THE DAILY BUB-TUESDAY , NOVEMBIUv 7 , ff . IE WHOLESALE AND HKTAIL PAPER , BOOKS AND STATIONERY , TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. _ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FF1CE. jr.wr. . fcft cxr3C2 = tKiws o > . Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW KATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA , HENRY BEECRQFT , BEN KOQUUS1 OLD STAND. II" wl'l continue running his city line to Mlintts ol the city. AH orders promptly attended to. LOW' CHAUO'S OUAUANTK.KD , New stock couamntly rocehod. _ _ _ _ _ D. M. CQNNELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker. No. 17 , North Main Stroot. Council Bluffs Calls promptly answered at nil hours , night or d y. Now hearao and London carriages direct from the factory "ro run In conneetlou therewith. That never-require crimping- lira. J. J. OoOtl'a Hair Store , at prlcua never bclcro touched by ny other hair dealer. Also n full line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , rilvcr nnd colored nola. Wa\ea made from ladles' own hair. Do not fall to call before purchMlny elcewhcro. AH ( roods warranted an represented. MKS. J. J. 0001) , 29 llalnetreoi , Council Bluffs , low UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT mm STREET. THH BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but firat-clium Bakort employed. Bread , Cake , Plea , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Out Wagons run all day. P < AYRES , Proprietor. No. 530 , BROADWAY , ( Palmer'n Block. Between Gth and 7th otreuta. P = , Our Motto : Strict cleanliness , the best quality of meats , and lowest possible prices. Moats do- Uored to any part of the cltj. Com ? and nee our new shop. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , GIB , O O IH3 IB X IE S Of All Kinds. Hew Goods. JSfew Prices and Square Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. .BiTHIIB HOUSE At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Plain * Medicated , Vnpor , Electric , Plunge , Doach , Bhowcr , Hot nd Cold Batba. Com. petent male ana female nurroa and attendants always on hand , and the beit of rare and atten tion Riven patrons. Special attention Riven to bulbing children. Investigation and patronage loltcltod. loltcltod.DR. . A. H. STCDLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studloy : Treatment ol chronic diseases m do a cpeclalty. KEMOVED without the CAICEES drawing of blood or use of knife. Cures lung diseased , Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- . . ; * pUlnt. Dropsy , Rhcuma- TUMORS 8m. * 'evcr Bnd Mcrcur- I U m U n W lai sires , Erysipelas , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Catarrh , weak , Inflamed and granulated Eyes , Scrofulous Ulcers aud Fe male Diseases of all kinds. Also Kidney and Venerlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. Ml diseases treated upon the principle of vogot- Icreform , without the use ol mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Modlcatod Baths , furnished who desire them. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by the ueo the Elastic belt Truss and Plaster , which has superior in the world. CONSUI/TATION FREE- SALL ON OR ADDRESS Drs , R , Rioe and Fc 0 , Miller , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , la. DR. A. F. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. Hoon , 9 a. m. to 3. , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p , ra. Residence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. J. M. PALMEE , DKALKU IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW W.D.ST1LLMAN . . , Practitioner of Hsmeopathy , coneultlng ' 'liysician ' and Surgeon , Office and lealdence 615 Willow avenue , Coun- Blurls , lon-a. F , T , SEYBERT , M. D. , PHYSIOIAN & SURGEON , COUNCIL BUJFFS , IA. Office No. 5 , Everett Block , Broad way , over A. LOUJO'B Rpatnuranr. , 3C ttt 2c3 Officd over iTlog bank. , OOUNOIti BLUFFS , - Iowa. SEAL ESTATE. W , 0. JirncB , In connection with hi * law and lolloctlon business buys and Belli real eatate. Perroni wlihlngto buy or tell city property call it hl otfic , over Buihnell'i book itore , Pearl Itrtet EDWIN ; ABBOTT. Justice r'e * * * Peace and No , ublic. > 4-IBBroa mcil Bluffs , 'MS ' , B , J , HARDIHG , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , Penn * . Office Oor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of All diseases and painful dlf- flcultlos peculiar to females a specialty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney &Coesellor , Office over First National Bank , Council Bluffs. Iowa. Will practice In the state and federal courts JKaJAYFKAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W , B. MAYES , Loans anflRealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts ol Pottawattamla county. Office corner of Broadway and Main street * , Council Bluns Iowa. P , J , KlIN'i'UOMKRY ' ' , M , JJ , , FllKE DlSPKNKARY EVERY SATURDAY. Office In Everett's block , Pearl Irect. K l ] dence C28 Fourth street. Office hours from D to 2 a. m. , 2 to 4 and 08 p.m. Council Huffs PRACTICAL DENTIST , Pearl opposite the postoiBce. One of the oldest ( ratltloners In Council Bluffs. Satis tsfactlon cuaranteed In HUGHES & TOV/SLEE / , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fruits uts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12MABFST. , Council BluLfa STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON f ANDERSON , Proprietors , This laundry has Just been opened for bust , ness , and wo are now prtiwrod to do la indry work of all kinds and guarantee eatlaUctlon. A specialty made of fine work , such aa collars , cufls , flnebhlrts , etc , We Kant everybody to give ui a trial , LARSON & ANDERSON. THOU , omens. w , ii. H. runt. OfflCEB & PUSEY , Coecil Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange ud borne securities. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILUOAD TIME TABLE. tlllCAOO , ROCK ISLAND AND TACiriC. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Kxl . .SSOpm I Pacific Kxl.,0:1,1 : m Kxand Malr.9:25ftm : Kx ami Miul'.6.ttp m U. llolnen c',7:15 : a m | DCS Molne ae',4:40 : p m ClllCtOO , BURUXUTOX ASD QflNCT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic K\f..B:30pml : Pacific Kxl . . .0 0ftm Mall and Kx' . .nrJO a m Mall nnd Kx' . .7:00 : p m N , Y. Kx. . , . . .4:00 : p m | NcKM Kx..f : y a in CHICAGO AND NORTH * r-STKUN. Depart , Arrh c. Atlantic Kxt..5lSpm : I Pacino KxJ.0:15 : am Mai and KxV.O.SOitm Mali nnd Kx.0:15pin : ACCOIII. ( Sat. ) . .5 0 p in | Acconi. ( Mon..lIS ! p m KANSAS CUT , ST. JON AND COU.NC1L tlLfriTl. Depart. Arrl\e. Mall and Kx..0 am I F. iirc.ii-.nuVp m Kxprcss , .9:10p : m I Mall and K\.C'45p in U.MON rAcmc , Depart. Arrive. Overland K\.llulOn. m. Overland Kx,4:00 : p. in. Uncoil ) Kx. ll : ; 0a. in. DcmcrKx . . .8:00 : n. in , Dcn\cr K\.TOUp. : m. Looil I'.x Ou"0ft. m. ( < ocal Kx.7l : ! n , in. " Kx SUVSa. m. Kmlgrant..8SOp. m. > " ix..f'00a. : in. VAIUSII , sr. LOVU AND rACU'io , Depart. Arrh c. Mall and Kx. . 0:15am : I Mall and Kx.1:30pin : Cannon lUli. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Hall.llW : a m sioux ait AND rArwc. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.7.r : > 3 n inFer Frm Sioux C'v.OiSO p in For Fort Nlobrarn. Frm Fort Hlonrara , Neb * 7Mnm : Neb. . 'OiWpm For St. Pau1..7MUpm 1'roiu St. l'anl..g 0 a in rillCAOO , UlkWAUKRII AND 8T. PAUL. Depart. Arrive. > . Mall and Kx. . osoa m I ilallmul Kx..OS5 : pm Council Dluild & Omulm Street R. R. IASH\ Council Hinds. Lcaro Omaha , B a m , D a in , 10 a in , I 8 a in , 0 A m , 10 a in , 11 a in , 1 in , 2 P in , 3 p U rt m , 1pm , 2p in , .1 p in , ! p in , G p in , U p in. | in , 4 p in , C p in , G p in. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars bcjjlnthulr trips at 9 o clock n. in. , nnd run rciru any during the day at D , 11 , U 4 , ( > and U o'clock , and run to city time. Kxcept Sundays , 1 Kxccpt Satimbjs. Moml.ig. A Tox'.ia Enthusiast Counting the Stioop. llahcston ( To\is ) Ncns. Judge Hancock dooa not credit the assertion that there tire 7,000,000 ahoop in Toxna , and thinkn tlioro : ire ecarcoly 3,000,000. In January , 1870 , there wcro 2,564,382 head nasoaaod for taxation ; in 1880 , at Iho oamo date , there were 12,811,253 , assoBsodj' in 1881 , January ] , according to the nsiessorB1 rolU , thoru wcro 3,262,104 head , and it is probable that the assessment - sossmont for January 1 , 18S2 , will ehow 4,000,000 head , and by January next a much larger number mil bo shown , as the natural incroaao and the increase by Importation from other otatca would awoll the figure probably to 5,000,000 hoad. But it is reasonable to iufur that there ia a lurgo porceutago of sheep in the state not on the assessors' rolls , as is ; hu case with all classes of personal prop erty. Since January 1 , 1881 , when 3,262,104 head of nhoop were assessed , very largo numbora have boon brought to Tcxua by rail from the older otatos , and largo herds have been driven hero ovnrlaud from California and the states of Mexico. The estimate of the Nowo was based upon the natural iucroaao , which ia very great , the ex traordinary impetus given to the busi ness recently , which haa caused the largo importations indicated , and the fact , which will Inrdly bo disputed , that a largo proportiou of the sheep in Texas are not assessed. Satisfactory. Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , , writes : "I have used BuunocK BLOOD BiTTKna for nervous and bilious headaches , and have recommondel them to my friends ; I be lieve them to be superior to nay other medicine I have used , and can recommend them to any one requiring a euro for bil iousness. " Price 51. A Cold Winter Ahead. LouIsUllo Commercial. How do you toll when it's going to be a cold winter , Undo Abe ? " "I mos'ly tells by do fish. I boon i fisher all my life , over siuco I boon n tittle niggah BO hioh , ; an' if you notice a catfish in do fall yon will BOO dat sometimes do akin on his belly is thick and sometimes It is thin. When it's thick dar's gwino to bo a cold win ker , an' when it's thin dur'o gwino to bo a warm 'un. I never know'd dat sign to fail. " "How is their skin this winter , Un cle Abe ? " "I'm mighty aorry to say , chile , it'a mighty thick. " "Pour on Oil. " L. P. Pollett , Morion. Ohio , etatea that lie haa used THOMAS' KCLKCTHIO OIL for burns and 1ms loutid nothing to equal it in soothing the pain and giving relief. A Weakness for Hats. I'rom the London Echo. A man has just boon convicted at a Paris police court for stealing a hat From a cafe. It appears that it was ilia practice to go into the oaf o barehead ed and come out with the beat hat ho : ould lay his handa on , In this case lie had taken the hat o ! a man who boasted that ho had the biggest head in the city. At the prisoner's lodg ing no loss than forty-seven hats wore discovered. The prisoner pleaded ; hat ho was absent-minded nnd had no tiead at all ; the judge thought ho had Lee many hats for n man with one head and gave htm nix months' imprison ment. FranU Tens of thousands of dollars are tqx end yearly on traveling quacks , who go From town to town prnfetslug to care nil the ills that our poor humanity is heir to , Why will the publlo not learn common nenfee , and if they am BulCering from dys pepsia or liver complaint , invest a dollar in Ji'iiiNQ BLOSSOM , told by all druggist * and endorsed by the faculty. See tcatiimml. aid. 1'rico 50 contH , trial bottle 10 cents , Why Ho EatOyBtora Raw. From a Lrcturo hy Ur. Wm , Iloherls. Our practice in regard to the oyator ia ( juitu exceptional , nnd furnishes a striking example of the 'general cjr- rectiifm nf the popular judgment on dietetic iiuustions. The oyator Is al most the only animal substance which wo oat habitually and by preference in the raw or uncooked atate , nnd It is interi'&liijg to know that there ia a tound physiological reason at the bottom tom of thin preference , The fawn col ored mass which constitutes the dainty of the oyster ia ita liver , and thin is lit tle less than a heap of glycogen , Associ ated with the glycogeu , but withhold from actual contact with it during ita life , ia ita appropriate digestive fer ment , the hopatio diastase. The more crushing of the dainty between the teeth brings those two bodies to. gether , and the glyoogon is at once di gested without any other help than by its diastase. The oyster in the un cooked state , or merely watmod , is , in fact , self-digestive ; but the advant age of this provision is wholly lost by cooking , for the heat employed imme diately destroys the associated fer ment , and the cooked oyster has to bo digested , like any Bother food , by the eater's own digestive powers. A Siijnlflonnt f ot. The choftp tino'llcina in mo h THOMAS KcLKCTRro On , , l > oc sa so vary little of It Is required to effect a euro. For croup , dlptheria , and ditoaroa of the throat ntul limps , whether used for bathing the client or throat , for Uking Internally or Inhaling , it Is * matchless compound. A FJNE SCHEME To Trade Off n Poor Husband for a Rich One and Divide the Wonltn , IlostJnOcr. Cincinnati inquirer. A oingular will case , involving con siderable money nnd noveral people well known in this community , came up In-day in the supreme court. On April 8th , 1869 , John llardy and Mary M. Smith wore united in marriage - riago , nnd lived together until about May llth , 1877. E rly in April , 1877 , Mrs. Uardjr informed her hus band tiiat aho desired to separate from him aud obtain a divorce , it ; order that oho might marry Ezra G. Perldno ; Mr. Hardy vna unwilling to nssont o the prop , osition , but at last , feeling compelled by force of oircumptancca , did c nsent to certain proceedings being taken to enable Mrs. llardy to obtain a divorce. At this time they had accumulated n considerable amount of property , and lived together at No. 4 Concord square , Mra. llardy being wull known in the community as n medium , and Mr. Hardy pursued the business nf a painter , the earnings of both being allowed to accumulate for their joint benefit. \ It was finally ngrood that oho might apply for nnd obtain a divorce , aud to allow this plan to bo carried out Mr. Hardy coneoutod to _ put hitnsolf in a position to allow evidence of adultnry to bq presented against him , although ho was not guilty of that offonSo. The consideration for such notion on the part of Mr. Hardy was $5,000 , which was paid him , and accordingly Mra Hardy made application to the pro bate court of Salt Lake , in Utah , and on the 24th of April n divorce was granted to her. The marriage of Mr. Perkins then took place , and it is claimed that Mr. Porklna was cog nizant of all the fraud which was per- potratcd upon the court in Utah , which , it is claimed , bad no jurisdic tion over the parties or the cause. On the other hand , counsel for the estate of Mr. Perkins contend that Mr. Hardy consented in writing to the divorce , and that , therefore , ho is barred in Dotting up the divorce as entitling him to n share In Mr. Per- kins' catato. The main point at itauo is a clause in the will : "I will leave to my husband , " etc , under which clause it to claimed that Hardy was her lawful husband , and ia entitled to the property. The caao is presented as u statement of facts to bo argued before the supreme bench on the questions of law. Bucklin'Q Arnica Halve. The BEST SAI.VE in the world for Cats , Bruises , Bores , Ulcers , bnlt Rhcani , Fa vor Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Cbll blulns , Corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively euros piles. It ia guaranteed to dvo satisfaction t nu ooy rolundod , Price , 2n cents par CT. fnr wvlo by 0 , v Goodman To Bo Handed to Your Barber. Chicago ITcrald. "I want a close ahavo. I am in n hurry. Do not put any oil or grease upon my hair. I never uao bay-rum or cosmetics. Please comb my hair up and back. I do not wish my hair trimmed or cut , I do not wish any hair tonic or akin medicine. I do not wiah any shampoo or a bath. I have not heard the latest news from Egypt , nor do I want to , I care nothing for politics , or crime or society. I do not care for stock or market reports. I am not n stranger in the city , and I nm not going to the ball this evening. I am a professor in a deaf and dumb institute , and I am glnd of it. Qo ahead and shave mo , " Free of Charge. All persons Buffering from Coughs , Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , LOBS of Vuico , or'any affection of the Throat and Lungs , are re quested to call at O. r. Goodman's drug store nnd get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption , free of charge , which will convince them of its wonderful merits and Dhow what a regular Imttln will > Io. Cull early. An Unfounded Report. Laramte City Boomerang , The dlsguatiuu ; rumor started last week by some paper to the effect that Vanderbilt , Gould , McGoogh , Mitch ell and the editor of the Sun had formed a syndicate with a capital of $13,000,000 to control the wheat crop and Bend prices up out of sight , hat no foundation at nil.Vo have never had any conference with the capital ists oit the subject , and anybody can see the $2 wo were expected to put into the syndicate by calling at this office. That is , any person can see the $2 unices ho haa got a bill against ua , Novur too Late to Atencl. Thou. J. Arden , William Street , Kast Buffalo , writes ! "Your Si-wwa BLOHBOJI has worked on me splendid , I had no ap petite ; used tir'nleep badly and tret up In the morning uurefroshod ; my breath was very offensive and I suffered from revere headache ; since using your Bprlug Blossom nil these symptoms have vanished , nnd I feel quite well. " Price r < 0 cents , trial bottle tle K ) cents. Printing the Tickets ia Now York. New York Herald , Nov , 1 , Huforo sunriae on Tuesday next 2 , 001 ticket booths will besot up near the polling places in the 088 elections districts ia this city , and in these ticket booths 2,001 accredited r.or- vanlB of the pulitical parties will bu prepared to cfl'or 18,000,00 ballots to 100,000 electors These ballots are nearly ready in three printing offices down town , for delivery to the mag nates of politics , The printers have bean running their pressesnight nnd day for a week on the electrotype platea for thu ballots , nnd thU part of the complicated and gigantic work of an election in Now York City might have boon completed ere this time but for a few tardy nominatlona. Six hundred girls and twenty folding ma chines have begun the task of folding and bunching those ballots , eight in a bunch , aa they are to be delivered to the electors , and by Saturday evenIng - Ing next throe truck loads of ballots in baga , aggregating 800 reams of paper , will roll up to the politicians' headquarters - quarters , there to be ready for the distribution that is made every year on the Sunday before olootson , The coat of these ballots Is beat known by the printers nnd the campaign - paign committees. It is , however , more bagatelle in the cost of the Now lork election. 13very man of the regiment of candidates expended $1 in the bar rooms and olsoirhoro to got his nomination for every cent that his ballots will coat. The § 103,000 awarded the bureau of elections covers the coat of pnllnjT places , boards of registry and election clerks ; but this is less money then is required to pay the wntohora and the vote peddlers nud the wnrd _ committees who scrutin- izp the registry in every election dis trict ; and nil theno fabulous expendi tures aggregated will fall far below the vorth of the time spi'nt by mcmbcra of the ward political associations in plotting for party nscondnnoy. Who will over know the cost of n Now York election ? Do not bo deceived. Insist on hav ing the genuine Brown's Iron Uittors , made only by the llrown Chemical Oo. , nnd take nothing plao. SiiHivan liigerall ( , DKALKUa IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glassware , Also ORontfl lor the following llnew of Steamship Companies : Cuuard , Anchor , Onion , Amrrlcnn , and Statt tUeatnshlp Oomioiiles. For Mlo on the lloyal Hank of Ireland and Bant of Irel&nd , Dublin. Thogn wlo Intend to Bond foi frlciuls to nny ivut of Kuropo will Dud It to theli ntoreet to call on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AG1SNT8 , 343 Broadway , Oonnoll Blnfls MKS. fl , J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Brouilwav CounoillBlnff * . JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( Doutechcr Arzt. ) Oor. WASHINGTON AYE & 7th St. Council Bluffa. uisofmci of women and children a epocWty. SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Oaunoil Bluffa. Extracllnuand fllllnj a rpecblty. Flrat-claog ark guaranteed. ' $500 REWARD. The abo\o reward will ho paid to any person who will produce n 1'alnt that will o < iual the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for preserving Shingles , Tin and Gravel Roofs. Warranted to bo Flro and Water 1'roof. All orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet' tor than any other paint now In uao. STEWAHT& STEI'HENSON. Solo Vroprlctora , Omaha House , Omaha , Neb. REFERENCES. Offlccr k Pusey , Dr.UIco , Dr. I'lnnoy , Fuller1 Council Illuffa , Iowa. UK * olllco , Omaha Noo. Sioux ( Jit ? & THE SIOUX OITT ? ROUTB Rnns a Solid Train Ihtough from Council Bluila to St. Paul Without Ohsnzo Time , Only 17 Hcura IT is ilOO MILES THZ anOHTEB ROOT * riou OOUNOIL BLUFFS K > CT. PAUL , UOJHEAPOUB audall polcle la Ncrihein Inns. Idlcnu * , ) * me Dakota. Tills line ! j cqnlppod with the Improve. ' \YeeUnghotim Autoraallc Alr-brakt ad AilUi Ustform Courier and nuCfji : and fo > DPKED. OAITRTY AUD OOIIPOKT la unourpiifeil. I'ullrjr.n fallen f > ! eq > l'.iflti run through WITHOUT CIIAXOJ : UUuoit { fan s City and at. funl , via Uonutll tllcCi anS Gloux City. Ti.Mns leave Inlon r/iclSc Traiufor at Ccun ell flluffo , at 7:33 : p. m. dilly on arrival of Kravi O'tiy , Ct Jooaph and Council Hln3 train ficrr the South. Arriving ut Sioux City 11:40 : p. m. and at the New Ui.lou Depot at tlf. Faal aS 11 ID noau iiiH uoonff IN ADVAKOI : or ANV oracv HOUTJC. t Tlt m5-.ibcr In IMag the Bloux City Rcu ( yon irol a Through Tinln. The [ ihoitcot [ ho Quickest TIrao and b Uomfoitkbo ! KUe In tb Through Cam between COUNCIL J1LUFFH AND 3V. I'AUL. &TSco that your Tlckeio rriul via thn "Hlon. Oily and Pacific lulircwd ' / . S. WATTLKO , J R. BUCHAJAN Gupeilntendunt. Oen1 1'rjw. Azant Mliuourl Valley la. W. E. DAVIH , ncnthwectorn 1'aatenger Agent. ell UiuUs yon suffer from Dyspepsia , uao HUUDOCn ' If you are altlictoJ with Illllouiincsa , use 11UHUOCK 1ILOOU IIIITKUS If you are proatratod ulth lick Jlcadachv , tale DUKDOUK I1LOOP IlllTEKS f your Uowclaaro disordered , rcfuhtu them with UUKDOCU BLOOD BITTEIia Ifn < ur Blood li wpure , purify It with BUHDOCK BLOOD B1TTKRS. If you haa Indigestion , you will find an antidote In BUUDOUK BLOOD DITTKIIB. It you are troubled with Hprlnj ? Complalntu , ir- adleaU ) them with IIUUDOCK BLOOD BITTEH8. If your Liver la toipIO , restore It to healthy aUlon with BUHDOCKIILOOD BITTEI18 If your Liter Is atfected , you will find a turn re storative In BUUDOL'K BLOOD DITTOUS. If you have any upeclci ) of Humor or Plmjilc , fall not to take I1UKDOCK BLOOD BIITKHH. If you have any BJ uiptouis of Ulccru or Scrofulous Sores , acurotlte remedy will ho found If. BUHDOCK BLOOU BI'ITKIIS , Kor liniartlng | btrengtli and > ltaUty tothen ) - Urn , For Nervous and General Debility , toue up the y tcin with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTEIia. Price , I.OO per Bottle ; Trl Dottles 10 Ot ZOSTER , MILBDRN , & Oo , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholeeale by lib k UeUabon aod C. t. Ooodruan. | e eod-m A Iriil package oi" BLACK-DRAUGHT' ; Irt * nf charge. GEORGE F. CRAWFORD BUYER AND SHIPPER OF EGCS. 1,519 South Iain Street. COUNCIL KUJEFS , IOWA , I Pay Iho Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , Re-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J. Hathway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la. Machinery will bo nm exclusively for cucloin work cm Thursday and Friday o ouch week. Order * solicited mill BntUfActlon gunrnntoo J. L.n SEC , ( Successors to J. W , Rodefer ) . WHOLESALE AfcD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACOTAffi , LEHIGH , BLOSSBUEB AND.IALL CONNEILSYILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. EiRhth. Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffs. I'KTEll TI10LU HERMAN KHACI1T. THQLL & KRACHT , [ OVISIONS. Cor. Main Street nnd 7th Avenue. Kino Groceries , Teas , Etc. , n Spec'alty. ' lllclicnt prices paid for country produce. Now minding , now goods , low prices. Wo will not bo undorsoM , Call and examine our ttock. dnllvorcil. P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNE MANUFAOT011E BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND FEED The Very Best of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM : Parties Wiahinjj to Soil Broom Corn 1 Will Please Send Sample. & ; oo. TJIK SHADING DKALKU IN 337 Brond.iy . , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , THE HUNTRESS TRACE BUCKLE r ' , . , . ' . . . o IOBt for thrf o yt ar , and glvoi perfect ratlafactloa. WE OHAL- LENOK TIIK WOULD to prcdticu a buckle hat ciiua'a ' It In the following polnu : lit-lts Hne an Bcarance ; 2nd-lt case njion the trace ; Sil-it * ftrenuthi 4th-lta eau In changing without takln ? the traci out of Jhel'fipn ; Mli-It will not unlmcHoltwlf : 8th-Tlie hama tug pulta tr ght with the trace. HUNHIFSS TIIACK UAH It I HI , the bent In the world. Iho ojckojd la ivili A'ti Ti'it'i ? " iu01 Kn , ° llM" ' a"d wl" "ot ctch the " ' " or tall "UNTBES3 PATENT WIIIII-LKIIUE AND BIIKAST 8THAP IIOOK. fcr , - , . heavy- wajfonstowing dragging , etc. , cinnotboixiiallod | , 'J ho tug will not unhook Iteo / . Manufactured by DDTTON , HDJNTRBSS & CO , , Janesvillo , Wisconeln. all for Jobbing eale by houses. C. J. Bcokman , Council Bluffs ; Sharp Jfc Son and II , S. Collins &Co. , Omaha , and by Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLl'JI DOKUFUNOKR , rronrJetor. Choice WInea and Cigars. Oysters in Every Stylo. 709 Lownr Uro'idwny. ' Council Bluffs lown. DUQUETTE , GUIBEET & CO. , ( Successors to iilll : & UUQUKTTK ) , Innnln li'nintnun ' nnA Hi lie Fi 18 Poarl-st. rouiicil Bluffs , In. AIL-T STREET All Shippers and Travelers vrlll n good accommodation aud roatonabl charges. SOUTH SHEET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , Iowa , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors , STARR & BUKCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND RNAMTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININQ AND QEAININQ , _ u iz > oEiox ivx.xr9ir. Shop Corner Broa dway and Soott Bt MAURBR & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich ( Tat Crlasa , Fine French a * , Silver Ware < Swx , OOUNOIL