Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1882, Image 8

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Jhe Daily Bee.
Thura-Uv Mornlnr. , Nov.
1 ftnport.
( I'he tollowinK obKfi ration * aretntten al
tbf sinie moment of tlinoatall the ttatlon >
atm U
VIOB , OMAHA , Nov. 1 , 1W2. ( l:4Si.m. I
mrioxo. § 1 '
a *
Denvvt .1 M 4 N ro h lf r
Cncywunft .H 41 II fl If i-k 3 < r
3150 33 N * ii K llou y
Flktte . . 3If I fE "oh Oo fly
Omih * . II 31 ra N II l-k J'l-tr
Tank ton ; o a i 4 N 1'nsi O uly
DM Mnlru ! 8 I N Krn't Imr
3 n 63 NB I'rwh ! c
St. I 10 41 4i V - U
at , Lotii * , J U 1,1 N f Ml louiy
Mo i I to 31 .ff a'r '
ni en Flwih Clouilf
Buiord , . . . 00 X ) S3 ! ' 1'icih
Ooitcr. . . . Jl o'J INK ( Light Cloinly
Una iwiird. 31 NK Frtwh Uleir
AMI nib jibe. I * * ! <
Tttrrr 6 IM ! 4 'nthoi above low water mark , 2 teokOlnchr * at Tuition. lllMlmlrpl
kst R lrcht at D.Tonpo t , 4 ( ft 0 inchoi i
t r.ul , 101 t 101 clui at 8k. Uuli.1ec
9lnch i at ltOfOM nd T ( Ml 0 Incho * I
Th Internal revenue collections for Ih
month of October we to $123,120.
The Stindaid olab R&VO it finitpnrt _
of the seaion last nlghfm tbo now hall.
A young rile hisJ J ut Leon placed 1
IIan oem Puilc. It was Imported trot
Kvantton , Wyo.
The U. O. Dun & Co. g ncy ai
movlnir intj a now tffico in the Omoli
National bank Lulldlog.
Diiti't forgot that there will bo vah
able piIt B Ucn for Ibo beat waltzing t
M.Bonlo tliul , Thurtday November 2nd.
In the police court ymtcrday tboi
were blx ] lain diuokr. Ono paid , one wr
dlscbaigcd , tbr.o ctntmitttd and one ca <
cootlnued. .
The 'mfaUtcr from Brattl to tt
UniloJ BtatCH vrlll ptt through Omtb
to-day with his nolle , on route to WAI
Inglon Cl'y.
Hoepltal Steward Untkowi-ki , of tt
army boa n.urtcre . , U contiri d to bin be
as the mult of nn accidental nhucllogot
evoblng last week. ,
The pt t of the Cro depart mcnt "Keno
has had LU | hoto taken , cabinet clio , j
neveral attltudtx. Mr. D. S. Mttihell , i
Beehive studio , it thu nitlat ,
A Inrgo fotco omplujed day und nlgl
on tbo North Omaha Hewer bavo puabed
to Trttntletli , nnil ore it clog agamat tl
weather in good tbapo.
Joseph Fox Tuotday sold to IIoi
William A. Prixton hiu farm uf : iG acre
five mllf-a h i , d a half went of Om.ilin , ( (
SIO.CCO cash. Mr. Paxlon al o Ixiught tl
bouitliold goods , the implement * , cropi
ota , paying extra for them.
The W. 0. T. U. wll hold thel
weekly meeting la the pu : lorn of iho Uiiptli
oburoh on Tliimiday nftcrn ion , at tbrc
o'cloolr , November "J. All mvuibers ai
rtfjuojled to be prcucnt. By order of tli
Ai arppclroen of rapid work'lilll
llenucy t..Jioa tbo cikc. He joitcrtlt
laid twoutj-Gve fed of p1o ] in Iho D.df
troet Bewer. It wa laid it < c irdii g to It
line Kid by Inspector Dally , who by il
way ia one ot tl.o beat itmjectorn | in It
It is loportrd that n New Yorlc ma
has rented the C < tr. na boimo i.uj nlll BOO
open it as the "Windsor. " Tblu may 1
"Wind tlr" as II id al o if poiUxi that th
Union Pjclfio has rented it for a honjiltn
In either ca < c , the dours are OJMI
and tbo work ot fitting it up id ntout , t
Tbe revival meetings at South Oirah
M. K , iburcb , conducted by the pa to
Kev. .1. W. Btuwnit , sre wrll nUtiulci
and a number ol ( xnvcnl ngbav > < been tb
roiult so far , mid tbo InUrett ia rapldl
InneasiuR. Ibo j rotptct l viry eno u
aging. All cbtibtUniiBie coitlUlly luvit-
tn c mo nml ai-rbt In thU good work , Tl :
punter i f tbo l-'lint M , K. church pteache
Mr. Ororp.B Cjlifl Id , proprietor of tli
wrll-kntwu huuio vhlcli I earn hli nami
biH b > cn muiiped during the tuuiinir I
carry ii ( , ' ( utalifggrtdlngcontractat 0 m
O uficld. CD the St. 1'util road. He lu
clcced tbu omp md gone iutolnti
quarter. , tran > frrilnrf I IB hortej nnd toc
to bli line riioch tear Wtut Pulut.
Tlic State Jotirnul uayf. Mm J , C
Fold yutuiduy tecelud a warrant on tb
tteAturer nf tbo Mattoon Matoulo llonovc
lent ufnoflatiun f r 62,073 inenrunco ou tb
life uf her bu-band. This i ruv | l > n for
poulb c future uucigfncy W B made I ;
hi n about tbree ) eara wa when hi was I
full health and vljor , and bsi an geol
l > roipict foimg \ We as any one. A vik
provMon ugatiibl u poitlblo contlugei cy.
Atnonj : thti puiscngers ueet ou tb
noon trln yenteiday vai a wxtette cbot >
from tbe Omaha Glee club , coufUtlnr' c
Meisrs Jay M > rthrup , A. L ) , Morri' , W
B.VllUuB , Will Htetena. J. Wtrli ;
Wilkiaii end U , W. Snow. They tlug i.
Clarkt > lle ! l.Bt nlglit tul Sihuyler teA
A n-oni wuutul ni irnm i or thin
floor , with o evatu- , fir ibo u nuf < ctui
of overall * ; mutt Lntuv at onee. Atldru >
0. Ii. Scott , p r A. Po'ack.
One of our clothing rMiiiine
preteLted a bill to ona pf tbo ponuU
elf rVa of tbe U , P. beadquirter % when ;
few liKrd vtcrd < ennncd 1 ttweco thoui ui i
a lively fight followed , in which tbe ex
jie.'tmnu ot the wortt of it , Moral
Youug men , rny jour bouet dtbta ani
btwuto of tbu "Orullborjiicbuu1 !
P , F. Uivt-tport , n well known photo
erapber , who some tlnco a/i wit enna o
in tb Be blva itullo and married hero , i
about to return to hU tir < t lovj. IIu wen
down to Tt-iaa and tlatted o place of hi
own , but he tui conclude 1 to return t
Jlr , Mitel eU on a ten ye rscintrict. II
will le wtlcotno j bscV , en j is a good tua
aod favrult * wiih Hip Bffbive folks.
J culmtKctkiurrnlly a tuilUd by ui
Dvltimri. Tmoe ( , uit > iUd it nnnufai
tureu' pilcc by M. 'A. MrNaman
I'tnillli f4pjied ; by A , II , Glad ton (
Droiiba , Neb ,
The Largest Gathering of Work-
inpen and Farmers Ever
Hold in Omaha ,
Tbo Bono and Sinew of the
Country Clasp Haudo
Against Monopoly.
A. Ticket of Strong. Unolmck-
olod Mon Submitted tu
the People.
The Hn tlnc Plntform Adoptntl-
The RtitinoAtiau at IJojdV
The largest political delegate con1
vcntlon that has ovur been hold it
Douglaa county assembled fit the Citj
hall ycnlorday afternoon , In purnu
an co of the call Segued on bohaif ol
the farmers and worklngmon. Ic
eider to accomodftto the gro t crowe
the committee of arrangements pro
cured a largo number of chalra h
Addition to the seals already in th <
hall. Long before the appointed hou :
a great crowd ol fir mem and workingmen
ingmon gathered in the noighborhooc
of the Oity hall , and numeroui
candidates and politicians who won
on the anxious scat for at
indorsement were busily engaged ii
> utton.liolirg the delegates and press
ng their claims , la order to avoid i
repetition of the disorderly and dis
( racoful eccnos that took place Mon
day at the republican convention , a
well as to make euro that the delegate
thould find scats , tr o committee hold i
session before the hour cf opening
and tickela of admission were isouoi
to each delegate who had proper crc
dontlalp. None others excepting ru
oorturs of the press wcro admitted
U/on then ovnry seat was ocoupicd am
a number ot delegates wuro oompollu
to stand.
At 2 p , m. John Ilosicky , chairmai
of the committee of oiKliltcti , c lloi
the convention to ordur and afic
btitll/ explaining the objects and pur
poses of the convention , nubmitto :
the folio wing :
In order to cxptdlto Unlorts and sav
conlu lim the committee which hm callo
this convent on liog itavo to recommit !
the following orders f Inislno K :
First. Tnu Rulecllon of it
ohalruiRn aud two i eorctarks. l L-f
Sdcund , Hull oil. Tbo ntcrotary wii
o > ll Ibu roll of delorfittca rupurtod to y u
coii'inittce , i nd an the nuno of each deli
( jutu IH u illod ha will answer. If any deli
| { * len pronont are omitted fiom roll cu
they will band their credent ! It to tbo ace
retary who will add them to the nil.
Third. Pc-rmanent Organization. Th
election ot a permanent chairman and BO
Fun i ill. Platform. Your cotnniiltc
tubmlt her with the principal plnuliu a
tnu pla'fonn adopted by the ttitonnti
inouopuly convention , and tliceo , toyothe
witb uny resolutions offered by delegate !
atoti ) ho dUrufBod and , If adapted , tj bo
cou'.n the plutfoim.
fifth , Nominations. A call of prc
o nets at d trade or labor elements will b
mido by thcmecietary , and each may , I
they dtrsirv , recommend their choloo fu
thu Irgi latuto and lounty oummleiioncr
Any deltgata may ulao ( ropotetho tutu
nt ktiy o udldulo ho may dteite nuuiln itix !
Kith piccinit delegation MH ! each lube
uluuieuc will thtn tteloct one (1) ( ) member t
constitute n nominating umimillep , t
which tbo oamisof candidates are to b
lulerrtd. Th s comniittco will ounildci
report upon aud recommend who ti thol
jud mvLt aio iho moot aiiltabla an < l avail
abloc nuldates. Tno contention will the
tllRcun thu roK > rt and act upon It.
Hutli. A contra ! campaign committee , t
bo compOBud i f one ( Ulegate-at lar.e , wh
U to ho chairman , and two dele aten fror
fuch precinct , nnd ono from caoh labor an
Undo olon.eni lu thu city iOi > rvnoiiloJebrtl
botleo cd.
Seventh. Vah product delegation am
each Inbor element tv ill numo ono vice jnci
lititit to the ratification rally , to bo huld a
Bc'io'd o | em b < uio to.niht. | {
Kahili. Yimr coniinatio wou'd furtbo
rtooiurauuti llmt''CuahinK'a I'nrllniuintur
Hulu , " Hiuurii tbo actions ( .f thin bed )
thrtt no ileltRato uliall tpcalc miiio thn :
ouce ou auy niUjtict , or uioro than hv
uiinuus , A county central cominltuo.on
at lur o to bo chairman , ouo Iromacl
prtomct , and i < uo from oacb branch of 01
Kunizeil and unorganized labor tluucu
litro re | lottnttd ,
Ua mutiuii the convention votot
that this order of butincsa should gov
ern its proovudiis ) ( { ,
Mr. P. F. Murphy was propose !
and elected as temporary chairman
and il , R L'j ii und A. Olummen
oocruliiries , Tnu roll-wus thoii ojllci
and 147 dek' utca rcspimdcd. Th
tocretury then culled attention to th
faot that orcdontials frrin ono of th
oo-calltd blanches of the Ouuha labo
prottotivo union which were writtoi
in thq Bruno hand for tno uutii ofdolf
atiH with the evident purpose o
packing the convention with partk
who wuro not entitled to Boats , At
tuntioa was ulsu called to tin
fact that four of the brmichfi
of the 0 L P U. were n'rnsdy ' repro
soiitod , among those the Danish nm
Bwtdish. Thu convention with bit
one dmionting voioo , decided not ti
admit thu oojjus Jolosation. Thu con
volition then vottd tu muko the tern
pornrv oru miration permsnont.
Nominations thun being in ordci
the si'crdtary cillud the roll nf pro
oinotB and labor nr anizitionn foroan
didatea proposed for county oouimis
The following named pnmons wm
rccommendtd : Uiolmrrt O'Keifc , A
Ihumuitcr , M.trtin Gumou nnd Thoa
Vuti AuKs.
The next in order wax ( I ut sitnatoi
I iiih was referred to the ooinmittei
Aitliout nomination.
The following persons were reonm
mnnded for senators : S S , Yur
Haren ( declined ) , J. S. MoOorrnick
UUn Root , Charles H. Drown and 0
II , Djwuy ,
\rri'prpseritativeii : J. K. Johnuoti
William Turtle , A Uuriiustor , E R
OvorhH , Janirs QriJIla , J. Eiton.
John Hey , O DoWitt , 0. A. Wool
oott , Jauii > B Uodjieis , Robert Twa
lull , R W. Cowan , HV , O ssloy
Henry S-issonback - , Dwid Smith
Patrick F-nl , Theodore Van Au'ial
liehin ( Jcclioed ) , Abraham W ,
Upon roll 011 the following
poison * were rclccted as the nominal1 ,
i' commUte * " . Albtrt Trott , Join
Ruiirk ) , J mrs M. Winahip , .Israe
L IJuck , 8 , S Van Buren , * vi <
t < eed , John F , Bchm. 0 0. Ourry
\nthony ] ) uwlini''A. II. Dnnr.eckrh
0. M llorpntcr , J 0. Krennau , J J
Daniel O'Keefe , Alia :
t , Julius Schroedor. John Uiloy ,
I1 J. Fnr-mnriis , J K Shepherd ,
IClward Wlkor , W , O McUlaud ,
Willlura Vligin , Oeorqe Rbori ( > n , .1
V D.ii'nhor , 0 O , Bjiiuti , O Wo-jd
tard , 0 A. Woloott , Win H Mul
c hy nndaimj. / . Djoloy. Tha coir
iiitti-o ro'lrcel and were out until f
'clock D irinc their ftb enc upreohei
rorn macio by Messrs. WilH rn Turtle
P , M. MtD iiA > ( h , .l ndb Elton , Mr
n | i , Mr. Otfsliy , DjWitt , and E
Rose water.
1'nn ciiminiHoo on nominationi
made the following :
.T. 8. McConilclr ,
II. Uruwn.
lliricrt T * doll , i f Union pnctnct ,
A. llnrini-ktcr , of We t. Oiua1" " ,
W. T. Whltmorc , tf , I'latte Vallty ,
AlUti llo' > , i f McAidlr ,
William Tur le , city ,
8 H. Overall , city ,
.Inhii Hov , city ,
Patrick Ford , city.
Etch of these candidates were volci
Tor and nominated separately. Alive
ly controvorjy occurred between several
oral colored rinlojatco over the nomi
nation ol E II. Overall , some support
ing and others opposing.
On a rising vote Overall received i
largo majority.
The committee recommended Urn
no nomination bo made f jr sona
tor.Mr. . J L Black moved that Mr. J
A. McShono bo nominated by accla
matlon. Thia was carried by a ver ;
Iar0o majority.
The following resolutions were thei
adopted OH
We he ehy avow our ndhenion to th
following principle ? , end dolure that th
oiganlzittinn < > f the Hoopla Is nccs > ary t
maintain them ; We alvocate and wl
initutaia and defend , the lUhU of th
many og ln t piivlleRfft for the lew , Cm
poratlobf , the creation if the ftatr , ntiiil
lia controlled by the tUte. Inb r an
capit tl are alile1" , not enemies , BI d ju ? t c
U f r .buth. la accorriancu with thcf
general ptlnclpltH wo till cm that the put
lie welfiro and tin pub lo Baftty demtn
the follow epcilnc measure of relief
LIWB c mpe ling transportation compit
lei to bane their charges upon the coit an
risk ot fcrvhe witb ft fair pidfit aided It
utiftdiif wbuttho t > alBc will bear ; Uwa t
prohibit tbo cHtftlilt-hii.cnt through cor
trading ooinpnnlfH nnd other devices of
fictitious cost . 'f ' wo k of n public nature
prohibiting unjtut dircrlmlnatiou ogali t
oitlronj and locall IIP ; the repeal of th
prciont tovenuo law that created the sta'
board of ( qnultzation and the ncnf BHITIOC
aud taxation of proi crty Of railroad coi
puratioim in the ca iio mauncr as the prop
crtv of individual * .
Ruoh'td , Tnat wo demand from con rct
thm Liiiiclment of laws that will oiirpi
the land grant ral'mads to pay taxes upc
all their landi1 , and wo fi.rther demau
that all lands foi felted by the land ( .rar
roads ehall revrrt to tbo public domain fu
homrntead retllemcnt. ,
Jlciolvctl , That it l tbo tcnso of this cor
vcntlon that the Inauanco of PHHSCH or fre
transportation In any form whatever b
rallruiul compinlea in thli Btato to Miy on
hiilrilnp an ( lfio of ny kind under th
constitution ot Nebraska , or tn an cflicE
of nny election precinct or primary ol
t Ion or caucus , thould be deemed u crnn
nal offenic , unit ubiu'd lo prohibited b
law under BBVOIO peualtiea , a > .d that 1
should be made mandatory upon the props
sta'o ' Hicer * to execute a law.
littxlied , That labor , its impottanco r
tbo cmicilt on of all productiou , and HH jni
i eUO.n With capltul should bo recognize
and its right pioUctod by law. Libc
saving machinery. Icstond of unduly et
ilchlig the caplt.illtt , ought tn reduce th
houm ut Ulor without rojuunR w gen , f
that tbo work legmen may Imve tnoro tlrr
for recreation and improvement. lh
i of luCorng men to hold public mce
\iigi \ fur p ace blo dlAcusfltin thould t
protected by law. State ptlions and pel
ItentlaricB are established to prevent ciitr
and leform criminal * , not to inako profit
for piivata pernoiiH or to Injarn the Intel
estn of labor. Therefore , the contract sy
tarn in tho-e inlitution uhonld I
nholinhid , and the labor of tbo convicts t
o employed as nut to Injure the Interest
of mtcbanics and laboring men.
J. II , Low is ( chairman ) , Joh
Rosicky , James hi. Winship ,
Aepinwull , J. L. Black , A. Olotnmoni
John Weaver , Fred Bchm , Ilowar
Oooslcy , Anthony Dowling , A. II
Doneoken , 0 , M. llarostor , Pole
IJeprey , J. .1 , Civanaph , Dan O'Koofi
James McCatl'rey , J Luceonatcit
lliram Avcry , Uhun. Siovrro , Julie
Schroudor , John Bloom , W. .Ilinp
Bonjtmin lUlfo , Robert TwiuUol
Liwts Plant , Robert Oowin , Gtiorp
Robnrtspn , L , Litidcnlicrg , J , Uoiu
van , Joint Petersen , P. O Boisoi
Sumuol Frtrr , O. A , Bryant , Wir
Wlutmoro , Theodore Van Alst , Thot
The foHowhifj goutltmun were e <
looted to out as vice president's at th
ratification rally to bo held at B yd
opera liouao in the ovaning ; Albei
Trott , John Rosioky , It. W. GJWBI
E. a. Ryloy , . ) . R Lewis , T. Conic ]
Divid Bm'uli , J. Danahno , Chan. Ru
musscn , W. A. Ruch , Itnbort Twac
dell , Howard CroBsley , Fred Bohn
D ivtd Reed , M j. Patton , Jas Griflif
Nicholas Morgan , J. 0. Bronnar
Jerry Bowcn , Dn O'Keofp. Alle
Ilaot , JmtBStockinfO. : ! A. Wd'oitl
Thu niuutiu ) : ih i'ti nnjourned ,
Katllloatloa Rollj- .
In the evening A ( jrand. ratilioatio
rally took place at Boy d's opera houtt
The A. O. II. and Irish-America
bandu wcro in attendance , and btfor
the opening of the meeting diecourse
popular tirs from the balcony an
eidnwalk ia front of thu buildiiiK >
The opera house was thronged wit
ladies aud genllouicn , and the mootin
WRS called to order by E. O , Ililt-y
Addrcsiea wna made by Uapt. Stick
ol , Col W. II. Ashby.O. H. Madolo >
and Mr. E l
The "navrthom Centennial Ea
coltior Roof Paint , " waa patented Ma
21th , 1831 , aud otters patent mm
bor 241 , 803 , Any person found o
known to tamper with the main
f&cluro of said paint will bo punin )
od to the full extent of law. No pei
son has any authority whatever to BC
rocnipts. IlAWTiioux it Buo. ,
Army Notoo.
Troop commanders of the fifth w
airy nra informed that stencil outfit
complete for their troopo bavo bee
n'.coivod by the comnundiui ; cflice
Clioyonno ordnaiico depot , who wi
itsuo them on their requisitions.
Recruit Charles K. Petereen , eulial
ed at Fort Omaha , ia Designed to th
fourth infantry ,
Recruit John Filmoro , onltstod e
Fort D. A Iluisell , is ussltned ; t
company E , ninth Infantry ,
Plenty of Creamery Butter at
Marrlngo of Lieut. Morgan and Mlea
Wolile Brov/oBon.
The wedding of I/tout , Oeo. II.
Morgan , of the T/iird / cavalry , U. S.
A , , and Mits Mollie Brownson ,
daughter 'cf Col , Urry Brownson ,
was colubratod at 7 o'clock last evcn >
ing at Tiiuity Oubedral chapel , llu
chapel was dr.iptd wiih fligs , out ol
compliment to the profession of the
u TOO in , and was filled with an atmcm-
blago comprising our first citizens in
civil Hfo and military circles.
Thomusioot Alendolsiohn'a wedding
march filled the chapel while thu
bridal party entered at the north door
and proceeded to the altar. The
imhera , Messrs. M. W. Bukalow and
Arthur Saxo , were succeeded by
MtssbB Daisy iJoano and Datny Browi
son , the pretty httlo attendants , who
bore baskets of fljwors. The groom
catno next , auppotting the mother ol
the bridb. The bride was conducted
by her brother , Mr. IIrry Brownson ,
jr. , the state of the father's health
oruvouting him from participating in
i < o ceremony ,
Tnu bntto was attired in n white
Drooido satin dress with point lsc <
and orange blossoms , and were p'eatl
earrings and mckldce , a family Inir
loom which her mother had worn at
her wedding. The groom were ful ,
BishopClarkson performed the mar
ringn aorvico , assisted by Dean Mills
At the conclusion of the ccrcmonj
the organ , which , under the touch ol
Mr. Rube. Vacco , had breathed tht
of test attains during the nuptial rites
founded the joyous notes of tht
inarch sgain and the bridal party ro
The reception was given at the rest
donco of OjJ. and "Mrs. Brownson ,
Chicago and Twenty-second fit roots
The approaches were illuminated witt
a headlight , and the parlora won
decorated with the national colors , r
regimental flag , producing a britliani
tlldct. 'Iho newly wedded coupli
stood under an exquisite flural bell u
receive the congratulations. The sup
per room waa beautifully adorned out
a tempting repast was cut.
After lOo'clock the young people re
mained and dutiopd until the small
houis were counted.
Tuoro were many and valuable proj
onts , over 200 Iriondabting represent
ud in the gifts. Many of these won
from army .officers , while ono set , :
solid silver toa-sorvico , was a giftfron
General and Mrs. Blunt , of For
Leaven worth , the general being god <
father of the bvido , and presents won
received from friends in the city , ant
east and west.
Lieut. Morgan is the gallant young
oilher who was wounded with Lieut
Uuuverso iu an engagement with thi
Apaohen in Arizona in July last
Lieut. Morgan was shot in the lof
arm and eide.
The lieutenant and his chnrmini
bride are deservedly hold tn high re
gurd by thtir irionds m military anc
civil circles , and their alliance is at
tended by every happy circumstance
They leave to-day on their wcddirjj
journey to the oast. The lieutenan
IB on sick leave and will probably no
rejoin his regiment until uorno timi
next year.
J. Lawrence , of Hchuylor , U in the citj
F. 1'olda. of Schuyler , la at tbe Pax
J. 11. Fuller , of Kullorton , is at the Pas
ton ,
U. N. Nichols , of North Pklto , ia at Ih
J. J. Imbrff and wife , of the Commei
clal hotel , Lincoln , are at tha Millard ,
ITon. Cha9 , 11 , Modeley , of Adam
coudty , Is at the Metropolitan.
T. D. Allen , of Lincoln , ia at the Mot
E. P , Maxon , of Hock Creek , la a gnoe
of the Metropolitan.
J. F. Adami , of LIncoln.Ja at the Met
A. C , liarnet , of St. Panl , ia among tbi
Metropolitan houao tjnests.
L Spell z , of David City , ii at the Slot
FTou , J. C , Pout , of Calumbuj , ia at th
Colonel W. II. Athby and wife , of Wy
more , are at the PaxUu.
L , Kratuer and wife , of North Platte
are at the Paxton ,
Captain J. II. BtloUI , of Belvedere , t
at tin Paxton.
Thos. N. Wood , of tin IT. 8. Moitac *
and wiffl are at MllUrd.
Commodcro U. f Murray , of N'r.rrowt
bnrg , N , Y. , is at tbo Millard.
C pt. lleber qu'er , ' formerly couimnn
der of the Btcaimhlp "Brother Jortthau' '
and now a retired tea captain , of Gram
Itapidf , Mi.p. , it at the Mlllnrd.
C. K. A. Da Bllle , mlnlbtcr of tin
Netherlands to ths United Slates , in i
Kueit of the Millard.
Hon. N , W. Well * , cf Schuyler , iautthi
S. 0. Klmorc , of FrcmontjTotn Newton
of Pine llldgp ; F. A. Walloastedt , i f Oil
l nd ; Mr . Young ami Mr * . Wright , o
Tckum i ; II. M , Itjlllo * , of NeliBh. urn
It , F. LtUiy , of TMi City , are amoni tin
prominent Ntbra iiu a at the Millard.
J , Hchonlan , George W. Huuter am
Mh Mafgia Hunter , of Grand leland
are tmaiig the Pdxton house Ruenta.
To th IMltcroI 7uxnui :
Yhito I apprccicto tliB compliment
paid mo by the uoininutiou for tbi
legislature , at the hands of the farmer :
and worklngaien'd convention yeater
day , I feel compelled , for reasons bes
known to myself , to decline the bonoi
of a place on their ticket. I thcro
fore absolutely and poaltlrely dccltni
to allow my name to bo used in thai
connection. PATUICK Fo u.
The largest assortment in the city
Save your money and buy you :
Cloak at a regular Cloak house.
1300 Farnam.
" " IU UUArt C l
. . - -
TO LOAN Uu i h .ttel n ortntru se
MONKY . A. B Tult-n , No. HID Dm t\v \
reet , Iront room , np-t lr- . 13S-tf
e/c t tn mnrof .
rOi , tor 8 to 6 y tn , on Clrrt-cl i s cttjr and
rm properly. E xi HBAT. Karn nrt txii
Uth and DniM > ( i nt
TO LOAN The North * - orn Mu
tual Life l > N rame Lmiipiny If | > o | artd to ' 1 Drst ilntloai'3 w\tncd on utm'acton
lt > nrti m iccurlty at low ft current iat a ot
niercet aud itltnout c uiuiU i m Aiply 10
O. > . II A VIS ,
S cc at Agent ,
No. 1G05 Kaitdin Ktro t ,
ut and WAil-lw Om hi. Keh.
V\ ' ANT ' .I A Momin lo cook , anh , and dev
v * ( jiinTnl liomcHork In u ( mill y ol thrie ,
: eire f t ; Rood w > RU ) and n KOO < | liomr. Apply
'or ' two il.ij at IRKSh' crockurj btoic , fiom - ' to
J o'c ock p. in. 2)j-2t
\ \ * i : u Ol Ior I ncn r.l h u cw r J Ocr-
VV nan ii r.od ; > ete tmo itqurxl Mr .
3 I ) . ( Hue , n r hont cor ir Clilc-Ku RH'I ' t '
VVW . . SI- " a
AN'IK ( In d pintintkur
W Hir p' . , eir. 10h and Uavunw rt'i , 3C-1 *
TK nlfl ' r homo oik lIGfall-
WA fun I trcct bet 21 tanitSStltrvcts. B4 3"
WAN ! 110 rood B'/ut boy tSoiit 16 y r ,
o'd to la'i.'cirjrl erie nd cow > n d wnm
In s'oro. AdcrtM/lradvsm.n , Omihi I' , u with
rtfereico. 40.3
- firuonjra Iru ow tit ,
WAimn-Goidglil | > ] , H8onlcnoclc 43-2' '
_ >
> T % IbreiiMlcs nd two gcnt'cmer '
WA null UiUht Happy uomn.nrd twiothti
l bticllnvr ho k' . tot torun oppyiitOdd I'o <
low's building , loom -2. ti-'i'
AN U'DOno ihimbinnald nnd f ncd I lr >
W r. om III. npply to 1'Umcrj UOUBOC r
id a d lOtli.
WAN'IKU-Ac rrl'fje BOlth helper und hi )
Ixhar. A. Simeon 1' if
\VANllD-Kour ca uentet * ( r m ldo ok
V ? Apply t liltF.rui am m. 21-21
WAN'I KD-A goid eccOLd girl a. 1014 Web
ttr8t 17-2
\TrANTRD-Hclp at the cmjiloymoit otHco
VV 217K. IG'.ht-t'Cct.up-iUlm. 5tf
nrljht cllvo by acid nil lici
imiildHt ate a. _ 037-3 1
A i UBDirnnt. to r.inviMfor II Ilii
WANTEu , blbl f , V B. hUti ry , bums t-to
frratha-d in InnUlimuitB. Liberal
B on in tight pa't'e ' * . Apply to 0. Bio Odlcooi
by pOBtalio b'x4Slfl ! y
AS IhD Aolnii g r otn ( { 1.1 tt o
VV it thu ru lii n mil c. SI
. NTio : A ff u > oo4
VY at 1720 CMI Si. 4 f
ANTED / tly men Icr r l roul w .rk
Immtditily. U. MAN.NWtll"l ( ,
99jai1' llth'tnu * , mar Kurna-n
- V S cold cjok Immtdlarrlr , ft
w- Ute iiclilintal Qj7 tl
WANlKD-A Udynbo write- pl.tu rapl'
hniU.wan t wjrk In n clUco , ii'ir. t M
homn ul I u to w.ik ihtap / > ddruBTKZ
bux 762 , tlt . 93i > f
_ _
* huy.r fjr tno fl e \ rhesf o
u mplitocarpcntcratoolsl Ounht. E.
qulr-of J. MKTZ Bt ,
DUJlt 701 ouih.1 thatirct
A K''l t 'O iBUer i Ii UMitvork ,
t end rctrrccc a O od ungca iu > ld Ad.
dfo > a F. C. Ofalile.Koarno' Wo- . n5 .tf
Situation tmnJo'nunln diy oed
WANTEP ( blue i-lorj thrcu n Iho wlnt r
Ilavohad eleht yo-r < txpitl In the bu I
neat. Adimsa tor cna wuik I.ICK lioxUO , UUIr
eo. 11-4
_ _ _
- atlon by youni : m n fo wori
WANTED-BIti o , Ins ixorh nee nnd i pi ai i
till eo Uuguigie. Addns 1' . W. Ii o the-
098 It
_ _ _ _ _
ANTKD At the National HotcUt Lli.coln
W Ono No. 1 fem&lo covk an too. Boot o
yca will bf paid. _ 120-tt
tlTANTKD 600 privy v 3.ta , nlnkB and cct
VV pool * to clean with Uanltary Vault am
Sink Cleaner , the beet In ueo. A. Krnca t Co ,
fcaiJcuca 12041 Doilzo street , Onuhx
To'r < nt tmall furnlbhod h-m i
for man and wlfo Addro a "Uo nlc , '
care Il.'o olflco. 13.3 |
ANT EDFir t o MS benders at 1515 How
W aid itr.'d ; cmvtn on-1. , uutlnow 44 &
ANTh D A flnt c' s new mt'ch c w. Ad
W dr. mf.o. V3 Fort Omaha , Neb. 14-1
tft/ANTB lutonraton of > l 8 A'th- )
VI M ore. ( oimerly ol o. Ill' ) t '
h'rUiclo.nthncy Ka ph. 10-1
fort RtNT-Hounen ANO
I UUUK-l blc. luuBoa , II ni.iiH , t\ * (
J. btoiliB and la cmcnt , hot an > t c Id wttcr
buth , fur ft.'c , duct Ic el amar > le mint IB a i
plo clew * Uio i uro t > cm , pc old ui'loi , cat
fr ut , lir > t > il.B4 i uk'libo h > o i , JttSf o < btrctl
tear Colge , Tlioflne.-t r.-aldccco bl clt lu tnli
city 1'linn a' > ny i Illce
Tivolious-B. 7 ro ma. ho1 and e Id wVcr. luth
ntir nac < sttv < m ii kltch n , wiod w ik uui
itntr cturg uli untly fl i nhrd. No b'l'ir aji
pointed h ii-oi .n town. 1'ark avenue. P.aosn
Bov nro't. ' 'iciee on m li.trre' ; 9 6.
Klvf rojf me , corner Hlh mid H'ttmtcr ; ffj
KlfthttOxu. htuao .nd biiu : Lown , fiott
AME3 ,
Solo Ap-onr ,
180O nvvrnnm St.
HOI IC4T TAO \on-rjm cot a < n. w. I
a vc'kl cl H < " , ccilir.Ci-l Inme , cl y am
clstorn w le' , wcl loca'cd tnqj.r < > ut fl. 1C
DrI coll. 1 < 221 > J RiBircot. -17-tJ
HtNl U USD ol 8 room * 'nilMl-.I ' *
FOIl , 10 bio Vs from optrt h'jutr ,
cheap ? "l
lloiifco o [ 11 ro m , ill conuno a , 8
blikifrim opera h use I
Home cil 5 mom * ill ant .Men iUi utrao t. !
Httro en Karntm. * tiu \ 12 !
t roon llih,2 fl < r 7i
H-cll ion iiiclitd i in SiUtittl
Ivlf Me A'.OII "ppos te I'.Ktirtlre.
l.'O t KKNT runhhcdi ontr. nil , "lit m r'i
J llhik cnr H hth nli a d :0 t _ _
, lit liKNI' . I ua nt ( .out r > vm rim p ; 'ur
1,1 nUhaj or u ( ur i ulici. ' . (05 Htu , hj win
U.I dinna' d Wphstcr ' ! > '
, U > ItKiN K o 'O m u a raiutsu t.blcfot
| 1 hU't > kOp n . ri ic-bel uj Olh ud Ift'i
CM1 Ulrhutr , 22 |
Absolutely Pure.
Th ] powder never varies , A inurve. o
urity , strength and wliole.omine
ore economical than tbo ordinary kind * ,
aud cannot be sold in competition with the
multitude of low tekt , short weight , alunc
or phosph te powders. Sold only in can
Wall St. , New Ywlt
Makes his Regular Visit to
IhTmr " 74"h
X OV. flDil
IO"O : St
This givns the afll'otcd nmpla time to consult ono of the most eminent spo-
ciali tsin the Notttiwcnt. The following testimonial ! toil for tneniBolvM ,
nnd are eiiougb. t } convince the most skeptical. Head and bo convinced.
Letter from Mr. Carter , Section Foreman U. P. R. R
TIMIIEUVILLE , NEB , September 27 , 1882.
DK. FIHIIIILATT DKAn SIK I anratill taking your medicine nnd can say
Ihat I am ( jutting olonir better than I over expected , when I first commenced
usiup your modiccno I had dizzy spolla and somptiraes would nearly fall over ;
had about pivcu up all hope and made up my mind that nothing would cure
mp. When I saw jour advertisement in the Oranlm * papers , nnd made up my
mind thnt I would write tn vnu as n last resort , and BOO if I could fjot help.
I can truly say thivtl AM GLAD , for I aui so much better ; 1m vo a good ap-
ptti e and am jaini ; g now fust. Would wiah no other Doctor but you in seVere -
Vero and coinplicatfO cases. Iliad poinn all over me ; my heart troubled mo
very much , bur , when I hid taken a few doacs of your medicino. the paina loft
mo at once. Three monthn npn , when I firnt placed myself under your treat
ment I was hardly ab o to bo out- but now I am nearly wall.
Yourn truly , J. A. CARTER ,
Foreman of Section , Ames Station.
From Nebraska.
SOIUBNEK , Neb , , September 9 , 1882.
A. S. FisiiittAT , M. D. , DEAR SIEI received the atomisiar nndmodicino
Aupu < t 2nh. ( 1 have nstd it occording to dirocliona and nndoratand it thor
oughly. Ihavo felt luUcr since I begun your treatment , for I have epit no
blood nor had any cht Is. My uight a Weii'u ' have nearly ceased , Hy medi
cine will last on'v ' n few days longer.
Yours trul ) , GEORGE BENTON.
Another Letter from Mr. Benton of a Later Date.
This gentleman hid boi > n tronWpd vvith LUNG DISEASE for aomo time ,
nnd was treattiH by MANY PHYSICIANS without success. READ WHAT
ScnuiNER , Neb. , September 30 , 1882.
DR. FisnBLATT P'eaao Bend mo unolliur supply of medicine nt your earliest
convpnicnoH. T am 'noling firat-rato and am improving an rapidly as could
POSSIBLY BE EXPECTED. AmEtrongaud hearty and can work right
nlong wittout tatij > u- < .
Youra , with respect , GEORGE BENTON.
Bead the Following
No Vmiai cure cf ooaiutnpllon vrn ever
( ured bcf M the nl covurv of ho ant'ii pic t .kt-
mtnt b > Ur Kishht it. T olady It 10 * Uvln ?
lu KJOC ) lo 1 h. i > id will plvo ' 11 Itif natio
s tj her t.rc.blo con4 tlon ti the o v hi nip y.
u CIDAR r/riDs , May 27,1R81.
TR FiBUBLATr li > Att MR : Id en It hut duet
tmy o ( ilii cinn u It ) a d 11 > ' , tn miK a
a i uion' > I m ) CJFO it o ten It < f j our r at
im nt w th your new < H > cnure ! < , O a0'rn.o
I took dli'htaera atlwaio cir il bal. re [ go
co sum tluii. Th c moo byaur/riloc uga
u'Khian dy I 1 PHI all lay xtr i Rth , w.a
ia < that I cmilj n t < lu anvbiug. I con d
10 rcdy ua K rptlri nunn I 10 nu U-d y u
I w BUt-Ocr thie d flrrcnt iioc o a eforelr tir
ti you , Ibo moc.imlnrntIcjuld Ltftnf , Noi
ot thorn donr menv good.
They toll Iho owoa nou < n In mv tik'ig am
moo ni'dlc no i B It. no Id do mo n > | , o < t.
Era jbVy Ih u bt I wouM < tTirffetw , 11. Al
ray ( ncno8I'd I uoull nevir b uetier. ThU
was J tilibi9 , whru ! called on.iiu. Y u I < 4 < 1
ttl4 i U CfU'd ' cure me an ! yoioldl In f o it
three ra "ith.trI ( tfjou , I B t njy etio-ig'h
i. y app lite. ni > IJTRI Riuim , and I ho iio
fiympti < m < u ( lOR'timptlon. I h.Run t > i" ho
trr soon u I tj k yur iron men t Bviry
person who c > mo t u.o mo waibU'trisidto fl U
mo rttcaverU.2.
From a Prominent Citizen o'
Eoono Omnty.
Dt KisiIBLATI-lK RStr. : I rtorrtk own
ttc ly hmv 10 tejtr tm - or. ntct'nn wl h yu
wl hou * . Bav ng 101 e hlii to xp t t n v
luli uu-or 10 it ( b'Oiiui.t b y ur ire * m nt < /
miWy peril * u cy In t jlnu mry hint ; tu ;
ice-tod by ( t -a f r tie cu.e fu c t m Imi'
J et o mv M hsoncwtm In thee \ t nl &n\
ute o brlnir rehot. I o'unmlstiu tcdthity u
pr > fili n * worn bo > o > l slfulv 011 h"i'iy on"
Iha1 I wntn b i another ff th i uanvi-pnn uli'cli
> iud tlrol to prnc'lce ' llu , tn my iv l atl g
ielUht , I w i dicoiel. Y ur icm-dl H n o
tro luioiitw rVol it > ao nim. IKI-BII tDl >
r > l ercd cf ibo d H ri' s i g Illn f U tar h , IMI
was ttitln ly anu I ill \o , i er'octly r > ' red ii
h aUb. I a n i iiw no u o o trnn c 1 with tin-
Hie not thodl ca'n xvhlch a attlctid ncih'ii
II 1 ha1 * Ilia ump'olnt. I dn n. t Htt-a till'
pu p fclv fcrj ur c , to 'nd" o n'hcM to t st
> oui ckllllti t il Mtu bvlinl : I n > y r"u' }
tamtkefc me kind of J know ol onto t lilfl n
ud mlo , ol IPM * ixu Ii to d jon la\oiicnr
mo in jour Bile uml ( xnulu inutinn t nf rl-
Ud ) . J.V. . DUUBLH
Bead Whit Eon. Addison Oliver ,
of Onawa , Iowa , Writes
Dr. Fishbia't.
< MAWA , Iowa , August 18,1882.
DR. A S. FIB BUTT THAR SIR : I rh-crfu'ly
alrx you the l.lbwin ttatjrocnt ot lictj In ilri.
0 vci'rt c > 84 Wh n elio tp led to yoi for
r. a ttent In FVbrua-y InBtsuh'd ( or morthi
b'pn m fl.rlna ; ro pivonly from AB h & accom-
n'el by eetero fits uf couching , thit oho ruld
> eldon8Cp wiih ut DO t nz nprlgbt Ilerap-
I'Ulte n > 8 ve y pirr , and thewu vo y much ru-
need and < tryrcr\rn ; sl o at unhblu tnral e
frmherluntH or Ihioit and < xp > ctoi to aid
he riqnlrid con'li uiug w uhlutr n gbt and ttj.
Uidrur tmtmcut .ho R'tt uiuy ImproTed
unilfire u 1 month'p at nhe h < a bad little
r no AB'bint r couul < ; bcr nervcusnrta hu
Itrgiiydl-appearcd. Hfo tl pa well at olnh ;
rerappo Hula K ° crillv Rood ; iho ha I rcely
lenverolhrrs lilti end IH undua Iv though
I w y ( ; Inln stiODgtb , and ( ho s-js h U liot-
riipmcho has bo n tor fire 50 ID I hara
'real hoje tlo , < ho will coiiiplttcly reovci her
Yonra ropectfu1ly ,
Al > puK Ourmt.
Another Great Cure for Con
sumption ,
ATUsr.c. JuflflTth , J881.
This is to cert Iv thai ln dac unh , dyapoiala
ml < at rrh tor several } cr > ; Ihat it Hnally ran
ntocjiBti p-lonj'nit 1 had doctoud wi'h all
hodrctom I c uld ho r i ( bad tafccn all the
ill -lent klni 8 ( f pa cut nudlcltta th.t hid
bun 'ceonin'onded-u.h es mr Cordial , Ha
UVntTuiile O Idtn M daal riBcfc y , J > ne's
xixct ra't nn'i E Ikh.di cf iDhallrg r > intdl " .
i grew Hci 3 all tto tree , anil I'.nt flmn ui.tll 1
- aLO lilnubutfk iiDndlo c . Hod dhrrloji.
n'g'it tveiiB , clillla and fever ev ry d y , and
ecu d n 11 o ou my Iclt bide , a > had tn bo prop-
pd up In bod. Could c.t no f-od. tnd my < out
HAC 1 d. aucl I co lulled nil-lit titte un IIIuld
nmct. I cil.uli I'r ' P.ihblatr , lie didn't
pn mlfui tocnie me 11 flru , but i ' l hu wcnld
t y. All'h ' < lictnr < 8l I wi uld clo In two
* iflli . I roctl t-d treatment four mo ttiJ nd
"owumcnttiolv ol nd rave b ( i to ever
1 re llev. J S. Willis , uf tb M tb dint
inch hn hundreds ot ith r piop'oknow la
Aba.c njltlon 1 wu , and h wl Wi-i iirod.
Read Thia Testimonial From
Nebr.v ka ,
ACBCRA , Neb , Bttpt 0,18S2.
DR. Jin iiuTT-BfAii Bin : I recotred Iho
aaciiii ? iifiueill Ire > , K , u I havd entirely ron -
ihsutii N'n. Mr
: n rnV from the ittiCK il
D n h Iluucj bettor. In lie' . I feel bct'.or
.vory way. Youn truly ,
JOUS V ) ItlfT.
The abovu testimonials are ou'y .1 few of Iho many thousands J onr p < J aoa-
riur. Bond for copy of the
Giving n full description of our Dispensary und the Cures daily effected. Re
member date of
Visit to Omaha.
Dr. Fhhblatt will also visit Lincoln , Friday , November 10th , and remain
two days at the Commercial Hotel , and Fremont for two days at the Kno
Hotel , Suuday Mid Monday , November 12th and 13th.