THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1 J" . GT. BIRO'WIEsr &s O Q WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Shoes , OMAHA , NEB. & w rs * A 'wi * * int "f * * J& . WA&JBi J WI10LESALR AND BKTAIt DKALKR IN , Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , EVJGlDiHGS , LIME , WBTATE AdKNl FOR JdlZ.WAtKKtt OKMSNt OOUrANTl Near Union Pacific Depot. OftTAHAN * ' HBNSY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF 'VT'A.JLtXjA. : . & El IR , AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN PRICES DUPUGATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA STEELE , , ' . : OLESALE AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of NUFACTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BSNWQOD NAILS AND LAFLIH ft RAND POWDER CO. ja- < OCB : r6 > POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING UAOmjlEKY. BELTIXd , HOSE. BIUBS AND inOH FITTINGS PIPE. 071A PACKING , AT WHOLEOALS AMD RETAIL. * . ' . HALLAOAY WIHOMILLS fiHURCH'AHDuBCHOOUBELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. o. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass. tST Anyone contemplating building store , bank , or iny other fine will Dad It to their ad aotage to corrts end with in before purchasing their PUto Glues , O. Ff GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. W.B. MILLARU. V U. JOHNSON MILLARD PEOK , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1421 & 1423 FAKNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED ] Agsnts for Peek & BauBliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA , - - NEB REFERENCES ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. DEALERS IN Ofv4i"L EJ M8 Hn itSiSU < UWA'l Fire and Burglar Pr'iz WKtinngg X f' WJ IE * 1020 Farnharn Street , * < " - / M Omaha Steam. Laundry. The only Laundry In Nebraska that Is supplied with complete machinery or Laundry work. Send your ordoru by mull or express , GOTTHErMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Farnlmm Street. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CA H H It K I 1 S\ A II u U P P u I I t erairing Dnnn In all Brannheg < ie IE"1O. . WHOLESALE G-BGOER. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neh. RhPEATER'3 PARADISE. A. County That Neodu to be Vjgilnutly Watched by Honosl Voters. ThoSohrntev of Vnl nttno'To l to Cnfttnv Country ilr.tnrni- Oorrcrpaiicltnuaof Tn * linn. NOUTH I'L-MTK , Nob.,0atobjr HO. Two jcnraago isu nttompi WAS undo to pcrpotr.Uo nn outrageous fraud upon the pocplo of the otato by tam pering with the bUoB , pell books , nnd returns from Keith , Ohojonuo , and Sioux counties. These were the oxtrmno counties in the etato , Sioux county was , nnd is now uuorgnuizad , with but tow poreons having homes ' within ita boundaries , I buliovo not ono claim , under the homestead or pre-emption not , waa tn.on in thnt county at thnt time. Persona resid ing there were scattered over n large territory , making it nn inviting fluid for dishonorable political shysters to incubnto fraud in. Gun- . tlomon living m tliis city I who are profuse with self > lnudntiona j of party foatty , who , pricked by their trickery heretofore , or lack i f princi ples nt any time , fdol there is no necessity tor duolnring themselves "straight republicans , notably An- ony Rols , Judge Bixlor , A. II. Church of (20 counterfeit bill uoto- ioty , etc. These "atratght rcpubli- cans" felt badly when their fraud wna detected nud exposed ; felt badly be cause they lost their representative , their Intv-makert ; felt aggrieved be cause the gentleiuiMi oltcted by the honest voters irt ra Boated to represent sent them. "Straight ropublicniml" Ilonornblo gontlomou , indeed ! to astuino to purify the party by wet ding out nil republicans who oppoaothor _ Bchcmu for selecting party oandidutcB or by fraud installing them in oQice after having boon defeated by the people ple at the polls ; honorable gentlemen who advised , supported and defend ed n delegate in catting two votes in a nominating convention , ono as a dele gate representing the county , then another vote to nettle the tiu his own oto created. These ' straight ropub- icana , " consistent with their eonao of justice of right and wrong , and their peculiar interest in the party , mndo u omvnta of tliia senatorial district pleading for party harmony and parly support for their candidates. Intui tively they selected Ouster county to practice their opticming in , it buine the most difficult to roaoh , having the least p.wtal facilities , heretoro the least likely to be dotec- ud and exposed before election They itarted for that inviting Hold with matured plans to mislead , trick and deceive unsuspecting voters. Pity ingly they plead with republicans to BIIVO the parly by voting for the in nil they lUHmted in nominating by trick ery and frud. . "Save ilia parly we love to well : ratify our fraud ; uiiko it respectable by yonr support , for the party's snko , " they cry. "I will take it as a personal favor if yon yore for my candidates , " sa s Mr. Rua. Yes , a personal favor to himself ; a personal favor to Anthony Rtis , who , by his personal testimony , branded himself as n man unprincipled enough to clandestinely get possession of and hold for days election return ! with the intention of doc- torinc ; them to moot a contemplated emergency. These shyster "straight ropublicnns"truo to their instincts , schemed to cheat the voters in Ouster county by arranging with the editor of the paper published in Broken Bow by which no tickets were to bo printed with the names of any candidates on other than those then agreed upon. In the interest of the party thny object to printing tick ets they do not approve of. Cheat thu voters in any way , ovory. By so do ing you confer a personal favor on thesu pirates. With a tittering laugh expressive of catisfflction , and with their ability to deceive unsuspecting neighbors , they relate their shameful tactics. With pride they repeat to their shyster county workers a speech delivered by a farmer by the namcjjpf Merchant nt ona of their meetings in Ouster county , in which ho said , "Wo arc anti-monopoly republicans , but wo will vote the ( straight republican ticket this time. Wu will watch you and If you don't ' do right wo will remember you next time. Wo will trust you this time , but remember wo nro going to watch you , " Ac , , &o. Sportively they repeat that fnrmer'a itpeech wil h drawling , whimpering * and child- ieli simplicity and gullibility , and then their own tolling speeches vrcro de livered in clear , ringing tones with a boldneta that carried conviction to the awe-stricken Ouster county grangers. They boaatingly assert they have thnt county col id by Iho arrangement they rnadu for tickote. In that vuy thuto "straight lopubhcim" sharks hope to elect their candidates and purify the party they have disgraced. RUI'UOLIUAN. A euro cure for impoverished blood , pimples , and Ballon- complexion , ia Urown'a Iron Bulora. It will produce a healthy color ( smooth ( kin , and is absolutely not injurious. QT jTB JOxTIN(18. Senator WulU Lag left tlio Ciuto Union , A CoDre ( aticnal church in to bo built nt ( Jrafton , Klght brick reelilenocM are la dIIT reul tajea of completion fa Kearney , "Kqulty" U the naron of a paper Jiml atarteJ at t-acrainontci , 1'helpi county , Crete fa feedii ) } , ' more cattle and hog' * tliU year tlun uuy other point ftlcu- ; tin line of railroad , TJie last tract of government land Ir Thayer county 10 ucroi wan dlbposod o : a Saw dayn a u. A large number of Douglas tountj echool teachtrn met at Waterloo on thi 21bt and organized an association. There being rcurltt fever In thu famll ] of the janitor of one of the Llncoh echnofij , the school baa b en cloieJ. Charlie Randall , 12 yearn old , of Fair field , wan thrown under n wagon load n corn by a bu Idea etart of the team en tin 20tb ult. A wheel pissed o er an arm breaVlug It. IVK. N , Bearle , a well-known conductor formerly of Ni-rth I'latte , but lately f Grand Korku , Dak , . baa become hopelefsl ; Insane and U confined In the Mfnuecoti asylum , On the 2ht , the yoang ion of Jc ejl OHM , tcMdlnff < 0ercn rnllw north of Koar- i ey , nuddonly to M death by ma os cf ( lonblo-b rrele < lRun. Whlla lo.-xlmp onn hand the other WM dUchtrced , with etffct. Two until consi of Mr. Dorr , of Mllbnl , bellsrtvl It would make > nnie I mi to not their father' * h.v tncVn nn fire In hii n > > ? cncc. It did. And beMJen , It (0oU ( nosr- Ir f-owliolo town to * ve tliaiircmhc . A it * , the barn wa * dcilroytd , W. H I'Arkfr nnd W. ,1 , \Knev , of I'lnttiinouth , while htm'lpg l.\ t week , \mt \ * r"ir ( , ' of utint Into the J ( < of Kr nk Krtnl 1 nnd Mm. lla'tlc Sacdecicr , rvhn werorldhis pa t. Tlio tei > ort ftUhtero.l the tiam , which r n ariy i\tid throw nut the ( 'Commit * . Ono if the I ml ) ' * wtlftn W.XH lirjkcn. Henrv Ulfuland tooV firnt money at the rrcont ( Istl county f tr fir the dr t fam ily. HI * children . nil but one nro living the ! de t ticlni : Sfl nnd thn ycmnKO't 5. tilxcf th m Ivo In Illi nois two In Inwn , ono in I Inho , one In Hall county nt n In me of her own , and tlio re/it nt the parental innn > lm. TVn nio tmyii nnd tight filflBMr. . KleMaml Is 03 years old. Vronbln Bnvoa ' U U n remarkab'c fuel that THOMAH' Kot.KOTliia Olt U HR ROIH ! for intarrnl nb rxieriiHliKO , For dl > eite of the lungs nnd thro t , nnd for rluumivt nn iitnraUiii , crick in the baolr , womnlii , nnd roren , It U the bent known leincdv. and much trouble ia saved by havluK It nlwaya on hand. VAN WXCK'd WOKK. An Incident Ubowlnc now Uo Borvoa tils OonsUtuentH , To Iho Kxlltorof A great deal is being enld about about Senator Van Wyck stumping the third district in opposition to E M. Valentino. I wish tu relate nn incident that occurred last winter , to show the voters nnd reader * of THK BKK who ia the friend of the poor nud laboring class of puoplo. I wanted Bcmo paporo from Wuihington in ref * erunco to my laud , which had been here for eight yean , and it wao very icct s3iiry ttiat I should have them nt ncu. , I wtotu to Mr. Valentino to \soijt mo in getting them , .but I nnver hoard from him ? IIW'JB n bopgttr'i equcat no money to b , ckit. About hat timu THK BKR Raid that "our Vnl" was otniiding m 0110 of the ho tels at Wanhington with n black uyeao IthoughtthatmightbeMr.Vnlentino'a oxciico for nut answering my letter. As I oaid biforo , it was voiy neoes- ury that I should hnvo tboau papera , 83 I wrote Senator Van Wyck nearly the same letter I had written Aralen- tine. In loea than two weeks I re- ceivid a letter from the collator ntat- ng that my papera would bo sent nt once , and in n abort time I received them. This may scon n BUI all matter , o uotno , but if Mr. Valentino had done as Senator Van Wyok did it would have oaved mo nearly S10U. I bolieyo Senator Van Wjck to bo a true friend to tlio laboring class , at losst ho has proved to bo thus for. Givu us thruo coiiKrcsMnen and atnlo otliccrs whoao hoar to bent in thu in terest of the people ns docs Senator Van Wyck'a nud wo will uhonr you n thriving atata. Wu have inueclu and ener y what wo want ia n 1 ttlo encouragement - couragemont , and wo will mukj this ouo of thu finest states in the Union Lit mo ray to you votora of Nebraa- kn , rieo this fall as ono man ; down wl'h Jim Laird , down with Vulcntine , and every other cjindidato tint has been uninitiated by railroad monopo lies. Wo IIRVO go d men nominated on the alliance ticket. Lot us elect them this fall. P. H. YVisotiEU. SUOVAL PitvciKur , Hamilton county , Nub. ' - * - Woman's True Prlond. . A friend In need IH a friend indeed. This nonocan deny , e pec.lally when nxBlstanco la rendered when one fo curtly ulllicted with- dlueane , more particularly thofto com- plaintB and weaknesses HJ common to our foiiialo popnlntloa. Every woman should know that Klectrio liltters are wotnan'n true friend , and will positively restore her tn health , oven when all other remcdien /nit A blngle trial nlwaya provefl our an- uertlon , Inoy nro pleasant to the tame , nuil onv cunt fifty ccntH n bottle. Sold liy O. i' . OomlniKn Stffrairo Snguoationa To the Editor of THE BBC : It seems that the question of eufT rage lays in a nut shell. Every chap who exocrcifiea the rights of a citizen bhould bo entitled thereto , provided they are cDinpetniit to perform all the duties that devolve on the citizen. IIere the following is nupgestlvr : The army of ihu United Stitoa ia BO email that it haa baon contemplated tote to aupplunt it by a A'oll organized mil ! ' tin in all the states. Again might not an Decision arise , as It haa duim with in the lest twenty j oar ? , that thn na tion's peril may require the citizens to submit to a draft. Hop Bittfim Are IVio Pnrnfct nnd K ' t UlttuiB EvuxKudo. . They am compound from Hops , Malt , Buchu , Mandrake nnd Dandel ion the oldest , bbat , and mcmt valu able uiedicino in the world and con tain nil the best and most curative properties of all other rmnedica , being the urcntcst Blood Purifier , Livur Regulator and Lifo and Health Re- Rtoring Agent on earth. No dieouae or ill health can possibly long exist where theae Bitters are uaod , eu var ied and perfect nra their opurutiona , They give now lifo nnd vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whoso em ployment CJIUBO irregularity of the bowola or uininry orgotiK , or who rn- quire an Apttiser , Tonia nnd mild tttimuloi ) ' , II-p Bittiirti nro irivalua- blu being ' i hly curative , tonic and etiinulati ; ' , t > ilhoiit intox c-itiug. No matter \\lmt your feelings eyniptoms are , whin the diai'imo orwl incut ia , uao Hop JJittera. Don't ' wa until you are ciok , but if you only feel bad or rnieorablo , use Hop Blttura at once. It may eave your lifo. Hun dreds hava been saved by BO doing , Five hundred dollars will ba paid for a cao they will not euro or help. Do not ButlYr or let your friends Buffer , but uo and urge them to uao Hop Bittern. Remember , Hop Hilton ) ia no vile , drugged nostrum , but thu Purest and Best Medici no ever made ; Ihu "In- valid'u Friend uud Hope , " and nu family or person should bu without them. Try thu Bitters to-day , EUROPEAN HOTEL , The moat ( KutnUr lockttd hotel In the city , lloom * 76c , (1,00 , tla and tst.OU r > > r il y. first C'1 M UonUtuunt conuectoJ wttA thl bOU1 < . HUnST , . . Prop. Comer Fourth ud Locutt BtiwU. ixuco. It fjlnj. KMI nk ( to era _ _ AH * SIO : p.m for hill Information oil on U , P. DKUKLTtck6i Afmt.llihand t'arnam fir. , I. 11 < ( , ! . , U ri lUlliTAj' Upel , oral JAMUST.OLAUKlnei Aj-ont. $500 REWARD. Th alxsvo reward will bo p.ild to any perron who will produoo a Paint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , fcr vm < nlnK Shln ro , Tin n.l Ore1 tlooN. Wnrrentnl to t > o Klro MH ! Wft'rr 1'rool. All otitcni jiromjitlj tlon.lcxl to. CliMicr | nnd bet ter th n ny other invlnt now In ti < > . 8TKWAHT& STKt'HKNStN. Bolt VroprlctorK , Omnlift HouneumAhA , Nob. Officer A Puwy , Dr.Utco , Dr. Pinney , Fullm' Council n uu > , IOHK. linn olllcf , Umoha Npn. _ _ _ _ _ _ M. HORWIOH & CO. , DKALKK IN Paiior Stock , Woo'on Hags , Iron AND MKPALS , Hlgbent Prices raid. Shipment * from tlio country naltcttnL Komittnnoee MAHA | Vrxiniptly mivt c. | Nun ll ) 18AS. SIUK9PRINU A1TAUIIMKNT-NOT I'ATKNT KD. A. J. SIMPSON LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY HOT And ItU DoJttn Htroot. aui { 7-mo Gin OMAHA , NEB , Jonn BT.II.KK ISOMI ocniMf Pn < aMent Vlco Proit V/ . & Dunn AH , Ccc. tnd Trou. THE NEBRASKA CD Lincoln , ITob M ANUFAOTDRKRS OF Oorn Plnntorp , Hrrrowa.I < 'nrm Rollert ) autiiy liny Hnlon , Bucitot Kiovatlnfl WtndmlllB. &o Wo are priptreil t. ) ilo Job work kin ] m nn ( cN tulug lor otlior pnttlci. Addr < B at nr lerj NKBK4HHA MANUFACFUXNO < ! O I.lnrpln. N * NERVOUS DfcBILITY , A Cure . Dr. K. C. Wctife Ncrvo tinj A t | > ccino ( or Hyjtorlt , Uiulnow , Couvulnloni , N'orvoua HeAdache , ilootal Dipionlon , t/CMOl Uouior Spermntortboja.ttniiotoncy , InvolunUt ] SmtMloni , Proinatuio Old ARU , caunod by ovor- oxoitlon , nrll-nbuDo , or ovpr-lndulKonce. whlcl lonite to misery , rfcic y nnJ dcotb. One box will euro recant c\5oi. K . 'h box oonUlDSOnoinonth'i Ueatmont. Ono dollar ft box , ct elx boico for ike dolUni Mint b ; moll propilil on rocoljitol prtco. Wo K'wtsnlcu clr boxua tu euro nny ate Wt'.b each orJor rocuiroil by un lor elx boxoi , to- conipautod with flvu ilolbri < , will bond the pur- our written cnixrautoo to return the II tbo trcitiuont dot uot eflcct n euro. 0. t . Goodman , ilru vlct , Colo. V holceilo nd Kill csO-ubii , Hon. Ora n by null kl tatll > rfAwlv WESTERN OORNIGE 0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor. 1 12 Harnoy St. - Omrlia , UBJ. ! MANUKACTUIliU80r &alanizefi & In , CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Speoht'B Patent Motnlio Skylight. Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the ( { unoral agent for the abovti linu of goods. IllON FKNOINQ. tlnT _ , Drluttr dr , VcrndinOrno | Hnr U nk llalllm ; . . Window nd Cellar Guirdt : nlio AKN ' _ _ BOYD'S'OPERA HOUSE. Thursday Pvoning , Nov 2d. MISS PHCEBE GOUZINS Will deliver her celebrated Loo- turo on i I Some Mistakes About Eve , " Admiusiou , - 26c No rxUn clmrxu ( or rtwirrcd crald Beata on Stln WodncHtlny inornint ; . J. . 'ARCHITECT , Oarponter. Superintendent , &o , All klnJaof jcb work done. Old Ihnltlings Itecvnilrufttd. ew bulldlnifi vrcct < tl. I'lani and vpvclflcatloDi furnlihtd. 1-110 Hnrnay Bt. , bet. llth and ICth Hl7 riSi Hi "inJ nitu v < r i ' ' 5ri ihfptvrr ou r i lJoJim "i' K C11 n t jcui } i ii y. | / b v - 537 , * II * / " ihflt lalnl' dtrliiiiwli-K nM > - . , -utif full i.i tiruuli' ' inUpilprutif ' ' _ - t 'IT vftiUjvitrnl < u-/ou r t.lti Mop Mc/Jr / ' t- ! . & , u > , l uil lir < lv- Lie C ll r I Ic JlUbU . ! . . UIJtl' Lilt . 'II iou will l' tl * HOCU.V iin < ) ir > "UUt joue- ' ! . Hop Hltt r UjyU - Uo rlv w i ak anil irvalu m It may HOIurnnc .1 * ; /our 1 llfo. ll nu Oiot-ci riun- V..I - . T dretl * . [ font. Out ALL TRUE FELLOWS Worthily point to the "HUB PUNCH" A < -n Article of mich nro nd cxrwdlng merit * dtnenr K pluco on A Soolnt OJn of Hnb Potich I' & inont Wfloomo cco < wor } ' ° ' WoixUy IntvrcounA poculUrly ncwtiUblo at pnrtliw. Uncork , MI tin rvndy. Ihinchtn brewed at ix iumb nro In bchlikl It In flexor. nilt < xl oratori nornr dU low The rtvxl nouroo whoueo tholr cloqutnco flow * Iklloo mo , U \ > moK , alter dlnnrr or lundi , Frcm n flawing bonl ot ( lUAVtH1 1IU11 1'U.NClt The nnm-j and tlllo-"IIUU PUNOII" Uad3v | tcdiuktr do tnittk All untuthorlicil uio of thi * tr.ilo mark .lll bo promptly OH. ; aiiAVK8Asos8. toaro.v , MASH. The "HUP I'UNCH" U R > ld by all lc aiiir ( f m- lly itroji-r > n I nlno mm h ut . Trade lupplirdat Manufacturer priftt by M. A , Mcffamnra. Omaha Familitt tupplieii by A , / / , ( llailttotic , Omaha , Jftb. J. R EOBEBS & CO , FL. . Sommers & Co't BISCUITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AND NOVELTIES WMosalQ Manufacturing iND DEALERS JN Fruits. Nuts and Cigars. Ill S 14th St. OMUA , - - NEB GOLD ROPE. Tholntrlnslamorlt nnd " 'porlnr quality of oui Gold Hope tobacco has Indtico , ! otlue iiat.nlao- . Hirers to put HKM tl'O umkut noji utiidlar to Ur brand In unmo nnd > tlo which are offered indiold f irlo ii unify thi u the K"nulno Hold Itopo. Wo caution tbo t ado and consumer to let thnt our nnniond trade mark are upon each lump. The on'y Konulro nuil otl lniU Quid Hope Tobacco ID manufacture U by TUB WILSON , _ MoNALLY TO- BAOCO COMPANY. yonauflorfrom Dynpopua , ugo BURDOOn 'LOOD DITTEIU3. It you are afllktoJ with Illllounnow. tuo nuuuocK ULOOD nrrTEua If you are prostrated with tick Ilwul&cho , take llUnUOCK I1LOOD IIITTCIIS f your Howolaaro disordered , rceulitu thorn with IIUIlDOCIt 111,001) 111TTKIIS. I vnir Blood li mpure , purify It with BUKDOCK 111.001) BlTTEllS. f youha.'o IndlKCutlon , you \t)11 ) findiui antidote n 11UUDOCK 1IL001J U1TTKUS. f you are troubled with Spring Complaint * , cr- , dcato ! them with BUUUOOK UL001) 1UTTGKS. i your LlvcrUi loiplj , routore It to brnlthy action with UUltDOCK I1LOOI ) UI1TKKB I your Liter I * aOoctod , you will find a mfro ro- itoratlvoln BUK1JOCK f you lm\uany upociu ) of Humor or 1'unplo , Ull not to take IIUUDOO'K ltl.001) BI1TKUB. f you ha\a any Hymptoma of Ulctrs or tjcrofulous Here , n curatUu remedy will bo found Ir , BUllDOOK 1II,0D ( UiTTKRS. 'or liupirtlnt ; utrcncth and \IUlity tothefj- em. nottilnir can equal IIUIUKWK 111.001) I1ITTKKH. Kor Norvoiwujd Ocuornl Debility , tone up thu tyatcm with IIUHDOCK 1ILOOI ) IllTO'.llS. Price. I.OU per llottle ; Trl Battloi 10 Cti POSTER , HILBUM. & ( Jo , , Props , EUTFALO , K. V. Hold nt uhclcmlo by Inn i UcMabou and C. F noodm&n la 'a cod-mo The Great JjDfjiiBh Remedy , Novcr fall to cuio Nervous Debility , Vi tal Kiliaiwtlon , 1.11 , KuinlnM Woak- noH i8IJOHTMAN HOOD , and all the II effect * of youth- lul follioM and oxcctf- * iH , it ntopd r ° rra& nantly all weakening , involuutnry loei.mvnJ Iralno upon the BJS- .cm , thrlnuvltable re- . . . . ivilt of thcuoevilprac- tluw. which are 80 dcatruotlvo to mind and body and inako Ufa mlacrablo , ottrn Inadlnir to Insani ty and death It dreniitbend the Ncrve , llraln , ( nioinQryf fllood , Mum-lea , Hlnoetlvo and Uepro- duitl\oOrK nii , H robtoio * t" ) all tha oritanlg fiinctlrnii tlii-lr former tK ) ° r and vitality , mv Ing lifo cheirfill and vnoablu. ] 1'rlca , 83ft )0tlle , or four tliaua the quantity { 10. Bent by eipruw. secure from otmrvatlon. to any-ddrui , oriruculptot price , No. 0 , O. 1) . sent , except on roiolpt of tl ag a Kiiarir.tue. J.clteri ) ri qucBtlni ; anaweru Uiuit InclOkO ttamp , Dr. Mintie'u Dundohoa Pillo aio th ) l ut and chuapeut dygpo | > 3lO ivnd blllloui euro l'i the market , fold by all dritgAtn. I'tlcc DO CflltJ. Oa Vli ru'B KIUMT lUuuur , NirRniccu , Oareull kind ot Kidney and bladder couiuUlot * . i , Klciit Mid loucorrhoa. for tale ny ( .11 . : 81 a bottle. KNUUBU MKUIOAL INSTITUTE. aSOlUoSt. , Ut. I-oultf , Mo. Kor Silo in O.iiababj- 0. y. OOODMAN. Hyaoln Ii * BULBS Tatipi , Crooutcc- And nil other fir Kill I'laifnj. Lir o motit cvertbowa IuChlu. > vo- Illtutratod Uatal 'gnu f r T. ticud for It. Hiram Sibley & , Co. , BEEoaraw , 200-209 Randolph bt. , . . Chicago , 111 FOB CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA PALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Potutt Cntt andaoulh-E tt THRLIHKCOiirRIHES Nearly 1,000 miles. Holld Smooth Rtrol Track II connection ! nre made In UNION DhPOTS hue a MatlonM Ilerntatlon M bcln ? th re-t Through Oar Line , nnd It unlrentlty encoded to bo thn FINEUT EQUIPPED IUU- . road In tbo world for nil clMM > i of travel. Try It and you will UniV traveling a Inrary Inntead of a discomfort. Through Tlcltpti vU rhii OUbrnteJ Line foi ao at all nfflcos In the Wott , All Information about Ratxts o fnn , BlMplnj Car AcocmmaJAtloui , Time Tables , Ac. , will bi cheerfully given by applylnln to T. J. POTTER , Sd Vlcc-l'res't A ( Ion. ManMrtr.Cblcafra. PEROIVAL LOWELU . Oon. PiwaorvtJ Agi. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNPORT , Clen. Aront , Conncll BluOf. II. 1 . DUELL , Ticket A iQmah * mtuo-od ly QUAY'S SPECIFIC IXIHOICINS TRADB MARKkT110.0rit7n ? < OB . _ _ Knglhhrem- rl odv. Annn- falling cura for Seminal Woaknrii , Bpormator- thut , Impol- ency , and all of FTEB TAIUHB , Self-Alm e ; 01 Loss of Memory , Unlvomal Lan l tudo , Pain In the Dock , Dltnnoas of Villon , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Dlno.iMi thai load to Imanlty or Consumption and a Proma. . ture Grave. tJTFxill particular ! In oar pamphlet , which wedcslro to tend free I r mall to ( very one , CSTThe Specific Medicine In oplJ by all druggUta at llper pjnkajro , or OpackiKea for W , or will bo sent free by mall on ref ipt of thn money , b addrenlnir TIIKOHAYKDIONK CO. . ' Buffalo , N.Y. T oc7me- " To Nervous butterers THE GKtAT EUROPEAN HEMF.DY. Dr. J. U. Simpson's Bpedfla It le a [ xiiiUtocjro | for tfiwrmatairhc * , Eonilu * t , Impotitncy , and nil Jb-'tf-cB i ultloj from ticlf-Alnni ) , u Mttlr.l Anility , I IMI Uotnpry , Palua In Uie Unck or ( ildot anJ i 'C7i IT" r > Ti" /Ihiit / > u . . * -v .f " - - Ksa umptlou f \ , llminlty an , llw Spoclflo Uedlclno U bcln ; mod with wondoT * fill mecos * . _ . _ Pixmpbleta on&t free to all. Wilte foi > h m and git full { * * deul&rc. Price , BracISc , fft.CO pr pi'.oiije , ortlx pack * 0f03 ( for Ci.CO. Audms all orJcrt to H. HIMBON MEDICINK CO. Nog. 104 nud ICO Main St. Buflilo , K. Y. Bold In Otnaha by 0. X. OojdL-i-ii. J. V. DoU , and all dr.v . L'H tucv'ity wlitr .i * . > - OATAREH AND ECZBMA No areunlont l nocei'irr to rhw th t tnm dlteaici aiorf blood or'frln ' ; M. H 8 , t errfirr , beln < ojmpofdff th < m t poveifm vifto.ublo .Iteratlvn , ( Icntroyxthcdl ra . ro land lirrch , by putilng tha blood in a pure , hialthy mate. "B.B 8. for'Catarth It a iurr curr ; cured me after all otber truitn ei t hid ftUcd " C. 0. livu.ii , UieenciMila , kid Rev. W. J. Hoblnaon , number North Gtfrula Conference : "Havo UkcnH. * . H. fi r i e'etna'a ' of Kcran ; eruption but dUnppcartd aud 1 am well. " "Havottken 8. H. H. for Ca'nrrh ' with toned i ; thluk th i-o liottH-rt more wl I completely euro inc. " K. It , DROWN , Hpiitanburg , H. a J. W. Cottiell , H > . Lnulo , Mo : "I regard S. H. S. tna irion' Mdnjirful rsuiody. aud have no dojbi but thtt It nlll euro my L-tarih. " "B. S 8 currd mo of a trfub'oiime O - tinh which hia milled IU ( trditmcnt ol all thoU U t pbislclans Noithtndtoiith. " H. _ . llo'JhlOK , Atlantl , Oft. , Ark , July IT , Ifta I h e liadwh-i my phjbl aiu ttrmoJ Ccz > mn or ovir mclit years. Cairo live ic rai-t oto this .lam to lue In cr erllutl mlglit becur-d Du- Inn tin t'niol ' occrije Icn lyappl lul the heal- rgaittf tlophyjlclii Blicro ( b th Intiri aland ; xu rni\l ) li onmictton with iko cclebr tedlbor- n.albot . U tin , mUinn'dltlon havottkcn uiora 'Imn aim drolboiihuof vnibunn e < lclniH | wlti ut the desired i u. ult Up 10 thrao raontbs ' ( fa . hid almcu1 h II vcd icy ciku IncurthV , aad iiCantaklnHlll'nH ( | | > 8ciilc ( H. U S. ) wllb all thu DkiplUiBtu ] > > lllo Thu trup'lon w B at Qiat or > u , Jft I hero were K > uv ! ( ? M of 1m- tiro\emoDt , and a tor thrpa mnntli , ' u > o of B H. H. I am pound unil ell , i ot a ngn of tiuptlon , nv skill Htnnrith mulcUnr.a'd iny guocral hcalin jHKOod ni'tcier ' wun. If tlt DLCU , lit them u rltu me hsre Krom the Uront DrtiK House of tbo NortlawuHt. \Vodo noth'eltntu to y Hmt far a } f P'rt . hi\o n M n oru ol Hlft' < i Hp.dtlo IB H K. ) lion all oil cr hojd puriliemc uiulnid injwlh jiota onlnhli-g roi' t < . 'no vin'-lcmm who uttd lul u cl > re i lot Ion nays tliat It IUI dene Mill moreKOCUtnat truatnunt wl.lch . out him 1,009. A n , t hi r wboh BD idli fjr-k tc.ofnloiM Uottlon top > meat euro from Ha cuo. : YourD irn'y , VahH.i.Acn , Hr MiN'OM It Co. SolATjy nil KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE COL. L. T. FOS'UK. YounRBtown , Ohio , MayJO , 18S6 DB. ll. J. KiJiDaLi , & Co. 1 hod a ycry viJa- . blelluubletonltn colt tha < Ipiin.J very highly , hebad a largo borojpavlu LII ouo Joint and a smMl ono on the other nhlch wade him very lame ; I had 1dm under tlio iharcu c < two veter inary eurcootin which failed to cure him. I WM ono day reading the dvettlaomeut of Ktndall' * 6paUu ( Hire lit thoVhIc ) , o KxpriaJ.I determined ataucototry U a d Rut our truci * U hero to lend fir It , aodthuy onlered tUrvc bbttlu ; I took all aud I thought I would five Ita thorough tiUl. I tucd It ft-cordlut : to dlnx-thns and tb 'ourtli day the colt ct ed to bo lame tud the turn ; n have dluppc&rcd 1 ucd but nro bottle and the colt's UIUIM ere ai tree ot lucipt ana &a auiootb on any bone In the state Ho it ( utlro- ly cured. Iha cu'e WM BO remarkable that I havu Uttwoof iny neighbor * have the ruiudo. liu two Imttle * who erenow utlojtlt. ' Very lorpoctlully , L.T. FOSTUB Send lot Ulcgti.Ud circular f Ivlry positive prool. Vtlct < l. All l ) > TCfrtts ! _ Mol or CAD jotllloryoa. Dr. B. J KipJUl i Co ! . Vn- pileton. Enoibuigballs , VU BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS