THE mTLY BEE OMAH.A ; SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 11 POETRY OP THE TIMES , Ballad of i Brave Cattlo-Man. BT JOAQV1N MII.LRR. Arrow the bro d brown Texan hllh , With blosootnd to onr bronchos' knees , With singing birds by broken rills , We rode through seas of dowsy bees , WeUlked. The topic ! Guess. Why , Three-fontths of n man's wliole time he ketpi To talk , to tbinlc , to be of nr.n ; The other fouith ho sleeps. To learn -what the mighty know of love , I Inughed all constancy to scorn. "Behold ynu happy , changeful dovcl Behold this dav , all stortn at morn , Yet now 'tli chadgoJ to calm and MIO , Yea , nil things change-trio heart , the head , Behold on earth thnre Is not ono Tint chsngeth not , " I said. He drew a glass , as If to scan The plain fur steers ; ratted It and sighed. He craned his necK , this cattle-man , Then drofe the cork homo and tcplled : "For twenty years ( forgive those tears ) For twenty years no word of strife ; I have not known for twenty jears One folly from my wife. " I looked that Texan In the face- That dark-browed , bearded cattle-man , He pulled his beard ; then dropped In place A broad r ht hand , all scarred nnd tan , And toyed with something shining there From o .t his holttor. keen and small , I wan convinced. I did not care To argue It at alL Th9 ardor of my speech grew still As wo rode on that perfect dav , The brown lilrdi pining from the hill ; The crickets had It their own way. I wondered , marveled , marvo'cd tmich. jv Was the of Texan growth ? Wes ho Of Baxon blood , that bonded such Eternal constancy ? Well , wo fell weary with the day. God's bars of go'd across the west Before us drew and made us stay Beside a blossomed rill nnd rest. But rest I could not. Know I must The story f my Texan Rt'lde ; Ills dauntless love , enduring trust ; Ills blest , Immortal bride. The camp fire blazed , the bronchos grared , And belly-deep In bloom and fcnvsa Would blink as by the bright flame dazed , Or sniff to smell the panther pass , The massive Texan stars stood out , Bright camp fires of po-ir , woa-y souls , Bound Ucavenwaid. While all about Couched Peace , with white patrols , I would not sleep until I know * 'Nor twenty yearmy man , said I. "Is a long tune. " Ho turned and drew A short pipe forth , also n sigh , " TIs twenty veari or more , said ho , "Nay , nay , my honest man , I vow I do not doubt that this may bo ; But tell , Ohl tell mo how. " 'Twould make a poem true and grand ; All time should note it near and far ; And thy fair , vir la , Texan land Should stand out like a winter star , America should heed And then The doubtful French beyond the sea T would make them truer , nobler men To know how this may bo , " "It's twenty years or more , " urged ho. "Nay , that t know , gjodfciend ot mine ; But load me where this wife may bo , And T pllarlm at the shrine , And kneeling , a a pilgrim trtio" Ho scowlin ? thoutod in my car ; "I can not ehuw my wife to you ; She's dead this twenty year , The Independent. HONBY FOB THfcl L.ADIHB. A Washington woman files her claim for $200 for lUfwotiug that GarrJold bo fed on rico and milK. Scarlet cloth with eider-down woven in it is a light and comfortable fabric for win ter underskirts. Hound andovul-ahapea brooches are im ported now that every lady U shipped with long , slender , lace pins. Pleated capes attached to a yoke-like collar complete some of the most tasteful cloaks worn by young i Irla. Furrowed plush with the rldgca across tire brentltln makes oletjaut ulclrta to wear under brocaded overdresses. A iaih-bow at the hack is not aa fash ionablq aa when tied in front in long loopt with the ends banging to the foot of the ikirt. ikirt.White White felt poke bonnets trimmed with whlto uncut velvet , white Authors and seine gilt braid will bo worn by. young ladies. Mrs. Howe Bays women do not fall in love any more. Place a woman in front of tbo milliner's window and BOO if nho doesn't. A woman's bonnet Is usually an affair of on her , but as much ns aholoves her bon net , lovely woman rather prefers an affair of offer. The Oriental cloaklnga most fa hlouablo tb ! wlnti-r r of mixed silk and worsted in fine camera-halt shawl designs , and of rich und uumuou coloring. The leg-of-mutton ilcoves have not proved nuixossiul. but the close coat- Bleevea are now slightly cushioned at the top to lilt them above the armliolo. White gloves and wblto bonnets an once more in fatblou and will bo used , to gether with a great deal of Lice to brighter dark drentes at the theatre uud opera. Copper-colored allk and vdvet ojinlma tjon dresses are among tbo most atylUh o4 the season. Embroidery on velvet ant jnulti-colored beaded gimp * are tbg trinj NoiV ulstcru are made of Scotch twcod in colas-board blocks , trimmed with wide woolen braid and cylinder-shaped buttoni , A painted hood may bo added aud re moved at pleasure , Morne , who invented the telegraph , and Veil , the Inventor of the telephone , both had doaf-inuta wives , which loads a wag to observe : "Just tee what a man can do when everything la quiet. " A Boston cltrgvmen'i ' wife being over charged by a liuffalo backman for the trip between two railroad ktatiime , bad him ar- retted , appeared agalnit him , saw him fined 812 60 , and got back in time to take her train. } ' The fuhionable dance in Hungary la one In which every man dancing huga two women at the same time. It will be the rage at American watering placet where there are not men enough to go around , It' * very eaiy to start falio reports. Just becauio a Philadelphia woman while buying a broom wanUd one with a heavy aud itrong handle , It was reported arouuil that abe in the habit WAS of beating bei husband , letl They were talking about the Frlzzlt Bills and the effects they make to keep in with the fathlon with \tiry little cash hell from their parents , "Whv , " said one of the goulp * , "Fannie , Frlrziu actual ofy ! palnU dinner canU fur mvneyj Isn't i1 awfull"-Ntw ) York Mall. A Hartford dressmaker tends homi dresiei when they are promised , fiuUht them as neatly as tailor-nude cnstum ' > and fends all the pieces that are left , Kin ! thould consult a physician at once. Th good die young. Philadelphia New * . BThe visile , with largo open sleeve * , i one uf the nioat elegant cloaks uf the sea con. It I * made of reupeduillc utrewnvvltl large brocaded plush feathers , flowers o ball * , aud is trimmed with a ruche if mai about f' hera or chenille. * Grlfrliu , one of the most fasl lonabii lines of the wiuter , was ery generall "rn a generation ago , but the new color lu which it now appoiu du not harmonize with that of dresses that ave been preserved aa heirlooms. Chasseur jackets , with box-plalU dow the front aud back , are worn with clot ccwtumes. liatket braid Is a t on the edge of the plait * in corkscrew designs , aui wide * bralds > trim the skirt * . Rifle-green cloth ii the fathionable color for such dresses. Matolasie ( llks are revived for winter Ireises where they most often appear as lellMOd. The new designs have very largo jgnres , and are puffed out as If padded , 3ords and tatsela of satin and jets are ned with cock.i'-feother borders , or fur lands trim matelanse garments. A two-itory building is to be erected In [ 'armlngton , for , AS a traveling Item says , 'the marmfactura of ladies' and misses' iecln. " TJio building will evidently bo dgh enough for the purpose , Lowell Courier. Kmily Faithful has quit bringing servant girls to this country , dho found that few of them retained their situations over thteo Months , some fell lute evil ways , and all soon became too independent to thank her 'or her philanthropy. When a man rpcaks of a woman ha rnvon over her beautiful complexion , her deli cately-cut f cAturtf , her glocty hair , and all hat sort of thing. When n woman wishes o describe one of her tcx f lie tlmply tells what she had on. Etch particularises what each values the highest. Mlrabeau htvtt of felt have a high taper ing crown with a band uf velvet fastened iy clasp of billllant stones , and a tuft of leather curls over the left nide. Hussar blue , myrtle green and terra-cotta are the colors and the trimmings are of the same shades. Blnls are cunnln gly poised on a bunch of roiobmli on the bonnet topi as If lured there by them. A largo bird with the head thrust upward in full relief is on severely plain bonnets , and Its tall feath ers arn made to curl around the crown. Ureas t feathers of yellow-green shades form tli 8 entire brim of a bonnet with pale pink velvet cnwn. For traveling , shopping and penerally useful costumes the tailor-made c sloth suits find most favor , and this favor promises to last , as these dresses are worn two seasons without requiring change. Nut brown and myrtlo-grcen tricot cloth nnd rough finished English cloths of small , dark checks and blocks are the materials used. A charming finish for the neck of dresioi conslats of n bias velvet band of either red or blue , with ono end lapped over on the loft sldo and fastened at the throat by a buckle of silvered bronze or of beaten silver. Plaited whlto lace falls below the buckle as a cravat bow , and the whole may bo worn with a military collar of embroid ered linen , or with a puff or veil ot crepe do HSBC. A correspondent thus describes Mme , Bernadakt , the fair Itu-slan who aspires to be known as the most beautiful woman in Paris : "I BOW her at the opera , looking the very typo of perfect , If noulloii , loveli ness. | In features she resembles greatly the portraits of Mmo. Kecamfer. The eyes are of a deep b.uo , the nose aquiline , the mouth small and shaped like Cupid's bow. The exquisitely shaped head Is set to per fection on the whlto rounded throat , and the shoulders in mould and in coloring would put to shame the most artistic form eyur sculptured in marble. If her face were only expressive it would be divine. She will bo next season ono of the queens of Parisian nocloty , MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Chanfrau is doing South Carolina. Frank Mordaunt is in New Mexico. ? .lisg Thursby nang In New York , Fri- day. day.Me Me I too Hankln was in Cincinnati , Mon day. "Homany llye" drawn well in Now York- . Modjeska will play in Albany on Tours- day. day.Blind Blind Tom is again playing in New York. Emma Abbott was in St. Louis during this week. Miss Kellogg will open in Boston on November 14 , The Pearl Eytingo Company went to pieces in Chicago. Lawrence Barrett entertained Chicago audiences this ween. John McCullough played last week to big business In Cincinnati. Mad i wo Modloska hoa made a great hit as Konallnd at Brooklyn. The advance sale fclr the Boston Ideals' ' engagement ut Cleveland was $1,000. Mme. Nilsson'a concerts in Boston have aroused on unusual amount of enthusiasm in that staid city. Signer Campanini was the most remark' able endowed ginger the public has known in the past ton yearn. Next to him cornea Capoul. Joselfy was the soloist at Thomas' First Symphony concert in Philadelphia last Wednesday , and played a concerto in G minor by balnt Saenu , It Is said that Patti will make only ono tour ufter her American engagement , urn ! that rene In ( Brazil , where oho baa been offered $ 00,000 for three months. Mr. Jefferson's professional matinee at the Union Squire Theater last week was a decided success , and brought more players together than auy similar entertainment seen In New York. Miss Bessie Greg , who Is the prlma donna of the Old Philadelphia Choir Eug- llth Opera , has made a decided success at the n w Mount Morrh Theatre in the rolea of Patience , Boltlna and Olivette. "Taken from Life , " the great sensational play which is soon to bo produced , has fur Its principal incident the blowing up ol OlcrkcmvollPrisonLondon , whlihatt > vti .i the whole world In. 18fO , Jt i-j - .ftt ( ] t'0 be i ploy f r suporlor lo eltliel"Youth" or "Tho World , " having a much better plot nnrt more chanced for BJ len-ld ! scenic ef fects. fects.Mary Mary Anderson is on the stnaklng ques tion what a bibllornaulao is onTfouks. She must have a ton of stockings , all exqul- eltsly embroidered or clocked with line feathor-Btlchtng , They have been gath ered from all purta of the wortd , many be- HIT purchased by her privtte costumor. 'hose fcr winter wear aru heavy silk , iand-knlt , or finer goods from the loom , Ined with white lleoce , Almee is never withotiX now oboes. The qneak of new leather'3 { r.we'uter to her ear ban is her own tquealt'rt ; to the auditory lerves of her friend * , A pair of red slik tassels always doable from her boot tops , md a myrtle greca Stocking , nlw ys worn in commemoratlua-of a Spanish lover who presented his heart and a box of the above novelties at the aarne time. He turned out to be n perfidious wretch , and although she grouad his heart with her foot sh never changoit the stockings. Of Mme. Modjeska'a performance of the . character of Adrieiine , the actroa , the Bus- ton Herald says ; "Certainly it Is not like ly to be forgotteu by nay ono who has ever witnessed it , aud until the proves ttio con trary in a new character , it ( tauds beyond mifgtlon a the best plecu of work the has dunu in this country ; for , among all the parU Mie bos played here , it biet illustrates the > iucerity of her methods , the delicacy of her art aud her t > ossct > lon of that Inde y ] finable Cuullty | culled , for want of a better it name , magnetism , RELIGIOUS. The lliptlfts of Kngland have had built a imiall Btannier for the use of their in In- flouarlek iu the lutcrior of Africa. It lais n-med the "Peace , " - Tlie Inillana HaptUt state convention was organized fifty year * ago iu n ! OK or HcbooMinurethat had no floor Iu it , located - about oue mile northeast of the town ol Talrland. This year it will celebrate the . Beiul-centeuuial of it organization at I 4\ layette , in the magnificent temple of tin . First Uiptltt church. A curious band uf religious ciithudaBt haye recently emigrated from Chicago tc Jerusalem , The wife of a lawyer iu tha1 : city a few years ago lost three children bj the wreck cf a ship , and the misfortune so affected her mind that ahe became a prej to delusions aa to the ej > cody murrectloi of her children And personal revelations I from the Deity. Strange to say she hai lernundcd her husband and several other > ersons to share her delusions. Not long tgo It was revealed to her that she and her ollowers should cell their possessions and set out for Jerusalem. The parties have recently arrived at thi Holy City , and pro- f ess to be making converts lo their own eccentric faith. She Got Two Bites 'Your girl may be pretty , " said Harry , "M y be , as you call her , divine ; A girl any fellow would marry , But wait , Chtrlle , till you've seen mine , Ah ! then , my dear boy , you'll see beauty United to sweetness and grAce , With such high notion of duty- Why , candor h writ on her face. " "Indeed , " replied Charlie , "such graces Might well adorn maiden or dime ; 'TIs seldom we look on such faces Pray tell me. old fellow , her name. " "Her " " 'tis Etta name , replied Harry , The daughter of old Deacon Stone , And 1 would bo willing to bet a Small sum that she loves mo , Mono , " " \7hat , Ettal" cries Charlie , in passion , "You can't mean that sweet little oil ? She knows not of flirting the fashion Twos Etta I spoke of mytolf 1" That sol "muttered Harry ; "thensuicly We've both been deluded 'til plain , And ore nhe had hooked ono securely Sho'a got lo co fishing again , " PEPFJtflKMlNT DROPS. Georgians use onions and whisky to euro chills. Once a candidate , always a candidate. There Is no such thing ni an ex-candidate. New Orleans Picayune. ' The only way to convince the inventor of n patent car-coupler that ho won't make n million dollars out of it Is to send him tea a railroad man , The fact ( hat nulnino Is most easily taken in a glnvt of whisky has not tended to diminish Itu popularity among men who suffer from malaria. Boston Star. A cow at Pltlson , N. Y. , ate up a sec tion of a spring bed belore her owner no ticed that she had a wiry appearance. Some men are BO abicnt-mlnded , you know. Speaking of the popularity of "comet parties" in Cnlcapo , the Tribune says : Married men who attend them fre quently find an earthquake in the homo on returning homo. " Since a man at Italclgb , N. C. , found several thoueand dollar * under a stump there has been tuch a grubbing and dig ging for several miles around as would have raised $20COO wurth of cotton. It has been discovord that wherever a cyclone has ttruck a neighborhood every person in four counties around baa become a liar , while the effect on the newspa pers has been simply appalling. Ono of the patent Ohio crave torpedoes was tried on n mnle In Indiana to eec how It would work. Ho lifted up ono foot when the oxplobion took place , but never stopped munching fodder. Now that the chilly winds of autumn are blowing cold across the moor , the thoughtful road agent has begun to warm the Loadvillo stngo coach passengers by covering them with revolvers. New York Commercial. A Milwaukee woman his kept a kettle of boiling water on the stove for the pose twenty-two year < in order to scald burg lars. It is gratifying to know that ont man in this country can elmvo when be wants to. There is on exhibition in New York an armlecH negro youth who plays the piano with his toeu with the ski 11 of a veritable Blind Tom , We have nothing to Hay against the colored youth , but the people who taught a being BO well calculated by nature to keep quiet to wrestle with a pUno nunimed a horrible responsibility , Boston Post. A New York piper says that "a mem' ' her of the Joanuotto expedition gave a prune plo to an Indian , who greedily de voured it , while his wife stood by. After he had cracked the stones and eaten the kernels , he kindly presented the shells ti his wife , which she gratefully received. " The Ohio idea seems to bo popular every where this season. Over seventeen yeara ago two farmcrj in Bayham township , Canada , quarreled about a boundary line , and in a tight th t ensiieiloue'of theurhcrthfs'jawbb''e LroVeu. During the long years the fence bad oc casloned a dozen encounter ; , bos been sev < era ! times moved and removed at oigat , prrvokul three lawsuits , and almost pro voked uaaaBslnatiou , Ono day last week a third party brought about a reconcilia tion , A surveyor was engaged to locate the line , and ha discovered that ono man had an inch of the other man'n ground. The fence baa been moved over , and the seventeen years' war brought to n tenniu ation. Old Ike got up at 4 o'clock yesterday morning and went out into the wood-shed to ehoot a chicken-thief , Looking up into the sky he saw the comet. Soon as hla eye caught sight of it ho throw down his nun , ran into the house , nud woke "do ole ooman"ip by yelling : "Git up , ole "ooman ; nit up an * day yo * pra'ra quick , kaso do ilobbii'rf gene to fro win' red-hot balls o' fmh at do ear'/ , and de 'bellion dun commenced. Git up an' go eco fo' yo'so'/ , don cum back an' pray , Hanner pray loud , an' don't fo'git ter mensbuu me as yer gwlno 'longnnd the "ole man" step ped outside the door to ehow the old woman "dat ar elm ryot ob fmh. " when he fell into the collar , and "do old 'oomnn' ' fainted and foil in nn top of htm. OONNUBIALITIBS. Fashion now decrees that a bridal tou need not laat over three daya , Most uny sort of n cuunlo can rtrnaln within doom that long. Detroit Free Press , The Canadian papers are telling of an heir-ecu who married Iho bead waiter of a Montreal hotel. This i-Irl had evidently decldod to got something to eat. Mr. Itodgera , of the cavalry , whose en gagement to Senator Don Oameron'x second - end daughter was announce : ! last spring , Is still in the Indian country , and , though ho has been in many of the fight with the sav&gei , has as yet not bee ; wounded. Itria stated that Mme , Pattl was ngali narried a few woekn ago in London t Jlgnor Nlcolini , This second marriage I s supposed to be neo < ssary since the passim of the new French law of dlvoice and t irevoutlhemaiquUof Caux from claim ing the eatato Mme. Pattl may have at he death , Mtsa Ellard , bn Irish heiress , baa jus been married to tub-Comtable Sheeby Mlsa Kllard bad becu fired at during thi Limerick disturbances , and bad eecurec the service ) of two suo-constatilea to pro tect her , Sbe wan so much pleased will ono of them that she married hlui. He Income is $50,000 a year. Miss Faith Gray , of Burlington , Yt , about eight mouths nno married an ol. man of GO and wnrlh S'2.000,000 Ho hai the reputation cf bein ihe immiru nui in the Mate , By tonio moima tliu got th bulpo on him , and ho made uvi'l ' leavlu her his whole estate , and Ihen died. Thl. U another inttauce of Faith working wou de , although be had to wait until aftc slid was gray to do it. At the KpUaopal church in Frankfort , - Ky , , last Friday ovetilti , was performed novel wedtilug ceremony , joining together Mr Campbell Casey ami Miu Maggie M < : Koo. Both are deaf mutee , and the ceremony wan performed in the sign lan guage lined by the deaf and dumb by the Key. Mr. Eddy , of the Kentucky Institu tion , for Deaf Mutes. The ceremony was both Interesting and impressive , The ' minister read the sen ice the same as in ordinary ca > oj , with the exception that Higui wviofcubtftitutcd for spoken wordu. The ullent partiripauu repeated after him in the came way. The signs used were in many instances very graceful and beauti ful , and in cane a word was wanted for which there uas none it was spoiled ontou the fingers by the munual alfabet , forming lucid and fully connected Beutencos , Thut , without a word being heard , the happy couple left the altar man and wife. Gay uniforms abounded In a wedding assembly In Christ Chnrcb , St. Paul , a few evenings ago , when Lieut , Wallace was married to iMisi Catherine , the daughter of George L. Otis. Inside the chancel and spanning the altar-cushions wai a beauti ful arch of evergreens , foilsge , and flowers , while the font and lecturn were masses of blo'soms and dark-green leaves- The bride wore n whlto moire with full veil , ani the bridesmaids white satin and half veils. The officers were in f ill uniform and the civilian , of course , in the conventional black. "Tlis party was exceedingly dl - tlngulahed-looking , writes the lover of ad jectives who reported tha ceremony fet the Plonotr-Press , "and sighs of admiration could bo heard , ag they gured , from many fair lips along the alalei. " What U described at an "exceptionally beautiful church wedding" occurred In Covington , Ky. , one evening last week , the pirtles to the marriage being Mr. Whlttaker and Miss Spilman. The local papers report that the elite of Covington , with many notable society people from Cincinnati , attended , A ch.iln of pure silver inclosed the part of thn church set apart for the clergyman and the bridal pa'r. ' Pendant from the chiln wai n gar land of flowers , Kach it'her were some wedding f vor of silver. The groom nnd his attendants entered by way of the chan cel , Fiom the other direction first c ma the .ushers , then little Minnie Spilman , sister of the bride , who was the ring- bearer. She carried theclrjlo on her finger and bore in her other hand a wreath ( I while flowera. Other little girls followed with floral novelties. Then came the bride , Her costume was mode of white antin. trimmed iu front with duchessolace. A volt enveloped tha face and figure. She were a pair of mstive solitaires , the gift of her affianced husband , Her sisters , who acted as attendants , were pretty dretscs of whlto mullo and lace. When thn ushers reached the altar they laid the silver chain and garl.\nds ol roecs at the foot of an easel bearing n book of fiowoH , surmounted with a design of Cupid bid in rotes and holding In his Innd a pencil of flowers , apparently having just finished recording in the book the names Whittaker- Spilman , with which the book was in scribed. The service , "which very much resembled that of the Episcopal ritual , " was performed by a Presbyterian clergy man. IMfltfTIES. Talmoge has lately shown eigns of fall * ing , Hia congregations have refuted to laugh. The Philadelphia News has ascertained that moths alone prey on the faahlonanle prayer rugs. Pennsylvania has a mini-ter by the name of Hornblower , and although his congrega tion have offered to pay the expense of a change of name ho Insists that the old one is all right. llev. Abljah Green , of Now York state , preached a sermon on "Fools , " and then blew out hia gas atthe hotel , and went to bed to be autnoUed. We are gltd to hear of a man who practices what he preaches. The Jnpnneaa do not believe that Adam was the first mau. They cl aim it was a chap named liu Sing , and that bo made bia wife of olay and baked her for forty daya before she was done. A Judge in Hampden county' , Massa chusetts , baa decided that a saloonkeeper has no more right to pu5 up screens before Ih i door and Iho bar nn Sunday than on any other day during the week. This is right , The balance of the week ought to have an even chanca with Sunday. A well-known and eccentric minister of Nowburyport was many years ago being ferried over to lling island to eoe a sick brother. The night waa elormy , and the timid divine waa praying audibly , when the ferryman said : "Parson , I shouldn't think auch a good man aa you are wouldbe afraid anywhere. " "Good gracious ! " aaid the minister , with considerable display of temper , "yon don't supp iao I want to go to heaven by water , do you ? " Satisfactory. Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , , writes : "I have used BVIIDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS for nervous and buioua headaches , and have recommended , them to my friends ; I be lieve them tjbe superior to any other mjedielry Ihtf vii.iind..can > rccommend tuSrl ! J * J'yoiitijlfijTuIrfng ' u care for bil iousness. " Price SL. STRONG FACTS ! A great many people are aslcirg what particular troubles BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is good for. It will cure Heart Disease , Paral ysis , Dropsy , Kidney Disease , Con sumption , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood , thus beginning at the foundation , and by building up the system , drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Ilaltlmore , Mel. , May 7 , iBSo. My health was much shattered by RheumatUm when I commenced taking llrown's Iron Blum , and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my dally household duties. ] am now using the third buttle and I am regaining strength dally , and 1 cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say lee much in praise cflt. Mr . MAKY H. UIIASIIBAK , ' 73 1'rcitmansU Kidney Disease Cured. Chrutlansburg , Va. , > S8r. SulTcrln , from Udncy disease. from whlnjt I could get no rcllrf , I tried IJnmn's Iron Jllttcrs , which cured me completely. A child of mine , recovering from scarlet fever , lad no appetite and did not teem to lie able lo cat at all. I gave him Iron bitters with the happieit remits. J. K.YLU MONTAGUE , Heart Disease , Vine St. , Ilarrlsmirc , Pa. Dec. 3,1881 , After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation uf the heart without receiving any benefit , I was advited to try llrown'k Iron Hitters. 1 have used two bot- tic * and never found au > thing tlut ( ave me to much relief. ilra.JuNWK Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject , llROWN's IKON Lirixus is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine , GOLD ROPE. Thelntrlnslo merit and enperloi quality ol ou Gold Hope Tobacco haa Induced other ma mUc market lOoJi bloiilar t < turer to put upon tba cur brauJin name and .tjle Wch are oOere. nd told for lew inocvy th n the geauluo Ooli Uopo , We caution ttio t ade "J consumer w e that our naiuo and trade mark are upon eac lump. The only Ecnulno nd original Quid hop Tobacco U manufactured by THE WILSON & MoNALLY TO , BAOOO COMPANY. BEMIS' NEW MAP OMAHA cTTTST COMPLETED AND READY FOR DELIVERY Four pFeet Wide t / BY > ' Seven Feet Long , LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE MAP OF THE OITY EVER PUBLISHED. ompiled under direction of An drew llosewntor , City Engineer , jid Examined nnd Compared by George Smith , County Surveyor Thereby making it the OFFICIAL MAP OF THE orrr. Over Six Mouths work upon it at n Cost of alioufc ยง 1,500. CONTAINS EVERY HE ff ADDITION aid out up to this date. Also all public and private buildings of note photographed thereon. Sliows all New Railway ana Depot Grounds , AH property uhown and described within half a mile aouth and west of city limits , and all within ono mile north of north boundary of city , Fully Mounted , Colored , Varnished And Cloth Backs. PRICE $7 EACH. PUBLISHED BY Geo. P. Bemis Heal Estate Agency , 16th and uouiszai Btieeta .NEWMAN&CO WILL OPEN AT Farnam Street. WHOLESALE MILLINERY & NOTIONS Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER , { 1308 < ffl2Mru 8 i OBERPELDER & CO. /I Single Breech Loading Shot Buns , from 85 to 818- DoubloBree ch Loading Shot Buns , $18 $ from to SI 76. Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , from SB to 825 , Fishing Taokle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy floods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. BOOK-KEEPING , UOSJtNKSS FORMS , BANKING COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANS13II' , POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL AK1TEIAIETIO , ENGLISH LANGUAGE Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad scholarship at the 'YMA ' IERGIAL COLLEGE. A now institution based on the highest utandard "of excellence. Day and nnd evening cessions are now Iu successful operation. For circulars or special Information npply to or nddroaa PERFECTION HEATING'AND BAKING , la only attained by naing CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOUBS , < For sale by MILTO ROGERS & SONS JuU-rn&olr A. M. CLARK , PaintBP&PapBpHanEBP SIGN WRITES &DEGQRA'M. ' LESALK & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Sliaflos1 and Onrtams , OORNIOES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTUIIE8. Paints , Oils & Brushes. 1O7 Soatli 14th Street OMAHA , NEBRASKA