Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    IIAH.Y Til i UUXiMMiJtl 8L
Vf. .
j'noM etjratfca National Batfe
Of Omaha , Nob.
Paid up Capital , - - - - $200,000
6. n. JOUXSOS , President , of S ! lo > , Johnson &
A. K. TomUX , Vice Prcsl.lont , of 0. , D. & Q.
R. K , , Boston.
A' . V. JtpnSE , of W. V. MorseS Co.
OUN H.'COLUS3. of 0 , II. & J. 8. Collins.
M. WOUUVORTH , Cocnccllor ft Attorney-at-
t. B. Byron Kccd & Co.
it. W. YATKS , Cashier , Ute Cashier of the Mrst
Vattonal Dank of main , and connected with
thfl active rainasemcnt of tlmt Rank flnco I a
organlBitlon In 1863.
OrrMio ( ot biiilniB * April 27 , IBS ? , Kith the
larpo t cap'.Ul ol any bunk In Ntbr si .
Oou-wnosa nveitoapccUl Attention and char-
irw laws t obt.lnab'o hire or elsewhere.
IJITRRIST a ° lo rfI en time deposits upon favor-
blo ternu and dpon axouLts ot banksntul bMlk-
BtS ,
FOIUUOM ExruiNni , Government Ifcmds.'ivnd
Coatty and Ci yot.tir.tlog b uuht ai.d e ild.
It la' repareil t d > a general KinklnR business
la all Its dcullj , iru. In tl o tri fttu.cnti I cutorn -
era will puratu the most liberal policy consUtcnt
with i-Jo banking
Spcciftl JUpitch to TUB HBR.
NRW Yomc , Octoler 28.
MoneyU@l per cent.
Trlmc Mtrcuntllo Popcr C@8 percent.
Sterling Exchange Steadj ; lUukorb' '
bUU , 61.812demand , i.fcB ? .
Govcriiuienta irreu'nr ; ' ,
Share spcculatiou opeucd Irregular , with
prices ia the inuin J@t per cent , below
closing piL-ea of yesterday. Just before
U.ocUuo [ irhcs recovcicil n Iraction , lu
c oscd ycuoraUy weak with pticoi abowkg
a dccliao on tb ) dny'fl Lujinesj at Ifellc.
Ycstordiv. To-dy.
3-8 . lOai 102j
it's . 1UH 102
4l'a Conpona . lUi
4a ? . V. . HI'S
Vacifio G's of 1895 . WtB 120
Adams Exprew . 13S J3S
Allegheny Central . 15
Alton & 1'crra U&uto . ' 10 44
do pfd. . . . 8ii 82
American Express . ' 91 91i
Uurl. , Codur HApids & North. 10 80
C.uiivU Southern . 7 < t 70
Col. , Cm. & liid Central. . . . Itilfc 109J
Central 1'j illj . i'JA ' 0j
< JbCBiHei.i.a it Ohio . ' > \
do 1st pfd. . . a ?
d. ) id ! pld. . . SOi
Chicago & Alton . Mlj J4t
do pfd . US 143
Chi. , Burl. & Qumcy . IH2 * 151J !
Chi. , Bt b. & .New orleaus. . 7U
Ciu. , Siud S Cleveland . 6fi
Oleva , , ( 'ol. & Ciuciunati. . . . 8t
DeUw.uo & Huiteoii caual. . . . IKSJ ;
Del. , L ick. it . Western . 3J 1
Denver & Kio Graudo . 5 14 C02
Erie . 41. ? 4UJ
do pfd . 8u > 8aj
East 'i'enue-Mja . 1H fc
ij.i pretetrod . llby
Tort Wuyno & Chicago . 137 137
Hnnnibulii cit. Joooph . 45 45
do pfd. . . 81 $ 81
Harlem . 200 200
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 81
Illinois Central . 147& 1463
Ind. , Bloom. & Western . 4U 40J
Kansas & Texua . 35 ? 35
lake Erie & Western . 314
loko Shore & Michigan So. . .1164 UK
Louisville It Naohville . MJ . . ;
LouUv. , New Alb. & .Chicago CU
Marietta & . Cincinnati 1st pfd 16) ) ,
irdo - do < "d pfdt 5
Mouiphis& Charleston . 62J-
Michiriun Central . 103
MinueatKjlia tt St. Luuls . aij
do pfd. 7JZ
Missouri Pacific . 1 < JU 105J
Mobile d Ohio . 121
Mimhutum Beach . 121
Mo 1 1 id & t Mjx . 50 J , . , ,
Naahvillu 4c Crmttanooga . 7
New Jertey Central . 57 57j
NorfolliVentjrn .
di > preferred .
Northern I'uoitic . 4GJ 4 ;
do pfd . 03i O.'j
Northwestern . 1 1 > J 1 H
do pfd . 103.1 lO.'i
New Yurk Ce-itral . 134 j U3l
Ohio Central . 17
Ohio & MUsUbippi . b7 'M
do pfd . < Ji ) JJ
Ontario & Western . 1U7
Pacific Mail . 39
Panama . 167 *
Peoriii , Uecaturi ; Evausv .tliy 12U
Plttiburg K Cleveland . 139 131) )
BeaiUtiB . 10lS
Hook Inland . 132 ] 131
Bt. l.ouia & Sun Fran . ,38 37
do pfd. . . . 5 3
do Idt ptd 08
St. Pitula : Milwaukfeo . 10 li'jj
do pfd. . . . 1 27 lVn !
Ht. Paul , Minu. A Manitoba 152J 161
St. Paul & Uuiaha . 4'JA 4 ,
do pfd. . 10J6 107i
Toms & I'acifia . 4v ) -i.
Union I'acitic . lOig 17C |
Unitud tJiattiH Exprita . 1C
Waba.h , St. L. & Pucifio. . . . I 82
do pfd. 58J Oil
Wells , Fnrgo& Co. Expiens.129
" \Yustorn Union Tuleijraph , . . till 87
Caribou . I
Central Arizona . . . . . . . . .
utuUe . . . 17j.
Little Putnburi ; . 1
Onwriu . 3
Quicksilver . 8
do pfd . 41
IfobinEim . )
SllverCliff . J
South Pdcltic . IS
Standard . O
Sutro .
Offered. fKx. Intoreat. J.V Ued.
Dividend ,
Special K tt ntJU to Tim Dm.
OlIIOAOi. it.lwr VM. WJlJal f r Octobers
r ; UJJ@'J33o for tbuyeni ] j6j
for Jfcuu .r ; 1 Ul.i . .ir Aluy ; No. 2 Chlcajj
eprin9 { , ' < ' .l gi for ; nut
rgultr ;
cas'i '
yeir ;
Corn -Uu i'.tled and geimlly hi ho
C8 tiC84 f ir ca > h ; CSJo for Outuber ; 1 7 |
07 ? : u lur NuVi ruber ; 0' $ lilju for tl e > u *
BJj ! for ilauuury , 0. 2@5u'3 fur lluy ; r
jected , G7o.
OaU-Q Jiutj Sijo for ; 3JJo for O
tulwr ; MJ lur i\uve tb r ; $ 'Ai for tl
yca > ; 3-'g for AUj rj ct < , 3io.
Kyi iJti i un I In * er ; [ > 7a ,
11 rloy-Uall ; 82 .
1'Ux d.J I < i wet ; 1 20l 21.
Tin-Jihy Dull ; uriine , lOS l 70 ; cot
m u to no id , I 60o ( | i 75
P.rk Liwei ; 2iOO@225 for cv >
22 00 for Ootoiier : 1U 5@i'J 80 lor N
v uiber ; 18 70fel8 7 . fur the ytur : 18 80
18824 fir J-uu rj ; 1UCO for iWuar
1 J 05 fur May.
Ijiri Lower : 11 li@ll 65 for cath ai
. Ootolicr ; H40aiU4-4 for Novembi
11121@11 15 lor the > ear and Jauuai
11121 for Kebnurj ; H2.i@U'J5 i
Butter -Enlcr hut not eiuotably lowi
Kgga Firmer ; 25s.
Whi < ky jjted > ; 1 19.
IJuU Meats lu fir demand ; abe
der , 10 00(212 ( CO ; short rib , 1425 ; * hort
c'tar , 150 > l.
NEW VORE. Oc ober 2iFlonr ( julel ;
Super stale wo.tfin , 8 2" > @ 4 00 ; chm e tu
K'HKi ixtrn , 4 00 < g4 6 ' ; gcoil n hn < vt 4 GO
© 751) ; whltcw t-t-rn extrA , C25S75"-x- (
tr ; Ohio , 4 00(5,7 ( 00 : St. Lamlc , 4 00 ( < S7 50 ;
Minnesota , G 75@8 50.
Whoftt nxhliiiajo lower ; op'Inn ' 4@
3 J lower , clofinp wrak ; .No. -print ; , n .tu
rn ! ; Nu. 3 npii p , PCif } UDKrtietl ted ,
& " ' 10teivrnor NY. 3 , ; No. S rn > ,
I OIJ@l 01J ; tamcp No 2 red , 1 05@1 06 ;
No 2 red. 1 03@1 08 } .
C > rn AWlo tr. tii ; r and lilgher ; tin-
waded , NS@833 : No 2 , 81@Slic.
O ta In < - Bctlv > ; tntxoJ western , S. > @
43.-5 white. 41@18c.
Kg/ Western , froth , quiet and firm at
23(0)2 ( ) % .
I'orkUrong ; new mess , 23 125(512.1 05.
I.ntd StioiiK ! prime ttoutu , 12 & @
H'i'tcrDemand fair Mid market fiim at
ST. Locis , October 28. Flour -Un-
Who , t Low. r and slow ; No , 2 ml , U J
@ ' 12o for uvsli ; OJJo for November ; Ol\c \
fir lt ) c mi rOIJii | for trm you ; OOJn f-ir
, f ntlATj ; U2-JJ for May ; No. 3 led , oGJ ®
7N.I ; 4 red , 8lc h.
Co n Unsettle 1 nnd litfr'-T , exc pt fern
n > h , which a loncrj OljgC" ( > o foi c < h ;
G1@G Ji > for Nuvouiti-r ; 61j)5IJc ) lur the
v.-nr ; 4 ( . > i49Jc ; for January ; Clio for
O > ts L wrr ; 32a for cauli ; 3So for Octo.
l-crJio ; ! fur N'Vtinber ; 31 ! . 5 jr the year ;
? i for iMnv.
-olnw ut B'lftfGs bid.
pj Uncbniitjcd.
1'iit.ter I'irui ; creamery , S7@10o ; dairy ,
27(3 ( 33o.
ErfUflprntlOJc. .
Wbisky-QiidHtl 18.
Vurk PiuvMnnH v ry Bcnrco and slow ;
only nt.rj saiull job tr.idc.
KANSAS Cm. Otolvr : 28 Wlioat-
Miirl.n ijiiiet and w-il : No 2 rpd , 79o f' ' > r
ca-h ; "Sin tor NiixemHor ; 7SJo iiiil fur De
cember ; 77Ju bid for the ytur ; 8Jj bid for
Corn Market dull ! B3c bid for cash ;
4iic * i'l for Novamnoi ; 41gj for thoyenr ;
40J i biJ for Jnuunrv.
OniH-Qalet at 2Sio for cash ; 2SJo bid
for November.
I'KOIUA , October 28. Corn Steady ;
hiyh IUIXK ! , GSKaOi " ; ; mlsi-d , (5 l@G8c ,
O i b Qu et ; No. 2 white , 3 < ! ( m3tJo.
LrvxuroOL. Octjber 28. Breadstuffa
Wheat Winter , 8s 2J@8a UJ ; epring ,
8 4 i@8 < 7d.
TOLKDO , October 28 Wheat Steady ;
No 2 nd. c. sh 9Sc ; Ootober , 97 J : ,
Corn-Qiiet ; hiKh ndxod , 72ic ; No. 2
ca > h , 71. ? : Octtilrr , 71c bid
Oatb-Qaitt ; No. 2cJ8h , 35i3 ; October ,
3 Jo ,
NEW OKLEANH , Otolier 28. Corn
Hiflier. m xa I , uidihce , ( J2o.
O ita lu f irdtui.nul , but ut lower rate ;
48. : .
I'orn M enl -Dull and lower and quoted
atntifS)37r. ( ) .
P. nk JMnrkoL dull and Uwer ; ino-s ,
Ijvd Eifier : roBnod tierce , 12 7 @
12 8GJ ; kp . 13 25
Iiu k McnU ( Julet.
Whisky Steuuy nnd unchanged ,
MlLWAUKKn Ojlober28 Wh'at TUnr-
kst Bteuoy : N . 2 , Uuid , 1 00 ; No. 2 , 9Sa ;
for Ocioher , i(3j ( ; for November , ! )3ic ) ; for
DJcomber'9 go ; No 3. 79Jj.
Corn Quiei ; No. 2 , nominal at C7i@
G7j ( ; r. jocieil , G7c.
u ti Weaker and lower ; No , 2 , liljc ;
hiti3Gc. .
live Weaker at .ISJc.
Hurley Du 1 Hnd lu-ver at 74J.
CocJiOlL 15LDKKO. Ootubnr 27. The
Council Bluff- ) markets carefully revised
to date are as follows :
Flour GbHeuSbeaf..300 ; Katmsa City
winter wheat , 176@3 ! 25Mlunojota wintez
who it , 3 00@4 00.
Wheat iNo. 2 , 75o ; No 8. C5c ; rejected ,
Corn No. 2 , 50o.
O t. , Nn.2 , 30o.
Ilyo No. 2 , 45c.
Egga Scarce ; selling to packers nt 20o
Corn Bloal 1 GO for white ; yellow , 1 GO ;
corn ch p , 23 00 per ton ; corn * nnd oat ;
chop , 2' ! 00 per ton.
FRUITS Apples , 2 00.
Broom Corn 3J9c.
Hay LOOHO , 7 U0@9 00.
Wood 5 UOiSti 00.
Wool 15@25.
Butter Creamery , SOe ; iu rolU , v/rap.
oetl , 20c ; rolls not wrappnd , 22s ; mixed
color > , 10@12Jo.
Onions 40o per bushel.
lave Chickens 2 H0@3 00 per dozen.
Potatoes SOc p < ? r tiU-.hel.
Cnbbago 2. > @ 10o per doz.
Turnips 30j iier buahol
Sweet Corn 7c per dozen.
LIVE STO K. Cattle -Extra , 800@
3 50 Veal Culves5 50@ < * 00. Uop -
700@725. Sheeo-360.
Special Dlapatcbea to Tin linn.
CniOAOO , October 28Tho Drovers
Journal rt-n-irts a followj ;
IIogB Very lively. 15) higher ; mixed ,
G20oG 0 ; heavy , 7 1 08 115 ; light , 0 1C
( a 15 ; i-ki | > ' , 40UaG lJ
Cittle Deuiorali/rd. and no pcod cat.
tlti here ; need to chn ca i-liM ! | Infi 15
000 ; couvnon ti fnir , 4 KlgJ'Ji ; ini el
tutcbcri' , 2 .Tifff-t li ; Ht ckera un < \ Mil
-rs dill ut 2 Dial 10 ; ruie , 10@fi | <
Iniver ; Texan' , 3 50 4 40 ; American 2 ;
( 540.
Sheep Sl > w and hteady ; common t <
fiir , 2 TO&S 35 ; Wyondng ratige , avetuK
ing 102 mini * . 3 10 ; good io cholcj-anut
toua,4 10 ® 1 ( ! 0 , ji
BT , JODIH. jf
ST. LOUIH , October 28 , Cattle Sup
ply email ; u-uni Satur.Uy dullue'feH | ne
vnllrd , only a IncU trudu done at 3 0 Q
S 40 far mixtd lots ; Imtrlierb1 ttock ; gooi
C'lWJ ' and hr-if ri , ; iriOa40l ; good ti
choice graa < Tuxaur , 4 50 J 4 30 ; good fa1
, hipping utters would sell wall hero : o > n
tinumu dornaud f r lte ! luilaMe fo
tlauijliterinx and thlpint-nt ns dioiitnl.
HogsSoarcn nnd orv little d iii ; Ilth
chlppljg , C 2J@Of > 0 ; ninlilng , C OJfeC 30
it'jheru to cxtw , 7 00 7 fX ) .
KAHHAH CITV , October 28. The Liv
i' > crf ludicatur lepo ts :
! O ttln Supply light and only n loss
" ° tijilo clone at provinua iiiotutloDu | ,
" lli s An ue end liljlitr ; wlxod picV
- ' inir , 0 OfeOUOjgu.d . < > clmi.
0 C0@7 00 ; 1 gut , fi filifsC 20 ,
SpscUl Plijtches to Till I'.KU.
I'LOUlt AND aUAlt.'a.
CHICAGO , October 18 Keceipts au
bhlnmeutB of flour and grain for the pai
24 huun have been as fallows ;
Ki-celi ts. Bhip't
Jlou'-Mk-V 25000 120 *
( , . Wheat bushels 127010 40X (
o- Cora- ' 227,000 310 (
oy 121,000 10il,0 (
y ; " J800) OCX
- V5.000 48,01
id NEW YoiiK , October
idr 28-KcceIpta at
r ; shipment * of flour and grain for the pa
y ; 24 iiourj have been na follows :
or . . . KecelpU Shp'l
Flour bblii
ir. Wnoat btuhcls 391,100 23" 5' '
Corn- " i'3,00 2',0
0te- 24,050 .
KANBAJB OITV , October 23. I { oelti
nnd nhipmeiit * of craln fnr the pn t 21
hours hn e boon as follotvn :
llco'U , Shhi't * .
Wheat , bushels . SO.OOp ir.,000
Corn " . f.,000 4OvO
ClIICAOO , Octbor 28. KeccIpU nnd
rhipmenU of live otock for the pwt 2J
hours h.ive been M folio nut
Keo'ts. Shlpm'ts ,
HORH . * . 4,000 .
Cattle . 4rCO .
Sheep . 200 . . . . .
ST. Loin * , October 23. Ilecolpt * nvd
h'pmentu ' < > f live utock fet the pact 21
hour * have been as follow * ;
Keo'ts. Hhlpm'is
Outle . 600 4U )
jjbuep . . . . . . . .
KANSAS CITV , October 28. Uccolpi *
nnd HhlpinpnU of live ntock for the pa t 21
hour * hare been ni follow * :
Koo'ts. Shlpm'ta.
Hogs . 1,300
Cuttle . 400
Sheep. . . . . . . . .
\Vholcm\lo Prior *
Ort'iur. or TUB OMAHA Bur , )
Satunlr.y Kvcuinn. October 28 J
The wholcsalo trade of the cl'y ' h re-
poitol ns Improved conridcrnbly hinco our
lust review , the wcnlher liclngpleaAnntnnd
modointuly c ild coii'p ircd with InM , week.
Co-1 ohow < more activity than foranmo
tlii.o past ; aUn Inrdivnre , 8to\o < nnd tjn-
nera Block * . Dry Rimdj , clothltifc' , IntH
aud C < IH , boots nnd iho3nud nilllluery
good's ' wtre In fair request at nnchniiHed
price ? , nnd the grocery inrukct coniinues
to alio f lit uiovomont nt quotation ) * .
The wholenlo produce Wi-lnem waanctlvo
throtuhuut the week. Green fruitn were
I'Liicrilly firm , peaches nnd grnpeR show-
IIIR light receipts. Winter npplca are
arriving fre ly ; demiml fair ; soiling In
cir lo'fl on track nt $2 7o@3 per I nrrcl ; In
amiinlt w y from tttorta nt 33 325 , I'o-
tntoes nro in good supply nud Helling In
car lot < on track at SO@IOj per lutOiol , ante
to variety and qtultty. The aupply of
cnlons It liberal and but llttlu
holdern are usking 3 © 10j per bushi-1 op
track , Celery Is plenty and nailing ut 3ri
@ 40a per dcz-u , Turnlpa nro iu largo
supply , demand light and Helling at 25j
per bu-hel. Cabbages are in heavy sup
ply aud sell'ng quite freely nt $34 per
bhd. Sweet potatoes are in Ilmitvd sup
ply , demand good and selling nt 3@Hij
per pound. Chestnuts nre arriving freely ;
deiiuind ciil 7 moderate and selling at $7 ®
8 per bushel , LamoLB ara ( u good supply
and slow enlo at S1@H per box. Culti
vated cranberries nro ia light supply nnd
.selling nt $ itU : per barrel. Bmnnntis
nre iu fai * supply mi j Blow nal" nt ? 1 50@
3 per buush. Cuhr is in limit d supply
nnd st-1 ing at $3 pr b ricl. The luincu-
niaat te.iaon has opened with n good mi-
ply aud telling at 8J ( 9 j. Butter is in fair
supply nud choice lots meet with ready
falo it2C@2rc. K ( H are HC.IICO nnd iu
deinaud at 27c. Cut meats of all kinds
are scare ? nnd firm at quo ntionR. Mour
in rather quiet at unchanged prices. Bran
aad chopped , feed are only iu moderate
supply nnd firm ut quotation ? . Tlialooil
KT in 111:11 : kot continues to dr ' , c ining in
on y in limited quantit ! , nnd while
piicos have flucluuted inoro or less from
daytodiy , they remnlu about the same.
The only changea reported In the market
to-day are as follows :
Iron rates declined lOc.
Ujirbed nire declined SOo per 100.
Ndlla decline 1 35c.
Quinine declined 20o pr oz.
Local Or m Ueaimot.
W UK AT. Cosh No. 2o Ga ; catih No ,
3 ( iCs ; rejected , 47o. W
hAlU fiV. Cash No. 2 , 72o ; No , 3 ,
.vVE. Cosh , 44J-J.
( OlIN. No. 2 , oDc.
SKK1J3FJax eee 1 1 OD per bti.
croauco and Provltloni
rOTATOKS-30 40c par bushel.
ONlONS-30fe50o | MJr buBhel
BUTl'KR Choice country , ,5S30j.
1.US27c. .
UON BY California , perlb , 21.
AIM't-KS 1'er barrel. $3 00@3 CO.
OYS I lUlS-S lect , 45j
GKAI'ES-Oallfiirnia , S 2.i@2 M.
LKA1ONS - $ ! 50@li ( JO per box.
BKANfc linp.jrted Uoriuiin 2 70 pei
Grooora1 List.
CANNED UOU1 Oystora , 2 11
tFlcld'B ) , i > er case , $ J 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field'n )
per oauc , 2 75 ; ao 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per COHO
II 75. liobhtoro , 1 Ib per dozen
1 60. Tomntooii , 2 Ib 2 05 ; do 3 It , pei
case , 275 , Cora , 2 Ib ( Mountain
per case , OJ ; sonkod corn , 1 CO ; d <
2 Hi ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 3 00
string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beam
per caw.1 70 , Succotash i > or caao , 1 80
Teas , common , per case , 1 CO ; peas , cboico
porcase,2 70 , ClackbprrieB , 21b , per cane
J10 ; BtrawborribB , 2 Ib , per case , 2 fi3
raspberries , 2 Ib , per caoa , .1 3 ) . Dam
aona , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartletl
pears per case , 2 CO. Whoitleborrioi
| ter caae,275. Kgg plumB,2 tb porcuio.v DO
. . , . . .
" .u | 'IU. U f , | 3r UU&UU. 6 t > U.
U"ll JohhfnK prices , Jack Kroal
St. Louis winter ) § 3 'JO per 100 Ibs. ; To
ptka Patent Kuruns S3 85 ; Mlnuelmhn
Allnncsola Patent ? J,70 ; Slinwnuo l-'ocej
writer , 83.10 ; Uagl * . XXXX winter
? 3.CO ; Triumph upring , be. , fc'2.80 ; ( iliri *
ilmi's Miipjrlatlve. y 0 ; bran , per tori
Jll 00 ; chopped feed , ? ' . ' 8,00.
dUGAlto-Pov/demd , lOJc ; Cut loaf
10J ; Granulated , yjc ; Coni ctonor'i ! ) A
US ; Standard foilr (1. 8 s ; Extra C
i ; medium yellow , 8c ; durk yullow
SVUUJ' Standaul Com , , 43c , bbls.
Standard do , 44 gallon IICSB , $2zfl ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon keii ; , $2.00.
MEATU llumu , IGc ; bieukfnst bacon
non-- clew Bide lucon
; , none ; dry tal
baron , 15ic ; ehoulderD , 11 o ; tierce lurd
jiOPK Skid , 1 Inch and larger , lOc
H Inch. lit.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brli , 6 7li
i\o. 1 m.ckcrel . , kits , I 00 ; family mack
eta , half brls , 1 75 ; family mackerel , kit"
85c ; .No 1 white Mi , half blU , G 00 ; No.
white fiib , kiln , 0"ie ; family whlto fis'i '
naif brls , 4 50 ; family white n. li , kits , 80 <
medium bcaled herring , 40j ; select bonoloi
cod , t-Jo
BPIOiXS. Pepper , 20 : Alkpice , 20
Oluveu , 85c ; Nutmo < , 800 ; C-watu , 24
Mnr.o WOO.
LYAanerlcan , 8 3T : Grsenwlch , 3 4
WeetbA , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 0 > ; Lcv/i
lya , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 27& .
JfEliD-JobblDu prices , Chop fee <
61 50 per 100 llu , ; ( .hop uoru , $1 10 ; bra :
70j per 100 Ibj.
Pearl. 4Jc ; HHvar Glo ,
Com Starch , SJc ;
7o ; Corn , 7Jo.
I : uW'V < ar ; . . o i ? i E"
12c ; jaii :5 to chotw , 12 to 13 ; ; Old go\
K ) Ja a ; 01J ( 'i . Mocha , 23c ; Arbucklt1
K ) I3jfc.
10 OHEEB3-1I-U11 Cream , 13Jc | Pa
10d ilsim. Id J > .
d TEAS .Gunpowder , good ,
> 5c : Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , goo
! 5@40 ; Oolong , cho.oe , 40@55 ; Bouonon
< ood. 85Q40c ; choice. U5a)15o. )
WOODENWAJtE Two hoop pall
U 185 ; three hoop palls , a 20. Tub , N
1 , 9 50 ; Piiiieor wftshbonnis , 1 85 Double
Cr n 2 Jih Wclllmokets , 350.
LBAD Bur , $1 15& .
VINEG All Pure pple oitrn , 16ci
pure Apple , 13cs Pnvislne oure aonte , IINX
SALT. Drny loa.l . per bbl , 1 63) ) Aoh-
MJO. In vo ks , 8 60 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 8 50
UOM1M Y Now , 81 50 tier bbl.
SOD.V In Ib psperis $3 ptrcase ; keg
sodn , 2jo.
SOAsKlrV's Savon ImtKirlftl , 345 ;
Kirk'a vktlntt , 3 60 ; Kirk's it-imUnl. 8 75t
Kirk's whlto Uuisinn. 5 2Tj Kirk's
Eutooik , 3 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( rntni ) , Wj KIrk' JnaKnolla , 4 83
POTASH Pennsylvania CMIB , 4 cloz. ,
In TASC , 3 85 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In ooeo ,
1 00 ; Anchor Ball fe doz In case , 1 M > .
IUKLD SKKD Jlod olovnr , choice
now , PG 00 txsr bushel ; mammoth clover
new , 87 00 ; white cbver , now. 814 00 ;
1 Mfn clover , now , 812 50 ; nlslko , new ,
J1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ,
blue gross , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue gross ,
clonn , 81 25 ; orchard grass $2 50 ; rrd top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mb.'ovtri ,
SOc ; millet , Gorman , 8100 to 01 25 ;
Hungarian SOo
HEDOKSKED-Osngo ornuRc , 1 to 5
bushels , Jft 00 ; osngo ornngc , 10 btiohels or
over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 3"c ; v sr
100 Ibs. , 825 00.
PEANUTS llonsted , choice , rod Ton.
ueseeo , lOopor Ib ; fnnay white , lOJo perlb ;
rnHf whlto Virginia rnw , lOc ; roasted ,
12lo.NKW PICKLES Modlnm , In barroli ,
* 7 53 ; do lu half bbls , 4 2 > ; omalls , In bbln ,
95) ) do , In halfbbU , n 2'i ; gh. . rkin , in
bills , 11 C ) ; do , In half bbls , G 15
CANULKs lluxos , 4U lb.,1'1. ' , IFJc ; 8 ,
K bUH 40 11)8. , 1G oz. , Go , 1 < j
itll'K r-on'Utm prime to choice 7JB
7Jo : ftlr , G g"o ; P.itma , 7 : .
MA rt/iiwcj i'or CMUtiu , OJo ; round ,
0os ! , CH,10 ; mjuaro , oaoen , fo 40.
Dry Qoodi.
BUOWN COTTONS Atl.intlo A. 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7o ; Atlnntn A , fie ; Boott
FF , 84o ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cnbot W ,
7lc ; Chittcnauiio A , Gjc ; Uroat l-'nlls E ,
80 ; Hoosler , GJo ; Honest Width , Sic. Iiu
dfnn Head A , ' 8Jc ; Indian Staml.ini A ,
SJc ; Indian Orchnnt d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mj-Btio Hivor , 71c ; Pequot A , SJc ;
Slmxvmut LL , 7c ; Utlcn 0 , 5Jc ; Wnchus-
ett B , 71c ; do A , 8io ; do E 48 , lajc ; Wnl-
cott BB. 8 0.
1-4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argj-lo 4-1 , 7Jo ;
Atlatitlc LI. , GJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o ;
Uouuiugton 0 4-1 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , Gico
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconln O
39 , 8Jc ; Lehlirh E 4-4 , OJc ; Lunsdnle 4-4.
lOc ; PeppereU N 80 , 7c ; tfo 0 32 , 71c ; do It
80 , 7Jc ; do E 39. BJo ; Pocassot C 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Wamsutta4-4 180
gin L 4-4,9ioBlackstonoAA ; In.porlal 8Jc ;
do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ;
Kidolity4-J , 9JcVruIt [ of HieLootn.lO ; do
can.brio4-4,13odoWnterTwist,10io ; ; Great
FnllsQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o :
Lonsdnlo , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12io ; New
York Mills. 12io ; Poquot A,10o ; Pepperol
N G Twills , 12jc ; Pocahontns 4-4 , 9Jo ;
Pocasst-t 4-4 , 8 > c ; Uticn , He ; Wamjuttn
O X X , 12Jc.
DuCKS Coloted ) Allnny 10 brown.
Me ; do C , > lrab , llct vto X.A. sUIpcu and
plaids , I2ic ; d6 XXX brown and drub ,
brown , extra heavy , UJc ; Indiana A
brnx " 1.VVBUimaet A broxra. Ific
T1UH.UNU& w nioskoig A U A 82
We ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrownr.nn ,
9io ; Claremont B B. J5Jc : Corioatoga bi
tra , li'ic : Hamilton D , lljc Lowiiiton , v
M , 15c ; Minnohaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omeen super
extra 4-4 , ? 5o ; Pearl River 82 , IGjc ; Put
nam KA. blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuckot S
lOJc ; do S3 12c ; Yooman'n blue 29 , Oe
D12N MS. Amoskoak , bluo.tntt bronu
IGic ; Andover DD blue , 15 Jc ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue nw
brown. 124c ; do AAA , do do 13JJ do XXto
do do i-ljo illnyiuuker's blue and brown ,
9Jc ; Mystio Ilivcr DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl
Uiver , blue and brown , Ib'c ; Unoasvlllo ,
blue and brown , i IJc- .
CAMBUI OR Barnard , 5Jc ; Eddystone
lining. 24 inch double face , 8Jo ; Uurnor A
glazed , BJo ; Manhattan glove finish , 69o
Newport do Go ; do glazed , RJc ; Pequot deCo
Co : Look wood kid finish Go.
COUSET JEANS Atnory , 8c : Andros
coggln satteon 8Jo ; Clarendco , 6joConoa ;
o 'ga sattceua , 71c ; iHallowol , 8c ; In di
Orchard 7Jc ; NarT > gniiaottiinprovwic
Pnppsrill aattonn 94n ; Uockport , 7Jo
PUINTS Aliens , 6Jc : American , 6Jo ;
Arnold , 7o ; Benvick. 4fo ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Cnnostoqa. GJo ; Dimkirli , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
Oi@7c ; Eddyatoue , 7o ; Gloucester , Go ,
Uarmony , 5&c ; Knickerbocker , RJc ; Mor
ri ac D , 7c ; Mystic , 6Jc ; Spi-amion , Go ;
Southbridge , Go ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl
boro. 5Jo ; Oriental GJo.
GINGHAMS Amnokenir. 12Jc ; Amon-
droaa 'JJi Argyle , lOic ; Atlantic ,
Us ; Cumberland , 7 o ; Highlimil , Tic ;
Kcnllwortb , Sjc ; Plun kott , lOJo ; Bus
Agute. VXc ) ; Atnericin , lie ; Artialan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , ftic ; Clarion D and T ,
174c ; Doccnn Co. stripes DundT , IGc ; Key-
tone , ISkat Nf.ntuckot , I'Jo : Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Ocean D and T , ISJc ; Hoyal , 104 j
Sussex , 12o ; Tloga , 12Jpj Wnchiuett shirt-
intf sbecks. 124c ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York.
plaiu rsuukin , 124c ; do , chucks , stripcu and
fancy , llMc : ; do. U o : , 20c ,
SHEETINGS AndroBcoKRinlO-4,27io !
do 'J-i , 21o ; do 8-4. 22c ; Continental C
12 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 374 ; Now
York mills 98. SOc ; do 78 , 30o ; do fiS , 224c ;
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Petiuot 10-4 , 2840 ; do
7-4 , I9c ; do 49 , Ific ; Pepperell SO , 29o ;
do C7 , 21 c ; do 07 , I8c > Utlca DO , 35o ; do
8 , 224c ; do 48 , 17o
Olfinrc nd Tobacco * .
OKJAliS. Seeds. 15.00 ; Cmnecllcut.
O ; Mixed , * 35.00 ; Seed Hftvann ,
Oj ClearHavnna. 7f > .00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden little ,
21 Ib , GOc ; Our Itope , first quality , G2c ;
Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , OOc ; Horse Shoe.
pounds , 24 Ib , butU , C8c ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , IK ) ; Artny and Navy ,
jotmd , CRo ; Bullion , pounds , Ti9c ; LorfU
lard's Climax , pounds , GOo ,
FINE OUT In palln. Hard to Best !
75o ; Goldan Thro.i-1 , 70o ; Fountain , 80s ,
Favorite , Gi3c ; . Hocky Mountain , COci
Fancy , fi.V : Daiay , ftlic. In tin foll-
OatH'-i O P , fi Ib boxes , per Ib G3o ; I/jri-
IlLiT i' ' i'vn..Oo . ; Dlumond Crown , GOo.
SI ; i / K ; , .x All grades Common , 25 to
33c , | O. .uuiatod lUaulrwelld Durham , 1J (
othio ; Dukcn Durham , 1G oz , 4 ( > o ; Seal ol
North CnrtiUno , 1G or , 40 ; Senl of Webra ? .
V.i , IB 03 , We ; j/onc.laclf , 4 az , llnu liifru
perlb , 31.85 ; Marburg Pock 2 ox , ( In
oil.BScj Uos Tall nr < c.
Palnu Ollr and Vnrnlthej.
OILS 110' carhon , par Ralloni
13o ; 1DO' headlight , per uillon ,
tljs ; 17fi' hoadliK-lil , per eallon. 22o.
HuKOod. rftw. perpallon , ' > 7 ; Unseed , boile-i ,
per gallon , Gilo ; hrd , winter str'd , per ital ,
Ion , 1 CO ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7/ie / ; ciwtor ,
XXf . per gallon , 1 20 ; No. 3 , 1 Ifi ; aweet ,
per gullnu. 85c ; spcinj , W , B. , per gallon.
1 GJ fish , W. B. , per gallon , COo ; neatxfool ,
extra , per gitllon , 7/icj / No. 1 , G.ric ; lubrl
i eating , y.cro , ptr pillion , SOo ; summer , I5c
golden uiacli'mNo ' , 1 , per gallon , 3bc ; No
2 , SO : bperni , il nul , per gallon , SOc ; tur
poutiuo , per rnlluu , I'i5s ; uuptha , 71' , pp
gallon , 18c ; fi17c \
PAINTS IN Ofh-Wblio lead , Om h
P. P. . 6c ; whit" lou I , St. Louie , pure , 6'J < ;
Marseilles treen , i to n Ib cano , 20
French zinc , gisnn wal. 12c ; French nine
red seal , lie ; Franch zir.u , iu vaiulfch iiJi
? 0c : French tlnce , In oil 0.1:1' , lf > cj Uai
aod burnt umber , 1 V ) cans 12c : ntw au
burnt Slomift , 13cs Vandyke brown , -
rofincd 12c ; couch black , 1R <
I ory black , loc ; drop bluck , IGc ; PruKtla
blue , SOc ; ultramariue blue , 18c ; chr\-ui
greuu , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and ehutU
trreen , L. M. & ! > . , ICe ; I'arU green , 18i
Indian rod , IBc : Vouctlan red. Do ; Tuaca
dn , 22c } Amerioau Vennlllod , I , & P. , 18
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0 , , Hi-
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IQj potoi
dryer , 8c ; ( . 'raining colon : light oak , dar
oat , walnut. hestuut and asb I5o.
Dry ° lnl
White lead , 640 ; French Ino. lOo : Par
whiteing 2ic ; whiting glldon , 1J
uhitlng coui'l , lie ; lamtiblack Germoi
town. Me ; Umpblack , ordinary , lOo ; Pru
slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , loc ; vandyl
brown , 8cj uutbur , burnt , 4j ; umber , ra
4caienua ; , burn t , 4c ; elenna , raw , 4
ParU green genuine , 25c ; Puria green coa
23o ; chrome gnn , N , Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng. , 70c ; ror
million , America , 18c ; Indiai , rod. lOo
rwo pink , He ; Venetian rend , Cookson't
2ict Venetian rod Am. , IJo ; rol load , 7Jcj
chrome ysllow , genuine , 20o hromo yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 8c ; ochre
French. 2Jc ; whre , AmerlcAti , 2c ;
Winter' * mineral. 2io ; lehlgh brown , 2Joi
pan ! h brown , 2jc | Princo' * mineral So ,
VAKNISHES lUrrols t > < " jr. lloti.
Pnmlturts extra , (1 10 | furnlturo , No. 1 ,
< 1 ( coach , extra , 81 40 ; onch , No. 1 ,
1 20 ; Damar , extra , (1 75 ; t > an,70cn <
phaltum , extra , 85o ; sballao 83 PO ; b td
oil finish , 61 SO ,
Munvy Hrdw re Lilt ,
Iron , rates , t9 ! > J ; plow steel , special
out , 7c ; crucible , 80 ; special urCertnnn,6c ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon sirakeit , cot ,
2 25@S 00 ; bulw , jwr tot , 1 25 ; follow , sawed
dry. t 40 ; tongues , oAoh , 7085c ; nxlos ,
ouch , 76c ; snunro nut , per Ib , 7@llcj
washer * , per Ib. S@18ct rivets , i > er Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , Gidl2o ( ; malleable , 80 ;
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbar * , Go ; harrow
tootb , 4cj ItorMwhrxM , per keg , 6 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c ; Hurdcns horscshoos , 6 W ) ;
Bunion's tuulcslioCM , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; liuck shot , $2.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , 80,40 : do. , 1ml
kegs. $3.48 : do. , mmrlcr kegs , 81,88 ; Blast
tmr , keen. pillV ) : Fuse , tier 100 fee * r 0o.
BAliBED WIltK Iu o r lots , 7 fi I pet
100 ; In loss than car lots. 7 73 Due IIM.
NAILS Hates. 10 to Gut * , 4 2 > .
Oak solo , B8o to 42o ; hemlock sue , 28a to
JOc ; homli'ck kip. 80o to 100 ; runner ,
GTie to SOc ; homlocU calf , 85o to 1 20 ; hvm-
lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; on ) : utipcr , 2lo ;
nlllgntor , 4 00 to B 50 ; oM Itld , 82it.sro ( ) ;
Grolseu Lid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak kip , HOe to
1 00 ; unit calf , 1 20 to 1 .1(1 ( ; French kip
t 10 to 1 55 ; Fioncli calf , 1 25 to 2 ( XI ; run"
Kott * . 5 50 > M 7 60 ; Uniting , 0 00 to 10 W ) '
toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; li L. Morocco , 30c
to3.ricj pebble O. D. Morocco , 35o ; slmon ;
3 : o to : l oo.
HARNESS-NO i star o k , 420 ; NO a
dp , SUc ; No. 1 Ohio o k , 38c ; No. 2 do ,
Mo ; No. 1 Mllwnu oo 37o ; No. do , .Tic
Hone * end Mulct.
The market Is brink nnd nil grades nre
iieUIng well nt n slight lulvrttico In p Iocs ,
The itomand for good tinmen exceeds the
supply cousldoraoly , Pricci rnnge aa fol
lows :
Flun single drlvora , $150. to 300 , ; Kitrn
draft homes. 0175. to 225. ; Common drnit
hones , 8100. to 150. ; Uxtrn fanu honot ,
8110 , to 125. ; Common io goad farm homos
S90. to 8100. ; Extra plugii , 6CO. to 75. )
Common tilugs , $20. to $40.
MULES. 16 to 164 bauds ( oxtrn ) , 8125.
to 150. ; 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 144 bauds , 975. to 100. ) 18 | to 14
bands , 600. to 75.
I uort ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 331 per wine
gallon ; extra Cnliforniu spirits , 187 proof ,
1 ! X ) per proof gallon ; triple refined nptrits
187 pruot , 1 28 per proof qallou ; re-distilled
wtlsklcu , 100@150 ; fine blended , 1 50& )
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken.
tuoky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00
BllANDIES-lmportod , 50 00@1000 ;
dcmoatlc 1 40 © 1 00.
GINS Inpportod , , 4 50@G CO ; domootlo ,
140 300.
UUMS-Importod. 4 50rG ( 00 ; Now
Eni-laud. 2 00@4 OOjMcmoaic , 1 50@t : 50
1 75 ® t 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imtorlod twr case ,
2SOO31 OiAmsviMa , capo , 1200M
OLAKETS or ciwa , 4 50@10 00
WINES Rh no wine , per cane , G 00 ®
20 00 ; CUUrba , per c. u , 4 Ofl7 00 ,
Wo quote lumber , Intn and shingles ont
earn nt Oinnhn nt the following priced ;
under , 522 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 50.
TIMBI3IW 10 ft. nnd under , G22 00.
TIMBURAND JOI8T-18 ft. , 8V35l ! ;
1C ft $2i 5C , 22 ft. , 52G 50 ; 21 ft. , $ Vli 50.
FlilsCING No. 1 , 1 nnd G In. , 2 00 ;
o. 2. 822 110.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
oaYda ) $2 1 03 ; No. 2 , $18 00.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-in. D , 82500 ;
Mn. C , $35 00 ; 12-in. B , S10 00.
LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per ous-
0 : ; Cement , bbl , 92 2 > Town planter.
bl , 82 M ) . Hair per bu. 4 Jo. Tnrrod
It 100 Ibs. 93 50. Straw board , 33 50.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , (12 ;
ilorris Hun Blussburg , 812 ; Whltebroaet
lump , $5 f)0 ) ; Whltobroust nut. $ C 50 ; Iowa
ump , ? 5 50 ; Iowa nut f 5 50 ; flock Spring ,
' 8 ; Anthrauito. all slzen CIO 50.
DRU SftND CHEMlOil.3ft.cld .
r'nrbollo ' , 50c ; Acid , Tartarlo , GOo ; Bnhinm
lopabla , per Ib , 70o ; Uark , Sassafrns , per
} , Me ; Calomel , per Ib , 75o ; Clnchonldm ,
or oz , 81 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00 ;
OVCT'H powdorfi , nor Ib , $1 40 ; Epson
lto , per Ib. SJo ; Glycorlno , pure , po ' Ib ,
: ; Load , Acetate , pur Ib. 22o
Jl , Castor , No , 1 , per gnl , fj Ifc
ill , Castor , No. 8 , for gal , 5fl 00 ; OH
'live ' , per gal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50
iplum , 85 00 ; Qiiinlno P. A W. & R. & S.
er oz , $2 30 ; PoUis iuui , Iodide , per 11
1 90 ; Salocm , per oz , I0c ; Sulphate o
rlorphlnc , par > J7 , $3 Hr ; Sulpuur ( lour
11) , Ic ; Strvchnlno. nor 02. 81 35 ,
ilerlnonnwos od , light , MQKic ; heavy , o ,
© 1315u ; modlum unwushod , llghC , 182) 0
/anhod , choice , 32c ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding ,
, nd w. , 28o ; hurry , blacknnd cottod wool ;
0c lew
HI'let l-ur . Etc.
HIDES 'jrccti butchor'H hide , Gfi/7l
urod 8Jfc ; hides , green salt , p > rl oitred7&t'
ildea , 74o ; dry lllut , Hound , J3@14c ; dry
alf and kip , 12@14c ; dry aalt hides , Hound ,
0@llc ; ( jrcon oalf. wt. a Uil5 Uw. . llg)12 ; ;
; rcon calf , v/t , under U tbn , per skin , 5 > lo )
reon pelts , 50 ® ? 1 25 ; gre4n lamb skins ,
1 25 :150 : : damaged hides , two-third rate ,
ait ecored and one grub , claimed two.
tLlrds ruto , ) branded hldtis 10 per cent , off
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. 1
iO.j No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2
JOc ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , ,
Xn ) ; No. 2 , 2.r.o. . Skunk , No. 1 , blficj
55c ; short utrlpo , 40n ; narrow utrlpco
bniad Btrip" ) , { On. Tnllnw 7c.
f\l T fcitvo iiiuuey uiiUonlur ualtillruct from
HL I n , wanlili | prouiptl ) ) > y rail at Id
wuat iiotiUilo omli ( irlcuto nil K-uiiorii piltr.n
-Jni TV'liK'l H-r ' 'n 'vflntwc'l
Tim UKKT HALTS lu the world for Onti ,
inilnoe , Horun , Ulcorr , t alt Ithcnm , Ke-
at Sorni , Tettnr , Cbapiiod llar.iln , Chll
nlnt , Cuius ' and all hkln eniptiuin , and
poiltlvoTy cur'&i ; iili.H , It U iruninnte'od to *
Ivo mU&foctfim rti o'iy rnfnnJed ,
'ricfl , 2fl cent * [ > tr cr , ifur Ma 1)7 0.
f. Coodm "
UA , NE .
jiblos nuppllod with the boat the
narkot udunis , The traveling public
claim thny got but tur Huconimodutioni )
l in010 uimrul Butiofaction liurc
iU a' , uny'otlier liouso In Omaha.
R. to , f2 per clay. uiieSMtfni
Thou ; do'lrlntf toinuVo money 01.
nn du.i'l ami m i ium invDitmciitt li
JA\ \ urftlii , provisions anJ t\ak\\tn\t \ \
tla'i , B'li U i J ry ouirtliy on tui
pUn Krimli y I , IxSl.iO' l.n | ir <
Wf II'AT eent " "ftte.oii ln > nui n u of flC.M
iTiii in l < } jj y ( MJ jirgiln iu\u , liiur
rolzul jiMl to Intotti | i
on oun ln "uii : > vr I Ilinw t a"i\f \
Inal Invrt'iiiuii ' , ttlll li'iviu II. .
ortln | llu'tiiifiit i fckintf mono )
or p jatiloon ilciuaud ti ) >
ry circu'urj ' anil ft\l ruor > t-i of Juiii
, . d tro , \V0 wnt r | > onsllli
aituiiU who v.-ll til'Ofl ourroij n (
lnt oducv Iho pi in L Lcral comO -
< -O & MB UtUuni (
uilwbu torcun'iU ' , < iir On
o , 111.
Undertakers ,
. . .
Makes his Regular Visit to
Tuesday , Kov. 7th , 1882 ,
XHTOe 3ft. .
This pivrs the ntlliotocl nmplo time to consult nno of the most eminent epo-
am tlio North wi'tt. Thu following toil for thamaoUca ,
nnd are enough to convince the moat Akeptioal. Head nnd bo convinced.
Letter from Mr. Carter , Sbotion Foreman TJ. P. R. B ,
TiMiinnviLLK , NKII , Sopt'embor 27 , 1S82.
Du. FisiniLVTT DKAU Silt I nni still taking your modiuino and can eay
Hint I am gutting nlonu bettor than I uvor rxpuotod , when I first commenced
usiti | ' your inodionno I had dizzy spells and nomptimoa would nearly fall over ;
luul about pivon up nil hope and mndo up my mind that nothing would euro
inc. Wliun I saw your advertisement in the Omahn papers , and inudo up my
mind that I would write to you aa n lant resort , nnd BOO if I could Rot help.
I can truly Bay that I AM GLAD , for I tun BO much bettor ; have a good np-
petiio and am gaini g now faat. Would wish no other Doctor but you in ao
Veto and complicated caeca. Ihnd pnina all over mp ; my heart troubled mo
very much , but when I hid tnkon a few doses of your medicine , thopaina loft
mo at nnco . Three months ago , when I first placed myself under your treatment -
mont 1 was hardly ab'o to bo out , but now I am nearly woll.
Yours truly , .1. A. CARTER ,
Foreman of Section , Amos Station.
From Nebraska.
ScimiNKU , Nob. , St-ptembor.n , 1882.
A. S. FiHiim.AT , M. D. , DKAU SiuI nicoivod the ntomizjr and mudioino
Auputt 2l ih. I hiivo untd it according to dirooliona and undoratand it thor
oughly. I have felt bi ttur ninco I bi > tan your trontmont , for I htwn npjt no
blood norhiul any ohi lu. My night awuala have nearly coascd. My medicine -
cine will luat only a few dnya longer.
Youra truly , GEORGE UENTON.
Another Letter from Mr. Benton of a Later Date.
This gentleman hid born troubled with LUNG DISEASE for nomn time ,
nml wan trontod by MANY PHYSICIANS without aucceas. READ WHAT
ScimiNKH , Nob. , September 3D , 1882.
Du. FisniiLVrr I'lenso pond mo anotliur supply of mcdicino at your earliest
conviMiii'iicu. I am froliniz firnt.rato and nm improving us rapidly aa could
L'OSSIULY DE EXPECTED. Am strong and hearty and can work right
along wiiliout fatigiit. .
Yours , with rcBpcct , GEORGE BENTON.
Bead the Following
No H'III ! ur euro of. ooiimimptliin win over
nircil bcf r.i tliu ill coro'v c > [ ho ant's plo t'cal-
mont b > lr Kulibl tt. T elady It i o r llvlnR
In j ; ) od I o 1 li , kill will f\\a \ ill Inf jrci ntio
an tj her tjrr.blo con 111 on ti the o vln a | p y :
CMIAH I'Ai'iDv ' Mny 27,1881.
DR FimniUTr brxa Hu : 1 d cm It but duo
ti my o t ttio o imn u .lt > a d t > ) < n , to m&ka a
H a'mieiK ot in ) ore ilio rcn It tf jour r at
mi lit w lh your now diiuo trlu' , Onojeirauo
I took illiihlhur a n d w a i 01 c , r (1 boti ro 1 | ; eco
co sum Him. Tlinc.moo by tirfi'ilo c-tiyn
n'untan iUy. I Imtall my mr I'Ktn ' , wm H
uin't tint 1 cnnlln't ilu amililuif. I con d
to roily a' p- > lri whoii I LO mtcdyiu.
I w a ui.dor thtu d Horcnt > 'oo n elora I ranir
toyiui , ilio nioiutnliiunt Icjuld lirarif , Nauu
of them don" ma mv good.
Tiny n. 111 bo o wits no Hi" In nw tik t K an )
mom iiu illr MM i.s I' , weld do mo 111 01 ! .
Kv * jbi-y ill vijht I Would mrniiiw.ll. . Al
inv fnimoH Haul 1 woul I ntvir bo uttlcr. Tlil
iv.U.Iuly , M'J.whnu I cnlltd on jiu. Y u IcilJ
mt tu crii'dcuroinuanl ' yoimcl ! In to rr
ihroi m intll , 1C it Ktujou , I g t iry stro-iu' "
n > app Illu. mt | ji g UciU. anil I ho no
"yuiptuini n ( loxmuiiitlrn. I bikini tui'ilw-
t rat mum aa I tji'k > mr iriuiifent Uvu >
pcr in whn oiiiii tjHiO 1110 uat U'rt idto II il
mo rucovcrli ( , '
From a Prominent Citizen o
Bojno O'un'y ' ,
III. I'lldlllLATT-DK Rb'm : I lid pi Ik OHM *
ni ly ho * ' 0 c ar t'i my coniaetlnn ul h y. u
wljli u1.savini ? no'10'lilnif ' to : ; | i-n8 iny urik-
'uli.o ' | jr 10 ib ( li'OiKLt li y ur trna in nt ( I
miMy | icrd ( oicy Intjluii r\ery liliitf uj
uv tfl by il n I r tliu ciiiu ( u murrn bu.
j ( t ii i my ( < l h nonitiwbii In the io r of am
uio o hriuif ruli ( . I u on mlaliu tcU tint y n
| ir ( i"il'liI ' wuro b&rtiil uln-ply on ilium } ' an
ilia 1 wu to lu anutlicrof tliiiianyupniinnlcli
> < u il hlrol to prnu'.lcu Ilu . I" my < Vrrl ml K
' 'ell.lit , I wu ilicotol , V ur icmi-dl a i
ire iiuontw rtol ilciacann. lutHii.tinl >
r levtd of i bo d H ru niK Ilia nl Uilanh , Im
uai viillnly auJ I < ll .yn , ioreetlir ( nfcbrml li
h al-h. lanro'vnn nee trnti' 04 willi tin
11,0 H Cl t U III til'B V.lllch U Dill Ctill ll'UlllMl '
I'I lia I ho < i niplalnt. 1 iln n < t vtrl n IliU
IHI ii rvly fcr y ur KB , ti ( nd'i i' nilicM tat * '
> ou lilllln < 11 bulfu but ihiiV I ii'y < fil'J
tuinil-uB inuklndol u know u I cmu.t iillln
> nd uni lo , ulliuw M.II'h jo d ) on I ave iMio
mo in ynu'Difo and c'ir aln iruntmo t nl
tuvbln u.ulwly. J , W.
Bead "Whit Hon.Addison Oliver ,
of Onawa , Iowa , Writes
Dr. Fishblait.
( NAIVA , Iowa , August IB , 1832.
DR. A 8. Fid IIUTI I r\n Bin : I rhmilu'ly
vlrnynu Iho 1,11 imi { ktttjiiicnc ot fict Inllri.
0'VCI'H cm ) VVh n BIO ip loci to yoi ( erin
in a luont In IVbrui'y IfBMiii'hvi ( or months
turn mdirliitf ro nuvunly from An h ua ocoom-
i n'e I by mvoro OK tl cauffhlng , th it tut ouM
Brlilomioip wlih ut ao t Mr nprUht Ilerap-
( milto IH vo y pii r , and iho wu vo y much re-
ucod ami iiryrervtu ; > > > o ai unnblo t > ral > o
fr'nn hir lun H or ihioit and'xpictomta artl
-bo n qnlrid con I mus watcbl IK n K t and I'ayJ
Uidurv ur ttratmcnt iho K'a ' un/y / Imurovcd
un ildrro o si mcnihi p Btnho hm had ilitlo
rno As'hnu ir cou l. ; her ucrvoujncis lun
lirK ydl-appeiroJ. ho tlnpi cll at nbli ;
ncrappo Ito In go crillv Rood ; iha his I r/cly
ran \croHur lilts und m vreilua Iv thou n
I W.v k'ulultu nticuK'h , nncjfhu B y ih * la but-
'i.r tnui > ho ban bo n ( > r llvo ) e m I have
vrc'iHioio tl.a.ilio wl.l lompUU-ly roc\ci bar
hc Hh.
YOUTH ru'pactlully.
Another Great Cure for Con-
AtLtNr.o Juna7lh , IBS1.
Till * IK to ciTt ( v tliaL I n.d oo Uiih , dyiipoi > et&
onil i at rrhmm viral > uir > ; Iliat io Uimlly rail
into txmu'-v ltii'n ; < t 1 had ilocto/ul with all
'ho il < ctorH I o uld ho r cf had tadrn all the
Illjinit , klma tl pa u it nudlctica thit hid
b vn ' 1'iMininni'linl , uh an mr ( Jjrdlal , S a
Wmd Tonic (1 Idtti Jl dual I Uxvc y , J yno's
\pcct ta t mil al klulicl Inhalli if n mtdloa.
I unw wuffciu'l t o t me , mil 11. nh ui.t'll
oinno hliubut , rk innll.o . o . llail dNrr1 an.
nltfit HMoiiu , chili * ami lever ev ry d y , and
con d u 1 1 o nu my lelt oldia had to bu prop-
p .it up In bod. Ojuhl o it no r 'od , tuid my loot
veil d. aud I raiKhcdallihittn-UUa II 1 * 'Ul.l
vomit. I cil.uli Ir 1' utitilati. Ho dldn'D
pnmluo tociiio uiu it n ' , hut la'd b ) tuU
liy. All h d ictnr a 1 1 w..uld nlo li two
* -ioKa. I roctl id troattncnt ( our mot fis and
iow am rntliclir ol "lid liavo htoi to ever
i co H v. J H Willis , ol the U ft dl t
urili till hiindtiilB u ( i lh r p-ojuiknow lu
* ha.c n iitLn 1 wat , aod h wlwi U'ol.
Read This Testimonial From
Nobra ka ,
Aimciu , Ntb , Sept. D , IHS2.
1) * I'm IILITT DrAa Bin : I received the
ofmuJI Iru ' . K , mil hutrj entirely ra
' from the ilticn c ( rluuniltii. M/
nine i uettur. In lion , 1 loul bitxir
. Yoiua truly ,
'ho ' above toatiinoninlu uro only u few of the many thousands In our posses
sion , Send for copy of the
Giving u full'duRcrirition of our Disprnrary and the Cures daily elFjotod. Ro-
inombur data of
Visit to Omaha.
Dr. Fiehblatt will also visit Lincoln , Friday , November 10th , and romala.
two days at the Commercial Hotel , and Fremont for two days at the Eno
Hotel , Sunday nnG Monday , November 12th and 13th.