Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hi W W I I A I I .Y KHjftTil i MJA4 UUTlUBJiJtl 61
Of Omaha , Nob.
Paid up Capital , - - - -
DinECTOlts :
& B. JOHN90X , rr Hdfntof Stwlo , Johnson ,
A. B. TOUZALIN , Vlco PrcelJent , of C , B. & < J
B. n. , Ikwton.
N. V. MORSR , of W. V. Morse & Co.
OHN S. COr.UNS. of 0 , II. li J. 8. Ootlln * .
II. WOULWOKTII , Coonscllor Si Attorney al
Law ,
L S. KEED.of Byron Ro&l & Co.
tl. W. YATES , Cashier , hto Cashier of the Hrs
National Dink of Omaha , nnJ connected wit
the active momgcmcnt of Unit Bank since It
organization In 1863.
OMMKD for ImslncM April 27 , 18S ? , 'within
Unco't ot any bink In Nebnska.
Ootl.t.c7iot3 receive tpcclal attention nod chai
go law ? t obtMrab'e hero or dsewhcre.
iKTXRrST a'lowcilrm time dojKJslts upinoi
able trtm aud upon acounta ot bunkmnd LanV
FORM * . * RxnuNaii , Ooxcrnmcnt Bonds , an
Cour.ty fctul Cl y tecurltkt botiaht and aatd.
It li rrcpirod t > d j a general banking buslne ;
la Ml It * df tails , and In the trcatu.cntt tomtom
CTS trill mirstio the rnott libctal'iioliey eoasUten
with safj bnnklnir
Bpolal Dispatch to TnK HXK.
NEW YOUK , October 27.
Money 4@G per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper G@8 per cent
Sterling Kxcbange Steady ; Bunkers
bllb , 5-1.81S ! demand , $4.80.
Governments J per cent higher for 4Ji
and extended 63 and unchanged for 3t aui
Dry goods imports for the week , Sl,820-
The stock market opened strong aud ac-
ti > e and prices were l@l $ per cent above
yesterday's closing quotations , Now York ,
Chicago & St. Louts preferred , Canada
Bjuthern and Now York Central leading
the ad vane 3 , The market then became
somewhat irregular , but bad a downward
tendency , and between 1 and 2 p. m. prlcei
fell eft i@2 per cent , Louisville & Nium <
lllr , Nashville & Chattanooga , Omahc
common nnd preferred an 1 Wabash pre
ferred bi i g the moat prominent in the
downward movement , but led bv Lake
Shore and Alton & Term Haute. The list
aft rward recovered | @ 1 per cent. Aftei
this the matkot npaln became heavy aud
in late trade fell off & @l'j ptr cent , the lat
teriuOmuhi , but in tnd final dealings
there was n fraolional recovery in same
shares. The market closed irregular , but
in the main was weak , witi values geaer.
aUy J ( 21 per cent below yeslordayV
closing figured.
\t-itcrda ) . To dxv.
3'a 1024 102
b'u 101J 101 =
44'H Coupons U3 11."j
4s ( HOB lll'S '
PacificG'aof 1895 12'Jg 129
Central Paciflo firsts 1141 11 J ]
Erie beconds , 9D $ 100
Lohlgh & Wilkesbarre 102i 10 i
Louisiana consols C'jS C9j
Missouri 6'u 11)8 ) 111
St Joseph 118 118
St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .1091 109J
Tennessee G'a 47 48
do new 47 49
'Texas & Pacific land grants. . Gl 61
do It. G. dlv. . . . 813 52
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. .11&4 115
do laud grants..llu 110
do sinking fund. . 117 . $11 *
Virginia G's 35 34
-do consols G's * 5C 56
do deferred 131 12
Ailaou Express 138 138
Allegheny Central 15 05
Alton & Terre Haute 441 iG
do pfd. . . . 85 Sti
American Express 92 91
Burl. , Cedar llapids & North. 80 80
Canada Southern 70J 7 ( |
Col. , Cm. U Ind Central. . . . 109 109i
Central PaciflJ 90J 'UJ '
Choiapcauo & Ohio 236 25 :
do 1st pfd. . . 38 ? 37. .
do 2d pfd. . . Wi 20i
Chicago &Alton Hlj 111 !
do pfd 145 118
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 134 1821
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 79
Cm. . Smd. & Cleveland 591 58
Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 83 84
Delaware & Hudson canal..lil 113
„ - - Del. , Lck. & WeHtern 381 37
Denver & llio Grande 5 ? 31.
Erie 4lJ 41
da pfd 80 Sli
East Tennessee 10'IJ IK
d. preferred 117tf 118
Fort Wayne & Chicago 13 r 137
Uaunib il 4 : til. Joseph 43 15
do pfd. . . 814 8
Harlem 200 200
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 79 81
Illinois Central H8 147
Ind. , Moorn. & Western 41J 41
Lake Eiie & Weatorn 3CJ 31
Lake Shora & Michigan So..mJ ] ] D
Louisville li. Nashville 55 M
Louiav. , New Alb. & Uhicago 72 ( VJ
W-iiiutta & Cincinnati 1st pfd iij ( 10
do do 'Jdpfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 52 52
Michigan Control 1(131 ( 103
Minneapolis tt So. Louis 3 ? 3i
do pfd. 72 ? 71
Missouri Pacific 100J IClli
Mobile &Ohio 120 321
Manhattan Beach 121 121
Morris iKssex 52 50
Ntehvilie & Chattanooga 731 ti
New J ersey Central 574 K7
Norfolk & Weiitern
do preferred . . . ,
Northern Pacific 4- ( | II :
do pfd 91Jj 01
Northwestern 14f > J 1-1 !
do pfd 101 rf IK
New York Ceutral 183 } IS I
Ohio Central 171 "
Ohio & Mliuisjlppl S'j a ;
do pfd ! IO ill
Ontario & Western 127 123
I'acitic Mall 3tl\ It !
1'aoHiru 27i 10 ;
Peoria , Decatur & Uvan9V..12H4 J'/
Pittsburg & Cleveland 18 ! ) 13 !
lleaiimt 13J 1 :
Bock Island 183 18 !
St. Louis & San Vtnu 38 31
do r-fd. . . . 57J fi :
do 1st ptd 971 'JI
St. P.vul a Milw&uLio 110' li
do pfd..u'Fj l l
St. Paul , Minn & Manitoba IB31 15 :
Bt. l ul & Omaha 4UZ 4 !
do pfd 10-2 10 ;
Texas & t'aolfio 1'J 4 !
Union Pacific 107J 10
United Sates Kxpress 0 tl
Wabwb , St. L. Sc Pucifio. . . . Sit 3
do pfd. MiS 51
, Wells , Vnrgo & Co. Kxprejs,12Si 12 !
Western Vnlon Telegraph. . . 884 8
Carlbo'i 19
Ceutral Arizona J
KzceUIor 1
HomcstaUe , 17 V
Little Pittsburg 1
Ontario 80 3
Quicksilver 61
do pfd U | i
Robluiton . . . . , , . . 1
BilverClttf , 9
Bonth Pacific. . . , 14 1
Standard 51
Sutro. , J
Offered. fEx. Interest. ? A ked. 1K !
J > ivideud ,
Spodal Dlgpatchw to Tn Bu.
CHICAGO , October 27. Flour Slcail
and Htm ; common to choice , uprin ? , 3 {
@l 60 ; common to fancy , 4 00@0 00 ; pn
onts. u 50@7 25.
Wheat We tk ; tegular 93&o & for 0
tolxsr ; 93jje for November ; 93@93o f (
the ycai ; Cjjj for January : 1 OOj for Ma'
No. 2 Chicago epriiiir. 93@9.'lo for casf
rent tnmn M regular ; No. 3 Chicag
spring , 83Js ; No. 2 red winter , 95JJ3 fn
cash nnd October ; 9Cc for November ; 93j !
for the yeir ; No. 3 red n inter , Die.
Corn Unsettled , but ( rener lly hlghei
G8o for cash snd Octobsr ; ( < 7e for N (
veiiiber ; 6 , © 01 Jo for the year ; 51a ft
January ; 5Ho lor May.
Oat-\Veaker31i@35c ; for each : 311
for October ; 33o tor No > ember ; S3@33j
for the year ; 3to : lor January ; 'Xa fo
Itye Market ear lor ; 5Sc.
B rlcy Higher ; S2Je.
Flax ded Steady ; 1 20J.
Pork Demand active ; 2J 75W3 CO fo
cash nndSOctober ; 19 52i@19 6 for Nc
v mbor ; 18 80@18 8 * for tlioear ; 18 77A < i
18 80 for J anuirj ; 18 85@18 871 for Fobtt
ary ; 19 05@19 10 for May.
Lii-.i D < maud active nnd priced h v
advanced ; U 8j@ll 9Horca hand Octc
her ; 1112 11 15 for November ; 1117ii (
1110 ! lor too jear nnd January ; It 2oft
11 2 'J for Felnuar > ; 112511274 fo
JJuttcr Mnrktt steady ; choice to fane
croimery , 30@89c ; good to choice dairy
\Vhl ky Steiuly ; 119.
] ' ' * { lit Rates on corn to UulTalo , 3c
CAM. UoAiii ) Wheat Firmer , but no
quotably higher.
Corn Iircgular ; G8@68io for cash ; C8
for October ; 07o for Novtmber ; 61 Jo fo
the year ; 51Jo f r Januaiy65lc ; for M y
Oiitu Kinuer for futures ; 3IJo bid fo
cash ; 3 4@3 ? ofor Oc'ober ; SSS' SM n fj
Novembei ; 3Jifig331j fjr the ; M\ .
Pork -Ljwer ; 19 45 for November ; 18 71
for tlio year nnd January ; 18 7 i for F b
ruary. j
Lard Irregulnr ; It 90 for October ; 1131
@H37i tor November ; 11 12J fur tin
year ; 1112i@ll 15 for January ; 11 35 fo
NEW YOKK , October 20-Flour-Quiet
Super state western , 3 25@4 00 ; choke ti
Rood extra , 4 00 ® i 50 ; good to choice , i G (
© 750 ; white western ! extra , .G25@7 50 ; t-x
tra ] Ohio , 4 00@7 00 ; St. Louis , 4 00097 50
Minnesota , G 75@8 50.
Wheat Opened strong and i@gchl.jhcr .
but afterward loat the advauce nutt de
clinad J@jCj closingBtrorjj r ; No. 2 tpriiif
uomiuo ; Ao. 3 > ptiug , 'Jliic ; ungrrto (
red , 81 oil 11J ; No. 3 red. 104J@1 OC
steimor No. ii red.l Oug@l 03J ; No. 2 red ,
L t8@l 08j for certiLcato ? , 1 08i@l 09j
dolivired ungraded white , 85(0)1 ( ) 114
etc racr No. S white , 80 : ; eteatuur No
a white , SC@S8' : ; No. 2 , white , lid ; No 1
white , idOO bu B nd nt 1 09j@l 07j
fur certificate ? , 111 delivered ; No. 2 re :
for October , SO.COO bu. eold at 10Sjl@l 08g
closing at lt)3i ; do for November , 314 ,
000 bu. Bold . .t 1 08-4@l 09 , closing n' '
1 OSr ; di for Dccomljur , 552,000 bu. eolt
at 1 ( )9J@1 10 . clobln nt 1 10 ; do foi
Januaiy. JICOU bu sold at lll @I12
closing at 1 113 ; do for February , ti 1,001
mi. sold at 1 Uj ® ! 13J , clo in ? t 112 |
Corn Unsettled nnd t@ljo lower ; op
tiou-1 , 'jfcilio ( , closing with a re C'
tionot I2ic ; uuuraded , tlj@83o ; No 2
81J@85 in eltvator , 80s dvlivuied ; No
2 wbitt * , fc5@s8c ; No. 2 for October , BIJ'o
Soc , clu it } ; nt 81 } ; do fur Nu\ein er
j , closing at SO c ; do for December
j , clo3in4 at 7. < ic ; do for January
4c , closing at GHojdo for February
GiftsGS , clooiug i > t G3j.
Oftta Firm nnd fiirly active ; mixec
western , 33@ 13j ; wliito western , 40@48c
Hay Strong aud in Rood demand'liOc
Kjfgs Fresh western , held firm ; 23g (
Pork Firm ; new'mess , 23 00@23 25.
Beef Market dull , and v/c.ilt ,
Cut Mo its In good demand. ,
Lard Higher ; prime steam , 12 60(3 (
1utter-In good demand and firm ; 15c (
Cheese Quiet but firm ; western flat , 5c (
ST. LoniB , October27. Flour-Steady
XXX , 3 55@3 70 ; family , 4 10@4 25
choice 4 50@,0 50 ; fancy , 4 75@4 93.
Whoit Dull and low.r ; No. a red 1
sold down from 9t2Sc ' for cash ; 9-'J
for Ojtober ; 92S@91Ju tor November ; 9o
(29lo for Deccmbar ; 92h { for the year
97Jfe901c for January ; 92f < i9.'Jc for May
No. 3 ted fall , 88i@3'Jo ; No. 4 rod fall
Co n Dull and lower ; 66s for cish ; GOj
@Glo for November ; 55Jc for the year
49jo for January ; 51Jc for May.
Oats Dull nnd tower ; 82J@32tfo fo
caah ; 3ljje for November ; 31Jj tor May.
K > e-iM rket dull ; ri > 4@65io bid.
Barlo > Qiiet ; GVo,90o. ,
J'.utter btoady ; 22@23c.
Kgu Steady ; 18@19c.
Whisky Steady ; 118.
Pork Market rtull ; jobbinr. 22 75.
Bacon nnd Hulk Meats Very scarce
only Biuull nod Jling trade.
l.nrdMarket dull ; small lots sold a
ArrwiNOON UoAitD Wheat Slow ; 9"j :
for November ; 91 3 for December ; 02it
9.8i for the year ; UGga tor Jinuary ; 92gj
Jijo for May.
C rn Quiet ; 61o forNo\ember ; 49 3 f (
Jonu .rj ; 01 lo for May.
Oafa - lieiter ; 32o for November ; SIJ (
3lj for the year ; 31 for May.
KANHAB CITV , October 27. Wiioit A
tivo an 1 ttHiidy ; No , 2 red , 79J@79Jo fi
cn h ; T'Jii79i'j ' tor November ; 79 o mJ fi
Decmiber ; 8) j for January.
Corn Q net and Htondy ; 53Jc bid fi
cash ; 43u uiit for November ; 40@10jo fc
January ; now coin sold ut 4Dio bid fi
caah ,
OntB Slow ; 2So for cafb ,
KySlow ; 47jbld.
Butter Stead ) ; store packed , 2JQ921
KBJJH Steady ut 19c.
COUNOIL HunrirB , Outobur 2T. Tl
Joauiti lilulfi inarkotn carefully revisi
to date ar aa follow * :
Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Knnnaa Ci
winter heat , 275@3 25Miunc40ta wlnt
wheat , 300@1 00.
Wheat Ao , 2 , 75o ; No 3. I65c ; rejecte
Corn No. 2 , 50o.
Oats No.2 , 30c.
Uye No. 2 , 45o.
Barley None.
EjR8 ( Scarce ; Belling to packoru at 2C
Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow. I ( J
corn ch p , 24 03 per ton ; corn and oa
chop , a i 00 per ton.
FHUiTS-Apiilei , 200.
Brooui Corn SifeUo.
llay Loose , 7 Ol9 ) 00 ,
Wood fi OUWO 00.
Wool l&raL"i ,
Uutter Crenmery , 30c ; In rolls , wra
04 i , 20c ; rollo not wrapped , 22 : ; inir
co orn , 10 1'Jjio ,
, > iiijj44 10u per bunhel.
Live Chickens 2&0 < )3 ) 00 per
Potatno SCks per fm hel.
O.bbage * 25@10o per dor ,
Turnlpn SOo HIT Inwhel
Sweet Corn 7o u r dozen.
LIVK STO J1C. Catlla-Extra , 3 OC
" Veal Culver -5 10 ® ' 00.
" "i. Shoap-350.
tl ! > celiJ Dlipatchen lo Tun Cat.
Ouiaiao , October 27Th * Drovi
Journal repjrts aa follows ;
Ho'a Market more active and at
average of Ifti higher ; niUed. COOfcti I
heavy , 7 00@7 Oi ; UgiitUlC@7 OO.-'ukii
I 00fe-i 85.
Cattle-Fairly uctlve
nud steady 4
perU , 0 0030 10 ; Good to choice htp'pl >
5 105 00 ; common f > fair , -JOO ; tali
butcher * , vlc&dy ; medium to good , 3 40
4 10 ; Btocken plentiful and weak at 2 9U
3 CO ; feeder * , ate < ] y 3 CO@J 85 ; range i
tlv nd value * tc dr ; Toxftn ? , 3 65@4 ft
American , ( 10@5 PO.
Sheep Qtitlity p < or end tnsrkft MOT
common tn fair , doll nt 2 90 < n)3 ) iO ; nieillui
ti peed , 3 G5BH10j choice to extrn , 41
@J 60.
ST. LOC13.
ST. Louis , October 27. Uattla Sill
ity M nt and quality poor : movftnot
low ; tnKul lot of butchers' stock. .10 fi
37 : RO d butoliois' tlecrs 35 43 !
good to chotc Texan , 3 50 ( 4 SO ; Uh
hipping native * tcer , heavy
Slircp l itlc. nnil unchnnged ;
btit inntton , 3 f > 0 © I 25.
Stroiucr nd In K ° ° d domnnil
Icht nutpptng , G 20@0 25 : ovskinKi C 3
@G 00 ; butchers to extra , 0 ! > 0@7 60.
KASPAB CITY , October 27. The UM
Stock Indicator rcpoitsi
Cattle Firm nnd n rhide higher ; Col
rado ttecTf , 3 " (3 ( , 1 fiO ; Tcxon Ptceif
ToO@l 00 ; nntlvociwg. 9' MS ' 0 ; tock
w , -J5&,3 7C ; f < edct r70S4 25.
Higa Ac ivo i\tid Tilcnrr ; light , fnV )
00 ; packing , 625@OGO ; heavy , 0 0j (
Shcep-Stendy ; nitivos Averaging nlno
y puiiudn sold at 3 00.
NKW YoriK.
YOUK , October 2' . T1 Drivers
ournal bureau rc ( > oiti :
Ueeves M tket oponfd firm nu'l 25
lUhcr , luitcloied with the ndvnnco lost
nd dull with n downward tendency
mor to prime native steers R > ld At 0 00(2 (
2 50 ; half-btoed strorf , ! ) 2J@10 50 ; ex
> ortcra u-fil 200 hend.
Sheep Dull find drooping ; 1 00@B 5
ter cwt for sheep ; G UU@G 75 for lamb
lot nil aold.
Swine Ll e ingg were doing better n
27 UO per cwt.
Special UlgpatchM to Tin BIX.
NKW Yomc , Octoboi 28. Coffee-Quint
mt tteady ; Uio cargoes quoted at < 3
Sugar Q.Met , but stonily ; fair to ( ; u (
ofiidng quoted nt 73@7i i.
Molafiseo Steady ; Now Orleans UOE5l ( > . ' f
llice Quiet ; Domestic , rKgGJc.
I'etroleuin Dull nnd lower ; United
" ) iis ; crude. 71@7So ; refined. 7S@7Xo.
Tallow Market easier ; 8J@8jc. ;
U ln-Stj.idy ; 1 87J@1 93.
TuriMintiae Dull nnd hcay ; 54c.
POSTOS , October 27. The wool market
s tuoie active than Inst week nnd there ii
letter and cnnor tone.
Spodal BlHvitdica to Till One.
CIUCAOO , October 27. Receipts' uni
shin incuts of flour nnd grain for the pant
24 hours have been ns follows :
Itaceliits. Ship'tfl
Flour bblu 18000 15X ( (
Wheat bushels 102 OCO 10I.OOC
Corn " 227,000 11H.OIK
Oats " 123,000 78.0CK
Rye " 10.00) ! 7,5X (
Barley- " : ! 9.000 2 ! , ( XK
NEW YORK , October 27. Receipts anc
rhipuicnts of flour and grain for the pasl
24 IIOUM have been as follow ? :
Receipts Shp'ta
Flour-bbls 2259J 4.3JC
Wheat bushels GG.500 41,10' '
Corn " 41,6 5 IK
Oats " 22,000
ST. Louis , October 27. - Receipts anc
shipmcuU of flour nnd grain for the pas' '
21 hours Invo been as follows :
Receipts. Sbip'ts
Flour bbls 8 000 13,001
\Vheat-buahbla 121,000 74,00' '
Corn " 14000 1UX
Data- " 32,000 GOUI
Rye " 4,000 200 !
Barley- " 20,000 1,00
KANSAS Cur , October 27. Receipt
and shipments of grain fir the prut 2
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ts. Ship'ta
Wheat , bushels 2 ! > ,000 22,00
Corn " 9.000 9OJ
CHICAGO , October 27. Rccelptu am
bipmenU of live Block for the past 2
lours have been as follows :
Rec'fc" . Sblpm'ti
Hog IO.PO'1 ' G.'O
Cattle 8.000 65
"hcep 2,000 1,50
C > EwYouK. October 27 Receipts an
bipuients if live stock for the paat !
icuis have been aa follown :
Reo'ts. Ship'ti
IOUH 4100
Jatile 2,270
heep 9.3GO
Jeef , quartern
"uttoi' , carcases . . . .
ST. Loom , October 27. Receipts an
hlpments of live stock for the post 2
loura have been an follows ;
Reo'ts. Bhlprn'f
Hogs 1,107 lt (
Cattle 1900 Jl (
Sheep 1,203 1,01
KANSAS CITY , October 27. Recelp
md hblptnenta of live clock for the past ' ,
loura have been ns follows :
Reo'ts. Shipm't
logs 1.9.X )
Jattlo 2,200
Sheep 200
\Vholc8iilo Prlooi ,
I'VIdty Evening , October 27. J
Tlio only changes reported in the nwrlt
, o-day are as follows ;
Wheat , No. 2 , declined i ? ; rejected , d
cllned lc.
liuluy , No. 2 declined lu.
Local qrtin Utiallni : * .
V/HKAT.-Cash No. 2 , 7 s ; cu h N
lG ! : : tujtcted. 47c.
Y. Cash No. 2 , 72o ; No ,
. dull , 44 Jc.
W.No. 2 , 55o.
OATS -30 1.
HUiOS-l''lax : HeeJ 1 03 I > < T hu.
Produce and Provliloni ,
POTATOKS-30@40o per bushel.
ONIONS 30@50o per buahel.
BUTTUR Clioice country , 1
HONEY California , per Ib , 21.
AIM'LES Per barrel § 3 00@3 60.
OYSI'KIIS-S lect , 45j.
GRAPKS-Oillfnrnla , 52 2'2 ! 50
LKMONS-84 50@fi 00 ( tor Iwx.
BKANa Imported Uennan 2 711 \
I ushel ,
Qrocors' Lldt.
OANNKD GOODS Oyster * , 2
iTiold'p ) , ixsr caio , 'J-l 00 ; do 1 iti ( rield1
per cat e , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( "tandnrrl ) , per cai
, -t ? 5 , jAitwteru , 1 Ib per rte u
1 bO. Tomatoes , 2 Ib 2 G5 ; do H It , r
ease. 2 75 Corn. 2 PJ ( Mounta ;
pdr case , 80) ; awaked corn , 1CJ ;
2 Ih ( Yarmouth ) , per cae , 3 (
itrluy , per crso , 2 10 ; Lima bon
POT ci > 2e , 1 70. Ei'ic''h i jr ww , 11
Pear , common , per c.-vso , 1 CO ; prau , choli
par c.Ve,2 70. IJlackbernaa , li Jb , per 01
'JlO ; vtrawberriun , i. lu , per oaf , 2 I
raupberrio'i , 2 Ib , per &ue , 3 : i ) . Da
ons , ' . It ) , per gano , 2 45 , Daitli
peam per cate , 2 0) , Whortlaberr
j > er case,275 Kijg pluma,2 W war'-t. o , ' <
( Jretn gtges,2 Ib per cate , 2 90 ; do choice
Ibjier ca&3 1 CO. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , porca
JOOCa675. Peaches , ' It , per cuue. ft
do 3 11) . case , 4 OUffi 1 50 ; do , ( pto ) . 8 lt > , t
coi > e,2O : : do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen. 2 30.
Fli JfJIi Jobbing prlcen , Juclc Fr <
St. Lotiid winter ) $3 90 p r 100 ibs.'J
peka Patent Kansi , 83 85 : Minnehal
Minneaola Patent $3.70 ; Sbawnee Kan
winter , 83.10 ; Kagle , XXXX wlnt
83.00 ; Triumph springy , best , 82.80 ; Chr
tian'u Kuparlative , S 80 ; bran , per tc
814 00 : chopped feed , 28.00.
aUGARS-Powdered , lOJc ; Cut loj
lOi ; Granulated , Uio ; Ouniectloner'a ,
9jc ; Standard Eitra C , 8c ; Kitra
| I'tnotllnm ; j-ellow , 8c ; dark yeio1
SYRUP SUniUrd Com. , 4Sc , Mill
Standnrcl do , - \ \ gallon kea , $2.25 ; Sta
iard do , 4 gallon keg * . $2.00.
AlKATS llams , IGc ; broakfwit bacoi
umo ; cloai cldo b\con , none ; dry n
) Aoon. Uic ; thonldoni , lljc ; tlcto * Ian
Si" .
JlOPK Slaal , & Inch nnd Iwgor , 10
1 Inch. lit.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brl , G 7i
\o. 1 nwckrrel , kit , 1 00 ; family m cl
rel , half brK 4 7r ; family mackerel , kit
5c ; No. 1 whtto fi h , half btls , C 00 ; No.
vhito fich , kit , ! > r > c ; fixtcily white fisl
lf brls , > 50 ; family white tub , kit * , SO
medium calcd horrinc , lOe ; select boneloi
. Popper , 20 ; Allfploc , 20 ,
Olovos , 35c ; Nutmeg , $ J 00 ; Cnwia , aii
1.100 6100.
LYK American , 3 3V Qrcenwlch , 8 41
Vcstorn , 2 75 } North Star , 2 00 ; Lowl
yo. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 27& .
FEUD -Jobbing prices , Chop ( tc ,
1.50 per 100 Ibs.J chop coru , $1.40 ; brat
Oo jKsr 100 lb .
tJl'AUUll.--Poatl , 4ie ; Elher Oloi
is } Corn Starch , SJc ; Eiceliioraiom
o $ Corn , 74o.
C'OVt'M t.r-ltto , Mr , llo | Rio. goo
2c ; i li.t9 to choice , W to ISj ; OU nov
nvft ! 5CiQi'l.X Mocha , 28ic ; AtbaeUe'i
lijc.UlIEESa Full Crcum , 13loj l w
TEAS .Gunpowder , gooO ,
Ihclco , G0$75c ( ; Imporlftl , good , -
" "jfScc , 60 < ( il75c ; Young llvson , jrootl , 3Gi (
Oc ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Lea !
5c ; Japiu. choice , CO@7Cc ; Oolontr , pooi
5040 } Oolong , oho.ce , 4065 ; Hoiiohouf
{ ood. 3540c ( : choice , B5 < 345c.
WOOUBNNYAHK Two hnop pnlli
55 ; three hoop paili , 2 20. Tuln. Nc
, 9 50 ; Pisnoer wMbboardu , 1 P5 Uonbl
Urdwtt200Vollbuckct ; , 360 ,
LKAU Bar , 81 65.
VINEGAR Biro npplo extra , lk (
uro npplo , 13o : Pruoslnit uuro annlo , 1G <
SAl/i' . Dray loarti , | > cr bbl , I G5 ; AMI
on , in rmo ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy M , On , 35
HOMINY Now , 5-1 DOior bbl.
SODA In Ib paper * , $3 pcrcnsckc ;
oda , 2jc.
SOA.L'B"Klra'aSnvnn Imperial , 3 4,1
firk-s natlnet , 3 GO ; Ktrk'fl ntandard. 3 7fi
llrk'a whlto Russian. 525 ! Kirk'
Sutoob. S 15 Kiik'a Prairie Queer
100 cakot ) , 40 ; Kirk'o magnolia , 4 &
POT VSH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doi.
n CIVBO , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in caac
. 00 ; Anchor Ball i : doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Rod clover , choio
ow , ? 0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clove
ow. 87 00 ; whlto cbvcr , now. $14 OC
, nlfft clover , new , $12 50 } alslke , now
1300 , Timothy , good , now , 83 OC
, uo grass , oztrn clean , SI 50 ; blue erase
can , $1 25 ; orchard gross $2 59 ; red tor
loico , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri
) c ; millet , Gorman , 6100 to $1 25
iunparian 80a
HEDaESEED Osngo onngo , 1 to
lusholn , $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels o
vcr , $4 CO ; honey locust , perlb. , 2 So ; pe
00 Iba. . P25 00.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
osseo , lOopcr Ib ; fancy white , lOJo peril
raw white Virginia raw , lOe ; roasted
NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrel *
753 ; do in half bbls , 4 25snmUs ; , in bbl ,
5J do , in half bbh , 5 2 j ; horViai , ii
bis , 11 59 ; do , in half bblo , G V5
OANDLiES-Uoxes , 40 Ibs.ltH.lC c ; 81
J IXXUD1U Ibs. , 1G oz. , < ie > , l'- { . .
KICK Totlrtinnft prime to choice , 7i
ic ! f.xir , G ( C7c ; Patina , 7c.
M ATI ; 3. Kb IVr cauuio , 93o ; roucrl
nsej. S 10 : square , CM , iJ5 4 .
Dry Qoodt.
BHOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Je
Applctou XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boot
V , 805 Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot \V
; Chitteuango A , GJc ; Urcat Falls
Jc ; Hoosicr , Gic ; Honest Width , 8Jo. IK
lan Ilead A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A
gc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8jc ; Lawronc
tLi , 7c ; llystio River , 7Jc : Pequot A , 8J <
hnwmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , Clo ; Wachui
tt B , r ju | do A , 8Jo } do E 46 , 12Jc ; Wa ]
ott BB. 8 0.
4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 8-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7fr
Atlantic LI GJc ; Badgpr State X 4-4 , 7 <
knnlngton 0 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-J , 6 jc
Indian Orchard AA 5-8 , 8Jc : Laconia I
9 , 8&c ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Sc ; Lonadalo 4- '
Oc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7qt do 0 32 , 71c ; do ]
3 , 7So ; do E 39. SJc ; Pocaaaet 0 4-4 , 7Ji
atnButta 4-4 13a t
gin L 4-4,9ioBlackstonoAA ; Inr.perialS ?
o do halt bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,8
Fidelity 4-4 , 9icFrult of the Loom , 10 ; c
can.brlc4-4,13cjdoWatcrTwist,10ioGrei ;
TallaQ , lOJc ; Indian Headahrunk 4-4 , 12
jonadale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; Ne
York Mille. 12ic ; Ponuot i lOo ; Peppere
N G Twills , 121c ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9J
Pocaaset 4-4 , 8c ; Utica , lie ; Wnmsuti
O X X. 12ic.
UuCKS Colored ) Albany E browi
8c ; "do 0 , drab , il do XX stripes an
plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown and dral
itripos and plaids , 12 c ; Arlington fane ;
-Oo ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fane ;
21c ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rivi
irown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana ,
irnwn ltr" ! Noiwnset A brown. 15o
iUKliMUO Amoskoag A U A !
LOo ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; Arrowanci
9ic ; Clarcinont B B , 15Jc : ConcBtogn o :
tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , UJo Lewmton
SO , 15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Ocioga sup <
extra 4-4 , ? 8c ; Pearl River 82 , IGjc ; Pn
wxui XX blue atripi' , 12c ; Shotuoket
lOio ; do S3 12c ; Yooinou'o blue 29 , !
Dl'.NIMa. Amoalceak , hluoondbror
IGJc ; Andover DD Hue , 35\c ; Arling.
blue Scotuli , IBAo ; Concord OOO , blue n
brown , 12ic : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XX
dodo I4io jllaymaker'o blue and brow ;
9Jo ; Mystic River UI ) strijie , Hijc ; PCS
lliver , blue and brov/u , ltc ! ; Uncasvlll
blue and brown , 1 Jc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 60 ; Kddytloi
lining. 21 hich double f.-we , 8Jc ; Garner
glazed , 5&c & ; Manhattan u-lovo finl ih , 5
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5ci Poquot i
5c : Lockwood kid Hul li Gc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndr
coggln Hatteeu 8 0 ; Clarendc o , GJc ; Con
, 71c ; Ifallowcl , 80 ; IuJ < ]
Orchard 7o ; Narr > ganacittimprovi'do ,
Pnpperill nattf m Die ; llookport , 7ic
PlU > 'T' AllenB , Glc ; American , Oj
Arao -srwiclc , 4 c ; Cocheco , i
ju Uunkirlt , 4Jo ; Dunne
Hillyttono. 7o ; Gloucester , (
Harmony , 60 ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; M
rlaa D , 7o ; Mystic , 5jc ; Spratruoe , I
Soutfabrldgo , Gc ; do. Glughama , lo ; Ma
bore , 55c ; Oriental Gic.
GlNGHAMS-Am"koag. 12Jc ;
droHs Argyle , lOJo : AtUnt
ic ; Cumberland , 7ic ; Highland , 7 <
Konllworth , 84c ; I'luu kott , lOio ;
ur. 80
Agate. Ws ; American , Ho ; Artulau , 21
Cairo D and T , Elic ; Clarion D and
I7jc ; Dc < : can Co.ntripoHDan.lT. IGc ; Ki
ituue , 13 > ; Nantuckot. lOc : Nonpuri
ItJcj Occaa D wM T , 13io : Royal ] 8
dnw-r , 12o ; Tiugn , ll'Jo ; V/aohuHtitt utu
in ? jhwjL * . I2ic ; du , KanUlu , 12jcj , Yo
ulaiu . .nl ia. 12ic ; dochockaotriixw e
fancy , 12fc ; do. fi oz , 20c ,
BHKfSTfNGS AniohOogcii. ,
4o ! ) - ! . 'Ic ; do ) , 2ui ContiusnUl
12 , He ; KnUt of io Loora 10-J. 274 ; ft
York millo 98 , . . .t . , jo 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 2J
Peuibrolce 10 , i -i Pe uot 10 1 ,
7-4 , la ! ) ; < lo 4 , Id : ; Penparoll 36 , 2
io G7. 21o ; do f-7 , 18p > Utioa 05 , ll > ;
S , 5l26o ; do 48 , 17o
Clzira and Tobacoor.
f JIG ARB. eed . 815.00 ; Oonnw ic
525.00 ; Mixed , ( jao.OO ; Bead Havr.
SiO.OOj CloarUovana , 875.00.
21 Ib , GOo ; Our Rope , urct quility , fl
Star , powde , 24 Ib , butta.GOo ; HOMO Bh
pounda , 24 Ib , butte. 58c ; Gilt iU
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Arujy and Nu
pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounda , C'Joj Lo
lard'a Climax GOc.
* v a uiiuiUA , poundu , ww
t 1'INK CUT In iaile. Hard to B <
76cj Ooldon Thread , 70cj KountMn , I
Favorite , 65c ; Ilocky Mountain , (
Fancy , 55o ; Daiay , 60c. In tin fol
Catling O. H. , 5 Ib boxes , [ > r Ib G3c { I/
Ulard'B Tiger , OOo ; Diamond Crown , 6Gc
HMOKING AllKr&dea-Common , 21
8Ro. Granulated lilackwcllB Durham ,
ozSlc ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 4Gc ; Boa
North Oarollun. 10 ot , 40 } Seal of Nebi
ka , 16 oz , S8c ; Ix > ue Jack , 4 cz , linen L
Trolicht & Bunker
O3E *
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection.
per Ib , $1.85 ; Murburpa' Pnck 3 ot , tl
oil , fide ; DOR Tnll G5c.
Patnti Oll * nd Vrn1iho .
OILS 110" cnrbon , IXIT galloi
13o ; 150 * hoAdligbt , per gUloi
lljci 175' headlight , per gallon. 22i
llnacod. raw , per gallon , 17 ; llnood , boilo-
tier gallou , OOc ; ) nl , winter etrM , per tja
lent 1 00 ( No. 1 , 83c ! No. 2. 75c ; KMtoi
XXX. VIT gallon , 1 20 ; No. 0 , 1 15 ; nwco
i > or gallon. 85c ; spotm , W , 11. , per pallor
1 6V ti h , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; noatufool
extra , per gallon , 7i'cj No. 1 , C5c ; lubr
eating , zero , per gallon , SOcj nnmmcr , 15 <
golden niaoblnt < . No. 1 , per gallon , 35o ; N (
2 , SO : sperm , eignal , p r gallon , 8Pc ; tin
pontfne , per gallon , 65 : ; nnptha , 74 , pc
gallon , 18o : Gt , 17a
L'AiNTa IN OIL-WhKo load , Omah
I' . 1' . . GJc ; wliito load , St. Loult , pure , fl ] <
MarRolllos green , 1 to 6 lt > cann , 20
French zlno , gtsin neal , 12o ; French r.ln <
red goal , lie ; French rlno , tn vanilnh n i
20c ; French zlncc , in oil nwtl , 15c ; Ha\
nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw nn
burnt , U3c : vairlyko brown , -
tcfincd lamrit ck , 12o ; coach black , lq (
Ivory black , ICe ; drop black , IGc ; Pniosla
blue , SOo ; ultramarluo blue , 18o ; ohrxiu
green , L , M. & D. , 14c ; blind ami shuttc
, m > cn , L. M. & Dy IGo : 1'arig green , 18 <
Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian rod. Do ; Tusca
Jn. , 22c ; American Vonulliod , I. A P. , 1K <
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18i
yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 1Q ; potet
drvor , 8c ; Draining colorat light oak , dar
oai , walnut , nbontnut nnd or.h 15o.
Dry ° lnt
White load , GJc ; Ifronch due. lOc : Par
whltclng 2Jc ; whiting gildorR.
ng com'l , lie ; lampblack Germat
town , 14o ; Irnipmock , ordinary , lOo ; I'nn
sian blue , 55c ; ultramariuo , I8o ; vandyk
brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4 3 ; mnbor , T.-M
tceiennn ; , burn t , 4c ; gionnn , raw , 4i
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Pnria green com
20o ; cnromo green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chron
green K. , 12o ; vcrmillionKng. . , 70o ; voi
million , America , 18c ; ludlou red , 10 <
ro io pink , lie ; Venetian read , Cookson' '
4).Sc : venetian red Ain. , Ijc ; rod load , 7Jc
ctiromoyullow , genuine , 20o hromo yellow
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochdllo 3c ; ochri
French. 29c ; ochre , American , 2 <
Winter's mineral. 2ip ; lehigh brown. 2Jc
spanluli brown , 24cj Priuco a mineral 3c
VA11NIS1IK8 IJarrols per rallou
Fnrnituro , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1
? 1 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; each , No. 1
SI 20 ; Damar , oxtrn , $1 75 ; npan , 70c ; at
phaltum , extra , 85c ; ahellao 83 60s ban
oil fininh. itl 30
rl i.vy Hardware Ll t ,
Iron , rates , $3 40 ; plow ateol , specie
cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; npocialorUormau,6c
cost tool do , 15@20 wagon spoken , ncl
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per act , 1 25 ; felloes , nnwo
ury , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axloi
each , 75c ; square nuts , i > er Ib , 7@11 <
washers , per ID , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie
coil chain , per Ib , 612c ; malleable , 8 <
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Go ; hnrroi
teeth , 4o ; borfoahoos , nor keg , GOO ; sprin
steel , 7@8c ; Burden's horsoshoeii , C5t
Burden's inuleshoes , 6 50.
SHOT. Shot , 91.85 ; Bnck ehot , $2.11
Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. , hn
kegs. 83.48 : do. , quarter kngs , $1.83 ; Bias
Ine , koe , $ & 35 : Fuse , per 100 feet 50o.
BAuBKD WI UK-In car lots,8 IU ) pe
100 ; in less than car lots. 8 55 our 100.
NAILS Bates. 10 to 60tf , 4 60 ,
Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock Dole , 28j t
ftTc ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runno
65a to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85o to L 20 ; her
lock upper , 23c to 2flo ; oak upper , 21
alligator. 4 00 to fi 50 ; calf kid , 32@35
Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o I
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French ki |
1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : ru
setts. 6 60 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 5
toppings , 9 00 to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 3 (
to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , S5o ; simoi
2 TO to 800.
UAUNKSS-No 1 star oak , 42o ; Node
do , SUc ; No. 1 Ohio o k , 38c ; No. 2 d
35c ; No. 1 Milwau oo 37c ; No. do , 3
Horie * and Mulct.
The market is brink nnd all grades A
lllng well at A slight advance in p ice
Tbo demand for good boraoa oicnoda tl
supply concidornmy. Prices range as f (
lows :
Fine uingle drivers , $150. to 300. ; Ext
draft borneci. 3175. to 225. ; Common dm
horses , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horse
SI 10. to 125. ; Common to cooJ farm horse
890. to 8100. ; Extro plnp.f , CliO. to 71
Common ulugs , 520. tn $10 ,
MULES. 15 to 16J hands ( excra ) , $12
to 150 , ; HI to 15 hands , 8100. to 141
11 to 14J tuiade , 875. to 100. ; 184 to
hands. &W. lo 7n.
I uors.
ALCOHOL - 187 proof. 2 31 nor wii
gallon ; oitra Californu spirits , 187 prot
I 30 per proof gallon ; triple relined splrl
187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; re-distill
vbiskioH , lOOQl 5C'j duo blended , 160
260 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ke
tuclcv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 L0@7 0
BfcANJ.iIKH-Imuortod , 815 00@10f
domestic 1 104 00.
GINS Irojortod , 4 508 00 ; domcat
1 403 ( ? 00.
UUMS-Imnorted. 4 SOf G 00 ; N <
BnKland. 2 COM1 OOiMomMtto. 1 60643
I 75@1 00.
OliAMPAGNliE Imported per OBI
21)00331 ) 0 ; Amsv'.Jia , oitee , 1200
OrjAUKTS er caHe , 4 60@18 00
WINKS Hh no wiuo , per case , C OC
20 00 ; Oatnvba , per case , I 00@7 00 ,
Vfu quota lumher , latn and shingles <
cars ut Omaha at the following prices ;
undor. 622 00 ; 18 ft. , 523 50.
TIMHKIUi 10 ft. and under , * * 2 00
TIMIUIHAND JOI8T-18 ft. , $231
1C ft 32.1 5C , 22 ft. , 32I5 60 ; 21 ft. ,320 I
FENCING No. 1 , 4 arrl G In. , Ml I
No. 2 , 82. ! HO.
SI1J3BTINO No. 1 (2nd ( ccmio
bor.rln ) S2I03 ; No. 2 , $1800.
bi'OOK. D , C2r/
IMu. O , ? 35 00 ; 12-in. B. 010 00.
I lMU rer barn.1 , SJ1 35 ; bull : ita
40. ; Cemout , bbl , ? 2 2 Iowa pliat
hb ) , % t M ) . JJftlr tJf-r bu. Uo. far ;
felt UKI 11 * . 03 BO , Straw board. 83 BD
COAL Cumbcilnnd blucl'raifft , $
M-irrb Hun Blo ib'irj ; , GilVhitjbrn ;
lu'np , V > W ; WhiU-brcni-t uut. W W ; In
luu ; > , ' . ' IX ) : Iowa tmt } Ti aO ; lUict Hpri
810 50.
DRfJ f AND VIU'MIVA \ & \ (
Oarbollo , uQc ; Acid , Tartatic , OOc ; BaL ,
Oojubla , 'M Ib , 70c | IVwk , Siwafriw ,
Ib , Me ) lUomcl , per Ib , 7 c ; Clnchouli
par oz , $1 r > l Chloroform , per Ib. 1
Dover's y.-.ydorfc , per Ib , 81 40 ; ! ift
alt , per 1 . SJo ; Glycerine , pure , pe
333j lf < , Acetate , pt.r to. ' ,
Oil , CM. , No. 1 , per ol , ( 1
, Oil , O.vt , .r , No. 8. per BaL $100 ; (
' Olive , i > er J. 81 50 ; Oil , Orijjanum.
Oplnin , Sfi 0) , Otilnlno P. & W. t R.
per or , 52 ) ; i'otasaluui , Iodide , per
81 90 ; Scii'iUi i > r ) , 40c ; 8ulphat (
Morphine , tiror , 0 $ 85 ; Bulpnur fli
, peril ) . 4o ; Bttvcbnlue , uer oz , 8185 ,
' Wool.
. Merinounwa * ed , Ugl t. H@16o ; beavj
° @ 13l5c ; mm'tin ! un\rBfced , light , 1801
0 fffl'ctolcr82c ; ; f Jr , 80o ; tub-dli
and \r. , 28c ; urry , bUcfcond ootted w <
" '
Hide * hurt , Etc.
1IIDKS rocn butcbrr'e hlda , GWJ
cured 8fa ; hidco , Kroon salt , p .rt onrcd 7Jc
hidon , 7lo ; dry lilnt , round. 13f314c ; drj
calf and kip , 12@ltc ; dry suit hidessound ,
lOiftllcj green calf. wt. 8 to IK Ihi. . ll(2)12i )
green calf , wt. nndor 8 tNi , po : skin. 50o
Kronn \ * > \ l6Q@B1 ) 25 ; green lamb sklno ,
$1 25Q150 : damased hldofl , two-thlnl raU < ,
cut ecorod and ono irub ; , claimed two.
tLlnln ratti , ) branded hides 10 per cent , ofl
Coon sklnn , No. 1. 45o { No. 2 , 30o ; No. 1
20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 2
SOo ; No. 8 , 16o ; No. 4 , tie. Vex , ,
OOo ; No. 2 , 25e. Skunk , No. 1 , bSGc
G5c ; short ntrinolOiy narrow s
brood etrlpo. lOo. 'iVllnw 71' .
Qlll T Bo money und ontrr lt > llroct from
OH I. I uj.wonhlpproniptl ) by nil At th
onntx > wllilottuli prlcuto Ml noatarn
lOra-lm TVI.KU SMT.'ff * * wlnvr mt
Vhr &URE81 CURB for
Dool I lame back or n dliordrrM turl&
tndlmta JiatyoitaranvlcUmr THEN DO
onootdruARlBUi-ecomruonait ) and It Trill
speedily overoornr. Uio dloense. and rcitore
henlthy action toalltheorcani.
ml xrcaknciiwm. K1DNET.WOIIT Uuuur.
tuuucd.aaltvrlU act promptly and ufcly.
EiUior Box. Incontinence , retention of
urine , briole dtut or ropy depmlta , and dull
dnritlne paln , all poedlly .irlold to IU our-
tlvo power. ( } M '
tWj M
Special IMrpatcli to TuiBii.
LcAVKNWOitiu , Kaiioaa , October 'JO.
The army rillo ouutott at Fort
Loavunworth closed to day , tbo At
lantic division taking the first modal.
The ehoot won witnessed by n larger
crowd than nny pruvioua date , in
cluding Gonnraln Sherman und Sliori-
dn.ii , ijonntor Logan nnd wife nnd
( jcnornl Papo. The weather wna
inoro favonvblo than yeaterday , but
Uio shouting not no Rood. The fol
lowing ia tlio total ocoro for three
aya , the mou being niimod in tbo or *
or they stand und the diviaiou to
Inch they belong :
ersimnt U urott. Atlantic 257
ergeant Clark , I'dclfis 25't
ertfoant Doty , Atlantic ill 8
rivatn 11 nrlnaton , Pacific 240
jiout. Ilnmcr , Atlnntlo 238
' trRoant James , Mi-Rouri 2.tti
rrgonnt Stunton , Mi aouri 235
ergoant Sbopp , Missouri 2.44
/out. Merriaiu , Mi < uri 229
orgaant Bentioy , Mii onri 229
'rlvnto Weirulf , Misnouri 238
rlvnto O'Kcefo , P clfio 222
Thu medals were presented to the
rinnora by Oonornl Shormiu on the
arado ground.
NEW Yoiiic , Ootobor 28 , . 1 a. m.
53ore : Fitaiorald ( 520 , Noronmo D07 ,
Horty 492 , Hart 470 , HuKhoB 470.
At 5:34 : Vint retired from tha track.
Io waa perfectly able to cover G2C
milcfl , but aa that would not bring
lira back hia entrance fco or give hire
any ahara in the gate receipts , hu
withdrew. There ia general diaaatis-
"action among the walkera regarding
ho gate receipts , the general rumoi
Ing that there will not bo enough tc
cover expenses. To-night nil the mor
irero on the truck , running nt the
uau.U gait.
Horsford' * -
Dn. J. N. ROIUNHON , Medina
! ) . , aaya : "I have nt-o.i it , in a case o
ndigestion and cinmtipution , will
giodreaulta. ] a nervous proatratioi
ta results nro lioppy. "
Hoarchlng for 11 Tnouio y to Suit. Al
SpoclAl Dlsjntch to Tin Hun.
BOSTON , Oitobur 27. ItJV. Ilonry
Ward Hotelier invited by 1'ho Travel
[ er to express bin viown of the criti
) iutim of v.xtiou-j initiistcrii uf Nnv
r oglnnd upon tlie ruuuut withdniwa
For thu OjigrofiUioiml : ; buly , write ,
the following luttur :
Un OUI.YN. N. Y. , ( Jotober 17.-M
KAII Sin : I think you f IT the letter am
papura I luvu re id Homowhat Urevly tb
oxprosnloiii of tlitxo many and txcellen
men In rrgirii to my orth idoxy , onsist
enjy , inlluance und grnerul metit. Wltli
out wintiing for a mouiont to repiy as yo
kindly rciueHt | me , when s. deud man IH o :
the ( ll Hectinx table under thn ImncU of ex
perls , it would tie unbecoming on him t
linn up Hiuldoijly ai.d discuss wit
Ills surgeon * the proprietor tf the )
methudx and truth of the roiulti
Ic lit not often ono can see hlnmel
aa otlierx BOO him and especially aa Bonto
HCBB hlui , and more than ullanlioitonclerg ]
mou uce li'iu , I am rvducad to pulp , but
thank heaven , not to utliuH. when yo
MiKgot a reply to these , I am Hire > /j
can have no con cptlon of the subdue
and mill , btenudhtutu of my in Ind I am tor
on Improvement , laying aldo all my ol
notloim of my belleiH und of my gtauillni
I aii car f nliy putting together tha rc-i
mini \Vltn I f cr my new im toiml iilen
ity to u'hur itiui ir working shape , I li
turn ! tJttmly thcouvy eomuwhera , thuui )
in my preM'i t cnniiltion 1 cannot jet 11
whether I nh til btudy ut And vcmr Hi
ton. New Haven U nearer but D
Smith haa 1 eon nettle J there in
1 'en1 tbo Ijxity of doctrii
In Ilia n ) ' 'ilorho ' > i , 1'r'rcotui U not f
ti thu u nth of mo , bu. Dr. Moduli is
Ulirmtitii c-Milu i u t , uud it uould I
fully , after what I buv.i mlTuiol , to ron
mill i r thu nnlirlal li.iliiPiicu ot tlut | 4i
oioi'hy. ' On thu who.o I litcll o to atti (
at Paris utrfo1 : , but wheiever I may jjo
.via doUriiilciml before I die to llnd
th > ) ii'Ky ! ' wtiich v/ | 1 pigi mintorut Btngi
ut Ai diiver , ut ( Juiiilniii j , i.t Now llsvc
at Prlnc&tun , at AlieKhuny , at Oherilu ,
riiio t' " , and at Park btreet. Tlien I ebi
tf , YntiiH ,
* * * "Too late to whet the wo
when the trumpet sounds to draw it
But never lee late to whet your app
tito by taking Kidney NVort , rostoni
health and making yourself a wo !
atronir , hearty man. It ia unequalli
as a remedy for all liver , bowola nt
kidney discasoa. All druggiuts kei
and recommend U.
for mil tbaM I'alnmi OompUInU
a omrnon to oar bf t female popuUtlan.
A Medicine for Woman. IimnUd bjr Woiuvx.
Prtptnd by a Womin.
TV * Orulni VMIriJ Dlmitr ? SlMtUu Pw f UliUrj.
twit rorlrr * Ui tlrooptni ; eplrtti , lt lirorfct < a nd
tuvrmotilei-n Uio orifinlo function * , fftrea f lastlclty an4
Ormn M to the irttp , rmtorm the natural liutre to IN
yo , and pUnU on tlio p lo chock of woman the tral )
roum ot life's pprlng rui J curlj mimmir tlnio. \
rSfPhjtlcbni Dirt It and Prcscrlbs It Frcerjr.-U
It romoTC * f&lnUwas flatulcncr , dratrojra all ciaTlo
for ( tlmnlant , and rrUerea wmknrM ot tbo utonuwh ,
Tb&t fi-cllnjrof bearing down , causing1 paln.wctgtil
and bnclcnolic , la altrajri pormnncntljr cured ty IU DMV
Per too cure ofKlJnrjr Vomplalntiof cither tea
thl * Compouuil I * uniurpaMCiL
I.TIUA n PiNKiiAPa ni.oon pnuinm
will crndlrnto nrory > C UK < I nr Ilumurs from UM
IUnoOnnilKl < c lonn itntl ntrcncth to the HJirtrm , at
inanvromauorcliUd. InMntoit I
lloth the Compound anil ulood rnrlflcr are prepared
nt 233 unit S3J Wirtcrn ATUIIUP , Ljnn , Moot , Price < ) l
either , $ L Biz bottle * for $5. Bent by null In the torn
of pill * , cr oflotctucsjonrccrlptofprlco , tl per boa
for oltlirr. Mm. Flnlcham f ra ly niunrors alt lotion ol
inquiry. Encloio&.t.etiunp. Bend for pamphlet.
Nn fumlly nhonl.1 l > o without I.TDIA E. rrNKITAMI
XJVKU.ri1.lA Tlinr euro ronsllpatlon | , I.UIomnwx
andton lilllyotthollvcr. 11 ccnu i r box.
1 rUlIniKKl tn.-S * 0)
Are acknowledged to be the
jest by all who have pat theme
o a practical test.
HA ;
Pieroy & Bradford ,
Tlioso do--Jrln ( { to make money OB
small ami in j Hum Invmtraenttln
20 craln , provUlaai anJ < tnrlclepeculv
tloni , oin UH3 byoiijri.liljf orioui
plan ft Jin M y 1 , iHSl , to i Lo ( ira-
WHEAT sent dixto , on Inroit'U-n ' a ot .tl'J.OO
to $1,009 , rasa prlfltJ ljvu been
ro.l'ioJ and piU to In\o8tora
umouu Injrtonoveril tlmctf fteorlg *
$50 liul Imos'mont , < tlll Imving tha
or Kliiil liivontment niftkia taoatj
or p lyable on JomanJ Kiphnnto-
BTOOK8 ry circulars anil ktatcmentt oi fund
Wioiafruj Wo Wint rotponalble
ifonU , vvho wll rrWrt | on crops and
Int-oJuca tha pltn L beraf com-
$100 mlMlorn tnld. A'Uroaa
KLlivlMlNU fi UK .IKAU.ui.Bl
mlrwlon U-orcUuU , 4ilor Uj ;
Cblcago , III ,
Oornioesi &o , Manufooturod
13th St. . 4 Oinha. nNob
I \ < J
Arctillccta ol tbeCmnlia r'a'bnnl llniil ; , Nt ,
bruku Niitl nul JianK , I'aii'-ji tt 0 l c
BlncLAca.lcmj - of iho fcAiroi hurt ,
Hotel , Ktc.
olclo t tti d inoul icll bit
la North Omulii. YOI choice
Meat , Poultry and Vegetables ,
OOOK & STOEHM , Proprietora
JuU-Ow 2CU fi r.
JianufMtuitrs and IleaUn in
, - ,
llru-bej. Oltf aaddlM , etc. , Ihrhl and dcay
naruibn on baud , or undo to order. L'xht llai
nMi uiadi ) a fpoclalty.
nro. a.a. 3 , eLse aac & * .
e and C * Itol a Omaha Hub