II't w 11 A I I .V THE DAILY BEE OMAHA SATURDAY OCTOBER 28 OO ; s and Slioes s OIVIAKA , NEB. WUOLS3ALK AND KETAIL DEAI.EU IN BeJijtoaaBi Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , BQORS , BLINBS , MOLDINGS , LIME , i ! ASCNI ron MICAVAUKKB vsxxsr OOHVANTI ffear Union Pacific B'spot. . OMAHA L1HMANN , JOBBER OP AND ' "flVt ? * "l ii jfnp'W1 ' * tf fi iMiiHp * "B * 5 * B iCj IKBOW HADEB 'EASTEB PSSiGES OUFLiOATEO. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA 58&JLJ5 AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ail Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of nraiuo im TOCTURI ) TOBiOCQ , for BSHWOOD NAILS AHD LAH.IN . & SAND POWDER CD. POW2R AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , JOHUW HlffillBnT , HKLTJKa , ITE * HALLA0AY WlHD-MILtS GHURCHEAHDd8CHOOUBELLB Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaba Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in i obraska that la snppllod with complete machinery or Laundry work. Send yonr orders by mail or express. GOTTHEIMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Farnhnm Street. DEALERS IN Fire and Burglar Proo ' 1020 Farnham Street , C. Windov and Plate Glass. rarAnyono contonirlallng bullaln ; Btorob&nk. or any other flnc will find It to tkclr d fuitafo to corri'8 end nlth us bolero jiurchtatuK tuelr Plato Ob : : , XX F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - NEB. W.B. MILIuVHl . H. JOHNSON MILLARD & , PEOK , Storage , Commissioa and f liolesale Pruite , 1421 & 1423 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PROD HOB SOLICITED ! A , iit-a for PpDk & BauliBP8 Lard , and V/iiiier / Mills i'luur OMAHA , - - - HEB KEEEflENOES ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. 301INSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OP CARRIAGES , BUGGIES epalriug Dona in aU Branohes IE1. WHOLESALE GROOEE , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb. EDUCATIONAL. The cry of hck of school accommadv tion la being houd all over the country. Tt has been decided In 1'iltsburg , I'n. , that it in r.lowftilo : for persons over twenty-one year * of age to Attend the night fchoolsj accordingly , owing to tha increase. ! MUndinrc , there Is n great lack uf room , Th ( xw'ary of the * Ute loatd of education - cation h M brcti linking an estimate of the population of Ml'inpiott , ' 'i ed upon ar rival * fem nbr.ud. jfonukc * the mini- bfr D'll.Wnnd It lll proliably reach n round million before the cu I of next year. year.A A teacher * ' in tl ute met lait wiek nt Kingston , N. Y. , nt which 1'rofwsor XortliRin explained n novel mothud of teaching hUtnry. Commenting on this subject , The Kingston 1'recman atlvocitcn the rending of the mottling newspapers in school , na the best way to teach coi torn * poraneous history : It sajs.t ' 'How ca y nud simple such nn exercise might be made every Intelligent teacher can under stand , nnd there I * no other subject in which such profound nnd unrelnxing inter * est cun be excited. And who , even among tbo revellers in classic lore , will not say that the knowledge thus acquired h of n thousand times more vnlun to the practical man of affair * than a dozen hi ; * lories of the ages that have lolt no tr.tca upon the people of the civilization of our time except in the books that hnvo handed down the record of their deeds ? " The IFon.V. . O. DePamy , of Now Albany , Ind. , who propose to giro nt once 8300,000 to Asbnry university , nnd 45 per cent of hU estate nftcr death , on condition that the citizens of that vicinity ahnll turn , ish suitable grounds for the institution nnd lubtcribo n fund i f 315itOCO , is emphat ically n Hosier of the llooslers. Horn in Indiana , of French doiccnt , lu 1822 , nnd left n penniless orphan at the ngo of six teen , ho has worked his way up to the very foremost rank mnong the business men of that state. He has been A mill owner , n merchant , n banker , nnd n grain dealer , and [ ii now interested In developing tha plate-gins * Industry. He has always been rerdy to use freely bin wealth nnd intlu * euce for the good of Ills native state , and particularly his homo city , Now Albany Ho has helped many young men to obtain nn education , linn founded and maintained a large leminary for young ladles , and now , by his offer to Asbnry university , baa connected hid name permanently nnd prominently with the highest educational interest * of the west. "fivo or tix years ngo , " Bays n writer in The Baltimore American , "the soli ol oonrd t.f Boston came to the conclusion that too much time was wasted in the pub lic schools on pursing and nualysH , nnd too little was given to composition and lan guage leit'onR. 1 hero is a strong tendency in tbo schools of Baltimore to dfvote too much time in the same way. It h un necessary to nrgue that the power to gpcnlc ind writn the Englhh language concctlv is what the boj'H nnd glrli should firnt no- quire ; all admit the fact. It IB well known imong the toachcrd that in the majority of the grammar schools children nro taught cl ill cult parsinr-\\lio cannot write a re- ipectnbleletter nnd who Bpenk very incurtl rectly. The proper use of Inngtmgo should bo the end siught : only the simplest pars ing thould bo taught in the grammar schools , nod the time now wasted devoted to language loss ins. The teachers chum that the fault lies in the character of the examination questions , tlilliculr panting being made the teat , rather than the child's ability to speak end write correctly. There is certainly need of reform in this direction. " OONNUBIALITIES. Mr. Lilly , of Jefferson , Inwa , wa ) nn inipetuoua wooer. He rii'lieil into the presence of a woman with nu engagement ring in oiio hand , < i cocked pistol in the oilier , and declared that nhu ruuat niurry or die. Sbo did neither , and he has gone to prison. At a wedding , cot long since , nmong the presents diaplayed wac a $1,000 bauk note from the father of the bride. After thn weddiog was over the old gentleman folded up the note and put it back in hia vest- pocket. The conduct of that doting father reminds one very much of the prom ises of reform made by candidates previous to the election as contrasted with their performances when the election in over. Montgomery county , Bid. , reports n sad deathbed scene. Jud < o William Bowie being about to die , he requested his beau tiful daughter Kiln , n popular society belle , to marry Dr. White , to whom she had been betrothed for fovoral years , and it wiw done , The self-sacrificing devotion of the young lady ivill bo understood when it i * stated that preparations for a fashion able wedding next month had been made , and che willingly forewent the brilliant social event in which she wai to luvo been the central figure. The marriage of MIIo. Sophie Duvorger , the nctreas nf a former generation , hnu made a great xenaatlon throughout the theatrical world. Mile , Duverfjer IVIIB ac- cuitomed to wear upon tha staeo diamonds to the value of $103OOD , the gift of I'rince Deiuidjlf , and the manjgera of I'arid nl. wajH stiputatrd in liflr engagement thut she would nllow them to bo udvottleed in the play-bill. On ens occnaion nu , cohered with dlamondH , filio plnynd the role of the Countess of Gernmlne , in the melodr.imn of "Treute Ang , " on tolng curried fainting from the ball-room it wn perceived that the yery solea of her satin ehoenvoto in. cniBted with the dazzling brillinntH A tremendous shout of applanee burst from tbo audlvnce at the Bight , and in answer tea a universal cull for a repetition of the cer emony bearers were induced to parade her uuconncioua form a second tiau in front of the Btagp. Ilast Washington \ all agog over a eocial Bcnbatlon in which the chief pirttcipanU v/ere Kate K , Kelluin , n handsome , well- connected tnfss of tcveuti-in mid Ch'ing Got of Japan. Much to the dligtnt o ( her ( liienda , MiajKellumhad prnmiied to mar * ry thn orieut'il. The wedding was to occur lant n if ! lit. Got procured a license and en gaged n minister. Before- the hour rot for the ceremony , great crowds of young men , determined upon preventing the marriage congregated in front of the house , I'll rents were made that if Chonj ; did not leave be fore the arrival of thu miniuister they would take him out and thruth him , The inob'n thrt-nts each minute became uioru yli lent. It was therefore deemed best to adviae the minister to remain away , fhh he did , andtbomarringo waaot course p rt > jioncd , mid when tha day la agreed upon it 19 certain that morn xecrecy will be main tained , ( Jhong wai liighty Inccntcd , He feared to face the crowd , and M > made a stealthy oxlut from the back door. The young men cur-tinunii to give vent to their hooting * , nnd loud criea if coming ven geance werH rnadi < for some tiire after the poor Jup'a depnrttiro , l LIGIOU The Firt > t Baptist church of Cambridge , Mass. , was dedicated Isut week. This la third church of the society , which WAS or cauized in 1817. The Unitarian club of Boston , Mtss , , held a meeting at the Hotel Vvndome , r October 11. Twenty-four new members were elected , making a total of 250 , As England and Germany eeem to be tin. able to agree upon thu appointment of a Protestant bishop of Jerusalem , it U expected pected that the .See will be abolished , An KpiacopE.1 convention of the central diocese of Pennsylvania convened In Christ cathedral. Heading , ! ' , , on the IGth inst. One hundred and forty clergy men and lay delegates froi thlity coun ties were preeent , Bluhop Ho wo proeiding. The Moravian church of Lancaster , Pa. , celebrated the one hundred and fif tieth anniversary of Its existence la.it Sun day , One of the features of the celebra tion was a children's germon , delivered by the Rev. Hichard If ewton , the well known "children's preacher" of Philadel phia. ft The oldest existing Baptist church In Wales U the one at Swansea , which hai Jiitt entered upon Its new premises , It was formed in IGtO , ftnde\cnnow. filter ft lapf e t > ( 233 } ears , continue * to hold lt < iwn nj tin largest In the principality , iU i.iom- bcrsliip b log G17. The Methollat conform of GAtirutt , re cently In fO'dlon , decided that the cdnc.v Hi niUtnndsrdot itn inlnUUra * hould lo rni'ecl cor slderablj. It won resolve I lint hereafter all catirttd.iUa for rtcopti.m on trial h uld bo required to present a . rtiH- Cute of matriculation In sotno necredltwi tinitertUy , orlml rl ould bo rcgantcd by lhobj rdi'f oxnmlncrs nan fnlr c > iii\i- lent. lent.The The vuung people nf the South dm rc- ga'.lctial ohiirch nt Slllin flclcl , Mtwu. , turn thochuro'i parloH intJ n free roaiilng room raoh Sunday from 5 to 7:30 p. m. NORif to thU very good ulep In the tlijht olrccllon they will dd nnother , nnd open the p loM two or thrco evculnga in tlio w < > ck- , the result will bo the rniUn : ; from toinptniioii of ninny yonnj ; men who are Rtringprg an 1 have free entrances only into I ho liijuor Haloono , where they mo always ttindo welcome. HONEY FOR THlll LA.DIBS. Tj-mdon pnlc'ladio.i MO provided wJlh CA.N during business boura. JIcil hat , red fo lhcr. , rtd gloro * , and red htockitiiifl , are worn by the inllllon , The latent caprice in the way of n kco pin , or brooch , forms also bouquet fast ener. ener.A A new brncolnt has made Its appearance which clasps the arm without hiURtf fasten- ing. Some etatietical fiend estimates that courtships cost three tons of coal each 011 an average. Ugly spider. , as largo as life nnd I \ \ Icons ns natural , are the latest thing in the way of lace pins , PhlUdolphtans who think it n sin to dance or play cards are breaking tholr necks tu witness the Black Orook. Court trains sloped tea tx ! nt like n bird's tall are worn with the painted bodice * of meulnp dreaais. Now claps to fasten cloaka nro wood d masks W'th open mouths ; otlier clasps are animals' heads of broiiza or silver. Jean Baptiato cloth U the French name Tor a now camel's hitir cloth tlint is ns soft ns Inilla chuddab , but has a rough fmUh , White and gray doves are the favor Ho tiirdt for nutnmn hats for girlx. They are also worn on thu corsage , amid the bouquet of HiiwerB. Kococo jewelry is the French fancy. It lias garnets nuil turruoiaoi | , with ho.tds of J.iinogo eunmel inuuntcd in antique diver The amount of jovvelry worn h reduced to it ) miuimum. It U uoUmior ) gi od style to wear cotifplcuoui gold ornuincutc , mpo- clally on the ntreet. Grecian lynx , a long-halre' ' , Hcht col ored fur of a yellowish tingp , will le n very f biiimblo fur for triunuiuj ; wiiiter cloaks and costumes. cltl Young Mr. Forney Bays : "Uocnii'a of tltl largo tnulo in gorgoonn gaiters it is thought that crinoline and tilting hoops are tl come in fashion again. " Fruit ilu'tigii" , such as iitrawbcrrles , plums und pour. , nro nn the newest bro- -i ; borse-ahoe patterns are of raised vel vet on a cordtd eurface. Network of sill : cords with drooping tas sels is to be utod to give I ho appo.irauro of vestH anil aprons on French drestos of corded sicilienno nnd velvet. Small mulTd of dark feathers have two birds' heads one head split for orna menting thu front. A collar ti > match bus another pair of heads on the left shoulder. Cmclitr.cn'fl capes of soaUkln , and trim mings uf th same fur , ard used on dark green nnd brosvn cloth dresses. Otter bor ders and capus uro very stylish for velvet and sill : dresses. There are no chingcs in fashion tlmtcan displace velvet as a fiopular fabric , or ren der it less than de-irablo formany purposes for which no other can bo offered as a efficient , substitute. . Jersey wool cloves very long nnd without buttons are made in all shades to match cloth dresses , and are so well ehapod that they fit th t hand M neatly HH gloves do. A woman is under sen tenca of thirty-live years' imprisonment for Belling liquor at Rutland , Vt. , that period being composed uf 200 different terms for a like number of offenses. Largo clasps of steel or gilt play a great patt in fashions nowadays. They ate used to trim hats , shoes , dresa bodice * and clonks und to drape tunlci or to ornament the sash bow on thu back. Brown nnd Pompciinn rod are very pop ulnr colors for bonnets. Brown sicilienno and red velvet nre folded together for trim ming line felt bonnets , nnd there are three short ostrich featners of those colors form ing a panncho on the crown. Broad-brimmed plcturecquo hats laden with ostrich plumes are worn by young ladies because their coquettish curves and waves are far moro becoming than the newer but Htilf luiuculino hats with close bands and short Rnmo feathers. "Yes , " said the burlcpque actress , "I think that editor is the meanest , roont con- temptibln wretch in existence. Ho doesn't wunt mo to mcceed. " "What has ho donct" "Donol You know that about mo In Chicago ? " "Yes : did ho print ii ! " "Print it ? No ; ho wouldn't ; that's it. " Slang Undangorous language. lEcccntly , when n handsome yuung wife went to u hardware Btora to getono ol those wooden contrlvanc H to mash potatoes , and said "I want n maeher , " every man in the shop , from the boas to the of lice- buy , started to wait on her. X" There in a preference for having the up per part of the oostumo of some plain ma1 teriul , with a damask or brocade of large fcnill or floral p.itterns for the eklrt. } vncn vclvelH , plush nnd brocitollei uiako luudsouiu skirts for plain Indian caehineie bodices and \iluited \ tunlci , Plain velvet la moro utylish than figured velvet. It In being mod for nmntles with marabout fringe , chenille , or fur tiirn. miuga , l > ut it mtiht be loaded with trim- min's ( o make it acceptable , nud fiuo eatin cottl piuip is laid upon. It io ; clustly that the velvet bosomes merely a groundwork for tlecoration. Humorous conceits appear in the now iilver jewelry that is darkened to resemble old tilver. Five couiia masks nro on one long bruucbvhllo others have ICato Groennway children , the man In the moon , fighting cockj , blinking owjj , or sentimen tal-looking cloven. Bouquet pin of silver have the word "Houvruir" cngrftved upon them , Cloth b.tiquri with iquare tabs and brnidod vi itx via capital things for [ 'ivint ; sulliclei't t tt int'l ' to tiik ni.d wool dresses without f I t jr.au lu or J < fcet , Hun garian blue , uinwcoti red a > i Jull green cloth uro the colorn r > t r. ' I , as they hannonlze well \tith i .rly . .I ' 10 dres of the period , whether colored ur black. A newly married Sacramento worann who took a diink with a gambler she nov r met before , and who , vho said , drugged her and carried her t-j San Francisco , where ho bbed her of her trunk nnd wardrobe , de clared nho wasn't afraid to go home , for her husband wouldn't ' blame her for whit couldn't bo helped ; but her eyes filled with team as the thought of lur lost clothes , and she sobbed out : "I wouldn't care nt nil If It wasn't for the trunk ! A distinguished physician says that the garaieuU worn by women are preferable to thosa worn by men. Ho may speak from experience , but wo don't believe ho e/er wore a walking costume of royal blue cloth , with facing * , revere , and pelerine of velvet plush , with a velvet baiqno , a long , cllugini ; pelisse trimmed with lace iabota down the fronts and back , Charles II. collar - lar , and a tiny black telvet poke and a rlb-compresdng corset cut vntutn , and so forth. Hardly. lie woa n real estate agent and com plained that ho had throe adjoining boute * to let since last fall , and couldn't get rid of them on any terms. "What1 * the asked o friend ; "malaria1 "No , ' Jlnm-mlll on the corner ? " "Xo. " , 'N'r-lKhWSvxl inf tfl with Ml * ' " "Xo.11 "Whtt then"1 "Well , iliero'/i a mun who lirfa nero's tns way \vitn hUdftUf-hUr , nnd hn a trying to malic nn Atetricin prlum donna ol her. " Ladles will Aatl \ this M.KOII to look up their hclrlmims in the slinpo of fancy micklea nnd cl * | > , wi otnatiirnU of this lUfcrlptton nro exotc.llnRly fft hlotubln. lltickloK , both little nn 1 largo , of gold , nil * ver , jet , pearl or bronze , nni worn upoil the dre < , often in Itlnco of button' . An iim orted cwtunie of mahogany red , satin nnd plush , \lilbltPd this week , was fast ened down the cntiro front nud upon the liackHof the close c ntUovtA wlln buck- lea and strnpi exactly KRCinbHii tluno \\hich fasten n sVntc I1 DKOPS. A mill pond in ludttna In calil to bo good for 300 cftsos of chllU nnd fou-rn ye.-ir , and fuinlnhoa txio thug suircs pretty lair support , The one todecmiui ; fcalura nbout In diatm mobx is that they seldom nmko n mistake and hnug a ntnn > vlu > ought to gn to the legifilnture for one who oiiftht to trend the g llu\vs. Some men claim that they don't c.uo n two utrnw.s nbout politics , but when It conies to mixed drinks they nro mighty particular to hn\o nt least two Mriuvn , nnd aound ones at thtit , too , Now York Com mercial , An npplo trco in Chomung county , N. Y , , la responsible for two dentho , two broken legs nnd thrco broken nrm * dnrlng tholnnllivo years. The cllmblt nroutul there h unhealthy for boys , Now York mid Ohio people carry horsn chontntilH in tliclr pockets to ward oil rheumatism. U U moro convenient than to bang n cnlib.igi ) nround the neck. A liuly ottt MCtt brut n railroad sand wich which hhe puts in the heola and toes of otocklugD ulicu darning. It la also used as n door-knocker nud n familiar engine to knock tbo lift ) out of treapasatug boys. I'uck. You will wonr'cr where nil the doga in Georgia nro until you ill-mount nl. the gnte nf n planter' * homo. Tlitn you will won der if he owns s.11 the dogs in Georgia. A Miasitiaipp ! murderer wnotod his ex ecution dolMol hilf nn hour for the weithcr to clear elf and gtvo the ctowd n nhniico to | nt down their umbrcllnr , nud tlionlicrilT ndmircd the Men and waited. A California ! ! , who was in the buainesa for eight yearn , enya that n faro bniik has nix chnucos t n playor'd one , nnd It ho wins any grcnt nmount , tlioro nro nlno chnnt2t < to ono that ho will bo followed nnd slugged , The cranberry crop of the cast is n fail ure , iiinl o\ cry man who understands that it takes two pounds of sugar to swcctan n handful of berries will bo glad of it , Detroit Fico Press , There nre thirty different firms In Now York ndtcrtistntt niitlit c.trpotH , They must etui loy blin I mou to take the mcas- uro of looms , or else people alter their huuaua aflsr the cnrpetn are ordered , A gentlcmnu who hoard * nt nu Austin lintel called the waiter nud snld to him- "Bring mo n Mottle of wine , but I want n good one1. " "You arn lu luck , " responded the waiter , "you drank nn yesterday the last bnttltt of poor wlno wo had in the house. " Texas Sittings. A Troy boiler milker rcfased n Slii.OOO job beouiso the man wlio ciino to see him about it diJn't tnko oil his hat on enter- Ins t ° o office. The may suva ho didn't re move his hat bur-mine the boiler maker didn't have kid glove * on , Detroit Fioe Press. Thin in the season of the year when the nKrienltur.nl papers nro hard at work ad- \inini ; tlio farmers not to leave their 8500 inowers and SSOU reapers out In the enow nil winter. No farmer could pot nlong without an agricultural paper , Philndel * pliin News. J.Mt'IiilTIES. Several murdorerh hnvo been hunt ; lately who didn't believe they wcro goinc straight to heaven , liov. Dr. Pierian , lately called from Do trolt to Indianapolis , has preached n strong sermon against rented pews. If bo can run a church without that income bo will bo worth n salary of $10,000 a year to any church In the big cities. It is now announced that the cost of con verting heathens hna been i educed to nbout 32. ) per head. Po'Impw It is adulterated leligiou which la being served out. Au lown paper has supplied n long-felt want by giving to the public an obituary nolle i thut beam upon its face the i-tanip of honesty. It sy. : "He gained his riolios by loaning money ami handling notoi nni mortgagea , hud u state-wide ti imo for hia litigation in various countlcn anil in the mipremo courts , was grasping and berxrtlesH in hh transactions , became divorced from bis wife , nnd died without a friend. " Economy. A fortune may Lo spent in using inef fectual mi'dicinefl , when by applying THOMAS' KOU.UT.IIO On , n speedy and economical euro can ho effected , In capes of rheumatlcm , lame back , boJIly ailments , or paios nf every description , it affords instant relief' EUROPEAN HOTEL , The rnoat central ! ' located hotel In the city , JtooniH 7B < \ Vl.Ort , ? 1.50 and f 2 00 jwr day , 1-irat UlAu UcoUurnnt connected wltb Uie hotel. .HUllST. - - Prop. Corner Fourth and I/ocuat fltroeta , ( 00,000 TIMREM-SPRIHGVEHICUS HOW IN TJ H K They nurri.vs all other 0 for csi > y rldlni ; . etjlo nd durability , They are for sale by all Loading Car ingo liuildora and Doalora ihroughoat ho country. JPEIUGS , QEAR3 & BO'DIEO For 1 h Henry Timken , Patentee siiJDullilcr ol Kino Car > lata , 2E. < 3 Tcrac , - - asoco. H-Gin 0. SI'KOllT , Troprlotor. 1 12 Barney St. - Omrlia , Neb , Galvanized In , OORN101JS , DOIIMEII WJNDOWd , F1NIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Sraoht'ii Patent Motalio Sl.-j-light , Putont Adjusted Hatchet Bar end Bracket Bhdvirig. I out the Konend u ont for the nbovu liru ) ogoodu. . IIION I'KNOINQ , Orettlngt , D lu tr det , Vor nd , | Ofnc3 n < Dink n lllDB , Window and Otlllt. Quardi ; alto QBNKUAL AOKN AND Delicious Bever. age , "THE UUr " THAT OH1SKU8 , "BUT NOT INEBUIAT1S3. " OU1J D1NNKH 1'AV.TV Im-i fmUhcil the liut bottle of "HUH 1'UNCH. " "Tlicn. 1113' iloar , ilon't forgot to remind 1110 to onlor frrshsuniilv tihinorrow. " "TUB UU111'UNair'Ii ' iirop rcd i nle. ly by MCMIM. C. U. (5IJAVK8 & SON , Boston , It ID nmilo of tha liost Imported liriuuly nnd Sititn Cruz ruin , tinltod with the jmco uf fresh IciUotm. nnd the finoit whlto Bticnr , nud N roilly n delicious , n pure , nnd n tollable nrtlclo , that hnn 'net with the most cor.llnl npprcciatlun of nil who tried it. See lint yon cot thn genuine with the fnoi-lmlloof - "OlIKSTIJR K. OIIAVKS& 3 > NB"ou the cnpatilo over the cork o bottlo. Sold by Grocers and 'Wlno Merchants everywhere. Trnilo fnippHo.1 nt Mnnnfacturcr'a prtcca liy At , A , MoN&mnrn ; famlltoRRiippllcd by A. 11. Ulndntotio , Oinnhit Neb I I EOGEES A CO , u2k.CSKE3 BJ'OC'S * P. L. Sommers & Go's CELKBISATO ) BISOUITS , OAKI3S , JUMBLE3 AND NOVELTIES Wliolosalo Manufacturing iND DEALERS IN Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. Ill 8 14th St. OfttffA , - - WEB GOLD ROPE. Tholntrlnilcmerit anil sjpcrlor nualttyot our OolilllopoTobacco has InducoJ othoi mamilaa- turora to put upon tha nuikct ooJi el'.nlhr to 'ur brtml In numa and Rtjla which are oilcrod Mul told tat lota 11101 oy than the Ronulno ( JolJ Hope. Wo caution the t ado anil consumer to BOO that our name nnd tnulo mark ara upon each lump. The only Ronnlco anil original Uold llopo Tiihacco U manufactured by TJ1K WILSON & MoNALLY TO BAOCO COMPANY. Mrs J. 0. Hobcrtson , ritlriiurcr. Pa. , writes"I : nai suffering from general debility , want ol ap petite , constipation , etc. , HO thatl I/O / was a bur < den ; after using Ilurdock fllood Illttcra I felt hotter tor tlian for yuan. I cannot praUo jour 131 ttcrs too much , " H. aibiffl. of Buffalo , N. Y. , writ"Vmir : Ilurdock IIloci Illttcra , In chronic dlnctuioj of tha blood , ll\cr 611,1 klclnojH , have b-.cn signally marked with success. lha\o ujott them myaell with best results , for torpidity of thollvor , and In cjvsuof a ( rlcnd of mlno iml/crlnif Iicm diop y , tbu ofloct was marvelous. " llruco Turner , Xlochoatcr , N. Y.wrltrai | : 'I have bum lubjurt to nerloua disorder of tha kldnoya , Mill unabla to attend to Imiluusjt ; Ilurdock lloo ) < i Hitters rellorud mo hiforu half n bottle uaniu < feel coulldcrit that they will entirely euro mo. ' A-enltli Hall , Hlnghampton , N. Y. , wrltoc : "leuflcrod with a dull pain through my oft Imig and etioiililcr. Lost my sjilrlu , apjiotlto and color , and could with clllllcuUy keep up all day. Took jour Ilurdock Illood IJittiru M ill roctod , and 1m o felt no pain uliico first wouk at tor Ufllnir them. " Mr. Noah Hates , Klinlra , N , Y , . writes : "About four > oars ago 1 had nn attack of blllounfoier.and never fully rccotcrod. lly dlh'oittho organs wcro u oakcnod , arid I u ould lia toinjilctcly pros tratoil for duj a. Alter ut\ng \ two bottles of your liurdock filood Illttcra thtl raprovomi nt was to vljllilo tliot I wai aalonliliiid. I tan now. tliouuli 01 ji'araol tgv , do fair and loisoimblu day's work. U. Ilhckct Itoblneou , iirojirletor of The Canada I'rcabjtcrlMi , Totonto , Ont. , wilU'a ; "Koryoars J eudcrul Krcatly from olt-rtcurrliiK hcadailit ! , I usud your Ilurdocl. Illood Illttorn ultli hapjilwt rc ulCi , and I now find uivjolf lu better health than for jrars past , " Mrs. Wallmo , Buffalo , N. Y , wrltn : ! havo. UJ I Ilurdock. Ulood Hitters for lion ens and bll > 9iia i aUa hcs , and uin itcoinctud It to anyouo - ' o > iu tsamro- Mrs. Ira Mullnolhnd , Albany , V. Y , write- : "For soMTal y.jrn I hivu tuflciul ficm cft-iccur UK lilllloiw'liuiuUjhoii , ilyBiciila , atij com iilalntu | iuculUr to luy BOX. blncu ualng your Ilurdock IJlood JllttcnlBnicntUoIr rtllovou. " Prlco , tl.OO o i flotllo ; Trla UottleilOOti F03IEA , MILBUE1U Co. , Props , hold at nbokulo by hh 1 MrUohou ariJ U. V. Goodman. Jo .7 tod-mo The Great JjDgiisb Roracdy Never ftlli t cuia N'orvous IKIjlllty. Vi tal Kxhauatlon , Km\r \ ilons , Seminal Weak- ilIOOD , and all the vll tdcctj of youth ml falhea anil oxcoa iia. It ntopa porma uuntly ll wvakenlnir iu > oUniUry Ioa4a aiu Iralna upon the eya ttnithelnc > ltablo re . „ , Unit of thtsoovilpr&c tlcoH , vthlch are BO destruetltu to mind and body and uiaka llto tuUerabli , cftcn leading to Insinl- tyandduith ItBtfcnuthcna tbo Wurvi-a.IJraUi ( memcrf IllooJ , ilusclca , Dliedtlvo and Hupro ductheurL-nna , U roitorea to nil the orcanli fuuctlcna their foruior ilgor and. vitality , m ling Ufa chwrful and lujoyablo. 1'rlce , < 3a 'lOttlo , or four times the quantity 910. Beut by ciprebf. iwcuro frctu observation , to any addreu ou receipt of price. No. C , O. 1) . Bent , cxcej ) on receipt of f 1 aa i > euaraKtue , Lcttora 1 1 queatlnu anawcri must Incloao et&up. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pillu arc tt > best tud chcaput dycj > e ) > ala nnd bllllou euro la thomiiktt. Bold by til diuggluta. 1'ilce CO ceata. DC. UiNTu'a KiUN r niMKDT , Nu-nmcvu , Cures i II kind of Kidney and Lladdorcomplalute irouorrlio ) , fleet and Uuconbut , for tao by 1 diu.-jfleta : f 1 a bottlo. EHOUS1I MEDICAL INSTITUTE. llti Olho t. , bt. Loula , iio. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX OITT ? KOUTB Hum t. RollJ TiKln roa < h fioir Oouucil Blullo to Bl. Paul Without OhntiK Time. Only II Houra Tir'eauorir.8 ! noon COUNCIL BLUFFS TO RT , TAl't , JUMNKAPOtW UUC.l'TH OA DUUAROK rdull fclnVi la Korlhoin low. , lllnn < , ad i kct . Thlo tine Ii o-julppod with the Improved /oittlr.Rbt'Ujo . ' , utcntle Alr-bttike nd UIU ! M nd PiHrr ; nl foi . iiAPirrr AIO OOKFOHT l IMIlmin ! ' * ! , Mnenlni Olt an Mirm li Wirnotr.'OItAIfQK between Kan City krd Ct , 'AU | , vtt > Cna.icll UlniTj and ilom City. Tr l.ftlr-uo tnlon I'ol03 IVanitor at Conn tl niu&i.'M 1ia p. m. ilrtllron ivnlMl of K niii ty. ' : Jctio ? > . r.nj Gouicll IlluSs trMn from Mio iouth. Ar Mn t BlTJt CUy 11 40 p. m. , i j.l * \ the K w Union ( tapM at ftl. faul t ; 11:55 : mt/n tin noting iv ADVAKCK or AKTOVHRB notrrc , unierurmbtr la t Vlnf ( the El cm Cltr Bool' roil Rot kThrou li Tr ln. Tha BhoiUM : hn < ; iiUkodtTlma and OoinlorUble Hide to th ThroiiRh C ra htjirajn COUKCIL uLurrs AW > ST. PAUL. Spu tint ) nut Tlchett nfirt tf tto "Bloui 0ty : and K ' .Ac lUllrotJ ' / R. WAITLK'J , J. R. EOOnA.IAM BupeilntendoM , Q n' F'HM. Acenl WlMOiirl V icy J . TV. S" DAVIH , UonlhiTf rtorn Puivinict rou CHICAGO , . PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETfiOIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON. And all Polutt TlinLINUCOMWIHKS Nearly 4,000 mtlca. Solid Smooth 9teol Track II connections nro made lu UNION DbPOTO. ting a National Reputation aa bclnif the rent Through Oar Line , nnd la universally oncodcd to bo tha FINEST CQUIPPED lUlf. road In th world for nil cloxaoa ol travel. Try It ami } ou will find traveling a luxury natcid nf a dUcomfort. Through Tickets via rhle Colrbrated Line lot eolo ab ail oUlcca In the Wvat. All Infoimatlon about Kataa o Fare , Bleeping Car AcocmnioJatlona , Time Tables , A.C. , will b cheerfully given by apultluln to T. J. POTTER , Sd Vlco-t'roi't & Don. ManagcrChlcaa. PEnOIVAL LOWELL , Gen , Paeoetucr Art. Cblcara , W. J. DAVKNI'OIIT , Ocn. Agent , Conncll Dlufls. II. P. UUF.LT. , Ticket mnjo-od ly Samuel C , Davis & Go , , DRY GOODS JOBBERS ' Wnuhiu ton Avo. and Fifth * M' ST. LOUIS MO. OKAY'S HPECIFIO MEDICINE TRADE WJAnitwTl1110,0r''tVI ' ; OB MARK ( illlnp cure lor Bomlnal Wokknoau , flEftftETAKina.eo'iuonco of AFTER TAKIHQ , .Solt-AliiiBc ; ns l > ota or Memory , Unlver.iil Laaul Iudo , Pain In the Dock , Ulmncsa of Vision , Fro mature Old Agt , und many otbor DUontea that Isad to Insanity or Consumption tnd a 1'ruma- * tureOravo , STFnll particulars In our pamphlet , which vra doslro to send frco tvmall to every one , ATThe Hpctlflc Medicine Is Bold by all drugl'tati kt lpcr pickaxe , or OpncktKes for { 6 , or will I > 11 Bent ' free by mill em rcriipt of the monoy. by 1:5 : TIIKOIMY JEDICINBCO , , 3.N.V. oo7in ' CATARRH AND ECZEMA No argument la necessary to show that these illsovts are of n blood origin ! H , b B , therefore , btlns composed of the im t powerful tfgelablB ilterntlvm , destroys the dlir.vo. to it and branch , by putting the blood in a pure , healthy mate. " 8,8 3. for Catarrh It a euro cure ; mrcd mo alter nil other troUmonU had failed " C. 0 , Ut.-at.s , arccncaitlo , InJ. llovV , J Itoblnson , member Korth Georgia Conference : "JJavo taken B. P , S , fcr u clear cato of Kczmi ; eruption hai dlcariptarcd and I arn will. " "Haiti taken S. S. H. for Catarrh ttlth grist btiii.ll , ; think Unto bottle * moro ui 1 completely euro me. " ( K. It. 1JUOWW , Sjiartanburg , S. O. J. W. Cottrell , HI. Lou ! * , Mo. ; "I regard S. K. 5. cu a inont wonderful remedy , and hate no doab but tint It will cure my Catarrh. " "H. S 8. has curta ma of fa troub'etomo C - tiiih which luu milled > bo treatment of all the beat pbjultlini Northendt'outh " H. L. McUlilDitlantJ : , Ua. lIOTBi'H'.Kan , Ark. , Julj 17 , If81' . 1 hue had what m/iihjelciiiiis tcrmud Eczema for o > er oijjht ycarr , Cairo lUc yorittotothia placj to ll\o In crJerthat I might ba cured. Du ring that tlrool euvrgoilcailyaiipl odu I the heal- Icijuttof thophtelclarahcru ( b th iutmalanJ external ) lu oor.ntitlon with IKotclebrtted'Jher- tual bet bitln andlnaddlllon ha\o token more than almcdi'O-1 bottleuof variouau-editinos with.1 out the dc ! icd iciult Up to Ibroo months ( go I hvl alnifgl Ii II ted uiy cast Ineiirnli'e ' , and began tal..n/bAlft'sbnccltlc ( S , S. b. ) with ah the Bkej'llilum piadblo lha ( ruptlon > > at lltst wrno , jet tluro ucio touie klgos of Im. provemoul , aucln'ter tbreo iccnth ) ' usoofS.S , 6. I aineouqdandwell , rot a b'fc-u ' of eruption , my ekli ) tuiooth end clear , aod myyeucral health rjOQd twltcner was. If tbcro urj an > doabtlng OLOJ , let them wrlto me hcru JB.N.l'KATT. from the droat Druff Houeo of the Northwest. \Vodonotrugltat0tosaythatfor a jcar paste o Inn o sold nioro cf Sit'i ( . jpeelflc ( H b B. ) hull all olber blood puriUcracauibined ind vtlth irort as'onlshlui rcjii t , Clio ttntlenuu who us.il hal'adozcn botlloakaju that it hai done lilul moro good thai , troatuient which cost him $1,000. Another w ho lug used It for a scrofulous jirjitlon rep3rU permanent cure from Ita cute. Youri truh , Y.isSij.\Acr. , SriNiMOK" Si Co. Sold by all !