Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
rnbllnbed every morning , except Sun-
day. The only Alondoy morning daily.
One Year..810 03 I Three Months.$3.00
Sir Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00
THE WEEKLY BI5E , publithod every
CM Year $2.00 I Three Months. W >
Sir Months. . . . 1 00 | One Month. . . . 20
for Newsdealer * In the United States.
catfont relating to News and WltorU
matters nhould be addressed to the hoiron
Letters and Remittances should bo ml
dressed to Tnn UEE I'cnuBHM CoMPANr
OMAHA , Drafts , Chock * nml Postntnce
Orders to bo made payable to the order of
the Company.
The BEE PUBUSHINB 00 , , Projis ,
E. ROSEWATER , Editor-
No ONE thinks that Mr. Cornell la
grieving very much otfor the result.
THE Ilepnllitan has changed hands.
Both heads , however , were tails of the
corporation ,
COUNT , recount and count out seem
to bo the railroad tactics In Omaha
I'HE half-breeds were thorough
breds when they came on the Now
York race course.
Fen the first time in n general
election , the anti-monopoly party
figures in the dispatches. And it is a
lively infant.
TUB Herald announces that the
railroads took no part in the late elec
tion. The Herald's readers are neither
idiots or fools.
Tun Schuylor Sus makes the follow
ing suggestions : The next legislature
ohould submit an amendment regulat
ing the number of children to each
Tin : bosses will postpone that gen
eral reading out of the party which
was talked about a few months ago.
The list would bo too long.
SINOE the next congrots is to bo
democratic , it makes little difference
whether the majority is 75 or 100.
What the republicans ought to do at
; t ! > > onoo , is to forestall democratic legisla
tion by redncl ng the taxes.
CAN any bonorablo man accept a
position in the legislature to which ho
is not elected , and which ho cannot
hold without conniving at fraud.
VAI. will have no trouble in getting
his certificate , whether ho is elected
or not. "Si" will accommodate him
as ho did Peter Schwenok on the cen
sus returns.
The country has spoken through the
ballot box. Its voice is ono of re
proof. It condemns congressional extravagance -
travaganco in appropriations , the re-
fatal of the dominant party to reduce
taxation , and the arrogant assumption
of the bosses that they own the poli
tics of the nation. It was a fair con
test between the people and the bosses
and the result won never doubtful for
a single moment. The moss of the
United States have voiced their wishes
at the polls , They demand an honest
and economical administration of the
government by roprosontaiives of the
people , who will act in accord with
their instructions. They demand the
nnbjootion of corporate monopoly too
the law of the land. They insist upon
a prompt reduction of the burdens of
an outrageous taxation. In local and
elate matters they have protested
against national interference , and have
proclaimed BO that all may hoar that roa
defiant disregard of the wishes of the
people in nominating conventions will
hereafter bo followed by the medicine
of defeat at the polls.
The voice of the country .has also
boon hoard upon the subjnot of sump
tuary legislation. The people have
demanded that the
impracticable ques
tion of prohibition be taken out ISof
party politics. In a half a dozen states
prohibition entered into the canvass
either directly or indirectly and the
result was strongly against the
upposod to favor it.
Whichever political organization so -
euros and maintains the popular ld -
deno as disposed and
willing to
out the reforms demanded will elect
their president in 1884 , Of this there
can be no question ,
An interesting edict has just boon
iwuod by the emperor of China. It
seems that the fir trees in the vicinity
of the Eaetorn Tombs have been at
tacked by some insect f oo - the tuetock
moth , or the Parorgyia parallela , or
eomo of the seventeen enemies of the
fir enumerated by Packard and that
ravages in that escrcd place5 are so
aorloua that the attention of the Bon
of Ilen--i has been directed to thuru ,
Ho Luooordingly decreed ; Let
Iramodifc orders bo given to effect
ually secure the insects , that they may
lie entirely exterminated , it being Im
portant that the iniichiof bo not al
lowed to spread. "
There is no doubt that Mr. Gladtur
stone's cloture will finally pass when
the quotation finally comes before parfim
llament. The two-thirds majority
compromise supported by the tories
has been dcsoatcd by a majority of
Si , which will bo nearly the vote by
which the moaauro will bo finally
passed. As obstruction and the
causes for obstruction have largely
ceased in parliament , so opposition to
cloluro Is decreasing , and the strong
and uncompromising fight which the
premier has made for the measure has
added to the strength of the ministry.
The. Pall Mall Oacttc recently sum
med up the rule which Mr. Gladstone
desires as follows :
The solo right of InUhtlve In vented In
the speaker , and ho In forbidden to me hu
Initiative uulets ho jicrclaves that mch n
proceeding la In accordance with the "evi
dent sense of the house , " When the spea
ker puts the quentlon the debate cannot bo
closed by n ultnplo majority excepting un-
tier circumstances which do not occur In
ono division out of four that ! s to say ,
when the number voting In the majority
exceeds 200. On tluee-tourths of the oc-
cntlonn when the speaker's Initiative ren
der * It possible to vote on clolnre , the ma
jority must vnry from ft majority of from
live to ono downwards. It twenty mom-
ben with to continue a debate , ninetv-
clno will not be allowed to C'.ODB It. If
forty persist In carrying on n dlicusslon , n
majority of 190 will bo powerless to closa
It. Not until 200 members nro found In
the lobby voting for cloture can the rule of
the bare majority come Into play. Such n
majority fa noldom available nt the close ot
the nenelon , wliou obstruction Is moat dan
gerous , nor can It bo oislly mustered in
the small hours of tbo me/ruing , when the
obstructive Is most active.
Whatever England designs in regard
to the future disposition of Egypt ,
the ministry have shown remarkable
good sense in sending Lord Duforln
to negotiate the treaty which Is to bo
made the basis of the now situation ,
The protest of the sultan was treated
with polite contempt , the ambassador
declaring his mission Immediate and
Imperative , and Informing the minissc
tor of foreign nfldirs that "ho will reIn
turn on the 25th of December , with a
treaty signed by the khcdivo , in which
the rights of the sultan in Egypt will
bo ofiirmod. " Wo may bo auro that
the forthcoming treaty , when pubae
lished , will show conclusively that
hereafter the sultan will have less
real authority in Egypt than a corSi
pond in the British garrison there ,
and that the authority of the khcdive ,
though nominally untrammelled , will
really ba liltlo more than that of a
British anont. In short , while Egypt
will not , for the present at least , bo
annexed to the British empire or
openly placed under exclusive British
control , yet from this time forth
British Influence will bo dominant ,
and any serious opposition to it on
the part of the khodlvo or people re
garded and treated as rebellion. The
garno has boon played thus far with
wonderful skill and audacity , and is
not likely to loose in either element
under the management of Lord Duf-
ferin. When hia work is donothon
will como the more delicate and dlf-
ficult task of scouring the acquiescence
and indorsement of a European conference -
foronco , which , it is thought , may bo
oonvonod in January.
It is not impossible that serious
complications may yet grow out of the
adjustment of the Anglo-Egyptian
imbroglio. Russia is supporting Tur
key In seeking to obtain a revision of
the Berlin treaty , and Franco is dis
posed to side with Russia. The gov
ernment of the czar is also urging
Turkey to send an army into the Sou-
dan and not allow England to have
the full credit , with the advantage that
will accrue to her , of having overcome
the False 1'rophoJ. In fact Austria ,
Russia and Franco all manifest con-
sidorablo opposition to the growing
strength of Great Britain in Egypt ,
, Franco is overcome with jealousy at
the aupromaoy of English intoresla in
Egypt. Having abandoned England ,
however , at the outset of the struggle
and thrown upon her the responsibil
ity of the xar , the latter cannot now
bo expected to take French interests
into very norioua consideration , and
may , indeed , reply that Franco has
sullblont compensation in her protec
torate over Tunis. It was a grave
political mistake whoa the French
ministry refused to participate in the
reduction of Arabi'a army. Gambetta ;
would scarcely have made it.
An organ of the Land League makes :
the Irish agricultural statistics for [
1882 , just printed In Dublin , the basis
of some gloomy reflections upon the
present unfavorable condition of that
country. It says that the main fact
which these figures emphasize is that
the extent of lands under crops has de
creased from 5,105,375 acres in 1881
5,081,048 acres in the present year ,
balng a decrease of 114,32 ? acres of
crops. The acreage under grass , on
the contrary , has increased from
10,075,424 acres in 1881 to 10,110,072 ,
being an increase of 34,055 acres.
Thin of the 114,337 acres abstracted
during the year from the support of
man , 34,055 were given to the support
of boasts , and the remainder must
have fallen away Into barrenness , for
wo find the return of "bog , marsh aud
barren mountain land"
increased from
4,708,047 asro4 iu 1881 to 4,787,275 iiu
1882 ,
Another frightful fact disclosed I by
these statistics is that of the decrease
of 75,071 acres of laud under tillage as
compared with last year. Ulster is
charged with no less than 40,550 acres
of the decrease , the decrease in the
acreage ef 11 ax alone being 33G43
acres In ono year. The appalling plo >
tur of decay presented by these
figures is only heightened when wo
find that the acreage under cropn has
boon steadily declining from 5,204,005
acres in 1878 to 5,081,048 in 1882 , or
barely one-fourth of the land of the
The London papers are making
merry over an American Invention ,
and yet frankly acknowledge its
good points. The International Sloop-
lug Car Company rocsntly ran an experimental
perimental trip from Paris to Vienna
and back , and a great deal of enthu
siasm has boon manifested over it.
Th London Dally Nown notes with
an expression of wonder , qualified ,
he trover , by American experience ,
that "thcro io a promise that if the
through traftio with sleeping and eating -
inf cara BO that ono literally lives on
board , can bo made nuccoeaful , the
pit will be extended bsyond Vienna
on ono side , when certain connections
are made to Constantinople , and on
others to Calais , Cologne and
Bologna. " The Paris-Vienna train
was on exact copy of an American
Pullman "limited. " Commenting
with approval upon the enterprise The
Dally News shows that it has got over
the tradition and natural British hos
tility to our "longer omnibus car. "
It says : "Tho long car is now made BO
familiar In England by regular Pullman
man trains that it seems wonderful it
was not discovered hero , or at least
adopted , long ago. "
- '
The influence of the St. Gothard
railroad on the interests of Franco is
bting actively discussed by the
the French economists. Schemes are
under discussion to prevent Ger
many from ranpiag the benefits of
transporting Englioh goods to the
south , and otherwise to check the
improved facilities which German
industry has for competing with
Franco in the Italian market. In
Germany , on the other hand , peti
tions have been forwarded to Berlin
asking for a duty on vegetables and
at increase of the duties on corn and
cattlo. The immonao influence of the
Si . Gothard railroad upon the im
porting of cattle , cereals and other
articles from Italy and the Levant
has given a serious importance to this
question , and it is probable that an
increase of the duties will bo propose
to the reichstag in the course of the
next session.
Baron Wilhelm Rothschild , of
_ ,
Frankfort ' , is so strict a Jew tha * . during
ing his recent tour through Switzer
land ho was accompanied , not only
by his ritual cook and butcher , but
also by ton devout persons of his own
religion , who wont solely for the pur
pose of praying with him , as accord
ing to the Mosaic law a congregation
mast consist ot at least ton worship
ors. The baron returned hla income
for 1881 at $1,187,500 , so that ho can
certainly afford himself these ritualistic
tic luxuries.
Near Aschaffonburg , in Bavaria , la
a small community which enjoys an
envious prosperity. It is the owner
of a rich clay pit , which yields so largo
an income as to obviate the necessity
of imposing commercial taxes , and
also nnablo3 the selectmen to pay 100
marks every year to each adult inhab-
tant. Some pears ago , whan the town
built a bridge across the Mnin that
cost 200,000 marks , there was given
to each adult 10 marka and to each
school child 50 pfennigs on the day the
bridge was formally opened.
Vienna is to have an elevated rail
road and the government his already
decided to grant the necessary con
cessions to an English company.
About 150,000 tons of iron will bo required
. .
quired , and the Austrian furnaces will
supply it all.
Dattf mouth felt an earthquake shock on
Tuesday morning.
The new town ol Hoaklus , In Wayne
county , wantu a lilackmnlth.
Three Wayne county potatoes raised
by Joeeph Boekunbauor weighed G Ibs
0 oz.
The West Point paper mill will start up
again In a few weekt , and will employ CO
Tom Keimard fell into a Lincoln cellar
on election day and wa stunned to arn
sensibility. Injuries not norloiia. nby
Kearney was "convulsed" on the 2d byte
thb wedding of Mr , Charles W. Greer to
Mlsa Emma Wilion , The presents tom
braced everything imaginable , mon
The appraisers of the Otoe reservation
have at iait been apiiolnted. They ore
George II. Ilagidale , of Iowa , and D. W.
WIckens , of Kansas , The Indians chose
their Mr , Uarnca , V.At
A Kearney man named Jacob Snyderat-
tempted to throw himself nnder a pawing
freight train , Kvory time time he tried tear
get under the car the corner of the car
threw him on the ground. He waa picked :
up bleeding and taken to the { ail. He is
Insane , u Id to be brought on by domestic
troubles ,
HA , NED. A.ho
Tables supplied with the boat the
mtirkot alforda. The traveling public -
claim they got better accommodations
and moro general satisfaction here
than at any other house in Omaha ,
Hate , $2 per day. augSltfm
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
oehior Hoof Paint , " was patented May [
24th , 1881 , and otters patent num ;
ber 211 , 803. Any person found mor
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint will bo punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son has any authority whatever to soil
receipts. HAWTUOUN & Buo. ,
Lancaster Pa
Flics , roaches , ants , bed-bugs , rats ,
mice , gophers , chipmunks , cleared out
by "Jlouth on Rats. " IDc.
The Unitarian Conference Lately In
Session In Omaha
The Unitarian conference , which
began its sorsion in this city Wednes
day morning , adjourned at noon yes
terday ,
The ] proceedings , necosasarily con
densed , were aa follows ] :
The exorcises were opened Wed
nesday evening with an eloquent ser
mon by Rov. Mr. Hunting , of DCS
Yesterday morning there was a de
votional mooting led by tbo Rev. V.
B , Gushing , of Crcston , Iowa , after
which Rev , W. E. Oopeland gave an
addrcaa of welcome.
Rov. Enoch Pownll , state mission
ary , road his report , showing an in
creasing interest iu Unltarianism
throughout the state and calling for
more workers.
Short and interesting addresses
wuro made by Revs. Jones , Hunting ,
Gibba and DeLaug.
At 2 o'clock Rov. Mr. Howland , of
Lawrence , Kansas , road an essay on
MoaoB , and was followed by Rov. Mr.
Chase , of St. Joe , who read an casay
on the "Aim and Scope of the Liberal
Church. "
In the evening Rov. Mr. Jonoe , ol
Chicago , preached A most eloquent
sermon on the ideal church The
congregation was not largo , but _ the
addresses during the day were brilliant.
Yesterday the conference * met at
o'clock and adjourned at 12.
Among these present at the conference
foronco were Rov. J. D. Jones , o !
Chicago , secretary of the Western
Unitarian association ; Rov. 'E. ' 8.
Eldco , of Kookuk ; Rev. A. M. Judy ,
Davenport ; Mrs. 0. T. Cole , of Mt.
Pleasant , secretary of the Iowa Uni
tarian conference ; Rev. S. S. HuntIng -
Ing , of Dos MoinosRov. ; J. A. Chase ,
of St. Joseph , Mo. ; Rov. 0. G. How-
land , of Lawrence , Kansas ; Rov. J.
F. Gibbs , of Grooley , Col ; Rov. Mr.
Powell , of Beatrice and Rov. Mr. Do
Long of the Univorsalist conference.
Delegates are also present from Lin
coln , Crete , ] Sorth Platte and Grant
Island. This first Unitarian conference -
feronco over hold in Nebraska is npl
largo In numbers , but makes up in
quality for what is wanting in quant-
The Last Game , Like Banquo's
Ohoat , Is Up Attain.
The last chance of witnessing a bal
game this year will bo giren to the
public to-day at the Union , Pacifi
grounds , at 2:30 : p. m. The occasion
will bo the much talked of contes
botwecn the Pacific Express cm
Freight Auditors' nines , who numbe
nmong them the members of the wel
known champion Union Pacific nine
The game was first announced for las
Saturday , but was postponed on
account of the inclemency of th
weather. A number of society's dar
linga have taken a great interest in
the affair , and there will be asaomblcc
on the grounds to-day more gaily
dressed ladies than have been see
there dnjing the past season
The ninosnnj BO evenly matched
and the friends of each BO read
to back their fayorlto club , that th
pools up to the time of going to pros
were 50 to 45 in favor of the Froigh
Auditor's niuo. A glance at th
names will show that thcro is littl
choice :
Pacific Express Nine Rockwell , L
Funkhouaer , Mars ton , MotcalfKothe
Stetson , Pr it chard , Morse , Sholes.
Freight Auditora | Nine Snoet
Nosh , M. Funkhousor , Novllle , Whitney
noy , Lyndon , Denraan , Smyth , Croa-
The small admission charged should
bring out a largo crowd of the "boys , "
it being only ton cents , with an extra
five cents for the grand stand. Ladies !
freo. Lot all como and enjoy them
A bight Mornlnff Session The Wat-
blns Caso.
In the police court yesterday
ono individual paid $5 and costs for
discharging firearms inside the city
The cum of $3 and costs was paid
by ono disturber of the peace.
Quo plain Blocumb was assessed $10
and costs and 'telegraphed homo for
money , beings visitor to the wicked
Gate Oity.
Frank MoOlanoy paid SO and
costs for trying to boat Colby's res -
taurant out of two meals. isDd
John Donahue has been arrested
for stealing a bedstead and mattress
from Martha Stilt during her temporary >
ary absence from homo.
Lucy Ryan who ran away with
Fred Watkins , the Windsor hotel man ,
was brought in from Papillion Thura- '
day afternoon by Sheriff Miller , and
released on her own recognizance in
the sum of $200.
All three above cases , aa well as
that of K. R. Rood , who is accused of
taking | 3 from a girl's hosiery , wore
set for yesterday afternoon.
Unmarried Peraona
Should lose no time in securing a
certificate in the Marriage Fund Mu
tual Trust Association of Cedar
Rapids , Iowa , concerning \7hich circu !
Jars and full information will be son
free upon application. It is organized
under the Insurance Laws of Iowa
and is the only legalized and Jegiti
mate institution of the kind in the
country. Ita ofllcors and managers
are among the most prominent bus
incss men in Cedar Rapida , including
bankers , the postmaster , capitalists
railway managers , insurance men
leading lawyers , physicians and other
reliable citizens. Over $15,000 has
already boon paid to members. It 1
a splendid investment , as safe , secure
and safe as a Government bond , You
can just aa well have a good sum o
money to commence married life on
as not. Remember it only costs you
ono cent for a postal card to requea
full explanation and information
Good acenta can got territory if ap
piled for soon. Write to-day. D
not postpone it. Mention whore yo
saw this notice. oct20-lm *
- T
o ron
* As 11 Is for oil tha painful dlscue * of tha
It oleonsca the system ofthe acrid poison
that cause * UiO dreadful ufffcrln < t which
only th victims of rheumatism A roUUo.
of the worst forms of this terrible disease
have been.quickly relieved , andln short
iim9 4
mint $1. l.tqtlD tr DRV , SOLD bj DttUGGISTS.
f M ) Dry ciii p < J fFnt uy niRll
wr.UA iticir AiinsoN & co. ,
makes a spsdaltv of
Co''ars ' ' & Guffs ,
Three Cents Each.
Work solicited from all over the country.
The charges and return postage must ; bO-
; ompany the package. Special raUs to
'nrgo clubs or agencies ,
a2i-tf me WILKlNH ft EVA KB.
In Hot Weather Mix with Fine Ice.
In Cold Weather Mix with Hot Water.
Add Lemonade ( when Convonlont ) to
the Toete.
. ; . MASS-
The "HUB PUNCH" IB of superior quill tv.a
meets with marked popular fivoc aa a healthf
jnj palatable drink.
It i < prepared wllhgrcat care from tlio best ma
terials , anil will bo found on grceablo addition
to the choice thing ! of tha table which undenia
bly cnla ( fo the pleasures of HIo and encouiago
rood fellowship and ( rood nature it rightly en
Families , Clubs , Hotels , Excursions ,
Picnics and Yachting Parties Pro
nounce Hub Puuch Unrivalled.
The "HUBPUNCH" Is slid by all loading fam
ily grosfra and wloo merchants.
Trade tupplted at Manufacturer's pricei
by M. A. McNamara , Omaha. Familict
lupplitd by A , II. Gladitone-Omaha , Neb.
The moat centrally located hotel In the city.
Rnoina 75o , 81.00 , Jt.EOand 82.00 per day.
First CUaa Hestauraut connected with the
.HTTRST. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locuflt Streets.
/onx BTABUK rnoM ociukr
President. Vice Frnt'l.
W. 8. Diismi , Bee. and Treu.
Lincoln , Neb
Oorn Planters , HrrrowB.Farm Rollers
Bulky Hay Ilaliea , JBucuet Elevating
Wlndmllla , Sto.
Wo are prepared ta do Job work and mancfac
urloglor other parties.
Addrraaol orlen
$500 REWARD.
The above reward will bo paid to any person
ho will produce a Paint that will equal the
'ennsylvania ' Patent Rubber
Paint ,
or preserving Shingles , Tin and 0ravel Rooffl.
Varranted to fc Flro and Water Proof. All
rders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet-
cr that ) any other joint now In use.
Sole Prourlctoru , Omaha House , Omaha , Nob.
Officer & Pusey , Dr.IUcc , Dr. Mnncy , Fuller'
xmnctl Dlufla , Iowa.
Bus office , Omaha Neo.
They inrpan all other g for easy riding , etjrlo
nd durability ,
They ara for sale by all Loading Oar
lago Builders and Dealers throughout
ho country. nta
Kore l b
Henry Timken i ,
Patentee snlDulldor ol Fine Carried ,
8V X.OUJLS , - " ZMCO.
Undertakers ,
Martin , The Tailor ,
1220 Fnrnlmm Stroot. 1220
Hai r'cvlred a full and complete stick of Pall
ind Winter BuMuy. ami ll now nnklngaNo'
lair cl pinM for < ) , Of u comp'ete Eult to
> 2g.OO. Bte him and uve in < i \ < .6-H3ia
Physician and Surgeon.
Medicines turnhbod at * odea. .
Office , N , W. corner IStb and Varnam streets ,
over Merchant's Kailonal Bank Omaha. Neh.
Oarpontar. Superintendent , &o ,
All kind ! ol Job work dope.
Old Building * liccotatnuted.
ow building ! erected. Flans and tpeclflcatloni
1416 Harney St. , bet. 14th and 15th
Boasters and Grinders of Coffees and Spices , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
H. G. CLARK & CO. , Proprietors ,
1403 Douglas Street. Omaha , Nob.
1108 and 1110 Harney gt. , OMAHA , NEB.
204 Horth Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHfl , HEB.
1005 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Hellman fc Go *
1301 and 1803 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Proprietors , Wholesale Dealers in
Mills Supplied With Choice Yariefcies of Milling Wheat ,
Western Trade { Supplied with Oats and Oorn at Lowest Quotations , with
prompt shipments. Write for prices.
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
, , , , ,
204 North 10th St. , Masonic Block. Main House , 40 , 48 and 52 Dear-
burn avenue Chicago. Refer by permission to Qido and
Leather National Bank , Chicago ,
Carpenter's Materials , V/
f * wA
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Tint-class ladtltlee for the Manufacture of all kinds of
. Mouldings Plaining and
atchlng a Specialty. Orderi from the country will be promptly executed ,
ddresaall ,
communications A. MOYKK , Proprietor *