Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1882, Image 1

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The PwiflBiUi Unfurls His Stal
wart Dolors and a
Bloody Eyo.
.A. Oomploto Change in New
York Office Holdera
Decided Upon ,
"Woodford , Robertson and Pier-
aon Must Pack Dp and
Go at Once.
The Coming Two Years to be
Devoted to the Patten-
ing of Friends.
The Echoes of the Avnlnnoho Pro
duces a Simntiou In
A Few Additional Figures From Ne
braska and uther Btates
Slaughtarlnc the "Jtunooonts- "
Spoclnl Ulgpatch t. Inn lisa.
WASHINGTON , November 12. The
air is full of rumors of changes which
the president proposes to make shortly
in federal officer , both in the city and
state of Now York. As has boon
already announced on good authority ,
Robert J. Sewoll , brother of Senator
f Sowoll , of Now Jersey , and law part-
f nor of James F. Pierce , a prominent
t democrat , formerly state senator and
) an intimate friend of tbe president ,
vis to succeed Gen. Stewart L. Wood-
ford as district attorney in Now York.
Tha immediate removal of Collector
Robertson is thzeatonod , and from the
, manner iu which Assistant Postmaster-
, General Hattou is acting it would
1 seem as though ho nnd the rest of the
administration are longing for the
head of , Postmaster Piorson , of Now
' 'York.v Of course , at different depart
ments here , it is denied that any such
changes are iu" contemplation , but
information regarding them comes
from persons so near President Arthur
that l'is useless to heauate longer iu
'accepting ' it as true. It was stated
hero to-iiight that within a day
or two' the president has intimated
to General Max Weber , internal rev-
nue collector in the Third Now York
that * he desired his place , to
it on ox-Alderman Henry C ,
Perloy , who for years hua boon one of
Arthur's most active machine workers
and ardent supporters. General - Webber
ber , it is said , was asked if ho would
accept a' consulship in Canada. Ho
replied that JIG didn't hanker after
a Canadian Wnsulanip7 but would take1
one in Germany. His friends advised
, -him , to take the Canadian consrlship
" * and be thankful that ho had got
anything. It is well known that W. J.
Florence , the actor , has been an
applicant for a foreign appointment
' as consul. Meeting a friend in the
Fifth Avenue hotel in New York since
the election , ho intimated that ho
was no longer an applicant , ' 'I'm after
Si permanent'situation , " said Florence ,
"I don't want any ono night etands , "
> , II half the rumors that ure current
, , . - are true , it is quito clear that the
ij' administration propose now to throw
; ' ' ' ' f. off all dieguisa nnd toullow its friends
tlvJto make whatever they can for the
' " ' " next two yearn. Tnis is certainly the
stalwart oxprctslon most often heard
on all sides. .
The NOWB in England
J , Special Dupitch to TUB Bun
NEW YORK , November 12. The
Sun's London cablegram says ; Moat
of the English writers failed at first
Lto comprehend the real significinco of
[ the republican overthrow in the
, United Scales. Several are confused
by the misleading character of the
telegrams sent the principal tiews-
: papers. The news has , however , been
' received 'with astonishment , nnd for
the most part the victory of the dom-
' ocratfi is regarded as a very hopeful
\ augury , and u most complete rcfutu-
I tion ot Hurbcrt Sponcor'n assertions ,
| , freely quoted hero , that Americans
( submit too easily to impositions and
| are careless of their rights. Kncjlich
sympathy with and interest in American -
can lire not tinged with any
political feeling , but tliero Is u
thorough and complete under
standing of Huycnism , Jlibcannism ,
and debauchery and prostitution of
American civil service , The belief is
frankly expressed that tbo November
elections imply national repudiation
of all these things and of all forms of
botaism ; that the patience of a too
tolerant , oacy going people lias baun
tried too far , und that now that it line
boon aroused the exercise of its will ia
irresistible. America ia udvisod to
establish real civil service , wholly
unpolitical , based upon prtuuip'rs ' of
worth and fitness. Turn thu B iglish
liberals bpliovo would bo a panacea for
every evil that ehu has to contend
with. The question is oagcrly asked
are the democrats likely to bring the
free trade question to un issue , and a
great deal of comfort ia derived from
the beliuf that free traHo principle i :
not inconsistent with onlighteneii
democratic doctrino. Inten st iu the
late election is deep and widespread
and it divides attention everywhere
with the most Important politica
events hero.
Not Yet Decided.
; \vd l Dlipatcb lo Tins Dot.
7 ST. Louis , November 11. The re
suit of the election iu the Ninth con
grecsional congressional districtof thi
city will not bo decided until the offi
cial count.
\ Buffalo County Return *
Special l > t itch to Tui
KEARNEY , Neb. , November 12.
Official returns for Buffalo county :
Tor oousroaaman , Tnrnor 998 , VaJon-
inn 040 , Mnnsor 170 ; treasurer ,
Sturdovant 1,011 , Clark 031 ; govor-
ior , Iiigersoll TCI , Dvwes GOC , Mor
on 282 ; for amendment 735 , against
> 14 ,
MorrJob ! County Official.
SpocUl Dispatch to Tin linn ,
CENTRAL CITY , November 11. The
ollowing are the official returns of
derrick county : Turner , 4(51 ( ; Talon-
ino , 383 ; Monger , 195 ; D.IWOS , 447 ;
'nRorsoll , 440 ; Morton , ICO , Reynolds -
nolds , 473 ; Agoi > , 400 ; Warner , 171.
loqgon , 453 ; Kirtloy , 441 ; Bowlby ,
105 Wnlhchs , 4G4 ; Bontty , 448 ;
> nch , 139. Sludovant , GG4 ; Clnrk ,
377. Bond , 450 ; Powom , 441 ; Craw
ford , 1G4. Kendall , 443 ; Mndoloy ,
443 , Grebe , 1G3. Jones , 453 ; Points ,
431 ; Spieco , 173. Gore , 444 ; Burk ,
435 ; Thomas Bell , 180. Darnel ) ( re-
lublican candidate for prosocutidg at-
ornoy ) , 4G9 ; Wostovor , nnti-monop-
ilisto , 448 Patterson , nnti-monopo-
'Stsenotcir ' , Twenty-fifth district , 587 ;
larris , republican , 440. RatchlF ,
anti-monopolist candidate for ropro-
untativo of this county , 552 ; Iloa-
ettlor , republican , 480. Jones , anti-
monopolist candidate for senator of
ho Twenty-eight district , 599 ; Beards-
ey , republican , 435 Donovan , ( anti-
monopolist , 010 ; Clark , republican ,
10. For woman suffrngo , 389 ;
gainst , 513.
The oflicial canvass giyes Dawos
74 , Morton 311 , Incorsoll 180 , Val-
ntino G22 , Muogor 253 , Turner 485 ,
Clark 845 , Sturdovant 515. An antt-
nonopoly representative and n ropub-
ican senator were olccted.
Governor Dawes 1,080 , Morton
05 , Ingersoll GO.
Lieutenant- Governor Agoo 1,01)0 ) ,
Warner 495 , Reynolds GO.
Cnnurecsman Valentino G18 , Mun-
, or 525 , Turner 489.
Secretary of State Roggon 1.012 ,
Bowlbj 493 , Kirtley GO
Auditor Wallichs 1,088 , Leach
498 , BeattyGO.
State Treasurer Loran Clark 1,012 ,
Sturdevnnt 007.
Superintendent of Public Inatruc-
ion W. W W. Jones 1,090 , Charles
A. Spoico 404 , J. J Points GO.
Attorney General Powers 1,101 ,
Crawford 493 , Barrid CO
Commissioner of Public Landa
Kendall 1,103 , Grebe 495 , Wauley CO
District Attorney N. J. Bnrnham
1,099 , Godwin 537.
Conkling , democrat , elected ecna
or and Dyer , H&rrington and Thomus ,
loraocrata , rcpresontativea. Turner
tlomcnt defeated on the county ticket.
t was a close , hard fight on the part
of the straight republicans. For
mcndmout G09 , ngaiuut 811.
Governor U.iwes 1,013 , , Morton
52 , Ingeraoll 253.
Treasurer Loran Clark 1,009 , Slur-
devnnt 892. . .
Congressman L3trd 914 , Harmon
GIG , Moore 307.
The vote on our county ticket stands
as follows :
Senator H. Fiehor , republican ,
71)0 ) , Dunphy. democrat. 1,076.
'RopreaoniiiUvoa' D. * J ; Btowri , 're-
) Dblican , 1,907 ; Joseph Swearengon , , 978 ; John Slonecker , dcm-
crat , 085 ; J. H. Woodward , antimonopoly -
monopoly , 444 : E. Kinney , antimonopoly
opoly , 290.
Camtniseionor E L Rlanchard ,
opublican , 910 ; J. K. Spaoht , demo-
rut , 702 ; J. H. Robertson , antimonopoly
opoly , 224.
Suffrage For , G36 ; against , 1,135 ,
Weaver 1,950 , Rodick 1,495 , Wall -
cha 1,703. Loach 1,585 , Beatty 151 ,
) iww 1,870 , Morton 1,011 , Ingorsoll
Jmmty commissioner , republican ,
Jaipanter , 1,2U7 , ; Kljjer , democrat ,
DooHoroy Unomud-
RALEIOH , N. 0. , November 12.
leturna from 84 counties give
Dockeroy , republican , for congress-
nun at lar c , u'OO majority over Ben
nett , democrat. Ten counties unie-
lortud gave Jarvis , democrat , in
18SO , a majority of 1875. Heavy
democratic losing arc expected in
some of those counties , but not
enough to elect Dockuroy.
Political Notes ,
The f ocretnry of htatc of Missouri gives
he following as the probable complexion
if tlie next lejlaluture : Senate , democrats
23 , republicans 0 , Houte , democrats 101 ,
mlcpendtnt democrat * 3. republicans 213 ,
crpeurackiri 3 , Joint ballot , democrata
" " 'Ii , republican SO , greenhnckeis 3 ,
Corroi.ted returns from countlos uf the
Klrst ( V& ) dhtricr , nil official , except one ,
Ourrhon , democrat , elesteil ( , over
Mayo , conlltlon , by 515 majority. It Is re-
lortcu that the i Hiclitl lifjuren of the Hev-
K tbdiatrlct will at change the result that
JfurralB , democrat , will be elected ever
L'uul , [ oilllion ,
lien liutler U already mentioned as an
aspirant fur the democratic preuldeutlal
nomination. Ex-Secretary lilaioe ex-
neafCH the opinion I hut Sutler's candld&ov
'or re-election In 1883 might be reguidnd
la a notice that he would bn an phMit
ror the ( Icnmcratio Tifiiiilnatlon for pu' I-
Jent , o.od * ucc m v mid give him i e "
hlch no other ouadiduto couJJ eecuru ,
The Illlnola legislature la ropu''lciu ! ,
There will certainly be 18 majority on
joint ballot. Tbe senate uUuJa , republl-
jiui 31 , democrata 20 , House , republicans
77 , democrats 7.1 , independent 1 , Complete -
pleto ret tuna from the stain ( jive Smith ,
republican , for stale treimuer , 0,850 plur
ality over Orrndorir , democrat. The atate
boa gone republican by les < than 7,000 ,
Thd tate cave Oarfirld 40,710 over Hari-
cock In 1680. The oflicial count will be
required to decide the result ou auperin-
tended of public ! Instruction.
Final footings or returns and estimntej
from all counties slvo the following major !
tiea OQ cnneres < men In Mlnneeota : I'/rsi /
tllRtrict , White , republican , TiCO ; Seoond ,
Wuketielil , republican , 8 OJ3 | Third , Htrult.
republican , O.H 7 : Kourtb , Wdtliburn , re
publioaa , 'J.COl ; Fifth , Wilson , a plurality
over Kindred , 7,102. The lepUlature now
eland * : Senate , republicans 80 , democrats
10. llouie , republicans 72 , democrati 2S ,
independent 1 , farmers 2 , The list Ic liable
to be slightly changed by later dispatches
from outlying rlUtrlot * . It fs reported
tbat Brieman , Amea and fitrnum , demo
cratic candidates in tbe Fint , Fourth
unti l-'iftli dlctrlcb , will contest tin tlio
grounds of nllcpfd fr.Mids.
Weed Is gradually falling.
Benr will bo hung at Yftiiklon
next Wednesday.
Ninety s lting vcwels and eight steamers
vcro lost during SepUmbcr ,
The Dnko of Kewcoatla nrrirod in 15 eaten -
ton ytatcnlay from I.Iverpotil.
1'Ioven now cnnen And ono death from
over reported nt 1'ensecoln yesterday.
A fishing bout capsized oil bay Uedorr
? olnt , Lake Ontario , It la supposed nil
lands drowned.
A railroad wnr has been Inaugurated an
he rondo from St. Paul to Chicago. Pas *
eager fare Is down to $3.
F. Somniera. an attorney of Marshall-
own , Ia. . has been missing ulnco Friday ,
ho 3rd mst. Opinion is dlvidid na 10
whether ha committed tutcldo or purpoicly
eft hU wife , who Is destitute.
James Holrold , of Cincinnati , had $50.-
00 tf govornracnt bonds stolen from his
[ welling east o ( that city , The couponM
or interest , which he had not drawn for
oventcen yean , were otlll attached , which
nnkoa the loss marly double. Nu clue to
he robbers ,
Mrs. K dith Harlan Child , wife of F.
jlnus Child nnd daughter of .lu.itico liar-
an. of the United btates mipreme court ,
lied in Chicago yeatoi day morning. The
uneral will take place Wednesday at
& , to which city the remains
wlil bo takon.
A surgical operation under peculiar cir
cumstances was perlonnsd at LouUvillr ,
Friday , A negro had n largo tumor. Ills
ystcm refined the ittluouce of nuiusthut-
en. The experiment of putting him un-
Icr mesmeric control was tried with per-
oct success , and while no controlled the
uinor was.rcmoved. The operation occu
pied nn hour and a half , The patient was
conscious all the tirno. but felt 110 pain.
Another dastardly piece of train wreck-
ng took place Friday night on the 1'hlU-
lolphia & Heading railroad , near Limerick
tatlon. It WUB evidently the intoutlon ot
he parties to throw the late pastcoger
ruin down nn embankment at that point ,
as heavy timber had I eon thrown across
he rails. An extra coal train came
ihead of the passenger train nnd daubed
ute the obstruction. Tha locomotive was
lurlcd down the embcnkment aud
wicckod , nnd the train crew jumped fur
heir live' . A number of can were
wrecked and the rails torn up. The pas-
enger train got through snlely.
It is stated that President Wheeler
vill shortly lunrry Mrs. Woodruff , of
Jhlcagn , widow of the late ( supervising
cueral of tbo marine hospital service ,
Iu the district of Dubuque , Iowa , the
urtoins collections lost year n era $2,770 ,
und the cxnencea were $3,112 , K < tmatod !
xpen-os for tbo ne\t jcnr , 83,157.
Commissioner McFarland has recom
mended the dismissal nt the receiver and
egister of the land office at Mitchell ,
) akuta , because of alleged fraudulent
ransactions , charges of which were lucor-
> or.ittd iu a recent rejiort of Inspector
lolcomb. _
Receipts of national bank note * for re-
cmptinn for tbe week ending Saturday
vcro 81,560,000. Jionda held by the
reanurv to Bocuro national bank circnU-
lee , 8372 319 , < 0to pecuie public moneys
n national bank depositories , $16,249,000 ;
) onda deposited t > pccuro circulation dm-
ng the week , $1,889,500 ; to secure circu >
ation withdrawn during the week , 62.-
'Tbo ' contract office of the postoffica do-
lartment is beginning to receive bids for
sarrying tbe inaila on what nro known as
ho star route. The contracts on routes in
ho state * of Florida , Iowa , Michigan ,
iVUcaagln , , M'nneifta andIllijoin , run
rom July 1 , 1883 , until June 3 > > , 1887.
They amount in the iwprcate to nhout
8 < 7OOU,000. Awards will be made in Jan
uary ; at the same tlmo contracts for routes
n'the eevoral states and tenito.ies fur
barter peibds will bo awarded.
The postodico department baa begun
laymeut of. allowed claims ot poatmnaterJ
irho have sultered loss by fire or robbery.
30 far noirly l.COO claimx , covering a
lerlod of nearly n'teen yoard , have been
eceived an examined. In many cases the
UBS cannot be ascertained , as tbo po-tmiiB-
or'e were nil deatroyed , nnd evidence hia
u bo taken un to the probable loss. The
jrgest number of theae cbtims are from the
vc t , especi ally those nriring from robbery
Thn United States fish commlsalod has
uxt dispatched from Washington a car-
uad of young carp , The final d > stination
if the car whlcti contaluu 16,000 carp , the
argest shipment over made U St Paul.
.t will bo mada thn point of distribution
or Minnosott , Wisconsin and Dakota ,
At Qulnoy , the first itopplug.plhco on tbo
ournoy , the distribution of fiVh intended
or tstockin ? Illinois waters will bo mado.
At Dea JMolnos carp will be supplied to
Jiwa and the adjacent country. It ii ex
pected eight days will bo coneuoioi In
altinn the rnuud trip.
The November com report to thu de-
Kittment of agriculture shuws the planting
atcr and replanting more general than
'or several years. The prospect up to July
lot was dlrcouragiog , causing a Hharp rise
n values of grnln and moats. Since then
-ho season bus been etoadily favorable to
ha growth and ripening , nnd deferred
'reczes mndo the growing icrlod of full
avorugo length , The condition July 1st
average 85 ; It wan 83 In October. Lout
rear the condition fell fiom 93 in July to
( i in October , presaging n loan of over
IDO,030,0K ( ) bushels , which wni fully re.
ali/.ed. 1'reient returns of \lelumaku
the general average clu. e to 25 buubela
le'r acre , which U under the medium 3 Ield ,
wufirmiag tbo prediction of September
.st , that thb hoayy production of 1878 and
860 cannot be approached uudcr the most
tyorablo clrcuiintancea , ivhich wai 28
. -10 biihhcln In the census year ,
A ChnroU Punlo.
Specltl Dlepitcb to Tin lit *
NEW YonK , ilovomber 12 , At the
o'clock inftia t'l-duy , in the Si.
Liiwrcnco Oatbolio church , Eighty-
pourth street , a portion of the ceiling
ever the dmt galloiy foil with a loud
crash producing a ureat pitnic , Three
wamon fainted , No poraou w&u aorl-
oucly hurt.
- - : < nt- i
A Flit Talio Kcfnscd.
Sji-cKl Dispatch to The Ueo ,
November 12. Morris
Grucnwalt , of Australia , to-day offered
Col. Robert 0. Jngorsoll $400 a
night for 25 nights , to lecture in
Australia , to pay all expenses there
and bick , ono-half the money in advance -
vance , but Ingorsoll declined tlio oiler ,
Collision of Boats.
Special Dispatch to TUB UEB.
NEW OULEANH , November 12. A
serious collision occurred this morn
ing ono milo below Plaquomino , bo-
tneen thu fit. Louis towboat Gala ant
the Joint 1. Chambers. The Cham-
burs flunk in seven feat of water. She
had aboard 800 balpa of cotton.
Made froir tbo wild flowers of the
it Is the most fragrant ot porfutn t
Manufactured by H. 13. Slavea , Bat
Francisco , For Hale in Omaha by W
J , Whltobouco and Konnnio Bros.
Seine Interesting and Important
Hews From European
Franco Notified of the Aboli
tion of the "Control"
in Egypt.
Vigarauftljr nt "Work on Her
Baltic Fet nnd Navy.
The Soudan Expedition ana tits Cost
-Kvonto In Ireland nna
ipoclU Dlsp&tchiB to Tilt ! ) .
LONDON , November 13. Northcoto
will support the proposed vote of
censure ou the conduct of the government -
mont in the disposition of Arab ! Pasha.
Grauvillo communicated to the
'ronob government the no to bf Ghorlf
'Aflha ' , announcing the abolition of
ho European Control , on.tlib ' ground
hat the , Control forms no part'of the
juarantoca given croditora of Egypt ,
nd that the Control is calculated to
liminish the authority of the khedive
ud excite the susceptibilities of the
mtivo Egyptians , and has led to gross
dmin'strativo abuses.
LONDON , November 12 The Morn-
ng Pont publishes a Paris tulegrain Lord Qranvillo has formally us-
urod the French government that the
Trench controllers will continue do
acto in their petition to examine
inancos as before ; that the Gorman
government is certain to 'give the
moder&to policy of England its moral
upport. , ,
ST. PuiEHsiiDitii , November 12.
? hoconstruction of nine war vessels
ia been ordered , seven for the Baltic
, nd two for the Black eoa ports.
3ronstadt will also bo greatly trongth-
enod. This ia in of thn
usaona taught by the English bom-
mrdnient of Alexandria. , '
M'OABB'S pAtToiui. 1
DUBLIN , November 12.4Tho pas-
oral latter of Cardinal MeOibo WRB
read in all the Catholics churches to-
lay. It defended the Cathofb church
ram the charge of being an enemy of
irogrctm and modern civilisation , rmd
ibintod to the success of thtfOatholio
obools nn called upon tho'peoplo ' to
nrthcr aaaist Catholic education by
laintninlng the extension "Vjf a now
) atholio university nnd college.
VIENNA , .November 12. The au-
horities have taken extensive , precnu-
ions to suppress any disuiroances.
) rowda of workmen to-night thronged
heficquoB f > f lho , late ihrJbt.i-3ng
> artes"ot ! cavlry , infantry and polioo
arc on guard at Neuban , Leopold-
it ad t. The Jewish quarter is reported
; o bo the object of an attack , and is
'specially ' protected. Arrests con-
LONDON , November 12. Thosteam-
or Gollort , from Hamburg for Now
York , put back to Plymouth to day ,
laving lost two blades uf her propel-
cr when 550 miles west of Scully.
LISIJON , November 12. Litest ad-
icca from Chili announce that peace
negotiations arc renewed with Peru ,
t u reported on the basis of the ces
sion of Tacna and Arica. The Ohil
an congress has opened.
CAUIO , November 12. This being
ho Moslem Now Year's day , the kho'
dive held a reception at which pa
trinrchs of various religious bodies
and the diplomatic corps were pres
MADRID , November 12. Queen
Jhriatlani > vns safely delivered of a
daughter to-day , The queen and in
'ant are doing well.
The funeral of Figuoraa took place
; o-d y. It wns an orderly republican
lomonfltration. '
LONDON , November 12 , The death
la announced of Uoorgo Iloso and
Arthur Skotchcly.
The crown princess of Germany ar
rived to-day and at once proceeded to
Windsor cattle.
HOME , November 12. Tha radical
parly to-day celebrated thu anniver
sary of the battlq of Mantano by u
visit to thu battle field. Civagurarl
made a speech , in which ho ulludod to
the Italian irredenta , when thu police
interfered and broke up the meeting
CAIRO , November 12 Oonnsol for
the prosecution etnto the proceeding !
of the court martial in the ease ol
Arab ! Paahu and followers will last al
least two months.
Dr. Bchwoniturlh jiubliflii B n l Hcr
in which ho ntatoa the itconqucst ol
Soudan is necessary to the existence
of Egypt , although it will take many
million pounds to accomplish it , as
troops will have to bo sent forward by
three routes , namely , the lied sna ,
Nubian desert and Dongoln. Tot
thousand men will bo recruited for the
army , which will bo commanded by
Ismail Pasha Eyoub , with the Ameri
can General Stone as chief of staff.
DUIILIN , November 12. Corrigan ,
charged with attempting the assasiln
ation of Justice Liwson , was Idonti
find as Patrick DaLincy , sentenced ti
1879 to seven yearn penal servitude
for highway robbery and attempting
to shoot the policeman who capturec
LONDON , November 13 , The Dally
News says the attempt to connect th
skulking ruffian who attacked Justio
j\wion with the imprijonment of Mr ,
3ray is absurd. J udgoa are not popu-
* r with the class to which Do Laticy
jolpngj. It may turn out ho was tlio
emissary t.f a secret society , but it is
very probable ho ii merely nn habitual
Criminal with a general dlsliko of
PARis.Novomber 12. Victor Ohorl ,
musician and brother of llsso Ohori ,
iommittrd suicide to-day.
Julrs Simon was elected perpetual
iccrotary of the Academy ot Moral
md Political Science.
BKRLIN , November 12. The Gor-
nan parliament will bo opened on the
! 0th of November. Loading impor-
ant measures will bo postponed for
liscussion until after Christinas.
The Grown Princess has started for
uland incognito to connratulato the
jucon upon the safe return of the
Juke of Onimoucht from Egypt , also
o attend the review of the Egyptian
A FllfiNCII 1UOT ,
LYONS , November 11 , Ono of the
workmen employed by the French
ovorninont , in ita tobacco factory
ore , WAS lined for violating the rules
f the institution. This so enraged
is follow laborers that they seized
lie manogor nud attempted to nvcngo
lioir comrndo by throwing the manor -
; or into the river , The polioo and
nilitory authorities interfered , and
with great dilllonlty succeeded in res
iling him. Snvoral heads were broken
'uring ths moloc. Nobody was killed ,
PARIS , November 11. At a moot-
ng of thu chamber of comuiorco to-day
resolution wnn adopted approving
) obraazi's conquests in Africa and
rping the government to ratify the
roaty and to take measures to protect
lie commercial interests of Franco in
Central Africa and Congo District.
LONDON , November 11. The par-
iaraontary committee appointed to
nvoBtigiUo the imprisonment of .
) ivy or Gray will submit their reports ,
'hut of the chairman of the commit-
co says the matter reft rrod to the
ommittoo docs not demand further
ttention of the house ; that Judge
jawson fulfilled his duty in informing
ho house of Gray's imprisonment.
" "arnoll'M " report admits Judge Law-
on's action was li'gal , but contends
liorp was not sufliciunt reason for
ho imprisoning of a member of par-
iament. Diliion's rapurt is nearly
imilar ,
LONDON , November 11. A dispatch
rom Durban saja the story of the
oor defeat is behoved to bo untrue.
The Times any a cloture hands ovur
ho minority absolutely into thu
lower of the majority , which may
ut-numbcr It by only ono voice. The
ovico will break down in practice olio
ray as another , oven thpngh the ma
ority bo the incarnation of wisdom
nd tbo minority tbo embodiment of
oily. The Parnellitas voted with
be conservatives on the .cloturo reao-
MADRID , November 11. The
accouchement of the queen ia ez-
ootDd next week. The cortcz will
eassomblo on the 20th hist. The
attitude of the Sorranas party in do
mandiug reform in the constitution of
ho country is discuss.
DttrrD nv KNOLANU ,
EUIUN , November 11. The press
f this city comment very sparingly
on Duclcrcs speech in tbo French
ihamber of deputies. The tendency
if public opinion is to lend little or no
iliaractrr to it. The Staats Xoitung
hlnks European control is boi
abolish. Franco fs virtually expelled
rom Egypt and has been duped by
The Kroua Xoitung says Ducloro's
reference to good foreign relations
irovea there was no desire t' ) see
ixternal diflhultica ; that England
will quietly recoRiiiis'j thin spirit of
resignation in the meantime , and how
franco will receive her now defeat , is
the engrossing question of the hour.
Scnrod lir thn Comot-
Special Dispatch to TJIK HUB.
NEW YOUK , November 12 The
captain of tlio brig Lotitin arrived to
day from Htiat/oano , Ho nays the
comet has been visible in Ilayti in
.ho day. Tlio people of IJuyti think
; huir laat d ya have c"ino. After last
year's comet they lost 00,000 by small
[ ) OX.
The cofl'rio crop in poor tbia year.
on Co > ] iuratioui.
Special Ulnpatcli to Tim Hun.
WAHHINOTON , November 12 Hen
ry Ge-orgo delivered a lecture to-night ,
uudur the auspioen of the Federation
of Labor. Daring the course of his
remarks G > orji * called attention to the
alarming growth in strength of rail
road corporations , IIo recoi-iincndcc
as the only practicable check thereto
Lho absorption of their property by
the government. Iu the results o'
the recant elections , George saw i
premise of revulsion in popular
fueling , which would result in bringing
forward great industrial and economic
Invitations had boon extended to
the iin.sidtmt nnd members of the
oibinot , but none of them nttondod.
Attorney General Uruwstur loft for
Philadelphia this afternoon.
Railroad Notoi-
6pedal Dispatch to Tn Dei.
ST Louis , November 12--TheFort
Smith ( Ark. ) branoli of thu St. LouU
& Sun Francisco railroad is completed
to Van Huron , five miles from Fort
Bmitli. It will ba open for butinecs
Tuesday next.
The Eiglo Pass branch of the Sun
set railroad was finished to Eagle Pass ,
on the llio Grande , yoaterday. A
largo depot will bo eruoted there Im
mediately ,
Doposuiona are being taken hero
in the suit of the Denver & New Orleans -
loans railroad against the Atchison ,
Topeka & Santa Fo , to compel the lat
ter company to make and maintain
closa business relations withtho former
against ita will.
E. W. Warfield , superintendent of
ho railway mail norvico , left hero to
day for S in Francisco , where ho will
neot other cntlonien connected with
ho ponUflico department , and ex-
nmlno into the notds of the mall ser-
ice on the Pacific coast , and perfect
.rratiRcmontn . for service batwecn the
'ncifia nd Atlantic ocabonrd , Wir-
ifild will go out by thoSonthorn route
nnd investigate postal matters Mont ?
hat lino.
CITY OF MEXICO , Novumbor 12
? lie proposition made by General
) rd , ngont of the MexicMi Southern
railroad , fern combination of this road
flth the Oriental , Oacnnio A Intornv
tonal railroad has been disapproved
> y President Gpnzaloa. The government
mont appears disposed to grant n sub
entlon for the Oaxaca branch of the
Mexican Southern. Jay Gould -will
obtain the modifications in the Central
rant , naked for by hia agent , of the
ogrocs , which refer to the forfeiture
if the concession nnd construction ot
omporary wooden bridges. It is
bought that work on this line will bo
ocommoncod immediately after the
lodificntioits are received.
A Drldnl Party nt Bwodleh Ubrtiry
Association Hall.
The event of the season in Scandnn-
vian sooloty came elF Saturday ovo-
ln in the marringo of Miss Augusta
. Molandcr to Chas. J. Johnson.
The wcding ceremony was perform-
d by Dr. Geo. F Stolling at the
wcdlsh Library Association hall in
jytlo's block. About sixty persons
were present , including nil the moat
> romiuont Swedes in the city.
The brii'o'a ' entire wedding outfit ,
vlilch was perhaps the most costly ono
ver worn by a brldo in Omaha , was n
resent from Mrs. Wykoflj of iSow
rork , daughter of Sidney Dillon. It
VAS of white satin , elaborately
rimmed with orange blossoms of wax ,
with real pearl ornaments for the
ock , arms and oars.
Miss MaUsou and Miss Gustafaon
vuro the bridesmaids and O. Oborg
nd J. F. Lagergron the groomsmen ,
Af tea dancing , champagne nnd other
ofreshmcnts were indulged in until
no o'clock. The presents were more
ostly and useful than numerous ,
mong other things being a silver and
nt glass pickle dish from Messrs. S.
' . and F. E. Cutter ; silver cake dish ,
rom Miss Gustafson : set painted
hina , from Mr. and Mrs. Adison
"ones ; Moore and Shakespeare illus-
rated , from Misses E. and S. John-
on ; pickle dish , from Miss Sandoonj
no parlor sot ot aovon pieces , ono In-
inoiblo heating otovo nnd ono sot of
minted ohina of (1C ( pieces , from J.
Tordvull , A. Bouzon , A Bowman , 0.
) berg , B. .T. Beuzon , S. J. Larson , J.
JUndun , A. Newman , S. Peterson , S.
} . Johnson , 8. Burgstrom , John
Stool , G. A , Lindquist , J , Qraudoon ,
3. P. Swan , Frank Walters , J. T.
Jagorgren , H. J. Hildtng , H. Spong-
> org , P. Votistrandj G. AnxlrobiiT u.
Unttaon. B. Molquist , J. Lnndbarg ,
G , Oollin , J. Voioin , Edward Olson
and A. Gustafson.
Activity of tlio Board of Direction
Interest Displayed by the
Southern Utatoa.
The board of direction of the Gar-
ield monument fair nro actively en
gaged in preparing the Capitol for the
coming exposition , and owing to the
argo amount of work in progress , it is
irtually closed to visitors , mid will so
continue until the day of opening ,
tfovembar 25. The enterprise is
rapidly becoming moro national in
character , and it is now certain that
almost every etato and largo city in the
Union will have exhibits. It is
ho purpose qf the managers to kcop
everything donated on exhibition dur-
m ; the entire fair , bearing the name
of the maker , as well na that of the
donor. They concede the right of
loriorfl to specify how donutionu shall
bo disposed of , Many will bo voted
for. TliU3 , for inatnnco , the moot
popular candidate for the presidency
in 1881 will bo the recipient of n hand-
nome present , the best commander * of
Knights Templar another , the boat
military company another , and DO on ,
Oilier donations will be sold by the
Indian having charge of the eoveral
booths in the Old Capital building ,
which are now
The board have determined to receive
ionationo. of nil kinds until opening ,
L > ut they request that nil shipment * bo
made not luter than November 2d ,
and as much sooner as possible , Ba-
imted articles of vnlnu should bo oant
t > y uxpiera , and heavy urticles us
Freight , at the oxpomio of the board ,
This does not apply to articles went
for exhibition merely , Thn several
commandurieu of Knights Templar
day , and thu fact that General Gar-
Hold was for many years an active
member of that order , makes it pro In
bio that this feature of the programme
will provo very attractive. It is hoped
by the board that citiua which huvo
not already taken an interest in this
enterprise will actively participate ut
an early day , The management are
somewhat surprised , but greatly
pleased , that the great interest mant-
fcBtocl no far is by thu southern states.
The wives of the members of congress
nnd collators now in congress have
buen appointed to solicit donations
for the booths of the several states ,
Railway companies have half rates
from all points , [ National Republi
There is hardly an adult person
Hying but ia sometimes troubled with
kidney diflloulty , which is the most
prolific and dangerous causa of all dis
ease. There is no sort of need to
have any form of kidney or urinary
tronblo If Hop Bitters ii taken coca-
Jainos tiio Second Lavishly En
tertained in His Prison
Parlor ,
BruBtielo Covers the PJoor and
Fofithored Mahogany Iu-
duoea Sleep.
Tbo Wnll * Adorned With Illok
PnlntluK nnd Frnrtrnnt "
And Every Nocoesary Provided to-
Mltlgnto the HiudoWpa of
tbo Murdoror.
Frank Jam * at Homo.
EpocUl Dispatch to Tim DM.
Sr. Louis , November 12. A. man
who has just arrived from Indepen
dence sa > s the people of Jackson
county are lionizing Frank James , the
bandit. All agoa , srxos and kinds of
society are roprcenutod among Frank's
admirers. The men go , they say , to
hear Frank toll of his wonderful ex
ploits , and woman for the purpose of
consoling and pledging their influence
with tbo governor to secure his par
don , should ho bo so unfortunate as to
bo convicted , The ox-members of the
Quantroll brigade go for the purpose
of renewing old acquaintance , and
youug oitisous of "Cracker Nock" nnd
"Rush Bottom" to hear hia romantic ,
tales of life in the saddle. When first
incarcerated Frank was given a bare
cell like any othar follow , but the
sympathizing people could not endure
to sou him treated in this barbarous
manner , so a purse was made up , and
at present the stone iloor is
and the walla adorned with elaborate
imintlntje ; fresh vases of flowers ate
sent each morning by admiring lady
ftionds , enlivening the dull monotony '
of the cell and pervading the ntmos-
phoro with n rich fragrance entirely
foreign to the surroundings. At meal
time , instead of the ordinary prison
"iet , the bandit aits down to a sump-
uous repast of delicacies Qt for a
oyal lunch , which is also furnished
iy sympathizing friends. At night ,
hen worn out by-tho day's ontor-
ainmont , the bandit is not compelled.
o curl himself up In a corner with n
air of dirty blankets like other prifl-
mers , bnt instead U provided with a
nahogony bedstead and
that ho can stretch himself at full
ongth and enjoy the sweet repose
ith the tranqnility of an infant.
liVhen first incarcerated everybody
as admitted to BOO tbo distinguished
.ucst , but now Ool. Frank asserts his
ignis and before any ano can bo ad
mitted a card must first be 'sent with '
much formality , If the < visitor hap
pens to bo one of the outlaw's friends
orJs tx person of distinction , -liQW ad-1 * * "IMS ? EW *
mittod to his august presence ; other
wise ho is informed that Mr. James
n indisposed and cannot receive com
pany. Injinannou Fiankis decidedly
polite and receives his company with
a great deal of grace. Ho converses
"rooly upon every subject save his
iwn , and displays knowledge of so-
ioty etiquette which ho could have
earned only throuah association with
thu best people. Ho is very tasty in
lid dross and devotes a great- deal of
imu to his personal appearance. In
'act he is
and entirely dilTeront from Dick Tur-
pin and Jack Slieppard of old. The
'colonel's" visitors uro numerous and
oino of them are moro or less distin
guished , Amont ; the conspicuous
people who have visited him ore Gov.
Oritlondon , Gen , Joe Shelby , ox-Go v.
Johnson of St. Louis , ex-Congressman
hillipa and Col. John Crisp. The
bindlt's faithful wife stays with her
iiualund the greater part of the time
and ministers to bis wants with com-
nomkblo devotion. Mrs. Samuels ,
Frank's mother , also visits her son
very week and usually upends the
Sabbath witb him. Frank James *
rial comes off in Kansas City the
7th of the present month , It is ox-
> cctcd ho will enter a plea of guilty
nd at once receive a pardon from
lov , Crittendon ,
tJHoads the Lint
Of all other propiratlona or niojlclno * .
Tri caeeu of nausia , htatlache , dlzzlnetm or
.rreunlarltleH uf the syatun , UunnbbK
U l.oo 11 DilTKim have no equal. They
over f til Iu affording Immediate rellefi
"rice ? 1,00
, Hew York Gostlp
poclal Dlipatch'toTllK Dm.
NEW Youic , November 11. To-
day'o bank sUtomont shows a rcsorvo
decrease of ever three millions , and
he .banks hold ever three millions
CBH than the legal requirement ,
The republican state committee
lave issued another circular , calling
: tti clerks for further contributions.
Iho comptrjllor of the currency to
day authorized the Montana national
bank , of Helena , Monatna territory ,
to begin business with a capital of
§ 250,000.
Thn Garfield board of audit hold a
mooting this morning and agreed to
meet daily at i ) a , m. until claims are
disposed of. AU claims will bo ex
amined and discussed before any action
is tokou upon them for final disposi
Baby'i Appeal.
'What ' makes I cry and folka say It
nnuphty ! "
Cause stomach ache , ud aour in my
moiiify ; i
Came too , can't sleep , and worms bltea w * ,
belly ;
'Fever , " za say , feel like I WM jelly.
Guois your babloj brlea , Dick and Vic
toria ,
When mamma's gone , and don't have OAB-
"You're right , they fairly yell1 " ] There ,
Uncle Oy ; "
Couiln Frank have OABTOIUA , he don't cry.