollice
Orders to be m do l > * yftblo to the order of
the Company.
TUB republican party is not dead.
And it won't bo asleep In 188-1.
WIIKN the returns are nil in Loran
Olark will bo found at least 12,000 behind -
hind his ticket.
SEVEHA.I ! THOUSAND copies of Jay
llubboll's campaign text book nro
finding their way to the paper mills.
TJIEUP. are loud promises that the
Nebraska railroads propose to go out
of politics. There is no time like the
present to begin.
A LONG procession of clerks is wend
ing its way back to the departments
in Washington. During election they
wore nearly deserted.
LESS than a thousand votes were
cant in Now York City against free
canals. These 100,000 pamphlets of
Mr. Vanderbilt must have boon poorly
FHOM a 02,000 majority two years
ago , Governor St. John , of Kansas ,
now finds himaolf a defeated can-
didalp , Pno year of prohibition
did it ,
TUB tidal wavp didn't roach oa far
as Nebraska. Cincinnati Commercial.
Didn't it ? Go up to West Point
Point and aak a party by the narao of
Valentino whether it did or not.
REI-UBUOAN strength in the next
Bonato will bo juft where it is at pres
ent. The democrats have gained in .
Louisiana and Colorado and lost in
Virginia and Oregon. The readjust-
era gain an additional senator in Vir
ginia. The aonato for the next two
years will stand , democrats 37 , repub
licans and readjustoro 39.
M. K. TUBNEU received a very
complimentary vote for the canvass
made in his bonalf in the Third dis
trict , bat a largo numb or of republi
cans voted directly for Manger , beHaving -
Having that the extent of Valentino's
disaster would bo best measured by
the size of iho domocrtio plurality.
A HKVKIIK blow to stock watering
has boon dealt by a decision of iho
Now York superior ; court , to the ef
fect that the expansion of the West
ern Union share list before the con
solidation of the Western Union ,
American Union and Atlantic & Pa
cific Telegraph companies lost year
was illegal. Soon after the combination
TTOS effected , Rufus Hatch brought
ouit to have it declared invalid , and
the trial court dismissed the complaint.
The anporior court reverses thin judg
ment and orders a now trial , as much
as to say that the consolidation can
not bo maintained. Jn connection
with the amalgamatlouWostorn Union
made a stock dividend of $15,500,000 ,
which , it ia now hold , was in violation
f law.
NEBRASKA isun anti-monopoly
state. The late election made that
fact plain enough for any ono to un
dorstand. The strength of the anti
monopoly , fooling caunot alone bo
II * estimated'from the number of votes
polled for the alllanco tiokot. There
were some thousands of republican
anti-monopliflts who believed the al-
llanoo independent movement ill-
timed , and who worked within the
party Unea to soouro the election of
anti-monopoly republican candidates.
Both democrats and republicans in
their convention platforms wore forced
in the late campaign to insert
anti-monopoly planks and all of
the regular republican candidates for
oongrcu , stumped their districts as
ardent anti-monopolists. The result
ii Been in the defeat of two notorious
railroad tools , Lorau Olark and Gere ,
on the atato ticket and in the election
of an anti-monopoly legislature which
will bo called upon to transact BOIUQ
highly important busine&a in the com
ing session. Chief among matters
claiming their attention will bo the
devising of a better system for taxing
corporate property in our state nnd tc
prevent the outrageous evasion ol
taxes which is now practiced uadei
our present laws by the railroads.
Auof-fi- measure which will oomc
up win ie ono reducing passengoi
fares to > hreo cents a mile. Btepi
Trill also havu to bo taken to reined )
auch defects in the operation ( , of the
Doano law aa have been shown during
the two years in which * it Las been in
effect. . A1
The official returns from fully ono
third of the counties In Nebraska nr
still wanting , and their failure t
como to hand makes any certain deter
initiation of the legislative resul
difficult. This much may bo sii
definitely , that both senate and hous
in the next legislature will show an
opposition majority , and that for th
first time since Nebraska became a
stnto \republicans will bo in a
The scnato will contain not less thai
twelve nor moro than fourteen rcpub
licnna depending upon the roturna ye
to como in. There will bo ton demo
cratic and nine anti-monopoly Bonn-
tors , making in all an opposition ma
jority of from five to seven votes.
Figures for the house arc wore
difficult to secure. From present indl
cations thn lower body will bo very
cloBO , with few votes to spare on either
sido. Ths best obtainable results in
cline ua to believe that the stralghl
republican mouibora will number 47
against a combined democratic , antimonopoly -
monopoly and greenback opposition
of 01.
It must bo remembered that out ol
sixty republicans some twenty were
nominated and elected on pledges ol
anti-monopcly. On this account there
can bo no question of the feeling of
the legislature as to anti-monopoly
legislation. The coming legislature
will have a good deal of important
work to do. An not the least impor
tant will bo the election of a staunch
anti-monopoly United States senator.
Citizens of Omaha should rlso up as
one man and protest against thobraz
on faced frauda which have boon perpetrated
potratod against an honest ballot in
this city. The story of the counting
sf the votes in the Third ward rcada
like a dispatch from South Carolina.
3uch bare faced defiance of the law
ias never before boon recorded in
Nebraska. It makes no difference
which paity ia in the majority , Voters
ire entitled to have their YPtcs rn-
lorded aa cast and the refusal to do
.his constitutes a crime of the firrt
nognitudo. On behalf of the citizens
if Douglaa county who are in favor of
i fair count .and a frco billet wo pro-
cat against the gigantic election frauda
vhich have been perpetrated in thin
ity in the interest of a candidate for
ho United ( States senate. Wo warn
ill candidates who hope to profit by
.heso transactions that stops will bo
aken to nullify thcoo frauds , They
ftill not bo successful without over-
iding a legislative majority which is
Haposod to aoo that impartial justice
a done to all.
The celebrated lecturer and divine ,
[ lev. Joseph Cook , is announced to
lecture , in this city , next Thursday
evening. No other oingle man in his
department , has attracted aa much at
tention , in the last ton years , aa
Joseph Cook. Hia Beaten lecture
ship alone haa made him famous in
both htmiaphorca. Whether agree
ing withihim or not , all must admit
ho has proved hlmaolf a man of wide
reading 'au or&tor'6f great force , n
lecturer of 'remarkable popularity.
Hla coming hero V'H he attended with
the moro interest , from the faot'that ho
ia just returning fromjan extended tour
of two and a half ycara around the
world. After aix or uovon yoaro , of
almost incessant work and the severest
application , ho wont abroad for rent
and now study. Ho npont a year in
England and Germany , consulting its
libraries upon his favorite topics , and
auch leading ucioutlsU and scholars , aa
Sir. Lionel Bcalo , Dr. Carpenter ,
rof'a. Haeckul and Hermann Lotzo ;
also giving a limited number of lee
urea in the chief cities of England
nd Scotland , where ho spoke to
largo nudiencca. Through In
dia , Japan and Australia hia
ournoy and receptions have
been remarkable. Ho has boon
welcomed by their highest courts and
scholars , haa boon given the freedom
of their cities , and haa spoken moro
than ono hundred times in the largest
cities , especially ot India and Aus
tralia , always upon religious ant
metaphysical subjects , and alwaya to
densely crowded houses , people
thronging their largext public halls.
No other American of private lifo haa
ever received such attention and hac
such hearing in these foreign coun
trloa , After lecturing three evenings
in California and two in Denver , ho
will be hero on Thursday evening for
ono night only , and whether his subject
joct bo , "Tho Reliqlous Signs of the
Times" or some other , it will doubt
Ices have largo reference to hla recon
tour , and the countries which ho has
ra&do hia careful study , Ho ia likely
to bo qveetcd by a large audience o
our thinking and best people.
licau voters were misjing in the eec
tunvl battle thia fall. In four state
ten per cent of the Utrfiuld vote oae
through the Union has boon lost
Fully 500,000 refused to vote ut all
and at least 1,000,000 voted for oppa
aitiou candidates. The Phlladolpht
Prcu naya : "This ia the butt oiid o
a result which has struck the rttpubli
can party fiat in the face and knocko
the breath out of it. If the rcpubli
can party next winter and in th
future la prepared to reduce expend !
tares , to cut down internal revenue
taxes and revise the tariff , to reform
the civil service and protect office
holders against removal or assess
menta , to prohibit the dictation o
office-holders in politics , to grapple
with the problem of ad ministrntivo reform
form federal , atato and city , then a
fighting chance is loft for the repnbli
can party in the republic. But if not
the 1,500,000 missing will find n party
that will , and the republic will got on
just aa easily without the ropubllcat
party aa it has without any of the
other dead parties of the pant. "
THE BKE is about to have another
lawsuit on its rmndn. It charged the
other dny that Councilman McGuckin ,
of the Third ward , had been tamper
ing with the election returns , and was
attempting to defraud the election by
atufiling the ballot box , Aa Mr. Mc
Guckin waa away from the city at the
Lime mentioned , and as ho had nol
boon near the election returns , ho
proposes to procure damages from the
slanderous about that ia kicking
against an honest count of the votei
polled in this city. In the interests
jf a great many outraged people ,
Councilman McGuckin cannot begin
lis sail any too aoou. Republican.
Lot Mr. Guckin go right ahead in
ila suit to roatoro his char.oc-tcr , TUB
BEE ia ready , It promitoa to make it
ntenmtlug to somebody before the in
vcatigation is concluded.
IT waa the funeral march of the pap
What Was L.ett.
: lcvc ! nJ Herald.
Among the things that were saved
cannot bo included any of the bosses.
The Happy Man.
The republican candidate who was
not nominated this year is the happy
The Wnoid Cako.
Clcve'and ' Herald ,
To bo brief , the democrats have
jot the entire bakery , including the
How to Recover.
Inclnnatl Gazette.
It won't do for men in power in the
opublican party to butt agaiust public
ontimont. The way to recover la to
§ t out of the ruts and out speedily.
Tha Kind Pf Wava It Wag.
IctolanJ IkralJ.
It was a tidal wave that will nol
wamp , but thoroughly waah , the ro-
mbhcan party. It was needed , It
ma come. The party will be the bet-
or for it.
Touching Inquiry From a Connecticut
Republican ,
artfortl T HIM.
Do you know of
"A lodge in BOIIIO last \\llderncsfl ,
Home boundlcBX contiguity of abode , "
where a good Christian republican can
; o and work off a reverential , soul-
uviving , heart xatiafying "d n it ? "
The Wrong Man.
oston Post.
She heard a burglar coming in the
ronb door. She sprang from bed ,
eizcd the washbowl , pitcher , boot-
ack and a flatiron , aud waited for the
ntrudpr , Her aim was good. Pick-
ng himself up from the floor the
lurtjlar beat a hasty retreat. Her
msband limped into the house the
allowing morning in time for break-
as t and aeaurcd her that ho should
lover again return from the lodge bo-
ere midnight. Hla scars are Indell
> lo though.
Healthful Chastisement ,
few York Times.
Had the republican party been less
vigorous thn ruin which haa been
wrought would have boon less wide
proad ; had the wrecks been loss nn-
norous the outlook for party reoon-
truotion would not have been so good.
* * * President Arthur and the
nachino managers may bo loft to con' '
omplato the ruin which they have
wrought Republicans generally will
"nd consolation in the hope that
hceo men will have learned their les
on , while the party will find purifica-
ion and regeneration in thia self In :
liotod chastisement.
Butler , the Democratic Moses.
Miiiliinntl Commercial.
The victory of Butler in Massachu
lottsBURgests. the question whether ,
laving accomplished BO much against
roat odda , ho is not the captain to
uad the vaat army of Democrats in a
lational campaign ? Whether the solid
South vote Itkoa him or not , it must
reconcile itself philosophically to the
Inevitable. He cannot bo looked upon
other than as the coming man among
ilomocratics , outranking Hoadloy ,
Thurman , McDonald , Pendlotou , Bay
ard , Hancock and Hondriokit.
A Warning to the President.
New York Tribune , ( Uqi. )
It is the loudest and harshest warn
ing given in recent times to any proai
dent. The people servo notice upon
Mr. Arthur that they will not tolerate
bis attempt to build up a faction al
the expense of bla party will not tolerate
erate tlio monstrous Interference o !
his representatives in forcing unpopu
lor nominations and that they wish
him henceforth diligently to mind his
own business. They are in the mooc
of the judge who wanted nothing mon
from that defendant but silence , am
precious little of that , Aud the ;
mean the same notice to apply to th'
under Bosses , Ilka Cameron , who
within their respective provinces
have piusued the eumo selfish urn
Tiikoa tuo Cako.
Don ) u Ttllmuo.
Bill Nuckulls , a prospector , fel
down a prospect abaft forty foot deep
right into H nest of blacksnakoa. Mos
men would have died of fright , bu
Nuckella waa not that sort ot a man
Ho tied several of the anukea togothe
aud started them up the aide of th
shaft , tying on a froah euako as fast a
the rest went up. Pretty BOOH th
head of the snakca got over the odgi
and started down hill. Nuckolla kep
tying on froth reptiles until he hac
used up a couple of hundred every
anuke there was in the abaft. By thi
time the crowd of snakes on the oul
side waa strong enough to pull him
out of the shaft , and ho Boon reachei
ilad'a ranch , aalo and Bound.
The People Alarmed at the In *
fluonce of Rich Men and
Corporations ,
Qath on Cleveland' * Chances for
the Presidency ,
Correspondence Cincinnati inquirer.
Almost everybody in happy over the
res nit a of the election. There is
hardly any party jubilation. The
thinking people made no chance
without consulting party loaders. No
great speeches anticipated this result.
There were no guy words used on the
lanterns. The republican party has
proved unworthy , and ita votora saw
A belter stewardship to expect from
the opposite party , meantime retiring
their own party numo till loss tyranny
and avarice and telf necking distin
guish it. Unquestionably the people
lirwo become frightened at the influ
ence of rich mon and rich things.
Tno unit of this country is a laboring
farmer man , ono who has a little piece
af hia own ground and rears hia family
from ita proceeds. The republican
party began by assorting the rights of
that man , and matching him against a
ilavo in the fr < io territories of the
Union ,
General inatincta for free soil , free
speech aud free elections made the re
publican party. But for several
roars past the same party has been in
; ho habit of going to the richest mon
in the country and requesting sums of
money to carry the election with. At
me election they would strike all the
sanks , at another all the manufac
turers , next all the syndicates and
schemes. The party expressed its
corn through its loader of any modi
fication of the tenure of office. Mon
were to bo put in for services ren
dered in politics , and put out for
other mon who could render moro
service or moro treachery. Thus the
opublican party has attached itself to
ho speculative and money-making in-
crest of the country , instead of the
irdinary citizen , whoso condition has
> oen but slightly changed.
The democratic party triumphed be
cause it had no views or politics to
alk about. It merely presented faith
ai mon in small responsibilities , and
aid : Those have bsen faithful over
a few things ; will you make them
ulera over many ? "
Mr. Cleveland , the hero of the
groatcat of all those victories , obtained
lis character by striking his own party
n the face with the open hand. The
ity councils of Baflalo had got into
ow hands. I almost forgot the oir-
umatanccs , but ono day I fiaw copied
n a newspaper a short veto message
rom a mayor of Buffalo , expressing
inqualifiod contempt for his associates
n the city government , on the ground
tiat they had made a contract for
moro than the figures demanded by
iio contractor , expressing the belief
hat the contractor could not do the
work at hia own figures. I thought
o myself : "This is a queer demo-
ratio mayor. " {
* # * * *
Unquestionably what is called anti-
lonopoly entered into the elections.
'tie legislature of New York haa been
> onght and sold like piga in a aty for
rears past. Old Thurlow Weed , who
a now on his death bed , was one ot
he worst corruptora of the legiala-
ure , The democrats In Hoffman's
imo made the legislature the place to
get rich. In those , days a senator
onld get $20,000 for hia vote as
easily as he now go s $1,000. The
? ew York Central railroad and two
or throe other institutions have been
running the legislature regularly. For
; his roaaon Ohauncoy Depow took the
tump for Folger , undoubtedly in
obedience to the commands of Wil-
iam Vandcrbilt.
The night before election I was sit
ing up with some gentlemen , among
whom were friends of Vanderbilt , and
aa the hilarity proceeded some of
hem began to denounce Robertson ,
collector of the port , for having ruin
ed Judge Folger. I saw that the
railroad mon were in distress. Gov
ernor Cleveland must o'xorciso some
lower to purify that legislature. The
democratic victory ia not going to
make the legislature any hotter. The
jovernor will bo face to
'ace with a sot of thievoa ,
aa ho was when ho hold up to
mblio contolnpt the city council of
Buffalo. He stands the best chauco
n this country of being the next pres
idential candidate ; but if ho as much
as equinta toward that office , or lifts
iis hand to help himself to it , or tolerates
erates factors nd tools who are pro
fessional president-makers , ho will die
the death. Wo expect him to be the
governor for all the people over this
rich and conscientious state , and to
bo , nothing oloo. Mr. Tilden throw
away the presidency by ceasing to be
jovernor too soon.
Masculine Extravagances that Lay
Those of Women in the Uhade.
N. Y , Letter t All uiy Journal.
Mon ere becoming very luxurious ,
and their dressing rooms , Bitting
rooms , wardrobes and repoaitorlea for
peraonal belongings display tastoa
more costly than thoao of women.
Underwear of the softoat , richest
knitted silk ; dozina of South Ameri
can pa jama for night and dressing
room wear , of China crepe , , aoft twil
led Chinese silk , cashmere , flannel
bound with satin and embroidered ,
aud all in the daintiest , moot delicate
tlnta and colors , suchas ivory , pale
blue , piuk , baft" or violets. The i aja-
ma cousiaU of drawers and bloueu
jacket with sailor collar. When made
in ivory they are often faced with a
color and embroidered with ivory silk
In o little , vine or in the cornera of
collars and cuff * . If the pajama is in
colors , it will perhaps be embroideret
with white or have appliques cut out
of white satin cloth or velvet ombroi
dofod on. The daintiest of all la an
all white pajama or ivory Chinese
crepe or silk enriched with hand cm
broidery , and these are made for the
wedding outfits of fashionable mon
who will have a dozen of white , a
dozen of trimmed with color , and a
dozen in varioua delicate colors em
broidered In white.
Theae elegant gentlemen have fo
smoking companions the gate of i
country house iu nickel or silver , witl
chain rings instead of bars to holt
cigars upright , and side lighU repre
t , '
tenting gate lamps , but holding can
dles , nnd post pedestals to form match
holders. Thoao cost from 8150 to
$250 , and are sometimes ornamentcc
with a bird or A rooster in the act o ;
crowing. Another recently importer
piece of masculine cxtravagnnco ia n
lamp , the lower part of which forma a
tripod sot in a double hoof , dccv-ratcc
with natural hair. There aru Iwo
burners _ representing wax cindlts
under tinted nnd decorated glass ,
and the co t for a lamp of this kinc
ia abont $250. Another lamp for
ita standard a horsohoc , with stirrup
and riding whip crossed and twisted.
Aa for the expensive nsh trays and
liquor sots and pipe racks and dress
ing casca and the like space and time
would both fail in their enumeration ,
It may bo mentioned that among the
personal properties of ono youni ? gentleman -
tloman in Now York city nro 370 odd
silk , satin and knitted neckties and
upwards of fifty walking sticks. The
inventory did not go any further or
it might have developed equally cu
rlous results in other departments.
The Kick at Arizona's.
As Told by the Only Sun It or.
An * all the boys were gloefal , an' all
the gals were happy , an * all the former
oiled their boot ? , their shooters , an *
their hair , an' when the bolls began to
ring Doc Kidder said to Sappy : "You
< in bet a pail of Irish quts that Kidder -
dor will bo thorol" You must know
; ho bolls begin to ring quite early in
.ho mornin' of the day on which a ju-
jlloo is given in the night Well , the
boll on Arizona's ranch , just as the
day were dawnln' , pealed forth a in
vitation to the bucks of "Hell's DC
ight. "
By 10 a. m. the young gazelles and
bucks of that young city knew at Ari
zona's there were golh * to n ball that
the buck who danced the neatest with
a pardnor young and pretty were to
; ot from Arizona's hands a shooter an'
a ahawl.
By 10 p. m. Doc Kidder were a
whirlin * In the mazy , an * a Tucson
anorita waa encircled by hia arm , an *
Frisco Dick an' Yankee John , both ,
lad a lovely daisy , an' old Arizona's
Tnbiloo were workin * to a charm. By
1 a. m. Doc Kiddor'o jag were fall of
tigger brandy , an' ho an' Dick an'
fankee , all , were a spilin' for a fight ,
in * .Richard said ho guessed he'd take
; ho prize , if It were handy , as his gal
an * ho were kinder tired from danoin'
all the night.
"I think , " said Doc , "tho prlzo bo-
ongs to mo and my dear Zephyr , an1
! guess I'll take the shooter an' my
Zephyr'll take the mop. "
"Oh , by all moans : Arizona , hand
o Doc an' his old heifer " which
rore about aa for 03 'Frisco got , when
Frisco took a drop ,
His pardner didn't cry ; she took it
ihilosoph'i-cally , off gtodo aroun' the
tall room with a duke called Austin
lip. Then the laot dance of the
venin' came , which , speakin1 liter-
lly , were an eye op'ner to Iho bucks
vho hadn't seen the Boston dip. Doc
earned the dance a year before , 'way
p in old Kentucky , and him an' Rip
n' their two gals had to thorcselves
ho floor. Well , the Tucson otnorita
n' the Kidder were the lu ky ones to
whom old Arizona passed the shawl
and shooter o'er.
The gentleman from Austin had a
rowd of bucks to back him , BO ho
elt justified in calling Arizona "a
; aloot. " I could BOO from Arizona'a
> yea that he meant to attack him , an
10 did sail right in an' bust the Aua-
in ripper in the snoot.
By all the Greeks of ancient Cork ,
m' legs of Brooklyn's parson. By
; he wit of Wales' punster , by William
a.'s pelf ! By the seal of Charles A.
) ana ! By the bones of Kit Carson
t wore every mother's daughter for
lor individual self ! Some wont
the skylight , an' some went
swiftly sailin' with the velocity of
tomoorats into a Tam'ny spread
hrough the windows of the ranch , '
with Boreamln' an' with wailin' I
reckon abont a ton of western blood
that night were shed.
Arizona were as dead , my friend ,
as any of the 60 , A stranger would
surely think it 'were the work of
rosso James , or John Morgan , or Jim
Bowie , or Joaquin Maurioty , the Cal
ifornia llinaldo Rinaldlno of the
> lains ,
The Kidder shook the Zephyr an'
married Arizona's wsddor ; they own a
) lace in St. Jose , an' area very lov-
n * pair. You kin bet your sweet ex
istence gainst the moon that I'm the
ividdor ! an' Dana's soul and con
science that thn Kidder were all
there. JOHN E. MoOiNN.
October. 1882.
1409 ted till Dodge Btroot ,
7-mo 6m OUAIIA , NEB.
Paper Stock , Woolen Rags , Iron
Ilighwt Prices Paid. Shipments from the
country solicited. Itemittancee
MAHA | Promptly nude. I NKS
MterLThomastoo ,
Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc.
Call at I'lEco rooms , 8 , Ctt'l a to HlackOo b
Oarpnter. Superintendent , fto ,
All klndiot job work done.
Old UuiWingi Rttonttructtd.
w building ! erected. Plins tnd epedfloatloni
1416 Harney St. , bet , 14th and 16tb
Boasters and Grinders of Coffees nnd Spicea , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
, , . -
II. 0. OLARK & CO. , Proprietors ,
1403 Douglas Street. Omnha , Neb.
1108 and 1110 Harney H. , OM&EA , BEB.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Cake.
It is the boat and cheapest food for ptock of any kind. Ono pound is equal
to three pounds of corn. ( Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter -
tor , instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market-
Mo condition in the spring. Dairymen as well aa others who use it can tes
tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for sacks. Address
04-cod-me WOOODBIAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb.
204 north Sixteenth St. , OMAHA , NEB.
1005 Farnam St. , Omaha
M. Hellman & Co.
nP TT"FrO Ql
1301 and 1803-Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Proprietors , Wholesale Dealers in I ,
Mills Supplied With Ohoioe Yarieties of Milling Wheat ,
Western Trade ( Supplied with Oats and Corn at Lowest Quotations , with *
prompt shipments. Write for prices , ' v
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
: CJ JcC < l ,
204 North 10th St. , Masonic Block. Main Houhe , 40 , 48 and 52 Dearborn -
born avenue. Chicago , liefer by permission to Hide and
Leather National Bank , Chicago.
'R ,
Carpenter's ALSO Materials , , N I
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
j and Door Frames , Etc.
l'iret-clasa tacllitlee for the Manufacture of all kinds of Moulding * , Plaining and i
atchlng a Specialty. Order * from the country will be promptly executed ,
ddreuall commuulcaton4 ! A. MOYKU ,