. .MMHA ii.v L UUXOJB-ftit 5H . * i . * * „ THE DAILY BEE OMAHA MONDAY OCTOBKR 30 cr. jr. IBRO oo GOODS Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , NEB. TtlOLIUlALB AND KRTAIL 01IALKU IN iy < < Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , ziim mimm , . MTSTATB AOENi FOU UILWAUKf.B CIU1KKT TTnion Pacific Pnpot OMAHA N JOBBER OF AND WINDOW HAD SB 'EASTERN ' PRICES ATED. 118 FARNAM ST. OMAHA STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of OIGAES ilD MAMACTUffl TOBACCO , Agents for BEHWGflD NAILS AND LAFLIK & EAND POWDER CO. POWHR AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IfllJISa WAOIUNERT , BELTING , ilOSH. BRASS AHU IKON IVT PINCH PIPX. Hr * PACKUfO , AT WflOLUSAtR AND KEt'AlL HALLAQAY Wi D-MiLLS GHUBGHANOI SGHQIU3 ) .U rjf Cor.Faraam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. O. M1. TZKT DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass. NKSTAnyone conteropUtlng bxilldlng rtore , bank , or any other fine will find It to their ad aBtego to concfl end wltb us before pcrchaslci ; their tlatoGUM. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - - NEB. W.B. MIIiLARLi. K Ii. JOHNSON MILLARD & PECK , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frnife 1421 & 1423 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED ] Agents for Pock & Bauehors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - EEFEEEKOES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELK. JOUNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. DEALERS IN INJ J U Fire and Burglar Pi O 1020 Farnham Street , Omaba Laundry. Tlia only Laundry m Nebraaka that Is enpplled with complete machinery or Laundry work. Send your orders by mail or express. GOTTIIEIMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Farnham Street. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF A D O S A fib Cs tVr a * I GG Ft 81 Ifa 0 A Dniin in all Bronte P. O. D 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb. COLFAX COUNTY. ThG Sturdy Republicans Solid for Turner , The Railrottd Attorney's Onm- in the Third District. SOIIUYLKK , ) ofobor27 , 1882. To the Editor of THE BREI Last Saturday night three railroad ftttor oB , led by 0. J Green , slopped otr here to tull thu deluded Oolfaxn how to vote. They told them to vote for Vrtlotitino ; lhat Vul. wns ft etal- wart anti inoiuipoliHt and would altvnyn bu found with thu people. In- ntmuch MS Grociii , Thurstou , Church II.wo ( xiid cither well-known atiti * muuopoliatR ( I ) lire supporting him , 1 take it ( or granted that thpy nro naaiet- ing Vdlunliuo upon that score , The thrco-tho lonely thrco droned through nn hour nnd u half to nbut twuiily-fivo ntun , nnd half an ni.itij bo > fl , mid wont homo wi'h H euiall- oized IK-H in Un > ir oars * Baluuhy inixtVK are to have t rally , and if the went her ii nt ! jll f ivonxblo shall have an iinmoiiso hroni } . Gunrrnl V.in W > ol > , lion. C. llostnvator , Citptitin Stickle and othura nru to Rpeiik i-f ornoon and ovouing. I tull you politics nrn yet ing hot about hur1 , and unloes Valuii ino can Bull a rugnnunt or two of cav il ry horats botwoun IKIW and then ho will got fuvv votes in Oulfax county. Piiti lending republicans cf this count ) are Hit-footed uiaiiist him and are not a bit backward about saying BO When Vah'iituio cornea wo shall ark lim why ho did not huvo Shell Cntk and Maple Oteek put Into the "rivoi and haibnr bill" ; and why ho does not divide whathxgotnutof lloach-Btcam- ehip-aubaidy n-cal nh "thu bojH " The only Valentino ropuhliattis in his county are Wells & Niotuan , who got au occ laional hunk of plun- ler from the mir department or In.- lian bureau , la thu way of fl uir con- raotfl , through Valentine , aud an occanional postiiiiistor or would-be irstmaslor. This poatoflico is already iromUed to two or three fellows , and lezt winter , when Woi.di * appoint ment expirea , thu devil will bo to pay sure , If you will have Tom Konnard and Paul Vandervoort comn up here now wo should bo fixed , Tom is a good inti monouoliat and , of cuurso , wants Valentino ro elected. Paul'n vul- 5arity would make votes for Turner. The Schuylcr Sun takes its muas of Valentino crow but makes faces over t every week. It's editors ant both so independent in spirit and BO well illod financially that they are not do- mndi'iit upon Valentines crowd for support and have served notice to that efl'jot long ago. The BuhemUns are not Bolid on the railroad cai.didato by a long shot , and tliorcturus will show it on Nobembcr 8th. Fun ahond. AI.EUT. A euro euro tor impoverished blood , mpltB , and sallo\v \ complexion , is Brown's Iron Bitters , it will produce a healthy color , cmooth ekin , and ia absolutely not iujnriouR. Emory Storrs , m hia Chicago lecture on what ho BAW in Europe in ninety dayi" , says : ' 'You would be amazed and delight- id at the wonderful fertility of those [ talian valleys. You would be amazed at the Btannh character of the Italian men and women that you see culti vating them. They are a growing pcpplo from under the dominion of priesthood , a united nationality , with jvory incentive for honest industry and exertion. The Italian peasant and farmer is working up for old Italy , for Italy of to-day , with re sults , 1 believe , which m the future will bo more substantially glorious : ban any in the old days of Homo over nnderto ( k to achieve , The spirit of beauty is in every Italian heart. It udonm his urmro ; itjiriBpiroa his meth ods of cultivation ; it gleams out from every patch cf vegetation ; it shines over every rod of tuif-it is every where , The trees ( separating the plats of ground , and the very air itself is called upon to do work for the peas- mt farmer. And between these trees , Slanging in exquisitely lovely festoons , the grapevines are growing. This m iho Italian's way of worshiping thu beautiful and conserving the useful. "Its cities are charming. Milan is the Italian Chicago. It is old ; it has been destroyed again and again. It has bits of old Roman walls , pieces of architecture that run back two thou sand years , It has the great picture of 'Tho Last Supper , ' battered and banged and dreadfully disfigured. ltd marvelous cathedral , i's modern and quite as wonderful gallery , its Arcade , with its shops , its thriving and indus trious population , its enormously sue ceseful manufactories , its bustle , its hurry , iti bright , blithsomo activities , all form a living , growing , throbbing , pulsing , democratic , cleanly , pros perous , beautiful Italian city , and every American says , 'Clod speed to it. it."And "And Florence , with its old his- torieb , and just aa clean ns it can bo. Kxcuau mo if I elaborate on cleanli ness. [ Laughter J There nro no telegraph poloa in tno street , no smoke in the air , no ash-pailo , nor ash.crtB , nor garbage wagons dumped at mid day at the feet of ths pedestrians , no building material choking up the high ways ; hut that old homo of glorious art , that old city where Ditito lived , where Gallen lived ; where Micliau Angolp lived , where IJonroiiuto Col- lini lived where those great mor wrote , and worked and painted , anc carved , and glorified art all over tlio world that great city preuorves their splendid cchiovemontu and makes itself worthy of being their custodians by keeping itself clean. "And Venice could not very well bo otherwise than clean u city of canals but its piazza , now clean that is ! It palacea , how bright they areA / ) about U , how poetical and how beautiful ful ! " Ecouniuy- A fortune may be upctit In tiding inef factual mediciuw , when by anplylo ( TIIOJIAS' I-ICLKCTKIO OH. a epcody anc economical curt ) can bo effected. In care of rheumatism , lamoback , bodily ailments or pain * of every description , It alford luntant relief 8TA.TBJorriNas. Oxford tvnntn A doctor. l\vo pound turnip ) > " Merriek county ( cntr.tl City IIM an ntnntour minttic sh.iw . , TyphoM fever h i > rev lent In otno part * of licit county. Sosrlct fever i dtphthcrin are killing theliltlo enc of Lincoln. The Oxford UcpMer tvnq started on the 21t hy W. T. mid U .T. Lindsay. The Oxford KeKi'tor offer * to mvap a yoarV ubso iptlun fora toad of wood. A forty-acre fArm jii t north of North Bend w g noUJ Ust week for ? 1,000. Mum Creek hnd a fire nn the 20th In which two hotels wire buinsd , InvoUIi R H ] ( . ( H Of t ,0 , 0. An rnt rprisinR inuslo ilonler at Ucntrs' City Rot Hut n U t.i p ny hi * orgftnt. Ho now advertises l.or . ondur < on ont , Stock mcu up north report cattla ilolnp fllintlio now Rr M tlmt hiva fitutci ! binco tha first foil ralnn catnc. John K. Shorvln' reoMcnco at Fremont narrowly o'DApot dfslnict'on by fifeen tlio a.th , Tli lioya pnt it out with the "to In lountaln , " A prntrlo fire nUrlcd near Uullfnnl , Ouster county , on the 18th dmtrojnl About tlilrt\-fivo t"ns of hay At dllTciont ilftcea on the Dutchuinu , Nearly all of Mirrlok county's our pins corn Hill do cons n tn oJ nt homo hy Khcep tcdorn. Tharo nro thounnnih of the AUI- nal In tlmt rri011 ; ' f ( > r the wiuttr. \ number of ( llatrfp Uip nccIJeutg have occurred in Ultir. Nfl o Miller \v\ thronn from a pony anil broke nn nrit ) , nnd Sim n l.oni ; was run over by n WH OII , vith n Hk < * rrxiut N , H , WOO.IR tiuifiht the firet Hchool In 5oliuylcr in n cottonmtoil log lunieo nhoiit Inrtccn years ago. Now , the Schuylor chuol requires n corps of ? t\cn tuuchrrH and another tonchcrift ncrdeii badly. Sun. A little Sworlo gill fifteen j oars old WAR nsftuulteil i > t Ljst Oieek rectnt'.y hy hrco men who were in bathing near thn ilnco where Mis WAS hpidfus cattle , nnd jiutiJIv outraged , so tht her lifo Is dc- paired of , Vork had n lire on the 22d. A umall ) oy with niRtehcH started it In n lUcry t-lilo. A parsing 'ond of hny caught and hen the wildest kind ol n acoro ensued , ? hu man with the hay cut his team loose and mivtd thfin , mintta the Itnlln , hut the wagon aud hay went , So did the etablc. MIBI Fhoiso Bltuov , of Atklnaon , Ins A althful d K I'y tlio dignified namu of "Old tutar.VhlIo roturnlog from a party one nijht last week , her shawl dropped mm the hugijy. Ciusar WAS behind tlio mggy and when the ulmwl fell ho fellwilli t nd remained ihero till the following noon , when the article was recovered , The funeral of Mrs , L , .T. Havens , who lid near North Bend on Sunday last , WAR kppjintod fi r Tuesday , hut According to ho Flail "the symptoms were BO i ocular lar that It waa I oared f ho was not dead at d the burial wan postponed until late in ho afternoon. Numeioua tcati wtro np- ) lli d hbforo it waa certain in the mindi uf lor friends that the wao dead , " While driving to JNcllsh , E. A. Bird , of Antolo o county , waa thrown from the fucon dy iti hciug overturned and the b > x ell hoikvily on his head < > ud shoulders. Ho ay inEcnsihlo for some time , but 'on re taining con'ciouaneBa found his team h > d topped In their tracks when the acvidant iccurrod. He was soon on hU way to Ne igh , where ho waa treated und cared for. Slrn. Solomon end little daughter Wenda mil MrB , Iloloief , of I'latumoutb. were rlctiniR cf a frightful runaway accident on .ho l2lth. Air ? , Solomon bail a tovcre 'racturoof ihnbonesnf the left facn ju t mdor and Involving the eye , The proml- nfnt houo WftH pushed up out of ) lacc , but there waa no lirain concu-biou. Tbo injuries of Alrn. Holmcu wtra oven uora ( erlous. The bonth of the left leg ere broktn about four mchea below the jnte , and the hrokt-n piocog protruded clear through tbo flt > h. Little Wiudu eacapod wita nothing aorious. Haraford'a A old Phosphnto IN COK8T1VATION. DB. J. N. BO BIN BON , Medina , . , says ; "I have usud it in a case oi indigestion and constipation , with * oed results. In nervous proatration its results are happy. " WONDERS OF THE VEJLZ.OW- bTONK- Mr. Junto * Carroll Tolls n Ro- taarlinblo Tale of a Remark- nLlo Oargo- Iclcna Herald , JumcB Carroll , n well-known citi/.an of Helena , Montana , recently inudu a remarkable discovery in I lie Yellow- atone Park. Ho sajs : "Whilo wait ing for my companions , I dis mounted and sat dma on a ruck with my Winchester lying across my knot's. Around mo was u BCOUO of urauduur. [ was in a deep gorge which led down into the valley. On each side the _ ray clilFi towered to a magnificent lieight. Behind mo was the etcop path down which I had como through i thick growth of stunted pines , while 'n front of and below mo was the ergo ( a quarter of a mile Ride , per haps ) , its bottom covered from the foot of ono cilfT to the other 'with heavy growth of tim ber. After resting a while stood up and listened , expecting to lioar my friends approaching. Bui not a sound met my ear , Tha still ness was BO deep that a feeling of un easiness came over me , and I attempt ed to call out to my companions Bui although I opened my mouih aud wont through all the details of a good , lusty yell , not u sound could 1 make , J tried aigain , and with the u.tmn rusult. I couldn't understand it. My horse , which had boon standing quietly by mo , noticed a movement of tno buuluB near by , and , probably thinking her cqumo friends were near , attempted u wtiinny. It waa a sad failure , for she could not make a sound. She wa ; aviduntly as much astonished aa I , and bucamu uneasy. "I was on the point cf mounting and starting back up the mountain , when fierce-looking wild animal of the panther tribe uteppod out of the bush oe within about thiuty feet of where 1 was standing. It eaw mo instantly and stopped to spring at mo , I hastily brought my gun to my shoulder ant - fired , ahull I say ? Fo , I pulled the trigger , but tlioro wan no report , al though the smokopufi'dd out the em of the gun and the wild bount fell as i struck. It immediately jumped up and hobbled i a to the brush , but If av ing u trail of blood behind it , I wua now confirmed in my former suspicion that I was in a land of enchantment and although not at all suporstitiou under ordinary circumstances , I wouh not have boon surprhod now to sc the devil himself jump out from be hind a rook. I immediately jampot on my horeu and started back up th p < tth. ' 'In about ] a hundred yards I me my companions , who were all utaudin close together trying to talk to c&c ether , but , although they uoooaod t bo shouting at the top of their v < > ! cp > they were really as dumb as tbo diu Although I felt that Old Nick lurnVl was just as likely as not to boon ro ; trio' ' , I could not help laughing at : heir odd goatures , grimaces and red fao's from their ellorta at making themselves hoard. They were pretty badly frightened too. I passed by ; hem , and beckoned them to follow , tuo the way wo had como.No tv tempt was now made at conversation. After going a quarter of a milo in flilouco I lost my way. Ono of my comrades , tvh > seemed to think he knrw the way back to the trail , caino ip close to mo , and , bonding over so that his mouth WAS close to my car , with a superhuman effort yelled , 'Lul mo load ] ' His shout nearly biratcd ny tympanum. Wo had cot out ol the charmed air. " Composed o ! the best known tonics , ron and cinchona , with well known iromatics , ts Brown's Iron Bittoro t cures indigestion , and all kindror roubles. STHOETQEN STARVING. The Last Act In the Alleged Seduc tion Unao. The Denver Tribune of Friday says ; Mian Ida Strootgen , the unfortunate woman whoso caao has boon mention- d in this paper , It now confined in ho county hospital , n most pitiable hjoct. Her reason is gene entirely , ml in her ravings ia often very vio- ont. Her child has boon taken from tor , but she does not seem to realize ts loss. It ii thought thtit the little no cannot live long , although every > otaiblo cnro is buing taken to irosorvo its life. It is ling fatt The mother toara all the clothing rom her back , throws the bedding of icr room in ono corner and then lies own upon thu floor , where she ro- naina until she ia discovered She ma oaten nothing for three days , and JOMtivoly refused to take any nourish- nont. She c < i > lidontly expects a visit rom her sister and brother , who are n Omaha , and sayo that when they rrivo she will oat , but not before , ler relatives have boon communl- : atod with , but none of them , to far , mvo expressed a desire to BOO her. nd it is bchoyod they do not intend , o como hero to look after her , The case ia n sad one , and if the uu- ortunatu young woman persists in eating ohu will tuiroly die from starva- on. A Voxocl Ulergyman. Kvcn the pntlonco of Job would become xhnusted were he n preacher and cudcnv- ring to Interest IIH ! audience while they voro keeping up nn incrcaxant coughing taking it impousiblo for him to lie heard. Tot , how very cany can all thla bo avoided > y Himply using Dr. King's Now Dlecovo- y for Consumption , Cougha aud Colda rial Bottlon given away nt C. F. Qood- lul's dmir Mnrfl GR ATEFDL-COMF OBXIN Q. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thornuiih knowledge of 16o n&turnl lavrs which poxorn tlio operations of dlgo tlon anj utrltlon , nnd by A careful application ol the no iiropertics ot tfoil B Ice id Cocoa , Ur. ! i ps haa provMcJ our brutkfist tabl-t with n cllcaMy flivoroj bovcrngo which may aavo us mnny heavy doctora * bills It In by the Judlcl ua UBoil such articles ol diet that ornntttutloD may bo gradually built up until Btrons enough o rcelit cTrry tindeooy to disease. Hun'rodi ol subtle mal&dlo are floating arr.und ua ready o attack wherever there la a weak point. We may escape raauy a ktal Bli&tt hy kecplne out olvraweli ( ortlflod with pure blood and a prop ily nourished frame. " Civil Bonlce Uazctto. Made simply wltb boiling water or mlllc. Sold o tlus only ( j-lb and Ib ) , lalicltxl JAMBS BPP8 Ss OO. , Homcoopnthlo Odomlate , i.tui < &tat-wlv London. FABT TIME I IB uolnz KM > Uko lit tIMoap & Irtarest' tajsonc , fjjj'j ] - rj .7Hr. Trains leave Omaha 3:10 : p. m. and 7:40 a. m For full Information call on II. P. IJKUKL , Tlcko AK < < nt , 14lh and Farnam etf. , J. UKLL. U , I' tallvray Dupot , oral JAUKSV.OLAHK.Uener M. HORWICH & CO. , DHALEIl IN Pager Stock , Woo Ion Bags , Iron AND MKVAL3 , Iighcitt Prices Paid. Shipment * from the country solicited , liomittanoco MAHA | Promptly mad o , | Ncn KSTADLIBIIKD 1BMJ. 8IDK8PIUNJ ATTACHMENT NOT PATENT KD. A. J. SIMPSON LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 1111 Uodue Stroit , aag 7-iTio Cm OMAH * , NKII , City & Pacific THI3 SIOUX CITY BOUTB Bi.e > , KnlUTra ! Ihroajh Irorc OoanoU UlulJu to St. PCH ! Without Chtnyp Tlmfc , Only 17 rtoucn KK.KB "wiEle3HOttTK3 HOUTS JIOK OOUIO1L BLUPFB JTO Kt , PLVL , UJIINBAI'OUU DHLUI3 OK KI9UAIMP ndll r/cluti la Ncrtbma Iow . lllateifvU n D c/lt. TrJj line Is uulpti | nub t'a Iroj.iovu W. liii l-ji > ' Aulonu.Ve All b ie ul illll f Utkrm O-r j'.onl Ruitcr * tr. ' ! ft OVKKli , aKTY > J4COKVQA'i lo najutw. . ; d. Vuliutun falncs H'.teplur , U i ma tliMJihHlW ; OflAKOR octwsin K i vaud St. r . "l , via 003ii"'i Hlat'j ' n C'itv lwo tt-Ioii Faclflo Tranilcr kt Ospu , ( .t 7 * U p , m 'Ulj on rrl'i J o ! K.inm City , Bt JMCP'J ad Council Hlutf4 tMn trot the Bontb. AnMaj tt ttloui OH11 10 p. in ktidtri the Hew Unljn Uvuot M tt , rul at U CC noon IKN nooRa IN AuvANcij OT Airr oyasr HOUI'B carliemuiibu lo ta Hog the biocr dty Rcl you i/ot Thtcrj h Tr ln. Y o Qiiuttott u > Qulokint llmo nj a ComloiUbic 1U J la tt > Ttuourl * ti r botw n OOUNOIL BLOl'ira AND BT. TAUL. /KTHw tint your TlcVnU K d vU tU "Bloiv OUjr and Paclfio lUUrcxd ' J. U. WATTLK8. J. K. BUOIIA.1AH Saucrlnteudeat. 0 V 1'tdi.Agcol Mlireonrl Valliy Ii. W , B. DA\I # , BoithwitUrn I'i Hcn-i.T Aijuit. Ooutcll Blufls ALL TRUE FELLOWS Worthily point to the "HUB PUNCH" Xx nn ftttlclp cf such nro find cxccrtllni ? merit n ilmcno a plivco on o\cry sldclXKird , A Soolnl Gin * * or Hub Punch Li n uMtutlfomaiuvcwory.of friendly Intcrcouno pocutUtly iuwtnl | > lo nt ptrtlfts. Uncork , iu > llnnmly. PunchiM brewed nt request nro fa bvlihid It In Ihvor , allied orator * ncm dU lose Tlio rml Hour \\lienco tliclr cl | iti lira lliw llcAo mo , It txnnc * , ixltcr dinner or lunch , Krom llcmlng howl of ( MAVIS * HUH 1'U.VCH The name and title "tlUn I'HNOH" ' tcdMntr.do matk All unatithorlinl we of tins trulci iimtk will bo promptly prcioiutcd. 0. H. OUAVKS.tSONS , I OSTO.V , HASP. The "IIUI VUNOII" 1 ' mM by n'l loading ( m lly irrooi-tK niul lito turn bantu. Trade lupjtlitd at Manufacturer's prlctt iy M .1. Mctfamura. Omaha. , Families tupplM ly A. 11. Ulatbtonc , Omaha , Jftb. HOMsIM P. L. Sommers & Go's CBLti.UUTtiU B1SGU1TS , OAKBB , JUMBLES AND NOVELTIES Wholesale Manufacturing CONFECTIONERS iND DEALERS IN Fruits , Nuts and Cigars III S 14th St. OMQ/ / > , - - GOLD ROPE. Tholntrlnilctnorlt nnd s'ipcrlnr quality of 0111 lohl Hope 1 obaoco has lndu < * 1 othii manufac turers to put upon tl o niiu' < > oo.l thnllar to ur brand In rftuio and ntj.j which nto olTorod ndtold f ir lots moi oy thiin the Kmiulno Qold Itopo. Wo caution the t ndo and tunsmncr to BOO hat our name find trade mark are uoii \ each ump. The on'y cenulno and original Uidd Hope Tiibact o la nmnufactur' d by THE WILSON & MoNALLY TOBACCO - BACCO COMPANY. lira J. O. RobcrUon , ritUimr ? , fit. , writes : " ! waa sufferingfrom general debility , want of ap- petltu , constipation , etc. , BO thatl Ifo wasn bur- en ; after using llurdock Ulood Hitters I felt hot- or than fnr j cars. I cannot praise your lllttcn 00 much. " U. Olbln. of Iluff lo , N. V. , writes : "Your lunlock IIIcc IHttera , In chronic illaoososof the ilood , Iher a J kidneys , have been elgnally marked with micccss. Ibavn UK * ! them myself with boat reunite , for torpidity of the liver , and In nan of a friend of mine buttering ( icm iliopey , hu effect was munulous. " llrticoTurner , Itochc-rtcr , N. Y. wrltes- : ' ! have been subject to nerlous disorder of the kidneys , and unable to attend to biulnees ; llurdock Illood IHUm relieved mo buforu half a bottle wag u ed feel Roufldont tint thuy will entirely euro mo , " > Aionlth Hall , niniilmmptoii , N , Y , , wrltot : "I Bufferud with a dull pain through uiy oft ung and shoulder , tout my xplrlts , appetite and color , and could with difficulty keep up all day. Took your llurdock Illood Ilitturs an ill * reeled , and have felt no jmlii Bluco flint week at- er uslne them. " Mr. Noah Hates , I'.lmlrn , N. Y. . writes : "About our years ago 1 had nn attack of bilious Mar , and never fully recovered , IIy illgcatlvtfnorgans were weakened , and I would bocompleUlL pros- rated for ilfljs. After mine two bottlurV your llurdock Illood Illttors thel mprovcmcnt AMIS so visible that 1 wan autoulshod. I can now. thouffb 01 yearn of ago , do a fair and icihonable day's work , 0. Hhcket IlobliiBon , proprietor of Tlio Canada 'reslijtrrlati , Toronto , tint , , writes : "For > ars I suffered greatly from oft-rocurrini ; headache. I . . . " . lliirdotk Illood Illttcra with hannloHt rosulu , and I now find imw.ll In hotter health rhan for yuarn past. " Mrs. WalUco. Itntfalo , N , Y , writes : < < Iliaio uord llurdork Illood Illttcru for lien cm and I'll- ia i advliuH , nnd tiui reccmmrnd It to an ) cue ixi'j p u euro for bllllousmj'.ii , ' lira. Im Mullnolhnd , Albany , N , Y , mite * : 'For rooral 1 Lave itflcied yM ( ficni cft'iisur ririi ; blllloiiH hcadajhcj , cljupipjia , nnd com. ilalnU pocnllar to my tetitncu itslii ) ; jour llurdock Ulnod llltteru I unu'iitlrcly rUlcj\cJ. " rice , vi.Op pai Uottle ; Trla UottlcifOOta F08mMILBUKHlftOolI , < rop8 , BmVAliO. N. V. Sold at wliolotalo by lab fc UcMahon nj 0. F Goodman. Jo 7 eod-idt The Great hnglish Knmedy iNovcr falls to cmt Nervous Dcbllltv ' , VI ml Kxhauatlon , 'Knilo doi.u , Bomlnal Weak- nnucs.LOBTMAN EJOOD , and all thi vvllcfrcttil of youth | ( ul folliue anil execs- tea. It btopa perm * ucntly all wcakouluR. nvoluntary lojti n and Iral i upon the Bn- tiui , the Inevitable re 'iultof ' thosoevilrrac , which uroso dtitruotlvu to mlud und i > odj and make llfo lulsurablo , ultcu leading to insani ty and death It tron-thenn the Ncrvcd.llrair ( mcinoryf Illood , Muuclua , Dl , , . stive and Kcpro duclh e Organs , It rcstorea t ) rll the orunIt luntlnu their former vigor and UteJlty , ma Unkllfo chei > rtul and enjoyable. l'tli > < , $3t 'lOttlo , or four tluuu the ( [ uur.ilty (10. tkjot by viprcHi. socurufrom aViinatlon.toatiyaddrowi , on receipt of prlco. No. 0 , O , 0. tent , cxcepi on receipt of II M A L-iinranteo. Letters i Dr. Mintio'e Unndoliou POla are thsbwtundc.itape * ! ilynptpala and bllllou cure In the market , tioid by all drueKlitc. I'rli , (0 cent * . IK MiTin's KIU.NIT UKUSUV , ! 7 rK < ( icuy , Ouroeillklmlot Kldnjyund blulder compWntu Konorihot , li'.cut and luucorrhua , I'or tile t > y i d > u glit < : ( Tlabottls. KN'OUHIl UCDICAL l-VftTITUIK. TlSONtoSt. , Kt. r ou'.u , Me. For Sal ln OmaHa by 0. r. OOODJ1AN. lathnold F\orlto and . , XM X. K JWJO rcm CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA PALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON , And all Point * EnitandOouth.F-iit. TIIKLINKC01IM1IH1C1- IIc rlj i.uCOmtlca MolIJ Smooth ! -Uvl Ir cf 11 connections nro made lo UNION ObPOTS hos a National Hciintntlnn w Mnir the rent Through Onr Line , utiJ In nnUermll * encoded to bo the FINEQT EQUIPPED IUII. oad In the world for nil clM * ut trnti'l Try It anil von will nnd trtvullii ? Ininry nstoad tf a illscomfort. Through Tlckrti via rhln OoMiruled Un fat Mlo at nil nfllccs In thp VCmi. All Intotmatton nlxjut KaUm u Fare , Hlooplnff ! ar AcocimuoJitlotiB , Time Table * , ft-c. , will bi boerfnlly gltrn by applylnlni ; to SJ Vlce-rro 't A Ucn , M nxvcrChlcipJ , PERCIVAL LOWELL , Gon. rftwwrvccr Act. Chlrara , W. J. DAVFJJP011T , ( ) * n Agent , Conncll UluBs II. V 1MIKIL , Tlrkut A > O' " h mnio-rd ly RAOBMARK 11' ' English rem edy. An tin falling cure , for Bomlnal Weakness , 8porm tor rhca , Impot' ency , and all Dlneancsthat" follow as a EFbRETAKINQ.iequ nce of AFTER TAIIRt. ill-Ahum' c Lou of Memory , ITnlieraal Laid ide , P ln In the Uack , Ulmnesa of Vlrion. lro atutc Olc' Age , and many other Unease * thai ad to Infinity or Consumption * nrt a Prema- uro Grave CarFull particulars li | onr pamuhlol , which o desire to send free I v mall to every one. C9"The SpoclHc Medicine Is told b > all druggist * (1 per paikage , or 6 packtiw for 16 , or win Bent free hy mall on ref'tpt of the money , by draalrnr TIIK OH/Y JKniCilNE CO. , Tlrfftlti , N , Y. o Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT eUROPtAN rtCMEDV ) r. J. B. Birapson'd Specific II Is a positive cine fci bpoiDiatatrtiH * , 'i ITooknosM. ImpotAQcy , and all illswuoo rnm Dolf-Ahuae , u Mintal Anilely , miory , l' lns In ths Back or 81lo , and " " nnt true la all. Wrlto ret them and gut full pit * .culm. Ice , Succtflc , 91.OU pet package , 01 tlx pack. ages for 14.00. AddroM all ordcn to D. BIU80N MKDICINE CO. No * . 104 and 108 Main Bt Buffalo , N. Y. . 5old In Omaha hy 0. F. Goodman , J. W , Orll , nd all drnrirliitrevervwhim. OATAERH AUD EOZBMA No argument Is nocrsury to fhiwr that theao Irtoaicx MU iif a blood orlln ) ; rt , f ) 8 , ti orrforo , tin. oompOB-d ( f tb m at poxoiful vigot ble lloratlvrs , ilcstroyn thudl en e. to land branch , > y putlug th blood ma pure , healthy state. "H.H S. for Catairh l < a sure euro ; cured tno fter alt other trnt > i cnU hid fallrd " C. C. nuKNM , Ureoncostle , Ind. llov. W J Robinson , mimlier Noilli OoorgU jOn/oience / : "Have Ukcu N. ti.ltr * c'car cAe f Kcitm ; ciuptlon hut ( ll.npK | ri < l and 1 Sin idl. " "IIn\fiUI < rii H H. h. for Ca airh with great until ; rliluk th < v bottltn inoro M | I compkttly , uiu mi. . ' K. K. itltuWn , Hpiitanbiirg , H. 0. J.y. . Cottlcll K' . I.oals , Mo : I regard 8. K. I. inn nios * wondirfnl r-inody. nnd ha\u no. , io.lii but ( hit It nlll euro my Cu'urih. " "S , 8 8 has cured ma of a Ir ub'oicuno ( V- jnh which his uitllcd f e truntiutnt of nil the but ptijsldMii Noithiud outh. " H. L , iloUi.lDi : , Atlanti , < Ja. s Ark , July 17,18AJ. I Imo bad haluy physlclanu U'rm l Kcmt 'or ' o > ir oiuhtyeari. t'aino the yorn 8 < itothi8 c tolnolnrr or tint I mlglit ba cur.d Iu- nthi tmulencr e lea lyappl iJ 1 tliehsal- uitft'liupbyalclt Hheru ( b th Interi aland xcvrnal ) 11 o nntttlon with tko crltbr ted rhar- inlliot bitlx , iuln n''illllon bavo lalion inora than aim droJ bottluaof > urliuiu tMllclne * * nlih , out the desired mult Up 10 three months gz 1 had alniOH' b II veil my cii > Indirih'c , aid ii an Ul.liiKHlltVBioclnu | ( H. H H ) wild all nu Bki'piKtmn p * ILlo 'Iha crup'lon w at first Hor.v , yet ihcro HCIO fongtin \ of Im- iirotcmoir , anda tcr tbrco nidnthi' tiioofH H. H. I auiuouidand neil , LOS a s'gn ' Of eiiiptlon , iny "kl Hmnnth nJ clvsrni d my xencral hoalih HKOod asit oer ft" If thiraurianydoabung n 01 , kt them u rlttt me litre IK. N.l'IIATT. Krom tlio urout Druir Houae of the NortdwoHt. U'udo nnth Hllatu towir Iliatfor near past ohiW ) HildTioro of K lft' Hxiitlo | ( S S 8. ) Imii nil uth'er b oed purlHorioniiDlncd nd nl'h nlxhluR rei ti , no Kiirlcnuu h ailiu : bet lea say * that It Ins done ulul mornio < < i tnan trcatmtnt wnlcli cant him $ I , < K . All tlifr who b-atHjd Ii fjr a iciofuloat ITuctlon ii'p rtiaperminent curu lioni its cure. Yours tru'y ' , VAKhiuArnKT si ! > 'o > &Uo , s nil P-uar l tn. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE tfOU COL. L. T. Youniritown , Ohio , MiyJO , 1&30 DR. 11. J. KKNDILL K Co. 1 lud a very t alua. oh Haiubletonlin colt tha Iprlznd > ry nguly , boli.Ml h larfo bouoppa\ln ( n on Jjint aud a jinall ono on the dlh'-r which IILJO hlai very lame ; I hnd him \ndir the charge o1 two ete - Inary burgeous which filled toiuro lilui. _ 1 aj > no day reading tlio diertUaaiout of hendal ! liwlu Cur In thoChlcago E\prcns.I determined iioncototry it a .d guv our ttu.'U'tU ' Mire to kiul f ir It , aud they orvkrixl three bottle ; 1 lock ill KCI ) I thouitht 1 wtuM K ! O It a tbinougb trial , 1 used It ft cording to dlrcctbns and the ourtUilay the colt cotsodtobo lama aud the lum tM ha > o dlbAppe&rod. 1 u&od bu oim bottle tnd the colt's lliub * are as f rte ut luaiui ud u imooth as ai-y horbe In the Kttj IIols mtlre- ly cured. The cure wv no remarkablu that ! lu > olottwoof ruy n.lghb3Hhu\o the ' - ag IKO bitlli-m-.Iio am now unlnelt. Scud ( or Illastratod circular nMng poAltlre pruat. I'rlroSl. All DrujcUU li-\jit or ciu KCtl < or > oii. Dr. B.J. Kendall a Oo , fr > - rrluwrn. Kobiu U Falls , Vt. BOLD BY ALL DROOQISJ.'B