* r t T : . . 11 THE HAILif BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY" NOVEMBER II i no Nebraska national Bank Of Omaha , Nob. Paid up Capital , - - - - $200.000 DiUEcrons : 8. U. JOHXSOJf , President , ot Steele , Johnson ft Co. A. K. TOUZALIX , Vlco President , of C. , B. ft Q. K It. , Itoston. ff. V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse ft Co. OHJ ? S. COLLINS , of 0 , II. k 3. 8. Collins , jj. WOWUV'OHTH , Cocnsellor & Attorney-it- L. 8. P.EKD.oI nyron Reed A Co. II. W. YATES , Cashier , late Cwhler of the First National Uonk ol Omaha , ami connected with the Active umnngcmcnt of that Bank ctnco Its organization In 1SG3. Orrsiio for biutncss Aptll 27 , 1832 , with ( ha t&rpu't capital of any b nk In Nebraska. COMMOTIONS receive tpeclal attention and charges - ges l5 o t cbtMcftble hero cr clsowhcre. iNir.KBiif Allowed Ob tlmo dcpoilta upon I v6f- able Urm and upon account * of banks and tank * * M. FoRf.iax EtcitiKOi , Government Bonds , and' County and Cl y tecurltlcs bought and sold. It Is rrepircil t3 ( to a general banking business la all It ) detail ) , ni In the trctitmcntolciiitom. era will tiuraiio the most liberal policy consistent with v\le bixnMne FfMCE AND COMMERCE. ? f" FINANCIAL Special Dlsitch to Tint lilts. NEW Yonic , November 10 JJONET. Money4@S per cent , closing at 5 per cent Prime Morcftntllo Paper 6@8 per cent. Sterling Exchange Stea'dy ; Bankers' bills , frl.BOJ ; deinaad , S1.84 ? . Governments were weak ; generally i per cent lower. w . The htock market opened strong and J@l } per cent higher than at vlosa yester day. The closing tone was irregular but in the main strong. The general list was l@S per cent higher than yesterday's clos ing figures. In response to the treasury I order of yesterday about $3,000,003 in bonds were presented at the sub-trasury here to-day. Most of them were included in USth call. GOVERNMENTS. VcsterJay. To-day. 021 1101 * 4i' Coupons . 112A US * lrs ll l Pacific C'n of 1893 120 129 BONDS. Central Pacific firsts 114 il4 Erie seconds 99 'Orfi Lohigh & Wilkesbarre J102 101 Louisiana consols CO 'GO Missouri 6's 112 ' 112 St. Joseph 1C8 1H8 St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. 1J9 ( ] ( . 110 Tennessee G'a 48 444 do nmv 48 44 , Texas & Pacific land grants. . 504 fiGJ do H. G. div. . . . 79i 80 Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 115 | do land grants..HOj do sinking fund..lit ) 117 Virginia G'a 3GJ 35 do consols G'a 591 69 do deferred 12 12 Adams * Express 13135 Allegheny Central + 1151 U5J Alton & Terre Haute 39j 41 do pfd. . . . 79 82 American Express 921 92J Burl. , Cedar llapids & North. 80S 80 Canada Southern 074 C8J Col. , Cin. &Ind. Central. . . . 43 | 108J ! Central Pacific 88i 8W Cheeapeake & Ohio 24 21 do 1st pfd. . . 34 > JK do 2d pfd. . . 25 Chicago & Alton. . . . 140 140J do pfd 142 14. ! Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 130& 1801 OhL St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 78 Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland 69 57 Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 80 81 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .112 121 Del. , Lack. & Western 3og 31 i Denver & Rio Grande 514 Erie 38 38 preferred H T llal Tort Wayne & Chicago 13GJ 13G4 Hannibal & tit. Joseph. . . . . . 45 45 do pfd. . . 79 7U Harlem . . . . . . . . . . .200 200 Houston & Texas Central. . . . 77 75 Illinois Central. 1475 " 71 Ind. . Bloom. & Western 38 d jf Kansas & Texas 33i 4 § & ' ' Lake Sho8ra& & Michi anSoi.'llSi 115 Louisville & Naahville 49 18 / Louisv. , Now Alb. & Chicaso 07 70 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 15 do do 2dpfd 54 5i Meniuhla & Charleston 401 47 * Michfgan Central IWg lOlJ Minueapolis& St. Louis. . . . . 29j 29i do pW. 08 J 09 Missouri Pacific 103J 104 Mobile & Ohio 118 118 Manhattan Beach 121J 1JI1 Morris & Essex CO B3i Nashvlllo & Chattanooga 70J 09i New Jersey Central 63 53 * Norfolk & Western 43 ? 43 | dopreferrod 9 j .OL Northern Paciiio 49 4 J J do pfd 05 02 Northwestern. . 131i 1318 do pfd 114 J 1144 New York Central 135f 135 Ohio Central 85 b9 Ohlo&Missisalppi. . . . 201 273 do pfd 38 } . i Oregon Navigation Ontario & Western . . . Pacific Mail . . . Panama 107 167 Peoria , Decatur& Evonsv..12G3 127 Plttsburg & Cleveland 140 140 Heading 150 160 Kock Island 1SOJ ISOj Bt. Louis & San tfran. . . . . . . . 35 35 do pW. , . . 551 B1i do 1st pfd 90 Ob- St. Pftul & Milwaukee 109J 110J do pfd..125 } 1254 St. Paul , Minn , & Manitoba 148 14S St. Paul & Omaha 48 } 481 do pfd 107 lOOl Texas & Pacific. . . . , . . 39 } Union Pacific 106 | 105. United States Express 65 bo wibMh , St. L. it Pacific. . . . 325 S3 do pfd. 684 583 Wella , Fargo & Co. Expresa.120 12i4 Western Union Telegraph. . , 79g 7 A Caribou If * j Central Arizona a a Excohlor. 1 J Homostako 17 * J Little Pittsburg 1 1 Ontario 3b . Quicksilver fJ do pfd 40 US Iobinson ' l. SilverOlilf , J * Pacific 12 South - - Standard 5S 6 Sutro , i Offered. fEr. Interest. tAeked. BKx , Dividend. _ PBODUOH & PROVISIONS. . Special DUpatcbes to 1 ui V . CHICAGO. OUIOAOO , November 10. Flour Quiet ; . common to choice sprine , 3 50@4 50 ; common - ' { mon to fancy , i 00@C CO ; patents , fa 50 ® * ' * fe 7 25. Wheat Stronger and hlRher ; regular , aorlug , 9 io for cash ; rent same aa regular ; Jj. 3 Chicago sprlnir , Jits ; rejected COCa ! ClcNo.2 ; red winter,949l4o } lorcwhand November ; 95o Dscember ; No. 3 red win. Ur , OOlc ; rejected , TOJo. Corn- Strong and higher ; G9o forc * h ; G7G7J for November ; Gl@GUa for De. ceiubsr ' and for the ye.ir ; 63J@53o for January ; 55,3 ' f'lo for May. Oats Strong and higher ; 8r > @ 35 } for cash and Notrmber ; fit Jo for December and the yent ; S3o for May. Isye-Stencly ; oCc. Hsrley UdfcttleJ ; SOc. I'lax Seed Higher ! 1 161 In store ; 1 17J @ 1 18 dollvcred. Pork Untcttltd , but generally loner ; 19 00 for cash ; IS 4C@t8no for No vim- ber ; 17 75 @ 17 774 for Oceembcr , tlio your , anilJanunry ; 17 8017 82J for February ; 18 O.'l18 03 for May. Lira Demand fair and prices higher ; IIK GO for ca li ! -I21@ll 4 > for Noumbet ; 1082J@1083 for December , the j ear and Januarv ; 10 STj lO 90 for FcbiUArv ; 11 10 @H 12J for May. Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shuil- dero , 7 (0 ( ; short rib , 11 00 ; short c'ear , 11 23. Htittnr Dull ; ordinary to fine creamery , 33 ( 3lic ; common to choice dairy , 1232oi } liUky-Qulelj 'l 10.1 Freight Mtca en err ; * & buffalo , do. 03 CAM'UoAUU--1Vuat - ( . _ _ t . . . . .I . rtin . e WeAker it. _ _ . ; _ rrgaUr - _ . nnK , . i ) or December ; 91 Jo for the yoir ; lorjftmnry ; OSggO-Ja for My ; No. 2 , Chkago spring , no ealct ; Xo. 2 red winter , uo enlcs , Corn - Weaker ; G"c for November ; G03o Der tiber anl the year ; 53J January ; 5CJC for May , Unit , Firmer ; 35o for Not ember ; 3 lc fir Deiembfr ; , ' ! ljo lor the year ; f3o for January ; Ssgyfur May. Pork Irregular and lower ; 18 40 Mil , 18 75 asked for ciwhj 13 471 for Dee jmber ; 17 " 0@17 80 for tlio vcar ; 17 00 for Janu ary ; 17 G2J for Februaiy17 ; ! 'i for May. L nl Lower ; 11 45 for No\ ember ; 10824 for December ; 10 SO for the > etr ; 10 " 74 for January ; 10 82 $ for February ; 11 03 for May , . " " NEW YORK. NKW YORK , November 10 Frsur Dull ; tmiwcliuo states wotetn , S 25 ® 3 85 ; jood to choice , S 80@l 10 ; cotniilonto Koodvxtrn , 4 50@7 51) ) ; white wheat oitra , G 2. ' > @ 7W ; extra Ohio , 38000 ( ; St. buuls , S 0@7 60 ; Minnesota patent pro cess , 0 XT8 2" ) . Whiftt Cash stock a trifle better ; op- lions opened l@Jle higher , but afterwards lost the advanooand _ fell off { t ' , closing firtntr ; No,2 spring , nominal ; nncradedred , 87c@l 13J ; No. 3 red , 1 03@l 03J ; steamer No. 2 red , 1 Olif@l OG ; ' No. ' 2 icd , 1 OG@ 1 05 for certificates , 1 OK © 1 091 deli\ . ercd ; No. 1 red. 1 1211 13Jj mixed < vlutcr , 1 03 @ 1 03 ; ungraded unite , 8Ga ( i cftl 124 ; No. 2 white. 1 < fl@l OU ; Xb. 1 wbite , 30.0J3 bushels lold at 1 OS"1 08J Uor oertihcates , 1 08@1 10 delivered ; No. a red for November , 101,003 bushels sold at i07i@lW ( , closing at 1 C7J ; No. 2 red lor December , 43I.OM huhcs ! sold for lOSi lOOJ. closing at lift } ; do for January - uary GOO.OuO bnsheU soM at rm@lllj , closing t llli ; No 2. red for lfeb- ruarv , Zl'2,000 biiibeln cold at 1 13 } @ 1 13J , closing at 1 SJJ ; do for 24.00& bu-heU Bold at 1 IOJ. ' Corn Cash and irly delivery , higher ; liteoptinns © lo bettor ; ed , SO 81Jc ; No 3 , t'Jlo ; Nol Z. 91o in elevator , 92o delivered ; No. 2 white , 88 * ; loT ? mixed , 87c ; l-io. 2 for Noveoibcr , 84Cg8Gc , closing at S ! c ; No. 2 for Dooom- her , ? og@774c. closing at 77c ; No. 2fcv January , G5J@0 ( c. clciBing at G3ge ; No. 2 Tebruary , 6S34ic ] , closing aC Oats } @ 14o higlicr and. moderately ac tive ; mixed westun : , 3 < 43c ; whttc wcs ern , C3@48c. Uty Quiet buttrm ; GOc. I'Ctf * Fresh western , quitt Uiit 'firrn ; 29c. * I'erk Dull ; newaiesi i , 22 25@22'80. Beef ( juiet but ate idy ; Kcst Undia mees , 28 00. Gat Meats Dell a nd nominal ; long clear middles 12 2t ® 12 , 50. Lard Unsettled and IOWOT ; i > rime steam , 12 40@12GO. * Cutter Quiet but fi rm for chole ; 18@ 37o. . i ( Cheese Dull ; w att rn flat , 5gfU ( o. L ST. IX ) DIB. \ St. Louis , Novemb er 10. FlonrDtillj and unchanged ; XXX ' . , 3 55@S70'familvi 4 10@4 25chotce ; 4 5 0@6 SO ; tfawsy , 4 7q © 4 95. Wheat Firmer ; NCI. 2 red fallr'ezj@92ic ! for cash ; 92Jc for ] November ; 01 J r December ; 92io bid fo r the year9GAQ for January ; 98c for i "ebruaryi il 021 foe May ; No. 3 ted fall , ! } 7i@83c. Corn-Fairly astiv. \ and hlpher ; C2i@ C2gc for cash : 02 c for Noromber ; 63Jo tor the year ; 49o for Jai luary ; 49io for Feb ruary ; 511o for B y. Oata Market dull ; 33J@S8icfor cast ; 32Jc for November ; 32 Jc foe theyoarf 4j3 for May , KyoQuiet ; COicbl i. Barley Quiet ; bO@ SOo. Butter Steady ; st < jie-paeked , 23@25c. EBRS Steady-20c. Whisky Market qu letatttto. Provisions Market dull ; < cnlr & saill peddling trade in pork and ineuta. Lard Firm and goo d inquiry , but none here ; would bring 11 5 0 quick. AFTERNOON BOARDWheat .Kasier at 91o for December ; 92go bid the year ? < JCo for January ; 98o for Februcry ; l > 02ft for May , Corn Lower ; G2gs for Novsajberj.'tS'Jo for December ; 53. J 3 for the year ; 49c * or January ; 5lc for Ma > . ' Oat < Slow 323o f or November ; 32Jo for December ; 3-iio for May. KANSAS 01TT. KANSAS Cm , Novel nber 1C , Wheat ctive and btroager ; No. 2 red , 75 it for cash ; 78jo for tlio year ; SOic bid for Janu ary. ary.Com Active ; 474 ® I78o for cash ; 40o bid for December ; 10g j for January. Oata Quiet ; W a tor cash and bid for December ; 29JO liiu for the year , llutter Steady 23@2 DoforBtosopaokec. Ejg8 Firm ; 2oo , it. LiVKiirooL , November 10. Biovdstuffc Wlicat Winter , 83 4d gS lid. lid.Corn -7111 , OOClirtt DM IKK8 , - CotiNOiL Buurrs. Noremboc N ! . ICtsj Council Ululf * mirketa sarefuty revinedj to date are aa follows : Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 I W ; Kansas Cit7 winter wheat , 27E@3 25AiUune ; tirwlnter W wlioat Mo. 2 , ffEs ; No 3. \65c ; ajjeoted ) SOc. t Corn No. 2 , 50 . | Oata No.2 , SOo. | Hye No. 2 , 45c , ( Egg8-y-Scarce'BellU to packow ' - - ; i'20e/ Cora Meal-l GO for white ; yellov. I CO ) ocrn chop , 23 00 per Aon ; corn ami oata oloj ) . 28 00 per ton. FUUITS- Apple * , f 00 , JJrooin Corn 3t@flo. Hay Loose , 7 l@U-00. Woud 5 OOC B 00. j V/ool 15@25. r Putter Creamery , GOc ; In rolls , wrap. oed , 20o ; rolla not wrapped , 22c ; mixed colora , 10@124o. Onloim lOc per bushel. Ijlie ChtoVpua 2 60ro58iOO oer dozer. I'uutoes HOe tier Luthoi. C.ibbage ? 2i@ 0c per Ant. Turuipa 30o per bushel. Sweet Corn 7o per down. LIVW 8TOOK.CattloErtra , SOO ® 3 60 Veal Calven-5 50 ® ' 00. JIoa | ; 700@725. Sheeo-350 , LiIVB STOCK fcpoclal DIayfttcbes to Tin Dss. BT , LOCI9. Hr. LOUM , November 10. Cattle Gocd ebiiiping yra lea and cattle suitable for dre * > ed beef wanted at firm piic , but common qualities hard to sell ; , native steer ef 1.100 to 1SOU iK > und would bring 175 @ 523 quick ; lighter ateers , 4 2T > @ 4 CO ; oed to choice 'J'exas bietrt. 3 76@4 60 : low gradca ditto. 3 00 ( 3 50 ; mixed butchara' , 2 & 0@2 CO ; butchers' steeru , 3 60@4 00 ; stockera , 2 75)3 ( ) 25 ; feeders , 3 50@1 CO ; Colorado steera , 3 75 ® 1 60 , Sheep Steady atid firm ; food { o choice mutton , 37C@1 63 ; fair to good , 3 75 } Texaiin , 2 75@4 25 ; etockora , 2 25@2 70. Hops Fairly firm , but slow : light to best Yorker ? , G 20@G 40 ; mixed packlnp , 0 SOfttO CO ; heavy packing 0 00@C 80 ; buUhers to extra , G 807 10 , NEW Tons. NKW YOHK , November 10. The Drovers' Journal bureau reports : Uioves Prices n shade higher ; sales very slow ; extremes : ntlve iltett , 900@l2cO ; fnlr Inlf breed cattle sold at 0 00(0.9 ( fiO ; tour carloads of premium steers of 1G0 pound * average were taken tit 80 per pound ii\o average ; exporters took sixty steers at Sheep Doll and tending downward ; sheep void at 400@5&0 per cwt. ; lambs , ( OKG40. Swine - Steady for H\e hog at G G0@715 per cwt , KANSAS OITT , KANSAS Cut , November 10. The Ltvo Stock Indicator repoils : Cattle-Quiet and stendy ; native stock- era. 3 20@3 7o ; native COWK , 2 80@3 3 ; corn fed 'lexnns of S0 pounds , 3 76 ; hall- , breed steer * , 3 Oi@ 3 ? 5. Hogs Stroui ; and higher ; on6fofl lack Inj. 0 6'1@G ' 70j Ua-uium , G ij@0 ! 0. Sheep-Qnlot ; 3 00@3 60 , OHIOAQQv CHIOAGO , November 10.Th < \ Drovcw Journal reports M foVlnws : Hogs Market steady ; rough jjtodcs weak , but the , general market t un changed : mixed , G lOfeO 05 ; bnavv , B 70 ® 7 5i ) ; light , 0 20@6 7fi ; skips , 3 50 < gt5 75. Cattle liuollty Cim ; market fairly nctivo'ixr.iV steady ; export , 0 Ou@ 70 ; good to clioicQ shipping , 5 20i)5 ; ) 95 ; common to fai4 00@5 00 ; mixed butchers' , dragging at ICe decline ; common to fair , 2 20S3 00 : medium to good , 3 25@3 05 ; stiKkcrs and tfnilfra ' , 2 C5@4 SK ; iFf\na , 3 70@t-10 ; American ? , 4 2Ji5 G5. Sheep Dull and weak ; quality poor ; Kond to choice 25@5 DC ; medium , $ 50 © 4 00 ; common to fair , 2 G0@3 CO ; Taxano , 2 ( iO@3 50. MERCHANDISE. SpocW Dlipbtetics to Till Him. KK V YORK. NEWYosicNovember 10. CtfTee"Mar - ktjt ifull and weak ; Klo cargoes quoted Sugar Dull ; fair to good refining quoted t 7g@4o. Molaasco Qrtfct , but firm ; New Orleans , 40fflOOc ; Portu Jllco , 33@fi8e. llieo Quletbut steady ; Domestic , 5 © Gjfc ; Rangoon , 2Jjc ; Patna-Co in bond. l' troleum Jfarkot quiet , but firm ; UnHed,12 < ? ; c : crude , 8i@83c ; refined , 8J. TaUow-iQalet and steady ; 8 3-lG@8gc. Eosin-Steady ; 1 874 ® 1 95- Turpentine Market dull and weak ; 53 } @ 5 < c. WILMINGTON. WmiB-OTON , N. C. , Nov. 10.-t-Sprlts ! < yj Turpentine Unchanged ; 49Jc. PITTS Koro. , November 10 , The oil market - ket isery much excited to-day , and 'fluctuations wcio rapid ami largo under the ii'Cuouce of rumored sales at Bradford at 11-10. The market opened strong here , - > rnl tlio first transactions wore made at and a few sales afterwards at 1 35. ra" then commenced pounding the market and forced id down to 1 23 ; 11 reac tion followed and 3 cents of the decline re covered. Toward the close the market agfc'n became weaker , closing sales being marie at 12i { . WOOL. Sfoclal Dispatch to Tni BK . WOSTON. BOSTON , November 10. The wool mar- Uot in unchanged. There is a fair dcmund. fiiles for the veek aggregate 1 50,000 founds. TRAFFIC. Speclil Dlipatcbeo to TUB Bit. OBAINS. CniCAao , November 10. Roaolnta and ehlpuioDta of-fiour and grain for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Kecelptp. Ship'ts. Flour-bbla 18.000 17000 Wheat buahab 100.0CO05,000 Corn " 151,500 30.000 Oats " 112,000 88,000 llye " 12.00 J 10,000 Barley- " 8UOOO30,000 NEW YoKC NovcmberlO. EesDiptsand shipments o t our and Rruta for'tlie past 24 hours have been as follows : Kecoipta Shp'tn. Flour-bbls 81,420 1,700 Wheat bushels 279,600 04,000 Corn " 10,595 10,540 Oats " 51,000 ST. Lorae.-aiovem'ber 10. Rooiirits and shipments okilour and gra.\u \ for' Kie past 2i houra have been as tallows : Receipts.Shlp'ts. . Flour bbl * , 00 15,000 Wheat tmaliiU 170,000 10,000 Corn " 16,000 13,000 Oata- e 39,000 0,000 Hye " B.-OOO 1,000 Barley- " 3/000 3,000 OITT , November 10.tleceipt8 and sbipinouts of groiu for thotvpast 24 houra ha\o boon as followa : lloc'ts.Chip'tfl , Wheat , bwUds 5,000 bl.OOO Corn " 19,000 , 19,010 LIVE HTOCK. CHIOIOC , November ! / ) . Receipts and sbipmenU o * live stock foe the..fast 24 hours have bosuns follows : ) Ileo'ts. ShJpm'tR. Hogn. 30(000 ( 3,000 Oattlo 10,000 4,700 Sheep 3)000 ) 1,100 NEW YonC0 Jovembct 10. Receipts and shlpmpnts of live stock for the put 21 hguia IIGVO bavu aa follows : Uoc'ts. Strp'ts Ifoija ZWO Cattle 1'JOO Sheep 300 Beef. . < fr - . . . . Mutton carcoHHSH. . . * 4650 "Jacluifeis-iuorrow'a - Ateaiceru. " " ST. Lone , Ncvember 10. Keeeiptu and shlpmouta of Ji/o stock for the pait 24 houra have Lcoc on follows : Roo'ts. Shipra'ts , Hoga 3,100 il ,00 Cattle 1,700 10 Sheep 1,100 KANHAH CircNovember ID. .Kecelfts end ibipmeuta oLlive stock for the pant 4 hours have been t.n follows ; Reo'ta. Shlpmta. liags 3,803 Cattle 2,003 Khsep 250 . . . . OMAHA. MAKK.BTB. WboIoccZe OvrJOK o/ THC OU .HA BBC , i Friday Evening , Novemi enl' ) , ) Noishnngea rciwrtol in the jonrket to day Local Urcln Deallnei. WriEAT. Cash Xo. 2 , 75c ; wtfh No. 3 , fiULc : tuiuoiti , 474c. liARLEY. Cw-h Ka. 2 , GSo ; S.'o. 8 , . J/vBb , 42c. z- . . . N , No. S , 65c , OATS03. . OEliDS-FJa > c nee J 103 per bu. ' Produce and Provltloni. POTATOES ' 30@40a per bushel. ONION'S 30@50o per buhhol. BUTTER Cholco country , 23@30s. EGGS 27c. HOKEY California , perlb 21. barrel. 12 7C@3 25 , OYSl'UIlS-Belect , 48o. GUAI'KS-California , 84 25@2 60 , IiKMONS 60@5 00 per box. BEANB Dornefilio OerwaD 2 OU@2 50 per buahtl Grooero' Llat. ' CANNED GOODS Oysleni , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , ? 4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Flcld'a i ) , per case , 2 76 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , i > or caso. 2 76. Ixibsten , 1 ft per dozen , 1 80. Toiaatooa. 2 Ib 2 G5f do S tb per CUM. 275 ; Com. 2 Ib ( MortnUm ) per caw , 300 ; oaked corn , ICO ; do' ' 2 ft ( Vamonth ) , P r cane , 800 ; string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lire * bonns par case , 1 70. Succotash ] > cr w. f. 1 80 ; t'ean , common , t > cr case , 1 60po : , e Oioo. per caso,2 70. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per oa i a 10 ; utrawbctrie * , 2 Ib , fer cajo,2 CO , raspberries , 2 Ib , per eve , 3 30. Dam sons , 2 It ) , per caio , 2 45 , Bartlett pcara per case , 2 GO. Whortleberrlo per ca o,275. Kgg plums,2 Ib percae,2 1)0 ) ; Uroen gagcw,2 Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ! , Ib per cane i 50. Pine Apnloa , 2 Ib , per cane 4 00@5 76. PcAchc4 , 2 HI per ca 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pic ) . 8 lb , per case.230 : doplo , G ID , per doren. 2 30 , FJiOUU Jobblnc price' , Jack Frost St. Louis winter ) 53,00 par 100 Ibs. ; To- pekn Patent Kansas , $3.Mi Mtnnohahu Minne oU Patent. $3.70 ; Shuwnce Vnncy winter , S3.10 ; KuMo. XXXX winter , $3.00 ; TrlnmVh sprftg , twt , $2.80 ; Chrla. UR.n 8VPI ttvo3 - ' ° ' bt ni 1'or ton , "vOPclol,1)0d ; feed , 988.00. , -8Uu ARa-Pow < ioteiL lOJc ; Cut lonf , J. . 4 | Qranulftttvl , OJc ; Contcctloner's A , 08oi Btntidanl Kxtra 0 , 8Jc ; KxlrC , 8Joj medium yellow , 80 ; diwk yjllow , SYRUL' Standard Com. , 41c , hWt. ; Standard ilo , 44 gallon kcvts , $2 U ; Stan dard d < s 4 gallon keg ? , SI 00 , MKA.TS Hnms , IGo ; breakfast bacon , none ; cleat tide b con , none ; dry salt baoou , l&c ; shoulders , life ; tierce Inrd , 18f , ItOPK Sisal , i Inch and larger , 104 < j ; Uineh. lie. L XRD-OmnhnRefintulnnCo. : Tierces , 134o ; 40 nml 50-11) cans , 13go ; 20-Ib cans , 13Jo ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 13Jc ; 5-lb do , 14o ; 3 lb do , lljo. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half url , 0 75 ; No. 1 msokerol , kits , 1 00 ; family mhck- erel , hnlt brls , 4 75 ; family in-ickcrcl , kits , . 800 ; No. 1 white fish , half brl % 0 00 ; No. I BriOES. Pcpiior , 20 ; Allspice , 20o ; OlovcB , 35o : Nutmeg , ? 1 00 ; Cassia , 21c ; Mace SI 00. LYE American , 3 3i ; Greenwich , 340 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OG ; Lewis' lye. 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 276. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed , 81,60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran , 70o per 100 Ibs. 8TAR011. Pearl , 44c ; Silver Glora Sic ; Com Starch , lljo ; KxcolnlorQlosa , 7o ; Corn , 74 ° . UOFFB'B. Rio , fair , lie ; Rio , good 12o ; prime to choice , 13 t 13o ; Old pov't Java ; 264lloJ2 { ! Mooha , io ; Arbnckla'n , ISJc.O1IEESH O1IEESH Full Cream , 184 < jj Part Bklm , 104o. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Oholco , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ; l'hlee , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 38 © iOc ; choice , G5c@8100 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35o : Japan , choioo , C0@7oc ; Oolong , good , u5@40 ; Oolong , cho.co , 40@55 ; Souchong , coed , 85(5)40c ( ) : choice , 35cJ45o. ( WOODENWARE Two hoop pnllc , 1 95 ; three hoop palle , 2 20. Tubs. No. 1 , 9 50 ; Pisneor washboards , 1 35 Double Crawn 2 90 ; Well bucket * , 3 50. LEAD Bar , 81 05. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc : nnre apple , 18c : Prucainu euro auulo , IGc. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 G5 ; Aah- con , in eao ks , K 60 ; bble dniiy CO , 5a , 310 HOMINY Now , 54 50 per bbl. SODA In lb papero , $3 per case ; g eoda , 2Jc. SOAfS Klrk'u Savon Imperial , 845 ; Kirk's satlrwt , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard. 3 7fi ; Kirk'a wbito Russian , 525 : Kirk'a Eutoca. 21C Kirk's Prairie Queen , (110 ( cakes ) . ID ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans1 case in i cose , 8 35 ; Babbitt's Boll , 2 doz. in 1 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 'j doz In cose , 1 CO , FIELD SEED Rod clover , c now , PG 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovoo new , 87 00 ; white clover , now , 514 00 ; d off a co\or , cew , $1250 ; alsike , new 81300. Timothy , good , now , 88 00 , blue grans , extra clean , 51 50 ; blue gross , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grasa ? 2 50 ; rod top , ohuico , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , 0100 to 9125 ; Hungarian SOo HEDfJESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00 ; oeago orange , 10 oushoU or over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 2ic ; per 100 Ibs. . 825 00. PEANUTS Rousted , choioo , red Ten- nesace , lOoper lb ; fancy white , lOJo perlb ; raw whlto Virginia raw , lOo ; roaated , 12ic. 12ic.NEW NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels , STTiO ; do inbr.lf bins , 4 25 ; smalls , in bbx , 9 CO do , la httlH-Vb , 625 ; gherkins , In bble , 11 50 ; do , in half bbls , 6 25. CANDLES-Boxes , 40 IbsUs , 15Jc ; fo , It c : Ixxos 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Ga , ICiJo. UICE T'OuUtana prime to choice , 7& @ 74c : 'fair , Ga7c ; Patina , 7c. MATOHEs 1'er caddie , 95o ; round , cocoa , 88 10 ; uqnare , caeca , { (5 ( 40. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantla A . OfJUy Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott Oy-f iLUUOIOi , vgu. A uuwnw II unu , w. M- dkn Head A , 8jc ; Indian BU&dard A , e ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; 7c ; Mystic River , 74o ; Poquot A , flio ; Hoawmut LL , 7c ; Utico O , 5JoVaclnw efct B , 7ic ; do A , 8Jo ; do B 49 , 12io ; Wul- cott liB. 8Jo. WNE BUOWN OOTTONS Allondale 4-i ; 74c ; Alligator 8-4 , 8c ; Argj-Jo 4-4 , 7fc ; Atlantic LU GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , Vo ; Itemington 0 4-4 , CJo ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , < jco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. fijo ; Laconla O 39 , 4e : Lebigh K 4-4 , Oic ; Lfnadalo 4-4. lOejl'eppercll N 80 , 7o : do O SS , 71c ; d it SO , T2c ; do U 39 , 8Jc ; 1'ocaiaot O 4-4 , 5 Jo ; Wamsutta 4-1 13o ELEAOIIED OOTTONS AndroMog gia. i 4-ScElackstonoAA ) ; iu.poriai Itfc ; do Co half We ched4.4,9c ; Cabot 4-4 , B9 ; . { fidelity 4-4 , Oi ; Vrult of tholx > om,10 ; do cajr'jrio4,13cfdoWatorTwl t,10ic ; Great , lOJc ; Icrlian Head shrunk 14 , lOc ; do cambric S7 , 12jo ; Kov Tfori : Milla , 121c ; Pegaot A,10c ; leppcrol 31 G Twill * , Hie : PocahoutMi 4-4 , CJc ; Pocanet 4-4 , 8J.c ; Utlea , lie ; Wamautta O iJMi , 124c. DOCKS Oolired ) Albanj- brown , Kc ; da O , drab , llm do XA. ctripoa end pWdi , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab , uirlpwi and plaid , 12Jo ; Arlington fwwy , Iftj ; Dninuwlclc brown , S lc ; Cbwiot fouyy , 12ic ; ' < lo extra toavy , 20o ; 1'nll lliver extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A lit' " XoDotset A brown. Ifio - /txioslteatj A O A 82 lOa ; dn XX blue 2 , 18f ) ; Artowunta , Die ; Ciirtimmt B B , IBic : Conoutogacx tnv , J' ' & , Jiuuilitoo D , llio liewcston A SO , l&c ; allauebaha 4-1 , 20c ; Oineg * supt r extra 4J , ISo ; 1'oarl Elver 32. lefo Putnam - nam XCI blue stripe , 12o ; Bhetudcet S lOJc ; do 88 llio ; Yeoman'a blue 0 , So DKNIJ13. Amoiltaak , blue ud brann IGJc ; Andover 1)1) blun , 16io ; ArUngX bluoScotcti , 18 Jo ; Oonotrd OOO , blue aw brown , life : do AAA , do do 13i ; doXXto1 do do 14Jo ifaymoker'tf { > lue and brown , 9Jc ; My-th l vor DD nUipo , lOJo ; Pearl > ICIver , blue nd brown , lOo ; Uncaxnille , bine and bravn. 14 Jo- . OAMBltlOS Uamard , Jo ; Kddyitono , lining. 24 Inch double fftce , 4c ; Ganior A glared , fljc ; Manhattan ( jloxe fii.'lah , He Newport do Cc ( do clazed , 6Jj ; Ptquot do 5cLo < , ! cwocdildiinbih ; Co. OOKtiGT JKAN8 Ainory , ScjAndros toggiu sattecu 8Joj Clareudcy , 6JoConoa ; oa satteenf , 7ic ; Hallowol , 805 Inidi Orchard 74cj TJorriganaettfnproviiilo Bin ; Kockport , 7jo , AtuoldNTS AlUne , 6Jo : Aintr/rau , 8(0 ; Atuold ! , ? c , Uoivici. 4Ve ; Ctsheco , Vo ; oga. die ; Uunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell , Gt@7c ; Eddyntono , 7o ; GhuoiiBter , Co ; Jl&tinony , 5Joj JCnlckerbockor , Cio ; Mer rl to D , 7c ; Myatlo , Bio ; Spraruc , Co ; BouChbrldge , Gc ; do. GIngbama , 1sMar \ ! - borf , fic ; Oriental CVc. GIHGHAMH Am" keag. 12ic ; Amoj. keag dress Oil Argyle , lOtc ; Atlantic , Uo ; Cumberland , 7tc ; Hlfhlanct 7ic ; KonlU-orth , SJoj 1'lun kett , lOio ; 8ua on , 8c COTTONADK8 Abbervllle 13Jo Agato. KOc ; American , Ho ; Artislun , 20u ; Cairo D end T , Kijo ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Deocau Co.Btrijxvi DondT , ICc ; Key Stucor , 12c ; Tloga. 12ic. in ? jheckn. 12ic : do , Nankin , 121o ; York , plain Ni.nkia. 121o ; do. checlai , utrlpee fcua fanor , 12Jc ; do. 8 oz , 20c. BHBKTINGfi Androscozitin 10-4,27JcJ do 0.4 , 2tc ; do 0.4 , 22o ; Continental ( J 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York inllUOH , 85o ; do 78 , SOo ; do 68 , 22ic ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Teouot 1W ( , 2840 ; do 7-4 , l o ; do 49 , 16c ; PeppweU W , 29o ; Trolicht & Bunker ox * FT : URTAiN ST. LOTTIES : , Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. do 07 , 21c ; do 67 , 18 Utlon 96 , 85o ; do 8 , 22io ; do 48.17o Olgir * and Tobaccos. OIUAIIS. ScodR , 9115.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed UftVftus , CBO.OOj Olonrllnvaun. 875.00 , TOBACCO PLUG. Qoldon ItuU , 21 Ib , GOfl ! Our Hope , first rinallty , C2c ; ! 3Ur , nouruta , 21 Hi , butU.GOo ; Hone Shoe , pounds , 24 lb , bnlta , 680 ; Gilt KAgt , pounds , 24 Ib , ImtU , CO } Army and Nnvr , noundcu 65c ; Bullion , poundo , D9e ; Lor ! ) * Iftnl's Cllinftx , pounds , GOo. lilNE OUT In pMls. ITnnl to Boat ! 75o ; Golden Ttireiwf , 70o ; Fountain , FOr , Knvorito , f > 5o ; llocky Mountain , GIK ? Fancy , 65c ; DMsy , 60c. In tin loll Catlins O. 8. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib G3o ; Lor Ulftrd'a Tlffcr , COo ; Diamond Grown , OOs. SMOKING All crndoa Common , 23 to S3o , Granulated limckwolla Durham , It ) ozfilc ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4Ga | Beat ol North Carolina , 10 01 , 40 ; Seal of Nolirna- tea , 10 oz , 880 ; IionoJaclc , 4 ct , llnon bafjs nor Ib , 81.3G ; Mnrburgs,1 L'uok 2 oz , tin oil , 65o ; Dos T nil 06c. Paints Oils and Virnlche * . OILS 110" carbon , per gallon ; 14c ; 160 * headlight , per gtllun , l io ; 176' headlight , per gallon , aajo. HiiBOod. raw , per gallon , " )5 | linseed , uollu'l , per Rallon , H8e ; l nl , winter Btr'd , per nal , ton , 1 00 } No. 1 , 8.r ) No. 2 , 7nc ; civstor , XXX. per gallon , 1 20 } No. 1) ) , 115 } nwoot , per gallon. 85o : spottn , W. B. , per gallon- 1 05 } fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOo ; noatafoot , extra , per gallon , 76o [ No. 1 , C5o ; lubrl- eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; Rummer , 15c , golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , Sfic ; No. 2 , SO : Bporm , signal , per gallon , BOo : tur pentine , per gallon , ( > 3o ; nsptha , 74 , per gallon , 18o ; 64 % 17o I'AINTS IN Oil * Whllo load , Omaha P. P. . CJoj whlto load , St. Louis , piiro , 65n } Marseilles green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20o French tlno , gjioen seal. 12oj French tins , rod Boal , lie ; French zlno , In vanilsh acst , 20o : French slucc , In oil iviat , I5oj Uaw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12oi row a"d burnt Sienna , ISo : vandyke browii , . .g rflllnod lampblack. 12o ; coach blftok and l"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGo ; Fruaiinn blue , SOcj ultramarine blue , 18o ; ohrvmo grron , L. M. & D , , 14o ; blind end shutter green , L. M. & D. , ICe : Paris green , 18o ; Indian rod , 16o : Venetian rod. 1)0 ) } TtiacaD dit , , 22o ; Amorlcnn Vormlllod , I.&P. , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , llle ; yellow ochre , 9fl > golden ochre , 16 ; patent dryer , Be ; graining colors : light oak , dark oar. walnut. Miestuut and ash 15o. Dry ° lnli While lead , OJo } .Kronen tine. lOc : Paris whllclng 2c ; whiting glldero , IJc ; v , biting ooirfl , lioj lampblack Germantown - town , 14o ; Irnipblaok , ordinary , lOcj Pros. niau blue , 65o ; ultramarine , IBc ; vandyke brown , Bo ; umber , burnt , 43 } Umber , raw lojHiciina , burn t , 4oj elcunn , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 23c ; Paris green com" 20u ; chromo green , N. Y. ' 20o ; ohrom green K. , 12c ; vormllllon , Eng. , 70o ; vcr million , America , IBc ; Indlau rod. lOo rouopuik , 14cj Venetian read , Oookaon'a Me : Venetian rod Am. , ISc ; re I load , 7ic ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , roohelle So ; oouro French , 22c ; ochre , AmorlcAU , 2c ; Winter's mineral. 2 o ; lehign. brown. 2joi | Spanish brown , 2&o ; rrinco's mineral So , VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No. 1 , 81 } coach , extra , $140 ; oaob , No. 1 , $120 } Damar , extra , $176 } niian , 70oaa- ; phaltum , extra , 860 ; shellaa 83 60 ; hard oU finish. 6130. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , ratoa , $330 ; plow steel , spoda caot , 7c ; crucible , tic ; spoclalor GermanCo ; east tool do. 1B@20 wagon Bpokoa , set. 2 25@8 00 ; hubs , per set , 120 ; folloon , s wei dry , 140 } tongues , each , 70@85o ; mica , each , 75o ; equaro r.uta , ixjr Ib , 7@llc woahon , per Ib. 8@J8o ; rivets , per Ib , lie cell chain , per Ib , 6@12o ; malleable , 8c Iron vedgea , Go ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , "Jo " ; horseshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; aprlng steel , 7@Bc ; Burden a liorsoahcxsa , 5 50 Burcleu'n muleahocs , G 60. S1IOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Buck shot , (2.10 Oriental Powdoc , kegs. 50.40 : do. , hal kegs. 83.48 : do. , quarter knga , $1.88 ; Blast Inif , Ws. $ a85 : tfuse. wer 100 foot 60o. BAHBKD VntlUS In car lets , 7 60 per 100 ; in loss tboa car lots. 7 75 ner 100. NAILS Utttcs. 10 to G0ft , 4 25 , her Oak solo , 880 to 42o ; hemlock so'o , 28a to 35o ; hemlock kip , fcOo to 100 ; runner G.rio to BOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; bom loci : upper , 23c to 2c ( ! ; oak upper , 2ic alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 82@.S5o GreVn kid , 60 to 2 76 ; oek kip , BOo to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip 110 to 1 fiS ; Kronen caff , 1 25 to 2 00 ; TOH Hetta , 6 60 to ? 60 ; linings , l > 00 to 10 50 roppliiKH , 9 W to 1060 ; B. L. Morocco , 80 to y5c ; [ cllio ! 0. D. Morocco , ! )5c ) ; tlmon 2 fiO to 3 00. HAHNKBS No tar oak , 42c ; Node do , S'Jc ; No. 1 Ohiol sk , S8o ; No. 2 do 35o ; No. 1 Jlllwau o B7o ; No. do , 84 Horiea a Mulct. The inarlul In brisk and all grades QI < eolllnp we'll at iilight advance In. pilt'.e The demand for good horses exceeds Li' supply cocshleraoly. Prices range ta la' lows : Fine single drivers , 91CO. to 300 , } Kitr draft homes. $176. to 225. ; Coinmoa dra/ borsoa , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm hones 8110 , to 125 , ; ( Jomraou to good farm huntcs 4500. to 8100. ; Kxtra tilugii , S4X ) . to 76. . Common tluf , 320. to $10. HULKS. 15 to 15 } bauds ( extra ) , VI to 150. ; 14 } to 16 hands , # 100. to UO 14 to 14 i bends , 876. to 100. j 13& to ' band * , 500. to 7G Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 25 pet wlc gallon ; eitr * California npirltH , 187 proof 1 per prool gallon ) triple refined splrlti 187 proof , 1 aSrier proof gallon ; ro-dlatlllttl wtUklea , 1 OOjjl 50 ; fine blended , 160 ® { J CO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Kan Cucky and Pennsylvania ryoii , 2 G0@7 00 BKANDIEB-imported , JO 00160fl omeetlo 1 40 § > 4 00 , GINS-Iiupocted , i 60@8 00 ; doraestls 140&43 00 , RUMS Imrwrted , 4 B0g 00 ; New li.urla.nd. 2 0004 OOrtJumeatlo. a 1 tO&S 50 PKAUII AND XU'PLB 1,754 00. OHAMPAGNKB-Imrorted per case 'Jf > ao < ) W 0)Am ) rlMa , case , 1200 ( l&OO , OLARETH- CMV. 4 tO@10 00 V/IiS'K ; } Kb tie v/itie , per cruiu , 0 00 20 CO ; Gata ba , p r cace , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. Wo quote lumber , lutn and ehlnglou out cars tttOmabu at the following prlceaj JOIHV AND HOANTLINt * 16 ft. and under , $22 00 } 18 ft. , 623 50. TIMUBHH 10 ft. wi l under , WJ2 00. T1MHKK AND JOJBT-18 ft , , 82360 ; 1C ft 82 J CO , 22 ft. , 826 60 ; 21 ft. 820 60 , I'ENCJING No. 1 , 4 auj 0 in. , 2J 00 ; No. 2 , . SJIKKTING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmon boardH ) . 82000 ; No. 2 , 1800. STOCK BOAKDS-12-in. D , 82500 ; 12-ai. 0 , $ a i 00 ; 12-ln. U , $10 00. LIMU 1'er barrel , l 85 ; bulk per bus- 40 : ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster. bbl , 82 W. Hair per bn. 40o , Tarred . felt 100 Ibs. $3 5p , Straw board , $3 60. j COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Hun 912 Wbitebreast ' Morris Bloaaburg , ; . luuin , 85 60 ; Whitebreast nut. 85 60 ; lowr : lump , $5 50 ; Iowa nut 8550 ; ( Jock Spring $8 ; Anthracite , 810 50@11 00 , Oruvs DBU.BAND 1 Carbolic , 50r ; Aod ! , TarUrlo. COo ; Balsam CoM | > in , par Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sa afrns , poi Ib , tl j Cftlouiol. per Ib , 76o } Ciuuhonidia , iwr oz , $1 15 ! Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00 } Dovur'n powtlor * , per Ib , SI 40 ; Jlvoocr. Salts , per Ib , ajo ; Glycerine , pure , pe lit , Mo ; Ixi-id , Acetate , pr > r Ib , 22o Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , ' 'I Ito Oil * Caator , No. S , per gal , ? 100j Oil Ollvo , wr cnl. 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 60 Opium , PT 00s Quinine P. & W , A K. ft S. per or , $2 0 0 ; Potassium , Iodide , par Ib 81 00 ; Sitlactnior ox , 40o : Sulphntu u Moriihluo , < or ur , 3 85 j Sutpniir Hour per Ib , 4o ; Btrvchnlno. cor ot , Cl So , Wool. Atorlnouuwfts ed , light , lt@ > lGo ; hoavy.o , ® iil6c : ; modhun unwnnhod , lUht , 18(9)JO ( ) wn hoil , choice , 82o ; fair , BOo ; tnb-diitrf , and w. , 28o ; hurry , blaokaud oottcd wool ; 26o Icna Hide * u s , Etc. HIDES Prison butohar's hide , Gtt7 urod 8Jc ; hides , frroou unit , p rt cured 7Jc ides , 7io ; dry Hint , sound , 13@14oj dry : aU and kip , I2@14o ; dry salt hides , sound , 0@llcj ( troon cMI. wt. 8 to 16 Ibn. , ll@12a ; green oalr , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50oi rcon pelto , 60$1 25 } green lamb skins , 1 25150 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , nit scored and ono grub , olr wo < l two- LIrds rate , ) hraniiod hides 10 per oont , oil Coon skims No. 1 , 45o ! No. 2 , SOo ; No. 1 O , ; No 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , DOc ; No. 2 Wo ; No. 3 , IBo ; No. 4 , Co. Fox , No.lb , jOe ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , bJ5oi 5c ; short f tripe , 40o ; narrow atrlpco iniad atrlpo , lOo. Tallovr 7a. J AI T Bavo money and order rait direct from OrtL. I ut , wo ship promptly by rail at th \\ffltpoiillilocastiprlco'.o all wontorn polnli Om-lin TYLKU SALT.'CO S trlu w Olty.lllali IKIIDNEY-WOR HAS BEEN PROVED c Vhr SUREST CURB for ° KIDNEY DISEASES. Dee 1 1 lame book or n disordered urine Indicate Jiatyou arc nvlctlmf THKNDO NOTHEfllTATEt u o KIDHny-WOHTnl oneo ( druiRlita recommend It ) nml I twill ipccdUy ovcroomo UiodlBcaae and restore hrallhy notion tonll H to your ror , Buoliu pain and wcnknciooo , KIDNUY-WO11T li uiuur * pAflsodaaitwiU not promptly and vafoly. Either Box. Inoonllnonco , retention at urine , brlok du > t or ropy deposit * , anddull ilrnKKliiK pains , all spcodlly .yield to Its our- atlvo power. ( t 81LDBYAIIitIl0aGIBTS. IVlcoS PROFOS1LS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. OmiR PfRtiiAsiNn AM > tKrnr ) , 0. H. ) OMAHA ; Nub. . No\cinlior 10 , 1882. ) bcalctl ] iroliosal < . In iliilluktc | , mibjoct to tlio laualcondltlnncill l > u rttclxnl at Una ollloo nu ll 12 o'clock noon on Doccinbor Mil , 1WJ , at vlilch tlmo id itlac-o they will bo owiic.lln | ii s- oiuo ol blililtra lor tiirnUliliiK niul dvlUtr ) at the nnbiitatcnco utorclioiuo , or on cars In Onmha , Nob. , ( If on cars after inspection a J luxciitance at place of iiackliiK' , ) as mt > bu roijulrcd by the subsistence department , UO barrels norK , Unlit mess , lobe delhcrcd by January Dili 1B8J : fX,000 ) iwunda bacon , short cli&r nldcn , nictllunisoKbl nd thickness , packed In crxten , btr ppcil.of about -HJO ( roiinila bacon caih. Kach plcc-o of bacon to bo imiTudttltlt cotton ilotli ; all to IwiklUc by January Mil 188,1. The KOI eminent rescues the right to reject any or all proposals. lllank jiromralu and full Inforniatloii as to tin. inannorof blilJIniand thetcnnsof contract iu ! pauncjit will bo luriilslicil on application to this ollliu. No propoiial lll buconfitilonHl unless occ mpa- nlcd lii the nrlnti-d "IriblnatlotiH to bidders , ' to ho had at this olllce. Knulopcn conlalnhiK pro | > 0diil4 nhould bo mar ked , "I'ropnRuJu for HiilnlsU'iRu stored , " nlul dressed tu the imilmliniol. Til OM A AH WILSON. no\ltitinu 0. 8.U.S. A. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE TWO NIOHTS AND OltANDMATINKi : . Friday and 'staturrtsy , Novom berlOthradilth. The Soirtntloii of Kfimtlon * . Thu lilt ot th 80.114011. Thu csltlcs aunnl thu lii ) < hciitprnlHo. Th < 5rcnt attractionon the.\nicrwn Mnn'u , nml nit otitun equal In thouorld , COKENN.E ThuLjrlo anil Dnunntii ! UmnUi > iul licr fa- II1.IIH Merrie Makers. Itailcr thu illructlon tl Jlra. .kmrfo Kliulall.ln thulriicw inimical tucccai , IIIIOUI OUIt COM l'\jV. Thin " 111 hu thu eu'lit of thu beaxon Nu"v Mimic , Now SonifH , New Kjitcla'tkn , Now CotitiiMux Ihu fuiinlcitt pciforuaiiicu utcrult * nujiiil , Keep walch fur Corlnnu's lituiitltiil Hliul- lunil ponlcK , whloh xtlll IHJ ilrluii lliroiijfli thu htritta. hauinlav aftcnioon Mill liu iirmfiititj the niantcnilucu f llurlo itie | oper. Till. .MAOIU HMl'l'Ut.lntru M\I\K \ Curlnnu'u huautlfiil Hhut- Ixuil ponltM an.I | ; olilin chariot on thu bla o of fiu ojiurn Jioiiic. NcaU on wile U'lxlncsilay nioriiliiK. in-u f Matter of Application of M , B. Powell for Liijuor License , NOTICE. Notice la hrroby given that II. It. 1'ouulldle upon tlio id ! day of Ottclm A. D. lbS2 , lllo i > | j application to the JUjor and C'lty Council of Omaha , for penult to sell tlaU , Nplrltnoiis and Vlnoni HquuH as ilruft'l t ( or medicinal and ( lumlcal ] iuriiMjBa enl ) ut cur. 1'lth and aikuon Bticct lilt ward , Onui/u , 'eb. , from thu 10'h day of ( laoherlB i ! . to the llth day ot April , )8S3. H there ba no objection , rtnnonttfiiiicu or pro > Uat ( lied nlthlu two ucuts fruui the Kith day of UU. A. 1) , J8di , the , ld Ilcenie will be gun- tod. Jl , II. lOWKUi , Applicant. TIIR OMAHA IKK ) newspaper will puLIUh the above notleu once uicli wetk for two Heoksat the cxpuuo of Uio ujipliiant , 'Jho elty of Omi- 1m In i.ol to bu tharKid theiewlth J J I * O.jEwm. City Cl rk. Matter Jcf Application of Jf , A , Nolle tor Liquor Lkeu o , NOTICE. .Notk-u l licr < jjiKfri that 11. A. NnltuUld IIIKIII the nth > l.a of XoMiinlicr , A , 1) , , Ito. , Illu Mi ai > plluitlon tothu Count ) CominUblonerH ot DOUKI.W com.ti , Nuhriw u , fur Ijceiiou to bell Molt , Hjlrltuou u'il Vlnom l.l < | uorn , ut Ukliorn htatlon In Chliugo I'rcclnct , ItoiiKlas county , Nu from thu flutilu } of Novtiiihcr , IbK. , t i thu llr t < lu > of rMi < iary , IK U. If thcru bo no uhjuctlun. rcinonstranui or pro- ( cot Illcil ulthlntno UUKU from Notcmhcr 'J , A , II , 1H.H. thu i > alJ llcciibo will bu < > runtcd n. A. NOI/TI : . Apl > ! lcaiitt. Thu ( lumlia Iluu imuepapcr ulll publUi thu alxjyu notlui oncu uch HCH.K furtno uuvkv at thu vspciibu of thu applicant. Thu Count ) of Dout-- In Is not to be charB'txl thcruulth. JOHN ll\UMiil : , Count ) Clerk , GRADING. Kcalixl | iropo U will lie rtcclvoilattlioollkcof > thu vuer < tur ) ' of thu Hoard of 1 Jliuutlon of the ' Si heel Dlbtrlet ot Omalu until 1'J o'clock noon , i Mouila ) , November 13th , IMJ , for tlio trraUlntr of I thu lot of thu LVntro ttrett behw 1 house , itjiiUln- IIIK 10UU eublcjarel * of earth , moru orlucs. For further Information ft | > | > ljr to Cle\ca HroA urehltvcU. Thu hoard reiicnvi the right to ri'Jut uti ) or all bid * . Ur order of thtf Hoard of Education. n 10 3t C1JAS. CONNOR BK , NOTKt ) nnr CNTrri.Ki WOMAN. ( From Uio llootoa Oov. ] Vttsrt. Rtttortt TlioaboTBlf KOod Ilkenrsi or Mn. rjdlA E. Pink , bam , ot I.ynn , HAM. , who abort all other humnn bclacf mny bo truthfully Cill.d th "Dear Friend ot Woman , " ( is tome ot hf r comupondenti IOTO to call her. Slit U xvalouMy < l rot l to her work , which I > the outcome of K llfntudjr , anil 1 > obliged to kerp nix lad/ aiilttantJ , to help her aniwertho lan correipondenc * which Oftlljr poun In upon her , rach b arlnff ll < trwclal burden < of guttering , or Joy at rtlcaj from It. Her Vrgvtable Compound la . mMldno for ( rood and not ttU purpoios. I Imvo iicnonally Inrcttlettnl It and am satlf fled of the truth of thli. On account of 1U proven merits. It Is recommended und proscribed by tlielvitphyslcUni In tUa country. Ono AJII "It works Ilk * n. chum and aaret much pain. It will euro entirely the wont form ot falling ot the uterus , I/eucorrha , IrroniUr and painful llrmtrustlon , all Ovarian Troubles , Inflammation and Ulccratlon , Floodlnirt , Ml IlliplaoemenU and the con sequent tplnal wrakncM , and U especially adapted to the Change of Ufe. " It pcrmratM orcry portion of ttio iy > tcra , nnd Rlres Daw life and Tiger. It romurci falnlnew , Hatulcnry , dostrojs all crarlng for illmulantii , and rcllorcs wnak- neu of thottomach. It cure * moating , IlradAchra , Nervous rroitrntlon , Goner * ! DebilitySlerplennens , Ioprc < ilon and Indlgotlon. That feeling of bciuine down , caualnK pain , weight and back cli < t , Is always permanently cured by lt < i o. It will t all tlme , and undrr all clrcumitancm , net In harmony with tlio Ian that RO\ ems the f cninlo ryrUn\ . It COST n only $1. ] < rr lint Uo or nlr for $5. , and Is sold tiy drugRUt * . Any mlvlco rvnulrcd an In in : lAl rian , and the nnuiea of many who have been restored to perfect health hy the unoof the Vi sotiMo Compound , can b obtained byaiMmKlncMn. ! ' . , with dtamptor reply , at her homo In Iynn , llann. Kur ICldney Complaint of cltlirrer * tlili compoundll nnfturpa&tcd as abnndftnt toatlmonlala show. "lira. I1nVham'sUverriUV'N > ys one writer , "are tA but in the irorM for tlio cum ut Coiwtlpatlon , DlllonimcM and Torpidity ot the liter. Her lllood \irlfler v orks wondcra In its > pt lnl line and bids faire o equal the Compound In It * popularity. All murt respect her an an Angel of Mercy whone > ole Aniblttnn h to dogood to others. J'hlladelphla , I'o. CE ) lira. A. M. D. acknowledged to be the- * best by nil who have put thonu to a praotioftl test , ADAPTED TO HAP is SOFT GOAL , COKE OR WOOD. MANUFAOTUIIED BY BUCK'S STOVE CO. , "TV LOUIS. Piercy & Bradford , SOLE AGENTS FOR OMAHA. INCREASE $10 yean CAPITAL. Tlioao deslrlr.p tomaka monny oo small ami tnuJlura inveitnionti In 20 Knla , provision and jtookijpesul- tl jiia , cm do n by on.ri'.hijon 001 plan From May J. lS9t , to the pro- WHEAT tent ilate , on luvoiitnui s of 810,00 to 81,000 , cash proQtl hive been roillzo-1 and pild to Investors viiounilngtoseveul times tbeorlj' $50 Inal Inveitmcnt , still Iwlntf tot orlKlnil Invoatinont iKakniff money or juyabla on demand KipUnato- STOUKB ry circulars aid utatementi ot fund \ VsunUroaVcwint rejpondlbls agents , who wllr > | > ort on crops and Int'Oduca the pUn Liberal $100 com- mUulons paid. A'tdress ' I'LKUMINU & Mr ; iBIAU.m-O ) mluloa iqrctuita , < UJor > ) i , Cblcago , III. J. P. EOGEES ft CO. F , L. Sommers & Co'a _ JWWS BISCUITS , JOMBLKS AM ) KOVELTIfia. lYiiolesale a'auufacfcuring GONFEfiTIONtfiS 4.ND DEALERS H ? Fruits Nuts and , Cigars. Ill 8 14th St. Hyaoluths BULBS Tallxn. GrooutCB. And all other lor Fill Planting. laret : nsott- meet o\enhowa In Cmcairo- IlluntrUtd C Ulcgue free. Send tar It. Hiram Sibley & Co , SEED KEN , f Chlcft o : 1