't THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL JJLUJFlfS IOWA FRIDAY , OOTOBBix 2T The Bee OOUMOjLJLUFFS. Friday Morniup , Oct. 7. nU CRjPlION HATES : * i Carrier , . - - - - 20ccnUporwe k. MMl JlOOOtwrYesr , OtHco : No , 7 Pearl Street , Near M. O. GtllFFIN , M n er. H. W. TJtjTON. Cits' Editor. M-UNTIOINB , J. Mueller's Palace Musio.Hnll. Lost , a ateh charm nnd gold lokct , with picture. Iieaxe at this ofllco. -Permit to wed WAH yesterday giton to KM * D. Vodor and Mary Htslett , of At- Untie. Spetman'd block w ? liandiomcly decorated - orated with Pythias colon and emblems yesterday. The ConrcfrntonilUts ! had n pleasant locial lost evening at the institution for the cioaf nnd dumb , The now meat market ofiShullI& Mul len , 799 South Main street , gucrantee best of meats and prompt attention , A. fine assortment of Boots and Shoos , imJMcnt to iiapply ( the demands of nil , nt George Blailm's south Main ttrcct. Cheap Railroad tickets to all point * , Bufthnell , fivedoora north of postoflico , lolls them. Entrance , Main or Pearl streets , u J. U. Delio and Wm. Lauthrop wnro each fined $9.CO yesterday In the police ourt for Indulging in a row the night be- tore. To-morrow afternoon and evening Corinno and her "morrlo makers" will make all merry who accept their invita tion to como to D > bany's hall , Now is the time to get good frcoh roasted and croon cofleo cheap for caul ) , as I am cloning out and will for the next ton days soil at coot , BKTU V. HAKKINH , 305 Broadway. Joseph Keller makes the Iflneat Suits In the latest styles , at the lowest powiblo priced. His merchant tailoring establish ment is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , David Free and Kd Lincoln , two youth of color , was arrested for having a little mill. They were fined yesterday , the former for bsing drunk and the latter for disturbing the peace. St. Joseph' * ) academy , under the prln. cipalshlp of J , J. Sin tier y , is meeting with marked SUCCORS and prosperity. There are now about 100 scholarx , and the vain * of tbe institution being imparted by Mr * Slattery aud his able assistant , MIeH B , Q , Kelley , is showing iteclf in the rapid ad vancement bting made by the pupils. Tom Doreoy who escaped BO easily from the charge of highway robbery , yw- terday finished his ten days' tontcnco on the cborgo tf disturbing Ilia peace. lie did not tarry about town IOHR enough to got n drink , though he was very thiisty , but jumped on a stock train nnd hurried tattward. A good riddance. Wj nun's commercial collego.of Omaha , has drawn into its fold qulto a number ol students frctn this city , who are , according to report , making development. tjTh ( college now has In its day school thirty five pupils aud thirty-nine In the evening ri * wxhool , i nd those numbers are being vteadtly incieatod. The B , & M , company seem to pul forward not even a claim that they have any right to run it track across tbo Center Street school propeity , their only excuse belnp that they wanted it for merely loin' ' porary convenience , and that they will soon take it up again. It looks lllie n piece of railway check , to nay the least , and tbo board of education will doubtless at its next meeting take fctcpa to have the ' matter Immediately righted. Among the drunliB disposed of in po lice court yesterday was John Hwcenoy , who pleaded in extenuation that ha was a stranger and didn't reahzo what poor whisky was Bold hero. J , W. Reynolds offered as en excuse that ho had the liver complaint , ind took gin for medicine , but got nn ovirdoso , Kach was let elf after paying.$7 00. The Baptist pumpkin social at If , IS , Sciman'a resilience last evening was lirge- I ) ly attended , and proved n unique aud enjoyable - joyablo affair , The pumpkin wan given duo prominence In decoration ? , Including the popular jack-o-lantcni. I'uuipkin pies were on the bill-of-farj , with ! the New Kngland accompaniment doughuuU. There was A pleasing musical and literary programme alto , so that , with the social izing , there was nothing omitted to make a happy evening for all , PERSONAL Sheriff Guittnr and family havorelurntd from St. Louts , K , C , Pike , of Boone , lownv , was ticonc ycbtctday's callers at THK BKK cilice , Jack bakotn , one of the well kuowns of Mtouuii Valley , visited the BlulU now , II. W. Allen , of Nbw York , ngent of the Encjcloptdla Britanlca , Is ( .topping at the Ogden house , Dr. Carter , profeasor of chemistry In the Omaha medical college , was In the city jettrrday. Hank Ball , the pie prrousiver ] > m&n nt Missouri Vulloy , was in the city yesterday , accompanied by his wife. Supreme Yico Chancellor Van Vullen- Lurj , ' , of Fort Madleon , paid his respects to THK BEE cftico yenterduy , A , B , Thomas , P , 0 , representative of Iftlitct iod e , No , 8'J , Waterloo , Iowa , was rniocg tbe callers on THK BEE office yesterday. George \V , Thompson , of Rockfurd , III , who Ihtely perftctcd nrrsngemcuta far en. teriog into pattnenhip with Mr. Van Brunt , 1,8.1 irrived , ie&dy to begin opera , tlonblutarue/trndlake up his permanent residence here. Ilia family will arrive In few diy , Palpitation cf the Heart- 3. M , Might , ByrtcuHe , N , Yvritf - < : "When 1 firut commenced uiiinx yotr BfH- IKCK BLOOI ) BlTTElH I was troubled with fluttering * nd palpitation of the heart , 1 felt weak end languid- with a nuinbneai iJ the limbi ; since iialnfr , my be rt IIBJ nut trembled OP and the numbing sensation If allRone. " Price , 81.00. 'L , CHIVALRIC CONCLAVE. The GrandLod o of the Enighto of Pv thine Coucludeo its Labors. The Street TIIrndo-DoluRBlnConn- cH nuil n yinUlilngBanqnet. Yesterday was Um cecond and con eluding onn of the mooting of the g.-and leclga of Kniphts of 1'ythias. The atrcfit pnrado in tliu forenoon wna ono.of the moat aUrnr.tivu feat urea of the dny'a doings. The parade was a brilliant ono nnd nttraotcd n Inrgo crowd of lookera-on , who lined Broadway thickly , that being the main line of march. The procession waa headed by about fitly Knights of .his city , uniformed nnd mounted. The Davonporl lodge , ncoompanicd by Urasocr's band , cntno next , The Davenport Knighta presented a very Ino appearance indued , and their aand played very nicoly. The Bohemian - mian band came after the Davenport representatives , and St. John lodge , of Oecoola , came next. The Omaha Knightd presented ft good appearance. Then came the Hoys' band , heading the Council Bluffs Knighta , on foot The Gorman band next appeared , nnd ; hen came the carriage in which were seated the grand oflicors. The mounted knighte , the nodding plumco , the rich bannern ; the gleani ng invords , in fact in detail as well as n general appearance the parade was a grand ono. The procession marched down Pearl street as n finmh , having marched and countermarched on Broadway. At Baylies park the knights gathered about the band housp , and a tlmo was devoted to epecoh making. THE DOINGS IK THE 1'AUK. llov. A. Rogers , offered prayer , and John Ohiiptnati , on behalf of the citi zens of Council Bluffa , gave the mights a well spoken welcome , Ohas. \I. \ Ilonlo then delivered the follow- , ng address of woloomo : AlR. PllEHIDKNT , GRAND ClIANOKLI.OIl , CNIOHTH AND L/.DIEH : Ttiero hau dovolr * od on tuo by the cuuiuiittco of arrange- nents the very pleasant duty of cxtendtug , a YOU a hearty nnd chlvatno welcome on behalf of the Kolghti cf Council B ufffl. It will lie our undoavor to make your Btay n ) loiumtih to you as your cntcrtatnmont noBt certainly will bo to an. It li to bo lonod that your deliberations may bo to ordered in wl'doin as to result in [ ; reat jood to the order , and the cause ol human ity. You have coino to u < witli your wav ono of mercy and peace. Too of ten under the banners of the ancient KnlghtB stalked the grim shadows of poilllciice , deHoltttion imd ( ioutl ) , but uudor the banners of 1'ythinniun , is guarded and theiinhrd that trinity of Christian graced , Fileml- ship , Charity umt Benevolence. AB the Knl hta of the olden tmio rallied iirouud thontamlnrd of IMer , ihu Hermit , and wearied not in their Eclf-appoltitod tusk until the Crescent had falleu before the cross , and the banners of the crusaders waved in triumph over the mosques and tomploi of Jerusalem , EO it In jotr duty to porpcvcro until you ha\e brought about a realization of the central idea < f Pvihian- isin , the universal brotherhood t f man , and until every whore its true virtufl * uro known , honored and practiced. Your helmets and shields are nni to ward off the lauco and battle ax of the vindictive foe man , but they are the emblem * of that armor of virtue which should bo the pride and glory of tine manhood ; your gleaming swords are , not to drink tbo life blood ol your adversaries , but they nro the Bymbols of that eword of truth by which the do- fenees of errors are to bo hewn down , am through which tbo liberty of law , religion and virtue is to bo vouchsafed to iniu kind. It is not yuur task to meet in battle on the bloody sands of the tournament , nnd dye the colnrs of your ladylove with the life blocd o your adversary. It it your privilege to guide the wayward , hop ) the fallen'pro tect the weak , vibit the eick , bury the dead and euro for the fatherless and the widow. In the fact ni the existence ol Buffering and misfortune is found the no ceasity for your orginiz ition. Selfishnofls Is the mainttring of human action. When ouo has fallen in the mad race of life , n hundred hands are outstretched to cruxh him deeper where one li hold nut in i-yin- puthy. On every hand wo behold evi dence of wealth and povort , Joy and ser row. Seeing this at ones teallzo iho ne- cesftity of Homo baud of union , that ehoul-i bo under the fninllv circle , and stronger than the mockery of fricndablu T.I meol this want Solomon instituted the first < > ! the gtoit eecrot bcnovoleutsocinttes which wo hnd in esintcnco to-day. Nobly have they fulfilled the purpose for which they were intended. They have pnr.o hand In hand with the Christian ihurch In ad vane- Illicit iiizatlon and in ministering to the nutforlu ; . l Aiiioui- the youDgciit of the. < o 14 this or der. Its origin may be traced back fifteen centuries to ono of the grandest t-conf a in human hljtocy , when 1'ythlas offered his life for hlii friend , uhceue that has but ono counterpart , nnd supo ior in all the glories of heroimn , nud self sncrlflco throughont the i > gof , nnd that one the scene on Gal , vary. Thmifth the lights and shidowa ol succeeding ceutunrlea ( the memory of the friendship and virtues ot 1'ytliUs was kept green hi the hear I H of every lover of liberty and virtue. At Invt wbeu in the fullness of time the veil ( hit hid the wcttera world from view was lifted in a now land , which the foot of the tyrai t had never proved , a now order was bom bearing liia nnuu anil intended to perpetuate his fame ami virtues , The order of Kutijhti of Pylhlaa was or ganized nineteen ye irs ago , when the na tion was In the throe * of a gro it rebellion , AB In the days of old the rainbow tncti- sllnc the moui.tuln wax a promiio aud pledge that never matn hould t hod ua true- tUo deluge prevail , BO in thojo dava of darkni > sn and ' Htitutlon the arch of Pyth- Inniktu was a token th t never ugain should the fires of hate and tectlohntUm sweep over this land. It was a foiwhiulowlu/ of the time when our people should h ve learned fricudihlp nnd forbearance through thematrunientalltyofl'ytlmnUraandwhon Illuo am ) Gray should unlto at its altnr * in learning unity and obrdi nco to law. The chief corner ctono of Pythlaulsm U "lo unto otheru nu yo would that others tliould do unto you , " Its lawd may be found In the commandment * that were written on tablets of stone by the finger ol the Most High. Its principled may he traced to the Iteatitadrs , Its object Is to Inspiie hi the heart revewnco to Uod , loy. nlty to routtry , friendship to your broth ers , charity for their faults , benevolence for their bufferings. There la In its tfach- Ingmiothlujjrtoooulllct-wlthiour duty to your Ord , to your country , to your neigh bor or to yourself , No one can become inspired by Its teach ings without becoming wiser , better , hap- liler. You are taught the purest , holiont friendship. You are taught to avoid the pitfalls - falls that beset your path iu life , nnd to courageously meet danger and dltllculty , You are taught that right , justice nndir - tue will surely triumph , cud , thtt the time will come whpp the Prlrco of larknes will bend the knee before the pyuibol o the crosd. .In the daya when the nun ol iirovperity Is shining , you have but a falnl ldeof the ( rawer of I'ythlauiem , or its influenca for good. Uut wheu the days of desolation and adu' & ha\o come , when the ham of sIckneBi nnd death Is laid upon you , I comes to your chamber aad with a toucl us gentle as A motbci's v.lpt * the death dutun from ynnr brow , nnd aocn for jau 11 that friendship , dovotlon and rrlf soc- lfic'cnu puff t , and when atlvtthn finM Ruinmon IIHI coino it caies for Uo widow nd pducRtos the orjihun Anltia- led by the principles anInni Ired by the " ketchlnes , It IIM In less than n score of penr- grown lobe second t ) none of the jreat brncvoli nt organl7.it inna. Its future tan bo limited nlona by the charac'er nnr will of IU membership. It Is to us n [ ilenMiro and n priJo to boloni ; to an or * ? nlzitlou having such n oriRln , inspired l > y the principles , i ndowed with thl hi- lory , nnd crowned with such prospects nt siicco R May wo ill so Hvi Unt when Ife's fevercdl dreams are o'er , nnd the myitlc veil that hldei the hereafter i < lift- sd , our names may 1 o enrolle 1 on tin ros- , er of the Siiprenjo Lodge a'wve. Atam. KTAinl chnnctllor and ro > rn entatlvef , I jld you wclcimn to Council Bluff * . Hon. John Van Vnlkonburg made ; ho rcspontio , and delivered an eloquent - quent , earnest address , in which he laid a tribute to tbo hospitality of the sity , and the Knichtly attention re ceived from their brothers. Ho show- d himself a worthy spokesman for so worthy a gathering of visiiora. At the oloto of hia Address , W. It Vaughn gave the announcement of ho banquet and ball , and the gather- ng dispersed. DOINOB IN SESSION. The errand ledge waa called to order , ostorday morning at 8 o'clock. Rep- resontat'vo A. H. Ahrons , of Jo Dow- lall Lodge , No. 00 , was introduced , A resolution wan passed to purchase anew now ooal for the grand chancellor. The report of the committee on cbnstitu- ional amendment waa received nnd heir recommendations concurred in. The report of the committee- awa and suppression was received , and all of its recommendations con curred in. The report of Supreme Representa tives Green and Van Valkenburg wno iroec itod. They ohowcd Iowa to be ; ho banner state of the Union in re- gird to increase of membership and odges. The grand lodge then took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. in order to join thn parado. On reassembling the report of the comtnittoo on the state of the order waa received and adopted. Past Supreme Representatives A. T Jones and John R. GOSB , of Ne braska were introduced and took thuir seats. seats.A A resolution waa passed to have the ( jrand chancellor's report printed and ilncod in the hands of every officer ind representative before the next session. The resolution was passed continu ing John Van Valkenburg as compiler of the official digest ; nlao.n reuolution ; o instruct t'ho cornmittoo on printing to provide certain blunba. The graud lodpo then proceeded to the election of oftkers. Representa tives Winahipand S nolo were appoint ed tollers. Supreme Representative J. W. Oreono prcaented the numo of E. H. Hippon for graud chancellor , making an eloquent speech in his sup port. This was ably ooconded by Rap- recentativo Vaughan. Ropresouta- tiyo Odcll named J. S Hart , G. V. K , but the latter declined. On motion of J. H. Hart , the G. M. at nriiiB was in struotod to cunt the vote of the lodge for E. H Hibben aa grand chancellor , and ho was declared duly elected. Tfor vice-chancellor J. S. Hart , John Lindt , Oharloa Weitz and W. F. Lir- away were nominated. The first named declined. The ballot resulted : Lindt 6 , Weitz 62 , Laraway 27 Oharloa Weitz was declared duly elected. J. D. Hall was the only ono nom inated for grand prelate , and ho was olccted unanimously. The nominationa for grand master of exchequer were : W. G. Mercer , G W. Hampton , aud Captain Head. The ballot resulted : Mercer 45 , Hampton 9 , Head 19. \V. G. Mr re or waa declared elected G. M. of E. 'Only ono waa nominated for grand keeper of rocordn and seals , that being a. D. Walker , who waa elected unan imously. For grand master of arms , A. Hilbert - bert , atnub , Crawford , and E J. Abbott. The first billet resulted in no choice , also the aitcond. The third ballot resulted : Hilbert 33 , Ab- butt 29 , and the former was declared elected. For trustees Representatives Allen nnd Abbott were named , and unani mously elected. 0 II. Stoneminn waa appointed grand inner guard , and B. P. Ayers gnind outer cuard. The following deputy grand chan cellors at largo were appointed : A , IS. Mpnurz , T. R. Talbraith , George II. Ilightmiro and deputy for the Ger man ledge , Jnoib Dohlman. The resolution to appoint W. R. Vaqglmn deputy grand chancellor ai largo , was on motion laid on the table. The finance cornmittoo reported the condition of thu grand ledge as fol lows : On hand last nuBuion , $ (100 ( received during'tho session , $ -1,550.40 dUbutuotnont , $3 120 93 , leaving r bolnnci ) of $ 2,058 20. The increaao of innclpts over the proceeding year , $3,090 22. The Jtpproprintious for current ex * pensen for the coming year were made , 82,000. The snhry of the G. K. ol R. and 3. wni raised to $500 per year. year.Thn graud chancellor waa instruct id $25 for the organization of each now lodgo. Ottuuiwa was chosen unanimously as the next placa of meeting. The following resolution was paused ; lleuolvcd , That the thsuks of the grant Inilga are hereby extended to our brother KnighU of Council lihilia tor tbo knightly and lioipltnhlu reception pxlouled to our oiilcr , at il we heiehy oxtoi.d to our brother or Knights our heartfelt thanks , and da elro the O. K. of H aud 13. to notify the lodges of Council IMuils of this order. The newly elected cUlcers were then installed by Supreme Representative Queqn , which closed the proceedings. THK HANqUKT AND 1ULL. Last eveninc the Knights and oth ers rallied ut Bloom & Nixon's hal around tbo grand banquet prepared under the supervision of A , Louie , the well known caterer. It waa a bril liant gathering , and a happy festa' season. The inonu was in all roepecti fitting such an important event , one joyous company , and after heartily partaking , a season of toasts followed. W , R. Vaughn served as president o the banquet , The Gorman band fur nlshod music. The following was the programme : Prayer by Jlev. A. Roger * . Toast Our Guests : the Grand of Iowa. Itwponsa by J. W. Green , supreme promo representative. To t Friendship , Charity and Benev plence-Knlght T. O. Walker. 'irnst The Future of l'ylheanl in I n. Georee It. Stiublo. Toast Council niuftV , h Oaecn City if the BIo | Col. John H. Kcatley. Thoi-o were two grand balls in pro- ; re 8 daring the ovonipg nlso , which ho knights and their ladies , together with others , joined merrily. IDjhfxuy's 'all was devoted to ono , while the thor was ntSt. Joseph's ncademy. Horoforil'n -/-clilPliophato IN CONSTIPATION. Dn. J. N. ROBINSON , Medina , ) . , Bays : "I have used it in a casoyif udigention and conntipntion , with 'od result * . In nervoua prcatrnlion ts reeulta are hnppy. " Tbo Stabbed \Vomnn. SherifT Grogi ? , of Fremont , Nob. , was hero yesterday to ascertain the onditiun of Mary Hall , who was tabbed in a house cf ill-fnmo nt that lace , the particulars of which have Iroady boon given in THK UEK. The irl charged with tloi.y the stabbing , rtnblo Warner , is now looted up in rumont nnd she continncs making or threats freely that r.ho will kill 10 enemy if over she gets at her gain. The object of the sheriff's isit hero' was to got an official show * ng of the wounded woman's condi- ion , in order to have the case contin ued until oho can appear. _ Dr. Macra , in company with Jus- ice Frainoy and the sheriff , visited ho wounded woman , and the doctor , fter making an examination of the wounds , ono of which in in the boulder and the other in the breast , > ! orcing the lung , made nn nilidavit o the t fleet that in his judgment she would bo confined to her bed ton days ongor , aud would not bo nble to leave he premises for probably six weokn 'ho woman signed an affidavit that she was in Fremont on October 20th , and waa there stabbed as related. ' More universally recommended ban any proprietary medicine made. A. euro and reliabla tonic , Brown'a "ron Bitters. ' BNATGKING A SN K- A Fellow of Many Atlases and Much Plunder la Run Into the Hole. Yesterday a farmer named F. P. Arenemen , stopping at Kiel's hotel , missed his overcoat , and in hunting or it visited someof the second-hand lothing places. At Mrs. Davis * he ound his coat , and that lady at oncu Ascribed to Officer Tyson the young ollow who sold it to her. The officer , oing oub Broadway , ran across a oung man answering the description and took the chances on arresting him. An investigation of his record shows hat hia real numo is George Monroe aid that ho has been here for some days under such aliases as B. F. Porter and S. J. Smith. On being searched ; wo watches and a revolver were 'ound upon him , and it .TJIB found hut ho had pawned three other re volvers in various places hero , and in 'act all the indications point to his bo ng a sneak-thief. Marshal Smith , of Das Moines recognized him as hav- ng an unsavory reputation there , but said ho was of reapoctablo family a sort of black sheep of a good Hook , having a hearing yesterday after- noon'ho was found guilty of larceny and sentenced to thirty days in jail. Economy. A fortune may be spent In using inef Actual medicines , when by applying THOHAH' EOLECTHIO OIL a speedy and economical cure can bo effected. In cues of iheuniatltm , lame back , bodily ailments , or pains of every description , it affords natant relief Married , At the residence of Wilson Duncan , iho bride's father , in Eist Council Bluffs , on Thursday , October 20 th , 1882 , by Rav. Win. McOaudlish , of Omaha , Dr. J. W. Hanno , of Win- Hold , Henry county , Iowa , to Mias Carrie E. Duncan , of Council Bluffs , Iowa. Iowa.Mies Mies Duncan carne to Council Bluli's with her parents when she was nix mouths old. She is not only ono of Council BluftY children but ono of her most accomplished , beloved and fairest daughters. Tin : BEE wishes them prosperity through life. Bucklm's Arnica Halve. The BKHT SALVE in the world for Cnts , Utilises , Sore ) , TJlcerf , bait Ithcum , Fe ver Sortw , Tetter , Chopped Hands , Chil bluing , Corns , nnd nil akin eruptions , and pouitlrdy cures pikn. It ia ( rnarnntoed to clvu eatiafuctfon : nv. uoy refunded. 1'iioc , t5 ! cents vet es. Tor sale by 0 , SuHivan & Fitzgerald , DEALEHS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Crookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOESETC Also agcnta lor the following llneii of Steamship Companies : Cuntrd , Anchor , Oulon , American , and SUli Steamship Companlcu. E 3EC j - 3E" Xf CB For Bala on the Hoyal Dank of Ireland and Bink ot Ireland , Dublin. Those who IB 'r.d to * mi ) for friends to any part ot Kurop will Ond It to theb nterect to cell on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs DR. G. J. CLARK. T ciity-lour jear exnoricnco In practical 0)nacolofy. Office 106 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa , I , D , IOMOMD8ON , I. L. BIlUUiBT. A. Wf TB T , rrcdJent. Vlce-Pres't. Cashlor. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * Or nUcd under the Uw ot the State of Iowa Paid up capital. . . . . , . . . . , , I W.OXJ AnthorUcd capital. , , . S00. Interest paid on time deposit * . Drafts Usued on the principal citlcj ol the United Statoxana Europe. Bpechil ittfntlon ( then to col ! ctlsni and corrospondcnce with prompt roturni. B1EECTOU. J.D.Edmnodton , K.L.Shuf rt , J , T.nart , W W , Wallaie , J. W. llodler , , I. A. Ul'ls ' * A. W. Street , 11 " COUHC1L BLUFFS SPECIAl NQTOES. NOTICE. Special rtv6rtlftniinti ( etie M Lost , Found , To Lorm , For Sn\e \ , To Rent , W nts , Bonrdlne , etc. , ulll ba Inserted In th ! column at ths o rate of TFN OEST8 PKR LINK for the C.rcS Inacrtlcn and FIVE CnriTS PBB LINE for oath subsequent Insertion. * -lv otlljemonts At onj ofBco , No. 7 Wanta. WA A ba n ftbont nic mlmitcs alkot y. Knqulre ! ! KK WANTKI ) Two root ! glrMlmmedh dy. En- quire at K. 0. HOII-O , S. Stain ht. WANTKD- onre , four l.ith M. Krqiilre ntthoMcrcharts ItevUtirant , corner of llroijwny nrnl Itincrott ktrwt , ol F , J. Stera'er. W ANTKD A coolc nt the Western house on Upper Uroidway t enco. WANTKD A biktr , ft peed win , me hn undetd nel hl Luilnw. Irnnlro of Bill M. Ila\l \ , 103ioft1n y , fonncil niuttt , \T7 ANTED A ( rood clrl on nnd i trtoi pUce J V t 705 , ccr. Cth MB. , nd7th St. MM A. . Walker. octlO-t WANTED A peed hov aVotU IS or II years of co. a' , f-te'nhllbcr's fnrnlluro factory. TJITANTKD A initiation M hrcad and cake W baVrr. Kr < jnlre at Urn office. W A plrl for ( roncral hou o ork In a umall family , enquire If. U c offle. ' WANTKF > 5CO hulMlngn to moic. Wo make nspccUltyot mcul t ; housra and safes i AilttrriuW. I1 , AIc8 ortu , box 879 , Conndl IJIulTii , la. WANTKD Everybody In Council Illufls to to take Tus ] JKR , KO c uta for week , ao Ivcrcd by carrion. Offlce , Ha 1 i'oarl Street near Broadway. To buy 100 tons broom ccra WANTKD For particular ! nddreu Council Blufls llroora Factory , Council Illnfls , Iowa , C6S-2Btf For Sale and Rent " 171011 11KNT KuniUhi'd rooms tx. rent , with JL Iward , nt 730 MjnBtcr street. D. y board M.50 per week. ocutl7-H I7Oit HUNT A dcs'rahle ' offlci on first floor. JU A. H. MAYNt i. CO. , No. 34 Pearl Uroot FOH KKNT A itry ptcisint lowly built housi , Franklin bt. Toiiiu rcftjoujblc. A. 11.1IAVNt & CO. , No. SI 1'iarl strcit. JOUK MALh Ueuutiiul ic.vidcncp lots , (80 Jj each ; nothluar down , and $3pcrmontri only , by EX-MAYOltVAUGHAff apl3-tt Miscellaneous. RUNT A furnished housi with tlirju rOa loima collar und cistern , near Broadway. No 0 , K Kighth street. Great eucco'S. Call and eoo STILliAIIKAD new occesforlcs and aptctmcna ol pictures tancnb the roillblc pclatli.o brntutdo process , at the Excelsior Gallery I0"i Jlci'i strcot. DK. W. L. 1'ATION tbjitcJau and Oculist Ctn euro any caan of xoru cyev. It Is only a matter of ttnio , and can euro gencrnlly In from thrco tc five weeks It niakiu no difference - enco how lent ; dlcoaaud. Will straighten cross cjoo , operate and remove PtyrcKlnrr.H , etc. , and luacrt artificial cjcs Special attention to re- tnovclnir todenormn Council bluffs' Business Directory , Art Cillery. Excelsior photograph ga'lcry ' , South Mala 8L Instantaneous prcccss. Brewery. GEISE , Upper Broadway. Bottling Works. B. IIAGO & CO. , East I'icrco St. Bakery. P. AYERS , C17 S. lloln St. Bathing Houses. MRS. E. J. HARDING , M. D. , Broadway and Glenn avo. DR. STliDLEY , BothefkU Bathing House , Broadway. Books and Stationery. H. E. SEAMAN , Middle Broadway. Banks. OFFICER & PUSEY , corner lirooJway and Bth street. UTIZENS' BANK , Bth street. Broom Factory. MAYNE& CO. , menue A , and Cth St. Cigar Manufacturers , TEHPLETON k LAMB. 232 Broadway. F. R. LEVIN , 308 Broadway. L. UOEKHOKf , 031 Main St. Ccal. A. n. MAYNE & CO. , M Peart St. Cooper. J. ROSS , CIS East Broadway. Dentists. SINTON 4 : WIST , 14 Pearl St. Dry Goods IIARKNES3 , ORCUTT ; CO. , Broadway and Ul ] street. Eggs Shipper. C. T. CUAWFOltP , B19 Main St. rurnlture Manufactory. , cor. 7th ave and 12th Bt. Furniture Otorc. 0. A. BKKIIE k CO. , 207 and 203 Broaavray Groceries and Provisions. SUL1VAN k F1TZO Kit AM ) . S13 Broadway. Cunsmjthlng. OLLIVKH Ik OHAI1AM , 6th utrect. Goods sold at eastern prlcca and guaranteed. Harness and Saddlery. CIIAS. WALTER & BHO. , Mlddlo Broadway. CIIAS. I1KKMAN , 331 Mlddlo Broadway , Hair Goods , MRS. I ) . A. nHNKDlCT. 337 West Broadway JI1LS. J. J. GOOD , 20 6th strctt. Livery Stables. A. CO.MPTON , 230IlroadHi . W. O. IIOLI AND , 700 Soul Main St. II. BEECU01T , Oip. ] I' . 0 , Hotels. OODEN HOUSK. Upper Broadway. KIEL'S HOTEL , 501 and 007 Main atrcct. Meat Market. E. W. TICKNOR , (130 ( Broadway. Millinery. J. J , BLISS , 323 Broadway , Come and examIne Ino foMourxclf. MRS. J. E. MCTCALF , MS li road way. Marble and Granite Works , CONNOR fc GUANELLA , 117 Broadway , Merchant Tailors. JAS. FRANEY , 372 Broadway , CIIAS. RICE , Ptol'a bulMlnt' , Eth and Main ttmtt. JOS HEITEIt , 310 Broadway Real Estate and Abstract. KIMDALL it CHAMl' , op | > oslte court house. J. W. bQUIRE & . CO. , t-orntr 1'tarl and l t a e Restaurant. SMITH &lMfCUEK , 401 Broadway. Stoves and Tinware. R. D. AMY 4 CO. , 600 South Main street. Shirt Factory. F. F. FOHD , comer IlluB and Willow St. Undertakers. MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 310 aud 317 Broad \VttV * D. M. CONNELL , II North Main St. MRS , fl , J , HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 222 Broodwav. CotmoillBlnffi. HARKHES8 , OHOUTT & 00. fll Broadway , aid Fourth Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa , mar-2-Sm J. IP Headquarters For the Celebrated - : brated Weber Pianos , TJ Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. S Address , .f G J. MUELLER , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , ffi UK Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2,00 Bluff and fillow Sreets , Council Bluffs , B. HAGG & CO. GEISE' BOTTLED BEER , MADE rnoiiinE ARTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AGE S FOU THE Ordorj filled In any partof the clly. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF „ CUEBOAKDS AKD SAFES. We make the following a specialty : WALNUT EXTENSION TABLES , POPLAR OPEN WASHSTAND8 , WALNUT BREAKFAST TABLES , POI'LAH WARDROBES. POPLAR BREAKFAST TABLES , POPLAR CUPBOARDS , WALNUT. WARDROBES , POPLAR SAFES. WALNUT OPEN WASHSTANDS. OTMail orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office nnd Manufactory S. E. Cor. 7th Ave. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MORGAN , KELLER & GO , The finest riuality nnd largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cosea. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices , Our Mr , Morgan has served na undertaker for forty veara nnd thoroughly underatanda his business. WAREUOOMS , WO AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholsterini ? in all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tole- graphio and mall orders filled without delay. CONRAD GEISE'S Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Beer nnd rralt in any qnanlltylto suit purchasers. Brer 78.00 per barrel. PriratofamlJcasup- piled with smill kcg < at gl.CO eacb , nelored frco ot clarito to any part of the city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph SchliU Brewing Company's Celebrated MILWAU No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , low.i. Oidera froiu the sountry elicited City orders to fmnilicj and dealers delivered free. A. nuEus ; \v. HUNYAN , w. BKKDK O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and He tall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Hos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs. JAM S FRANEY , Merchant Tailor 372 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. AUaya Km * onhaud the Uncut assortment ot matf rial for gentlemen's wear. Satisfaction guaranteed MRS. J. E. METCALF , Mllltaory , Dreaamafelna' , Etc. Cutting and Fitting a Spodlolty , No , 51S BroadHav , Opposite Itevcre Ilouee. Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Undent ear. Handkerchiefs , boae ol all kind ) , thread , pint , noodloa , etc. We hope the lidlea will call and gee our stock ol olIRIOIE ! , Merchant Tailor. ( Late Cutter for Metcalf li . , ) Devol's New Building , Main Street. Council Bluffs , la , Sultn to order 818 and upwards. J. F , KIMBALL. GEO , li. CHAMP , KIMBALL & CHAMP , ( Succcsgori to J. P. & J. N. Cauady. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. We haxo the only complete vet of abstract booU to all city lot * and lands In Potta vtUml county. Title * examlabd and abstracts furt l btd on bhort cotlce. lloner to loan en city and Urm prowrty. short and long time , In sums to suit the borrower. Heal Mi bought and told. Office at the old itanl rppoiltecout ; bnune f *