Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1882, Image 8

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. . .
Olive SIHMMW m case
Cream hutllcs "
Suiinr Lifters
Pickle Knife mul Fork "
2 Sucnr Spoons
1 Preserve Spoon , *
< * - >
2 Preserve Spoons
1 Bi-rry Spoon ,
Ice Crcsun Knife
PudiliiiK Knife
Pie Knife , engraved
1 , \n \ \ \ finllco Snoonn. cut
I do/en i'Jgg ' bpooiiR , gilt in case
1 dozen Ice Cream Spoons "
1 dozen Nut Picks "
Soup Lmlle "
Oyster Ladle u
Punch Lu < llo u
Snlid Spoon nnd Fork ll
Fish Knife und FoJk , engraved " " ' '
Soup and two Gravy "
Oyster nud two Gravy u
Tee Cream. Sets , plain , in case , 18 Pieces.
ICR Cream Set' * . Gilt , " 15 Pieces.
Flower Vases ,
Sngar Vases ,
Half dozen Tea Desert , or Table Spoons , plain or en
graved , in case
1 dozen Tea , Desert or Table Spooni , plain or engraved
in case.
Pair of Salt Cellars and Spoons , in case.
Pair of. Peppers , in case.
Pair o Napkin Rings , in case.
Mustard Pot.
UeU and Bell Plate , in cases.
Fruit Howls.
Mustard and 2 Poppers , in case.
Card Receivers.
Segur Holders.
Ash Receivers.
Match Boxes , in case.
Traveling Clocks.
Marble and Gilt Clocks.
Bronze Clocks.
Half dozen Pearl Handle Knives , in case.
One dozen Pearl Aandle Knives , iu case.
" We bliircoutinuo our reduction onVHti UUMJ WATU11US and IJIABlUiNUS. Call mid examine OUR STOCK alter looking elsewhern. VVJS WILL JNOT BJJ UNDElfbOLU , Our Motto is , Quick Sales and Small Profits. Head-
quart ers and General Western Agents for Centennial Watches , Illuminated Dial Watches , American Clocks , SethThomas Clocks , Roger & Gorlitun Silverware , Musical Merchandise and Band Instruments.
Sold on monthly payments. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. Sheet Musia Jitti per cent , discount from regular prices. State agents for Saalficld's full size and popular music , 5 centsrper copy. Ten thousand copies just received.
Call and eXaillillC. , , , , mmmnmmmnmitmima , . . mi n-
The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , Oct. . 30.
Chimes of Normandy to-night. .
Criminal business in the dl trict court
\t finished and tha civil cites will be taken
ajp again to-day. I
The Standard club opens its now hall
Wednesday evening.
Hon , J , BUrling Morton , the demo-
cratio candidate for governor , * peaka at
JJoyd's opera house Tuesdty evening.
/ j Bub logcnolluUl lecture at Boyd'u
opera house next month ,
The "Cathedral Bnlh'trs" < f Trinity
olcaiel 3130 50 on Miss 1'o plcton'a loo-
The Harmonic society has roatponod
Its rohenal thin week from Monday even
ing to WedbLsday ,
The executive committee of the re
publican stale central committee will
meet at the Mlllard hotel to-day.
J. 0. Blackman , of Fremonthas been
appointed genual agent of the U , P. car
accountant department , to take effect Oc
tober 28.
The mlntsterhl association is request
ed to meet ut.thc First M. K , chuich to'
The republican county convention
takes p'fcco to morrow at u moon , tl e clem
ocratlo convention cornea off on Tuesda ]
afternoon and the woiklngmon'ii and farm
era' Wednouy ! nttersioon ,
* * Sj A ttieiiluj will be held iWrtvcnlng a
'gjfdtelt'ft ' * the boxrd of. trd - roodi * t
ebnMdcr the Importance of paving 'Tent
l"Irivltatton I
oirtet nt once , A goatr "
extended to nil Interested.
Thfr Hew Opera company came I :
yesterday fiom Kock Island. Aupcoli
car WM required to transport their bag
_ OnNovembrl the Milwaukee con
r > ny will put dinlnicarsontheCounc
lJlu and' the St. Paul lines from Oh
cage , These cars were built to order f
the company , but will be tun under tl
lullman wwiapemtnt ,
A Jopanone wtman who could n
ri speak word ol English , was roblxxl
rico . wck Hhe tr-msfer y <
better % enc6 ? f > . B e was goli
bettera to San Francisco , but Is nc
laflly left ,
The vacancy on the state letatorl
ticket in the Walsh programme , earned
the resignation of John Qulnn , was ( ill
c Saturday evening by tbo nomination
James Appleby , of Elkhorn precinct
Between 4 and 5 o'clock Saturd
morning the residence of Mr. Goo. Barli :
was entered by thieves , who carried iff t
proprietor' * gold watch and otaln , b <
pantaloouB , coat and vest , 310 b casb , 1
i i * OU'H .liver w.tch and other boty. Tl |
entered through the cellar w&dow , whli
was broken.
The handsome new Congregation
chutch at the head of p. Mary'a avcnt
was dedicated yesterWi the atkndani
at the services bete very large. Th
church cost 312,000 , the lota 83,500 , ai
the furnltuie of { Je edifice $1,000
thousand dullai WM ra'sed at the ded
calory nervlcog &td the church freed fro
The lette carriers collect flve times
day- from tb > Varnam and Douglas stre
lxae # , from a ) > out 9 o'clock a , m. to tl
lat collection at 8 p. in. Mail Is collect !
from tb Vneu outside of this dtitrl
twice a the last collection being mai
tttweenl7'.30 p. m. The mall hoi
at the kilj if also opened five time !
day. TVo , pecii collections for caat boui
tralw * . , 4t the 1'axton and Mllla
8 p. in.
TUB . roller to be uscJ In t
paving' of Douglas street , and whl
weighs fifteen tons was taken up about
o'clock yesterday warning to a poiltl
near Cintckshank'a store. It was tun 1
] Uo n engine , and created quite a tent
tion aa It * . _ . j-sroam street. It
about the * Ir of a ! . , -.nne Blj „ „
ii < V looking as a hippopotami .
llobdrt Bollen , the man who btabb
Dug Hums , waived examination at t
police fourt Friday , and In default
$300 btll was bent to jail.
> 'ite Preddent Touralln , r' the O. ]
& Q. , left lor Denver n apeclal train .
Z-yj Balnrur ife will remain .
Colorado cspltol a few days and return I
'ay ' of Omthfi.
A woman Jiving near KIghth at :
Douglw , went io the police Saturde
and claimed that her daughter had bee
juu iUUd by two of tbft Davis glrli tn
so terlouMy beaten that aho needed medi
cal attenJancr , which they wcro utiahlo
to pioouro. She told a harrowing tale ,
and .Tudgii Eoneko gave her an order on
tbo county comml < tionera'for the K3rvlcen
of nibyslclan. At Iho clork' she
shed tears profusjly , and melted the stony
hearts of the clerks there , A doctor was
detailed to attend the wounded girl and n
warrant It-sued for her assailants. The
officer who took tbo latter [ document
found the Davis glrlr , who claimed that it
was nothing more than a bnlr pulling
match all around , and tbo physician found
hat it was not the daughter , but another
woman , lying 111 of a fe\er , that needed
attention. It looked like a ( clear cose of
rickety all around.
The case of the State % c. FllnUvoll ,
Fotm McDonald und John Dawiion , sol-
Ken , indicted for highway robbery , was
given to the jury Friday afternoon , and
at 10j30 Friday they returned a vcrJIit
of guilty , ace impanled with a recommen
dation for mercy.
A team attached to a lumber watjon
ran away about one o'cli ck and the last
seen of them were disappearing down
Ninth street with the front half of the
wagon Uiiating. This was tbo fourth run
away seen by reporter Saturday and there
may have been some that got away.
Fitzpatrlck'a delivery wagon wat
( landing In front of Union block .Satur
diy , wl.on , oppireutly without any causer
the homes slutted iff on the run. The }
do'crlbed a Llrf senI-circle and the wagot
ttruuk tbo pavement on tbo west side ol
the street and wan overturned. While tin
horcoa wore p'tinglng and trying to gel
away they were caught ,
Kdward Dickinson baa been appointed
general superintendent of the Union Pact
fie liao betwe n Cheyenne and O/don , am
also f the Kl It Park City branch ii
Uth , W. B. Pxldiidge , the present dl
sutxiiintenaent of the Utan am
Northern road and the Ogden short line
s appointed ventral tuperlntcndent of th
Jtah and Norjhern and of tbo Oregoi
hort line , which will hereafter bo knowi
as the Idaho divSlon of the Union 1'iclfi
A very pleasant party took place las
Thursday evening at the residence of Mr
[ I. J. Baker , cor. nth and Pierce street
The party wis given It , honor of Mr
Baker's 3ltt birthday , with many of hi
[ riendi present. . Among the proscnto hi
raoelvod- a , handsome $8.1 gold watcl
and chain tram his wife. Dancing , must
and singing wii the pleature of the even
Inc. Mr * Bike ; did not forgot the gueit
and ueryxl them Itb n fiat ) lunch at 1
oMock , > "er whlc-ij danlng continued til
mornltv , when nil Itft fo
ial homo wihlnj Jfr. Baker many more haf
by pyblrndays.
led _ orry Keinan , who took a hand In th
liernarde was no bndl ,
.uaed urjfuff"w"Joh Molllo kernan , th
prlnclpa wir uJnt Is n ° w serving out
er , t nn In lo coVnty J "i was arroate
he * i ( ay
3rf the count ; .
ill hlok team lei
illW / A watqnand WBH
W standing jear the .North Omaha Bower Sa <
ardnyliiv the llnu tied to the wcoel
The horses utartea to Vnck
they could be stopped tbo whole mtfit w <
[ wclpltated into the ciMk1 btJ , BOII
twenty feet lielow. Tbo waguo wa
mashkd and one of the hoiH n atr l. j
; oed deal , = ; s
Mr. and Mrs. Oharl Courtney , V
have ju t returned from their bridal tot
which extended as far east as Chlcar
gave n very charming recep'lon , at thi
toaldenco , corner of 21st and Grace tttet
et on Thursday evening , It was a decided
be rechercee affair and very plo ? * nt to i
Dd wlo had the honor of i > aitlcWns. T
Ddat presents received were verrnumerou B1
de beautiful and were mucU admired by t
dees guests. A Urge numt/ > ' friends call
ia and offered their onfratuUUons and t
ad evening was a def.'Wful one In every n
rd pect. *
_ About'l\vc. > 'er * aU ° a Hat of the de ,
oldlew burjrl ' tue cemeteries near tl
ch city was * > ' " * * 4ed to Washington , In <
cordancj wJt general otdar from t !
war J arUnoat , which WJH designed
on . the grave of each boy
by uo who fiiUfall n a tombstone duly I
' * scribed , Tht stone * vent iu complian
with ths ( o'der have arri\ei , and nial
in- "
nearly * * "c ' .ad. They ate stored temp
ed rally t Trrxi ) J ; Go's. , being still m tl
baud * of thj government. There are al
he a few for allpmeut to California.
A tea attached to a street carli
c me ff > bued at the Tenth street tern
RUB Saturday jy tht escaping steam fie
yard tnjjnei j j ran away down t
biir. They crossed the shop track at a fe
ful gait , jDj , notwithstanding the me
itreooua e'aforU Of the drher could not
tapped uDtii ney reached the comer
Jackson lad Tenth. No serious dam (
don ( iut the consequence * mig
beef , v ry bid had it not b n at t
noon hour , when the street was clear and
no trains moving on the th-ip track.
Dr. Itlchard Barnett , U. S. A. , who
boa been stationed nt the headquarters de
partment of the Platte , oa attending Sur
geon for nlnoty-f our years , was relieved
from that duly and the department , on the
20th Instant , and ordered to Nt > w York to
report tc MnJ'ir ' General Hancock , in com
maud uf the department of the cast , and
the division of the Atlantic. It Is with
general regret the doctor' * lour of duty in
the deportment ban cxpir < d , whore ho was
a great favorite , professionally and social
ly. Few young men in his profession are
to be met with who rAnk with him , and
none in their urbanity in the tick room or
social circle.
The attendance at tbo dlino entertain
ment and sociable of the Union Catholic
Library ansoJatlon Friday was the
largest that has yet attended any of ibo > e
favorite performances. It filled
roome , and was representative of the
friends and members of tae association. A
programme , emulating of nine numbers ,
was rendered to the pronounced satisfac
tion cf the gathering , of whom many
have already made overtures to secure tick
ets in .advance for the succeeding enter-
talnaient. The next Boclal will be held on
Thanksgiving night or thereabout.
County CommlBaloners.
SATOHDAY , October 28. Board mot
pursuant to adjournment.
Present Cjmmisslonera Drexel ,
Corlisa and Knight.
The following resolution wan adopt
ed :
liesolved , That the county treasurer
bo and is hereby directed to draw
from the general fund $000 and apply
the name to the payment of the de
linquent personal tax of Mrs. Ktcff
fur lliu your 1080 for iroxU on road ,
License to sell liquor at Rusor'a
place was granted Henry Rusor for.
the term of six menthe , from October
2 , 1882. H. Sherman and 8. G. Al
ton were appointed judges of ejection ,
and Frank Shipman , and Eli Alton
clerkafor the MalUrdlo prtciuot.
The follhwlnp accounts were allowed
from tha general fund :
L. F.LewIn , witness lee § 0 00
Six leraons , " ' 0 .0
H.Gordon , " " 2000
. " " 4G 00
.1. L Brandon ,
P. J , Qualy , tales juror 4 00
I , . Htewart , " " COO
U. Bu-lie , witness fee 200
" " 4 < 0
J. Murphy ,
11. W. Cuiten , tales jhror 0 00
9 W. Taylor , witness fee C 00
W. Gentlemen , groceries for poor. . 11 8 >
J. Bedford , coal for poor 110 t U
W. AllUon , witness fee A t .SO
11. Dntcher , " " 200
J. Donnelly , jr. , ta'es ' juror 20 00
J , Baumor , witness foe and cash ex
pended , 7M < V >
J. Uanoll , witness fee 17 00
MM. Kteff , wnrk on road 11 21
J. I'ldibr.n . , ta'cs ' ju or 0 00
Geo. Jowett , " " 00 >
W. P. Morrow , tales juror 0 00
D. P. Angell , witness foe 2 CO
tl. J.cobsen , " " 4 00
11. Porlira. " " 2 40
0. Kaumann , " " 8 00
t A. Inrtcll , " " 4 40
M.x Lenz " " 200
Wm. ' " 200
Klynn , . , .
A. . Gates. " 351
L. L wrcnce ,
Mary Barrett , 16 10
H Iika , " 900
E , W. Ullnc , 3 COte
MaryBrecse , " " . . . . . . . . . . 800
George Make , " " 2 0
A.An.lenou . , " " 520
J. U INrroit , " " 200
" " . " " , 4 00
, . .ulth , " " 4 Ol
! l'"V-M4Qwller ' " " . . . . 400
J Ulle * , ii n . . . 2 7)
Win , Brown , ' > Ol
Five pcooiw , tortnBtVifcj ; . . 5 00
II Iftvlor , wtncs. | | C5L . 200
The * . t l wneJ meals fo roro . . . . 4 20
Omaha IUmbllcan ( , ptlutiutno e
i.0. , , . , , , . . . . , . . . . .w ,10500
Ilklne ) Dutch , services * v constaDil 5 JQ
B'llouioh Brovin , o'onlDtc chimney 3 50
Cha . K'ewe , collia fU ( poor . a <
F , Dioxel , ca > h expended , . , . . . , . . . 4 UC
J. Jvcotm , coronerV If0 , . It 75
Ashl el Pattoroon wltuees fee . ( J o l
0. West , wluoj * fee . | 00
L. Thoruafl , work on road. j so
W. IVier , " " GO 0
\V , J.hason , " " 10001
L. ShMey. " 87 fO
to .1. D Oroiik , " " 22 fO
H.Ciimdereon , " " . . . , , , . . . .3510
BU1IH1K H1N1) .
Deo. W. KnUht , work on bridge , . . CO 50
1' , Hllcr , waronhrldgt . . . . . . . . . . 41 09
J. A. Wukefitld. lumber , , , 48 00
1) . 0. Kerr. ke f ipli a * 5 25
Allen Hesf , wnrk ou brldgei , . . . . , . 11 8) )
I' * Caasidy , work on road. , . . , , . . . . 12 00
UinKUAL rVHI ) .
A. Allen , witnei < fee , , . . . 'i 00
Hlx person" , coran r' > > ] urors , . ) ( . . , 0 00
.1. . IU Conkllng , extra lervcei. . . . . . 10 00
John Hunt ) , caoh upended , . , . . . , , . 33 0
Ad ) uined to the 30th hut.
JOHN BAUUER. Count ? Clerk.
I'PATT-October 28 , at 10:31 : r. m. , Sarah
J. Pratt , wife of John Pratt , aged 62
Funeral to-morrow at 2 p , in. , at Twen
ty. fir t and Harr. y etreets.
Iho Union Pacifies Score Another
Victory ou tnu Diamond.
The game of ba o bill on Saturday
batweon th P ioii Paciucs and the
13. & M. nint roaultod in a victory for
the former by a score of 16 to 7.
The B. & M.'s were strengthened
by the addition of a potttou of tne
Lcadvillo nine , but all to no purpose.
L'ho following score tolls the story :
Hcom : nr INNIKOH.
Union Pacifies 1 2452003 2-16
B. & M 0 32000002 7
Double plays-lmio , Pbelan and Cos
by ; Whitney and Holland.
Earned run -U. P , 3.
Two hose hlts-Lavln 2 , Whitney 2 ,
Bandle 1.
Thrcn bftao hitH-Klli' ! 1. L. Fnnkhous-
er , Tr.fflay , Holland.
Struck out-U. P. , 4 ; B. & M. , 7.
Pas > ed balh-Smltb 1 , Knodell 2 , Bnn-
dlo 3.
Time of game 2 boars and 30 minutes
Umpire-Brands of B. & M.
Iron Mouider'o Uuion.
The eleventh annual ball of the Iron
Mouldtrs1 Union , Na. 100 , of this
city , will bo given at the nowStandira
hall , on Fourteenth street , between
Douglas and Djdgo , on Thankagivin
eve , November UOch. The following
are the com raittoee :
Master of Coromonioa Robert
Committo of Arrangements jAmes
J. Burr , Thomas Bolan , Robert Kuiti-
er , P. .Carroll , George Janes.
Rflcoption Committee George
Jones , M. lleilly , 8. Haws , J. Coonoy ,
W. Craron.
Door Committee W. White , M.
Garrigan , T. Gahan , H. Morton.
Floor Committee James J. Burr ,
W F. Benedict , P. Carroll , D. Ken
Committee of Introduction T. Bean -
an , T. Barry , J. Hammou , J. Wil
The Steady Growth , of that Denomin
ation In tbo State.
The Baptist state convention closed
ita labors a Lincoln last Saturday.
The following oflicoio were elected
for the ensuing year :
President , Rev. J. M. Taggarr , of
First vice president , llov. J5 * 0.
lluch , of Gibbon ; second vice presi
dent , Rev. J. W. Harris , of Omaha.
Corresponding secretary , Rsv. S.
H D. Vaughn , of Lincoln.
RecordsiiK secretary , Rev. 0. n ,
Iloldon , of Tekamah.
Treasurer , S. M. Benedict , of Lin
Board of managers , Rev. I. D.
Newell , Rev. N. Hayland , I. E
Smith , M D. , S.T Divis.Rev. J. W
Osborne , Wm. Saxton , Rv. B.
Bedell , Rev. 0. T. OhalFeo , Rav E.
Uapgooa , Rav. J. B. Ingham , Rev.
J. J. Jtreler , Rtv. J. Llonelling ,
Rav. H. Mize , Rev. M. Nonlo. Rov.
A. A. Ruasell , Rev G. W. Rood ,
Rev. J 0. Road , Rav. J. 0. Lewis ,
Rev. B. ' F. Lawler , RJV. A. W.
\V bb.
Trustee * , Banford Williams , ETon.
A. G Hustinq ; trustee in place of
W. B Smith , J. H. S owart
Board uf inauagoro of the Nvbraskq
Baptist somiuary , 0. 0 E Tulow , A. D.
George , Win. Stxton , RDV. B. Bedell ,
Judge D. A. Wbitcomb
Tnu lollawlng is a brief abstract of
the report of the board by the curro-
responding secretary , Rev. J. K.
R ckwoud :
None of the members of the boarder
or of these engaged in ministerial
vurk have died within the year. Very
lurr deatbn have occurred among the
members of the church. Special men <
tlou wua mido of the cruel aaeaaeinu-
tion of 0 1. WaUon B. Smith , the
former treasure , of the board. Among
those who have died during the year ,
were Revs. J. 0. U. Hood , F. M ,
Williams , F , Pierce , J , McLean and
Piot. W. \ > . Wise.
T wont ) fcur appointments have been
made during the year. There are re <
ported 1 027 weeks' labor ; 2,818 ser
iiu/ns ; 1,2.11 prayer meeting ! ; 4)84 ! ro-
Ihjiiaw visit * ; average Sabbath eohoo ]
attendance , 70 ; churches receiving aid ,
40 ; out Mations occupied , 62 Re.
sultiug froiw thja labor ; 83 baptisms !
173 other additions ; u a mFmberahip
of theeo churches , 1,309 ; 4a , , , )
sohoola of which 11 are now school ? ;
pupils enrolled , S C94 ; teachers , 250 ]
school otparscs , $561.10 ; II M. col-
leotinns , $ ! ' ) 00 ; foreign mission col-
1 otions , f 29 07 ; value of churches
property , ? 3JOt)0 ( ) , of which $12,000
has been subscribed during thu year ;
debt upon this property , $3,500
An excellent report on mission
work was given by Rev. W , R , Con-
nully , general missionary of the denomination - (
nomination fur thu atutu. Ilo used u |
largo map of the state , with little
painted slips of piper pinned over thu
places where iu their rtmptctivo coun-
tits churches uro organized and meet-
iiig houots are erected. Among
other important facts ho notrd that
the convention has raised during thu
v ar ( Nov. 1 , 1881 , to Nov. 1 , 1882 )
$2,300. Six chuich edifices rm\u
bfon built , nt an expense io the
chnrohes of $8.000 , and to cha church
edifice benevolent fund of $1,800.
Matry lota have been pro
cured and not a few of
these will soon be broken for build-
ings. The church at Omaha has
raised $2,300 toward completing their
housd and are now worshipping in HB
upper room. There are now iu the
jtato 150 Baptist church societies , 48
meeting-houses finished and 16 in
process of building , and , better to say ,
those now being finished ore , an a
rule , dedicated free of debt. If thn
churches raise as much money next
year as thif , fifteen moro missionaries
can be put in the field. Thu first
Baptist Danish church was organized
'his month 'n Kur.rapy county. The
Baptist chutch in Hastings now owes
only $15
152 City Lnta will Boll in Oakland ,
Neb. , next Wednesday , at auction , me
Mr. and Mrs. Connell Furay Move
From Ohio to Nebraska.
Among the thousands who annually
oorno to Nebraska to settle for life ,
few como moro justly claim the title
of old settler than Mr. Conntll Fury ,
the father of Major J. B. Furay ,
special agent of the postofQco depart
ment. Mr. Furcy , 8r. , is in
his 79th year and his wife
has passed the age of three
score and ten , allotted to
humanity. They are from the
Buckeye state , and , as the old gentle
man puts it , have como out to this
country "to sojourn awhile before
they go abovo. " They have another
son out in the wont , William F. Furay ,
who loft yesterday to take a position
in the employ of the Union Pacific at
Ojdon , and a daughter , Mrs. St
Clair , wife of the Union Pacific agent
at Ogden.
150 City Lots will be sold at auction
next Wednesday. Half cash balance
on 12 months credit. mo
Elkhorn precinct William R. Tur
ner , Mr. Giinon and D. S. Parmaleo.
Assessor George Shonk.
Constable 0. Whitney.
Valley precinct Corliss , Harrison
and Co pp.
Ji If-rson pro'inct H. Timmc , John
Rohwuder and Clems Oft.
Saratoga precinct Redman , Elton
D > uglas precinct Q lealoy , Hoard.
West Omaha-I. N. Pierce , J. H.
Taylor , J , A. McOluro.
The dornocr'ntuhuld their primaries
Saturday ovcmbgptho result being as
follows :
First ward Pat Destuond , 0. Kauf-
mann , Thus. Casey , And. Frick , D
Second ward John Mahoney , Ja-
cub Hauck , T , J , Fitzmorris , Julius
Treitecliktf , Bryan Farroll.
F > r oajoeaor Jerry Mahoney.
Fur constable Hans Tiinm ,
Third ward Gust-avoBanecko , Pat
rick Ford , Homy Hornborger , John
O'Connell , Thud. Ryan ,
For constable J , J. Noligh , Thos.
Fourth ward-0. S. Goodrich , Peer -
\er Gees , Jerome Pentzel , William
Bennett , Charles R Redick.
Fur assessor W. J. Mount.
Sixth ward D , D , Hoxio , Georga
W. Shield ) , Jiinsa Powell , Daniel
Ojnumuor , JAndrew Smith.
Omaba Hluli Flyers.
Blvir IMot
A cjuplo of "high flyera" from
Omaha , named Charles Duk6 and
"Do" Gibson , c me up yesterday
with a livery lig , and the horses , when
thty arrived , wore nearly driven off
their lega. They were drunk , of
course , und making themselves free
and tasy ahont town. They tried to
foica an cmtranca into a private house ,
and ruduly assaulted a little girl ai the
who tried to shut them out. Police-
i n "Fowler raiHhern into the cooler
to sober up. _ Charles Duke is the fast
boy , who , it vill bo remembered ,
some two years ago , ran away from
Omaha with one nf the school teachers
of that place. They wore arraigned
this moruiui ; before Acting Police
Judge Eller , ou the charge of "drunk
and disorderly , " and were each fined
910 and costo.
Tbo New Hondquartora of ilia Weat-
01 n Union Company.
Tha Wuotern Union Tolroroph com-
ptny yesterday oponeil up for busi
ness in its now offijo , in the fourth <
atorf of the Omahi National bank.
Hero they have one of the finest and
most complete offices in the union ,
the operating room being thirty-four
feet wide and sixty long , and con
taining thirteen tables , one quadru
ple * , six duplex eots and forty single
matiumonta. There are iorty eight
wiroa in all entering the room through
a tower. .
At the northwest corner is located
the battery room , containing 3,000
cells this is claimed to bo thu finest
battery room in America. Col. J. J.
Dickey , i > eneral western superintend
ent of thu Western Union company ,
has two offices in thu northeast corner
of this story. The bunitiess office in
which Manager Rhcern presides , is
located in the basement , { southeast
The room waa lighted up last night
for thu first time and presented a very
hrilitoiit und attractive appearance to
belated pedestrians.
n , G. Clark went went yesterday.
Mrs. O. N. Kamsey left for the cast
Miss Cirrle Benton , a sister of Mrs.
Gen. Co win , left for her homo in tha east
Charlie Eoiick returned from Wahoo
U. 8. Marshal Schnltzer , of Wyoming ,
went east yesterday ,
Col. Matt Fatriok came In from Bock
Creek yesterday. "
Hon. M. C. Keith , of North Platte , is
io the city.
W. A. Eberly , of North Auburn , regis
tered at thu Metropolitan ) eaterday.
J. M. Chadwick , of Cheyenne , is at the
W. H. Straub , of Salt Lake City , is at
the Faxtcn.
H. MIchener , of Sioux City , IH a gueet
of the Puxton.
Hon. D. G , Hull , of Lincoln , Is In the
Tom Orr , Private secretary of General
Mauager Kimball , ol the Union Pacific ,
returned from the east yesterday with his
bride , and are now guests of the Mil-
Wm , Stadelmnn , of Oileans. Neb. , call
ed at THK BEK office yesterday.
Hon. H , C. Leet , of Lincoln , jury com-
ral doner of the United States court , is in
the Lity.
D. 0 , 1 ! rooks and wife came In from the
west ycftterday.
B. Beer and W. H. Irwin , of North
Platte , are registered at the Canfield.
U. A. Cray , of Lincoln , la at the Can-
W. II , Tuo'ver , of Norte Platte , Ii o
L'ttiitiolJ IIOUHO guest ,
S. T. Learning , of Dccatur , U at the
Can field Also Mr. A , L. Mnniuett , uf
thn same place.
C. II. Sinclair , uf the U. S. const and
boodetlc fciiney , is at the Mlllard.
ifnn. V * J. Weaver , tbo coming con-
'rom thin dbtrict ! s nt the Mil-
lion. M. K. Grlggs , of Iho state of
"Beatrice , fi-U , 8. coniul at Chemnitz , ia
& gncat of the Mlllard.
' 1 he Hess Opera company arrived yet-
terday and is rt lstered at the Canfield
and Millurd hotela.
Hon. John A. McShanu went south ou
the Omaha tc llepublican Valley train yei-
Prof. Saul Aughey returned horau yes
Charles Saunders went down to Lincoln
U , B Senator lUmsey win ou a west
bound passenger yesterday , returning to
bit duties on the Utah commission.
Hon. John I. Itedlck , democratic can-
diJate for congm * , came in from Wahoo
yesterday , where a meeting was held Hat-
Geu. Thos. II. Van Bureu , United States
couiul-general to Jcpau , accomjianied by
his family , went east yesterday , en route
to Washington.
Win , Lent , a prominent San Francisco
capitalist , was au oast-bound posaengtr
yesterday. His family was with him.
Mart Kennedy returned yeU5id y * from
LatT'Angeloi , where he bos spent Mteral
ioutbi'iu the pursuit of health ? He has
grown a full beard during his absence end
U quito chaugod in appearance as well as
belutf much improved tjhysically. Ho b
warmly welcomed back ,
H. H. Ohllherg , of Wahoo ; H. W.
Nieman , of Schujlor ; B. Beer , of North
Platte ; S. N > Dunning , cf Lena ; Jamoa
Saawick , of Wittrr ; Albert S. Cole , of
Nebraska and W. H , Irivin and James M. "
Horrif , of1 Arnold , were among the Nc- '
braska people nho er j iycd the hosplUlity
of the Paxton yesteid ty.
Remember the auction sale of Lota
in Oakland ,
Dolan & Lingtrorthy , No. 110
South Fourteenth street , take this
method of informing the publ'o that
they have added to their stock a full
and complete line of Shelf and Build-
era * Hardware , and now invite con
sumers to give them a call. To Build-
ore , C intruders , Citizens of Omaha
and Farmers of the surrounding coun
try , they say their prices are made to
compete with any other house in this
And now that they are ready to
serve you , plcaso favor them with a
call , cct28am&r
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marve. o
purity , strength and wliolesomonoBu
More economical than the ordinary kinds ,
and cannot be sold in competition with tha
multitude of low test , short weight , alum
or phosphate powders. Sold only In CAD
Wall St. . Nrt -
Wednesday Evening , Nov. lat.
Workingmen's and Farmers
Ratification Bally ,
Speeches by Otpt. J. H. Stickell ,
Gen. Jos. Hollmnn and Col. W. H.
Ashley. '
Admission , - - - Free.
Are acknowledged to bo the
best by all who have put them
to a practical test ,