Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1882, Page 3, Image 4

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    i M ± r ' * 1
V M.
oots and
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Hear Onion Pacific Dewot. OMABAITB
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands ot
mm m mraiCTiMD TOBACCO ,
Sieam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Steam Laundry.
The only Laundry in Nebraska that is supplied with complete machinery
or Laundry work. Send your orders by mail or express.
1207 Farnhixm Street.
Fire and Burglar
1020 Farnham Street , .
. . . . .
y -i. O.JUJB.J. > J * Oj V/XJLjO
Window and Plate Glass.
tainjure contemplating hulldlnt ; store , bank , or any other fine will flnd It to their ad.
vubtge to corns end with ua before purchasing their riatoCllasu ,
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frnits ,
1421 & 1423 FARNHAM STREET.
Agonfcs for Pock & Baut'hers ' Larfl , and Wilboi1 MillB Flour
epairing Done in all Branches " " a-
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
A C < vrrlrvgo Rltlo Over the Slorrft Ne
07 Moonllttht.
YIIHHNU , CITY , Nov. , October-I.
About 11 o'clock last night I started
with a i > irly of gontlamon nnd ladief ,
for n CArnni > u ritlu over the mountnin
thu Alps of the western world tlio
Sierra ovfj.s Leaving the city ,
the whole length if which is nbout
1,000 yards not nuioh of a to\Mi you
will Bay the ascent wan immediately
commenced , which waa continued for
about five miles n\cr n beautiful
mountain road , that had been builf
at grent oxponno for the
convenience of merchandise
nnd passengers by stages nnd other
vehicular conveyances previous to the
building of the railroad , This road
is as smooth na n Iloor , nnd so even
do you ride thnt you can ecatccly bo *
hevo that you nro ni-ccndine nn angle
of nearly iifty to sixty dcqreon
Along this road , the cdgca of which ,
in many places , overlook ravines nnd
canyons hundreds of feet in depth
around which it shoots in sharp curves
ao abrupt thnt it would appear dun
gorous to go nt n walk , } ot the stage
coaches with from twelve to tiftcoi
passengers and their baggage used to
dash at night , sometimes with IK
other lights than those on the couches
at the rule of n inilo in three minutes ,
Should n brake give out , or tlio
hnrnoes provo unsound , nwuy woulc
go the whole load of humanity , hurloc
into n canyon or gulch to meet certain
death on the cruel rocks below. Yel
such nccidonta have rarely , if over ,
Ascending thin beautiful steep , on
every aide ono beholds the tunnels
and openings to pits mndo by min to
got the yellow earth , and tlfrough the
gulches on the right nud left its you
alternately wind round the defilea I
could toe rising in the distance moun
tain on mountain thrco nnd four lay
ers deep , and miles and miles away ,
while ovcry now and nguin the beauti
ful full moon creeps nnd poops from
out the dark and threatening clouds
and gilda the heaven nud earth vriil
its silver linings of rtfl'jctud light.
In half an hour the top of the
mountain had bcon .reached. Wo
aoon came to what is called "Dead
Man'a Point , " as n sudden turn in
the load that bcgina the descent to
the opposite side of the mount is
called , where , in former days some
robbers stopped n traveler to rob
him and mndo off with the unfortun
ate man's wealth. His body beir g
foudd there gnvo this ominous title or
name to the locality. This spot waa
also the scone of n daring robbery ol
a stage coach containing n , lady and
twelve paesengors. An the hordes
turned the curve in the road the rob-
brj seized the lead homos , bringing
Cho other four to a halt , and covering
the stugo with their double batrolcd
guns , commanded the occupants to
surionder. The mon , who did not
feel like disputing the matter , were
filed out of the coach on
the roadside , and the lady
was politely led to a * stump on
which she was seated , while those who
were not covering the men with their
guns proceeded quietly nnd leisurely
to blow open the eafo in the coach ,
secured the arms and valuables of the
passengers and made oil" , The apoi
whore the stump had boon waa point
ed out by the driver. Just beyond
this I could see our destination ,
"Steamboat , " which appeared to bo
about n quarter of a mile away , but
waa really six miles. Steamboat is a
railroad station on the Truckoo rail
road , is BO named from the fact that
there is located the Sulphur Springs.
The steam arising from which out of
i barren piece of laud looks exactly
ike the smoke of n steamboat aa seen
steaming along a river or other body
of water.
Among these mountains nro whole
Hies that once were the seats of
wealth and much trade , now entirely
destroyed , iho only inhabitants being
a few stray cattle or domestic animals
yho failed to leave or he carried uway
> y the departing citizens. Even the
[ ndinna will not occupy the house ? ,
laving a euporstUious fear that they
will fall in upon them. With the
crack of the whip the carriage was
again on the move , nnd without incident
cidont worth chronicling it pulled up
it Sfeamboat , where wao eorvcd u
icht lunch which I did iull justice to ,
ua the ride and moun-
ain air had sharpened my ap-
lotitc. After a short rest the return
rip waa taken up. Our course was
directed to Magnolia , which is the
oot o the Geiger grade , the road
ending up the western side of the hill ,
a continuous nacent of nearly five
nilesj the ground around us in scarcely
> vor covered by snow , wllilo at the
op of the mountain , to which wo nro
; omg on our return , will sometimes
mvo twelve and fifteen feet of enow.
_ As wo cama up the /urn was juit
ising nbovo the hills In front of us.
The sky beyond was light and silvery ,
while the red glare of the rising sun
upon the hills and plains ami long
lingo of towering mouutnina behind
Yds grand In Us beauty and Hubliinl-
y. The ( laccy clouds with uilver lin-
nan were decke < ' with golden hues by
ho sun , and if they were placed in
ho h'javena aa symbols of the precious
notals of gold and silver which nro to
) o found hundreds and thousands of
cot within the bowels of tLo hills
vor which wo w.ero then driving. As
TO rose higher on the Sierra Novai'ns
ind looked back , wo could bahold the
hrco seasons , as represented by the
now-olad hills in the diotunco , show-
ng eternal winter ; a lower range
ooked like the spring just showing its
, -erduro , and in the valley the life-
giving grain and luoloua fruits gave us
tlmmer and abundance. Headline ;
ho top , and repassing Dead Man's
'oint , ono could see before long
ranges of hills , ono of which was on-
irely covered with snow ; another
hat could just bo eoen , looking like a
cloud on the horizon , I was nsr.urod
was fully 209 miles away , The air at
his point is BO rarfiod that ono canoe
oo three or four times as far lu you
an in your latitude , even at your
lighoat point of observation ,
Again the carriage is ascending the
Jphir grade , down , down , down hun
dreds of feet to Virginia Oity , ap-
iroaching which as if to bo reminded
f homo , wo pa s a collection of small
louses , and a boor shop with a sign
'Philadelphia Brewery" attracted my
Mention , where I induced the party
to slop , and over foarr/ngmuga drnnl
to the folks i > t homo.
The Country.
Who Hint hf * ' o\cr Ihel nn > tlme In llio
country but muit ha\o Ljmd it the vir
tm * of Hurdock ft Llood jmrlfiT. HUH
DOCK Dtoon J'lTTKns ' cute ih | ici > ln , bil
louinc's .iml Ml illsonlcr * iwnlnj tiom nn
pure blootl or dcrAnsed liver or
Price , SI.X ( ) . _
TUB iloTME oPTat ! ! ZUNtS.
A Visit to Their Clitof Pueblo Unblts
of tbo lucJlans
CorropoaOencecf the ST. Y. Trlhmo
Xuin is the largest pueblo I ha\oyot
soon. It numbers about 1,500 people ,
nnd ia to compactly built lhat the entire -
tire \illngo doea not cover nioro than
six ncrca of ground. I hnd often lu-an'
that the ntmosphore n nnd about Huni
was rendered very disagrecnblo by rea
son of the pungent odors constAiitlj
attsiug , nnd which are duo to the want
of cans in the people's habits. There
wi-ro eviacnces of oomo proparatiini to
receive the party , but the odors won
thcro iu ample Bollloionojr In addi
tion to the wnnt of cleanliness and de
cency in the daily lifo of men , women
and children , ahoop and go t corrals
are built adjoining the village within
thirty foot of some of the dwellings.
The pueblo is ono mnssof ndubo build-
inga. They are all oonncctcil , and
though in moat parts they nru
only ono or two' Htonea high ,
there nro some throe , nnd the high
est point near ho center of the
village is five otorics , I ascended to thereof
roof of this building by means of lad
ders on the outside , goin from one
roof to another. The roofs n.ay bo
reached by moana of laddera from the
ground ironi the exterior or by enter
ing a door and ascending by thn simo
moans on the inaido , each roof Imvinc
a place of exit. I saw only ono llight
of etopa. It was very nhort , consistIng -
Ing of about a half a dozen mndn of
mud , and wns on the outside of'fc
liouao. The living rooms are ( jenor-
\\y } \ of pretty fuir aieo , HOIUO of them
being na much as twenty and forty
foot. Flooro are of ndobe or Hat
atone , while the ceilings over the fust
floor nro nupported by heavy pine
beams and nro about eight feet high.
A cloao layer of aticka of tufliciont
strength ia laid ucrosa the beams as
support for the Iloor abovo. In the
lirat room I entered n woman was
painting pottery previous to putting it
into the kiln for burning. Their pot
tery deciijm arc chiefly imitations , and
Lhoy have no piospa containing any
mark denoting antiquity that I could
learn of. I watched them preparing
aBmallkiln of pottery for burning.
Their fuel for thin consisted
entirely of dried cal.ea of sheep
manure. They rest n piece ot pottery
on thrco lumps of the manure , fill it
with small bits of the fuel , then take
another picco of pottery and eo on ,
until they got it nil arranged , building
in n circle and after completely cover
ing tlio utitiro pile with a layer of
manure they ignite it. It takes from
ono to two hours to burn it thoroughly.
In ono room a young aqiuw was on-
iaged ; in combing the hair ot an older
woman. I am told they epond much
time in this occupation , bcini very
pround of their hair , which ia long ,
knack and glossy. In thin operation
the girl used a email stick about the
size of a match to part the hair , and
spitting on it occasionally ehu brushed
it with a rude brush made of yucca ,
jr Spanish bayonet. In nearly every
louao ia a trough , in ono end of the
iving room , and in it are arranged
'rom thrcoo to five atones for grinding
neal. In ono place I saw a woman
"grinding at the mill" in Oriental
ashion. j
The gardens are beyond Iho corrals
and in ono common mclosuro , with
sach family's patch of a few roda pir-
itioned off by a low mud wall. There
a ono well for the community , it bo
ng about fifteen feet in diameter ,
walled un and covered at the top , and
B approached by a deep cut or oxen-
ration to the water's edge. From
-his they got , all their water for houso-
lold purposes , and much of that they
ino for irrigating their gnidona , carry-
ng it in ollan or pots. An old church ,
milt by the Spaniards some ! ! 00 yearn
ago , otill stundH , though it is now in
the tottering stage , ' ) ot decay. It is
of adobe , is about 125 fcot long by 40
wide , has a gallery , and in the roar of
ho altar there is atlll carved wood
vork surmounted by a figure of the
n relieve. This building 1ms outlived
IB day of usofulnuoH , and it stands
hero a monument of the coal of the
) ody that founded it , whilst the poole
) lo it waa to aid in lifting up are ,
if tor moro than thrco centuries , a. ill
votaries of the fr.luo goils of their
B Mirnbilo Dlotu
"Your iSl'niMi lii.OHsosi Id n
ertalnly think Ua clfucta mo wonderful :
U the dyspeptic ayinptomH I cninplulutd
f have vanlened ; my wife ! aluo cntluui.
tPtloln pralsoof It ; nlio wns lUligurcd by
ilotchos and plmplnfi on hur face , and had
continuous tieaduche. ijlia it all rlnht
low and nil UDHlglitly oruiitlonB havognno ,
rou may refer nny itnubtlnK particH to mo ,
"JJIk Street ,
Thclotrlnelo merit nuU apcrl r quality ol ow
oldItopo'Joliacx ) ha < Induce ! other mannlao-
urcra to put upon the market ooji tlmllar to
urbramlln uauiu and etjlo nhlch are offcreJ
udtold fr Io i nioiiy thun thu genuine Gold
opa. Wo caution the t a Jo tnd oonnnmcr toiee
hat our nimu and trade mark aru upon e&ch
ump. ' The only genuine and orljlnu ] Quid Hope
'rtbaoco U manufactured hy
i > cllTtlie , i lnor
jour dutlrt vi > li < t"
itlmulanUunil un < torel > rol' ; r'
Ho | > uittor * wwt ui Hope
r rn
rnif > iu n ia
I a cr ulurle uld ouiv wr-tli f-c
ilmirrnHN'irluiK ou ' * Q <
trot , rilj i. u H rA.
iut yonort.
iTUout < n'ui-ou/
1U Hop
" "
rut nut
t till
Itt !
Ifflt ClOOtti
'i-cr tntntti
t > r
ur. tltjonuii
Hop 3ltte >
w klrlUiltrr
It may
e /our
Ufa. It hn
[ VUT ]
M o : Y TO LOAK o
rntl ) A II Tution , No. tlSlfl ) ) oiii.l in
t , front rcuin , uvtA | < r 43.VII
At 8 p r conllti-
If.-cst In 9vjm .p | W.600 ten
U w tl1 , lor8to yolr * , en 6ts .clam city ncrl
futa | irot rl ) lUnu UIAL KWATB end LOR
Anii cr. iff.1 ! ami Douplm Hi *
MONP.V TO LOAN-llio Norh c tcrn Mu
tual I.lfc tin iranieCompnii ) Is prnnrcil to
make vlflrM < | M < ! OI wantcit on MtlMuclorj
cltt rr la nucMitit ) nt lovi-fi current rates ol
l trrt anJ without cjrnuilJ bn Atph to
O K. UAVIs ,
S co M Ajfon * ,
No. 1WJ Fftiimtn HUoit.
Ml and od Iw Omaht. Knh.
WANTKII ( llrl Mr iriricnil housework In
until fftmlh liiqulro at Ctldwoli i\ml Pier
tm U , ono block wt ol S.iuiiilcn bt. lVi7 IS t
WANTKI ) M < nto tlcin A wcll.N. K. corner
1'th nuili IKIO I r.
MM'S * I ) . ( . HAllrHt.
WASTHAroupcUnt ) Irllnimsll fft'i II )
1713 Uhleuo H' . ( M tf
WANTKH Two or tlino Klrl to linn ilrcwi-
luaMnff. Applj to MM Turtle Hll Sunn-
ilcrn HI. Korth Oiinlui. till 27'
, a > ANTKII ( lood man cooV MI2I2 r nilwm
VV * < t. YcrvMiiul Solmrm's llntnumnt.
irANTKtlooa ( LiimJrcwi. Ad.lum N , M.
V IliuOlllu
U A\Tii : > Dnilci ) ; room ttlrlrttMnUn.'Ulluk '
niiMt'an'ttuivitjl l > oilKrStllH.tnivu IMh
anJ tlllh. SMtl 2i\ \
hl-Man to Mart n mntr
ie l\ Mil out R U t'wn , Kooil Initico-
min'8 ulli hoclTuri'il AppU to or 'ldni'S H.
S K voiiirrlbthaiul UtntroSt. Omahn Ul7-ttt
\A7AMKl ) | Or ) to < | j Rcnoinl hou o oikat
V1F10 ( .hcio.S- ( . ni i0 !
\\i ANTED-OooJ clrl for eriurat lieu nik
VV 11 BO th w B irrncr Sind and Cmu U5 261
ANTI'.I ) A ; oed lrl for ( rciuml bouso
.ruiit 1KII OnsHntrcd. il.'T VM
vx. Nl l > i u ko.xtuiiitnit lojiu Kill' at
} \ J u's hotel , I Inlr , Neb. , immtil ntcl } . Hood
Mtijca wdi tic pilil. Apply ixtonco nt limi ol-
ticc. MM- '
AMKD AuildJbn tdmtn tjattoiul btr ,
v I
ar.Jluwill recommended , AiMros tvx
llioolllco. , U10M %
. Ajrunir nun , a o n-
WAATI.D to nit tin Maim < oror our publlci-
Uo.iBlinll H nlo. V.un bo ulllliu 'u KOOII *
aurt llndaiicnK , inl ruin item fjr ilia lint MX
moi tin. Hthr > niLl cdumUiton kltnr ono
mnntli'jtrltl. i.ctj > icuru'j. llcfo OUCTH. Ulvo
j. t p r'nco In lull , i-tnd thl .
'A-sSKl. ' . , OALPIN & CO. ,
.121 'J8 bJ2 Ilroau u > , N , V.
IAVTCD Hol | ) nt the cmplo ) mint olllco ,
! ! 17 K. loin kt.uut , up st.lm. 55If
V\rANlEI > A ( , 'ood nr ) lor Boniril hotlso
\Y rrl < , at m i h iino neat mdoof oomciit
etroot , tuo biocua north o St. lUri'i ! nvciiuo.
813 tf
AMiD A Kill to10 uchoril hoiiHo ork.
W' rend icfrrLiiccs. Q > od ungcii puld Ad-
' . C. O ruble , Hcarnor , Noli. U.ID-tt
WAM1U V pl\Lo to co'kand do Rcncral
hcuuv. ik l > ya ml | * uod worran. In
qulront till .North lOih htrtvt , i nnlia , Nob.
* I ) A nl nation ( or nlwut tun months
In n h mlnnroor tn\u htoru , li ) r in utlior-
aulil > tiinlntil | with the Unlnm , In notitfnild
.o work nnil 1m rood uKrtnuH. Aililnm J.
Mium , Ike Olllco UUtf
II A I-1 tiU , u .hu n tiiuii iiiuii.iurii .ku.ii.
VV One No. 1 fnualu co k wantoi. lto t of
bepaid. . 120 tf
WAHT > 1) CiWpnvy nu.M , nlnke and cm )
toMu tu clean with eanlUrj Vault and
Sink Clcanoi , the I uoi In130. . A. Kvnufl fe Co. ,
co liuo Potlitu otrtot. Omaha.
WANTED looms and i oird. If private
Umllj willing to takoonu or two boarJors ,
nlll b ml thulr nilc'rosa ' to the \Vyman Coniorcljl
CoUoRO , o udoi t hotltlnif lioirl or rooms will bo to them A. L WYUAN. C10-U
. ' -coan cntop , nulta-
; blp for two K nt'irucn ' , 81C Ilownrtl , nuar now
I. nnilM. lUjwl. % 0 28) )
I7 > 011 HUNT -A suit of rooniH suit Mo Torn pro-
I1 fcxsloimi man , at Mtnltt's restaurant , 1007
'itrnam bituctn loth nnd llth.
17011 ' i.NT : I'lcamnt furnl htd ITOOIUH. ' a'l
L at No II I'-Wlli St. b < .tvieiiCnl > KOutiiC'M.
IH031 *
HUNT A\TN iilcaiuit ( uniUhnl room
FOR 7JI houtli HI Jlary'd Aa i . -
10 mid Liinuurtli St ! II3 U
| , 'OM.hriT I'loiHint luriilimd r n i xuitaMo
L fu' t 'ifint'iiiun ' , It ! ' arnam Ht. U62Z.t
OK Itr.ST Cottau'C ol I roonui , ; iOth nnd I'.ir-
I 1 iinin utrcct , $10 a month
1710H UKNT CottnKO of I room * , 30th and
J ; lhxlf | ? 10a .onth ,
UKNTHousvrof firoonMioth : and Dou-
JPOIt ( ! < " ntn.itI8 u month.
UKNT A nltc room with homo ooinfo U
Inaprlvattifjin l > , 1HII CUM ttrix.t , tn8'0 !
lll.NT 2 new ncitii ronn IIOUHCN , I'irk
17011 All moilirnlmproMinentH lotli hot
and told water , water hack nto\n In k tclion
Woodwork and bta'nnsc ' llnUhcdln pirtl culorul
gold , o hcttcr aiipolntud housed In town ,
Htrut i-arn HIM the door , I'ouwtmlon glvoimbotit
DII imlur Iht
H room home- , cellar , will , cUttni , burn , nculj
iulnt ( d nnd pipcri d. .Shcrnnn avtniiu.
room houw , will , clutcrn , RooilCcllur , ixirncr ,
IHtll btrut AMIll , 15W Knrmm. VI tt
riOll ItrNT Ku nUAi-J rooma for on * or two
1 } Keiiiluuan S' . K' , corner SO and CIMI Hi.
USU 271
ll It It' ' NT 2 hf u CB ono B aril ono a rrom .
1 li ut'lru lurucr ChlcaK'J cnilitlhHt ' 1 Hlit. .
_ _
lU'.S'r CiKyil liaM nitnt riwian mil talilu for
1 hounUHpIiiK Also ( food largo barn , ( 'ill
mnii.illatil > atnorthHe ttor. 'J.W and Hurt Ht.
HUtf _ _ _ _ _
i0ll UKNT-tlo.aiit front room , furnl tied or
I uuiurnlchtd , cheap , ? io. Uob no th IHih
trcot. tOI ! fe |
FOlHTrTNT At * > lnxlo tunilbhcj'iocni at 1CIO
Farnl am ttrict , _ Ci7-tl
UKNT I pliasant Chamber * miltablo for
homo KOI p iu 1 1 a nun am wlfn wltliont
lilldren None tthir r od apply. Call 'rom 7
m. to B j ) m , JdO , ali 17th slri'ft. M8 tl
OH HKNT A furnUhod Houw ) ,
'I7\OU \ HKNT Urn Lull Jliif at p'utent occupied
JL by 'ho\V ' uterri I nlun elrtrapli Comii&ny ,
oji crol Farriva anl l&th itrcotn : Applr to
lira/ , , Gen olllci ) . b77-l
111-NT Houte ulth 8e > in roonn well and
i' lUtirnlmiulv , tuo Mocks ( r m Omaha KOUII
r ) boutli ITtli St. Iinpilru at Henry llrunuif-
Pdll Id'.NT- plranaiit lurnlahu ) room. Call
ftt 0 TjN. 17bt. ttlthrcfiruicu 873 U
[ 7IOB Jlr.NT Mfisantly lurnl.hcd ro.imwIUi .
I' L'tg ami hoktir. hiferenciti rcqulrtd. Ar
ty north wcbt .3rd urd lluit bt. V > 33 tl
[ 71011 HUNT New houio 0 rootrn llftH Ht to
1 ; tMotii UuvcdwoJ h aid Maon All m il rn
03ttf < >
OU IIK.ST Nlcul ) [ urnliht l front room In
F < iulru at N. W corner 1 1'th and rurimm
rTlOU HKNT Ahouwol t > U rwnw , uull anu
[ ' ilblcrn , LOintnltnt and gcxti location , onu
dock north ot l-rUL-c , on bhuuiun avinuu
Itl.NT Hoiuo , six rocnm. lurnlshod , In.
qulreatl ) . IIdu clllc , Mllikru hotel
17011 ltE.NT A lioardliix bouao , at 108 To'to
JJ street , btt irnI)3Ui.'lM and Dodge. Inquire
at cor.cfjSlhand Doujlaa. bll-tt
TTIOIt llKVf Ol cii lu Jacob' * btock cor , 16th
L1 andCrltola\cnue. JOHN 0. JA001U ,
702 tl
TIOU HUNT CotUvo "I ix 1'KO rooms all
J convenience * and fnu locitlon by H.T. Poter-
KID Agcct 16th aad OougU * Bt. 7t < tt
FOR KENT A nice naw cotUgo on Oarfnport
ftrtdt , nrir 24th Mrcct. Immlro at fWholm
A Krl k oi ' ( WH tf
1.10K iiK > rTinH i Mitniic lnK < XHl location.
1 All ronunk'iicon lor water , now , 12 rooms ,
e , opt-o < lto JHJ I 022-tt
"JjVJIl IKNT Two new dwelling ana two othei
I. ilwfilllnsi Indefinable locilltJliy VfKonn
No. 1RU IVmirlM Mrcrt SlT-tf
I7Ull I1VNT A ( > Hugo ol fltc room . Inqitlr :
L M North * ct corner IMha rt i lilc : ostreet
11KNT fiirnblinl liouviJj \ \ . corner
lEIh mitt Chrk St , 77 < ! II
" 171311 Kr-NT I urge olDct room or half store ,
J.1 ICVO Jurntumstfoct. 707-tf
T.AO'l UK.NT T o rooms furhUhoJ for light
I ? h u fhtfp IIR city trr on Mno floor.
II fmn'f Hock , corner Sth audllonnid drools.
7.V ) tl
UJOH HKNT A > t > ro In Ilnlcomtio MocV , nn
1 10th itreet , near Divcnpoit St , A. I )
llllU"iKri Oil . . .
UlrS * r * ! * ' iiian IMIM iti T
four U } i'U'\cn roomt each ; ono or tun IKW
< < . 11KV18 , ABCiit ,
Jo 3 tt Hth and tiourtan M .
UKNT nirnliho.l . rooms ul 1717 Ito
triol , b t. 17th Riul IHtN. 450 tt
L.WH UhMl urotvt ) t-um , cor , lutlitror
MI I Catiltnl Remio. . Ai'iily on
V-02-tf Oil AH. NHlRlt
i liavo three cr fourlhountril jinlaot i rih nt
I thn iioriliomt CJUH'/IO ! lltn aiitlVohttcr
dtreit" , li ch I IM iHrto i j ixrionot cornor-
rtiinn frr ruiuvlnc ti.o Rtmn
; iOlt S\I < K 15 licnclioco .Hrm-v
I ; cl " | t. AiUriHi Drnncr No. " . ' , C'li\ .
IWI lial
\ KCXM | fitmll ) hone nriil IMIKU ) lor
U Mlo chwip. Stpnrnte or lOjfithur.
u. r I.NIIS.
'JT.O ! .M N. I' . Cor. 17th and Jnckxon St .
Ij'O HALK Ihrco t'iniimd wcxtrrn wittcM ,
L Inilijwrsuil.Voljjht about no p-unJs
K. 0.011 IIIA ,
IiijU tf in nn 1 a luninrj , K b.
" 17101 HAt.H A Inrno's biitlnrai In ixflrat-
L cla-i loualton. Will cell on r-a on > tlci
ttrmi Cumo for BO' 11 K > la'hira ol hutl'h ,
AddrrM' , 0. II. It. box 230 ,
0K itnl , Kih
FOItUALK-Opora Homo ItcsUunuit do ng
first cl f t u IncBa. Inqulro in timnltti.
ThOB. Falconer. OIB-tf
HTDIISALK CHKAP-Vfw sharrn ol ( loM ind
1 ; Hil\ir inlnlnz stock roJuccil ratoatocot tlnuo
wnrk. A ( ft\ii , | > c3lmnLH niul ihaioi nt room
Cu'ohton Rlock.
950 : / ( It. M. Thompson Mining ARcntQ
TTlii" rj/i i.r. - vine orgin forfno. O o ouan lar
JL1 tf > . Ono 1'iano , 06. Cauli or montlilj pi ) ,
no ta
; K3 II A. IIOSl'll
B IU\Ut.K KOU HALl -ImiuIre U. M. Wood
mail , Omaha. 7M > tt
F OK H of Kcncrollno cliindUu ulth
IUIHO of ntorc. ( ioud pa\lnK builntw m t o
tow na near Otualn. Ilillou llrox. Tiilon Illock ,
1710H 8 VI K Kntlro procoiy utock nnd llxtnrcs ,
JL1 cor. lOthand Uavonnoith. N J. tjMUII.
IJ10U8ALE Stovts anil Furnlturo
FOH BALK Wo offer lorwlo our Flour and
K.eil Iliwl c i , o rncr ol 15lh and Duv import
Irtxtji , with all flxturcH , tinmi , wriRon , ct .
Hoa oni lor Bolllii ) ; wo are KohiR l to another
buslnrai. A peed ln\cst.
ITlOltHAliU Iloii'cnud lotN K. corner ISth
JL1 atroaland C.ipUol aouuo. Iii'iufro on pro
ml ! 8. fotlm
OIl S\liK-llci o ot M room ] on
4 ] ytnrs , JO 50. McCnguo
I'o t Olllco.
10K HALB-Oood building , brlcK Call at
1 Water Wrrks olllco. 440-tf
SPLENDID , ono lariro brick houio , and one
larito frame house , with full lot on Cam noir IBHi
street. Flno chinco for luvcstmtint , rent for tTC
iwr month. Cill lot full ptrtlculnru , nn
CO * ! tl Agent. IBth a"rt Pouglag ta.
IX BKAUTll'UL LOT8-KU160 ( ret each la
Hanncom I'lico on utrcvt car lino. Dent loll
In wbol. ) addition un very ca < y terinH nnd at a
great barfi\ln. ( Ilrtuis'a ont , Ifith and Dcaglat
strcoUi ID tf
HIOTEL FOIl SALE. Iho Arlington Houa
I First claiu ; all furnlehod ho only hate
In town. Tlio cheapest property In the atito
lias all the travollnp mm. Will be nolil cheap on
tornui to suit. Enquire of K. Fulle , proptlotor ,
Arlington. V'pMhlnfftnn rounty Nnb r > nR tf
FOH BALK Or will ntcha K > > ( or Orual n v
percy , an Improved ace ot ! of 1 iu-1 adjoin
Ing a ttatlon on U. P. R , K. U. DUNHAM , Ull
Frnham fit. , Omaha. 7SO 1m
FOST An i mclopo eontahilriK pLtmlon
J Kinder will plcanu return to tlilHolllio and
ructlturtmurd ,
A lubber coat wllli a ni t Innlilu flniJcr
JOHr plea u return to uo U Kiiflnv Ilnn .
W ( > - 8
I'AKKN UP onthop'tinN'B of ibu uii'lcr Itrn.
td a red lielfcr , whlto bo 1 } and ta 1 U KraMk
near It. .tll.tratk , quar ir nit o aouthof H'lnk '
factory. OJ5 ! 0 (
TOST A Ininch of kejn , for which $1 reward
jvlb \ p ld at I If ii nllli o. PC. ) tf
. JK.TT Hotuiiiaod Garret Cluancr btove
Polisher , Ixii\oorclors at Hipnbllcan olll e ,
J'h anil DauKlaf. ( 21-tf
TO Vf ( OH 1C MVV CONOKIl.V-I deilro In
lit ] U'-c | | ri toiiy tint It luatioin reputed
hat I mada Hlatiinuuta dcrtator | t3 111" naiuo
of Mm. A JolniHon. Ichccrfu ly Ukothlainolh >
o t to abnolut lyiler.ythat lover uttirol or clr-
culitcd any.Und rom riporta and know of no
Kiod reason for MI do ng J I1ONNKR.
Auc p'ruon muklti' tuch rcpjrU h ire ( tor # 111
topros c.ted. W , JOIINSO
M3 121
rpO FAHMKItH-The hicbejt cvh nrlco paid
1 ror Hyu , liar or and Corn at Krob Ylnnxar
Work ) , JonoHstroct , botucjnUtli u u loth , Oma.
a. KOt ! dHW-tf
will buy the furnlluro of the beat
p'kylnK hotel In Iowa. Kent roag
onablo. Ad.lnw JJolph ilactjrcjjor , Ben olllco ,
Omaha , Nub. 100-lf
riONALIHT , iVS Tcnl'i ( Hrctl , N twee a Tarnac
niul Kornry. Will , with the aid nt fruarrttai
1'ldto ' , obtain lor any ono a glaiica at tl.e pat
4111 ] procnt , nod on rortaln ixindltlons In Iho fu
lure , licfim k-iJUboci iai5u to irjrr , I'frfci
< ! in f ni7 < il ' min.lin
Absolutely Pure.
Tha | i > owilor never vnrloa , A marvcj u
mtrlty , utrongth und wJioleaoaieneaa
More ccuuomlcal than the urdtuary klnde ,
nuil cannot bo Bold In coini > etltlon with the
inultitiulo of low teat , short weight , alum
or iihoaphate powderu. Bold only in caa
WnllSt. , NewYoik
Sionx City ft Pacific"
Rnn < Bolld Truln Ihtonjh trctr
Council Blufla to Ot. PAH !
Without CJhsnc" Time , Only 17 Hour *
> nd ill polctfl In Horthnra IOWK , UnnfeO ! nd
Dihrl , Ttili tint I ) equipped with tbt Improved
T/n'.Intrhoiuo Anlomalto Alr-hnie ned Ullli
Pl llorm Conrlor and Ratter : urnl for
18 nnnrpttAr ) . rullrnrtn r Uco Bleeping Oil
run through WITHOUT OHAIICIK liotwctn K n
0 Cltyftml Si fjnl , vl Canned Hloffi sn < l
lilaut City.
Tridns levre Inlon Pacific Transfer at Conn
ell Hinds , ftt 7:80 : p. m. ilnltjr on trrlrnl of K nnj
nty , Rt Joseph on 1 Council Illufi train from
tlio South. Arriving ' . Slant ClJy 11:40 : p. m. ,
vidM tu N Tr Dnlnn D pok ftl Si. Faal n > 11:58 :
/srRetr.tmhnr In raking lh BIoRi City Boo >
von pet a Through Tr ln. The Hhottt t
Iho QulckvfltTlmo nj a ComforUblg Kldi In th
( KTBsa thitJO'jr Ticket * tuftd Tin ( ha "Bloox
Oily and PacltJo RUIionJ
BnperlaloDdonl. am' P M. Aa 'il
Uli o.trt Vattfv U.
W K. DAVIH , froth * mtrni Pftnaonrcr Agent.
"tfll HluflK
. ,
And > ll Poluti En tand ° Jouth-E iL
Nearly 4.000 mllca. Bolld Smooth Steel Track
11 connection ! arc maOo In UNION OtPOTS.
hns a National Kopntatlon M being th
real Through Oar Line , nnd It nnlvonallr
oncoilcil to bo the FINEUT EQUIPPED IU11-
road In the world for nil clamca ol travel.
Try It nr.djou will flnd trnulloK a Inxurr
Instead ol ft discomfort.
Through Tickets \ la rhli OtlobratoJ Line for
aalo at all olllcea In the Went.
All Information obont Itnfoa o Fore , Bleeping
Car Acccmmo.iatlons , Tlmo Tables , lie. , will b
clicorfnlly pi von by apphlnln ; to
Sd Vlco-1'roa't & .
- Ocn. Hanacor.Chlcaao ,
Ocn. Poworuor Act. Chicago ,
( Jon Acont , Conncll Dlnffa.
II. P. VUKLL , Ticket At. ( omaha
mnio-od ly
Samuel C , Davis & Co , ,
Wnshinpton Ave. and Fifth
Kngluhrcm *
oily. Auun-
falUiur cur
for Romlnal
Woakuose ,
Sporma or-
jolf'Abunoaa ; tie 8 of Memory , Lniat
tude , Pain In the Hack , Ulmnen of Vision , I'ra
mature OIJ ARC , and many other Dldoasos thai
fad t9 Ioanlt/ Consumption aad 1'reraa-
turn Or&re.
VFull particulars In cut r-Mnchlet , which
wo iloclro to vend ( roe I v mall to every one. A
tyiliu fiptcIQcUcdlcIno li fold by all drugglnU
at tl | r pnoVaRo , or 6 packages for (5 , or will ,
bo oont lice by mall on reritpt ol the money ' by
addroulng THEOHAY kKDICINECO : .
DEff&lo , N , Y.
No arjuniont U nccimiiry to nhow that tbcio
illuoticHaiuolubloau origin ; atj S.tlertlore ,
Mm LOtupoi U of tin m ut powLiful ratable
.lloiativi-B , iicntrojntliodlia 0,10 tandhrancli.
by pUtlng the blood in a pure , healthy etato.
"S.B B. for Catarrh 1 * a aura cure ; cured ma
utter ull other troatu onU had filled "
C , U , IIUKNB , Qrcencaatle , Ind.
Key , W , J. Hoblnaon , inrmber North Georgia
Conftreuoc ; "llavo tikuu H. 8 , a. for a c'ear cafe
ol Kczon ; eruption hat dliappcared and I am
well. "
"Ha\e taken B. S. 8. for Ca'atrh with great
lien til ; think tli co bottka more wl I comnUUly
cute uj . " tE. H. IJUOWN , Bpiitanburp , H. ( J ,
J. W. Cottrell , 8 , Louis , Mo. ; "I regard H. S.
8. ma incuttoniiiilul remedy , and haru no
dojbl but tint It will euro my Catarrh. "
"S , S 8. Imcurfd moof fa trcub'ceouio Cat -
t rih which his oalHed tro trcntnunt ol all ( ha
bbt pbjblciunii Noitbmidbouth "
H , U.McUnlUi : , AtlinU , Ua.
H , Ark , Jul ) 17 , 168. ' ,
I line hailwhul tuy ph ) tlclnns tirmoJ Lczeuia
for over oightutn. Come the joru rgoto this
placa to In o In or 'cr Hut I might bo cured. Iu-
h f tlmoliii.r | ruilca1lyapplnda'l ' the heal *
lueaitof tlioph > iUuialcrt ! ) ( b tli Intcrcal and
cxttrrml ) la ciinutlon with Uo CLlclirntcdllKr-
mul hot latin , enalii ivJJlllon haiutukin more
than a hut dru J bottlei of t arlous u cdlclnei lth ;
out Iho desired i ciult Up to throe months go
I had ahncat b 11 ted my cait lucureble , auj
bca-an taKIni ; SAllt'n Siicclilo ( b. N. b , ) wi'li all
the skuptlUum IIM ILlu Tlio eruption w a at
flist wor e , Jit thiru wtro tooio sga [ ol Im
provement , and a'tir three lUDiitlu' uao of S. B.
S. I auisruotlaud w ll | not a b'na ol truptlou ,
my tklu niuooth siiJcUor , cd IDJ ccaoral health
t iood as It ever a . II thcro art an ) iloabtlnu
oiiO , kt them write me hire.
| D. N , PRATT.
from the Great Drug House of tuo
\Vodo uotlueltato to nay that for a ) oar past
ehvto sMJuioro of Sivllfn HpetlUc ( H H H. )
lun all other blood purlfler * combined and vtltli
ii 01 1 astonishing rcoi'U. ' One Rintcm ! > U'Kha
until halladonnbotlloisajl that it baa dona
lilul uioreRooil than treatment which coat him
f 1.000. Another who hit used It for a acrofulou *
.tlectlon reports permanent cure from lit cuto.
Ycurt truly ,
YAliSuAacK , StiNlhJOX & CO.
Sold by all