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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1882)
THE OMAHA AIL H.H - . TT - \ TWELFTH YEAH OJ\LA.HA \ NEB. THULSDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER o 121 Heiirofl & Domain v V Will begin their grand oalo of Boola nl and Shoes thia day and continue - for two wooka. Look at Our Prices. ' For Five Dollars you can buy a pair of the celebrated Hartford Boots ! The actual value of theao boots la EIGHT DOLLARS. And , remember wo challenge the world to produce better boota for the same money. Wo are instructed by the Manufac turer to Warrant Every Pair to bo superior to any over brought to this market. WE HAVE ALSO REDUCED Mon'o Patna Kip Boots , § 2.50 , worth ' § 3.50. Men's Patna Kip Boota , § 2.00 , worth § 2.50. Boys'Boota , § 1.50 , worth § 2.50. Youths' Boota , § 1 25 , worth § 1.75. (3rain ( Lorthei Boot , extra long leg , § 4.60 , worth § 5.50. Veal Calf Boots , § 4.50 , worth § 5.50. Veal Calf Boots We have but a few Pair Left. Original Price § 3.00. Wo > will close ff them out at $1.50 ; ° - ' Wo hnvo alaova amall lot of 'Women's Shoes , worth § 2.00 , wo will cloao out at ONE DOLLAR. Re member we have but few pair left. A fine lot of ! , § 2.00 worth § 2.50. Misses' Shoes , § 1.00 , worth § 1.50. Ghildrens'Shoes 35o to § 1.00. A FULL LINE OF RUBBER'BOOTS AND SHOES , or Men , Ladies , Onildron , Boys , Girls , Etc. A complete stock of SLIPPERS , of every description. HEIMROD & DORMAHN , Grocers AND Liquor Dealers. CALIFORNIA PEACHES , CALIFORNIA CHERRIES CALIFORNIA APRICOTS , CALIFORNIA PLUMS CALIFORNIA PEARS , CALIFORNIA SUGARS. Eeifflrodl florinanii FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS , ROYAL BAKING POWDER , OLD GOV. JAVA COFFEE , COSTA RICA COFFEE , GOLDEN RIO COFFEE , Heimrod & Dormann CELEBRATED SOHUYLER SNO WFL AKE FLOUR WARRANTED. HEIMROD & DQRMANK , FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER , FIXESR COUNTRY EGGS , FRESH COUNTRY VEGETABLES HEIMROD & DQRMANH , AMERICAN full CREAM OflEESE GENUINE SWISS CHEESE , LIMBURGER OIIE.ESE , IMPORTED SARDINES , ALL BRANDS OF FISH , HEIIVfROD , & DORMAKN THE ROGUES' MARCH Valentine Leads the Mourning Horflo Toward the Po litical Boneyarfli Loren Olark Keeplog Oloao to His Heels , Minus the Money Borjo , Jim Lnird-Movins Rapidly and Surely in the Same Direction. Muncer , Moore andSturdevant Delegated us Obief Grave A Mighty Throng of Monopo lists Checked For Salt Greek. Church Howe'd Melancholy Phiz Oonspicuouo in the Throng. Tiloroon Nye nnd PaAduck'i Filloy Billed For a Two-bjr. ix- 31orlous Hews For Anti-Monopolists. THE THIRD DISTRICT- Sp.clal Dljp&tchol to THE Dr.n. FKBMONT , Nob. , November 8. Twenty-two countioa give Monger 350 majority over Valentino. Ho- ports roach hero from the frontier that returns are being doctored to count Valentine in by bogus returns from the cow-boy region. Muugor ia elect cd boyoud question. 10:35 : p. m. The canvassing board lias partially completed ita work , with the folio wing result : Governor , Dawoa 1,120 , Morton 1,403 , Ingoraoll 125 ; lieutenant governor , AKOQ 1,151 , Warner 1,417 , Reynolda 135 ; congroos- man , Munger 1,59 1 , Valentino 713 , Tumor 391 ; treasurer , Sturdovant 1,632 , , Olark 1,070 ; suffrage , for 602 , against 1,813. The moat spirited con test in the county wnn for the acnato , Charles Sang loading Thoron Nye with a majority of. 450. The legisla tive ticket ia democratic. 1100NE. ALBION , Novembers. Boone coun ty givoa Valentino 384 majority over Mungor. HALL. GRAND IsiiAMD/Novomber 8. Hun' ' gor'a majority ouer Valentino ia G80. ANTELOPE. NELIGU , November 8 Valentine receives 320 majority in thia county. NORTH PLATTE , ovomber 8 Re turn ; Bhop t majority for Valr-ntlno in Lincoln county or 117 . * KEARNEY. KEABNEY , November 8. Roturna are not yet complete. Turner carries Buffalo county by a small majority ; Sturdovant carries it by at least three hundred. The amendment is probably carried by a small majority. Ham Connor carries the county by 500 for state senator for the Twenty-Sixth senatorial district , and the district by over o'OO. Anti-monopoly Represen tative ! ] H. P. Haven and Abraham Stodwoll are elected by a largo ma jority. HOLT. O'Niiir , CITY , November 8. Hell county proper gives Turner a amall majority. The unorganized territory attached has gene for Valentino. The Turner county ticket is undoubtedly elected. KNOI. CiiKiaiiTON , November 8 , Valen tino's majority over Muuger is 300 , Turner received 250 votes in the county. NANCE. GENOA , November 8 Nanco conn- ty vote stands : For governor , Dawes 202 , Ingoraoll 94 , Morton 80 ; con greasmon , Valentino 176 , Mungor 73 Turner 124. STANTON. The democratic atato ticket haa an averauo cf 05 majority ; Mungor 1m 210 , Valentino 103 , Turner 2 ; umond ment 20 for , 34G ugainat. NEBRASKA. . Special Dispatch to Tux HKK. TUB HHRIAL OV CIUIUOJI HOWE IN NEMA1IA. AUBURN , Neb. , November 8 , Re- porta from Brownvillo , Pierce , Brad ford , Nomaha City , London , Benton , Washington , Douglas and Aapiuwall precincts gave Foblingor , Peoblo'a representative for the house , a major ity of about 425 over Shook , Honro re publican ; Grover , Peoblo'a representa tive for the house , a majority of 420 over Good , Howe republican , Fisher , Poeblo'a candidate for the senate , a majority of 386 of J. S. Church , Howe republican , and Peoblo'B , dem ocrat , 500 over Reedburn , Howe re publican , for commissioner. The amendment waa defeated , The light was not between the parties it woa HOKO or anli-Hcwo. * DAKOTA COUNTY. DAKOTA CITY , November 8. The raturna of two procincta are not in yot. Enough is known to show that the county democratic ticket ia elected. HAUNDKIIH. WAIIOO , November 8 , 10 a. m Politics are badly mixed. W. W , Dack ia evidently elected. Ten pre cincts heard from. Wileon , republi can candidate for senator , ia evidently defeated , The amendment ia likely defeated two to ono. Donglaa pro- 1 QIVO 133 against and 3 for. ' "Hal count givoa Diwoa 1- 207 , . /t' r , ; < 1 Inner-toll 839 , Olark ] ,2iS. : Stu. ' " r > j4'I9 \ , Weaver 1- 252 , Redick 7-n/V , f1,239 \ , Dock ( independent groonbc ) for the eon- nto 141 mnjpnty over Wilson ( top ) . The republican representatives are elected by mtjoritirs from li t 87. OAOK. BEATIUCE , November 8. For aona- tor , seventeen precincts give Filly 022 , Bibb 310 , Burrows 522. Thia elects Filly. The anti-monopolists elect three representatives and the commissioner. NUOKOLtS. Sui'F.iiion , November 8. Dower aud OJark 310 majority , Lorril 281) majority. LINCOLN. NOIITII PLATTH , November 8. Lin coln county givoa Valentino 333 , Mun- U'or 210 , Turner 175 ; the amendment 192 for , 285 against , PLATTE. CotUMUUB , November 8. Oomploto ofltcial roturna of PJntto county clyea Mungor ! )75 ) , Turner 568 , Valentino OQO .o- . . HALINE. WILDER , Novombar 8. Forgovor- nor , DAWOS 04 , Ingoraoll 50 , Morton 234 ; congressman , Liird 80 , Moore 129 , llartnan 143 ; woman suffrage , for 12 , against 273. [ YORK. BRADSHAW , November 8. D-iwea 122 , Ingeraoll 59 , Laird 109 , Moore 76 ; amendment , for 66 , against 120. DAWSON. PLUM GREEK , November 8. For governor , Dawes 275 , Morton 93 , In- eraoll 177 ; for controsaraan , Valentino tine 293 , Turner 180 , Mungor 05 ; for woman's suffrage amendment 260 , against 180. BDTLER. DAVID CITY , November 8. Moore carrica Butler county by 400 majority ; Reynolds , anti-monopoly , carries the senatorial district of Polk and Butler by 1,100 majority. POLK ANl ) BUTLER. OSOEOLA , November 8. The Four teenth senatorial district , Polk and Butler , gives S. S. Reynolds , antimonopoly - monopoly , about 800 majority. The people are sick of boas rulo. DAWSON. PLUM GREEK , November 8. The official count of the vote of Dawson county gives Valentino 298 , Turner 180 , Munger 03 ; Clark 276 , Sturdo vant 2G9. For the amendment 260 , against 186. ADAMS. HASTINGS , November 8 Adams county gives Stnrdovunt 443 majority. Amendment lost. Legislative ticket , Sawora , rep , for the Donate ; houao , Tower , dom. , Armatago , anti-monop. DODGE. 'FREMONT , November S. Canvoaa not completed. Tbo result , so far in Dodge county is , Dawea 1,129 , Mor ton 1,463 , Ingorsoll 125 , Ageo 1,151 , Weaver 1,417 , Reynolds 135 ; congress , Munger 1,594 , Valentino 713 , Turner 391' ' , Sturdevant 1,632 , Olark 1,075. for fluffrage amendment 602 , against 1,010 ; Bant , dom. , elected ocufttor. 452 majority. * HOWARD. ST. PAUL , November 8 For gov ernor , Morton 370 , Dawca 249 , In- goraoll 244 ; for congroaaman , Valentino tine 366 , Mungor 258 , Turner 235 ; for suffrage amendment 170 , against 630. HAMILTON COUNTY AURORA , November 8. Vote cloao ; will require crfficml count to determine on some candidates. Moore and Sturdvant a few votea behind their opponents. Suffrage amendment curries by about 150 majority. BURROWS ELECTED. WYMORE , November 8. All precincts - cincts except two glvo Filley , rep. , 61 majority , with Logan precinct te hoar from and one-half the votes in this precinct not counted. Burrows , anti-monopoly , now haa 55 majority. All parties concede that Burrows is elected to the aonato , and J. H. Stoln- meyer and Turner , anti-monop. , and Oaatlo , rop. , to the houso. THAYER , HEBRON , November 8. Thayer county elects the anti-monopoly logia- lativa ticket and anti-monopoly sena tor in Jefferson and Thayer ia also elected. OLAY. SUTTON , November 8. Roturna from ton of the aixtoon precincta tndi- cite that Lalrd'a majority will bo about 300 in the county. The state ticket has nearly the aamo , except treasurer ; Slurdevant loada Olark. Ezra Brown , rep , ia elected aonator ; D M Nottloton , rop. , ia olucted rep resentative ; Ezra Howard , candidate for representative , doubtful ; woman defeated by 300. FILLMOUE COUNTY. GENEVA , November 15. Sturdo- yant will have 1,200 majority at leant in this county , ADAM8 COUNTY. HASTINGS , No/ember 8. The vote for Adama county on congressman givea Liird 99 majority. One pre cinct yet to be hoard from. WILDER , Neb , , November , Uu- oilicial but reliable returns show that the anti-monopoly county ticket is elected , Dawes has only a email majority. OAOE COUNTY. BEATRICE , November 8 Seven precincta on nonator give a total vote aa follows ; Filloy , republican , 287 ] Bibb , democrat , 132 ; Burrows , antimonopoly - monopoly , 14 ] , VALLEY COUNTY. NORTH Lour , November 8 , Three precinota give Valentino 150 , Turner 52 , Munger 51. The republican state ticket receives 213 and the democratic 52. Ord precinct wont for the amend ment 08 against 47. CENTRAL CITY , November 8 Turner'a majority is 75 , Sturdovaut's 260 , Majority against woman suf frage 130. BUUT OODNTY , TEKAMAH , November 8. Valentine carries Burl county by 25. The entire - tire democratic ticket ia elected. LINCOLN ELECTION. LINCOLN , November 8. The city of Lincoln polled 2,117 votes all told , and the railroad candidates for the legislature received about 300 majority in the city. The northern part of the county voted almost solid for the nnti- monopoly legislative ticket , but the democrats in the southern part of the county joined the railroad crowd , rvnd thus elected the monopoly ticket by a email majority. The railroad bosses stood nt the Firat and Second word polla'nnd voted their men by the dozen. Fnlly n hundred and fifty illegal votes worn polled in the city. Full returns can not bo given before evening , but enough ia known to insure the election of the railroad legislative ticket. The republican state ticket , with the ex ception of Gore and Olark , will hnvo from 1,500 , to 2,000 nmj ority. Mr. Gore , whoso homo in in thia county , will tun n thousand behind hia ticket , ud Mr. Olnrk ia scratched fully that much. The anti-monopoly county ticket received majorities in about one-half of the county precincts , something unheard of In this railroad * ridden and purso-govoriiod county of Lancaster. The nnlTra o amendment a aovornl hundred votoa behind. i HKOLA'S FIRE. - 1 Forty Thousand Dollars Worth " 'of Property Destroyed- Flroman > v Fatnlly Injured. i Special Dlooatch to TUB B n ' COUNCIL BLUFKH , November 8. 'At about 4 p , m. an iimnenno lira com menced nt Noola , o town twenty miles out from hero. The lire department dero , headed by Alderman Newell , ISx-Ohief Pat Lacy and nornc forty others , boarded a train commanded by Engineer J. n. Drindall and Conduc tor Win. Graham , and in twenty-four miuutca were un the ground ready for work , and under the leadership of our old chief , Lacy , the work waa thorough and succosnful , and in sorao forty minutes a Cro that threatened 'to destroy the entire town waa entirely aubduod. The unfortunates are aa follows : D. J. Farrell lost three buildings , J. LI. Lodge ono building , M. Haggorty ono store room , Ongon & Lore a atoro room , O'Connor a building , McGrow & Banks ono liioro room , Mo Will lama a building , making n total loaa of near $40,000. Win. Lewis , while removing a , stock of guns , pistols , etc. , from .a' burning building , waa accidentally shot , aud ia probably dead by thla time. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES , f pedal Dispatches to Tus BEH. , , ' NKW YOIIK. November 8. J. C. RUM- ton resigned the general agency of the Now York Associated 1'roai. Krrstua1 Brook * was chosen to fill the vacancy. / LONDON. November d. A 'bark ' fa wrecked at Milford. Twelve 6(1 the crow wore drowned , BOSTON. November 8 General jQrnnt was driven to the New England , manufto- tuters and mechanics Inaiitute fair this afternoon , and escorted through the ' .mild- ing Iby President Little. nd afterwirds entertained at dinner with Governor-Meet Butiar. t -j , f Tbo Elevated Railroad Special Dispatch to Tint DKJI. NEW YORK , November 8. The board of directors of the Metropolitan railroad company for the onauing year were elected to-day. The number of atock votoa caat waa 32,420. The Gould ticket received 5,240 , and the Knoeland combination 27,174. It ia reported that the entire management of the company will bo changed. ColHnlim. Special DLspatch to TUB DEE. BANOOR , Mo , , November 8. A special train which left Bangor this moaning with the leading oillclala of the Maine Central A Eastern railroad , came in collision with the regular train at Lincoln on the Europen and North American road thia afternoon. Two roar cara on , the passenger train were badly damaged. Ono passen ger had a log broken. The locomotive - tivo of the special train waa thorough ly demolished and aovoral member of the railroad party received cuts and bruiaoa. A Bigamous Bnptitt. Special Dispatch to Tnn BIB , WORCESTER Maaa. , November 8. Prof. Narcoaai Duoal , loader of the French Baptiala of this city , was tn day arrested on the charge of bigamy , Powder lExplotlnn. Special DUpatch to Tux Hun. WINDSOR MILLS , Quebec , Novony bor 8. The mill where powder ia grained and polished exploded to-day , Both buildings yrero completely de stroyed , About bix tona ot powder exploded. Ton acres of ground are covered with debris. Only ono man ( John Randall ) , in the mill at the time , waa blown to pieces. The rest of the workmen were at dinner. A. Killing Cave. Kpeclal'Dlepatch to TUB U MAOON , Ga. . November 8. Win. McLandon , Sam Stalfoad and Wm , Starr , negroes , were killed by the caving in of a sandbank on the line of the Macon & Brunswick railroad , An EncliiU Oululun. Special Dispatch to Tui ! ! . LONDON , November 8. The Times , commenting on the election in the Unitad States , aaya : If the republi can defeat in Ohio has been followed yeatorday by disasters in Now York , Ponnaylvania , Indiana and Ilhnola , the party will probably strive to re move the cauBoa of disunion and purge iteclf of scandal and reconcile disap pointed Independents and reformers. There ia much hope that permanent improvement in the character of Amer ican politica will reault by a ropnbli can defeat ; that the parly may bo repaired paired and disunion in ita ranks healed. The democrats have discov ered no cry with which to stir the country , but have gained ground at preterit , not through their own merits or courage , but only through the feeblenefcu and discreditable squabbles of thoir' ' opponents , THE BOSS BURIAL Party Dictators Hurled Boyoiul Reach of Political Re surrection , A Revolution For Reform Bounded Only By tbo Bens , The Democrats Confldont of Onrryinjj Now York by 200,000 , Pennsylvania. MtxHanobuBettB and Michigan Join the Staiupodo. The Monopolists of California Crowded to the Wall by Stonoman , Ccmgrciftmon by the Boron * Unp- turocl lij-tlio Democrat * . The South Is Apparently Solid Anil Llkowlao the North , INGERSO&I/S OPINION. 3pocW Dlsjuitcli to Tun Unit. A DOOM FOlt HHEUMAN. DKTKOIT , Mich. , November 8. Ool. Robert G. Ingorsoll was interviewed this nftornoon M to his viowa on the political eituation , ntid in answer to the question , "Whnt caused the great political reaction ? " said : "Firat , extravagant npproprlatlono ; eocond , rofuaal to reduce taxation ; $20,000,000 should have boon taken from sugar. The republican party should have taken such fltopa that all Internal taxation could within ono year from now bo abolished ; third , republicans should not have post poned the tariff reform. The tariff comaiiasion was a mistake : fourth , prominent republicans have baon tryIng - Ing to kill each other ; the great struggle has boon for ofllco. Wo have too many politicians and not enough statesmen. The fight against Cornell was unfortunate. Pennsylvania was tired of the sanio rulo. "What wilt bo the effect upon the presidential contest in 188 U" "It looko to mo now , that General Sherman will bo the next president. Ropublicann will bo compelled to take auch a man as General Sherman , and Sherman is the only man I know. Stalworta and half-broods , reformers and civil service uontlomon can all unite on General Sherman , the eel 'diet and atatosmau. " , PENNSYLVANIA. Spccltl Dispatches to Tin BIB PHILADELPHIA , November 8. The following la the Pennsylvania con grcBsibnal delegation : First district Bingham , 'rop. ; Second , O'Neill , rop. Third , Randall , dom. ; Fourth , Kelley , rep ! . ; Fifth' , 'Hatmor , top. ; Sixth , TSv * > irli6rt , fep.ji fieypnth , Evans , top. EighthErmontrout , dom. ; Ninth Smith , rep.'Tenth ; , Mntchlor , dom. Eleventh , Stormdom. ; Twelfth , Con nelly , dom. ; Thirteenth , Brurnni republican-greenback ; Fourteenth Barr , rop. ; Fifteenth , Post , dcm Sixteenth , Brown , rop. ; Seventeenth , Campbell , rop. ; Eighteenth , Klmmoll , dem. ; Nineteenth , 'Duncan , dom Twentieth , Curtin , dom. ; Twenty- first , Boyle , dom ; Twenty-second , Hopkins , dom. } Twenty-third , Bayno , rop. ; Twenty-fourth , Lawrence , rep , Twenty-fifth , Patton , dom. ; Twenty- sixth , Miller , rep. ; Twonty-sovonth , Braincrd , rop. ; at largo , Elliott , dom Midnight Official and cstimatoc rofurus from every county in the state , except Elk and Forest , give Pattioon , democrat , for governor , 32,122 plu- rrlity. In the present congress the repub licans have 10 members , democrats 8. In the next legislature it is beliovoc the republicans will have 10 majority in the senate , and the democrats a majority of from 3 to 5 In the house , thus giving the republicans a amal majority on the joint ballot. The laal state stood , republicans L2 , domooratn 18 , house republicans 122 , democrats DO . Simon Cameron , who camp to thin city to-day , had a conversation with ox-State Hocrotary Quay and Chair man Cooper regarding the republican defeat in the state. General Cameron did not think it such a defeat for his son aaeomo people imagined. All his friends running for tint atato logliilu- turo , so far as ho know , worn olccicil , and ho beliuvcd if Donald donirod il ho could succeed himself in the Unitot States senate. The defeat of the re publican party in the atato tins had a bad effect , because it kept both fac tions apart. They could never , in his opinion , unite , NEW YORK. H [ dal Dispatches to Tux Duic. NEW YOUR , November 8 , The Times' extra puts Cleveland's majority at 17 ,000 , according to raturna returns - turns received up to 10 u. in , , ant says the etato legislature is strongly democratic , The World makes Cleve land's majority 170,000 , and that of Slocum for congrosaman-at-larga 100- 000 , The latest reports increasu the domocratlp majority everywhere , and indicate out of the DO counties in the atato have gene democratic. Among the remarkable changes is tha u Ouyhga county , which gave ! J,40 ( majority for Garfiuld , now gives 2,000 for Cleveland , tind Monroe county which ehowa 1,200 democratic ma jority , against 3,300 republican ma jority in 1880.ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS. Special Dispatched to TUB HKI. CJIKMOO , November 8. Up to this hour very few additional returns have boon received , and owing to the uni vena ] ocratcliing and slow counting , I may yet bo EOIIIO time before definite figures can bo obtained. It in generally ally conceded that Cook county had gone republican by two or moro thou sand. The legislature , aa near us GUI bo estimated , will stand ; Senate , ropubliiano 37 , democrats 14 j house , republicans 80 , democrats 78 A republican majority on joint ballot of 30. Following ia republican estimate on congressmen : Firat dis trict , Dunham republican ; Second , Finortyindependent democrat ; Third , Davis , republican , Fourth , Adams , re publican ; Fifth , Kllvrood , republic in ; Sixth , llitt , republican ; Seventh , Henderson , republican ; Eighth , Cnl- Ion , republican ; Ninth , Paxson. ro- public. ; Tenth , Lawls , republican ; Klovonth , Marsh , republican ; Twelfth , Kiggs , democrat ; Thirteenth , Spring er , democrat ; Fourteenth , Stevenson , iomocrnt ; Fifteenth , Cannon , ropub. icnn ; Sixteenth , Shaw , democrat ; Seventeenth , Moulton , democrat ; Eighteenth , Kueffner , republican ; Nineteenth , Townsend , ( fomocrat ; Twontiolh , Thomas , republican. CiuoAoo , November 8. llaturna Tom the state are still incomplete , and at thla hour (11:00 ( : o'clock ) tt is still impossible to sUto the result , which is estimated to bo very dose. Republicans will have n majority of three to five on joint ballot in the state legislature , though the demo- crata will probably have a mnjotity in the houso. The latent relurim iudi- cato that on congressman the republi cans hold their own , whilp the demo- : r\ta hnvo gained the additional mom- jcr given under re-districting. These roturna give the following congress- onal ctolegations : Firat district , Dunham , rop. ; Second , Finorty nd.'dom , ; Third , Davis , rop.Fourth { , Adamo , rop. ; Fifth , Ilollwood , rop.- Sixth , llltt. rop. ; Seventh , Hondor- lon , rop. ; Lightli , Oullon , rop.Ninth { , L'ttynon , rop. ; Tenth , Lowls , rop. ; 31tvoiithMarah ! , rop.jTwolfth , lliggs , dom. ; Thirteenth , Springer , dom. ; fourteenth , Ilowoll , rup. , Fifteenth , Pinion , rop. ; Sixteenth , Shaw , dom. ; seventeenth , Moulton , dem. ; Eight eenth , Morrison , dom. ; Nineteenth , rownahcnd , dom. ; Twentieth , Thom as , rop. ; total , 13 republicans , 7 dem ocrats. Footings for Chicago and Cook county , just completed , show demo cratic majorities , except on sheriff , of rom 1,500 to 2,000 , aoratchsng mak- ng a wide voaranco in votes. On the state ticket this city and county cast 80,000 vot'8 , and gives Orondorff , dom , , 1,508 plurality for treasurer and Roab , dem. , 2,803 plurality for superintendent of public instruction. Dn the county ticket , Ilanohott , rop. , 'or sheriff , boats McGarlglo , dom. , by 4,103 , and is the only republican county officer olcotud. Scipp , dom. , 'or troaouror , beat Hutt , rop. , by 2,852. MINNESOTA. ST. PAUL , November 7. Senator Wlndom arrived in St. Paul to-night from Winona. Ho says ho haa loss information about the roault in the legislature than the newspapers as ho missed the telegrams ho expected to receive at Winona by leaving there. Ho haa no doubt , however , of the election of the usual majority of re publicans to the legislature and ia con fident that a majority of the ropubll- canu will bo favorable to his ro-oloo- tion. Ho haa hoard from aomo coun ties in the southern part of the State where his friends are elected contrary to expectation and the roault in Him- aoy and Honnopin counties assures him Etvural * votes. Mr , * Windoin scolns well satisfied with the election. MINHKAI-OLIH , November 8. Con- grossmun Wuahburno estimates his majority at not losa than 3,000 in the Fifth district. Nelson , republican , is unquestionably elected , making the Minnesota delegation solid republican. The legislature will bp republican by somewhat reduced majority and it is estimated throo-fourtha of the repub lican members favor the ro-oloction of Senator Windom. MINNKAPOLIH , November 8. The following are the nameu of the suc cessful congressional candidates in Minnesota : Second district , < 1. 13. Wakofiold ; Third district , Horace Strait , rep. , ro-t'lectod ; Fourth dis trict , Wni. D , Washburn , rep. , reelected - elected ; Fifth district , Knuto Nelson , rop. ; Firat district in doubt. Milo White , rop. , claims COO mujority , while the friends of Berman , dom. , cloma hio election by 2,000. IOWA. Special DlijiaUlies to Tin Utit. Council , BLUKFH , Iowa , October 8 , Anderson , the republican nominee for congress , ia defeated surely , and v-urioiiB ostirnatca are made of 1'usey's majority. Pusoy oarrioa thia city by 001 majority , und the county probab ly by 1,000. Fremont county given him ( iOO to 700 , Orr.wlord , 400 ; Harrison risen , Milla , Shelby and Cars , about 100 each' Andors'in has Montgomery by COO majority , mid Audubon by" 200. This makes Pusoy'a majority 1.000 in the district. Pusey claims moro. The republican county ticket has for the mout part boon defeated with Anderson , Street , republican , ia probably elected clerk of the courts , and Abbottrepublican trustee , ulonted , ATLANTIC * , Iowa , October 8 , Pus- oy'a majority in Cans county ia 103 KASUON'H WHTUIUT. DBS MOINEH , Novombur 8 Adair county gives the republican ticket 000 majority over the democratic und 850 majority over the greenback ticUot. Knsion has 780 over Gilpin for con gress und 720 over Gillette. Leonard has 150 majority over MoUunry for district judge. The republican county ticket is elected by 000 majority. Jlepubllcana oK'ct congressmen in the Firat , Third , Fourth , Sixth , Sov- ontli , Eighth , Tenth and Eleventh ; democrats in the Seventh , Fifth and Ninth. Johnson County Secretary of ctato , Hull , rep , , 1 f > 33 ; Wiilkor , dom. , 2- 347 ; congreea , republican 1,585 , dem ocrat , 2,300. Milla County-Secretary of etato , Hull , rep , , 1,320 ; Walker , dom. , 1- 000 ; CQiigrtiBB , Anderaon , rep. , 1,050 ; Pusoy , dcm. , 1,320. OimiOKKE , November 8 , Incntn- ploto returns : Secretary of atato , Hull 1,200 , Walker 455 ; for eongreia , Trimblo 1,000 , Allison 000 , DUJIUQUE , Novembur 8 Hender eon , rup. , foroongrcsa , Third district , ia t'luoted by 1,000 , majority. DKB MOIHES , Nqycmbor 8irrCon- greeiimuu oloctcd are McOorcl In the First , Henderson in the 'rhird , Updo- prairin the Fourth , OutUin the Sixth , Kacsnn in the Seventh , Hepburn in the Eighth , Holmes in the Tenth , ( in dependent ) Slrnblo in the Eleventh , all republican , Murphy , democrat , in the second. The Fifth in doubt and Pusoy in the Ninth. Sue county Secretary of state , Hull 1,18(5 ( , Walker 488 ; oongroas , Strublo 1,132 , , Allison 539. Crawford counSy Congress , Ander son 1)37 ) , Punoy 1,312 ; secretary of atatc , eight lending townships , Hull 014 , Walker C5G. llAMMnN , November 8. Secretary of state , rep. 1,201 , dom. 501) ) ; con- uross , rep 1,251 , dcm. 400. Marshall county Secretary of slate , rop. majority 1,580 in Marshalltown. No roturna from the county. Con gressman in city , rep. majority 135. ALABAMA. Special Dlopntchcs to Tun BUR. MONTOOMKKY , November 8 The only real contcfita in the ahvto lor con gressman were betwci n Huronoon , doui. , and Smith , rop. , in tliu Firtt ; Herbert , dom , , and Rico , rop. , in tliu Second ; Shelley , dem , and Craig , rep. , In the Fourth , mid Pryor , dmu" , and Shelby , rop. , in the Ninth dis trict. All have jfono democratic. The Third elects Oates ; the Fifth Williams ; Sixth , Hoiritt ; Seventh , Forney. Pryor will bo the only now member. Shelby is alao oloctcd to fill out hia term in the present congress , from which ho waa ousted , A special election will have to bo ordered in the Eighth district. It requires 30 days' notice of an election , aud there was not time after Congressman Lowe's d th to glyo it.MISSOURI. MISSOURI. Special Dispatches to The Ileo. Sr. Louis , November 8. Private dispatches from a thoroughly posted gentleman of Springfield , Mo. , to the Associated Press correspondent hero say the Thirteenth district haa cer tainly gone democratic , and that Judge Fyan will have fully 500 majority. Thia givoa Missouri a solid democratic delegation in congress , unless the of ficial vote should show Brodhcad de feated In the Ninth district , this city , which is not very likely. NEW JERSEY. SpoclM Dispatches to Tin Dii. NBWAUK , N. J. , Novembers. Lat est returns givoa Terrell , democrat , over Uoboson , 1,700. The Second district re-elects Brewer , republican ; the Third , Koan , ropublican. over Mlloo Ross by 1.200 ; Fourth district , Uowoy. republican , over Harris by 1,100 ; Flth , Philps , republican ! , oyec Rylo by 1,500. Sovtmth , McOaboo , democrat , elected ; majority uncorUin. The legislature will atand : senate , 12 republicans , i ) democrats ; assembly , ropublicana 20 , democrats 33 , inde pendent l.Tho democrats have n clear majority on joint ballot , securing thorn United States senator. KANSAS- Special Dispatches to lilt Bu. Sr. Louis , November _ 8 Three hundred and thirteen precincts in the ntato of Kaunas glvo Gllok , democrat , . 8,500 majority over St. John , ropub lican. The state committee does not express any hope for St. John. The republicans elect state , county , and congressional tickets except governor. TorzKA , November 8. Three hun dred and throe words.townships , and. ; ' voting precincts glvo Glick , democrat , * ' 8,500 majorityiovor St. John , republican - , lican , with perhaps loss than 10,000 . votea in the state for Robinson , green'- ' ' backer. The republican state com- niiUeo do not express any hope for St. John , Comity , ntato end con gressional tlokota are elected with the sual majority. INDIANA. ( special Dispatches toTiiK HKK. INUIANAVOUSS , November 8. Ro- turua from four hundred towns on the state ticket , which givoa over 25 per cent of the vote , allow a demo cratic gain of 3,741 , indicating a demo cratic majority of 6,000. This ratio of increase will bo increased when the full returns are received from larger Ex-Senator McDonald chairman cities. - , man of the democratic central com mittee , claims the state by 10,000 , Five hundred and forty-five voting places in the state show a republican loss on the atato ticket of 8,090 , dem ocrat loss , 2,241 ; not democratic gain 0,440 , which would indicate a demo cratic majority in the state over 10- , 000 , If iho balance of the atato yet to hoar from continues the same re lative decrease as compared with the vote of 1880 , it will give a decrease in the republican vote of 20,800 , and democratic vote of 5,200 , The dem ocrats have clear majorities in both houses of the legislature , The con gressional delegation will atand , dem ocrats 0 , ropublicana 4 , Orth is de feated for congress. COLORADO. Special Dujmtcbua to Tut linn. DEKVKII , November 8 , The demo- critic central committee claim the stulo by 2.500 to 3,000 , House doubt ful. Wallace , democrat , for congress , 1,000 nmjority. They also claim thia county by 800 majority. Politicians say the make-up of the now legislature 'indicates the election of Tabor to the United States senate. MICHIGAN , Special Dili allies to Tim BED. DETHOIT , November 8. Returns up to noon ure meagre , and do not ma terially ultur the situation as noted In thcflo dispatches lust night. Tbo second end diatiht is claimed by the demo crats by 500 , but not conceded. Still , appearances at present writing favor the democrats. Fifth district , Domic is elected beyond a reasonable doubt. The remaining aight districts are probably republican , although two or three are cloao. No doubt Gov. Jerome ia defeated , but tha rest of the republican state ticket ia elected. DKTKOIT , November 8. The full returns to-day do not change the re sult on the atato ticket. The repub licans lese their governor by 8,000 or 10,000 , and caary the rest of the state ticket by equal or larger majorities. , Che legislature le republican on pint billot. In congressmen the dotuo ; crata from present appearance carry , Maybury in the First district , " " " -1