" i . \ \ THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAY JNOVEMBKR 13 OO" oots and OMAHA , NEB. > { " Ma S D B & AND RETAHj DKAtKR IS Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , BHflRS , 8LIHOS , & 1GLDW , LIME , CEMEK WBTAIB AQKttt FOK MIUWAUKKK CKM5CNX OOUFANtJ Hoar Union Paciiic Poaot OMAHA I HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND 1MDOW SHADE S 118 FARNAM ST. OMAHA AND JOBBERS IN fljpur , Salt , 'Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Bosfc Brands of mm AIL MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BKNWOOB NAILS AND LAFLIH & BAND POWDER CO. POWER tAND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine 8 rirnmings , MiOraHEHy , BELTING , , HOSE , BUAS3 AUD IRON riXTlKOS MPK , " I , AT WLIOLEdAtK AKD BKTAIi. -\1LLS ! OHU OH'AH . ' Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. -DEALERS IN- SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 5 , J frt " 1020 Farnham Street , I XZO * roRTTGS fJJ' . PAIISTTS . OIIiS Window and Plate Glass/ CT Anyone contemplating building store , bink. or any other fin * will find It to their ad Jantiffe to corres oud with us before purcbasln ) ; their Plate Glass. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA : - - NEB. IW.B. MILLARU. EDWARD W. PECK , * , . A T 9 .11 MILLARD & PECK , [ Storage , Commission and Wholesale Mite , ' 1421 & 1423 FARNHAM STREET. 'CONSIGNMENTS OOUNTRT PKODUOE SOLICITED ] [ igeiits for Peek & Baushers Lard , and ' Wilber Mills Flour B3MAHA , - - - NEB REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEBLE. JOliNSON & 00. , TQOTLE MAUL & CO. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFAOTDRBRS OF CARRIAGES BUGGIES Impairing in aU BranoliBB 4M"-TJSSSSggl > m' tnOOK-KEEPINQ , JIDSFNUSS FORMS , BANKING COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL AR1THSIETIO , ENGLISH LANGUAGE Taught by gentlemen of business oif orlonco and broad soholarablp at tbe iWYNIAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , I A new Institution baaed on the highest standard'of excellence , . ' Day and fand evening Boesions are now lu euccessful operation , For circulars or special informatlou apply to or addiona A , L. WYMAN. THE UTE COMMISSION How Indians Coiiio to Suit Lnlco After Arms , Ammunition , tic. bait lj > Vc Tribune , The pccrotnry of the Ute Indian commission wnj mot by a Tribune reprrtuntntivo lilt uvcniny , and hav ing just returnutl from thu Ute coun- trj , wiia naked whnt would probably bo the remit tf tbe tftVing nwny ol the iniHmry from Fort Thornbura upon the Indians , to which h > ) replied : " Wull , 1 hnvu not Iu < d oxpuiionco auf fioicnl among the Utoa to nay ; but , judging from the expressions of thoau who know them , there will bo little to fear. The Ute commission was not asgroonblo to tha change , und of course the Mormon .settlors and others who hnvo farms in the vicinity of Fort Thornbui h , and who had derived considerable income from the sale of grain , hny and vegetables , will feel somewhat disappointed. The troopa which came from Thornburgh had been in the field for over a year , and as I uucorstand it , como to Fort Douglas to winter , to perhaps return in the spring. Among the Utes there are several cl.ronio grumblers who would have promoted troablo long ago had they any following among the natives. They may become aomo- what bolder and more "sassy. " The Uintah aud White River Indisna cul tivate considerably , and all of the Indians are much elated at tbo Idea of having their country irrigated , as is proposed by fho commission , and which has already boon approvon at Washington. There is not a sufficien cy of crass and water for the Indian ponies , and if it is not provided for them they will certainly po whore it cau bo obtained , rogordloas of cense quoncos. " "Is it proposed that they shall go to funning1' ? "That is propoaod ; bnt it will bo a long time before the Ute will lay mdo his rifle and knife to take np the 100 and spado. It is not the nature of the native. A great many of them say they will live in n house if pro vided , and farm if givm suitable igrioultural laud and the implements Tbo commission has recommended abode buildingo for such of them as will live in a honan. It has long boon customary with them to burn the ibodo and offucta of any of their num- > or who dies , and the idea is to give horn a hut they cannot destroy by ire. It takes n long time , though , to work off Euch superstition. * "Sow many do they number ? " was asked. "About 3,000 , including the South ern Utes. There are about 1,400 of ho Unoompahgro , who are , by the way , nald to be pretty 'good Indians. ' The Uintahs and White Rivers num ber about 1,600. They nro all well armed , mostly with sixteen shot re peating riflea , and they have always m hand a full supply of amunition. For the first time , I mot n number of : hcm in your city here , the other day , allying box after bex of cartridges There should bo a law making it a puninhablo oil'nso for any man any where to sell them ammunition and arms. They cannot buy on the res- orvatlun , but they can como to Salt Hake and haul away guns , cartridges , etc. , by the wagon load. The law should punish the man who sells them and reward the informer. The authorities canght a- man named Davis selling them liqnor down there a short time since , and to the credit of : ho connty , arrested him , bound him > vor and shipped him to Provo to be riod. The Utes become very mean when intoxicated , I am told. I have never mot any of them in that condi- "Havo you soon any pretty squaws among them ? " "There is the widow of the late Mr. ) uruy who is pronounced good look- ng. She at one time lived in a house ind condnctod a cooking otovo. She ms a couple of thousand dollars in money and a $90 sot of silverware among her possessions , now in care of ho agent at Ouray , though she has jono bbck to her native customs , and runs wild with her people. " "When will the commission got hrough ? " "Congress has limited the work to a 'ear. ' The money has boon appropri ated to improve the condition of the Jtes , and no doubt in auothor year hero will bo plenty of grass and water on the reservation , and good results vill follow. The present secretary of ho interior is a western gentleman , vho understands the condition of hose Indians , and seems determined o see that they shall bo justly dealt with according to the spirit und letter of the law. I see by an article repro duced in your paper that I have boon > rometod to 'colonel.1 None of that , 'on please. In my country they tax \ man ton dollars for wearing a title 10 hasn't earned. " Not an experiment or cheap patent medicine is Brown's Iron Bitters. It s prepared by ono of the oldest and most reliable chemical firms , and will do all that is claimed for It. OLD BATPLiBS RENEWED. The PltzJohn _ Portop Case Exciting a Fresh Controversy Among Of ficers. A communication In The Army and tfavy Journal o recent date says : The society of ox-officers of the Army and Navy of Cincinnati , In the uterest of truth and the vindication > f history , wan induced last winter to Ufck their vicu president , Gun. J. D , Cox , to deliver an uddreuj on Otinura. Pope's campaign in Northern Vir ginia. In response Gen. Cox repeated , In a slightly changed form , his "Re- view of the report of the advisory board in the caeo of Gen. Fitz John Porter , " which ho had furnished , with injunction of secresy , to Gen. Garfield - field , for confidential use in congress against Porter. Members of the society , and other ox-officers of the army in Ohio de nounced , in the prcsi of Cincinnati , the address as ex parte , the produc tion of an advocate , and as confusing history. And come members , in their late quarterly meeting , pre sented a petition and resolution asking that one of its members ( Col. 0. W. Moulton ) address the society in reply to Gen. Cox. But the petition was refused , and a resolution ( offered by Gen. Cox ) was passed , virtually prohibiting a reply and the presenta tion of any and all productions , un less thu writer had been a participant in the events ho described , The same if pMsod in time , would have 'excluded ' Gon. Cox's nddre s , aa ho \ > * s not in Gen , Popo's campaign ; but his address , having boon delivered , It ns but f vir to expect that a reply or discuBSion would not have boon prohibited in the society by the voicoi of such intellont and prominent till cers as Gon. M. M. Force , the preM dent of the society nnd justice of the tupremo court of Ohio ) Gt > n A. liickcnlopor , a vice president and lieutenant governor of Ohio ; and Gen. J. D Cox , n vice president antt ox-govtrnor of Ohio , and ox-secretary of the interior under President Grant the lost named having delivered the address to which a reply was desired. The questions naturally arise , could theoo membotu have regretted the de lively of Gen. Cox's address , the errors of which had boon pointed out toGon. Cox by Gen Porter , when it \vi\d in the hands of Gon. Uarlield ; or ( ltd they fear the effect of thu truth of history M established , after months of investigation and ntudy of all the fautr , by such intelligent and experi enced oUicota us Gons. Schotlold , Turry nnd Getty , and promulgated at home pnd abroad by the historians John 0. Ropes , Oount do Paris , nnd Mttjor F , Mangold , cf the Gor man army ? Wo rented until latelj under the , belief that the most of the important j questions relating to thn Pope camJ J palgn in Virginia , during the la-t four I days of August , 1802 , had boon sot- tied by the report of the Soholh'ld , Terry and Gotty advisory boird ; but the late refusal of the society ot ux- oillcors of the army aud navy of Cin cinnati to permit a reply to Gun. J. D. Cox'a address , or discunsion of it , lias caused members of the society to present several important inquiries in the press of that city , ono of which , as to whether there was a general battle on the SOth ot August , wo will under take to answer. lu proof of a general batttlo on that day a member af the society quotes as convincing Gon. Popo's dispatch of August 30 : "Wo fought a terrible battla here yesterday with the corn- lined forces of the enemy , which lasted with continuous fury from day light until after dark , by which time the enemy waa driven from the field which wo now occupy. " Byroforonca : oQ.in. Popo's testimony before Gen. Porur'o court-martial it will be suon that by "tho combined forces" ho ' 'meant Langstreot and Jackson , " but 10 insisted that Longstreot's forces were not on the field till very Into in ; ho evening , and then only a very small part. In his oilioial report Gon. Pope eays : "Tho troopa were Buffered to rest in their positions and to ro supply themselves with ammunition From 12 o'clock until 4 very severe skirmishes occurred constantly at va- ions points on our line , and wore > rought on at every indication that the enemy made of a dm- josition to retront. " * * * 'About half-past 5 o'clock * * * ' . diiocted Gens. Hointzelnun and tone to assault tho'oft ' of thoonomy " Then Grovor'a brigadoof Hointr.ulman md a povaro fight , which was followed about G o'clock by a part of King's division. Gen "Tho Schuizaays : at tacks were frittered nway by isolated efforts ot small parties. " And Gon. Elentzelmau testified that the attacks were a series of "epurts" by brigades with occasionally n division. Gons. Lee and Longstrcot state that Cjongatroot'8 forces were posted on Jackson's right at an early hour in the day (29th ( ) , but were pot engaged till just at dark , when Hood's division mly attacked Pope ; also that they lolcl the field of battle till near day break on the 30th , when they withdrew - drew under cover of the woods , first destroying the artillery captured from Pope. "Another member" " " and "X" and "othor members" seeking information through the columns of The Commer cial and Enquirer , of Cincinnati , will learn much of real history if they will study the report of the Schofiold board in Iho cane of Gon. Porter , and n juducial reply to Gen. Cox would enlighten them on all points. Trno to her 'JL'runt Too mucn cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and mother , constantly watchinc ; and caring for her dear onea , never neglecting a rfnglo duty In their be ll ulf. When they are assailed by disease , and the system should hnvo a thorough clonnaim ; , the stomach and bowels regu lated , bloud purified , and malarial poison exterminated , she must know tbo that Electric Hitters are tbo only euro remedy. They are the best nnd purest modlcioo in the world ami only coat fifty cents. Sold by 1C. V , Goodman 8NAKHS IN DEADLY COMBAT. A Terrible Battle Between a Python and an Anaconda. ISaHlmore Sun. At 130 ; o'clock yesterday morning , Da the private wntohman at the Dime AluEoum was going his rounds ho had liis attention attracted by unusually loud noises coming fram the third story of the building. Upon hasten ing thither ho found the python , the largest snake in captivity ( seventeen feet ) in deadly combat with an ana conda , twelve foot long. How long they had boon fighting the watchman did not know , but ho says that from the time his attention was attracted by the nolsp up stairs until 7:30 : , his hour for going oft' duty , they kept up a continuous warfare. When ono would mits Lie aim and strike the side of the cage the sound could bo distinctly heard on theground or the auditorium floor. The python , after nuiubtirleea boutu with his oppo nent , seoniB to have gathrrod all his strength for a final attack , which woi mado. The auacondn wue ready , uutl placing themselves tu an almost up right position , they made for each ether with fearful rago. After having carried on their deadly combat for fully six hours , the python made a last desperate lunge and succeeded in get ting the anaconda's head in his mouth to the depth of at least three feet , and holding it in this position for some time , at last commenced to coil itself around the anaconda until it actually ground and mashed the life out of it. The watchman says he never wants to witness another such a battle. He had no key to the cage , and even if he had , it is doubtful if ho would have had the temerity to undertake to separata the reptiles. A Biuuliloaut fact. The cbeapeetme Heine in use U THOJUb KUU.OTIIIO OIL , bocauee so v ry little of it i required to effect a cure. For croup , dlptlierla , and diseases of tbe throat and lunxa , whether uied for bathing the chester or throat , for taking Internally or Inhaling , it I matchless compound. ran CHICAGO , PEOR I ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Polut * Eait andBouth.Eist T11KLINKCOM1'RISK9 Nearly 1,000 miles Solid Smooth Stool Track 11 connection * nro m tlo In UNION DhPOTS has a Natlnrnl Krpntatlon as lioltic the rcat Throuch Car Line , nnd l nnlvonalh onccJod to bit the FINEST EQUIPPED Half to J In the world tor nil rlajauiof travpl. Trj It nnil } on " 111 dm' traveling a Inxuij Infttcid nl n dluxwifort , Ihrouch TlckrUvIa rhia Celebrated Line tci wOe at nil I'Dcn ' In the West. All Information itbont Hates o Faro , RIeoplm far AcocintuoJatlone , Tliuu Tablet , Ac. , will bt cheerfully elvin by aiiplylnlui : to T. j. POTTER , ! J Mco-l'rci't A Oon. M u ierChlc Bn PEHOIVAL LOWELL , TT , J.Oou Oou Aront , Conncll niuffi. H. V. DUKLI , , Ticket Ast. 0"i hi mnio nil Iv GOLD ROPE. Tliolntrlnalcmeilt and sujictlor nualltvol 0111 QoIJllopolobacco hu linlucoj ether nmnnlao- tutors to ( nit upon the mnikot ooJ * ( iinllar tc rur hrnnil In niuno nnd style which arc oCored and told lor IO H mot ry thun the genuine Gold Hope. Wo caution the t nJo and coiunmcr to eot that our nsrao nnd trnJc nmtk are upon each lump. The only Kcnuluo nnd original UolJ Rent Tobacco la nmnutncturf il \ > \ THE WILSON A McNALLY TO BAOOO OOJIPANY. Jann 1'ir flcnl Vlrol'ron't V. B. UEIUIIH , feo. aud Troiu. THE HSBEABSA lUHnf AOTDBIHB CD HLVNUFAOTUJIERS OF Corn Planters , Hrrro\ro.Farn Rollore Bulky Hay UtiU oa , Buctot Hlovntluo WlnatnUlB , &o Wo are prayarcd to do Job worlf and nianufar urluif [ or ether parties. Addrcei.81 or lets MANDP\CTir7.'NO CO riiirntn " The Qroat Lnglish N"\cr ( falls t9 cuie | Norvou Debility , VI- ital Ezhauntlon , Kmls- lens , Bcmliml Woak- lncwosLOBTMAN [ HOOD , and nil the ! cUl effects ol. youth ful folhoa and excos \i \ < n. It etops porma ncntly nil weakening. oluntary IOBSH and dralnH upon the ays- turn , the Incvltahle ro- . „ , „ . " 'suit ' of those evilprai tlccs , which nro DO dcstruotU o to mind , and body and make llfo mtierablo , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It utronsthcna the Ncrvoo.Urain , ( memorj ( Blood , Muaclcs , Dl eatho andllepro- ductlvo Orpans , U restores to nil the orcnnlc functlrns their former vigor nnd vitality , making - king llfo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , W a bottle , or four tlmca the quantity tlO. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address. on receipt of price. Mo. 0. 0. D. eeut , except on receipt of { 1 aa a guarantee , Letters n qucntlnK answers must Incloso Blimp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are the boat and cheapest dyopepnln and btllloni euro In the market. Sold by ftll druejclsta. Price 60 conta. Da MIKTIR'S KIDMIT lUunnr , NBPEITICUM , Cureuill kind of Kidney and bid Jdur complain to. Sonorrhoa , gleet and leucorrhtt For ealo by all ouffL-iste : il n bottlo. BWaUSII MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , fit. Louis , lio. For Sale In Onuha by 0. F. QOODHAN. Jan2fi-lv _ HEAR THEJ/YITNESSES / , Uacy slirlnlv from publicity In connection with S. 8. ti . but wo arc permitted to refer to the fol lowing persons who lm\o known and nltneaicd Its woiuirlul effects : runny , Houston Co , Da. Wn ba\u known "Swift's Hpcclflc" tested In hundreds of moat obstlnato tag * sol blood Poison ing , Mercurial libiumatlsin , Scrofula , Bores , Eczema , Cat rrb eta , and do conscientiously testify tliatlt met ullli the mott perfect ami sig nal < * ucceuD , cffoc'od radical and permanent curci In every c.no ulthout a sluelo cxooiitlori. L Drnnard , Geo. W Kill n , John O. llronn , ( loo. W. Mingle Win. Ilninxon , John II , Hose , Jamoa D. I harp i : 1 Warren. llooro & Tutt'o , J , W. llolvln , J. W. Wlmbcrlj , J. \Voc'ock ! , w. D. Hlcrco , 'lierlff , J. W , Mann , Co , Troas. 0. 0. Duncan , T. M. Kitten , Uiy * Gordon , T , U. Ilulncr , iho lff. Wo are ptrwiually acquainted with the KO tlo- men whoso sgnatures appear to the above cer tificate. Iliey are cltlzonH of eald county , of the highest rcinieitablllty and character. A , x. OlliEH , Ordinary , Houston Co.Oa. D , II CULLER , U'k Blip. Ct. llouitou Co. 0 . "Nothing but favorable report ) , Ilellovi 8. U aspodflo for all lilood UUcasce. uulvcnal tatltfoctlon " 0. W. JONfcS & CO , , MemphisTcun. "S. S. H. el vis bettor satisfaction thin any thing wo hao eor handled. " JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark , "Have ne\cr heard a complaint of H. B S. " Aimiuii rerun & oo. , LouUviiio.Ky. "H. S. 8 , has given entire satlifactlon to every one. " A. II. III01IAKU3 , ahermon , Ttx. "I have had excellent Dale for B. S , 8. and tb rcaults ba > o hfen uiont an iefaitory. ' J. 0 , UUHOK , Ilowllni ; Orcon , Ky. "OurealcJ nt H. 8 , B , hue been food , and It ) UOCMJ ixrfect. " JONK3 &OAUKY , Montgomery , Ala. " 8 S. 8. baa tton \ entire Idtlsfaction to every oni. " E HEUa3 , Paris , T ai. "S. 8. 8 hn k'Uon univerittl satUfoctlon. " It. W , VOWi'HS & CO. , Hlchinond , V . j 31.001) Bow r l T'H1 be raid to .any chomftii who wlllOnd , on anolyilaol 1U5 DotlW S 8. 0. , one mrtlclo of Mercury , lodldo of fa limn or any Mineral nubstanco. BWIPT 8PEOIFIO CO. Propl AtUnU , Q ( , Price of CmMl elco , f 1.00 Lara aUe J1.76. Hold hv all nru clBt OIIAY'U SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADB MARKW-TR/ MARK cdy. Anun- Ulllnir cute for bomlnal Weakneia , Bperwator- rbea , Inipot- ency.andall . o AFTER TAIIBO , bolf-Atni e ; a Lot * ol Miniory , Universal Last' ' tilde , Pain In tbo Dock , Ulmnua of Vlnloo , Pit mature Old Age , and many other Dlecawi thai leadtolnunlty or Consumption an ] a Piema turo Grave. . , . jCVFull paitlculari In oat pamohlet , whlcl vre denlre to lend free t v mall to every one CSThe BpeclHc Medicine U told by all drugglab at tl per package , 01 6 pocktgei toe 16 , 01 will bo lent free by mill on lecilpt of the money , b ] XUKOUAY JKDICINKOO. , BoCalo.N.T. ocTmi * DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL HUTXLS TOWKP ARLINGTON. J. Q. MclNTlRE , Lincoln , Net , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. U. WEATHERLY , Manning , ( own , % " REYNOLDS HOUSE" , O. 0. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapldt , own. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. B. STCLLINIU8 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL , HOTEL' JOHN HANNAH , Otromiburjc N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loultvllla OITY HOTEL , y CHENEY A CLARK , Hlalr , No . OOMMCROIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , Nell h , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL Nabratkn City , Neb MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP. WooplneWater.N * COMMERCIAL HOUSt A. O. OAARPEH , Hirdy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYHELD , Orennwood , N b v COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. OTOREY Clnrlndn , low * END'S HOTEL , t. U ENO , CremonL \ ' h > * EXCHANGE HOTtL , C. I ) . HACKNEY , Ashland , lkb 1 METROPOLITAN HOTtL , FRANK LOVELL , MMn\on , Neb 5x > MORQAN HOUSE , t. L. anUUU , Quldo Recd , N , " SUMMIT HOUOE , SWAN At OCX KEN , CrcMon , U " HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO. OALPH , Cxlm , l < \ REYNOLDS HOU8C , O. M. REYNOLD ! ) , Atlantic , la , ' ' WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , It. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S BURGE33 , Neoln , la OITY HOTEL , 01 A. LLIAM3 Hnrlan la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQO , Corning , In. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.1U AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL Q. W , DURK. aOuillngtonJuritlor.li COMMERCIAL HOTEL , BUnclurd , I * . PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Hhenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , D yld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE. OHAS. DAQNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllll.cn , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , Ik , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUOE UF. STEARNS , Odtbolt. la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKIZRT , Otceola , Nob. DOUQLAQ HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clark * , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marj vllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , ' NorfolkJunctlonNtb WINSLOW HOUSE O. McOARTY , Baward. Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONEa Auroar Neb. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'CR , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATING HOUOE D W. noOKriOLD. Avoc * la. CENTRAL HOUOE LOOKWOOD & SHATTUOK , Red Oak' n FOSTER HOUSC Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewi * , In. WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Qrltwold , la. \ DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , In LU8K HOUSE. J A. LU3K. LoK n , In DOW OUY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow Clla ; ia JAQQER HOUSE , JAQQRR& SON. Donlion , In , HARMON IIOU8R , TAMA OITY , IA. , Harmon & Koalon , Prop HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADE UY BIOHARDSON.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , Embody now 1882 Improvements. Mor , practical 'ca uri ; Coot loss to keen In iidor ; Una Join fiiol will gho more heat and n larger voluxuo of pui'O air than any urnace m do Bald by P1KUCKY fc nUADFOHD.Oiimnn.Nob EUROPEAN HOTEL , Tlia moat centrally located hotal In the city , looms 7Bo , 91.00 , (1,50 Anil (2.00 pur day. First Clua Uoataurant connected with the hotel. . HTJMST. - - Prop. Corner Fourth and Locust Streets. 3MCO. KENDALUS SPAVIN CURE a ; Oil COL. L. T. FOBTSB. Youngetowu , Ohio , May 10 , 1880 DB. D J. KKNBALI. * Co. 1 hod a very valua ble Hamblctonlan colt tha Iptiwd very highly , in had a large bono spavin en one Joint and a small one on the other which made him very amoI ; had him under the charge ol two voter- nary gurjoona which failed to euro him. I wai one day reading the dvertlseinont of Kendall i Hpavln Cure In the Chicago Kip'css.l determined atoncototry It and k'ot our CruifgleU here to tnd forlt , and they ordtrod three bottles ; I took all and I thought I would Rlvo It a thojpugb rial , I used it according to dlroctlrna and the ourth day tbe colt ceised to bn lame and the umin have dl appoarcd , I used but ono bottle and the colt's llinba are as f o of lumps and 01 smooth as any homo In thu atato llels entire. y cured. The cure wi * 80 romaihablo thatl lave lottwo of my neighbor * have the roinuUx ng two bottlci who aronow uslnglt. Herd for ( llnutrated circular glvlnz po Itlv proof. Pilcojl. All UruKKlati have It or can ; otllforyou. Dr. II. J K nd ll I. CoJ , I'.f- d-wly NERVOUS DEBILITY , JJr. E. o7Wi * > ? ti Hoivii Aniluraiu Tioalnient AspflClfloforlijttoiia , UltUnow , Oonvnlalooi. llerveat Headaihe , Mental DoprcstltH , Lcmcl lemoryBp8ruiat < : rrha , Iinpotoncy , Involuntarj Emission * , 1'reraatur * Old Age , cinand by ovoi- cicrllon , seltaboaa , or over-Indulgence , whlcl triad * to ffiloery , ducay and death , Ono box wlu cure rccoiil cues. Kah bor contains cnomtnth'i truatinei.t , Ouo dollar a box , or tlx 1/oies foi rve dollan , sent by mr.'l ' piupild on rccolptol prlci ) . Wo Ktuiruit o tlx boxes to euro ftuy r. tc With each oriUr ncelved by us for six boxco , ao. comianltd with fno Jolltrn , will bond thu poi > cbatei o > ir written puirtntco to Ti/.uin tlic uoney If the trnatinent dct not effect a cure , C. * * OomJican , it\iuuMt \ Hold.VhcU > &altf and Kill ivO'iuhi , i''V. Or ( rn by mill al rtall iluwlr DOCTOR WH1TTIER , 617 St. Oliarloi Bt.IST. LOUIS , Mo. A UKOULAK QKAUUATK of two modlcil ooll'xi.i. > hM been longer engaged In the treat ment of cjimomo , wKiivous. SKIN AND I1LOOI ) lllnoasas than any other pn > slclan In St. Loult aa city p < prri show and all old ruildonti know. ConvultAtlon aiot&oo or by mill , free and Invited , A friendly talk or Ms opinion costs nothing. When It It Inconvenient to tli t tha city for treatment , moJIclnca can be tent by mall or exprusi everywhere. Curable asciiuarantoud ; wliero doubt uxlatilt Is fradk- y itated. OUl or write. _ Norvoua prostration , Debility , Mental ami 1'byglcal Weakness , Mercurial and other alTocilona of Throat. BLin aud liones , and Blood Tl' bonlug , BUla AlfecUQnB7"01 < l B'irca uud UFcer TtnpedhnenU to Muirmue , lUieumatlsin , Flies Bjxtciul attention tu _ caaea troS over-workixi brain. flUIUUOAirOASEa 7ecnlve gxcial | atteutlon. UUoa ea rl lng from Impru leucu. EXOBBBBII , innulyenoe * FAST TIME I In going K a > take ) h CMcago Mortlrrat- ern Train * loa\e Omaha 3:40 : n , in. and 7:10 : a. m For full Information call on II. P. DEUEL , Tlcko Acont , HUi and Farnam ntf. , J. DULL , U. PI Hallway Depot , oral JAMKlT.Ct.AnK ! , Uonor Airnnt To Nervous Suiterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. I ' Dr. J , B. Simpaon'B Specific. 0 It la a poritlvoonro foi tiperuiatoirhca , L WcckuiHt. Imjottucy , and all diseased resulting fram Soli-Ainu. ) , M Honttl Anxiety , I/OMI Hcinoty , Taint la tha Back or Bide , and dlsoiuel ' " " " " HLTruv Jirri'H ( fhat load to Innanlty an oarlygrara The OpocIHa Modltlua I * being mod nrlth wonder- lul miccess. _ r.imiihleti ooct free 33 all. Write foi thorn and get full par tlcularo. Price , Upoclflc , 91.00 per pAckace , or tlx pack. agon for Hi.00. AdJrrea til order * to li. BIMflON MKDIOINK CO Hoi ) . 101 nnd 108 Ualn Ht. Buffalo , N. T. Bold In Omaha b ) 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , and all dnizitlicgererywhoro.l t niKlit wnric , to in tni f 'train uiu Hup Orti ti o tluui l ( voiinitin r Klupln , olil or 'ouiiriiuireiir * : CIT tie r Jtraltli nr ini ; on a t > m i.i > i , BItter * . tnn * Hi1 ' tr.iul ] ; Itu il > r mnuit ir Jo nor IWAH | > dial m\\\ \ \ O. . I. O If Ml and Irrcihtt * blacur < for drunkunuoai , u o o' u. trill tiu < iindl ( > cuu , narcatlu. " Hop D ) r M ak and gHlr NEVER lt < It may live /our FAIL ' ' . It ha * H'f'll CO. , hurc c.n r CltbtlUr ATSroato , Out Mrs J. 0. Robertson , PHU-burff. I'a , wrltes"I was suffering from general debility , waiit of ap- Sctlto , constipation , etc. , so that ! Ifo was a bur- en ; after using llurdock lilood Bitten I felt bet ter than for years. 1 cannot pralsa your Hitters too much , " It.Giblui. of Buffalo , N , Y. , writes : "four llurdock Blot t Bitters , In chronlo diseases of tha blood , liver and kidneys , have been signally marked with success , I have used them myself with bout results , for torpidity of tbe liver , and in cawol a friend of mine suffering licniuiopsy , the effect was marvelous. " Bruce Turner , Hocheater , N. Y.lwrHcs : ' ! have been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys , and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood Bitters rdleicd me before half a bottle was used feel confident that they will entirely euro me , " t Asenlth Hall , Dlnghampton , N. Y. , write * : "I suffered with a dull pain through my left lung and shoulder. Loet my snlrlta , appctlto and color , and could with difficulty keep up all day. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters as dl- roctod , and have felt no pain since first week af ter using them , " Mr. Noah Bates , Klnilra , N. Y. , writes : "About four years ago 1 had an attack of bilious fever , and ne\er fully rucourod , Mr dlgeatho organs were weakinod , and I would bo coupletiV pros trated for daja. After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters thel wprotcmint was w > \l3lblottiatl viaaatitculshtid , 1 can now. though 81 years of age , do a fair and tooaonable diy'a work , 0 , BlacLtt Koblnson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , loronto , Ont. , wrltts : "for years I suffered trruktly from oft rccurilug headache. I uuvdvour llurdock Blood Ulttirs with happlosb rusul , and I now find in > self la better health than forcars | < ut. " Mrs. Wallace. Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have usud BurJoci. Blood Bitters for nervous and bll- ous i adVhea , and can recommend It to anyone txju K * wo 'or bllllouauoad. ' lint. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , wittei : "For o\eral yurs I ha a tuBcicd ficm eft iccur- ring bllllous hcadi.hcs , djspepsla , and com- nlrJuU peculiar to my sex. Since using jour llurdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " Prlc0. I.OO per Bottle ; Trla Bottle * 10 OU FOSTER , MILBURN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , M. Y. Bold ai wholtult by lib fe Ucllahoo audO. T * . Ooodmao , 1 * * J 4-