THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY , OCTOBER 31 No Whiskey ± BROWN'S IKON BITTKRS is one of the very fcvf tonic medicines that arc not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey , thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IKON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non- intoxicating stimulant , and it will , in nearly every case , take the place of nil liquor , and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. ' Rev. G. W. RICE , editor of tlic American Christian Re view , says of Brown's Iron 'Bitters : , Cm. , O. , Nov. 16,1881. Gents : The foolish ait- ing force in business pleasure , nnd vicious indul gence of our people , make1 : your preparation a necessity ; andlfapplicd ta\chun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia , indigestion , biliousness , weakness , debil ity , overwork , rheumatism , neuralgia , consumption , liver complaints , kidney troubles , &c. , and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief. BALL'S CORSETS EyoryCorsot Is warranted Butlfl- : r factory to its -wearer In every way , or the money will bo rotumlcd by tbo person from whom it was bought. Th only Oonut pronounced by our leading ph ; I Injurious to the wearer , amicndoriMxlTyr Udlr * l u > tnoet comfortable wid ixirtoct filling Conet erei rniCE , br Mull , I'o.U e Paid I Hekllh Prcwrrlnc , 1.0O. Btlf.AdJu.tln , 1.BO Abdominal ( extra keary ) $0.00. NiinlnB , l.Bd ealth PrcMrrln * ( flue coulll ) S.OO. 1'aracon BUIrt-Hupportln . CLOU. tor aal by IcadlnB Itctull neuter * crerywherb cmoAoo cousin * , co. , chicuto iu. u2oodfiieo ' y HEAT YOUR HOUSES ' f FURNACES IN THE WORLD , MADE IJY BIOHARDSON.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , 1LI.S , Embody now 1882 Iraprneracnte. Mor. praotioal 'u ' uru ; Cost loss to korp ID Cider ; UbS loan fnoll W'H KIVO more beat and ft larger voltuu" o' pure air than ny furnace made Sold by 1'JKKCEY fc BKADFORD , Omana , Neb THE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY niakoa n epeclUty of Collars & Cuffs , AT TUG KATE OF Three Cent Each. Work solicited from all over the country , The charges and return poeUiKB must no. company the package. Bpechl rate * to Urge clubH or ufenclt > a. meVTLKIKH KVANB. 100,000 TliKK-SPRINC VEHICLE H O W I N U b K. They rurnam all ether i ( or euy tldlnx. rut duiablllt ) ' , 'They aru for oalo by all Loading Car "logo Buildora nud Uealera throughout ' ho country. SPBINQS , GEAR3 < t BODIES For ul b ' Timken 'Henry , Fine CarrU n , W "It THE PAYING QUESTION President Oreighton Replies Wit ] Pome Facts to Mr , Barker , In Which the Merita of Biou ? Falls Granite la Dlo. cussed. Kd lor of Trie Vrr , In your ls tie of HfttunUy evening I no' tlcod n communication from lion Jonepli Marker touching ( lie Tenth utoet paving question , wherein Mr. Uarker seems to bc < tray ft tremulous anxiety to get himself ight before hi * fellow cltl/ens. His Ian- iuno and the general tenor of his article > cein to bo of n defcnnivu mature on though cp lling Fomo Accusation ngatntt his olll- : lnl Integrity. Of tbo neceenlty or oxocllcn- [ ) : y of ( inch ft defence , I know nothing , but I\R the article In question contains quite n number of manifest inisslntcmenU that ilionltl not bo allowed to g > to the public unrofutcd , and n these mlMtatementa are jailed "facts" by Mr. Unrkcr , , I beg leave , o also make n few further utatements which I also nhall call "facts" because they 10 fcU and are warranted by the record nu euch farther evidence as may bo ncc H * nry to their complete nubHtnntlntlon , Mr. barker's first Inaccuracy Is In the state- mcnt that there werono l > id presented for 'granltu" under the second ndvertliemcnt. u order to refresh his memory I will no rely refer him to the following , taken rrbatlm from the bids us presented. Flrit n order is thu bid of Turner & Viexcl , viz : anANiTK IILOCKH. Grodln ? , paving and balliuUngcomplctc , 1th concrete foundation , as per specific- -inn - , per rquaro yard ( Sioux Falls stone ) , fi.3.'i ; grading , ballasting and paying com- . ilctc , with broken atone and tand founda tion , an per specification ! ) , per tiiuare yard , ? 4 A3 ; resetting and adjusting gutter stonon , whcro nccdoJ , to tbo crown of pived street , for gutter on each Ride , per Kiuare yatd , C5 cents. Tbo words "Sioux Falls stone" being used nbovo to designate the quarry or point from whence the granite came , euch an "llollowcll granite , " Qalncv granite , " AUntlllo " 'tiioux Falls " granite , granite , ate. , etc. Again wo hrwo the bid of "Mack & Co. , wherein the name of the granite Is not mentioned. ( IIIANITK BLOCKS. Grading , paving and ballontlng com. plcto < wlth concrete foundation , ni pet specification * p r rquaro jnrd , 8I.)5 ! ) ; grading , ballasting and pavlcp complete , with broken titonu and Baud foundation , ni per spcsif.catloni < , per equaro Jftrd , $4,35 ; rofotting and adjusting gutter atone * , wlioro needed , to the crown of paved street , for gutter on each side , per t < | uare yard , 70. All of this coming under the bead of granite and won rod m the prcsauce of Mr , Barker , and yet his memory signally falls him when hu undertakes to ir.ako a statement of finis Intended for the eye of the public. Hut let us go a little further and to show conclusively just whit Mr. Harko- understood the Sioux Falls stona to lvot'ni" quote n section from our "modi- fitcl" Bpcclficationf , which flection Mr , Dar ker aided nnd assisted in framing and voted for its insertion , as the record will show , This section reads na frllowa : TIIK IILOCKH , Quality , Granite The blocks shall bo granlto , tqual In hardnoxsto what is known as Hollowull or Bl'iux K.illa granite , but they must bo of uniform grain and tex ture , without , atninatltn or Htratification , and free from excess of rnloi or feldspar. Hard bacaltio atone , that will tike a smooth palish under trallic , will not bo ac cepted. Docs Mr. Barker recognize his handi work ? Did ho think that "Sou * Fa Is granlto" wan granite then , and can ho ex plain what ' 'uonr light" has fjinco then revolutionized hla understanding as to the clomvutal composition of this at < ne ? Or [ Ib the i tone that hao changed ! Mr. Barker say a that "it wwi decided by the board bttoro opening the bids that no paving was to bo expected this fall. " If Mr. Barker will but slightly tax his mem ory be will readily call to inlnd that no such decision was made , and that on the contrary aft > r the bids were opened nnd somewhat elaborately discussed , he still insisted and seemad to ta-o It for granted that a very considerable portion of Tenth street could bo paved this fall , and that for this reason beseemed very much fascinated with certain propositions then ma'lo by Mr. Stophonaou , who declared himself ready to enter Into bondi in the sum of 820,000 to complete the paving of said street before January 1st Mr. Barker in cidentally brings in the city attoruey manifestly to strengthen hla otherwise weak and fallacious statement of Bo-called "facts. " Ho will certainly not claim that the city attorney gave the board a geological logical opinion as to the ' 01161111081 prop , orties of the Hdrnx Falls itoue , for had Mr. Ilowo said that such ftuiio wax not gr.inito hi opinion In that regard would lie entitled to no more respect nor ere ( 'it tlhin Mr. Uurker's opinion nubtcquently Khun uu the bamo point , for I have yi t to leurn that it li a part ul the duties of the dlaclplex of HlnckBtouo to reveal tbn hH- leu secrets of geology nnd embody them in legal opinion * . Mr. HOWO'H opinion wan brliily this , "That Tenth street cnuld bo pavoit with nn stone otherwise than jranlte under the ordinance and in conipli- ince with the wishes of the property owners along taid street , " Thin wan tbo extent of his opinion , but he further ex- iiressed the liopo thut'no paving would bo lone on Tenth street this winter , became 10 wished to procure some necessary lecl nt'ou ' In re.nrd to the manner of makini ; ho levy. Mr. Barker further says , " \Vo are very much in favor of rejecting the > reeent one bid. " This was no .doubt an- ither slip of hit trenihcrous memory as ho record shows that th re were mid are wo bids for granite block now before this > ord. . and I bavo quoted them above. Mr , Barker's entire nrKumout drifts na- uraliy and easily towards Colorado stnd tone , and ho blandly suggests that the price might be limited to $1 00 , which , Ingulariy enough , Is juit two cents higher ban "Boss 8 outs" bid for laying this tune. It would seem to bo Mr. Barker's dea of the prosperity of the occasion to luilt the bidders al < u , and confine them ( a hojo who could b d on Colorado unnd tone. NUW bow many could bid on that tune ? I hasten to answer jiut one. Mr. iurKer ban considerable to any about being 'It-fc to the meray1' any one person or any ono atone , but , Mr , Barker , tuny It lot bo that you ( unintentionally of course ) ure rjoliig headlong In that dl > ectlun. In fact , may wo lint it-tf there ulrcud * ? IMr. Barker ii'ts nuia very large rbgures in bis aiticlo nrnlerto make certain contr U more ; lar iigj for InsmncH , in i rdrr to iiguro cut nbiuiu ; ; of 8(0000 ( he is obliged to say that thcr. ) ure 211,000 ya < ! H to bu pavid m Tfiith btreet , hut ho iiunet that the out- bidu limit is 10,000 yimt , nnd tlmt bid < wenIHV ted for tlwt amount , then why exonerate' and for wl < at purpose ? I hive 11 tliU urticlo refuted but ac'l" of the nany inltBtatoiiienta contained in Mr. Darkcr'i ) , as ( .pace forLlda urn to inoro than .ouch ( iu the Bulltwt onca. It is far from my ( Ichiro to enter iutu any extended con- ; io\ersy , but if there are uny facto which : he public bhimld be undo ncipaulnte'd with , and fchould Mr , Barker or any no elte de- tire to la\e ull the facti , then such a con- .roveruy vtuuld not be unwelcome. Just one word more , houe\er , in regard to .he uuderataudlug of the members of the board a < to my mis- nlou to t Sioux Falls. I must reiterate ; hat the members | uuantmou > ly agreed that if I fouul tlut the Sioux Falls btoue could be procured iu sufllvltnt quan- title * for the w rk in hand , and cf the fa- clhtlos for its taking out , etc. , were tucli I M to warrant the belief that it could l < farnlshed t tb time required In onripeci fic ti ns. That then the contract was t < be awarded to Mack & Co. , In order to rn able them to make Immediate nnd neocs mry preparations for the proccntion o the work , My statement in thin report can bo readily tnbstnntiated by the cltj engineer and several others who were pres ent nt the meeting when I wai lurtructer to visit Sioux Fall * . I Am still in favor ol accepting the bid of Mack & Co. , l/ecnuu the propotty owners have petitioned foi granlte.becfttiBe th mayor nnd city coun < cil have ordered the xtrcct paved will ; granite and I.ecauto ( an I have tliown above ) Mr. Barker nt one time seemed tc have no doubt of t > o Sioux Falls stone being granite , and further because there It hut thlity-Mvtn cenU difTcrrnco In the bid for tlds granite cud Mr. Stint's bid for Mr Barker's Bind stone , and because the Sioux Falls stone In woith for paving purpose - pose fully one dollar and n lulf more pr yard than any limn or stnd stone , and fi nally because I think itdnhonet to nllnw one Udder after he haa teen the bid of his competitor to make nn effort to secur * the rejection of all bids In order that he may revise Ida bid , JAMKH OnEtoitrox , Chairman Board of Public Works. The Bon od Unloosed- Chan , Thompson , Franklin street , I3uf > 'alo , says ; "I have suffered for n long tun with constipation , nnd tried almost every [ Mirgntiva advertised , bnt only resulting I .empornry , relief , and after 'constipation itill inoro ncpr vnto'l , ' I was told nbotl your Hl'ltlNii BLOHPOM and tried It , I can now nay I run cured , and though Bom monthii luvo elapsed , still remain BO. . ihall , howe r , n I ways keep some on bam n ca-o of old complant returning , " Frlc iO cents ; trial bottles 10 cents. IK THE TOILS. Another Big Sunday Haul by tbo Police. While the business in the police do parimont was not eo brisk Sunday as on the preceding Sabbath , it vras b ] no moans small and Judgu Boncko opened court this morningwith twonly- ono einnoro on the anxious Boat. There wore eight Slocumba and ono Slocumboon. The latter and two ol her male compauiona were discharged , two were eont to the Hote.1 do Miller and four planked up the shekels to pay their fines. Five mun were charged with dis turbing the poaco. Ono paid , three cases wore continued and ono offen der was discharged. A man arrested for obstructing an officer in the performance- his duty was discharged , as ho made no very serious , break. A soldier was arroatod for assault and battery , but the prosecuting wit ness did not appear , and ho was sol koo. koo.Frod Fred Hadons , a youth under the ago of 1C , was arrested for stealing a rod lantern from the U. P. Ho waa hold for further action. Two colored boys , S. Bailey , and Frank Smith were arrested for carry ing off n couple of pairs of slippers from James Storr'a shoo store. As both were under ago they are held to await the action of the district court , A young man from Blair , wont to M. Toft's store on Saturday to buy some cigars. When ho loft a pipe was notiqod to bo missing. The clerk f < 1- lowed him and took the pipe from him. Ho Wits tined $20 and costs , which ho paid. An unfortunate man , arrested as a auspicious character , proved that ho was all light and was sent on hia way rejoicing. The cases of Robt. Bolan , charged with stabbing with iutont to wound , and. James G. Smiley , with selling mortgaged property , Was Got for the afternoon session. _ How often persons have been annoyoc by burn clinging to their dress or cloth ing , and how seldom have they , when cleaning them , given It a thouiht thatBur- dock Root la thu mo t valuable blood o e .n- ser and purifier known , and is fold by every drupgtat under the name of Burdock Blood Bitters. Price 81.00. SLAVEM'S YOSEMU'E COLOGNE Mode froir thy wild flowers of the FAB KAMED YOSEMITE VALLEN it is the most fragrant ot porfum t Manufactured by II. B. Slnvon , San Francisco. Fur Bile in Omaha by W. iJ. Whitohouso and Konnaio Bros , , & Oo. A rosponaiblo party will buy a bank ing buiinusa or open a now bank m a good live town. Interested parties address P. O , drawer No. 04 , Omaha. Nob. 1C Ot THE LORD'S LUCRE. An Old Lrvdy Wno Travola on Fiilth. On Saturday last an old lady , with hair bleached to snowy whiteness by the eighty odd winters which have passed ever her head , appeared nt the county clerk's ofllco and a kad for aid to roach San Francisco. She had coino all the way from Connecticut and had boon passed first to Chicago and there by snmo kind hearted per sons to Council BlulTa , at which place she was given trans portation across the bridge by the authorities , which aeems to be about the limit of their benevolence in all cases , Between the time of her arrival at the BluITi and her appear ance at Mr. Baumor'a office , she had slept two nights on the bare il jor of the depot , but she waa cheerful and satisfied thit she would got through all right. She is literally traveling on faith , and whether that faith could remove - move the Rockies and cast thorn into the sea or not , it did take the old lady acrosi them , for it was arranged hero thut the commissioners would buy her her a ticket to Ogden , and the Union 1'acillo would secure her transporta tion tliu rest of the way to the Golden Uato , through which she must oni long DCB the pearly gatea awing open for her adinieeion , whcro faith and not cash is the currency of the realm. Bufber shop and bath roomu for salo. Shop invoices at nearly ono thousand dollars , \ \ ill soil for $800 ; pirt on time. Reason for soiling ; With to go to Colorado for my wifo'a health. F. J. MollENitv , 19 3t * Atlantic , la. Notice- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- coliior Iloof Paint,1' was patented Hay 24th , 1881 , and otters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or known to tamper with the manu facture of said paint will bo punish- cd'to the full extent of law. No per son haa any authority whatever to neil receipts. UiwTUOUN & Buo. , Lancaster Pa ATTENTIOKI Deal for a Worklmrtnon and Fanners' ' County Convention. The workingmen and farmers ol Douglas county , who are in accord with the principles enunciated by the state anti-monopoly convention hold at Hastings , September 27th , 1882 , are hereby invited to cloot delegates ti a convention that will nominate a legislative ticket for Douglas county , consisting of two members of the senate - ate and olght members of the house of representatives , also ono county com missioner and such precinct officers as may bo designated by the county com missioners in their election proclama tion. tion.Tho The ratio of representation shall bo as follows : Every element of trade and each element of common labor shall bn rep resented by five delegates Wheto mechanics or laborers have no organi zation , they may organize for thin pur pose , na for Instance , blacksmiths , car- pontoni , machinists , tinsmiths , smelt ing worka laborers , etc. Every pre cinct outside of the city of Omaha shall bo entitled to flvo delegates to bo chosen by the farmers. It is rec ommended that the meetings to select delegates in the city by any labor or ganization or olcmont shall bo held upon a call issued three days previous through TIJK OMAHA BEE. Such call shall state the time and place of moot ing , and name of organization or labor element. In the country precincts the meetings shall bo held in pursu ance of a notice printed or written , conspicuously posted in at least thrco public places within the product for at loaat nno week. Only dologatoa elected in pursuance to thcao recommendations and having proper credentials , will bo admitted to Boats in the convention. No proxies will bo allowed , but alternates may bo elected to take the places of delegates that may bo absent. Tbo Convention. The delegates elected by the workingmen - ingmen and ' farmers of Douglas county , who are in accord with the principles enunciated by the state anti-monopoly convention , hold at Hastings , September 27 , 1882 , are hereby called to assemble in county convention to bo held at the city hall , in the city of Omaha , Douglas county , on Wednesday , November 1st , 1882 , it 1:30 : p , m. Each delegation must have credentials aignod by the chair man and secretary of the meeting at which they were elected. JOHN ROSIOKY , Chairmap , J. R. LEWIS , Secretary. Rnb It In. Jacob Loeckinan , 274 Clinton street Bulf AO , N. Y , says ho has been using TIIOMAB' KCLECTIIIO OIL for rheumatism. Lie had such a lama back that he could do nothing ; tut one bottle entirely cured him The Government and tbo Pacific Roads Clilcasj Tribune. A Washington dispatch reports that Commissioner Armstrong has returned from hia official trip ever the Pacific roada , and that ho sees nothing in the complaints of the people of the Pacific Slope against the railroads that call for redress. The complaints made by local points of discrimination ho die misses as of a piece with the com plaints of all local points because they do not get aa f/ood rates aa the termin al points. The Pacific roada have carried the abuses of the special con bract system to a refinement unknown in the east , but this the commissioner of the interior department thinks is an inevitable parcel competition. Those utterances r'o in remarkable contrast with the practically unanim oua drift of recent legal decisions , and will certainly jar upon the ears of the public. On gooda shipped from Now York , say to Reno , Nov. , freight is charged from Now York to San Fran- cieco and back several hundred miles to Reno. When a California farmer : akea his stuff to the railroad depot to 30 ( .hipped to San Franieco the charges are proportional to what the stuff will realise In the mar < et. The railroad takes not what it earns for its aorvicea , but what it can extort from the shipper , The Pacific roads not only charge San Francisco merchants who ship heavy gooda by sea higher prices than those who do not putronizo the waterway , but they now compel Bhippora by roil to sign contracts not to ship at all by water , tfot only that ; they do not allow mpr- chants who have made contracts with Uom to sublet any of the transporta ion 'to' the unfortunate merchants who have ufl'diidod by importing their gnoda in ships. The road "boycotts" heao merchants. iU a recent convention of farmers in California to nominate ananti-rtulroad state ticket , n merchant of San Fran- lisco showed a iottor uddrested to him ) y the Central Pacific , stating that if 10 combined to make protests against , heir charges they would cither raise .heir charges to him , or would refuse o do business for him at any price. The iniquity of sunh a threat by n cor poration which haa acquired enormous wealth by the exercise of the privi- ogea of the common carrier ia evident to the merest tyro in affairs. Railroad abuses have boon carried n California to such an extent that hat state ia to-day the moat complete llustration in existence of the modern ondcncioa to monopoly. Oriental wealth and industrial depression are simultaneously created by the tuino causes. No where clmdooa corporate nturforenoo produce solntonto u form of political corruption , No where ilso have the powers , the priv- leges , and the wealth of the common iarrier been so plainly derived from he grants of the public , Yet in the aeo of all this Uommissiofcor Arm- trong waves away all the railroad abuses of California as not calling for any remedy. Ho will , find that the lublio do not agrao with him. These nbusea call for a remedy , and it is iro'ominontly the duty of the railroad ommiBaionur of the interior depart- nent to eoo that it is applied. * To Forsan * Aliout.tolMurry. "To persons about to marry , " lougl ) Bn 'errold a advice was "don't ; " we supple- uent by nayiug , without laying in n fcup- > ly of SritiNU BlOnbOSl , which cure album , uarla and other kidney and bladder com- ilatnts. Price tO cents ; trial bottles 10 ento. Skinny Men. "Wella1 Health Rono'wor" restores icalth and vigor , cures Dyspepsia , mpotonce , Sexual Debility. $1. BEMIS Real COLUMN , Offices 15th and Douglas Streets. No. 307. Deantltul residence lot on S'lornur street , near htad of St. Mary'i avenue , 82 700. No. 314 , Full lot on 10th ktrcct. nc&r Popple- ton'e , 850. No. 816. Full acre onRurt street , neirConvonl of Ptcrod Hear ; 81,200. Mo. 817. Fullloton California , near 21 itntroci 91,000. No. SIR Two lota on SonarJ , near Saundon etcet,8l,300- Mo. 31D. Two lota on Charles , near Baunden street , 81,500. Ho , 820. Ila ( acre on Cumin ? street , neat Dut ton. $475. No. 321. Sfi bcautlul residence lota , flno view , on Mt. Plcusint avenue , near Ilauscom Park , No. 822. One-halt aero on California strcctnoai Ciclghton Co. lego. $1,600. Mo. 323. Two lota on Marcy street , near 13th street , $5,000 , No. 320. Two lota on Dodge , near Qro\oatroet , Smith's add 111 n. "o. 326. Four aero bloik In West Omaha , 82,000. Choice 4 acre block In Smlth'a addition at woat end of Farnom street will gho any length ot time required at 7 per cent Interest. Also a splendid 10 aero block In Smith's addi tion on same liberal termi ai too foregoing. Mo. SOS , llalt lot on Izird near 20th etrcct , 8700Mo Mo 801 , Lot on 18th street near Paul , 81200. Mo 302 , Lot 30x280 feet on 15th street , neai Nicholas $800. Mo 299 , Ono quarter acre on Curt Btreet , ne Button gbOO. Mo 297 , Two lota on Blonde near Irene street. 8250 .and $300 each. Mo 290 , Two lots on Georgia na Michigan street , 81200. < No 295 , Twelve choice residence Iota on Hamil ton street In Shlnn'a addition , flno and eighth , 8350 to $500 each. No 294 , Beautiful ball lot on St. Mary's av enue , SOxlBO feet , near Bishop Clirkson'a and 20th street. 81500. No 292 , Two choice lots on Park avenue , 60s 150 each , on street railway , $800 each. Mo 91 , Six lots In Ulllard & Caldwcll'a addition on Sherman Avenue near Popplcton'a , 8300 tc (45)civcn ) i. Mo 286 , Four Icta on Dccatur and Irene streets , near Blunders street , CT" to $150 each. Mo 282 , Lot on 19th near Paul street , $750. Mo 281 , Lot 55x180 foetnca/ . Mary's avenue , and 20th street , 81600. No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene street , 8326. Mo 278. Four lota on CaUwell , noox Saunden street , $500 each. No 270 , Loton Clinton street , near shot tower , 8125.Mo Mo 275. Four lota on McLollan street , near Blonde , Koran's addition , 1 425 each. No 274 , Three lota near race count ; make offers. Mo 268 , Beautiful corner acre lot on California street , opposite and adjoining Sacred Heart Con vent grounds , $1000. No 20o , Lot on Mason , near 16th street , $1.850. 100 loca In "Credit Foncler"and "Grand View1 additions , just south-east of U. P and B. A M. liallroad i/cpota , ranging from 8160 to 81000 each and on cosy terms. Beautiful Iteali'cnce Lota at a bargain very handy to shops 125 to < 250 each , G per cent down and 6 per cent per month. Call and get plat and full particulars. Mo 260 , Full corner lot on Jonoi , Meat 15th street , $3,000. No 263 , Two lota on Center street , near Cum in ? street , $900 for both or 8500 each. Mo 251) ) , Lot on Howard , near King street , 850. 850.Mo249 Mo249 , Half lotonQodge , near llth street , $2,100. llo 217 , Four beautiful residence lota neai Crclgbton College ( or will separate ) 88,000. No 248 , Two lots on Center , near Cumlng street , 8626 and $400 each. Mo 246 } , Lt on Idaho , near Cumin ? street $626 10245 , Beautiful corner aero lot on Cumins ; . near Button street , near now Consent of Sacred Ilnart , $1,500. Mo. 211 , Lot on Farnam , near 18th Btreet , $1.760. Mo 241 , Lot on Farnam , near S6th street , $1.000. No.229 , corner lot on Burl , near 22d" street $ /.SOO. No. 233 , 120x182 feet J Ilarney , near 24th , street , ( will cut It up ) $2,400. Mo. " 34 , Lot on bouglis street , near 26th , $1,000. No. 227 , Two lota on Decatur , near Irene llreet , $200 each. n oi23 , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman ave nuo(16th sticet ) . nea Grace , $4,000 , will divide , MoIX ) , Lot 231(16 ( leU on Dodge , near IStb street ; mike an offer. No 2 17 , Lot on 23rd near CUrk , 8500. No 216 , Lot on Hamilton near King , 8600. Mo 209 , Lot On 18th street , near Nicholas UQO. UQO.No 207 , Two lots on 10th , near Pacific street , 11.600 , No 204 , Beautiful resilience lot on Division itroet , near Cumlng , t'JCO. Mo 19Ji Lot on 16th street , near Pierce , tooo. tooo.No 1B8J , Lots on Sauudcn Btreet , near Sew. ird 8500. No 1U2 > , Two lota on 17Ui street , n * r whlU ead orki , $1,050. N 188 } ; One full block ten lota , near the barracks , 8400. Mo 191 , Lot .on Parker , street , near Irene 00. 00.No 183' Two lota on Cass , near 21st street ( tilt edge ) , $0,000. Mo IhU , Lot on Pier near Seward , | tM. ! Mo 170Lot on PaclBc street , near 14th ; iuik after , { to 106 , Six lota on Farnam , near 24th itreet (2.400 ( tofJ.BM each No 163 , Full block on 25th strreet. ncu race jnuro , sod three lota In GIsea addition , near launder ) and Cwwiua ctretla , $2,000. Mo 120 , Lot on Ibtli stiett , near white eod A. , > > . Mo 122 , 132x132 feet (2 ( lota , on 18th street , near I'oiiulttou'n. $1,600 , No 119 , Thirty b lfatro lots lntIard& ! ! ! C l- l ell y additions on Sherm&n avenue , Kprln and jaritoga btroew , ueir tbo nod o ) grtcn street r track , l > 00 to * 1SOO each. Mug ? , Lot on Chicago near 22d etieet , No S3 , Lot on Caldw ell street , uoar Blunder * , BOO. BOO.Mo 75 , 86x62 feet on Pacific , near Etn Btreet < 3 000. ' Mo 0 , E'gbteen ' lots nn Slst 22d , StS and Uunden et recta , near Grace and , Blunder * etruo ) rldf. # iOO euch Mo 6 , One-fourth block (160x185 feet ) , near he Convent ot Poor Claire , on Hamilton street unr th < ) t-ud of the red ttrvot car track. 81,010 Mo 1 , Lot on Harnoy , nu.r 16th , $2.BOO. ' 'Jd additions , alto Lots In Harbach' < lut and ota Iu Parko'a , Shlnn'a , MfUon's , lludlck'n , ] l oV , LaVe'n , and all the other additions at any irkud and terms. Koal Estate Agency , 16th ana uonicaa Street , t arldt of 7r < m , Frrtn a ralatabla farm , i tu y preparation ofif Ittat teiU not Maefctn trlh , o tJtarartrrittir [ ottirr < r n prfynrnifciii rinmJr ct o < * rmMtan KWj.I * * nl > ± " 1 * * jr"0'J ' ! ± 1\ \ , . , , i . and IO * < In e- e II rwMntlon Fjm l Dr r r lx lmp * r l th bl w < t. Mils n mj h nd , m d ni wondfrtnl cnrwu llo/w ; th i bt w * h A . ; Si l ml . Mo . NoT. color toic M ral hrnltlifiil Intif to fOrrtlfffit tee organtrul fumntii silrtrm , making Kt trpfHtaMe to ( Icnrrnl mobility. r/o * of Appf- HtrrroiilraHnn of t'ital J'owm arM Impotrtirr. MANUFACTURED BY THE DR.HARTER MEDICINE CO. . 213 N , MAIN ST. , ST. LOO ! WHOLESALE MILLINERY & MOTIONS Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER.ISOSS11E { ' U ° MB- > U826t"nB I. OBERPELDER & CO. PERFECTION HEATSHQ1 AND BAKIHG , IB only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For Bnlo byj MILTOM ROGERS & SONIS Jull-m-tnlf Single Breech Loading Shot Bnns , from 85 to 818 , Double Bree oh Loading Shot Buns. $18 from to S75 , Mnzzle Loading Shot Gnns , from SB to 825 , . AT Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Boote , Full Stock of Show Cases Always nn Hand , m ' < i Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store , cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price list and Samples. BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING1 COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad scholarship at the WYMAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. A new institution based on the highest standard of oxcollenco. Day and nd evening sessions are now Iu successful operation. For circulars or special Information apply to or address . A. . I , W7MAN. A. M. OLARK , Painter&PaperHanger SIBNWBITEE&DEOOEATOE. HOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Shades' and Itortains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AK D FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes' . 107 South 14tb Htroot OMAHA. - - . NEBRASKA lena &TIBLSJI uout = nux > Proddent. Vlco Pro ' . W. B. DIIIUIII , Bcc. and Treat. THE NEBRASKA MMUFAOTUEIN& 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFAOTDRERS OF Corn Planters , Hrrrows.Farm Rollera HulUy Hay Ralceu. Cucttot Elevating Wlndmllla , &o We ue preptred la do Job work nil uutantM atlas tor other partloa. Addreebal orlen NEBHA8KA MANnFAOTrjJINO ! 00 Lincoln , Nf _ Genius Rewarded , OH , ifhB Story of tbo Sewing Machine , A tunlfome little furapblct , bine and jal wr * wttb numeroui oujrutuni , will lit GIVEN AWAY m DT ruiill pfrwin ci.llnc ! icr It , | tjy brtuci ar nnb-qiCceof Thi * nen HutuJtctaricgOcni , > iny , or will be MIJI liuM , poul ptld , I ; invpfmm llvtns > dlittico I turn oni eilieei % o Singer Siauiilao'GunDp Do , , P inclpa oo , 34 Onion Sqnave NV.W YORK NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. 7 0. West a Nerve and BraTa Trciiireut- A ipeclflo lor Hjeterla , Dlsilncaa , Convnlaloni , Norvcas UDtJu.bc , Mental Depre alon , Lota d Icadt io mlUry , decay and dnatb. One box trill euro u-cenl uaei. Eaob box conUlnionamontb'i treatment. Occ dolUr a box , or ilx boxes ( ot Hve doll&ri ; 100 ! by null prepMd on receipt ol price. We ( rutranUe tlx boxes to cure Any cue with ecb orJtr received by ui ( or > lx boxoa , c- compftnted with flvo dollar ) , will tend the pur < ihnter our written eUArantee to return the money II tbo trc tmout doci uot eDuct cure. 0. f. Ooodmin , tru2'l t , Sole. Wbolculo nd Kul coO"iih , Neb. * OrJ > t by mail fcl n Ue > WKSTEKJN CORNICE WORKS ! 0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor. 1212 Earnsy St. - Omrha , Neb. MANUFAOTUnenS OF HalTanized Iron , CORNICES. DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Spocht'e Patent Motalio Skylight. Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am thn ( general agent for the nbovo line of goods. niDN FENOINtt. Oreitlngi , Baluttradet , Vor nd iOmc | . nn4' Bank Railings , Window nd Cellar Quardt ; also AHBN ' triritf I loll v til titi > ouurt HopB ow \1 Id iaviyour It ha onved hun- \