Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The blood is the foundation of
life , it circulate' ' * through ccrytt ]
of the body , nml unlcis it is mire
and rich , good health is impossible.
If disens , * . has entered the sptcm
the fnfy sure and fjuick M ay to < lrix c
it out is to jutify aiwl enrich the
These simple fact * are well
known , and the highcs' medical
authorities agree llui iMMnf but
iron will rcMore the blood to it *
iintural condition ; and also that
all the iron preparations hitherto
made blacken the teeth , cause head
ache , anil arc otherwise injurious.
oughly and quickly assimilate wiflv
t the blood , purif ) iiifj and fctrcngthcn-
ing it , and thus dn\c disease from
any part of the sjstcm , and it uill
net blacken the teeth , cause head
ache or constipation , and is posi *
lively not injurious.
Saved his Child ,
17 N. Eutaw St. , nililmorr , Mil.
I'cb. 13 , iBSa.
Gent : Upon the rccommendi
lion of a friend I tried Diioww's
IKOS ItmiRS as a tonic and reiterative -
iterative for my daughter , whom
I was thoroughly convinced a
wasting nuay with Consumption.
Having lost three iliURhten liy the
tcrrltle ilisctic , under the care uf
eminent physlchm , I wai loili ID
believe tnat an ) thins could arrest
the progress rl the uiscaie , Imt , to
mycrcatmrprlsc , before my claiiRh-
tcrliadtaUnonebotileof IlKOWN1- )
IRON HIT-THUS , the begin to mend
and now Is nulte restored to former
health. A fifth ( laughter began to
iliow signs of Consumption , and
when the physician w.-ii consulted
Ke quickly Slid " Toitics were re-
nulredj" and when Informed that
trie elder tlstcr was taking DnnwN's
IKOV HiTTRHt , responded "that It
a good tonic , take it. "
' - . ciTcctual-
BROWN'S InoN Bn-rr.ns -
ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and
Weakness , nnd renders the greatest
relief and benefit to persons suffering
from such wasting diseases ns Con
sumption , Kidney Complaints , etc.
'I '
Every Coraot ia warranted satis
factory to Ha Vfoaror in every way ,
or tbo money will bo refunded by
tbo person ( torn whom it waa bought.
Th onlyOonet pronounced by our Iradlnp plijilcbuu
t InJpHom to tbo wearer , uidcndonwllir Indiei M
th * ' ' moit comfottoblo and perfect flttlng Conct eru
PBICE8br M ll , Poitnao Pold *
He lth PraMrrlnir. I.GO. Sclf.AdJu.tlnr , 1.00
Abdomln * ! ( extra beary ) 90.00. Nur ln , 1.BO
Bealth l rc rTln ( Ono coutll ) S.OO. 1'arxoa
Bklrt-Happortln * . 1.00.
For nle by Itadlnc JteUll Ucalen eriryvbero.
cmiOAoo cojiaux co , , OIUOUKQ , m.
_ ulZood&oow y
Delioious Bever.
the U t bottle of "UUI1 PUNCH. "
"Theu. my dour , don't forgot to remind
Uotton. It ia made of the boot Imported
brandy and Banta Cruz rum , united with
the juice of fresh lemons , and the finest
white sugar , and U reMly a delicious , a
pure , and a reliable article , that hh net
with the most cordial appreciation of all
who tried it.
Bf e tlut you cot the genuine with the
SUNS" on the cupiule over the cork of each
Sold by Grocera and .WIuo Merchants
Trade Bupplloi at Manufacturer' * price *
by M , A. HoNamarnj famlllou uunplled by
A. IL Gladstone , Oraahu Neb
"Dy a thorough knowledge ol Uie uaturil Uwi
which govern the O ] > ratlane of dlge > tlon anil
nutrition , and by a careful aptillratKii of tin
fine properties of welllocud Cocoa. Mr ,
Kppt IIM provided our LruakfMt tabln with i
delicately oavoiul bcterage ublch may sate ta
many bc&\r doctor * ' tills It li by tbe judlchui
use ot nuch artlclu ) of diet that a cautltutloi
may bo triduilly built up until utronr cuount
to reilet errr ) tendency to dlteue. HunJrcdi
of mbtlx iniuJIcs are Rcatlnj ; around ui rcadj
toattir ohirotur there 1 > a weak | > olat. W <
may tit many a fatal ghaft by koepluK our
wlveiwtJ ortlfled vith pure blood and a prop
uly oour | frame. " Clttl Bvnlce Ooittte.
* * s UadoaUu , y with boiling water or milk , add
B : In tin * oulv ( i-lb and Ib ) , labeled
Homoeopathic Obomlate ,
etattnt. lo London. Knalan
' * Jl"wtii "
n aUJ" .
Mayor Boyd Oallefl on to Ex
plain tlio Action of Dora-
missioner Ford ,
The Sewer Contractors Die
charged by Judge Ne
Tha "Rtof CJaaou aud Liquoi
Indict inputs Quashed ,
Capture of Two M'oii for tin
A. Corjucul Oomoromleo Dotwoot
the Rynns.
Saturdny was rathur nti importan
nwl baay dntn in Um district court
v/hioh did not adjourn until late ir
the afternoon , Adjournment ITUI
takctt lu Saturday next , when n uhori
flctaion will ho hold anil nnothor rocoai
taken until December llth. Moan
timu n now po'il jury will bu drawn t <
uurva during the special term bcgin <
fling on that dny. Judge Neville gee :
to Hurt county todayto hole
court for ono wouk , and ho next holds
court for two weeks in Washington
The first case tnkon up WBS thnt ol
MoLlugh and McGixvock , the sewer
contractors , who camn before the
court on on.ordcr to appear and show
cuuao why they should not bo attached -
od for contempt.
Gon. O'Brien appeared for the re
spondents and lion. Goo. E. Pritchoti
' the other aide. Several witnesses
were called , including Mayor Boyd ,
President Oroiphtoii of the board of
public works , Oily Attorney Howe ,
ind Street Commissioner Ford. Their
eatimony was to the effect that Ford
md liia men toro up the street car
.rack on St. Mary's avonno , at the
lower croaninif by order of the mayor
who noted under advice of the city
attorney. Supt. Smith testified as to
the damages eustaiucd by his company ,
Tin ) court finally discharged Mcsflrs.
MoHugh and McGavock and lasuod
an order citing thu mayor to appear
on the 10th of December and ausvror
to the charge of contempt. It in un
derstood that the judges fools deeply
hurt at the attempt of the authorities ,
or whoever may provp responsible ,
to set tliemao Ivcti up na superior to
hia authority ,
The prisoners convicted during the
present term of court were broujjft in
to receive their aontonco. Sentence
In the case of S. 0. Hollander
woo withhold until the argument on
the motion for n now trial shall bo
Thos. McGco , convicted of robbery ,
was nont up for three yoara at hard
James Flintwoll , Wm. McDonald
and John Dawapn , the three soldiers
nrrested for their connection with.thu
highway robbery on the Florence
roud und the oventd which culminated
in the death of Shradcr , their com
rade , were each oontonced to three
years in the state prison at hard labor.
Oti motion of District Attorney
Burnham the indictments pgainet the
several persons -who participated in
the labor riots in March last were
stricken from the docket.
It will be remembered that at thu
last session of the grand jury indict
ments were found against about n
dozen persons ior selling liquor with
out license , at the road houses and
oltowhoro within the two mile limit
about the city. The cases against
John Garbor , Henry Rusor and
Jensen , the only ones in which action
had boon taken , were stricken from
the docket and the indictments
quashed. This probably ondo all pro
ceedings in this direction.
THE roLidB.
In this department the most impor
tant item yesterday was arrest of two
men , Joe Gorman and Jim Clark , as
implicated in the assault and robbery
of Fondon Brown Friday night ,
Both men are well known
as former hack drivers and stable
men , It is known that they were
around with brown all * day , and were
"working him. "
It is alleged that Clark was overheard -
heard to say of Gorman , "Ho must give
mo half , ns I put him on to the
shnuip , " Thin leads to the belief that
it was a conspiracy between the two
to down the cow-boy for all ho was
worth. Clark was arrested by Doty
ind Boyle early Saturday , and
dboat noon Augoll and Ed. Gorman
found Joe Gorman at the Omaha
Kongo , where ho had gene for dinner.
Neither of the parties had a cent of
money with them , but the ollicors say
It is a dead sure case on them , as they
are idontiCed by Brown as the right
Tony Ryan , the specialist at the
Academy of Music , who had his wife
"stolen'1 by Watklns and carried oil
to Papillion , after employing Colonel
S ray the to prosecute her for adultery
ami porAisling that ho would not take
her back , Saturday was brought
in conversation with the recreant
wife , and after a tearful
convocation on the eidewulk in front
of the court house , they smoothed tha
matter over and agreed to join hands
They want to Judge Bonoko's
court , where Tony wanted to with
draw thu complaint. The judgu
would not allow that to bo donu un-
leea the etato'a attorney was present
and rtquested it.
Columbus had a few flakes of snow last
Bunduy morning ,
A Uoone comity man 1ms Indented what
lie cells a "pendulum power , " capable of
running heavy machinery.
A 8t. Joe & Weitern train was ditched
nt Alexandria on the Cth , and a brakeinan
nuimdJIIurst iuitantly killed.
W , Mason and wife , of Falrfield , cele
brated tbolr crystal wedding cu the Ctb , a
large party of friends helping them.
Early on the mornlne ol the 4tb , tie
QucnchaqtiA mill * nt Milfnrd , V. 8. John.
Ron A Co , proprlet r . were oestroyed by
fire , together with the large ele\atnr con
taining 5,000 bushels of wheat. Tlie ori.
gin of the fire It unknown , but Is BUix | > ed
to have been fpontaneoiM combn'tlon
The Ions ! estimated At $100,000 , which !
well civeml tiv Insurance. John-on &
Co. will rebuild.
A trmn named Andre * DcroV , living
near Oloan i > o tofllce , WM committed t < i
jail on Toe-day from Justice Chllcoat'a
court , through the coinplalnt of AuRusln
Whin ? , who charged him with nn Attempt
to commit rape npen her , During the
evening , while the c-'iirtrvt ' ttio polls wiw
prugrciiiii At the court house , It wni din.
covered thnt the bud in the prixoncr'a cell
win on lire , every apartment becoming
filled with pinoko. Thexherifl being d' wn
town nnd liming thn key nt the time ,
wnter w iiikftpod tinough the bnr to the
prisoner , who refused to Apply it In extin-
guUliing Ilia fire. When the BherilF ar
rived nnd opened the door the trmn nt-
Icm ted to mcaps , and from hi * nctlonn It
I * judged that ho * et the bed on fite lu or
der tucrrnto t chance for t c. i > e. Schuy-
lor San.
An agricultural rcclely JIM been formed
In I'fiidletim with wveral f the most
prominent citizens M lucorporators.
Tlio fijht ? fcr Iho control of payees on
Iluit river still continues , nnd men and
material are being pushid forward daily.
Freight Is carried from Peiidloton tc
Unlou hy team fur two cenW per pound ,
and teams i\re hard to lind even at that
Halls afd lien ate being collected at Pen-
dletou , and U Is expected the rend will be
completed to Encampment by tlio first of
January ,
Three cars per day are being built In tbo
Miops at Tacorna. Tlio demand from esst
of the mountalnB hau caused this Increate
In count ruction.
When the Meamor "Katlo Hallelt" first
rim on the Olaike's Fork of thu Columbia ,
SCO nor ton ua charged for carrying
freight 33 mllf t. Fright is now cirrled
by her a dintunco of 10 miles for 810 per
The largeht Dlece of work on the Blue
mountains , with exception of the tunnel ,
now building , U n cut near the innuth of
Meacham's creek. It i * 250 foot long , and
in places C5 ftet deep , through solid basalt
rock. A force of forty-fivo men have been
working on It for the past three months ,
nnd It will take the same force three weeks
longer to finith It. Sentinel. '
A now schooner will be launched at
Gardiner soon.
A COO pound hoar WM recently Killed at
Scholl's ferry , \Vn hlngton county.
Quo hundied nnil thirty thonsnud buih-
els of wheat aio dtored at XSugeco City. "
It Is said tint the grade across the 1'Int-
head reservation will be finished in two
The cannery nt Gardiner Is unable to
care for and put up what fhh are caught
here nt the nreaent time , all of which are of
the quality.
Many of the logs on South Coos rlvor , to
come down this ceason , are six ftet nnd
over in diameter , and sixteen to twenty-
four feet In leoi'th.
The Oregon Short Line company have
SOO men at work on the Puyette river
putting tie * , which will bo rafted down to
Snake river.
By the premature explosion of a blast
In a tunnel on the Baker City branch of
Iho Oregon Railway nnd Navigation com-
pany'a railroad a tew days since five men
wera feriouily Injured ,
The rain during the past week raised
lloguo river to some extent , which has in
jured flailing , as the salmon on entering
the river , take advantage of the rise , and
pass right nlonr up and don't loaf aronnd
.bllonsburt ? long enough to got taken In.
Ducks infest Coos bay by millions , and
are being constantly hnrrassed , killed nnd
captured In every conceivable manner by
men , women and children. One man has
a home made Galling gun on the bow of a
skiff. lie mows them down in swarthi.
There ore 1,000 bales Si hops in the
handii of growers and dealers in the Sacra
mento district.
The wheat crop of D. M. RevlH sold at
Iho wharf in Chlco last Thursday for 576-
COO , an average of § 30 a ton.
A California lion has taken up quarters
in the outskirts of the city of Santa Bar.
bora and I * the terror of the ladies and
school children.
A petrified | bono weighing about fifty
pounds was found nenr Werryeasa. Santa
Clara county , Cnl. It Is about eighteen
inches in diameter , and la sufficiently
marked to leave no room for doubt thnt it
la the jolut of a mastodon or some other
monstrous animal.
The first engines to be turned on the
now roundhouse turn-table
- at Truekee on
Friday , werb No. 150 , Sam Reynolds , en-
Rlneer , and No , 08 , P. O. Young , engineer.
Ibis Is considered an event among the en
gineers , and there Ins been considerable
llscustion nI to which of them should
have the honor.
No less than forty men , mostly railroad
laborers , have perished of thirst on the
3 hfornia desert west of the Colorado
river. The Tucson Citizen savx : Six dead
jodlca were found near Pah-Ute hill re-
sently. The unfortunate men started from
; ho river , not knowing the perils they
would have to encounter. Some of them
jilglit have had water in cant : ens , which ,
) f course , was soon used. The desert , like
.ho tea , dccj not often give up its dead ,
mil many a poor mau baa perished with
jutJger aud thrlat on the California Sahara.
The store of Fall. Smith & Co , , nt WI1-
: ox , was entered and robbed last Wednes-
lay night , nnd the following uigbt the
itoro was discovered In flames , which were
lot extinguished until about $300 worth of
iamngo bad been done ,
A water company , with a capital stock
if $500,000 , has been Incorporated at lioiee
TODS of flour ere being stowed away
dally at Wood river to await another panic
md consequent riie ,
A 1,400-pound grizzly bear was killed in
Ihe Wood River country recently. It la
tbe largest on recod In Idaho Territory.
Iron la being shipped from the east for
Lho railroad bridge to tbe obstruction
across Snake river at a point tbiee miles
below Old's ferry.
Gilmer & Salisbury have let the contract
[ or furnishing the lumber and timber for
the trectlon of a thirty-stamp mill un the
Rauishorn mine , at Bayhoruo. Tbe lum
ber la to be got out this winter , so us to be
ready to commence work lu the Spring.
The exrerlenccd projectors , who re
cently vlelted Idaho City for supplies , de-
clarfd it tote their lullef tint tlmcrle-
bratrd Banner mine , India dUtrlat name ,
uukej n oetter ehowlbg than any other
mine In Idaho , for the portion * developed ,
During tbe winter the mine will be put in
condition for stopping iu tbe spring ,
An Idaho pirty are arranging to march
on aud capture , it possible , the wild man of
tbe Camus pruirle. The being haa often
been described and equally ai often seen
nkippliii. alone the lava craga that border
tbo urnlrla , ltd bublta are those of an an
imal , nnd when pursued it nets over the
ground with great agility and speed and
moaus aa if in misery ,
Miles City boaitaof a female faro-dealer
The Utah & Northern track ia now laid
to a point bout three miles uortb of Deer
About ilx thousand lota will be added to
the town of Uozemau by the McAdow
Railroad Addition.
Klgbly Oregon cowboy * visited Mile *
City one day last week and made thing
very lively for the citizens.
Qunrtermnrter Forbes , of Fort Keogb , I
erecting a Irnlldlnr 180x20 , which whei
completed will bo used for the teamstern
mets house.
A contract bai been let to developo th
Lucky Jim mine on Ten Mine , by a fill ;
foot shaft and n fifty foot croia-cut.
The belt of lends discovered in the vicin
Ity nf Sheep mountain are bolisved to b <
n continuation of Barker nnd Montam
mineral bflt.
Bulfftl.i . are reported plenty along lh <
Missouri in the vicinity of Clngett , nnil ir
consequence tha Iradets expect to rcft {
quite a Imrvf tt this winter ,
The new Northern Pacific hotel at Mt
roula bar cnt ten thousand dollar * tc
build , nrfd two or three thousand dollar1
will bo npcnt in furnishing it.
PnrtipH who h vo been In the lowei
& 'meelslull country l"oklng niter * t > cl
rnnchoa , my thnt the defirablo 1 < cnti m
Are nrctty well taken for n distance of 1BC
mile * enst. 1 ho population of that regior
bus Increased very materially during the
t > n t summer.
Advices from the 3d Infantry dotnch
tnent recently in cnmp on Birch < rrrk < coi
tlio lilnckfoot ngency , state thn' Indlnnt
who have returned to the a emy fiuin tin
north report the burning of the wnreliou i
containing the winter ftuppltpg of tin
Black feet and Bloods nt Fort .Macleod. Il
Is also reported that the luili.ns tire Mil
leaving Birch nnil Undpcr creeks for tlu
bulfalo country nbont the Sweet Gr.uu
llill.i. The toports na to the great nbnnd
atice of bulfalo and other game in that re
elon are no favornblo thnt mnny of th (
Blackfoet declnre their intention of re
maining nil winter.
Homford'n Aclcl Plioipbato
Dlt. A. L. UALL , Fair Haven , N.
Y. , says ; "Have prescribed it with
marked benefit in indigestion and
Urinary troubles. "
'lie Railroad Bingsters are Horror -
- ror
Iho Hnndwrltlnc on tbo Wall
Oorreapondonco of THE BEE.
LINCOLN , November 11,1882.
The announcement through the dia
patches that scores of anti-monopolists
have been elected to the legislature
irom all over the state ntruck the
bosses an alarming blow.
First wo learn that Gen. Oonnor is
elected ; then that Dave Butler is to
bo hero , and now cornea the intelli
gence that S. S. Reynolds , the Gams
oxposor , has been elected in Butler
and Folk , and that Church Howe'o
chap has climbed the golden atair as
well as hna the father of the "boy
condor" yolipt "Fred the small.1
Well may the Journal stand up ane
Bay "tho senate ts onti. " The rail
roads have all along intended , as TUB
BEE surmised , to elect a majority ol
the senators and thus block railroad
logialation. Lincoln Is wildly spoon-
ting over the results. Nearly every
DUO ia elad to hoar of the return ol
Jake Robberts. Jake was badly used
by the Carna-Thuraton gang and
sought a vindication and has it.
Jensen , his former colleague , ia alao
re-elected , as ho ought to have been.
About the loudest joke of the sea
son is the coming candidacy of Mason
for United States Senator as an anti-
monopolist ! Thousand-Dollar Mason
the boys\5dl him. Ho is already
soquetting aronnd with Marquette
after the support of the B , & . M ,
ind ho puts on smiling glances when
io meets ono of our membors-olcct.
Poor Gere , he takes his defeat very
nuch to heart. He had made all
ilnds of promises to got tbo appoint
ment in the first place , and had saori-
iced what little honor ho had to got
; ho nominal ion , and now the golden
ipplo has tured to ashes on his lips.
Burks , the successful candidate , is a
; oed man aud will make a good ro-
; ont.Tho
The bankers are sick over the do-
eat of Olark. Ho was the particular
> ot of the Millards and the Olarks of
bin city , and now ho is gene where
ho woodbine twineth. They are
ixing up their faces to amilo sweetly
ipon Sturdovant when ho does
lomo. "Was always for you"
'oa know. Siuco tbo anti-mo-
lopoly meteor flashed aorosa the sky
ho monopoly chaps elected hero are
ilumlng themselves to enter the anti'o
oto and play dove so as to got their
hare of the places on committees ,
lust how they will succeed remains to
10 eoon. Justice to Whodon and
Tielda compels mo to say that they are
tot of the rani ; monopoly kind. In
set , are very fair samples ot antl-
nonopoly men , and wo shall expect
omo good acts from them. Both are
oung and ambitious ,
The Hon. A. K. Ageo , lieutenant
ovornor-eloot was in town to-day ,
nd was in tow of Phillips , of the B.
i M. , and other uionoply striker * ,
s Mr. Ageo thinking of having the
lonopoly attorneys fix up hia commit-
eoa for him , as Thnraton'usod to do ?
Conner , Butler , Barker , Reynolds
nd other anti-monopolists will have a
ittle something to say. Ono experi
ment of letting the Lieutenant Gov
rnor make up the committees is quito
efficient , thank you.
Repeating of the most shamolcsa
haracter waa perpetrated hero by the
ailroacl strikers and wa have no rein-
dy , Now that an autt monopoly leg-
ilature is elected wo shall look to
born for relief by enacting , for our
iroteotion , a suitable registration law.
'HE BEE must renew its efforts in this
natter , ,
Four Browns lu the next state sen-
te. Ono from Olay , ono from Col-
ux , ono from Douglas , aud ono from
jiiicaster. W. A.
Dumarrioci Persona
Should loao no time in securing a
icrtifioato in the Marriage Fund Mu-
ual Trust Association of Oodar
laplds , Iowa , concerning which circu-
ara and full information will be sent
reo upon application. It ic organized
inder the Insurance Laws of Iowa ,
md is the only legalized and legiti-
nato institution of the kind in the
iountry , Its officers and managers
ire among the moat prominent bus-
uees inon iu Oedar Rapids , including
Mtikora , the poatmaitor , capitalists ,
railway managers , insurance men ,
eaaiug Invryorn , physicians and other
oliablo citUens , Over 915,000 haa
ilroady been pa to members. It is
i splendid inyestment , M safe , secure
and Bafo AS n Government bond , You
cnn just as well hnvo A good sum oi
money to commence married life on ,
M not. Remember it only costs you
ono c'ent foratpontnl card to request
full explanation and information.
Good Hgonta con pot territory if tip-
plied for noon. AVtito to-day. Do
not postpone it. Mention where you
snw thin notice oclSfi 1m *
Brains fiewawed ,
OH ,
f ho Story of tlis Sefltoij Iftacfetnn
A hr.nilmmic ItMle ( Ainphlfl , Mot. ' < . t i u
lira u'.lh rnitntroafi onrrKfirP , will t
to rjy tut porsor. enlllni ; tut U , at t t brsvi
ei caD-oClce of The Sinter VAaurtctannc Oa < u
ptnj , oc vli ) ) > > rent b ; m li , pniit ( / .t , t
lav ttr * r. Uvbii , id .1 dlriAn-v ' v i m n"o.
5JmRH2fir ) KanofaoiiUfiiiM Do , ,
JUice , ili Utitou
Samuel 0 , Davis & Co , ,
Washington Ave. and Fifth
OHICE ruiciiAsisn AvnDzroT , C. S. )
OMAHA ; Neb. . November 10. 1882. f
Scaled proposals. In iliipllc.itc , subject to the
usual conditions , III bo received at this oillco un
til 12 o'clock noon on Picon cr th , 1882 , nt
which tlmo indplaca they will bo opened In pres
ence of bldJcra lor furnishing and delivery at the
subsistence storehouse , or on cars In Omaha ,
Vcb. , ( If on cars nf tor Inspection nnd acceptance
nt place of packing , ) na may bo required by the
subsistence department , 120 barrels pork , light
ness , lobo delivered by January 6th 1883:50,000 :
pounds bacon , short clear sides , medium woght
ind thickness , packed In i rates , stripped , of about
220 jwunds bacon each. Each plcco of bacon to
bo covered with cotton dothall ; to bo delivered
by January Cth 1883.
The government rescues the right to reject
any or all proposals.
Blank proposals and full Information as to the
manner of bidding , and the terms of contract nni
pajmcnt will bo furnished on application to thli
No proposal will bo considered unless accmpa <
mod by the nrlntcd "Instructions to bidders , '
to bo had at this olllcc. .
Envelopes containing proposals should bo mar-
kcd , "Proposals for subsistence storcs"nnd ad
dressed to the undersigned.
novll-Ctmo C. S. , U.S. A.
FL. . Sommers & . Go's
Wholesale Manufacturing
Fruits , 3uts and Cigars ,
III S 14th St.
OMfTA. - - MEB
0. SPEOUT , - - Proprietor.
1212 Harney St. - Ornifta , Neb.
Dalranizedlron ,
Tin , Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
Jpocht'a Patent Motalio Skylight ,
Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar
and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the
'abovo line of goods.
tlnBt , D lu tr det , Ver ndn , 'iOm& mid
B nk RatlloBf , Window and 0 ! l r
Quard * ; ulio
makes a specialty of
Oo''ars ' & Guffs ,
rhree Cents Each.
Work nollclted from all over the country ,
Phe charges and return postage must o-
mpany the package , Bpeclal rates to
arge cluba or agencies.
a24.ttine WILKINB & EVANg.
They sin-paw all other u for e iy rldlnsr. tijle
Dddurablllt } ,
They are for sale by all Leading Oar
Lu > o Btiildora and Dealon throughout
ho country.
Forul b
Henry Timken ,
P , tonU nJ Builder ol Fine Carrlasci ,
ac.oxT3cs , - - uaco.
"WINE OF OARDUI ina es T < n
l"v > Ka aud cleur coiuplexiona.
itreet. I
t fl
* J
la only attained by using
Stoves and Ganges.
For sale by
Zephyrs , Germantbwn , Etc ,
1 ' ' I. OBERPELDEE & < CO.
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
uhe Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections iu
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents ior the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacture ?
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock oi
Steinway ,
Knabc , Vosa & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Glough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
chasing. *
A Large Stock always on Hand.
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha.
Wiuflow Shaflos1 imfl Onrfcalns ,
Faints , Oils & Brush eg.
107 South 14tU Street
A , . . . NEBRASKA. V