Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1882, Image 1

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A Poltt'oal ' Oyolone Devastates
the Strongliolds of Repub
licanism ,
% The Bullboaded Bosses Swept
Into the Whirlpool of
Revolt of Unparallel'd Pro
portions Against Machine
Polger and Forgery Rebuked
by Majorities Too Moun
tainous to Mention ,
Grover Olereland'a 'Majority
Looms Up Among the Hun
dreds of Thousands.
"Ben Butler Captures the Gov
ernorship of Massachu
setts by rS.OOO.
Beaver and BOBS Cameron
Buried- Out of Bight in
Indiana and Illinois Bring Up
the Rear of the Demo
cratic Column ,
While Colorado Knocks For
Admittance to the Bour
bon Fold.
Bill Anderson and His Bonds
Defeated in the Ninth
Iowa District.
The 'Woman Suffrage Amendment
Scooped Five to Ono In
Details of Tuesday'a Election.
The following dispatches from the
state are mostly scattered precinct re
turns from railroad towns. Comple
ted returns will not be attainable for
twenty-four hours , and all estimates
of county majorities must be more
Special Dispatches to fits DBS.
OKETE , November 7. Crete pre
cinct gives Dawos 33G , Morton 84 ,
Ingeraoll 37. Against the amend
ment 345 , for the amendment 02. A
light vote was polled. Laird falls but
little behind Dawos. The amend
ment was overwhelmingly defeated in
the county.
TECUMSEH , November 7. The re
sult iu Johnson county is badly mix
ed. Woman's suffrage is defeated.
The republican majority will be
small , and it is impossible to arrive at
anything definite. Returns come in
slowly and are not all in ,
SUTTON , November 7. Laitd car
ries this precinct by 81 majority. The
suffrage amendment is lost in this pro-
This precinct gives DAWOS 177 , Mor
ton 74 , Ingersoll 12. Laird 182 , Harmon -
mon ( i ! ) and Moore 11 majority. Log-
ialativo ticket about tlio same as
above. For suffrage 00 ; against , 140.
FKKMONT , November 7. The vote
in Fremont precinct was as follows ;
Munger 441 , Valentino 288 , Turner
{ JJFiiUMoNT , November 7. Muugoi
carries Dodge county by from 500 tc
700 majority.
H.llll'Y COUNTY.
PAI'ILLION , November 7. Papillion
gives 24 majority for Sturdovant , 7
for McShano , OG against the amend
ment , and 20 democratic majority on
the state ticket. The precinct hut
heretofore gone republican by 30 miv
BKLLKVUB , November 7. Dawee
91 , Morton 70j Weaver 81 , Redid
85. Suffrage Eor 80 , against 83.
WAHOO , Novembar 7. Returns arc
coming in slowly. The suffrage amend' '
miwt is probably defeated in Wahoi
by thtou to one. All tickets uro badl ]
scratched. Clark will likely run bo
hind. Wilsonj for senator , ia bohiru
at this writing ,
BEATKIOE , November 7- Beatrice
gives Governor Diwas 370 , Mortoi
200 , In orsoH 100 , congressman oarno
suffrage , 200 for and 512 against.
SILVKK OUEEK , Nov. 7. Diwca 42
Morton 11 , Ingersoll 10 , Agoe 15
AVarner 11 , lleynolds 43 , Rojjgon 43
BowlbyJ 11 , Kirtley 18 , Clark 18
Sturdevant 55 , Powers 40 , Barnd 20
Crawford 11. Wallichs 31 , Beatty 20
Leach 11 , Kendall 41 , Madely 11
Grebe 11 , Jones 3'J , Points 21 , Splec
12 , Gero41 , Burke 31 , Valentino 31
Turner 24 , Munger 14 , Durnull 30
Westovbr 20 , Harris 35 , Patterson 30
Beardaloy 14 , Jones 54 , Ifoatotter 48
Uatclill' 10 , for suffrage 24 , against
HASTINGS , Novembor7 About 850
votes were polled , giving Liird n ma
jority of about 250.
JUNIATA , November 7. Webb pro.
cinct : Ingersoll 144 , Dawoa 112 , Mor
ton 25 ; Laird 131 , Mortou 122 , il r-
mon 4 ; for suffrano 110 , against 127.
'TIED CLOVD , November 7. Hod
Cloud precinct gives Case , democrat ,
133 ; Girbor. repabliean , 50 : Wilson ,
in all , 11 ; Laird 127 , Harmon 23 ,
Moore 44.
NF.MAIU , November 7. Nomaha
precinct gives the democrats 10 ma
jority. Helena gives Butler 115 ma
jority. Woman suffrage ia probably
beaten in the county.
MALCOLM , November 7. Elk pro
cinet gives Dawos ? ! > . Intjorsoll 21 ,
Morton 9j Weaver 78 , Gilbert 22 ,
llodick ? ; suffrage , for 37 , against
BLOOMINOTON , November 7.
Dawcs G , Ineorsoll 1C , Morton none ,
Laird G , Moore 10 , Harmon 5j suff-
rape : for , 8 ; atjainst , 7.
RIVEHTON , November 7. Dawos GO ,
Ingorsnll G , Morton 32 ; Laird G5 ,
Moore 7 , Harmon 37 ; for suffragist
50 , against 4G.
AUAPAHOI : , November 7. Dawos
92 , Ingorspll 2G , Morton 5 , Laird 81 ,
Moore 80 , Harmon 7 ; woman suffrage ,
27 for and 77 against.
OXFORD , November 7. Dawes 63 ,
ilorton G , Ingorsoll G ; Liird 67. Har
mon 1 , Moore G. Suffrage : For 17 ,
.gainst 40.
SOUTH BEND , November 7. For
overnor , Dawos Gi , Morton 64 , In-
: ersoll 21 ; for congress , Weaver G4 ,
Rodick 54 , Gillett 20 ; suffrage , 18 for
and 85 against.
STAPLEHUUST , November 7. For
overnor , Morton G4 out. of 10 * votes ;
iongressman , Harmon 61 , Laird 28 ,
Hopro 25 ; amendment , 7 for , 47
NOIITII PLATTK , November 7 , 11:45
p. in , It fa impossible to got accurate
oturns. Indications are that the
county is nearly equally divided on
, hroo congressmen. Sturdovant will
carry the county by over 300 ma
LINCOLN , November 7. Wo have
just closed the liveliest campaign over
known in Lancaster county. A portion
tion of the anti-monopoly legislative
ticket is undoubtedly elected. Re
turns como in slowly , on account of so
much scratching. The total vote of the
county will be about 4,500. The suff
rage amendment received about 1,500
votes in the county. Many of the
ballotu wow-left-blawk thb
- - on ques
tion. Weaver's majority for congresa
will bo about 2,000 , and Clark , for
treasurer , will have about 400. Gore ,
For regent , is probably defeated in
a own county by Burks.
BENKELMAN , November 7. Dawes
42 , Morton 32 , Ingorsoll 1 , Laird 75j
for suffrage 4 , against 24.
GREEN ISLAND , November 7. St.
Edwards precinct gives Valentino 55 ,
Turner 3G , Mungor 33 ; Governor ,
Dawos 53 , Morton 34 , Ingersoll 37.
STROMSBUIIO , November 27. Our
returns will not bo completed before
3 o'clock or after. O.m't toll much
about it. Bad scratching done here.
BLOOM iNflTON , November 7. Tw
eeiuciii sjive Olaik 7G , Sturdovant
58 , Lurd GO , Harmon 67 , Moore 1G.
Three precincts give five majority for
the amendment.
GRAND INLAND , November 7. The
returns from two of the three pre
cincts show the following vote : Mun
gor 342 , Valentino 181 , Turner 12 ;
against amendment , 408 ; for , 131 ,
Cole ( rep. ) and Danman ( antimonopoly
ely ) uro probably elected to the legis
lature. Cannot tell anything about
the senate , as the vote ia badly seat-
tored ,
KENESAW , November 7. Da wen
07 , Ingorsoll GO , Morton 27 ; Laird (51 ( ,
Moore 72. Suffrage : For 35 , against
REI'UIILIOAN , November 7. Dawec
42 , Inyeraoll 18 , Morton 10 ; Laird
60 , Harmon 4 ; Moore , First district
12 , second 11. Suffrage : For 30 ,
against 30.
INDIANOLA , November 7. Dxwee
125 , limorsoll 3 , Morton 5 ; Laird 128 ,
Muoru 5 , Harmon 22 ; for suffragist
82 , against 94.
BROWNYILLE , November ? Dawee
10(5 ( , Mort in 88 , lugorsoll 12 ; Weaver
127 , Ilod'ok 82 ; for euffragUt 55 ,
against K'8 ,
EXETER , Novmibur 7. lugorsoll
13 ! ) , Dawea 70 , Morton 9 ; Moore 127 ,
Laird 85 , Harmon G ; fuffrago , for 70 :
against 141 , '
DUNIIAR , Novembar 7. Morton't
majority 40 , Weaver's majority 31 ,
majority against Euffrazo 8(1.
SEWAKD , NovembJr 7. Votes polled
od , 449 ; looil ticket badly scratched ,
and count alow. Djvres 93 , Mortor.
41 , Inuersoll 12 ; Laird 91 , Harraoi :
33 , Moore 19 ; suffrage 12 ahead ,
Brown and Swoaringor ( republican )
undoubtedly elected to the lepinlatura ,
jgAmiLiND , November 7 , .
114 , Morton GO , Ingersoll 05 ;
frago , for 119 , against 112.
FlUENDVJLLE , NoVCfnW7. Police
2G5 votes ; will giva < * republican ma
jority of GO an nenr na can bo esti
mated ; all thn votes cannot bo
counted before u a. m.
Special Dispatches to Tim llRR.
BUKLINGTON , Ia. , November 7.
McOord in re-elected to congress in
the First Iowa district. DOB Moinoa
county qivos nu estimated majority
for Hall ( dom. ) for congress about
Sioux CITY , la. , November 7 , 10:00 :
3. m , Strubol ( rep ) is elected to
songross by n largo majority.
DAVENTOUT , la , November 7 , 9:50 :
) . m , J. W. Green , chairman of the
republican committee Concedes the
election of Murphy ( dom. ) for con
gress in the Second district and eati-
nates his majority at over 1,000.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , November 7.
Oakland township , 6 majority for
Pusoy and still counting ; Knox town
ship , Anderson not over 10 majority ,
a democratic gain of 122 ; Sharon town
ship , Audubon county , gives Ander
son 35 majority , n republican gain of
22 ; Oakland township , same county ,
lives Anderson 14 majority , a rcpub-
ican loss of 33. Leroy , same county ,
; ivos Anderson 124 majority , n re-
mblican gain of 10. Grant township ,
3aas county , gives Pusoy 4 majority ,
i democratic gain of 85 , Frank-
in township , Oass county , gives Pusoy
5 majority ) democratic gain of 58 ,
Walnut gives Pusoy 93 majority , a
change of 80 votes ; Dantson , Craw-
brd county , gives Pusoy 5 majority , a
; ain of 118. Thirteen townuhlps
icard from give a democratic gain of
. ,032. There are 154 townships in
ho district and at the rate of 40 gainer
or each Pusoy will csaily bo elected.
Lhus far the gain has boon at twice
hat rate and Pusoy'a friends ootimnto
iis majority in the district at least
Tbo Thousand-Dollar Bond Man Bur
led Forovor.
Special Dispatch to Tim BKK.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , November 7. A
.ologram from Donlson states that
Pusey's majority there is 9. J. Fred
Meyers concedes Pueoy's election by
1,600. Crawford county gives him
300 majority. Throe precincts from
1aaa county , including Atlantic , give
Pusoy 1G3 majority , a gain of 5G3.
Shelby county gives 1G5 majority for
Pusoy. He estimates hin majority at
at least 2,500 , and repub
licans concede it by 1,500.
The wildest enthusiasm prevails
among the crowds on the streets
where celebrating with bnn firoa is
oing on. The Bavarian band at iho
lioad of alarco crowd serenaded Puaey
and in a speech ho thanked the people
ple and avowed that the victory was
not so much of a partisan one as ono
of the pocplo In the interest of good
SpccW DUpatch to Tins Biyi
NEW YORK , November 7. The
Commercial Advertiser ( stalwart ) says
the outlook for the republicans is
gloomy enough.
The polls opened at G o'clock and
between that time and noon but little
voting was dona. On the East uido a
very heavy vote was polled. The
democratic otato and county ticket
has received tremendous majoriticB.
Many republicans turned their vote
for Cleveland.
8:20 p. m. Throe hundred election
districts out of G88 give Folger 21-
389 , Cleveland 53,901.
ROCHESTER , November 7. The
election io proceeding quietly.
The German vote , hitherto largely re
publican , is being cast almost solidly
for the democratic state ticket. Indi
cations favor largo democratic gains in
this city and county.
8:00 : p. m. The Express , republi
can , estimates Cleveland's majority in
the state at from 80,000 to 100,000.
The Express bulletin says Edson is
undoubtedly elected mayor. It es
timates his majority at 30,000 ,
9.-.50 p. in. 450 election districts
out of G88 in Now York City give Fol
ger 31,534 , Cleveland 78,480.
The total vote in Brooklyn gives
Cleveland (52,659 , Foliror 24,550 ; ma
jority for Cleveland , 38 103.
jBuviviLo November 8. Maulton
( rep. ) is uudoubtodly elected in the
Thirty-second congrcEiiioiml district ,
10:40 : p , m. Arnott ( dom. ) is elec
ted to congress in the Twenty-ninth
dintrict , Dutchcea county is undoubt
edly democratic for th first time in
many years.
NEW YORK , November 7. Returns
indicate Cleveland will come down to
Harlem river with from 20,000 to 25-
000 majority. Brooklyn city gives
Cleveland 38,103 majority , a demo
cratic of 8 GJO over the vote for
secretary of ntntu in 1881.
GENEVA , November 7 , 9:30 : p. m.
This town , the homo of Fuller , gives
him 28 majority , a democratic gain ol
_ _ _
Bpeciil Dlapatchuj to The lieo ,
MILWAUKEE , November 7. The
chairman ot the democratic iituto com-
niittno claim * five , and probably six ,
out it the mu. < congro33ino > , n demu-
cniMo gain of throe , Republican ad.
vices concudo democratic gains , but
are eilont on the congressional elec
tions. Iii the Fourth district the vote
resulted in the elec ion of Doustcr ,
democrat. Reports indicate largo
democratic gains in every congres
sional district }
Summarized returns of all counties
in the state show five republican and
four democratic congressmen elected ,
u democratic gain of two , ono district ,
the Ninth , being new under the re
cent apportionment. The vote
throughout the state is unusually
largo on account of prohibition being
an issue in moat pf the districts , es
pecially in the Fourth. In the First
district , Williams ( rep ) is re-elected
Svsoonit district , Suraner ( dom.j )
Third district , Jones ( dem. ) over
Keyos and Hazloton , two contesting
republican candidates ; Fourth district ,
Deuster re-elected ; Fifth district
Kankiu ( dom. ) ; Sixth district , Guon-
thor ( roo. ) ; Seventh district , I5u
( rop.j Kighth district , Price ( rep. )
Nintix district , Stophenoon
SpocUl Dispatches to Tin Bx .
BOSTON , November 7 | G p , in. Bet
Butler will poll n larao votu to-day
H\K managers claim nis clralion bj
15,000 majority. The ropublicani
liopo to elect Bishop by five thousand
NEW YORK , November 7. Thi
Sun's bulletin saja : The Maasacha
sotU republicans concede Butler's ol
cction as governor by n largo majority.
BOSTON , 7:45 : p. m. Six cities in
Miifsnehusotts piv * the following !
For governor , Bishop 10,77G , Butloi
The Herald says Marlboro , Framingham -
mingham , Hopklnton , Mllford , Natick -
tick , Walpolo , flollistor , Hudson ,
Maynard , Ayer , Groton , Popporoll ,
Clinton and Acton will give Butler a
majority. Franklin county will give
Bishop about 1,500 majority.
Governor Long in probably elected
to contzrooa in the Second district
The total vote o ! Boston was : But-
or 30,340 , Bishop 10,719 ; Butler's
plurality over Bishop , 13G21. ; At ,
.ho republican state committee room
no doubt is oxpremed of Butler's
election , the only qucs.ion being the
sum of his majority.
9:30 : p. m. The Journal figures the
> lurality for Butler in the state at
! .000 , but ol lima that the entire re-
mblican t tat J ticker , except Bishop ,
a elected.
9:35 : p. m. The democratic state
central committee , np to 9 o'clock ,
lave returns from 197 towns and
cities , including Boston , which give
Butler 88,870 , Bishop 74,310. The
chairman puts Butlorn mujority in the
utato at from 15,000 to 20,000 A
dispatch from Worcester states Rico
rep. ) is elected to congress in the
fonth district by 2,300 majority.
Post ( dem. ) is elected in the Fif-
.couth congressional district.
10:45 : p. m. Republicans concede
Butler's majority' at 20,000. Dumo-
crats claim 25,000. ' ' Wra. Whiting ,
representative to congress , is elected
n the Eleventh dictrict. GooD
[ lobincou , republican , is elected in
the Twelfth district.
BOSTON , November 7 , 12:20 : a. m. "
[ ndicationa are that the house will
stand , 150 republicans , 90 democrats ,
a gain of 15 democrats. Last year the
aonatu had 5 democrat e ; this year it
Till have 12. Davis , Rannoy nnd
Liovoring are elected to congress from
the First , Third and Sixth districts.
Sp.'clal Dijpatcbca Ip THE HFK.
PHILADELPHIA , November 7. Ra-
ports indicate that Beaver is defeated
ay 30,000 majority
Bingham , republican , io elected to
congrossiin the First district ; O'Neill ,
republican , in the Second district ;
Randal ) , democrat , in the Third dis
trict ; Kvlloy , republican , iu the Fourth
district. Southampton county givei
Patterson 2,900 majority , a demo
cratic gain of GOO. Tioga county givoi
Stowurt 500 pti ! > 'ity. Huntingdon
and Bradford counties have goni
HAREIKBURO , November 7. Thi
election is proceeding quietly. A cold ,
drizzling rain is falling. Up to 1 p.
m. the vote far exceeded that ot lasl
year and almost equaled that of tin
presidential election.
PHILADELPHIA , November 7.
A Scranton dispatch says Emicutroul
is elected to congress in the Tvrolftl
PITISHURO , November 7. Beaver1 !
plurality in Alloghany county is cstl
mated at 4,000. The rest of the regular
lar republican ticket is probably el
PHILADELPHIA , Novembers , 1:50 : a.
m. Burks county gives Puttison
3,000 majority ; iu Lickawannt
county Boaver'a plurality is aboui
1,300 ; in Carbon county , Pattisonhai
about 1,000 plurality ; in Northamp
ton county Pattiaon has nbout 4,00 (
plurality ; in Bradford county Bea
vor'a plurality is about 400 ; in Unioi
county ton townships give Beaver -If
plurality. All indicates ho will bt
PiTTsiiuna , November 7. 10 p. in
Bimvor'a plurality in AlloKhonj
county ia estimated at 4,000. Tin
rest of the regular republican ticko
ia probably elected.
Special Dispatches to 'tuvKt * .
CHICAGO , Nevi mbor 7. The chair
man of the rotiubllcau state uoinmitlui
says , II , W. Dunham , republican , i
elected to conjjresi in the First dh
trictj John F. Kinnorty , independent
in thn Bocoml district ; also Win 0
Kouffaur , republic n , defeated Win
R. Morrioon in the Eighteenth dis
OTFAWA , November 7 , 11 p. m.-
La Sallo county is probably domocra
by u small majority on state treasure
nnd congressman , The county gav <
GOO republican majority for Garfield
CUIOAOO , Noi ember 8 The chair
man of the utrto republican commit
top , who has ret lived private advice
from all parts c.f the state , oays tin
republican ha * carried the nUto am
Icgislaturo and \ ill hold their own 01
congressmen , with posslblo gain o
ono. Thoujuir ( too could furnish n
figures ua u mujj.'ittta o-nlght
Senator Logan told t Wo'tf-n ABSO
oiatod Presa ropjrter uhprlly after 1
o'clock that in his opinion the stat
would give a " ' ; ood" republican ma
jority , tliat all republican congroso
men in Chicago were elected and tha
there would probibly bo a gain of on
in the state. Ilu had received no pri
vate dispatches concerning the roaul
elsewhere. _
SpecUl Dlsutclu-8 | to Tin Ini.
INDIANAPOLIS , November 7. 5 j :
in. The election ia progressing quiol
ly. Indications are tiftit a very fu
vote will bo polled ,
10 p , m. The Indiana bulletin
will be made by comparing the vet
cast to-day with that cast for governc
two years ago , when Porter ( republ
can ) had a plurality of 0,953 , and
total vote of 170,738 ,
At 10'45 , returns from twenty vo
ing places show a republican loss i
50 , being a net democratic gain i
' 4 over the vote for governor in 1880 ,
At the same rnto it would give the
democratic state ticket n small major-
INDIANAI-OLISS , November 8 , 12:30 :
L. m. Seventy-five voting plnces
ihow n republican loss of 708 , nncl n
loiiK'cratjo loss of 528 , being n not
lemocratio gain of 180.
ilUpatclKa to Tin Urn.
FKKDKUICK , November 7 , 4 p. m.
_ t one of the voting precincts of this
ity n fight occurred between n mini-
icr of negroes nnd whiten , during
vhich Israel G rail' , colored , wan shot
> y n policeman named Porter and in-
tnntly killed.
BALTIMOHK , November 7 , 10:30 : p.
i. Indications nro that Iloblitzoll
loin. ) Is elected to congress in the
'hird ' district. The Fourth district is
i doubt.
GALYKSTON , November 7. The day
was fine. The atntu ticket is aolid for
10 democrats.
DALLAS , November 7. The domo-
rats have swept northern Toxns.
lanham , Willborn , Throckmortou ,
lills nnd Rengnn nre elected to con-
ross by increased mnjorltles , Ireland
> r governor nnd nnd the entire dem-
cratlo state ticket are elected by , nn
normoua majority. The legislature
overwhelmingly democratic.
> oclal Dispatcher to Tun 11m.
CHATTANOOGA , November 7. Dibrell -
roll , democrat , is ro-oleotod in the
hlrd Timncaseo , Clements in the
cvonth Georgia and Pry or in the
NAHHVILLK , Novoiubor 7. Indian-
ons 'ire that Uato is elected governor
y n considerable majority over Haw-
mr , republican. Domocratio con-
n nre elected from six dis-
ricta. Warner , democrat , ia probably
ofcatod by Tillmnn , independent
omocrat , In the Fifth district. The
emocrate have probably 85 out of the
30 members in the legislature.
pedal Dispatches to Tim Via.
RICHMOND , November 7. The
[ cction to-day passed off quietly in
bis city with the exception of the
xcitomont Incident to the arrest of
uvural election judges. Attempts
voro made during the day by the re-
djustora nncl coalitionists to vote on
he capitation tax receipts signed by
wo collectors of delinquent taxes ,
udgo , of hustings court ,
nstructed the judges of election to
ofuso votoa signed by but ono. A
Jnitod Slates supervisor nrrcsted the
udges nnd they were taken before the
Jnitod Status commissioner and
tailed for appearance to-morrow. A
ompromiso between the United
States commissioner and the judges
allowed and votes were received on
> oth receipts under protest against
ono. The delay caused many votes
o bo lost on both aides. John Ambler
Smith , coalition candidate , for can-
toes in this district , was arrested foi
isorderly conduct nt the polls and
milod to appear.
RICHMOND , November 8. Demo
crats claim the election of congressmen
n the First , Third , S.xth and Eighth
listricts ; Second district , coalition.
fho election of John S. Wise for con-
; reasmnn nt largo by 15,000 ia nlao
pedal Dispatches to Tim UEK.
JACKSON , Miaa. , November 7.
longreasiuiml election returns are very
neugcr , but auiHciont to insure the
iloction of Muldrow , Money , Single-
on and Bnrkadulo , ( dom ) .
Ipcclal DIspat.liCH to TIIK HIT.
PuiLADKLriiiA , November 7. A
ipccial dispatch gives Ferroll , demo
crat , a majority ot 500 over Roboson ,
republican , for congress , n democratic
; ain of 170.
OAMDEN CITY , November 7. Robo-
ion , republican , for congress , is do-
'oatod by Forroll , democrat , by nbout
500 majority. Brewer , republican ,
"or congrcua , in the Sncond district ,
a r.i elected by about 700 majority.
TUUNTON , N. J. , November 8 ,
ilupublioans claim the election of Ivean
ri the Third district.
JAMI.STOWN : , N. Y. , November 8.
Folgor'a moj'ority in St. Liwroncc
county is ostitailed nt 4,500.
TiiKvron , N. J. , November 8 , 1:3C :
a , in. Pdiilpa , ( rup'u. ) , is elected tc
the Fifth congressional dlotrict by 80C
nujorily ,
Spccltl Dlnpatch to 'lim Dim
PJJNHACOLA , November 7. The ro >
suit of the vote is unknovtn , but tlu
republic ma have carried the count )
a small majority ,
Special Dlepfitcli to TUK I ) a
llAHTi'oiiD , November 7 , G p , m.
The vote will bo very cloao. A Ihjln
vote ia buing polled.
Bpoctal Dlopatchoi toaus liKB.
CoNcoiti ) , November 7 , 8 p , m.
The vote in twenty live towns givoi
Ilnlo ( ropiibliosn ) 2,014 , Kdgorlj
[ democrat ) iJ.lOO.
Sicrotnry Chandler , it Is under
etnoil , hna juel sent the following moa
CONCOKD , N. II. , November 7. To tin
I'HwIdeut , Now York City : Wo havi
blected two congressmen ami tlio loghln
tute by a lar e majority. Halo will proba
lily bo eloctoii by a email mujority.
W l. I ! . OllA.NDI.KII.
PORTSMOUTH , November 7. Privuti
advices to prominent politicians indicate
cato the probable election of EJ erl ;
( douocrui ) for governor. Uotl
bronchos of the legislature will bo re
DOVER , November 7. IJao Luoas
a prominent republican politician , wa
nrrostcd on the charge of bribiui
domocratio voters.
Spoclil D'upaUlin to Tim Den.
HARTFJRD , November ? . The do
ia fair , There has bjen u falling o
from the vote of 1880. Tbo ropubl
can loss is very much grtmtor than tli
democratic. The probability IH tht
the democrats have elected the state
ticket nnd three eonyrmmon. '
NRW HAVK.V , November 7. Waller
( clem ) In elected Rovornor by 4,000
majority ,
10:50 : p , m Kxton ( dom. ) for con-
RroBS from the First , district will have
1,600 majority. Mitchell ( dom. ) in
the Second , Seymour ( dom. ) in the
Fourth nnd Wnito ( rep , ) in the Third
congressional districts nro successful.
Tin's in n republican loss of two con
SpocUl DltpMcbot to Tim nun ,
WASHINGTON , November 7. The
republican executive committee has n
dispatch from E , Dons , republican
candidate for congresa in Iho Sixth dis
trict of South Carolina saying that a riot
occurred nt the polls near Florence
in that district this morning nnd that
two colored mon were killed , sovornl
wounded nnd the citation broken up.
CHARLESTON , November 7. Re
turns from congressional districts in
dicate the election of Dibble , Till-
man , Aikon , nnd Evans , democrats ,
and Mackey , republican. Other dis
tricts nro in doubt.
Special DUpatchct to Tim Dim ,
WILMINGTON , November 7 , 6 p. m.
Both parties claim that n full vote
is being polled , And the majority
eiUior wny will bo in the hundreds.
Returns nro coming in slowly nnd
indicate that the democrats have
carried the state by n small majority.
11:45 p. m. Indications are that
the democratic state ticket hns a
greater majority than iu 1880. The
legislature is undoubtedly domocratio.
Thocongroasional''loloBationtwillprob |
ably bo eight democrats and ono re
Special Dltuatch to Tun Dm
PROVIDENCE , November 7. Returns -
turns received from every town in two
congressional districts. In tha First
district , Spoouer , republican , has
3,515 ; Laphnm , democrat , 1,491 ;
scattering , 15 ; Spoonor's majority ,
2,009. In. the Second district , Jona
than Chase , republican , 3,340 ; Wheel
er , democrat , 1,831 ; scattering , 62 ;
Chase's majority , 1,512. ,
Special Dispatches to Tim Bit * .
OuARLOTru , N. 0. , November 7.
Dowd , ( dom. ) , in the Gth , Vance ,
'dom. ) , in the 8th , Scales , ( dom. ) , in
ho 5th , and probably llobbins , ( dom ) ,
n the 7th congressional districts nro
ilootod. The domocratio stale tickoU
'or ' judges is doubtless elected by n
jopd majority.
WILMINGTON , N , 0. , November 7.
ndlcatlons nro that the democratic
tate ticket has n greater majority
han in ' 80. The legislature is un
loubtedly democratic. The congros-
ional delegation will probably bo
ight democrats to ono republican.
Ipcclol Dispatches to Tux linn.
DENVER , Col. , November 7 , 2 p. m.
Tbo election ia progressing quietly.
Campbell in being scratched hoavilj
n Arapahoe county in favor of Grant ,
domocratio nominee for governor. Jto <
publicans concede Grant's election bj
1,000 majority nnd bets ore froolj
offered that the majority will run ur.
o 1,500 or 2,000. A heavy vote h
being polled.
ST. Louis , November 7. Lifayotte
county gives 1,700 majority for
Grover , democrat , for congress. The
district believed to give him 2,50
majority ,
ST. LOUIH , November 7. Little
lock , Ark. , gives Bonlaruin , ropubli-
: im conproaaman , 453 majority ; Camden -
den given Cunningham , groonbaokcr
loiigrcssinan at largo , 2 majority ;
\VilliuniB , republican for congress , 13
majority ; Toxarkana gives Brcokon-
idgo , congressman at largo , 10G ma-
.orlty ; Jones , democrat for congress ,
119 majority.
WAHHINOTON , November 7. Sena
tor Gibson telegraphs that Hunt nnd
Klliu ( dom ) are elected in Lnuiaiunr
and the prospects are good for the
entire democratic delegation.
In Virginia the colored vote adhered
close to Muliono.
Nnw YORK , November 7 ( 7:30 : p. in ,
The Express flayr that Mahom
olnimi a majority for his ticket ir
iwnia of 25,000.
LYNOIIIIURU , November 7. The
Ninth congrcflaional district probablj
olectit Fulkuraon , democrat.
November 7. Tin
joint ansciinbly for the election o :
nUto ollicers met in the hall of the
hcuao this afternoon. The followinj
oflioers were elected : Secretary estate
state , Nichols ; auditor of acsounti
E. Henry Powell ; brigadier ooinman
der , Lieutenant J. Ivinuloy ; adjutan
and inspector , General Thorium S
Peck ; ( { unrtenimster , General Ilor
ace K. Ido.
ST. PAUL , November 7 , 10:30 : p. in
-Republican congressmen elected li
all districts.
ATLANTA , November 7. Special
indicate the election of the full demc
cratlo delegation to congress. Spec
and Fulton are both defeated.
Onr.ynNNE , November 8 , M. I
Post ( dom. ) is re-elected to oongroai
SALT LAKE , Novoiubor 7. Roturr
received indicate about 0,000 Gontil
to 21,000 Mormons , n Gentile gain c
2,000 on the vote of six years ago.
Gtnornl Skoriuun's Report.
Special DUpatch to Tin Ilex.
WASHINGTON , Ootobor 7. Gonon
Sherman's report just published , n
commends that the army bo incroa
ed to thirty thousand. The rspo :
devotes oonciderublo space to ti
growth of the great west and B ysthi
now that the transition period ia pas
nnd it is the duty of the government
to select certain stntegio points for
permanent army posts , and to con
struct comfortable buildings on them ;
so as to not longer compel officers and
mon to Hvo in liolca In the ground ,
shanties , nnd green cottouwood log-
huts ,
A Lonlftlnnn Lynching.
8 | > cclal Dlnpatch to TllR URR.
VIENNA , La. , November 7. The
jail nt this place was opened last
night by n DOBSO of men supposed , to
bo from Jnckson pariah , compelling
the jailor to open the first door nnd
bronking their wny thence to the
prisoners they wanted , Four were
carried from jail , who had been
brought hero from Jnckson parish for
safe keeping. One of them mivdo his
cmcnpo immediately on reaching the
jail door. Ho was fired nt three or
lour tlmca without ofl'ect. Another ,
it ia thought , waa given n chance for
his life , as ho waa thought innocent.
The other two were found this morn
ing , nbout a milo and n half south ot
hero , dead nnd riddled with bullets.
They were nil negroes , charged with
robbery nnd attempted murder of nn
old white gentleman named Ray. Ho
described and identified them , nnd
the matter created quite nn excite
ment hero.
A Wynmmlnc Earthquake-
Special illspntch to Tun UKK.
LARAMIE. November 7. An onrth-
quake shock was experienced in this
city this evening nnd felt plainly all
along the line of the Union Pacific
railway west an f. r as Evanaton.
Plastering fell off < n buildiuas in
RmvliiiB nnd other points. Trains
will bo sent west with great care , aa
bridges may have boon thrown out of
The Dead.
Special Dkpatih to Tim UKK.
HALIFAX , November 7. AB fas as
ascertained thirty-one persons were
buruod to death in last night's fire , ,
eight mon nnd twenty-three women.
Tbo Progress of tuo Mexican National.
Now Orleans Times-Democrat.
On the nrrivnl yesterday at Algiers
f the Texas train a Times-Democrat
opurtor boarded the sleeping car ,
, nd while it waa being ferried over
lie river was introduced to and had
nito a pleasant conversation with
ilr. Walter Hinchman , the president
f the Mexican National Railway
Construction company. Speaking of
ho road , Mr. Hinchman said ,
"Up to date 160 miles of roadway
ave been built and are now in opera-
ion ; aside from thin , 200 miles of the
oad have boon graded , and track la
ping laid at the rate of two to three
ilomotroo n day. The earnings of
ho completed portions of the road
ave boon very largo , especially on
, ho Toluca division. The earnings of
ho Mexican Central road are also <
ory largo , and at present thnro is >
very prospect of a bright and pros-
torous future for the railway lines in
Joxico ,
"An soon as the connections of the
Mexican National have been com
pleted the trade between Mexico and
ho United States will bo immonso.
At present the republic of Mexico ia
'n a prosperous condition , and next
year the receipts of the government
will amount to fully $35,000,000. "
"Your city should got all of it , for
ho reason that she baa a fine advau-
ago in situation. If she does not got
all the trade , she will doubtless got
"lor share. Galveston in already rendi
ng out for the trade , but as a market.
ian not compare with Now Orleans. I <
'o not look upon Galveston as n com
petitor much to bo feared , but the
merchants of your city had better
'hose ' cities are the real rivals of New
Orleans , and will leave nothing un-
' .ono that will enable them to control
.ho trAloof Mexico. "
"Wliat ptepa should Now Orleans
ake to move the trade to this
port ? "
"Well , that , " said Mr , Hlnohman ,
laughingly , "will have to bo determined -
mined by the merchants of this city.
The Mexican National road , you
know , haa no preference in this mat
er , and ull it wishes ia to Increase as
nuoh as possible the tradio between
ho two cpuntrieii , no matter to what
points it is distributed. "
"What is your opinion of Mexico ? "
"It ia beyond a doubt ono of the
richest countries on the face of the
glebe in mineral and agricultural pro
ducts , The most fertile portion , however -
ever , is the valley of the Lorma river ,
ho longest stream in. the utato. This ,
country nt some day in the near
"uturo in bound to bo developed and
to teem with prosperity. "
"Are not the Mexicans rather par
ticular with whom they trado. "
"Yea , they are prompted a great
deal by personal C9nfidonco and ac
quaintanceship , For instance , if * the
trade haa for years passed through a
certain channel they nre not disposed
to mnke a ohongo. I have soon wool
shipped from Australia to Hamburg ,
and from there to Vera Oraa , and
thunco by puckmulcts over mountains
and wratchod roada to some point 400
miles in the interior. Wool , you
know , can bo purchased just as cheup.
in southwest Texas , and imagine the
saving iu tha expense of trjnaportat
Hon. "
Mr. Hinohman then said that Vera
Cruz nt tha present time la ono of the
cleanest and healthiest sitios ho had.
over soon , and that tall : to the oil'eot
that it would kill a person who waa
not acclimated was simply absurd.
The City of Mexico , however , is not
clean. The streets are fearfully filthy ,
and all that keeps it. healthy is tha
purity of the atrnoappero , which ltd.
elevation above the sea gives.
Mr , llluchman also stated that tho.
article written by Blgolow toncerning
Mexico had no foundation whatever , C
and that tbo writer's abort stay in.
that country did not warrant him in
making such swooping titatomonts.
Boy's Winter , School and Skating
Caps just received at Frederick's Hat
Kinporium ,