Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1882, Image 1

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    I 1
1H JU' ' ' OMAHA f- H
A Glorious Victory for the Toil
ing Thousands of tlio
State ,
Both Houses of the Legislature
ture Beyond the Power of
the Corporations.
Loran Olark Slaughtered on
the Threshold of His
Tito Cowboy ConntioH
Rcvlslou for Fnl's Bonoflt ,
L > alrd Qota tboro by the SUln of His
pedal Dijpatclics to TUB IKR.
Ono VIA NOUTII Ltiur , Novoin-
bor9. Full ( flioial returns in this
county gives Valentino 309 , Muncor
117 , Turner 103 ; Loran Clark 305
The balance of the republican ticket ,
110. Amendment 270 for , against
WYMORE , November 9. The count
is just completed in this precinct.
The entire nnti-monopoly legislative
ticket is elected for this county.
Yens , November 9. Laird haa 5 ]
majority. The republican legislative
ticket haa a majority of 280.
GRAND Island , November 9. Har
riaon , republican , is elected senator ,
Cole , republican , and Deuman , anti-
monopolist , representatives. The bal
ance of the republican ticket is oloct-
pd. Valentino has about 70 majority
in the county.
The official roturnofrom this county
are as follows : Diwna 770 , Morton
704 , IngorsoU 319 ; Valentine 790 ,
Mungor 728 , Turner 273 ; Sturdovant
1,018 , CJark"775 ; ngainat amcndmonl
1,189 , for 389. Harrison , republican ,
is elected to the senate by about 30 (
majority ; Cole , rep. , and Danman ,
anti-monopoly are elected to the legis
DAVID CITY , Nob. , November 9.
Butler county , official : Moore's ma
jority , 302 ; Sturdevanr , majority ,
401 ; y , S. Reynolds , senator , major
ity , 1,004 ; Jen'son , representative ,
majority , 1G9 ; Robert ; , represents
tivo , majority , 80 ; Westover , diatric
attorney , majority , 259 ; agains
amendment , majority , 7i > 2.
PAWNEE , November 8. The oflicla
count gives Weaver a majority of 517 ,
Dawes 438 , Agoo 503 , Roggens 498 ,
Walllcks 505 , Clark 03 , Powers 527
KenfldnU 504. .Tones 506 , Morrin 480 ,
' '
jv tat senator , 158
Wilker , rep , , 375 ; Humphrey , rop.
representative , 234 ; suffrage , tor 508
against , 839.
NEBRASKA OITV , November 9.
Dawes received 935 , Morton 1,975
Rodick's majority is 450. Two logia
lators and ono senator are democratic
one legislator republican. The vote
will bo canvassed to-morrow
SEWARD , November fl. Total vote
of Seward county Dawes 1,013 , Mor
ton 052 , Ingorsoll 253 , Olark 1009 ,
gturdovont 892 , Laird 914 , Harmon
x' 10 , Moord 367. A democratic seha-
' tor i elected and a republican repro
LINCOLN , November 9. The follow
ing is the total vote of Lancaster
county : for governor Jomes W
Itawes 3,319 , J. Sterling Morton 1,099 ,
E. P. Inpersoll 391 ; for senators P.
H. Walker , rop. , 2,708 , E. E. Brown ,
rop. , 2C57 , P. J. Sawyer , dom. ,
2,190 , A. S. Williams , dom. , 1992 ;
tor reprepontativo , GhcrlesO. Whaton ,
rep. , 2,829 , Allen W. Field , rop. ,
2,914 , Homy W. Field , rep. . 2,914 ,
Henry Wisnonborg , rep. , 2,789 , J.
W. Worlo , rop. , 2,745 , Milan H.
Sessions , rep. , 2,087 , M. H , Wessot ,
rep. , 2,738 , Thomaa Jenkins , dom. ,
2,011'Auatiufluraphrey , dem. , 2,127 ,
J. 'A. Broscoo , dum. , 2,077 , I.
F. Burnes , dom. , 1,920 , 0. S , Uaatt-
Ian , dem. , 1 (81 ( , J J. W. Wheeler
rep , 2,793 , O , Badwash Hull , dem , ,
195) ) t ; for amendment 1,471 , against
amendment 2iti ! > 7.
FREMONT , Nob. , November fl. Ra
turns from all counties except Sioux
make the result of the congressional
election still in doubt. Munger's ma
jority will be leaa than 100 and may
bo wiped out by frauds on the frontier.
3Iunf el1 , if defeated on the face of the
will contest Valentino's coat.
HAsrmaNovombar9. Roturne re
ceivcd from nearly every county in tlio
Second district aeom to assure Laird's
election by a small majority. Tlia
anti-monopoly candidates for the leg-
itlalura arc generally euccessful.
ST. PAUL , JNovombcr $ . The anti
monopoly county ticket ia elected by
a small majority. J N. Paul , tlio
regular republican candidate for the
legiul&taro , is defeated by J" F , Dodd ,
a home spun farmer. Mr. Paul wa < i
too great a weight for tlu partyto ,
carry through.
SIDNEY , November 9.- Cheyenne
county casts 370 votes. Mungor s ma
jority is about ono hundred. K'o re
turns from Sioux county yet Heist's
majority over Patterson is 325 , The of
woman suffrage amendment gets aboai
15 votes in the county.
HEIIHON , November 9-4-Cjjnplote
returns give Hoara 734 , Laird 519 ,
Slurdovant 730 , Olark 553. The
balance of the state ticket ia about the
samo. For state senator. II. M. Rlcl
710 , W. W. Lamb 588 ; fnrreprosonta
tlvos , W. A. Town 075 , J. V. West
508 , B. F. Young 737 , 0P. . Loiail
015 ; district attorney , Sabin 748
Morris 557 ; against suffrage 557 , for
ALMA , November 9. Tlio Horalt
of Alma and the Boo endorsed the
f trmcra' rally for their rights. Adina
rolls up 110 majority for Or. Sadler ,
.uiti monopoly candidate for senator ,
Ho is only GO behind in the county ,
nnd na Phelps and Kearney counties
roll up a largo majority for him his
election is euro. Returns nro all in
except Republican City , whlcn give ?
Laird 420 , Moore 244 , Uarnati 07 ,
Morton 387 , Abbott 327. Daweoh ,
our republican candidate for repre
sentative , is elected , Sauor , the antimonopoly -
monopoly candidate for float ropro
sentnliv'o for llarlan and Pholpa , ia
elected by n heavy miijority. There
ia u great success for the antics.
BLOOMINOTON , Nob. , November 9.
All but two precincts five Laird
312 , Harmon 281 , Moon-129. Sturde
vant's "majority la estimated at 140.
Against suffrage there IB a majority ol
TEKAXiAHNob. , November 9. Valentine
ontino will carry this county by iiboul
100. Everything else is democratic
except coroner. Turner Is ahead ol
Mungor here. Colliding is elected to
the state senate. Turner will have
500 votes hero.
LINCOLN , NOD , November 9. Ra-
turns indicate the election of the re
publican state ticket with possible
doubt on treasurer for which office the
democrats and nuli-monopoliats norm
natod the same man. The state senate
will bo anti-monopoly. The house it
doubtful. The Third congressional
district is claimed by both parties.
NORTH PLATTE , Neb , Nov. 9,1882.
To the Kattor ot Tim BKK.
Samuel F. Watts , anti-monopoly
democrat , is elected to the legislature
from this county. T. 0. Pattosson ,
anti-monopoly republican for the
state Bonate , carries this county by
about Go majority. Sturdovant car
ries North Platte precinct by 103 ma
jority. The other procincls will in
crease hia majority.
Valentino beat Mungor by 117 in
this county. Had it not been for
fraud practiced by Valentino strikers ,
Munger would have carried the
county. The traud consisted in steal
ing the straight democratic tickets in
outside precincts , and substituting
ticket with the democratic state tickol
at the head , and Valentino down in
the middle of the ticket.
On all the other tickets this con-
gressmau headed the ticket. The
same ticket was worked by railroad
strikers in this precinct in a < juiel
way , and the fraud was not discovered
rmtil they , begin to canvass the vote.
tickets in ono of the small precincts
and substituting the fraudulent tic
kets was done by the son of ono o :
our county officials , who boasta o
having an annual pass , and of being
the political agent of the Union Pa
cific railway company.
Anthony Rtb , our present post
master contracted with Senator
Saunders a year ago to deliver the
legislative vote of this county to the
senator in rot urn for his appointment
as postmaster. The election of Hon
J F. Watts ever Wyman Reia1 can
didatea , breaks the contract , so wo
suppose Rels will send his resignation
in to the senator.
Corrcujiondoncool the lice.
WATER , Nob. , November
9 , 1882. Your correspondent has pro
dieted the defeat of the republican
party in Oass county from the time of
the county convention , and yesterday
the prophecy was fulfilled by a largo
majority for Patterson ever E. L.
Reed , the republican candidate for the
state nonato , and a capture of tlio four
representatives with but little doubt.
The republican papers in the oounty
tiavu been ignorant of the nitration or
liavo intentionally kept the party in
darkness of the facts rendering their
destruction for some unknown motive.
Parties should , as well as persona , per-
crivo the destruction that awaito them
and act accordingly , and to thin end
the press should diapenso know lodge
ind cast n shadow of earning events
bpfore the people. At county convon
lions weak a/id unpopular candidates
should not bo placed on the ticket
with the hope that the strength of the
party.will elect the whole tickot. The
people are awakening to the fact that
primaries and conventions shall no
more dictate their candidates , nnd un
less worthy men vho are to
their interest , are placed in the
Held , the nominated candidates
must expect a defeat and a demorali
sation of the republican party. Flat .
tery with high flown diction and the
abreviation of "Hon" preceding the
imtDO of a candidate fails to strengthener
or elect men to cfliee by the votes of
the people ; for the time haa now come
when they demand rightfully the
course men will take ou aU the im
portant issues that interest their con-
It must bo conceded that J. .M. Pat-
tereon , although not a republican , is
mau wall fitted for the honorable
place _ i to i _ which j i ho * haa been . . . _ olectod. _ - .
and notwithstanding a little dirty
work practiced through the campaign
by hit opponents friends , in the shnpe
pamphlets or posters disparaging to
ho character of Patterson ho luiabeen
iloctod by a large majority. These in
ittlo blllo-doux'a (1) ( ) were placed in
be hands of republicans in each pra-
inct with careful
instructions to pro-
ucu them at the pojb ou the morning
of the election nnd not before. Many
of theae trusted friends of the republican
lican party prematurely exhibited nnd
delivered these slimy little shoots to
J , M. Patter/ion / and voted yesterday
nud helped to elect him.
( | > cclM Dispatches to Tun HIM.
MawAUKEENovombor9. Returns
for the state legislature are complete ,
showing the following complexion :
Senate , 19 republicans , 14 democrats ,
a democratic | ; ain | of 4 ; assembly ,
52 republicans , 45 democrats , 2 trades
Assembly , nnd 1 independent republican
can , n loss of 12 , The republican inn
jority on joint ballot is 9. The First
congressional district is still in doubt
and claimed positively by the ropub
llcana nnd democrats. Tha former
figure out n majority of 89 for Wit
Hams nnd the democrats claim that
Winans has 1,000 majority.
MEMPHIS , November 9. General
James R. Chalmorn , independent dem
ocratic condidato for congress in the
Second Mississippi district , opposing
Van H. Manning , democratic nomi
nee , is in the city. In an interview
ho assorts that bulldozing was prac
ticed in Tallnhatchio county , whore
the election was prevented from being
hold under the pretense of fear of
small pox , v > hlch deprived him of 500
votes , and the ballot box in DeSoto
county . , where the judges refused to
hold , an election , lost him 200 vote ? .
Notwithstanding , all this , ho claims
hia election ou the returns that have
been received by 1,070 majority.
ALBANY , November 9. The Even
ing Journal estimates Cleveland's ma
jority at 190,000 ; gives 85 democrats
and 43 republicans in the assembly ,
and says the majority in favor of free
canals is fully 150,000.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , November 9.
The Kentucky congressional delega
tion is 10 democrats , 1 republican.
LOUISVILLE , November 9. Later
returns have boon received from
eleven counties in the Tenth district ,
which give Matt Adams , democrat , a
majority of 140 ever John D.Vhito ,
republican. Nine mountain counties
remain to bo heard from , in several of
which there will bo majorities operating
ing as n stand-off. Both parties claim
the district , but ail estimates are more
guesses , an no news can bo had from
distant mountain counties for some
timo. Omitting the Tenth district
the delegation of Kentucky ia as fol
lows : Oacar Turner , democrat , First
James E. Clay , democrat , Second ;
John E. Halaoll , democrat , Third ;
Thos. R. Robertson , democrat , Fourth ;
Albert S. Willis , democrat , Fifth ;
John G , Carlisle , democrat , Sixth ;
J. , 0. S. Blackburn , democrat , Seventh ;
Phil. B. Thompson , democrat , Eighth ;
, W. W. Culbertson ; republican , Ninth ;
Frank Wolford , democrat , Eleventh.
CHICAGO , November 9. The lost
returns on congressmen indicate the
OJootlou of OuUen Tlioniwi , rcpub-
licans , in the" Eighth and Twentieth
districts , and Worthington , democrat ,
in the Tenth. The delegation would
then stand 11 republicans , 9 demo
crata. The state legislature is very
close on joint ballot. It is impossible
to say which will have a majority until
the returns are all in.
CHICAGO , November ; 9. Returns bn
the state legislature show that the
senate will bo composed of 31 ropub
licaus and 20 democrats ; house , 77
republicans certain , with a possibility
of 79 ; democrats , 74 , with a possibil
Ity of 70 , giving the republicans a
majority of 12 or 15 on a joint bal
lot , which means the election of a re
publican United States senator. Iho
result in the Twentieth congressional
district is still in doubt , with" the
probabilitien in favor of the demo
crats , which would make the congres
sional delegation stand republicans 11 ,
democrats 9.
CHICAOO , November J ) , Returns to
midnight leave the result ou state ofil
cors still in doubt. Smith- rep , , for
state treasurer , has a majority of
about 7,000 over Orondorff , dom , , on
returns in ; but there aroabout twenty
counties not hoard from and as most
of them are in the southern part ,
which ia largely democratic , the full
returns may overcome this. Stratton ,
rop. , for superintend ant of schools ,
runs behind his ticket , and the gen
eral opinion is he is defeated by Roob ,
DETROIT , November 0. The Michi
gan delegation stands as follows : First
district , Win 0. Slaybury , dom. ; Second
end , N. B. Eldrodgo , dom ; Third , iS.
0. Laoey rop. ; Fourth , Goo , L , Yoplo ,
dom. ; Fifth , J. 0. Houseman , dom. ;
Sixth , E. B. Weniansdem.Seventh ; ,
E. 0. CarJotou , dem. ; Eighth , E. G.
Hoar , rep , ; Ninth , B. M. Outohoon ,
rop. ; Tenth , H. II. Hatch , rop. ,
Eleventh , Edward Breitung , rep. '
RICHMOND , November 9 Returns *
up to 11 p. in. indicate the election of
Garrison , democrat , in the First dts-
trict , though the coalitionists still
.claim Mayo's election. The figures of
all the counties BO far heard from
show that Masoy , democrat , for con
gress at largo , reduced Cameron's ma
jority of last year 6,000. Ho will
need to do better in the remaining
counties to defeat Wise.
BOSTON , November 9. The Journal -
nal aays : It u written in the "book of
predictions" nt the atato house that
Governor Long will bo chosen United
States senator to succeed Senator
Hoar , whose term expires March 3 ,
1883. Lieutenant Governor Ames is
booked as thn successor in congress of
Lorijj , and as his services will not be
needed at Wushiogtog unless there
nhould be an extra session of congress
December , 1883' ' it will depend on [
the date of tie election to fill the va
cancy in the Twenty-eighth congres
sional District whether
Amec will re
sign before the date of Hie Meeting of
congress. The ofllco of lieutenant
governor could only ba filled by "pop
ular election , " but it is not likely U
would bo.
NKW YORK , November 9 The
Times says complete returns from the
counties being received will Increase
the majority of Cleveland for governor
to 190,000 , nnd that the official vote
will make the majority not under
DENVER , November 9.The indica
tions are that Grnnt'a majority in the
atnto will bo 2,500 , nnd Holford , re
publican , for congress , * elected by n
small majority , two or throe hundred.
The balance of the fltato ticket , in-
eluding lieutontmt-govornor , are un
doubtedly republican The republi
cans nlao have a majority in the legis
PHILADELPHIA. November 9. Complete -
ploto returns snow the next state
Bonnto will stand 29 republicans , 21
democrats. Returns from nearly all
assembly districts and careful esti
mates of these not hoard from , give
the don crata 110 members , republi
cans 91. The figures will not bo materially
terially changed. Th'o present Boimlo
stands 32 republican ! ' , 18 democrats ;
house 122 republicans , 79 democrats.
NEW YORK , November 9. Presi
dent Arthur maintained to-day the
same privacy whichjhna characterized
his present visit to ' ' ( ho city. Ho re
mained nt his horaof making final ar
rangements for his return to Washing
ton. The door bell jpf his residence
was not rang by nrsiu'glo visitor. Late
this attornoon thb president loft for
Washington.1 '
BOSTON , November 9. The demo
cratic atato central committee will
iusuo nn address in the morning con
gratulating democrats and indepen
dent voters of Mainaohuaotta upon the
roault of the election.
TRENTON , N. JNovombor ( 9 , The
houao will stand 33 democrats , 2 in
dependent democrats , and 25 republi
cans. The democrats nro sure of nt
least throe majority on joint ballot ;
they may have seven.
RALIEQD , November 9 , Returns
from the First district indicate the
election of W. F. Pool , rep , , to con
gress instead of Latham. Doubts nro
entertained as to tlio election of Ben
nett , dom , , for congress at largo , and
Robins , dom , , in the Seventh district.
WILMINGTON , Goiobor 9. The olli-
cial vote of Dulaaro gives Stockloy ,
democrat , for Rovornor , 1,933 major
ity ; Lore , democrat , for congress ,
1,923 majority , The next legislature
will stand , houei solid democratic ; son-
ate , 8 domocra 1 republican , who
holds ovor.
The Coknplcto Reralt-
Speeial Dispatch to
itate 'is 116',333
distributed ar oiMaV * ' Wimorrlemo-
crat , 69,025 ; Bulkley , republican , 64 ,
872 ; Rogers , temperance , 351 ; Tanner
nor , greenback , 590. The legislature
stands 138 republicans and 110 democrats
ocrats ; senate 13 republican's and 11
democrats. For congrcs , Eaton , dem
ocrat , First district ; Mitchell , demo
crat , Second district ; Waite , republi
can , Third district.
STow Hampshire Republican.
Special Dispatch lu TUB DIE.
CONCORD , N. H. , November 9.
Revised and corrected returns from
225 towns give Dale 37,540 , Edgorly
30,174 , scattering 921. Halo's ma
jority probably cannot bo reduced below -
low 250 , The stands 11 republicans
and 4 republicans. One district
thakos no choice and two districts are
in doubt. The republicans will have
about C5 majority and 4 of 5 counsel
lors. Haynes and Hay republican
candidates for congress are elected.
St John Defeated-
Special Dlgpatch to Till BIB.
T < * i-EKA , Kos. , November 9. The
republicans concede the election of
Glyck , democrat , for governor. The
democrats claim ho will have from 12-
000 to 20,000 plurality.
Tha Amendment Carrion-
BpocUl Dlapatchtto Tun Him.
NEW IfoRK , November 9. The fol
lowing is the vote on the constitutional
amendment to make the canals of the
state free : For the amendment , 114-
05i ; aguinat , 030.
A Clean Democratic Swoop ,
Special Diupatcb to Tlio lee.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 9.
Twenty-sir thousand votes counted in
the .city confirm last night's report of
the probable result. There is a clean
democratic swoop from the interior.
Stonomau's majority increases as re
turns come in , The senate will
probably stand twenty-eight demo
crats to twelve republicans , and the
assembly /ifty-sevon / democrats to
twenty-throe ' republicans. The defeat
of Page is confirmed by further ad
Notes ,
,1 , DUpatchca to Tim linn.
OALVEHTON , November 0. It In con
ceded that Ocblltroa , republican , lias cur
ried the Seventh district by almost 500
majority ,
JACKSON , Mlis. , November 'J. Un
official returns fnn-1 reports from trust
worthy source * leave no doubt of the elec
tion of CbalmerH over Manning , and the
election Van Katon , democrat.
AUOUKTA , November 9 Blafne left today -
day for Hostou nnd New York. .
STAUNTO.V , Vs. , November 0. The ,
democrats iu the Seventh oongreanlonal '
district concede tliu election of Paul ,
coalition , by 108 majority ,
Money ,
Special UUpattli to TIIK USB
NEW YORK , November J ) , The
Methodist Episcopal mission this
jftornoon appropriated various nntns
or missions in the United States not
in the conference , among which were
Arizona $8,000 , New Mexico $12,500 ,
Utati 812,500 , Norwegian and Bjredleli
ia , $2,200.
Tlio Past and Proseut Olorios
of Britain Sketched by
the Premier ,
The Aohtevouionta of the Army
in Egypt and Ireland
Apostrophisod ,
Pronoh Financial Ooutrol in
"Egypt Abolished by
the Khodiye ,
Spain Firmly Rofuioa to Comply
with England' * Domnndi ,
A Latfro Assortment of Qonornl For
eign Mows.
Spcclil Dl r tchcs to Tin Bun
LONDON , November 9. At the lord
mayor's banquet to-night , Glad-
atone , In replying to the leant
"Her Majesty's ministers , " ro-
furred with satisfaction to the
dilfurouco between to-day nud two
ycixrs ago in regard to the atato of
nfTalrs in the south nnd oivot of Europe.
Ho anld the government had great
dlllioulty to contend with in Ireland ,
but had relied inoro confidently uuon
measures of juolico they had Intro *
ducod than upon any otringont powers
placed nt their hnnds by parliament.
Ho was glad to any that daring the
past year the sky had cleared
and many difficulties disappeared -
od ; commerce and trade were
improving , and crlmo hid decreased
to a very great extent , Referring to
Egypt , ho oald ho could not hold out
the hope that war would in the future
bo unnocoeaary , na England had in-
toroats which constantly brought her
in contention with opposing interests.
Ho looked forward to the recent Irish
legislation na a firm and enduring
foundation of greater harmonies bo-
twcpn the different orders ot nocioty.
Social order was not now endangered.
Somu who had boon betrayed or seduced -
ducod into illegal doctrines had ar
rived nt the conviction that they had
not to regard England otherwise than as
a friendly and sisterly nation.Thoy had
como to the belief that in observance
of law , and in every just and legiti
mate endeavor to amend the law , waste
to bo found the beat specific for what
ever will bo yotrcquirod to supply the
wants of Ireland. Ho recorded his
thankfulness at the rnmarkablo
achievements ot British arms in
Egypt , which ho believed would bo
memorable in history. The largeness
of the empire , and the uncertainty of
human .affairs , exposed the country to
great anxieties. They had taken too
much , OB a great nation , upon their
hands to expect to lead a Tory tranquil
life. In conclusion ho said that ho
retained sanguine confidence that
England's glory . , , WM not transient ,
biii wtmla-hold In plase from /oo / > ra
tion to generation ,
Grnnvillo vindicated the khodivo'a
character. Ho said Lord Dufl'erin'a
miesion was to hasten the attainment
of the stale of aflairs giving security
for good government in Egypt , thus
accelerating the moment when the
responsibility of maintaining British
armed occupation of Egypt may cease
and England might fool her work was
done in a manner satisfactory toEgypt ,
England and Europe.
LONDON , November 9. The quocn
will rovlow the Indian troops at
Windsor castle , and decorate the
choaon oi the force for conspicuous
bravery in the Egyptian war.
The court has granted a divorce to
Mrs. Wollcsly against Col. Wollealy ,
son of Earl Oowloy , on the ground of
adultery by Wollosly with Kato
Yauglmu , the actress.
CAIRO , November 9. The Egyp
tian government haa announced the
abolition of the joint control over its
financial affairs by England and
LONDON , November 9. In the
commons this afternoon Robert Ar *
thur Arnold , liberal , guvo notice ho
would move an amendment to North-
ooto'a motion on Egypt , to the effect
that 'ho employmant of British troops
in Egypt was necessary to preserve
law and order , and also lo protect the
Egyptian puoplo in thuir endeavor to
sustain Bolt-government.
Childoss said ho discredited the
allegations in rufumico toUon , Wolao-
loy , regarding Iro'and , published in
The Dublin Freeman's Journal ,
Debate on the cloture question was
resumed. Sir Charles Dilke , in BUS-
swor to a question by Bourke , whether
it wft3 true that Arabi Pasha had sur
rendered to England's clotnmicy , said
ho was not disposed to think it un
likely but wouldn't pledge himself as
to the words , as Arab ! Puslm spoke in
LYONH , November 9 , The polioo
this morning forcibly cleared the
square of the Hotel do Yillo in order
to prevent a demonstration that had
boun previously announced to bo held
LONDON , November 9.-Captain
Benton , who wan eont to Alexandria
by the British government to onqulro
into the murder of Prof , Palmer ,
Lieutenant Carrington and Captain
Gill , believes the present ovldonco an-
trustworthy ,
PARIS , November 9 , After the sit
ting of the chauibord of deputies to
day , members of the loft held u moot
ing and pa aedu _ resolution in favor of
revising the constitution , Members
of the right hold u meeting and re
solved to maintain the attitude horotq-
fore nunouncod , Tlio budget , , com-
mllloo have nnoxpendcd credits
amounting to only 00,000,000 francs
and not 150,000,000 BS stated by the
financial minister. It will tlioroforo
bo necessary to obtain 100,000,000
francs from the account oi the floating
PARIS , November , 9. Duclcro , in
the ministerial statement read at the
opening of the chamber of deputies ,
said that the simultaneous appoint *
inont of ambassadors to I'.vria and
Romp WAS evidence of tno friendship
existing between Franco and Italy ,
MADUID , November 9. At a moot
ing of the council of ministers to-day ,
King Alfonso presiding , It WAS resolved
not to Mirrondor the Cuban refuge's.
Hop o Is expressed that England will
confine itself to fixing the responsi
bility on the Gibraltar authorities ,
BFLOHADK , November 9. It is ru
mored that King Charles of Rouuinnin
has threatened to abdicate.
ST. PETERenuiia , November U.
The concentration of largo Chinese
forces on the Amoor liver has com-
pulled Russia to adopt precautionary
military measures on the Russian aide
of the frontier.
THE OII1E1' KUIll ) .
GoNSTANTiNorn1. , November 9.
The Porto > has been informed that
Sheik Abdullah , together with the sul
tan's secretary , has loft Van for MOB-
TUNIS , November 9. Sidl AH Boy
baa entrusted the French commander-
In-olilof with the entire management
of naval and military affairs.
LIEA , November 9. Tlio late war
contributions struck the people with
consternation. Several solicited Gen
eral Lynch for permission to mort- ;
Sago their property , but the privilege
was denied , Ono person declared his
inability to pay , others fled to the
Oordolloraa region.
BERLIN , November 9. The pro
jected extensive mnneuvres of the
French cavalry in the eastern prov
inces is loading * to the concentration of
Uorman troops on the frontier.
Journals of this city commenting on
the democratic victories in the United
States express hopes of a return to
free trade.
Jewish rabbis residing in Prussia
have petitioned the government to
permit thorn to place the title of reverend
erond to their names.
LONDON , November 9. The Daily
NOWR , commenting on the elections in
the United Stnteo , says they indicate
a break-up of the great party which
conducted the war to a successful
close , reorganized the south and re
stored the finance of the country. It
adds , "Tho election is a thoroughly
well deserved rebuke to President
Arthur nnd hia friends , and that re
publican loaders perceiving ita mean
ing will do as they have done before. "
. Bniaiir , November fl. The Free
man's Journal in an article protesting
against the conferring of the freedom
of Dublin on General Wolosoloy on
his return to this city , assorts that
Woolesoloy when about to start for
Egypt declared that the only alloy to
his pleasure over the prospect of hia
expedition was his fear that the Irish
people might take advantage of his
ahaonco to rise , and ho would not bo
there to suppress them. During the
pendency of the discussion ou coercion
bills , says the Journal , ho ozprossed
the hope that if the Irish should revolt
volt ho might bo sent to Ireland to
suppress them nnd learn thorn what
war meant.
Army nud Navy.
WASHINGTON , November 9. The
naval court-martial of which Admiral
Andrew Byson is president , convened
at the Washington navy yard this
morning for the trial of Capt. Fred.
Hopkins of the United States luvy ,
on the charge of deserting his post at
Pensacolu on the occasion of the re
cent outbreak of yellow fever. The
accused asked for delay until tomorrow
row to enable him to bo examined by
the counsel.
Lieut. T. Halvorson French , of the
Third cavalry , and Eugene Gushman ,
of the Sixteenth infantry , have boon
ordered to bo relieved from Fort
Loavenworth , nnd will join their regi
Oapt. F. A , Ilinman , of the en
gineer corps at Milwaukee , haa boon
granted four months' leave of absence
by permission to go to Europe.
The Burund PaJuco.
Spcdal DlnpatUi to TIIK UKK.
LONDON , November 9. Details
have bouu received via Hrlndisi of the
burning of the 0 trdi'ii Palaou at Syd
ney , Now South Wales.
Bpeclil Dispatch to Till IlKR.
NEW OiiLEAHH , November 9 , Goo.
D , Buck , u railroad contractor , appar
ently insane , took a train yesterday at
Mobile for Now Orleans , When near
Mississippi City , while the train was
running he wont out on the stops and
ahot himself , the dead body dropping
to the ground , It is believed he came
from Kentucky ,
No arrangement has been made yet
with the gas company and the city ia
darkness again to-night.
TorriUo Collision.
Special DUpaUh to Tim DEH ,
QuiNoy , III , , November 9 , . The
pawongor train last nigh , about mid
night , ou the St. Louis. Kookuk &
Northwestern , collided with a freight ,
twelve milea south of this city , The
smash up iu fearful. The fireman ,
brukomau and a paasonger were badly
hurt ,
The Railway Hauard far October-
CUIOAQO , November 9. The Rail
way Ago stated that tue railroad oun
ctruoUou dtiriuk' the- month qf Oato
lor , la tliu Ujiited Slates , aggregate. ]
1,003 miles of mnln track on 71 dif
ferent lines in off stater , making a to
tal for ton months of the present year
of 9,143 miles on 203 lines in 43
states and territories , and estimates
the total construction for the year at
between 11,000 and 12,000 miles ,
which far exceeds the construction in
any previous year. Dakota loads in
construction during the past month ,
with 131 miles : Texas is next , with
A Dinner to Sponocr.
BpocUl Diipltch toTnx Bit.
Nr.w YORK , November 9. Herbert
Spencer was tendered a complimentary
dinner by over two hundred gentle
men at the Dolmonico to-night , Win.
M. Evarta presided , Among the
guests wcro Wm. II. Hurlbort , Chas.
Dana and Henry Ward Becohor.
After giving thanks for the cordial
reception , Spencer said : It scums tome
mo that in one respect Americana
have diverged too widely from the
savages. I do not mean to say thfy
ixro in general unduly civiliz d
throughout. In long settled regions
there is no excess of these virtues
needed for the maintenance of social
Imrmony , especially out in the nest.
Men's dealing do not yet betray much
of "Tho sweetness and light" which
wo nro told distinguishes cultured
moil from barbarism. No doubt
there la n acnso in which any'aosocin-
lion is iruo. You know that proma-
iuro man lacks power to appreciate.
Spurred by hunger , danger and revenge -
vongo , ho can oiort himaolf energetic
ally for a time , but hia energy is spasmodic
medic and monotonous. Daily toil ia
Impossible to him , It is otherwise
with more developed man , Tlio stern
llsciplino of eoclal life has gradually
ncroased hia aptitude for persistent
industry until , among us ' and still
more Among you , work has become
irith D'any n pastime. This con
trast of nature has another
aspect. The savage thinks
inly of present satisfaction and loaves
future satisfactions uncarod for. Con
trary wise , the American is eagerly
pursuing future good , almost unaware
what good the passing day offers
Mm , and when the future good is
gained , ho strives for oomo still remoter -
motor good. What I have soon and
lioard during my stay among you has
forced on mo the bcliot that this alow
change from habitual quietness to
persistent activity has reached an or-
tromo from which there must begin n
counter change , n reaction. Every
where I have boon struck with the
number of faces which told in strong
linen the burdens that had to
borne. I have been struck
with the largo proportion of gray
haired men , and inquiries have
brought out the fact that with you
hair begins to turn some yoprs earlier
than with us. Moreover , in every
circle I have mot in on who had them
selves Buffered from nervous causes .
duo to stress of business , or named
friends who had either killed thorn-
solvqst by overwork or had been per
manently incapacitated or wasted long
periods in endeavors to recover health. ' '
I' do but echo the opinion' of all eb 4
serving persona I have spoken to , that
immense injury Is being done by this. '
hityhT pressure life. The physique is ,
being undermined.
An Important Eqalty'Coaa ' '
Special Dispatch to Till Dux.
CHICAGO , .November 9. For the
past three days United States Com
missioner Worthington , of Colorado ,
haa been taking export testimony here <
in the cose of the Denver & Now
Orleans railroad against the Atchiaau ,
Topoba & Santa Fo. The action in
brought by the former company to
compel tlio latter to maintain recipro
cal relations with the Denver & Now
Orleans ; that is , join with It in is
suing through passenger tickets , bill
through freight over both lines , and
exchange oars. The testimony of load
ing railroad men hero was 'akon as ex
ports to determine whether equity
should compel such interchange of
courtesies between connecting lines.
The commissonor goes to St. Louis ,
then to Cincinnati , Baltimore , Now
York and Boston , where further tea-- .
timony will bo taken.
A Tlnronchbred Row.
Bpeclnl Dispatch to TIIK BIK.
OUICAOO , November 9. The Daily
News' Alexis ( III. ) special gives the
details in regard to tiio seizure of over
one hundred head of Clydesdale horses
ses on the farm of Col , Robert Hollo-
way , near that place to-day , by repre
sentatives of the Glasgow Clydesdale
breeding and exporting company. It
scorns a special train with detectives
and a force of men loft Chicago \ \ cd-
ncsduy and arrived there this morn-
irig. They suizad the horses in spite
of Holloway'fl protest nnd proceeded.
to load thorn on the train. Col.
IIolloYray , after the posse had defied
the constable and sheriff , got an order
from the divition superintendent
of the road to hold the train.
Meantime ho wont before the court
and Bwuro out a writ of replevin , and
came back with sufficient force and
took possession of the property , which
include * several prize stallions , the
whole herd valued at $225,009 ,
Representatives of the Glasgow com
pany euya that Colonel Hollov/ay is
merely acting us agent of the company - ,
pany to Bull the horses for a share of
the proceeds ; tint ho haa IJJPII soiling
a largo number of horses , and that his
romittancus not being satisfactory ,
the company became tired of the nr- „
rungemont and decided to get posses-
lion of ita property. _ _
Clmncinti Haiidi.
BHiclil ] Wdpatchca to Tin OKI.
CHICAGO , November 9 An im
portant change in the ownership of
the Chicago Driving park is announced.
n. V. Bomb has transferred a major
ity of the stock hold by him to several
parties here who have been for some
time negotiating for it. Thoirinterest
wiJl be represented by D L. Hull , who
haa boun lor ( ho past throe years m rV
ager of the tr.iclr. Arrangements uro
n jw in progress for a great running
mooting ill Juno , to bo followed m ,
July by the usual ypek trotting. , j r J
, November U , The storehouse
autl ooutents of tha Northern , Ilamlltoa <
& W .tern railway aurusd to-day : ' 7uw | .
" -
900.000. , „ ,