THE .DAILY BEE OMAHA , MONDAY NOVEMBER < > , . . „ The Daily Bee. Monday Morning , Nov. 6 , L.OOAL BREVITIES. The bonrd of cducntionmcels to-night. The city council will meet to-morrow evening , Hcgular meeting of Wide-Awake council A , L. of S. You can go east on fast trains now [ by taking the Milwaukee roiul. The connty court docket for Novem ber will be called on Wednesday. The ladles of the Presbyterian church ore preparing tot a fair and supper , which are to bo shell on November 23 and 24 , The meeting calloJ for Jefferson square yesterday by l d. Walsh was n fraud , nnd there WAS uu one to take nn interest In those things , The U. P. train from the west ) ast night was quito heavy , there being eleven loaded CIVM. There wcro two cars of fruit , cnt cast over the Northwestern , and nix coach loads of patscngcra. Oapt. Pollock , U. S. A. , arrived from Choyemio jesttrday with fho deserters who will bo taken to Fort Lcavenworth. The fire were in irons. A party of Jnpiucso merchants from New York went west yesterday en route to Yokfthntnn. „ . * ( J > - A conplo of drunken soldiers tried to clean out the Academy of Music Saturday night. Manager Nugent paralyzed them nnd the officers landed them in the JUR. O. P. Chubb , late of the U. P. freight nudltor'n office , hiw-connectod himself - self with M. 11. lUsdon in tbo insur ance business under the firm name of Kin- don & Chubb. ' The third annual ball of the A. 0 II. band will be given at Central hall on Wednesday e\entng , November 15. The cards are out for Iho wedding of Warren Swltzlcr , Esq. , and Miss Mary AVilson , daughter of General and Mrs. Thomas Wilson. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday evening , Nov. mber 15 , at C p. m. , at the Dodge Street Prosby. erlan church. A fine looking lady who is said to bo n Magdalen , showed the goodness of her heart yesterday at.tho Union Pacific depot - pot , by assisting n poor blind fellow across the tracks to the street car. It must hnvo been for such a woman that the lledcemor of mankind said , "Let him that Is without sin cast the first stone. " The managers of the woman suffrage movement ha\e sent to County Clerk Baumer a dozen special poll boxes for olec- "tipn day , which will probably not bo used , as all ballots will bo'cast in one box. Be tween four local tickets nnd the state ticket , woman suffrage and the bounty for wolf scalps , there will bo n mixture that will drive half the election boarda to the Insane asylum. Tbo ladies of the Presbyterian church are preparing for a fair and supper to be held November 23 and 24. ] Whltebousc , the 10th street druggUt , has on exhibition at his store a stuflcd pelican , which is quite a curiosity and Is drawing large crowds to see It. The new B. tc H. freight depot , cor ner Eighth aod Howard , will bo opened to-day , November Gth , for receiving nnd delivering freight , It is denied that the liquor dealers have agreed to support the whole demo cratlo ticket. Quite n number will sup \f \ Mr. Dawey , and most of them will sup port Mr. Iler'a now partner , Mr. Sueson bach. It was Fred PIrro , and not Parrott , who stiuck little Josie Frost in thn fdro- bead with a piece of iron , and was put un tier bonds therefor. . Thl8 % Is said to bo Pirro'a [ second offense , * and as he Is 15 ytars of ago he ought to know better. Dr. A. Sorol , rojbtrar of the Third ward , will sit again Monday , No\ ember 0 , in the Antiquarian book store , 1420 Douglas street , for the purpose of correct ing the list of voters and to register the legal votcw of tbo Third ward of Omaha The married woman , Mrs , 0. P. Bur ris , who filed the complaint against ono Lou Bernard for vitriol jthrowlng , accused her husband of leaving her on account of another woman , This charge Mr , Burrla denies , and says he left her on account of gross misconduct at Red Oak , Iowa , and other places. A young lady nlne years of ago would like a good home with gentleman and wife , or widow lady of some means. Tboso in want of a young tnlss to bring up , will please call at the Union P clBa hotel WedncBiUyrjnftenioon , October Kb , be tween 2 and 4. Inquire of Mr. 0 , 12. Richmond , A meeting of the Social Art dub for the annual election of officers wlU | bo held at [ the house of Mrs , Gilbert ; corner Chicago and Eighteenth streets , in Tues day , November 7th , at 3 o'clsai p. in. Each member of the society on < | all Inter ested in the objecti ) for which It van organ ized , are urgently desired to to present. Mrs. Von Nostrand , president . A. Q. Omaha LodgeJNo , 141,1.0 , G. ? : , at its regular meeting FrtJsr fdifklltd the following officers for the iniutnf QU ten W. 0. T. , Choa. T , Bun j W. V. T. , MI Llllle Webb } W. U. S. ' , Jwlm'a Devries ; W. A. S. , MhwSlay Crawlqrd W < F , 8. , E. D , McLaugblb ; W. Trt Jtl Lottie TompattW. ; . M. , > Ir. MoAUfaLr W , D , M. , Miss Jennie Moore ; W. J. G. MU Nettle Gould ; W. 0. G , , Mr. lor The lodge la in aflourlehlag condition , Those who attended the first pa\ty > the Iriih-Amerlcan club , given about month ego , will be plowed to learn tha Imitations are out for the second party of tie series , to occur on Friday evening , November 10th , at ir souio hall. As before - fore , Irvlue'f baud will furnish the muilc , and a right enjoyabW tune U assured by those Wins the matter In charge. Invi- tiktioui we necessary to aecure admlwlon , which can be procured from Meww. J. II , Feeney , J. I. Nlchol , J. P. Murphy , J. T , Price , B > m rd McCaffrey , or any mem. Lets of the club. The Irish-American club dance * * re wcogulteJ M the finest ghen in Omaha , and three securing Imi .Utiona may consider tLemselvw fortunate A ROYAL RIDE , The Introduction of a Now Claimant for Publio Favor , The IcaURtiral of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Road. A Ride in the Rain Where the Elements are Defied. iloynl Railroading nnd Princely Feastlnrj. TLo IilK Inter-Stato Blowout on Saturday. The opening up of a now railway line is alwayn nn event of unusual in terest , ovoti if it bo a stub road con necting some interior town with the main line of a great system , When , however , the inauguration of a great trunk line is to bo signalized it must bo done with the pomp and ceremony befitting the christening of A IIOYAIi INFANT. It was an occasion of the latter class which the press , Iho city officials , and the representative business mon of the two cities on opposite banks of the great Missouri , which catch ono the first says the other the dying glow of the orb of day , wcro called upon on Saturday to celebrate , in company with the local and visiting railway magnates. In short it was the open ing of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company's now Omaha line for through pansongor traffic , as on and alter to-day two express trains will run daily between Chicago and Council Bluffs ever the now road. Great efforts are being made by the officers of the Milwaukee & St , Paul to make their Omaha route as popular as any now running between Chicago and that point. To accomplish this at once they have waited the opening of the road for through traffic until the tracks had boon placed in the boat possible condition and they had provided - vided the line with the most improved equipment. The trains to bo run ever the now route are to bo in the true sense of the word "royal trains , " 'mndo up of the finest and most olcgant passenger coaches Pullman palace aloeping-cars and palace dining-cars that have ever boon placed on a west ern road. To show the style of its now equipment for the now line , and particularly the magnificent now dining-cars , the Milwaukee & St. Paul gave an oxcuraion to the little city of Earllng. 47 miles out on the road to the Badger otato capital. COMING EVENTS cast their shadows before , and the run out was made from an Omaha depot , where the invited guests were notified that the train would bo in waiting for them at 1:30 : p. m. The train crossed the bridge at 10:30 : a. m. , and was temporarily anchored on a track in the Union Pacific depot where it might bo admired by the passengers on thn overland train and others ar riving at this time of day. The mag nificent specimen of the equipment of the now road , as it lay there bright and fresh in all the glory of now paint md nioklo , was voted a triumph of ; ho machinists' handiwork , and of decorative art. It consisted of : 0. , M. & St. P. engine No. 433 , Engineer Dave Roberts ; baggage car No. 104 , day coach No. 240 ; a dining car "B ; " a Pnllman'drawing room car , "Nu- nidia , " nnd the parlor car "America. " The train was in charge of Conductor 3. G. Lund , of Marion , Iowa ; the dining car of Conductor D. P. Mo- Adam , for eight years in the service of the Pullman Company and the "Nurnldla" cared for by Conductor E. D , Kern , As the lucky excursionists were slowly arriving A TODll OV INSPECTION was made through the train before the start. Tho. several cars were all rolling palaces , as fine a qulntntto of them as ever rolled across the broad Missouri , but the magnlficonco of the Pullman sleeper and the luxurious ease and comfort of the parlor car were Ml thrown into the shade by the grandeur of the dining car , which ia ono of six now ones iust put on by the 0. M. & St. P. railway , which are credited with being the handsomest in America and consequently in the world. It is to this feature oapecial attention is being dlroctod by the officers of the company and therefore a brief description will bo of intorosl to all A OOJU1EOUH UAIt , They are of dark wino color , with Eistlako designs executed in gold , with nine plate gloss windows to a side , each 42 inches wide by 32 inches high. The oars are 02 foot long , nioun - od on first claw aix-whoel trucks , iitted with 42-inoh stool-tired paper wheels , on French's double elliptical rprings. Miller platforms , draw fixtures and WostinghoDBO air brakes and double land brakes complete the exterior , riiero are four boxes under each car , two being for ioo and two for moats , etc. , and each lined throughout with jalvanlzod iron , leaving air spaces between - twoon , The interior of the cars rival the oxtorlor , and is simply magnifi cent. They are fmUhud in mahogany , with trimmings of rosewood and inanjnotorie , and with hard wood ceilings. The entire middle section is devoted to dining purposes , The seats , chairs and steam plpo heat ers are of a very late style , never before fore seen on a similar car. Silver casters , containing various condi ments , are fitted to each window sill , and can bo so arranged ns not to occupy the space used for dinner by a guest. The lamps are of silver , ol rich design , There ia a handsome sideboard-room with a solid mahogany sideboard , the equal of which has rarely been soon , that occupies a pace between the pantry and dining tlpon , Everything in this room ii unshod in mahogany. At the other em of the car is a wardrobe in ono oorijr and a refrigerator with two large lookers in the other corner. * romh0 , vestibule folding doors leac to epafous kitchen completely fittoc up. It > 7 feet Wide by 13 feet long with a Wilko'a six-foot raugo , nl modern id complete improvements and fixture. oua HOSTS. In the NmJdia the visitors were welcomed by General Superintendent , T. T. Clark , the host of the occasion , who was attended nnd assisted by A. II. Carpenter , general passenger and ticket agent ; II. 0. Atkins , assistant general superintendent ; A. J. Ear- ling , division superintendent from the Mississippi to the Mitsomi , and F. A , Nash , general agent at Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bluffs.THE THE OtJPSTS from Omaha wore : Mayor James E Boyd , ,1.V. . Morse of the Union Pa cific passenger department ; lion. L. M. Bennett , superintendent of the Pullman Palnco CAT company ; Bob Law , formerly superintendent of the Mountain division of the U. P , , and now superintendent of the southwest ern system of the 0. , B , & . Q roadj George Footo , general western pas senger agent of the Missouri Pacific road ; Tom Havens , of the U. P.j Colonel ,1. J. Dickey , superintendent of the Union Pacific and Western Union Telegraph companies ; 0. U. Dewey , J. A. Crcighton , 0 , 0. House ] , W. 0. J ) . Alien , W.E. Annin , of TUB Jii ! : ; , ; Alf , Sorcneon , city editor of The Republican ; Mr. Jnckman , of The Herald ; J. B. Kitchen , proprie tor of the Paxton hotel ; Dr. Mercer , surgeon of the U. P. ; A. J. Troynor , Ljonural baggngo agent of the U , P. rondj Mr. Scott , of the Pullman Car company in Omaha , , ) . P. Median , assistant nuporintondont of the Pull man company ; Matt Clair , pool line naont ; ' 11 , Gilmore , yard master of the U. P. 'I ho gncsta invited from Council Blufls woro1 Mayor Tliomaa Bowman ; J. 0. Morgan , of The Globe : Judge A. V. Larimer , J. T. Baldwin , Hon. Goo. F. Wright , S. 8. Slovens , gen eral agent of the Rock Island road ; J. W. Chapman , Spencer Smith and 0. S. Clark , of The Nonpareil ; F. M. Ghult , general agent of the Wabaah road ; W. B Hamblln , general agent of the Burlington road ; A , W. Strcot , cashier of the Citizens' bank ; J , L , Stewart , of Stewart Bros. ; J. E Mar- kol and Thos. Swobo , of the Union Pacific hotel and others. ON THE KOAl ) , At 1:30 : the train puliod out of the U. P. depot nnd across to the Transfer , where the visiting delega tion from that point joined the Omaha party , and soon wns spinning toward the heart of the Hawkeye state at a lively speed , its two score passengers all bent on enjoying the occasion to its utmost. As if nature had combined with the oflicials to show off their trains and roads to the best 'advantage , a aloT , drizzling rain had act in early in the day and kept it up throughout the trip. From the blight and cheery luxury of the dining and pal ace cars the passengers laughed at the storm and soon gathered around a fcs- tivo board , where sandwiches nnd other cold viands were spread , flanked by liquors to wash thorn down. This was only putting in a uubatantial foundation on which to rest the * KKOAL FEAST that the guests were next naked to partake of , nnd ever which they spout at least two hours and a half of time. The menu was served with a different wine at each course , Super intendent Tourtollott , of the dining car system , seeing that none disobeyed tho. scriptural injunction to "Eat , drink and bo merry. " The following was the MENU : Blue Points Half Shell. Consomme a la Kegouco , Salmon , Sauce Ilollandalso. Cucumbers. Fillet of Beef , 1'iquo aux Champignons , Tomatoes Farcies. Potatoes Duchesso. Breast of Turkey a I'Ainbaseadrice. French Peas , Punch a la Homaino. Roust Quail. Salnd. Uhecso. Charlotte Knese. Assorted Cakes. Ice Cream. Fruits. Colfso. At each pinto was laid a souvenir , laving printed upon the front the fol- 'owing : "Ohlcogo , Milwaukee nnd St. Paul Hallway. Short Line to Chicago , Inauguration. Saturday , November 1th , 1882. " Upon tno inside was the Menu , printed upon satin , fringed at the bottom , and hold in place at the center by a silk cord and tassel. Under the satin , printed upon the lower loaf of the card , were the fallowing appropri ate versos ; 'We may live without poetry , music and nrl ; Wo may live without conscience , and live without heart ; We may live without friends ; wo may live without books ; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. " "Ho may Iho without books what is knowledge but grloylcg ? He may live without hope what la hope but deceiving ? Ho may live without love what ia passion but pining ? But where Is the man that can Iho with AFlBtt blNNEH. Itiia i\ meal that would have graced the table of a king , and it is innecosoary to suy'thac it wns fully appreciated by the hungry excursion- sts as it will bo by the sovereign people ple of America generally , for just iuch dinners will be set up on this ino every day. After dinner the ex cursionists adjourned to the sleeper and parlor car , where the best im ported cigars served to them , Jail for apoeqhos were soon heard , md them followed remarks by Mayor Boyd , Air , Carpenter , Robert Law , Mr , Bennett , Superintendent Clark , Mr. Chapman , Col. Dickey , and' others. The "sociable" in the cars was kept up until the return to the Union Pacific transfer , at 7:30 : p. m , Wliilo on route homo the following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the party : Jlesolfftl , That the thanks of the Rutats present are hereby tendered to the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul railway company for the very hospitable and pleasant man ner In which they have "entertained , " and that we as a body believe the above named company to bo all they claim ami represent. Jtciolied , That inJ. . T. Clark , sunerln- teudent , A , V. II. Carpenter , general pas- reuger agent , V , A. Naih na general west- m agent , we feel confident the company , have selected abla and competent gentle men in whom the people place both conQ dence and reliance. THE NEW UQAD. The Chicago , Milwaukee &St. Paul railroad is the shortest line to Chicago , being only 488 miles long , and its track Is all steel rails , none of which are ever 18 months old. The roadbed is iu excellent condition , and rides very smoothly , having been well bal lasted. Although in the freight pool , the road is not in the passenger pool , and hence express trains wiU run seven dayi in the weak , beginning Sunday afternoon. Trouble It la * a remarkable fact that THOMAS' Du.rcTitio Onla as Rood for Internal as external mo. For dioa'cn of the lungs and throat , and for rheumatism , neuralgia , crick in the back , wounds , and sores , it is the best known remedy , nnd much trouble is saved by having It always on hand. 20,000 yards nf Dress Goods to bo slaughtered at the Chicago Storo. ni-m&o SPECIAL NOTICE TO nit. FISKJII-ATT'S PATRONS , RESIDENTS or OMAHA. In view of my many patrons old nnd now who will visit mo during my stay in Omaha , November 7th , 8th and 9 th , and for the purpose of ac commodating thorn nnd mycelf by giv ing dinplo timn for consultation of those who wish to consult me. RESI DENTS or OMAHA ONLY will find mo at the Paxton Hotel Parlars No. 3 and 4 Sunday afternoon , the oth , and evening ; also Monday , the Gth , all day. This will give my friends in Omahn an opportunity to avoid the rush. A. S. Before and after casting your vote no matter which ticket you favor , if requiring any hardware call on Dolan & Langworthy , Thirteenth street , ba- twcon Douglas and Dodge , nnd exam ine their stock and prices. n4-citm-wlt HOW HE MISSED HER. A Pro-Hymeneal Tour In a Special Car * * > It is rumored that a big wedding will take place in a day or two , ono of the parties to which is a well-known and popular clerk in the freight audi tor's department of the Union Pacific , and the other a lady who for four years past has been in the employ of the president of the Union Pacific. A dispatch received by the gentle man a few days ago announced that the lady would arrive Friday , and accordingly ho wont ever to Council Bluffs to rajiot her. As ho did not sao her face among others on the arrival of the eastern train ho remained until evening , only to be again disappointed. The fact is that the lady did not como as a common passenger , but arrived on the morning train in Mr. Dillon's private car and had baon immediately brought ever the bridge. Driving to the headquarters in a carriigo she learned that her affianced Wasnot there and coneequontly wns somewhat at a loss to know what to do until oho met an old acquaintance who took her to his homo. The clerk arrived in the evening feeling considerably disappointed and was rather surprised to find the true state of affairs and that his pros pective bride had arrived ahead of him. However , as nils well that ends well , ho was satisfied and the mooting was as folicitious as could have boon desired. County Commissioners. SATURDAY , November 3 , 1882. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Present , Commisaionors Drexel , Cor liss and Knight. The following was adopted : licsohcd , That the connty treasurer bo and ho is hereby directed to draw from the several fund $10 and apply the same to payment of ditch tax of Jos. McLau hlin , on west half 22 , 15 , 10 , for 1879 , for work on ditch. Also $3 and apply same to payment of de linquent labor tax of W. R. Funk for 1881 for work on road. Thofollowincaccountsworoallowed : IJIlIDflE tU.ND. Jas. McLaughlic , work on ditch. . $ 32 87 OENFHAJ. I UNI ) . , T H Snetman , groceries $ 34 05 E H Crowell , bailiff and witness fee CO 00 D N Miller , board prisoners CIO 00 Foster & G ray , lumber 0 83 I N Pierce , sup't poor houee 03 33 Mrs I N Pierce , matron poor house 20 00 Matin Dunkln , work poor house. . . 17 00 J Btaley , work poor house house , . 15 CO U Peterson , work poor house 20 00 Goo Medlotk , talcs juror 0 00 D McNnbb , tales juror I 00 , T P Ewlcg , petit juroi 30 00 W O Taylor , witness fee 200 PMaunlng , 200 J K Sterling 400 John Spoerl , 400 T B Halman , 11 CO 0 West , 200 L Warleer , 740 L A Merrlam , 200 O J Xobes , 200 E l Den , 200 J Murphy , 200 It II larrow , GOO A Bechtel , G 10 J J Points , county superintendent. US 00 Neb. Ua L. Co. , gna. 10 55 J 11 French & Co. , groceries -10 03 M ICogersJ : Son copper box , etc. , 12 SO Bailey & Oleen , work at court house 09 00 W H Sextvuer , grocerlei 12 55 J J Points , cash eipcnded 1 50 1) O Clark , coal for poor 4 25 A Polnck , clothing for poor. . . , , . . 1) ) 10 /i Stevens , groceries for poor. . , . . . 1 GO A It Strang , sen er pipe 21 08 0 Lelsge & Son , groceries. 1 00 Mahouey Bros , groceries 3 05 T 0 Brunor , groceries 101 05 Devvey & Stone , furniture 15 00 Kenuttrd Bro * , brush for jail 2 00 110AI ) FUND , David Heed , work on road. , . . , . , .5 10 50 Henry lluser , work on road 48 00 The following resolution was adopted : Jtesolval , That the thanks of the citizens cf Douglas county , and of the Omaha , are duo , and by the board of county commissioners of said county , are hereby extended to Hon. A. J , Popploton for the able address by him delivered ton the 25th ultimo , upon the occasion of laying the corner atone of Douglas county's now court house ; also to the Masonic fraternity , under whoso direction the corner stone was laid ; to Bon , Frank E , Moores for valuable services rendered in his capacity as marshal of the day ; to the Omaha Glee club for the very appro priate music by it rendered upon that occasion , and finally , to each and every eooioty and individual who par ticipated at aald oxercisoa ; and the clerk is hereby directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to oaoh of the city dally papers for publication. Adjourned to llth inat. JOIIN BAUMER , County Clerk. RemomboFtmT Chicago Store . . . best Prints at 4 4 cents. n4m- ENDORSING OVERALL , The Colored People Rallying to the Support of the Work- inpion's ' Ticket , A Strong , Sensible Letter from Mr. Coesley , COLORED VOTERS MEETING. A colored men's mass mooting was hold at John Lewis' hotel Saturday croning , at which W. II. 0. Stephen- eon was elected chairman , and A. W. Parker secretary. A committee of three , consisting of C. D. Bell , A. W. Porker nnd W. II. Butler , was appointed on resolutions , nnd in just tlireo minutes loportcd a sot of cut and dried preamble and resolutions , condemning the action of tholato republican convention for not giving them representation on the legislative ticket , and onu pledging themselves not to support its candi dates. After Messrs. Boll , Parker and Stephenson hud inudo opooohcEi the aamo was adopted. The committee also reported another resolution , condemning the action of the laboring men's convention for nominating E. R. Overall , which after ! \ spirited discussion , waa laid on the table. On motion of Q. W. Wallington the workingmon's platform was read after which the mooting adjourned , CAIIU FBOM Mil. O4B3LEY. To The Editor of TIIK BEK. For the first time in thn history of Douglas county politics , the colored voters have a candidate fcr the legis lature. This distinction has been con ferred upon them by the anti-monopo list party , and ought to excite the prldo nnd appreciation of every colored voter in the state. Sinca their en franchisement the colored citizens of the north hava stood firm and true for a party , which , profcjaint ; its devo tion to equality and justice , has per sistently ignored their claims in all their party conventions , and religious ly discouraged every effort mndo by them for political preferment. Wo have witnessed how the party cau cuses and conventions each year strengthen the ticket by giving each class or nationality a representation ; but not a word or an effort , in all these years , to strengthen the ticket by giving the colored voters a repre sentation. Against this injustice colored orod men have protested. Wo have so much desired a ticket made up of citizens of all classes and trades , and Without distinction of color , and if wo do not support it , wo cannot , In the future , claim any special favor at the hands of any party , whom wo may ask for representation. The Germans command the respect of party leaders because when a Gor man is placed upon the ticket , the Germans vote for him. . So with the Scandinavians , Lot it ba BO with the colored voters. Lot them stand by Mr. Overall not on personal grounds , but because ho stands as ths rep resent at Ivo of every colored man in Douglas county , and a vote for him is n vote for all , and a vote against him is a vote against all. H. W. COSSLEY. Special Bale of Silks and Dress Goods at the Chicago Store for ten days only. n4-m&o GEO. P. BROWN. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the market affords. The traveling public claim they got bettor accommodations and more general satisfaction hero than at any other houuo In Omaha. Rate , $2 per day. nuB21tfm Chicago Store will open on Monday marning 150 pieces Best Prints at 4 cents. GEO. P. BROWN. n4-m&o 'Wanted. Fifteen boya to distribute hand bills. Apply to democratic central committee , at old Herald ofice ] , by 9:30 : o'clock thismorning. Tickets for the cheap land Bookers excursion to the Elkhorn Valley , via the Sioux City & Pacific R. R. , will bo on sale at Harry Douol's Pool Line ticket oflico , corners Fourteenth and Farnam streets , November 8th. The oxcuraion loaves Council Bluffs Thurs day morning. Omaha excursionists should cross on the 6:15 : , a. m. dummy to connect with it. Tickets also for sale at 0. St P. M. & 0. department. Train leaving Omaha via that line , at 830 a. m , , connects with excursion train at Blair. Woman Suffrage Grand Mass Meeting of Women , BOYB'S OPERA HOUSE , Monday Aftornocn , Nov. Gth , At 2.SO o'clock , Short addresses by Ladies of Omaha , and by SUSAN B. ANTHONY , PHffiBE W. OOUXINS , MATILDA HIND- MAN AND ELIZABErH BOYNTON HARBERT. Gentlemen cordially invited. Admission - mission free. No. 2071. MAIL IETTINGS. NOTICE TO OONTRAOTORS , P03TOnOE DEl-AKTMENI ) WiBUH.aroxD. C. , OCT. 18,16S2. f I'roposaU will be rccehcdat tbo Contract Oflic otthu Department until 3 p. m. of January 6 , 1BS3 { or carrrlou the usilU o thi UnlteJ SUtea upon the routca.MiJ accordlcp to the schedule o arrivals and deimrturo , ipocjP dby the de partment , la the State [ of Kebruka ( ram Julj U , 1883 , to Juno 80th , 188. U ta of route , with schedules of arrlvalj and dcp rtutes Instructions to bidder * , \ * Hh forms for contracts and bOQdj.aoil all other necsaary Information will be furnished upon application to the Second Aw- slant Postmaster General. T. 0 , UOWE , > i 'cr General Ott S3 d ev n > o F t * \ S M And is now at the Paxton Parlors. No. 3 and 4. i t > . .V * Where He Can Be Consulted TT35TTIX. Thursday Afternoon , t : November 9th , FREE CONSULTATION *