Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Trial of the Principals in
the Florence Tragedy ,
The Oneo Given to the Jury
Pronpecta for Conviction ,
Tor sovornl days past the time of
the district court 1ms boon occupied in
hearing the caeo of the State vn. Flint-
well , Dawaon itnd McDonald , indicted
for robbery committed on thu night of
the tragic nhooting of Slirr.ilor , the
soldier , near Florouco.
It trill bo remembered , that the ikat
net of the sprco which culminated in
the shooting , was the robbery of Lsvi
F. Lowin , who subsequently iduntificd
the patties and bccimo nn imaortant
witncEB for the State.
On the trial Lowin testified that on
the 10h of August , while walking on
the road leading from thu barracks to
Florence , ho was assaulted about half
way between the two placco by four
soldiers , who robbed him of § GJn
silver , two pocket knives and n pint
of whisky. It being n starlight
night , and ho having an oppor
tunity an hour later to cco two
Boldioro , ono named James Flint
well and the other Slirodor ,
ho postivoly identified them as two of
the four who had robbed him. Do
says the men told him that they were
soldiers , but highwaymen. After the
robbery lie wont on up to Florence ,
where a dance was in progress , and
there reported the alleged robbery.
A few moments later information
came to the eihct that abort n milo
and a half down the road anoldier hud
been nhotby aomo partion in a wagon ,
whom ho 'had halted and demand *
od their money or their
braino. Lowin went with
the crowd to the spot and idontilitd
the dead solclier , Shrador , and Flint-
well , who was with him. The latter
was arrested at once , and subacqueiit
ly Djwaon and McDonald , the two
other soldiers , were arrested at the
barracks as accomplices.
In the trial the defendants claimed
they were only out on a sort of n spree
and were going to the dance at Flor
ence. They denied having robbed
any ono. Flintwcll claims that ho
and Shrader were so much
under the iniluonco of liquor that
the others left them before the wagon
droVe up and that when Shrodor called
out : "Your money or your brainn"ho
( Flintwoll ) called to thoao in the
wagon "liold on thoru that man's
drunk , " juat as the fatal shot was
The State has made a pretty strong
case against the defendant ! and it
looked us if a verdict of conviction
would result. *
Messrs. BarUott a id Peel ham onti
ducted the defense with ability and
Mr. N. .T. Burnham took caro.of the
interest of 'tho Stato. Thu case wns
given to thn jury yesterday.
Brnaford. Pu.
Thos. Fltclmo , Bradford , PH. , writes :
"I encloB9 money for Si'itiNG UI.OSHOM , aa
I Bald I would if It cured mo. My dynpop
nla bun vanished , with all iti lYiniitomn
Many thankt : I hftll novcr l > o without it
inlhe house. 1'tlce , 60 ccutsj trial hot'
tle , 10 centB.
Tables supplied with the boat the
market aflorda. The traveling public
claim they got hotter accommodations
and more general satisfaction hero
than at any other house In Omaha.
Ratfl , $2 per day , nng21tfm
Tlio Session of the General Asaocla-
tlon of Nobrieka Ulmrcuoa
The attendance at the mooting of
the Nobriaka Oongrcgatioimliots in
this'city Thursday wan very flittering.
\estordfty excellent spoeohea were
delivered by Rev. A. Blanohard , of
Denver , and Rev. W. M Burrows , of
Now York.
Rov. llobart West , editor of The
Chicago Advance , arrived yootorday and
delivered an address on the "Power
of the Holy Spirit , " and immediately
thereafter returned to Chicago.
A permanent organization was ef
fected by the election of Rev. Luwis
Gregory , of Lincoln , as moderator.
Rev. H. Broso , of Crolo , and Rev , II.
A. French , of Mllford , us clerks.
The following named gentlemen uro
in attendance :
The folIowiuK IB the Hit of delegates in
attendance :
Albion , ] tov A A Creifliuun ; Arborvlllo ,
dclolcpnte , JJr Hamuel Koalgn ; Aehhnd ,
Itev Win Leavltt , lr George Shield nm
Hon NII Bhldd , delegate ; Aurora , U v A
IiSewonl : Denver Crossing , Itev J Winslow -
slow : Ulttlr , Kov II M Goodell and Mrs
0 W WMnwrlRhtj JJuda 1'latt. llov Wm
Sum ; Camn Creek. Her L T Mason ;
Clarki , Itev U 8 Brlscoe ; Clay Center.
U v U K Taylor ; Cedar lllulf * , Uav D K
Webber : David City , Kev U N Gates ;
Kxeter , Key BA Dean , delegate , MM H
G Smith and II A lUkcr ; Falriftont , Ituv
H O Abernothy , dels ale , H H Tumor
* n < l wife : Friendvllle , Itev .T Win
alow , delegate , Mis J Wiunlow ,
3 < 'reewator , Jtev A N Diurj 1'Vomunt ,
A T Bwluif. Mr * N K Huwthcrue ; I-rank ,
lin , Kev W U Hampton ; delegate , Mrs \ \
S Hampton ! FonUuclle , Mrs Get ) 11 mil
ley ; delegate , Deacon I'M ward Corliss ;
Gene , llev A 1'Dya * , delegate ! Mr A 1'
Dyas , MM II S Aniertnn ; Grcsiuvond , E
J Mathew * nud wife ; Harvard , Jbv G U
Taylor ; HiuiUujrr , lley ' " ' ! 'Stewart , delegate -
gate ; Men M U Baxter ; Irri nola , Itev
AUIOH Drfiwr Mul MM Amin Drt-aaer ; lr.
vingtun , Jlsv J V 1'rtnwnj Kturs&v , itov
T H Avon ; dilegaU' * , Mrs I4
D Grant and Mis T II Ay res ;
Lincoln , It v L Gregory ; delegate * , J U
Leonard and wife : Limvood , Ituv 11 Bcali ;
Ijoulaville , Uev It I'1 DllfuibacLcr uml
wife ; delegate , .1 M WuternuD ; MmntnniJ ,
Itev Wm Leavitt : Mayilowor. Kev Win
Woolmnu ; Milford , Kev A II French ; dt > | .
egatee , Mra A II J'Vuuch and Miu II O
Atwood : Monroe , KeJ 1' Dyai ; Nullah ,
Itev fil Jj HoU ; Olive Branch , Kev SUM ;
Omaha , Kev A 1' Shorrtll ; delegate * H M
Hurlbut anb Mis 8 H II Clark ; Otcu
Reservation , ll v K Cresiuiau ; 1'ly.
mouth , J'.evH C Dean ; delegate , II Nel.oa ;
SpriacUeld , llev JJ J Gilbert , delegate fi
0 Sprague ; Sunlight , Kev M V 1'latt ; Sil
ver Creek. A Osbojn and wife ; Kutton ,
ItevGeo Scott ; Stutt City , Kev KCrew-
man ; Wahoo , Kev K K Webber ; Weeping
Water , Rev 0 F Graves , delegate Mm 0
V Grave * ; West Point and Wiiner. Kev
Jiunei Oakey ; Wymore. Kev O K Ha > rd >
wood , delegate Mm 8 0 Dean ; York , Kev.
O H Mclntoah , ddegttei Mr and Mr * K
IWnerj Colutnbu * , il v J Gray , delegate
Mrs C SJlecdj Crete. Rev Brow ,
S Ij Andrews and JIr V B Verry ;
Crete , ( German ) , lljv 1 * Werdmon ;
K v L I ! Benton , Crete ; Her S K lion-
Ion , I'rfinontjHev C W Merrill , Lincoln ,
superintendent of homo inijsloni : Kev Ij
Sherman , Harlati , Iowa ; Kev O W Wnln-
wHght , Bgnnt American Bible coclclvj
I'ncidcnt D II Perry , Donna college ,
Crete ,
AllllOAl ) ,
llov W Burrows , i ecrctnry Amnrirftn
Homo Minnlonarj ; society ; Kev Addlson
lilanchnnl , Miptrintendctit homo mission" ,
Denver tity ; 15 vJ A Heed , Davenport ,
Hwn ; Kev B , T Jlumphroy , Rpcretary Am
erican o. xrd , ChlcftRo ; Kav. Wnrrrn C,5th'
ran , Wlnnch gi convention , Wfsconnin ;
,1 BMaxlield , KobioAkaM 12 conference.
Liquid Gold
Daniel Plank , of Brooklyn , Tioga
county , PA. , describe. * ! It thus : "I roHe
thirty miles for a boltlaofTlioMAs" KoMca *
TIIIO Oil , , which alfcctrd thu imwltr/al
euro r > f a rro'ikid Itinb in nix n | > plicatluni ;
it proved worth more tlmnoW to me , "
Mode frotr the wild flnwurs of the
it in the nunt frapnint oi pcrfum t
MnnufActurud by II. U. Blavcn , San
Kraiiciico. For nlo in Omaha by W.
I. VVliiUihoiif.o nud Roniuia liros. ,
A Co.
_ _
Real Eetato Trans fora.
The following deeds were filed for
record in the county clcrh'n oflloo Oc
tober 23a and 24th. Reported for
TJIK BBC by Oeo. W. Ames , real ca-
tate dealer :
J L Thoman and wife to E N llolli-
day , w d , parcel BCD U2 , 10 , 10 , S3,000
J B Selvis and wife to G N Niel , w
d. parcel aoo 32 , 10 , 10 , 85,700.
E K Mitchell to J S Tompkins , w
d , lot 11) ) , block 115 , Florence , S-10.
James Gilbert and wife to F Mur-
ohy , w d , ( ( iiartor lot B , block 250 ,
F Murphy to James Gilbert , w d ,
quarter lot 8 , blook 2oO , § 1.00.
G F Lohmor and wife to Aug
Kount/.o et nl , w d , lotn D and G , block
252 and lot 0 , block Stf/J , § 2,418.75.
Same to sumo , lot u , block 259 ,
Aug Kountxa and wife to E M
O'Neil , w d , lot 10 , block 2 in
Koiinlxo 4th add , § 325.
D Turuey and wife to 0 Oloson and
wife , w d , lots 0 and 7 , block 2 , K k-
horn , § 025 ,
F Dd La Matyr and wife to F D
Brown , w d , part loin 1 and 2 , block
14 , Shinn'a add , $510.
Xlio Country.
Who that hns over lived anytime in the
country but inunt have henrd : > f the vlr-
IUCH of Burdock na n blood purifier. Bun *
DOCK BLOOD PITTKIIH cure dyppcpMa , bll-
lei ] iicH8 nnd all dlaardcra arielng from im-
iniro blood or deraiiKcd liver or kidneyu.
Price , 31.00.
_ _
Whttt Wns Dune at 11 Moetiug
Evonla ? .
A special mcctiujj of the Board of
L'ublic Worknftn hold last evening.
The bids for paving Tenth street came
up forconsldoiation but discussion was
loatponed until next Monday evening.
[ t ia hoped thatsomo arrangement can
) o made with the property owners to
allow the board to rcadvortiso , for
ranito , oandstono and limestone , and
leave it to the board to decide which
is the ohoapoot ana most suitablo. " ' A
protest ogainnt delay wau made by
Tom Mack & Cu. , the lowest bidders
Tor grauito. . .
Supcrintondont Grant has the
block on Douglas street , bo
twccn Fifteenth and Sixteenth
broken up ready for thn ooncroto and
\ophult. In laying this pavement ( ho
bnso is compoecd of broken limestone ) ,
eand and Portland cement , to the
depth of six inches. Upon this is
placed u cURhiqn cout half an inch
thick , composed of Trinidad asphalt ,
sharp caud , petroleum oil and powdered -
derod limculono. Upon this ia spread
another coat of the mima materials of
the , cushion coat , of 3A inches in
thickoeea nd heated to 300 degrees
Fahrenheit. Hydraulic cement ia
then sprinkled over ( his and thu work
The grading on the first two blocks-
of Douglaa street will bo finished by
the iirat of next week , the oonoroto a
week later , and the luiplmlt put on
in a day or two thereafter. The prop
erly owners on Douglin etrcot are
ngiluting the iucation ] of increasing
the width of thu sidovralks from nil-
teen to twenty feot. The mutter has
itu friends and oppontmtn , and the
end cannot yet bo determined.
Notion ,
The "Hawthorn Oontonnial Ex-
culeior R < iof Paint , " was patented May
24 th , 1881 , and ottora patent num
ber 241 , 803. Any person found or
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint will bo punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son has any authority whatever to soil
receipts. HAWTUOKN & BKO. ,
Lancaster Pa
A responsible party will buy a bank
ing business or open a now bank in a
good live 'town , Interested parties
addreea P. 0. drawer No. Ct , Omaha ,
Nob. IG-Ot
_ _
Barber shop aul bath 'rooms for
sale. Shop invoices at nearly ono
thousand dollars. Will Eoll for § 800 ;
pirt on timo. Reason for selling ;
SViah to go to Colorado for my wife's
hmlrji. V. J. MollENiiv ,
10 * Atlantic , Ia.
Jill Allvo.
I > l ) iatcli to TIIK Dun.
October 27. After
g nil night , the rcicuing party
i the inij risoncd uiiners at the
Pick'1 ! colliery. All alive.
Klrnlillo Utotn
"Yo- Bl'ltlhO 1'l.OhfcOM ' lift BUCCU5H , 1
c-rtuin v think iti tlfocta are wouderful :
all tlu dypopttoiomptomg I coniplalutu
of IILVPuultheii ; my wife is alan enthuai-
attioin praise of it ; ulie waj Jitiigunxi by
blotche * and plmplea on her face , and hao
a continuous headache. Shu U all right
Ufivun ( ! all uuulghtly eruptions have gone.
\ uu uiuy icfer any doubting parties tutnu.
_ "lilk Street. Bullalo. "
The Popular Demand.
Drukc'n Traulcrt Mapulne.
"I think it's a mlutuko to have any
lights in the oira while they are goinf ,
through the tunnel , " remarked the
superintendent of a Now Jersey rail
road to the good old president.
"Why , my dear sir , " said the pious
old man , "I can't understand what
.ho objection to them is in fact , I
.hitik they are absolutely necessary.
Will yon tell mo why you think the
road would bo benefited by not light-
ng the lamps when the train puses
.hrough the tunnel ? "
"Well , sir , " replied the observing
superintendent , "you know that our
rovl carries aRtoatinanyyoungfolxsl"
"Yea , yes , I know that. "
"Wo'J ' , you novcr have seen them
r.nd kiss each olhor in the day-
Sight on the cars , have you1' ?
"No , 1 can't cay that I have. "
"Then , don't you see , if wo don't
ight up they would bo moro apt to
patronize our road , and the profits
irotild bo more than coinmonsuruto to
the growls of the non-kissing trav
eler ! "
"ll'in , yes. Very true. In future ,
f any conductor allows a lamp tobo _
ighted in his train while Ageing
through tunnels , discharge him at
unco , " said the pious president.
A Vexed Uloreyman.
Kven the patience of Job would becoino
exhausted were ho n preacher nnd endeav
oring to Interest his andtcuce while they
vere keeping up nn Incrcntnnt coiiphinj ;
iiakinjj it impossible for him o lie heard.
Yet , how very easy cnn nil this bo avoided
> y dimply using Dr. King's Now Discove
ry for Consumption , Coughs nnd Colds
Trial Bottles given away nt C. I' . Good *
niun'fl drug store.
n > ( 1U
l > . Thomm Rowi a < ! rlbton BlOfV.
; TO IOAK On ch ttfl rnuriicaltu te
MONpY . A. I ) . Tuttr.n , No.U10 | Uwylis
nrcct , trout room , uplal . 435-tf
i/v l " cuf. .
npwartloleva lo 6 firsl-tlAW Uly ( inJ
farm piopcrty. Itaxtt tUit , EsiAn r.w ] Loin
Atuntor , ICth ti:7i ] nti
TO LOAN 1 ho Northwestern Jln-
MONKY li. ranoCompaiiy I ) prepared to
uiako nil flrst-cU < 4 loans wanted on Kitialnctory
rltyjorfa'mtcciirlty at lowtet current rates of
Interest and Hltiiollt camml-fion Apply to
O. * . DAVIS ,
S'eo nl Apont ,
Ko. 1505 Taiuatn Htrcot ,
sat and wcd-4 - Umaht. Nob.
TT7"ANTKD [ Gcod , lively nnd IntelUircnt boy
W to nsslut In tending cl < r i nn-1 ' e s stavd.
Oojd rclorriHC'i ruiiilrcd. Call on T. P. uyon ,
Milliard Hotel. H70 tt
" \T7"ANTii [ : ) A Irl for uon'ral Uousu work.
YV Inipilro lit Kiiholmand Krliks.ns Joviclry
C opiiotlto I'o t Olllcc. U7S-SO
g ll'tmoof Mctsra. 1 > . Appleton -
. ton .t Co , Ntw Yo k , wn itj to procuio the
in ties of [ 'cnt'utn n to represent them In this
chy. Apply for p r Irnlari between lOnnctliia.
in. Katu-uu ) . < , ' . 11OL1 > UVAY , Maniiter ,
D7i-z7t : Mctiopulitanllottl.
"XTrANTi-CJIrl : ! for ifcneral hoiiHowork In
VV "niall family. Iminlro at Calilucll ana Pier
ntitcts , ono block \\cst of SanndcrKSt. lKi2i )
: ) - to clein n'well.N. K , corner
If ( h 3L(1 U :
ANTtD A lo-npetent i\tl \ In small faitlly
W 1713Chlcio.St. ( tlil-tf
) Two or three jrlrN to learn ilrcs-
WANTKl . Apjily to Jlrn. Tiirtlo nil Saim
clers St. Korth Onnha , Ull-27'
ANTii- : tfootl InumlicHH. Ail lre N. M.
V&7 ANTKI ) Dinln ? room KlrlatJIansfislllack-
V * man'H UKt.i < irantj Iodgo.Stbet\\ien 15th
nnd null. ! IIO-2tt
" \TTANTKD-A ysunz man , a succcssfal can <
YV asscr , to act ai Manager for our publlca-
llons In thliS'ttto. Kust bo willing to go out
anit llnd agents , nnd rain them for Hie flrtt nx
moitlH. Salary ntd cciumisjlon after one
mouth'atrlil. uoodiccurlty. Hcfoicnccs. Give
ttzo. Kxri'rVnco In full. Send this.
l'l-28 \ " * U lrc ! wa > v V. '
' \\rANTED Help nt the employment olllce ,
VV 217 N. ICthstreet , up-stilra. 851-tf
WANtKO A good ( irl for general house.
\ < orkat ) auc homo -test side of con\ont
street , tuo blocks north o tit. Miry'a avenue.
A girl to do schcral housework ,
WANTKD . Gcod wagis paid Ad-
drcm F. C. Grablo , Kearney , Nob. 059tf
WANTCI ) Situation In any Capultv by
joung nmn lth best rcfo cme oiiy KKIIKT-
id liii lnesi cxperlciifu. AddrtslA , I ) , BveOlllcc.
' . - .Sl'iiatrn by an o\pcrlcnce l
llutther npcnk I dllfercnt language ! ) . Ap
ply II. Andiron ftt Crclghton House. ! KiU-2h"
WANTED Dv a jonng man , cltnatlon In a
srocery nr dry gocdt store. lies four ytais
excellence. Epaukj Guriuin and I.n Hth. In
iiul out J. I.rruchauf , Farrhiim. bet. HOth and
lltfi. 97LSO
WA.NTKD-bltnatlon y u gooil ndy , c-okor
Konoral house work In small family. Caller
or lulclrcta lUlOJ.Mawj ht. ! W8-ii'
V phco to lock and Jo cuicral
WANTU1I > liya mlcdle-ixgol woman , la
iiiilruntUll North 10h : strut , Liiulm , Neb.
" \\7 ANTKD A klitmtlon for about tw * inontlu
YV In u hunluuruor ftino btoro , byt'inantbor-
aiighly ncipialntcil with thubuohuxif , Is not ufnild
to work and has good iifuciKcd , Address J ,
Xl < uia , llco Olllie. Ul2-tf
\\r ANTKD At the National HotolatLli.coln.
YY Ono No. 1 fomaltt cook wanted , licut of
too privy vau.ts , nlnki and cosi
WAliTKD to ikan with UaclUry Vault and
simt Clounir , the bctt In > uv. A. Ciani ft Co. ,
] Wl Dndgo ctreet. Omaha.
TVS a gentlemen to room and
WANTED In prltufaiul y , no other hoardiirf.
ImjuIrotBO noiihMtli St. bitwccn Califrnlaami
WANTED Hoomi and > loard. If private
family wlllliu to take one or two boarders ,
nlll fl-iiU tnilraddrecs to the Wyinan ComcrcUl
College , sliidout seeking ho rd cr rooms v,111 be
referred to thorn. A.L. WVilAN. 610-tf
ron ncHT-HoucEo AND LAND ,
I OIt HKNT FumUhciI rooma to timleuiri > ,
I1 gplcn Id Iccatlon , 'JUKI Cnn at cct. UVi-SSJ
I OK lU'NT 6 room boiuo , ccntially locitcd
J : and lurnlt Jro for tale , To rooms now rent
rd.morr II an piys f r renteuhole houte. In-
Imint's * . 07H-2H
FOR I15NT t rooms , dttwn , nd
HOUSn and good yard , on I'au' ' tit. urn' 20th ,
A.UmirinilndNj , jSl'J north lOlh St. U30-U
TraOH ItUNT FuitiUhid room at north ca t utli
JL' nnd .la Uon. V' ' " ! > 23t
) IIKNT rmuUht 1 room \\lth bo-ud , gu .
17llt bath room , and it fvw table buardm hi
1 8 Didgc. UU 2 *
17 ( V lIK I 11 Y. 11 HvO.MS - .Vk-eunU ibcap ,
I ; bio for tuu g nt'cmi'ii , "H ; Howard , near new
11. and M. depot IHX ) 2St
r/Olt ItlUTTA suit of room * mlt > Mo for a pro-
L' fi kloiial man , at Mcnitfn rct > taurant , lOOi
Farnam , Utwren 10th and llth. I'M 2t l
1710U MKNTl'Ica int lurnl hi'd rooms. Ca1 ]
Jj at No. 4l4lJOthSt.bctwtvnChU-ogoniiSC ( ba.
HUNT A erv pleasant lurnMicd room
FCll 721 koutli IMlihUKtuirn St. ilar > ' Aaea.
tie and Lcattnworth &t. U13-tf
RENT -Vloisant furnUbed rom suitable
ron twi gentlemen , 161U Farnam St , 962-2 t
" | 7\01l \ 11KKT CotUve ofI roomti , 30th and Far-
Jj nani ktnct , # 10 a month
HENT Cottage of 1 rooms , 30th and
FOU ? $10 a month ,
17011 IIKNT Housse of B rooms,30th and Dou
J > glasstreet , tig a mouth.
I1KXT 2 new cun room hou c , 1'ark
FOH . All modern ImproMmenH , both hot
and told tcr , water Inck * toio In kltihen
Woodwork and staircase flnNhed In parti-colored
gold. No bitter npi > ontcd ! honCT In town ,
jtrcct cars na. s the door. Possession gh en nlxiut
) c ember l t , ,
8 room hou c , cclhr , well , cistern , barn , newly
palntwl and papered. Shirman a\ennc ,
7 room hoiwc , well , il tcrn , good cellar , corntr ,
etlt street. A > ltS , 15Pfi Farnam. S4-tf
IOH HEJiT Fu'nlsAed roonn foronoorl o
gentleman K. W. corner SO nnd Can S J.
JV U IlfeNT 2 hou M ono 6 ami one 0 riomi ,
1 iLqtilre torocr Chicago nditth St , T. .S tltt
IJUill UPNT < iood Inscmcnt roomisuitable for
I ; houwliOcplnfr. Also ( , 'owl largo barn. Call
immediately nt northw cat cor. ' SA and Hurt St.
1701 : ItKhT hleiiftnt front rtom , furnl hed or
K unlutillfhul , ilicap. Ko. CJ.'i noith Igth
street. tOl 2it
Tj A slnglo tiunlshcdTociiTSt 1010
J * I'arnhftfu treol , 007-lf
"TTIOKKKNT I pl'asant Chambers tulli'olo for
J. houioli-cplrnrti ft rnan an I wife without
children None other need apply. Call from 7
a -1. to 6 p in , No. 819 17th street. OOiJ-tf
FOR nr.ST A furnUhcJ HOUT , i > jn
TTIOJI IIKNT - ilio UU Idlcg ntproient occupied
13 by liu- l in Lnloi iclrdraph Compan } ,
cor crol 1'arnam mil 161U itroott : Appljr tel
l ! rkor llro' . , Oisofnci. 177-tf
, > OIl lHXT Hou o wltli ( io cn rooms well nnd
I ? cittrrn Imndy , two blocks fr , m OinaliA Koun
ilrj" oulh 17th ou Inqulto nt Henry Ilmnin " 1
ITIOH UEST A | > lca int furnlihol room. Call
JU nt G ,1X. . 17 St. u Ith rcfcrcnco fe7.1-tf
TJ1011 HhNi fclq ; > i'ily lurnlthca rooinnwltn
JL' c s end hoitin l"ftsfenc ( rcquliod. Ar-
| > 'y tiarlh west fardft'.d llutt t. fc31 U"
TTIOHRBNT Kiw htu > o 9 rooms 19tS St be-
JL ; tuocn I.ctucdwoi.h atd lloton. All ni'.ilnrn
OUHll.Vr Nlcily fimilnlicil front room. In-
FVMW nt X. W. corner IHtb and 1'arnnin.
TT.OH . HRXT Alionsoof six rooms , < jll ami
I ? lUlcrn , coincnlttit nml KOOI ! location , one
Mock north of brIJjfO , on Sherman .tumic ,
10R IlENT House , tlx room . lurnlahed , In-
F iiulroatl ) . Iljdes clllca , Mlllard hotel.
KENT A boarding house , at 10 $ Toth
FOR , bctwion Douglas and Dodge. Inquire
at cor.of 12th and Douglas. 811-tf
171011 UEJJT Offlces In Jacob's block , cor. 15th
J ? and Capitol n\cnuc , JOHN Q. JACOBS ,
TTIOIl WE T Cott ( jo nt six larco rooms all
_ | j conveniences md f no location by 8.T. Petersen -
son AKOT 116th and DcutKaSN 7 > 4 U
HEM' A nice new ccttejro on Davenport
Foil . near 21tli street. Inqulrj at Kdholm
&Erl. ksoijV _ _ 688-tf
17 KKNJ L'lao lo ldenoilngood location.
J } All LOuvcnlcncoa for water , tiov , 12 rooms ,
JlcC/xuo , opposite poktjffleo. 02'2-tf
IKST T < 70 n w dwclllnzB anil two othsi
dwellings In dealmblo locality , by UcKoon
No. UU Uouclai f troot 817-tf
TTIOIl flKNT A cottage of five rcomi. Inquire
J. ' at Northwest corner lEthnnd Chicago fclrcct.
FOll RENT Knndshcd house , N. W. corner
18th and Clark Bt 77C-H
FOR REMT 1-arso offloo room or half store ,
1020 Farnham ft tet. 7D7-tr
T710II IIKNT Tno rooms furhtshol for Hcht
JJ h meliepri ! , ' city water on Bitno floor.
Ufomi'i'a tloci , corner Sth andllowaid ftrccls.
OOR RENT A fltoro in Balcouibc block , rn
I. 10th street , near Davenport. Ht A. D.
Dalootnto. GOG-23tt
> J HOUSES FOll RENT Small and Marge
four to cle\cn rooms each ; ono or two ntw
ones. BKMIS , Accnt ,
Jo 3-tf lEth and Douglas Bta.
RENT Furnished rooms at 1717 Caaa
FOR , bet. 17th and 18th. 450-tl
T A.W BOOKS anl olDco furnttnro f-r sale.
jj oem 1 , Crclghton Block. 707-27J
i have thrco cr ( our thousand yirdsof rnrlh at
I the northeast corner lo ! 14th and \\'chktor
etr ggpvhlch Iwlll ( 'lvc to anypsrionor corpor
t : Pr rcnmlng tuo BamaV /
9S5-28 JAJinS 04LI.A1IAN.
f Oll SALi : 15 head choice Jersey cattlei
JU cheap. AiMrcsi Drawer No. 72 , City.
T7O BALE Thrco thoimnd western wethers ,
JJ 1 nxd2 j ears u d , Weight about 'M pcunds
1132 t ( m and a Kearney , Xub.
SALE A harno's business In a flr t-
FO class location. Will pell on rcaaonablo
ttniH. Cause for i > cll ! g , failure of heilth.
Addics * . 0. II. R. box 200 ,
CS3-23 Oak nml , Nell.
P OR SALE Opera House Restaurant do ng
firs : class I u In ess. Inquire cjn promises.
Tnos. Falconer. 010-tf
17011 SALE CHEAV Vew shares of ( Sold end
L Silver mining stock reduced ratcitococtlnuo
work. Asiaa'rpeolmcca and th ic3 at room
12 Crrnhton Uiock.
9M-27t H. U. Thompson Mining A cnt.S
'I OU'BALE OnoorKanfor30. O o or < an f r
J ; SH. Ono Piano , < 05. Casn or monthly piy-
mct in.
8i3-tf A. IIOSI'E.
B n. an , Omaha. 701-tf
POIl S ALE Entire jiroccry Btcck nnd ( Uturcs ,
cor. 10th and LeuM'anoith. N J. KM I ill.
PlOUSALU-Stuvta and Furnltmo 141.C
Jj > 3S-1
SALE Wo offer for sale our Flour nml
1'icd Dual. CSH , earner of 1Mb. and Datcnpcrt
Btnttnlth all ll\t > iri' , trams , \\ajjon , it- .
HiiiiKoiiH lor hulllii ; , ' no are going kto another
bnslnutu. A good tin ret ,
S18-tf CHAItLTOK CR03.
rajI onsoan ot. . corner 13t
.1. streataud Capl.ol a\outie. Inquire on pro-
mld)8. tot lui
17011 ! JAI.K-IIcnso of 8 03ins on
JJ ground < } years , $ fl.DO. JljCague
I'o t Oltlco.
| 7 < OK OALK Oood building , brick. Call at
Jj Water Works offlco. 446-tf
Q UAuaiiN , cno large brick lior.o , and one
largo truce house , ulth full lot ou COGS near 15tb
itrect. Kluo dunce for In * estmont , rent for tit
ftl month , Call f o ; full partlcuUr , on
80'J-tf Agent. 16th and
- feet each In
iiuiecom Place on street cor lino. Beit loU
In whole Addition un very oa y torma r.nd at a
gi t bargain. UBMIS' as-cnt , 15th audDcuglat
: reota _ _ 1 1'
& FOR SALE. Tnc Arllngtor i ! is
H&TEIi elms ; all furnlsluxi ho cnly Lote
In town , 'llio rhcapfai pror-rly In the elate
ll-M M the traveling men. W 111 lia told cbrap OP
turns to suit. Enquire of E. Fullc , prcprletor ,
Ailli'ffton. Wnildniftpn county Kcb IA If
T OIi 3ATJ ! Orrtll oicha ge for Ouiiiu , rttt
1 ? rcrty , an Im ) roved nas ca of Iind Arilcl'i
I-pa utattau on U. P , 11. K , M. UUXIl/J * , 1U !
iratnu at. , Cw i6. ? M ( us
An uitrioptf i'Oiitalnlni ; jitnelon luipcra.
jl'liuliruUl | > lcu o rttuni to thUotlfcu nnd
" * '
BS-Sif"11' wii. wr.i.cif.
V A nihber oat with a cost Inaido Under
IOH i > tca 8 return to no 3 Hiigiiio llouir.
A hunch of ko ) > , for wliiih SI revarJ
wilbapaldBt lloooffltc.
t K. JhTT llouwaod Carpet Oloancr &to > e
A I'ollshor. Loivecrdcra at Ilcpubllan oUlce ,
ISlU nnd PouitUl. b21-tt
Towaosi ir MAV COXCEKN-I deitro in
IhU public ar to t ly that U his be.n icporUid
that ! made statcmeuts derogatory to the name
of Mrs. A. Johnson. I chcerf u ly take thU meth
od to nbsoluttly tfcty that I o\er ntttroJ or cir
culated anyalandcrou * reporti and know of no
good reason ( or o dO'Og. , i. BONNE1 ! .
Anyperaou maUng tuth reportshereitter
to prosjcuted. W. J01IKSO
olS J2t
FAUUEltS The highest cuh price paid
TiO Hye , Bar'ey and Cora at Krel/s Vinegar
WcrtL Jonesstrect , bet eoii8th and 10th , Om
h , . 606dU
Offices 15th and Douglas
Ko. 307. Beautiful resilience lot on Sherman
street , near head of St. Mary's avenue , 82,700.
No. 314. mil lot on 19th hired , ncarPopplo-
ton's , $850.
No. 816. Full acre on Hurt street , noir Convent
of Sacred Hear ! 81,209.
No. 317. Fulllot on Calif ornla , near 2jft street ,
$1,800. L
No. Sia Two lots on ScnarJ , ne r JSaunders
itrcct , l.3ao.
No. 319. Two lota on Charles , near Saunders
street , 81,600.
No. 820. Ha f aero on Cumlng street , near But
ton , $47G.
No. 321. Sfx beautlul residence lots , One view ,
on Mt. t'leasint nvcnuo , near Hauscom Tarn ,
. .
No. 32 ? . One-halt acroon California strect.ncar
Cielghton Codcre. 81,600.
II o. 323. Two lots on Marcy street , near 13th
street , tD.COD ,
No. 320. Tivolots on Dodeo , near Grove street ,
Soilth'a bddltbn.
AO. 325. Four aero blo.k In West Omaha ,
Choice 4 aero block In Smith's addition at west
end of Farnam street will gh o an ) length of
time required at 7 per cent Interest.
Also a splendid 10 aero block In Smith's addi
tion on eatno liberal terms ai too forcgulnz1.
Ko. 115 , Ualf lot on Izud near 20th street ,
No S04 , Lai on 18th street near Paul , $1200.
No 802 , Lot 80x280 fcot on 16th street , neat
Mcholis $800.
No 209 , Ono quarter acre on Burt street , ncu
Dutton $ bOO.
No 297 , Two lota on Elondo near Irene street ,
$250 and $300 each.
No 200 , Two lota on Georgia near Michigan
street , $1200.
No 295 , Twelve choice residence lots on Hamil
ton street In Hhlnn'a addition , line and slghtl ) .
8350 to 3500 each.
No 20i. Beautiful half lot on St. Hary'o av
enue , 50x180 feet , near Bishop Clarkson's and
20Mi street , eiKX ) .
No 292 , Two ctolco lots on Park avenue , GOx
160 each , on street railway , SSOO each.
No291Slx | lots In Mlllard & Caldwoll's addition
on Sherman Avenue near Popplcton'e , $300 to
816 i cacn
No 285 , Four lota on Dccatur and Irene
streets , near Saundcrs street , < C7. to 8460 each.
No 282 , Lot on 19th near Paul street , $760.
No 81 , Lot 66x180 feet near St. Mary's avenue ,
tin ) 20th street , 81600.
No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene street , (326.
No 278 , Four lots on CaMwell , near Saunden
street , f EDO each.
No 270 , Lot on Clinton street , near shot tower ,
No 27S , Four lots on McLellan street , near
Blonde , Kazan's addition , 9226 each.
No 274 , Throe lots near race coursn ; make
o flora.
No 208 , Beautiful corner acre lot on California
street , opposite and adjoining Dacrod Ilcart Con
vent Krounds , 81000.
No 2Jo ( , Lot onllaton , near 16th street , 81,850.
100 lots In "Credit Foncler"and "Grand View'
additions , just south-east of U. P. and B. d M.
Hallroad uepots , ranging from 8160 to 81000 each
and on cosy terms.
Beautiful llcsii'enco Lots at a bargain very
handy to shops $126 to $260 each , 6 per cent down
and & percent per month. Call and get plat anc !
full particulars.
No 260 , full corner lot on Jones , Near Kith
street , $3,000.
No 263 , TwolcU ou Center street , near Cum
in : ; street , 000 tor both or $600 each.
No 261 j , Lot ou Seward , near King Etrcot ,
No " 40 , Hall lot on Dodge , near llth street ,
No 217 , Four beautiful residence lots nrar
Crclghton College ( or will separate ) 88,000.
No 240 , Two lots on Center , near Cumins
street , (526 and 8400 each.
No 24Gi , Lt oil Idaho , near Cumin ? street
8526No V46 ! , llcmitlful corner acre lot on Cumin ; .
near Dutton street , near now Convent of Sacred
Heart , 81,600.
No. 244 , Lot on Faruam , near 18th ctreet ,
No 241 , Lot on Farnam , near Ctith street ,
No. 229 , corner lot on Burt , near 22d' street
No. 233 , 120x132 feet J n&ruoy , near 24th ,
street , ( will tut It up$2 ) , 00.
No , 221 , Let on Douglas ctreet , near 25th ,
, .
No. 227 , Two lute on Decatur , near Irene druet ,
8200 each ,
Ko 223 , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman nve
nuclth ( ! utioct ) . nua Uroco , 84,000 , wllldlvldg.
No 0 , Lot 2i > B8 fact on Dodge , near lOtb
fiticct ; nnko an ( , L\-r.
No 217. Lot On 23rd near Clark , 8600.
No 218. Lot on Hamilton near King , 8S03.
No 203 , Lot on 18th street , near Nicholas
{ 600.
600.No 207 , Two lots on 16th , near PaclDc street ,
} 1,600 ,
No 01 , Beautiful residence lot on Dhlclon
street , near Cumlng , JOO.
No 1UJ1 Lot ou 16tb street , near Fierce ,
No 193 } , Lots on Gauuderi street , near Sow.
ard 8600.
No 192) , Two lota on 17th street , near white
ead works , 81,050.
N > 1881 ; Ono full block ten lot ) , near tut
barracks , 84 OU.
No 191 , Lot on Parker , street , near Irene
8303 ,
No 183' Two lots on Can , near 21it etrf t
gilt edge ) , & > , OOU.
Ho lbl > , Lot on Wer near Reward , 8U50.
No 170Loon Pacific strict , near 14th ; mult
No ICt ) , Six lots on Far ain , ncir 2Hli street
$2,400 to r.,850 each
No 163 , Full block on 2 th strreet , neai race
ctju're , and three lota In pUeu addition , nfii
baundcrs and COJHUI etrccts , 8 ,000.
No 120 , Lot on Utn etiett , near whltu ead
worts ,
No 12v , l 2xlB3 feet (2 ( lots , cu 18th street ,
l car 1'oppUtcn'a , Bl.BOt1.
Nona , Thirty half atra loto lir Mlllard It Cat.
3 f. til H aldltt uu on al.uru ai > avenue , uprln KIUI
urs.tJg utruotf , nwrtlic cuJ of gien etrutl
car traoii , < VOO to H.hOO each.
Nyt3 , Lot ( .n .Chictgo near 2d
, >
No cP , Lot on Ctddvrcll street , Dear gauudari ,
8JOO.No7B , 8GxSSf38tonIUolDo , near Stti BtrcoJ
a ( HtO
No tO , Kjrhtecn lita no Slit 2 J , 2P.J atid stjocts , near Gr-ce nr.J.Hiuu Jcra atrjs
brldxe , voO't cadi
No d , Oju fouith block ( ISOxlSS fuel ) , nesr
tboComvnt of Foot Claire , on Hauilltoa btrect
near tiu end nf the red Etrtot car track. $1,010
Nol , Lot on Harncy , ni rlbtb,82.00.
I/ita In llarh&ch' * lit and 2d additions , also
loU In 1'arkrr's , Bhlmi's , Nelson's , Heuld 'n ,
UUc'e , Lake' * , and all the other additions anxdy
prices and terms.
Heal Estate Agency ,
16th ana uoai a Streets.
"Single Breech loafllttg Shot Bnns , from S5 to 818 ,
Double Bree oil Loading Shot Buns. 818 from to S75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , froiu SO to S26 ,
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Goods ,
Full Stook of Show Oases Always nn Haw } ,
Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
first-Class Cigar , Tobacco aud Notion Store ,
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards , Send for Fiioe
List and Samples.
May & Bieumfe
and Wood offins ,
Orders by Mail or Telephone Promptly Attended to.
No. 21,1 lih Street , between Farnam and Douglaa.
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
tug20tln" ' I OBERFELDER & CO.
ia only attained by rising
Stoves arid .Ranges.
Fov mile by
Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad acholarship at the
IYSV1A ! , ,
A. now institution basad on the higl'ost standard "of escollonco. Day and
and evening sessiona are now hi nuccoasfnl operation.
For circulars or special information apply to ornddroes
Embody nccw 1882 Impri\emcnt3. llor
praotioal fea ur < , a ; Cost less to keep In
uidcr ; UtoloRN fnoli will give moro heat
and a larger volume of pure nir thin any
furnace made.
Sold by PIF.UOEY ft BnADFOIlD , Oniana , Neb
$500 REWARD.
The alx o reward will be paid to any person
who will produce a 1'alnt that will upial the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for preserving Shingles , Tin and Gra\el lloofs.
Warranted to bo Fire and Water Proof. All
orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet
ter than any other paint now In use.
Sole Vroprletors , Omaha House , Oinnha , Kcb.
OlHccr & I'usoy , Dr.IUcc , Dr. Plnney , Fuller'
Council ] l > uffs , Iowa.
JKK olllco , Omaha Nco.
' < 7. fi. LSUIII.B , LJec. c.ndTii'ii.1.
OorriPlRnti ri > , Ilr-Tows-l' ' * ! ! ! Bollore
tsulliy Hay T. .K M , iiacKOV itiiayutloa
Windmills , tjc
We nJj prspiiod to da Jab work and nianufac'
nri eg for other I artlo ? ,
a CO
Trains leave Oraaba 8:40 : p.m. and 70a. m
For lull Information call on H. P. DEOEL , Tlcko
t. llthand i'araam sir , ' J. HULL , u , r
Depot , oral JAMESl' . CLAKK , Qener
* " ' ' ami
makes a specialty of
Collars & Guffs ,
Three Cents Each.
Work solicited from all over the country.
The charges and return poBtace must ac
company the package. Upocs&l rates to
large clubs or agencies.
_ 2J-tf me W TLKIK3 fe EVANR
1409 and 1411 Dodge Btreot ,
ung 7-mo Cm OMAU * . , NKB ,
A Cl rlotlan ri.mll > School for Il-ys. Prepare
lorf.ollek'0. touii"ili , Kchcol tr llualncM. Sen
to Oapt , 1SD. N. KIRK T LOOTT.
Principal ,
Unrrmr trV. OnnVOn. Ill
ji.ii m
t I ' > I '
vri , * ; itter
ii. .
t ttHV V *
, IJJt , I > U
n tOieJl"1 I'
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i.iV-1- ' ' " "
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S ' t - v
: . i. * ' ( it.n
ro i < < 'n
14/ll Jl'H-1.
, tii < X'jwa'l > ,
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lu/uirt- >
Yuu > ltl t i
inix < ll ( > uauc <
Hop Bitter *