Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1882, Image 8

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Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , Nov. 11 ,
\Ventbor Report.
( iio * following objflrvallon < are taken nt
thf siiuo moment qf tiinontnll the station'
WAP. DsrAtlTMKNT , U. S. SlOKAtSEn * J
VICE , OMAHA , Nov. 10 , 18S2. (1:45 ( p.m. f
Hirer Efo > 1 Inches kbovo loww tcr mark at
Oai h , S ( cet 0 Inches at Tankton. UlsiUalppl 4
feet 6 Inchoi at Diunpoit , 4 feet 7 inches at
St. I'iul , 9 10 Inches at fit. Louli,3fect
7 Inches at L Crotso and C foot 3 Inches at
Itccounting parties are the rage now
among the politician ! ) .
Corinne Appear * nt the opera house
again tonight anil will draw n big homo.
Hev. Joioph Cook will lecture in
Omaha next Thursday next.
The veto of the county will l > o can-
vftflsod to-day If the returns are all In ,
Ycttcrday would have been a model
day for April , guaglng It by the woalhor ,
Ixst Seal glove ? , 85.00 reword.
Arthur Urtggs , opera house. fri&sat
The boys were out yesterday re *
tiaking the south clccult of tbe fire alarm
The members of the executive com
mittee of the republican etato central com
mittee will meet at tbo Millard hotel on
Tuesday , November litb , at 7 p. in.
The funeral of tbe hto William Jingo-
dorn will take place nt 2 p , tn. , Sunday ,
1.1 . < from bis former place of butlnow on Fif
teenth street.
The gong for engine house No. 2 has
arrived and was placed in position Thurs
day. It IB a very fine one and lias a
clear ring that cm bo heard thrco or four
blocks away.
An important equity caao was on trial
before Judge Neville yesterday , that
nxolfinglhe title to Ilartmann'd addi
tion It Is an old cine and linn been before
tbo public several tlmon before.
The worklngmon and farmer ? ' central
comulttoa will meet next Monday , No.
vomber 13th , at 7:39 : p. m , , at the city
'ball. ' All members are requested to bo
A regular ineotinj ; of the Colorado
pool itsa elation wai held In thii city to
day at the Paxton IIOUBO. No business of
a public * or Important nature was trans
The two largest roads In tbo world ,
tbo Missouri Pacific with a trackage of
5,702 , and the Milwaukee wltb 4,384 , a
total of 10,085 rallc , are thus Immediately
represented at the olilce in tbo northwest
corner of the Paxton.
, 3 Tt BS ? ballot frnwlulently cast 'for
the oiiico ot con.tablo in tha 1'Kth ward
were rejected on account of having more
namej on them than waft required to fill
the otlico. The action of tbo board was
necessary as per Eotion 10 oi tbo election
law , page 2G2 , compiled statutes of Ne
Tbo undersigned desire to return
thanks to their many friends , and ospc-
ally the employes of tbe U. P. depait-
rnont , for their many actx of kindness and
rojpect , In connection with tbo funeral of
their brother , Anton Andrcecn. l''rcd ,
nirescn , Martin Andicaun. Oroalm ,
ember 9,1882.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway company has opened a ticket olllcc
lu the office of the Missouri Pacific at the
Paxton hotel , and tickets are now on salo.
Mr. George II , Footo has charge of the
joint ollico of the two companion , whll <
George S. Eistman la the city pisscngei
agent of the two roads.
"What tin 11 we do to bo saved , " is tin
Buljuct n ( the lecture to be delivered b ]
Bob Iiigereoll at tbo opera bouno on tin
20th hint. If Bob bad como a few day
sooner the candldatca in this county wouh
all have aosurod reserved toaU , HI
ogent , Mr. 0. W. Ktdder , was hero yes
lordly mid BHW whai an opportunity hai
been lout.
The number ot bats bet on tbo rccen
local elections nrd on tbo elections i
the eastern Btatod was uuusunlly large au
tbe Inncra In tha former instance are mnV
ing the luteroit ou thulr money whllo wall
iug for the recount. General l-'ieiloric
' hai had < ner fifty bnt picked out undlai
aside for purlieu on lotu on the local eloi
Tbo most Ingerjioui piece of mechai
isui i ver ape a lu this city waa displayed I
llubcrmaiiu'ij window yeetouUy at :
clro.v big crowd. I ( U a inngnlQcei
gilded cage containing two aingiug blrc
whoHQ appeurAiKO and movements are i
u&turil tliat they would deceive the vei
eUct themiclvi.-s If tut ! wera posalbl
TJiey i lux f Hy RH w ll at live blriU ai
coat nothing for teu.t nntl flt > ubnno ,
-Theinitial patty of the "Koine CIri
Club , " firtt ee-leu of this tensou was giv
Tituriday at Feenoy & Connolly'o hall c
ICtb und Hurt. The hall WAS clegaul
deoorited and Irvine's band ( unilbhed t
luueic. Tbe reception committee , Me :
J. A. White , Vf. J. Whlteboubo and
M. Tlenstnan , and tha floor manure
Meaa. F. \ \ ' . PJcklns ami Wm. llro
made the evening aeuccosa. Kverythl
was prepared In iirat-claHs style. The
vitatlaun , wbtcb were eeut out early ,
trictel a large crowd and - lanclnft %
kept up till au early hour yesterc
about tblr'y ' couplet being pieaent.
Made froir tbo wild flowcra of
It u the luoet fragrant ot portuii
Manufactured by II , B. Blavon , f
Frnncieoo , For sale in Omaha by
J. WUttobouBo and Kennaia Dr
& 0o.
Guess at tlie Result of Tues
day's ' Election ,
Made on tbe Beet' Attainable
But Very Incomplete/1 /
The Third nntl Fourth
Hnvo a Rooount-
And the Former Trios to Count Can
flold Out ,
From the Evening Kclillon.
Although the election boards are
atill at work the agony in nearly over
and the result is about as caaily guess
ed at aa It will bo before the ofllcial
canvas , which taW place to-morrow.
The First ward aont in Ha returns
this morning , having completed the
work last evening and there being no
anxiety for a now count down thoro.
The Second ward board made a now
count , or rather corrected a clerical
error on their books which made several
oral important changes in the vole of
that ward , some candidatoa gaining
and others losing from 1 to 100 votos.
Tlioy got through at 11 o'clock last
night and that ward ia act tied.
In the Third ward , where the count
was completed yesterday afternoon , it
was necessary to make a now count
which was begun at 10 a. m. to-day.
It was thought by some that several
votes had boon oroditod to Ganflold
which ought to have gcno to Dewey ,
and as the contest U now between
thnao two .1 few votes cither way may
prove important. The candidate * for
representative who were present also
asked a recount of their vote , and
Mr. Hoover for ono on the assessor-
The Fourth ward not to bo behind
the times is also having n now deal.
This done at the request of Pot or
GoOs who expeota a ro-counl
to show that his vota ia much larger
than was reported. The board got to
work at 1 'o'clock , and having had a
good night'a reat will not occupy much
tlmo at the job.
There have boon aovoral charges of
c&rolossnesa in the Fifth ward board
and in addition to the trouble had
there last night with ono of the candi
dates there were aonio very funny
things in connection with the wimt up
which indicate that the figures given
may not bo correct. A senatorial
candidate stated to a BKK reporter
this morning that ho should demand anew
now count of the ballots.
In the Sixth ward no trouble has
boon made and their work is over ,
unless aoino hew complication arises.
They nn well aa the First and Seoon'd
wards have dopoaited their returns
with County Olerk Baumor.
All the country precincts had re
ported yesterday , and as no memo
randa was kept to ahow the footings ,
only five precincta are counted in the
table below. Homo of these may bo
imperfect , and the now count in the
Third and Fourth , and in the Fifth if
that ia insisted on , would , of course ,
change the figures all around. From
the figures obtainable up to 3 o'clock
to-day , the total lootings of the vote
for the various local candidateo in
the six wards and the prooinota known
are an follows : „
Name. Total No. votis.
0 JL Brown.D ' 3,333
Goorse Canfielcl , D * 2,344
C. lI.Dawoy.ll 2,270
W. J.Connell , H 1,751
J. S. McCormlok- . M 1,335
John Qutnn , L. U 00
Win. Turtle * 3.2Sfl
Fred W. Gray * 2.49'J
John Ch ! itopherson * 2,308
II. G. Glnrk * 2,282
Hcnrv Sussenbach * 2U7(1 (
Wm.'Garimby ' 2.227
1'red Oronemoyer * 2,18C
Alex McGa\ocV * 2,15i
11. O. Jordan 2,1 U
I'rank Oolpetzor 2.1H
Joseph 11. Clarkson 2,0 ! ) . '
1'cterOoos 2.05C
L. M. Bennett 2,031
Joseph H. Taylor 1,08 , !
rfftinuelJ. Ilowell 1,01 !
W. J.lJroatch 1,92 !
A. Burmelster 09 ]
.lolmF. Belim OU'
13. II. Overall 001
Hubert Twaddell Oi ;
> AllenHoot 8S
' John llooy , 87' '
W. O. Whltinore 0 ,
Kd Lecder 18
O.T. Paxlon 1
Andrew Majovlsky 3
John Green 3
1 John A. McShnue ' 3,21
K. Dunioll 2U
1'arUe Godwin * 3.02
N. J. Burnham 2.U7
H. O'Koete * 3 , II
. I1 , J. Cjuoaiey. . lUt
, As will bo soon the ahovo figun
are graded down from tha highest
aud if not greatly changed woul
mean the election of the candidnti
whojio names are marked with a stni
On Homo of the candidates low dow
in the list the full ward vote Is m
In oar possession , and the total g'vc
is only from what is nt hand.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon thu coui
foreonatoiB , in thn Thud ward , wi
completed , with the following rceul
Hrowu 411 , Dewuy IH4 , Oantio !
382.This is a losa for Oantiold of '
enm votes , for Brown of 4 votes , and
m gain for .Dowoy of 33 votes. Tl
loaves Oanueld behind on the list , ai
hewn puts a star at Dewoy'a name instea
The end is not yot.
wn An Express Messenger Killed on t
Cannon Ball Train.
The "Gannon Ball" train on i
NYabosh , duo at the Transfer at
lay a.m. . yesterday , was four hours Ia
owing to au accident on the road
twoon McOurry and Stanburg.
the At that point a switch had bi
UN left misplaced , and when the eng
ni struck it was ditched , together with
3RDW. express car. Harry A. Qravoa ,
as. , messenger pf the I'oclfio Express/0
pany , who waa in the wrecks ci
was , it is supposed , struck by the
ssfo or fell under it , for
ho was taken out qaito dead , Ono of
the brakemen was badly hurt but not
fatally. The engine and car were
comparatively uninjured , though the
express matter was considerably de
molished. None of the poaaongers
were injured though they were all
somewhat frightened by the accident
Ilarry Groves went into the aorvico
of the Pacific express company on the
1st of August , 1880. lie was an old
railroad man , having boon a baggage
man on several eastern roads at differ
ent times , and was a great favorite in
railroad circles. Ilia homo was fttNo
1000 Chutcan avonuoSt. Louis , where
ho loaves a wife and two children , a
girl aged 17 and a boy 10 years old.
llo was 37 years of ago The remains
were taken to St , Louis on last night'a
The Oorrinne Party of Merrie
Makers Hold HlRh Oar-
val at Boyd's.
Tht > Coming AttraotlonAmn o-
montNotea in General-
The charming little lyrio star Cor-
irrao and her company of excellent
amusement coadjutors created a decided -
cided furore at Boyd's last night in
"Bijou , " a now musical comedy by
Wool , that is brim full of music and
nicely arranged specialties.
Anyone who has become tired of
the molo-dramaa of to-day or the
comio operas will do well to BOO little
Gorinno in her natural abandon and
joyous mirth as aho onacta her picas *
ing roles.
The grizzled playgoer who has
grown tired of the moro serious
works of dramatic and musical excellence -
collonco will find in this little artist's
pranks and natural acting an amuao-
mont entirely different from the usual
run. Since the company's last appearance -
pearanco here the 'embryo star haa
met with most ilattoriug receptions
and ambarassing trials. Wo refer to
the uncalled-for interference ot the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Children , ofjJNow York , who de
tained thocompany aomo three mouths
from active work at a cost of over
fifteen thousond dollars. A general
history of Gprinne'o career and that pf
her mother is most udmitably told in
an illustrated circular loprcsonting
principal charactora and distributed
among the audience. THU BEE has
heretofore published about the same.
Her reappearance last night showed a
decided improvement over her former
acting and singing , and from her late
notoriety was , perhaps , a little moro
acceptable. Her now play may be
said to bo an improvement , yet the
muaio is mostly old and familiar ; but
In the hands of Gorinno and
hot excellent company the pretty
melodies aud catching atraina seem
welcome and enjoyable as over. The
little ono's voice ia certainly of mar
velous power , but no moro so than
her rofmod aentimouta and dramatic
grace. Of the "merry" auppprt wo
must notice Harry Woodbury in his
unapproachable facial maneuvering
and general contortions that gained
for him a double encore. Williams &
Sullivan do aorao pleasing specialties ,
and in the absence of Oorinno the
Misses Nellie Hossotnd Dickie Dolaro
favor the audience witkuomo Tyrolean
warbling that is quite novel. Miss
Dora Brandeaoombe displays a bari
tone voice that is unusuaMy" full and
flexible , while Charles Oaborno'a ' 'Bob '
Up Serenely" ia respectively worthy
of favorable mention.
This afternoon the "Magic Slippot"
will bo presented and the engagement
closes with a repetition of lastmighVi
This brilliant and capable actor wll
appear at Boyd's opera house for throi
night and a grand matinee , commanc
ing on Thursday evening , Novomboi
17. Mr. Mayo la oo well known ti
the amuscmont going public of Omahi
it is only nccotaary to announce hi
coming , and ho is sure of crowdot
houses. Bis rocontsuccessful engagement
mont in San Francisco was the laryes
over done in the California theatre
with ono exception , that being th
Union Square company. Mr. May
will have the support of the accom
pltshed young actress , Mies Charlott
Bohrons , and the excellent compan
which has appeared with him so of to
in this city.
Ginalm Favorites
J. 1C1 Kimnct ia iu Buffalo.
Sam Gardner is In Hot Springs.
Hose K ) tinge did a line business In Dei
Frederick Warde is playing through U
Knima Abbott Is in Washington no
McKee llankin und Kate Glaxtoa a
in Springfield.
Aunie Flxley's success in 1'hlladclpb
was never aa groat.
In It possible wo are not to have nn Urn
Tom parly this ueasonT
The "Widow Mandellmber" at the C *
man theatre to-morrow night.
The lle 8 company nro now Infant
City , and will remain the week. '
Harry Webber U dolnsr bettor than ov
this season with hia "Nip tw'Tuck. "
Marlon Klinore and Sul Suiith UUIBI
are playfng inTennetmee aiiJnov Orlcai
Aa Joe Murphy will nol v ! itSau Vn
cli .it this nca6ui ) , Uuiab * neect uot txpo
Buffalo Bill is expected herf late lu tl
BOMOU , on hia way homewarl bound I
North 1'latte.
John Dillon's "State's Attorney" w
well received In Chicago , ani ia now doll
well la Bt. 1'aul.
The Bcwton Ideals are ha/ing a t me
deus success in Chicago , yhero tliey w
remain another week.
bo Gillett Broa. aud Kcimriy und llico ,
the Academy , leave lor Chicago Moudt
Tony llyan goes toKanfta City.
ho Toe fourllolljAood children , the prii
favorites at Hi' Acadeany , ha\e secur
11 seats foj the Nagio Slipper matinee.
to , Frank Ma/o l > lByei1 in 0 den last nigl
bo- S&Ubury's ? roubadoun delighted a Clu
loatou , S 0. , nuaience , while Fay Te
letouPlt 'd tbe Peoria people at t
inr I'ho average young roan who attend
, 'Bijou" last nUht thanked his lacky etr
he got hia girl home before the terril
thower came up , The hackuien shot
arrange the Btorma to couie ou about t
close of the last act ,
MN. Langtry pl ya five week * io Ni
York citv. In Bcnion ten week * , c m
monclog December 4lh , Philadelphia one
week And Chicago two ireekn , commencing
January lit. I a New Orleans the Is ex *
pect d to giro n ivcck'n perlormnnce , and
nhoiild | < he vitlt the coaxt Omaha will be
favored ,
Jlanlan and Stvcenv , the famous cist *
em boxern , will be the drAwinir cud at
the Academy Monday nlgbt. Ward and
Mnck , a For if ttnd dance team , and tbo
Christy Brother * , lrl h comediant , will
nlm appear. Ml 8 Kittlealdrnn , of
Chicago , h already here , asid ono or two
other rerio-couilc urtiata are expected.QTbe
bill will be entirely changed Monday.
A Driver Badly Hurt by ti Hunnwny
To am ,
Sometime hit evening there w.-va a
runaway on Sovcnteonth street , near
the nail works , which resulted in tbo
driver of the team being thrown to
the ground and badly , though not
fatally hurt.
It was the team driven to Isaac
Brown's wagon , and ran away on the
hill , going down toward the nail
works. The driver was thrown to the
ground and sustained severe injurias
on loft breast and right knee. The
shyck to hit nervous system was still
n > 6ro serious , as ho had seven violent
Convulsions , one after the other. At
last accounts ho was better , though
atill suflorinp greatly. The runaway
was caused by the polo breaking.
Thrilling Adventure of a Dow-Boy
on the Missouri Flats ,
Slugged and Robbed of all His
Among the gucsta at the Hotel
d'Angoll this morning is a young man
who registers as Fioldon Brown , and
who halls from Ogallala , which has
boon , however , only his temporary
abiding placo.
Brown is of the profession denomin
ated " .cowboy , " and ia a slender , fair-
comploxionud , pleasant follow , who
takes hia vichsltudca in lifo
quito philosophically , Hia experience
in Omaha has been not altogether
pleasant , but ho haa learned enough
to steer clear of chance acquaintances
in the future. Ho came to Omaha on
Thursday afternoon from Council
Bluffd and put up at ono of the hotels
not far from Uoman's livery stable.
Ycatorday whllo taking a drink at the
bar '
who seemed quito pleasant , and took
sundry drinka with him. Ho was "a
stayer. " and before night had
allowed Brown the town , so far as it
could bo seen through the small end
of a whisky glocs. When it be
gan to grow conveniently dark ho sug
gested that It waa time to go
to supper and insisted utrongly
that ho should not put off partaking
of the vesper meal too long. Ho
offered to show Brown the way to hia
hotel and at laat got him started.
Instead of taking him to the right
place ho led him down .Ninth street aa
far aa Jackaon and then turned off on
Jackson toward the flats. About this
that all waa not as it should be , but
aa the two wore conversing pleasantly
together ho did not anticipate an
immediate attack. When about half
way between Eighth and Ninth
and opposite the atone pile
where atone ia crushed foi
the streets , the newly acquired
friend suddenly struck him with some <
thing heavy , Brown thinks a "sling
shot , " felling him to the ground. He
foil on hia back , and throwing hit
* inda out struck ono against a atone ,
cuuing it quito badly. Brown'a firal
thought waa of hia money , for lu
know he-VQB
and ho thrust his -rounded hand intt
MB left vest pocket to nee if hie wallol
was utill thoro. At this the strangei
dealt him another blow on the boat
and then pushed him down , holdlni
his throat with ono hand aud hia am
with the other. Ho then got th
pockoibook out of his pocket am
inado his escape. Brown wiled loudl ;
for help and managed to got up an <
stagger over to Ninth wreot , th
bload from his head falllhtj in ;
stream down hia face and over hA
clothes. After going about a Woo
ho mot
who was * listening to his relief an
the colored Samaritan atoercd him ute
to Farnam atwut , and to the oiHco (
Dr. Philpot who took the case in h.n
and did oil ho could at onco. 13
eowod up the two largo gaalu
which ho found on the to
of Broxn'a head , and which were vci
to , though not of a fatal churui
tor , ' Ho alno sent for an oflicor , I
tf horn thu victim related hia story nr
gave the ofllcor
who had robbed him. The man w ;
above medium height , well buil
would weigh about 185 pounds , at
is about twcnty-fivo years of ag
Brown stated that his parents ,
Gallatin , were quite well oil , and ga-
the doctor some change which ho h :
loft in his pocket tosond a telegram
thorn for eomo money. Aft
bolng fixed up , ho wont wi
the olllcer and tritd to got u bed 1
eomo hotel , but as no ono would tal
him in he finally gave it up and h
at night sought a lodging at the ol
jail. Ho presented n
n- Clad in the traditional frontier sui
ill with a broad.brimmod white he
illof his face , hands and clothes coven
of with blood , the victim of one of tl
ofy. Omaha "boya" looked as though 1 had engaged In a model fight in sor.
ne western saloon , and was covered wi
ed gore as well as glory. He sa
his pocket book had in it 818
it ; with which he was goinp homemade
irJi - made a visit , having boon out to L
Jibe Vogns and worked along back to tt
point via Ogallala. Ho haa one
cd two acquaintances in town who km
\te \ him to DO all straight and his father
lie bu a well-to-do and respectable ge
he ild tloiuan. The police are ou the trar
ndwill possibly capture their in
yet ,
A Villainous Orimo Perpetrateito
Defeat the Will of the
The Eetarninf ? Board Stuffed
With Whisky , land ; the
Boxes Stuffed With
rhoMagioBffect ofMcGnokin'o
Lightning on the Cor
poration Count ,
Tom Gallon and Kent Con
tribute Liberally to tbo
The Louisiana Plan With
Wo are now in poisoaiion of reliable
information concerning the villainous
plot to disfranchise Douglas county
and oonnt in mon who were not
olootod. Those who were deep down
in the confidence of the chief of the
syndicate , Joe Millard , with whoso
money thia city waa flooded to carry
on wholesale bribery , had an under
standing that the first thing in order
on olootionday was to capture the polls.
As usual on olootlon day the men ap
pointed to act aa judges and clerks
failed to put in anappoaraiice , and the
sot of cappers and tools were on hand
to take the places , thus it was thai in
the Fourth ward Frank Walteis
jumped up ind proposed his brother *
m-law , Westordahl ,
aa ono of the judges , and in the Third
ward ono Jackson , who trains withithe
Dame gang , was put in aa clerk , with
George Irvin as ono of the judges ,
On Tuesday night Councilman Mo
Guxkin and Captain Koni , who had
been carrying on a lively traffic * , in
colored votes during the day ot Joo'd
oxpenoe , came into the ongtno honao
where the Third wara votea were being -
ing canvassed. They brought wltk
thora several bottles of
Two of the judges and the dark
partook so freely that they were soon
lu a beastly condition. Thus they
were D28U by many people who visited
the place during the night. Liter on
in. the night
again with , another installment and
some cigars. They aat down at tbo
table where the votes were being-
counted , and in a few minutes Tom
Oallan came in : Ho also had a bottle
of whisky , The only parsons proaont
besides the board and Kent , McGuok-
in and'Galluu ' were Street Commis
sioner Ford and AugustusGarejjk
Both of these men were called to one
aide of' the room by Gallon and asked
to take a drink ont of the bottle
While those mon had their baolia
turned it ia believed ono of the parties
at the table slipped a package of dom-
ocratic'iickots that lay on the table-
and it with ofre
replaced a package re
publican tickets. The tick-ota on the
table had boon sorted out in. bunchoa
and olaaped with India rubber bands
The change waa aoon noticed by
Messrs. Carey and Ford , , who weso
ourprised to BOO so many , republican
tickota , and called attention to the
change to candidates who had soon
the tickets aa they were being sorted
McGcckin , Kent and G.Mian skipped
out of the room and did not turn up
again during the night or the follow
ing day. Moan ti mo the drunken
jndgoa kept on counting and recount *
ing.Their labors were finally concluded
on Thursday morning. On Friday
morning Frank Walters began to toiaa
about the atrcota that .
in the Thiiii ward in crediting a large
number ot votes to George Ganfiold
that should have gone to Charles EK
Brown Tula furnished the conspira-
toro with the desired pretext for carry
ing through the fraud which they had
perpetrated by calling for a recount.
It appears that although the count
was finished Thursday the return *
' yforo not made to the count )
I clerk as required by h w , bcl
the ballot box with tbo contents wai
tak m homo by tone of the judges ,
a On l ? 5day afternoon t , the re-count coni' '
in roduciug vhe majority of Mr. Can
tiold 100 , bat , atrango to say
Frank Wnlt fr > assertion , thu
votes had boon # ven , to Brown
proved fulso. The only chunuo ii
JJrown'a yoto was two. a'his ehow
conclusively that'Frank Wa'Uora kno
all about the dastardly crime o ! TUBS
duy night. The work of counting tm
thus began , in going right on , an
when ( he canvass is finally made , , a
least two or three candidates who vf er
defeated by the people , will bo dt
olared elected by this brazen fraud ,
Wo shall have inoro to say about i
reid before it is all through.
Baby' * Appeal
th "What malcei I cry unJ folks say I ;
in naut'htj } "
COte Cause stomach ache , and sour in ir
to moulfyj
toy Cause too , can't sleep , and worms bitea ;
belly ;
"Fever , " za tay , feel like I waa jelly.
Cues * your babies liries , Dick and VI
toria ,
When mamma's gone , and don't have IU
10 "You're right , they fairly yell"Ther
th Uncle Oyj
Cousin Frank have OASTOIUA , he dto't cr
to of packages oV the Di
18 mend Dyes have been sold without
is single complaint. Everywhere th (
or are the favorite Dyes.
ton * Lydia E. Tinkharn'tf Vegetal
n- Compound la a positive cr ro to
, thoaa weakneeses so cormr.on to o
beat female populatlotU
TO LOAN On chattel < rortete N-
entity. A. D. Totton , No. 11616 DotRlM
I tree t , ( rout room , tijveUln. 4SE-K
LOAfi AI 8 per conlln
nWOlMJUU te/o-t In inma.of ! ,500 no
upwards , for I lo ( roan , on flrsl-cliw city nd
f rm property. Bmti Rill , Kami nd Ixu
AaraoT. Cth and Doodle fit * .
ThntnM RomR CrnleMon Block.
WO tXAX S1.5CO real c'tnto frturlttural
JL r t . 1IAU.OU DUOS. ,
nor 6 Iw H21 rarniin.
\1ONKYTO LOA3 On personal prrjicrty rf
I J an } dfcrlptlon A.iC./Troup , Attorney , 213
south 14th Strict. 123-lmo
WANTKl ) Middle ojrtil imn to atUml bar
muftttia well rfW % Mlo < l , No rtVronco
onucconntol natio nlltj 3Mouth 10th Stv
WANTii : Twocxicrlo-u l Kcrlal liook colic-
Itors for Colorado. Ifecnu o and 7 * > crcit
III cfc , Council lllufTg. 141-23
WANTED-A first class l.oytodocrrandTaAd
rralcchlm.clf R-enen lbitpn1 In tlio' tor > ,
Kiiqulrvon JlonJnj morning at "Die Old " "
bio oi. e 1'rlcc Shoe Store. "
142-ff AV D. MOUSE.
WAITr- l ) A woman to voefcnndn jrl ! to
wailnll'hcs nLtlio Harncj'jtrcct rcstaur-
ant , lull llarnoyn'rcct. ' u
WANTED 35men ti go soufck foruorkon
Msi : OTirl Pacific railroad. Kmiiitro OU
tailtli I0th Street. IL'C-llf
'ANTI31 A flrst class cook.
w CallfotnhSt. 129-1 If
WANTKT - man to worv. a wlnttr
JolifortVe riglitman. Touslc ' Jro . near
ofafrgruniH ISO-lit
WATiTKIV-A Brat class preos-fccder at Tlie
Uinaha 3oe olllcc. tf
D'-Otte ' dining room girl limiHxllatcly
tt , the OccM ntal hotel. 121-10
WAi < nU-toa I lichen girl ltclncoJte.8 res
taurant' IbtS and Jaikfcon tt. 119-10
W AlKDf D Girl to do Roneral
lIuKniian 1411 Doi Ks St.
WANTED Help it the cmploymf.t olQco ,
217 N. 10th street , up-sUI re. SJt-tJ
A Rlr ) to do cchenl housework.
Bend n.ferenc--s. Good wages paid Ad-
dre < P. 0. Otalilo. Kcarnoir. Nai. 059tf
Adrc."sm l"Trt ) | i. cmilo | > ment In i.wvato
family. AUilrcaa S. W. cor. llltlianil CtUk.
WANTKI > B n flrct elnss drtis maker so Mng
'of nil klni'i'OT' Mllgo out and do woiJt at
moJca'.e prltis. i. . . 1'ij. 15) ) ,
, practical dwiblj ont v book keeper , oprd ' . ' 8
- \ mar led and t.tiadj.-wishes , i sut of bookat
moderate llvlnjifaHrj. A'ao asm til set of l > ooks
to ixjst c > cnlnis-cheap. Address "J. 11. II. " Bee
olllce. '
WANTED A e4 of'beokt ' to keep during ihe
e > cnlng. Ad4ice "S. Y. Z. " llco olllce.
ANTED A fmv dl r loanlera at S. E. txa.
j. 12MO | <
TTTANTED A gentleman and his sister waits
TT nlcclj furnWiod rooio and board for all
winter In some nlc" jwhato family , near street
ear line. Address ' -R D. " ) > y oaturday at "io
c icc. 115-10
, 8'G ' Howard Sfc.
. bet. Mil aim 9th l > lca < nt room nt reason !
aUe rates. 137-lsH
KENT A nlcel > furnished front rooii
cheap. Applj 1700 Hurt. 140-10 P'
"IJIOII KENT Good house Iwith 5 rooms good
1 } \ ,11 and eistcrn-water 8JJ south 17tb 01.
inontli. Inquire at Chicago Store
opposite Post OHlte. 130 tf
ir H KENT Furn'tUcd ' room with board , ga
1 ; aod bath room , 1718 Dodge. 144-10 *
.T710KRENT . Tofwillnvithout children , frat
JU lloor o ( liouso on Uhlcaso , near IBtli Streat.
Consists of four roon > 3 clciiet , pantries , otc. , alt
intccly fuinUhed. Has a good cellar and hard aid
eolt water. , Address "V care lice olticc.
FOU RENT Tire 8rocm houses ; btovcj.ln
kitchen , hot and cold water , ICO ba.rel oUt -
| t TBS , barn , completu.modern houses. 1'ark jr-
oiiue ; per montn , $ J5
I Six trick houses ! Xi room ? besides com ) lite
clwct and store rooiM , furdace , hot and cokl
'water ' , marble mantels , , commodious and flcjuit
residences. TuciiiJ-tourtQ near Dodge ; yvr
month , $50.
i\oroom liou'cjiibtrepaired ; corner 18th and
Webster ; per month , ftiS.
, r.i0'Iit room house , iarn , ] ibt repaired. hcr-
man nenue ; per month , iiT.
Soicn room house , c-orncr ISth and Nlthaku ;
'per ' month , S25.
Eight room houseriicws barn , cabt f rent ; .per
month , $25.
ne stores , Capitol a.unsx ; 22xCO ; pcrn'oitth ,
I > .
bolo , Ap i > t ,
S5OG Fnranm t
' " '
"Oll'llENTFurnishLd room and board 1U1C
Chicago street. 12T-tf
> OH" KKNT A houts or thrco rooms , ue lur ,
well a d'cUtcrn , northeast corner ot S < iixii
tdnth and Nicholas Btrcct' . Inquire on tbe
premises. 113115.
T1011 KENTrurn'uhol ' front room212 N. ICth
_ l } trettbutwecuClnltoa > cuueand IHTcnport.
TOK HUNT 1'arlor aud two slceplrif.rooms ,
J } ulcolj furnished , S26 per month for iiiu Uirro
rooms , 12W Jacksoti 3tr t.
"ITlOlt HUNT .V nlt l > furnished trut room ,
Jlthor itliOJt > lioanl , to panlai iti ) refer
ences , ut the north-vest corner oMbtli * uul Da > -
cnjiortbtrcets. 11810
UKT EHMinfjrnlahod rooms. 1410 Chi-
FOR btrce-t. bl-llt
"TOU UHNT-SlK unlnrnUheroccuIm ! lirklv
' JLip of Om ihaiu > t tcxiipltteilniiil
read ) fordullverj Kt 7c.uli , l-l fut wide
by 7 feet Ion , ' , fjir vnt and moil touipJUo iimj
ofUmaha e\cx puUtUliul. Olllculimap of the
city , Scu column.
RK TJ VVBUiiv , 1H7 ranu ui btreit ,
I OUIHUNI' Uoiuo 0 ro.iu9 > r l a r o barn ,
_ L' laqura Ucetflaj ttrict , bittiaua SCth liiu :
\ O hB.VP Two ssven-rocin cotlajes w.'h
r HjvtraldjastF , culhr.cual hovuo , city ani
cistern w , t r , well located .lucjulte rf C.I'
Drltcoll , H23 Itodtra Mr cut. A7-U
1 T Oa JiEN.T Stare room. OtxAO car com
, D Cumin-an J Siundcra lib. Davlj uaHo > io
V 1505 Kaniiuu. S9-1U
TTIOR RF.N1 llru e ot 8-rooirui
JJ eider , 10 blocks frort. ope homo , ,
hct4) . . . „ . . - . . . . . . Si
House of 11 rocioj. all CCOMUIDC ; , ; >
bbiUtlrouj opera IIOUM . . . . , 4
Hoitto ol 5 rooms , 23d and NUhtU ) btrcojt 1
8U a onFamam , 2 floora.i . 12
"toioon ltth,2 lloor . . . 7
Stlliront lusldoorc'i . , . UOtafl
4iS4f _ Mc.1Aiitf. Opposite I'a''jiltice.
OH KKNT FurnUhodfiontroom , "Jtenn r
lllock.cor KUlithandUuwaid 1U tl
* TTlOlllinNT A W pls sant furiitkcd rooi
L1 at721 soifthlS'Jl.St.UtwcnrNt. Kar > V Aaoi
ue avul Leavcimorih St. ! > I'J tf
1.1 OH UUM lljn s U 6 rooiiislttth &nd Doi
j ; K\aa \ street. ? il a mDuth ,
ojl tf IlOCCSiclllLL.
[ 71011 IlENT Blegojally lurnlelisd roimiuit
L ? fc'is and hvater. Htferencea jonulred. At
ply ut ijorthwwt corner cf 23d taJ uurt Street
UEN7A tlu lo uru'iicd rocmatie
FOH . Hrfit 007-t
? OR KlxST Three unlurnUhod roomn , 1
South 17th btrctt , two blocks we t ot po *
otliev. lit tt
T70H llKNT Two roouu furnUhi-d lor IW
J ] housekeeping , llcemcr' * bloclc , coincrothl
Mil Howard itrtets IW tf
nOR RENT A furuUhod House , ? 301 Podg
C SM-lTOt _ _
KEN I Shou e ene 6 aud cue fl room
EOR corner ChlcagoaUd l&th bt. T. 8wll
T71011 REN1 A plea ant taruUhed room. Ca
nl J } ttOi7t N. 17 St. w ith rtteruiice ti73 U
ar HUM' House.-tlx ipoius. furulthed , li
FOH U.H > del OB , SlillMd hotel
FOR RENT A botrdlnR ( touts , t 103 Tenth
itrect. between Douglas and Dodre , Inqalra
t cor.ftinhMid DoujlM. 811-tl
J/IOR RENT Offices In J cab > block cor. IBth
nd Carltol vemie , JOHN 0. JACOBS ,
170H .HENT-CottiRe of glx largo romns a'l
X1 conrenlencca and fine loot Ion by 8.T. I'etor-
eon Aee t Uth andDiugla St. 7f 4 t
RSNr Two new dwelling's nd two othef
FOR ! In dcilrable loetlltr. by McKoon
No. 1B14 Douglas Btrett 817-lf
iriOH * KNT A cott if of ( tte room' . Inquire jf
X1 t liotthiTMt corner 16ih and Lhlcago ttrcot yr
810-tf f
1J10JU < 1C > IT i nrg offlca teem or hi lfeto/oi _
1020 Fornhum nt' 797-tf
RENT A rtoro in Dalcorut > block , nn
FOR street , near Davenpotl. dt A. D ,
Ualcnmbe. IOO2St [
RENT Fnmhhed rooms at 1717 Cvi
FOR , bet. 17tU oud ISth. 456-tr
TTIOR HENT ThebniWloj t pre-cnt occiiplt-J
J , by tho\V stetn Un"on ) Cocp ny ,
cur erof Farnara Mil IMh tticet--
Darker Bro" . , Oasoffios.
' . A good tranr i > ion M dliarnewaO
FflKSA'.B ' store 16th btt\\cr ( 'a g t ij
Callfernta. I1G-1V
' llapof Omaha , jtat completed nndi
BEMtS'iicw $ catte. Is 4 feet wld
bv 7 feet lotitf. I.'Xtxost and irp-t complete mif
of Onmh * ever published. Oil > ial map of the
itlty. St "olumn.
and muon , ,
tea 73 tt
SALT An "Argand" doub'e bettor ,
POIl 9iQ , Iher ant new 00. 1 > , B. Becmcr ,
cor. Eighth KiA lltmu d. 40 U
In REST Brick ( toro. Inquire ntdinir stora
corner 13th Mid Douglas. D35.U
8 ILK-A "nootV bUstHowcr JOT loan-
POU or nairimo- flip , lor bait cost D. D.
Deemer , cor. Elgh b > nd Howard 4i-tf
J/O BALK Throe thouiand western welders ,
U 1 od2 years o d. Weight about no pasnds.
1)62 ) tf m and c IxVarney , Keb.
: - ( Tbnior ff > \ 6 on J3th atrvol .
1500 Farmin struct.
lito" room hoino , collar , well , cistern , . a.-wt
front , largo lot ; Horeo rtct ; 1HOO.
A\MK3 ,
irocranamtrret. .
IDtf lots llanse-owil'lacoj $ too down.
AMK3 ,
1501 Parnam street !
10 ncryj ; IJnillM from txmn. liu ro\cd ; iisr
acre , ? 50. AlltS ,
130(1 ( Farnam strcotl
N ) " ncrcxij to ugla > county , unimproved ; tj r
AilE' ,
IBSC rnrniin street )
4 room Jiouso , suirin r l.Ittlicn ; Ircno streets
* l,03a AMIS )
1CCC Famain strict , '
3 room kousr ; now.lvrRo Jot ; Dccatur sttAtl-
81,030. AMISU05
U05 Karnam street.
5 room lionse ; cistern. Ijnrn ; IMli street ; fl &o
IDOffEarnam street.
r > roomhcire.1 ; > ari > ; J ill lot ; Franklin street ; .
$200 down ; f 1,400.
1,400.AMEJj. .
1C06 Farnam street.
2 houses , ono-lot ; Hamo-rssroct ; 1,1SU.
l 0d Varnini street.
Jhouioi ; 4nnd2 rocnw ( el ! , clst > rn , stable/
lot wm40 ; Horb.ich's AJdlllon ; jl.050.
iroU-Varnam srtcct
.1 room house ) barn , well , c-istcrn , trees , fruit
Kith street noorPkrco ; S1.460U
IBM Farnam street.
Small homo ; well , fu 16t , east front ; 12th
street ; ? .100 *
1503 rarnam street
G rf om hou o | barny corner lot ; lltli street ;
3I)00. ) AUK
1KM Tarn tn street.
7 room honsoulstcrn , bc n , d.eirablo ; Harnyr
street ; ? JR50
A1IES , .
lEtVU'cjiiain street.
; t room home : collar , vtH , ttailc. com cnlcnt
'ocatlon ; SLEOftAMES
If 00 Parnain street.
3 room hoas ; i 3 lot1) , 150 barroJ tlstcrn , bear-
I -is fruit ; 12Jhstrect ; Si , 800.
. .
1COG Ssjrnam strkct . ,
FOB SALE Ono organ for $30. O o organ fr * &
855. Ono Piano , WO. Casn or monthly pay-
me1 ts.
923-tf A TtOSPE.
JICYCLti FOR SALEZcquIrs C. M. Woodman -
) man , Ouaha. 701-tf
TTIOR SAI.l House and > lot , K. corner IStb
JJ strcot and Capitol avanue. laqufre on pro
mises. 01 < lm
I OR SALE Good buiUlr ; . brick. Call nt
F Water Works office. < 46-tf
OTEL FOR SALE. The Arlington Tlaus
_ First class ; all furn'.cliwl ho only hote
town. The cheapest property in tha state.
Has all tha traveling men. W 111 bo sold cheap on
terms to suit. Enquire of E. Fullo , proprietor ,
Arlington , Washington county Keh. 663 tf
> Your car it dUiit-rfcmviid. Call at lice
PT > . .otlico' Jr coiununlcation.
145111 j. a
1 011 T1ADF 1 rooiUilioutc ; cellar , \\cll , eld
L tern , lar u barn , corn crib.lot OOMU2 , trees ,
fruit ; $1SOO. Trade for Doujas countland. .
'It ItiOO Farnam Btrceti
LilTUAIlON WAN2iU ) A.gixl to do fcncral
O hou ° * nork or boaond work. In a respectable
f imlly. AddrcsH'-'lO Sauih IBUi St. 117flO
A GOOirScamstrcouldlikceniplojmentin
C\ . store or prl\Kto. familjv Address O. A.
11 iidsoT. Hi vcr lionet , 109-9
rPAKENUP Ono snail mnn cow , nbciitflie
S. > cer ) old ; has o.ituo bt'.taone , ono emilland
onelce. Owner oan have sauiob } pro Inp ; pro-
jKirtiml jajlng
Slick 2 West Omaln
O. lIUAINAlUVTftiJdiJnniBt , 13th cad HovT.
ard. MiiJ 2m
. JCTT House fin i. Cornet Cleaner Stove-
AK. . Lee orders ot RcpnbUian olllce ,
IJUand Dougl-vi. _ 82K
rpO FAR11EHU The hottest cfttU yrKo paldi
L > or Kyu , Bo .cy aniieora at Krch . Vinegar
Works , Jones Btroot , between 9th aid 70th , Oraa-
ha taa-dnw-tl
TIONAL13Y , IBS Tentti titrtet , beiw 00 Feiui
Aodllarutiv. Will , with the Mil oi RU.IJHI
spirits , obtain lor * 3.y oaa glauco l ti v
aud prcvnl , Mid bi condliioui In tbo >
are. Bf-cta nd Sba i pinda k ? tidcr.
x Jot WnSSj ; * .
( ( ( ROYAL PSWfi ?
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder n&vec variw , A marie , if
purity , strength and wlioleooaieneta
More economical than the ordinary kindi ,
and cannot b sold In couipcUtion with tb \
multitude ol low test , short weight , alum
or phoepb5U powders. Sold only in cam
Wall St. ,