Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1882, Image 1

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A Louesonio Journey to the Grave
yard of Political Fratuls ,
Hia Hope of Election fentirely
Dependent on Third
Ward Tr icke ,
A Keg of McGuokm'a Sour
Maeh Weeded to Facili
tate the Count.
Qov. Nanoo' Fet Candidate ) Doftmt-
od in Bailer County.
Fragments of Tuesday's Cyclone In
Other Statoa.
' Mnuaor !
SpocUl Dlspitch to Tim Dm.
FREMONT'November 10. Boat ad-
vlcoo assure us of Mungor'a elec
tion by 400 to COO majority. It will
take the official count to certainly de
The Third District.
SpecUl Dispatch to Tun Unit.
FREMONT , November 10. Returns
are in from all but twc counties. On
their face they soein to ohow a small
plurality for Valentino. There is no
doubt that the moat high handed
frauds have boon perpetrated in the
frontier counties , Knox and iiolt es
pecially. There will bo a atrong fight
made to go behind the returns.
Merrioh Connty.
Special Dlipatch to TUB IIKB.
CENTRAL CITY , Nob. , November 10.
Tumor 401 , Valentino 1J383 , Mun-
gor 105. Sturdovant's majority ia
287. The above is official.
Franklin County.
Correspondence ot TUB Bm.
BLOOMINGTON , November U. The
official vote for Franklin county is :
Governor , Dawes 459 , Morton. 258 ,
Ingersoll 107 ; lieutenant governor ,
' Agoo 459 , Warner 255 , Reynolds 109 ;
secretary of state , Roggon458 [ ; Bowley
244 , Kirtlyl28 ; treasurer , Clark 447 ,
Sturdovant 402 ; auditor , Wallicha
447 , Loach 201 , Beatty 108 ; attorney
general , Powers 4G2 , Crawford 251 ,
JBarnd iC8 ; superintendent , Jones
405 , Speca 251 , Points 101'land ; com
missioner , Kendall 453 , Grebe 253 ,
Madeley 109 ; regent , Gero 467 , Burks
321' , Boll 21 ; congress , Liird 338 , Har
mon 304 , Mboro 1G5 ; district attor
ney , Webster S. Morlan 419 , William
S Morlan 69 , Abbott 331 ; senator ,
T < ronty-third district , Gaater , rop. ,
399 ; Case , dem. , 310 : Willaon , anti-
monopolist , 110 ; representative ,
Fortieth diatrict , De Clorcq. op , 293J
Aahby , independent dem. ' indorsed
by democrata and anti-numdnoliatn ,
517 ; representative Fi rty-firat dbtrtct ,
( Franklin and\Wobator ) Ohapin , rop. ,
394 ; Lohtl , dom. and anti-monopolist ,
41G ; county oommuaiouor , Thomia
Moore , rep. , 451 ; W. E , Hadley , auti-
monopoliac , 344 ; for amendment 320 ,
against 431. 1
v - Uutlor County. " 't-
OotrojDOndcnca ot Tin DKK.
DAVID CITY , Nob. , November 10.
Jensen and Robborta , republican
nominees for the lower houao , are reelected -
elected by a small majority. The
strength of the anti-monopoly party ,
even in this stronghold of bosaisra ,
has boon demonstrated beyond ques
tion in the election for senator of S ,
S. Reynolds ever Dr. Mills , of Ojcoo-
la , Gov. NancVa pet candidate.
Reynolds received about 1,100 major
ity in the county , aud nearly 900
majority in the district. Just before
election day Messrs. Havana and
Newman , U. P. officials , sout tele
grams ahead to find out the where
abouts of Reynolds , and learning ho
wno here came down to confer with
him , but S. S , was too wary to ba
cauglu by any such chaff , und
prudently kept out of the trap. This
fact greatly strengthened his cauao
among the people , while it taught
them ono of the tricks of corporation
It remains now to bo neon whethur
Jake Robborts will redeem his record
at the evening session of the legisla
ture. Ho has promised to stand con
sistent with the position ho took In
that affidavit against Cams and the
railroads. Ho is now placed where ho
can regain all of hia lost laurels , and
by a bold uuti monopoly stand assure
for himself a future bright
with success.
Jim Laird made a poor run in this
county. The time is past when whisky
and railroad money are good antisep
tics in politics. The woman suffrage
amendment. ] ! ! this county was Eiiowod
under three to ono. "REIOHH. "
Indiana Koturni.
Special Dispatch to Till U
INDIANAPOLIS , November 10. Ad
ditional returns from congroseional
districts confirm soriouu reports.
Leaving the delegation 9 democrats
and 4 ropublicana. The majority on
on the state ticket will bo from 10,000
to 12,000.
A ttopnlilirnii Caudidutn.
Specbl Dispatch to Tllf lil'K.
MXLKS CITV , Bijatana , Ko\ ember
10. A lar o republican vote was
given Batnin , republican , for delegate
and ho is probably elected by a small
majority ,
Free Canals in Now York
Bpoclal Dispatch to TUB UKE.
ALIJANV , November 10. The free
canal amendment to the c mstitution
was adopted by ever 200,000.
A Candidate for Spoalfor.
Bjjcclil Dl auh to TUB UEE.
LOUISVILLE , Nrvember 10. In an
interview to-day with the Western As-
eociiUod Press correspondent , Hon ,
JitiuG. Citrl'ilo stated ho would bo
a candidate f > r speaker of the Forty-
eight congress ,
The Tt emit in Virginia.
Special Dispatch to Tin 13m
RICHMOND , November 10. WiBo ,
coalition candidate for congressman
at largo is elected , the democrats con
cede , by from 2,000 to 4,000 majority.
Tbo coalitionists still claim o < 5r The
Firnt congressional district is iv doubt.
If the democrats eocuro it the con-
rcaaional delegation will stand , dem
ocrats 5 , coalition 5.
RICHMOND , Vo. , Novmnber 10 ,
Returns from the last counties to bo
licatd from in the First congressional
district , tbo- gains for Mayo , coali
tionist , which insures his election by
about 200.
A Chonrlnu Item-
Special DIspMch to Tun Dun.
YANKTON , November 10. Koturns
received indjcato that John B. Raymond
mend , rep , for congress , has not loss
than 25,000 majority in Dakota.
Nineteen counties out of 51 give him
9,400 majority , and all the counties
not reported nro strictly republican.
It is probable that the opposition
candidate haa not carried n county ,
Thu legislature will stand 29 republi
cans to 7 democrats.
Pintail nnd Polltioi.
Special Dispatch to Tim Bsn.
DALLAS , Texas , November 10. At
Henrietta , last night. 0. M. Burgess ,
a defeated candidate for county judge ,
shot and instantly killed R. M. Don-
ley , a young lawyer , who had spoken
ill of him during the campaign.
A Kentucky Dlitriot-
Spcclil Dlrpatch to Tin Ci
LRXINOTON , Ky. , November 10.
Rporta from the To nth district , com
plete oxoopt > nno county , givo. White ,
republican , 605 majority. The miss
ing county will increase hia majority
to 1,000.Tho
The Kcnnlt in IllinoU.
Biwclal Dispatch to THE HKR
OHICAOO , November 10. The re
sult of the election in this etnto on
fltato oflicora in atill in doubt. Official
roturno from 85 of the 102 counties in
the otato pivo Smith , rop. , for alato
treasurer 7,807 majority over Oren-
dorff , dem. , and on the basis of former
elections the remaining 17 counties
will increase rather than diminish this
majority. But results thus far have
boon so unusual that they cannot be
counted on with any degree of cer
tainty. Stratton , rep. , for super
intendent of public instruction , runs
behind his ticket and the result aa be
tween him andltoob , dem. , is entire
ly problematical. '
Halo Squeezes Through-
Special Dispatch to Til i Bin.
CONCORD , N. H. , Novembar 10.
Three hundred and thirly-thrco towns
give Halo 38,003 , Edgcrly 3G,8l4 ;
scattering , 925. Halo's plurality is
1,249 ; Halo's majority , 324. The
three remaining towns in 1880 gnvooO
democratic majority.
_ A Hint to Canada.
Special tolspatch to TUB Bnx.
LONDON , November 11. The Econ
omist , commenting on the result of
the oloctionn in tns United States ,
conaidera the return of the democrats
to power cannot fail to bo followed by
large results , ono of which may be to
induce Canadians J.O enter the union ;
that many cirpumntances would tend ,
if Canada' ' consented to enter the
uuion , to make K Canada democratic
rather than republican.
DonltfuVDUtrlot * .
Special Dispatch to Tun Ess.
RALBIQQ , November 10. UnofluJ
ctal returns from 84 counties indicate
thu cLcticu of Bennett , doiugcrat ,
congressman at largo , by a amall ma
jority. The official count may be
necessary to decide. The ronult in
the Seventh district , between York ,
coalitionist , and Robbies , democrat ,
is in doubt.
Colorado's Senator-
Spoclal Dispatch to Tim BBS.
LINCOLN , Neb. , November 10. A
private telegram from Denver , ro-
coiyed hero to-day , states the Colorado
legislature is republican , and that
Jcromtt B. Chalfuo , Judge Bowen ,
Lieutenant Governor Tabor , General
Howell and Governor Pitkin will all
be candidates for the United States
eenatorif iip , to Bucceod Ohileott , but
Goverriv c Pitkin's chances for election
are to-day far beyond any of those
Fattison'a Plurality.
Special Dispatch to TUE Una.
PiiiLADELViiiA , November 10. Returns -
turns from every county in the stale ,
of which fifty-six are official , give Pat-
tion for governor 38,850 plurality ever
Beaver Pattiapu has a plurality in
forty-two counties , and Beaver in
nineteen. It is not believed the esti
mate vote in the cloven counties not
cfihially reported will bo materially
Folder's Fato.
Special Dispatch to 'liiK HER
NKW YORR , November 10. The
Tribunal Washington special say a :
The opinion beomn to bo entertained
by about .half of the men one moots in
Washington that Judge Folgor will
tender hia resignation 08 eocrotary of
the treasury aa Keen us ho has com
pleted his annual reports. In the
majority of cases this opinion IB
doubtless based upon nothing moro
than the notion that the man whoso
candidacy has been so overwhelm
ingly rejected , haa lost hia power for
good to the administration of which
ho forms a part , and must hancoforth
bo n dead weight upon it
he longer remains in official life.
There are men of hfgh position and
influoncu who share this opinion , and
aascrt that it ia Imed upon the o\i-
dunoo of an experienced politician ,
holding an ofiuitl position ot great re
sponsibility. A fnond of the adminis
tration , and himself a stalwart repub
lican , said to the Trlbuno corro-
Bpondont to-day ho had aeon roa-
eon ainco last Tuesday to bo-
llovo Folcer'a resignation was
expected by the president , and that
if it waa not tendered the fioe/ing
out process waa likely to bo resorted
to. The gentleman said numeroua
important changes in the treasury de
partment were under consideration
and will probably bo made very speed
ily. If Judge Folger remained at the
head of the department ho might find
his recommendations and appoint
ments ignored , and that removals and
appointments might bo made without
his previous knowledge or approval.
The Herald's Washington special
says Secretary Folger finds consolation -
tion In the largo majority received by
Cleveland , and says that no matter
how determined the republicans had
l > eon ho would have been dofcated ,
His only colicitudo now is aa to who
will bo the tavinr of the party in 1884.
Unlcsi somebody can be found popular
enough to quell the internicino war in
the party ho docs not BOO what hope
there ia at the next election for per
petuation of the republican party.
Congressman J G. Carlisle , of Ken
tucky , telegraphed hero to-day to n
personal friend that ho would bo n
candidate for speaker of the Forty-
eighth congress , representing the
democratic party and the country for
reduction ot internal and tariff reve
Gonnnn Opinion-
Special Dispatch to Tin linn.
BERLIN , November 10. Many jour
nals in this city attribute 'tho demo-
pratio victory in the Into elections
in America to the growing influence
of 'tho foreign element of the popula
Blalno'ft Declaration.
Special Dispatch to Tha Dee ,
BOSTON , November 10. Blaine said
to a personal friend In this oity to
day : "I wish it distinctly understood
that I am not a candidate for the pres
idency or any other political olllco ,
and nothing can induce mo to become
Buch. "
The Wanti of Ship Owner * .
Special Dispatch to Tun Dun.
NEW YORK , November 10. A
mooting of the ship owners of Now
York , Now England and Philadelphia
was held here to-day. The meeting
decided to make the following recom
mendations to congress : Abolition of
the three months ! extra wages to Boa-
mon discharged with their own consent
in fdieign ports. All utorosj and rig
ging for .vessels in foreign trade nnd to
apd.frpm [ the 'Pacific to.boUmportod
froirof 'duty' 'Abolition of all consular
Eoea against voasolo. Individual lia
bility of ship owners to bo limited to
their proportion of ownership. Ap
proval of the Claflin bill now bofora
congress , providing that compensation
for the passage of nick nud destitute
seaman bo changed from the present
rate of $10 to 50 cents per day. Gap-
tainson paeaiug an examination , to
bo allowed to pilot their own ships.
Violent Deaths.
Special Dispatch to Tins
KNoiviLLE , Tonn. , November 10.
The Hedge brothers , negroes , were
hung here to-day for the murder of
James McFarland. The gallons was
made of n beam and two posts. The
condemned men were put in a wagon
and driven under it , the rep en wore
attached to their necks and the wagon
driven driven out. The mon were
pulled slowly off the wagon by the
lopca aud strangled gradually , their
struggles being violent. The had
choaou thia primitive style of scaffold
themselves. A largo crowd was
present , chiefly negroes.
Paddling Their Own Canon.
Special Dispatch to TUB BKX. '
CINCINNATI , November 10. Dr. S.
D Kendall and wife , of St. Johns-
buvy , Vermont , and Dr. C. A. Kneil ,
of $ ihuylorvillo , N. Y. , reached here
to day by canoe , having loft Lake
( Gaorgo August 19th , going thence 'by
water to BuuUlo , thence to Iho Alle
gheny. and down iho Chlo.rMri. .
Keudatt willVolurtv liVuie Ir./wvlwrtj
but the others propose to continue
their voyage to the gulf and thence
along the coast to "Now York , and up
the Hudson to the starting point ,
which they hope to roach next August.
Burning of Blorstadt'sHomo
Special Dlapatcu to TUB BKE.
NEW YORK , November 10. The
Biorstadt place at Irvingto'n , on thci
Hudson river , owned by Albert Bier-
atadt , the artist , was destroyed by fire
this morning. The house cost $100-
000. Five largo picturea of Yoaomitc
valley , valued at 820,000 , and many
valuable trophies and curiosities
which Bierstadt had collected in Cali
fornia , were destroyed. Their money
value was once $200,000.
Commissioner Raom.
Special Dispatch to TimBmi.
COLUIIIIUS , 0. , November 10 A
Zancsvillo special soya General Green
B. Raum , Uniton Statoa internal revenue -
onuo commissioner , is dying of colic
at that place.
The Cincinnati Gazoto'n ! Hanosville
special sayo Commissioner Raum has
improved BO as to renumo hin jour
ney this evening.
Salvation aud Snvarnl Huubniida
Special Dispatch to TUB Urn.
NEW YORK , November 10. Amelia
Gllchuat , ( i member of the Salvation
Army , confessed in court to-day to
having three husbands. She expressed -
pressed ropcntanoo , dcuortod the
"Atrmy | ' and returned to Philadcl-
phia with the man who first won hoi
The Goldnu Stair.
Special Ihtpitch to Tim OKI.
WHITEHALL , N. Y , , November 10
Four tona of powder exploded at
the Kconan limo works , Smlth'a basin ,
to-day. Two men , Donnia Golden
and Joe Cameron , who had charge ol
the powder , were blown to atoms.
Some parts of their bodies wore
found half a milo diatant It is. sup
posed the mon were smoking.
Eptclal to Tin lin.
NEW YORK , November 10. The
meeting of the Methodist Episcopa
lians continued to-day , Among the
appropriations were the following :
Oregon , $9000 for English opecial
missions ; California , S3 , COO ; Colorado ,
$5 , 100 , Columbia river , $6,000.
in Jail.
Hpciial DlspaUhto TUB Hrit
ALEXIH , 111 , , November 10 All
those engaged in the raid on Colonel
Hollowoy'a Block yortorday were
lodged In jail at Monmouth last
* # * "Wiso mon say nothing in dan.
geroua times , " Wlao men use noth.
ing in dangerous diseases but the best
and most approved remedips. Thus
Kidney-Wort is employed univoraally
in caeos of diseased liver , kidney and
bowela. It will cost you but a trifle
to try it , and the result will bo most
Sliormau's Solioine for Perman
ently -Sheltering the
Army ,
Fiva Million Dollars Believed to
bo Sufficient for nil
The Navy Yard Junketing
0 mtniBaiouJMaps Cut
Its Route ,
Henry Qoorgo W lvo nil Clnlmi
The Compleztlon of the Next Sonnto
Miscellaneous1 Matters
Special Dlspatchti to Tni BBS.
THE nBlUBns.
WASHINGTON , November 10. F.
Hi Fall , charged with attempting to
inflaonco the vote of one of the jurors
in the star ronto trial , and who was
placed under $4 000 bail lo appear
before the grand jury , completed the
amount of bail this afternoon. Ar
thur Paine , another of the conspira
tors to corrupt the star route jury ,
who has boon m jail'awalting the no
tion of the Brand jury , was also ad
mitted to bail.
Gon. Sherman Ima submitted to the
secretary of war a special report upon
the subject of military posts and forts ,
in which ho says : "Tho limo has now
oomo for a < radical change in the
whole system of piece-meal work in
quartering troops of the United SUtuu.
For ouo hundred yoais wo Imvo been
sweeping across the continent with n
skirmish line , huildiug n post hero ,
another there , to bo abandoned next
year for another lint , and BO on , and
now we are noroos and have railroads
everywhere , no that.tlio whole problem
is changed , and I' " adviao the honor
able secretary of war to go to congress
with a plan that will approximate
permanency instead an hurctoforo , for
mooting specific temporary wants by
n special appropriation , often in the
interest of parties , for the onlargo-
niont and improvemant of military
posts. " Goti. Sherman recommondn
the uocrotary of war to ask cougrozs
for § 1,000,000 per year for five yeura ,
to bo expanded by hiu at the discre
tion of the ofliorro of the quartermas
ter's department. By that process ho
thinks the army will have abundanoo
of good quarters for the next fifty
District Attorney Oorkhill nays ho
does not believe the report that Cap
tain Howgato io concealed In Now Orleans -
leans , nor does ho bnlluvp he will
surrender hithaolf Tfl'hi.i case is
called for
* - V ' s ja
arrived Uoro this'afiiwiioon An o > eli <
ing paper nays he called upon Score
tary Frolinghuyaon , and in reply tc
an inquiry of the secretary whothoi
ho desired the government to take any
stops in the matter of obtaining reparation >
ration from the English government
for the treatment ho hud received
while in Ireland , Ucorgo said ho die
not ; that aa far an ho was concerned
ho was perfectly satisfied Auth the
apology England had made ; that ht
would make no claim for damages.
District Commissioner West has in *
formed Attorney General Browstoi
that Detective. Miller , charged witli
betraying the government's intereaU
In the star uouto trial , is specially un <
dur the control of OoramiEsionor MOT-
gan , who is now absent from the city ,
bufcthut upon his rotnrn the matter ol
Miller's dismissal , called tor by Air ,
Bruwstor , will bo promptly referred tc
him ,
mot this afternoon , all the momban
proaont. Several preliminary mous'
uros were considered , and the cases ol
the White House claicnauto , and thorni
of the surgeon ? , were briefly din-
cusaod , but no action reached. It wjis
decided to employ a clerk to duckot
the various claime , und to proceed
with the business immediately. The
board will meat again to-morrow.
Coryell and Stcora , rooontly np <
pointed civilian momberu of the
naval academy board , nrrivo here on
Monday next to i.ttimd the mooting
of the full board ,
The commission appointed to ox-
amina the navy yards for the purpose
of deciding whether it io advi&ablo to
soil or cloou any , have already exam-
Incd the yurds nt the cast and expect
to start BOOH for Mare Island , 0-ila-
forniu. On its return the commicaion
will visit the Pcnsacola , Lingua
Island and Now York yards.It la
thought they will favor closing tno or
two yards tu'mporunl j .
In the Jonnnfitiu court thu morning
Melville continued hu uainttivo.
Acting Secretary Joslyn , of the In
terior department , rendered a decision
to-day in which ho holds that land
entries , made for grazing purposes ,
do not constitute residence ,
for assault on the Into Charles .1.
Guiteau , will bo tried in the criminal
court on Wednesday next.
M , 0. Wilkinson , superintendent of
the Forest Gr.ovo , Oregon , Indian
training school , has Bubmitted his an
nual report to the commissioner ol
Indian aflaira , It shows that the
total number nf students is 02 ; boys ,
CD ; girls , 37. These are divided
among the several tribes aa follows
Ko Ohohalis G , Alaskans 12 , Noi
Quallis 3 , Oyster Bay 2 , Pitt Rlvar 2 ,
Piutes 1 , Puyall 22 , Spokanes 18
Snohomtsh 1 , Umilloa 10 , Warn
Spring 2 , Wnsoa 12. Attention is di
rected to the blacksmithlng , shoemaking -
ing and carpentering departments , in
the first of which $1,038 worth of
work was done ; second , $315 worth of
work done , and in the third savornl
out buildings eroded and improve
ments made in buildings standing , In
the ( arming department over 100 acres
wera oultivatod , yielding 1,000 bushels
of vegetables , 10 tons of hay , boiidea
other articlfn of farm produce. In
the girls' LI 18 articles were innnu-
faoturod. The coarse of instruction
in the common schools is followed ,
and the progress of the students is
reported as satisfactory. The super
intendent in reviewing the work of
the schools , says : "In the direction
of proper education of the Indian
woman lies the hope of this and kin
dred school. "
was made to-day by Commissioner
McF\rl ml that will establish n prece
dent in all caios of similar character.
It is a point not hitherto ruled upon
In the history of the interior depart *
mcnt. It reads : "In cases of simul
taneous application for timber culture
entry of a tract in the same range and
section , all registers and rocoivora nro
instructed to soil the right of entry to
the highest bidder , OH in liomcatood
cascB. "
A secret mooting was hold at Worm-
oy's which wan attended by a hun-
Jrod or moro naval ollioora white tour
liundred others were roprcaontcd by
proxy. The object of the mooting
was to formulate a plan for the con
sideration ot congress looking to ob
taining a fniror distribution of ollicors
and procuring n fixed roster detail for
Lho service. It is claimed that favor
itism , detrimental to the officers , has
boon in vogue ainco 1801 , when Captain - ,
tain Fox bucaino assistant secretary of
the navy and the determination was
oxproaacd to have the matter set right
at all hazards. The names of those
proaont is withhold , but the fact
leaked out that they ropronontod all
sections of the country. Two officers
liavo como from wcat of the Miosia *
nippi river.
The Nrxt Sonata
Special Dispatch to Tim linn
WASHINGTON , November 10. Concerning -
corning the complexion of the next
United Statca senate the dispatches
to-day have cant doubts upon ono or
two states , und the dompcrats claim
to h&vo information that it ia by no
moans cort.iin that the regular republican -
publican can bo elected to the nonato
from Illinois to succcod D.wid Davis.
Later dispatches , however , from re
publican Bourcen , Bocm to authorita
tively refute that claim , giving Colorado
rado , however , to the democrats and
Nebraska to the republicans.
The Ecnato after March 4th
next will stand 37 republicans ,
37 democrats and 2 readjustee. Ma-
hone and lliddlebcrgcr will than have
the balnnco of power and will bo able
to dictate terms io wll'oh ovorpirty
may aspire to the contrpl of the nonote ,
if any of p ostorn stilea where re
publican majority is small and where
n combination between groenbackors ,
anti-monopolists and the democrata
maybe ; Buccossful in electing a United
Sl te cenutor. t\s perhaps in Nebraska.
bo tiud , oven If the two readjualcrs
should vote always with the republi-
caiia. In any event , the ropublicana
and their roadjustor allies cannot hope
to control the nonato except by ex
tremely narrow margin.
The Now Pension Offlao-
Special Dispatches to THE Uric.
WASHINGTON , November 10.
Ground haa boon broken for the now
pension odico on judiciary square.
The building will bs 400x200 foot , 75
foot high , will accommodate 1,500
clerks , nnd cost $100,000. General
Mciga thinks it will bo finished in two
years. It will resemble ) ouo of the
old Italian palaces , but will bo built of
briclc und iron.
A naval court martial moo to at Mare
Island , Gain. , November 14th , for
which thu following Is the detail :
Capt. Chas , B. Norton , president ;
Lieutenant Commander John J ,
Uryco , Bonj. S llichardi , James D ,
Adams , Thus. B. PhoJps nnd Muster
John B Hoyor an rncinboro of the
board , with Lieut. C. S. lUchman us
judjo ; advocate.
1 > KAJ > ,
K , J. Middlolon , for upwards of
thirty JOUH nsaintaut clerk of thu
supraino coutt of the Diutrict of Col
umbia , died t i-day , uged 80.
Cipoclal di3atcli ] to Tin : IKK. !
NKW YOHI. , November 10. Mr.
Oagood , the v/oll-know banker and
broker is eoriously ill. IIo can hardly
Spoclal Dispatches to Tim DKH ,
NEW YOKK , No\eml > er 10. IVctil
Arthur leaves this city Monday for Wonh-
iuytoii. Ho had a coiiferonco thiu after *
noon with Ills law partner.
MONTUKAI , November 10 , The uteauicr
Arragou , onlioru on Anticoatl IblanJ , will
be coiidcuined and dismounted. The cargo
of ( run will liu recoveiod ,
MACON , ( Jo , Novemear 10. The Iron
lirliiK" ! 'f the GeorKlr- railway over tlio
Ocouro river at Atbeii' , fell to.Jay , killing
ouo v.ot inau uuit eerioasly wouudlng elx.
Wlilch HeluK Turned Qrlnil Out Lota
of Dlucord.
The case of Frank Watklns and
Lucy Ryan , the former charged with
horao-utoaling And the latter with
adultery was taken up by Judge
Bonoko at 4 p. m. yesterday , Watkiua
acting an the attorney and doing so in
a manner indicative of not too pro
found knowlcdga of the law ,
The defendants were neither of
them ready for trial , but aa Mr , and
Mm. Wilcox , who keep thu hotel at
which they stopped in Papptllion ,
wore buxious to go homo and not have
to return again , their testimony was
taken , It wtu > in substance that the
parties came to thu Wilcox house and
registered aa man and wife , pocupy-
ing the oixmo room , which
contained hut ono bed , for tm > days.
Ho asked Watkins If that wen not nn
OmAlm livery rig ho had with him ,
and Watkins said no , that it was his
own. Ho also said that ho wan a lawyer -
yor , and wai looking at the- town with
some idea of settling thoro.
MrB. Ityan'a husbind was prooont
during the examination , and got vfry
much excited once or twico. Ho
assorted his intention of getting a
divorce and pushing the charge of
adultery against bis wlfo. Ho will
probably drop that , as the olTeneft ia
only punishable by six montliV im
prisonment or A fine. The case was
continued till Tuesday uoxt.
The ollicors think the whole trio belong -
long to the great army of cranks.
Watkins ia hold under $1,000 bail.
Kanntor Van Wyck is In the city.
Col. L. W. Colby , of Ueatrlco , Is in the
Hon. 8. J. Alcxutidor , secretary of state ,
is In town ,
Yio Biorbowor. of- Sidney , U at the
! „ . P. Hilton , of The Dlftlr 1'tlot , Is In
the city.
T. At. riillllpa , of Cheyenne , In at the
Onptnln Joseph 1'ollocV , U. S , A , , l at
the Paxton.
Robert WcldcnnMl , ot the V. M. C. A. ,
Chlcugn , Is In the city.
Iton. Jnmofl T , Laird arrived In the city
last night , nnd reports his election to con
gress by 2,000 majority.
H. 1lllloy came in from the road last
night , and goes down to St. Joe to-day.
J. F. GoddarJ , of Topokn , of the A. T.
ft S. V , lload , and Commitstouor Dnntol/i ,
ot Demur , were In the city lost night , hav
ing como to Attend the meeting of the Col
orado pool association.
GnyS. Luring , North Matte ; W. K.
Johnson , Nob.j J. B. Weston , J. W.
Dowoou , lira. 1) , llynn , Mlsa L. llyan
nnd J. I , lioogo nnd wife , of Lincoln ;
J. N. Smith , of llnstlngd , nro nt the
PAX ton ,
Your correspondent ia requested to
make the folio whig statement : Lo it
known that G. W. Haggard and
Amanda Elton , daughter of Judge
Elton , were united in the bonds of
holy wodlook on the 13th day of Sep
tember , 1882 , before Jeaticn Wright
of your city. No cards.
President Tousloy , of the Lyceum
haa been requested to call the lira
mooting for Wednesday , November
IBth , when the uocloty will bo roor
MM. GilloU aud son , of Burling
ton , la. , are the guosta of Mrs. K. F.
Extonaivo preparations are being
made for the concert of the Union Sun
day school , Sunday evening , November
bor 10th. Rehearsal this evening a
the reaidonoo ot W. H , Lawton.
The olQotion passed off very quietly
Hsn.-.TohiT'If J < ) > tiick received quito
complimentary vote considering th
republican proclivities of this burg
In the contest for assessor J F. Pag
was Buccoasful over C. M , ilarpstpr
which wan the only matter of local in
tcrcst. CUCKOO.
Thursday nij > ht , n Black PJush Li ]
Robe with red and green striped lin
ing , near Cuminga street. The findo
will bo uuitably rewarded by returning
to L. B. WILLIAMS it SON ,
cor. 15th and Dod'-o.
Apples are cheap now isthotimo
to buy the winter's supply.
A. J. QuiSTflAllI ) , HIE TlUHTEUNTl
All the democrats and lopublican
ought to join hands now and make a
big break for A. B. Hubermann'
.Jewelry Storo. Look at the immons
variety of beautiful Watches and
Diamonds and then wonder how good
of such quality can bo sold for s
little irUinoy.
P. S. Prices a ro marked in plai
figures and are thu aamu for but
parties ,
> P
und just opened at the Mechanics On
J'noo Sloro , ton oaucs of Novelties i
Dry Goods , comprising Dross Goods
IIoMory. Gloves , Trimmings , Buttons
Knit Goods'Underwear , FlannolH aw
Cloaks , and now'ioady for inspection
The season bainBO / ; far advanced , am
finding our atoro tilled to thu utmoa
cap.icity , wo fool ouroclvca compolloi
to make como deaiaivo stop to ruduc
our stock , to ncoompliah which , wehav
marked them at prices that will oll'cc
a speehy clearance.
Intending purchaioro should no
fail to avail Ihomsolvoa of the oppor
408 South 13th atrcot.
PKAHL Soil1 at Fronoh's.
Now ia the time to buy choice Min
neaota Four nt low iiijuros.
M. W. YAIKS , Agt.
Honey , Honey , ITonoy 15 cents po
pound at Win , Gentleman's.
If the person , Mr. Joseph Kirne
saw take two wool lap blankets fron
our wogon will return tht aame to th
Btoro , no questions will bo aaked. L
B Williams & Son , corner 10th an
Douglas streets ,
PEAUL SOAIat French's.
Scarlet Flannel 25 cents , at th
Boston Storo.
Gladstone Enacts the Bag Law
by a Majority of Forty-
lfonr ,
The Irish Members Refrain
from Voting to Please
the Premier.
The Corporation of Dublin Be-
fuao the Freedom of the
City to Woleeley.
Tho\VorlcF oplnofV entmThreat-
ontho Roynl Ponoo-
pecUl Dttpatchci toTiu UK ,
LONDON , November 10. Dilko con-
radictod the report that the Russians
atoly advanced to Sarakha.
Gladstone , replying to some ques
ions , promised fto house an impor-
ivnt atatcmont Tuesday in relation to
ho Egyptian question , and also hoped
o bo able to state the strength of the
rmy of occupation. Ho oaid the
; ovornmont had no idea of employing
lie queen's troops to aid in aupprea-
ing the rising In Soudan.
Dilko said the government had ro-
olvod m documents lu reference to
lie decision of the Spanish council ,
ofuslng to give up the Cuban rofu-
vaa resumed , Joseph Cowon , member
f Nowcaatlo-on-Tyno , denounced the
evolution as a revolution of pnrlia-
uontary proceedings , which justified
riah obstruction to the patsago of the
> aloful coercion act. Other speakers
ollpwod , and nt 1 o'clock the housa
ividod on Sir Stafford Northcoto'a
motion that the govornmont'u cloture
ulo bo rejected. The result of the
vote waa 2GO in favor of the motion to
04 against ; ministerial majority , 44.
the Irish mombars did uot voto.
This action ia attributed to the in-
luonco of the homo rule remarks in
Jladstono'n speech Wednesday. Great
cheers in the house followed the an-
louncoment of the voto. The debate
on cloture ruloa ia now closed. Tho.
discusaiou of minor rules of proce
dure will occupy about two weeks , and
ho debate on the Egyptian question
tour nights. Parliament will bo pro
rogued the first week in December ,
DUIILIN , November 10. Some very
lively aconoB were enacted to-day at
the second meeting of the corporation ,
Dublin on the motion to confer
the freedom of the city on General
Sir Garnet Wolaoley. After a heated
discussion F. D. Sullivan , who ia a
member of parliament as well aa of
the corporation , offered an nmond-
mout against presenting General
Wolaeley the freedom of the oity.
The amendment was carried 27 to 21.
The mooting then adjourned.
VIENNA , November 10. . It i * ru *
morod that the working peop'.o hJtoud
storming the Museum of Arms and
and Town hall. Aa a precautionary
measure , detachments of troopa oc
cupy both buildings. Arrcata of
working people are being made.
Baron Conrad , governor of police , waa
shot whllo on parade to-day. The
bullet pierced his clothes. " 1
MADRID , November 10. It IB believed -
liovod in diplomatic circles that the
Cuban refugees question may bo con
sidered settled , as it la oxpootod the
Britith ministry , on receiving the result -
sult of the Gibraltar inquiry , will de
sist from making any official commu
nication to Spain on the subject.
Spain considers herself fully justified
in not surrendering the rofugeos.
LONDON , November 10. Anthony
Trollopo'a condition is improving.
BEHUN , November 10. The emperor -
poror will not open the Prussian par
liament in person.
HALIFAX , November 10. A cable
from Roma announces the appoint
ment of Rev. Dr. 0. O'Brion to the
archbishopric of the Halifax diocese
vacancy , caused by the death of Arch
bishop Hannan.
PANAMA , November 10. General
Lynch levied a froah tax in silver of
? D on each cigar , carpenter , tailoring
and other like establishments.
LONDON , November 10. The Daily
News Bays the Egyptian government
haH not notified the powers of the
abolition of the European control , but
has suggoatod to the powers the
desirability of dispensing with an
arrangement that had broken down in
its work.
England has informed the porto that
this moment is opportune to negotiate
the Egyptian question , that England
cannot"upprovo the Bonding of a
Turkiah commiaaion to Epypt to rep-
reaout the sultan during uord Dullo-
ring mission.
PARIS , November 10. French jbur-
als are very much incensed at the
Egyptian government in suppressing
European control , and attribute it to
Duflorin'a influence.
LYONS , November 10 , Troops are
confined to their barracks , because of
fears that another outbreak may occur ,
LONDON , November 10. The
Stuvdard thismornini ; regards Ameri
can elections as a rebuke to the re
publicans , almost amounting to dis-
aator , and asks whether ropublicana
will retain enough energy and co
hesion to purge out the vicious element
that has so long leavened their mass.