Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Tatur ! ny Moruiai ? ov. 11
flj Cattle : , SOcentsixrwcck.
3r UMI - f 10.00 pr Tear.
Ofllcs : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
M , 0. ItlllFflN , MMiARtr.
H. W. T1LTON , City Editor.
Council meeting to-night.
J. Uueller'glPftlftceJMunto Ilftll.
The Nonpareil lias I Is flag at half want
The Tftctfio homo is being Improved In
sundry wnys.
Mueller has already put Santa Glaus
into his show window
lloso Kytlngo appears &t Dohany'g
this afternoon and evening ,
Simon Klsemanis preparing to build a
new residence on South Second street ,
Subscribe for newspapers and periodi
cals at II. . Seaman's book store.
The board of trade In to meet Monday
evening ,
-Birthday , Holiday and Wedding Gifts
at H. K. Seaman's. novMf
New lot nicely decorated , 50 piecos.fof
tea itto , only $5 at Maurer A Cral/r. /
Some one nipped an overcoat from the
Oreston honsa yesterday. It belonged to
R. H. Ualrd.
Hand-painted china , art pottery , solid
silverware , bronzes , < ko. , at Maurer &
The nowime&t market of Shull & Mul
len , 709 Soutli Main street , gucrantoe best
of me&ta and prompt attention ,
One solitary drunk was introduced
Into police court Yesterday , Ho was
booked an John Glatterly.
Cal Jones , the colored man who was
arrested for stealing a pair of pants , was
yesterday sentenced to ten days in Jail.
The justices , constables , etc. , elected
on the township ticket will stop into office
on the let of January.
& . fine assortment of Boots and Shoos ,
sufficient to supply the demands of all , nt
George Blaxim'a south Main ctrcet.
Cheap Railroad tickets to all points ,
Bnsbnell , fivedoors north of postofBco , tells
them. Entrance , Main or Pearl streets ,
The outgoing trains eastward this
afternoon are over the Chicago and Hock
Island , at the Milwaukee and St. Paul.
There will bo a meeting of the stock
holders of the basn ball association at the
office of James W. Beach this evening nt
7:30 : o'clock. Business of importance.
Joseph Keitcr makes the Jf Inest Suits
In the latest styles , at the lowest possible
prices. His merchant tailoring establish-
nunt is at 810 Upper Broadway , Council
Yesterday was the last day of grace
for the saloon men to hand hi their contri
\ butions to the city treasury , and to-day
the city marshal will start with a nbnrp
stick after the delinquents.
William Strohbehn , who ban lately
gene Into the wholesale cigar business cu
Main street , seems to be receiving a liberal
patronage , and reports his buslnets as on
the rapid Increase.
The .question of where the new government
, - ernment building will bo located may be
opened again after all. There Ii some
technical trouble * abont the title , and now
that some interested did not get their man
sent to congress , this objection may not bo
Thcro is still doubt aa to v.hotter the
proposition to build a new county jail hero
has cart led or not , as no official count has
been made. The east end of the county
voted pretty solidly against the proposition ,
while this city gave an almost unanimous
vote in its favor. Thcro are various con
jectures as to how the wottern rurftliaU
Conrad Gciio feels so good over the
_ elect Ion that ho proposes to KO right ahead
with the building of an elegant residcnci
on Frank street , at the end of Wnebingtor
avenue. The building lot is one of tbi
fineit In the city , and Mr , Geise purpote *
building thereon n two story and n > hal
brick residence , CO by 45 feet. It will b <
a handsome one , Indeed , and the work wll
proceed at once , the preparatoiy oleanlni
off of the lot having already commenced
There waa a happy raatiimoulal oven
at the house of Carl Younkorinnn , In thl
city , Thursday evening , at which hi
daughter , Mits Kate V. Younkeimnn , wa
married to Mr. Grote , eon ot Fred Grotc
t also a well known rotldcnl of this city
Jottlce Abbott officiated In the presenc
of a large number of the friends of the con
trading parties , Mnny glfta and con
gratul&tlouB were given , and the ycmn ;
couple start in Hfo with the brightest < i
yroip cts. _
0. 0. llairllton , uf Kacsaa City , was a
the Op'cn yetterday.
I ) , F , Alexander , of Chicago , was InUi
viewing the merchants here yesterday ,
Father McMeuomy was reported yci
terday ai on the skk lict ,
H. IToffmvn , forem&n of the railwn
sbopti at Ctttton , was in the city yeate
day. Hit brother , John Hr ( Titian , of tl
men of 15iU OaV , was hurc als
JJoalb In Dirt.
The following transfers of titles a
reported for TJIK BEK as tak <
from the county records by J , \
Squire & Co. , abstractors of title
real estate and loan agents , COUIK
Blufle , Iowa ;
B. 0 Qiff.rd to S. I. Gilford , u
quarter of n o quarter of 18 , 74 , U
John Bhadden to W. 8. Swan to
lot 10 in block 114. Orescent Oit
| 30.
8. Eucmau to J. K. Hill , lot 4
block 7 , B vli a' 2d , city ; $3.800.
N , 0. Folk to A. 0. Bolte. u w qua
t r of u w quarter 20 , 70 , 41 ; § 1,00
B , 8 , Barnard to F. P.Britton , pa
lot 2 in block 31 , Avoca ; 8925 ,
A. 'ft Pike to J , Murphy , st qua
ttr of n o quarter o ! 30 ; 74 , 38 ; ? 70
Same to K. O. Graham , part a
qnurtcr of B w quarter 25 ' 74 ' 3
H. Ecking to W. M. Kine , w La
of v quarter of 25 , 70 , 39 ; 51,50
The Promises of Enjoyment nt the
Catholic Fair Next WOOK.
Extensive preparations nro being
tnndo for the Catholic fair to bo held
next week nt Dohntiy'fl , and there is
every assurance that it will bo not
only an event of much cnjoyabillty ,
but also s. nuccooeful mid profitable ) en
Monday night is the opening ono.
At that tirao will bo presented the
charming operetta entitled "lied
Hiding Hood's llcscuo. " Great
pains have been taken in preparing
this , and the rohoaraaia indicate that
the people will bo moat happily sur
prised. Thcro nro over seventy per
sona , mostly children , who will take
part , and the entertainment will
surely draw n crowded houso. The
tickets have boon placed at the nom
inal sum of 25 cents.
Tuesday evening , aside from the
other attractions of the fait , another
special treat is promised , it being a
dramatic ono , the boys of the Catho
lic school being prepared ID present
the plav "Handy Andy. " This will
oxclto much interest , and tha boys
may rest assured that the house will
bo packed to see them. The tickets
for this entertainment are only 25
cents ,
Wednesday night ia to bo devoted
exclusively to the purposes of the fair.
There is to bo voting and selling of
chances , and some awards will bo
mido. The admission to the fair
proper will bo only a dime.
Thursday evening there is to bo a
quadrille party , which will bo another
happy event of the week. Good mu
sic and other needfuls for n good time
are arranged for , and a merry oocial
party will result. The tickets /or this
are $1 ,
Friday evening will bo the closing
ono of the fair. The polls will close ,
votes bo announced' prizes awarded ,
and other interesting incidents to
give a happy finish to the week.
The Catholic Boy'u band will en
liven the fair with musio daring the
week. This will bo their first public
appearance , and much interest is felt
among many to hoar them.
The hall will bo open days as well
aa evenings , oo that those who cannot
attend in the evening will have &n
opportunity at other hours.
Great preparations have boon made
for the displays at the various booths ,
and there will bo n variety of orna
mental and useful articles to bo dis
posed of.
Ono Killed and Several Uoported aa
The Wabnsh train duo hero yester
day morning mot with a serious acci
dent abont daylight , at n little station
named McCury , near Stanebury , Mo.
An open switch is reported as the cause
by which the train waa wrecked , Ono
man named Groves , who served us
baggagn and express messenger , was
killed , and several others are reported
as being injured , but none seriously.
The train was in charge of Conductor
Dougherty , The wreck was BO bad a
ono that the track could not be cleared
until late in the afternoon , oo that the
train did not arrive hero until evening.
Mr. Grovof , who waa killed , was a
resident of St. Louis , and loaves a wife
and several children.
Wonderful Hindsight.
To the Editor ol TUB DEI.
The wonderful hindsight of The
Nonpareil is certainly remarkable.
How in it that some of those plain
truths it so forcibly puts in its iaano
of yesterday morning did not occur to
it before election , and before the
nominating convention of last July ?
Tiioy wore just as true then as now ,
and a decent regard for them would
have saved the party from defeat in
the Ninth district of Iowa , at least.
The remark in the same paper
Thursday morning that this campaign
has brought about more demoraliza
tion to this district and to the people
than all oho which has happened thie
many u year , has unquestionably a
largo amount of truth in it. The al
most unparalleled unacrupulousnose
with which the republican papers have
put forward their nominee for can-
gross , as an honorable man , nhnosl
above reproach , and have ignored all
political principles and moral distinc <
tions in the endeavor to secure votes foi
him , can only have had the most deplorable
plorablo effect on the general soneo o !
truthfulness and on the popular re
gard for the press. It was u dellbor
ate education of the community ii
falsehood , To have it allowed to pam
without the unmistakable rebuke o
defeat would have been to cay virtutllj
to the young voUra and those sttl
younger , with whom the future of al
parties rests , that In political a f lain
no regard whatsoever need bo paid t <
The result of the election , coming a
it did , mainly from the action o ! th <
republican voters , is not a democrat ! '
triumph , not an endorsement of demo
cratio principles , methods or candi
dates , but a rebuke of methods am
Co called "principles" which hod in
traded into the republican party am
were wor drig ita ruin The "domoi
nitration" uf the campaign waa in th
way which the republican candidat
was nominated and supported , Th
friends of the party who voted againa
its candidate for congress did to i :
the interest of the higher politics
principles and the true moral life
which can alone give value to part
organization , and with which they ye
hope to * eo the republican part
thoroughly identified in the future s
it was once. X ,
TUa Supreme Court.
In the superior court yosiorda
there were no cases ready for trial b
jury and the jury was consequent !
discharged for the term.
The case of Ellckinger vs. Grahai
was settled.
In the case of Lindt vs. Coyle , m <
tion for new trial overruled and jud |
meat for plaintiff ,
City vs. Leo ; case determined at
If Lee iddod to the list of regular c.i
tributors to the city purse.
John Chapman Admits Tlmt Bosslsm
and ( Intrigue Must be Laid Aaldo.
The Nonpiroil has hushed ils cry
of "bar'J , " and the charge that Andersen -
dorson was defeated by the corrupt
u o of money. In it first chagrin
felt at the defeat of its pot and itn
own private scheme , it merely elated
that it was caused by votes being
bought. This brought n further storm
of indignation on the part of our bent
citizens , who , though republicans , had
voted * against Anderson from honest
motives , mid who rcscntod any nuch
insult as that they had field their
votes. John Chapman speedily saw
ho had made another fearful blunder ,
and BO yesterday morning ho flops
clear 'over again , and most humbly
and penitently confessed.
"Tho sooner the party managers
rid thouiBolvon of the idea that party
discipline is strong enough to puil
through any candidate , no matter how
limited his capacity or uncertain his
popularity , the more certain will bo
its triumph and the better will it bo
for the state.
"Whoever is nominated in obed
ience to the popular voice will also bo
elected , and whoever is forced upon
the organization by personal or official
intrigue will surely be defeated.
"If the machinery of party conven
tions and primaries is perverted from
its original use of giving voice to the
popular wish , to the grinding out of
politicians' grist , the nominees will bo
in imminent danger of defeat , and if
the present defeat will only impress
tto lesson on political managers , one
stop in the direction of genuine re
form has boon achieved ,
"No form of dictation by self con-
stituod 'bosses' will bo hereafter tolerated
erated , ind to the great surprise of
those who believed that they carried
the party on their own shoulders , the
party will bo strongest where it is per
mitted to do its own thinking and
managing. 'Hands off , wire pullers
of all kinds , ' is the verdict. "
It must bo humiliating indeed for
John Chapman to thus throw up the
epongo and to plant himself squarely
on the platform of THE BEE. Only
24 hours before ho definitely de
clared that The Nonpareil would
never , under any po'siblo circum
stances , support any man who had
refused to endorse Anderson.
Ho predicted that Anderson had a
future and would again como to the
front , and those who had supported
him in this contest were more faithful
to the interests of the country than
thouo who aided Mr. Pusoy to secure
his seat.
Why this nuddon flop ? That there
is little sincerity in it is evident. The
simple truth is that The Nonpareil
wants to be on the aide of victory and
of the majority , and now that it in
evident that the people are down on
bosHsm and intrigue , it cravenly
crowds over onto that side In the
hope of getting back the power which
it has lost. It is too lato.
"JPourTn Oil. "
L. P , Fullett , Marion , Ohio , states that
ho has used THOMAH' ECLKCTIUO OIL for
burns and lias tound nothing to equal it in
Boothlngthe pain and "ivlng relief.
A. Booming Business.
Boll & Hall have moved lately into
their now otoro , No. 102 Broadway
cupying the entire building , conaiat-
ng of three stories and a basement ,
'his ' change was necessary In order to
; ain room for their largely increased
uiinoss and to provide accommoda-
on for their immense stock of grace-
.03. Besides this feature of thoii
uainosB this enterprising firm is do-
Jig a large wholesale business in ap-
ilcs and fruits of dl kind and in pro-
isions , They are shipping to St ,
> aul , Minneapolis and Duluth , and
ave a largo trade for a distance of o
tundrod miles in all directions from
his city and reaching out on ovorj
"no of railway. The firm have met
with wonderful success , and the rapid
'ncreaso of their business has boci :
imost phenomenal.
t Roads the LUt
) f all other preparations * or medicine' ,
'n cases of nauita. headache , dizziness 01
regularities ( of the system , Buinoci
litooi ) liiTTKHH have no equal. The ]
lever fall In affording immediate relief
'rice 51,00 ,
A Kalso Report.
A number of those who are planning
.o locate lands in Nebraska have been
Interred by a report that the lane
( lice nt Nollgh waa cloaud. It will bi
ntercating to auoh , as well astoothon
the have hoard thin report , to loan
Imtauch la not the case , as cvldonce <
> y tha folio wing telegrams ;
CoohCU.13i.VFrH , Iowa , Nov. 7,1882.
ccisUr ot Lands , United 8tntts IAIII ! Olllci
Ncllsh , Keb , ;
Parties are clrculatlucr tlio report tha
be United Stated land ollico at Nellgh i
jloscd , aud tlmt homesteads cannot be Ic
cutod west of NellKh ; also that tree claim
mvo all lieeu taken up. Hnw ii thin
Answer dulck , W. K , DAVIS.
NKUQH , Nch , Nov. 7 , 1832.
V , E. liKMithutMtcrn \ Pa&tenircr Aitoiit c
the Kioux City and 1'ailQu Ilnllwii } , Count
HlulU , loua ;
The otllce is not closed. Claims not al
> een taken un. > K. 8. BUTLEII ,
Register U. 8. Laud Office ,
Scn-io , M , V , , Dec , 1 , 1879 ,
I am tha Pastor of the liaptu
Ohutoh horn , and nu educated phyai
ciau. I cm not in f rt-iico , bnt ai
my sola family physician , nnd advie
[ n many chronlo cases , Over a yea
ago I recommended your Hop Bittei
to my invalid wife , who has been ui
dor medical treatment of Albany's bee
physicians aoveral yean. She has b (
ccme thoroughly cured of her variou
complicated discosca by their use. W
both recommend them to our frlendi
ninny of whom have also been cure
of their various ailments by them ,
REV. E. R. WAllllEN.
Special lleutch ( to TIIK Hut.
PitoviuKNfB. 11,1. , November 10-
The supreme court in the case of Wn
J , King & Sons vs. Quidrlck Co
Win. Sprague president , declined i
hoar further argument , but InstrucU
cho jury to find a verdict for U
plalntitf for the full amount of $397
ABK your drug ; ; 1st forllejJin 's lUufiii
Salve. Keei > it iu the house la ca e of aa
denU , Price 25c.
Sioux Citj experienced A light earth
quake on the 7th.
The land nalos in Polk county during the
prcucnt year will exceed 84,000,000.
Stephen Green , of Ot urnwa , fell from
barn i-csffolrtlng on Saturday and broke his
A babe with five fingers and a thumb on
earli hand U the latest curiosty at Knox-
John lurand ) , nDtibuqno witrmaker , is
to retolye n fourth portion of it large es
tate In 1 ranee which ii valued at 56.000-
KIroer Smith is on trial in Cedar llapids
on charge of attempting to commit a rope
on Mrs. L , Hnydett , In August last , near
At Pncifio Junction on SuntJnyJohn
Kline , with othew , wont out to shoot dueks.
While lie was holding his gun between his
knees It went off , the charge lodging In his
side ,
llov , W. O. lllllman , a popular divine
of Jfllerson , died suddenly on the Sd while
riding home from a funeral service At
O den. ills death wai caused by heart
Fred Gangway , of Washington Mlili ,
ne r Dubuque , was thrown from his wagou
on Thursday morning an 1 Instantly klUed.
Ho was going homo from Dubnque , when
the wagon struck nn obstruction and rollad
down an embankment.
While a young man named Hajak was
removing powder from a quantity of cartridge -
tridgo shells , In Kookuk on Fiiday last , ho
struck one of the percussion caps with an
iron instrument and caused It to explode ,
The explosion communicated immediately
to two pounds of powder near by and the
entire inside of the shop was blown out , in
flicting severe injuries on Hajak.
Six years are an eccentric Spaniard WES
In Kookuk. Ho died in Spain last August.
Ho had an only child , B girl , twelve years
old. It seem * that ho wanted her raised n
Protestant , and in bis cccentricty named
George Bland , a colored blacksmith of
Kookuk , her guardian. Ho made a con
tract with a priest in Spain for the carry
ing out of his will , The will provides that
the priest is to receive SC8OCO In caie the
conditions of the will are fulfilled , other
wise nothing. George Bland , the colored
man , of Kookuk , Is to have the s mo
amount and the guardianship of the ch ! d ,
who gets $300,000 and a largo amount ; ot
diamonds and jewelry. A man is now on
his way to Spain to look after the matter.
Bucklm'o Arnica tiftlve.
The Bs iT SALVE In the world for Onto ,
Bmtscs , Sores , TJlcon , i/alt Rheum , Fe
ver Sores , Tetter , Chopped Hands , Chll
blalns , Corns , ana all skin eruption. ? , end
positively curea piles. It Li guaranteed to
give E.-Uhfactfon t rcvaay re funded.
Price , 25 ceuta per ex. jfoi tola by 0 ,
17 Goodmnn
President. VIco-Prcs'i. Cashier.
Of Council Bluff * .
Organized under the laws of the State of Iowa
Paid up capital ( ' 76,000
Authorized capital. 200,000
Interest paid on tlmo deposits. Drafts issued
on the principal cities ot the United States and
Europo. Special attention glron to collection )
and correspondence with prompt returns.
J. D. Edmundoon , E. L. Shujrart , J. T. Hirt ,
W..W. Wallace , J. W. Rodlor , I. A. lllibr
* . W. Strnnt. IvMtf
SuHivau & Fitzgerald ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
AIM agonta tor the following linen ot
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , OuloA , American , and State
Steamship Companies.
X > XI < 0u X" V ? S
For tale on the Royal Bank ol Ireland and Bank
ot Ireland , Dublin. Those wbo Intend to Bond lot
trlendj to any part ol Europe will find It to tholj
ntorest to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway. Connoil Bluffs
Samuel D. Davis & Co. ,
Washington Avo. and Fifth
( MBS Bewarded
OR ,
! ho Story of tne Sawing HanMiw
& fcnuil-ono lilUe ptmpble ] , bluc'Aal ITS )
: T *
I to a r ncuU pertoa c lllni ; ( or It , uttar brn cl
cr aab-oDlcicI TheEln/cr Uiaialiutaifsc Co J-
I ptny , or rrUl be tonj hj cutU , I'OJt r1'1. ' ' <
inrurnou Ildoif at a ill Uocu IICKI our ofil'jei
! ChB Slngor Mauufaoturjup , Oo , ,
Pilnelpel Oflice , S4 Uulou
The Great hngliaH Kemody
Never tMi to c-iii !
NertoutUeblUty. VI
Uil Exhaustion ,
ilon , Eemlnil V/c .k-
ncsaw , LOST MAN
.HOOD , and 11 thi
; c\ll ctlectd ol youth
( ul ( ollics tnd exccn
8. II top < txrma
aently H
drain * upon the y&
Item , thf Inevitable re
. . . iHot those evil pra
tlcci , nhlch are so dcatrucllvo to mind and l > oJj
and make 11 ID miserable , often Icadlnj ; to intanl
ty tiud d ath. H utrcnithen the Kirvw.Uraln
( memorjC UlooJ , Muscled , Dlgeitho and Itcpro
dactl\eurnni , It restores f ) all theorem ! '
funtlnna tliclr former \Ior anil vitality , tn&
klnir life cheirful and enjoyaUo. Price , 13 1
'ionic , or four times the quantity 910. Bent b ;
oxprou. Mcure from oUv-rt atlon. to any tddrtiu
oa rvcelpt ot price. Ko. 0. O. D. i nt , iizcvp
on receipt ol tl M a iruarantce. Lotten n
< iue tlnjaini en muitfncloeeBtamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
are tb lxt and cheapeit dyipcpxU and Llllloa
cure iu the market Bold ty all ilrujifM * . 1'rlc
M cenU.
Da Umru'a Kuinr QUEST , Nuivnouv ,
Cureull kludol Kidney and bladder complalol <
conorrhea , gleit and ItucorrUca. ot ! by
daurgltU : il a Lottie.
7ia01h 8t. , 6 > . Louli , Vo.
For Sale ID Omaha by
0. F. dOOIWAN.
NOTICE. Special advertisement * , euc. at
Lost , Pound , To I/j&n , For Sale , To Kent ,
Wants , Boarding , tic. , will be insetted In tbli
column at ths ow rate ol TBK CENTS PEH
I.INE for the flral Insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER MHH for each subsequent lnsrtlnn.
Leave Jr crtUcmcnta at our office , Ko. 7
Paul Street , nc&r Bromfanv.
WANTKD-At ttio Wcitorn loti ! va took ;
one who undcrstandi tliu limlntv. ; none
other need nppl ) .
W ANTCE MO ImlMlnRs to mot o. Wo make
a fpeclMty of moil g lieu i And MfcM
AddrcdsW. I' . Alcanorto , box 870 , Conticll
mufti , la.
Everybody In Council ClufTa lo
WANTED Tns JJKB. iiO cents per wock , da
Hverod by cantors. Office , No 7 Pearl Street
nMr Uroajwar.
For Bale nnd Rent
1TUW SAT,1 % The Wutern Homo. No. SOS Up-
1 ; | icr lirmiluay ; or \ \ ltauln \ \ for linproicil
city or farm ) ) ron.rtj | ; or will sell furniture timl
rent building ; ica.ion , 111 htnltli. Addrcvi J. S.
C. JIiCALt.isTrn , P08 Upper llroadnav , Cumuli
Hindu , Jonn.
T71O.4 BALE A lumber and coal } rd , doing a
I ? geol business In a new town , on the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad.
EOIl HENT My new t o story brltk store
building , on South Main street. -
TjlOU BALK My t e'\e-acro fruit farm , on
r South Flr.tsircct. 1'ETKH WK1S
FOIl KENT Furnished .rooms to rent ,
boanl , at 730 Mynstcr street. Day board
§ 3.50 per Week. ocutl7-lt
LIOK BALK Ucantiiul residence iota , 55
JU ach ; nothing down , and 93permonth only ,
T OST lllick setter pup. Liberal reward will
\J bo pild tor his return ti the Western
house , tipper llrcadway , Council Illuffa.
CJTlLti AHEAD Orcat succc < u. Call and see
IO now accessories and specimens of pictures
taken bv the reliable gelatine bromldo proccei ,
at the Excelsior Gallery 10D Main street.
. W. L. PATTON l'.hyelclan and Oculist
Ctiit euro any case of sere cyca. It Is only
n matter of tlmo , and can euro generally In
from tbroo to five weeks It makes no differ'
once how loiig diseased. Win straighten cros
eyes , operate and remove Ptyrcglnms , etc. , and
Ineort artlflclal oyos. Special attention to ro-
tadonorms ap5-tf
Council Bluffs'
Business Directory.
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph ga'lery , South Jlaln St.
Instantaneous process.
0. OEISE , Upper Broadway.
Bottling Works.
B. HAGQ fa CO. , East Pierce St.
Bakery ,
P. AYEHS , 517 S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
MRS. E. J. IIAUDINQ , II. D. , Broadway and
Olenn ovc.
DR. STUDLEY , Bcthcsda Bathing House ,
Broad\vay. _
Books and Stationery.
OFFICER fa PUSEY , corner Broadway and Bth
CITIZENS' DANK , Bth street. _
Broom Factory.
1IAYNE& CO. , q\enuoA. and 6th St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPLETON & LAMB. 232 BroAdway.
F. II. LEVIN , 308 Broadway.
L. BOEKHOFF , 531 Main St.
A. H. MAYNE & CO. , 34 Pearl St.
J. ROSS , 615 East Broadway.
SINTON & WEST , U Pearl St.
Dry Goods
HARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , Broadway and
th street.
Eggs Shipper.
0. F. CRAWFORD , 610 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
E. R. STE1NII1LBER , cor. 7th a\o and 12th St ,
Furniture Store.
C. A. BEEBE t CO. , 207 and 209 Broadway.
Groceries and Provisions.
OLLIVER & GRAHAM , 5th street. Ooodi
sold at eastern prices and guaranteed.
Harness and Saddlery.
CHAS. WALTER & BRO. , Middle Broadway ,
CIIAS. HEKJIAN.331 Middle Broadway.
Hair Goods ,
MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. 337 West Broadway
M1IS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Bth street.
Livery Stables.
A. COMPTON. 230 Broadway.
W. O. HOLLAND , 700 South Main St.
H. BEECROKT , opp. P. 0.
OQDKN HOUSE. Upper Broadway.
KIEL'S HOTEL , 601 and D07 Main street.
Meat Market.
E. W. TIOKKOR , 530 Broadway.
Millinery. f |
J , J , BLISS , 323 Broadway. Couio and exntu
.no for ) ' < * .
MRS. J. E. METCAL1' , 518 Broadway. (
Marble and Granite Worki.
CONNOR & flUANKLLA , 117 Broadway.
Merchant Tailors.
JAS. FRANEY , 372 Broadway.
CIIAS , RIOE , Do\ola building , Sth and Mall
* jToS REITER , 310 Broadway <
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMBALL Ii. CHAMP , opposite court house.
J. W. SQUIRE & CO. , corner 1'carl and lit & \ e
Restaurant ,
SMITH & McCUEN-J01 Broadway.
Stoves and Tinware ,
It. D. AMY i CO. , 500 South Main street.
Bhlrt Factory.
F , F. FORD , corner Bluff and Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 310 and 317 Broad
* * # M. CONNELL , 17 North Main St.
Trtcuty-lour icars experience In practical
OfDco 106 Upper Broadv/ay ,
Council Bluffs , - Iowa
& 0t North Beconil Btieot ,
8T , LOUIB , MO.
your Orocor for the Co !
obr ted BUr UoffM nJ Btic kn
Powder ,
a , A B > SK jca & 'Ptk < W"A r" ' ! ; Hnra "WP * ( ? * > i * W tf O * ?
Broadwayi and Fourth Street.
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos ,
and TJ
Toys Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
ir %
Address ,
F. F. FORD ( r c . *
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00
A , '
Bluff and Mow Sreets , Council Bluffs.
Orders filled In any partof the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
! '
ET5 . D
Wo make the following specialty :
tZTMall orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E. Oor. 7th Ave. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ,
"CJ Tff 3O 3 3Egia ? . .IS : 3E1
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalio coses.
'alls ' attended to at nil hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
3ur Mr. Morgan has served aa undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
his business. WAREROOM8 , 346 AND 857 BROADWAY. Upholstering in
all its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele *
rraphlo and moil orders filled without delay. _
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Boer and malt In any quanlltjto | suit purchawra. Itcor $8.00 per barrel. Private families sup
plied wJt'i small toff * at 81.CO cac > , del \ered Irooof ctqr e to any part ol the city.
Wholeeals Dealer in nnd SOLE ACiENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Btoadwny , Council Bluffs , Iowa. from the country elicited
City orders to finiilllen and dealora Jollvcrfd free.
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesalaand I'.ctall Dealers In
Nos ; 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Alnayi keeps on hand the finest uaeortirf nt of matrrltl for Rentlemon'i wear. Satisfaction euaranteed
Mllllnory , DrossmQlilng1 , Etc. Cutting and Fitting a SpodlaUy.
No. MS llro&dwav , Oppotlte Uorero House.
Lucis , Embroideries , mul Ladies Underwear.
Handkerchiefs , hose of all kinds , thread , pint , needles , etc. We hope the ladles will call
and ee out stock of ( roods.
roods.IRIOIE ,
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Metcalf B . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suits to order 818 and upwards. _
J. F , GEO. II , OUAMP ,
(5uccca ( or to J , P. & J. N. Cas&ady. )
Abstract. Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Wi have the only complete set cf attract books to all city lots and lands In Pottawataml
county. llUes eiamlned and abjtracU fuirUhtd on abort notice. Money to loan on city and Uim
prop.ity , liort ind lonz time , In sums . to suit the borrower , lleal et . boujht and told. OtUc §
al lUoll itaal oppotltecout binue. '