THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , FEIDAY' ' OCTOBER 27 The Omaha Bee FnbUabedercry moral nf , excep flfea only MonJy morning dally , TK11MB BY MAIL V8M. . . . . $10.00 1 Months , 6,00i | ne TOT WBKKLY BEE , pnblkkedi tr Wednesday. TERMS POST PAID. _ One Year. . $2.09 I ThreaMonthi. . UMc Un. . LOO | One , . . AMERICAN NEWS OOJIPANT , Solo ASM or Ncwideolsr * In the ? Tnltcd SUtss. OORBB3PONDENOB All Commui Htlons rolnUn ? to Nown nnd KdltorlM mi in ilionld be nddreiieed lo the EDITOR i Vta Bit. BUS1VBS3 LETTEK8 All Bnslni ettom and Remittance * fthonld bo t roiscd to Tne lies rtrnHBiiiNO Co ART , OMAHA. Drafts Chcclu nnd I'o , Bioo OrJorB to ba made parable to t idor ol tba Comp.-vny ) fhe BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Pro ] ti ! RO3EWATCR. Editor. THE CAMPAIGN. TJIK following appointment < speakers for the Third district are ai nouncod : Senator Win Wyolr. BSohuylcr , October 28 , 7:30 : p. in. I Columbus , October 30 , 7:30 : p. m. Albion , October 31 , 2-00 p. m. CoptJ. . H. Stickle. Sahnylor , October 23 , 2:00 p. m. Madison , October 30 , 2:00 : p. m. Albion , October 31 , 2:00 : p. m. The Schnylor Mention. In addition to Senator Van Wyck nr Capt. Stioklo , the following name gentlemen will address the people. Hon. John Kosicky , editor of tl Bohemian paper of Omaha ; Hon. I Boaowator , editor of TUB OMAU BKK ; Hon. 21. K. Tunier , the farn era * candidate for congress , and Cap J. H. Stioklo , the greatest farmer enter tor of the west , Capt J H Slloltlo- will also spaak at Albion , Boot : county , Monday afternoon , Ootnbi 30th , at 1 o'olock ; at Genoa , Nan < county , Monday ovonititj , Ootobi 30th , at 7:20 , and at Orand Islan Tuesday , October 30it , at 7:30 : p. n LKANDEU GERHARD , Ohairmitl Conjjrosoional Central Con mitteo. EVKRT voter in Omtvha should mal it hia special business to roRiaUr hi fore election. YAL is playing to empty benches i his district. The only thing that i full about his houses appears to b auvcral of the speakers. WE have hoard Mason's bollingngat against Van Wyck. General Va Wyok's forthcoming iromarks o Judge Mason will bo full of pith an Interest. 1 , LKRH than two weeks remain hi fore the election. Hard work m wind will carry the day. Ever voter has some influence over anothi voter. Lot it bo exorcised on boha of the peoples' candidates and auccci is certain. haa finally wri ton a letter advising colored voters t abandon the radicals to whom ho sa ; they ewe nothing and to join thor tn friends the democrats. It in aboi ° time that Wlnttakor's oars were cro podagain. RET. DR. HKNRY MARTTNK Son DEB , the Brooklyn pastor who h tendered his resignation with a vk of accepting a call to the IMymou Congregational church of Chicago , B letter to his congregation says : ' feel unable to endure the prcasu of my woik hero. The strain is ti Kreat ; the burden Is too heavy. I ha longed and prayed for relief , and nc that It has come I ought not to dcolii it. " Mr. Sauddor neglected to sta that the relief CRUIO in the shape of $2,000 incresse in salary. A WASHINGTON dispatch announc that Sam Randall is very busily ei gaged in laying his wires for olectlc as speaker of the next house. II scheme Is to raiuo money from tl rich democrats of his acquaintance Pennsylvania and Now York and ui der the alleged direction of Iho dem cratio national committee expend iti close districts. It is asserted that 1 ha * raised 9100,000 this year to 1 expended in cloia congressional di trials and hopes to secure a strong n clous of votes from grateful congrw men around which to gather BUC western and southern men as can 1 : induced to abandon thdir prefern candidates , QENERAL CROOK 1s the best Indii 4 ' ft persuader in the army. Arizona once more quiot. The Sin Carli agency has been inspected und vent 'ktedthecKoutdismisaedundthodiBco ! tent among tbo tribes quelled withoi the expenditure of a dram of po\rdi or an ounce of load , The general hi traveled into every section of tbn to ritory , visited every agency , hold GDI feroncet with the different India tribes and listened too recital of the grievances. Ho was the first to di cover the frauds at Ban Carlos and 1 insist upon the dismissal of the agen thereby checking whit promised to 1 * a outbreak. At the saino time tl )1 ) outlawry among the cow boys hi Mated , and the territory hi roporte M being in a more orderly conditio tb&n it baa been since General Crook 4prture from It five yean ago. REPRESENTAT1TE QOVJERU MENT. The people are demanding ropi sentatlvo government. That govcr mont is not roprcsontativo where pol ical barnacles .voice the wishes of fi tlon , or vote only in accordance wi the dictation of corporate tnonopol Representative eovornmenl in wh the outrogad republicans of Pen sylvanla are fighting to secure , ai which they will accomplish even if tl heroic treatment of the defeat of i publican bosses is necessary to occu that end. The revolting ropubllca of Now York are contending for tl same principle , and will bury Jud Folger under 75,000 majority , to she tint republicans cannot bo tricked o ot & voice in ptrty management av then whipped into line to register t ) decrees of the tricksters at the poll And NebrAskans are making asturt fight for the eamo principle again the combined foroca of nrrognnt parl loaders nnd the politic * ! managers ' itill moro arrogant corporations. . ' looks as if the time hid uomo whc .ho ( jUGition of the future existence < -ho republican pivly as n vitalizing ii luonco in American politics is to I put to the test by its own member Fho moment the usefulness of tr party is doatroyod , the sooner it dii the hotter for all concerned. It jnp of the boencs , the barnacles an the corporations must b'o shake from off ita throat , even if the parl jets a little black in the face durii the operation. If the treatment not succcosful the patient will die t unnatural death. And 'Throttled 1 the bosses" will bo the motto inscribi > n its tombstone. GRANITE FOR PAVING The eastern trunk lines have a Danced their rates on paving slot 'rom the seaboard to Chicago , and th cads the Trlbuiic to remark that tl root is now furnishing us good a qun ty of granite for paving purposes i : an bo oocurcd from the Maaaachusot juirrios. Grauito is preferred for paving ovi dl other stone blocks bccauao it is tl lardost. It ia composed of quart nica and feldspar , but other minora iUch as hornblende and talc frcquon y enter into itn composition. Th imullor the proportion of foldsp ; Uid mica , U3 a i < oiutral tliinf lie denser and moro dun > lc the maloriul. Granite ho hardest of all known stones USD or building purposes , and rosisl > est the notion of the atmosphere. I rushing teat is from 2,300 to 13-lG , ) ounds a cquaro inch , and its wcigl ibout 10(1 ( pounds to the Equaro fee > r two tons to the aquaro yard. Fi lavinR purposes it pooscases this a , 'antngo over trap rock , that it do lot wear into a smooth and elippci lurface and unlike sandstone docs n > sasily chip or flake when oxpoaod : ; ho action of water , The specimens .of Sioux Fal jranito shown to the board < public works are of a roi Jish color , which is duo irceonco of iron. The stone is don ; > nd containa a smaller proportion nica end feldspar than that from tl ainoy quarriva. It has every clia icteristio ot un excellent paving aton I ( Omaha can bo paved with grani u cheaply as now seems probable , i other mutorhl ought to bo accept ( for the business portion of the cit It makes little difference where tl granite comes from if up to the sta dard , or whether it is furnished 1 Stout or Mack. The cheaper the be tor. But no other atone can boar moment's comparison with gr&nito f paving purposes. The attorney general has issued B ii'on-clad list of instructions to Uniti States marshals in the south for u a * , the coming congressional election They are informed that in some of tl districts , laws passed to protect + .1 ilactivo franchise have boon gross violated by fuud and force , r.nd th practices so dangerous to the oxiston of popular government cannot ba tc orated. Thin is good as far it goc The right to n free ballot ought to 1 maintained , The ballot box shou bo protected in South Oirolina. should receive equal protection in N braska. The United States maraha need not confine their attention to tl South. As diagraooful election fraui have boon committed in our own sta by the political managers of corpora monopoly as wcro ever recorded i Alabama or Mississippi under tl bulldozers jwhip or the ox > slaveholi or's shot gun , It makes no difTdroui irhut form the fraud takes. So Ion is it nooks to defeat the wi Df the people it is of litt 3onji'jucnco whether it lorpotrated bv voting strikers c Jo ad men's names , packing tl [ Hvoincta with votora from othi parts if the country and geut liuta of u "lay off"1' in caaa tl : irrong ticket is voted , or whether : nkca the form of tiaiue ballotj ni ; x > ldvr intimidation < , § ! * the m uth i i navy revolver or a'shot gun Lot the United Statai , maraha ook nearer home , where newapape vho parade their republtcaniam an leuounco In thunder tones the friui n the south ure , aupporting tl ) ohcy of organizatlous which hu\ 'or yoaro m&do our olutious in varioi parts of the ttato a iiockory and free ballot * u uuluobi quantity i 4ie hands of their uployei , \ \ caution the railrond altornojfi toste their cards with ciro in the C'jmii congressional contests. If dutcct In their schemes upon the Inlk which have often been Biiccessful state contents , the arm of the miUon government is long enough to rea < thorn as well as the unregenora southern bulldozers. OUR. laws require that registra shall at least a month before ultctii glvo notice to the public of the tit and place at which they will ait f the purpose of registering votoi They also rcqulro that the lists votora thus registered shall bo pu liahod in order ahat they may bo i apcotod and corroded to prevent frau ulont voting. As usual , tno law being ( Unregarded in Omaha , and t same rascality is bt'ing pcrpotrat trhich occurs before every election this city. Rogistrora wait until t ] taut possible moment bcfo publishing their notices ni the lists are given to the papers n le lioura before the election. This is ilain violation of the statute , ai lofeats the intention which is to i 'ord n scrutiny of the lists in order th ittomptod frauds may bo detected > rdcr to prevent their perpetration. But what can bo expected from governor , who has disregarded eve protest that haa been made fro pear to your. The present re .Htrars are worse as ti tin ivor. Some are notoriously incoi potent and others notoriously di tionost. Thcro is a radical chan needed in the appointment of thu officiate , who brnzonly defy the pr tests of our citizens and perform th < duties to suit themselves and not ti public. THE Republican roprovco the Li uoln Journal for condescending to n tico the charge that E. K. Valcntii eras dishonorably diochargad from tl irray and commends a "policy silence. " This reminds us of tl jtory of the Arkansoa gentleman wl ipproacho'l n well known politic ! ! vnd mid , "General , Isuppoao you sa that article in the Bine Wing tb inorninc , in which the editor calls y ( lisr and a thkf ! " U3fcs , I Biw the outropo. " "What are you going to do abe t ? Answer it , E suppose ? " "No , I shall treat the fellow wil -he contempt ho deserves , A mi iho would willingly assail chsrr.ot s below the notice of a dog. " "But your constituents will , lourso , expect to eoo you defend you iclf. They do not believe the charge jut they do not wish to BOO you re luiolly under such ubnso. " "I think the bosc plan is to kei Blear of such contemptible mon ai not notice their vile utterances. " "Why do you think so1 "Booauaethat ecoundrol has got tl proof against mo. " "Well , if that's the caao I'wouldr uotico him. " The troubls with Valentine is th TUB BCB has the proof against him. TiiK next houao of rcproaontativ will bo composed of 325 meuiboru. majority will bo 1C3. In the la houao the domocr.Ua had 13G. Tin will therefore have to gain 2i ( qo groBsmon to secure a majority. Tl party leaders are already claiming li votes counting a gain of 0 in Ohio , In Pennsylvania , 5 in N w York , 2 Indiana , 3 in Illinois and 2 in Calif c nia. Those added to the democrats the present house make 1(13 , to whii are added 10 , one-half of the incrca of the ra&mberjhlp of the next hou over the present , miking in nil 17 Small gains nro counted on in oth tales to make to make the numb 182 , Thiii la counting the chioko : before they are hatched , but th there will bo a democratic majority the next houao few are foolhan enough to deny. Suoh a majority ai the lesson which republicans a teaching to the bosses who are ridii the pirty to death may poaaibly j eult in the election of a republic ; president two yoara hence. Kx SENATOR PADDOCK is not con dent that the Elmunds commiea ! will result in accomplishing any ii mediate results in changing the po tical complexion in Utah. "Tl worat feature about Mormoniam said the senator , "is woman suffrag Abolish that and the Gentiles wou soon outvote them , as you eoe tl vole would then bo much Jnoar equal than now. " RKVIVAUST PKNN prayed fervent for the death of two Texas ruflia IT ho disturbed his camp < mooting , ui xs one died next day , the followers Penn believe thai the prayer w 3 a iworcd. If the story is true , this m instance where the Penn w nightier than the sword. MONEY end men are being poun nto the Third district by the ra roads , But money can't bt > y hone rotore , and it will takosomotbii more than special pleaders and $1 < ipeochcs to convince- the produce that Valentino Is fit to represent ai xmitituonoy in the next congress , . INDIANA grow nearly 47,000,0 bushels of wheat this year. Next manufacturing and importing dom ; ratlo voters , wheat growing appea to bo the great bonanza of Indiana. SPECIAL ORDER NO. 22 Keep It Before the People of 11 Third District- Valentine's Discharge from tl Army for Ewindling. The Evidence of HUGnilt Tak. . from Government Kooordi , lu the last issue of iho Columb Journal , ft paper published by Hon. ] K , Tumor , there appeared a chat that a gentleman residing in Oolu ; bus had in hia possession a scrap bo containing the following extract : niHHOKOKAJlLY DI OHAI10KD , The war department hm endued tl the following nomc'l ullicura bo dithon bly mii'tcrol cut of the service for fran ulcnt ( iructicoi against the United Stat "Among the nnniea appearir. twenty-two in number , ia that of Fii Lieutenant and Adjutant E. K. V ; entino. " Now , Mr. Valentino in hia spec at Fremont 01. Thursday , donounc thin extract as an infamous slandi and moat emphatically denied tl , thcro wua nny foundation whatov for the charge. The Omaha Kepi lican , the organ of the Union Pad and the mouthpiece of Mr. Vale tine , hna issued : \ defiant challenge any man or journal to produce t prf ) that Valentino's army roco had the slightest spot upon It. Th also published a letter from Oaptt Cramer who , as Captain of compa 0 , Seventh Iowa cavalry , vouches 1 Valentino's fidelity and intogrl while In the sorrico. Now , wo have in our possession official transcript from the records the War Department , which effi tually nailo Mr. Valentino ua an i pester who is trying to cover a mall of record that should forever reti him to private life. SPECIAL ORDER NO. 220. WAR DEPARTMENT , ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE , May 11 , 18GO. By direction of the president t following named oil ! sera are here dishonorably muatarod out of the s vice of the United States for frauc lent practices in connection with t appraisal and sole of horses , the pr < erty of the United States : Brevet Brigadier General H. Heath , Colonel Seventh Iowa Cavali Major J. B. David , Seventh lo Cavalry. Captain E. B. Murphy , Seven Iowa Cavalry. First Lioutonaut E. K. VALE TINE , Adjutant Seventh Iowa Ci airy. airy.Second Second Lieutenant Thon. J. Potti Seventh Iowa Cavalry. Lieutenant G. P. Boldon , Seven Iowa Cavalry. Lieutenant I. S. Brewer , Seven Iowa Cavalry. Lieutenant W. II. Northri Seventh Iowa Cavalry. Lieutenants Ormsby and Lowon Seventh Iowa Cavalry. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNHEND , Assistant Adjutant General. The facts in the case are that E. Valentine , with others , was implicat in frauds upon the government in t appraisal and anle of horses. T Seventh Iowa cavalry wore doing s < vice on the plains against the India : and also guarding the surveyors a construction corps of the Union I cifio. The adjutant of the regime was in collusion with the spoculati who were buying and selling an horses. The conspiracy was disci ored by the secret service departmc of the government , and the result v special order 220 , issued by order E. M. Stantou , secretary of war. When the regiment was about to mustered out throe months later , of the officers implicated lu the fra inclnding Valentine , wore whitowai od and the chief mustering officer v authorized by Special Order No. i to furnish them with an "honorable discharge.1 The oilicor chiefly inst mental in saving Valentino from p potual disgrace was Major Goo , ' . O'Brien , of this city , who was la1 brovottod brigadier general. Yet cording to Captain 11 , W. Cram dealer in railway auppli Valentino had as ituu a m tary record as any man the regiment , and the captain , w his wonderful memory , tolls us tl Valentino was mustered out with ' , rogitnont at Fort Loavouworth , Ka In 18GG , The war department recoi show that Valentino was mustered c at Davenport , Iowa , August 101 18GG , several months before the re tuont was disbanded. This ia the truth of history , whii within itself , stamps Valentino as terly unfit to be the representative any respectable class of citizens , le of all of the gallant soldiers who name ho disgraced. TIIE moralist eayr , "Every man occasionally what ho ought to 1 perpetually. " Sorao men are porpc ually what they ought to bo cccaaio : ally. That's what has boon the mater tor with Valentino. Anti-Monopoly la Anti-Slavery. Anti-Monopoly is Anti-Slavery tl protection , education and elevation i the weak , scattered and defonsoloi many against the aggressions of U powerful , organized and unscrupulji few. The slavery is not the less rta the aggression not the less dangeroi because it is upon the civil liberties i the people , and perpetrated under tl form of popular government. If a aristocracy of vu > ulth can rnako tl mae&t'o tributary through a Bjstem o rtupted legislatures and courts , practically enslaves them. Justice. FOREIGN NEWS. [ Continucdfrom First Page ] of the authorities that dynamite w be used to Wow it up. HONOUR TO WALLACF. CoNHTANTiNonu , October 2G. Ge oral Low \\allaco , Unked States mi : istor , has boon invited to a priva audience with the sultan Saturday this week. After that ho will lorv for a trip to Palestine and the Ho Land , THE AUSTRIAN RUDOET. PESTII , Oitober 20. The Austi Hugarian delegations to-day oponi the budget of empire for 1883. Tl expenditure is estimated at 117,01 000 florins , of which 99.902,000 flori is lor military expenses. A OUEAT SOCIALISTIC SCHEME. PAWS , October 20. An intorvii has occurred between the British ai bassador and M. Duclerc. It is i ported in official circles that there is growing understanding regarding tl settlement of the Egyptian queetio The initiator of justice has applied the court of cessation for a transfer trials of mining rioters Monccan to a tribunal at Paris on t ground that the government has d covered the existence of a vast Socii iatic Ravolutiouary association , divi ing Franco into a local federation , which Moncean is one , under dire tioh of the Geneva committed. Tl being the case it would necessarily ii podo justice and- prevent the fa ( being elicited if the trials were co ducted in the section where the tro : enable agitation has so strong a foe hold. SYMPATHY VOK AllABI. A mixed legion composed cf Alt niau and Egyptian troops will oppc the Soudan rebellion. The pre f uctu of the police has obtained 41)0 ) dope lions , the greater put of which a from. European residents , sustain ! the accusation of Arabi Pasha th Toulba was alone responsible for t ! burning , pillage and massacroing It summer. This fact increases t E. glish and European sympathy f the chief rebel which has boensloadi on the increase since his capture w effected. ALEXANDRIA NOTES. ALEXANDRIA , October 2(5. ( Sin the of the season there have arriv from interior p n'nts G8.000 kantari cotton , The government has docidi to appoint British * officers as instuc ere in all regiments which are coi munded by natives. INCENDIARY 1'LACARDS. PARIS , October 20. Placards re omtuendin" the assassination of lea ing poli.iciuns are posted on the wa in Marseilles , St Etinno and Grouse- STICKING TO IT. VIENNA , October 0. The woma Matkowitch , who attempted to aasc slnato King Milan maintains the de waa entirely her own and she had it contemplation four days. ' WRECKED. LONDON , 0 jtobor 2(5. ( Daring Tue day's gala a bark was wrecked < Great Yarmouth. The crow of thi teen were all drowned. COURT ITEMS. BERLIN , October 20. The Empcr has returned from Baden and 1 health appears to bo excellent. T , Emperor gave an audience to Japane Priuca Arisuga yesterday , which w supplemented by a banquet in 1 honor ir. the evening. A fire broke out in the foroisn ofli yesterday afternoon , but the dama was small , causing only temporary i convenience and alarm. Owing to tno increase in roven from Import duties the hope la ente tained that the government will si pond the levy of the fourth degree the income tux. This ia particular desirable as that tax if removed wou relieve a host of classes and great increase their comfort. General Von Moltko on the occasi < of his 82d birthday , which occurs t morrow , Friday , will receive the co gratulatioDsof the Emperor and ot t principal officers of the government. GERMAN POLITICS. BERLIN , October 26. The found tion stone of the now Reichstag bull ing will bo laid with imposing coreir nica on the Emperor's birthday t 22nd of next March. Herr Soho minister of finance , has Arrived ire Varzin. It is reported ho bears i atructions which will conclusive prove that Prince Bismarck adheres his former schema of economic rofori A conference of farmers and poasa proprietors of Hanover have united an expression of full concurrence Bismarck'a fiscal schemes. FELLOWH. CAIRO , October 20 , The whole Egypt eouthof Khartoum is in posse sion of false prophet. At a civic dinner Wednotd y nigli Lord Charles Berusford , who coi manded the gunboat Condor at tl bombardment of Alexandria in d scribing the events occurring after tl bombardment , characterized the Ann lean marines "splendid fellows. " I said "they rendered valuable assis auce in saving many buildings durii the conflagration. " tfAIR FLAY FOR TUB IRISU. LONDON , October 2G , I'arne' McCarthy , Sexton and Healoy will ! on the committee to bo appointed Gray's case. TUB EGYPTIAN PRISONERS. CAIRO , October 2G. The EnglL COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. Koastors and Qrindors of Coffess and Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER I1 Clark's Double Extracts of BLUEING , INKS , ETC. H. 0. CLARK A CO , , Proprietors , 1403 Douclas Street. Omaho , Nob. McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , 1315 DOUCLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. 3UESX3 , HARDWARE , 1108 and 1110 Harney J t. , OMAHA , NEB. L. C. HUNTINGTON & SON , DEALERS IN HIDES , FURS , WOOL , PELTS & TALLOW 204 ITorth Sixteenth St. . - - OMAHA , WEB. 1005 Farnam St. , Omaha. counsel has refused to take part in the defense of Toulba Pacha aad Mali- moud Barodo , because in addition to other charges that of incendiarism is ono of the matters complained of re garding them and the evidence auemc strong. They will , however , defend Arabi and other insurgent loaders. Malot has taken fresh stops to prevent the prisoners being tortured. ANAROniSI CONBPIlttCY. PARIS , October 26. La Paris han publi&hcd details of the Auarchlst'e conspiracy. They show it is composed of a small number of staunch tupport- era in all the towns and manufactur ing villages of Franco. Its members are mostly young men who distribute revolutionary papera. It moots monthly at Geneva. Letters in Prince Kr.vpotkins' hand writing show him to bo a member of th ? conspiracy. KILLKD I1V IICDOUIXS. ALEXANDRIA , October 2G Col. Warren , who has been searching fet Prof. Palmer and party , who , it Is feared , have been murdered by Be douins , reports ho has seized a lettei at Akba , written by the governor o ! Nakhl , pioving that the governor or dered them to bo attacked. The let ter elates they wore kiliod. DAV1TT BXI'LAINS. LONDON , October 2I > . Davitt , apoaking at Glasgow last night , de nied there were splits in the Irish na tional forces. Ho said there were dif ferences of opinion between Parncll and himself , but not differences ol principle. OONQRATULATIONK. BELGRADE , October 2G. Congratu lations to the king upon his escape from injury when fired upon by the woman Markowitch are pouring in from all portions of Servia. THREATENING THE 1'KKH.H , PAHLS , October 20. Two republic an newspapers at Lyons have been warned that their offices wore to be blown up. * * * "Too late to whet the eword when the trumpet aounda to draw it. " But never too late to whet your appe tite. by taking Kidney Wort , restoring health and making yourself a well , strong hearty man. It is unequalled as a remedy for all liver , bowels and kidney diseases. All druggists keep and recommend it. Judicial Ouiivontlou- SpcclM plapatcb to TUB U . DAVKNI-ORT , October 20. The la- dependant judicial convention of this ( Seventh ) district was hold to-day at DaWitt , bclnt- slimly attended. J. II. Fliut , of Clinton , wa < * nominated for district judge. Peuniflvaoia EpocUl Uitpatcb taTui BKX , PirrsuuRa , October 24. A copy of the resolution passed , at the iccent labor c Dn vent ion , demanding that election days be declared legal holi days in order that Ihe laboring masses may bo enabled to use the right of suffrage untrammelled , was to-day aent to Governor Hey t , signed by four hundred and seventy labor organiza tions of Allegheny county. At the same convention a proposition was made for n labor demonstration to take place on the evening of Satur day , November-4th ; as yet nothing haa been done in the matter , but it ia strongly urged thrt a parade bo put on foot by the Knights of Libor and that the Amalgamated association be J requested to co-operate. ' SPORTING. / Hpvclal Dl'patchei to Ta Bn . WA8I1IKOTON RACES. WAHIUNOTON , October 26. Firat race , miln and half-Checkmate won ; time 2:157. : Capital atakca , two-year-olds , one mile , Wanderer won ; time 1:44J , Third race , mile and quarter , a walk over for Monarco. Extra selling racu , throe-quarter mile , Buster won ; time 1:17j. Steeple chase , regular course , Be- thuno won ; no time taken. 1MIOI1TON REACH RACB8. BiiinuioN BKAOU , Octobtr 20. Pirst race , three quarter mile , King Fan won ; time 1:18 : . Second race , ono mile , Nina won time 1:44. Third race , ono and one-eighth initen , Bouucer won on foul ; time 2:00.j. : Fourth ract' , aovun-oiahth mile , Lit tle Minch won ; time l:30j. : TUB WALKING MATOII. NEW YORK , October 20 3:00 : p. m. acoro Fifzg'crald 400 , Hoghua 303 , Hozaol 393 , Nororaao 391 , Row- oil 377 , Hart 372 , Herty 303 , Yint 33G. At 5:23 : Rowoll retired to his tent and all sorts of rumors concerning - ing his condition were in circulation. At seven it was generally known he had given up the race , and at e'ght ' Hamilton Busby , according to in structions , had his naino stricken from the uial& , and the ex-champion quitted the race with a score of 384 miles , 23 laps. NKW YORK , October 27. 1 a. m.-- Score ; Fitzgerald , 431 ; Noremac , 422 ; Hughes , 420 ] Hart , 408 ; Herty , 402 ; Vint , 384. Rowell's stop is duo to irregular action of tin. heart , He was found after withdrawal lying on hii cot with his feet pr ppetl up , lie V/AS anxious. to continue- the race , expressing confi dence iu hia ability to 'win , but hia trainers and backers recognizing the seriousness of the cao refused to al low him to do so. When Hazel re tired hia score was 414 miles and 1 lap. Hia knees had given out. Hatel and llowcll slept in u tent all night and will bo taken- away in the morn ing. Among betting men Noremac ia the favorite , Arrrut of nn Indian Agent , Spec-Ill Utepatch to Tug Iltn NEW YORK , Ostober EG. J C , Tiilany , formerly Indian cgout iu Arizona , was arrested this afternoon charged with conspiracy to defraud the government of upwards of ? GOCO , and embezzlement and perjury , Thoie are five indictments , Tiffiny gave ball in $0,000 for examination. Tiffany says he resigned his position last July and has bptn engaged in the steel business in this city since April last. Ho said he bad heard of the in- diclmonla but dii not think they would ever be pressed , as it would not do tor him to "tell some things he known. "